• The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.
  • The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1): Screen zum Spiel The Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 22.09.2016
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Preis Update 05.02.24

Über das Spiel

Stell dir vor, du musst moralische Entscheidungen in einer Welt bar jeder Moral treffen. Logik regiert diese Welt und jede Entscheidung besteht nur aus Einsen und Nullen. Die meisten Konzepte erlangen so eine ganz neue Bedeutung, während andere nicht länger anwendbar sind. Zum Glück haben vernunftbegabte Wesen, auch wenn sie keine Menschen sind, immer eine Wahl.

The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day ist ein storybasiertes Adventure in einer postapokalyptischen Welt. Erlebst du aus der Perspektive des Elektrotechnik-Roboters RT-217NP, der sich sehr für die menschliche Rasse zu interessieren scheint, die jedoch in verheerenden Kriegen ausgelöscht worden ist. Erlebe beim Erkunden der zahlreichen Schauplätze deren mysteriöse Atmosphäre. Stelle deine Talente auf die Probe und löse diverse Rätsel. Triff tiefgreifende Entscheidungen und besprich faszinierende Angelegenheiten, um die ganze Wahrheit, die man dir vorzuenthalten versucht, zu erfahren.

  • Klassisches 3D-Adventure mit einer einzigartigen Story
  • Bestechende Grafik und eine fesselnde Atmosphäre
  • Origineller Indie-Soundtrack
  • Entwickelt mit NVIDIA GameWorks HBAO+, DoF und FXAA


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel i3 or AMD equivalent or better
  • GFX: NVIDIA GTX 570 or higher
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 x64 and UP
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Yes
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Russisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel i5 processor or higher / AMD
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 9xx or higher
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 x64 and UP
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Yes
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Russisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

654 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 19:42
Ein ganz kleiner Daumen nach oben. Das Spiel ist steif und träge, die Hauptfigur spricht... wie ein Roboter. Ok, das passt natürlich, hört sich aber auf Dauer echt einschläfernd an. Ich wollte nur noch die Story erfahren, das Gameplay hat mich nur wenig mitgerissen. Und viel erfährt man nicht, hier soll wohl die Fortsetzung gekauft werden, die aber auch recht plötzlich endet. Also immer nur ein Häppchen nach dem anderen. Dafür ist das ganze nach wenigen Stunden vorüber und zieht sich nicht künstlich in die Länge, immerhin.
208 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 23:14
War kurz und die Rätsel waren nicht wirklich Rätsel. Von der Story hätte ich mir auch mehr erhofft - sie war doch sehr linear
730 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 15:52
Der Indie Titel rechtfertigt nicht den fehlenden Inhalt und die grausame Steuerung.
871 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 14:00
Etwas kurz, aber bitte mehr davon.
Bitte deutsche Synchronstimmen hinzufügen.
656 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 19:09
Eine postapokalyptische Welt, wo ein einzelner rebellischer Roboter einer Verschwörung hinterher jagt? Klingt spannend, aber auch komisch... Wie euch dieser Roboter in den Bann ziehen und vielleicht gar das Ende der Menschheit abwehren kann, erfahrt ihr in der Review zu The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day!


Wir schreiben das 22. Jahrhundert. Die Menschheit hat es endlich geschafft, sie hat sich durch ihren überzogenen Lebensstil, der Inkompetenz des friedlichen Miteinanders und der Kriegslust selbst abgeschafft; die Rasse Mensch gilt als ausgestorben, geschehen durch einen noch nie dagewesenen Krieg. Doch ist der Planet Erde nun ungewohnt? Nein! Die Roboter, die sich die Menschen zur Unterstützung im Alltag, in der Medizin und im Behördenwesen erbaut und gekauft haben, bewohnen nun den Planeten, inmitten der alten Häuser und Besitztümer der Menschen.
Gesteuert werden alle Roboter von dem mysteriösen Unternehmen USS Corporation mit dem Ziel, eine perfekte, gleichgeschaltete Idealgesellschaft zu erschaffen, welche im Gegensatz zu den Menschen nicht in den Sinn kämen, sich einander auszulöschen.
Doch obwohl es sich um eine Welt voller emotions- und lebloser Blechbüchsen handelt, scheinen einige Exemplare menschliche Züge zu entwickeln: So zum Beispiel RT-217NP, der Protagonist dieses Spiels. Dieser Roboter hat es geschafft, die automatischen Updates durch USS Corporation zu deaktivieren und sich somit deren Kontrolle zu entreißen, um sein eigenes Ding zu drehen und ein wenig die Kultur der Menschen zu erkunden, sei es durch Neugierde am menschlichen Radioprogramm oder das Hinterfragen von alltäglichen Gegenständen wie Fahrräder oder Krückstöcke.


Mit RT-217NP beginnt auch schon die Geschichte dieses Spiels, so kommt er zu Beginn des Spiels von einem Stadtbesuch nach Hause, von welchem er eine Batterie mitgebracht hat, in der Hoffnung, das alte Radio der früheren menschlichen Bewohner des Hauses wieder zum Laufen zu kriegen, was tatsächlich gelingt. Als dabei jedoch ein Rekrutierungsaufruf des Militärs in Dauerschleife läuft, legt er enttäuscht das Radio weg und fühlt sich bekräftigt in seiner Meinung, dass die Rasse Mensch ein barbarisches Volk voller Kriegstreiber war.
Nachdem er mit dem Thema abgeschlossen hat, geht unser Roboter noch eben seiner Arbeit nach und repariert im Hinterzimmer den Plasmaschneider eines Wartungsroboters, was gleichzeitig auch seinen “Beruf” darstellt. Als RT sich allerdings zum Aufladen seiner Kräfte an die Ladestation begab, wurde sein friedlicher Alltag jäh gestört:Ein Shuttle stürzt nahe seines Hauses ab und hinterlässt eine Schneise der Verwüstung.
Als RT das Shuttle betritt, versucht er noch letzte Daten aus dem Pilotenroboter zu retten… Doch was diese Daten ergaben, erschütterte RTs Welt und ein Kampf um die Wahrheit entbrennt.

In The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day bekommt der Spieler eine sehr spannende und vor allem gut erzählte Handlung geboten, die trotz eines (mittlerweile) gebrauchten Setting zwischen Postapokalypse und Cyberpunk sehr erfrischend wirkt. Einer Knackpunkt: Es ist echt kurz, auch wenn ein Cliffhanger am Ende des Spiels den Nachfolger, Light at the End, einläutet.
Spielzeit: ca. 2,5 Stunden


Das Spielprinzip ist ähnlich zu dem von Life is Strange: Es ist gewissermaßen ein dreidimensionales Point’n’Click-Game, welches selten durch (simple, aber stets wunderbar passend implementierte Rätsel unterbrochen wird. Das klingt natürlich nicht nach dem spannendsten Gameplay, aber das Prinzip passt einfach perfekt zur Story. Da man einen “stinknormalen”, auf kleine Reparaturmaßnahmen ausgelegten Roboter ohne jegliche Spezialfähigkeiten spielt, würde ein Shooter oder ein tiefgründiges Stealthgame einfach keinen Sinn ergeben. Die Story führt durch das Spiel und das Gameplay ist hierbei eher ein eintöniges Beiwerk - man muss halt darauf stehen.


Was man aber neben diesem speziellen Geschmack noch haben sollte, ist eine relativ hohe Toleranzgrenze für eine holprige technische Umsetzung. Man bewegt sich recht statisch und mit generischen Animationen durch die Kulissen, während eine fehlende Kamerasteuerung (ja, man bleibt immer in der fixen, festen Bildeinstellung des jeweiligen Ortes) es auch nicht gerade ermöglicht, die Orte wirklich zu erkunden. Dadurch geht eine Menge Flair, aber auch viele Details dieser wunderbaren Welt verloren.
Wo auch viel verloren geht, ist bei den wunderbar geschriebenen und ebenso sehr gut vertonten Dialogen. Sollte man drei verschiedene Dialoge zur Option haben (man kann sich schließlich wie in Life is Strange, Mass Effect etc. pp. durch mehrere Antworten und Fragen klicken), muss man sich wirklich für eine Option entscheiden - sollte man aus drei Fragen wie “Was mache ich hier?”, “Wer seid ihr?” und “Was ist meine Aufgabe” wählen können, muss man sich wirklich für eine dieser Optionen final entscheiden, denn obwohl nichts gegen die anderen Fragen sprechen sollte, darf man die nicht mehr stellen. Das Gespräch ist beendet, man kann nichts wiederholen. Da lässt man einfach viel zu viel Potential auf der Strecke liegen...

Das Gameplay ist halt recht simpel und eintönig, man vermag es als “Point’n’Click-Walking Simulator” beschreiben - das macht das ganze Spiel recht nischig, auch wenn ich mich an dieser Stelle als Fan solcher ruhigen Spiele outen muss. Allerdings ist muss man auch als Fan solcher Spiele bedenken, dass das Spiel technisch nicht perfekt ist und durch fragwürdige Designentscheidungen auch sehr viel Spieltiefe missen lässt.


+ durchdachte, abwechslungsreiche Locations
+ gute Kombination Vintage x Cyberpunk
+ starke Sounds, super abgemixt
+ super Soundtrack
+ viel Witz durch Eastereggs. Sehr viele Eastereggs.


