• The Suicide of Rachel Foster: Screen zum Spiel The Suicide of Rachel Foster.
  • The Suicide of Rachel Foster: Screen zum Spiel The Suicide of Rachel Foster.
  • The Suicide of Rachel Foster: Screen zum Spiel The Suicide of Rachel Foster.
  • The Suicide of Rachel Foster: Screen zum Spiel The Suicide of Rachel Foster.
  • The Suicide of Rachel Foster: Screen zum Spiel The Suicide of Rachel Foster.
  • The Suicide of Rachel Foster: Screen zum Spiel The Suicide of Rachel Foster.
  • The Suicide of Rachel Foster: Screen zum Spiel The Suicide of Rachel Foster.
  • The Suicide of Rachel Foster: Screen zum Spiel The Suicide of Rachel Foster.
  • The Suicide of Rachel Foster: Screen zum Spiel The Suicide of Rachel Foster.
  • The Suicide of Rachel Foster: Screen zum Spiel The Suicide of Rachel Foster.
  • The Suicide of Rachel Foster: Screen zum Spiel The Suicide of Rachel Foster.
  • The Suicide of Rachel Foster: Screen zum Spiel The Suicide of Rachel Foster.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 19.02.2020
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Preis Update 21.01.25

Über das Spiel


Vor zehn Jahren ließen Nicole und ihre Mutter ihr Familienhotel zurück, als sie herausfanden, dass Nicoles Vater Leonard eine Affäre mit einer Teenagerin hatte, die kurz darauf schwanger wurde und sich dann das Leben nahm.

Nach dem Tod ihrer beiden Eltern hofft Nicole, den letzten Wunsch ihrer Mutter zu erfüllen und das Hotel zu verkaufen. Sie kehrt zum Hotel zurück, um den Erlös Rachels Familie zukommen zu lassen. Zusammen mit dem Familienanwalt will sie das verfallende Haus schätzen lassen.

Als das Wetter unerwartet umschlägt und Nicole im großen Haus in den Bergen festsitzt, ist ihre einzige Hilfe Irving, ein junger FEMA Beamter, mit dem sie über eines der ersten Mobiltelefone der Welt verbunden ist.

Zusammen mit ihm beginnt Nicole ein Geheimnis aufzudecken, das weit mysteriöser ist, als die Leute im Tal dachten. Eine Geschichte von Liebe und Tod, in der Melancholie und Nostalgie zu einer aufregenden Geistergeschichte verschmelzen.
  • Erkunde das riesige, detailreiche Hotel und enthülle dunkle Familiengeheimnisse
  • Binaurales Audio für eine noch immersivere Erfahrung
  • Interessantes, bewegendes und erwachsenes Storytelling
  • Mehrschichtiger Thriller, der Elemente aus Mystery und Horror vereint


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-2500 / AMD Ryzen 3 2200G
  • GFX: 1 GB, GeForce GTX 660 / AMD Radeon RX 540
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 8.1 64bit or Windows 10 64bit
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 11 compatible sound card with latest drivers
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-6400 / AMD FX-6300
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 1060 / Radeon RX 580
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64-bit
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 11 compatible sound card with latest drivers
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

302 Produkte im Account
134 Reviews
535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 00:04

Ein ungelüftetes Geheimnis

Nachdem ich das Spiel vor langer Zeit bereits abgeschlossen, und zuletzt die 100% erledigt habe, wird es allerhöchste Zeit, noch eine Review nachzuliefern.


„The Suicide of Rachel Foster“ ist in erster Linie ein storygetriebener Walking-Simulator, in dem es sich, wie der Titel schon sagt, um den Selbstmord von Rachel Foster dreht. Zur Story werde ich an dieser Stelle natürlich nichts näher erklären, da meiner Meinung nach, dies der stärkste Aspekt des Spiels ist. Mir hat die Story jedenfalls sehr gefallen. Wer auf Mystery- und Detektivgeschichten steht, wird hier gut bedient.


Bezogen auf das Gameplay bekommt man hier die übliche Kost geboten, die man von einem Walking-Simulator erwarten würde. Die meiste Zeit läuft man in der Spielwelt umher, interagiert mit diversen Gegenständen, um mehr Infos zu erfahren und löst das eine oder andere kleine „Rätsel“. Das Spiel erfindet das Genre also nicht neu, trotzdem macht es Spaß der Erzählung zu folgen und ich wollte unbedingt mehr herausfinden.


Grafik und Sound

Die Grafik des Spiels ist meiner Meinung nach ziemlich hochwertig und echt sehr schön anzusehen. Auch in 2022 noch sehr empfehlenswert. Ein Detektiv- und Mysteryspiel wäre natürlich nur halb so gut, wenn der Sound die Szenerie nicht unterstützen würde und oh Boy ist das Sounddesign gelungen. Man hört ständig irgendwelches Holz knacken, den tosenden Schneesturm außerhalb des Gebäudes peitschen, und noch viel mehr. Neben der Story, die zweite Stärke des Titels.



Im Grunde kann ich das Spiel uneingeschränkt an alle Walking-Sim-Fans empfehlen. Alle Spieler die starke Storys mögen, und die abseits dieser Erzählungen nicht zwingend umwerfendes Gameplay benötigen, kommen hier auf ihre Kosten. Als das Spiel damals veröffentlicht wurde, war es jedenfalls eines meiner Lieblinge für dieses Jahr. Also zugreifen!


Alle Reviews von mir findest du unter folgendem Link: << Review Bereich >>
286 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 18:15
Eine gefühlt erst vorhersehbare Story, die mit den Stunden, die vergehen, viel spannender und verzwickter wird, als man zuerst annimmt.

Man spielt die sympathische Nicole. Durch einen Todesfall erbt sie ein Hotel und reist dorthin, mit dem Ziel, dieses zu verkaufen. Durch einen Sturm muss sie dort viel länger bleiben, als ihr zuerst lieb ist. Mit der Zeit entdeckt man dann die Geschichte der Familie und deren Vergangenheit. Es ist ein schöner Walking Simulator, mit einem recht großen Gebiet. Man kann viel Items angucken und Infos sammeln.
Die Geschichte ist gut aufgebaut und die ganzen 6h war keine Langeweile vorhanden. Mich hat sie sehr gefesselt. :>

Für so Schreckhäschen wie mich - es gibt keine Ich-spring-dir-ins-Gesicht Jumpscares. Die Atmosphäre wird durch die Musik bzw. durch die fehlende Musik, die Story und manchmal blöden Geräuschen aufgebaut. Das Spiel macht das sehr, sehr gut. Bei mir hat es auf jeden Fall gewirkt. :D
Achievements sind in einem Run zu holen. Eins kann man verpassen, aber wenn man kurz in den Guide reinguckt, sollte das kein Problem sein.

Ich bin froh, es endlich mal gespielt zu haben und ich hätte es viel früher machen sollen.
empfohlen. ♡
647 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 22:17

# Das Spiel #

Vorab, keine Sorge: Ich werde die Story hier in keiner Weise spoilern.
Das Spiel ist als „Laufsimulator“ getaggt. Grundlegend finde ich, hat der Begriff „Laufsimulator“ irgendwie einen eher herben Beigeschmack, allerdings… ja. Es beschreibt soweit das Spiel. Es gibt viel zu sehen im Spiel, Räume zu erkunden, aber tatsächlich kann man nicht allzu viel anstellen oder aufsammeln. Die Story liegt hier eindeutig im Vordergrund und das ist auch in Ordnung so. Es gibt einem eher die Möglichkeit, sich tiefer in die Story einzufinden und sich in den Protagonisten hineinzuversetzen. Es ist an manchen Passagen leider etwas langatmig, doch grundlegend besteht die Möglichkeit während der Dialoge bereits weiterzulaufen, sodass man nicht an einem Punkt gefesselt ist, sondern immerhin sich noch ein wenig weiter umschauen kann, während die Story weiter erzählt wird.
Grundlegend wage ich hierbei zu behaupten, dass die Story nicht unbedingt für schwache Nerven sind. Triggerpunkt wäre hier, wie im Titel schon erklärt vorallem das Thema Suizid. Minimale Detektivarbeit wird geleistet und man taucht ein in die Hintergründe des Suizids von Rachel Foster. Ich möchte nicht zu viel erzählen, daher halte ich mich hier bedeckt. Dennoch möchte ich als Vorwarnung angeben, dass hier traumatische Hintergründe spezifiziert werden und das Spiel somit nichts für schwache Nerven oder emotional stark belastende Leute ist. Achtet auf eure Gesundheit.

Das Spiel ist definitiv spielbar, keine nennenswerten Bugs oder sonstiges zu finden, keine Crashes, alles soweit stimmig und gut bearbeitet.

# Grafik & Sound #

Die Grafik ist realistisch und immersiv gestaltet. Es fällt nicht schwer, recht schnell in das Spielgeschehen einzutauchen und sich vom Protagonisten fesseln zu lassen. Es ist atmosphärisch und bietet durch den Sound hier und da für leicht paranoide Neigungen (ich hab beim Spielen mehrfach gedacht, dass jemand an meine Tür zu Hause geklopft hat, oder hab mir eingebildet, irgendwas in der Nähe ist heruntergefallen o.Ä – tatsächlich passiert mir das eigentlich nie bei Spielen) – Ein leichter Flair von Horror ist ebenfalls gegeben, allerdings ohne Jumpscares. Ich mochte speziell die Vertonung des Protagonisten in einigen Dialogen und war generell ein Fan der Atmosphäre, die sich die Sounds geboten hat.
Die Musik ist zwar wenig, aber gut eingebunden und stimmig zum Rest des Spiels. Empfohlen wird das Spiel mit Headsets, um noch tiefer in die Soundkulisse eintauchen zu können.

# Steuerung #

Die Steuerung ist ziemlich einfach gehalten. Im Menü unter „Steuerung“ sieht man (fast) alles erklärt. Ich war ein wenig verwundert, dass die Auswahl der Dialog-Sätze nicht dort eingezeichnet war, aber nach einem kurzen Denkanstoß einer meiner Zuschauer war die Taste dann recht logisch besetzt.

Mit der Maus wird die Kamera geführt. Ich persönlich habe das Spiel mit Maus und Tastatur gespielt. Ich habe nicht ausprobiert, ob das Spiel auch mit dem Controller spielbar ist, da es aber volle Controller-Unterstützung hat gehe ich hierbei mal davon aus.

# Fakten #

  • Nicht unbedingt für schwache Nerven
  • Fesselndes Spielerlebnis u. vor allem Geschichte
  • Auch für „Spielanfänger“ oder „Gelegenheitsspieler“ geeignet, da simple Steuerung
  • Auch für leistungsschwächere PCs geeignet
  • Kurzweiliges Spiel mit einer Spieldauer von 3-4h
  • Wer mit dem Genre „Laufsimulator“ oder „Krimi“ sowieso nicht viel am Hut hat, sollte lieber die Finger vom Spiel lassen. Die Begeisterung wird für diejenigen eher gering ausfallen.

# Eigene Meinung #

Ich habe das Spiel in knapp dreieinhalb Stunden durchgespielt, leider nicht alle Achievements eingesammelt. Das werde ich definitiv mal nachholen. Grundlegend hat mich die Story sehr gepackt und es war in keinem Moment stark langweilig. Anfangs ist natürlich noch nicht so viel passiert, aber ich hatte doch das Gefühl, dass es von Minute zu Minute fesselnder wurde.
Persönlich hätte ich mir ein wenig mehr Interaktion mit der Spielwelt erhofft. Mehrere kleinere Storyelemente über die Vergangenheit und aktuelle Situation des Protagonisten in dem Gebäude, mehr Handlungsmöglichkeiten für den Spieler. Ich hätte mich gut vorstellen können, hier und da einfach ein paar kleine „Erinnerungshilfen“ im Gebäude zu finden und so noch tiefer in den Protagonisten eintauchen zu können.

Grundlegend finde ich „The suicide of Rachel Foster“ durchaus spielbar. Es hat mich wirklich unterhalten und bot mir dreieinhalb Stunden lang eine fesselnde Story zum Mitfiebern und Miträtseln. Grundlegend hätte hier und da ein wenig mehr geleistet werden können, doch bin ich auch so sehr gut unterhalten worden – besonders das Ende hat mich sehr gepackt. Alleine wegen der Atmosphäre und der immersiven Stimmung empfehle ich das Spiel sehr gern an jene weiter, die mit dem Genre gern etwas anfangen oder eben jene Atmosphäre befürworten. Kurzes, aber packendes Erlebnis!
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
95 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 15:07
Sehr gut !!!
155 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 15:02
If you like Firewatch, Gone Home or games of that nature, you'll like The Suicide of Rachel Foster, too. A lot of love for details and atmosphere.
926 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 20:30
Ein sehr kurzes, aber packendes Spiel. Die Atmosphäre war von Anfang an super und der Grafikstil ist realistisch gehalten. Für den Vollpreis würde ich es aber nicht holen und eher auf einen Sale warten ^-^
437 Produkte im Account
330 Reviews
351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 21:06

• realistischer Grafik-Stll
• Spannungsbogen wird gut aufgebaut
• atmosphärisch aber ohne Jump-Scares im klassischen Stil
• düstere Charaktere [spoiler] mit Hang zu toxischen Verhaltensmustern [/spoiler]
• einige Erfolge
• viel zu erkunden
• Sehr gute environmental Vertonung, hat der Atmosphäre stark beigetragen


• Kann emotional belastend auf den Spieler wirken
• [spoiler] Es ist nicht in Ordnung, wie innerhalb der Geschichte über Pädophilie gesprochen wird. Das Opfer war minderjährig dementsprechend sollte in diesem Sinne nicht von „Liebe“ gesprochen werden. Die Geschichte ist voll mit traumatischen Ereignissen außerhalb des im Titel angekündigten „The Suicide of Rachel Foster“. Das sollte anbei als Vorwarnung erwähnt werden. [/spoiler]


Die Geschichte ist gut und spannend erzählt, aber wie mit verschiedenen dort aufgegriffenen Thematiken umgegangen wird ist toxisch und auch das Ende hat einen stark belastenden Charakter. Ich würde mir dort ein alternatives Ending wünschen. Gut gemacht, aber nichts dass man so leicht verdauen könnte. Muss jeder selbst entscheiden in wie weit die Belastungsgrenze das auf emotionaler Ebene mit macht.
26 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 15:38
Sehr geiles Shining feeling ;)
684 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 13:52
I came into it with low expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised at first. If you're looking for something more linear and emotional, this one has got you covered.

The voice acting is superb, btw. Really elevates the twilight atmosphere of the empty hotel. It's probably the best part of the game.

Why am I giving it a thumbs down, then? Because the story is quite lacking in some regards. There were often opportunities unused to explore some plot points a little more. Or at all, for that matter. Also, the apolegetic approach to the sexual exploitation of a minor by her 49 year old mentor leaves a very bad aftertaste after finishing the game.
1527 Produkte im Account
552 Reviews
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 01:27
Great Game with a interesting end...
And most of all, it has even a VW Bug inside! Biggest suprise theyve known where the trunk is on that car. XD
642 Produkte im Account
175 Reviews
355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 13:47

The Suicide of Rachel Foster

Laufsimulation / Interaktive Geschichte

Als Erzählung hat mir das Spiel gefallen, als Horror-Abenteuer geht es ja nicht durch. Das Übersinnliche kam auch nicht so recht zum Tragen, es war letztendlich aber immerhin eine spannende Geschichte um eine Tragödie, die am Ende aufgeklärt wird.

