• The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.
  • The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Light At The End.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 08.10.2020
Zum Shop
Preis Update 11.07.24

Über das Spiel

Du hast Angst. Du musst dich verstecken. Deine einstigen Diener haben sich gegen dich gewandt. Sie jagen dich. Sie haben deine Familie und deine Freunde entführt. Du weißt nicht, ob sie noch am Leben sind. Es gibt nichts, was du dagegen tun kannst. Du kannst dich nur verstecken, überleben und versuchen zu verstehen, was um dich herum passiert. Du bist ausgestoßen und geächtet – weil du ein Mensch bist.

Die Menschheit ist verschwunden. Roboter beherrschen die Erde. In The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day begleiteten wir den erfindungsreichen Roboter RT und eine Gruppe von gleichgesinnten Maschinen auf deren Mission, den wenigen überlebenden Menschen zu helfen.

Emily, die Protagonistin von Light At The End, gehört zu jenen Überlebenden. Hilf ihr dabei, den wahren Grund für das Verschwinden der Menschheit zu finden. War es wildgewordene KI oder doch etwas anderes?

  • Erlebe ein Sci-Fi-Abenteuer in einer von Robotern dominierten Welt
  • Lerne die postapokalyptische Welt durch Interaktion kennen
  • Löse einzigartige Rätsel
  • Triff handlungstreibende Entscheidungen
  • Genieße wunderschöne Locations und atmosphärische Musik


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel i3 or AMD equivalent or better
  • GFX: Graphics NVIDIA GTX 1060 or higher
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 x64 and UP
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Soundcard
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel core i5 or AMD equivalent or better
  • GFX: Graphics NVIDIA GTX 1080 or higher
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 x64 and UP
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Soundcard
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

0 Produkte im Account
783 Reviews
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.23 15:48
Es ist der zweite Teil der geplanten Trilogie "The Uncertain", deren Teil 1 vier Jahre vor diesem Teil erschien.

Zum Verständnis dieses storybetonten Spiels ist der erste Teil sehr zu empfehlen.


In diesem Teil erleben wir aus der Sicht einer Gruppe überlebender Menschen die Dystopie, bei der eine fehlerhafte Software fast alle Roboter in Feinde der Menschheit verwandelt hat.

Der bunt zusammengewürfelte Haufen muss sich vor den tödlichen Blechbüchsen verstecken, andererseits für's Überleben heimlich Plündern.

Dabei stoßen sie auf eine Gestalt, die der Spieler aus Teil 1 kennen könnte.

Wir spielen Emily, eine junge Frau, die dadurch zu der Hauptperson des Spieles wird. Sie agiert auch recht vernünftig, so dass sie eine Sympathieträgerin ist.

Auch wenn keine Zombies vorkommen, erinnert mich die Geschichte (aber auch das Gameplay) sehr an The Walking Dead von Tell Tale Games. Aber wenn zwei das gleiche machen, ist es noch nicht dasselbe. Es kommt alles vor und noch mehr, von Gruppendynamik, Zweiergespräche und Exkursionen, die in gefährliche Situationen münden, die das Leben eines Gruppenmitgliedes kosten können. Aber auch triviale Suchaufgaben, Minirätsel, Sammelobjekte und Tonaufnahmen.

Nur irgendwie richtig spannend ist es kaum. Warum genau, schwer zu sagen. Sind die Gegner zu harmlos? Die Gespräche und Abläufe zu vorhersehbar? Alles einen Tick unglaubwürdig? Ich meine, es ist Apokalypse, aber der Strom ist an und somit merkt der vollautomatische Supermarkt, dass wir gerade Objekte aus dem (ohnehin geplünderten) Shop klauen und sperrt den Ausgang?

Mit etwas gutem Willen kann man da über die Schwächen hinweg sehen und findet dann so ein interessantes Adventure. Oder eben man kommt zu dem Schluss, dass es wirklich gut gemeint aber schwach gemacht ist. Warum nicht eine Horde Roboter auf uns hetzen, oder eine andere Menschengruppe begegnen lassen? Verrat und Liebe? So schleicht man die meiste Zeit eigentlich nur umher.

Es gibt viele Reminiszensen zu Spieleklassiker.


Das Gameplay ist in etwa das eines Tell Tale Games: sehe dich in dem aktuellen Raum nach Brauchbarem um, unterhalte dich mit deinen Mitbürgern und bestehe ein paar "gefährliche Situationen", indem du Emily zum passenden Zeitpunkt nach links/rechts bewegst oder QTE-ähnlich einen Knopf drückst.

Zusätzlich gibt es aber immerhin Minispiele, wenn man bspw. einen Tresor aufmachen will. Die sind jetzt immerhin nicht staubbesetzt, sind meist aber auch trivial einfach. Ein paar bemerkenswerte Ausnahmen habe ich aber doch erlebt. Das "gemeinste" war ein Schloss, dessen Passwort nirgendwo zu finden ist...

Auch gibt es verschiedene Sammelobjekte, die komplett alle zu finden mir bspw. misslang, obwohl ich die meiste Zeit doch die Augen offen hielt.

Man kann die Beziehung zu den anderen Verbessern oder Verschlechtern. Man kann es zwar ahnen, wie dies geht, eine echte Rückmeldung gibt es nicht.

Wann genau das Spiel abspeichert ist schwer zu sagen, das Symbol hierfür wird nur ganz kurz eingeblendet und ist oft jedenfalls NICHT direkt hinter einem Ladebildschirm für eine neue Szene.

Überhaupt gibt es nur automatisches Speichern und einen Speicherplatz, so dass man nicht hinterher Szenen noch mal einzeln angehen kann.


Von den vielen Bugs, die frühere Rezensenten berichteten, konnte ich nicht mehr viel sehen. Manchmal gab es keinen Ton beim Sprechen. Am "lustigsten" war, dass manche Figuren aus der Szene verschwanden und an einer Stelle sogar doppelt erschienen.

Statt der Credits erscheint bei mir am Ende nur ein schwarzer Bildschirm.

Die Grafik ist aufwendig für ein solches Spiel. Die Figuren sind so gut ausgearbeitet, dass dann allenfalls die fehlende i-Tüpflechen auffallen, die da wären: aufgerissene Mandelaugen bei Emily, ihre Trippelschritte oder allgemein geringe Mimik der Figuren.

Der Sound ist auch gut, die Musik unauffällig. Die Dialoge passen so. Besonders Emily wurde gut gesprochen, die anderen gingen so. Die Stimmen gibt es auf Englisch ggf. mit deutschen Untertiteln.

Die Steuerung mit Controller war problemlos.


Ich habe für einen Durchgang etwa 5,5h benötigt.

Es gibt zahlreiche Errungenschaften, von denen einige ziemlich aufwendig sein dürften.

Code In Zahlen für mich persönlich ein Unterhaltungswert von 6/10.

Ein Tell-Tale-ähnliches Adventure, macht vieles richtig, schleppt sich aber etwas unspektakulär dahin.

Dies ist mein subjektiver Spieleindruck. Für meine Wertung zählt, wie gut es mich unterhalten hat. Entsprechend der Daumen nach oben oder unten, abhängig davon, ob ich es einem ähnlich gesinnten Spieler weiterempfehle. Der Spieleindruck eines anderen Spielers kann aber durchaus stark davon abweichen.

Eine leicht andere Sicht auf das Spiel findet man beispielsweise hier.
68 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 11:31
habe teil 1 schon gespielt, die Story ist cool und die Rätsel auch. leider etwas kurz. Hoffentlich kommt ein teil drei wo man mehr über die Roboter erfährt und wo die Menschen hinkommen.
197 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 19:18
Light At The End ist kein komplettes Spiel - eher eine Episode und dafür zu teuer. Es ist zu kurz, die Rätsel sind trivial und die Puzzle leicht. Die Quick-Time-Events sind ebenfalls keine Herausforderung. Die Grafik ist ganz nett. Die Story ist okay, aber leider nicht abgeschlossen. Es fehlen viele englischsprachige Voiceover-Zeilen und die Audio-Log-Meldung erscheint auf Russisch.

Gesamteindruck also: mäh.
35 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 19:11
I have never written a review before, but here I just feel I have to... For the start, I really wanted to like this game - I loved the first chapter (Last Quiet Day). Sadly, the bugs prevented me from having a good experience and got worse the longer the game went on. In the end I was just getting frustrated all the time and wanted to quit this game several times. Missing voice lines, missing sound in the last part of the game, weird character movements, the game not saving, not letting me pick up things or open doors. I am surprised I could even finish it as I had to restart the last save spot several times.
The pacing was also off and most of the time you just take control of the character for 2 minutes until a very long cutscene plays again and you are left to just watch people argue with each other.

The good things were the puzzles and I really liked the main character, she was cute. The end is also promising and the world building was again very nice.

If a third chapter ever comes out, I would still play it cause I like the story, but hope that the devs are working to improve the gaming experience as this just ended up being a buggy mess.
[spoiler] And nothing against Emily but I really want to play as RT again! [/spoiler]
49 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 19:27
Von der Story her ist es wirklich ein interessantes Spiel! Sie knüpft am vorherigen Teil an, führt einige neue Charaktere ein und ist sehr abwechslungsreich. Leider muss bemängelt werden, dass das Spiel einige Bugs und Fehler enthält. Häufig werden die Charaktere angewiesen zu schleichen, damit sie nicht entdeckt werden. Das Zuschlagen einer massiven Metalltür störte die Gegner nicht. Daher ist mir der Sinn des Schleichens nicht erfassbar. Häufig gab es leider kleine Unterbrechungen beim Ton und ein Charakter hat sich manchmal unvorhersehbar geklont. Fans der Reihe werden über diese kleine Fehler hinwegsehen können. Nichtsdestotrotz empfehle ich das Spiel eher im Sale zu kaufen.

