• The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel The Shattering.
  • The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel The Shattering.
  • The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel The Shattering.
  • The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel The Shattering.
  • The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel The Shattering.
  • The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel The Shattering.
  • The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel The Shattering.
  • The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel The Shattering.
  • The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel The Shattering.
  • The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel The Shattering.
  • The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel The Shattering.
  • The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel The Shattering.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 21.04.2020
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Preis Update 16.03.25

Über das Spiel

The Shattering ist ein Psychothriller aus der Ego-Perspektive, der in der makellos weißen Ästhetik der Träume des Protagonisten John Evans spielt. Die Spieler müssen die Fragmente von Vergangenheit und Gegenwart zusammensetzen und der Stimme des Arztes folgen, während er sie tiefer in Johns Gedankenwelt führt.

Die Spieler werden Schlüsselmomente aus Johns Leben wiedererleben, die ihn definiert und geprägt haben - sie werden die Wahrheit erfahren, die Lügen zerstören und letztendlich herausfinden, was mit ihm passiert ist ... und sich an ihren Namen erinnern.

  • Eine verstörende und sich ständig weiterentwickelnde Welt, die sich in Johns Geist abspielt, wo es keine Grenzen oder Regeln gibt
  • Eine fesselnde Spielwelt, visuell durch einen einzigartigen Look ganz in Weiß untermalt
  • Fünf einzigartige Akte, eingebettet in eine beängstigende Geschichte, welche die Zukunft über die Vergangenheit bestimmt
  • Ein packender und intensiver Soundtrack, der für so manchen kalten Schauer auf dem Rücken sorgen wird

The Shattering ist das Ergebnis eines fünfjährigen Projekts des in Polen ansässigen Indie-Entwicklers SuperSexySoftware, geleitet von Marta Szymanska, der Gründerin des Studios,.


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

272 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 16:24
The Shattering ist ein guter Psychothriller wo ich gerne weiter empfehle :)
221 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 00:28
Ein extrem gutes Game.
Die Art der Erzählung, der Leidensweg des Hauptcharakters und die vielen verschiedenen Orte ziehen den Spieler in ihren Bann.
Dieses Spiel thematisiert viele Probleme, wie z.B. Mobbing, Sucht und Depression, sodass sich jeder irgendwo in der Szenerie wiederfindet und selbst ein kleiner Teil der Geschichte wird.
Die Darstellung der Psyche und welche Wirkung ein Therapeut darauf haben kann, fand ich sehr interessant.

An manchen Stellen war es etwas am Ruckeln und einmal bin ich in einer Wand festgebuggt, aber das hatte keine negative Auswirkung auf den Spielspaß ;)
172 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 23:32
Ein sehr interessantes Psycho-Spiel, in dem man in die Psyche des Protagonisten eintaucht, um dessen verworrene Gedanken und Erinnerungen zu entwirren.
Hier ist die Atmosphäre durch die sich häufig verändernde, dynamische Umgebung, der genialen Geräuschkulisse sowie der teilweise dramatisch inszenierten Musik einsame Spitze, wie ich finde. Man kann sich recht gut in dem Hauptcharakter hineinversetzen und fühlt sich hin und hergerissen in dieser von Erinnerungen und Vorstellungen überschwemmten Gedankenwelt.

Also ich für meinen Teil kann dieses Spiel einfach nur weiter empfehlen.
1709 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 23:15
Ein sehr gut gelungenes Game. The Shattering ist ein Psychothriller mit einer fesselnden Geschichte, vielen denkwürdigen Szenen, einer tollen Kulisse, Soundtrack, Sprachverhalten und die Grafik sind auch super.
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 18:50
Auf Empfehlung von Gronkh gekauft und wurde nicht enttäuscht ! Tolles Storyspiel !
7652 Produkte im Account
228 Reviews
402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 14:03
Folgt uns auf: German Review Group - Curator Site für weitere Reviews und My Curator Site, wenn ihr mehr von mir lesen wollt.

The Shattering



Super Sexy Software, das Team bestehend aus vier Mitgliedern wurde 2014 in Polen gegründet. Die arbeiten an „The Shattering“ begannen allerdings schon im Jahr 2013 und entstand durch fünf Freunde als ein Projekt der Gründerin von „Super Sexy Software“.

Wenn der Wahnsinn dich einholt

Wir spielen als den Protagonisten John, der sich in Therapie befindet und versucht die Wahrheit zu verstehen, von all dem leid, das ihm zugestoßen ist. Stückchenweise begleitet uns die Stimme des Doktors auf unseren Weg in die Vergangenheit. Je tiefer wir in Johns Kopf und Gedanken eindringen, desto fesselnder und Tiefgründiger wird die Story.

Kurz aber einfach nur WOW

Wir begleiten John in insgesamt vier Akte, die Unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten, je Tiefer wir in seine Gedanken sinken, desto krasser wird der Verstand wiedergegeben. Die Story baut sich dabei immer mehr zusammen und wir lernen den Irrsinn zu verstehen. Dabei baut sich vor allem eine emotionale Barriere auf, wir fühlen mit John mit. Das Spiel dauert ca. je nach Spielweise, 4-7 Stunden, bietet zwei Enden und jede Menge zu erkunden, denn wir können mit fast allem interagieren.

