The Surge
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Über das Spiel

Dank eines dynamischen Zielsystems könnt ihr jede Gliedmaße gezielt angreifen, um sie abzutrennen und Waffen und modulare Rüstungsteile zu bergen, mit denen ihr dann euren Exo-Rig verbessern könnt. Von Beleuchter- bis hin zu Schwerlast-Rigs, von Sicherheitsrüstungen bis hin zu modernsten Geheimtechnologien - ihr müsst ständig sowohl euer Rig als auch euren Spielstil anpassen, um in dem gigantischen CREO-Komplex, der mehr und mehr in sich zusammenbricht, die Herausforderungen eurer Gegner und der Umgebung zu meistern. So müsst ihr euch riesigen Endgegnern stellen und nach und nach der Wahrheit über CREO auf die Spur kommen.
Kämpfen und zielen
Die Kämpfe im Spiel sind fordernd und erbarmungslos, weshalb ihr euren Gegner stets eingehend studieren und analysieren solltet, anstatt ihn einfach nur ungestüm anzugreifen. Schaut euch ganz genau die Angriffsmuster und Schwächen an, und schlagt dann hart und blitzschnell zu - denn selbst der schwächste Gegner kann euch noch verheerend treffen! Dank eines dynamischen Zielsystems könnt ihr gezielt die Gliedmaßen eurer Gegner anvisieren, um sie abzutrennen und aus eurer Beute dann neue Ausrüstung zu machen. Entweder macht ihr es euch leicht und nehmt euch ungepanzerte Gliedmaßen vor, um den Gegner möglichst schnell zu vernichten, oder ihr versucht ihm seine Ausrüstung abzunehmen, indem ihr euch auf einen bestimmten Bereich konzentriert. Stets vorsichtig abzuwägen, ob es das Risiko wert ist, für neue Ausrüstung das eigene Leben aufs Spiel zu setzen, ist unerlässlich, wenn ihr euch im Gebäudekomplex von CREO behaupten wollt.
Exo-Rig und Implantate
Als Angestellter von CREO seid ihr mit einem Exo-Rig ausgerüstet, mit dessen Hilfe ihr die schwere Arbeit im CREO-Komplex überhaupt erst bewältigen könnt. Euren Basis-Rig könnt ihr durch leichte, mittlere und schwere Ausrüstungsgegenstände erweitern, um euch besser auf den Spielstil deiner Wahl einzustellen. Dank eurer übermenschlichen Kraft könnt ihr gewaltige Waffen einsetzen, um euren Feinden erheblichen Schaden zufügen und gleichzeitig Gefahrenbereiche, in denen zum Beispiel giftige Substanzen ausgelaufen sind, sicher zu bewältigen. Ihr könnt euch dabei nicht nur auf euer Exo-Rig verlassen, sondern auch auf die kognitive Schnittstelle zwischen eurem Gehirn und dem Exo-Rig, die es euch ermöglicht, Implantate einzusetzen, die ihr bei euren Gegnern und in der Spielwelt findet. Euer Exo-Rig kann nur eine bestimmte Anzahl von Ausrüstungsgegenständen mit Energie versorgen, weshalb ihr die Vor- und Nachteile jedes Implantats mit seinem Energieverbrauch abwägen müsst.
Stärker warden
Je weiter ihr in den CREO-Komplex vordringt und je länger ihr dabei am Leben bleibt, desto mehr Altmetall (XP) bekommt ihr durch das Besiegen von Feinden und Endgegnern. Wenn ihr sterbt, lasst ihr dabei euer bislang gesammeltes Altmetall in der Spielwelt zurück. Und wenn ihr euch nicht wieder bis dorthin vorkämpft, ist es für immer verloren. Ihr könnt das gesammelte Altmetall einsetzen, um entweder euer Exo-Rig zu verbessern und sein Energieniveau (Stufe) zu steigern, damit ihr immer stärkere Implantate einsetzen könnt, oder Rüstungsteile und Waffen zu bauen und zu verbessern. Und je öfter ihr eine Waffe im Kampf einsetzt, desto besser werdet ihr nach und nach im Umgang damit. Mit der Zeit werden euch eure Waffen so immer vertrauter, wodurch ihr mehr Schaden verursacht und schließlich auch gegen deutlich stärkere Feinde und Endgegner eine Chance habt.
Beute und Herstellung
Im Spiel durchstöbert ihr die zahllosen Gänge und Korridore des CREO-Komplexes, sowohl außen als auch innen. Ihr visiert dank eurer Implantate bestimmte Gliedmaßen eurer Feinde an, sammelt Ressourcen, um eure Waffen und Rüstungen in den überall verstreuten Panzerräumen zu verbessern. Ihr müsst euch je nach Aufgabe spezialisieren, etwa mit einer extra schweren Panzerung, die ihr an eurem Rig befestigt, oder mit Stäben, Äxten und Schwerlast-Ausrüstung - mit hoch modernen Technologien von CREO wappnet ihr euch gegen die Bedrohungen, die auf euch lauern. Nützliches Material gibt es bei CREO in Hülle und Fülle, doch leicht werdet ihr nicht herankommen!
Der CREO-Komplex
Die Zentrale von CREO ist ein gigantischer Komplex voller Geheimnisse, Intrigen und Bedrohungen, die durch eine Katastrophe völlig im Chaos versunken ist. Obwohl viele Bewohner dieser Anlage ursprünglich nicht für den Kampf gedacht waren, stellen sie nun jedoch in ihrer jeweiligen Umgebung eine tödliche Gefahr dar. Mit tödlichen Industriemaschinen bewaffnet müsst ihr immer weiter in den Komplex vordringen und Ausrüstung erbeuten und herstellen, um am Leben zu bleiben. Erkundet gewaltige Industrieanlagen, unterirdische Tunnel voller Gift und die gediegenen Management-Etagen, um anhand von Audio-Botschaften, Berichten von Überlebenden und anderen Hinweisen dem Geheimnis auf die Spur zu kommen, was genau bei CREO geschehen ist.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: AMD FX-8320 (3,5 GHz) / Intel i5-4690K (3,5 GHz)
- GFX: 1 GB, AMD Radeon R7 360 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti
- Software: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
- HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: AMD FX-8370 (4,0 GHz) / Intel Core i7-3820 (3,6 GHz)
- GFX: 4 GB, AMD Radeon RX 480 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
- HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 15:27
Was ich allerdings sagen kann ist das ich als Genre Neuling eine Menge Spaß hatte.
Aber der Reihe nach....
In The Surge schlüpft man in die Rolle von Warren dem Neusten Mitarbeiter von Creo , einer Technik Firma welches das große Ziel hat die Umwelt Zerstörung aufzuhalten und die Menschheit zu retten.
Blöderweise wird Creo von einem Mysteriösen Virus befallen der der Technik ein Böses Eigenleben verschafft.