• keine deutsche Synchro, nur Untertitel
• sehr simple Übersetzung

- statische Animationen
- veraltete Texturen (selbst für 2015)

Fazit: Allem voran: The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day bietet eine sehr spannende und echt gut inszenierte Story, welche auch das Highlight des Spiels darstellt. Diese interessante Story bietet ebenfalls einen recht umfangreichen Tiefgang in die Lore und die Charaktere (wohl angemerkt: Herzlose Roboter!); dazu trumpft das Spiel durch verdammt viel Charme durch einen riesigen Haufen an Eastereggs und Anspielungen zur heutigen Popkultur auf.
Auf der anderen Seite allerdings: Die Steuerung ist sehr holprig, fraghafte Designentscheidungen im Gameplay rauben dem Spiel noch mehr Tiefgang und die überraschend hervorragende Synchronisation trifft auf eine angestaubte Grafik, die schon zum Release 2015 niemanden zu begeistern wusste.
Dazu kommt der Preis von 14,99 für rund zweieinhalb Stundenspielzeit und mittelmäßiger Technik - man es zwar dadurch gutreden, dass das Spiel für dieses sehr kleine Team hinter dem Spiel sehr teuer wurde, aber Preis/Leistung stimmen trotzdem nicht. Zu einem guten Preis im Sale ist das Spiel allerdings für alle Freunde des Genres und Settings zu empfehlen, fast schon als Must Have.

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46 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 10:24
An sich ein Spiel was es schafft das man nicht die Lust verliert. Leider ist die Spieldauer mehr als gering mit gerade mal 3Std. Ich habe 3,5Std, aber auch nur weil ich mich manchmal einfach nur länger umgesehen habe als benötigt.

Story ist gut.

Was allerdings nervig ist, ist die Steuerung und die Reaktion. Es kommt häufig vor das er irgendwo hängen bleibt, weil die Steuerung verzögert reagiert. Rennen ist ebenfalls nicht gerade gelungen.

Alles in allem aber ein schönes Spiel mit guter Story für zwischendurch.
27 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 14:06
Finde ich für den Preis echt zu wenig. Die Steuerung hat mir den Spielspaß komplett genommen. 2,6 Spielstunden für so viel Geld. Nicht zu empfehlen.
11560 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 09:39
A great point'n'click adventure game where you play a robot who's on the journey to discover interesting stories about robots and (vs.) humans in the far future! Many nice easter eggs and choices to make! Yes, you can even [spoiler]die![/spoiler]
Just enjoy the game! The sequel is about to release still this year! :)

Rating: 90/100
290 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 21:40
Fesselnde Story in diesem fast vier Jahre alten Adventure. Hat mich von der ersten Minute an gepackt, 3 Stunden voller Spannung und große Entäuschung danach, dass das Spiel nach 3 Stunden Spielzeit (leider etwas zu kurz) abrupt endet.
Gute Nachricht! Es soll eine Fortsetzung geben, werde diese bestimmt auch spielen.
252 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 18:16
Und wieder eine Indieperle, die ich erst viel zu Spät entdeckt habe.

Der Sound die Grafik und die Atmosphäre, sind wieder überragend. Und wieder lebt ein Spiel von seinem Protagonisten und seiner Sicht auf die Dinge. Mann möchte es in einem Rutsch direkt durch Spielen und stellt dann plötzlich fest. Das es selbst mittlerweile 2020, immer noch nur eine Episode von dem Spiel gibt.

Nun kommt ja mittlerweile The Uncertain Light At The End raus und ich kann nur hoffen, das damit das Spiel weiter erzählt wird. Denn die Handlung ist sehr fesselnd und macht einen Stellenweise auch sehr nachdenklich.

Eine klare Empfehlung für alle, die auf Atmosphärische Geschichten stehen.
298 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 12:48
The controls feel clumsy and you often have to click multiple times until the system registers the input.

Also it feels like a game that Telltale didn't want to release. The same type of episode driven interactive story. Not much to explore. Just a cycle of go to a, interact with something, go to be to find the missing part of a, go back to a, cutscene, repeat.

Takes 3 hours to finish when you want to see everything and walk into every corner. About an hour if you know where you have to go.

125 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 21:01
Sehr unterschätztes spiel hat grosses potential und verdient mehr aufmerksamkeit. Freue mich schon auf den zweiten teil.
42 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 22:21
Trotz der relativ kurzen Spielzeit dieser Demo war ich schnell gefesselt.
Die Geschichte begann schnell mein Interesse zu wecken und die postapokalyptische Atmosphäre sowie die Spielwelt luden zum Nachdenken ein. Allein die Sicht des Protagonisten auf für Menschen vollkommen alltägliche Dinge war für mich faszinierend. Zudem mochte ich die Mechanik, dass der Protagonist Gegenstände erst dann als hilfreich und der Mitnahme würdig ansieht, sobald er auf ein Problem stößt, welches eben diesen Gegenstand erfordert. Ein riesiges und unsichtbares Inventar mag praktisch sein, doch passt es nicht in dieses Spiel und ich bin zufrieden mit der beschriebenen Umsetzung, welche das Spiel wie beschrieben bereichert. Eine schöne Eigenschaft des Spieles sind meiner Meinung nach die Dialoge, in welchen man sich für eine Antwort oder Frage entscheiden muss. Kein Quicksave der die Möglichkeit bietet jeden Dialogweg direkt zu erkunden. Das mag teilweise zu Frustration führen, jedoch wird somit nur der Wiederspielwert gesteigert und Entscheidungen erhalten mehr Bedeutung. Außerdem luden die vielen diskreten Eastereggs im Spiel immer wieder zum Schmunzeln ein.
Einziger Negativpunkt mag wohl die Steuerung sein, die stellenweise etwas anstrengend und langsam ist. Gerade bei etwas längeren Distanzen spielt man unbewusst Fahrstuhlmusik im Kopf ab. Allerdings sind die Bereiche meist überschaubar und somit fällt dies nicht besonders ins Gewicht.

Alles in allem ist das Spiel durch sein erfrischend neues Storytelling und die Spielweise einfach nur empfehlenswert.
206 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 13:13
Ich fasse es kurz.
-Schreibstil / Erzählung
15€ für ein Spiel das 100 Minuten dauert, und davon 30 Minuten hin und herlaufen sind ist meiner Meinung nach ausreichend Grund dieses Spiel nicht zu spielen.
(Hin und Herlaufen sind Teil von Point and Click Adventures, aber im Gegensatz zu anderen PnC Spielen macht es hier kein Spaß. Vor allem mit den restlichen Negativpunkten.)
134 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 23:31
Im Grunde genommen ein sehr gutes Spiel, bei dem ich mich auf die Fortsetzung freue.

Konzept und grundlegende Story sind relativ gut.
Das Feeling welches man wenn man sich tief ins Spiel reinsteigert ist was echt geiles.
+ 10 Gummipunkte für die Eastereggs.

Steuerung und Kamera Movement ist klobig.
Manche Stellen in der Story ziehen sich wie Kaugummi, bei manchen stellen ist alles auf einmal zu schnell und man kommt nicht mehr hinterher.

Empfehlenswertes Spiel, es macht Spaß auch wenn es manchmal eine Tendenz dazu hat, das man aufhören will zu spielen, aber dieses nie umsetzt und sich schnell genug noch rettet. Am Ende hat man in diesen Spiel eine Top Story, die leider relativ kurz, mit manchmal zwar langweiligen, meist aber Spannenden Rätseln und auch für wenig Leistung (Hardware technisch) super Grafik.
473 Produkte im Account
116 Reviews
250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 19:18
The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day
Sci Fi Indy von 2016.
900. Review in meinem Archiv.

Du bist RT-217NP und exestierst in einer postapokalyptischen Welt.
Die Menschheit wurde durch verheerende Kriege ausgelöscht.
Als Roboter triffst du auf andere Roboter, klar denn es gibt ja keine Menschen mehr.
Stell dir vor, du musst moralische Entscheidungen in einer Welt bar jeder Moral treffen. Logik regiert diese Welt und jede Entscheidung besteht nur aus Einsen und Nullen. Die meisten Konzepte erlangen so eine ganz neue Bedeutung, während andere nicht länger anwendbar sind. Zum Glück haben vernunftbegabte Wesen, auch wenn sie keine Menschen sind, immer eine Wahl.
Das trifft auf dich zu, da du deine Programmierung ein wenig angepasst hast.
RT-217NP, also du, hast ein Hobby, Erforschung der menschlichen Rasse. Dazu nutzt du deine Fähigkeit alte Maschienen und mehr zu analsieren, was gar nicht so einfach ist.
Erlebe beim Erkunden der zahlreichen Schauplätze deren mysteriöse Atmosphäre. Stelle deine Talente auf die Probe und löse diverse Rätsel. Triff tiefgreifende Entscheidungen und besprich faszinierende Angelegenheiten, um die ganze Wahrheit, die man dir vorzuenthalten versucht, zu erfahren.
Der ganze Aufbau dieses Spieles ist wirklich außergewöhnlich.
Ich will nicht zu viel sagen, am besten gar nix.......
Jedoch kann ich euch nur wärmstens empfehlen es zu Spielen.
Mein Tipp: spielt es ohne euch vorher was anzuschauen. Ihr würdet euch nur den ganz besonderen Reiz nehmen.
Hier ein Link als Hilfe solltet ihr mal wo stecken bleiben.