Ich wünsche allen, die sich für das Spiel entscheiden viel Spaß :)!
134 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 21:49
Ich kann die positiven Rezensionen nicht verstehen. Unfassbar schlecht der Titel. Angefangen mit der Steuerung (Gamepad). Wie kann man bei Rätsel, die Geschicklichkeit erfordern für zwei verschiedene Aktionen den gleichen Button nutzen? Dann sind ständig bugs und glitches und du siehst Charaktere zweimal durch die Gegend laufen. Die Story ist teils kopiert und dann einfach nur schlecht kopiert. Die Charaktere sind schlecht geschrieben und man baut keinerlei Verbindung zu ihnen auf. Überall findet und hört man Dinge aus anderen Games oder Spielen (die Normandy, Star Wars Phrasen, Halo Poster und und und außerdem wurde sich beim Hauptcharakter doch start an Ellie von TLoU gehalten.) Ich würde das Game zurückgeben, wenn ich es könnte. Kann nicht glauben, dass ich 4 Stunden meiner Zeit hiermit verschwendet habe. Aber ich habe eben bis zuletzt gehofft, dass es besser wird... Fail.
1061 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 14:56
Eigentlich hat es gut angefangen und ich war echt motiviert es zu spielen und zu Beginn habe ich auch viel verziehen. Es fängst an mit einer trägen Steuerung, geht über schwebendes laufen, beispielsweise wie Stufen gehen ohne Stufen zu gehen. Das Laufen an sich ist wie eine ständiges tippeln auf Zehenspitzen und viel zu langsam, zieht sich wie zu lang gekauter Kaugummi. Die Rätsel sind ok und eigentlich gut lösbar, jedoch ist hier die Steuerung wohl das größte Rätsel. Leider hat die Handlung zu viel Leerlauf und ist zeitweise einfach nur langweilig, die Dialoge fühlen sich belanglos an und bevor ich anfing mich richtig gefrustet zu fühlen hat das Game den Leiden ein Ende gesetzt, als ich nur noch einen schwarzen Bildschirm hatte. Das Spiel lief wohl aber eben alles nur noch ohne Bild :D Vielleicht hätte ich mich noch bis zum Ende durchgequält, da ich grundsätzlich ein zu Ende Spieler bin, auf Teufel komm raus, aber in diesem Fall .... sagte mir dieses Game unmissverständlich, LÖSCH MICH und ich tat es. Nun fühle ich mich besser und freue mich auf neues Abenteuer. Leider keine Empfehlung,......dabei habe ich es echt gewollt :)
337 Produkte im Account
159 Reviews
319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 06:11
An sich ein nettes gemütliches Adventure für zwischendurch mit ca. nur 5 Std. Playtime.
Die Grafik und Sound sind passend und modern. Mich persönlich haben die Mini-Rätzel gestört, können aber übersprungen werden. Den vorherigen Teil fand ich zugegeben Spannender und interessanter. Da diese Geschichten jedoch zusammenhängen, bin ich schon auf eine Fortsetzung gespannt.
122 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 14:15
Das Spiel ist gut 9 / 10
Der Soundtrack ist sehr gut aber wieder holt sich zu oft 8 / 10
Andres als der Vorgänger hat das spiel mehr offene Bereiche aber das Problem mit den ist das diese auch Gegner bzw. Wege hat wie es dich tötet was es auch tut aber man kann sehr schnell den quest Gegenstand den man Braucht über sehen und so kann es sein das man auch nochmal alles abläuft weil man denkt das man was vergessen hat aber sonst sind die Quest mini Game / Rätsel einfach bis mittel und man verliert da nicht so schnell die lust dran . Außerdem gibt es viele Zusatz Sachen zumachen wie kleine Roboter sammeln die mini Games verschalten oder ähnliches aber die Steuerung fühlt sich hin und wieder schwammig an 8/10

Die Grafik hat sehr starken Fortschritt gemacht ,sieht viel besser aus als der Vorgänger aber leider durch die großen Levels fehlt der Details und Wasser (stehent) sieht gut aus aber Fließend ist nicht ganz so schön 9 / 10

Sollte sich jeder hollen der 5 -10 stunden hat für eine Ganz angenehme Single player erfahrung
202 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 19:11
Mir hat das Spiel sehr gut gefallen, tolle Story, logisch denkende Aufgaben, die gut und einfach zu verstehen und zu lösen sind. Grafisch ist es auch auf jeden Fall sehr gut gelungen.
7799 Produkte im Account
265 Reviews
562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 16:33

The Uncertain: Light At The End

Aufgrund Corona wurden so viele Spiele verschoben, doch The Uncertain: Light At The End erschien sogar früher als geplant, wirklich gut tat es das dem Spiel aber nicht. Warum nicht und wieso ich es dennoch positiv bewerte könnt ihr in meiner Review lesen.

Story und Handlung:

In The Uncertain: Light At The End spielen wir als die Protagonistin Emily und müssen einen Weg in die Freiheit finden, denn Roboter beherrschen die Stadt und vernichten alles was ihnen lieb ist. Sie hassen nämlich Menschen, weil diese sie wie Diener einsetzte und respektlos behandelte. In der postapokalyptischen Welt müssen wir durch Interaktionen, Rätsel und Entscheidungen die Konsequenzen mit sich bringen, einen Weg finden um uns und unser Team vor der Vernichtung zu retten. Wer etwas mehr aus dem Spiel rausholen möchte um mehr über die Roboter bspw. zu erfahren sollte sich auch den Ersten Teil „The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day“ ansehen.

Gute Charaktere, schlechte, karge Animationen

Die Charaktere sind gut gestaltet und haben interessante Persönlichkeiten, die die Story im Spiel erheitern, leider fehlt es den Charakteren an Gesichtsmimiken und generell an gute Animationen. Das können auch die guten Synchronsprecher nicht mehr schönreden, die für ein Low Budget Game wirklich tolle Arbeit leisten. Das Spiel ist in Englisch synchronisiert und hat deutsche Texte, die texte selbst sind gut, ab und an gibt es mal einen Übersetzungsfehler aber ansonsten passt alles.

Grafik, Sound und Bugs

Die Grafik ist nicht schlecht, an manchen stellen sieht sie sogar richtig gut aus, an manchen allerdings dank TAA wiederum nicht, manche Effekte sind leider verbugged und mindern die Qualität dadurch enorm. Die Charaktere wurden aber sehr schön getroffen und Design und auch die Welt in der wir spielen wie die Räume die wir durchsuchen können, haben viele kleiner Details. Der Soundtrack ist gelungen und gibt dem Spiel eine gute Atmosphäre, leider leidet das Spiel unter sehr vielen Bugs, die stellenweise sogar das Gameplay kaputt machen, inzwischen gab es einige Bugfixes, so dass bspw. Der Controller nun richtig funktioniert, dennoch merkt man gerade hier, dass das Spiel zu früh veröffentlicht wurde. Ich würde das Spiel im derzeitigen Zustand eher als Early Access Version ansehen, wie als volles Spiel.

Warum Positiv:

Nach wie vor gibt es keine Neutralen Bewertungen bei Steam, da mir das Game an sich gut gefallen hat, vor allem die Story und die Entscheidungen, die echte Konsequenzen hatten, wie auch die Rätsel, wollte ich das Spiel nicht negativ bewerten. An den Bugs wird immerhin fleißig gearbeitet und es kam auch schon ein großer Patch, der Besserung brachte. Ich würde aber dennoch empfehlen, erst mal zu warten, bis das Spiel tatsächlich fertig ist oder zumindest bis ein Sale von 50% erreicht wird. The Uncertain: Light At The End hat durchaus Potenzial und könnte ein wirklich gutes Spiel werden, wie auch schon der Vorgänger. Dazu braucht es aber definitiv noch einen Feinschliff, auf den man warten sollte.


The Uncertain: Light At The End ist ein Spiel mit potenzial, die Story ist interessant, die Charaktere haben tolle eigene Persönlichkeiten, die Entscheidungen haben stellenweise harte Konsequenzen und die Rätsel sind gut. Leider gibt es im momentanen Status noch zu viele Bugs an denen aber bereits gearbeitet wird. Den frühen Release merkt man dem Spiel aber dadurch extrem an und es hätte als Vollpreisspiel nie veröffentlicht werden dürfen, sondern höchstens als Early Access Version.

Folgt uns auf: German Review Group - Curator Site für weitere Reviews und My Curator Site, wenn ihr mehr von mir lesen wollt.
1375 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 14:49
Es ist sehr kurz, und keine sonderlich schweren Rätsel, Aber interessante Story.
Im Sale lohnt es sich sicher, Bei Normalpreis sollte man sich klar sein, dass das Spiel in 4-6h durchgespielt ist.
74 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 18:19
Die Story ist gut und macht Lust auf mehr. Leider kommt das Ende sehr plötzlich und ist total offen.
Die Grafik ist ok.
Bei der Sprachausgabe gibt es ein paar Mängel
- hin und wieder Echos oder sehr blechern
- ein paar mal fehlte die Sprachausgabe ganz

Bei der deutschen Version waren noch manche Untertitel in russisch

Trotz allen hat mich das Spiel gut Unterhalten und hat Spaß gemacht.

Ich kann es nur empfehlen und hoffen aus eine Fortsetzung in der die Geschichte beendet wird.
51 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 23:25
Wenn ich auf Steam die Möglichkeit hätte ein Spiel neutral zu bewerten, dann wäre das bei diesem Spiel der Fall gewesen. Ich habe mich für eine positive Bewertung entschieden, da das Studio wohl recht klein ist und der Ansatz des Spieles gut ist.

Mit hat das Spiel an sich gut gefallen, nur ist es leider sehr kurz! Wenn man denkt das war jetzt der Prolog ist das Spiel auch schon zu ende (ca. 3,7h Spielzeit)

- Tolle Stimmung
- Gute Musik
- Nette (wenn auch zum Teil verbuggte) Minigames und Puzzles
- Die Grundidee der Geschichte ist gut, aber gerade wenn man Anfängt sich mit den Figuren verbunden zu fühlen ist das Spiel schon zu ende.