Das Erkunden in dem detailreich ausgestatteten und mit Allerlei angefüllten Hotel hat mir Spaß gemacht, ich mag so was ja. Die drohende Langeweile wurde gut mit den ständigen Telefonaten verhindert und das Ende war in Teilen überraschend. Da ich etwas Übersinnliches erwartet habe, waren die Geräusche im Hotel sehr interessant - besser gesagt, wie sie auf mich gewirkt haben.
Die Geschichte hat sich zwar langsam entwickelt, für eine Walking-Sim ist das aber nicht schlimm, denn da steht die Erkundung im Vordergrund.

Kurz und knapp: Empfehlenswert

Zum Schluss noch ein Bildchen, damit es nicht ganz so kurz ist:
Hat Dir diese Rezension gefallen ? Dann besuche mal Die Unbeschreiblichen auf Steam. Bei uns findest Du weitere ausführliche Spiele-Bewertungen und Empfehlungen der gleichnamigen Kuratoren. Wir laden Dich auch herzlich ein, bei uns mitzumachen und nette Leute kennen zu lernen.
6 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 22:08
nice short horror game :)
106 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 23:54
Das Spiel hat mir gefallen, obwohl es doch wirklich anstrengend war beinahe durchgehend nur Dialogen zu lauschen, anstatt selbst zu spielen.
Auch die Möglichkeit manche Gegenstände anzuschauen, die keinerlei Bedeutung haben (z.B. leere VHS Hüllen) und dafür spielrelevante Dinge erstmal nicht, fand ich ziemlich schlecht. Wenn man diese Items noch nicht bemerken soll, dann dürfen die entweder nicht angezeigt werden oder schon mal eingesteckt und einfach später verwendet werden.
Trotzdem war die gesamte Spielzeit ein einmaliges Erlebnis und ich kann es wirklich empfehlen.
Für alle, die meinen, dass hier Pädophilie verherrlicht wird, die haben die Story nicht verstanden.....
[spoiler] Die gesamte Geschichte wird von dem Bruder des getöteten Teenies und der Tochter der Mörderin, bzw des pädophilen Mannes erzählt. Ihre Familien wurden zerstört und sie haben Einiges mitmachen müssen. Es sind also zwei verstörte Kinderseelen, die selbst Hilfe benötigen. Wer deren Aussagen nicht als Ausdruck psychischer Erkrankungen versteht, der ist diesem Thema nicht gewachsen. Sie würden sich am Ende nicht umbringen und vorher extrem auffälig verhalten, wenn es kerngesunde Erwachsene wären, die ihre Vergangenheit problemlos bewältigt haben. [/spoiler]
49 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 04:01
Gute Story mit passender Atmosphäre eine nette Abwechslung für zwischendurch, leider ein wenig sehr kurz geraten da es nicht mehr als ein paar Stunden Beschäftigung bietet, aber trotz allem ein gutes Spiel. 5/10*
31 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 00:47
insane gutes spiel. trotz der kurzen spielzeit baut man eine emotionale bindung zu den charakteren auf. definitiv das geld wert.
504 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 23:02
Nette Story, erwartet kein Gameplay, denn es gibt eigentlich keins.(Walking-Simulator)
Ihr wandert praktisch nur von Event-Ort zu Event-Ort, ab und zu tut ihr dies auch mit einer Taschenlampe bewaffnet und erlebt dabei eine etwa 2,5 Stunden lange Story, diese wird zwar super Erzählt, jedoch durchschaut man das ganze mit etwas Nachdenken viel zu früh.
Wenn ihr euch das Haus gerne im Detail anschaut werdet ihr schnell herausfinden, eigentlich gibt es hier nichts zu finden.
Keine besonderen Orte, keine Secrets die nicht Teil der Story sind, keine kleinen Details.
Schade, denn das Haus ist super und lädt zum Erkunden ein.
Das Spiel lief irgendwie permanent unflüssig, als hätte man kleine Ruckler, außerdem habe ich keinen Weg gefunden die nervige 60FPS-Cap zu umgehen.
Erwähnenswert ist ebenfalls: Uns ist kein einziger Bug entgegnet und das, obwohl wir es drauf angelegt haben.

Grafik: 8,5/10
Gameplay: 1/10 (Sorry, eine FPS-Cap und permanente Bildruckler geben dem nicht vorhandenen Gameplay den Rest, ein Walking-Simulator muss einfach perfekt laufen)
Story: 8,5/10
P/L 6/10

Zum Preis gilt wie immer: Wer auf Steam ohne Sale kauft zahlt zuviel.
Ernsthaft, das Spiel bietet 2-3 Stunden ohne Gameplay-Elemente, 16,99 sind wirklich viel zu viel.
Im Sale kann man das ganze wieder für ein paar € ergattern und mal ehrlich, selbst wenn euch die Story am ende doch nicht gefällt, 4,99€ ist kein großer Verlust.
Auf Gog kostet es btw gerade nur 4,29 ;)

Einfache Errungenschafften
46 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 17:07
In dem großen Hotel kann man sehr viel herumlaufen, mit anderen Objekten als Türen Interagieren nur wenig. Es gab wenige Horrorelemente, welche zu harmlos waren.
Es ist sehr schade, dass die vielen Objekte im Hotel nicht anzusehen sind. Es gab viele
Fotos die man nicht anschauen konnte und Kassetten die man nicht abspielen konnte. Die
Objekte im Inventar hat man fast nie Gebraucht, nur einmal musste man das Mikrofon nutzen. Das einzige was man tut ist durch die Gegend laufen, dass auch noch ziemlich langsam, denn die Shift Taste hilft da wenig, während so ein Typ
vom Telefon die ganze Zeit einen anstottert und die Hauptperson einen auf cool macht.
Auch die Aktion am Ende von der Hauptperson hat mich komplett verwirrt. Da ich niemanden
die Geschichte spoilern will, gehe ich nicht weiter darauf ein.
Die Grafik war ganz Hübsch und auch der Soundtrack hat mir gefallen.
Allerdings, ist das Spiel viel zu kurz für so einen hohen Preis! (16,99€)
Ich hatte es in unter 5 Stunden schon durchgespielt. Wenn das Spiel für einen Preis wie im derzeitigen Sale (4,24€) verkauft werden würde, währe das ganz angemessen, dann gäbe es auch eine Kaufempfehlung.
28 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 14:56
Ein wirklich tolles Spiel mit einer unerwarteten Wendung.
Obwohl man nach ein paar Stunden durch ist, ist die Story sehr gut gelungen und es macht viel Spaß
734 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 14:27
Blair Witch Walking Simulator.
2055 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 10:00
Wow.Was für ein Psychoritt mit meinen Nerven als Zügel.

„Nichts sehen....“

Das Spiel ist schön anzusehen.
Die Handlung spielt fast ausschließlich in einem verlassenen Hotel, welches der Hauptdarstellerin Nicole von ihren Eltern vererbt wurde. Da Nicole aufgrund einer für sie traumatischen Erfahrung dieses Hotel vor 10 Jahren verlassen hat,
kehrt sie nur ungern zurück. Ihre Aufgabe ist es, eine Art Bestandsaufnahme vor dem Verkauf durchzuführen.
Der ursprünglich für ein paar Minuten eingeplante Aufenthalt in diesem Gebäude, verlängert sich unfreiwillig um einige Tage. Und das aufgrund eines plötzlichen Schneesturmes, der ein Rückweg vorerst unmöglich macht.
Ihren einzigen Kontakt erreicht sie per Schnurlostelefon: Irving ein Typ der das Hotel aufgrund seiner Arbeit gut zu kennen scheint. Da diese Geschichte im Dezember 1993 spielt, gibt es noch keine Handys.

„Nichts hören...“

Hier spielt das Spiel seine größte Stärke raus, die für mich auch die größte Schwierigkeit war, doch dazu gleich mehr.
An jeder Ecke lauern Geräusche: hier ein rumpeln, da ein quietschen, dort ein Fensterladen der plötzlich aufgrund des Schneesturmes gegen die Wand donnert. Und dazu die stellenweise gruselig wirkende Musik, die sehr gut zur der Thriller-Stimmung passt. Ein „Ohrgasmus“ also. Nicht nur einmal hatten sich meine Nackenhaare aufgestellt :-))
Kommen wir nun zu meinem Problem: An einer Stelle muss unter Zuhilfenahme eines Richtmikrofones ein Geräusch geortet werden. Solche Ortungen sind für Hörgeräteträger wie mich kaum möglich, ich hatte da meine Probleme und hab es dann mehr durch rumprobieren gefunden.

„Nichts sagen.....“

Die Vertonung ist sehr gut, beide Sprecher kommen sehr professionell rüber, doch leider nur auf Englisch. Die deutschen Untertitel sind von hoher Qualität, was man von einem Deutschen Publisher zumindest erwarten kann. Man kommt beim Lesen sehr gut mit, sie werden nicht zu schnell eingeblendet.

„Nichts tun?....“

The Suicide of Rachel Foster ist für mich ein 5-stündiger Walking Simulator+. Der neue Steamname dafür ist Laufsimulator. Bei anderen Vertretern dieses Genres muss man deutlich weniger tun, ein Zettel finden, etwas ansehen, Gegenstände betrachten. Hier hat man noch mehr, es müssen Aufgaben (zugegeben sehr leichter Art) erledigt werden und bei den ständigen Diskussionen am Telefon hat man fast immer zwei Antworten zu Auswahl, womit immer ein Eindruck entsteht, was wäre, wenn ich die andere gewählt hätte.

„Nichts mehr?“

Wer hier ein Horror erwartet, wird wohl enttäuscht werden, dieses Spiel bietet keine untoten Monster. Es ist ein Psychothriller mit vielen Gruselmomenten, bei dem man denkt, gleich um die Ecke steht einer. Am Ende fragt man sich: Was war wirklich, was war inszeniert, was hat man sich nur eingebildet. 9 Tage in so einer Stimmung zu verbringen kann einen schon den Verstand kosten. Zum Glück spielen wir das hier nur.

„Dies ist eine persönliche Meinung. Eine neutrale Rezension gibt es nicht, wer das Gegenteil behauptet, belügt sich selbst“

Hier ein Link zu einer alternative Sichtweise auf dieses Spiel.
794 Produkte im Account
504 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 18:01
Ein Adventure eines kleinen Studios und großen Publisher mit einem mich neugierig machenden Titel. Eine Frau, ein einsames Hotel und ein Selbstmord. Wie fand ich es?

Shining? - Geschichte

Wir spielen Nicole, ein junge Frau die nach langer Abwesenheit zum Hotel ihrer Eltern in den Bergen Montanas fährt, nachdem diese gestorben sind. Ein Schneesturm hindert sie daran, das Gebäude schnell wieder zu verlassen. Einziger Kontakt zur Außenwelt ist ein Telefon, an dessen anderen Ende Irving sitzt, der sich mit dem Hotel auskennt und sie etwas leitet.

Das Setting ist nicht neu (manches erinnert an Firewatch oder den Film Shining) aber vielversprechend, die Beziehung der Protagonisten entwickelt sich und ich frage mich, was da kommt. Der Titel gebende Selbstmord von Rachel Foster, dem Nicole dann auf den Grund gehen will, spielt eine zentrale Rolle, ein Drama ist es auf jeden Fall und das Spiel hielt mich bis fast zum Ende im Ungewissen.

Ich war durchaus gespannt auf des Rätsels Lösung, aber alles Drumherum war eher Mittelmaß. Zeitweise gab es Horrorelemente, aber dann doch viel zu wenig und harmlos. Eher also ein Drama um den Selbstmord und mögliche Schuld. Allerdings fand ich es zu oberflächlich, unglaubwürdig (und letztlich sogar falsch) gemacht, wie aus einer Mottenkiste eines Amateurpsychologen. Zum Ende hin wird es spannend und dann ziemlich schnell vom Abspann abgelöst.

Nur Anschauen - Gameplay

In dem sehr großen verwinkelten Hotel kann und muss man viel umherlaufen, tun kann man aber nur wenig. Es gibt nur eine handvoll Objekte und Orte, die das Gameplay voranbringen. Der Rest ist nur Deko. Kassetten, die man nicht abspielen kann, Fotos, die man umdrehen kann, wo aber nichts drauf steht, Zigarettenschachteln an jeder Ecke, die nichts bringen. Andere Orte und Ereignisse bleiben minimale Episoden. So Zimmer 117, wo abenteuerlustige Jugendliche Geister gejagt haben. Selbst die Objekte des Inventars werden fast nie wirklich gebraucht. Das Richtmikrofon beispielsweise braucht man genau einmal. Das potentielle Gameplay wurde auf das Minimum eines Walking Simulators heruntergedrückt.

Das Rätsel um den Selbstmord müssen wir nicht erarbeiten, indem wir nach Hinweisen suchen. Die Hinweise werden uns fast immer unübersehbar vorgesetzt. Es geht also eher darum, die wenigen Stationen des Spieles abzuklappern und den Dialogen am Handy zu lauschen.

Unscharf - Technik

Die Grafik ist beinahe gut. Alles ist schön detailliert gestaltet und gibt Atmosphäre. Man sieht den Schneefall, wenn man aus dem Fenster schaut. Überall liegen Bücher und andere Objekte herum und füllen die Räume. Lichter erhellen mal gut mal schummrig die Räume. Aber die Entwickler setzen permanent auf den Effekt der Chromatischen Abberation. Sparsam gezielt eingesetzt wäre es für mich in Ordnung aber so wird alles etwas unscharf und das störte mich erheblich.

Der Sound ist sehr gut. Die Sprecher sind sehr gut und die Dialoge sind OK. Allerdings sind sie auf Englisch (Deutsche Untertitel möglich). Schade eigentlich bei einem deutschen Publisher. Die Geräusche sind auch gut, manches unterstützt etwas Horror bzw. Angst.

Die Steuerung ist gut, wobei ich mit dem Xbox-One-Controller gespielt habe.


Ich habe 5h fürs Durchspielen gebraucht, habe mir aber auch ziemlich Zeit gelassen.

Die Errungenschaften sind relativ einfach, ein paar kann man aber beim durchspielen verpassen.

Code In Zahlen für mich persönlich ein Unterhaltungswert von 5/10.

Das Spiel macht zu wenig aus seinem vorhandenen Potential.
Für mich allenfalls ein Walking Simulator. Ansonsten zu oberflächlich und schlicht.

Dies ist mein subjektiver Spieleindruck. Für meine Wertung zählt, wie gut es mich unterhalten hat. Entsprechend der Daumen nach oben oder unten, abhängig davon, ob ich es einem ähnlich gesinnten Spieler weiterempfehle. Der Spieleindruck eines anderen Spielers kann aber durchaus stark davon abweichen.