Puzzles in Verbindung mit Point & Click.
Klassisches 3D-Adventure mit einer einzigartigen Story.
Episode 1 ist einfach toll gemacht...

???? Powered by HoI 4 Deu Kuratorengruppe auf deutsch/englisch ????

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The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day
Sci Fi Indy from 2016.
900th review in my archive.

You are RT-217NP and you exist in a post-apocalyptic world.
Humanity was wiped out by devastating wars.
As a robot, you will meet other robots, of course, because there are no people anymore.
Imagine you have to make moral decisions in a world devoid of any morality. Logic rules this world and every decision consists only of ones and zeros. Most concepts take on a whole new meaning, while others are no longer applicable. Fortunately, rational beings, even if they are not human, always have a choice.
This applies to you because you have adjusted your programming a little.
RT-217NP, so you, have a hobby of researching the human race. You use your ability to analize old machines and more, which is not so easy.
Experience the mysterious atmosphere while exploring the numerous locations. Put your talents to the test and solve various puzzles. Make profound decisions and discuss intriguing matters to learn the whole truth they're trying to keep from you.
The whole structure of this game is really extraordinary.
I don't want to say too much, preferably nothing .......
However, I highly recommend playing it.
My tip: play it without looking at anything beforehand. You would only take away the very special charm.
Here is a link to help you get stuck somewhere.

https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=The+Uncertain%3a+Last+Quiet+Day&&view=detail&mid=C731ACC94C1560FB97F9C731ACC94C1560FB97F9&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=% % 2520Day% 26FORM% 3DO1HV2

Puzzles in connection with point and click.
Classic 3D adventure with a unique story.
Episode 1 is just great ...

???? Powered by HoI 4 Deu Curators group in German / English ????

and discover more reviews from me ????
21 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 20:17
Dieses Spiel ist so schön gemacht mit sehr viel Liebe und einer tollen Story.
Obwohl man in 3-4 Stunden durch ist wenn man sich alles in Ruhe anschaut lohnt sich dieses Spiel trd.
108 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.20 03:22
Insteressante Story, aber hakelige Steuerung und inhaltlich recht kurz. Fazit: Nette Demo.
Kostenlos kann man es ja ruhig ausprobieren, aber von einem Kauf würde ich abraten.
32 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
66 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.20 01:34
Kann das Spiel kostenlos empfehlen.
Die Geschichte ist Intressant und die Rätsel sind auch ganz gut.
was mich stört: Die Steuerung ist absolut schlecht. An vielen Passagen läuft die figur irgendwo gegen eine Wand oder lässt sich sehr schlecht steuern. Man hätte deutlich mehr aus dem spiel raus holen können. Ich hoffe das der zweite Teil gut wird. Freue mich schon
25 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 10:33
somehow cute, but very short and a flat story. if you dont get the game for free, dont buy it. there are much better games for this amount of money.
81 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 16:32
Das erste Kapitel spielt sich flüssig. Die Rätsel waren bis zum Ende des Kapitels nicht sehr schwierig. Die Storyline hat viel Potenzial. Die Grafik kann sich sehen lassen. Insgesamt ist das Spiel von der ruhigeren Sorte. Keine große Hektik von daher entspannend. Kein Jump'n Run und keine riesigen Gefechte, wer das sucht ist hiermit falsch bedient. Wer aber etwas rätseln möchtee, dem sei es empfohlen.
335 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 15:59
Habe mich gefreut es umsonst spielen zu können. War um 100 % runtergesetzt. Nun würde ich es nichtmal spielen wenn ich dafür bezahlt werden würde, geschweige denn dafür bezahlen.

-steife steuerung
-komische kameraperspektiven
-story is nur ok, kann deutlich besser sein
-voiceacting ist nur ok, kann deutlich besser sein
-illusion von entscheidungen in konversationen die alle ohnehin zu einem ziel führen
-inkonsistenter unimersiver hauptcharakter

Das schlimmste ist ja das solche Games UNGLAUBLICHES Potential aufweisen und es hier aber scheinbar einfach halbherzig hochgeladen wurde.

347 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 14:25
Ich bin kein Adventure-Fan, aber bei dieser kostenlose Episode wollte ich mal einen Blick riskieren, da mir das Setting gefällt: spielt in der Zukunft, Menschen sind weg, Roboter haben übernommen. Genau meine Welt ^^
Vorneweg: es hat sich gelohnt. Auch als Adventure-Amateur konnte ich mich gut zurecht finden und ohne grosse Schwierigkeiten die Wege finden und Rätsel lösen. Es entstand kein Frust durch komische Kombinationsmöglichkeiten auf die nur Adventure-Freaks kommen würden.
2 Negativpunkte: Die Steuerung fand ich hier und da mal ungenau und Kollege RT ist gegen ne Wand gelaufen, aber das ist noch OK, da ich das nicht als nervig empfand.
Die Sequenzen im Aero, während der Flucht vor dem PolizeiBot, während der man nach hinten schaut, haben mir so nicht gefallen. Irgenwie fühlte sich das an als wollte man dadurch den Arcadeteil künstlich anspruchsvoller machen. Gerne zukünftig anders lösen oder weglassen ;)
Im Grossen und Ganzen macht es aber neugierig auf die nächste Episode :)
323 Produkte im Account
451 Reviews
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281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.24 06:25

Short Review

If I have to describe this game it would be very vanilla, average and bland. Its the run of the mill scenario with being basically a prequel to the next game. It controls like a telltale game and the puzzles are as easy as they are without having any decent dialogues.

There are one or two puzzles or switches in gameplay but the slow movement speed, relatively mild story and lack of good puzzles left me quickly bored. Especially since most of the dialog either is about the current environment, humans or humans did x thing ahah how silly and illogical and we live in a communist utopia kind of thing.

Not memorable and didnt leave a good impression so wont be purchasing the "full" game.
411 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.24 23:12
From the perspective of a 41 year old, having played all kinds of games since my first game on Commodore 64 called "Pool of Radiance", I have since played many games in various genres. I cannot recommend this game, especially for anyone who enjoys point and click adventures.

The game started off with a great premise and now that it is almost eight years old, graphically well done. The design aesthetic of the robots is pretty good and the controls seem fine for this kind of game. I never expect point and click adventures to have any amount of freedom beyond rendered/setup scenes, this one felt more restrictive as I played. The puzzles were also just point and click affairs to move the story along. Not the kind of "logic" you would fine in puzzle solving in games like "Secret of Monkey Island" or "Grimm Fandango" or any of the other mid to late 90's point and click adventures. It just felt hollow (the only word that comes to mind) and made it even less fun and more of a chore that I don't care to know how the story ends.

I would spend $9.99 (current price as of reviewing) on something else.

I just had to go back and play the game and complete it. Call me a sucker for punishment. I am not sure what this game is trying to be really. I am not sure breaking up the pace with mini-games is such a good idea for this kind of adventure game. The quick time response moments, the flight mini-game... It doesn't fit. At least I can say I completed this game. I believe there is a "sequel"
858 Produkte im Account
245 Reviews
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.23 23:44
✅ Point & click puzzle solving adventure game
✅ Interesting story setting
✅ Playing as a robot gave a different perspective
✅ Good soundtracks
✅ Very impressive graphics for an indie game
✅ Good variety of puzzles

❌ Extremely slow and clunky movement
❌ Fixed camera
❌ Choice system was too restrictive
❌ Too many story elements are unexplained
❌ Extremely short game (~3-4 hours)
163 Produkte im Account
198 Reviews
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63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.23 18:43
The 63 minutes of playtime were me trying to get the game to not crash on startup. Never even got to see the start menu.
0 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
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188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.23 07:29
Got bored 50% into the game, lasted till 90% after which I just uninstalled, not enough of the story was given for me to care about why I'm doing anything in the game at all.
23 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.23 06:55
The story is interesting but game play on the otherhand is laggy and dogshit.
1525 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
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155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.23 18:27
Indie market in 2016 was in rough shape for this game to get any awards. So what exactly are we getting in this “award winning” product?
  • Visuals. Average at best, in action - horrible animation that makes you want to laugh.
  • Sound. Just horrible, which is surprising. The game's soundtrack is free to check and consists of a bunch of full tracks, yet in game all the music is in 10 second loops that repeat ad nauseam. I had to turn it off to finish the game. The same goes for effect sounds, they aren’t pleasant and add nothing but headache, so turned off they were. Voice acting is mostly non-existent. Considering that all of the characters are robots the devs could just take a text to speech service and get it done. Instead we have both excessively cheerful and half-sleeping monotonous voice lines that are as annoying as the rest of sound effects.
  • Horrible controls. The game has a randomly timed lag on all input, sometimes it straight out ignores that you are pressing the buttons. How you can break walking in a walking game is beyond my understanding. Oh, and while interacting with objects your character can get stuck in something while moving to the interaction spot. Considering how short the game is - the devs clearly didn’t care enough to troubleshoot even the most obvious problems, and that tells a lot about their attitude.
  • Story. It is not here. They took one of the most generic premises and did nothing with it. Yes, I know this is some kind of prequel, but why did you even make a story-driven game when you clearly had no story to tell?
  • Even though the game can be finished in 2 hours - it still feels too long. The main reason for it - lots of useless items that prompt a voiceline but do nothing to the story (half of them are easter eggs that refer to other games, so goodbye immersion) and horribly slow walking even while holding shift. Even setting aside the walking - you will get a bunch of dull and primitive minigames, like “match two”, “press a button in time” and some kind of a chase sequence where you don’t even see where you are going. All of those feel dull, almost like the devs added them to make the game longer than 10 minutes of actual content that they had.