- Sehr kurz
- Viel kleine Bugs
- Zum Teil deutlich zu sehendes aliasing, fehlende tessellation(z.b. Eckig-Runder Türknauf) und Spiegel in denen man sich nicht spiegelt (hätte man auch einfach weglassen können)
- Ich weiß nach dem Spielen immer noch nicht wie alle Charaktere heißen... (Bei einer guten Geschichte sollte das nicht der Fall sein)

Man kann sehen das sich die Entwickler viel mühe beim erstellen des Spiele gegeben haben. Auch zu erkennen ist, dass es (mal wider) am Geld und an der Größe des Teams gescheitert ist ein längeres und qualitativ wertigeres Spiel abzuliefern. Jedoch ist hier weniger mehr, weshalb ich (mit dem Hintergedanken den Entwickler zu Unterstützen) zum Kauf des Spieles Rate. Man sollte sich aber im klaren sein das man hier für sein Geld nicht viel bekommt!
655 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 19:19
Wenn es zwei Szenarien gibt, die in letzter Zeit kaum häufiger verwendet werden könnten, dann sind es Cyberpunk und Postapokalyptisches, der Markt ist übersättigt und ein Spiel gleicht dem Anderen. Und dann kommt dann der Nachfolger eines kaum beachteten Indietitels daher, der damals wie heute in gleich beide Kerben schlägt...
Wie ein kleines, storybasiertes Spiel trotz dieser düsteren Vorzeichen durchaus begeistern kann, erfahrt ihr in der Review zu The Uncertain: Light at the End!

Disclaimer: Wir haben diese Kopie kostenlos erhalten – was aber nichts an der davon unabhängigen Bewertung ändert.


Wie der Vorgänger, Last Quiet Day, (an dessen Review ich mich auch orientieren werde; ihr findet sie >HIER<) spielt Light at the End in einem postapokalyptischen Cyberpunk-Szenario des 22. Jahrhunderts, wo Roboter der USS Corporation den Menschen ihre Weltherrschaft entrissen haben und nun Jagd auf die letzten Überlebenden machen.
Die Story beginnt mit der Protagonistin Emily und ihrem Freund Park, zwei dieser Überlebende, welche gerade eine Apotheke plündern - ein nun alltägliches Szenario, jetzt wo es keinerlei Zivilisation mehr gibt.
Da die beiden, bzw. ihr Trupp, nicht die einzigen Überlebenden sind, ist auch das Plündern kein unbedingtes Erfolgsrezept zum Überleben… Viele Läden und Einrichtungen wurden schon bis auf den letzten Gegenstand ausgeräumt, sodass man sich oftmals nur noch mit den allerletzten Resten zufriedenstellen muss - die beiden haben aber in ihrer Unterkunft gleich mehrere Personen mit Medikamenten zu versorgen, darunter auch eine überforderte Mutter mit ihrer Neugeborenen, welche dringend auf fiebersenkende Tabletten angewiesen sind. Da diese aber nicht zu finden sind, müssen Emily und Park die gesamte Apotheke untersuchen, deren Alarmsysteme umgehen und darauf aufpassen, nicht auffällig zu werden, bevor die Polizeiroboter den Laden stürmen, was einem Todesurteil gleichen würde.
Nachdem man doch noch erfolgreich die Apotheke mit den benötigten Medikamenten im Gepäck verlassen konnte, wird man im Unterschlupf, einem alten Keller, mit dem Rest des Trupps zusammengebracht: Alex, ein einbeiniger, ängstlicher Choleriker, der Alles und Jeden in den Dreck ziehen muss, seine Frau Claire, eine nette Dame erhobenen Alters und die Mama für alles, Brian, ein Hobbybastler für sämtliche Formen von Technik, Olga, eine hoffnungslose, überforderte Lehrerin und ihre kranke Neugeborene Vera und Matthew, ein Draufgänger mit losem Mundwerk und mehr Mut als Verstand.


Wie diese Kombination verschiedenster aber bereits vermuten lässt, herrscht der Konflikt über der Gruppe, obwohl man nun tagtäglich um das Überleben kämpfen muss. Bei Planungen von Plünderungen gibt es immer ausartende Streitigkeiten, die jede Hoffnung zunichte machen, dass man zusammen, als Gruppe, noch lange überleben kann.
Als man bei einem Plünderungszug jedoch ein fremdes Übertragungssignal empfängt, winkt auf einmal die Möglichkeit eines sicheren Überlebens… Allerdings müsste die Gruppe dafür große Gefahren in Kauf nehmen, was nicht bei allen Mitgliedern auf Anklang stimmt und nun vor der ultimativen Zerreißprobe steht - ob das Überleben gelingt, liegt vollkommen in der Hand des Spielers.

Light at the End führt das Szenario des Vorgängers weiter und stellt nun die Perspektive einer Gruppe Überlebender dar, nachdem man im Vorgänger mit dem Roboter RT-217NP die Hintergründe des vermeintlichen Aussterbens der Menschen erkundete.
Die Story ist erneut gut geschrieben, die Charaktere werden tiefgründig durchleuchtet und die gesamte Geschichte ist durch und durch plausibel inszeniert. Wer aber den Vorgänger spielte, wird leider kaum was Neues entdecken, da die Geschichte dieser Welt nicht weitererzählt, da der Strang zeitlich parallel zur Story rund um RT-217NP verläuft.

Spielzeit: ca. 6 Stunden


Wie bereits bei Last Quiet Day kann man hier von einem dreidimensionalen Point’n’Click-Adventure voller Rätseleinlagen und Quick Time-Events sprechen. Man führt Protagonistin Emily stets durch geschlossene Areale (meist Läden oder ähnliche Einrichtungen) und interagiert mit der Umwelt, um Hindernisse wie Alarmanlagen zu umgehen, Systeme zu hacken oder schlichtweg nicht von Robotern gesehen zu werden.
Dazu gibt es zahlreiche Collectibles wie eBooks, Graffitis und Autologs, die zum einen zum Suchen anregen, dadurch aber auch einen tiefen Einblick in diese Vorstellungen einer Dystopie eintauchen lassen - die eBooks sind aktuelle Magazine, wo der Spieler sich über diese futuristische Normalität (vor der Machtübernahme) einlesen kann, die Graffitis stellen den Widerstand gegen die vollkommene, roboterbasierte Digitalisierung dar und die Audiologs stammen von anderen Überlebenden, die von ihrem beklemmenden Alltag auf der ewigen Flucht berichten.


Nun kommen wir zu den größten Punkten der Vorgänger… Die technische Umsetzung und die Dialogoptionen.
In Last Quiet Day habe ich mich besonders über die statischen Animationen, die fehlenden Möglichkeit des Umschauens (man hatte keine Kamerasteuerung) und der Tatsache, dass man immer nur eine Dialogoption wählen konnte, beschwert - und siehe da: alles gelöst!
Die Animationen sind zwar immer noch nicht on top, aber stark verbessert, man kann nun endlich um sich schauen und man kann lange Dialoge führen, wo man den anderen Charakteren einen Knopf an die Backe labern kann - all das führt zu einem enormen Plus in Sachen Spieltiefe, welche Hand in Hand mit der Storyline verschmilzt.
Allerdings ist das Spiel in Sachen Stabilität nicht ganz ausgereift, oftmals gibt es kleinere Ruckler, bei zwei Achievements ist mir das Spiel abgestürzt und einmal musste ich von vorne anfangen, weil der Speicherstand so zerschossen wurde, dass ich keine weiteren Fortschritte machen konnte. Die Entwickler sind aber fleißig am patchen und haben die allergrößten Probleme bereits gefixt; zudem stehen weitere zeitnahe Updates in Aussicht. Sowas sollte man zwar vor Release machen, aber besser so, als das Spiel unfertig verlassen, nicht wahr?

Das ganze Gameplay ist recht eintönig und macht es eher zu einem Nischenprodukt, für welches man sich schon begeistern muss um es zu mögen. Wer auf rasante Action wie in Shootern steht, ist hier fehl am Platz. Wer sich allerdings an Spielen wie “Life is Strange” oder am Genre der Point’n’Click-Spiele erfreut, wird hier seinen Spaß finden.


+ durchdachte, “authentische” Umgebungen
+ gute Synchronisation
+ klasse Soundtrack
+ erneut sehr viel Charme durch Eastereggs


• deutsche Lokalisierung nur in Schrift, nicht in Ton
• stumpfe Soundkulisse

- veraltete Texturen
- tote, emotionslose Gesichter

Fazit: Nachdem ich mit Begeisterung Last Quiet Day beendet habe, bin ich mit großer Vorfreude an Light at the End rangegangen… Und wurde kaum enttäuscht! Die Story ist zwar nicht ganz so spannend wie im ersten Spiel, bietet aber noch immer einen enormen Tiefgang in die gesamte Welt und hat einen interessanten Haufen an Menschen verschiedenster Personalitäten ins Spiel gebracht. Das Gameplay blieb so stabil, allerdings muss man größere Abstriche bei der Grafik hinnehmen, die schlichtweg nicht zeitgemäß ist.
Trotzdem hat man alle Fehler des Vorgängers ausgemerzt und auch das Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis ist nun genau passend. Wer sich also bei dem Thema oder dem Gameplay angesprochen fühlt, sollte definitiv zugreifen.