Fantastischer Soundtrack und Inszenierung

Die Story, der Soundtrack, die Inszenierung, einfach alles passt zusammen, es ist als würde man ein Buch lesen und in Gedanken alles selbst erleben. Ein wahnsinnig toller Psycho-Triller. Die Entwickler haben hier saubere Arbeit geleistet und für so ein kleines Team ein richtig gut in Szene gesetztes Spiel herausgebracht, das nicht mal Namenhafte Entwickler hinbekommen würden, die aus meist dem doppelten oder dreifachen Team bestehen.

Knackige und doch leichte Rätsel

Für Spieler die nicht gerne immer alles Lesen, wie Briefe usw. kann ein Rätsel schon knifflig werden, oft sucht man und sucht, dabei reicht es eigentlich die Augen zu öffnen und genau hinzusehen. Wirklich herausfordernd sind die Rätsel also nicht, dafür ist die Kulisse die geboten wird gigantisch.


Super Sexy Software ist mit „The Shattering“ was ganz Besonderes gelungen, sie haben ein Spiel entwickelt, das die Story langsam aufbaut, bis zum ende aber spannend bleibt. Man möchte als Spieler, sofern man sich dem Wahnsinn einlassen kann, erfahren was geschah mit John und seinem Leben. Ein absolut Spielens werter Psycho-Triller der ersten Klasse. Die Sprecher sind klasse, die Story ist super, die Kulisse ist atemberaubend, die Inszenierung von allem ist perfekt und der Soundtrack toppt das ganze noch obendrauf. 20€ mag für ein ca. 4-7 Stunden Spiel teuer klingen, doch was hier geleistet wurde, ist es alle mal Wert.
Für Fans von Psycho-Triller ein absolutes muss Spiel.
51 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 06:50
Kurzes, aber fantastisches Psychothriller-Spiel. Sehr gute Sprecher.
Die minimalistische Schwarzweiß-Atmosphäre fängt das Gefühlsleben des Hauptprotagonisten perfekt ein.

Das beste Spiel, das ich seit langem gespielt habe. Habe es gleich am Stück in etwa 5 Stunden durchgespielt.
Bei einer Bewertung von 0 - 10 Sterne: ganz klar 10 Sterne für die Entwickler
268 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 02:39
Ich habe das Spiel zwar noch nicht durchgespielt, jedoch kann ich jetzt bereits sagen, dass es mir sehr gut gefällt.

Klare stärken dieses Spiels sind:

+ Ein toller Artstyle welcher sich klar von den meisten Games auf dem Markt unterscheidet und die Atmosphäre sehr gut untermalt
+ Gute Controls und eine gute implementierung der Spielmechaniken, alles fühlt sich sauber an und funktioniert
+ Eine bisher gute Story die einem Lust macht, mehr zu entdecken und die Geschichte des Protagonisten weiter zu erkunden
+ Tolle Musik die wiederum auch ein großes Stück zu der Leicht drückenden Atmosphäre des Spiels beiträgt.

Schwächen die mir bisher aufgefallen sind:

- Nicht jedes Puzzle fällt einem direkt ins Auge, jedoch sollte dazu gesagt werden, dass dies auch Teil des Spielspaßes ist
- An sehr wenigen Stellen des Spiels bekomme ich trotz eines guten Setups leichte Frame Einbrüche, aber auch diese beeinträchtigen das Gameplay nicht erheblich

Für wen dieses Spiel interessant sein könnte:

Spieler die viel Wert Story und Atmosphäre setzen und Spaß haben, ein Level bis zum letzten Detail zu erkunden.

Für wen dieses Spiel nicht geeignet ist:

Leute die keinen Spaß daran finden, etwas mitzurätseln, sowohl in kleinen Puzzles als auch was die Story angeht, wobei ich bei der Story bisher nicht sicher bin ob diese einen klareren Weg im Spielverlauf einschlägt.

Für den Fall dass du über dieses Review hinaus noch etwas Gameplay sehen möchtest um dich von dem Game zu überzeugen, dann schau gerne mal auf meinem Youtube Kanal vorbei auf Heute der erste Part rauskommt, dieser hat keine wichtigen Spoiler da es sich hierbei nur um das Intro des Spiels handelt:


Edit: Auch nach weiterer Spielzeit überzeugt das Spiel auf voller Linie! :)
22 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 19:13
Absolut empfehlenswert!!
377 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 23:54
Wow einfach Krass. An einen Abend durchgespielt. Schön mal wieder etwas zu haben in dem ich mich versinken konnte. Wer gute Story und darüber hinaus wertschätzt sollte sich dieses Spiel dringend Kaufen.
391 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 20:27
Dieses Spiel ist so ein wundervolles Spiel. Es passt einfach ALLES. Das fast ausschließlich Monochrome Design, der Soundtrack, die Story. Alles sorgt für eine dichte und angespannte, gleichzeitig aber auch zum Ergunden anregende Atmosphäre.