So werden Wartungsroboter zu Killern und die Exoskelette welche jeder Mitarbeiter zur Arbeitserleichterung trägt verwandeln einen großen Teil der Belegschaft in Willenlose Zombies .
Als einer der wenigen der davon verschont geblieben ist versuchen wir uns durch die Gegnermengen zu schlagen und den Ursprung der Katastrophe zu Finden.
Unsere Suche führt uns Quer durch den Creo Firmenkomplex von Kleinen Produktionsstraßen über Forschungslabore bis hin zum Vorstand, optisch bleiben die meisten Gebiete dabei leider im einheitlichen Industrie Stiel.
Ein paar Atmosphärische Highlights gibt es dabei trotzdem, die Warteschleifen Musik die immer noch auf den Fluren der Vorstandsebene trällert , Gegner deren defektes Exoskelett sie immer wieder gegen eine Wand rennen lässt wodurch ein dumpfes klopfen durch die Gänge hallt oder die Videobotschaften des Firmenpressesprechers die den Mitarbeitern immer wieder sagen wie toll es doch ist hier zu arbeiten und wie wichtig unsere Arbeit ist, sind da einige Beispiele.
Bei den Gegnern die wir auf dem Weg bezwingen ist die Abwechslung auch Recht karg, am meistens kämpfen wir gegen die Ehemals Menschlichen ex Kollegen vereinzelt stehen wir fliegenden Drohnen oder breiten Wartungsrobotern gegenüber.
Der Kampf selbst ist dabei Recht simpel, wir haben einen Leichten und einen harten Schlag zur Verfügung sowie einen Block und einen Ausweichsprung.
Letzterer ist dabei besonders wichtig den Die Gegner sind Genretypisch ziemlich stark und können einen schon mit wenigen Treffern außer Gefecht setzen.
Als Besonderheit haben wir außerdem die Möglichkeit einzelne Körperteile der Gegner anzuviesieren, das können wir nicht nur dazu benutzen um unseren gegenüber wahlweise zu Betäuben, entwaffnen oder verlangsamen sondern auch um ihnen gezielt Körperteile zu amputieren um deren Rüstung zu bekommen.
Zu guter Letzt noch ein paar Worte zum Schwierigkeitsgrad: The Surge ist angenehm fordernd, der Mix aus Progression und stellen die mehrere Versuche erfordern war gut ausgewogen.
Das sorgte dafür das ich das Spiel ohne große Frustmomente beenden konnte.
Nicht Empfohlen
572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 11:26
Gegner hitten hart, mit Aimbot/Animations-skip und ohne Vorwarnung (wichtig da eigene Attacken eine halbe Stunde pro Schlag dauern)
Bei Ausrüstung entscheidet man sich zwischen schlecht oder schlechter.
Erkundungen sind demotivierend, gibt eh nichts zu sehen weil alles irgendwelche Sektoren von Fabriken sind.
7259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 13:30
+ Dark-Science-Fiction Cyberpunk-Setting
+ ansehnliche Grafik und gelungene Bewegungsanimationen durch die hauseigene FLEDGE Engine
+ deutsche Vollvertoung mit professionellen Synchronsprechern (Stimme von Sigourney Weaver) und sogar deutsche Akzente
+ stimmige Audiologs über die man mehr und mehr über die Geschichte erfährt (gerade unter Souls-like Spielen ist das herausragend)
+ Tutorial subtil in Spielbeginn eingebaut
+ Aussehen des Overalls kann geändert werden (4 unterschiedliche)
+ dynamische Kämpfe
+ Gliedmaßen der Gegner können gezielt angegriffen werden umso Schwachstellen auszunutzen oder um bessere Ausrüstung zu erbeuten indem man diese abtrennt
+ coole und blutige Finishing-Moves im Zeitraffer
+ herausforderndes Gameplay
+ Levelarchitektur eröffnet dem Spieler immer wieder neue Passagen ohne diesen an die Hand zu nehmen
+ mittels Altmetall und Herstellungskomponenten kann Ausrüstung hergestellt oder aufgewertet werden
+ viele unterschiedliche Exo-Rig-Gliedmaßen
+ spezielle Set-Boni
+ diverse Implantate die man in taktisch sinnvoll kombinieren und auswählen muss
+Kernleistungs-Mechanik begrenzt sinnvoll die Anzahl der nutzbaren Implantate und erhöht zugleich die Implantat-Boni
+ Waffenfertigkeiten verbessern sich durch Nutzung und erhöhen zusätzlich den Schaden je besser man in ihnen wird
+ einfallsreiche Wandgraffiti
+ tote Gegner verbrennen sehr effektvoll aus (was wenigstens etwas glaubhaft macht, warum sie danach verschwinden)
+ Drohneneinsatz um Gegner anzulocken, zur Unterstützung im Kampf oder um Schaltkreise außerhalb der Reichweite zu überladen (später kommen diverse weitere Drohneneinsatzmöglichkeiten hinzu)
+ epische, aber auch verdammt schwere Bosskämpfe (die man sogar auf eine sekundäre schwerere Art erlegen kann, wodurch man eine bessere Waffe bekommt)
+ Gegner nutzen neben anfänglichen Nahkampfwaffen später auch Flammenwerfer oder gar Gasgranatwerfer, was eine tödliche Combo ist, da das Gas brennbar ist
+ lange Spielzeit von über 100 Stunden mit dem sehr zu empfehlenden DLC „A Walk in the Park“
+ New Game Plus
- keine Zwischensequenzen (nur ein Intro und der Abspann)
- keine unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgrade (und der voreingestellte hat es am Anfang in sich)
- Screenshots im Intro und im Abspann bewirken oben rechts im Bild die Einblendung „Überspringen [ESC]“ (wofür der Verantwortliche einen Schlag an den Hinterkopf verdient)
- immer der gleiche Song in allen Service Stationen (hier hätte ich in jedem Gebiet jeweils zumindest einen neuen Track erwartet) und im Rest des Spiels gibt es leider kaum Soundtracks
- Torso-Scheinwerfer haben kaum Reichweite (was aber auch für Spannung sorgt und nur bedingt negativ zu sehen ist)
- keine richtige Karte in sehr verschachtelten irrgarten-mäßigen Gebieten, so dass man ohne eine gute Orientierung hier schnell verloren ist (deshalb dieses Spiel deshalb besser ohne größere Unterbrechungen spielen so dass man die Wege nicht vergisst)
- alle einsetzbaren Injektions-Implantate lassen sich nur über eine Taste auslösen, anstatt dass man jedem aktivierbaren Implantat eine Taste zuweisen kann, was zu Implantatwechselorgien führt, was in den schnellen Kämpfen aber nur schwer möglich ist
- neu spawnende Gegner sobald man die Servicestation benutzt (wie das Lagerfeuer in Dark Souls) gehören zwar zum Genre dazu, sind aber dennoch nervig und unrealistisch (wenn auch Geschmacksache)
- wenige oder gar ein Treffer können zum Tod führen (bereits durch normale Gegner)
- nerviges Zeitlimit um nach einem Tod sein Altmetall wieder zurückzuholen
- problematisches Balancing, das ab der Mitte aber besser wurde bzw. bis dahin lernt man womöglich einfach besser damit umzugehen
- Backtracking, das aber zugegeben auch recht einfallsreich und logisch umgesetzt wurde (als auch nur bedingt negativ)
- kein freies Speichern, keine(!) Kontrollpunkte und es gibt auch nur einen Speicherplatz, was ich für grundsätzlich problematisch halte
- stellenweise schlechtes Trefferfeedback (aber auch nur bei einigen Bossen)
The Surge von Mitte 2017 ist ein „Souls-like“ Action-Hack&Slay von den deutschen Deck13-Entwicklern.
