• The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.
  • The Town Of Light: Erste Screens zum Horror-Adventure.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 26.02.2016
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Preis Update 01.07.24

Über das Spiel

The Town of Light is a first-person psychological experience with locations and characters inspired by real events, made by the independent studio Lka.it.
Our goal is to recreate the experiences, the anguish and the human drama of patients living in mental institutions up to the end of the last century: both the pain of mental disease and the horrors patients underwent within the walls of the institutions where they were being “treated”.
Our story takes place in one of the biggest asylums that ever existed in Italy, which counted more than 5000 internees at one time and was located in the city of Volterra: an asylum with a most controversial though little known history.

We faithfully recreate a notorious area of this asylum, that included two pavilions called Charcot and Ferri, by carrying out “authorized” inspections on the abandoned site and by gathering the testimony of former patients, doctors and nurses.
We have been working on this discreetly for almost a year; we plan on releasing a first demo for Win, Mac, Linux compatible with Oculus Rift before the end of the year.


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

10161 Produkte im Account
412 Reviews
157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 02:50
Recht kurzer Walking Simulator im Psycho-Horror-Stil, der auf wahren Begebenheiten basiert und die absolut miserablen Lebensbedingungen und unmenschlichen Therapien in altertümlichen psychiatrischen Anstalten thematisiert.

Der Reiz des Spiels ist vor allem die sehr gute Story, spielerisch ist das Spiel eher guter Durchschnitt und die Performance etwas holprig.
466 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 15:10
Richtig gut gemacht, wie ich finde. Sehr empfehlenswert!
70 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 04:00
Einfach ein geniales Game. Stellenweise sehr derbe Geschichten die erzählt werden, fesselt einen aber von der ersten bis zur letzten Minute.
495 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 23:12
Eine gute Story die auf einer wahren Begebenheit basiert.
Diese Geschichte ist mir wirklich sehr nahe gegangen.
Eine klare Kaufempfehlung.
755 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.21 20:47
tolles spiel gefällt mir.
39 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 12:50
Ich habe das Spiel gerade durch und kann nur sagen: Das was das Spiel rüberbringen möchte, bringt es auch rüber.

Am Ende war es für mich schwer zu ertragen. Es ist unglaublich, was Menschen Menschen antun können und angetan haben.
Eine sehr eindrückliche Erfahrung. Spielt es!
205 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 19:32
10/10!!!!! Nothing more to say ♥^♥
23 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 20:17
Eine wirklich sehr schöne bewegende Geschichte, das herumlaufen in der alten Klinik bringt eine düstere Atmosphäre und Ruhige dunkle Erkundung´s touren mit einer abartig kranken traurigen wahre Story zugleich - Genau mein Fall
1649 Produkte im Account
475 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 12:25

Review verfasst am 7.11.2020

Normalerweise zocke in ein Game durch, bevor ich eine Review schreibe. Aber manchmal geht es nicht anders. Ich bin an einer Stelle angelangt wo es irgendwie nicht mehr weitergeht. Ich laufe im Gebäude rum und es passiert nichts. Entweder ist es ein Bug, oder es ist so vom Entwickler gewollt. Wenn es ein Bug ist, dann ist das eine Frechheit, dass dieser Bug nach all den Jahren immer noch da ist! Wenn das so beabsichtigt ist, dass man durch die Anstalt rumirrt und den Weg nicht findet, ist es für mich genauso schlimm, wenn nicht noch schlimmer. Ich meine was soll das? Ich verschwende meine kostbare Zeit doch nicht mit sowas!

Grafik, Sound und Story finde ich nur mittelmäßig. Wenn ich das Game bis zum Schluss gezockt hätte, dann hätte ich es vielleicht sogar Positiv bewertet. Aber so kann ich The Town of Light leider nicht empfehlen. Außerdem finde ich die Preis/Leistung nicht akzeptabel. Keine Kaufempfehlung meinerseits!
75 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 20:34
So ich hab nun alle Kapitel und alle Enden durchgespielt und alle Archievments freigeschaltet. Ich muss sagen, dass mich noch nie ein Spiel so emotional mitgenommen hat. Man macht sich viele Gedanken und ist teilweise einfach nur schockiert. Man darf kein spaßiges Spielerlebnis mit Jumpscares oder Ähnlichem erwarten. Der Fakt, dass es auf einer wahren Begebenheit beruht, macht das Ganze noch bedrückender. Die Anstalt gibt es tatsächlich echt, und sie wurde teilweise sogar originalgetreu nachgebildet. Ich empfehle das Spiel jedem, der sich auf ein ernstes, zum Nachdenken anregendes Spiel einlassen kann.
79 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 02:08
Hatte mir Anfangs nicht viel erwartet, aber wurde dann doch mehr als positiv überrascht.
Die Soundkulisse und Bilder können einem echt psychisch fertig machen. Abartig und traurig, wie früher Patienten in Nervenkliniken den Mitarbeitern ausgeliefert waren.
35 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 08:51
Intensiv, Knackig, Atmosphärisch. Wenn man ein Hauch Interesse an Psychologie oder den alten Irrenanstalten hat, ist das Spiel ein muss.
380 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 16:20
Ein schönes Spiel; es war aber... alter
2592 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 08:39
Was geschah mit der 16-jährigen Renée im Jahre 1938 nachdem sie in die Psychiatrie eingeliefert wurde? Wurde alles besser?