In conclusion I will ask this: if the game is a “story driven adventure” but has neither the story nor the adventure - how am I supposed to have fun? Don’t buy it even on a discount as you will just waste your time.
796 Produkte im Account
188 Reviews
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.23 01:36
For a moment, let's pretend I was born between 1995 and about 2010: "Not gonna lie," Okay we're done - back to writing like a normal adult now: "The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day" is a goofy-sounding title. At first blush, it didn't fill me with confidence.

I acquired this game for free in March 2020, when the Public Health Industry™ recommended partially shutting down human civilization for two weeks. It led to a raft of free games from generous publishers and developers that wanted to help encourage citizens around the world to "Stay Home." Two weeks ended up being darn near two years, but it wouldn't be another three and a half years before I played The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day.

The game surprised me with its crisp Unity engine visuals. If you play a lot of video games, I think you can pick up on how a game engine "looks." Something to do with a game engine's particular rending pipelines can be understood through pattern-recognition.

Despite it obviously being an indie game with modest production values, TU:LQD has a very nice presentation that I'm not used to seeing in adventure games. It also suffers a common problem with Unity games that look good: relatively poor performance. I reduced the resolution to 2560x1440 so that indoor scenes would run at 60 FPS instead of 30-40 FPS. Yes, my GPU is now very old, but it was considered top-of-the-line when the game was released.

Gameplay is mostly point-and-click style adventure gaming, though it's not possible to freely move the character by clicking on the ground. Given the struggles Syberia 3 and 4 had with click-to-move in a 3D environment, I can accept this decision. WASD controls move him and it's all a bit clunky. He's a robot after all, so the stiff controls actually seem on-brand.

The setting is post-post-apocalyptic. Mankind did not survive the post-apocalypse and has apparently gone extinct. I've decided to avoid these kinds of settings because I don't like the misanthropy that often comes with them. I've played games like Stray and Mutant Year Zero fall, which fall into this category. TU:LQD has plenty of digs at humans, but the story is actually about respecting humanity. I won't spoil how the story unfolds.

I love the main robot's voice acting, but I could NOT play this game when I was tired. His speaking is so even and calm that it's downright soporific. He was literally putting me to sleep -- no cap!

....Oops. Back to being born in the 1980s...

There was one glitch I encountered at the end of the game. I accidentally did the final objective of the game before exploring the last room, and I smashed Alt+F4 to prevent it from auto-saving. There are no manual saves or multiple save slots. I reloaded and it brought me back to before I'd done that objective as I'd hoped, but a keypad lock I'd seen on a locker in the security room... just disappeared. I found the code in the room I'd missed earlier, but the lock was no longer there. I tried reloading again, but the game's state was bugged with regards to a few things in that area. Oh, well.

I've seen this game has a sequel, The Uncertain: Light at the End. I enjoyed Last Quiet Day and I hope to find more smooth 3D adventure games like this. But apparenlty LatE isn't as good. Eh, maybe I'll check it out at some point, anyways.

632 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.23 03:24
This game is not fun. With the interesting combination of very slow movement and fetch quests, this one's a real doozy! And to top it off, it has a delightfully mediocre story. Not worth your time, let alone $10. Avoid.
0 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
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311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.23 14:58
If you're looking for a game with a gripping cyberpunk/dystopian-ish story, then probably this is not for you. Received it for free but for its steam price, its not rewarding enough and overall a forgettable experience.

The story is linear, which isn't bad, but it seems to be only a prologue of a whole story, and before it actually gets interesting, the game ends. The gameplay felt very sluggish as the MC walks at a leisurely pace which is very annoying, and the backtracking aspect also felt kinda dragging. The main characters are robots which aren't that interesting either. It even eventually gets more annoying to bear with them hearing their monotonous voice.

Unfortunately, I don't think I was enticed to buy the continuation of this game even at a discounted price. I can only probably recommend this if you're an achievement hunter though (or if you received it for free like me, give it a try). All achievements are easy and I recommend looking up a guide early on to avoid missing some achievements along the way. Otherwise, better not waste your time on this one.
12 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 01:32
Controls are rudimentary which make controlling the robot hard at times and you die so many times because of this. It's very frustrating sometimes when you have keep trying to complete a situation because of the dumb controls. I've almost given up on it.
1264 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 05:12
Great little game finished on a cliff hanger though. Achievements mostly achievable by looking at everything. great game for people who enjoy puzzles and point and click adventures. the story is good and the music and visuals are good too.
466 Produkte im Account
114 Reviews
168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 22:21
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad

☐ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☑ Not great
☐ Bad

☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ Not too bad, but not too good
☐ Bad

☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ All

---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Current generation hardware

☐ Just press 'W'
☑ Easy
☐ Requires effort
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

☐ Nothing to grind
☑ Only if you want achievements
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind

☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☑ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely

---{Game Time}---
☑ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short - <10 hours
☐ Average - 10-20 hours
☐ Long - 21+
☐ Never-ending

☐ It’s free
☐ Worth the price
☑ Buy on sale
☐ Not recommended

☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Noticable bugs
☐ Game ruining bugs
829 Produkte im Account
104 Reviews
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74 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 00:44
An adventure game with tank controls that can't be rebound (instead of point and click) and very short tasks that have you moving between multiple screens with said controls.
1140 Produkte im Account
302 Reviews
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223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 16:57
The controls are a bit clunky, you tend to get stuck in a lot of places, the story is a bit boring and over-used if you ask me.
190 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 22:39
Fails to launch for some strange reason? intel i7, Rtx 3070, tried multiple times, I remember i launched it years ago on a crappy macbook but refuses to do so today!
358 Produkte im Account
264 Reviews
349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 19:30
80 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 18:21
This was great, I loved the puzzles never seen puzzles like these... a lot of games felt reptetive when it comes to puzzles.

The game was basic but thats what made it a good. It was simple and easy to understand

i loved the story, voice acting was on point when it comes to robots but at the end of the game
where the human starts talking felt so off.
754 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 22:43
Good game. Control is a little bit problematic, but game is good and I want to see more of the story.
162 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
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255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 02:45
Though I like the concept and art...
the gameplay is beyond linear : it is an insult to the player's intelligence.

There are two puzzles that offered a bit of challenge, but the game systems and story are too simple.

There are other games that are very linear and simple, and that I still recommended, but this one is just too weak. The writing also has some noticeable weaknesses and the movement/camera is annoyingly slow.

Time : about 4 hours on average.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 21:30
Beautifully done free puzzler.
135 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 09:48
Very slow pace. A lot could be solved just by having the robot move a bit faster. I liked some of the internal dialogue remarking how weird and inefficient humans used to do things. I literally laughed out loud once alone in my room, which rarely happens. But it is really short, ends abruptly and once again... extremely slow.
25 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 08:58
A quality game with good dialouge and interesting story.
All the puzzles have decent difficulty and come in many different varieties
177 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 22:15
Oh! You have click the pixel on the side to turn the radio around first, THEN you can click the battery cover, and only then do you have the satisfaction of clicking to put the batteries in.

Go play The Talos Principle. That is worth paying for. I did get this at no cost. Thankfully
281 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 17:42
The game itself is too slow, it gets boring very quickly
209 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 12:51
I like the soundtrack. I like the graphics, but the animation is weak. The only real complaint so far are the the really bad directional controls. I am playing Kb&M, but they should not be this bad. As bad as the controls are, I would have rather had the old point on the ground to move feature, and believe me, I really hate that bunk.
UPDATE: Played for a bit more. Yeah this game sucks. The puzzles are easy which is ok I suppose, if it had a great story but that's not the case here. Even without a great story it sill would have been ok if these controls actually worked. When you enter a room you have to completely let go of the movement until the bot comes to an full stop, and only then does it let you turn a different direction. The bot walks really slow, and the sprint is about as fast a n old person at the local Mall. smh
33 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 11:17
the story is intresting, but i don't like that you cant load up to a certain check point.
152 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 10:52
Its not awful but it has one incredibly bad piece of game design. It will make items interactable only if you actually need the item. So for example, that brick you saw two minutes ago and couldnt interact with? Well you can and have to pick it up now. Only you dont know that you can now interact with it, and its in a room you´ve already searched and found nothing of value there. Its like that over and over again. Basically every time you progress in the story you have to go back and check every single room and item all over again.
309 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
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751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 03:19
I picked this up at a good discount and got it for a few bucks. I can't recommend this at all. Even at the the discounted rate. It was not worth the time to play. The controls were very clunky. The dialogue was very poorly written. It seemed like it was written by a middle school student. Often it didn't mesh with the captions as well. Worst of all the gameplay was just boring. Search a room for a item, come back plug it in. Now find another item and give it to someone etc.