In einer dystopischen Zukunft des Jahres 2072 enthüllt der CREO-Konzern ATLAS, eine neue Generation von Rigs und damit einen gewaltiger Sprung in der Exoskelett-Technologie. CREOs Exos sind weltweit im Einsatz. Egal ob Minenarbeiter oder Feuerwehrmann, bei CREO stehst du garantiert an erster Stelle. So auch der eher einsame, im Rollstuhl sitzende, Protagonist namens Warren, der nach seiner OP aber leider auf dem Schrottplatz erwacht, als er gerade von einer Drohne weggezerrt wird.
Ähnlich wie in Dark-Souls metzelt man sich durch die schön gestalteten Gebiete, wobei jedoch alle Gegner wieder neu spawnen, sobald man sich an der Servicestation heilt oder seine Implantate wechselt. Stirbt man, erwacht man ebenso in dieser und man hat etwa 2 Minuten Zeit seine verlorenen Altmetalle wieder zu finden, die ansonsten alle verloren sind. Auch wenn man in der Zwischenzeit erneut stirbt, sind diese weg. Nur in der Servicestation eingelagerte und in Kernleistung investiere Altmetalle, sind gesichert.
Manuelles Speichern ist nicht möglich wodurch man häufiger bereits bekannte Gebiete durchläuft. Aber auch ansonsten arbeitet das Spiel viel mit Backtracking, was aber erstaunlich logisch ins Spiel integriert ist.
Der Spielbeginn bis zum ersten Boss war vielversprechend und hat mir auch sehr gefallen. Das Gemetzel, das Anvisieren bestimmter Gliedmaßen und die Finisher machte bis dahin Bock. Dann trübte sich meine Spielerfahrung stark ein und ich war aufgrund des sehr hohen Schwierigkeitsgrades kurz vorm Abbruch und hatte auch mein negatives Review schon fertig. Doch dank eines sehr hartnäckigen Steam-Freundes setzte ich nochmal ran, begann von vorne, und schaffte schließlich den ersten Boss. Und ab da lief alles wie von alleine. Ich hatte die Steuerung verinnerlicht und freute mich jedes Mal wenn ich im Spiel vorankam. Was ich hoffentlich damit verdeutlichen kann, ist, dass man das Spiel entweder schnell hasst oder es liebt weil es so ist wie es eben ist. Es gibt so gut wie keine Spielhilfen, kein richtige Karte und kein leuchtender Faden der einen dorthin führt wo es weiter geht. Ich war letztlich davon begeistert und bin froh es doch noch durchgespielt zu haben. Für diese besondere Spielerfahrung gibt es von mir einen Daumen nach oben.
Und danke an den User, der mir das Spiel schenkte und mir somit die Art der Souls-like Spiele näher brachte.
Wenn ihr an weiteren Reviews von mir interessiert seid, dann folgt meiner Gruppe.
195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 19:06
Nicht Empfohlen
2425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 04:05
I'm sure there are plenty of other scathing reviews of this game out there you can look into if you want all the nitty gritty details. For me, the cool concept of dismembering enemies is overshadowed by how difficult the locking system is to work, the wonky camera issues (especially when up against the faster enemies), really poor performance (chugs on a 3080 on medium settings) and the sluggish, inconsistent combat. I'm 3/4ths of the way through this, and honestly have no desire to finish it.
1502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 10:07
Movement is very smooth and dodging is snappy, fast, and that feels amazing. The jump, while it is horizontal, similar to dark souls, is quite a bit more potent, which is complemented by some optional platforming.
Attack animations are all very nice looking and also quite fast, while most enemies attacks are well telegraphed and fairly easy to understand and remember, which leads to a great feeling combat. Add limb cutting system to that, which adds a layer of variety, skill and thinking about what body part you need for upgrades. But that system only really works great in 1x1 battles, as soon as you have to fight 2 or sometimes even 3 enemies at once, you just stop caring about limbs. While there is only 5 weapon types, they all feel reasonably unique in their movesets because combo system of horizontal and vertical attacks is a lot deeper than your typical light/heavy variations. All of that leads to one of the best combat systems in this sub-genre.
Level design is more of a mixed bag overall. It is honestly pretty great for about 2/3 of the game, but closer to end it starts to rely too heavily on service corridors or vents or whatever they are called. You'll know when you see them. And these corridors get boring very quickly, and exceptionally annoying when you have to fight something in it.
Bosses are... bad. Not terrible, you can quite quickly learn their moveset and play around that, but the combat just doesn't quite feel as good against them. And there's only like 5 bosses for the whole game, which is maybe a good thing considering the first point. But yeah, it feel quite anticlimactic when you spend 2-3 hours going through a location only to be met with 2 regular enemies at the end instead of a boss battle.
Oh yeah there's also leveling/build system. In my opinion this is one of, if not THE best system in similar games. Basically you level up your energy core, which allows you to install implants and armor. Implants have a pretty decent variety - you can improve you health, stamina, energy, add more healing items, different kind of healing items, all kinds of passives like healing on finishers, or more attack speed while energy is high. And all of that can be swapped at any med bay. Struggling with a location? Try beefind up and having more healing items. Or maybe make a build that quickly generates energy and is then able to heal using that energy. Or just make a armor set that heals you on kills, and run completely without healing. I really like that modularity and being able to swap and experiment with thing at any point of the game instead of traditionally either having no respec option at all or having it somewhere later in the game.
Story and setting are fine. I like sci-fi, so this is a really nice change from your typical dark fantasy. Story is told through audio logs and episodes of a show, which feels like a very obvious exposition. But it also a bit easier to piece together and creates a feeling of unraveling mystery without having to create sprawling web of info from item descriptions.
Overall i think The Surge is a great game, although far from perfect. And i'm kind of sad that i have overlooked it for so long, but at the same time very glad that i gave it a try.
4334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 03:07
Each boss has a weapon and/or armor that they can drop once killed, but you can get an improved variant of the weapon if they are killed in a specific way; if for no other reason than just an upgrade, I'd do it because you have to kill them anyway. The game is a lot of fun, but be prepared to get turned around in the map. Like, A LOT. There were times where I had to look up where to go at certain portions of the game, but after finding my way, I had a lot of fun. Dive into the game, you won't be disappointed.