- Bedrückende Stimmung in der Anstalt
- Berührende und krasse Geschichte (Gar nicht so abwegig für die Zeit)
- Detailreiche Grafik (Nachbildung eines realen Ortes)

- Kurze Spielzeit

The Town of Light ist ein Entdeckungsreisen-Spiel. Wirklich viel Interaktion gibt es also nicht. Störend ist dies jedoch nicht, denn die Erkundung der Anstalt und das Herausfinden der Vorkommnisse dort sind wahnsinnig spannend.
454 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 09:45
Das Spiel beschäftigt sich mit Sexuellen Missbrauch und Psychischen Erkrankungen und Dessen fragwürdigen Behandlungen in der vergangenen Zeit daher kann es sein das es nicht für jedermann ist.Die Story ist Größtenteils sehr gut und stimmig nur, dass es verschieden Enden gibt und man zwischen Drin sich entscheiden muss wie man Antwortet reist einen raus. Allgemein mag ich es wenn man mehrere Enden hat aber bei diesem Spiel finde ich es nicht stimmig. Die Idee sich mit dem Thema zu beschäftigen finde ich sehr gut aber durch die deutschen Stimmen von der Youtuberin Pandorya reist es mich aus der Atmosphäre raus.Auf der einen Seite ist es schön eine Bekannte stimme zu hören,allerdings merkt man das sie keine professionelle Synchronsprecherin ist.Sie macht ihren Job zwar oft sehr gut aber manch mal fällt es aus dem Muster. Die Grafik ist wenn man Spielt eher ok aber die Zeichnungen die man oft sieht sind mega gut. Ich mag es wenn man solche Grafiken die per Hand gezeichnet wurden sieht. Der Song am Ende ist auch sehr schön. Nun ich würde auf Grund dessen da das Spiel im Angebot nur 3€ kostet auf jedenfall empfehlen.
174 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 18:59
A good Horror Game and funny Jumpscares.
I am very excited about the game content.
484 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 22:11
Was will mir das Spiel eigentlich vermitteln? Katastrophale Zustände in den Irrenhäusern Italiens des letzten Jahrhunderts? Will es mir ermöglichen einen Blick durch die Augen einer psychisch kranken zu werfen? Will es mir Angst machen? Ich hab keine Ahnung und werde einigermaßen verwirrt zurückgelassen.
Rein technisch geht alles in Ordnung, Inszenierung ist auch gut und lediglich die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit ist unter aller ...
Aber mir persönlich fehlt der rote Faden und mehr narrative Hilfestellung.
115 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.20 22:00
Zweifellos ein Spiel mit vielen Vorzügen, wie etwa der wundervollen Grafik, der schmerzlichen Geschichte, der gewählten Kulisse und der alles umfassenden Melancholie, die dich überall hin begleitet. Doch was all diese wunderbaren Dinge mit einem einzigen gewaltigen Schlag in den Hintergrund gerückt hat, war für mich die Engine, die seltsam unausgereift, ja beinahe dement wirkte und alle 16 (!!!) Sekunden das ganze Spielerlebnis versaute - und zwar auf eine radikale Art und Weise. Ich habe die ersten Stunden nur damit zugebracht, an allem zu werkeln und zu schrauben, was ich finden konnte, aber schlussendlich habe ich es dann doch aufgegeben und mich solange durch die Stockwerke des Hauses gezwungen, bis mir die Freude am Spiel verging. Die Deutsche Synchronisation hat das ganze nicht wirklich besser gemacht...
102 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 11:08
find yourself by story of the Evil house .
1405 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 04:55
As far as walking simulators go, this is definitely above average. If you're a fan of the genre, you won't regret playing this game. Hidden objects are aplenty, but in a much more restrained way than what you'll normally find. You won't have to dig through countless drawers and cabinets to uncover all the story has to offer. But if you're looking for something to frighten you, you won't find it here. No jump scares, no near death experiences, no threats to your safety, just a gentle stroll down memory lane. And gentle is the key word there; the main character doesn't have great mobility, so walking around the grounds is more of a slog than it should be. It plays a bit clunkier than what you may be used to.

The visuals capture the grounds of an abandoned asylum well, though as is tradition in this type of game the decorations and furnishings rely on copy-pasting the same models over and over. I appreciated minimal the soundtrack and effects which never interrupted the story, but didn't like the English voice actress. She gave an inconsistent performance throughout the game. It was hard to tell whether her character was meant to improve in mental capacity as she relived her memories, or be pulled deeper into madness, since she seemed to bounce between the two. Probably more of an error in direction rather than her ability.

The plot averages out to be fine. It tackles a sensitive subject in a blunt way, which adds the story. I'm not sure if this was a purposeful design choice, an artifact of a first-time developer getting a feel for what works and what doesn't, or a greater cultural acceptance of the subject matter in Italy compared to USA. No matter the cause, the final scene left me with a supreme feeling of unease, so it was successful in dredging some emotion out of me. After I finished the game, I wanted to replay it to uncover the roads not taken, which is probably the best compliment I can give for the game. It kept me interested enough to want to learn more about what happened. I don't recommend this game to general audiences, but if you like feeling miserable, this game should deliver for you.

I played this game after watching the trailer for Martha is Dead to get a feel for what kind of game LKA develops. I'm curious to see how they evolved after making this, and am much more interested in following their future releases.
697 Produkte im Account
155 Reviews
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 19:58
Generally, not into horror at all, and found I had to put this game down, returned and am really finding it hard. Not so much a game, as a story. The only thing that makes this a game is the puzzles; otherwise, it is brilliant storytelling in 3D. Try to explain what was happening to Renee for yourself.
1113 Produkte im Account
111 Reviews
422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 14:02
Extraordinary psycho-horror walking sim that will stay in your memory for months after playing - 8.5/10

This is one of the most terrifying games I've played in a while, this is how horror is done, not being chased by some stupid monster. There are no jumpscares but you will be terrified nontheless, due to slow creepy storytelling.
The game has a great story about a little girl being brought to a mental asylum in 1938. The story unfolds while you explore the abandoned asylum in the present. The graphics are awesome and really deliver the feeling of an old mental asylum.
The game is a bit lacking in gameplay, the walking speed is too slow and you don't have to do a lot besides some minor puzzles, opening doors and exploring the asylum. Some scripted scenes are also too dragged out. The really great story makes up for that though.