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316 Produkte im Account
121 Reviews
611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 16:07
Although i am too dumb for most of the puzzle-tasks i enjoy these very elaborate and lovingly designed adventure, which also reminds me somehow of Life is Strange. Maybe also because of the similar and very atmospheric musicbackground in the game. The voice acting of the characters sounds great, too. Simply a very entertaining title to relax and enjoy. Full purchase recommendation for fans of Life is Strange. Such great work needs to be supported in this times.
93 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 23:46
314 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 21:14
The Uncertain: Light At The End
Ja was soll man zum Spiel sagen ...
Gespielt habe ich bis jetzt 3 Stunden und es hat Spaß gemacht !
Leider kam der Spaß erst etwas später ,da ich gleich am Anfang auf 2 Bugs gestoßen bin und das Spiel sich aufhing ...
Solltet ihr in der Apotheke sein ,dürft Ihr nur einmal an dem Pc ran gehen,,,,solltet Ihr die Eier haben ein 2tes mal ran zu gehen ...ist der Pc Bildschirm schwarz und Ihr müßt das Spiel neustarten (stand (8.10.20) wird bestimmt noch gefixt.
Die Grafik ist nun nicht die welle ,aber es sieht trotzdem gut aus.....die Steuerung ist manchmal etwas Gewöhnungsbedürftig,
Die Story finde ich persönlich sehr Interessant.....was mich aber etwas genervt hat ,waren manche endlose Dialoge....
trotzdem kann ich dieses Spiel voll und ganz Empfehlen ...es ist nicht Teuer und sieht dafür sehr gut aus..
2281 Produkte im Account
159 Reviews
252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.24 05:00
Game is ok but shorts....good puzzles but not much depth to the game other than running around.....
seems like a story based game but still nothing much to the story other than run away from the robo-cops..
movement a bit clumsy.......
overall just an ok game with nothing more than that,
756 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
49 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.23 17:50
Very very very very boring. Just... Sad I spent an hour here.
0 Produkte im Account
125 Reviews
754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.23 14:19
Its okayish not crazy things to be expected here.

0 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.23 10:59

Episode two: the other face of the story

This is the second part and continuation of the dystopian story of The Uncertain. It’s a second part, since it develops the plot as a parallel story from the human side. And a continuation due to the reuse of previously established gameplay elements. Although it has some technical details, I focused on its narrative and gameplay.

The story commences with Emily and Park's search for medicine. When they finally obtain them, a police robot come in the store. They run away and get to their refuge. But they comprehend that baby Vera is unwell. It’s a matter of time before the supplies run out or survivors be found by the machines. So with a lack of determination and decision, they’re coerced to abandon their shelter.

Vaguely original plot twist

If there’s something I liked about the preceding game, it was its context: a world where machines «believe» the myth of human extinction. Its plot expressed a mysterious atmosphere about humans, as tacit things are mentioned and considered at all times. There’s no elucidation, but only progress with the course of story (the machine society).

In this second episode, the game tries to clarify certain happenings in the plot with an aspiration to become immersed contextually from the humans and get a dissimilar perspective. It isn’t a sequel, but a narrative extension as a parallelism. If we play the previous game it’s about robot, in this case, the story offers importance to humans.

The game desires to attain a plot twist through an incident on the human side. I’m not entirely persuaded, as I said, of this exertion to clarify the mystery of extinction. The idea for this episode to present a context is to designate what really happened to humanity. The proposal of how it initiated through nanotechnology in water and about the creation of the myth of human extinction through a firmware update to robots, it was a great indication through which it manages to expose a typical rebellion of machines against humans.

The first game succeeded to develop a new and almost original story. But in this second it takes up many things as a recycling of the machine-themed stories. I’d have loved its sci-fi thriller, but turning it off with an attempt to explain by searching for answers disenchanted me. At the end of the plot, Emily along with RT will both investigate for answers to what happened: humanity wasn’t extinct due to prolonged wars, but for an unknown reason they’re kidnapped.

The attempt at an interactive adventure

The game isn’t bad at all. It wants to relate me its story as an FMV. The voice acting is respectable, each character is irreplaceable and discernible. They achieve to convey affections of sympathy or refusal with some. It performs human feelings as well as their behaviours. As part of the gameplay involves interaction with the characters, I have the selection of responses that affect the decisions and relationships with each of them. It seems that game with possible endings is being attempted.

The script is decent, I liked the Russian voices. The interaction is well arranged, subsequently I can feel that I’m talking to a human character. However, sometimes I just heard blah-blah without affecting me any greater attention in the dramatic development. Although it has a variety of lines of dialogue, it gave me an impression of being an FMV. In other words, some moments have several conversations that promote a continuous narrative as an interactive film. A good proposal due to the fair-minded designs of the 3D characters, a script can be immersive and the cutscene performed in real time within the game.

If the narrative is to be a continuous plot, pacing the game through gameplay is important. To see it one way, there are conversations, exploration, interaction with objects, solving puzzles, and quick time events. This way the game doesn’t become monotonous. But if the narrative was considered, I didn’t see the prominence of adding other elements that fracture or interrupt the continuity of the experience. An example of displeasure was skipping puzzles.

As for the riddles, either solve them or skip them, and that’s due to its obstacle. They’re logical-mathematical puzzles of patterns, sequences or successions. Let's say they’re resolved quickly to remain attentive to the plot. But in other cases, such as quick time events, it can give a different scenario with an alternative possibility of proceeding in the plot. In the Geekspot to get the story items, either use the employee's credentials or delete the inventory information; all of that in turn, do it before the alarm goes off or do it after.

All of this has the appearance of a preparation, which is suitable to distinguish a gameplay adjusts to the narrative. Something I didn't like was the Easter eggs forced to implement in locations. On the other hand, having inventory was worthy, although it’s important to consider whether this will be necessary for its constant use. For example, a way to distract oneself as an interruption are some mini-games (found in toys that are later added to the inventory). Inquisitive implementation, but it entails meaningful how to ponder them in moments of free time or time out within the game, when there aren’t quests something to do.

An optional futuristic story

I assumed the game as an experimental test of a possible plot. It has many components that require to be well crafted, especially optimization, the soundtrack, the quality of the cutscene and the plot. Its rhythm is also important to be worked on. I also didn't like the hyperbolic dramatization for Emily through forced themes of our generation. But the story of this second episode bonds, although hastily, with the previous game.

I could have given a negative review, but I have good expectations about the continuation of the story. I want to know what truth Emily and RT will unravel. The game has an interesting start, although it’s important to work on the gameplay as it’s the path of how the story will be told through interaction, experience and intention. I recommend the first game more; and this one, take it as a series of narrative practices for its continuation and part.

Recommendation: 6/10

0 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
509 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.23 11:33
Moderate story, nice puzzles, respectable (but bugged) graphics, unrealistic characters, very poor animations.... but worst of all: incredibly stupid decisions have to be made for the best ending.
675 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.23 16:03
The Uncertain: Light At The End is a third-person adventure game serving as a direct sequel to The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day. These games see a post-apocalyptic version of Earth where robots roam and control the planet, with humans being hunted down and eradicated wherever possible.

If you are familiar with the first game, you may know that the ending was abrupt to say the least, with the story stated to continue. You would think that Light At The End would do that then, right? That's what I thought. Colour me surprised when I found out that not only does the overall story barely continue at all, it follows a completely different group of characters whose connection to the first game is only apparent in the final moments of this one.

I might've been more okay with this if these characters were actually likeable, but alas they're really not. They're more caricatures than genuine people, and even then, their personalities are all over the place. Their struggle for survival does make for a compelling narrative, but when it's this hard to take them seriously, it does break the immersion.

What I will say is that visually it is much better than its predecessor. Environments look great, and for the most part, there is a greater attention to detail. Some of the levels in the third act are a bit lacklustre in terms of what you can find, but generally they are great to wander through.

Likewise the gameplay is smoother here, and that's mainly thanks to the switching up of the camera. Now you can move it to your heart's content. Unfortunately, as far as puzzles are concerned, these are much more tedious, and in some cases completely absurd. They even let you skip them, which does say something about them.

All in all, I really struggle to recommend this game, unless you've played the first game and are really curious about this one. Regardless, buy it on discount since it gets really cheap.

If you would like to see a more detailed version of this review, be sure to check out my video review for the game here:
334 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.23 14:26
Very meh type of game, the idea is good, the first game was pretty decent, but this one just falls flat, lips not moving during conversations, overall the peoples faces are just dead as they express 0 emotion. Its poopy
484 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.23 02:48
I don't think this game was intriguing as the first game, but it did a decent job of tying the two games together in a reasonable fashion. I'd love to see more of the story unfold as I think this is where the game was getting interesting. There is some jankiness in some of the cut scenes and the voice acting is acceptable. Overall, I'd say that this is worth a play on sale, especially if you have played the first game and enjoyed it.
70 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 02:08
This game have a lot much issue of bug, but can't wait to see next franchise from this game
213 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 06:36
I loved this game! Biting my nails until the next one is released!
569 Produkte im Account
121 Reviews
445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 18:18
I did enjoy the game. The puzzles weren't too difficult and I am glad it had the skip option on the puzzle just in case. The story had a sense of longing at the end. Hopefully it will continue with another series because it left me hanging and wanting more.
246 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 15:17
The game is easy on puzzles and on action. very slowly paced. Most of time spent slowly moving in between places. The story is slow as well. On to of that there are bugs. Bad bugs like story stuck, save not working, picture stays distorted after fast forward. My advice: save your time and skip this.
138 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 13:10
Very nice story driven game. It is an improvement from the first game for sure. I am really looking forward for a next one.
307 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 19:22

Still Messy

I got part-1 for free & I liked it so I was looking forward to this one.

NOTE: The frequency of bugs might have reduced after the update but it's still far from good though nothing is game breaking. These bugs are ignorable if you care only about the story.

Type of bugs that I encountered:

No lip animations while characters speak sometimes, too many glitchy shadows & sounds that will make you mute the game.
At a point, for exploration I went back from a progression point & upon returning I was able to duplicate the group of NPC's I was with, multiple times, and managed to have 3 copies of everyone in my group :D

The actual cons:

The characters will keep speaking & doing stupid things to increase the length of the game, for example:
Their objective is to infiltrate a circular room with a guard patrolling. If they're at 0° position their objective is 60° to the right but instead they'll move along with the guard hiding behind things that will provide them least possible cover & then proceed to rotate the entire 320° from left just to finish that scene.

Why I won't give this a zero:

Environment & props are pretty sick/well designed.
Has cool mini-games to play inside.

1061 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 05:36
Game end *Spoilers* at end.

First and foremost, they made an excellent choice improving the movement system from the fixed-ish camera to the over the shoulder camera movement. The ability to choose actions was vastly improved as well, as in the original game, sometimes the button selections wouldn't work. Puzzles are mostly way better this time, but there are a few which are completely stupid imo, such as the Number Triangle puzzle mini game. The game is overall a big improvement upon the original, but unfortunately... it's not hard to improve on a game that wasn't very good to begin with. This game's character models require a lot of work, and they don't make sense how they take cover behind certain objects. You'll understand what I mean when you get to the game. Also, why would you put two unlikable characters in the protagonist's party? Also, some of the other world game puzzles... aren't very intuitive. Thankfully there's a skip option for you to simply enjoy the story, but it doesn't help those who get satisfaction from figuring the puzzles out. I'd say the original game was like a 4/10, this unfortunately improved on that to a 5/10. The sub heading of the game led me to believe this game would have the conclusion. Long story short, it doesn't. Also, with the trend this series seems to be following, with the release of the third entry in the series, they might've finally made a game that hits a 6,7/10 rating. It's just we shouldn't have to get three games into the series to achieve that sense of standard. With that, I can't recommend any of these games to anyone.
745 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 22:44
The continuation of the story, but still not finished. The control here is better and looks more natural than 1st part, but puzzle part is not so strong. Still I like the story.
2252 Produkte im Account
183 Reviews
552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 03:16
Not the best, although the price and length do encourage a playthrough. A very sci-fi setting.

I let a friend play this, because I can't play it myself due to a handicap. We both haven't played the first game. This review will therefore be an impression of the game.

This game has a great amount of voice acting, from what I remember. Not the best, but still much appreciated! The story is a mishmash of many popular stories, not very original but one that we can't have enough of. And finally I remember that the story has some drastic player choices.

All in all I feel that the game received a lot of love from the creators. It's not a great game, but the length and price do make a playthrough enjoyable.


More reviews at Omnivore Gamer, games that are easy to control (for handicapped gamers).
758 Produkte im Account
243 Reviews
290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 17:01
I really enjoyed The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day and I liked this 2nd game in the series as well. The story and characters are very decent, and the game world is well designed for such a small team. I'm looking forward to the final game, where we'll hopefully learn what actually happened. Recommended!
34 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 17:39
The game it's awesome,too bad the story is too short,but i hope have and a second part!!!Respect to guys who did this game!
70 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 02:58
I loved this game. Emily is likable and everyones voice acting seemed good. Not sure why this game has mixed reviews on steam, maybe there was some technical issues when it first released? I didnt have any issues playing the game though. It is a bit slow paced at times but its an adventure game, what else would you expect? I saw this and the first game on sale and just thought I'd give it a try. I wish I could go back and pay full price because they are worth it.

the next chapter is probably my most anticipated game of 2022 or whenever they release it.
395 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 02:31
A very good game, I thought! I certainly recommend playing it if you liked the first one.

Likeable protagonist and fairly well-written characters who you could grow to like or dislike. Some really tense and atmospheric story beats. Very good worldbuilding.

I thought the gameplay was well executed and flowed nicely. Not so much moon-logic after all. Sometimes the regular point-and-click gameplay was interrupted by actual puzzle-puzzles. I didn't much care for those, but you can actually skip them if you want.

Good graphics and sound, a lot of attention to detail (sounds when people put stuff down etc. -- things even AAA games often miss!). TONS of really nice animation work! Good lighting and atmosphere.

I played with Russian VO and English subtitles. I appreciate that was a possibility.

All in all -- can't wait to get a conclusion to this story!
604 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 17:27
When it started off with audio/overlay issues (English language), I was feeling a bit nervous.

Fortunately, the gameplay/environmental interactions/puzzles/story progression were interesting enough to keep my attention. I wish some of the characters had more eager voice actors.

There are a lot of small issues (my favorite is how you fly sometimes when descending stairs), but overall I liked this a lot and hope to see the developers finish the story.
55 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 16:14
You know, I bought it at less than 4 bucks and for that it's kinda ok.
I don't know the makers of the game and for a hobbyist or very small studio without solid financial backing, it is probably a very decent achievement ... unfortunately, it never really gets interesting.

The characters are very wooden, both personality-wise and animation-wise. With Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day that didn't matter much, because the protagonists were robots. Now the protagonists are humans and they feel just like robots, anyway. Also, while it sounds promising to switch perspective in this game (which with other visual novel type games would just have been the second episode of one game) Light At the End doesn't really add anything to the story. There is one minor reveal about what's going on.

So, 4 bucks for 5 hrs of gameplay. That's less than a pay-per-view movie rental, but I would possibly have had my finger on the fast-forward button during that movie, too, waiting for the plot-twist that never comes. Will I play a sequel? Well, maybe just to see how the story evolves, when the sequel is on sale, too.
1182 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 14:04
I can't recommend. The pacing was slow and the dialogue felt like it was from a bad anime. The characters felt largely one dimensional and would switch emotions like Melbourne changes the weather (that's frequently, for you non-Victorian's). It's also quite short, though I found that a benefit. If I had have stopped playing for any reason I can tell you with certainty that it would have reached my pile-of-shame.

I can appreciate the effort that went into this game but I in no way regret waiting until it was on sale to buy it. I suggest you do the same if you feel you need to play it.

I did appreciate the multiple references to gamer culture though. That was a nice touch.
286 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 23:24
This game is the sequel of the The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day, if played the first one you know what you can count on, if i you did not played the first one, this is a point and click/adventure game, it reminds me the TellTale games. I encountered some minor bugs, but nothing that breaks the game. Like the first one it's a short game and it takes around 5 hours to beat. The first one has lots of easter eggs, but in this one i only found out one. It is really cheap on sale. Waiting for the next one. 6,5/10
497 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.21 22:03

Ah, there they are!

The Uncertain: Light At The End is the second entry of the franchise. I can just barely recommend the game and here's why:
In the first game it's much more about the mystery of where did the humans dissapear to, what happened to them, why are the robots taking over, meeting the outlawed (malfunctioning) robots etc., whereas the second game shows you the other side of this story. So you'll be taking control of Emily and you'll interact with the most painful group of the survivors ever. While the second entry has larger rooms to explore, much more pop references to find (Halo, SW, Portal among many others and more puzzles that will cater to just about any level, the human aspect makes it annoying though, since they're all so ungrateful that make you wanna abandon them or call the cops on 'em. I suppose devs tried to show the pure cold logic of following the programming in 1st part VS the human feelings in 2nd part. There's one nice nightmare segment part that looks like something out of Silent Hill and it makes you think that this game will really be amazing and much more intense after that but no- it just continues to decline after that. I also had some glitches/bugs towards the end in form of: My language was changed to Russian (in game), subs were going too fast or showed too early in cutscenes, main menu music was playing during the game constantly, sometimes cut scenes were totally silent. Overall game still felt short - I got it finished in 6 hrs with all the puzzles done. I did skip some of the dialogue though. Take it while it's heavily discounted.

✅ Puzzles that caters to all skill levels
✅ Visually okay-ish
✅ Mini games
✅ Skippable cutscenes and puzzles
✅ Bigger rooms to explore
✅ Even more pop references in this instalment

❌ Some characters are annoying and/or ungrateful
❌ Got a few glitches/bugs
❌ Still too short

Personal score: ★★★☆☆

????Final words: It leaves me UNCERTAIN how the third instalment will be. Positives do outweigh the negatives, but it's still a lukewarm experience. Better call the (robo)cops on their sorry asses.

Are you curious what I had to say about it's predecessor?

Than please go right ahead and click HERE
564 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 00:21
The game is way too short. I felt like I played an episode of the game. The ending felt very awkward to me. The puzzles were nice.
74 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 19:49
This game has a few cool things, like the puzzles and minigames you encounter, but overall it's just a boring and bland experience. Voice acting is mediocre at best, the dialogue is boring and not fun, the character's faces look stupid, animations are pretty bad, the story is uninteresting, the list goes on. I feel zero motivation to continue playing this game.
293 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.21 12:05
The cinematic look plus the story of the game brings a very satisfying and truly believable mood. The futuristic interior and object design just so good. I do not get all the negative reviews tbh. I literally encountered only one bug that forced Em to spin near the drug dispenser panel on the first level. The reload fixed the issue for me. There were also some minor discrepancies between the written text and speech; some grammar mistakes in magazines. Both parts of the game gave me immersion and that's what I seek in this game genre.
810 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.21 18:48
I kinda like it, but worse then the first
153 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.21 12:44
I don't know why some bad reviews judged by 3A standards. As a small plot-driven game, that is ok. The decryption game is very interesting too. The disadvantage is probably the game flow. It's too linear. In some places, you can't proceed without meeting the prerequisites. There is no tips to remind you if you missed something, like changing the dialogue or something. This may cause you to get stuck in one place for a long time. But the others are actually good. Also no bugs have been encountered. The black screen only happened once after finishing the game, but it doesn't matter.
Also, there are some translation errors, I mean the Chinese translation.
Such as translating 'tape'(胶带) into 'Scotch whisky'.(苏格兰威士忌)
I don't know how it was translated. These two words are completely different.

70 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 04:40
I haven't beaten it yet, but the story is interesting. I wish the voice acting was better. I also wish there was a little more facial expression that a dead straight eyed face. I've notice a few audio bugs, fixed it by restarting the game.
118 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 22:56
I truly wanted to give this game an opportunity and ignore all the bad reviews that I saw. Unfortunately, the comments weren't misguided.
Besides of the obvious bugs, the story it's not being told in the best way. It has potential but the scenes and characters are so empty that I find hard to sympathize with one of them.
I believe that this game, since it's only last 4 hours, could have been written or directed in a better way, to make the player dig deep in the story.
It's a fine idea with really good graphics, but a lousy execution.