Eine andere Sicht auf das Spiel findet man beispielsweise hier.
9584 Produkte im Account
236 Reviews
205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 23:24
++Interesting Story (not very good, but fine)
+NIce Graphics for a Indie Walking Simulator/ good atmosphere

- not much to find outside the short 9 days main quest (could be more secrets stuff, more secret rooms)

Good for Walking Simulator Fans, Story Fans with not to high expectations & Achievement Hunters/Collectors
107 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 00:48
The Suicide of Rachel Foster hat mich gepackt und nicht mehr losgelassen. Die Story baut sich logisch auf und endete anders, als ich es erwartet hätte. Die Umgebung (das Hotel) ist liebevoll und detailreich gestaltet und es ergeben sich viele Möglichkeiten der Interaktion mit Gegenständen. Auch ohne Hilfen wusste ich immer, was ich tun und wohin ich gehen sollte. Auch die Geräuschkulisse ist wirklich gut gelungen und gab mir durchgehend das Gefühl, nicht allein zu sein, oder gar beobachtet zu werden. Schade, dass das Spiel nur so kurz war, ich wäre gern noch tiefer in die Geschehnisse eingetaucht. Personen, die unter Angstzuständen, Depressionen o.Ä. leiden, würde ich allerdings von TSoRF abraten.
61 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 19:46
Gute Story aber etwas kurz
2081 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 10:26
Das Spiel ist wirklich sehr gelungen, es ist wirklich sehr spannend und an manchen Stellen sogar gruselig.
84 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 22:40
I love walking simulators, they are the evolution of story telling.

When I entered the Hotel I was curious and eager to spend time here, look into every corner, read every titbit of backstory, open every door, uncover every secret, just have a lovely mysterious time here.

But way, way too soon I became clear, that there was not much to look into, the game is sadly short, there were so many corners, but the most of the exciting setting was left unused, it wasn't filled with life by documents, letters and all the other things, that could make the Hotel vessel for joy, live and tragedy; there was nothing, that made me believe in it's ability to awaken deeply buried memories. Doors were only opened (by the game, mostly, not me), when the game needed me to go trough.

The whole plot felt forced, unrealistic and more than a bit lazy (they obviously didn't care for their own story enough to decide for a year the whole thing is happening in) and what was probably intended to be an OMG plot twist, was lingering in the air, screaming 'I am going to happen!' on day two already.

I stuck along, hoping for more, that I ultimately did not get; then for closure, which I didn't get either, because half the strings were kept unsolved and what became of the other half was just implausible. Too much made no sense. Even if I would buy, that people act, how the game wants me to believe they would (which is a long stretch in the first place), the protagonist's reactions they want me to buy are beyond anything plausible. So I finished it for the achievements, which were, you might have guessed it: cheap and lazy.

So, I love walking simulators, they can be the evolution of story telling, if there's a story to be told and pages to be turned. Unfortunately 'The Suicide of Rachel Foster' isn't a story worth telling.
1042 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 00:11
Ich mochte die Story (besonderes die Horror Elemente), allerdings war das Ende enttäuschend und 1-2 Charaktere mehr hätten nicht geschadet um den doch sehr simplen Plot etwas mehr zu verschleiern.
118 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 11:49
Wunderbares Spiel, ich liebe es. Die Story als auch die Grafik beides sehr schön gemacht. Vorallem die Story lob ich mir da sie einen echt fesselt und dieses Spannende Feeling das ganze Spiel über ist. Hammer!
82 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 18:12
Langeweile hat einen neuen Namen. Das Spiel erinnert mich stark an Firewatch, aber Firewatch war besser. Die Story von The Suicide of Rachel Foster ist langweilig und vorhersehbar. Das Konzept von Firewatch und The Suicide of Rachel Foster mag ich ja eigentlich: Rumlaufen, Sachen finden, Story/Mysterium zusammen knüpfen in unheimlichen Umgebungen. In Firewatch war es ein Wald und hier ist es ein altes Hotel. The Suicide of Rachel Foster läuft echt auf Sparflamme. Wer diese Art Spiele mag kann ich nur Firewatch ans Herz legen.
154 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 13:37
Es gibt so vieles zu diesem Spiel zu sagen, aber ich werde nicht alles ausführlich aufführen.

Zunächst einmal die Stimmung - gewollt gruselig, ohne das es je zu etwas wirklich erschreckendem kommt.
Der Wendepunkt hat mich überrascht und der Story 100% mehr leben gegeben, davor war es recht öde und eintönig.

Zu den Themen:

Ja es wird davor gewarnt, dass sensible Inhalte auftauchen. Dennoch finde ich den Umgang damit nicht gerechtfertigt.
[spoiler]Kindesmissbrauch, Mord, Selbstmord , Traumabewältigung [/spoiler] werden unter anderem aufgegriffen, und letztendlich nicht wirklich angemessen bearbeitet. [spoiler]Ein Kind / Jugendliche wird von dem Vater einer Freundin schwanger, der für sie als Lehrer verantwortlich war.[/spoiler] Und das scheint das geringste Problem von allem zu sein. Einen tatsächlichen [spoiler]Selbstmordversuch[/spoiler] halte ich ebenfalls für äußerst kritisch zu betrachten, dies kann doch das eine oder andere bei Menschen auslösen. Solche Dinge zu Normalisieren und gewissermaßen kommentarlos oder unbearbeitet im Raum stehen zu lassen sollte schärfer in der Kritik stehen.
123 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 18:18
Ik fasse mich kurz und knapp^^
Mir hat das Spiel sehr gut gefallen.Mit der Karte hatte ik bissl Pobleme da man ja kein Architekt ist und somit ein wenig gegrübelt hat .Vllt auch nur meine Dummheit :D. DIe Spannung steigt stetig,aber zulangsam.Ist man VOLL drinne ist LEIDER das Spiel zuende *JAMMER JAMMER* Ik hoffe es geht noch weiter iwie,,würde es kaufen und mitfiebern. SOOO NICE MAN!!
454 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 12:31
Mal wieder eine Review nach langer Zeit. Ich wurde durch Zufall auf diese Spiel aufmerksam und ich mag Daedalic daher dachte ich es ist ein versuch wert. Das Spiel behandelt ein sehr heikles Thema und daher war ich auch sehr gespannt wie es nun damit umgeht.
Die Grafik ist leider nicht so gut aber sie ist ok man sieht viele schöne Details und das eine Fenster mit dem Schneesturm davor war super schön. Ich liebe generell Schneelandschaften.Die Atmosphäre in dem Spiel ist sehr dicht und sehr gelungen. Teilweise so spannend das ich leichte Gänsehaut bekommen habe und ich dachte es wird ein Horror-Game.
Die Story an sich ist ok aber nicht wirklich atemberaubend aber durch die Untermalung mit der Musik und der Stimmung an sich wird es sehr Positiv beeinflusst. Es macht mega Spaß wenn man sich drauf einlässt und mitreißen lässt.Ich selbst höre ab und zu Musik beim Zocken davon würde ich bei diesem Spiel abraten; weil das Spiel ohne die eigene Musik und Geräuschkulisse langweilig werden könnte. Ich kann das Spiel voll und ganz Empfehlen.
7495 Produkte im Account
265 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 11:59
???? I get a motion sickness from the game. The nausea and dizziness are long-lasting. Not recommended for people who are susceptible to motion sickness. Furthermore, the game is very boring.
1343 Produkte im Account
1433 Reviews
186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.20 22:25
Spielzeit : 3-4 Stunden

The Suicide of Rachel Foster ist ein durchschnittlich gutes Spiel. Warum nur durchschnittlich? Das Game hat ca. die letzte Stunde eine richtig tolle dichte, bedrängende Atmosphäre und die Story wurde super erzählt, endlich aufgeklärt. Auch wenn Fragen zurück bleiben können. Für mich hat es aber so gereicht. Wahnsinnig gute passende Sprecher und Soundtrack. Ein Spiel, das nach dem Beenden noch seine Spuren hinterlässt.

Aber sonst zieht sich viel in die Länge, viel erkunden und paar Sachen erledigen. Leider finde ich das man allgemein zu wenig machen kann. Mit wenig Gegenständen (oft nur die selben) interagieren kann. Geschlossene Türen. Auch von der reinen Story her, hätte man mehr rausholen können. Es geht nicht so lange. Was ok gewesen wäre, wenn die Zeit mehr ausgefüllter gewesen wäre. Und für den Vollpreis von 17 € ist es dann doch etwas zu durchschnittlich gehalten.

Dennoch fällt die Bewertung positiv aus. Denn die letzte Stunde war richtig gut von der Atmosphäre und Tragik her. Die Sprecher perfekt. Steuerung super. Soundtrack gut und sollte man mit einem Kopfhörer spielen. Es ist in einem guten Angebot ein Blick wert. Ein Spiel wo die Meinungen aus einander gehen und letztendlich jeder für sich entscheiden muss, was er davon hält.
37 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 18:32
Als Fan von guten Kriminalgeschichten durfte „The Suicide of Rachel Foster“ nicht in meiner Spielesammlung fehlen. Dass es sich um eine reine Kriminalgeschichte handelt, war meine naive und irgendwie ahnungslose Erwartung an dieses Spiel. Aber weit gefehlt. Das Betreten des alten Hotels von der Tiefgarage aus hat schon ein beklemmendes Gefühl in mir geweckt. Das Umherirren in den „Katakomben“ eines so alten Gebäudes mit einer gruseligen Geräuschkulisse wie knarrende Treppenstufen, bröselndes Gemäuer und schwer definierbaren Tönen, die aus angelehnten Zimmertüren dringen, lassen den Puls in die Höhe schnellen. Als ich an der Rezeption die Schlüsselfächer absuchte und bei Zimmer 217 ankam, sank mein Herz ein wenig in die Hose und ich fühlte mich seltsam glücklich, denn die Hommage (und auch andere) an den Meister des Horrors war unverkennbar. Und dann war mir endlich klar: Ich bin alleine hier in diesem alten Hotel und komme nicht raus...

Also: Wer Lust hat, sich den Abend mit einer spannenden Story und paranormalen Aktivitäten zu versüßen, ist mit diesem Spiel bestens bedient. Ich fand das Hotel super, weil es alt ist und die Ausstattung mit all ihrem Kitsch aus den 70er/80er Jahren schön anzusehen ist. Die Eindrücke waren teilweise so stark, dass ich ein paar Spielpausen einlegen musste, um mich zu „neutralisieren“. Das Gefühl, in diesem alten Gemäuer isoliert zu sein, empfand ich als unglaublich belastend. Die Geräusche und Vorkommnisse haben mich manchmal vor Furcht erstarren lassen. Bemerkenswert fand ich Nicole, die Hauptdarstellerin, die wirklich sehr mutig war (ihre Stimme klingt übrigens sehr gut). Meines Erachtens nach hätte aus diesem Spiel noch viel, viel mehr an Gruseligkeit herausgeholt werden können und es hätte noch 1 oder 2 Stockwerke mehr haben können. Aber trotzdem danke für diese schrecklich-schönen 2 Abende, die ich mit diesem Spiel verbringen durfte.
133 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 00:38
Sehr schönes Spiel. Die Story war ganz gut, Atmosphäre und die riesige Location waren super. Hätte mir ein paar Jumpscares gewünscht, das hätte es noch interessanter gemacht. So schien mir das Spiel sehr linear, man musste teilweise gar nicht wirklich selber nachdenken, weil einem alles vorgekaut wurde. Die Dialoge waren teilweise auch echt sehr langwierig.
Auch wenn das Game ziemlich kurz ist (ca 2-3 Stunden), hat es echt mega Spaß gemacht.

8/10 Cookies
94 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 20:10
Tolles Game, regt zum nachdenken an. Fande die Story interessant und auch die spiel Art gut getroffen.

Liebe grüße Naniysha :)
1678 Produkte im Account
134 Reviews
202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 02:42

Disturbingly Beautiful

The Suicide of Rachel Foster has to be one of the greatest games I've ever played in terms of atmosphere and making the player feel a certain way. The story it tells is one of the most disturbing, dark, and twisted ones I've ever played through and it left me with my jaw dropped on more than one occasion. Yes, there are themes of pedophilia and suicide, so if either of these are too intense for you, do not play this game. While the game has an incredible atmosphere and a strong story, there are some minor issues with it such as head bobbing that cannot be turned off, and some slight pacing and world design problems but unless you get easily motion sick I didn't find them to be too much of an issue.


This is without a doubt one of the best looking walking sim type games I've ever played and I have played quite a few. The graphics are very realistic, keeping you fully immersed in the experience. The lighting is spot on as well. When the game wants to be pitch black, it gets pitch black, with the only light coming from strikes of lightning or a ever so slightly open door. The sound design is breathtaking. The voice actors were absolutely fantastic, putting on incredibly believable performances which help you really feel as if you are the character, going through all of this yourself. This is helped by the fact that you never see your character's face in the entire game. Cut scenes only show your hands, never your face. There isn't much music in the game, instead the game's soundtrack is made up of the groans, whispers, and creaks of the empty hotel. These are done so brilliantly that the task of walking through a lit hallway became a tense and almost terrifying experience. The hotel becomes as much a character as any human in the game, an achievement few games are capable of.


The gameplay is very simple. You walk through an empty hotel, looking for clues and completing tasks as you try and unravel the mysterious events of the past and the present. You get a couple items to help you such as a flashlight but these are very rarely used. The main focus is the story being told, leaving the gameplay limited to running around finding the next small puzzle or area to go to. There's nothing wrong with this, it is a walking sim after all but your movement speed is incredibly slow and head bobbing is always on with no way to turn it off. This only annoyed me personally but I've seen some people saying that it made them motion sick. During dialogue you will be given options to choose from but these have very little if any impact on the narrative. Unfortunately the hotel is absolutely massive, and it's not always clear where you're meant to go, and even at the end of the game I was getting lost, even while following a guide to help me know where to go next when the game didn't make it well known. I couldn't imagine trying to beat this game without a basic guide of where to go at times.


The story of The Suicide of Rachel Foster is one of the darkest, most twisted, and disturbing tales I have ever experienced in any kind of form of media. This combined with the horror like atmosphere and chilling voice performances made me do something I have never done with any video game ever. It made me so disturbed and uncomfortable that halfway through the game I took off my headset and played with the audio coming from the speakers instead because I genuinely needed just that small separation from me and the game. Part of why I had to do this is because the story, despite how dark it is, is almost 100% believable. I could see this exact thing happen in real life and that hit me on a personal note. So many people in this narrative have had their lives ruined or ended because of the actions of one or two people. It was a reminder of what humans are capable of that hit me in the chest like a sludge hammer. If you're easily disturbed I would be weary playing this game. The story had the potential to be one of the greatest in all of gaming but sadly there are some pacing issues. For the first 3/4 of the game the pacing is well done but the end of the game felt very rushed. Despite being rushed the ending was still able to end in a fairly decent way, but had the potential to be even better. This is one of those games that will stick with you long, long after you watch the end credits, and the final choice you make in the game is one of the best in any game I've played.


In conclusion, The Suicide of Rachel Foster is a game that will leave a lasting impression on you. Despite some short comings, the pure evil and darkness present in the narrative and the absolutely stellar presentation creates a game that every fan of the genre who thinks they're mentally able to should experience. It is a walking simulator that pushes the genre to its limit with what a game narrative can be emotionally. I don't think this game is appreciated enough for what it accomplishes with its narrative and environment. The Suicide of Rachel Foster is a game that shouldn't be played by all, but should be played by all that can. For more reviews follow my curator page
312 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 07:51
Good walking sim. Feels like The Shining, Firewatch, and a less surreal Twin Peaks mixed together.
A bit creepy at times. The audio design is good, occasionally there is a sound that is someone running their skin across a pane of glass and it makes a squeal that gives me a shiver up my spine. It legit sounds like it is happening behind you. Make sure to wear good headphones.
660 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 17:15
Compelling narrative that elaborates and evolves as it goes on, combined with a gorgeously crafted location with that winter weather I so adore. If you are at all a fan of walking simulators you can't go wrong with this.

