The Universim
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Über das Spiel

Your citizens (Nuggets) will make their own decisions and always seek to better the civilization in some way, but, at times, things may not always go to plan. Fortunately, you are there to keep them on the straight and narrow. Or, rather, to keep them from getting themselves killed, at least. One such situation that may arise from bad decision-making is that two or more AI cities declare war on one another. You then have an important choice to make: intervene and attempt to bring an end to the chaos, or simply watch as they destroy one another. Some people just want to watch the world burn, and we’re okay with that.
Research plays a pivotal role in The Universim, and is therefore an area that will require your utmost attention. Without certain discoveries or technology, your civilization may not even be able to progress beyond the Stone Age. For instance, fire is a crucial invention to ensure the warmth and safety of your early civilization, amongst other useful applications. New research options become available as your civilization progresses through the ages.
Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
3322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 17:03
P.S. Ich bin immer wieder überrascht, wie neue Updates das Spiel wieder besser machen.
2527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 16:44
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☑ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☑ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☑ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10
Nicht Empfohlen
1499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 04:19
Eine Ansammlung persönlicher Eindrücke:
+ Es ist irgendwie entspannend
+ Schöne Einleitung, da kriegt man gleich Lust los zu daddeln
+ Der Sprecher (im Prinzip euer Mentor) gefällt mir.
+ Wer Aufbauspiele mag, wird sich schnell zurecht finden, auch wenn einiges nicht genau erklärt wird
+ Im Moment fühlt sich das Ganze noch etwas ziellos an. Es ist cool sein Volk durch die Zeitalter zu führen (CIV macht das natürlich auch, und auch besser - Bauchgefühl), nur was kommt am Ende dabei raus? Das letzte Zeitalter ist noch nicht implementiert.
+ Die Quests beim Erforschen neuer Techs motivieren
+ Es hat diesen komischen nur noch eine Tech und Upgrade Gameplay Loop - für mich funktioniert der grundsätzlich
+ Stabil, ist bei mir nicht abgestürzt oder hat sonst irgendwelche Probleme verursacht.
- WOW, echt jetzt, jedes Gebäude einzeln upgraden (müssen)? QOL Feature fehlt hier
- Sowie viele viele Sachen, die man mit ein paar Automatisierungen ganz gut vom Spieler weg halten könnte. Dann hätte man auch eher ein God-Feeling und nicht das Gefühl gerade eine Controler Stelle auszufüllen
- Winter in der Steinzeit! Man erkennt NICHTS! Puh, das ist schon fast eine Wimmelbildaufgabe. Ich verstehe ja, dass der Winter bedrohlich sein soll, aber das?
- Mhh, ich hatte erst spät verstanden, dass ich meine Nuggets (also meine göttlich beschützten wuseligen Planetenbewohner) opfern kann. Für Punkte, die ich an anderer Stelle einsetzen darf. Das hätte ich gerne früher gewusst.
- Es gibt nämlich nicht für alles ein Tutorial! Einige Dinge sind nicht offensichtlich! Einige? Ja eigentlich vieles! Es wird nicht erklärt, was Gebäude mit Einzugsradius genau tun. Fun Fact: So viele Friedhöfe habe ich noch nie für eine Population von ~ 1000 Leuten in einem Spiel gesehen. Leider gilt das aber auch für die anderen Gebäudetypen, denn es fehlt im Moment noch an Statistiken und allem.
- Ich sehe den Weg, den die Entwickler gehen wollen/können, im Moment ist da aber noch nicht viel in Bezug auf Angriff / Verteidigung. Also, wird da in Zukunft noch gekämpft, oder nicht?
- Meine Erwartungshaltung war eigentlich aufgrund der anderen Rezensionen eine andere. Nur weil man ein paar Kräfte hat und die Einleitung cool ist macht das das Ganze eben nicht zu einem 'typischen' (Ja mein Gott, Pun intended) God Game. Es gibt ja nur wenige in der Pipeline. Kleines Genre heutzutage. Würde man es mit, herrje, Black & White vergleichen, fällt sofort auf: Um die Map wird nicht gekämpft. Es wird überhaupt nicht gekämpft. Ich als 'Gott' sage meinen Schützlingen nur wo sie was bauen sollen. Und darf Regen machen, oder Blitze, oder Nahrung für die Untergrund Mission - je nach dem. Das hätte ich jetzt so nicht ... gedacht. Im Moment ist man eher kein Gott, man ist Erbauer...
- Verlieren kann man im Moment nur, imho, wenn man den Techtree 'falsch' durch-rusht. Es ist durchaus angebracht nach bestimmten Schlüsseltechnologien erstmal die Forschung zu stoppen (da man auf neue Ressourcen warten muss und im Zweifel wichtige Gebäude nicht schnell genug errichtet bekommt).
- Manchmal dauert alles irgendwie gefühlt zu lang. Ein bisschen mehr Tempo wäre ganz gut! (Gerade weil es ja auch eine Pause-Funktion gibt. Das kennt man aus anderen Strategie Titeln. Da hat man dann in kniffeligen Situationen eh die Zeit zu überlegen.)
Also: Im Moment für mich leider nicht Fisch und nicht Fleisch. Wartet lieber noch, bis sich zeigt, ob das Game was drauf hat.
1236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 03:32
Ist noch in der Early Access Und konnte leider nicht auf alle inhalte zugreifen
Habe Alles Gebaut und alles Entwickelt.
warten wir ab was noch kommt.
hier ein easter egg. irgendwann erscheint auf irgend einem Haus einen Error code und dort ist der Link versteckt
Alle Weltwunder kann man 1x mal bauen aber warum die Pyramiden 3x ?
leider ist dort der Code schon ungültig.
