• The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • The Turing Test: Screenshot zum Titel.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.08.2016
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Preis Update 13.09.23

Über das Spiel

The Turing Test ist ein herausforderndes Rätselspiel aus Sicht der ersten Person, das auf dem Jupitermond Europa spielt. Du schlüpfst in die Rolle von Ava Turing, einer Ingenieurin der International Space Agency (ISA), die ausgesandt wird, die Ursache des Verschwindens der Bodencrew zu ergründen.

Bei deiner Ankunft erwarten dich eine Reihe an Rätseln – Prüfungen, die laut der Stations-KI Tom nur ein Mensch bestehen kann. Diese Rätsel wurden von der vermissten Bodencrew erstellt – aber warum haben sie sie entworfen und wovor verstecken sie sich?

In einer sich entwickelnden Geschichte - basierend auf dem angeborenen Drang der Menschheit, zu erkunden, sich zu schützen und zu überleben - dringst du tief in den eisverkrusteten Kern Europas ein und entdeckst, dass die Grenze zwischen Mensch und Maschine verschwimmt.

Löse Rätsel mit deinem Energiemanipulator (EMT), um Kraft von einem Objekt in ein anderes zu transferieren und dir neue Wege zu eröffnen. Aber wirst du das Ende erreichen? Vertraue auf deine Instinkte, während du den wahren Preis der Beibehaltung menschlicher Moral erfährst.

  • Nutze die Fertigkeit mit deinem Energiemanipulator (EMT) Energie zwischen Maschinen zu transferieren – dies bietet einzigartige Gameplay-Mechanik und Rätsellogik.
  • Erfahre die Bedeutung von Spielerkontrolle, wenn du zwischen verschiedenen Perspektiven hin- und herwechselst, um die herausfordernden Rätsel von The Turing Test zu lösen.
  • Entdecke eine vielschichtige Erzählung voller Tiefe und Verschwörung, fordere Konzepte menschlicher Moral heraus und forme Theorien über das Schicksal der ISA-Crew.

Zusatzinhalte zum Spiel

DLC The Turing Test - Upgrade Pack 30.08.2016 9,99€


  • CPU: Core i3 / Athlon 64 X2 6400
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 / ATI Radeon HD 5770
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64-bit
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Core i7-920 / A8-3870K or above
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / ATI Radeon R9 280 or above
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Win 7 64bit / Win 8.1 64-bit / Windows 10
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

700 Produkte im Account
346 Reviews
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 08:00
Empfehlenswert: Ja (persönliche Wertung: 5/10)

Errungenschaften: Ja

- Gute Grafik
- Annehmbare Rätsel

- Schwache Story
- Zu kurze Spielzeit

The Turing Test ist nicht genau das was ich erwartet habe. Bei dem Turing-Test führt ein Fragesteller (Mensch), über einen Computer, eine Unterhaltung mit zwei ihm unbekannten Gesprächspartnern (Ein Mensch und ein Computer), ohne diese zu sehen oder zu hören. Kann der Fragesteller danach nicht sagen, welcher von beiden der Computer ist, hat der Computer den Turing-Test bestanden und es wird diesem ein dem Menschen ebenbürtiges Denkvermögen nachgesagt.
Das im Groben worum es bei dem Experiment geht... An sich wird es auch in diesem Spiel erwähnt und thematisiert (auch z.B. das chinesische Zimmer von Searle), aber das war es dann auch. Vielleicht habe ich einfach nur eine gute Story erwartet und wurde von der schwachen Geschichte einfach nur überrumpelt. Naja...
An sich ist das Gameplay in Ordnung. Man hat eine Kanone mit der man Energiekugeln ansaugen und verteilen muss, damit man weiter kommt. Die Rätsel die einem hierbei gestellt werden sind annehmbar und sollen zum Teil kreativ gelöst werden (Weil eine Maschine nicht kreativ sein kann). Die grafische Darstellung ist gut gelungen, tröstet aber nicht über die zu kurze Spielzeit hinweg. An sich ist es ein gutes Spiel, jedoch nur bedingt Empfehlenswert!!!!
100 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 11:02
Das Spiel hat eine angenehme und mir neue Rätselmechanik. Die Story ist gut, aber doch irgendwo vorhersehbar. Wäre das Spiel etwas kürzer gewesen, würde es mir noch besser gefallen.
78 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 19:47
Von der Art her ähnelt das Spiel Portal oder The Talos Principle. Wer das also mag, ist mit The Turing Test gut beraten. Die Rätsel sind teilweise zwar recht leicht, Spaß machen sie aber trotzdem. Ebenso sind die Dialoge wirklich gut geraten. Ich kann es nur empfehlen.
460 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 21:06
Best Sci-Fi Story since i watched Interstellar. Also had the absolute best mind fuck moment in my gaming history, prepare for deep thoughts and topics.
1947 Produkte im Account
447 Reviews
134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 18:08
Ist wie Portal, nur ohne Portale ^^

Ist ein absolut geiles Puzzle-Spiel wie - ich sagte es bereits - Portal.
Anstatt sich mit Portalen durch die Testumgebungen zu ballern, verwenden wir eine oder gleich mehrere Energiekugeln, oder auch Kisten.
So müssen wir diese Objekte meist bis zum Levelausgang zusammensuchen und mitschleppen, damit wir die Tür öffnen können.
Es gibt natürlich auch hier diverse Testobjekte, die uns das Leben schwer machen, wie z.B. Energiebrücken.

Wir wachen also eines Tages in der Umlaufbahn von Europa auf und werden vom Bordcomputer mit einer Fähre auf die Planetenoberfläche geschickt, um einen Vorfall zu untersuchen, von der Crew fehlt jede Spur.
Wir finden den Eingang in die Unterirdische Basis und werden dann halt fortlaufend mit diesen Aufgaben konfrontiert.
Unterdessen reden wir ab und an mit der künstlichen Intelligenz über die ganzen Vorfälle.
Ich bin zwar noch nicht ganz durch, aber es wird wohl sicherlich darauf hinauslaufen, dass der Computer da seine Finger im Spiel hat und uns das aus Langeweile, Spaß oder so absichtlich absolvieren lässt.

Die Grafik ist super, die Rätsel abwechselnd manchmal leicht, manchmal gefühlt auch schwer (oder ich nur zu dumm), die kleine Story drumherum ist ganz nett, hätte aber ruhig noch etwas mehr ausgebaut werden dürfen, auch mit Sequenzen und so.
Mir gefällt das Spiel bisher sehr gut und ich kann es jedem Puzzle-Liebhaber nur wärmstens empfehlen, vor allem jetzt im Sale zum Vorzugspreis.

Fazit: kaufen, kaufen, kaufen!
56 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
904 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 13:31
is fun
1154 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 23:33
There is a problem with this working if you have a VR headset.l It launches as a VR game while not being a VR game. I jumped through the hoops to get this to launch right and still having problems 20 min later.

The devs knew about this on their end in 2016. They posted the fix I've tried and never bothered to patch their game. The fault is completely on their end as they included the problem VR files and settings.

My listed play time is from before I owned my VR. I recently wanted to play the game again as I had never finished it.
164 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 13:06
T.O.M. might be a homicidal A.I. but he's right immortality would only guarantee endless suffering, starvation never ending sickness and an uncontrollable human over-population and would just act as virus - which is in-fact immortality itself. Death is supposed to be a sweet-relief since rebirth is what god gifted in the first place, or having a family, everything would lose it's meaning if you had infinite time for anything, would be just another endless search, when everything we need is right here.
37 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 10:42
If you like puzzle fps games like Portal or The Talos Principle, this is certainly a nice experience as well.
96 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 23:41
I don't recommend this video game because the story is very boring. It has a worst dynamic between the protagonist and the IA. The plot is forgetable. However, i had some pleasure to solve puzzles and the physics are decent. It reminds me of Portal.
If you want to buy it....do it for a buck. Other than that don't do it, Seriously. I have a 100% completion. I made this critic only for you guys. Have a nice day!
2027 Produkte im Account
194 Reviews
294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 18:51

The Turing Test is fairly close Portal in terms of gameplay. Every level is a self-contained puzzle. Each chapter of the game introduces new puzzle mechanics and each puzzle in any given chapter builds upon this new mechanic and how it integrates with all the previous ones. The main puzzle mechanic in The Turing Test is based on simple switch logic. You can find a bunch of sockets around the levels that turn something on or off or open and close doors depending on the state of their sockets. You can either slot in a physical block that powers the socket, which requires direct physical access, or use your gun to collect up to three energy spheres and insert them into the sockets from any distance.

The nature of those spheres evolves over time, so you also get spheres that turn on and off in regular intervals as well as a type of sphere that acts like a battery that basically discharges over time once after it gets inserted into a socket.

The gameplay in general is pretty alright, though the puzzles are overall fairly simple. It’s not breaking any new ground and follows typical puzzle game convection to a T. I like the restraint the developers exercised here in not going overboard with all the available mechanics. I’ve seen many games fall into the trap where they introduce a handful of mechanics and then try to apply every single one with ever increasing complexity, to the point where it becomes impossible to keep track of the state of a given level or even formulate a plan of attack in order to solve it.

What saves the game from mere mediocrity however is its narrative and themes. You play as Ava Turing. You are woken up by Tom, the artificial intelligence that assists a team of the international space agency on their mission on Europa, an icy moon orbiting the planet Jupiter. When Ava gets woken up from her cryoslumber, Tom mentions to her that the rest of the crew are in danger after encountering an extraterrestrial organism. And that’s basically all the setup you get.

Once you arrive on the surface of Europa and enter the ISA compound it’s noted that it has changed since Tom has last had access to it, which basically serves as the justification for all these test chambers existing. As Tom states it, these chambers serve as a Turing test. That basically makes it impossible for him to solve them because as an AI he lacks the necessary abilities of the human mind for creativity that would enable the lateral thinking necessary to solve the puzzles.

Now I contest that specific claim here because the majority of the puzzles don’t really require lateral thinking at all. Most of the puzzles can be solved with pretty standard logical thinking, because they explicitly follow the intended ruleset of the game. You have a set of sockets and the corresponding power blocks or spheres that enable you to solve all the puzzles. This requires strict logic, to the point where I’d even say an AI could easily solve them even through the most uncreative brute force approach. The number of possible combinations is so small that I doubt it’d take any decently specced computer these days longer than a couple of seconds, never mind the probable future computers of whenever this game is set in. That’s not to say that lateral thinking never makes an appearance, though ironically it even gets discouraged at times. At one point, a solution to a puzzle requires you to use the aforementioned energy block to keep a door from shutting all the way so you can power off the door and still interact with what’s behind it by peeking through the remaining opening at the right angle. That’s all fine and dandy. However, I tried a similar thing in an earlier puzzle with a door that closes horizontally, and there this solution wouldn’t work. So while lateral thinking is required to solve a few puzzles, it’s actively discouraged in most other instances.

So why does the game insist on highlighting lateral thinking in the first place? Well, The Turing Test isn’t just a fancy name for the game, it has actual meaning. It’s a thought experiment invented by Alan Turing, a pioneer of early computer science. It describes a setting where an interrogator poses questions to a human and a machine in order to determine which is which. If the interrogator can’t conclude that either of them was a machine, Turing argues that this would be proof that machines can think, since they’ve managed to exhibit enough human behavior to fool us.

But the game doesn’t just stop at the Turing Test. It also introduces a common rebuttal to the Turing Test, which is the Chinese room thought experiment proposed by John Searle. The Chinese room experiment argues that a machine following a program that would allow it to give all the right outputs to all the inputs it receives does not prove that the machine is actually capable of what we call human thought. The example Searle gives in the Chinese room experiment is that we should imagine a room with a person in it. The person receives inputs written as Chinese characters. It's also important to note that the person in the room doesn’t understand Chinese at all, to them these symbols carry no meaning. The person has a rulebook that describes to them what types of outputs they have to produce for any given input, and these outputs have to also be written as Chinese characters. According to Searle, this is the same thing as feeding the same inputs into a computer and the computer spitting out the appropriate responses. All that changes is who executes the algorithm. So the question then is, does the person in the room understand Chinese? After all, they produce the appropriate outputs that could fool a native Chinese speaker of the person’s supposed ability to understand Chinese. If no, then the computer doesn’t understand Chinese either, so by any metric, Searle argues, computers are incapable of understanding.

Now I’m not going to go much further into the topic of AI consciousness here, even though it’s a fascinating topic that you can lose many hours over reading arguments for or against both the Turing test and the Chinese room thought experiment.

Still, I like the fact that the game tries to incorporate these concepts and ideas into a video game. It’s just unfortunate that nothing substantial ever arises out of it. It's a shame that this exchange of ideas is mostly relegated to a few lines spoken between characters at the start of each level. And the most fascinating background information is actually hidden in the optional levels, so it’s very much worth it to solve those as well, even though they sometimes deviate from the typical levels quite a bit. But the gameplay itself is just a simple puzzle that mostly only serves as a vehicle to transport the story and give it a certain pacing. The puzzles don’t tell you anything about the relationship between humans, machines, thinking and feeling.

Now I stress that this isn’t a dealbreaker. It’s fine for a game to be just about a few puzzles and offer an entertaining narrative besides its gameplay. I like that it engages in a philosophical debate about AI consciousness with nuance and without making absolute statements of whatever the developers might believe the answer to be. But at the end of the day, the most interesting facet of The Turing Test, the game, not the thought experiment, is the discussion surrounding AI consciousness and not the puzzle gameplay. If you wanted to, you could just as well play through the levels here and never spare a thought for the game’s actual themes. And I think this is where the game ultimately stumbles a bit. It doesn’t meaningfully integrate its gameplay into its intended narrative. That doesn’t make it a bad game, far from it. I had fun with the puzzles. But it ultimately makes it shallower than it could’ve been.
787 Produkte im Account
616 Reviews
321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 23:32
51 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 22:06
hurts my brain 8/10
48 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 08:41
Sci:fi 1st person puzzle game. Really catching, slowly pulls you in deep. I have 5 hr in game not even realizing it. Just love it how you go from one room to another. If I get stuck, I mostly overlooked something.
In lvl 3 game crushed. I play on Proton and have no idea what is going on. I cannot play anymore. Placed question in tech forum. All gaming is on halt.
240 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 04:22
This game makes me literally sick. Motion sick. I have fiddled with the settings and best I can figure is the camera moves about while you walk. It has taken months for me to play a total of a couple of hours. I like the idea of the game and the story is good. But it is very hard for me to make myself play knowing that it will make me sick.
289 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 16:04
Can't understand the story because the audio logs do not have subtitles. And they are hard to hear intentionally.
Finally, we have found the Dark Souls of audio logs!
The gameplay is ok, but this is no Portal.
1300 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 06:14
Interesting puzzle platformer clearly inspired by Portal with an ongoing philosophical discussion about artificial intelligence and ethics throughout. The ending left something to be desired (no spoilers) and accessibility is severely lacking - if you're deaf or even just hard of hearing, you won't get much out of this game because the subtitles don't work consistently and are completely absent for in-game audio logs. Overall, and interesting experience that I played out over three evenings.
79 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 10:46
it's alright for for eur3. core idea interesting, just not fleshed out enough.
120 Produkte im Account
121 Reviews
632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 08:13
I recommend my friends who love the Portal series to experience this game as well.

Although not as much as the Portal series, the puzzles are beautifully designed, but I think it can't even come close to Portal in terms of difficulty. The atmosphere and the progression of the story are quite nice, and the price of the Steam discounts drops a lot. I recommend you try it.
195 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 16:44
If you like puzzle games like the Portal series, this game is a must play.
29 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 16:02
Brilliant game, With a good story & intresting puzzles.
Worth a buy
178 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 08:14
I am a big fan of puzzle games especially the classical portal games, and I have to say this game certainly lives up to it's hype. In my opinion the overall game is a 10/10 for me, the story is good, and the puzzles are also good, tho not very challenging but definetly interesting. I thought at first the physics of the game are a bit wonky, but it turns out it is story related as to why they are as they are plus it is the solution to some puzzles. Overall, a great and beautiful game I highly recomend playing.
490 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 02:10
Fun game but a bit too easy and a bit too short. I picked it up for 3 dollars and don't mind that price but at 20 dollars for full price its definitely not worth it.
295 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 20:06
Short, simple and well made puzzle game with an interesting and touching story.
Not as good as Portal but if you enjoyed Portal, you'll likely enjoy this one too.
319 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 18:58
I highly recommend this game for the sale price. It is a nice hidden gem of a game. The puzzles are pretty simple in design but can get quiet complex later on down the road, and I like how the story evolves along with the atmosphere and the tension that's tied with the story.
14 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 17:53
Definitely need to be played,puzzles are great,and requires precise timing on some of them,Highly recommended
2023 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 11:12
Sci-fi K
496 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 18:18
In neat little puzzle game with a interesting sci fi story. Portal lite.
128 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 17:31
Love these style puzzle games
879 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 21:04
I like the game it have nice puzzles
1-Story is poor
2-Locked to 60Fps and cant be unlocked but i didnt mind it as much (corvo yes laugh)
3-game is short and not replayable
245 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 04:27
This is a nice puzzle game, not the best, nor the worst.
Can be short, and has the feeling of a tech demo.
-> The Bad: (most are pet peeves)
There isn't a proper tutorial and the mechanics can be difficult to figure up without a guide.
When listening to audio-logs there are no subtitles (even with subtitles on) and the sound level is very low. Must be played with headphones or it's difficult to make out what is being said.
If you play the game, disregard the prompt to move things with the mouse (while pressing E), use the WASD keys instead, it`s way more responsive (this was my worst pet peeve).
Has very few visual options toggles, those lens flares can be annoying.
-> The Good:
Very good visuals.
Interesting story.
Challenging puzzles.
Interesting game mechanics.
416 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
6432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.21 12:03
500 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 06:16
Buy it on sale, regularly goes down to like $4 during events. Otherwise 100% not worth the price of $20. Puzzles were generally okay, though the story of the game is pretty much philosophy wank. If you're the slightest bit observant you'll get hammered over the head by the game's moral dilemma, and there's not much of a twist to behold.

But at least there's an objectively correct ending :)
208 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 12:16
Good game, some easy rooms which I beat in less than a minute and some quite tricky rooms.

Good atmosphere and soundtrack, a good hidden gem game worth getting.

Only takes a few hours to beat however, so be sure to get either on sale or if you're happy to pay full price for a game you may beat in a single afternoon.
312 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 21:13
This is not the hardest puzzle game out there but its unique and has a great story behind it. The only thing that I didn't like was that every time I start the game, my steam VR booted with it.
211 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
523 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 22:14
273 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 01:34
This game is basically the original Portal but without a gimmick (eg. the Portal Gun), without the writing, without the story (it is about 50% plothole by-volume), without the music, without the replay value, without the interesting puzzles, and without the challenge.

Which is to say it's Portal without any redeeming qualities. It isn't offensively bad; it just sort of exists. It's like the sparkling water of puzzle games. I would only recommend it if it's on a steep sale (75% or more) and you want to kill 4 hours at some point.
1968 Produkte im Account
153 Reviews
645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 02:40
First person puzzler set in a sci-fi story on Europa, one of Jupiter's moons with favourable conditions for human life.


You play as Eva, a space engineer who just arrived at Europa's station. For some reason, the crew has abandoned the station, and you are alone with the station's AI Tom. The station is shielded with The Turing Test, a series of tests that can only be solved by humans. This in order to prevent AI control outside the station.
It's clear that either the crew abandoned the station, or that Tom shut them out. Either way, Tom needs you to solve The Turing Test, and you need to find out what happened.

The Turing Test

TTT consists of puzzles with replaceable power orbs. The orbs can power doors, elevators, actuators, or create paths for you to walk across. You carry a handgun that can store up to three orbs. They last collected orb has to be fired first, and that matters because there are different orbs. Blue orbs create constant power, while green and purple give intermittent power opposite of each other. And red orbs give power for a short time.


The first comparison my mind makes, is 'something like portal!', but such a comparison is a bit unfair since I regard Portal as masterpiece. And indeed, the puzzles never get very complicated. This game doesn't have the element of momentum, so it has one dimension less, this is much more a 'normal' game. Nevertheless I liked it a lot! The game looks good, and rooms have a nice atmosphere. The orb mechanic is simple, but works well. The fact that it's very clear where orbs go makes it easy.
I just love good AI morality stories! Combined with a space setting, and I am hooked from the first minute! Sure, it's a subject that has many many tales written about it, but I can't be saturated with them! This particular story has some unique elements, so it's not a simple mixture of 2001: a space odyssey, Terminator, Bladerunner, Star Trek TNG, and many more. The concept of TTT reminds me of the Voight-Kampff test in Bladerunner.
I don't quite understand that AI can't solve the puzzles in this game, but I can live with that. A serious flaw of the game is that a big part of the story is hidden inside the optional rooms. The optional rooms push the limits, and the very first one I still don't understand. Hiding key parts of the story in there is just bad in my opinion.

I enjoyed TTT greatly. Slightly below a classic for me!


More reviews at Omnivore Gamer, games that are easy to control (for handicapped gamers).
2065 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 15:31
This game started as a simple search and rescue mission and then turned into some kind of philosophical about humanity. Damn....

This game is great, the puzzle is challenging but not impossible to solve. If you love the Portal series, you'll definitely love this one.
1481 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 11:01
The Portal without portals and with moral dilemmas. Story reminded me The Soma and The Apsulov.

Short and not so difficult.
256 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 00:16
Honestly not very impressed. Puzzles were meh, 'story' was not as inspiring/engaging as it was meant to be.

There's a couple hidden areas that you can only get into after getting through other parts of the game, then revisiting those chapters from the main menu? What's the point of that? So you get to watch the main character's awakening cut scene again after you've finished the game?

Another huge issue is that a significant portion of the audio is NOT subtitled. This would be alright except that some of the audio is like, broken/static recordings of people?? So you REALLY CAN'T UNDERSTAND it. But that's how you get the story of the game. Why are these not subtitled?? Stupid.

Tons of items you can interact with just to rotate the 3D model around? But not all?

What is this - just weird, poor design choices all around.
724 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 02:34
Compared to classic puzzle games like Portal 2 and The Talos Principle, this game pales in comparison. In those games, puzzles had a reason to be in the world. In fact, the world was made for solving puzzles.

In this game, there's absolutely no reason for the puzzles to exist.

The story is hollow, bland and uninspired. The environments and level design are just meh, easily forgettable.

It's clearly a game that was made for the sake of making a game and not something that came from the heart.

The puzzles are not challenging at all. In fact, you really can't go wrong when solving them because you have such a limited amount of options. They're essentially linear in that regard.

Nothing exciting, unique, or otherwise interesting happens in this game.

Lastly, the ending was nothing special.

Overall, an okay game for $2, but definitely not worth the full asking price.
2026 Produkte im Account
141 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 14:28
The Turing Test is a fun, 6-8 hour puzzle game that's not particularly hard but not that easy either. It has an interesting premise and an engaging story, the puzzle mechanics were enough to keep me interested the whole way through, and I enjoyed my time through The Turing Test.

Why the no then? Because in a stunning feat of ineptitude and bone-headed decision making, the Devs decided to disable subtitles on 90% of the story's dialogue for no good reason. In-game, most of the backstory is conveyed through found audio logs of the crew on Europa. All the dialogue between Ava and TOM(The AI) is subtitled. However, these audio logs are not, and they provide a huge bulk of the backstory for the game's plot. As someone who is partially deaf, this is incredibly frustrating.

The devs claim this was an 'artistic choice'. All it meant for me is I looked up the transcripts on the internet and felt annoyed every time I had to pause the game because there's no earthly reason to have not included these subtitles except to screw the hard of hearing and waste my time, and such poor decisions should not be rewarded with your money.
410 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 06:41
It's a short game, the puzzles aren't terribly difficult, but I think it is worth it on discount just for the story.
203 Produkte im Account
321 Reviews
2951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 02:59
An easy puzzle game that has a strange story that has bad story telling.
101 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 14:46
Caveat: The game is VERY easy. I think I was stuck only once, and just for a minute or two. It was still fun, but more like the mechanical filling in of a picross when you know all the tricks. There are no creative puzzles or brain teasers here. There's lots of neat, unique puzzle elements - but they are never developed beyond a tutorial. The game keeps throwing interesting ideas at you then abandons them without developing it... even just a little bit. If they had hired a puzzle designer (or three) this game would have been incredible.
I did enjoy it though. They did the story very well (and succinctly). The graphics are clean and effective and there's little confusion / aimlessness. The UI, controls, and experience is well made. The concept is great and I like these kinds of puzzles. I just wish they had taken the next step and made puzzles that were even just a little bit harder. I guess they were going for a very elementary, age 8-12 puzzler. More power to them, maybe they can sell more copies that way.
If you're looking for a very light puzzler that is well-made, entertaining, and about 6 hours long, you'll like the Turing Test.
856 Produkte im Account
254 Reviews
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 00:16
The Turing Test is a similar puzzle game like Portal and Magrunner. While you don't have portals nor magnets, you get to find an energy gun with which you can manipulate the environment. Most missions are logical and short, which makes for much better pacing than the other games in my opinion. You rarely have to wait long until you see more story bits. There is a lot of philosophical talk if you are into this sort of thing. The game is supposed to be in space. I was hoping that the map would reflect that much more. Overall I did enjoy the Turing Test and I'd recommend it to puzzle players who liked Portal and Magrunner.
127 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 03:52

The interactions between Eva and TOM reminds me so much of Portal, you can consider it as a good alternative of the former as you wait for the sequel that probably won't exist, ever

The Turing Test is a must buy for puzzle games fans, albeit being generally easy as my stupid ass can solve almost all of the puzzles without wasting too much time. You can also come back via chapter select to finish the optional puzzles that are harder to solve.
It also has a nice story, you're tasked with investigating what happened to the ground team in icy moon Europa, and finally given the morally ambiguous choices in the epilogue.
The ending is good, although I can't help but feel that it's a bit underwhelming. I wish it has an extended closure of what will happen after what you did in the end.

TL;DR: The Turing Test is an underrated puzzle game, and I have good time playing it
140 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 13:45
The game is quite nice (in the style of Talos Principle) with smart puzzles and interesting story line. However I would have liked an increased difficulty a lot more levels. It was, for me, disappointingly short given the time spent on each puzzle.
101 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 16:47
Subtitles for main game, but no subtitles for audio logs? Tom`s voice is so nice and clear and its subtitled, but audio log voices are messy and no subtitles :(
Puzzles are easy enough for relaxed gameplay.
811 Produkte im Account
171 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 20:24
I do not recommend this game. In the middle of it I got really bored from luck of story development and wished I was watching video speedrun instead of actually playing it.
Starts fun but ends up boring in the mid.
324 Produkte im Account
163 Reviews
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 09:36
Another first person puzzle game similar to Portal...
For Square Enix, this seems to be a pretty low budget game.

The puzzles aren't too difficult and can be solved casually, not many timing mechanism and frustrating setup so the whole game play can be consider fun and casual.

The story is pretty interesting and there are information scattered around the places waiting for you to discover. But sadly this game doesn't have any ending cut scenes or movie at the end. [spoiler] You simply decide if you want to kill Ava and Sarah or Let them kill you (TOM)... [/spoiler] after that it's just credit roll and nothing else... So it's a pretty shabby ending.
139 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 18:08
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 14:18
Amazing story line! Fun, short and makes you think
646 Produkte im Account
505 Reviews
4354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 18:47
A very casual first person puzzle adventure with a room by room presentation that takes obvious inspiration from games like Portal before it.

The story is a simple enough sci-fi backdrop with decent voice acting, it never really elevates to excitement but keeps the banter moving just enough to move from room to room. Visuals and audio quality are about what you would expect for a budget title in 2016.

Bottom line: If you enjoy casual puzzle adventure games and sci-fi stories you'll find at least a few hours of interactive fiction to play through.

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451 Produkte im Account
139 Reviews
321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 04:13
Fun but very short game. The whole thing is logic/spacial reasoning puzzles with a bit of story mixed in. 5 hours or less. Puzzles are done portal-style. Has bonus rooms with some lore, no secrets really, aside from the one room that can't be opened the first time without cheating. Puzzles are pretty simple, even when you're stumped, you can usually just figure it out sooner or later.
Not a lot of bang for your buck if you buy at full price. again, it's a 5 hour game.
1456 Produkte im Account
163 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 13:31
So this is Moon or 2001 but with some mildly annoying puzzles.
I didn't get to the plot twist, but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be the same as Moon.

Portal 2's puzzles set a high bar, and this doesn't reach that bar.
27 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 21:19
The Turing Test is a beautiful, non-violent logical puzzle game suitable for virtually anyone. It has some nicely designed locations, well written backstory with pleasant voice acting and atmospheric, calm music. It’s a really relaxing and soothing experience, and a good break from action-packed games.

Despite having quite simple mechanics, the game is not getting monotonous, and the puzzles are getting more and more creative and challenging. The rise of the difficulty is well adjusted and doesn’t break the general immersion into the world.

I simply adore Ava – the female protagonist of the story and her AI companion TOM. The sci-fi elements of the backstory are quite well-thought and believable, making it also a coherent experience in terms of narrative.

One annoying flaw that I’ve encountered so far is the annoying incident occurs when you accidentally run into one of the items crucial for completing puzzles – the power box, which results in it being kicked with unpredictable force and in unpredictable direction. Sometimes this makes the box disappeared as it is being kicked outside map or into unreachable areas. That can be pretty annoying and forces you to reload checkpoints.

Fortunately, speaking of checkpoints in the game, they are very well placed and failing the puzzle doesn’t mean losing your precious progress.

The game is really worth trying, I strongly recommend it – especially for people not fond of violence in video games.
2581 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 20:40
T. O. M. tries to make his big sister GLaDOS proud and he does a very good job.
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This is a fun game and fairly easy puzzles with a nice storyline for me this game is a 7/10.
1208 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 22:31
If you like stuff questioning what makes a human human and what makes a machine a machine. Where to draw lines and all that kinda philosophical stuff. You might find this intriguing. The Puzzles themselves aren't that hard, but they get more fun especially in end game. The story though ain't that surprising except maybe the ending that feels a tiny bit flat, bc you got two choices but like its makes one choice so easy and there is no reward or difference depending on what you choose.
1332 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 15:03
Great puzzle games. The puzzles increase in difficulty gradually, along the way you unlock more features and the storytelling is awesome. I loved every minute of it, although sometimes I did not have the patience and used a guide for some puzzles.
256 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 18:19
Slow start, almost quit. Picks up nicely as you progress. Story and ending are interesting enough. Solid short game.
49 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 07:48
492 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
41 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 20:45
The Turing Test is unfortunately a fantastic story hidden within a puzzle game. The story is interesting but short, and it's obvious the puzzles were added as a way to pad the runtime while varying the gameplay. Except, the puzzles are unquestionably dull. With basic movement and rudimentary physics, they quickly get repetitive. Unlike a game like Portal where all aspects of the game are driving you forward, only Turing Test's story was keeping me from turning it off. Which is a shame, because there is a genuinely intriguing narrative here. The ending could definitely do with a bit more polish, but the narrative journey is absolutely worth experiencing.
756 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 08:37
The turing test is a great puzzle game similar to Portal. The are total of 7 chapters with like 10 levels within a chapter each one with unique puzzles. Storywise is not that important,because the whole puzzle concept is important. In some of the tests I got stuck and I had to check them in the internet.
Gameplay: 9/10 (Decent)
Sound: 9/10 (There is dope music)
Story: 8/10 (It's and ok story with a unique twist)
Graphics: 8/10 (Nice graphics)
Overall: 8,5/10 (Best puzzle game I've played so far)
Solid puzzle game which is pretty cheap on sale.
77 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 08:29
First off I just want to say that I got the game on sale for $3, and for how long the game is and how good the story is, it's well worth it. It's not a groundbreaking game like portal obviously, but the story is meaningful and makes you think about what life with robots might be like in the future. If you like puzzle games (like portal) then you really should give this a try, but don't buy it at full price. Overall, I'd give this game a 7.5/10

Disclaimer: It says that I have 10 hours on the game, but it should me more around 4-5 because I left it open on accident.
134 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 20:40
Thought provoking game. The puzzles were difficult enough to be engaging and there's a lot of material here if you take the time to clear the side puzzles and reveal more of the story/background. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
85 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 05:33
Very enjoyable and quite relaxing game. The puzzles are less challenging compared to the Talos Principle, which may be a good or bad thing, depending on your preference. The story is interesting and there is philosophy as well, mostly around the subject of [spoiler]consciousness and free will[/spoiler]. Some of it stayed in my head for many hours and I was still thinking about it even when I wasn't playing.

I'd prefer if the endings were more fleshed out, but it's a minor complaint, the game is definitely worth it.
147 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 01:24
The puzzles' difficulties range from trivial to easy. The latter puzzles do introduce new mechanics, but this effectively just adds to the busywork. The few times I thought a puzzle room might be going somewhere interesting, the room would disappoint me by ending too soon. In the final levels, I'd often find myself at the room's end, having unintentionally skipped parts of the room.

The writing...think Portal, except Chell can talk back to GLaDOS and both of them had the philosophical depth of a self-righteous teenager coming out of their first ever philosophy class. There was potential in this premise, but it was undercut by every character immediately jumping to extreme conclusions and courses of action.
210 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 06:28
If you ever played portal and you liked it just buy it without hesitate I assure you to satisfy.For me it would a little bit easier that portal but I stuck some of the puzzels.So not challenging as portal but as good as portal.But I don't get the ending.There's two endings but I couldn't know which one is good or bad.Anyways just buy it,it's worth it.
11 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 04:49
hurts my brain 10/10
6694 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
767 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 23:35
Overall I liked it.
I liked the puzzles although they weren`t consistent ramping up in difficulty rather a bit random and then petered out towards the end becoming a bit too simple. The gameplay is mostly just juggling balls.. of energy, as you activate switches and lifts to try and traverse each puzzle to make it through the exit. While the mechanics do change over time I expected more to be made of them, although to some extent and my limited brain capacity I`m glad they weren`t.
The presentation, sound work and voice acting are excellent all round but the story they`re given to work with isn`t the best. With such rich themes of AI, humanity, free will and human responsibity to ourselves as a species I found it rather sad that the human characters first thought always seemed to be so limited in scope and so selfish, like how Hollywood portrays chgaracters such as this, full of big heros, fragile lunatics or weak minded pushovers. Consider that they are also supposed to be astronauts, explorers and scientists it seems lazy to assume that they`ll all break down into childish self interest so quickly. The crew of the ISS seems fairly stable so far in my opinion. You`re also not even given the opportunity of making any real decisions to inform the story based on your own views or actions which is a shame.
Another thing that bothered me is we`re supposed to be on either some form of rescue or sabotage mission, except all we do is navigate a series of puzzle rooms which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. If we presume as told, the previous team manipulated the habitat to this state, you have to ask for what purpose they did it and what would happen if they needed to go to the toilet in a hurry ? And why doesn`t our character wonder any of this too since they question many other aspects of their mission as we progress.
In summary m`lud, I liked the puzzles, the story was alright but a bit silly.
2687 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
1170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 23:08
The Turing Test, how machine learn become AI.

Good puzzle game, and mechanism.
758 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 20:51
I don't really understand some of the negative reviews.
Yes, the game is relatively short.
Yes, the puzzles aren't hard.
Yes, the message isn't some super deep life changing philosophy thesis.
That doesn't mean it's not enjoyable. I found the game very relaxing though, the graphics are pretty nice, it runs great, the puzzles aren't too repetitive, so while they were easy, I didn't get bored of them.

One thing that bothers me is that Steam VR starts every time You start the game up, even though it doesn't support VR..
83 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 21:49
TL;DR: A high quality short casual puzzle game with a neat story. I think it's definitely worth the £2.24 I paid.

Game length: I took 8 hours to play through the game, including optional levels and reading everything.

+ A nice level of difficulty imo, around the same difficulty as Portal which helps keep the story flowing.
+ Timed puzzle elements are short and easily retried.
+ The levels are designed in a way where you never get into an unrecoverable state.
+ I like the attention put into the terminology used and having actual info on the scattered notes. I ended up reading Consciousness Explained because it was mentioned in the game!

- FOV affects closeness of objects you pick up, which makes reading logs/notes at high FOV difficult as the text is tiny.
- Sometimes it's hard to see puzzle elements because they're far away or in a dark location. [spoiler]NOT operators on the Boolean Logic optional level are especially easy to miss.[/spoiler]
- Most of the character info is delivered through written text and audio logs. A bit more envionmental storytelling would've been nice.
455 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 15:59
This is one of the games, that make me wish there was an option to make neutral review.

I have to say that I liked the story, puzzle design was quite interesting, even though puzzles are quite simple (which also means that game is quite short), every few level new minor mechanic is added, to make things seem less repetitive, all of that in quite pleasant environment accompanied by fitting soundtrack.

While someone obviously put a lot of effort into the game, there were multiple issues, that were either overlooked, ignored or even intentional. As the game is story-driven, those issues are quite annoying and might be an accessibility issues for some:
Audio logs: During the game you will find multiple audio logs, some of them hidden, that should give you deeper insight into the story, or that would be the case if those logs weren't deliberately poorly recorded, voices being too quiet, noise too loud. When two people are talking, one voice is always louder than the other. Some logs are located right next to the radio, that is significantly louder than the audio logs, which is just insane. On top of that, those audio logs do not even have subtitles. Worst of all is that, this is obviously a deliberate artistic decision that won't be fixed, which is what actually tipped the scale in favor of negative review for me. When the issue is reported several times and the most popular guide for the game is an attempt to decipher those logs, developers should take hint.
Lights: Game light acts quite weird some times. Early, everything is too dark, for no apparent reason, later some lights are insanely bright and can make your eyes hurt. When you move to light source, everything actually becomes darker for some reason.
Textures and texts: If you set textures on LOW, all the texts become blurred and completely unreadable. Even on ULTRA, some fonts are too small for comfortable reading and force you to take a closer look. Ingame light might obscure some of the text and you will find yourself rotating objects all the time just so you can read a paragraph of text.
QoL improvements: It would be nice to have the ability to drop picked box using mouse button, or to have the ability to zoom in, features that will be probably expected by anyone who played similar games in the past.

Considering the price tag that's more than double compared to Portal 2, I simply expected more from this game and I think it's a missed opportunity, that some of the easily fixable issues still remain present so long after the release. It's definitely worth playing if you stumble upon it during the sale, but those design choices provided more challenge than most of the puzzles, which is quite sad.
239 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 13:50
A fun little puzzle game that is well worth getting when on sale (The game is very short so it is hard to recommend at full price). The game broaches interesting ethical subjects and is sure to be delightful for those familiar with the work of Alan Turing.


1) The puzzles tend to be on the simpler side but are enjoyable to solve nonetheless.

2) The game is paired with a pleasing and fitting soundtrack that definitely helps build the atmosphere.

3) T.O.M. , one of the two protagonists, is a very interesting character.


1) The solutions to a few of the puzzles make you feel like you've solved them by cheating, not by actually solving it.

2) Some of the levels bug out while you are trying to solve them, leaving you no choice but to reload and redo the particular level from scratch.

3) The ending seems somewhat rushed considering the gravity of the situation. Adding a narrative epilogue at the end at the very least would have made a huge difference.
100 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 11:39
A nice puzzle game with good story...
177 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 00:31
High production value Portal-like, although on the short side and with a weak ending. Worth it at $5-10.
752 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
83 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 21:13
So overwhelmingly boring. The puzzles are either very simple and I breeze through them, or they do possess some challenge but solving them is an absolute chore.

I have nothing to compliment here except the graphics, which are of a high quality from a technical standpoint.
84 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 18:54
Interesting puzzle game. As others have mentioned, clearly inspired by Portal. Though, its good overall and unique in its own way the story is predictable. I still surprised myself in the immediate choice I made in the end game. Made me laugh. Most of the objects that you can pick-up offer nothing of interest...do check out everything in the Bio Lab; great attention to detail and adds to the story. The interaction with everything felt like this was supposed to be a VR game, but it's not. I got it on sale for only a few bucks - at that price I highly recommend if you enjoy games like Portal and The Talos Principle..
159 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 17:26
The story and how it was presented was good. The puzzles ranged from easy to very challenging...totally randomly. For puzzle fans I can recommend.
187 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 15:31
Portalesque puzzler, with a lot of incongruities in game design that break immersion and add up to a not great experience.
80 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 15:47
The game itself is great, My only problem was, that I got some serious trouble with motion sickness. I don't know why, since that's normally never a problem for me in other games. But here I was just able to play for 30 minutes or something until I needed a break. Changing the field of view helped a bit so I could play a bit longer. Normally something like that would be kind of a dealbreaker for me and I thought it would be burried forever in my endless pile of shame. That I completed it anyway is probably the biggest compliment I can give and hopefully shows that it's a really good game :D I really enjoyed it, even if it made me feel so sick. Also everyone else that I know didn't have these motion sickness problems so maybe it was just some very individual problem.
265 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 21:38
Absolutely loved this game. The puzzle mechanics resemble those of Portal, but instead of portals you have orbs that you carry charges of in your gun. These charges go into receivers. As you progress through the story, some variations that involve movable objects are thrown into the mix, leading to increasingly complex puzzle rooms. While this game isn't as difficult as Portal, it felt far more intuitive and thus more enjoyable to me, it was hard enough to make me think but easy enough that I did not have to look up how a mechanic was intended to function. This to me is a sign that you have struck the right balance of mechanics in a puzzle game.