946 Produkte im Account
493 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 12:43
it's a walking simulator that has a strong setting and audio design bogged down by an ultimately worthless story and a bad twist. the story has a strong air of mystery and strong setup but totally falls flat in the third act.

also, the gameplay is terrible, even by walking simulator standards. you walk speed is agonizingly slow and there isn't much besides find the object that the conversation was about.

unless you're the type of person that liked gone home, go ahead and skip this game.
14 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 15:16
bought it when it was on sale totally worth the money. the graphics is excellent
324 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 08:07
As someone who enjoys a walking simulator I enjoyed this game, a bit more talking than was necessary for some parts but all in all and okay game but then the final 10 minutes really ruined it. The ending was not built up enough and the big twist happens so fast it gave me whiplash.

It's akin to the final season of game of thrones, very rushed and disappointing.
84 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 20:47
It was absolute amazing. Love the grafics, music and obv the story!
I was very surprised at the end...
Anyway, GO PLAY IT <3!
109 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 00:05
I sadly can't recommend this game. It's certainly lacking. The story is average and the ending is underwhelming. It's visually acceptable. Overall, it's too expensive for what you are getting.
424 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 13:51
I loved this game for the first two hours of gameplay. It was beautiful and freaky, and I don't mind a walking simulator. Playing this in the dark in the middle of the night was providing me with exactly the chill I was after. And then all of a sudden it turned into a paedophile-apologising, r*pe-apologising, suicide fest. The ending let the buildup down so hard and I am thoroughly disappointed. All the tension and plot this game worked so hard to build up just flew out the window so fast. A real shame.
585 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 19:49
Mild spoilers for Vanishing of Ethan Carter, full spoilers for the Suicide of Rachel Foster

To me, a walking simulator lives or dies by it's story. Usually. Stanley Parable succeeds by rewarding creativity with unique and interesting endings that break the fourth wall all the time. Ethan Carter succeeds by being so weird and all over the place that it entertained me in the 2 hours or so I played it. I didn't understand most of what the game was trying to tell me, but I had a good time tripping out with teleportation and going to space and crap. Those two had an edge beyond their stories, both of which were good.

Rachel Foster doesn't have that. Except maybe a creepy atmosphere, which most walking sims have. So, what about the plot? Well, it tries to get you to sympathise with an old ass man who falls in love with a 15 year old and then fucks her. Look, I could SOMEWHAT sympathise with him if his relationship to Rachel was the same as the one to his daughter, one of familial love. Cut out how he fell in love with her romantically and stuck a baby in her, and what he did would still be wrong and weird, but I could see an angle from which I could sympathise. Not so in reality. He took advantage of a vulnerable, underage girl, and I'm meant to think he is a good guy. Yeah, ok. Also, the canonical endings seems to have your main character, who is COMPLETELY INNOCENT of Rachel's murder, killing herself. Yup. I sure do feel satisfied with that! Waste of 2 hours of my time, frankly. I could have played Ethan Carter again in that time, and I would have much preferred to do so instead.
584 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 07:14
The Suicide of Rachel Foster is a short but enjoyable walking simulator if you like the genre.
681 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 02:31
Damn, I just finished my first playthrough entirely blind and gosh did I enjoy it to the core. The story itself is unique, entertaining and holds a ubiquitous aspect of unsettling mystery right to the end. It is a great composition of serious topics and light hearted humor. Joking around with the recurring caller feels so natural on one hand, but on the other the goosebumps that are provoked by the tune or disembodied footsteps, voices or just creaking on the floor above you are equally real.
I recommend this game to everyone who can appreciate a great environment and a story to get lost in. Sensitive topics of course, but it's a thriller game after all.
Thanks and I do hope this here was helpful, have a nice day~
582 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 18:37
its so weird to say that i don't recommend this game to others because i did enjoy it about 3/4ths the way through. i usually don't even write reviews but this game really bothered me at the end. i did enjoy the slow pacing, the dialogue between characters, the area it was set in and this game actually did creep me out but the subject matter and how they handled it was absolutely disgusting. (going to mention tons of spoilers)

this game shouldn't be called the suicide of rachel foster it should be called the molestation of rachel foster. time and time again this game tries to make you feel sympathy for her pedophile father with every character having nothing but good things to say about him. the only negative feelings she even had towards him was being jealous that he was molesting the other girl. the girls own brother was sad she wasn't alive anymore so the father could continue molesting her. the characters all truly acted like a 50 - 60 year old something was genuinely in love with a teenage girl and that was acceptable.

the father and brother of the girl could have still been written this way because they were super mentally ill but even the main character you play as being supportive of such a thing and not being a voice of reason was just unbelievable. this game really makes it seem like pedophilia is acceptable, i would not let anyone who worked on this game babysit your kids EVER lol. they even could have ended with a closing note condemning pedophilia or leaving a hotline number

( 1 800 843 5678 to report a pedophile over the phone)

not recommending this game and i truly hope the writers can handle subjects better in the future
186 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.22 21:13
This is honestly a pretty good game. The 3 hours (yeah I forgot to quit the game) of story that this game delivers is great, but that's it. There isn't any replay value or real gameplay. The story is pretty one-sided cuz it just shoves all the details in your face. There isn't a big exploration part since your hand is held the entire way through. To me, it's a large twist on Firewatch. It has some parts that are very similar to each other, with the whole multiple-day things, with some nice surprises during the development of the story.

Only the characters in Firewatch feel much more realistic, has a lot more replayability, and the soundtrack is immensely better. The different art style is something you either like or don't, but it's nothing super unique.
If you want a nice semi-interactive story (with always the same ending) it's worth the 3-hour playthrough.
1499 Produkte im Account
237 Reviews
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410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 23:33
Plot is stupid and full of loopholes.
MC and everybody else have donuts instead of their brains.
Local police is incompetent to the level of not being able to see difference between donut and [spoiler]suicide.[/spoiler]

You get last achievement for [spoiler] commiting suicide [/spoiler]. And there is absolutely no reason for doing that! And if you don't - game erases savegame anyway! In that case you have to play it again for the last achievement!
497 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 22:28
I can't recommend this game because I found that the way it dealt with an extremely important and sensitive subject was rather inappropriate.

The beginning was good, the rest of the game was not.
146 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 08:24
My (mostly spoiler-free) opinion of this game is mixed. Keep in mind as you read this that my experience with this genre of game is pretty limited, so your mileage may vary. The short version of my review is that it's pretty strong until about the last half-hour, where it takes some questionable turns which I think do a disservice to the rest of the game.

My first point, and perhaps my biggest issue with the game, is this: The game talks a lot about suicide, and if you ask me, it does quite a poor job of it. This is a trigger warning for the game: suicide, child grooming. If this game sounds like the kind of thing that could affect you, then please, do not play this game. It's by no means a masterpiece, and there are plenty of other games out there more worthy of your time. Trigger warning over.

I saw several reviewers complain of the agonizingly slow walk speed, which is in fact agonizingly slow, but there's also a run function which I found to be quite a reasonable speed. I'd probably feel far more negative about the game had it not included this run function, but as is, I think the actual movement in this walking simulator is quite reasonable. The one downside is that the story generally progresses as you hit certain spots in the game world, and hitting your marks will often prompt a phone call. I ran most of the game, and it sometimes felt like I had barely finished one call before I got another. These calls do eventually get more spaced out.

As others have said, the presentation is pretty good, with strong sound design, decent voice-acting, and mostly decent dialogue, which is good, because in a game with no substantial gameplay mechanics beyond walking to the trigger for new sounds or bits of of dialogue, that's about all there is to the game.

The biggest mark against the game is its plot, or at least certain parts of it. The premise is pretty simple. Due to a freak storm, you're trapped in a childhood home full of painful memories, and you gradually have to relive those painful memories as you wander the hotel, all while strange and hard-to-explain things happen around the premises. The game also explores some reasonable (if unoriginal) themes regarding the value of learning painful truths. For about the first few hours, I would say that the story is well-paced, and had some genuinely tense moments. I have essentially no complaints about the first 2/3 of so of the game. I'm conflicted about the game as a whole largely because of the conclusion.

In my mind, it's not until about the last half-hour that the story takes a real downturn. As you might expect from the title, a lot of the game's events center around a suicide. The game's creators seem conscious that suicide is a delicate subject, even including warnings at the start of the game. By the end of it, I was starting to wonder if that was meant more to tantalize the player than to actually advise them. I'll refrain from going too far into the details, because I wanted this review to be spoiler-free, but the game seems to take an almost wistful or rosy view of a (sexual) relationship between an adult man and a teenage girl. Though the title of the game, as well as its warnings, might lead you to think that perhaps the game is interested in a young woman's suicide, it seems ultimately more interested in the ways it inconvenienced an acquaintance of that young woman, seemingly having little or no compassion for the titular character.

I'm not generally of the opinion that every story that involves a sensitive subject needs to be a PSA about that subject. But it still just feels kinda gross to have a story that prominently features such awful matters and shrugs at them. Whatever thematic value the game has for the start of the game seems to be thrown away in the conclusion, the game instead opting for a melancholy or bittersweet ending that feels at odds with the events that preceded it. I won't say anything about what the ending entails, but there are multiple different endings, only one of which has an achievement; I think their preferred ending is frankly disgusting.

This game is of course not the first horror game or movie to feature and botch themes related to violence and sexuality, or have an inappropriate ending that does a disservice to the rest of the story, nor will it be the last, but that's also part of why I don't play most horror games or watch most horror movies.

I should again say that most of my issues with the game are with the last half-hour, before which I was rather enjoying the game. Regardless, that ending hangs over the whole game for me. If what I've said so far makes the game sound bad, then I suggest you don't play it. if you doubt what I've said, or think this makes the game sound interesting, or think I sound like a triggered snowflake, then go ahead and play it, as you'll probably get something out of it.

One last note on the price point: I don't remember how I got this game, but it was either a Humble Bundle or on sale. The game is 4 hours long, and has little replay value. You can probably replay it to get some more dialogue that you missed the first time, or see a slightly different ending, but this will require a full new game, as the game doesn't allow you to play from, say, the last day. I don't think I'll be doing that. I don't think $20 is a reasonable price for this game, even for the parts I liked.
594 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
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227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 06:34
A detailed, interesting environment and superb sound design are ruined by a completely nonsensical plot and horrible writing.
127 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 17:59
[spoiler]I am sick of kind men I like betraying me[spoiler]
484 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 17:44
I knew what kind of game this is. I was fully aware that it’s a story-driven experience without the stuff that I usually pick my games for. I played other titles that try to do the things which The Suicide of Rachel Foster (SoRF) goes for and ultimately do it much better, so I’m actually disappointed with this one.

  • The world looks really nice and comfy, and is filled with so much detail.
  • Sound is amazing. Play with headphones!
  • Although not fantastic, the story is presented in a way that kept me interested enough to see it through to the end.

  • You literally do nothing besides walking – not even the simplest of puzzles.
  • Hardcoded controls that can’t be changed, and minimal choices regarding graphic settings.
  • Somewhat claustrophobic FOV.
  • Locked at 60 FPS and feels sluggish at times (despite the framerate not dropping).
  • Protagonist moves painfully slow

Stuck Inside the House of Bad Memories

After the death of her parents, Nicole (that's you) returns to her family home. The place isn’t your typical house but a hotel instead, called “Timberline Lodge”, and, being the last living member of the family, Nicole now owns the place. Rather than moving into, and settling in the master suite of this very spacious and rather cozy-looking establishment, Nicole's visiting on business, doing a necessary inspection before she may sell the place. Even though it’s (mostly) functional, built at a remote location in the mountains, and looks like a perfect spot to spend an idyllic winter holiday, for Nicole it’s teeming with bad memories.

Just as she’s about to leave, a big snowstorm engulfs the area, making the road treacherous and nigh impassable. Still determined to leave, Nicole heads back for her car but instead finds that her keys are not where she had left them, putting her in a tight spot, forced to spend the night at the hotel. Luckily, a friendly FEMA agent named Irving contacts her on a very retro-looking cellphone and is there to keep her company or provide help in case she needs it.

I Sure Hope You Like Walking

From here on out, the only thing that you’ll be doing is walking from point A to point B, listening to a series of dialogues between Nicole and Irving. While you will often be presented with the option to say different things (or to at least deliver them in a certain tone), I felt like it ultimately didn't matter what I chose. I might be wrong as I’ve only played through the game once though.

SoRF is completely linear. There are no two ways to complete an objective, or at least I never got the impression, nor felt like I had any say in how the story develops. The game is a walking simulator, it was tagged as one on the Steam page, but so were other games that managed to tell an interesting story and still make their gameplay incomparably more engaging than this one did.

You won’t be given any puzzles to solve or be tasked with searching forany items. You’ll only be fetching things of which the position you already know or are told exactly where to find them. This means retracing and backtracking through the hotel over and over again, and while there are usually multiple routes to reach the same destination, this doesn’t do much to make the game more fun.

Good Presentation Makes Everything Better

The things that could make your time spent in Timberline more interesting is the amazing visual and audio presentation. The voice acting is just fantastic, even though I wasn’t particularly fond of Nicole's character at the beginning of the game.

And it’s not just the characters voices, but the overall audio quality. I’ve recorded parts of the game and watched them using speakers as my audio output, and let me tell you right now that it doesn’t even come close to the headphones experience. Some sounds are not present unless you use a pair. Also, I feel like I should warn you that what you hear can be pretty unsettling, and you probably won’t know for certain whether it's coming from the game or your room.

Furthermore, exploring the place can be a lot of fun. These little chunks of lore will hint at certain things, if you're observant enough, and discovering the lore this way was more enjoyable than simply being taken through the story.

The hotel also has a couple of items that can be held and examined from all sides, and some of those can even be picked up and used. There’s even an achievement that requires you to “get all items”, which should be an extra motivation for some of you to do some snooping around.

The Unjustifiable Lack of Options

The last thing that I want to mention is the lack of customization in this game. For a 2020 title, it’s absolutely barbaric not to feature the option to rebind controls. Personally, I have huge hands, and bending my pinky to constantly hold down the left Shift is physically painful for me, in the literal sense of the word. Not only that you can’t change that, or any other key, but you can’t even make it toggleable so that you don’t need to keep it pressed at all times. Even though most of you will be fine with the defaults, the lack of this feature is hard to justify, so the controller is probably a better way to play this one.

Furthermore, you’re only able to choose between four visual presets, ranging from low to ultra. Even though ultra preset ran great on my laptop, I was stuck with effects like chromatic aberration and oversaturated depth of field that made the game look worse instead of better for me. To disable these while keeping the other benefits of the ultra preset, I had to write some code in one of the game’s ”.ini” files. Here’s a simple-to-follow guide that I used to do it (all credits go to the original creator).
The field of view is rather narrow and often felt claustrophobic to me. This is probably just a personal preference, as I rarely settle for anything less than 90°, in pretty much any first-person game, but just like with other options, there’s no reason not to include it.

