• The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.
  • The Subject: Screen zum Spiel The Subject.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.11.2018
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Preis Update 17.01.25

Über das Spiel

Im Jahr 2194 hat die Menschheit die gesamte Galaxie besiedelt. Mit der Ausweitung unserer Existenz wurde die Kriminalität in den Weiten des Weltraums immer schwieriger zu kontrollieren. Infolgedessen wurden strengere Gesetze erlassen. Der Versuch der Regierung das Problem damit in den Griff zu bekommen hatte aber nicht den gewünschten Effekt. Nicht einmal eine größere Polizei oder aggressivere Vorgehensweisen konnten etwas erreichen. Die allgemeine Bevölkerung möchte sich nur sicher fühlen, da das aber nicht gegeben war, gingen die Geburten zurück und die Bevölkerung find an zu schrumpfen. Gleichzeitig nahmen die vollständig kommerziell betriebenen Gefängnissysteme Gestalt an.

Fast einhundert Jahre später, es ist das Jahr 2290, ist die Inhaftierung an der Tagesordnung. Es wurde ein blindes Vertrauen in das kommerzielle Justizsystem gesetzt, das normale Menschen, wegen den kleinsten Straftaten, zu mehreren Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt und damit eine massive Kluft zwischen der Vorstellung von Gefangenen und normalen Menschen auslöst. Hunderte von Gefängnissen kommen jährlich hinzu.

Die Abwertung des Lebens von Häftlingen und die massive Überbevölkerung der Gefängnisse führten zu einem Auktionssystem, bei dem man Gefangene zu jedem Zweck kaufen kann, ohne dass man dabei mit rechtlichen Problemen rechnen müsste.

Du wurdest in der neusten Massenbestellung von Häftlingen für BioMass Labs erworben und wirst zu Studienzwecken in Kohate zum Shuttleservice gebracht. Über die Details der Studie sind keine Informationen bekannt.

Du wurdest in einen schwarzen Sack gepackt und in eine Transportshuttle verladen. Jetzt ist es nur noch eine Frage der Zeit, bis die Polizei dich in die Hände des Unternehmens entlässt.

Ein Science-Fiction-Puzzlespiel, das eine Kombination aus klassischen Puzzle-Abenteuerspielen mit Horrorelementen und visueller Ästhetik von Sci-Fi aus den frühen 80er Jahren kombiniert.

Du musst lernen, wie du durch den riesigen Komplex navigieren kannst, ohne dich zu verirren. Du musst zu verschiedenen Testräumen gelangen und Gegenstände sammeln, die für den Fortschritt im Labyrinth erforderlich sind.

Du wirst von den Wissenschaftlern überwacht und musst regelmäßig an Biodatenterminal aufsuchen, um deine Vital-und andere Daten für die Protokollierung aufzuzeichnen. Wenn du das nicht tust, droht dir die Euthanization.

  • Rätsel
  • Sammlung
  • Zwangloser Modus
  • Twitch-Integration
  • Heimlich
  • Überleben


  • CPU: 2 GHz or higher
  • GFX: GeForce 730 or equivalent
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: 3 GHz or higher
  • GFX: GeForce 970 or equivalent
  • RAM: 6 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
56 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 18:41
Great concept but the puzzles you have to solve at each hall are incredibly difficult and tedious. Takes away from any desire to continue playing when you've spent 3 hours on one puzzle trying to figure out what to do, clicking the same thing repeatedly.
505 Produkte im Account
167 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 16:39
Annoying game, had potential with an awesome atmosphere and fun puzzles but ruined by terrible navigation. I even played on casual mode and it was still annoying as fuck, I missed a read circuit somewhere and could not find it after an hour of running through the same shit over and over again. I can’t imagine being in this position topped with a creature up your ass. FUCK THIS GAME.
274 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 03:27
There really isn't much to The Subject beyond what you experience in the first hour. Puzzles, a monster, and occasional steam blasts from vents. The puzzle are okay with a few memorable ones near the end, but I can't recommend this game to anyone. It's just not worth the time. Mostly you will just be wandering around halls trying to find how to progress to the next puzzle and then backtracking after you meet the monster -- you either die or go long the long way around.
725 Produkte im Account
168 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.19 02:59
Beautifully designed environment and a poorly designed monster and monster mechanics. When the monster catches you it is insta kill. Also, the only way to temporarly hide from it is to hide in a proper hiding spot. Most of the puzzles will require you to roam and get lost in dark corridors while searching for countless switches. It is a bit scary at first, but it gets boring fast.

Although I had the game video quality maxed out and had a good framerate, I had problems with the antialiasing. It was enabled but it just didn't look like it actually was.

Regardless of the AA problem, the game was not very fun to play so far and I would not recommend it to others.
528 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
66 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.19 19:18
If it wasn't for the stupid AI monster interrupting your puzzling every 5 seconds, this game would be a decent puzzler.
72 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.18 02:24
I beat The Subject in 56 minutes and it was highly enjoyable to rise above the game. I love extending the bounds of the game and my stream had a blast watching me figure out how to do each puzzle outside of the box. Also being able to fly is fantastic! Cheers!
249 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.18 09:23
I have attempted this game twice from the beginning. I was able to get further on my second attempt but once that creature is released my heart was racing.

Overall: Isolated feeling of dread then scared you are not alone.

Quick answer: Worth buying for good puzzles and a good setup for horror. Recommended for its price which currently is 11.49 CAD. I did get it on sale for 20% off because it was discounted on launch.

The Creature is not as scary in the light as in the dark but that is true of almost every monster in any movie or game. It could use a little more texturing. Still better designed than many other creatures in similar games. His scream and his running animation ramped up the fear. My heart was pounding even after I died.

More detail:
The backstory is enough to go on for the premise.

Gameplay starts off with instructions over a speaker so you feel like you are in a lived in place. Then you enter a seemingly empty station. You will feel alone.

The puzzles are challenging but solvable like the myst games. You will get an idea of what you need to do then you need to go look for the solution.

You have to save every once in a while or you will die. The stations are not too far away so no problem. Except when the abomination is set loose. Then you are hiding from it like the Xenomorph in Alien Isolation. Only now you have to get to save stations or you auto die. The creature got me and I jumped. The second run I was curious to see if I could hide. I was successful a couple of times but fear made me panic.

The voice acting is decent, the puzzles are challenging and the threat of murder or auto death keeps you on the move.
One puzzle clue was reminscent of Clockwork Orange which was a nice touch. Also the at least the codes you need to discover do generate per playthrough so if you do survive to the end there is replay value and you can't just meorize every puzzle answer.

If you are looking for good challenging puzzles mixed with some fear like Alien Isolation then I would recommend The Subject.
680 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.18 19:31
I went into ‘The Subject’ with a very loose understanding of what I was going to be getting myself into. I got the understanding that it was a horror puzzle game set in space and the price was good for the amount of playtime these games typically provide. So I started up the stream, loaded my game, and rolled up my sleeves.

My first attempt at the game was bittersweet. I got past the first main puzzle and was rushing to perform my check-in, which is something you must do before your character is euthanized. Steps from the console I needed to activate, I ran out of time and was killed. Not realizing I had to manually save in this build of the game, I was put back on the main menu and prompted to start a new game. According to the developer it was since patched in that you save when you use the check-in terminals. Regardless, I loaded back in. Ready to accept the challenge from the beginning.

The second playthrough went a lot better and resulted in me beating the game and the only gripe I had was that I wanted to play some more. What’s there of a story is pretty good. It’s not a very in your face story but more of a subtle tale that unfolds naturally as if you were actually the character in the game experiencing these insane events. It’s definitely a shorter game. Depending on your puzzling skills, it could take you somewhere between 2-4 hours to beat. However, I do feel like there is some replay-ability. A few achievements promote challenge runs that I think would be fun to try.

Running from a monster in a maze is a big part of getting between the puzzles, but the real game is in solving the puzzles. There are four main puzzle rooms in the game consisting of one puzzle each. Depending on your skills these could either be really easy or not so much, but all of them bring a different style of puzzles to the table and kept me excited to see what was next. You also have some things to solve outside of the main rooms in order to open locked doors and discover secret areas, easter eggs, etc. The maze that connects all the rooms is pretty well designed and even when I thought I knew my way around, I was still getting lost. Furthermore, I would turn a corner see my big monster friend and have to book it in the opposite direction getting even more lost. Navigating and finally finding the door you have been looking for was always a wonderful mini-victory.

This being the first full game created by the dev, a team of one, it definitely has its rougher spots. But compared to most indie horror games that I play it was definitely among the more polished. The dev is actively updating this game almost daily at times and listening to players feedback.

Bottom line, for the price you really can’t go wrong if this type of game appeals to you as it does to me. If you like games like Alien Isolation or are just a fan of puzzles, tension, and horror games, you’ll definitely find some fun here. In my opinion, if this is the first game DarkStone is putting out, future releases can only get better and I’m excited to see and play those games in the future. If you’re still on the fence, watch some of a stream or look up a YouTube video, but I highly suggest going into this as blind as possible as to not spoil the puzzles or the atmosphere for yourself.`
38 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.18 08:14
Such a well made horror game!! Recommend it to anyone who is interested in horror and puzzle games. I love the animations and look of this game. 10/10
58 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.18 18:45
Hmm. Nice looking game. Nice atmosphere. An options to invert the Y-axes. Great.
But no possibility to remap the keys?!
Why? On an azerty-keyboard it's no fun to use the asdw-system when your w-key is just above the left-alt-key.
Please add an option to allow remapping of keys
96 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.18 22:29
Playing The Subject is an intense, fun, and challenging experience. From the tutorial to the end game you have to think about the way to solve ever changing puzzles and discover useful patterns. Some of these puzzles do take time to understand and figure out. The key is to not get frustrated, and keep track of your health/battery life. If the puzzles in the game were not challenging enough, there is also a creature hunting you down in what appears to be a sci-fi labyrinth of art reminiscent of 1980's science fiction.

It can be extremely satisfying to figure out a puzzle and move on to the next part of the game. I know in my playthoughs I have experience moments of great fear when finding a dead end with the creature right behind me. The ambience and sounds help to create a feeling anxiety. Not only do the visuals aid in that damp dark sci fi experience but the audio really immerses you into the game.

The first playthrough can be daunting and expect to fail many times which result in the game starting over. Eventually you will make it to the end. I still have yet to find all the easter eggs and secrets in the game. There is still plenty to figure out even after you beat it.

If you are looking for a fun game to play alone, or on stream, then give this a shot. Great experience 9/10 will play again.
Logo for The Subject
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
75.56% 34 11
Release:30.11.2018 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: DarkStone Digital Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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