Spiel ist zu Empfehlen.
851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 22:33
Aber selbst im aktuellen Zustand ist es meiner Meinung nach sein Geld wert.
398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 13:58
Ob man es 100 oder 1000 Stunden spielen kann? Keine Ahnung!
Aber es macht schon jetzt wirklich viel richtig. Ich führe mich tatsächlich wie ein Göttliches Wesen, das über seine Schäfchen wacht. Da wird schonmal verkuppelt, fragwürdige Fortpflanzungen veranlasst oder Ehebrecher bestraft (und im nahen Wald versteckt). Und dann gibt es ja noch Adahy. Er war der erste. Der erste Mann, wohlgemerkt. Selbstverständlich ist es Ehrensache, dass er die hiesige Grillstation betreibt. Während sich seine Frau Elu eher den spirituellen Wegen hingibt.
Natürlich haben die beiden Kinder: Und deren Kinder haben wiederum eigene Kinder. Und wir hoffen einfach, dass es ihnen beim Hüttenbau nicht ins Kreuz fährt, sie nicht (schon wieder!) aus dem siffigen See trinken oder im Winter auf dem Glatteis ausrutschen. Aber zum Glück haben wir Nini. Sie ist die Ärztin. Stets auf das Wohl ihrer Patienten bedacht. Zumindest im Geiste. Denn WENN ihre Hilfe wirklich gebraucht wird und ein Patient in ihrer Praxis auftaucht sucht sie das Weite... Wäre das nicht ein Kandidat für das Bürgermeisteramt?
Und selbstverständlich kann und wird jeder Nugget (so werden die Einwohner genannt) benannt werden. Wenn ich doch nur gute Namen hätte!
Der Forschungsbaum ist spannend und interessant gestaltet mit vielen Möglichkeiten seinen Wissensdurst zu stillen.
Erst kürzlich habe ich Shafesmu zum Archivar ernannt. Der richtige Job für ein bewährtes Stammesmitglied. Erlaubt er uns doch die Quicksavefunktion! Er hatte ein bewegtes Leben und wird auch nicht jünger. Seine Frau war es übrigens, die noch versteckt im Wald liegt... Aber das ist eine andere Geschichte.
558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 16:40
Ein richtig schönes Spiel zum Entspannen, erinnert ein bisschen an Populous, definitiv einen Blick wert.
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 12:56
366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 12:54
- Optisch angenehm
- Tolle Soundtracks
- Ansprechendes Gameplay
- Jeden Monat neue Updates mit neuem Inhalt
- Benötigen Sie ein besseres Tutorial
- Der Start ist etwas zu langsam
Gameplay: 8/10
Grafik: 10/10
Ton: 10/10
Bugs: 7/10
Комментарии к э
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2173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 16:17
Prinzipiell ist gegen die Idee nichts einzuwenden, aber die Umsetzung finde ich persönlich ziemlich schlecht.
Die KI liegt zwischen dämlich und suizidal. Keine Kontrolle über den Häuserbau, da bekomme ich ja schon mal Puls, aber dann bauen diese Pfosten ihre Häuser prinzipiell außerhalb der Reichweite jedweder Versorgung.
Das wäre halb so problematisch, wenn die meisten Gebäude nicht so unnötig groß wären und die Welt selbst nicht derart klein.
Die Ressourcen sind endlich und recht schnell aufgebraucht. Auch das wäre halb so wild wenn es im Laufe des völlig unsinnigen Forschungsweges nachhaltige Alternativen gäbe. Gibt es aber nicht. Was verbraucht ist, ist weg. Damit endet dann auch die Wirtschaft und letztlich das Leben.
Ohja und vergessen wir nicht das die Herrschaften irgendwann andere Dörfer besuchen....dauernd. Dann sterben sie auf dem Weg und ruckzuck ist die halbe Bevölkerung krank, weil (und damit sind wir wieder bei der KI) jeder von denen zielstrebig durch die Leichen rennt. Diese werden zu einer Infektionszone, um die jeder rudimentär intelligente Mensch einen Bogen machen würde. Warum ich die Leichen nicht einsammel? Oh das liegt daran das die Leichen kaum zu finden sind. Als Gott wäre es zwar logisch dahin zu springen wo der Corpus liegt, aber nö. Wir sind ein Gott, aber nicht diese Art von Gott.
Ich weis es ist Early Access und ich weis daran wird noch gearbeitet, aber Himmel ist dieses Spiel im Moment eine grandiose Zeitverschwendung.
Wer jedoch auf wachsendes Chaos und wenig Kontrolle in vitalen Bereichen steht, sollte hier zugreifen. Unbedingt.
1029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 05:21
1331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 18:56
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522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.20 11:24
Der Sound ist nach wie vor gelungen, die Grafik ist putzig animiert, die Effekte sind durchaus ansehnlich, aber die Spieltiefe... Ich weiß nicht... Der Spielstart müsste doch inzwischen fertiggestellt sein, wenn man schon zu anderen Planeten fliegen kann... Oder ist das zuviel verlangt?
Der Planet ist größer geworden, ein paar mehr Punkte im Forschungsbaum sind vorhanden, aber eigentlich hat sich nicht viel am Spiel geändert. Oder doch - der Preis!