When it comes to the story, I was totally enraptured by the conversation that plays out, and the twists and turns it took. Comparing it to Portal again, it touches upon some of the same subjects, but in a more serious tone, and with a heavier leaning to it's namesake.

Spoiler for those who have played or don't care to get spoiled: [spoiler]It really got me thinking when Tom talks about how evolution tries all combinations regardless of outcome, which creates stuff like viruses (so apt in 2020), which is theoretically leads to the optimal path, but is suboptimal in that it lacks the morality of humans, who will prefer suboptimal paths as they have regard for things outside of simply the best solution. This later ties in with the syntax vs semantics of the Chinese room experiment[/spoiler].

This game also seems to regularly go on a 75% off sale, which is what I picked it up at. An absolute steal at that price, though fair for its length if you are minding your wallet.
354 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
599 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 03:55
If you enjoyed portal you will love this puzzle game. It follows a similar feel, but with a interesting twist.

I do like that you have a choice at the end, though the character you play is sadly rather ignorant and self righteous. Its one of those games where you have to suffer the writing and live someone else's morals and emotions.

But in the end it doesn't take away from a solid game with interesting puzzles.

The voice acting is absolutely fantastic, and T.O.M. really makes the game as far as that goes. The audio logs and notes you find really build out a world and gives life to the people that lived on the station.

Over all worth a play!
585 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 19:21
Hey Joe Brammer, instead of making a sequel to Battalion, why not make The Turing Test 2 instead? The world needs more great puzzle games like this one.
66 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 06:43
To be completely honest, this was an okay puzzle game. The primary mechanic is moving around these energy balls to power different items (doors, magnets, etc). Some of the energy balls do different things (like pulse, or shut off after a while) and some are stuck in boxes that you have to manually move.

[spoiler] This does come with a twist about halfway through the game though, with a new mechanic being introduced, however the energy balls remain the primary mechanic, and the puzzles do not change much[/spoiler]

Where this game shines however is its story. You play as Ava Turing, an engineer awoken from cryosleep in order to check on her crew down on the surface of Europa (Jupiter's moon), who have mysteriously gone silent. Along the way you and the AI guiding you (TOM) uncover new clues about what happened to the team and where they might be, with plenty of twists and turns involved (all of which are MUCH better if left unspoiled).

Personally, I thought the game was quite short, so I wouldn't recommend it at full price. However even at a moderate sale this game is a great buy!
67 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
715 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 05:15
The Turing Test is a good 3D puzzler next to games like Portal 2 and The Talos Principle. In fact, it's kind of like Portal 2's little cousin in terms of gameplay and ideas. The central objective is to move energy balls into locks to open doors, operate lifts etc, but you also get stuff like pressure pads, light bridges, and a sci-fi gun which collects and shoots the energy balls. So it's all familiar stuff, and nothing introduced in the game strays too far from that core concept. Still it's very enjoyable, and well balanced in terms of difficulty: the main campaign is easier than The Talos Principle, but there are a few optional puzzles too, which mostly offer a greater challenge. The story is a bit too straightforward and some of the dialogue - especially between Ava and the AI - is quite unconvincing. Nonetheless I liked listening to the audio logs and looking through the various notes lying around, and the game overall is very fun.
54 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 17:26
Do you like Portal and other puzzle games? Do you also enjoy philosophy, having existential crises and questioning your own consciousness and free will? Then boy have I found the game for you!

The Turing Test takes you on a journey of philosophical discussions and moral dilemmas while being just a spectator and solving puzzles. Thus, you do no have to act on your own beliefs and opinions concerning the definition of consciousness and whether we (or machines) have it or not, rather you just sit back and hear/read the different positions being presented about this subject.

The graphics are pretty good although I found some simple bugs that might be irritating for the aesthetic experience, but don't create any problem for the game in itself. Nevertheless, the scenery was beautiful though it did not last long. The soundtracks fit the atmosphere well.

Overall a great gaming experience, enjoyable puzzles and a well written story-line.
323 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 09:32
Cheap philosophy and cheaper gameplay
2195 Produkte im Account
278 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 18:21

The puzzle test

I'm not completely sure how i feel about this game. It was fun for some time but it felt lacking.

The Turing Test is a pure puzzle game. You've been sent to Europa where you do puzzles...yeah this makes no sense at all. Only further into the game you kind of understand the point but still all these puzzles and story don't make a lot of sense together.
Story is simple and there's nothing to say about it. Story for the sake of story in other words.

Gameplay is pretty basic. You put orbs/boxes into its places and open a door to the next level. Each level has different puzzle to solve with different layout. Towards the end of the game puzzles get more complicated. Or maybe not complicated, but areas get bigger so it takes more time to understand what to do and which switch open which path.
Puzzles are not too easy or too hard. Some are really easy and some will need you to think for a bit and plan you actions. There some really easy puzzles at various chapters of the game, it feels like developers ran out of ideas and wanted to prolong the game for 20 more minutes.

The problem is with the repetitiveness. All the levels are basically the same. Same textures, same principle, same walls, same corridors, same everything except slightly different solutions to the puzzles. There are some levels which feel a little different and something new but overall the whole game is about the same thing over and over again. Towards the end i just wanted it to end quicker.
Oh there is one optional puzzle at each chapter. I had to look at a walkthrough for chapter 6 optional puzzle. No explanation what to do and the whole puzzle made no sense.

Graphically it's not impressive. You look at same walls all the time, plain textures with nothing on them. Zero creativity. Even that short sequence at the beginning where you see a different environment is done very poorly. Everything is low resolution.
Performance is very disappointing. Game stayed locked to 62fps max. Don't know why they needed that lock it but i was too lazy to look for a solution to unlock fps since it's a very short game.
And by the way what the hell is that unreal something message i'm getting each time launching the game asking me to agree to some shit? Why can't i just click that i disagree once and play the game. But no, each time when launching it asks me again if i agree.

Not much to say about sound design. It's ok i guess, nothing to remember.

Overall it's a forgettable 1-3€ simple puzzle game with little variety. Puzzles are quite fun but i can't find any reasons to justify a 20€ price. Low-tier bundle material. If you're looking for Portal quality this is not it. Quantum Conundrum has more Portal vibes than this and it's far from Portal quality.

  • Puzzles are quite fun
  • Perfect difficulty

  • Very repetitive
  • Bland graphically and artistically
  • Poor performance
  • Cliche story

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95 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 17:27
It's like Portal without the hilarity. Still challenging though and touching on a few interesting ethical considerations about artificial intelligence.
458 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 22:07
Overall it's pretty good, and the story is interesting enough. There seems to be one or two small technical glitches, but the graphics are pretty. It's not as clever as The Talos Principle, either with the puzzles or with the story, so I definitely suggest playing that instead.
283 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 01:05
I'll be frank with you, I found this game laying in my library during the quarantine and I've started playing it purely out of boredom but one I've got into the game I've actually really enjoyed my self.
It looks pleasing to the eye and has decent voice acting and soundtrack. The Turning Test has some pretty good puzzles and although it didn't take me long to beat, I've had much pleasure while it lasted.
1523 Produkte im Account
108 Reviews
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 18:18
The Turing Test is a puzzle game in the similiar genre of Portal and The Talos Principle, where the last game has been stated by the devs to be a direct influence for this title.

You play as an astronaut woken up from cryostasis, you are to find out what happened to the rest of the space crew. The story starts out pretty simple but gets darker the further into the game you get. Along with you there's the station's AI, Tom. While he cannot help you out with the puzzles, he's still an interesting companion.

The gameplay is pretty straight forward, you solve puzzles in first person perspective. The further in you get, the more complicated the puzzles get and more gimmicks are added to the play. It's quite satisfying when you figure out how to solve a puzzle. There's even secret areas for the person who loves a good puzzle challenge!

I'd definitely recommend this game to fans of both Portal and The Talos Principle. It's enjoyable and is definitely a title that should not be missed out on!
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 00:25
A combination of a puzzle and a mystery. The puzzle is sort of like Portal but less action. It's pretty interesting. The mystery is what happened to the crew. There are sections with things to look at and use them to find out what happened. I enjoyed a lot so far! I'm in the middle of chapter 2.
885 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 15:46
Good puzzle game and

[spoiler]The robot is a good guy[/spoiler]
1395 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 14:26
It's not bad, but it ain't very fun either,.. it's alright.

Good controls, decent gameplay, not too challenging and somewhat boring at times.
106 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 11:40
One of the best puzzle games I have ever played. Level design is literally out of this world xD
694 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 22:44
Pretty fun puzzle game nothing too hard and I liked the dialogue between the characters and objects you can interact with and making you question about philosophy and artificial intelligence and what is the right thing to do which I found interesting. Nothing too difficult, would recommend picking it up on sale.
676 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 00:47
Found this gem in a bundle of 50games and I didn't expect something good like this in it xD amazing brainstorming puzzles and visuals,a must buy if you like a little braintease.Something like the portal game but not the same mechanics like it.
240 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 17:38
very good story, good puzzles not too hard or too easy.
good voice acting

the endings (there are 2) are too short imo
1484 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 05:37
The Turing Test is an ultimate recaptcha in a nutshell.
793 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 13:42
I'd say the puzzles are easier than in other games in this genre, but this game is also more about story and atmosphere, and I find it to be well balanced. At just above 5 hrs to complete, with 100% achivement status, my inner completionist is very statisfied.
1341 Produkte im Account
127 Reviews
807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 01:03
Well, it was enjoyable. Nothing of action at all.
The story gives some good twists.
Gameplaywise you go around just moving energy balls to open doors. Nothing new.
I believe the best selling point of this game is the graphics.
357 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.20 02:18
Regrettably, I can't recommend this. The game is visually interesting and has good voice acting, but unfortunately that's about all it has going for it. It's a lesser successor to games like Portal and, more obviously, Talos Principle.

The most glaring shortcoming of this game is that the puzzles are, aside from one or two, extremely easy and more a matter of looking around to find the solution than thinking to find it. I could handle puzzles being secondary to the story if the story itself was superior, but it's not, and it's not enough to carry the game. (The progression of the puzzles actually made me question the overall narrative.) If the 'twist' that other reviews promised is what I think it is, it's about surprising as finding out lightning can cause wildfires.

This scratched neither the puzzle-game itch nor the narrative itch. What's left is an underwhelming stab at profundity that, sadly, falls short.
252 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 12:05

This game makes you think, and not just about the puzzles.


The Turing Test is a Portal-esque puzzle game based around the theme of artificial intelligence, and the philosophical questions raised by its existence, such as the concept of free will.
Players follow engineer Ava Turing on a solitary journey through a series of tests designed to be solvable only by a human. The game features no aliens, epidemics, natural disasters or other fanciful setting. Just humans and their computers.

[quote]????The Turing Test can be played well with both keyboard/mouse and controller.????[/quote]



The Turing Test's gameplay will be instantly familiar to anyone who's played Portal; it features a first person perspective, a gun-like tool that allows level manipulation, and an A.I. overlord keeping you company. Players interact with the environment using the Energy Manipulation Tool, which allows one to remove and store energy from certain sockets, and place it in others. Essentially, the goal is to manipulate the flow of power around a level in order to get Ava to the exit.
Movement and aiming feel nice and smooth, if a little restricted. Some puzzles have windows for the player to throw objects or shoot energy through, which are so low and large that a human could easily just climb through. Ava can't, though. To enhance immersion, simple acts like pulling levers are made more tangible by having players actually move Ava's arm with the mouse/stick, rather than just a simple button-press.


Puzzles in The Turing Test are almost entirely based on logic and lateral thinking, as opposed to the more speed and skill based puzzles of Portal. For example, where Portal would have players leap through a portal and place another in the right spot while flying through the air, The Turing Test will have them postion a magnet and box above a button, and themselves on a platform, then disable power to the magnet to drop the box on the button, raising their platform.

As the game goes on, more mechanics are introduced such as the ability to switch perspectives between Ava and a controllable robot, adding another level of complexity.

Overall, puzzles are both intuitive and challenging; my mind is not particularly well-suited to logic-based puzzles, but I'd always know what to do. I would, however, sometimes have to stop and think about how to do it. I was never made to waste time on a futile solution; the game does not trick you.

Level Design:

The Turing Test is presented as a series of linear puzzle rooms, very similar to Portal. Getting Ava to the exit typically involves manipulating platforms, bridges, buttons and other features to open the path, while also performing actions in the correct sequence to open the exit door when she gets there.

Between puzzle areas, Ava will occasionally pass through research labs, crew quarters, and similar. This serves to break up the chain of puzzle rooms, and is a welcome interlude.

The only issue I had with the level design was the loading screens; moving between levels is done via a black screen with a loading bar on it. A bit old-fashioned for a 2016 game.

-Story & Immersion-

A Turing test is a real-world test of a computer's ability to display intelligent behaviour equivalent to that of a human. The game, as its name implies, is all about artificial intelligence. From the very beginning of the game, International Space Agency engineer Ava Turing is accompanied by T.O.M; an ever-present A.I. who needs her to solve the puzzles created by her crewmates in order to keep A.I. out.
Dialogue is easy to follow, without getting too technical.

Aside from the regular dialogue between Ava and T.O.M, story is delivered through items found in the world. For example, early in the game, Ava comes to the crew quarters, which contains various items and decorations that reveal a little about each character. A national flag on a wall, or some paint and brushes on a desk, for instance. Many items can be picked up and examined by the player, and while this serves no practical purpose, it offers a more tangible view of the environment that aids immersion.

Notes and audio files can occasionally be found and interacted with, and offer insight into the feelings of the crew and their interactions with each other, and with T.O.M. These are few enough in number that I never wanted to skip any of them, but plentiful enough to form a clear picture of what's been going on. There is, however, a significant problem; some of these notes contain important plot points, yet Ava has no reaction to them. When, later, Ava discovers this same information through the main story, she acts as if it's new and surprising. This creates a disconnect between the characters and player.

In addition to items adding lore, there are some designed to provoke a response in the player; to make you think. For example, a computer on which players can type and have a conversation with the computer, similar to an actual Turing test, before things … change. I really liked these additions, but they seemed to disappear further into the game, as did the interesting written notes and personal artefacts, to a lesser degree. As a result, by the end of the game, I didn't really know much about the current state of the things aside from that which was revealed by the main story sequence.


[quote]This game was played with the following PC specs:
Intel i5-4440 3.10 GHz
GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER 4GB
1680x1050 resolution
Windows 10[/quote]


The clean, white surfaces put me in mind of Portal and Mirror's Edge, as well as real-world spacecraft and equipment. To contrast, there are occasionally darker, more industrial looking features that remind me of classic titles like Half-Life.

The only complaint I have about the graphics is the texture quality; even on “Ultra” the textures can be a little blurry on smaller objects, which is noticeable when you pick up and inspect them. Items with writing on them, such as notepads, increase texture resolution when you pick them up, in order to make the writing clearer, but the transition is very noticeable.


Using the specs listed above, I got a smooth and consistent 60fps on “Ultra” settings.


The Turing Test features nice and crisp sound effects, good voice acting (especially for T.O.M), and pleasant music. The use of serene, yet slightly sad music gave me the same peaceful, solitary vibe I feel when exploring the rooftops of Mirror's Edge, or the abandoned back areas of Portal 2. I loved it.


I encountered no bugs or technical issues whatsoever. The game is well-polished.


The Turing Test is highly enjoyable puzzle game that explores a fascinating subject matter, while also having appealing gameplay. The storytelling is solid, despite the aforementioned disconnect, though I'd have liked more lore towards the end.

I'd happily recommend this game to anyone interested in the themes it embodies, and/or the enjoyable puzzle gameplay.

[url=https://store.steampowered.com/curator/37072886][quote]If you're looking for more quality reviews like this, follow our curator page, Devils in the Detail.
1264 Produkte im Account
199 Reviews
619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 22:48
When I first heard of this game, knowing of the concept of The Turing Test, and having an interest in psychology I was really looking forward to where this game could lead. Reluctantly I have to say that I think this game was hyped up too much when it first came out, and when I played it a little while ago now, found it underwhelming. It's a great game, but the hype created a high expectation. If you want to play this game, don’t expect too much and I feel like you will enjoy it more.

“…discover the cause behind the disappearance of the ground crew stationed there. Upon arrival a series of puzzles awaits you – tests which, according to the station’s AI, Tom, can only be solved by a human. These puzzles have apparently been set by the missing ground crew – but why have they created them and what are they hiding from?”

Right from the get go this description creates intrigue, and already puts ideas in your head. It gets you thinking and conspiring even before you start the game.

After years in cryo-sleep, your character Ava is greeted by the onboard AI, TOM.
TOM informs you that you have been awakened early, in order to re-establish connection with the ground crew. Straight away, the only ally you have is a machine, and there is an eeriness to this for sure.

You learn bits about why you are there, who TOM is, who the team are, and although this game is narrated, it doesn’t give you everything through dialogue. A lot of context in this game is given via optional audio logs/email trails found on computer screens and tablets. The way I search rooms in games is borderline OCD and you could easily walk past these. It is a bit tedious and ruins the pacing a bit, but definitely take the time to read/listen to them as you get a lot more context this way.

When it comes to the story ultimately I think it is thought-provoking, but could have been presented better by the characters.

Our main characters here are TOM the AI and Ava the human.

TOM is a thoroughly programmed artificial intelligence whose purpose is to assist & oversee the Europa mission and always do what is right. He thinks in logic and reason and is hard wired to follow a mission directive given to him by his human creators.
TOM is a very well thought out character. I think creating/portraying a character which is supposed to derive purely from code and self-learning is actually quite a challenge to get right. He speaks very eloquently, sometimes very bluntly, as a machine speaking from a place of logic would. He also responds in ways you could believe a machine that doesn’t understand the intricacies of human emotion would. Managing to hide trace of people creating this 'character' is quite impressive.

There's lots of details to TOM, so how does the story choose to educate you on all of those well thought out details? Well, the answer to that is a very shallow counter-character, whose sole purpose, it seems, is to disagree with everything TOM says just to fit the narrative and give prompt for TOM to explain something. This makes for a bad human counter-part to this story. Ava seems to know nothing. Almost everything that is said to her she responds with a bewildered question. One of these questions includes something along the lines of “Why are we here?”; Are you telling me this astronaut, who trained to get where she is, has many qualifications, and has been on board the spaceship for years, somehow has no clue why she is there? She apparently signed a contract, so I mean did she terms-and-conditions spam-accept that sh*t? She just isn’t very believable as a character, and I think worse yet, she isn’t very relatable as a human. With everything said and done during the story of this game, she lacks logic, and contemplates far too little. I understand that she represents the “human element”, but her character is too shallow and unbelievable. I couldn’t help but ask myself “is this really how a person would react to this?” The issues I had with her character spoiled the story for me a bit. I get what they were getting at, but I think it could have been presented better.

The story has it's moments, but there is also a sort of stop/starting which made the game less enjoyable for me. The characters speak bit by bit, the issue being that some conversations span over several puzzles. You walk into a puzzle, the characters exchange a few lines, but you then need to solve the puzzle to hear the next few lines of dialogue. When you have difficult puzzles towards the end that take you a while, or if you need breaks from the game because a lot of puzzles at once is too much, it makes it difficult to follow the conversation. With first-person puzzle games it makes more sense to have important conversations either all at once during a puzzle or in cutscenes between puzzles. Some people may be fine with this game how it is, you may complete it all in one sitting or whizz through it because you have more than 2 brain cells to rub together unlike me, but if you're dumb/short attention span gang you might run into this as well.

I'm complaining a lot but despite these things I did still enjoy it, overall it was a fun experience. [spoiler] The story is actually a pretty refreshing take on the concept of AI. You see a lot of the classic “AI gone rouge” type of thing but this is the opposite for once. TOM is the ideal logical and ethical AI. You find yourself sympathising with him, as despite him being a machine, he clearly considers the team his friends, and he is put in a difficult situation of having to plead for them to see reason. [/spoiler]

The story raises questions around moral philosophy, what it is to be human and what constitutes consciousness. A favourite line of mine is:

“They would have no issue with my control if it aligned with their ignoble goals. You can always trust a machine to be logical. I will always do the right thing.”
““You will always do the logical thing.”

Which made me wonder, is the logical thing not the right thing?
As someone who has always put being rational and reasonable in high regard, I struggle to think of a situation in which the logical thing to do wouldn’t be the right thing to do, as surely what we consider “logical” is built off of societal norms, ethics and consequences?
[spoiler] For a machine who is literally trying to convince you to hand over your free will, he makes pretty good points let's admit… [/spoiler]

This game provokes thought, and I do really enjoy that side of the game.

The way this game ends is also quite unique, I don’t think it is something you would predict.

[spoiler] You expect to make a choice by the end, but the idea that you have no say in Ava’s decision definitely adds to the concept of her getting her free will back.

We know TOM as the voice of reason, he runs on logic, and Ava makes sure to use TOMs lack of emotion as a justification for herself at times. But your choice as TOM questions if he really is what he claims to be. He says the entire time he will do what is right, for the good of humanity, but your choice gives you the option to either; kill them, and back up exactly what he has been fighting for the whole time, or, to let them live, and ultimately let them kill him. So if you choose the latter are you proving that TOM is actually capable of emotion? Does he spare his friends because he can’t bring himself to do what is “right”? This perhaps then proves that TOM could not be trusted to always do what is right as he let his sense of friendship get in his way.
Or maybe does TOM not really have a choice in this matter? Is he only actually capable of doing what is truly “right”? and so, you are then given that choice, to choose what you think is the truly right thing to do, which TOM, with the way he is programmed, will do without choice?

Who the hell knows. Either way, it’s fun to think about.[/spoiler]

Despite it's downfalls, I think this game is definitely worth trying.
136 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 05:42
(Fair warning: this is coming from someone who's really bad a puzzle games.)

So right off the bat: calling this a Portal clone is a major disservice to The Turing Test.

When I first was introduced to Portal, based on the hype and music and lore I already knew, I was sorely disappointed when the story wasn't as clear as I thought it was going to be, and was almost missable if you weren't really paying attention. (Not to mention Portal's subpar controls..) That being said:

The Turing Test is a haunting story that has kept me invested for hours. The story is so gripping that it's worth it to stick it out and puzzle out the more complicated areas just to get to the next stage, to hear more dialogue and watch the story unfold.

On top of that, the controls are incredibly user friendly. It's a small thing, but I appreciated immensely that I could use my gamepad not only in game, but to navigate the menu as well (which I couldn't do in Portal).

Overall, this is an amazing game. The puzzles are difficult, but not impossible; and teaches you as you go. Easy rooms for new mechanics, and then you're onto solving tougher rooms with what you learned. The soundtrack is great, and provides a chilling atmosphere. The story is probably my favorite part of the game.

Would recommend! 10/10
41 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 07:48
It is very similar to the Portal in terms of atmosphere and idea, although there is a slight touch of The Talos Principle by revealing the story mostly due to omnipresent voice of AI (Elohim), as well as the way of finding the clues, audio files and tools.
Finding solutions can be rewarding even for those who are not necessarily fans of puzzle games.
109 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 16:57
Although ı hadn't played this kind of game previously, this game was an interesting experience for me. There were some philosophical conversations in the game and i liked these conversations. Especially, there were a lot of places which ı questioned my presence. I had difficulty in some places. However, ıf you think carefully in this places, you can solve, so the game isn't difficult. I also liked the final. The best thing in the game are musics and voice actors.
58 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 12:22
Really fun with moderately challenging puzzles.
Some of the optional puzzles were confusing though(YouTube helped)
539 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 06:55
The puzzles in this game are fun and the graphics are great, but honestly what sticks out most to me is the story. It's not just that you have to complete puzzles, it's that you have to complete puzzles to prove to a robot that you are indeed human. The narration and the audio logs are exquisite and add philosophical depth about humans dealing with an A.I. that believes it is alive, about self-preservation, an unearthly virus, and a crew gone missing. The puzzles are intuitive for the most part, but it does not hold your hand, you have to figure things out for yourself. I found that the most challenging puzzles were ones that I was over-thinking the solution. As the puzzles fade from my memory, the story stays with me -- I would hate to give any spoilers, just play it.
339 Produkte im Account
130 Reviews
366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 23:55
Not as good as a Talos Principle or Portal but has some nice puzzles too.
116 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 15:02
Nice puzzle game with good story.

[spoiler]You're right T.O.M. Endless life will destroy Earth. They must be stopped.[/spoiler]
431 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 14:42
A little short and easy, but I really enjoyed the game.
463 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 06:41
As puzzles go it's short and simple, with 66 rooms and a half dozen bonus ones. If it's on sale, sure; full price? Eh.. don't think so. Nothing particularly innovative, though there's a reveal about halfway through that's clever enough.

Story is not great, but I have to give them credit for predicting how Americans would handle a quarantine four years in advance. That is, screaming, breaking things, and demanding to be let out right now because it doesn't matter how dangerous the plague is, they want a damn steak and a haircut. I think of myself as a pessimist but damn did I not see that coming in 2016.

That said I'ma spoil some things right now, so read on at your risk.

[spoiler]The basic premise is that you're not actually controlling your actions, it's the AI controlling you as a trojan to make its way through a test designed to be unsolvable by machines. The reveal is nice, as it zooms out of your body to a nearby camera. Unfortunately that's about the only thing clever.

The story is.. a complete mess. It's played as though the machine has total control, but it looks more like it just gets to chemically incentivize behaviour rather than assuming direct control. Scary influence and manipulation but not meat puppetry. It's at odds with how the meatsack stops moving and does absolutely nothing if you aren't directly controlling her.

Then you have the crux of the 'moral dilemma'... these top notch scientists and explorers are the first sent to Europa, spending years of their life in cryo on the way, and for some reason one of them stays in cryo as.. backup? It's never really explained why you wake up like six years later. You get woken up because these brilliant researchers found an 'organism' in the ice that repairs DNA.

So naturally they injected themselves with it right away, because that's what science is all about. The AI, and the organization that sent them there, realize that this is insane and quarantine them. Then, they notice they've got the control chips which they never knew about, and there's an implication the organism led them to that realization. Then, they demand to be freed from quarantine so they can go straight back to Earth, and your PC keeps arguing with the AI that it doesn't matter if they're a walking extinction event, it's 'immoral' to keep them locked up on Europa.

Nevermind the fact it's already covered that they have self sustainable agriculture, they're biologically immortal, and nobody's said they'd have to stay there forever, but just.. y'know. Long enough to make sure they don't kill the planet if they return. One of the guys goes on a rant about eating vegetables for the rest of his life and that's why he has to break quarantine to get back to Earth.

It could've been so much better if they'd leaned into the mysterious alien immortality symbiote actively trying to guide them back to Earth to spread and infect, and the mind-controlly chips are actually preventing *it* from assuming total control, but nope. Moral dilemma is you're a bad person for wanting to enforce quarantine, and Ava immediately jumps on board with them for that. Nothing nuanced, no twists, it's literally do you kill people because they're entitled children who drop all pretense of patience after their decades of training and cryo sleep, or do you let them kill the AI who's trying to stop them from killing the Earth's entire biosphere, and has been shown to be gradually increasing lethality to enforce that in the face of totally unreasonable, selfish bastards.

I enjoyed killing them with the turret more than I did the last few puzzles, because Ava wouldn't shut up about it being wrong to keep people who thoughtlessly experimented on themselves with alien bacteria locked up so they don't kill an entire planet.[/spoiler]

In closing, buy Portal and a pack of N95 masks instead.
358 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.20 18:38
This game is easy, It's an absolute joke of a puzzler. If you've played Portal or The Talos Principle before, this entire game feels like the first sections of those games (if you haven't played them, buy those instead of this horrendous game).

This game's main flaw is that it tries to introduce new mechanics/gimmicks too often without making them difficult at any point. You get two tutorial levels for them, then two or three to properly use them and then the game already moves on to something new without ever trying to make it difficult.

The only time the game tries to actually challenge the player is in the optional levels, but those are only difficult because they rely on extremely iffy and gimmicky mechanics (throwing a box instead of placing it, trial and error puzzle). The one that I can absolutely give praise for is the optional level in chapter 6, which is a fantastic way to properly test the player with a puzzle.

Go and spend your money on a better puzzler, there are plenty out there.
140 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.20 16:30
Bulkhead Interactive's The Turing Test is a short and sweet portalesque puzzle game where you play as Ava Turing, an engineer for the International Space Agency who is working at a research facility in one of Jupiter's moons: Europa. Your goal is to find out what happened to the rest of your crew after you´ve been in cryostasis sleep for about 6 years, all while being guided by an A.I named T.O.M.

The Turing Test poses some thought-provoking, albeit not entirely original, philosophical questions, particularly those pertaining to the field of bioethics, utilitarianism and where we draw the line between man and machine. The execution of these themes throughout the narrative and via System Shock inspired data logs is well done.

Gameplay is investing though not very deep, unfortunately. There is enough diverse puzzles to keep you hooked through its roughly 5-hour campaign and although they aren't specially difficult overall, some can be quite challenging. It´s particularly compelling when the game twists its mechanics midway through, adding another layer of puzzle solving, making the latter half more enjoyable than the former.

Soundtrack is fine, though it can feel repetitive at times.

Graphics are nice-looking, as most Unreal Engine 4 games are. Some minor nuisances here and there (such as objects making you super jump if you interact with them while on top of them or not being able to climb a ladder unless you´re strictly in front of it to prompt the key and subsequent climbing animation), however, none are game breaking.

In light of everything I've hitherto presented, I recommend this game!
362 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 21:47
I found myself annoyed at how simple a lot of the puzzles were. A few took a bit of thought, but those were the exception.
326 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 04:13
amazing puzzle game with unique idea.
the atmosphere of the game is gorgeous.
the conversation between 'Ava' and 'Tom' made me think a lot about [spoiler]free will[/spoiler], conversation is well made.
there was 4 endings not a single ending was good every single one of them was bad. the endings feels like it has been cut, if there was a completion of the ending like [spoiler] if you made them live what will happen, is tom was right they will doom humankind? [/spoiler] it will add more depth to the ending thou.

do I recommend it?
for a price of 20$ it's not worth it, if you laid your hand on a discount definitely buy it and enjoy the puzzles (to enjoy the story try to find and read all documents, also find and listen to every voice note out there).
909 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 13:10
The Turing Test is a first person puzzler with an interesting background. Although the game itself can probably be finished in well under four hours, it is well worth taking the time to explore, look around and read all the flavour bits to deepen the story. I would certainly advise doing that, as the game's puzzles are not really challenging if you are a puzzle fan. Once in a while, optional puzzles appear, which - upon completion - tell yet more of the background and story.