Most of the puzzles were very dull. One was impossible for me and had to google it. Why? Because only someone who is very familiar with music would ever know how to figure it out. Here a tune playing in the background? Can you tell what order the notes are in EGAC etc? I sure can't. The solution doesn't have to do with anything written in the room. Nope you should just know it's the notes to the music playing.... Def gonna have to pass on part 2 of this even if it's free. This isn't even a full game. Your paying for part one of a game and that's assuming it is resolved in part 2.
590 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
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213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 02:12
I was enjoying where this was going .... too bad I never got there. When you get to the end of the game its just upsetting. Very little was answered most of the characters where barely developed. The trailer suggested you have to sneak around the police and you really don't. It also suggested there would be a lot of gathering of item and putting them together to satisfy that point and click itch. My itch was not even scratched. You have to move around your character with the keyboard which really there is only on spot you need that and only if you haven't turned off the appropriate console. Which would be OK if i didn't feel disoriented every seen change on which button is going to get me where I want. If you didn't quite catch it as i didn't clear say it there is no ending it just leaves you on a cliff hanger to by the next one in the series

If your looking for a chill stream that doesn't stick to one game check me out at https://www.twitch.tv/justthepassenger !
470 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
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308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 07:39
WHAT? This EPISODE of an unfinished game is sold for 15 €? You gotta be kidding.

I got this in some bundle for few bucks, but seeing how this very short (I have zero problems with short games - I actually love them) purposefully UNFINISHED STORY makes my mind blow. The audacity of the developers to pretend this is a standalone game and ask so much money for it.

THIS IS NOT A STANDALONE GAME. It feels like 1st episode of a game that doesn't fully exist yet. It will take you about 3-4 hours to finish.
788 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 03:54
Consider this a light thumbs up, and only if you can receive the game for free (or in Humblebundle, where I received my copy). It's a short experience dealing with a post-apocalyptic world in which robots are the only ones remaining on Earth, or so it seems. The controls and gameplay are jankey, and the voice acting is stiff to the point of being painful, but if you can overlook these two elements, it's not a terrible game. It's uneven, basic, and often has you examining objects pointlessly. The best part of the experience for me was the soundtrack, which at least provided the mood which was lacking in the voices. Anyway, not an easy game to review since it's both interesting and not great at the same time.

At the end of the day, it feels more like a concept for a game than a polished final product, and the concept I like.
302 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 16:43
the gameplay and movement are very still, and therefore, all the walking is a bit frustrating but the rest of the game is great. I love the visuals, the characters, the story, the music, and the puzzle elements aren't too annoying, difficult, or tedious either.

So it's really worth buying when it's on sale!
167 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 11:18
Boring slow paced point n click linear story. So the robots took over and are much better and faster than humans, yet our first task is to spend 1/2 hour finding a battery this robot can't find himself. Riiiiight
262 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 22:30
The controls are so annoying the amount of time my character didn't stop walking when I entered another room.
The force camera angles seem kinda pointless and get more in the way most the time.
The game looked nice and has potential but how it is now like this I would never pay for it.
The story is very bland the voice acting and such seem pretty meh the puzzles half the time weren't really puzzles or were more annoying than challanging,
the evading trees with the cars was also annoying you could move your mouse but it forces it back instantly and sometimes the autoamted stearing made me aim for trees , when the turret was following me the red markes didn't help as I seemed to aim for trees instead of avoid them
45 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 20:34
Very linear - pretty boring and not worthy of being called a puzzle game.
57 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 19:08
good story overall and good puzzles , but they need to work on controls on controller , locking pointer with joystick is meh
767 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 16:52
Why oh Why do developers in this day and age still use auto-saves and checkpoints? People have a life you know and not knowing when the next save will be is frustrating. Friends knock on the door or the phone rings or you just want to do something different.
2146 Produkte im Account
528 Reviews
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210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 01:16
The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day is a very well-made point-and-click adventure, and many of my friends actually like it. Maybe you'll like it too. But I can't. Before I explain my point, here's an analogy.
Imagine that one of your best friends, the one that you haven't seen in a while, invited you to his wedding party. You accept, and the first expression after your arrival to the party scene is all-charming. The location is nice, the weather is great. Lofty tables with treats, elegant guests... And then you realize that the bride is ugly as sin. And the groom is as drunk as a horsefly, and you can't actually see any spark of reason in his eyes, and in this whole event as well. And then you turn your head and suddenly get a good knockout smack in it, and this party is over for you before you know it.

Oh, well. Once again: The Uncertain is probably one of the best point-and-click games I've seen lately, by the terms of how it works. Fine stability, nice visuals, superb music + more-or-less decent vocalization = good sound work in general. There are well-directed gameplay-wise transitions between scenes and the overall gameplay quality. Maybe most puzzles are a bit too easy, but it is not a real issue. Additionally, the game is full of well-implemented references, such as the crowbars here and there, or Praxis kit laying on the shelf in one location. Along with many other things! In my humble opinion, the exploring part is the best part of the game. As well as the music. I'd even say that everything is fine enough in this game...

Except for its main thing. The story. I simply can't buy it. It breaks logical chains with every twist, every turn, every dialog. Any story development, any piece of the story-related info you gather, doesn't actually add up. Some things are just quite naive. Then again, almost every dialog isn't just naive, but actually lacks much of the context.

Right after the second scene, after the first dialog with the policemen, I felt the urge to slap my face. I held back this impulse, but further, with each subsequent scene, with each dialogue, and each transition to the next task, this urge became stronger. And here I am, writing this text with the head trauma, initiated by this game and happened after probably the most severe facepalms I've suffered in some long time. But, guys, I don't want to be a drama queen. It's just a game, that applies that much to the feelings but using for it a very unbelievable setup. Then again, maybe it is just me, and you'll find the whole design gorgeous and fascinating. Or maybe, point-and-click adventures ain't your thing at all, or you'll not like the camera and the controls layout, or character animations, or the lags in response between clicking on some object and the actual action in the result...

It is all so uncertain. My personal mark, thanks to the bad story but the very good technical part, would be 6/10. Or probably -6/10 sane robots in the whole script.
248 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 14:21
Our future...
33 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 10:58
not bad just controlling not that smooth
86 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
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60 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 13:23
Original joke: I'm uncertain if I like the game or not.
44 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 19:33
It was an ok game, what kinda sucks is that you have to buy the other half of the game to get all the achievements
62 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
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36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 12:39
dude walks too slow and narrates mundane actions like a smart fridge
39 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
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72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 13:36
Even though the story is good, the game play, fixed camera or point and click just isn't my thing.
465 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 15:58
This is a really difficult one since this isn't a bad game whatsoever and the premise is interesting (even if it is a little cliched at times). However, it is at its heart a walking simulator / point and click and for my money, you need to have an engaging story to pull this off successfully. This story just didn't particularly grip me enough. Additionally, it felt a little shallow and just did not suck me into the narrative.

The above would be forgivable but there are some other aspects which further detract, such as clunky controls (e.g. the main character not changing direction, continuing to sprint, tank like controls etc). I think if you're going to be a walking simulator, you need to make sure the walking mechanic is not laborious.

I've certainly played worse games than this, but the short run time and the above issues stop me from recommending this. There are additional chapters and I *may* look into these if they are on sale (mainly because I don't like an incomplete story). Having said this, if this game is on sale for a few pounds / dollars, you could do worse.
639 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 04:01
The movement can be super clunky a lot of the time and the constant robotic voices get a bit tiring. However, The story and minigames/puzzles are good and make up for most of the unpolished parts of the game.
832 Produkte im Account
231 Reviews
152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 19:25
The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day is short point & click game in a post-apocalyptic setting. On the pro side is that the setting has potential and that puzzles are easily solveable, which is rare for the genre. On the cons side is that this game wasted all opportunities to have more meaningful social commentary and that many characters feel the same. It is too early for me to tell if the story and the characters are going to end up good in the sequel. It isn't a must play and it could be more engaging, but you might as well check it out sometime.
875 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 01:25
Extremely tedious gameplay with a mediocre story and bland dialog.
172 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 19:57
Cool story and voice acting, the graphics are also nice. The only real downside to this game is how clunky the controls are and how awkward the camera pan and angles are.
436 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
1214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 22:25
It's a really great game! I loved the story, the puzzles, and all the little things it had to offer! It was a short yet sweet game. I can't wait for the next one that's coming! If there was one thing to be desired, it would be movement. It was jank sometimes! Would try to walk straight and end up waling on an angle somehow and wouldn't budge till the character was at a complete stop. Only happened sometimes, but was annoying! Only thing I really didn't about this game. Everything else seemed pretty solid!
191 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
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220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 17:53
boring game, not worth the time spent (even tho it takes 3 hours in total)
45 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
15706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 19:05
The game is fine, played it a little
513 Produkte im Account
268 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 17:34
I really enjoyed the game. It has a unique and immersive story with nice graphics and good voice acting. The puzzles are fun and not too difficult.