2410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 10:44
4884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 09:59
After finishing the story I immediately did a NG+ to get the remaining achievements.
I recommend all the DLC, too, including the little preorder DLC, but get it all on sale. The Good, Bad, Augmented can get a bit frustrating at times though, it's friggin' hard.
Nicht Empfohlen
634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 22:09
4143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 15:33
Nicht Empfohlen
527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 22:25
I really wanted some solid souls-like to kill time before Elden Ring, ad this one was the only one relevant.
So, clearly the devs tried to make it good and somewhat original.
Problem is, they did not succeed in making it interesting and fun.
Game feels like a chore, you know, the type which you want to finish and forget about.
Combat is ''meh'' after you done dicking around with dismemberment, exploration is tedious, grind is real.
Game is not terrinble, it's just not really worth the time.
5376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 22:01
1320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 20:14
tl;dr: Awesome souls like in a future setting with exo rigs and hightec weapons/gear. Excellent combat system with bodypart targetting for specifc ways to deal dmg, and cutting of gear/weapons from enemys to use it yourself. Overall good leveldesign. The ending could be better in my opinion.
- A walk in the park adds a complete new area to the world. Its integrad in the leveldesing from the basegame, so you go to a specific point and just travel to the new area. You visit the destroyed amusement park of CREO, a way more open area as in the base game. The new are has 2 new bosses and tons of new weapons and gear. The story is great for short dlc. Took me around 1-2hrs to complete, but I liked it.If you want more after the basegame, or multiple ng+ runs, buy it.
1861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.21 19:02
1246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 12:16
But I cannot really compare this to Dark Souls, so I will not do that. Of course there are same concepts and mechanics but that is about where it ends.
The Surge has an intresting take on gathering and upgrading your rig(level) and gear. So basically you collect scraps from enemies and try to cut of certain body armour to get more upgrades. I like that formula, I also like this game is strictly single player.
About the setting well either you will like it or hate it. It appears kind of generic until you get a bit further into the game, shortcuts are also present so try to reach them and memorize as much as you can. I do wish they would have left the timer out, because when you die you will have to recollect your scrap in time or it will be gone.
Overal I am very happy with this purchase, also this works great with keyboard and mouse for a change. I feared I was gonna be condemned to a controller to actually enjoy the game but none of that.
So, if you are not bored by a sci-fi setting and like a good challenge i can highly recommend this game.
Nicht Empfohlen
1273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 04:45
In clustered environments, the camera will FK you over by zooming ALL THE WAY IN, meaning you lose all peripheral vision and have no ability to discern if your back is against a wall and which way is there space to dodge. You'd think that it would be a player problem, but its moreso level design than player action. I have intentionally tried to navigate levels without fighting the camera, to no avail. Where darksouls will make some layers of terrain invisible or transparent so you have a clear picture of your character, The Surge doesn't. In addition, the developers put a lot of effort into level design, painstaking crafting each texture and detail... problem is, players don't give a FK.
The visual clutter is IMMENSE. Bloodborne had a nice mix of excess clutter without subtracting away from player attention. Here I can't tell if its an enemy playing dead, a dead body, an actual enemy, a destructible object, etc... Mix in horrible camera interactions and the need to always toggle that so you can actually know whats an enemy and whats not, is a really REALLY bad idea. To top things off, the body part focus mechanic to slice off limbs for specific loot is fine in theory, execution wise it really needs more work. Body part limb targeting does not go well with a soulslike because they tried to combine positioning with autotargeting. What does that mean? You can be targeting a rear part, you can be right next to the rear part, your swing is CLEARLY HITTING the rear part, but it doesn't register. Because the rear part is not DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF YOU. Remember janky backstab mechanics? Where the enemy's back is not where it is visually? Feels like that ALL OVER AGAIN. Again... no playtesting was involved or they really weren't thinking about exact interactions. Its obvious enough that a developer probably handwaved it and decided it wasn't an issue.
And its this kind of handwaving that appears time and time again in the Surge. An additional issue is claustrophobic environments having an impact on your player model. Want something with good stats? Probably its a chunky piece of armor... that will also take up like 1/10th of your screen. This might not seem like an issue to casuals, but when you are visually looking at every tell, in a dark area, with HD textures, to attack that specific part, and making sure you're standing in a nice position the camera doesn't fuck you over with... see where im getting at? The camera kills you more than the enemies... and that's saying something. If I die more to wonky camera controls... I'm expecting a 3rd person survival horror game by Konami on the playstation 2, NOT a fast-paced soulsbourne.
The combat is also meh. Repeating enemy types get stagnant fast, and you fight the level design more than enemies. The game feels you less like running around and exploring and more like clearing an enemy every 4-5 seconds. Sounds like fun but the combat gets old FAST. Mix in limited weapon upgrades (because its a tiered system meaning you get hard-locked from upgrading so you can't progress faster, and there is no level up outside of increasing your mod/ring slots that make it such that you can only hulk up in an area so much before you plateau and have to slowly clear it). And there's another issue, enemy tankiness. If you take a fucking long-ass time to clear 1 enemy, it starts to wear the player down. Second area where they start adding in machines that only take damage if you do the rolly-polly juuuuuust right while shredding their armor gimmicks begin to make you just speedrun past them because you would want to do fuck-all with that combat.
Which brings me to another point, level design. Imagine blocking, but staying still. Yeah, no advancing guard. Guess what happened? There was a bridge, with a tanky mecha, a frenzy high-dmg douchebag, and 2 pew-pew guys. Does it sound like a fun time? By the way, they put holes in the floor infront of pew-pews so no point rushing. And even if you did rush, 5 seconds to kill a ranged enemy... Too goddamn long. Again, either nobody playtested or level designers did fuck all with feedback, likely the latter.
Its a shame really. Had better hopes with this than Ashen. But when a soulslike makes you run past enemies because combat takes too long and a particular area is legit impossible for the average souls player, you really realize its another wannabe soulslike that didn't have enough game testing by actual players and game devs that really didn't think about user experience. I can go more into additional issues like a lack of a minimap for very claustrophobic and narrow but complex sprawls, non-intuitive shortcuts, lack of clear pathing or area demarkation, horrible linear scaling, cheating AI that responds immediately to player input, the list goes on... Sadly really don't have the time or effort to go into great detail.
Will probably finish the game, can't say I enjoy it. Just hope it gets better but I doubt it. I'm already fighting the UI and level designer, Don't think I have high hopes for combat either. Also, they have a vertical dodge system, nobody uses it. Its input is mega-janky in terms of natural player input and attacks often don't have a proper tell if its a high/low attack. So its up to player experimentation, but when a new enemy appears punishing experimentation is the last thing on your mind. Get it while on discount, because even with the mecha aesthetic I love, the game legitimately doesn't feel fun to play simply because of bad GUI and design choices.