17,39 Euro habe ich mit Rabatten im Juli 2019 dafür bezahlt. Jetzt kostet es regulär 27,99 Euro. Meines Erachtens ist das zu viel, wenn man bedenkt, dass sich seit über einem halben Jahr kaum etwas getan hat. Alleine schon die erste Hälfte des Forschungsbaumes hätte endlich vollständig fertiggestellt werden können. Aber bereits in den ersten Technologien fehlen Texte noch immer.
Ja, natürlich - es ist eine Beta... Und somit ist das Spiel auch noch nicht fertig... Aber wenn es schon ein Jahr braucht, um von der Alpha zur Beta zu gelangen, wie lange dauert es bis zur finalen Fertigstellung?
Fazit: Momentan für den aktuellen Zustand zu teuer.
1221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 14:13
1- Nuggets are highly autonomous so you don't have to micromanage them. For instance, if they're low on water they know what to build
2- You can prioritize buildings
3- You can use God Powers (GP) in the list of all the nuggets. There is also a search bar
PRO or CON depending on player preference:
1- Easy when on neutral
2- Evolution happens very fast (in my 11 hours of playing I am almost at space age)
1- Unlike with the Nuggets, you cannot revitalize or use any other GP when in the buildings menu. To revitalize a building, which you will be doing very often, you have to travel to that location.
2- The buildings menu organization is a disaster. You have to click a dropdown and deselect everything to then select the buildings you want to look at. I'd rather have a search bar like the nugget menu
3- The research tree is another disaster
3a- Research is non-linear for a lot of it. If you skip one of the subcategories you could end up in the middle of the modern era with research still locked from the stone age
3b- I would rather have it broken down. I really like the way Surviving Mars has their research tree set up. I would recommend something like, citizen happiness, medicine, education, production, and technology. Additionally you should not be able to move on from one era without all categories researched
3c- I hate the discovery points. I think they should be used as an option to speed up research, but for many of the research nodes you cannot unlock them without a certain number of discovery points. This holds you back from later research when a random node in the main research line requires one of the discovery point ones from way earlier in the game.
Tip based on what my downfall was in my first attempt:
Build lots of cemeteries - if you don't, dead bodies will fill the streets and infect/kill nuggets. My cemetery workers were not fast enough at body collection so I tried to help by using my telekinesis and throwing corpses into the lakes. That was a very bad idea. The environment very quickly became toxic.
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1358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 00:15
Yes this is EA, and maybe they will turn it around. But the game has been in EA for like 6 years and just now finally has access to moon bases. Somehow I doubt things are going to change much. It seems like the game dramatically changed its scope and ambition but forgot to update the game description. It's just bad. I hate to say it, but it's true.
7452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 14:51
This is the god game, of god games. If you have wanted a game, where you truly, start from nothing, and play the god of a civilzation, this, is the ultimate experience you -have- been wanting.
If you have a complex, or just, love suffering? This will tickle your fancy. Eventually, -more- worlds will be available as well, and while i wanted to wait with my review until then? I wanted to finally write it now.
I love this game, its designed beautifully, its absolutely amazing. And while im still to even finish the newer update, its still just as good as i remember last time, starting from the beginning. Theres management, god powers to have fun with, you can be good or bad (eventually, once you get your world set up) you can just sit back and terrorize and watch them rebuild, mostly. You can be kind, and help and support the planet, theres a lot of complex systems going on under the hood
And theres been so much optimization with the pathing and the depth of the nuggets, the generation, that you might not see, but as a system designer myself, i see it, and i know its beautiful.
Again, i repeat, this is the god game, of god games.
Do it, click the button. This is worth it.
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1682 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 21:32
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1522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.22 18:34
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165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 21:05
For example:
Ok food is going down.
How many farms do we need? I don't know.
How many farms do we have now? I don't know.
How much food does each current farm produce? I don't know.
If I built 3 more farms how much more food would that be? I don't know.
How much more water would that consume? I don't know.
Where are the warehouses near my proposed farm location while placing it? I don't know.
Where are the eateries near me proposed farm location? I don't know.
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1774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 19:08
Except for volcano which spews fire for several real life hours, on max speed.
Imo, the game would be much more enjoyable without it.
Edit: Ok, a bit harsh to seemingly judge the game so harshly based just on that one thing.
So here's more:
Information brokering. The game does a piss poor job at it.
Where are the wolves? Where's my [insert building name]?
Which direction am I looking? Where were those other towns again?
In an 8 hour play session, I'd wager you will spend at least 3 hours searching for stuff you wouldn't have to search for in any other game, because there's no menu for it, or the game is just that disorienting.
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1427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 09:01
Everyone was waiting for the space update and its essentially the same exact playthrough and no challenge or real end game to speak of.
Wait till its finished and like 50% off.
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1560 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 06:01
The biggest points in the games favour is it's aesthetically pleasing to look at with some nice little details on the world design. But behind this there is nothing to keep you engaged and make you want to press through to the Space Age except there's nothing else to do.
2118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 22:24
Perfect Mix of Technology researching, Resource Management, and Keeping your nuggets happy.
Stone age feels the longest, once you break out of it you're in the modern age pretty quick.
Stone age is a little bit slow, but still fun. a lot of waiting.
Modern age you're constantly micromanaging, not a lot of down time.
Every single action your nuggets do is fully animated, everything has so much detail. you can zoom right in to get a close up perspective of what they're doing!
your nuggets have pretty convincing free will AI, they'll assign themselves jobs, and choose where to live. You can influence their decisions on what to build next over something else, but it's ultimately up to them if they feel like building that iron mine you want is the right move.
Can't wait for the space update!