One thing that I wish they hadn't done is to lock the game at 60 FPS. I’m sure that many of you that are using 60Hz monitors will roll your eyes at this one, but understand that once you get used to higher refresh rates, going back to 60 feels unbearable in some games. Again, no reason not to have the option to set custom refresh rate, especially since this game has no mechanics which could potentially be broken by having them go higher (in fact, it has no mechanics whatsoever).

Sadly, it’s a No From Me

Even though the story – which is the primary reason to get the game – isn't half bad, it's not good enough on its own for me to recommend it. If I’m not mistaken, it also had some inconsistencies that I won’t mention here to avoid the spoilers.

Going through the game would’ve been agonizing if not for my weird but rather customizable and macro-capable mouse, that allowed me to control the game more pleasantly. This, together with the fact that you can’t customize graphics settings would be enough to throw some people off, and if the game was longer than it is, I’d probably be one of them.

So, despite it not being awful, it's unfortunately not that good either, and unless you really like what you see, have a thing for The Shining influenced games, or you can get it for a steal of a price, I really couldn’t recommend The Suicide of Rachel Foster.

[url=https://store.steampowered.com/curator/37072886][quote]For more reviews like this one, check out our curator page: [b]Devils in the Detail
114 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 20:49
The game starts out incredibly promising and intriguing, only to let us down by the end.
Without any spoilers, I wish there was more sense to the story and character development, and especially to the ending, which seemed very abrupt and illogical. Also, along the way, someone should have acknowledged and appropriately reacted to the creepy relationship presented in the story line.
15 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 05:23
Now, I'm not one to write reviews for games that I ended up disliking, but this one? I have to. There will be spoilers from here on out so fair warning.
I honestly loved 3/4's of the game. It had good atmosphere, good graphics, an amazing score, and good acting from both Nicole and Irving. Uncovering the story was interesting, though I wished I had been able to explore things a bit more but that's just because I'm nosy. Now, onto what made me dislike this game A LOT.

Through the game play you uncover what really happened to Rachel, which I didn't find very surprising. However, the way the game tackled Rachel and Nicole's dads 'relationship' bothers me way too much. They constantly call it 'love' and do little to nothing to dissuade that. Irving reconciles with Nicole's dad because he believes he was in love with Rachel and treated her better than anyone else. They make Nicole's mom kill Rachel and essentially victim-blame the SIXTEEN YEAR OLD instead of the FORTY THREE YEAR OLD.

I might have enjoyed the ending had Nicole, I don't know, disagreed with Irving's ramblings about Rachel and her father instead of saying nothing. Then there was the actual ending where you get to choose whether or not Nicole kills herself. It feels very out of place and honestly very lackluster. I'm not sure what she says if you decide to let her die, but if you save her she starts talking about fixing up the hotel so her and her parents can be together again and happy.

I'm so disappointed with this game; it had a lot going for it until the last half an hour. I got it on sale thankfully, but I'm not going to be replaying this again.
437 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 17:00
Resident Evil 7 Mini
37 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 03:06
honestly i'm just glad i didn't pay full price for this
when i saw the game description and the content warning for a relationship between an adult and a minor i was expecting like... an emotional story of nicole discovering/grappling with the knowledge that her father was a predator and not the man she looked up to, or something along those lines
i did NOT expect a weird murder-mystery-pedophila-apologist game
seriously, why did nobody acknowledge that rachel was SIXTEEN.................. she's not a temptress who stole your dad away nicole, she was a CHILD
also the overall story was just a jumbled mess, the dialogue was weird and nobody talked like real people, and the entire game was just filled with plot holes, contrivances, and glitches
i give it a fat 0/10 because any redeeming qualities are immediately trumped by the game describing a 49 year old man preying on a 16 year old as true love what the fuck
1468 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 19:12
Short game and worthy for the price
385 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 20:01
Short and sweet. An offbrand Firewatch that easily holds your attention for an evening.
97 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 18:50
Rating - 6/10

Graphics & atmosphere both 10/10 but the story takes off a few points..


☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Paint.exe

☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ Mehh
☐ Staring at walls is better

☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good (title screen music gives me huge Life is Strange vibes)
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape

☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Human
☐ Lizards

---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boiiiiii
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

☑ Just press ‚A‘
☐ Easy
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if you care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding

☐ Story?
☐ Text or Audio floating around
☑ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life

---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee (about 15 mins)
☑ Short (about 5hrs)
☐ Average (about 50hrs)
☐ Long (about 200hrs)
☐ To infinity and beyond

☐ It’s free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If you have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs


Conclusion - basically just a walking simulator with quite a dark story, which at some points was kinda hard to understand since some stuff didn't really add up.
the whole hotel looks marvellous and i love to sometimes just walk around and explore the place.
but the story, in a way, is really just trying to justify pedophilia (since none of the characters ever acknowledge that it's not right - they seem to be quite okay with that) and that's fucked.

if you'd like to buy the game, do it when it's on sale - and for the hotel/atmosphere, not the story.

PS. These are based on my personal opinion and PC setup, please don't @ me lol
269 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 23:23
Walking sim with a very slow build.
Did not find it scary and did not enjoy the story.
22 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 18:36
+++ Design of the premises (the hotel is incredible)
++ Creepy atmosphere (I was scared)
++ Actors
––– Story (It's bad. Like really bad. It doesn't make sense at all. Logic went completely mad in this one. There is no coherence. Don't play it for the story. Play it for the hotel a la The Shining.)
– Plottwist/story again (trust me, it so stupid.)
318 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 18:14
☐ Doesnt have (Not counting historical stuff)
☐ Something isnt nothing I guess
☐ Not greatly told
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑️ Lovely(it can be creepy and disgusting but the story was well written)
☐ Will make you cry or smile a lot

☐ Try not to get addicted
☐ Very good
☑️ Good
☐ Nothing special
☐ Ehh
☐ Bad
☐ Just dont

---{ Grind }---
☑️ Nothing
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ Insanity

☐ You forget reality
☐ Masterpiece
☑️ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Will do
☐ Bad
☐ Awful
☐ Pixel art

☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑️ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape

☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☑️ Adults
☐ Everyone

---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑️ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

☑️ Just press a bunch of buttons
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Not so easy
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of tea
☑️ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☐ Depends on you
☐ Endless

☐ Just buy it
☐ Worth the price
☑️ Wait for sale
☐ Maybe if you have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ Dont throw money into a rubbish bin

☑️ Never had any
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Few bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ Ruining the game
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☑️ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10
67 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 20:49
TW; grooming, pedophilia, violence, suicide. Do not play this game if these are triggers for you. <3

Personally I enjoyed this game. It will make you uncomfortable and unsettled. The story revolves around a woman going back to a family owned hotel that holds an incredibly dark secret. At first the protagonist wasn’t very likable, but as the story progresses I was able to put myself in her shoes and understand her more. There were times were I found the map to be unsettling and creepy, a bit nervous to go in certain rooms and turn a corner. The further you go, the more the story unfolds and shew lord. It’s a good one. The gameplay is very simple to understand and catch on. The dialogue and voice acting seem genuine and real. The animation and graphics are incredible. I would rate this a solid 8.5/10. I think this game moved me in a way where I won’t be able to forget it!

I understand how others are rating this game poorly, but I personally felt they did a good job NOT glorifying the sensitive subjects, rather they make it feel more real which makes it uncomfortable. There was no apologetic behavior towards the bad people/actions in this story. However, it does have incredibly sensitive subjects and if you’re not comfortable to gameplays surrounding them, do not play this game. As it can be triggering!
81 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 15:40
Trigger warning: Sexual abuse, grooming, and pedophilia.

The game normalizes grooming and sexual abuse of a minor. Grooming of a 16 yr. old girl by a 49 yr. old male is portrayed as an affair or a great love story. Highly disturbing. I would never recommend a game where this form of pedophilia is completely overlooked.

Also, the game itself is mostly just about following a narrative through a quite awkward dialog. Occasionally the characters talk over each other, which seems like a bug. There are no puzzles to solve. You only listen to the narrative and extrapolate instructions of where to walk next. Considering the disturbing nature of the narrative, this wasn't too much fun. I regret paying for this game.
189 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 00:08
I give this game two retainers down.
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 16:49
Abrupt ending, game has so much wasted potential
933 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 14:51
Very interesting. The game mechanics are quite close to those of Firewatch (like the report system), combined with influences that would be more from The Shining and Twin Peaks. Worth trying...
36 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 17:32
I honestly thought the story telling, the visuals, the sound, and overall game play was great but I just can't get past the way that the pedophilia was almost romanticized or at least ignored. I feel like there was one mention of pedophilia and the rest of the time they talked about Rachel and the dad like it was a loving affair that was misunderstood. Like trying to make it sound like the dad was a victim in way for have the love of his life taken from him instead of talking about how he was a grown man involved with a 16 year old. The whole beginning of the game I thought Rachel was an adult because the way they talked about her. Also the way Nicole said she was jealous of the affection that her dad gave Rachel was really creepy. Maybe I missed some underlying point but I can't look past that.
588 Produkte im Account
78 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 06:18
Transparency - I've only played 30 minutes at the time of review. This is the headbob when you walk. This is the headbob when you run. This cannot be turned off, however other settings can be via editing an .ini file. If, like me, you're prone to motion sickness, then I'd suggest just skipping this one. Putting aside health factors, that headbob just kinda looks completely awful and distracting with how over the top it is. The game also has hand written notes that cannot be viewed in plain font text from what I can see (the introduction letter at the very least can't be), which can sometimes be a little hard to read. I can't really comment on the writing - although reviews certainly seem mixed - but the accessibility is definitely lacking
527 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 03:20
It reminds me so much of Fire watch and gone home , Two amazing games in to one =) worth playing on a sale day =) .
711 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 08:30
Absolutely stellar. Incredibly well written, excellent voice acting, compelling, atmospheric doesn't do it justice. Attach a psychological horror tag to this - most of the game is superbly creepy and it can get surprisingly scary for a game tagged as a 'walking simulator'.

I'm incredibly impressed - I can't remember the last time I finished a game in a single sitting but this was incredibly compelling and this is highly recommended. I need more games like this.
28 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 23:55

I agree with a lot of other reviewers. This game did seem to romanticise underage relationships. I understand that there shouldn't have to be a critical character for players to make their own decisions about what is right and wrong, but things like referring to it as 'having an affair' is .... weird. It's paedophilia, plain and simple. Having Nicole 'join them' at the end? And saying that having Rachel and Irving come to the diner with them would be nice? Like they could be some big happy family? Your dad's a paedophile, Nicole. I agree with other people, she does seem possessed near the end - what reasoning does her character have for her actions? Her 'unravelling' as it were, seems a bit abrupt. Plus, the speech Leonard gives at the end about nobody 'understanding' their love is pretty grim. Irving is also bizarrely complicit considering his relation to the victim. I would have liked to explore more how Leonard and Irving interacted, and what lead to their co-operation. Additionally, more info about the development of Leonard and Rachel's relationship would have fleshed the game out a lot more; it's unclear how they met, how they became involved, how they were found out. We only really know the ending.

This world-building is what the days could have been used for because as it stood, most days had minimal content and I often had to consult a guide to help me find out what to do next (especially for the 'clinking noise' search!). I think the game could have been half the length, as I managed to fully explore the hotel during the prologue, the only extra bits were the crawlspaces, the ghost hunters room, secret room, and attic, which are all in the final days. I definitely would have appreciated more interactibles. Most of the stuff you could inspect was generic flavour stuff that had no consequence to the story. I would love more stuff strewn around to add more life to the story and other world-building details, rather than generic paintings and NASA mugs. The walking speed is also so slow, I was holding shift the whole time to try and get a little hustle on. I also got SUPER motion sick in the first hour. I turned on VSync and turned the quality down from high to medium due to lag, and that seemed to solve it.

I did at least enjoy the voice acting and the sound design! The lead actress for Nicole was incredible, and Irving's actor had a nice tonal shift when his character changes. The sound design was great, it felt very immersive and the odd background noises of wind, creaking, and slamming helped add to the realism. The general creepy atmosphere was also pretty good, with the mannequins and the door slamming being particularly effective. I also hated going through the crawlspaces! I will say I was surprised we didn't see an apparition of Rachel at any point (specifically at the end, in the car), as that is what the game seemed to be leading to. The hotel was fun to explore (if a bit lacking in interesting details), and there were some weird red herrings (like the ski route looking as if it could eventually be accessible). In general, whilst I enjoyed the atmosphere and design, the story and details were too big of a let-down for me to recommend this game to anyone at full price. It took me 3.5 hours to complete, so maybe buy it if it's on sale.
90 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 19:20
* Boring game, the walking is pretty slow and the running option is like normal walking.
* The story and ending is so fuuuuucking shitty.
* In the story, Nicole's father is never shown as a bad person and he raped a 16 years old girl. You only hear stuff like he really loved her and that he had love enough for her and rachel. like wtf????
* At the end of the story you are basically forced to suicide because you don’t have any other option just to stay in your car and nicole decide to do that to go see ‘mommy and daddy’ yeah your pedo dad and your muderer mom
186 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 03:55
This game is disgusting and I am left disturbed more by the writing of this game than anything. This is not how these sort of topics should be handled.
285 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
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54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 02:08
I am not sure why they made this game. The story is interesting enough but the execution here is awful. I think maybe this would have been an entertaining movie or television series but as a game it is an exercise in tedium. You are forced to play this game the way the developers want you to. That means you have to listen to dialogue that drags on or wander around aimlessly inspecting things that really don't matter before you finally progress. The movement is painfully slow and adds to the frustration. Maybe if you could move quicker it would be bearable but instead you are locked in and forced to experience this their way. In my opinion walking simulators are pretty boring as is but sometimes they can tell a story in a unique way. This one just did not do it for me. Also, the sensitive and potentially triggering subject matter is presented in a very strange way. I am not sure what they were wanting to accomplish here and I don't think anyone should play this game.
100 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 15:49
fun good story
466 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 19:23
Gripping story. some of the scenes gave e goosebumps with perfect timing for jump scares with not uch really going on. Subtly scary and increasingly intense
120 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 16:14
The preset for the game is awesome and I very much liked it gameplay-wise. However, devs should know better than treating a relationship between a grown-up man and a teenager as an 'affair'. This is pedophilia, and how it was perceived by Nicole is unacceptable.
115 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 05:40
If you loved Firewatch, Gone Home and The Shining this game is FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!
315 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
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32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 18:24
This game might be good, I don't know - there are interesting parts with it, but it's all held back by one thing - a PAINFULLY slow movement speed. Like you are not holding a run button in this game, you are holding a button to WALK (very slowly) because the normal walking speed is tiptoeing around. In a game where all you is walk. Yeah, I'm not going to play a game that forces my finger to be in constant pain, and mind you you still don't walk fast enough to not want to scream at the monitor. I don't know if the game is otherwise good, because I'm not gonna keep playing.
166 Produkte im Account
154 Reviews
535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 16:49
The Suicide of Rachel Foster treats loneliness in a harsh, cold, and traumatic way. Nicole is tasked with selling her father's hotel (where she spent her childhood) after he and her mother died. Alone in life, she travels to the property and strange things begin to happen amid the revivals of the past in this gigantic and lonely hotel.
The game deals with extremely sensitive topics but does not deal with them in a disrespectful, cliché, or silly way. The dialogues are excellently worked, the story is great, accurately measuring moments of humor, tension with things that upset the stomach. This large hotel in the icy mountains physically gives us the feeling of the whole game: loneliness, cold, abandonment, helplessness.
It is a game for those who like good stories, stories that are unconventional, surprising and that focus on themes that are considered taboo. It is not the game for all audiences, it should always be borne in mind that it deals with sensitive topics. For those who are interested, play, it's exceptional!