3101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 18:01
Am F
I was born in a prison
no hope for escape
Am F
I got used to the silence
as I stuck in my cage
[Chorus] x2
you can not miss
C Am
what you have never seen before
but deep inside you know
there must be more
Am / F / C / G
Am F
I heard a voice but I could not follow
it was a language I didn't know
Am F
Ive seen a light and it used to blind me
was it real or just a dream?
[Chorus] x2
you can not miss
C Am
what you have never seen before
but deep inside you know
there must be more
as I left no one tried to stop me
so I learned
F C G Am
I was always as free as I wanted to be
I was always as free as a bird
F C G Am
I was always as free as I wanted to be
but I was just too scared to see
who I could be.
1641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 06:06
-The setting and atmospher (10 out of 10).
The best thing about the surge is its industrial design and interconnected world .it oozes with style ,definitely one of the best out there .
-Gameplay (8 out of 10)
The gameplay is solid focusing on limbs dismemberment. sounds fun ......cause it IS .
The targeting system in this game is all about aiming and dismembering the enemy for loot but unfortunately it misses on occasions.
Some of the weapon types appear to be useless or overshadowed by other powerful ones due to the game having sluggish animations sometimes with few weapon types .(just time your attacks properly and choose the right weapon type ).
You have multiple classes of armor to choose from and boy is this a treat , glorious in every way .
The game provides you with a great deal of customizations and that includes my main gripe with the game .........The Rig implants system . The way they implanted it *pun intended * is just not fair , limiting the player in many of ways. the number of heals , Health , Stamina , and the basic courtesy of seeing an ENEMIE HEALTH BAR must take a place in your implant slots WTF .
-Performance and (7 out of 10)
Problems maintaining the FPS due to some rubbish .( 120 FPS is a NO NO ) .
-Graphics (8 out of 10)
The atmosphere as I said before is just brilliant and that is due to the excellent focus on lighting .
The surge truly benefits form its industrial design which in return gives it that memorable look that classics like dark souls 1 and Resident Evil 2 have .
The story and side-quests (5 out 10 )
At least it's there *Coughs*
The music (7.5 out of 10)
The sound design is fantastic with some weird horror moments close to DEAD SPACE . but mostly it's just ambient .
-Final verdict
The surge truly shines when it comes to its aesthetic and gameplay but suffers the most from odd limitations that effect the pacing of the game ( implants and slow animations ). one last thing that I did't mention *forgettable boss encounters* , other than that it RIPS m/ m/.
A solid 7.5 due to the performance, easily one of my favorites . Recommend it .
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1161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 11:37
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1531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 16:59
The first level is great. Beautiful and varied locations, but once you get into a big facility - the whole game environment practically never changes. The same vents all over the place. A lot of dead-ends, because you don't have x or y to open a door. And once you have the ability to open those doors - there are nothing of value there.
Combat itself is fun, but you always have to be at your max weapon upgrade level possible in order not to feel too weak. Many deaths are so random and checkpoint system is just bad. Some enemies one-shot you no matter what. You can even, somehow, die while walking past a DEAD robot. Lots of backtracking. All areas are VERY confusing, because there is no map - a true Achilles heel of this game.
There are a handful of bosses, they are ok, some more frustrating than others.
Itemization is very basic. Little variety in weapons or armor pieces. Basically you just farm enemies while attacking a selected part of their body for resources. With those resources you can upgrade your body part(s) and that's it.
The story itself is very forgettable.
2696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 00:16
The Surge - The Surge 2
Me: They're the same game.
I played the Surge 2 first and really enjoyed it. Apart from being harder and more enclosed this is basically the same game. The Walk in the Park DLC adds some much needed colour and open spaces. Bottom line, if you enjoyed one you'll enjoy the other.
PS: I just finished it, it was fucking awesome!
1963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 08:34
261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 09:47
3303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 00:58
2538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 05:37
2386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 09:56
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921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 09:33
Aiming on body parts is a cool mechanic, if you can get it to stay on the body part. It could be controller use but my lock often bounces to armored body parts and I have to fight with it to aim back on the proper part. Cool idea, implementation though...... could use some work.
Finally, I have to speak to the mapping system. Its nonexistent and its terrible. What people are saying is true, there is very little logical progression to the map and I can attest to running around aimlessly attempting to progress the story. I tried not to look up any spoilers online because I didn't want to ruin the first time experience for any new enemies but I didn't have a choice. The lady inside of the OPS room is helpful sometimes and sometimes she repeats hints that you have already solved.
Overall, it does quite a few things right. But if you are going to try for souls-like, you can build the difficulty into the enemies. There is no need for the extra cheese. The game can be plenty difficult and frustrating without it.
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86 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 00:42
2695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 18:23
Graphics great, audio great, story interesting, game play mechanics were good. I liked a lot about this game and a little sad to have finished it. I had a little run through of NG+ but I usually don't go for that kind of thing but it is there for people who do.
2404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 04:25
Upon taking control of Warren, it shouldn’t take long for anybody to notice how similar the game is to the Souls series. Movement, Combat, Checkpoints, and Bosses are handled very similarly. The game has even got a great weapon that does mostly elemental damage and has got “Moonlight” in its name. Though the game was obviously heavily inspired by those games, it does still manage to maintain its own identity with the use of a dismemberment mechanic which allows you to target specific parts of an enemy’s body to guarantee certain loot drops, an energy meter that increases as you attack enemies and allows you to trigger certain effects/actions at the cost of draining it and swappable implants which are somewhat of a hybrid of level-ups and rings from the Souls series. Other notable things are how all maps are designed around only having one proper checkpoint that’s connected to a bunch of shortcuts you’ll unlock as you explore, and of course, its sci-fi setting and themes of corporate corruption and manipulation.
The downsides of the game are the questionable use of narrow corridors in certain levels of which all look the same and can make navigation confusing, poor implementation of a proficiency system for weapons, stupidly bland characters, (This includes the Warren. He is so bland it feels like the game was originally meant to have one of those nameless/voiceless protagonists) a lack of fast travel which makes backtracking to previous levels a pain, a flawed “retrieve your souls” system that may place your lost currency in unreachable areas if you happen to die of fall damage or from falling off the map and a severe lack of bosses. (There are only 5 and one of them reuses a previous boss in one of its phases.) The game also does not ask you whether you want to start NG+ after defeating the final boss. It just throws you right into it.
That seemed like a sizeable list of flaws, (and to be honest there are more of them such as certain enemy attacks that do questionable amounts of damage even for Souls standards) but I still think this is a great game. There is a lot of fun to be had with it, especially when you try out some of those more unique weapons the game has to offer. I also really enjoy how, much like in Dark Souls 2, New Game Plus is more than just an increase in health and damage for all enemies. This was definitely the best, most well-designed Souls-like game that was not developed by FromSoftware I have played so far. I highly recommend it for fans of this genre.