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2715 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 16:30
This is why i cant recommend it yet. Its got a LONG road ahead, maybe in a few years it will be ready and the dev will actually listen.
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3670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 18:18
To progress in this game you need to research, but research is this game is SLOW, even at maximum speed (x2). Expect 5-10 minutes for each research mid and late game. There is so much research that I was literaly watching a movie or two while waiting for the research to complete, so I could finally launch my rocket and end the game. Also, there is currently no way to speed up research.
Gathering resources is kind of slow, especially for advanced resources. You get like 1-2 per two minutes per full factory and you need hundreds of resources to build and upgrade everything. Also, want to upgrade 100 buildings? Good luck clicking them and upgrading them 1 by 1.
Some buildings, like basic houses, can't be placed manually. Roads can't be placed manually either. So you can't really plan a city because your citizens keep building houses and roads all over the place, making your city look like a mess. You can use the 'holy ground' God power to mark where your citizens can place their houses but to be honest that doesn't help much. You can't place a neat row of houses with a straight road next to them for example.
There is no real combat challenge. Wolf and exile attacks can be amusing early game but even at maximum difficulty I don't even look at the warnings endgame because I rarely get attacked. When you do get the occasional attack it's so weak that it's not even worth looking at. Spam watchtowers and build 2-3 barracks, wipe your enemy off the planet. No walls, no gates, no special units and no tactics involved.
You end up building a lot of the same buildings over and over again. More games have this, but this game takes it to the next level. Expect to build like 10 engineers hut, 10 water pump, 10 reservoir, a lot of eateries, shops and parks in a 300 citizen town. Not to mention you need cemeteries all over the earth to avoid infection completely. I think the effectiveness of those buildings should be increased so you can actually plan and build a good looking city
All things considered I think the game could be fun, but the developers are focussing on the wrong aspects of the game. Improve those research times and resource gains, make those enemies more deadly, add some depth to the combat system and allow players to place all buildings and roads where they want, instead of the npc's randomly placing them. I hope that the finished game will be much better than this early access version.
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511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 14:26
Space is NOT achievable. You can (sometimes) send satellites into space, which have no use. After 7 long years of checking back monthly, I'm convinced that they have abandoned this idea. Perhaps it's too challenging to develop.
This game is fun, but you will blow through everything you can do in about a day and then there is nothing but boredom.
It is absolutely not worth the 30 bucks they want for it, nor was it worth the 45 bucks I spent to support this cash grab.
1726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 21:13
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442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 03:54
- The random road system that you have no control over.
- The uncontrolled population that you also have no control over.
The population thing is really bad as it's like you community is purposely trying its best to self-implode.
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529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 19:17
438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 19:32
I hadn't even researched steel/electronics/plastic etc yet but as soon as I went from medieval to modern age the residential building started showing cranes for buildings and had airconditionings on top of them.
Seriously, there needs to be something in between (industrial age) to make things fit together more.
3549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 20:47
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2115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 17:26
Ret arded antinuclear propoganda. Nuclear plants are somehow polluting the air when they should be one of the cleanest sources of power generation.
Silly things like that are really ruining the game.
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550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 19:16
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1522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 17:05
Below are some issues that to me make the game not worth a purchase.
1) The road framework is procedurally generated with the world and cannot be edited. Also roads don't provide any benefit until the modern age. Considering the benefits of having a complete road network, I cannot understand why the developer decided to implement them in such a cumbersome manner. I've had instances where paved roads don't generate even though there are no obstructing buildings.
2) Insufficient storage space for resources unlocked later in the game. There is no upgrade for the warehouse building after the medieval age, meaning you'll be building a lot of them to store all of the different resources you'll need to have in the modern age.
3) No ability to change the terrain. This issue compounds with number 1, because if you want to keep the procedurally generated road network intact then if the road passes too close to a mountain or a lake, then you can't build there.
4) No option to empty warehouses. If you want to rebuild your warehouses somewhere else then you must wait until all the resources inside it are used up, otherwise demolishing them makes you lose the stored stuff...forever.
I'll probably add more if I come across them in future games but these are the few annoying issues that I faced while playing the game.
4689 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 15:21
Now i do see people complaining how long it been taking to add everything and assume these people have no clue what goes into making a game and I rather not have another No Man Sky or Cyber Punk which those games were in development longer or about the same time as Universim and also I believe both had a larder teams and still turned out a mess
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12763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 12:21
1184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 12:20
After the last update I played this the whole weekend to unlock everything in the tech tree expecting to be able to go other planet and slav-- um, explore the other planets (as seen in the trailer) but apparently we are not quite there yet, but it's still enjoyable. Not sure if i like the latest update, it adds a quest and a building, but i don't think the tech reward from doing exploration worth the resources and nuggets spent. maybe for unlocking cars and speed boost but thats about it.
Playing this game with infinite divine power is super easy mode. Standard is good enough challenge with disaster on.
The exiled ones is agitating your city? meteor
Wolf attack? meteor
Locust swarm? meteor
Riot? meteor
ghost and zombies? meteor
alien attack? they're lucky i cant aim at their planet.
Personally after reaching the end of the tech tree, i will wait for another quality update. If anything, things is a lot slower then what it used to be during launch. it actually takes time to reach the end of the tree and a lot can happen in between.
What i like:
+ graphics is cutesy
+ casual quests, could use a bit more challenge tho
+ resource management is quite challenging
+ meteor
What i don't like:
- end game is meh for now
- core exploration
- automated road building (please have players be able to build their own)
In short, i would still recommend this game even it is still missing end game components, it is a fun god game/city building/resource management/life sim game. i'm just not sure if i want to play this again before the next quality update.