[spoiler] I thought the decision to never see Nicole's face and not to have other people in the hotel was right, helps to put us in her place and enhances the feeling of loneliness that permeates all the parameters of the game. [/spoiler]
277 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 09:36
Where do we go from here? The story featured in The Suicide of Rachel Foster tackles many aspects of grief and to some degree it succeeds in both challenging the reader and addressing the deeper recesses of the numerous subjects of consideration in its story. This is not a game I would recommend to children. The subject matters touched on in this story includes: child abuse, mental health, religion, murder, adultery and of course suicide. There are no truly graphic scenes but a lot of suggestions and there is one scene with blood.

I would recommend this game to adults for its tactful approach to the subject matters it discusses and the voice acting, particularly in the character of Irving.

For the first two hours of playing this game I spent all of my time exploring. I was disappointed that, as it turns out - There is no master key to access all of the guest rooms, however there is plenty to explore and discover as the game progresses.

The level designers placed clever road blocks throughout the game to set the stage for expanding the narrative and map together organically with the story. The hints in the map screen are a dead give away on the tools to progress the story and it is important that gamers tackle those last if they want to get everything each day - Which means exploring the house a number of times as events unfold.

I'm torn in terms of pricing. This is a title I would recommend getting on sale. The game play is extremely limited in spite of the well written story. It does not come with popcorn so it's not worth a movie theater ticket price. You're basically playing a movie the size of a short story stretched into the length of a mini-series.

Definitely recommend it. Whether or not it is worth more than $10 is for you to decide in how much you want to see it.
112 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 07:05
I wish I could like this game, honestly! The visuals, the atmosphere, the voice acting and sound are just lovely. I feel sorry for all the people who put good effort into this game because it is let down by a plot that handles topics like suicide, paedophilia, childhood trauma and sexual assault like soup through a fork. I wouldn’t recommend this game to anyone, because the story is just appalling. It popped up in my recommendations because it had the tags of horror and psychological horror but the real horror is in trying to figure out what the writer was thinking when they made this.

Spoilers up ahead, for those of you who had the same curiosity I did:
Story is, player character (Nicole) comes back to parents old hotel to sell it after they’ve both carked it. Snowstorm hits, guy on phone helps her navigate hotel. Hotel is haunted by dead 16 year old girl, who suicided after Nicole’s dad had an affair with her and got her preggo (the word affair is too soft, a better word would be rape) . There are no jumps or ghost sightings, but great atmosphere and tension in the environment. The ‘horrifying’ reveal at the end is that Nicole’s mum killed Rachel. By the time I got to this part, any shock value had worn off because I was already repulsed by the dad and the guy on the phone (who is Rachel's brother and was in on the whole thing with Nicole’s dad). We all know that murder is bad mmkay? We’re all (hopefully) in agreeance that it’s a no go in this day and age. No oomph in that reveal.

Don’t get me wrong here, I love some violence. My favourite hobbies are watching horror movies and horror games and I love awful films. I can watch Re-animator and see Dr Hill’s decapitated head sexually assault Megan, watch Hellraiser and see Frank torment Kirsty while wearing the scalped skin of her dad, and I can watch Freddy Krueger give Nancy some tongue through a phone. Thing is, these films understand how repulsive this all is, and it becomes part of the horror. In this game, it isn’t shown as horrifying, but sweet. And that is what sends shivers down my spine.

A 16 year old is a child. Ain’t no way around it. This game shows the dad in such a sympathetic light, talking about how he was such a great guy who had enough love for his own daughter and this 16 year old girl he impregnated (JINKIES). That isn’t love, that’s paedophilia. Call it ephebophilia if it makes you feel better, tomato tomatoe. The game also implies that he’s also a champ because he loved her even though she had dyslexia. So not only did he prey on a 16 year old, he preyed on a 16 year old who had a disability?!?

When I’m not pissing my income away on random steam games, I have a job where I visit schools to teach sex education – you know, wear a condom, talk about STIs and routine testing. So much of it now is about teaching young people about consent, negotiation, and healthy relationships. It is so common for girls to be preyed upon by older men, and more common still for it to be normalised in media. Media like this. This game sits snugly next to Polanski, Allen, and Nabokov.
The final scene of the game ends with the player character taking their own life in their car (or not, I can hardly tell). It’s a crock of shit because the goals of the player (i.e you) aren’t the same as the goals of the character (Nicole). Like hell I want to press the button to kill her, I just spent hours of my life trying to get her out alive! I obviously expected some themes around suicide to be in the plot (duh), but it felt tacky for this to be suddenly jammed in my face. I’m not saying that I expected a trigger warning for a game clearly about suicide, but it wasn’t done with any finesse. There is no closure or resolution in this ending, and it can’t be gleaned or interpreted in other ways.

I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
179 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 16:32
This game has ambiance, I'll give it that. The hotel has this unnerving feel that really works well. The story is completely awful however. Twists that feel cheap make for a very poor story and the game keeps on trying to surprise you with characters motives that seem to come out of left field, especially for the last scene, which I won't spoil here (you can check it easily online, which I would recommend if you're curious as you shouldn't play this game).

The main character gives attitude for no reason to her main counterpart and just comes out as an awful and unpleasant person. To make it even worse, the main theme of this game is child abuse and grooming and the main characters often seems to be enabling or minimizing the actions of the abuser. This left a bad taste in my mouth as those traits are always snide comments on the side that, after a while, start to pile up. I felt like the team behind this game tried to tackle this subject without doing any of the necessary research.

In the end, this game feels like a waste of potential. The story, which should be the main focus, is simply awful.
222 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 19:50
If you are not disturbed by a really heavy story and like searching for answers in an abandoned old mountain lodge hotel during a snow storm in 1980's Montana and you like exploring with a dynamo lamp, microphone & a polaroid camera in creepy atmosphere then this is probably a game to consider for you. We follow Nicky who inherits her parents old hotel after the fathers death. At the beginning you receive a old letter from your mother stating that shes sorry about all the pain you had to endure as a child cause dad was having an affair with a teenager (Rachel Foster) who then committed suicide and jumped off a cliff and wants you to sell the hotel cause it‘s walls only hold anger. Unwillingly she makes her way to Helena, Montana to meet with a lawyer at the hotel to assess the damage in order to sell it. Unfortunately there is a raging snow storm going on outside with temperatures 20 below zero and no lawyer to be found upon arrival and there’s no way to leave. A Fema agent calls the lodge via radio phone who offers her his assistance „at first wanting to get out of there as fast as possible to leave painfull memories behind, now just curious to put together the puzzle of her past“ and that is where the search for answers begins about what really happened to mom & dad, Rachel & the family business, where she spent her childhood at. A very gripping and sad but short experience that kept me on the edge of my seat for the little over 4 hours it took me to get to the end. I want to mention the outstanding music by Federico Landini & the vocal work of Nadia Straccia which made the haunting atmosphere even better. 8/10
311 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 14:26

Shortest Walking Simulator Ever: But Still Refreshing and Worth It!

Sure I'll recommend this game to anyone but, beware it's super short. It has a nice plot and story but way tooo short. Nevertheless saying I'm a fan of Diaedalic Entertainment, and it's such a surprise for me that they made this. They usually make some insane puzzle games which I seem to struggle to make ends meet for hours. In this game which seems like a test run for them to make some games with a new dab of fresh angle for mysteries, you find no brain cell clenching puzzles, no bugged achievements (or difficult ones), no taking notes - just a chill mystery horror thriller for you to experience.

Follow the grumpy main character in the story named Nicole who lost her family due to an incident which happened years ago. Her family owned a fabulous hotel which is now old but ready to be sold to a new propertior. She goes there to assess the situation to sell it despite her great dislike for the idea (as in she just hates the place because of the memories) but she gets stranded due to a snow storm. A mysterious caller, some supernatural sights, some canned soup helps Nicole to stay for a night but things she find out about the past makes her never want to never leave the place she hated ever again.

The story really touch some sensitive subjects which I would not mention because of spoilers, but it really is insane. But, as a Sherlock Holmes hardcore fan I feel the mystery factor behind the game is too predictable. On the other hand the horror factor of the game, is not Dreadout or Outlast inspired horror but really mild. I played Painscreek Killings which is at least 75% simillar to the game, but had some insane puzzles and much more spookier atmosphere. One word to explain the game is just nostalgia.

The graphics of the game was super good ngl. I liked the voice acting and the characterization. I thought Irving was such a cutie. This game is perfect to play in Christmas with its amazing atmosphere. What I don't like is, how it is way too simillar to the normal walking simulator games I have seen. They all follow the same formula: you are somewhere in an isolated place with no one at all to talk to (or just a man who is on a radio or phone) and you find notes or do puzzles. I have played Kona, Kholat, Painscreek Killings, Bottle, and many more of the same genre. All seems to follow the same formula with however Kholat taking the lead with it's amazing atmosphere, story and gameplay. Modern walking simulator mystery games DO need a much more fresh new twists and this is a very good attempt but it could have been better tbh.

Nevertheless, The Suicide of Rachel Foster is a small dab of mystery for anyone, especially for people who are not into heavy horror and mind confusing puzzle pieces.
243 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 16:28
Perfect narrative, beautiful environments, breathtaking music,
What else do you want from a walking simulator? It's next to What remains of Edith Finch! Solid 10/10
2209 Produkte im Account
287 Reviews
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249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 01:40

Play it for the ending, felt so good

This is a short game with a good story and completely terrible game from technical standpoint.

So the story is about a Rachel Foster suicide obviously. It's spoiler sensitive so all i'm gonna say is that you arrive at the hotel and mysterious things start happening and you start figuring it out. There's a guy talking to you on a phone, similar to Firewatch, he kinda guides you. I don't know if it's just me but i kind of guessed how the story will end at mid-game somewhere. I loved the ending though.

Gameplay is simple. It's a walking simulator with some light puzzles. Walking is painfully slow, even if you hold shift it's extremely slow. The hotel is quite big and it may be confusing so if you're lost you just waste your time slowly walking around until you find where you need to go. There's a map but it doesn't show where you are so it doesn't help at all.

I also encountered a bug or maybe a design flaw where i couldn't progress the story. After googling for a minute i learned that you need to take a certain route to your destination, go through a certain room. That's just stupid.
Also a huge thunder in cold winter? I know this could happen but how often? There's a blizzard. Developers probably thought it will make this game scarier. Speaking of scariness, it's pretty scary towards the end. Atmosphere is really creepy (in a good way).

Now the reason why this is a negative review. Technically this game is a mess, a complete disgrace to PC platform, a low effort console port.
There are no graphics options.
No ultrawide support.
No FOV slider, it feels like FOV is set to 30 or something. If you're sensitive and get nausea from playing games sometime this one will make you vomit.
Chromatic aberration and fucking blur you can't turn of.
Sluggish mouse movement where 60fps feels like 15fps.
60fps lock.
No manual saving and the game saves only when the day ends which means you can't save in the middle of the chapter.
Terrible performance at ultra settings. Dear developers, your game has small areas, corridors and rooms, no visible characters, why even MSFS, Horizon or Detroit runs better? 35Fps, are you kidding?

Sound is cool though. Sound makes this game pretty creepy and you feel uncomfortable if you play it alone in the dark. Nicely done. Voice acting is pretty good, not great, not bad either.

This is a nice mystery game worth playing for the story. But playing it feels painful. Get this from a bundle or at an extremely low price.

  • Good story
  • Good atmosphere
  • Good sound design

  • A disgrace to PC platform, lazy low effort console port
  • Even for walking simulator walking is painfully slow

Follow my curator page for more

212 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 23:30

Game with a well-constructed plot, where the female protagonist has to dig into her past to recompose all the missing pieces of a disturbing and mysterious puzzle that concerns her family. Recommended for those who love suspense and psychological introspection.
190 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 18:51
Very atmospheric game)
1183 Produkte im Account
607 Reviews
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 20:57
The story of the game revolves around Nicole who returns to the hotel where she spent her childhood. Together with her mother they left as it turned out her father'd had an affair with a high school student (Rachel) 30 years his junior. Now that her father passed away Nicole is back to take one last look and decide if the establishment really needs to be sold.

To make things complicated there is a snowstorm that cuts Nicole off from civilization. As we get to the master suite we manage to get hold of Irving, a FEMA agent, who will provide support throughout the game via phone. Nicole's journey is told in 9 chapters (i.e. 9 days spent at the hotel) during which we solve technical problems such as fixing the heating or the lighting but at the same time investigate Rachel's past as each day more and more clues are popping up.

The game takes place in the early '90s so expect to find a lot of VHS & cassette tapes in key office areas. What I love in these walking sims is how you can pick up and rotate many objects and you'll notice that the attention to detail in this game is just superb. Dialogue between Nicole and Irving is regular thanks to the huge, bulky mobile phone she uses.

Both voice actors did a great job and what I also found a good thing when it comes to immersion was using a headset. This is something I mostly do in horror games not here. I remember finding a manhole cover in the garage area - it has no relation to the story, at all, but that small, removable plate had its own sound effect as Nicole was walking on it.

I don't want to spoil the story so let's just say there are a couple of twists here and there. The creators took a different direction I expected at the beginning. Due to this not everybody will accept the outcome, plus, the overall subject (suicide) of the game is a tad bit difficult to take in. It is a great walking sim, nonetheless, and highly recommended.
2784 Produkte im Account
483 Reviews
172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 22:36
Note: If you are suffering from suicidal tendencies, don't suffer alone, seek help in a friend or a professional. You're not alone.

The Suicide of Rachel Foster is a narrative horror game where you explore a hotel during a major snow storm.


You play as Nicole, after her fathers affair with a teenager Rachel Foster becomes the talk of the town, she resents her father and Rachel. After Rachel commits suicide, Nicole and her mother move out and her father becomes a recluse. After Nicole's father passes away, he leaves her the hotel and she has to go back and look through it before selling, but she gets stranded there during a major snow storm and her only companion is Irving, a FEMA agent talking to her through a phone.

The story in The Suicide of Rachel Foster is good, but it feels like the writers didn't fully flesh out the story and it leads to some questionable choices. The story of this game is pretty messed up and honestly people who are easily offended might find a lot of the characters irredeemable and absolute trash human beings. The game completely derails in the final hour of the game after the plot twist is explained to you.

The plot is actually pretty engaging, it got to the point where I didn't want to stop playing until I saw the credits roll (with the games short length that was easy), but it completely lost me at the ending. I don't want to spoil it, but the game deals with situations like grooming and abuse and makes these characters seem like the good guys, yet in real life they would definitely not be considered that. It definitely makes me feel indifferent and it's can of worms the writers should not have opened and in the end it hurt the story.


The art style of The Suicide of Rachel Foster is really good and honestly I loved the look of the hotel. Every floor and room looks distinct enough with details thrown around to make exploring a fun thing to do. Since you're alone in the hotel it definitely gives off feelings that you're alone there, yet it also perfectly creates a feeling that you might not be alone. When you can find hidden items thrown around in certain rooms and explore remnants of previous hotel customers, which was really cool.