1378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 10:20
very good looting system (especially when you chop a leg or arm or a head or a chest piece to get the loot )
IF you also like Bloodborne and Souls games yeah this is the right game
871 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 19:19
I was was wondering every day why life is so sad, why there's no Dark Souls 4.
till @Kanonymous told me about this game.
Is not like a dark souls but I'm happy again.
2955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 16:57
Basically Sci-Fi Dark Souls and doing a good job at being that.
Performance is great, visuals look good. Had some camera problems from time to time but oh well.
There are only 5 bosses (+ 5 counting DLC) in the game but atleast they're mostly unique unlike some other game. They aren't especially hard but they work for what they're trying to do.
1054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 00:18
Maybe the storyline is a bit weak and so is the narration, but this doesn't mean that is bad.
I saw many people getting disappointed because they expected a sci-fi dark souls; just remember that this is NOT a sci-fi DS, it shares a few elements with it but, in a matter of fact, it is a different game. And it's beautiful!
3022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 23:50
1828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 20:12
e putzin kam greu kam k suflete intunecate, dar eu ma descurc pt. k sunt mare pr0 gaymur talentat binecuvantat de dzeu
potzi s-a thay bratzele si picierele la inamiki keea ce este foarte foarte coooool
3874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 15:19
Highly recommend 8.5/10
1324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 15:19
The Surge is a competent Dark Souls homage that took a while before it hooked me.
I bounced off of it initially. The cybergore aesthetic doesn't really do anything for me, and the story was... fine. The main character, Warren, is about as interesting as a chunk of drywall, and the world we're dumped into doesn't immediately grab. There's no big, initial hook that got me interested in the world, but I persevered and was rewarded with a surprisingly decent game.
If you've somehow never played Dark Souls or don't know what someone means when they say a game is like Dark Souls, imagine this-- a very precise combat system featuring stamina management, timed attacks, and learning enemy attack patterns. Other Souls influences are apparent here in The Surge as well-- the intertwining, twisting world, the mildly esoteric story delivery and lore, and a resource driven weapon/armor upgrade system.
Let's first address some things that The Surge does well. The world and level design is something that a lot of Soulslike games fail to realize is an integral part of the experience. I'm not sure I'd go far enough to say that they nailed it here, but they did a good job in creating a complex, interconnecting world that pushes you to your limits until you discover that next shortcut back to the medbay.
The game features a relatively unique limb targeting system in which you can target specific body parts in hopes of removing them from your enemies with a finishing move, thus yielding you the armor / weapon they had equipped or some valuable resources for upgrading your gear. This is a novel system, although by the end of the game it became fairly standard for me to just target whatever body part didn't have armor and whack away until they died.
The game runs well and is stable. I can't recall a single bug I encountered, apart from having to go into the options every time I booted it up to change the gamepad icons back to the Dualshock 4 icons.
The implant system is interesting too. When you level up (gain 'core power'), this enables you to install better implants and/or equip higher powered gear. These implants include any sort of healing item you might have, buffs to your stats, special abilities, etc. For the most part, I found a configuration that suited me and stuck with it, upgrading the implants as necessary to better versions I found throughout my journey.
There were some things I didn't much enjoy. Occasionally, the damage I was doing to enemies felt inconsistent, and I didn't understand why. Perhaps it was a result of the direction of my swing, the timing, or something else... but this led to some very frustrating moments. Killing the same type of enemy in three or four hits, only to face the next one and have them take those four hits like a champ and chunk you isn't great in a game about careful combat management.
Some of the bosses leave a lot to be desired. One boss in particular has you facing a humanoid enemy interspersed with a big robot fight. This fight isn't so much one about skill but rather endurance, and it stopped being exciting after the humanoid boss ran away for the fourth time so I could fight the fourth identical giant robot. There were also a few enemy types that regularly gave me trouble. but I'm not willing to say that they're unbalanced or designed poorly... it's quite possible that I'm just not very good at the game.
As touched upon earlier, the story is delivered in mostly obtuse ways and wasn't super interesting. When the end rolled around, I had apparently picked one of two endings on accident and wasn't attached enough to anything in the story to care about which ending happened, nor how different they were.
All that being said, The Surge was still good. It succeeded where it matters-- in the level design, character build customization, and stamina management combat. A single run will probably set you back about 20 hours, and the game does feature a New Game+ mode and lots of corners full of boxes to crack open. You can definitely do worse.
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924 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 01:50
2352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 04:53
Its well made, graphics are nice, combat is really smooth and controls work very well.
Its kind of a slow burn, it doesn't look like much when you start, you don't know what's going on and its difficult to figure how what to do and how to play well, but if you stick with it you will see the game open up and it gets a lot better later on.
Maybe a little bit lacking in enemy variety and level variety. I wish there were more bosses too. Souls games have a ton of bosses.
Still the good outweighs the bad, I'd give this a 7.5/10
3329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 02:32
It's a Souls-like that brings its own twist to the formula which I always enjoy seeing.
I can only say that if you enjoy a nice Souls-like and enjoy the sci-fi, industrial setting, you might enjoy this game as well. The aesthetic and the feel of the gameplay was a huge plus for me.
1596 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 03:56
4753 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 03:54
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512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 06:54
2523 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 23:25
Genre: Third Person RPG
The Good:
+ Haunting Sci-fi atmosphere with lots of graphical options
+ Upgrading your suit allows you to carry more ‘cores’ which means you can equip better gear and implants.
+ A variety of different implants (perks) that you can equip that can result in many different character builds. You can equip implants that focus on health, stamina, energy, healing, damage, speed, etc. You can be a ‘glass cannon’ or a ‘walking death tank’ by the end of the game and everything in between.
+ Getting different armor and weapons is dependant on which body part you cut off in combat. I like the system because it provides a change from the typical finding equipment in chests.
+ Combat has a faster pace than your typical Dark Souls game. Dodging and dashing around enemies is encouraged and leaves many enemies exposed for counter attacks. Combat has a slower feel in the beginning of the game but once you get a feel for the mechanics and weapons things become much easier.
+ Lots of different armor and weapons that fit any particular play style.
+ level design can be a bit confusing at first, but discovering new shortcuts always feels rewarding and encourages further exploration.
+ The DLC ‘A walk in the park’ is an extra story expansion that takes place in an abandoned amusement park. The change of environment was nice. It adds about 4 hours of additional story content and exploration.
+ New Game plus allows you to continue playing from the beginning with all your gear and implants carried over.
The Average:
+/- The story is told mostly through audio logs scattered about the world. The story never feels like the focus of the game and takes a back seat to the gameplay. It doesn’t help that the main character is as charismatic as a cardboard box.
+ The DLC’s The Good The Bad and The Augmented, is a arcade style gauntlet run where you can set different difficulty modifiers for better rewards. There are nine episodes but each episode is just a rehash of different areas mixed together. The new perks are insanely good and practically break the main game but overall, the DLC is very repetitive.