The movement is a little bit clunky but still okay.
1029 Produkte im Account
246 Reviews
414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 14:11
149 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 03:26
I wanted to like this game, the story is really interesting. However, the gameplay it's self is really, really boring. You move so slow, even when running. Also, I understand that they are robots but there is NO INFLECTION in the voices. Minor Spoiler:
[spoiler] At one point you get approached by many Robo-Police and they are about to disintegrate you, but your character speaks in monotone the entire time. [/spoiler] The dialog is also just really boring, again, I understand they are robots but when just about all of the dialog sounds monotone, you can't expect me to stay invested.
509 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
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54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 02:35
732 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 13:40
Free steam game during the early days of the 2020 global pandemic. Uncertain is a streamlined/episodic puzzle adventure set in a world where robots gather in secret to help pockets of human survivors. With a guide it's 1 play through & done in 4 hours. Nice concept but the movement & interaction seems abit clunky at times.

Average completion time: 3-9 hours
Number of achievements: 32
Difficulty: casual
Replay-ability: tied to achievements
Online playerbase: N/A
316 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 16:14
Very original. Needs a bit of polish, but overall I had a lot of fun.
375 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
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65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 20:19
Very poorly done puzzle game, having to go back and forth collecting items to progress is terrible. Sometimes you have 5 screans you need to search .. just bad.
389 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
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245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 05:36

Painfully slow

It's not a bad game necessarily, it's basically a point and click with some movement. it's short which, in exchange to make it last longer, it's just extremely slow and dragged out. You cannot skip anything apart from the dialogues if you want to replay a certain part. You will walk back and forth in certain parts just to make small interactions, while the clunky movement does not help in the slightest, and this whole slow, repetitive, dragged gameplay eventually becomes boring.
For a lower price this game might be worth a try, if you have a lot of patience and a very long attention span. However, at full price, 3 hours of gameplay that could be cut in half if the game wasn't as dragged, is just not worth it in the slightest.
898 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 07:34
The game feels like it should be everything a good 3d adventure game should be, the premise is interesting and the story feels like it's going to be full of intrigue, but instead the game proceeds to fall apart after the first couple of segments. There are a couple of brief vehicle segments that are incredibly janky but have at least been made incredibly easy by the developers, but would have been better to have been cut from the game entirely. There is also a couple of puzzles in the same section that are basically down to luck as to your chance to solve them.

This is probably one you can skip unless the setting is something you really want to check out, but be prepared for a character that moves at a glacial pace and a story that does nothing and goes nowhere.
124 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 05:59
Tediously slow and console style gameplay.
435 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
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192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 02:47
Only paid $1.58 for this and still don't feel like I got my money's worth but spent too much time on it so can't refund it. The story is somewhat interesting but they don't do much with it and it is very short. Its like an old school click to move adventure game but with a 3rd person shooter interface put on it it. The graphics are decent but not great by today's standards. The sound and voice acting are fine. The actually gameplay is very weak. The story is fully linear. You can never do more than one thing at a time. You need to find the one item that will progress the story. The controls are poor. You can use a gamepad but the game interface isn't really designed for it. You walk up to items to interact with them but then still have to move the cursor over the item to actually do anything. I could not find a gamepad sensitivity setting that didn't overshoot back and forth over everything unless you turn it down to a crawl. The movement is clunky and the pathing got stuck a few times. Sometimes when you walk between rooms they switch the direction on you so you walk right back out or get stuck. The puzzles are very simple, the only difficulty is figuring out what to do not how to do it.
It says to be continued at the end but I don't know if that means I would have to buy more chapters or what? I am not sure I would want to play them even if they were free. I would recommend completely skipping this one, even if it was free.
1825 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 23:39
There's a beauty to the design and the story is a good one, but the interface is painfully slow and cumbersome. The Sierra adventures from 20 years ago did point and click better than this.
215 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 09:45
Not a good game
Story was cool at first but it lost its charm quick.
Controls are clunky and just overall bad.
It ends on a cliffhanger to make you play the next game which I will not be doing.
576 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 15:27
Decent adventure game with robots. Not much more to say.
160 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 09:39
It's okay.
It's not good, it's not bad.
It's just okay.
The ending is very abrupt and it's really only then that you realize this is not a full, standalone game. Instead, this is essentially just a prologue to a series that doesn't appear to have much hope of being finished within the next decade. I was left feeling punished for having invested my time and interest in the story, as if the developers were attempting to manipulate me into buying the next game in the series... and then the next, and the next. But a major flaw is that the only other game currently out is a concurrent companion piece and not a sequel, so I have little hope of seeing any degree of closure even if I did give it a purchase and play.

All that said, The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day would have improved tenfold if RT-217NP had kept the hat. This would have been a positive review if he'd kept the hat.

This game could still be salvaged! Let RT keep the hat!
535 Produkte im Account
104 Reviews
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188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 19:50
The pace of this game is unbearably slow and the movement and controls are really clunky.

Story is okay, but nothing special.

And the ending is in another game.
316 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 15:39

Robots or The Pandemic? I'd Choose Robots ♥

The world has ended. The robots had taken over. This neat post apolopytic game is from the eyes of a cute robot named RT (insert model name here). He was leading a normal robot lifeu when an incident makes him question what is wrong or right. Humans are gone but are they?

I thought out of most point and click adventures I played, this game has one of the best stories out there.. I adore end of the world games and I love cyber punk or futuristic games in general, so in that related theme this game has an amazing story. I mean artifical intelligence and robotics are being developed for the last few years. What is intriguing about the plot is like the pandemic (HEY 2020!) robots taking over the world CAN happen folks. This game covers only beginning of the story and is relatively short but was incredibly sufficient for a part 1. In the views of RT you hear what he says about humans or human life in general which is very entertaining. Are you uncertain to help, or do you not want to help or do you want to help? That is up to you. and depending on the choices you make you progress the story or reach bad ends. The story is very very linear , so do not expect miracle side plots.

There are several robotic characters, there is no major character development because hey its robots lol. But RT is very interesting. At the start of the game, the robot is introduced and he classifies himself as a robot with no designed purpose which is super interesting. And he collects and helps electronics, his hobbies are I assume doing side jobs for people and learning about humans. Even thought the robots in this game seems heavily pre-modified by the updates given by a governing body of robots, RT chooses independently not to update himself which is very self diplomatic especially for a robot. So yes, those small interesting details make the characters so interesting. Like for another example the medical bots in the hospital, programmed to save humans but the others who joins them are not designed for that but yet joins the task force. This shows maybe signs of artifical intelligence or maybe another conspiracy? Such as how the characters influence this amazing story imo.


You make choices in the game, you can collect items, you can play mini games. So its half VN, half point and click. There is a little bit of racing too but not too much. You can read notes left by humans etc etc. The gameplay is not super fascinating but serves the general purpose. I found that the movement is a little bit wonky and the camera angles can be a bit irregular sometimes, but it does not affect greatly to the enjoyment.

Art and Music
The art is well polished and nice not super great (like the landscapes needs work), but this game is a bit old so it's okay. The music is really REALLY good. You can just pause at the main screen and chill with a nestomalt for a couple of minutes because the music is so calming, a bit sad but serene.

Most achievements are super easy to get and is story related. There are some difficult ones like the pool table, and not dying once and finishing the game, and reading all notes in the game, but they are still possible to do so. For the meticulous achievement you need to listen to 4 tablets and read 5 notes (the achievement guide for steam is outdated and only points out the notes but it needs the tablets too). If you check the comments of the guide here on steam you can find more hints how to get the achievement. So good luck.

I think this a little bit short even for a part 1 of a game series, the puzzles are not super Nancy Drew difficult so the whole game is kind of calm and an enjoying experience. The achievements will need a little bit of effort but that also isn't too hard. Also the DLC content of the game is free and is very cool of the devs. The game has a second part which is released recently, but I have heard that the gameplay is not error free so I might hesitate to play that, but I desperately need to know the story too. So 50/50 possibility to play.
3869 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 21:54
A beautiful game about a robot that wanted to know more...

The game also has a lot of easter eggs from other games! (GABEN PLZ)

Story is nicely made too.

Totally recommend to play.

10/10 rebel robots
418 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 08:02
controls are absolute crap, and $15 dollars for a not even 2 1/2 hour unpolished game? OH! don't forget to mention only one part of it as well.
so much potential down the drain
-poor controls
-poor explanation
-vaque objectives
-extremely short game

but hey its pretty if you don't look too hard at anything.
383 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 03:32
4 hours of backtracking to solve simple puzzles. Can't pick up items before you need them, often can't even focus on them before they're needed. Some sequences were so trivial I wondered what was the point of making the player do that? It's not satisfying, not really clever or interesting. I didn't notice any meaningful choices along the way, and if there were any I probably missed them because the game cuts to the next part as soon as you've completed all current objectives, which isn't always obvious. I feel I missed out on some exploration because of that.

The graphics look kinda low budget, some scenes and assets clearly show more work than others, you'll see some blurry textures and pointy models in some places, usually at odd camera angles but still. Overall it looks fine, at best.