Since the game is mostly two people talking to each other, so voice acting is incredibly important and the voice actors for both Nicole and Irving do a bang up job, especially Irving who I really liked. They both did a good job and their emotions come off clearly, they did a great job.

Another great thing is the ambience sound effects. Since you're trapped in a massive hotel alone during a major snow storm there's a bunch sounds that help build an amazing atmosphere like floors creaking, branches hitting the windows and the wind howling outside, it helps you immerse yourself into this world and definitely makes you feel that you might not be alone there.

The music is also really good. The tracks definitely help set up what they set out to do like relax you or scare the shit out of you.


If I could compare this game to anything, it very closely resembles Firewatch. You basically explore a location and once in a while you talk on your phone with a person that is far away from you. You have some stuff you need to do in the hotel like looking for items and solving puzzles.

You are given a map of the hotel and there's a bunch of ground to cover and in the early hours when you have to go through a lot of it, it becomes really difficult to figure out where to go, the map is really confusing and it's better just explore and remember where everything is. By the end, the map became useless as I mostly remembered where to go.

The puzzles (if you can call them that) usually tend to be, go to some place and look for an item and then the game repeats multiple times. It actually is puzzle-y to figure out how to get to your objective than the actual puzzles. The gameplay definitely takes a backset to the story.


The Suicide of Rachel Foster is ok, it definitely doesn't reach it's full potential. The story is engaging, the setting is cool and it's definitely creepy. The whole finale of the game where the big reveals happen are weird to say the least and a lot of the writing is questionable to say the least. It's definitely a game not for everyone, especially for those who don't want a disturbing experience.

Final Rating:

+ Engaging story
+ The hotel is fun to explore
+ Audio design is incredible

- Act 3 of the story contains some really questionable writing
- Navigating the hotel might be confusing in the first hours of the game

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343 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 19:59

The Suicide of Rachel Foster

CampaignYes[/tr] Game length2.5 - 3 hours[/tr]
Difficulty modesN/A[/tr]
Metacritic Score63[/tr]


Disclaimer: The Suicide of Rachel Foster touches on some dark and uncomfortable subjects, including — but not limited to — suicide and ephebophilia. If any of that provokes an uneasy feeling then this game might not be for you.

◼️ The Suicide of Rachel Foster is a 2-3 hours long narrative-driven walking simulator published by Daedalic Entertainment, with great but almost completely linear storytelling and poorly implemented free roam part. If you enjoyed Firewatch, The Suicide of Rachel Foster is a bit similar in how it delivers its narrative.


◼️ In the game, you'll play as Nicole, the inheritor of her disappeared family's hotel. You are assigned to sell it but there are some stuff to do like inspections or deciding what to keep and what to give away. Unfortunately for Nicole, she’s arrived during the state’s worst snowstorm in recent history, her lawyer held back on account of the snow. Luckily for her, a FEMA agent, Irving, has conveniently wired a chunky cellular phone found in her childhood bedroom to be a walkie-talkie of sorts, and as she wanders around the hotel looking for a way to start the furnace, find food, and other odd quests, she has a friendly voice keeping her company.
  • Haunted HotelThe Suicide of Rachel Foster has a lot of potential for a truly spooky horror experience. There’s a Shining-esque large and empty hotel in the snowy mountains of Montana. Nicole is alone but as strange things begin to happen and things begin to move in the hotel, she isn’t sure how alone she is anymore.

  • Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwardsHer past keeps getting dropped directly in her face, forcing her to remember things she had long forgotten and learn some things about Rachel’s story that she never knew, With a retro, 90’s style it makes it seem creepier as you don’t have the modern technology to keep you company. Even the ghost hunting equipment seems ancient which helps in the environment.


◼️ The atmosphere of The Suicide of Rachel Foster is certainly chilling; although there are no jumpscares, players will feel sufficiently unsettled throughout the experience. Part of this is due to the design, the game has taken a page out of The Shining, as evidence with the carpets, but also because the hotel itself is a naturally unfamiliar place to people in general. Such a large, long-forgotten building out in the middle of nowhere has plenty of creaky floorboards and trees tapping at the windows. The tension in the air was almost palpable, and in that sense, The Suicide of Rachel Foster did a decent job of creeping me out.
  • EnvironmentsThe Suicide of Rachel Foster takes the term “walking simulator” quite seriously, the walking pace is painfully slow. The environments are an absolute delight, chock full of items to pick up and information to be gleaned from their existence and placement.


    url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaAhLfxPeRE] The Suicide of Rachel Foster - Gameplay (PC/4K) [/url]
◼️ The Suicide of Rachel Foster looks really good. The environmental graphics are gorgeous and really create an atmosphere of tension and the anxiety of not knowing what may be just around the corner. You don’t get too many character graphics as you only ever see Nicole’s hands but even then the movements are smooth and realistic.



    url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnT3kPIjtvk] The Suicide of Rachel Foster Soundtrack [/url]

◼️ The Suicide of Rachel Foster soundtrack from 2020, composed by Federico Landini. Released by Ala Bianca Records in 2020. The voice acting is wonderful and you get to choose dialogue options but sometimes there is only one to choose from, which made me ask why I had to choose at all. The choices don’t affect the ending, making them just dialogue options with no real consequence or impact.

- This rating system is my personal opinion and not to be intended to replace a professional rating system in any way!
Rating (% * X / 100, sum of all as final rating X/10)

Story/Campaign (30%) 7[/tr]
Gameplay/Controls (25%) 7[/tr]
Graphics (20%) 8[/tr]
Sound/Music (10%) 7[/tr]
Replayability (10%) 5[/tr]
Achievements (5%) 10[/tr]

My personal rating is


◼️ The runtime for the game is about 2-3 hours and the first part of the game has a ton of potential. It feels like it has the opportunity to be a truly scary experience and it just never really gets there. I wish they would have gone in a direction of a haunting mystery instead of the story it went with. There were two endings to the game and neither one of them I liked. It felt slapped on and didn’t really make a lot of sense. Overall, this game wasn’t bad but it could have been a lot better, no matter what you think of the whole relationship aspect.

1138 Produkte im Account
821 Reviews
180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 16:08
Nice story-focused walking simulator. Also very dialogue heavy. (With great voice actors.) The last like 30 minutes are really intense and you are so fascinated to uncover the post. The ending was also mostly good and not obvious. Still there are some parts I didn't liked about the ending but I can't say more, that would be a spoiler.
1217 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 21:01
I got this game in a humble bundle and i was quite intrigued. I loved Gone Home and Firewatch for their raw themes and gameplay. I finished this one and sat back from my computer for a completely different reason. Having been a victim of pedophilia as a child, I was disgusted with the romanticizing of a relationship between a 16 year old and a 40+ adult man. It disgusted me. They could have gone so many routes, but they went this way instead. I cant recommend it. There's no incentive to explore, there's no dialog outside of the linear story, and falls flat in so many ways. I cant recommend it.
298 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
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189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 17:29
yikes. Hard to review this without side stepping the obvious. I don't think this game excuses pedophilia, and I really believe the writers/devs/whoever where trying to tell a story that that used this theme to highlight the pain it causes. That said the game fails to call it what it which is abuse and it fails to condemn it as such. It leaves that to the player to decide which fair but it definitely leaves an interpretation open that it's excusing it.

This isn't the primary reason to not recommend the game. At the end of the day the story isn't the strongest and the dialogue is terrible and while the voice acting isn't that bad, the way it was written makes the center character so unlikable that as a player I didn't care what happened to her. The game is a little maddening in that its so exposition heavy with little to do in the meantime. More than half of the 3 hour play thru was me just sitting and listening to someone tell me the story waiting for them to finish so I could progress. I know this is a problem with walking simulators and that's why devs work to find a balance to keep you engaged while it story dumps on you. This doesn't do that well.

I will say the good things about this game are genuinely great. It's pretty fantastic looking and the hotel is such a great environment. I was genuinely spooked roaming the halls alone. The sound design is hands down incredible. Playing this thing with headphones was an experience. Walking past a fireplace I could hear the light whistle of the wind from it. Small details and sounds that fully kept me on edge. The game is a technical A+.

Given a better approach to the subject matter and writing more natural and believable dialogue would go a long way to making this a pretty great game. My one line takeaway is it isn't terrible but I'm glad its over.
149 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 06:55
  • Gameplay: Unmotivated walking simulator
  • Setting: Moldy hotel in the middle of a Montana blizzard
  • Sound: There's always a dude lighting up with a Zippo RIGHT BEHIND YOU
  • Story: Unsatisfying, vague
[hr]This game does a great job of making it seem like you're just about to witness something unspeakable.... But for at least the first hour (2 in-game days), even the player character is uninterested in the mystery. [hr]The only impediment you will face is the unnecessary dialogue. Imagine the characters in Firewatch, but gender-swapped and less likable. Unlike in Firewatch, the dialogue in The Suicide of Rachel Foster reveals next to nothing about the characters (intentional to some extent, but mostly we learn that they're both obnoxious) except when it reveals too much obvious information. Most of the characters' observations are painfully obvious — which would be fine if the characters didn't take so long to say them! Those chunks are LONG and you can't interact with anything while they're playing. The reveal was not worth the waiting through all those inane conversations. Even at the sale price, I did not get my money's worth. :([hr]You might like this game if:You see nothing inherently wrong with a 46 year old who starts a physical relationship with a 15 year old. You know who you are.[hr]Sorry for the format. Steam is bugged at the time of writing.
293 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 05:42
The game is easily comparable to Firewatch, a 'walking simulator' that includes conversations with a disembodied voice on a radio [spoiler]that you never meet[/spoiler], a relationship between the player character and said voice that develops organically as the story goes on, a mystery to be solved that gives one a sense of sinister dread, [spoiler]even if the ultimate truth behind the mystery turns out to be much less dangerous than initially suspected[/spoiler].

However, unlike Firewatch, which competently handles its themes of isolation, running from your past, the consequences of your actions, and so on, The Suicide of Rachel Foster unfortunately completely fails to properly address its themes of [spoiler]statutory rape, child grooming, suicide, and repressed trauma[/spoiler]. Fans of short interactive adventures like Firewatch, Dear Esther, Stanley Parable, etc, should look elsewhere. While its setting and gameplay are certainly up to standard, the way it handles its story and characters is repulsive and deeply disappointing.
12 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 04:40
This game may not be one for play, for anyone with Suicidal tendencies. While the ending is a bit weak, and I'm not fond of the Astronomy/Religious story line (leave Astronomy in, Religion out)... Still I played it in one 6 hour session.
218 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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1416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 18:19
The story totally ruined it for me.
136 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 09:09
The mystery of a young girl’s apparent suicide comes to light in this short and bittersweet game.

If you like story-driven games like Firewatch, What Remains of Edith Finch, Layers of Fears, or Life is Strange, then this is the game for you.
If you have bibliophobia, claustrophobia or nyctophobia... Bring a friend!
91 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 23:39
I love games where you explore an empty or abandoned place and piece together a mystery. Honestly my favorite game genre. This was right up my alley in that respect, and some sequences were truly creepy and scary. I also found the set up really interesting - though I ultimately felt disappointed with the payoff.

One problem with this game is that while it takes clear cues from 'Gone Home' and 'Firewatch,' it's missing what makes both of those games special. Like in 'Gone Home,' you can pick up and examine stray objects. However, very few of them tell you anything about the setting or characters. Nicole will simply talk about any item that's important, so there's no reading between the lines, no piecing things together. I also grew annoyed with how repetitive the items were. So many packs of cigarettes!

Many 'clues' behind the mystery of Rachel Foster's death are not actually discovered in the environment at all. Nicole just looks at random crap and connects it to a memory the player isn't privy to. Felt cheap to me. If the game immersed us in Nicole's childhood and family life like 'Gone Home,' with lots of interesting documents and objects to examine, I think her revelations would have felt less out of left field.

The radio/phone/walkie talkie/whatever that is mechanic comes straight from 'Firewatch,' but I do not think it worked. Irving's explanation for communicating with Nicole rang false from the start, and Nicole trusts him far too quickly and easily. They had no chemistry, so I didn't root for their friendship. I spent the whole game noticing Irving's little tells that he wasn't as he seemed.

This game doesn't hide the fact that it's about an adult having a relationship with a minor. I expected some delving into this topic as Nicole grapples with her father's affair. However, I didn't expect the story to *excuse* the affair, let alone support it. The details we learn about Leonard and Rachel throughout the game made the entire relationship sound more abusive, not less, and yet both Nicole and Irving discuss it like they are star-crossed lovers who deserved a chance. I don't expect games to follow my moral compass (far from it usually), but it was just so weird to experience a game whose central theme and message was excusing abuse.
179 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 05:52
I play a lot of games of different genres. So a lot of times its kind of an experiment for me to try a game type I might not normally play.
Although like any art form, if it is done well then it will grab you and you will enjoy it.

I liked this game for an hour or two, exploring the different locations and what not. Liked the initial atmosphere and the setting.
The problem with this game is it doesn't give enough direction. You will see after while it's actually kind of linear. You have to take some clue in a round about way then figure out from that where you are supposed to go to trigger the next thing.

This is a weakness in the game design. Perhaps lack of feedback thus not tuned enough. Probably/apparently the flow of it is just fine for others. But then people like me that expect a certain level and don't have the patience to run back over the same places multiple times, etc., are not going to like it. The game design could have covered a broader range.

Also I wish a lot of the reviewers here would just STFU. How politically correct can you get? The virtue signaling is nauseating. Jumping on the PC wagon and virtue signaling does not a better person make. Putting a I♥Care ribbon on your window and preaching you are for this or that cause means nothing. You be a better person by..being a better person; it's starts with you.

Do you realize people used to get married in their early teens right here in America?
That is not to say I condone any kind of abuse. Tyrants, etc., bad people, are just bad.
Cut the crap!
677 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 05:57

Those who choose to stay in the past, rob themselves of both the present and the future.

The Suicide of Rachel Foster (TSoRF, from now on) has left me with a very lasting, yet ambiguous impression. An impression of a game that tried to be way more than it could. Let's be frank, ok? The game looks like an illegitimate child of 'Firewatch' and 'What Remains of Edith Finch', served as a haunted hotel ghost thriller. Calling this a horror would be incorrect in many ways. Well, maybe a Japanese-style horror. A lion's share of spooks come in the form of creaky floorboards, sudden ruckus, ghostly whispers, and general stress from 'being' alone in a giant empty hotel.

I won't talk much about the plot. It's weak enough as it is, so if I'll lay it out in front of you, there won't be any good reason for you to play the game. All I can say, it's not believable. The verdict such as this one is bad for the horror game and terrible for a detective story. The dead relative leaving the game's protagonist his estate is one of the oldest cliches in the book. But it still works, so fine. The snowfall trapping you inside with no connection to the outer world, but a strange phone with some clerk-guy on the other side. Now it gets more interesting! But... But! Now it becomes clear how 'B' this game is. Remember how good dialogs were in Firewatch? With charismatic and witty Delilah and multiple unique response choices? In TSoRF we get two-choice dialogs, that have no consequences in the future. They only determine how much of the jackass our heroine is. You can literally reach the dialogue moment, pick one answer, reload, and then pick the other one. You'll see that Irving's (the clerk-guy) lines won't change in most cases. That's an illusion of choice for ya!! And the voice acting is bad, really. It gets better in some game's sections, but generally, it's awkward and bland. The live-action bits weren't good either.