In my opinion a must-play for any walking sim fan, keep in mind that this is hard stuff that won't make you feel good.

100%-Achievement-Difficulty: Easy, takes 4-6 hours if the first playthrough is unguided.
497 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 12:24
This isn't a horror video game. Don't buy it because you think that. It will not give you satisfaction.
This is a critic of society and how it treats people with handicap.
This is also a historical game showing what was what before, in our past.
The use of VR is giving you the opportunity to try to understand the world through handicap and psychiatric diseases. The immersion is made to allow you to understand what was right and what was wrong but more importantly : why it was wrong.

I won't talk about how the game was made, about graphics, about gameplay. This is an experience. Either you want to go through or you don't, anything else is irrelevant.
118 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 00:39
It's an indie psychological horror walking sim. No jump scares, no being chased by monsters, just you and more trauma than any person can bear.

I just finished it and I don't know what else to say other than that it hits hard.

Pretty goddamn hard.
111 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 22:01
It's hard to describe, it's a slow 3 something hours roller coaster of emotions of sadness, despair and madness.
3 something hours that feel like a lifetime... in some strange way.
833 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 06:22
81 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 08:11
Unoptimized graphics, clunky interactions, with worn-out tropes such as mental asylum, terrifying dolls, and disturbing pictures drawn by kids, but I see the passion put into its narrative and its beautiful environment design. The narration is confusing though. I assume their aim was to make us doubt our perception of reality as the protagonist, but they mistakenly deconstructed the structure of their own narrative to achieve this uncertainty. The result is a confusing batch of events and ideas hard to follow in the first playthrough.

The most noticeable aspect that bothered me during my playthrough was its pace. Sometimes you find yourself walking and walking with almost no narration, and sometimes you have to read or listen for a long stretch of time.

Still, I would say it is a game worth playing if you get it on a sale. It's somewhat like Draugen, but a bit rough around the edges. It's a breath of fresh air if you are tired of PT wannabes and cheap jumpscares and if you are interested in a homespun narrative with lots of detail.
98 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 08:22
CONGRATS.!THIS GAME LITERALLY MAKES ME WANT TO DIE. It's so boring! and has a half baked plot. character decisions are meaningless and the ending is disappointing at best. Not to mention a bug int he game where if you interact with the drawer in the archives, the file for amara can't be read!? I went through that stupid multiple question file 20 times to try and unlock paths 12c and 12d.... no dice! Thanks, I hated it. I wouldn't be so pissed if the game had any redeemable qualities. it's slow, and your character is slower. I felt like I was crawling through every inch of this game with no real danger, threat, or interest. Might as well read a book. BOOKS ARE BETTER THAN THIS GAME. Watching that god-forsaken twilight series is better than this game.... and BTW i hate that movie series. but at least it would be good for a laugh. I cannot even express how disappointed I was with this game, it's just that bad... and completely lacking in every way.
586 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 14:44
Man fuck this game
61 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 22:23
This game had some things going for it... I like the whole asylum setting, the atmosphere and the illustration style story telling but that was pretty much it. I think i tend to like walking simulator games more than other people (One of my favorite horror games in recent memory is Layers of Fear) but this game was sub par. This game has the bones of a good walking simulator but it never gets much further. There really is not much to see other than a big empty depressing building. You kind of just walk from A to B and a little bit of an unbelievably miserable story is given to you at a time. The game overall is just hollow and drab and not fun to play and there really isn't anything to see. Also be aware that this is not a horror game. It's more like a psychological drama simulator. I can appreciate the artistic value of this to a certain degree so I feel bad thumbing it down but overall the game was depressing for the sake of being depressing and it was just not much fun at all...I get that was kind of the idea but I also think a game should be entertaining to some degree and this game was lacking in that department.
28 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 15:36
The story is very interesting yet extremely disturbing. The graphics are great... if your computer can handle them. I unfortunately couldn't unless I wanted to play at 15FPS. I enjoyed the multiple routes in the story and loved exploring the abandoned Italian asylum. The achievements are also very easy.
364 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 20:53
There are few games I have played in my life whose narrative replays in my mind; this game is one of them. I see my own painful past experiences reflected in the game, bringing it closer to home.

The writing is extremely well-done, the graphics are rough in spots but in a way that makes it feel more real. The voice narration is spot-on, though of course, the annunciation is super strong.

I don't usually play games more than once, but I plan to replay this one.
60 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 18:14
Got stuck about halfway through, where dialog never started where it should have, cut scene never started, and door to progress never unlocked. Double checked online and yes I did everything I was suppose to previously, but game refuses to progress. I was really enjoying the story but the game is just broken and I have no desire to replay half the game as it is fairly slow paced.
108 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 05:02
I am a huge fan of horror so I decided to buy this game when it is on sale and did not regret one bit. This game is not scary at all but may be a little bit disturbing for some people because of the events that happened so the horror was a little more of horrors in real life.
This is not the type of game you will play for the gameplay but more of playing it for the story. It may seem a little bit boring but once you start playing you will get more into it and to see what happens next.
The graphics in this game are incredible and so detailed where you can see each leaf on each plant or tree and especially the buildings and environment.
Pay close attention to the monologue if you play this game as they are sometimes the clues to your next step.

-incredible graphics and environment
-emotional voice acting
-beautiful song
-realistic storyline
-presses on sensitive issues that are often overlooked

-no option to save game on your own (have to play whole chapter from the beginning if you stop)
-clues are sometimes too vague
-no bigger map for open areas
-no replay value
-fairly short (about 3 to 5 hours of gameplay)

This game may not be for everyone but most people who have played it will most probably appreciate it whether for the graphics, voice acting or for the story.
1708 Produkte im Account
267 Reviews
254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 11:41
Dark, depressing and not particularly fun to play, but it's engaging once you get into it. A 70/100 effort.