+/- This is similar to Dark souls so expect a lot of cheap and frustrating deaths especially in the first few areas of the game. The game is very difficult in the first half of the game when you are still trying to figure things out, you will die a lot. Frustration does happen frequently in the beginning. However, once you are able to get over the initial difficulty curve the game becomes easier and far less frustrating.
+/- A few side quests that don’t offer any meaningful rewards and are too obtuse to complete without the help of a walkthrough.
I was one of the few that liked Deck13’s other game Lords of the Fallen. Its easy to compare this to Dark Souls, it has similar mechanics but if you look past that and appreciate the game for what it is rather than what its not, you will see a fun, challenging if not flawed game.
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1042 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 19:21
The story is kinda meh, and the combat is, clunky, I think is the best word to describe it. I've seen a general consensus that most people agree that heavy weapons are generally speaking the way to go, but they feel just horrible to use, iv'e just about finished the game using heavy duty weapons and the combat DOES NOT EVOLVE.
That is the main gripe, from the beginning of the game you will see a handful of enemies, and thats it. You will see humanoid enemies with different weapons, in reality it's pretty much the same thing, 3 legged robots, the equivalent of dogs in the souls series, fast and high damage, small drones that take pop shots at you and some weird floaty robots that you see in small areas.
As the game progresses, you see these same enemies, but just amped up, so you will find the same exact dog but its painted silver and does triple the damage with 1 new attack, the same humanoid enemies with, again, a different looking set of armour and triple the damage, drones now just shield the human enemies and that's honestly about it.
I enjoyed the bosses, though there are very few they at least add a change of pace to the game except [spoiler] the 4th boss, which is literally just another humanoid enemy and 2 versions of the first boss you fight, which feels incredibly lazy [/spoiler].
The maps are cluttered and confusing at first glance, in fairness the whole game takes place in a single facility so it's as different as a factory can be I suppose but the sprawling vents are random connections don't really make it feel interesting.
A very enjoyable concept is the idea of when fighting enemies, you are able to sever a limb to obtain that said piece of armour or weapon they are carrying and use it yourself. it's a clever concept for obtaining gear.
However, even this isn't perfect, first off, weapon wise you can pretty much only stick to one weapon, because in the surge you don't funnel stat points into attributes like other games, you gain profficiency in a weapon type the more you use it, so essentially once you pick one, it will get to a point where it becomes non-viable to switch weapon type as your general damage will be so low.
As for severing the limbs, you obtain schematics to armour, not the armour pieces themselves, so you have to build them, which on paper sounds fine, you find resources and build a set, but unfortunately resources mean grinding, i.e. in order to build a MK 2 chest plate, you may need 16 pieces of MK 2 chest rigs, which pretty much means kill a bunch of enemies wearing a MK 2 chest plate and take it back to the hub, now repeat this to do 2 leg pieces, 2 arm pieces and the helmet, at minimum you can only get 1 resource per enemy so even if you only need 5 kills for each piece that's still hunting down 25 enemies. This is fine to do once or twice but it will take a significant amount of time and effort to build multiple sets of armour.
Overall, it isn't an aweful game, I heard they improved upon many of my complaints in the surge 2, it could be worth a pick up at a very low price but, for the most part, combat is clunky, story is meh, environments are cluttered and enemies are uninspired. Although nice bosses.
6448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 03:06
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987 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 17:55
I want the sequel, but I’m basically waiting until it’s cheap as dirt.
314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 16:52
Overall it is still worth your time to check out.
2085 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.20 03:50
This game definitely has some issues - there are a couple of huge difficulty spikes that are extremely frustrating and unfair, and almost drove me away from the game. The first half of the game takes place in nondescript factory settings and it's difficult to keep a mental map of the environments, and is very easy to get lost.
However, the second half of the game is fantastic. The level design does that Dark Souls thing of constantly looping back on a single checkpoint as you open up more and more shortcuts and returns, and as the environments become more varied it becomes a lot easier to keep track of where you are. After the huge midgame difficulty spike, things feel much more fair and remain challenging without being frustrating. The game is well-written and the combat feels weighty and satisfying.
The Surge 2 fixes almost every issue with The Surge, so if you're on the fence, start there. If you loved The Surge 2, give The Surge a try, but be prepared for a bit of a slog through some uneven patches before the game hits its stride.
7075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 20:41
The story gets extra thumbs up from me. It's neither particularly deep nor original, but presented in a very compelling way that knows exactly what it's doing.
2114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 18:44
Back to “allowing differentiation” in the souls-like genre, one thing a developer should not make different is excluding any sort of good boss fights from the game. Seriously, I still recommend this as an overall game (20$ now) but, do not get your hopes up for the bosses. I found them to be mediocre at best and quit playing the game forever at worst. The normal area to area game play was more enjoyable than most of the boss fights and that should not be sentence in a review for a souls-like game. I will try and give some credit that this game is a clear improvement over Lords of the Fallen (same dev team) and there is The Surge 2 I have yet to play; if the pattern persists, The Surge 2 will be something to look forward to. I cannot recommend The Surge if you are ONLY seeking amazing souls-like boss fights.
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747 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 23:52
1539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 02:55
The Surge is third-person action-RPG developed by Deck13 and released in 2017. Get in the shoes of Warren, a crippled man looking for a way to restore his body by signing with a corporation called CREO. As disaster surged from the depths of the CREO factory complex, Warren must try to survive amidst endless onslaught from maddened people and robots. Overall, the game managed to establish itself among its competitors by creating an interesting sci-fi world and innovative dismemberment mechanic.
The Good
- Dismemberment is a unique and brilliant mechanic.
- Good level design with shortcuts, well-hidden secrets and worthwhile rewards.
- The bosses are fun, challenging but fair even if they require some trials and errors.
- Fresh setting and world crafted with great art direction.
The Bad
- Lack of enemy variety. Most enemies are humanoid with the same weapons that are available to the players.
- Balance issue. Either it have sudden difficulty spikes in some areas, or the game becomes very easy with the right upgrades. Some weapons are useless.
Structurally, The surge follows a typical souls-like formula. The core loop of the game is exploring the level while fighting enemies, reach a safe area. The Surge differentiates itself by introducing a locational damage and dismemberment system that is well-implemented and satisfying when executed.
Instead of light or heavy attacks like the game’s source inspiration Dark Souls, this game separates its basic attacks into vertical and horizontal attacks. Players can chain both types of attacks and execute combos alongside sliding and jumping attacks. This mechanic is important due to the location-specific damage system.
In combat, Warren can target specific locations of most enemies’ bodies. One usage of the mechanic is targeting unarmored parts of their bodies to do more damage. The second usage is by damaging an armored part, Warren can perform an execution attack that severs their limbs. By severing limbs, enemies will drop the part of their armor that can be used to obtain schematics or parts to upgrade your own armor.
The Surge has really good and satisfying combat. The controls are responsive, and with 5 types of weapons, and various armors players can build Warren however they are comfortable with. The only problem with combat is there just aren’t enough enemy varieties. Most of the enemies are humanoid with the same weapon types that players can use, and their movesets are quite limited. There are some unique humanoid type enemies that carry unique equipments that usually have unique moves and fun to fight.