Maybe if it's one of your first graphic adventure games you'll find it awesome, but for me that this genre is my favourite (so I have plenty experience with them) I find it insipid.
1100 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
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259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 00:16
I actually enjoyed the first game and got this one because of that, but it looks like the devs didn't get enough time to polish the sequel as there's way too many bugs and the animation quality decreased considerable
148 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 09:40
it bugged out and then froze within the first half hour... disappointing. i played the first one and hoped this would answer questions. but it doesnt even work half the time
matts talking but his mouth is legit not moving
end credits didnt even work so i just had to force the game to close
the last puzzle in the sewer doesnt work or at least the instructions did not explain how to actually do it

im so upset because i like the concept of whats happening. i love that the 1st one was from the robots view and now emilys.
but the game is so buggy it just ruins it

for part 3 which is obviously happening due to another huge cliffhanger PLEASE fix the bugs before releasing the game

we would rather wait longer than get given a broken game
946 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 20:19
This game is rough around the edges, it does feel as though it could have done with a bit more time smoothing out said edges and even fleshing out some parts of the game. Some of the characters feel two dimensional and lifeless, some of the environments were nice but had very little to do, the game doesnt have consequences and I felt as though it could have done a bit more with its ending.

All in all, I liked the game despite its roughness. I would say go with The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day first then try this game. Out of the two The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day felt a bit more complete.

Hopefully the Devs learn from their mistakes, they arent a AAA study (which isnt necessarily a bad thing) I enjoy some of their past games including The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day and the Descendant. I hope that they'd spend a bit more time smoothing over the rough edges, adding a bit more content and maybe even add choices which matter.

Good game but might be worth getting this and necessarily when they are on sale. I very much hope to see more games from these Devs.
299 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 10:03
If you're fine with narrative games where the gameplay is basically making you go through the motions of turning the cogs of the plot, then it's an alright game. Not the best, but not the worse either. If you liked telltale games, consider playing this one.
315 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 05:52
This game is very VERY rough around the edges. If you are easily bothered by bugs, crashes (the game autosaves often, so that doesn't mean loss of progress), stuck or weird animations (there's even one that's reminiscent of the exorcist xD), missing audio, and other stuff like that, then you should stay out of this game for now. I presume (and hope) a lot of this is going to get fixed in future updates, because as it is, it doesn't seem worth full price, because it doesn't look like a finished product that much. However, I came here after playing the first game, which I generally liked, especially the story, and this one seems like a good follow-up. I didn't love it, I think the first game was better than this one, but still, it was engaging enough. In the end, I was able to overlook all the other problems and enjoy it. Soundtrack and voice acting are still good (mostly), and there are no game breaking bugs or anything of the sort. You can skip animations, mini-games, and reload saves from any part of the game, so it does have some things implemented to help impatient people get through it. It is still heavily story-based, but it has some fun and nice puzzles. It also rewards exploration of the environment; there are a lot of easter eggs, some of which are relevant to get achievements, and others that aren't (much like the first game). It also ends open ended, but this one makes you feel a lot more closure than the first one, which is greatly appreciated. Achievements are mostly fine, some of them require you to follow specific dialog choices though, and that can be a pain, because if you play it without a walkthrough, and then want to get the achievements, you'll almost certainly need three playthroughs to get all of them. I'll probably play it only one more time now and then leave the last playthrough for just before the next installment is released (whenever that is). In any case, it's tough to review, and mixed seems about right for the state this game is in, but it is likely to be improved if and when more updates are released, and I enjoyed it enough to recommend it.
248 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 10:39
I haven't played an adventrue game for a long time I loved it. There were some minor bugs and cyrilic language I thin but everything was good. This game was very nice and the story was amazing I hope It gets a seques or something you know ao the story can be finished
812 Produkte im Account
226 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 19:08
Game quality is average.
Just one hour, proactive dialogue is too much, and
some of the dialogue will play continuously, just like when a sentence is finished,
next one will play instantly, give some breath to NPC.
And the animation of people is... strange?
Like Olga putting down her baby, she just drop her baby in mid air,
and she lie on the pillar, it just like get suck on that.
Just strange, not natural enough as human, maybe they.... not?

Annnnd some scene are kind of nonsense or not stick close to the timeline of the game.
For example, the wallet in the drug store, still have cash? I don't understand.
Use Flare gun to stun robot but not knock down the robot?

Btw, game is average and near good, still need to observe and keep playing.

Edit:(next half hour)
In Geekspot, Emily walking with same hand and same leg.
Visual light inside is broken.
The recorder will forced you to stand to listen whole recording.
And the german(?) title of the recording showed up after listened to new recording.
I can directly get three coupons in the deepest booth, no need to get coupon one by one.
I think it is a glitch?
After Geekspot, I found some random dialogue, people's mouth won't move a bit.
Annnnd some of dialogues just remain silent.

In SNBC, what am I going to do??? I go around that circle by the fifth time. Hello?
And I can't move now, thanks.

Overall is bad, really disappointed.
Animations, gameplay etc.
Last Quiet Day is better than this.
548 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
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368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 01:17
Started off really interesting but they stropped caring towards the end? The ending also made no sense and left you wondering wth just happened.
71 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 10:12
I must admit I mostly enjoyed the game and I am interested to see how the story continues but there was a lot of problems with the game. Firstly there was text where it seemed like people would talk and then the voice line never played. The chats between the people are too rushed and out of place, moments where something is said without there being a proper cue for it. Example is when Claire, sounding partially frustrated, telling him to rest too and yet Alex never said anything before indicating he didn't want to rest. There are also moments with glitches, like with monitors where if your far away the screen glitches uncontrollably, and characters when in a chat dialog and their model is still moving causing them to turn their head too far. The story also ended abruptly, with Olga losing her daughter and then suddenly all the cops arrive and we don't learn what happened to Em's friends. I wouldn't say its a bad game it is good in its own way but there are parts where it is choppy, as if the developers cut corners when making it.
1016 Produkte im Account
221 Reviews
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 18:52
Even though it has its share of bugs, such as audio lines sometimes not playing or random captions popping up with no one talking, episode 2 still played much smoother than episode 1. Compared to its predecessor the story in episode 2 was just as short, but its pacing felt faster, whereas episode 1 sometimes felt like a bit of a drag. The character development was a bit better here, the graphics were much nicer, and overall it seemed like a much more refined episode. It's no masterpiece of course, it has pretty rough animations, glitches and whatnot, but one can notice the amount of work that's been put into creating it. For that I applaud the devs, cause I think it's really a job well done. If only they didn't abruptly end the story, and at the exact same place where episode 1 got cut off! Now we only have to wait ~4 more years for the last episode. I just really hope they don't abandon it.
203 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 20:41
Heartless story / chars, still full of bugs, text & voice passages are missing, chars disappear while cutscenes, the only good and nice mentionable are the graphics - thank you, but no thank you.
356 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 02:13
The patch has really fixed many of the launch problems, and the game is perfectly playable now. There are still a few rough spots around the edges that might have to be smoothed out later but no game breaking bugs that I could tell.

I enjoyed the second chapter and expanding on the story of the first title, and the puzzles were fine and the graphics and sound were generally good. Voice acting was kind of a mixed bag, some characters like Brian and Claire were fine but a few others were a little flat.

I think I preferred the first part a little more for whatever reason, but this one was a little longer and more like 4.5 hours and not just over 3 like the first so that makes up for the difference a little.

I recommend now if you really enjoyed the first Uncertain or really like adventure games you should pick that up and than continue it here. I really hope the third chapter comes out.
451 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
1490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 12:50
not bad, not bad. will buy the next episode.
259 Produkte im Account
188 Reviews
265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 16:23
What makes LIS better than this game isn't the graphics nor the story persé, but more the pacing
and the way you play the game.
I found the mini puzzles were a total wast for me, and I have skipped them all.
In a game that leans on interaction with people, puzzles are a redundantcy and should be left out
it's so passé, and an great element if you make a point & click adventure game.
What LIS understands better is that choices mean more in this regard, more so than even
exploring the world, which felt a bit restricted too in this game...

- good graphics
- +4 hours total gameplay (without puzzles)
- good music and fx
- controller and keyboard/mouse input
- UI and walking are good

- glitches and bugs (double charaters at times, speech mouth movement is off or non excistent , speech audio gone)
- Stopping in the middle of a level results in re-doing the whole level, bad saving options
- Some puzzles in game set you back to the beginning and make it a drag to complete them,
like in the pharmacy when the alarm goes off..

Note for the developers:
I did however enjoy the short story, and believed the world that was created, though..next time
or for a future new game, please focus on the interaction between characters and choices instead
of puzzles. And don't make everything so obvious, I felt like i was taken by the hand and pointed in the
direction to go level design wise...You can learn from LIS franshise a great deal. people love to play
simple games that evoke feelings (in a good way) and make valid choices.
178 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 14:08
This game is good. It's much smoother (gameplay) than the first chapters and they've fixed the buggy controls. The story is not as interesting as the first one, but they've now left it open for a third chapter. If you don't mind a couple of bugs here and there then this is definitely a good story game worth your money, however I'd suggest playing the first chapter beforehand.
67 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 04:27
It's okay. It's a short play, the pacing is a little slow, and the puzzles are elementary, so this plays more like a novel than an adventure game. But the graphics are nice and it's a pleasant few hours.
5137 Produkte im Account
135 Reviews
773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 09:27
I only recommend it because I like the series and I want to see it going further, but the game it's worse in every aspect than its predecessor.
The animations are stiff, the dialogue stupid sometimes and not matching the action of the characters and the story, while bigger than Last Quiet Day, is boring in some places.
The game looks somehow worse than Last Quiet Day and the skip dialogues options is gone...
352 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 15:51
DISCLAIMER: There is a lot of good and bad in this game but I do believe it is worth playing.

The Bad: (alright lets start with the obvious)
T-posing models, idle animations not working, glitching textures, voice lines not always working and a load of polish work still need doing! The game feels very unfinished in places from double characters in scenes, models not working right, save issues and the UI not always being clear and friendly. These are all small things but with the frequency of some of them it does not help with the immersion of them game. Also though the controls are simple they can be a bit clunky at times both moving characters (shift makes your slow jog got to a slower walk) and the camera (sometimes fixed in place).