This could've been a really chill point&click game if not for some awful action sequences where you have to deal with terrible controls, invisible walls and just kinda power through them, wondering WTF were the devs thinking. They're not even challenging either, simply very very bad. At first I only noticed it's not a cutscene because the character started crashing into things, and it got progressively worse as I tried to guess the rules. Seriously, these should've been cutscenes.

Some of the logic minigames were fun, but generally nothing special there. Pretty hard to do some of them with a controller though, so had to switch to a mouse.

Conversations usually allow the player to only say one line/ask about one thing before cutting to the point. There's some rare errors in spoken dialogue lines, not terrible but regular enough to become jarring by the end. And it's not even a long game!

I enjoyed the story, although the characters seemed rather uninspired. Also the story is not very logically consistent, characters' actions don't seem particularly well thought out. And then it suddenly ends and you're off to get chapter 2.
1111 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 13:56
Really good sci-fi inspired post-apocalyptic story from the point of view of the robot. The story seems to be simple but it comes from the environment of that world. Nice graphics and animation part. Even the narrative part is really good. Puzzles are easy to solve (eg. bring an item from other place) and minigames are easy but quite interesting. It is well done game and I am looking forward to next part.
2047 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 08:04


This here is part 1 & the latest release, at time of writing I have yet to play, is part 2.
I'm not sure if there is plans for part 3.

-It's point & click.
-third person view
-it isn't unlike me to be drawn in to this friendly robots' existence, the simplicity of the game-layout
-I hope you were of the lucky group to have picked this game up WHEN it was 100% free on steam,
well if you're not, & you like point & click I suppose you'll enjoy it.
-the look of the game, the graphical layout is decent looking, I had the game installed on my FAT hard-drive,
so if you could imagine, [spoiler](sometime i was thinking of Mass Effect Andromeda-his aero car, maybe you'll recall)[/spoiler]
-auto-save's regularly :) [spoiler]was-bathroom-pleased with that[/spoiler]
-this game deserved THIS REVIEW,
-if you're careful & 'meticulous' you can 100% this game, it isn't difficult, I realize I was seeking to finish, TO-START-THE NEXT game, & see how that is, sure, we should notice things due to the connection of the 2 games, & how they relate to one another

thanx for reading
144 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 08:14
Got this game for Free.

+ Awesome Graphic.
+ Nice View.
+ Awesome Character Robot Design.
+ Good Story.

- Multiple Choice Dialogue didn't affect the Story , only affect the Achievement.
- There are some bugs.
26 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 16:33
I got this game for free so take this with a grain of salt.

This game looks fine and the idea is really cool but it took me all of three hours to get to the end. I thought it reached the climax of the game and it just...ended. No major fights or issues. Just a few puzzles and odd dialogue.
107 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
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210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 16:37
It has great potential. Interesting story, graphics, music. But controls. Oh god, they are so uncomfortable and the robot is so, so slow. The game would be completed way faster if not this. I hope for the future if the story progresses more they'll look into it. I know there's another game now. Expecting it's better.
2663 Produkte im Account
162 Reviews
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 15:30
Review brought to you by:

TentacleBunny's Cozy Cottage

Developed by the Russian studio New Game Order (formerly known as ComonGames), The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day is a 3D Point & Click adventure, with a strong storyline and quite ambitious direction. It’s the first episode, released in late 2016, and it took 4 years until we finally got the second chapter.

In a world where humanity has long perished, robots have replaced us, maintaining their own evolution. Inspired by our way of living, these machines work, learn, and socialize with each other remarkably resembling humans and their daily life. RT-217NP is a prime model of its kind, a robot whose curiosity allows him to grow at his own pace. He wanders around the city repairing and building tools, which he can sell to keep his curiosity alive.

The robots are not entirely free, and just like us, they built a hierarchy. The USS is the main frame controlling every activity, as well as distributing updates to every robot across the world. However, RT-217NP denies such updates, and instead embraces the evolution by himself, which will bring him the most uncertain revelations across his path.

The story behind The Uncertain can be seen as basic, but as the game progresses, the plot becomes more and more riveting. Last Quiet Day is the first episode, focusing on the robot’s side of view and the big mystery of what happened to humanity. The placement of events delivers an intriguing narrative and characters end up being quite interesting.

One of the strong points of the narrative is how RT-217NP sees and understands some of humanity’s objects. Art and contemporary items become the most fascinating artifacts for this intuitive robot, who tries to understand the reasons why some of us still prefer vinyl records over digital music. Other interactions will also be funny and entertaining, as we look upon a robot’s opinion on the most basic things.

When it comes to the gameplay, we can safely say this is an adventure driven game, with a classic take over the Point & Click genre. We control RT-217NP in specific areas, where we can interact with objects by looking at them, collecting, or just use them in a particular way. The puzzles weren’t left off, and there’s quite a few, all different and original. In one way or another, they add the necessary difficult rhythm to this adventure, creating just the right amount of a challenge.

The overall difficulty or challenge of the game is basically nonexistent, which affirms my take on this adventure being completely narrative driven. There isn’t any form of backtracking, and every clue you’ll need, can be found in your current location. Thus, always pushing the adventure onwards, and will definitely prove to be a good direction for players who dive themselves into the story, with no time for mediocre backtracking and mindless object gathering.

The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day likes to keep it fresh, and in some sense, it does. We rarely see a Point & Click with driving sections, and we have quite a few of them here. Although they are somehow repetitive, we drive, or should I say, we fly an aerocar.

The flight feels just like driving through linear segments while avoiding trees and jumping across rocks. The game delivers an idea of an open field, but it’s actually very scripted towards where you can move. There’s even some chases evolved, inspired by classic arcade titles.

Unfortunately, the chases can become somehow clunky, and that’s not the only place where we feel dragged behind when it comes to gameplay. The controls while moving with RT-217NP also feels stiff and heavy. It’s not fluid at all, especially when running, where its control sometimes becomes locked. It’s hard to understand if this was just lack of polishing, or just a tough time working with Unity. I tend to blame Unity a lot, especially in this case when I see so much detail put into the game’s design.

Aligned with its main story, the visual design is one of the strongest points of our adventure. Each area is really well depicted, bringing alive the small little details of the times where humanity once ruled the world. There’s a solid atmospheric vein present in each segment, yet, avoiding violence or excessive apocalyptic themes.

It succeeds in delivering an original idea of the intended world, with genuine attachments and locations looking absolutely amazing. The small cutscenes are really well rendered and attractive, adding a much smoother pace to the adventure and an overall characterization.

The soundtrack is also another strong point, with a few music tracks made exclusively for the game, and all of them intensely atmospheric. A mix between post-rock and a smooth classic vibration, combining in a great OST that could very well be a part of a movie.

There’s barely anything The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day does wrong, being a really interesting and peculiar game. The story alone may be more than enough for you to try it, and since it was free not so long ago, I’m certain you already own this indie Point & Clicker. If you can ignore the stiff controls and wonky movement, it’s a guarantee you’ll enjoy it and be sure to keep your eyes out for the second episode: The Uncertain: Light At The End.

My Walkthrough

341 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
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171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 02:13
This is a 3-hour point and click adventure game. The puzzles are generally simple, except for one musical one. Quite a few puzzles involve finding the right item, which would ok if the controls were not so poor and your character was so slow.
The story was meh, and unfortunately, it ends on a cliff hanger because there will be a 2nd episode.
Got it from the Humble bundle and regret my decision. Should've grabbed another game.
1394 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 00:26
I liked the game. The controlls are a bit clunky with a controller but it's playable.
The story is good and right when it starts to get interesting the game ends. To be continued.
55 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 21:27
Don't complain, you're a robot! the controls should feel clunky.... I had a fantastic relaxing but curiously entertaining evening
42 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
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289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 17:23
Just no, too short and clunky for 10$ game (at least in my region). It's basically only one episode, so no story ending. The only advantage is easter eggs. They are everywhere, especially half life references.
250 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 18:39
This was given to me randomly, and it was not much of a game.
Most of the gameplay is just clicking on everything untill you figure out what you need to do.
You are heavily railed in a straight line.
369 Produkte im Account
190 Reviews
213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 08:25

The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day

=== [Player Base: ] ===
☑ Casual players
☐ Hardcore players

===[ ???? Audience: ]===
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ Everyone
☐ Mature

===[ ???? Story] ===
☐ Doesn't have it
☐ Bad
☑ Average
☐ Good
☐ Fantastic

===[ ???? Graphics: ]===
☐ Really bad
☐ Bad
☑ OK
☐ Good
☐ Beautiful
☐ Masterpiece

===[ ???? Difficulty: ]===
☐ Easy Peasy
☐ Easy to learn but hard to master
☑ Medium
☐ Hard
☐ Dark Souls

===[ ⏰ Game time/length ]===
☑ Really short ( 0 - 4 hours)
☐ Short ( 4 - 12 hours)
☐ Average ( 12 - 24 hours)
☐ Long ( 24+ hours)
☐ Endless

===[ ☣ Requirments: ]===
☐ Toaster
☑ Average
☐ Solid Medium
☐ High end
☐ Unoptimized

===[ ???? Price ]===
☐ Full price
☑ Wait for sale
☐ Don't do it
☐ Free

===[ ???? Bugs ]===
☐ Game itself is a bug
☐ Lot of bugs
☑ Few Bugs
☐ Nothing

⭐️Finding hidden Easter eggs.
⭐️Solving moderate puzzles.