The good

Sensitive and knowledgeable treatment of its subject matter
Excellent music and sound effects
Well-drawn and produced, a good use of the Unity engine
Doesn't rely on cheap thrills or jump scares to get its story across
Branching story encourages chapter replays
Emotive voice acting

The bad

Long load times
Game saves per chapter progress, quit halfway through a chapter and you need to start it again
Unrelentingly bleak
Sometimes left with little clue what to do
105 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 20:54
A beautiful game with intruiging storyline. Even though you can't interact that much with your surrounding, the game is never boring and very atmospheric. BUT I encountered several bugs during the game. At first, things like getting stuck in furniture or not being able to trigger events were easily solved by restarting the chaper, even though it made do long stretches twice. Sadly, at the end, in the final scene (12d), there is a bug that the path lit by the lanterns suddenly stopped and I couldn't move further. Going back to the beginning of the chapter didn't solve the issue, because I wasn't able to trigger the event that would have opened the was. So, unfortunately I won't be able to enjoy the ending and get to know how the story goes.
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 17:51
I played this game expecting a horror, only I didn't realise it was a real life horror.

The game was a grim reminder of the past and upon completion it put me in a brief state of despair. I did find the game a little slow but that balanced well with the story. There were a few puzzles which were enjoyable but I sometimes found myself wondering around the building and grounds trying to figure out where to go to next. It plays well as a tribute to those who were caught in the system of that era and I do recommend it, but shall only be playing it once. Mainly because I find fighting zombies easier to digest.
271 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 21:40
Game was too slow and the storyline was a little confusing. The game doesn't offer anything for fully exploring each room and you will find random notes here and there. Overall pretty disappointing.
290 Produkte im Account
256 Reviews
686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 21:02
I'm not sure I can find the right words to adequately describe The Town of Light. It is a brilliant game that tells a story so tragic that you feel emotionally wrung out after completing it. The game begins with exploring an abandoned mental health facility and a resident's story is told through flashbacks, documents, and objects. It is beautifully narrated and the art is a combination of still drawings, 3D black and white (for the past), and a richly detailed 3D colored environment (for the present).

The sound track is completely immersive. Using haunting music, voices, and institutional sounds, you feel as if you are actually reliving the patient's experiences.

In addition to the story, LKA has done a great job of making the game easy to play. There are maps within the game, hints that integrate with the story, and a save system that allows you to replay sections without starting over. Walking is fast which means there is no boredom with traveling through the environment. There is no explicit save system and there are multiple paths through the story. However, they broke the game into branching chapters so you can always return to explore a different path without disturbing those paths already taken.

Achievements are based on fully exploring the environment and the story branches at two key decision points (around the mid-point and towards the end of the game) which drive multually exclusive achievements. With the exception of an optional timed maze at the end, there is really no need to run for a guide - the story directs you and provides free exploration of the institution (inside and out).

The Town of Light is a part of our shared history and this game does a remarkable job of telling the story in such a human way, with enough documentation for the player to understand that this is fiction based on a brutal truth. I loved this game and I am reminded that we are blessed to be living in a time when mental health awareness and treatments have greatly improved. I highly recommend it to thoughtful gamers.
520 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 05:58
I like a few walking simulators, including the Unfinished Swan and What Remains of Edith Finch, but i did not like this one. With those games, something interesting was always around the next corner, in this game there was an intresting moment every hour. I will say though that the enviorment was pretty creepy, which im guessing was the devs intention. Apart form that I do not really like the game. 4/10
126 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
19 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 15:53
Game runs like a potato, and looks about the same.

More to the point, this game is trying too hard to be deep, and doesn't properly captivate the audience into caring. Not to mention, the main objective of this title is extremely unclear and turns it into a boring walking simulator with no rhyme or reason.

89 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 18:41
This may be a simple walking simulator style game, but anyone who was suffered from serious mental illness or who knows someone who has, will resonate with this game. The story was very well done in a way to let you experience the trauma the character has gone through and by the end of it, i could feel the pain she had endured.
254 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 09:41
I am sure that this game won't be loved and welcomed by everyone. Yet I wanna do a positive report about the game.

First of all I'd like to point out the atmosphere. It's really solid. It is not that scary but tragic enough. All those abandoned locations you walk through make a good impression. Besides, you find out the strotyline along the way.
But you gotta be sure that you like walking simulators. Walking-walking-walking. It might be tiresome and annoying and that could be a drawback for some players. Personally, I wasn't tired of the game.

I didn't find serious bugs or glitches in the game. I only had a problem with the wheelchair and elevator. The left wheel stuck right in the texture. That was a pain,however, I could manage it after all.