The Good: (why I still say play this game)
The story is genuinely enjoyable making you want to explore, talk to characters and move around the world which has a great setting with some fantastic simple levels. The mix of characters creates and interesting dynamic and I can see myself replying bits to make certain characters like/dislike me more (YES THIS IS A HIDDEN MECHANIC and honestly it wouldn't be so bad for a simple fallout style dialog X likes this or your reputation with y has lowered ).
Your choices do matter at varying points allowing for characters to survive (or not) and the immersive atmosphere does make you feel you are a part of the crew.

TLDR: Fix the animations and apply some serious polish to this game developers, as someone reading this buy it for it's story, characters and setting (and hope the devs patch more of the issues)

3/5 stars because the good is really good but the bad is VERY noticeable at times. Pick it up for yourself and sink a few hours into this group and hope for more of the goodness that has already come from this series.
306 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 05:39
The game itself is interesting, but it is VERY short. It had a few bugs where things were walking through walls, or interacting with computers would crash the game. It is more like an episode than an actual game, and it has no ending. This episodic game play seems to be becoming more common, and a trend I intensely dislike, so I'm giving it a thumbs down.
555 Produkte im Account
159 Reviews
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 21:38
Visit SaveOrQuit.com for detailed game reviews, posted daily!

‘The Uncertain: Light at the End’ is the second game in the ‘The Uncertain’ series about a post-apocalyptic society ruled by robots, following on from ‘The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day’, or more accurately, happening in parallel to it.

Although the first game in the series had us taking a role of a robot citizen of the new society ruled by robots, this time round we’re playing from the point of view of Emily, a young teenage girl, who, along with a few other human survivors, is trying to get by, scavenge for supplies, and avoid being discovered by robot police.

I personally found the first game's story to be more engaging because we were right in the middle of the robot society and seeing it from the point of view of one of the robots in it. In addition, it had a mystery hook introduced quite early on. By contrast, in this part we just follow a very ordinary group of humans who are trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic society - the kind of plotline we've seen a lot of times already.

The gameplay is the same as in the first part. It involves us exploring the 3D environments and interacting with various parts of it in order to make progress, and at times solving puzzles and mini-games too, akin to standard point and click gameplay. Most puzzles are well-designed and get you thinking. All of them can be skipped though, so this fits a casual experience more than anything challenging. There are also a few simple stealth sections, dialogues with NPCs, and collectibles.

Visuals are pretty decent and atmospheric, though character animations are a bit stiff and unnatural. Musically there's very little happening and could certainly use improvement. For some reason, climatic scenes still continued having ambient music playing, even though it would've been better to have something intense playing during them.

Most bugs must've been fixed since release, though a few minor ones still remain. Generally, I didn't come across anything game-breaking.

Not a bad 4-hour game, but felt too lukewarm. The first game is better in terms of plot and originality, in my opinion, so I'd recommend you to try that one instead. And if you care about the plot enough after playing that one, then get this one too when it's on a big discount.

For a more in-depth review, check here: https://saveorquit.com/2021/03/09/review-the-uncertain-light-at-the-end/
567 Produkte im Account
239 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 15:40
Whelp, once again the world has been overtaken by robots and Humanity is barely able to survive. The Uncertain: Light At The End is an adventure puzzle game, by developer New Game Order and publisher META Publishing, where you play out the game’s story by progressing through chapters and solving puzzles as you do so. While there is some success with the game, there is a lot of opportunities for improvement that could be made with future patches and updates. While the story and puzzle minigames can be engaging and challenging, it’s hard to stay invested in either due to the design quality and voice acting. Is this second installment worth your time? Let’s find out. 

Story - The Uncertain: Light At The End is the second installment to The Uncertain series and throws us into a world controlled by autonomous robots. After a frightening event where the once subservient machines drugged and kidnapped most of Humanity, the remaining survivors huddle together in small pockets scavenging and fighting for survival. Traversing through the cities is incredibly dangerous due to roaming police bots, and has become increasingly challenging due to more domestic robots also reporting any Human they see. In this iteration, you follow Emily as she and her group attempt to eke out a living in these treacherous conditions. 

Early on, you get a sense of who the characters are; their goals, personalities, and ambitions. Throughout the game, you will be able to make decisions that… don’t affect much of anything. Maybe some voice lines will change depending on your actions, but the story will quickly railroad itself back on its predesigned track, so don’t worry too much about making the right choices. You’ll be fine either way. While the concept itself is interesting, it isn’t anything we haven’t seen before. A group of survivors, trying to survive, run into extreme adversity, and through loss, sacrifice, and a little luck, a few of them manage to find new reasons to push forward. What makes this story unique is its cast, but again, we run into familiar tropes among them also. Developer New Game Order tells… a story. One we’ve seen. One we’re familiar with. One we understand. Certain parts do seem rushed. Others seemed forced in order to conform to the narrative, but it is still a fun and interesting concept regardless of a few missed opportunities to make it stand out. 

Gameplay & Mechanics - The Uncertain: Light At The End has two main gameplay loops: Scavenger Hunt, and Puzzles. Scavenger Hunt is where you spend your time looking for clues scattered throughout the level in order to advance to the next Puzzle. The Uncertain: Light At The End hits the basics with easy-to-see popups when you’re close to interactables, button prompts to give you an idea of what it is you’re interacting with, but nothing noteworthy. Moving through the levels can be painfully slow with clunky animations weighing down the tense atmosphere. An example is in the first level: Once you restore power to the refrigerator, you have to press a button to rotate the shelves and check off the items on your scavenger hunt. However, if you attempt to press the button while you’re character is not directly in front of the fridge, you’re treated to the most excruciatingly slow animation of Emily trying to remember how to move her body two inches to the right in order to hit a button. And please, please don’t accidentally check the shelf to see if you can grab the items yet, only to find out that you can’t and have to get back into position to press the button again. 

The puzzles in the game are what offer it some redemption. They are varied, challenging, and best of all, completely optional! Developer New Game Order has built-in a much-appreciated skip button, allowing you to automatically solve the puzzle in front of you and get on with the game. Math puzzles are definitely not my thing and, with the first puzzle in the game being one, I knew I was going to have a bad time with this title. Fortunately, after spending 10 minutes with the thing, I found the skip button and was on my way. Most of the other puzzles were more than doable and even fun. These were truly the strongest area of The Uncertain: Light At The End. Aside from that, there are a few quick time events scattered through the story, but not enough to warrant its own section. 

Aesthetics & Sound - Aesthetically, the art quality is mixed. While most of the backgrounds, cityscapes, and levels are oozing high res goodness, the character models look just as rough as an indy project from 2010. I know we’re supposed to be afraid of the robots, but these some of the creepiest, dead-eyed, unblinking character models I’ve seen in a while. The voice acting, at first, seemed lacking. Something was missing that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. That is, until I messed around in the options and found there is a Russian voice setting as well. Believing that I’d found the original voice audio, I quickly switched to that and… I still wasn’t impressed. I don’t speak Russian, and I don’t pretend to know how authentic Russian is supposed to sound, but the voice acting was still extremely lacking in my opinion. 


The Uncertain: Light At The End is a game. That’s really all it’s got going for it. For everything it did well, it only did so by sticking to the bare basics without taking too many risks on improving or innovating. Its opportunity areas, however, are ever-present and in need of improvement. Bugs and technical glitches run abound from start to finish and while I have yet to encounter anything game-breaking, the immersion is long gone before it even has a chance to establish itself. I hope Developer New Game Order takes the time to at least iron out the rougher technical parts of the game. There is some true potential here. But for now, I wouldn’t give this title a high recommendation. 
59 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 22:47
To be honest, I would rather give a rating than a recommendation, but there is no other choice, so I do not recommend it. However, I don't regret having played it. It has an interesting history and they have known how to divide it, the game obviously has a lot to polish, but they are on the right way despite being a small group, I hope they continue to learn and improve.
663 Produkte im Account
133 Reviews
524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 21:59
This is the 'other part' of the story from [The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day](https://store.steampowered.com/app/406970/The_Uncertain_Last_Quiet_Day/). I feel you should play that game first and then this one.

I feel a lot of improvements have happened since that game. Especially in the atmosphere, graphics, animation, it's basically much improved and easier to play. The voice acting has improved compared to the first as well.

Importantly the story is good. None of the mystery is explained yet, so hopefully there is another game coming and the mysteries are dealt with, regarding 'why' everything is happening.

And the puzzles are good too. There are quite a few puzzles in the game, but none too difficult nor too easy. It's just the right difficulty each time.

The audio sometimes glitched out and the characters wouldn't say the full sentences, just the last part. The subtitles didn't always match the audio either. Not a big deal.
339 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 03:10
After playing the first game in this series (Uncertain: Last Quiet Day) I absolutely fell in love with the universe and plot that New Game Order built. Especially after the ending, I HAD to know more, what happened next. So I checked out this sequel.

I have to say, the plot and writing in my opinion is really interesting and made me genuinely more invested than ever in these characters and this world's story. Full stop.

There *were* some buggy parts of the game, such as a few pieces of dialogue not being spoken even when they appeared on-screen, occasional moments of the dialogue being spoken not matching the subtitles, and little object errors (ex. teabag clipping through mug in one cutscene every time without fail, or baby disappearing from mother's arms, with her continuing to rock an empty space of air.)

Taking a moment to ignore those, it's an absolute fabulous game that i recommend 100%, although you should definitely play the first game to better understand what's going on (and it's a great game as well). After all, with the story being solid, and my only CONS being technical bugs, it can only go up from here as occasional bug fixes are released :)

224 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 03:52
I really liked the first game... but this was lacking. Some people blame the numerous bugs (which is fair), but, honestly, it's just not that well written. I wish they had been less ambitious with the graphics, and instead focused on writing. The graphics are weird. They aren't bad, but the people are dead-eyed, which is disconcerting to view. Honestly, I'd play the game with worse graphics if the story made more sense. I still like retro 8-bit adventure games if the story's good, but this one was lacking. The characters are caricatures and the story seems basic. I'd really like to like it, but I find myself terrified by the bad character art style and bored by the story.

I'd love to see this redeemed at some point, but as of now, I can't recommend it.
784 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 12:57


The review you are about to read is based on my own experience with the game, my judgment, and the rating system! No third party has impacted anything said in this review. This review is also 100% spoiler-free, so you don't need to worry about that either.

Gameplay and Interaction (14 out of 20)

There's so much I can say, but I'm limited to cover just the most important stuff. Let's start with the gameplay. The idea is brilliant and flawless since the developers picked up the best pieces from the Life is Strange and Telltale series to make a somewhat unique approach to exploration and overall interaction. The delivery, on the other hand, is problematic, to say the least. There are a few standard interactivity sequences for dialogue alongside quick-time events, mini-games, and some decision making. I won't lie, it was a lot of fun to experience something different for once in a gameplay style that I love. Life is Strange games are among my favorites, and world interaction is one of the main reasons why. It's no different here, there's a lot of interactivity and explanation behind all the interactive elements.

Cutscenes aren't skippable, which is a big minus as well. There's also this one thing I have a problem with. Sometimes, the game simply isn't showing you what the result could be for each of the important choices since at least three out of four given choices mean the same but have a slightly different outcome which you can't predict. A simple icon that demonstrates the outcome would be a great addition. There's no clear indication that tells you which of the choices are important and which aren't. The game just throws some options at you, and most of the options that look reasonable at the time just end up screwing the relationship between people in the group. No indication tells you that you're in a good or bad relationship with anyone. As I see it, this game is meant to be completed a couple of times for the player to experience every possible scenario - which should've been handled better. A journal with all the choices that matter throughout the game would be appreciable to better understand what went wrong at which point.

Then there's the usual collectibles stuff that I found very appealing. You get to learn about the world and how everything is functioning and how certain events happened - which is such a nice addition. The world at least doesn't feel like an empty bubble, there's some depth to it. Later in the game, there are interactive elements that are missing dialogue. You choose an option and only the cutscene happens, with no explanation whatsoever. It truly felt game-breaking at times since I had to puzzle around and understand what to do on my own instead of getting a little bit of 'comment' help from my character. It wasn't that hard to solve, but then again I'm not supposed to walk around for half of an hour endlessly pressing the interactivity buttons that are broken. I wasn't able to proceed any further at that point until I loaded the game from a checkpoint, after that everything was fully functional again. Speaking of checkpoints, the save game system is horrible, and I refuse to comment on it. Just take a look at the community forums, other players have already mentioned it.

Graphics and Sound Quality (12 out of 20)

As far as the graphics are concerned, the texture resolution is super high yielding in great-looking environments and objects. There are a few glitches here and there around the eyes of a few human characters. I've been able to see the cutout of the eyes animation on a good portion of characters with white lines at times where there's not a lot of light available. Nothing game-breaking, but again, worth mentioning. The sound design is weird. Some sound cues do not sound natural. Like walking on the concrete ground doesn't sound like concrete, walking on metal surfaces doesn't sound like metal, etc. There are a few instances where the dialogue cuts completely in mid-sentence. It happened once in the beginning as well, but in the sewers section, in particular, it cuts off a lot of it, leaving you out in the dark story-wise.

Performance and Optimization (8 out of 20)

This is both the most demanding and worst looking game graphically I've ever played. I thought that Horizon: Zero Dawn is demanding, but boy... this game is giving an RTX 2080 Ti a run for its money. I can't comprehend how a game of this scale that doesn't include any groundbreaking visuals is more demanding than AAA titles that use ray tracing. It's quite remarkable that a game made in the Unity engine can require so much power to render basic stuff. The optimization could use some attention, as it's not done properly. At least the loading times are fast and there are no stutters along the way.

Story and Content Value (14 out of 20)

The game is set in the distant future where robots have taken over the world by force or something along these lines. Considering that there are a ton of cuts in the dialogue, I can't tell if some of the pieces of the story are ever explored. There are a few things that I'd like to uncover and better understand. But... since I wasn't able to hear the characters talking at all for a good portion of one of the most important sequences in the game - I can't tell if these things were ever mentioned. I liked the execution, and how everything was put together. The voice acting is decent and most characters have a deep background. I like how there's a ton of things at your disposal to explore. It's not an open-world amount of things you get to see or interact with, but almost every corner of a certain area can be accessed. As a fan of sci-fi stuff, I enjoyed everything the game has thrown at me even with a few minor issues that popped up here and there. Once all the issues and bugs are resolved, there's no reason not to pick this one up if you're a fan of Life is Strange and Telltale-like games. The replayability value looks promising, but only once the issues have been resolved.

Animations and Movement Controls (8 out of 20)

The animation work is horrendous. All the characters in 97% of the dialogue look lifeless without any actual hand gestures or body movements. There's nothing that tells you if they're excited, bored, happy or unhappy, and so on. I'm afraid the same animations were used for both robots and humans, which means that robots move like humans and humans move like robots. There's no difference. It doesn't feel and look natural. The stairs are a portal to another dimension as well. While you're walking upstairs, nothing seems wrong, but boy... once you start descending... all of a sudden my character would start floating, and more often than not I was teleported to the floor above or below me. The controls are precise and easy to use, which is the most important thing for such a game. There's no sprint/run function either. All you can do is walk slowly from one point to another which does get old quickly an hour later. A few sequences completely lock you out of camera movement. I can understand why but I'd like to move the camera around on my own sometimes.

Final Score and Conclusion (56 out of 100)

The Uncertain: Light At The End is a great sci-fi execution from a small developer that is still in its early stage of development. It isn't polished, finished, or anything like that, but is better than 90% of games coming out from smaller developers. I'm looking forward to returning to it once it's been fully polished.
31 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 22:52
Ok, so in general. this game does not come close to being a worthy sequel, the 'humans' are litterally talking like they would robots, and overall i am dissatisfied with this game, but however i still do like the series, maybe some patches will come along also (SPOILER WARNING I MEAN NOT REALLY BUT LOL) [THE GAME ENDS WHERE THE LAST ONE LEFT OFF, WTH WHY? WHY NOT JUST KEEP THE STORY GOING]

So overall my review for this game is: This overall doesnt come close to the first, and i pray this series can repair off of this, weird, weird, also DID I MENTION THE BUGS??

the bugs:
This game has loads of issues from the dialogue being synced to the lips poorly, dialogue not playing, animations not coming up when their meant to, still loads off them, but for 8$, likely worth the purchase for 15$, if you can get through the bugs.

(i have completed the main storyline)
Im basically just going to restate everything here: The game overall if more patches roll out fixing 'the bugs' this game can actaully somewhat be worth the purchase, [THIS GAME JUST ENDS LIKE HOW THE OTHER ONE ENDED] so overall this game is still not worth the 15$ or 8$
142 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 23:16
It's kinda a hot mess.

The mechanics are buggy and feel rushed. The sneaking sequences are complete unbelievable.

Dialog between characters is really rough and makes no sense at times. Most of the characters are either uninteresting or actively jerks in every. single. line. As if being rude is a personality.

Voice acting is especially wooden and gets worse when combined with a close up of the dead eyes of characters that stair blankly ahead.

Story ends abruptly with nothing resolved. I understand the scope of this project probably made it necessary to break up into multiple chapters, but it just felt sudden and incomplete. It just kinda ends.
100 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 20:08
i wish there were more of these kind of games
758 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 06:00
This game by itself is not very well executed, but for the overall story and in hope of a 3rd chapter, I recommend the overall Uncertain experience (Chapter 1 and this one).

The story and environment as a whole is unique and really interesting.
The atmosphere is cool, and character/robot design overall memorable.
In isolation, good voice acting (when you ignore higher level/sensical context).

In case you cannot look past them, here are game's shortcomings (IMO):
1) Buggy. Things disappear sometimes, loading from certain saves causes weird states, I even once had 2 instances of the same character hanging around.
2) Lifeless facial animations.
3) Very ambitiously dynamic dialogue and story tree, but with some hard-to-swallow issues where thing being said are just not appropriate to others - sudden dialogue hostility for no reason at all, dialogues that are not believable in context to multi-character conversation, sudden anime-like outbursts of positivity even in completely tragic overall situations, etc.
585 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 17:42
BUGS! Lot's of them! :(
Only buy at a very low price...
238 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 20:06
It's a puzzle game. Looks good, plays well.
After you get up from the computer that you use to disable the security?
Don't sit down at the computer again, it locks the game.
Sorry, reviews aren't really my thing but I would recommend it.
63 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 19:49
A superb adventure game. Loved the first one, and it really seems the devs were able to improve a lot. A fine example of a rare breed of narrative-driven puzzle games. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoyed Telltale titles, Detroit etc.
5884 Produkte im Account
772 Reviews
63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 17:40
After 'The Last Quiet Day', 'The Uncertain' now comes with the second chapter 'Light At The End'.
In total there would be three chapters that show an extensive story in its entirety where the earth is no longer dominated by humans but by robots.
After you experienced part of the story yourself as a helpful and friendly robot in chapter one,
now in chapter two you are part of a group of human survivors in the current 'robot-guarded world'

You will experience the other side of life in this apocalyptic world as 'Emily'
whose family has disappeared along with most of the people on the planet.
Are they still alive? where are they? What eventually happened? and why?

Emily is determined to find out what she can find out, but this does not come without confusion or danger.
Very advanced robotics are lurking everywhere, ready to find the people who are hiding.

During your journey you will also have to deal with a number of puzzles that will often place your math skills and memory on the test.
Regardless of the scenario in which 'The Uncertain' is located, the game is also very relaxing to experience from an exploration perspective.

Logo for The Uncertain: Light At The End (Episode 2)
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
61.21% 243 154
Release:08.10.2020 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: New Game Order Vertrieb: New Game Order Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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