????Great story build up.
????Interesting character.


From what I have played, this story is going to be split into chapters, this being the first chapter (Last Quiet Day) and the second chapter being Light At The End which will be released somewhere in 2020. I enjoyed the majority of this gameplay but there are some cons, the movement is slow and clunky, the gameplay is super short and their's a few bugs where I've had to restart my game.

Saying all that, the game is worth a play just for the story. They've left it on a cliff hanger but we don't have to wait long due to the new release later this year, i'm hoping the suspense pays off and the gameplay is longer this time around.
Total Score = 71/100.

Detroit: Become Human

The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day is a story-driven adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic world. You see it from the perspective of an engineering robot RT-217NP, who seems to be very curious about the human race, long extinct in wasting wars. Experience the mysterious vibe of each of carefully explored locations. Test your skills, solving diverse puzzles. Make fateful decisions and discuss intriguing matters to find out the whole truth being kept from you.

■■■■■■■□□□ 7 / 10
RT is actually a little childish.
389 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 04:34
uff abigail tremenda waifu
393 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 07:25
There is a surprising amount of good references in this short game! I do think this game had unpleasant mechanics however which really let it down.
176 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 18:00
The only problem is, now I want to play the sequel!
36 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 04:18
Some of the best graphics I've ever seen in a game
46 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 03:13
i like this kind of games but the cliffhanger...also you guys should clarify that this is episode 1 and episode 2 is ''light at the end''
29 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 22:04
Overall, I found the story intriguing. It was obviously the driving force behind this game, and I only played through the first episode so far. I got annoyed at times with how slow my friend RT would walk around, then I realized sprinting was an option. *facepalm* I truly enjoyed the puzzles as I found myself triumphantly hacking my way through this AI ruled world. The drone chase scenes felt a bit out of place as it introduced a new style of gameplay later on, but it was nice to mix it up after wandering back and forth like an idiot for an hour. (Yeah, I struggled a bit with the puzzles that weren't really puzzles, mainly the ladder. Thank you YouTube!) The easter eggs I found cracked me up, and tbh I plan on getting the second episode to figure out what happens to the humans next. Great game!!
90 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 10:42
best puzzle game
i commended for buy and play game.
19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 04:37
Great puzzle game.
I pretty like it but I have to say that (at least in my opinion) it is sometimes kind of monotonous.
259 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 20:22
I enjoyed the story that this game told. Straight forward enough game. Fun little references to be found throughout. Only downside is the clunky controls. Might pick up the next part when it releases to see where the rest of the story goes.
118 Produkte im Account
212 Reviews
1373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 16:37
The robo slowmo game!
Gameplay is nice and slow allowing for a nice droid-like sprint.
Running at 2% of the speed of a droideka this droidoboio finds out what happened to the humans?!?!
I like the musiks, and the jukebox. And the story is interpretable as a nice analogy or metaphore to.... Earth!
Were humans came from!
~ ET
625 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 21:19
This game is a terrible racing simiulator.
However, it's a great story about a robot trying to fugire out why humans needed some things.
334 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 11:28
- Cute robots.
- Dead humans.
- There are puzzles.
- There is variety in the dialogues (no idea if your choices matter or if it's just cosmetic).
- Puzzles make sense.
- I got it for free.

- Very linear even for an adventure game. Enter a new area, use a thing on thing, proceed. There is no complexity of room for exploration.
- Very slow and artificially drawn-out. Your character walks very slowly (can be solved with a speedhack) and you are often required to backtrack through an area or two to hunt for new interaction points or to collect items you couldn't before, for no good reason. Unskippable videos and animations. Cetain pieces of writing and audio clips serve no purpose but to waste player's time.
- When given several topics to discuss in a dialogue, you can only pick one and that's it. Looks like a device to facilitate multiple playthroughs.
- No manual saving. Particularly annoying in the context of the previous point.
- Controls feel awkward but that's a minor concern.
- Puzzles are easy (maybe it's not a bad thing).
- There isn't much to do and the game is actually very short (probably not a bad thing either).
26 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 23:38
I got this for free and played through it one sitting. It was good and now I feel compelled to buy the second episode when it comes out...I see what you did there! ;)

The atmosphere is very much worth it, puzzles are witty. There is a moment where the robot enters an abandoned jazz bar, puts a record on and music starts playing. I suddently imagined all the people swaying to the music and considered what the robot must be thinking in that moment. I became curious for the kind of attitude he (secretly) holds towards humans. It's that kind of vibe which is quite promising and makes this game stand out.

All in all, time well spent.
127 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 15:53
I like it.
You must play this masterpiece, especially if you like Point & Click.
49 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 09:07
By paying a price almost equal to a full Telltale game, you can only experience a first episode to a game that hasn't even been released yet, with an unsatisfying story that doesn't stand up on its own.
513 Produkte im Account
318 Reviews
331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 20:15
- You should know that the game being free is for promoting their new sequel. -

Played already an hour and I can tell you that this is a purely walking simulator with choises but answering any of them, doesn't affect the story...so for me its a -1 for this, but even so, its a good atmospheric puzzle game with a deep story that you will enjoy it.
1146 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 23:42
Short. Clunky. Boring story. Main character is a robot with no personality. Games is more scavenger hunt than puzzles. One puzzle is so obscure that only an internet search helps solve it.

Casual game but don't pay full price for it. Supposedly this story continues into their next game that took 4 years to get to. Convenient up-sell on the launch window.
96 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 07:52
Very good!
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 21:43
Mind and puzzle quests walk you through the game .(good if u like puzzle-brain games)
Very bad camera . (should be free to move ) like 3rd person games.Movement and running a bit slow for me.
52 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 14:50
I look at the price, then look at the game, then look back at the price and think how lucky I was to buy it with 90% discount. It's just not worth it, not even worth the time playing it, really.

It's safe to say that the game didn't live up to ANY of my expectations:
- the controls are infuriating, especially in the driving segments
- the writing... let's just say it's clumsy, clumsy at best, I don't want to be too negative, but you have to be ready to the fact that Google Translate could've done a better job than the people responsible for English localization
- the story is mediocre at best, I guess even if I played the game in Russian it wouldn't be much better
- the characters are shallow, and as much as I want to like the protagonist, he's just empty with no real value or motives
- saying that puzzles play significant role in the gameplay would be a lie, don't expect that you'll have to think when solving them.

The episode raises lots of questions and one of them is Why did I waste 2,5 hours playing it?
Don't think I'll be buying the next one when it comes out.
291 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 20:46
It's different in a good way, a bit too easy and very short (3,5h for me to get through), but it's well made and was fun to play. I usually don't get catched by the story of a game, but for some weird reason, I can't wait to continue the story of this one. However, I really hope the next episode will be longer or cheaper.
267 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 01:00
Wow! I cannot believe I was able to get this game for such a reduced price! The graphics are great! Movement is W, A, S, D, with a run feature if you hold down the 'shift' key, and the mouse moves the camera. Once you figure out what the puzzles are, you have to figure out how to solve them. I think that was my only complaint about the game while I was playing it. There were very few instructions on how mini-games are played. My only other complaint was seeing TO BE CONTINUED...
1054 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.20 19:54
This is only the first episode which is released way back in 2016. The sequel (2nd episode) is in the making and is supposed to launch in 2020. I will update the review once I manage to play all the episodes that are yet to be released.

Game play is “point and click” adventure game mixed with puzzle solving. The protagonist has to make/take some decision at certain stages. The decision outcomes are yet to be fully discovered in the complete game. It can be compared with the gameplay style of Telltale’s Walking dead series games. This is the first episode which can be completed in around 3 hours.

The plot and the concept is really interesting. The player plays as a robot (from a robot’ perspective) who aims to unravel the mysteries surrounding the extinction of human race from the world (or have they?). Sound and voice are decent.
There are some flaws in the game like camera angles and the choices or decisions you take not reflect any outcome/ ending in this episode. Choices made in this episode/game may carry forward and might matter in the second episode and henceforth. Also controlling the protagonist with mouse and keyboard feels clunky and a bit tedious.

Recommendation and Verdict
Wish there was a mixed review option. This game is not bad but at its current state I can only recommend it on a deep sale. At full price the game is not recommended. You would be better to wait for all the episode to be released and pick up the full package.

Rating: 5/10 (Not recommended; wait for deep sale or for all the episodes)

1093 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.20 06:52
Nice point & click, Sci-fi game.

+ puzzles
+ graphics
+ potential sequel
+ free soundtrack and artbook

- short
- movement

493 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 20:04
- You should know that the game being free is for promoting their new sequel. -

Played already an hour and I can tell you that this is a purely walking simulator with choises but answering any of them, doesn't affect the story...so for me its a -1 for this, but even so, its a good atmospheric puzzle game with a deep story that you will enjoy it.
Logo for The Uncertain: The Last Quiet Day (Episode 1)
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
66.56% 1469 738
Release:22.09.2016 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: New Game Order Vertrieb: New Game Order Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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