699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 17:33
1218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 23:27
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1760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 21:53
410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 20:53
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3003 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 14:53
But this is not a God game. If you're expecting Black & White or similar look elsewhere. The closest idea of a game is a mobile builder game. You build something then you wait and some time insane amounts of time for the research to build something else. The events are too repeatable and at some point you will ALWAYS find some issues with your nuggets. Some valid examples are : Infection - The Cemetery(Same with the engineers, sitting next to the damaged buildings) folk do anything else rather than carry the corpse. Radiation(Previously was fires) - You will mess a ton with the Trickle god power(rain) just to fix it.
I really hope in the future they will work on the research tab. I'm playing this actively, but every time I want to start a new game I need to sit for another ~8 hours for research to complete and makes me wanna pass.
I would also like control where my nuggets set their houses, as well, something to speed up research cause it is annoying.
If you like mobile building games, then this is for you. Other people stay clear, look for variants. If these issues will be fixed, which are glaring ones, I will probably change my review.
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8335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 18:24
Crime doesn't work very well on the whole. Even playing the game on nugget mode it's still the same imbalance in the end. No worries, your neighbors will move in a few years after and plop an airport after 5 minutes to remind you of how well you're doing. The soundtrack is pretty good in the beginning, but completely stops later in the game, leaving the little dings to also remind you of how poorly you are doing. It has a hint of SimCity 2013, where you just end up touching everything late game to keep it going.
I haven't given up, but if you have other things to spend your money on, consider your options.
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1397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 00:48
The problems however start appearing quite quickly, and unfortunately they are both legion and pervasive. The huge one from which ever single other problem flows is that the longer you play the less gameplay there actually is. And I mean that in the most literal sense: The game wants to automate almost everything for you, right down to allowing the game to place buildings without your input. And I mean ALL buildings. And sure, you can just choose not to research or staff the building that starts this automation process, but you never have any control, or any choice to take over manual over of where residential buildings are constructed (short of deleting the foundation as soon as you see it appear). This leads to a loop where homes will often be constructed outside the range of your service buildings, which leads to you build more somewhere you don’t want them. And by the time they are finished guess what? More home are now outside the range of these newly built services which means you have to build more of the damn things with no consideration to what looks good or logical, only to what covers the most homes. This makes it impossible to create a nice-looking city with distinct areas like docks or industrial parks. Instead you are left with a slap dash looking hive with no sense or reason (which is NOT helped by the fact that even the roads are also autogenerated for you and resemble spaghetti dropped on a plate). And if you decide to automate this to reduce the tedium, and because it doesn’t matter where anything goes anyways for the aforementioned reasons, you are left with exactually two things to do: Click on research every time you que is done and watch it count down (since its on a strict time and requires no other input from you and cant be sped up), or cast the same god power over and over and over in the hopes that it converts enough of your villagers (called nuggets here) so you have a you have a high enough believer to non-believer ratio that you have a good God Power generation rate so you can actually cast god powers when you need to prevent a disaster. The one that could have been automated through the construction of temples or something somehow wasn’t.
In short; its tedious in the extreme, unrewarding, borderline un-interactive in some cases and you are incapable of actually crafting anything that can be said to be uniquely you, which is half the damn point of a God Game. Which is a huge shame because like I said the systems are all in place for this to have been great.
2324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 00:10
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2113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 13:37
It has been since 2019 that I have the game, and there wasn't any major update, except adding bridges.
How many hours is the team working on the game ? Because the game almost didn't change in at least 2 years...
Kickstarter was succesful on it, so what is going on ? Where is the money ? The promized concept really looked interesting.
Right now it's not really playable, since there is still only one planet, and ressource go away over time...
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 08:30
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42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 10:22
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713 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 11:48
481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 08:22
Quick run down :
Gameplay - 8/10
The game has a very interesting gameplay concept and it is definitely engaging. Play as a good and help your civilization to reach skies… where skies is not the limit. Constant updates to the game and active development provides very big hopes to reach that 10/10 score for the gameplay.
Story - 7/10.
As of right now there is some story behind the game, but it is not well defined yet. Maybe if developers will polish everything better, we will see a great concept.
Sound - 9/10
Beautiful and relaxing soundtracks throughout your gameplay. I enjoy it and recommended it .
Graphics - 9/10
Bright and Vibrant colors. Amazing view once you zoom out from the planet makes it a masterpiece. If you enjoy graphically beautiful games, you will definitely enjoy the graphics in this one.
Bugs - 7/10
There are some bugs here and there, but I guess what can you expect from the game that is still in the active development.
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 07:12
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287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 15:07
128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 08:05
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 07:05
The overall game concept is very unique and the game has a lot of unique features that you don’t see in many games nowadays. It is a mixture of Black & White, City Skylines and soon they will roll out Space which will give it even more pros. The art style in the game is very pleasant to look at and colors are colorful. Even though the game is still in early access, you can already enjoy a full experience. Once it is released, it must be a buy by everyone who loves God Games and City Builder experience. It is fun, has a good amount of replayability and it is very deep in terms of mechanics.
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276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 05:04
But right now it feels like a bit of a rudderless grind and not worth the price tag for early access.
I was excited by the comparisons to B&W - but it's definitely not there yet sadly
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335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 18:43
1993 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 15:48
The way they've set up game play covers what ever style you wish to play. You want to micro-manage every aspect of your civilisation? Go ahead. You want to sit back and just do some city planning? No problem! You want to see just how much damage you can throw at nuggets? This game has you covered.