Warren can get stronger by upgrading his suit’s power core. It can be upgraded by collecting scrap parts from enemies. Upgrading it will increase its capacity and allows you to equip better armor and unlock more implant slots. Implants are basically “skills” that can be equipped and build your character as you like. They have various effects from scaling up HP, healing, increasing your stamina and many others. They are the core of building the character in the game.
The second progression system is equipment. There are several types of armor sets and various weapons Warren can get. A complete armor set will give him special effects that will further determine your build. They can also be upgraded with parts enemies drop. There are 5 weapon types in the game. By using a weapon from a certain category, Warren will gain proficiency that will increase your damage with said weapon types.
The progression system in the game is quite streamlined as players don’t have to worry about specific attributes or skill level. It is still quite flexible and Warren can be moulded to your liking. In my experience, this system allows experimentation with several different types of builds as there are no permanent stats tied to it. I pretty much tried all weapon types at the first half of the game before deciding to pick a favorite. There are some balance problem like some weapons can be utterly useless or one type of build is more effective than the other.
Exploration and Loot
The levels of The Surge are good, although they never really reach the same heights as the original Dark Souls level. Each level is a separate area with a transition loading screen between them that makes the CREO factory complex doesn’t feel as grand and interconnected as Lordran.
Enemies and loot are hand placed in the world. They are generally well-placed and well-thought, that makes every encounter unique and loot are worth digging nooks and crannies for. Generally I have no problem with the level design. It could be better, but I am satisfied with it.
Technical Issue and Performance
Specs: GTX 1080, AMD Ryzen 3700x, 16 GB RAM, 1440 60 Hz
The game runs full 60 FPS almost all the time. It dipped below 60 is in the end of the game where a specific enemy type appears. This enemy's effects caused the performance to drop. Overall the game is polished at the time I played. It is bug free, aside from minor problems like characters clipping into objects. One bug that annoyed me is when a loot dropped outside of reach.
In the far future where Earth is on the brink of destruction, one man built a company with the promise of repairing a broken planet. When everything went wrong, the player as Warren is caught in the midst of it and must survive against the horde of rogue machineries and find out what happened.
I like The Surge’s story. It uses a hands-off method of story telling where the plot isn’t directly told through dialogue and cutscene but through environment design and audiologs. The setting is unique for this genre. While the theme and concept has been done before, the central mystery drove me forward and made me want to know what happened.
Graphics and Visual
The Surge managed to build a unique world, and CREO feels like it has a personality of its own. The environment design, weapons, armor and enemies model mostly look good. Some of the locations might look the same as players spend the majority of their playtime indoors in industrial type areas but it feels appropriate to the setting where the game takes place.
The animations are well done. Each weapon animation feels unique, they have different kill animations and combos. There isn't that much variety, but what is available is pretty good, don’t feel too janky. Overall the graphics won’t blow any minds, but it is not ugly and still carries the atmosphere and tone quite well.
Audio and Music
The soundtrack isn’t really anything to write home about. There isn’t any bombastic boss battle music or epic orchestration, the music mostly are just ambient sounds. I might be in the minority here, but I like the song Prisoner by Stumfol that plays in the medical area. Otherwise the music in the game is mostly ignorable.
While the music is lacking, the soundscape of the game is very well done. A lot of effects can be heard from the hydraulics inside Warren and the enemies’ exosuits to electricity buzzing in the distance. Everything feels heavy, metallic and it fit for the game’s industrial environment.
The Surge is a solid entry to the souls-like genre. It managed to differentiate itself through its innovative mechanics and unique setting. While there is always room for improvement mainly in variety, and balance The Surge is still worth your time and money if you are a fan of souls-like genre.
2929 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.20 20:38
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2010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.20 09:13
-Fucking great feeling of control over your character
-Interesting story
-Enemies actively work to limit your great feeling of control over your character
-Game is actively designed to stop you from progressing rather than teaching you how to progress
Summary: If you want a shit time waster, grab it. But if you expect more than anything other than a time sink this game is not for you.
This game really defines great game play but poor game design. This game, when at its right moments is incredibly fun feeling to play. However, the game as a whole falls flat. There is no real sense of personal progression. You can progress through the story, but the most efficient way to do this is running past enemies, which would boil this game down to a walking simulator. You could beat down enemies and receive little reward, go back and upgrade, and then repeat the whole process until you brute force your way through the game, but that makes the game repetitive and ultimately boring as well. If you have inexhaustible patience, you may enjoy this game, but I cannot recommend it. Bosses are disappointing and unrememberable. What little I remember about each boss is that there are strategies where you can perform one action over and over to defeat a boss (i.e. walking behind, baiting an attack, and then hitting once or twice, rinse and repeat). Lastly, enemies are purely balanced in way that indicates that some stat progression takes place, which results with enemies one or two hitting you by the second portion of the game, despite your not actually improving your stats at all (or at least your health).
The best one word description I can give this game is: arbitrary.
Everything feels difficult as if it is trying to arbitrarily live up to some difficult older brother, thinking that making a difficult means a making an engaging game.
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452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 19:14
1- warren is slow, cluncky and unresponsive, even if you use the fastest armor and weapons there is still lag.
2- hit detection is not perfect, specially with duel wield weapons, its just sick how the dual wielding enemies seem to be able to hit you even if you think you are far enough and dodging them is so hit and miss; while u cant hit shit when u duel wield your self
3- speaking of dodging, developers seem fond of throwing ultra aggressive enemies at you in ultra tight corridors so dodging is almost impossible and blocking mechanic is all but useful in this game, whats more those enemies can kill you in 2-3 hits while you need 5-6 to do so, take about unfairness!
4- i dont want the game to hold my hand but i wanna at least know where should i go! no objectives to tell you what to do next, not even a map! let alone points of interest or markers! this is only made worse by the fact that the game world is nothing but a huge maze, and to travel in it you either have to go all the long way again and fight all the frustrating enemies again or use the shortcuts, aaaah the shortcuts .... dont get me started again, just read point 3 again!
below review is useful:
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783 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.20 04:18
getting lost in areas
useless block
camera issues
Which I could live with, after 10 hours playing this I couldn't find a setup of weapons, imlpants and rig capable of allowing me to fight with certain agility. Everything costs STAMINA, but it costs A LOT OF STAMINA, if you block an attack you can't counterattack because you will be stamina drained and helpless. What's the reason of blocking/parrying an attack if you then have to retreat? You can charge the enemy by running and landing a very powerful attack, but you will be drained of stamina and again, you will be easy prey. I understand that heavier weapon would consume more stamina, but I couln't find an agile, fast (even if weak) way to fight enemies, and combos and options got very boring for this.
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667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 11:05
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101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 21:46
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620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 20:36
Deck 13
Focus Home Interactive
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos