• The Solitaire Conspiracy: Screen zum Spiel The Solitaire Conspiracy.
  • The Solitaire Conspiracy: Screen zum Spiel The Solitaire Conspiracy.
  • The Solitaire Conspiracy: Screen zum Spiel The Solitaire Conspiracy.
  • The Solitaire Conspiracy: Screen zum Spiel The Solitaire Conspiracy.
  • The Solitaire Conspiracy: Screen zum Spiel The Solitaire Conspiracy.
  • The Solitaire Conspiracy: Screen zum Spiel The Solitaire Conspiracy.
  • The Solitaire Conspiracy: Screen zum Spiel The Solitaire Conspiracy.
  • The Solitaire Conspiracy: Screen zum Spiel The Solitaire Conspiracy.
  • The Solitaire Conspiracy: Screen zum Spiel The Solitaire Conspiracy.
  • The Solitaire Conspiracy: Screen zum Spiel The Solitaire Conspiracy.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 06.10.2020
Zum Shop
Preis Update 09.04.24
The Solitaire Conspiracy
  • Plattform: PC
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Preis Update

Über das Spiel

Geh aufs Ganze in einer Hightechwelt

Protego, der führende Geheimdienst der Welt, ist zerstört worden. Nur eine einzige Person kann jetzt noch das System C.A.R.D.S. nutzen, um die Kontrolle über Protegos rund um den Globus verteilte Spionageteams zu übernehmen und die Welt zu retten.

Und diese Person bist du.

Unter Anleitung des einzigen Protego noch verbleibenden Analysten, Jim Ratio (Greg Miller), musst du die einzigartigen Fähigkeiten der verschiedenen Teams nutzen und so diese ganz besondere taktische Version von Solitaire meistern. Bring deine Teams in einer Geschichte zurück ins Trockene, in der du wirklich niemandem trauen solltest. Bewahre in einer Welt voller KI-Spione und kybernetisch verbesserter Agenten einen kühlen Kopf.

Sobald du die Kontrolle über Protego vollständig wiedererlangt hast, kannst du im Skirmish-Modus so lange du willst weiterspielen; oder stelle dein Können in Countdown – ein Überlebensmodus, in dem du die taktische Tiefe des Spiels bis aufs Letzte ausschöpfen musst – unter Zeitdruck auf die Probe.

  • Dank drei verschiedener Modi ist dies der bisher größte Bithell Short! Die Kampagne erzählt eine detailreiche Geschichte und stellt die Mechaniken des Spiels vor. Countdown stellt deine Ausdauer mit Welle um Welle von einzigartigen Decks auf die Probe, während du in Skirmish so lange du willst mit allen freigeschalteten Teams spielen kannst.
  • Wunderschönes Charakter-Artwork und ein atmosphärisches Design werden dich voll und ganz in diese Cyberpunk-Verschwörung hineinziehen.
  • Kein erlesenes Solitaire-Spiel wäre vollständig ohne FMV-Zwischensequenzen, in denen Greg Miller und Inel Tomlinson in einer Geschichte der Macher von Thomas Was Alone, Volume, Subsurface Circular und John Wick Hex auftreten.
  • Der Soundtrack des Spiels stammt von Jon Everist (Battletech, Shadowrun: Hong Kong, Shadowrun: Dragonfall).

Ist das hier ein Solitaire-Spiel?
Eigentlich schon. The Solitaire Conspiracy wurde durch eine Solitaire-Variante namens Streets and Alleys inspiriert, wobei wir aber einige kleine Anpassungen vorgenommen und die von der Kartenfarbe abhängigen Fähigkeiten hinzugefügt haben. Die Kampagne und der Skirmish-Modus (in dem du deine eigenen Kartenfarben und Fähigkeiten auswählen kannst) können von dir ganz in Ruhe angegangen werden, wann auch immer es dir passt. Im Countdown-Modus kannst du dein Können mit ausgewählten Fähigkeiten gegen die Uhr unter Beweis stellen. Der Wiederspielwert dieses Spiels ist also sehr hoch.

Gibt es Mikrotransaktionen?
Nein. Uns ist sehr wohl bewusst, dass einige Spieler vielleicht erwarten, dass bei einem Kartenspiel wie dem unseren Mikrotransaktionen vorhanden sind, mit denen Freischaltungen, Geschwindigkeitsboni oder ästhetische Anpassungen erworben werden können. Dies wird bei unserem Spiel keineswegs der Fall sein. Möglicherweise werden wir in Zukunft einen coolen DLC für das Spiel programmieren und für diesen dann auf klassische Weise Geld verlangen, aber für doppelte EP oder ein supertolles neues Farbschema oder so etwas verlangen wir keine Bezahlung.

Ist dieses Spiel ein Bithell Short der „Circular“-Reihe?
Nein. Während es sich bei unseren bisherigen Bithell Shorts (Subsurface Circular und Quarantine Circular) um neue Variationen des klassischen Textadventures handelte, ist The Solitaire Conspiracy ein Solitaire-Spiel mit einem ganz eigenen Dreh. Das Erzählen von Geschichten und das Erschaffen von neuen Welten steht bei uns allerdings immer im Mittelpunkt, also enthält auch dieses Spiel eine vollständige Hintergrundgeschichte, die per Full-Motion Video (FMV) erzählt wird. Wir haben uns dafür entschieden, den Namen „Bithell Shorts“ zu verwenden, um damit zu verdeutlichen, dass das Spiel gleichermaßen kompakt wie auch originell ist. Vielen Dank für die anhaltende Unterstützung dieser kleineren Experimente zwischen unseren größeren Projekten!

Wenn dieses Spiel so „kurz“ ist, was hält mich davon ab, es schnell durchzuspielen und dann zurückzugeben?
Bei The Solitaire Conspiracy handelt es sich um unseren dritten Bithell Short. Unsere vorherigen beiden Spiele, Subsurface Circular und Quarantine Circular wurden gerade einmal in 2 % aller Fälle wieder vom Käufer zurückgegeben. Die Spieler auf Steam haben uns damit klar zu verstehen gegeben, dass sie verstehen, wie viel Arbeit in unsere Spiele einfließt, und dass sie sehr wohl bereit sind, für Spiele zu zahlen, die ihnen Spaß bereiten. Vielen Dank dafür.

Sollte ich andere Bithell Shorts gespielt haben, um Spaß mit diesem Spiel zu haben?
Nicht im Geringsten. The Solitaire Conspiracy unterscheidet sich grundlegend von Subsurface Circular und Quarantine Circular. Es erzählt eine abgeschlossene Geschichte in einer Welt voller Spionage und Intrigen. Allerdings teilen sich unsere Spiele dasselbe Universum, also könnt ihr damit rechnen, dass einige alte Bekannte vielleicht Erwähnung finden.


  • CPU: 1.4 GHz Intel Core i5
  • GFX: Integrated
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

449 Produkte im Account
242 Reviews
181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 10:11

The Solitaire Conspiracy

???? Story

Ihr schlüpft in die Rolle eines Geheimagenten der gerade frisch rekrutiert wurde. Die größte Geheimagentenorganisation wurde von einem bösen Genie lahmgelegt ihr sollt dieser Gruppierung wieder auf die Beine helfen.

Auch wenn die Darsteller ihre Rollen recht gut spielen bleibt die Story leider sehr öde. Was vor allem daran liegt, dass ein Solitaire Spiel sicherlich nicht das geeigneteste ist um eine spannende Agentengeschichte zu erzählen. Zudem sind die Twists absolut vorhersehbar, sodass auch wenig Spannung aufkommt.

???? Gameplay

Dafür hat das Spiel einige Zusatzregeln zum normalen Solitaire was etwas frischen Wind in dieses Spiel bringt. So wie im normalen Solitaire geht es darum, die auf dem Spielfeld liegenden Karten auf Stappeln zu ordnen, vom Ass, über die Zahlenkarten bis hin zum König. Dafür müssen die auf 8 Stapeln verteilten Karten immer wieder verschoben und neu angeordnet werden, damit man auch an die Karten heran kommt, die man für die Abbaustappel legen muss.

Da es maximal 4 Abbaustappel gibt, ist die Anzahl der Karten auf dem Spielfeld recht überschaubar und meist gut zu händeln. Allerdings gibt es nicht die bekannte Herz, Karo/Schellen, Kreuz/Eichel und Pik/Grün Symbole. Das Spiel verwendet dafür 12 verschiedene „Agententeams“ mit verschiedenen Farben und Symbolen.

Schwierigkeit kommt durch die neuen Regeln. Bube, Dame und König jedes Teams haben Fähigkeiten. Diese werden aktiviert, sobald das zu ihnen gehörende Ass auf dem Ablagestappel landet. Um die Fähigkeit dann zu nutzen muss man eine der 3 Karten auf einen der Spielstapel legen. Je nach Team wird dann der Stappel durchmischt, nach einem speziellen Prinzip geordnet, Karten abgelegt und vieles mehr.

Neben der Kampagne, die man auch als Kampagne+ spielen kann, wodurch man ein Zuglimit hat, kann man sich noch in 2 weiteren Spielmodi amüsieren. In „Skirmish“ sucht man sich einfach nur 1 bis 4 Teams heraus und baut dann die 4 Ablagestappel auf. In Modus „Countdown“ beginnt man damit einen Stapel abzubauen um in die nächste Runde zu kommen. Im Laufe der Runden kommen dann weitere Stappel hinzu, bis es letztlich 4 sind. Zudem beginnt man in Runde 1 mit 60 Sekunden Zeit. Diese tickt kontinuirlich herunter. Durch das Abbauen der Karten kann man Zeit zurück gewinnen, aber dieser Zugewinn nimmt auch im Laufe der Runden ab.

???? Grafik & ???? Sound

Die Karten sehen zwar ganz gut aus, vor allem die Bilder der Agenten. Aber die farblichen Unterschiede sind teilweise zu gering und die Symbole zu klein, was die Unterscheidung schwerer macht als bei den klassischen Solitaire Karten. Die Filme in den Kampagnen sind gut gemacht und auch voll vertont, aber da die Geschichte wie gesagt nicht so viel hermacht nicht wirklich wichtig. Ansonsten gibt es nicht viel zu sehen oder zu hören.

????‍♂️ Fazit

Ja, ein gutes Spiel, welches man sich gönnen kann aber definitiv nicht für den aktuellen Preis von 10€. Wer Solitaire mag kann hier im Sale zuschlagen, ansonsten sollte man wohl eher die Finger davon lassen. Immerhin handelt es sich um ein Spiel, welches standartmäßig auf jedem Windows PC mit drauf ist und das schon seit locker 20 Jahren. Auch wenn die Neuerungen gut sind und Spaß machen rechtfertigt dies nicht, diesen Preis und sonst hat das Spiel leider nicht so viel zu bieten.

Wenn euch die Review gefallen/geholfen hat dann folgt doch unserem Reviewprogramm und wenn ihr mir etwas zu dieser Review mitteilen wollt dann schreibt gerne in die Kommentare.

Das Spiel wurde der GGC für Reviewzwecke zur Verfügung gestellt.
402 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 08:57
Great stuff, very very polished. Cant wait to play more.
235 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 03:46
Solitaire with abilities and other little gimmicks. A lot of fun if u like Solitaire :3
5115 Produkte im Account
2665 Reviews
40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 22:26

While not the best core solitaire gameplay all the surrounding style more than makes up for the gaps providing an overall delightful narrative experience.
2421 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 14:45
Solitaire 2: bigger, better, and more addictive than cocaine
50 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 11:30
Wonderful solitaire ! <3
451 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 01:43
Mission Impossible meets Solitaire.
The best version of Solitaire I've ever played.
543 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
463 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 18:42
This is a phone game with fancy graphics.
I am level god knows what on MS solitaire, so this seemed like a good game for me.
the concept, story and abilities of face cards is really cool. the problem is it is short, progression doesn't feel super impactful, and the rule changes bug me/

Honestly itd be alright if it was much cheaper, and they kept more rules, such as suit stacking, or more strict number rules.

Overall, cool idea poor execution, not super high replay value, especially on PC
135 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 11:53
The developer of this game has somehow made Solitaire interesting with a story about espionage, and some really cool UI colours. I've been playing Solitaire for 5 hours, haven't done that since the Windows 95 era. Good job developer looking forward to your projects in the future. Maybe make Rummy into a game with an alien invasion as the story lol.
1950 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 05:47
Solitaire but with a slick coat of graphics and style. Not too hard to finish the story and get all the achievements. A little short and seems like they could have maybe done more with the player choosing the teams he/she uses rather than what seemed like them randomly assigned for each mission. But had fun playing it without thinking too hard.
578 Produkte im Account
182 Reviews
214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 15:04
There are enough spy stories material to fuel the next 10 James Bond movies.

oh, and there's a nice solitaire game as a bonus :)
631 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 14:21
It's a polished solitaire variant that had just the right amount of challenge to keep me interested. I enjoyed playing through the quick campaign and coming back to it from time to time when I want a light solitaire fix.
35 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 06:08
Relaxing game
512 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 19:32
The only reason for a negative review here is if you are not familiar with Solitaire. Yes, guys, it is played with cards. Any talk of lack of content should also be dismissed. Once you reach higher levels in the admittedly short campaign, you unlock different ways to play the game, including timed runs and competing for high scores against other players on the net.

No hand is the same. If you don't like your hand, just restart the hand and the game will draw you a new, completely random one, just like playing with a deck of cards. The only fixed runs are the ones with turn limits, which are optional. I am planning to tackle those once I finish the campaign and hopefully have learned enough to beat them.

The strategy involving the powers of the face cards of the various factions is complex and rewarding, the presentation is top notch - stable and slick - and the live acting is fun and doesn't take itself too seriously. This is hands down (pun intended) the most fun I have ever had playing Solitaire, and a must-buy for fans of the genre.
81 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 14:39
This is a great solitaire-style card game that incorporates special abilities by activating unique factions. The game plays as expected, but the special abilities add a lot of tactical challenge and requires thought on how to proceed. The campaign is short, but there are other challenges and skirmishes that extends replayability.
40 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
683 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 18:07
Exciting plots and immersive strategies. Taking mainstream solitaire concept to new heights. Get it if you find yourself mindlessly playing windows solitaire just because it's there; you will agree that Solitaire Conspiracy is a whole new league!
590 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
71 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 12:16
A fun take on Solitaire with gorgeous art and presentation. Love the character designs and story, too.
341 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 17:33
I don't spend a lot of time with Solitaire games, but they do fill a niche, and I have a few. Most of them are quick, and for the single deck games tend to be the most interesting and tight. They don't tend to bog down like a lot of the two deck solitaire games do.
But none are as interesting as this game. It is definitely a solitaire card game, but in a class of its own. I love the back story, the graphics, and the ingenious use of the face cards to create characters with special abilities. It is a great thinking game that rewards you for efficient strategy. And you can if you wish, play the game a little on the lighter side if playing against the limited number of moves option. In fact, I liked the game more, as I played it further along. 10/10
363 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 19:18
This game is really stylish take on Solitaire. It's got gorgeous art and great music. I didn't think that the story (which is presented via FMV every time you level up), was anything special, and I found myself skipping them more often than not.

I'm not sure the price tag is worth it if you aren't going to be into the daily challenge modes. I don't think I will dig into them, I have enough other stuff to play. I could see it being a good apertif between playing other games though. It's a lukewarm recommendation. Maybe wait for a sale?
400 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 22:42
Yeah it's good. It's way less boring than regular Solitaire, there's variety each time you start a new game.
It's better if you go for the Plus modes otherwise it's a tad too easy.
And Greg Miller says you are a badass from time to time so, yeah go for it.
395 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 22:31
Game Spoilers below

- there is no relation between the game mechanics and the story
The game says that there are groups performing several different actions during the stages, but nothing actually shows for you; it's up to your imagination

- all the levels are basically the same
The only thing that changes is the number of suits used at the same time. There's no difficulty changes, game overs or twists on the gameplay - is the same solitaire game from beginning to the end

- the game ends up abruptly
During the game are some 'teasers' saying that something will happen when you reach out level 15.
Well, it does: the credits roll, meaning that the game is over. No final boss, choices, nothing: just credits

And the videos are kinda lame.
457 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 23:09
I've played a bunch of solitaire games on Steam, and while I can't say The Solitaire Conspiracy is the most anything - not the most challenging, not the most creative, not the most innovative - it's so well put-together as a package that I absolutely have to recommend it, and with a roadmap for even more content coming, it's going to keep getting better.

The core of the game is simple; four suits scattered across a board. Move cards on the top of any given pile onto another one of higher value to reach what you need, try to build the suits in the centre from ace to king. You can see every card's location from the very start, and consequently you won't ever have to actually bank on RNG to save you. Every face card (jack, queen, king) has a special single-use ability determined by its suit, which you can use to get yourself out of a sticky situation. That's it, that's the game. From the first level to the last, regardless of difficulty, the basic rules of playing TSC will stay the same.

And yet, it remains compelling for hours.

Though some of the cards' abilities bring some RNG to the equation, it's minimal and the player can manipulate it to their advantage. Being able to see every card from the get-go leaves you creating plans and strategies, adapting them, and seeing the level change from an indicipherable mess to something you've brought under your control, while the soundtrack changes on the fly as you progress. There's a distinct feeling of 'coolness' to playing The Solitaire Conspiracy. I've always felt like I was the reason for all my victories, never like I was at the mercy of RNG like so many other solitaire variants on Steam. And of course, the slightly cheesy FMV cutscenes always felt like a great little reward.

I've spent 6.4 hours so far on the campaign, some dabbling in the challenging survival mode, and the first DLC campaign to recruit a new suit, The Merry. With more DLC coming, I feel like I'll happily keep coming back as the game evolves, and for €10, I can heartily recommend it.
56 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 14:07
Pretty, and reasonably interesting, but much too easy and far too short. I cleared the game in 3 hours.

Replayability is very low. There is only one actual solitaire game involved, and things get old quickly.
607 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 05:29
Super terrific game. Mike Bithell knows how to make the most out of very simple elements; really fun characterful writing, great little story snippets of text and tons of incredibly dramatic VFX make this deceptively simple package incredibly impactful. I don't think I even like Solitaire but this uses that classic game as the jumping off point for a really effective puzzle game.. Absolutely worth it!
350 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 16:36
I genuinely didnt know I enjoyed Solitaire until i picked this game up.
The powers the different teams give you make it feel fresh and different in the best way possible.
494 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 08:16
This is a little gem and a very clever twist on the classic solitaire.
1915 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 11:27
Total eye candy of a solitaire game, with pretty great music and FMV cutscenes to entertain you now and then. Probably one of the most unique and entertaining ways I've ever played solitaire.

Note that this game does not use the more popular versions of solitaire like golf or klondike, so this may be a new way of playing to you. Just like many other virtual solitaire games, this one also features triggered special abilities that can heavily change the outcome of your plays. In this game you need to play very strategically with your special abilities, so be prepared to think carefully about your moves and not just fly through cards.

There is a short storyline campaign in which you act in the interests of a spy organization set in a cyberpunk world. You are given the chance to pick your 'quests' from a selection of offerings with slightly different challenge levels and rewards. The story campaign actually acts as a slow tutorial, teaching you all the various tactics the game employs so that you have a solid start in the open modes such as Skirmish and timed challenges, which are pure solitaire games. There are leaderboards and achievements tied to your skill in the other game modes.

Definitely worth a try if you've already played other solitaire games before and would appreciate a completely fresh take on it.
2468 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 00:03
Good solitaire game, not perfect but functional.

The title is essentially divided into two elements, the purely solitaire card game and the narrative one.
The narrative part, albeit accessory, does its duty very well, drops the player into the cyber/hacker/terrorist/spy atmosphere, and also justifies the mechanics of the solitaire itself.
While the more strictly playful part involves a first step where the player can choose the mission to be faced from a small selection, this involves different game strategies and rewards of different sizes, and then the real card game part, which I must say does his duty but results as quality of construction inferior to the narrative part.

Everything is then enriched by an excellent and adequate design, both of the various artwork of the characters and the interface.

The music and sound effects, which are also very suitable, are atmospheric and pleasant, immersing the player even more in the story.


Buon Solitario, non perfetto ma funzionale.

Il titolo è suddiviso essenzialmente in due elementi, il gioco di carte solitario e la parte narrativa.
La parte narrativa, ancorchè accessoria, svolge molto bene il suo dovere, calando il giocatore in un'atmosfera cyber/hacker/terroristico/spionistica, e giustifica inoltre le meccaniche dello stesso solitario.
Mentre la parte più prettamente ludica consta di un primo passo dove il giocatore può scegliere la missione da affrontare da una limitata selezione, questo implica differenti strategie di gioco e ricompense di diversa grandezza, e poi la vera parte di gioco di carte, che devo dire fà il suo dovere ma risulta come qualità di costruzione inferiore alla parte narrativa.

Il tutto è poi arricchito da un eccellente e adeguato design, sia dei vari artwork dei personaggi che dell'interfaccia.

La musica e gli effetti sonori, anch'essi molto adatti, sono suggestivi e piacevoli, immergendo ancora di più il giocatore nella storia.
5194 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 18:48
A fun take on Solitaire that introduces some new strategies. The added story is fun as I am a sucker for anything FMV.
1393 Produkte im Account
143 Reviews
178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 22:26
Main campaign is about 2 1/2 hours. Other mods include Campaign +, Skirmish, and Countdown (A timer based wave survival). Cool little game.
8467 Produkte im Account
168 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 01:55

The Solitaire Conspiracy

A neon soaked, spy related solitaire game, which is too easy and doesn’t fulfill its potential.

Based on the solitaire varieties Beleaguered Castle and Streets and Alleys, The Solitaire Conspiracy uses mission-based scenarios containing different crews with different abilities

First Impressions????

This isn’t a bad game and I had a modicum of fun with it, but it just wasn’t challenging enough and the mechanics felt questionable.

I have never played Beleaguered Castle solitaire or Streets and Alleys. I mostly play the more traditional Klondike, tri peaks, spider and free cell. If this game is anything to go by then I won’t be looking to play BC or SaA in the future.

Throughout the fifteen levels and estimated thirty-five missions, I never got stuck or had to reattempt a level. It wasn’t very challenging. I wouldn’t say it was easy either but if you have any sort of solitaire experience it will only be a matter of time before you solve the level. There doesn’t appear to be much scope for making wrong moves.

The idea of having a story-based solitaire game is not a new one but the presentation of the story is certainly unique. There is an impressive voice acted full motion video that narrates between each level culminating in an interesting plot cliffhanger. This was the most compelling part of the game yet it felt too brief and ultimately felt like a gimmick rather than a serious spy thriller story.


To gain levels you’ll need to complete missions earning experience points. You will get a choice of missions each gaining various XP depending on their difficulty. Later, you can earn even more XP by choosing campaign plus mode which limits the number of moves. I tried this mode and it is actually difficult to complete in the allotted moves, so if you do find the normal campaign mode too easy you can always switch to this.

The missions are irrelevant however. At first, I read the briefings setting up the missions and found them quite interesting, but I soon realized that they had no bearing on the story whatsoever and the GUI for the solitaire was always the same. There wasn’t even a background image relating to the mission. The playing arena is soaked in neon and it looks quite colourful but it gets repetitive after a while.

The only difference in gameplay is the type and number of different crews you bring into the arena. The more crews, the harder the game is to complete. Each crew means another set of cards to order from ace to king. There are eight crews in total all with a unique set of abilities. On paper it sounds mouthwatering but in reality, it doesn’t add much to gameplay. Some of the crew’s abilities are a little confusing and most of the abilities seem to hinder you rather than help. The best abilities are given to you at the end of the campaign.

I never quite felt like I was in control using the ability cards. You don’t have a choice whether you want to use them or not. Most of the time you’ll have to move these cards which activates their power, so there isn’t much tactical gameplay. You move the card and deal with the consequences!

There are a couple of other modes to play called Skirmish and Countdown. Skirmish is suitable for practicing with your crews but felt boring. Countdown is a timed mode where you have to complete as many waves as possible before the time ends. This mode was a bit more exciting with friends and global leaderboards.

The premise of the Solitaire Conspiracy seemed very interesting. The notion of a spy-based thriller encased around a solitaire wrapper really appealed to me. Ultimately, it proved to be a disappointment though.
The game begins well with impressive FMV capture but I soon realised that the solitaire gameplay was lackluster and repetitive, and the mechanics didn’t live up to the hype.


Most solitaire games have some feeble story associated with them usually mystical and very brief. The Solitaire Conspiracy tries hard to beat the usual fluff by introducing a voiced spy thriller FMV between levels. The story isn’t going to win any awards and is quite brief but I liked the idea and the game deserves credit for producing a polished and professional attempt.

I believe that there may be more games in the series as the story ended on a cliffhanger.



There are up to four “Target” piles where you place cards Ace to King on. The number of target piles depends on how many crews you are playing with. Four crews equal four piles of cards. The number and names of the crews are at the top of the screen.

You can only move one card at a time and not a pile of cards like some solitaire games.

The jacks, queens and kings are special cards and when activated will perform special abilities.

Examples of abilities are exploding the stacks and sending the cards randomly scattered to other stacks; ordering cards from high to low or low to high; sending cards immediately to the target pile and shuffling the stack randomly.
The idea of the game is to fill each target piles with cards from ace to King.


Graphics ????

The FMV sections look particularly nice and the solitaire arena is neon soaked and extremely colourful. It’s a shame there wasn’t more variety in the card sections of the game. Some different backgrounds might have been nice.

Sound ????

There is a dramatic tune playing throughout the game which is nicely arranged.

The voice acting is professional in the FMV sections.


The Solitaire Conspiracy makes a good attempt at spicing up the solitaire genre and moving away from the fantasy-based scenarios we often see. The FMV sections are quite impressive with decent voice acting and a moderately interesting story but the game is let down by the actual solitaire gameplay which is too easy, too repetitive and the game mechanics don’t work as well as perhaps they should.

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3 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 23:55
Really liking this game. Greg Miller does a great job narrating the experience and the overall aesthetic is so nice. Love being able to change the color scheme. If you just enjoy Solitaire then this is enjoyable too. I am struggling due to my mental incompetence, but I am having fun all the same!

By the way, really really love the Play, Watch, Listen podcast. Hope you keep going, love to hear about the way the four of you work.
104 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 07:22
Solitaire made exciting and interesting again thanks to a twist and a really high production value. The campaign is easy enough to go through but entertaining nonetheless. It was only in the Countdown (wave) mode that you really feel urged to mind the crew abilities and make the most of them.
2838 Produkte im Account
130 Reviews
60 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 23:19
They took solitaire and added a pretty cool story campaign with interesting abilities and guess what? It totally works. I love the high production values, excellent presentation, and compelling story. If you're into solitaire, this is a must have game.
747 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 01:09
Nice mix of espionage and card probability. This game has style!
961 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 19:55
The Countdown mode is far more fun than it has any right to be. It fits that perfect little niche where I want to do something active that's quick and satisfying, much like Rocket League, but it's about quick thinking rather than fast reflexes. It's hard to describe the panic when I realize multiple Aces are stuck under Kings, and how satisfying it is when I can quickly go through the contortions required to fish them out.

It's easier than it seems to be, even with 4 crews, when you don't have a time limit. And that's okay, sometimes a relaxing puzzle is nice, and you can set up hellish situations to practice for Countdown. Humanity+ is simultaneously the coolest and most infuriating power I could ever dream of in this sort of game.

There's always ways to get better, to get faster. Recognizing where the cards are is only half the battle, but it is a HELL of a battle with the timer ticking down and the damnable pressure of that music.
413 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 17:11
Want to play solitaire with some cheesy FMVs? This is the best way to do that.
240 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 19:43
I respect this game more than I like it. The developer took the most mundane game in human history and did something interesting with it. That's worth praising. Also, I'm a sucker for good presentation and UI, so the game gets bonus points for that.

Once I realized that there was no failure state, however, I also realized that the story elements were going to be mostly (really, almost entirely) disconnected from the game play. After that, you're left with a good, but not great implementation of a game you've probably played tens of thousands of times, and a story that's not interesting enough to stand on its own. I'm sorry to say that, because I wanted to like the game, and I want to encourage indie developers to make games like this.

Straight-forward mechanics and excellent presentation are something I've been missing in games lately. I'm glad I bought this game, for that reason, even if I didn't actually care that much for it.
998 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 21:53
I have never been so engrossed in an FMV Neon Drenched Solitaire Card Game before. Hell yes I recommend this game.
1074 Produkte im Account
127 Reviews
221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 16:26
What a wonderful game!

A big shout out to the Bithell Games group. This game really takes the classic solitaire game and turns it on its head. Wonderful artwork, acting and soundtrack. Also I love the graphics and use of color/gradients in this game!

This game is challenging and as you level up it gets considerably tougher but that is a good thing. It makes you think strategically so it's not as mindless as most solitaire games where you can buy your way out of a tough situation by simply buying power ups and jokers. You actually need to think in this game.

There is also a story to this game that progresses as you do. I am still only in the first stage but it continues on as you hit certain level ranges.

So very happily surprised at how good and fun this game is and whole heartily give it a positive review! Going to watch the team for future games and look forward to what else they may do. ❤️
Logo for The Solitaire Conspiracy
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
92.53% 471 38
Release:06.10.2020 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Bithell Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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