The graphics and art style are very easy on the eyes and the music is just the right amount of upbeat and catchy so as not to be obnoxious after a few hours playing.
Lets not forget the narrator who is always just a little bit sarcastic.
10/10 would recommend this game. Cannot wait to see future improvements and content.
1529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 19:22
Can i meteor a Small defenceless village: Yes
Sacrafice villagers to the meat grinder: Absolutely and you get points for doing it!!!.
This is a great God Creation Game with added perks like twitch intergration. Kind of brings back the nostalgia from Black & White and Black & white 2, Didnt play those either??? How about Tropico or Sims City meets you as a God!
8714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 10:54
It has it's flaws yes and I hope that the devs will add more disasters among other things, but I'm certain that the game will be a masterpiece when it's finished.
12468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 04:41
I have been playing this game for years! I have count less YouTube videos on this game. If you guys are interested in seeing honest gameplay of this game I would recommend checking it out.
Now for the actual review:
This game is great! I am a massive fan of city builders and casual games. This game does a great job at keeping it casual, fun, and keeps you progressing. Their is always an upgrade that you can get for buildings to increase their productivity, which makes the game feel really good to increase product with out using more space.
Something else that is great is that it feels like the devs really listen to the problems from the community or they are very aware of issues with their game. In the past their have been very big issues with memory leaks and low performance issues. Majority of the reasons for these have been fixed and now I can get full 60 FPS in an entire play through (from 2 to 1000 nuggets). They also continue to increase the performance of this game, they are currently working on an update to increase performance even more so. It really feels like the devs are strong behind this game and want to create the best game that they can, and as a long time fan I am very glad to be playing a game by motivated devs.
Now this game is still in beta so don't expect every thing to be in the game that you think should be in this game. There are still placeholders on some aspects (Ex: Blacksmith in research tree). The game still has plenty more that is being promised but with each update you can really see just how well they are developing. The planet is now 6 times larger then the alpha planet which is an insane feat when you think about how poorly the alpha ran, but now it is running better then ever with a massive planet with more entities than ever.
Do I recommend this game:
Yes I do! This game gives you the power of a god. The game in its current state runs great and their is more replayable with new starting traits. Resources feel fun to manage, you do have to stay on top of things though and does require some macro but it keeps it enjoyable and makes it feel rewarding when placing building in perfect spots. With the brand new roads it gives you a blueprint to build clean looking cities with nice street blocks and lets you know where auto generated buildings will be built.
Their is still plenty more to come from the devs of this game. We are still waiting on the space age but I am sure that once it comes out they will not stop until it is perfect and add more to the game even then. I hope this review helps with your purchasing decision. Check out my videos if you are still unsure and see what the gameplay is really all about!
701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 01:07
2555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 19:15
The city building as well as the god mechanics are done well.
It's also examplary of how an early access should be.
It's hard to find a negative for this game, but if i had to list a negative or two....
The speed up button only goes to x2 (though they're looking into making it faster while keeping the game run stable) and there's no god-pet to make me stop missing black and white.... i really do miss that giant evil cow ='(
1782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 03:11
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734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 01:17
1353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 12:38
2.We hope to be able to plan roads freely, if it workable, please add the option of road construction in the construction options of the menu.
3.Please open the creative workshop module of the game, which will greatly enhance the playability and fun of the game.
4.The civilization development of the game is not sustainable in terms of energy development and resource utilization. It is recommended to increase the number of resources on the planet appropriately and add super engineering building options that can permanently solve the needs of the development of planet civilization and recycle resources.
5.Please set up richer game difficulty adjustment options for players, such as total planet resources, planet size, number of tribes and friendliness, alien invasion frequency, etc. (We want to be able to modify the numerical value of the planet)
6.Regarding the upper limit of God’s ability points is too low and only 1000 points, it is recommended that the game developers of this game change the upper limit of God’s ability points according to the difficulty of the game. Personally suggest that it should be increased by 5 to 10 times on the original basis (personally).~
7.When the game civilization broke out in the global epidemic, the capacity of the original hospital could not handle the huge number of patients. In order to consider the possible disaster, how can the original 6 people in the hospital increase to 9 to 12 people?
8.In order to make the game more fun, it is recommended that game developers add some new incidents about diplomacy or negotiation between two different tribes or two different interstellar civilizations on the same planet; you can specifically refer to surviving mars or stellaris
9.In terms of night city lights, I don’t think it’s gorgeous enough. For specific reference effects, game developers can refer to simcity: cities of tomorrow, or A-train9 (Of course, if you have a better night view light rendering reference, please note , You can also ignore the two reference samples I mentioned before)
10.Please increase the capacity of the school and cemetery (it is recommended to increase the student capacity of the school to 12)
11.It is recommended to add a new residential building style, the repetition rate of tall buildings is a bit high
12.Please improve the power generator plan, it is too primitive to rely on human power to generate electricity
13.Hope game developers can update the modern style of adding warehouse
14,I hope that the hunter's hut in the Middle Ages can be modified into a modern animal farm
153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 07:29
574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 05:09
551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 04:48
Engaging Gameplay
Lots of easter eggs and hidden features
Great soundtracks
Beautiful world with procedural planet generation
Constant updates
Good Humor
Some performance issues late game
Each update saves are being erased (Developers adding a lot of content that is not compatible with old save files)
139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 06:21
413 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 05:29
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1316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 01:18
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317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 13:11
The town should also evolve by itself, without you always having to place down more advanced buildings, which they cant do themselves.