In conclusion, I want to recommend this game to those who like walking simulators. I really hope you like it. Enjoy your game...
164 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 07:17
Reality fades away and my skin has gone, every breath of wind is excruciatingly painful.
103 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 15:07
This is a very good game if you are looking for a deep emotional experience. I use this one for my mental advocacy streams and it works out very well. Controls are a bit clunky, but the gameplay is fantastic if you enjoy slow-paced stories. I highly recommend for anyone who likes a bit of freight mixed in with their experience.
254 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 23:12
Incredibly atmospheric with a simple but well fleshed out story that is told in such a way that it gets to you. Every game mechanic here is aimed towards immersion and making you more connected to the story. I wish more games were like this. Not just telling you a story but having you live it. Excellent!
51 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 21:45
I never really liked this game when I got this in 2017, I revisit this game this year and it's better then I thought, if you're sensitives to rape and self harm. I will not suggested you this game,beside that, I'ts I amazing game and they made the real story in a game very well, The setting and music is beautiful for this game. The writing for this story is a amazing, I highly recommend this game.
14 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 03:46
This game.... Where do I begin?
First things first, is it worth it? The game is very very short, and you might think it doesnt but it pays off.
The gameplay and the scenarios are not bad but not good also, and the gameplay is not the best.
But u forget ALL THOSE THINGS in a sec cuz the story that they are telling, its so well told, and the more you discover the more you want to know.
The ending will give u chills. When u finish the game u will think this is truly fantastic. Its a game worth playing. But really really sad. Be prepared.
31 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 00:44
The Town of Light is a psychological narrative exploration game about Renée, a young woman who's suffered from severe mental illness for the majority of her life in the asylum. This game really gets to you. It gets to you more when you find out that this is a real asylum in Italy! Renée is a representation or more like the voice of all the real patients that went through everything she went through. I've always been interested in history and this game is a very dark part of medical history that was very young at the time and almost no one knew anything about it. After seeing this game I'm reminded that anyone who was suffering from a psychiatric disorder was thrown in an asylum and isolated from society where they were often mistreated and spent years decaying in there. They were clearly subjected to treatments that are today considered inhumance such as the ending lobotomy scene which was hard for me to watch and almost made me cry. Renée never deserved what happened to her and that's why I think this game got to me, because I truly felt very sorry that Renée had to deal with a broken mental healthcare system that abused her instead of helping her like it should have. In my opinion, this game was not meant to be a pure horror or scary one in the first place. It's meant to show it's community what was going on in 1938 to 1944 mainly during the war. It highlights another very dark side of the war... a big one. And things like those shown in the game not only happened in Italy but also Germany as an example. I like games which were not just built for the sake of being built because it actually delivers a message basing off of real happenings. But can we do better now that all of this is in the past and our horizon is wider nowadays? There are 20 achievements easy to obtain by following the steam guides.
36 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 01:23
The game was interesting and cool intense creepy moments but...towards the end and the ending kinda sucks!????????‍♀️
1111 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 13:46
It is a psychological dramatic story with a narrative background in a form of walking simulator. The horror aspects have only form of psychological reminiscences. Nice level of game graphics, art pictures of memories and the narrative parts. The game is really well done.
2397 Produkte im Account
309 Reviews
192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 13:27

12 March 1938, Renée, 16, was ripped out of her world, her only fault was that of not knowing her place in the world.

The game is based on a true story!

The Town of Light is the story of Renee, a young woman taken away from her home in 1938 after disrupting the peace with behavior caused by her mental illness, likely schizophrenia. Though the characters in this game are fictional, the asylum you visit is based on a real psychiatric hospital in Tuscany called Volterra. Its doors were shuttered in 1978 because its practices were declared too cruel. You revisit to learn the truth about your time there. You also learn about the disturbing practices of these hospitals throughout your journey. This is very much a walking simulator type game.

Renée is very much a crazy person. She talks to herself while you play the game. The Town of Light is a pretty enjoyable 2 to 3 hour long journey. The hospital is decently sized... not too big, not too small. So going back and forth to the different areas to trigger a new scene or memory, or learn more about Renee’s mental disorder isn’t too big of a hassle
As the game definitely sends you all over the place and back again. Tons of back tracking here… listening to Renee as she worried and checking out the spot she tells you to go to.

And looking at the not so helpful map on the wall to know where you should be going. It isn’t back tracking for the first moments of the game, obviously as everything is new. This is when the game is the most intriguing, but the middle chunk of the game just feels like a chore as you’re going over the same spots in the hospital again to open a new door for a quick bit of dialog. Sometimes acting as the voice inside of Renee’s head making choices or explaining things to her. So this game does definitely have a great and creepy ending..

Getting there almost doesn’t feel worth it... As this really is just a game of going to the right spot
The Town of Light does psychological horror right though - I was definitely creeped out while playing which made this game at least a little enjoyable to go through.

I would give it a 7/10

Recommended if you want to find out some historically accurate scenes and also if you want to find out what really happened in these psychiatric hospitals.

382 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 21:36
Heavily story-driven psychological drama, walking simulator (literally you can't run) and you follow puzzles-clues in order to proceed. Setting: Italy, 1938, the life of a 16 year old girl sent to psychiatric ward for treatment.

Refers to themes of abuse both physical and emotional, social acceptance, anxiety, desperation, detachment, psychosis, suicide, boundless third-party authority, the need of research towards troubled people etc.

I was looking forward to play this 'game' but while at middle started to lose interest, in the end wrapped it up thanks to the track logs.

  • Story: disturbing, based on real historical facts in psychiatric field of the 40s.
  • The 'choice' feature based on experience, diary, memories or medical records as you get different responds to the facts is quite nice.
  • Level design is also good. Really fine artstyle on 'flashbacks'.
  • Italian voice over is way better than eng. Soundtrack is poor.
  • Optimization & gameplay: Not good but playable.

In conclusion, mixed feelings.. wouldn't skip it but wouldn't pay full price either.
301 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 03:40
A really great story with some creepy elements.
The fact that it's based on true events makes it more immersive. Loved it!

Would have loved to be able to run tho
104 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 08:52
Really moving game and helped me to further my understanding of just how terrible mental hospitals were back in the 30s and 40s. Just awful. But despite how tough it was to experience I feel that it was valuable.
136 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 23:10
You can feel the helplessness, the desperation, the inescapable, to be completely and utterly at somebodies mercy. I won't forget Renée's Diary anytime soon, if at all. It touched me deeply.
191 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 05:09

Target Audience Genres:
Walking Sim / Screenshot Collecting / Psychological Trauma

This game is a simple A to B story walking simulator. It offers very little in terms of gameplay, as there are only 3 buttons (aside from walking and settings): interact, menu, and flashlight. You will gather and inspect items and notes to further the game's story and to understand more about the protagonist. You may explore freely and reload chapters to collect achievements or inspect something you may have missed.

The details of the game include a young woman venturing back to the asylum where she was admitted for mental instability. As Renee, you will talk to yourself about the events that took place, diving further and further into the truths which happened there, and ultimately your journey will conclude with the final truth about the matter of her residence, which includes a couple of endings to add to the ideas surrounding her mysterious thoughts and memories.

This game is not for the feint of heart, as it is, in my personal opinion, messed up beyond belief. These are based on real people, real places, and real events. Do not play this game in front of children, please. It is a decent game, especially if you can get it on sale. The developers have put some time into the details of this game and it's interactions. There are times you may be stuck, seeks guidance, as the interface is sometimes frustrating, and the path is not always clear. Recommended though, because the story kept me going.

A few criticisms:
-The controller vibration setting does not work. Most of the game was an infinite vibration.
-The reticle is nice, however, I'd like the option to turn it off. It changes when things can be interacted with, so why not be able to disable the default style to invisible?
-The voice acting lacks emotion sometimes, as if the voice actor never really connected with the protagonist Renee. I do appreciate that it is eerie though.
-The cutscenes cannot be skipped, and this is difficult to deal with for achievement hunters replaying chapters, as well as me who will get through 75% of a chapter and not realize when I shut the game down to go to work I have to redo everything I just did, and that might include said cutscenes.
-Not enough graphical detail. The rooms look the same, which is fine, it's an insane asylum, but allow for higher resolution textures to keep things fresh. The window bars are unbearable at close range.

I play games like these to enjoy a story and collect screenshots, so these criticisms are based on these factors :)
328 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 17:17
I could not get away with this game. I like the idea the idea behind the game in the terms of what the developers were going for. I also liked the level design was very dark and moody and creepy. The issue is the game is poorly optimised I was getting a stable 60fps but it just felt sluggish and there is very limited controls with the player you have to walk everywhere really slowly and i think it just ruined the game. I just found the game very boring and had to switch off after 15 minutes.

9/10 Level design
5/10 Voice acting
Gameplay 1/10
Optimisation 2/10

850 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 03:10
The Town of Light is a very interesting game. It has a very unique way of telling it’s story through a combination of flashbacks and voice over narrating. The flashbacks are sometimes in first person black and white but other times are a more hand drawn almost dark comic book style. Both are a stark contrast to the normal view of color you usually are in while exploring the asylum. I thought the story itself was fantastic and very engaging. Many will find it bleak or depressing but I don’t think there is a way to tell a tale like this with a happy upbeat theme without it being terribly unrealistic. My only gripe story wise was even after finishing the game I couldn’t tell you when it took place. The main events in the game take place between about 1938-1944 it seems and Renee was around 16-23 years old. If that is the case how are we exploring this place years after it has been abandoned. Is Renee supposed to be elderly ? I can only see her hands while exploring but they look young to me. In any case I wouldn’t say this detail ruined the game for me in any way. The voice acting is very good as was the live action actress they had for Renee during the live trailer you can view after finishing the game. I liked how even though I can play the game in English all of the details in the Asylum are in Italian as they should be. The graphics were a mixed bag. The sunlight was very well done as were the shadows. The foliage was decent but not great. The flashlight used was poor though in terms of shadow effect. The object detail was also pretty poor. By that I mean walls; desks; signs; windows; elevators; etc. All of the little details and objects that make up the game. I also have no idea how the choice structure worked in the game. There are times in the game where you are having a conversation with a voice in your head and based on what you choose a different logo can appear after but I have no idea what any of the logos mean or how they change future events. I would also say that sometimes it was hard to see when you can interact with objects. When you can the crosshair goes from white to black but the crosshair is very small. The end credits music also suited the game very well.

I played The Town of Light on Linux using Steam’s Proton. It never crashed on me. There are 3 settings for AA; 4 settings for AO; an FOV slider that goes from 85-105; and 8 other graphics options. To continue what I said earlier about most of the graphics detail just being decent and poor this was not reflected in the performance. I have tried to run this game with an RX 580 8GB and maxed out it would usually be around 40-50 FPS. I then tried with my RX 5700 XT and while it often has decent frame rates they could still drop as low as 18 FPS at times. I reduced the AA from SSAA to SMAA and this helped but the frame rate still dropped as low as 36 FPS at times. This game has very little going on and the detail should not tax most hardware like this. The game either has serious optimization issues or it just didn’t work well with Proton. Chapter 8 was the worst part for frame rate dips I found. Alt-Tab didn’t work. There is no manual save option. The game seems to save at the end of each chapter butt hat is just my guess as it never tells me when it saves. The game uses the Unity engine.

Input Used: keyboard and mouse
Game Engine: Unity
Disk Space Used: 6698MB
GPU Usage: 1-99 %
VRAM Usage: 2757-5649 MB
CPU Usage: 9-59 %
RAM Usage: 3.5-4.6 GB
Frame Rate: 18-144 FPS
Game Settings Used: Ultra; SSAA; bloom and environmental effects on; 1920x1080

Performance issues; graphics; and save system aside the game is certainly worth playing. The story is truly fantastic and worth experiencing. I finished the game in about 2 hours 42 minutes. I paid $10.49 CAD for it and feel that was a good price for what I got. The current price for it of $20.99 is a bit steep. If you enjoy walking sims or bleak settings I would give this a try.

My Score: 7.5/10

My System:

AMD Ryzen 5 2600X | 16GB DDR4-3000 CL15 | MSI RX 5700 XT Gaming X 8GB | Mesa 20.1.7 | Samsung 970 Evo Plus 500GB | Manjaro 20.1 | Mate 1.24.1 | Kernel 5.8.6-1-MANJARO | AOC G2460P 1920*1080 @ 144hz | Proton 5.0-9
31 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 13:19
the short story of this game is good i swear and not mention is based on real facts
517 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 19:52
The metaphor and picture of the bedlam, asylum or madhouse is an old part of our language and communication.
Today's hospitals for persons with mental illnesses are different. Different compared to the kind of bedlam we visit in this game.
The madhouse we visit here in a form of retrospective storytelling is one of those horror institutions which were filled with many patients and only few doctors who didn't really know how to help their patients since psychology was still a very young science and full of wrong assumptions, wrong theories and sometimes very brutal treatments compared to modern psychology's treatments.
In an atmosphere like this our female protagonist got involved and the game tells her story fro mthe very beginning until the end. We see the brutality of the system of bedlam and the brutality of the society at the beginning of the 20th century. Especially in italy which was filled with fascist ideology where this bedlam is located.
The bedlam we visit here is based on a real bedlam which still exist as a ruin and was reconstructed in the game. Stories and experiences of patients there gave the inspiration for the story of our protagonist.