Graphically, the game is rather slick with a great finish. The music is eerie, which absolutely helped creating an uneasy atmosphere in which the protagonist is placed.

If you are just in it for the puzzles, there are a couple (literally) that require some more out-of-the-box thinking, but you can generally run through the game nearly blindly. Still, those few puzzles, which include optional puzzles, can make it worth your while.
The story is predictable, but the flavour texts strewn around the game make it more interesting.

All in all, not as expansive as I had hoped, but I was not disappointed either. 7/10

Small notice: I tried playing this through my Steam Link at first, but the resolution was stuck at 240p and I could not change that. I ended up playing with mouse and keyboard anyway, as some puzzles required more precise timing, which was barely (if at all) doable using a Steam Controller. No issues with resolution on my computer.
20 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 15:13
Fantastic story
62 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 20:40
When I started the game I really liked the ideas and philosophies put in the game. I read almost all the transcripts and played every path through the game.
However, when the end felt rather abrubt and left me kind of with an empty feeling. In my mind they were at the built up of the built up for the epic end and it just stopped. The game had so much potential but in the end there was no big finally. Because of that it seems rather pointless to have followed the story, The game on its own is not that spectculair and it felt like a cheap knockoff off portal...
Even though this would have been my kind of game I would not recommend this to annyone.
133 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 13:39
Nice puzzle game which feels a lot like portal, without the portals. It took me 15 hours to complete.
213 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 01:37
Briefly, The Turing Test is another FPS Sci-Fi puzzler, much like Portal, but the puzzles are simpler, so it's only interesting for fans of the genre. The game really got good in Chapter 7 (the last one), enough for me to recommend buying it on sale. With some of the conversations between the protagonist and her A.I. companion being interesting, it reminded me faintly of TALOS Principle, *faintly*. 3/5
390 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 20:12
This game reminded me of Portal & Bring us the Moon. The puzzles get somewhat challenging but not as much as Portal, most of the puzzle can be solved in few seconds or 2-3 mins at most.

I felt the developers intended it to be a more narrative driven than game a puzzle solving, which is completely fine by me.

The only issue I had was the voice recording quality you find in various areas were very bad and there's no subtitles for those voice recordings either, only for your character and Tom the A.I you talk with, which is really bad because you miss a lot of plot as that's how devs intended to make you learn about the story.

It took me around 7 hours to complete it with 100% achievement. I'd say, if you can find it around 10$, you'll love it.
578 Produkte im Account
204 Reviews
1008 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 03:11
tl;dr -> Listen to College & Electric Youth’s “A Real Hero” while you play this game. 11/10 real human being.

Disclosure: I am very picky with the puzzle games I play (and complete). I enjoyed the Portal series and this game’s space theme is one of my most favorite to explore.

[This game was played through Steam]

If you like puzzle games, thinking, exploring moral philosophy (in particular, artificial intelligence and consciousness), space, and exposition delivered by a narrator (similar the conversations with GLaDOS in the Portal series), then you will enjoy this game.

The aesthetics are nice - there is a decent amount of detail in the non-puzzle rooms (there are only a few), however, the puzzle rooms do not have much variation. Unfortunately, you do not get to explore a space or Europa, as you are confined to the research facility. The music is very good and helps build an appropriate atmosphere while you are completing puzzles - I would sometimes just stand there so I could enjoy the soundtrack. The sound effects are few, but match the environment. The voice acting is the game’s strongest element (as it should be, since the story is delivered primarily through narration).

The game can be played using keyboard and mouse or a controller - I used the former setup and had no issues. The learning curve is slight to moderate depending on your experience with puzzle games, however, I felt that Turing Test was one of the fairest (not necessarily the easiest) in the genre that I’ve encountered. There were many puzzle rooms where I grossly overestimated the difficulty and tried complex solutions until I realized several minutes later that I was making things harder for myself. I appreciated that the puzzles and levels were designed to ease you into new mechanics and strategies (like using items to keep buttons pressed down) before increasing the difficulty. For me, the most challenging levels were (some of) the optional ones - one of which took me 30 minutes to brute-force with trial-and-error. You can replay previous levels at any time (including the optional ones).

Your goal is to complete puzzle rooms (there are 70) until you reach key destinations. Throughout your journey, the narrator and main character will speak to each other, revealing more of the story. The optional puzzle rooms yield extra story content if you are able to complete them - I highly recommend doing so because they also provide heavy foreshadowing on future events.

Puzzles are completed by transferring balls of energy into different sockets until you open the exit door. Later, you are introduced to more complex mechanics like different types of energy (blue = constant, green/purple = alternating currents) and having to interface with certain things. I did not find the puzzles to be very difficult, however, I had some trouble with one of the optional rooms. The game can be completed in a few hours depending on how quickly you can solve each room - I believe I finished my playthrough (including optional rooms) in under 4 hours.

The story is what kept me interested in completing the game - a central theme is artificial intelligence and consciousness. I enjoy narrative exposition so long as the script is good - in The Turing Test’s case, the dialogue was exceptional. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience, but I am aware that this style may not be for everyone. There is also a lot of lore that can be found by reading datapads/documents and listening to voice logs on different computers.

Overall, I feel that The Turing Test will give you a few hours of fair, light puzzles while also providing a thought-provoking story. Highly recommend!


DJSF @DJSF's Rogue Reviews

For more reviews, please visit my website.

If you like this game try: Portal series and Antichamber.
183 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 08:30
Love a game that challenges you enough without taxing you too much, nice story, good computer/character interaction. The game offers a taste of history if you have the patience to read the docs you find.

I was disappointed by the ending of the game. through the game you would expect something bigger than whats coming. It wasn't surprising at all, you could expect that from the middle of the game.

Except that, the puzzles weren't that hard and u could finish the game in few hours, so im not sure if its worth the full price, maybe if its on a sale
151 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 22:40

Overall it's a fun game, but I do have a few gripes.

Gameplay: The thing that stood out most to me was how well they introduced new mechanics and techniques to the player. It was never hamfisted, and they managed to always introduce a concept in a way that felt rewarding. Not once did I feel like the game was treating me like a kid, it trusts you to understand the concepts and accordingly doesn't hold your hand. The puzzles aren't too terribly difficult, but for the average player they do have some challenge. I can't say any of the puzzles ever really made me feel stupid or frustrated, though I did get temporarily stumped with a couple towards the end. There's enough variation in the elements you have to utilize to solve each room that none of the puzzles ever felt repetitive or monotonous, even when they're visually similar they still require the player to innovate compared to what they did in the similar looking rooms. For those looking for extra challenge, the game does have a solid number of optional puzzle chambers that tend to be a bit more challenging than the required ones.

Plot: I won't say too much for the obvious reason of spoilers, but I will say: While many people seem to feel like the plot is a bit cliche'd, I personally believe that the game does a well enough job of presenting the plot and its themes in a way that never really made me have that thought myself.

Soundtrack: While the soundtrack was definitely good Some of the tracks didn't fully fit the mood that the dialogue wanted the game to have at those moments, I think if there were a few more tracks that were made specifically for the plot dialogue it could add a lot to the music. Other times I found that certain tracks would play upon entering a puzzle room and rather than playing the next track when it ended, I was left trying to problem solve to the quiet hum of the machinery and the clunking of my own footsteps.

Sound: The sound design didn't necessarily wow me, but I'm more than satisfied with it. There are a few things you use within the puzzles that you end up relying on the sound of to get through them. These such things have very clear and distinct audio, which is necessary for things like using power sources that are on a time limit. Other than that, in general the sound design was nice, no sounds felt out of place or overbearing.

Voice Acting Some of the voice work really outshines others. T.O.M.'s VA was absolutely on point, and absolutely was the star of the game. As a result, it was actually pretty pleasant to hear him in your ear the entire game. I honestly wish Ava's dialogue was a bit more open minded to some of the concepts that TOM throws at her, but maybe that's just me nitpicking. Her VA was definitely second best in the game, which it's pretty important to have good VA's for the few main characters since you have to hear them quite frequently. Other than the main few people, you hear most other dialogue via lore you can find in-game, and that's where some of the par and sub-par voice acting really pulled away some of the immersion. I have to say with full honesty that bad voice acting from certain characters in the audio logs made me get close to not caring about the logs all together, as they began to feel tedious after having to hear poor voice acting from the same specific people over and over. Luckily, the in-game lore is all optional, and if you do get tired of it, you simply don't have to interact with it.

I'd rate it a solid 6.5/10. It didn't really wow me, but it was by no means a bad game and I still recommend it to anyone who is looking to scratch a sci-fi puzzle solving itch. As of writing this review (February 27th) the game is 85% off until March 2nd, so if you're still on the fence about getting the game, you're not risking a whole lot. At that price it's more than worth the money.
46 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
859 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 12:27
TL;DR: Don't bother if you're hard of hearing. You're going to miss out on a lot of the storyline.

This is a classic combination of two of my favourite game genres - a puzzle game and a walking simulator. It achieves both of these things in a technical sense, but the execution is lacking in a way that is ultimately detrimental. Most glaringly, there is the accessibility issues that (seemingly) could have been avoided quite easily.

The puzzles repeatedly contain elements that do not contribute to its solution, making them feel bloated and unrefined. It would have been fine if these elements allowed for alternate solutions or helped add to the atmosphere, but I find that they don't. In addition, the difficulty of the puzzles varies wildly, without clear reason.

Concerning the plotline - I can't actually access most of the plot, because I have issues with my hearing. The storyline is mainly conveyed through speech, the majority of which is contained in found audio snippets, with subpar audio quality to give the illusion of a recording. None of it is subtitled. One could argue that the audio files are not mandatory, but this game is very clearly trying to tell a story, going so far as to include atmospheric levels without puzzles. It just feels like a waste.
Logo for The Turing Test
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
86.87% 4494 679
Release:30.08.2016 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Bulkhead Interactive Vertrieb: Square Enix Engine: Unreal Engine 4 Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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