863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 00:12
On top of that, it works native on Linux without issues. You'll need to opt in to the experimental branch.
A very good God+City Builder.
2196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 19:45
What I dont like but is fixable, is the Narrator. He sounds like a creepy camp Counselor. Fortunately, he can be turned down to zero..otherwise, I may not have continued for long!
What I dont like, ( and its just minor complaints) is the disasters, and how you cant click on the message to find the problem. Like the missing child, locusts etc. You have to pan around until you find said problem. It would be nice to be able to turn them off or down but I get is part of the experience. Its about life and death. I will add on a positive note that the disasters are pretty unique, unlike anything I have seen in a builder before ( barring the normal bad weather stuff ).
Lastly, the tech tree is funky.
But let me restate that this is a top notch game, and I can see the love that the devs have put into this game. It's a gem, and I got my moneys worth already. A big two thumbs up, plus both big toes as well!
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1898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 01:26
The game aims to be open-ended and diverse but the actual effect is unsatisfactory. All planets look similar, with some lakes, mountains and forests. The nuggets and vehicles are almost identical. In the modern era, it is just about building as many farms, factories and facilities to spread over the planet.
Here are my desired features to make the game more diverse,
1. Make the planet large enough so that you are not aware the planet is a sphere when looking from a sky scrapper.
2. More biomes like volcano, river, jungle.
3. Allow users to customize the planet. For example, I want a big ocean.
4. Develop a transportation system from carriage to trains and ships.
5. Give each civilization some traits.
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2558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 11:41
But there are so many flaws like citzen path finding, ministrys build 20 wells beside each other uvm
Part of the things you see in the trailers are not implemented after 5 years (space/future)
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368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 23:37
420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 12:20
406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 12:01
If you like B&W and you like the constantly evolving game, you should try The Universim!
537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 09:57
1319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 16:29
As said in other comments the game does remind me of the old black and white games and allows me to fulfil my vengeful god fantasies.
In my opinion I think this game can only get better!
10/10 Will kill nuggets for fun again.
7733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 16:25
18433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 08:48
There maybe more bugs but right now the game is almost unplayable. Please fix those bugs soon even with a mini 0.5 update for just bug fixing. This game has a good potential but those bugs are crucial for progress in the game.
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2021 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 05:44
2961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 20:03
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457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 17:31
260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 23:25
None of this however would mean much if it wasn't for the dedication I have seen from these developers. This game has grown way more than I had expected it would, especially within the time given. Every update has me excited to click that news button to see what it contains, as they are always huge leaps forward, even defying what I thought would be possible. This is all because there is a genuine level of passion when it comes to the development of this game you just don't find often. Devs also have a very refreshing sense of humor.
Only reason I have the limited time I do with this game is one, the content just keeps growing, and two, I know that once it is officially released I will be locked in and playing this for weeks.
Trust me guys this one is worth investing in.
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447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 18:26
Once you start hitting 50 to 150 population, it becomes unbearably micromanagy, to the point where I'm getting a million different notifications demanding my attention. I also am constantly having to deal with building repair, sicknesses, and body removal myself, despite having multiple hospitals, engineers huts, and cemeteries.
Another big problem is that you cannot set limits on your little people. I know it's a god game where they develop somewhat on their own, but it is so annoying with a dozen little nuggets decide to look for food on the other side of the planet, drinking dirty water along the way and eventually running out of food and dying. Then the rest of them walk by the dead body and get sick. I'll have over 200 food stocked up and they'll still go traipsing off through the desert to pick a berry bush.
The last big issue I have is the UI. It is pretty confusing at times. Some things, such as parts of the building UI, don't tell you what exactly they are, so it's just a colored zero to me that means nothing. Another issue is the notifications. half the time I click on the name of the dead or sick person, it doesn't register and instead thinks I'm trying to dismiss the notification. Then I'll have no idea where said person is. And the big list of notifications is not organized by when it was received. It seems like a jumbled mess. Why wouldn't it be in chronological order? It makes no sense.
I'm sure these issues will be addressed eventually, but until then, I cannot recommend this game.
An after though. Buildings degrade waaaay to damn quick. They will also come in ways. I had it once where every 5 seconds I had to go repair a building that I swear I repaired 5 minutes ago. And the engineers are useless when it comes to keeping things maintained.
802 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 17:47
Only a few hours under my belt and I have to say its awesome! There are so many hidden and wonderfull gems in this game. I'm very glad I purchased it. Now if the developers continue to bring new growth to this game, I can see an award somewhere in the future for this title! Great work people!
901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.20 21:43
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611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 22:03
1) The wolves issue - By far the biggest problem with the game. Wolves show up every winter (roughly every 40 mins at normal speed) and they will kill everyone unless you stop them. You cant have your people hide and wait it out because your buildings will degrade and collapse before the wolves go away. The people currently have no way to defend against the wolves either. The defense towers do not work. The only solution I have found is to smite the wolves with god powers and then rebuild any buildings hit in the collateral damage every single winter.
2) Buildings that are upgraded lose their residents. For some reason when a building is automatically upgraded the families living inside are no longer shown. I had over 200 people and could only find roughly five families after my residences upgraded.
3) Some buildings do not correctly count towards your happiness. I had 2 hospitals but the in game menu only showed one counting towards my happiness while all 7 defensive towers were shown counting against my happiness.
4) You cant edit an individual nugget without finding them and clicking on them. You can use a list and sort through it to find their name and then fly to their location (with a very slow and low annoying camera that bumps into things), but if they are in a building you cant edit anything about them until after they leave.