This got a strong horror vibe. It is part of the psychological horror genre. No monsters, no BOOO! moments with jump scares or enemies appearing out of nowhere. The only enemy here is - like in real life - the other humans around you which all have put their own brick in your wall of suffering which you now revisit in this game.

It onyl takes around 4 hours to beat but those hours are very well invested.
225 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
509 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 18:13
Wow, so many people triggered by the ending. Guess what. It's based on real events and treatments so if you can't hande the sad truth and a deep, moving experience that games provide - don't play it. Or skip the ending and only read about it.
In my opinion this game is important. Not only does it show the past without sugarcoating it but also gives a player an insight on how it feels to be ill and completely helpless. It says more about humanity than most of the games I've ever played.
I recommend playing it. It's not often that you see such a moving story together with haunting images of the past.
904 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 10:26
This is actually not a game. It is a narrative made for one to experience a psychiatric ward and the mind of a patient. This is also not a horror story. It is based on reality.

So if you seek for a horror game - this is not for you. But if you seek to experience what it might have been to be in a psychiatric ward in the 30s - 50s - get it. This is not just some fiction, there lies a lot of truth in here.

The game itself does have technical imperfections but those do not matter as the experience it what counts here. I think this was really well done.

If narratives based on reality put into some form of self experience by means of a game - give it a try.

I was left in a mix of anger, sadness and perplexity after this, even though i knew some of the facts this is based.

35 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 00:35
This game could have been so good if it wasn't so infuriating.

The walk speed is too slow, and becomes positively glacial if there happened to be a voice-over occurring. Speaking of voice-overs, there are way too many and take far too long to sit through. I would have much preferred an option for text-only, especially upon redoing chapters. Not everything is translated into English, so sometimes I am left staring at Italian script on random objects and pictures. Uh, thanks?

Having no saves was irritating, especially considered it meant I had to play through the chapter from the beginning without being able to skip cutscenes. I found myself rolling my eyes because yes, yes, I know all this already.

There was an ongoing issue where the game would stutter and I'd be randomly turned around or relocated. Also could have done without the flashing lights with no warning.

There is no rhyme or reason as to what you can interact with or pick up and examine. For a lot of objects, I wondered why they bothered. I am still not sure why I turned that laundry machine on in the basement. It also isn't always easy to see the cursor change to indicate what can be interacted with, especially in a direct ray of sunshine or light.

There are pros. This game covers a lot of triggering, heavy topics and it does so far better than a lot of games. The artwork is well done, and parts of the asylum have creepy graffiti that I enjoy looking at. Puzzles aren't too obtuse, though a couple did leave me confused, especially if I just stumble upon the solution.

Still, I would suggest giving a playthrough a watch before buying this, unless you catch it on a turbo sale.
615 Produkte im Account
135 Reviews
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 09:51
The player visits an abandoned asylum where he sees the protagonist’s past through her eyes, what happens from childhood to adulthood.

I must warning this game has some mature and sensitive themes.

The various areas of the game are highly polished where colors, lights, etc. match the environment surrounding the game.

Throughout the game the player will have to make some choices where he will take one of two path that the have, in which he can go back to the chapter and redo the choices again to go the other path.

Although it is not the best experience to be seen, the game gave me a perspective on how these people live their daily lives.
1912 Produkte im Account
285 Reviews
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 08:34
Basically the gameplay for Town of Light goes something like this and it shows in the reviews as well:

Early game: Yet another 'horror game' on steam. I hate it already. i will uninstall this in a minute. But for now let's give it a chance...

Mid game: wut. Just wut. protagonist goes around in delirium asking for forgiveness from the people who did bad things to her.

End game: .... whoa. did not expect that.

So basically if you want to have a walking sim that slowly creeps under your skin with ZERO jump scares and ZERO chase scenes? Here you go. Not that many of these kind of games that i know of.
197 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 12:39
I like playing the games set in the mental asylums, because this eases my mental pain. And this game does the job.

I just finished playing the game, and I think the ending was a bit harsh. Could not sit on my chair. But that's OK.

Besides that, I really have nothing more to say. As others have mentioned, the graphics is good, the atmosphere is immersive. I can attest to that. In addition to that, I would say that it was great to experience the life in the 1930s setting, and to learn about the Italian culture.

As a side note, the cruelty of this notorious mental asylum is considered standard in the mental asylums in my home country.

I have purchased the game at an 85% off sale, which was an easy decision for me to make, and I was not disappointed. This game filled in the niche of a pure mental asylum game which I had vacant for quite a number of years.
46 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.20 09:39
This is game which creates a great atmosphere, but is a bit lacking and flat. I would consider wisely whether or not to get this game even if it's on sale.
12 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 19:21
SUMMARY: I am SO glad I did not pay full price for this! This is a game I had wanted for a while and when I saw it was on sale I jumped on it. SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT.

Not everyone will agree with me but I found this VERY VERY slow and very confusing. I could'nt work out who I was playing, who was renee, amara, the smiling girl...It was all very confusing. And so so slow that I got bored. I think the developers were trying to reel the gamers in with shock value with the storyline but it just falls flat. So if you like walking simulators where you just need to read documents and watch short clips then go ahead, but it requires no brain power whatsoever and you cant even skip the reading parts (she reads very slowly for dramatic effect).