And the game also fails to deliver any interesting gameplay features. The power shutdown part was the best one in my opinion. But for the most part of the game, it's phone talks and backtracking all over the hotel. But man, that hotel... The art design is where the game really shines. Every room in this old crumbling mansion-like hotel feels very real, feels lived-in, feels... abandoned. And the absence of a player's marker on the maps helps makes you feel lost, which also adds it's thrill. First, two floors are the most lore-rich. But you'll have to extract this lore yourself. By reading notes, examining paintings, and other objects of interest. And most of them aren't interactable, which strikes me as an extremely imprudent game design. Yet, you can inspect pretty much every single one toothpaste tube and hair comb you'll wind along the way. That takes out all the exploratory drive and turns strolling around the hotel into a chore on your way to the mission point.

At the end, we get a game with an incoherent and poorly written story, beautiful but blank environments, little to none exploration, and weak spooks. An amateur's work. Racing after the Firewatch, What Remains of Edith Finch and Gone Home's success, The Suicide of Rachel Foster fails to deliver on all fronts. It's not a terrible game by any means. But neither a good one. I honestly regret pre-ordering it and advise you not to buy it at its full price. There are much better adventure games out there, but if you still decide to play TSoRF, then be real and don't get your hopes up.

4 Old Farting Ghosts / 10.
Won't play again.
206 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 22:09
The game is gorgeous. The ambiance is very spooky at times. The ending, however, is so terribly bad. AWFUL and unrealistic.
1478 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 21:52
This game is a story based walking simulator with some scary elements. There are a few secrets to discover as well as a dialogue selection, but it doesn't seem to have any influence on the story. Graphics and sound as well as the voice-over are very good. The game can entertain you for about four hours if you have a look at everything in detail.
414 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 17:23
A rather dark and disturbing story of a young woman dragged back in to a past she tried to forget. If 'walking simulators' (I prefer the term 'interactive story' - it's less demeaning) are your thing, The Suicide of Rachel Foster is up there with the best. Not only does it look gorgeous, but the sound is beautifully done, with ambient noise used to create atmosphere rather than music.
It may not be overly long, but I enjoyed the whole experience. It would make a very tense movie if the right actress was cast in the leading role.
Well worth the money in my book.
61 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 17:32
I you like games like Firewatch and Gone Home, then gof for it - The Suicide of Rachel Foster is your choice. It is not perfect, lacks originality but still an enjoyable experience. Lots of Life is Strange references in aesthetics and visuals, by the way.
23 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 16:44
Great, intense, scary story without stressing about fighting or survival! Gripping story, simple game mechanics! The audio was amazing! I kept taking my headphones off, thinking i heard something in my house! Very creepy!
82 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.20 05:27
I had to refund the game since it gave me severe motion sickness from the motion blur. The settings dont even allow you to turn it off, which they should implement.
46 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 12:04
The scariest part about this game was it's glorification of a pedophilic relationship.

-Very minor spoilers ahead-
This first half of this game is excellent. It has a very spooky setting and keeps a rather suspenseful tone throughout the first few hours of game play. Where this game begins to fall apart for me is when the story starts to be revealed. I am all for games that cover sensitive topics, but the way this game handled it's contents so poorly made for a morally gross gaming experience. This story had so much potential. It could have been about learning to appreciate the good in a person who has done awful things. It could have explored how religion treats victims of abuse. Hell, even about what happens when a family is torn apart by tragedy. Everything had been set up to delve into an emotionally harrowing and impactful story.

Rather than handle it's subject material with any kind of grace, The Suicide of Rachel Foster choose to tell a story romanticizing a sexual relationship between a 40 year old man and a 16 year old child with special needs.
697 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 15:28
Do not buy this game.

I like walking simulators, or whatever you want to call them. Clearly the developers played Firewatch, and What Remains of Edith Finch. Both of those games have excellent stories and simple mechanics that make them work.

The story of this game is hackneyed trash, that relies on dozens of plot holes. I am not invested in any of the characters. There is no reason to be. When you have to make your protagonist dumber than a box of hammers to make your plot work, your plot is bad.

There is no gameplay. This is the type of game that gives walking simulators a bad name. It's bland monologues over boring set pieces. There is nothing in this game I would recommend.

Do not buy this game. I played it you so you don't have to.
271 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.20 14:56
incredibly depressing but worth playing
1909 Produkte im Account
113 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 08:27
I bought this for 10$ on Humble, this review will reflect the price value of this game.

The voice acting and characters:
The laughing and extreme emotions are forced and you can tell, cringy laughing and crying. The whole romance thing with Nicole and Irving seems really offputting and to soon, sometimes just outright creepy. You've been there 3 days and already into pet names. Cringe factor 100

The atmosphere is great and if this was an actual horror game I'd of probably shit myself a few times. The background noises of creaks and knocks at times is so unsettling. 10/10 on creepy atmosphere

Too much and too little. There is a lot of story but its needless information between the 2 living persons like flirting. Often times I found myself at the next objective and spinning in a circle waiting for the story to catch up to me so I could progress. Sometimes I'd be stuck in a 10 minute conversation already ready to get on with the next chapter sighing wondering when Irving would just shutup already.

WHY is my framerate at 23fps but the game set to Ultra???!!!???
I saw it drop to 13fps sometimes, did you not know how to make framerates? Yeah ooh pretty scenery but my god the framerates suck.

Using a gamepad makes the turning painfully slow, if there was an enemy I'd of died a bajillion times to him because I couldn't turn quick enough to see what was hitting me.

One of the achievo's didn't pop even though I did all I was supposed to do to pop it.

It feels like a first attempt at a story driven action game after playing Finch and the creator got inspired. I hope this was a test and you[developer] will come back with a more polished presence and wow us with a better game in the future. For 10$ I feel this isn't worth it. Maybe 5$. There is no replay value except maybe going back to see if that achievo is forever locked. The outcome doesn't change per your choices on answers nor is there an alternate ending/ second ending. I took my time and got lost for a good half hour and beat the game in 3 and a half hours. I vote no on this for 10$, 5$ and its worth a grab.

Though great ambiance and atmosphere.
76 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 01:17
This game promotes and tries to excuse sexual child abuse by an older man with the teenage daughter of a friend, saying it was love (as in Lolita). All told, there were some pretty creepy things going on by all involved. I regret now that I supported this sort of point of view by buying the game.
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
560 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 21:41
If you like wandering alone in spooky abandoned places like I do, this game is definitely for you! Loved the graphics and the atmosphere.
185 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 07:22
I rarely leave a review of a game, however after playing this tonight with my wife I felt compelled to at least add to the warnings of other like minded people. Please know before playing this game that it somewhat romanticizes pedophilia and also provides an opportunity for the player to commit suicide. I felt like neither of those things were handled well by the studio responsible for this game.

With that being said, if you decide to buy it, at least you know what you are getting into...
271 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.20 16:06
Short review:

The suicide of rachel foster is an exploration based walking simulator with a story to unravel. This is not a horror game (it kinda looks like it from outside) but it has a huge potential to be one. My opinion: There is a 3-4 hour of story and like a hundred small pieces of elements to investigate in the game. The environment is a hotel with around 20-25 rooms and 5-6 main blocks to discover and explore. There is an average quality voice acting. There is no music :) This game does not need to be a horror game after all. It is worth its price. There is very similar non horror game to this one. It is called What Remains of Edith Finch.

Longer review:

Well despite 3-4 hours of gameplay this one has quite depth in the story since it goes way back into the past and has untied loose ends. You will play as Nicole in the game and you are the owner of the hotel that your family owned in the past and now they are gone. You are assigned to sell it but there are some stuff to do like inspections or deciding what to keep and what to give away. The game immediately begins with exploration emphasis but it still has a linear storyline and guides you though it.

You will be talking to a person on the phone about the situation and after some time you will realize there is a mystery in the hotel. This is the point where it gets you to think this is a horror game. It is somewhat scary at time but mostly it is not that much. There is this girl Rachel Foster who has committed suicide (this is not a spoiler, look at the games name, duh...) and you will end up doubting if this is the whole truth. Told you it is a linear story.

After this point, the investigation and exploration becomes interesting and the more details you discover, the more story you will witness. You will be going around like crazy most of the time. There are lots of chatter on the walkie talkie to listen. There is no music in the game. It is about the story that you will uncover.

The hotel you are roaming inside is an old mountain hotel and you are stuck inside. The ambience of the hotel is somewhat scary because you are the only person walking around. This is why this game has a huge potential to be a great horror game. Even with the same hotel and interior design and decorations. The visual quality is above average but there are not details to graphics settings. My GTX 1660 Super is a beast that is crumbling under the weight of the epic settings of the game. That means not very well optimized. There is also a head movement while walking (i think it is called bobbing) and people are complaining about it. So beware.

After this point i would have to give away spoilers so i stop here. If you played and liked Edith Finch you will definitely like this one too. If you don't like walking around and discovering stories, this is not for you. But i think the game deserves a thumbs up with this price.
47 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 18:17
Okay, i'm a fan of walking simulators like what remains of edith finch, the vanishing of ethan carter, firewatch, etc. So it was my mistake to see this game so cheaply and hitting the marks in the tags of walking simulator, horrorish, adventure, etc. and not check the reviews or to be honest the trailer.


What I like of those games are the stories, i'm a sucker for good storytelling.... And this.... At the start I didn't think too much other than agreeing with Claire's choice of leaving her husband and thought that perhaps that background story wasn't too important and was just to set up the mood, because those things do happen in real life, and focus perhaps in discovering that your dad was a horrible person with many secrets regarding abuse or the like towards minors. Discovering a true predator and perhaps things that happen to the MC in this aspect with her dad being the monster of the story and her blocking all of that abuse she may had experienced in her younger days and Rachel serving as a way to realize that, being a fellow victim, and well, just go that way.


And if Rachel was so mature for her age as they try to claim, why was her room so child-like? Was that a sort of fetish from part of MC's father?

Also, the story let out a lot of loose ends that don't make a lot of sense, for example, why did Rachel was so angry with MC? From I can tell, MC just was jealous of Rachel when they were young and then hated her for destroying her family.


From what I get, MC never bullied Rachel during their time alive or perhaps I missed something there, I understand Rachel feeling a grudge or hate towards Claire but whyyyy the MC? Also why would Claire plot everything to murder Rachel and covering it all up (Because it seems planned and not a crime of passion/in the heat of the moment per se) just to reveal the relationship anyways? Rachel parents seemed the type to take action against what was happening, so she just needed to reveal their affair and have police place Leonard in prison. Also, if what happen became public, why on earth was Leonard a free man? Perhaps he wasn't a murderer but I see why he could still be charged for getting an underage girl pregnant.
181 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 18:37
Amazing game! Outstanding storytelling, solid graphics, and most horror games could learn a thing or two about setting an ambience from this one (I got more nervous playing this than half of the horror games I've played, and that's saying something). The voice acting also deserves some praise, it feels natural and agreeable.

I feel I need to defend the game a bit here in light of the various negative reviews. Reviewers claiming the story romanticises suicide and other events have totally missed the mark here.. This isn't supposed to be a righteous after-school special, it has no agenda and no lesson to teach you, simply a story to tell. Empathising and seeing things through someone else's eyes, how they feel and think, is not romanticising, and it's unsettlingly simplistic to see things this way (I mean seriously, were you expecting a Disney movie?). Understanding mindsets, even of that of criminals or psychopaths, is not validating those people's acts, and if it was then the storytelling world would be a very cruel place, and a very black-and-white one at that.

This is a great game that has a challenging, deeply emotional story to give.
1387 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 03:12
A creepy atmospheric experience with no jump-scares. One of those stories that just gets more and more interesting as it goes, and had my heart beating fast for long periods.
At one point I was stuck as I was supposed to solve a riddle but I wondered away from where the game wanted me to go and I just got lost, but instead of looking up a solution I just restarted the in-game day as I really didn't want to disconnect from the game, I was so into it. It has to be a while before a game has grabbed my attention like that.
When I restarted the day I noticed there was a butterfly that directly shows you the path you need to go, I don't know how I missed it the first time, probably because I was just so addicted to exploring the hotel and seeing different objects and new dialogue that show up from day-to-day.
Just like in Firewatch you are speaking with the same person on the phone throughout the whole game. If you have affinity for walking sims like that this is definitely something to consider.
124 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 18:52
Not as good as Firewatch or What Remains of Edith Finch but it's a decent walking simulator with an interesting story, amazing atmosphere & voice acting.
186 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 03:25
Had I waited a bit longer post-launch to find that the basis of this story gives impunity and a sympathetic glow to a pedophile I would not have purchased this game. Normally walking simulators are no-brainer buys for me to enjoy in small chunks of spare time, but now this one's given me reason to take pause. And I think potential buyers who may be as easily put off by this as I am should be given fair warning in some way. (And to put it out there, no, I do not care what the age of consent is in Montana. Your age ends in '-teen'? You are a child.)

For all the impressive graphical detail put into items and the layout of the hotel, the excellent voice talent and ambiance that provides my kind of no-jump-scare-anywhere horror, I just can't bring myself to give this a thumbs up. If this is all that it takes to impress you (and there's nothing wrong with that) then you will still enjoy the game despite its themes. But aside from the thinly veiled acceptance of pedophilia, I want to make a point that what walking simulators lack in interaction and stimulation compared to other genres, it's important that a solid, cohesive story take the spotlight. And frankly I don't think this story even knows what it's about. It tries very hard to stay a ghostly mystery and keep you guessing with clues that point in different directions just up until the end where they turn into a long row of question marks and smoke.

In the end, all I can really say is there are better titles out there more worthy of the $20 price tag and your time.
501 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 10:10
The Suicide of Rachel Foster has a narrow focus but still ends up being a decent walking simulator. The Timberline hotel is a good size and initially fascinating to explore. It has multiple routes and some interesting hidden corners. While the environment is detailed, there is not quite enough density to keep it exciting for the entire 3-4 hours. Most of the story is told via chats with Irving on the phone, and he helps uncover secrets about a teenager that killed herself years ago. The tone shifts towards horror, but it is not scary. If the game wasn’t so afraid to terrify its audience, it could have used its few tools even better and dived deeper into the gloomy story it sets in motion. If you like the idea of Gone Home mixed with Firewatch, including some of the issues from both titles, then The Suicide of Rachel Foster has plenty of empty guest rooms.

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141 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 22:55
Game Completed

Review: I sadly cannot recommend that you purchase and put your time into this. It is an overall beautifully crafted game with an amazing atmosphere, sound-track, audio, visuals and voice acting. Sadly, without spoilers, the game has very bad endings that do not bring proper closure to the many characters. On top of all of this, the developers do not to a good job of fleshing out some characters and the potential of the setting. I am happy to say I was invested into the main and secondary character (The voice acting was exceptional), unfortunately this brings me back to the ending and prior points.

Rating (1 - 5 Scale): 3 ━ Average with no recommendation
393 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 20:46
Scooby-Doo level plot writing
115 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 07:43
First off, this has been one of the best games I've played in a while. Story wise is went above and beyond what you would expect from an indie title like this. Secondly the atmosphere was incredibly scary and foreboding most of the game. The graphics were gorgeous. I highly recommend this game to anyone thats a fan of games like Life is Strange, What Remains of Edith Finch, or Gone Home.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
68.02% 1727 812
Release:19.02.2020 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: ONE-O-ONE GAMES Vertrieb: Daedalic Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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