5) You can't control how many nuggets can work on a specific building. I have had issues where I am producing too much of a resource and I cannot slow down production without completely shutting down the building. If I remove a nugget from a slot they either fill it again immediately or a different nugget fills it
6) You can assign ministers to specific sectors and when they do they help automate building structures for that sector. But sometimes I may have a surplus of a resource and turn off the corresponding building, but when I do the minister sees that I am consuming more than I am producing and they begin constructing a new building, even though I do not need it because I have that surplus and an inactive building. The only way to stop this is to fire the minister.
There are some other issues that I have seen players report, but most of them are pretty minor or caused by the game not teaching you about important mechanics that are there, such as the degradation icon on a building can be pressed to demolish that building. Additionally after playing the game once I feel like going back and playing again would be a nearly identical experience. I could see myself highly recommending the game once it is finished, but for now you are better off waiting.
6116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 01:26
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1245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 10:54
UNFORTUNATELY, once the game sees that you are producing the bricks, all the old buildings you used to be able to build with regular rocks and trees are no longer able to be built with regular rocks and trees. Now they ALL require these special bricks. The engineer building requires bricks and once it is falls apart I can't rebuild it without bricks. But all my nuggets are DYING and thirsting to death because the wells have all fallen apart because I can't rebuild new ones without the special bricks and I can't repair the fallen apart wells without engineers. But I can't build a new brick building factory because my nuggets are too worn out and thirsting to death. They can't produce bricks fast enough to rebuild the wells and engineer buildings which are the most important things in the game I think. The bricks take forever to make and by the time even one is made, everyone starves to death.
THIS MUST BE FIXED. I think the makers of the game need to NOT let everything that previously could be built without brick suddenly require brick once brick becomes a thing in the game. It never required brick before so it shouldn't require it later. Only new buildings that require brick should need brick. My entire civilization falls apart every single time I get to the bricks and I have to start all over again.
677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 11:01
It is a very quirky little god like game which goes beyond many other games of the genre. It just works.
A lot of fun and a very well designed and easy to engage with game with some hidden depths. No annoying inscrutable civilisational collapses for no discernible reasons, everything stacks up and makes logical sense. When something goes wrong, you can find out why just by being logical about it.
Overall, it is relaxing and fun to play and a good example of this genre. Personally, I would like a bigger planet to play with and more powers. DLC please?
The graphics are quite attractive but not super great as they are pretty cartoonish but detailed enough that it does not detract from anything.
It is ''sort of'' a god game but if I had one con to the whole thing, it would be that it is more of a management game than a god game by a long way. Your powers are pretty limited and, to be fair, balanced within the mechanics of the game. I would like to see the whole concept made bigger and better and with more focus on the god type aspects of the game.
Having said that, it is a really well made fun game and I have had a lot of play time out of it during the whole development process.
4541 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 02:49
5147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.20 21:04
The best part of the game is its original concept. The ability to develop a civilization through the years on a round planet is really great and very addicting. The God game aspect is also done in an original way and, when used correctly, makes keeping your Nuggets alive simple.
The updates have been regular every couple months or so. The most recent update adds 100% more detail to skycrapers and large buildings later in the late game. That coupled with the addition of medieval and modern bridges and other balances, additions and nerfs has made the game play much more smooth.
The tech tree in this latest iteration flows much better i.e. they've moved research technology around in the tree to where it makes more sense.
The planet is far bigger than the first iteration of 'The Universim'. Mountains are more dramatic, oceans/lakes are larger so provide more water for pumps and fish for, well, fishing. The overall graphic fidelity is greatly improved as well. The new 'neighborhood house' theme that the Nuggets build makes each one feel more personal than the bland homes they used to build. Greater diversity among buildings is a great thing.
Hopefully, the next update will include the ability to go into space and colonize other planets. I'm not sure what exactly that is going to entail, but I'm excited about the prospect of it. We know for sure that Oxygen Generators will be used to terraform found planets, which is so cool.
Some things that still need tweaking:
When you enter the 'modern era' the nuggets start building skyscrapers all over the place, updating the Medieval homes. After the skyscrapers are built, the nuggets can take quite a long time to actually inhabit these upgraded structures. During that transition period, i end up losing about 25% of my overall population. With that loss in workers, it makes it very difficult to upgrade structures that are being built due to the high level of deaths (or lack of births).
Engineers don't seem to prioritize the repair of buildings that are 'on their last leg'.
Population is still limited to about 400-450 Nuggets or so. I'd love to have an option to make this unlimited if so chosen. I know this would probably kill most computers, but I'd like to see that anyway to push the limit.
TLDR: The game is very fun to play. For the amount of content currently at play, the $30 is well worth the price. We are just 1 or 2 more updates away from the full release of The Universim which will see us leaving our planet and reaching for the stars. When that happens, the $30 is a definite no-brainer. The tech tree is fairly in-depth and the Godplay is unique. Pick it up and play it now for what it is and also what it will be in the near future.
Congrats Crytivo on a fantastic product!
537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 00:12
1195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 08:03
I've been a supporter of this game since their Kickstarter, and to see how far it has come is inspiring.
Obviously the game is not finished yet, and the Dev team has mentioned that. They do however update it frequently, and each time makes the game better and better.
It's honestly impressive how well a Dev team this small is doing... these are the kind of developers y'all should be supporting.
They are out to make a great game, not get rich quick, and so far they have made a great game.
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 12:28
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