PROS: Morbid atmosphere (if that;s what you like)
CONS: -The curser is the smallest grey dot that is hard to see and to see it change to do certain actions.
-Storyline is muddled up.
-Graphics are not great
-Took forever to get it to start because it kept crashing
-No indicators as to where you should go
-Limited gameplay
-Slow dialouge
Waste of time and money.
27 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 09:36
WARNING: Doesn't work on modern VR headsets.
The devs abandoned the game in 2016.
I bought it on sale and will play it on my monitor, but feel deceived nonetheless.
69 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 03:11
Good exploration games reward intricate environmental exploration. Touch all the things. Go all the places. Mess with everything. Environmental storytelling.

The only story this game told was that I'd found the mental asylum where they'd sent the worst of the worst collision meshes after Fallout 3. The inability to jump. The useless game mechanics. The invisible walls. A f***ing NARRATOR has to tell you 'you shouldn't go this way now.' 'I think you should do the thing now'. That's NOT environmental storytelling. That's NOT good design. I will go the opposite way if i darn well want to. I will mess around trying to clip through the snow fence by the playground until the cows come home if I want to.

Give this one a pass.
1471 Produkte im Account
1469 Reviews
173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 01:51

DISCLAIMER: This is a full review, and NOT a first impressions review

The Town of Light is a game developed by LKA and published by LKA and Wired Productions

The game offers some nice graphics, although some ugly glitches here and there, it is pleasant all the same

The Town of Light overall, however, is a fun game to play, and it does get boring if being played for a long time, but is a good horror-ish game to play in short bursts!


[*] None
965 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 01:05
This is a hard game to recommend. For the larger first half of the game it is fairly boring and when the story finds its feet it seems to end quickly. But because of the final chapters I do recommend playing this
55 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 18:22
Extremely weird, and needs definite age rating. But its very immersive and 10/10 for shock factor
734 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 10:21
Great story telling, great atmosphere, one of the best walking simulator I experienced.
75 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 15:15
I wanted to like this game. It was slow, the payoffs and end result were lackluster. I didn't mind that the plot was so depressing, because patients in these sorts of institutions didn't live in exemplary conditions. I appreciated that the game kept a somewhat realistic viewpoint. I bought this game when it was on sale for less than $4, and I'm glad I waited for a sale. It took about three hours to get through and I was left feeling disappointed at the end, there were too many holes in the plot to really be invested in what was happening to the main character. The scenery was nice, the 2d animations were decent. Overall though, this game fell flat for me.
267 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 19:22
It's short an enjoyable but really needs a run button.
793 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 22:42
This is a hard game to recommend but don't get me wrong since the story and the message is wonderful though the controls were a different matter. It kept me wanting to know more about the story of Renee and more about the asylum. It deals with a subject matter wonderfully and one that not many people or games are willing to talk about or even mention.
The reason its hard to recommend is that the controls are not the best. It was difficult to be immersed in the story when you don't know where the next destination is. There is a hint feature but it doesn't work all the time. Also, the biggest drawback in this game is that you move slowly. So, combine being slow and not knowing where to go next made this a cumbersome game to play even with an engaging story.
516 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 22:15
For lack of better words, this game is really well done. A bit of optimization issues but besides that, a spot on game! If you are looking for in your face horror this is NOT the game for you, but the ambiance, setting, and atmosphere are top quality so if this applies to you I HIGHLY recommend it! (Admittedly good enough to play for all ending variations)
92 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 14:17
Very good creepy story, if you understand the italian language i suggest you that put it as it is the original languange. No more to say just play it.
69 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.20 14:27
The game looked very interesting in the promo videos, and I do agree, the story itself is good, but the gameplay is horrible. The biggest con is that you CAN'T run! And at first that might not seem like a big deal but it's not a short game, and it feels like you spend more time walking back and forth than actually experiencing the game and furthering the storyline. There's also the problem with music suddenly cutting off for no reason before it properly ends. I would say that the pro's of the game are the atmosphere the game creates and beautiful graphics but that's about it in my opinion.
Anyways, I wouldn't recommend this game unless you're used to very slow games and don't mind spending more than half of the game walking slowly.
275 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.20 04:26
A narrative about an interesting subject matter.

This walking simulator gives a glimpse of what it was like to be a patient of an asylum before modern mental treatment/interventions. The narrative itself was rather decent, although the end was predictable if you remotely even know what happens to troubled patients back in those days.

There was a flaw in the gameplay though. Items you can interact with are not highlighted and are sometimes hidden by the lighting or other objects, which can be frustrating. There were several instances where the thing I needed to progress was right in front of me but I didn’t know I could interact with it. A simple highlighting or shining indicator would easily resolve this.

There was a rather hidden sequence in the game where it turned into nighttime outside, the music and atmosphere totally changed, and it became really intense. I felt like this game could have had a lot more of those style sequences, especially since I only experienced it when I was achievement hunting and not during my initial playthrough.

The overall experience wasn’t too bad though. It’s interesting to see how far (and not far) we are now with mental treatments and stigmas.
251 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.20 00:30
I enjoyed this game, but I also had a lot of issues with it. I will say the compelling story made it worth the time I put into it, but there were points where it just dragged, especially near the end. Overall I liked it for the story but didn't enjoy the gameplay and will probably not play again. I recommend the story
603 Produkte im Account
174 Reviews
435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.19 17:22
The real horror is not supernatural, but is the thing which stems from the real events instead. If you agree, I truly recommend to try this. It might not make you jump 3 feet up from your chair, but is utterly disturbing and sad.
111 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.19 17:18
The fear of the soul,
the inquiry of human nature,
the memory of the innocent and the unwillingness of fate.
The past is full of bitterness and hardships, but now it is telling us those who have never experienced but have witnessed the truth:
The scars of the past have be left. People shouldn't just watch or cry. All history never can be over. Your fists are clenched but you don't hold any weapons. That's when you start.
I think when the story is presented in Chinese, it will be another shock.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
76.25% 899 280
Release:26.02.2016 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: LKA.it Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine: Unity Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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