Einfach ein unglaubliches Erlebnis! Jeden Cent wert!
4189 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 16:57
Walking simulators are a staple of PC gaming thanks to such titles as Gone Home and Firewatch, games that emerged from the indie scene to critical and commercial success. It is a contentious label, but mostly accurate as you spend a lot of your time exploring locations and interacting with the world around you. The Shattering is another example of this genre, that aims to explore the human psyche as well as the wonderfully realised theatre-like scenes presented to you. The Shattering is the debut title from SuperSexySoftware, a small development team based in Gdynia, Poland.

It is likely that the first thing you notice about the game is its striking style. The Shattering as a whole is extremely stylised, but its choice of colour palette, or lack thereof, immediately stands out. Everything is a sea of white, black and shades of grey with only the occasional object being doused with a single colour. It’s an interesting choice that at first seems arbitrary, but is later revealed as key to the overall theme.

The theme itself is evident from the moment you boot up the game. We are prompted with a warning that the game contains sensitive topics related to mental well-being and health and this is further cemented as the game opens on our character in a psychiatrist’s office. This Doctor acts as our narrator and guide through the game. His notes adorn the loading screens, helping us better understand John, our player character, and his situation. Throughout the three odd hours you explore John’s world the game attempts to address isolation, loneliness, PTSD and suicidal thoughts, amongst others, with varying degrees of success; more on that later.

The Shattering ultimately takes us through different times in John’s life; beginning at childhood and going on to explore his young adult life, leading to the present. The acts are inconsistent in length which makes the game feel uneven, but each segment offers enough in its visual design to push you through its narrative. The narration is supplemented by some good environmental storytelling as gaps in the story are filled using notes within objects you interact with. A patient’s chart will give you hints as to why you are where you are and details hidden in the scenery help flesh out context for your character’s emotions, for example.

Visual design is where the game really excels. Environments are well crafted and, as alluded to before, feel like sets from a stage show or play. This is further cemented as the game impressively constructs and deconstructs the scenery around you. This works very well as a representation of John’s memories brought to life; an instance of water slowly flooding into an office and a toy boat appearing, as we start to recall our childhood, stands out as a moment of great game design and visual storytelling. Another section involving your childhood home morphing into something else is another section worth mentioning, but not spoiling.

All of this is rendered with the detail it deserves, but not as much can be said for the audio design. Outside of some clever use of audio, telegraphing the story, early on; there’s little to address in regards to sound effects. Voice acting is professionally done, with performances that try to bring the characters to life, but often characters are barely explored so that this just falls flat.It is also worth mentioning that Al Bowlly’s Guilty of loving you makes an appearance, because of course it does.

Guilty of confusing you is perhaps more apt though, as the aforementioned song appears to set the tone early on as a period piece. This is contradicted from the get go though, given the dates available to you, by exploring the game’s interactive objects. The confusion over the game’s timeline is further compounded by the choice of old television shows and movies that appear on screens. Perhaps this confusion is by design, but it really just served to break the immersion created by the environment. The same can be said for the game’s location as it can seemingly jump between places with little context.

The narrative journey as a whole is underwhelming. Whilst it is commendable to broach such subjects as mental health, and the game does convey some aspects of it well, a lot of the message feels shallow and spread thin. It can feel like mental health symptoms are addressed in a list like manner, but never explored and instances of loneliness, depression or trauma feel cliched. Realistically the game doesn’t offer a new or even interesting perspective on such a weighty subject. Again, it is very good to see these subjects tackled in gaming, a media form so often thought of as just guns and explosions, but it lacks a specific story to be told within it. Instead seems to rest on a safe tale of numerous competing mental health issues, that can become difficult to keep track of or interest in.

Mechanically the game is what you would expect, with the main aspects being interacting with objects and/or exploring an area to completion so you can move onto the next. There are no crouching or jumping mechanics, which feels constricting in a game based around exploring, but this isn’t a detraction from the experience particularly. An early instance of using typed sheets to help your progression was interesting but sadly not exploited elsewhere in the game. You’re sometimes given dialogue options, but these only serve to unlock an alternative ending and really have no impact on the game beyond that.

The Shattering is a really well made game that excels in its art direction and its visible attention to detail, but falls short in regards to its storytelling and the themes it wishes to embrace. Sequences can feel stitched together without a natural flow, and ultimately the protagonist feels a little empty considering the game’s seemingly devoted attention. In a busy genre The Shattering doesn’t come close to stalwarts such as Gone Home, Firewatch & Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture but its intentions are worthy of respect and SuperSexySoftware are a developer to keep an eye on.
73 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 17:45
This game was overwhelming for me. The visuals are stunning, the story unravels step by step, you wander around to gather the little pieces of the puzzle.
The ending could have been more intense plot-wise, yet I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who is looking for a game to space you out from the reality for a few hours.
10 inkblots out of 10.
117 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 15:18
This game is no fun at all, you just go from one point to the next and click a thing... played for half an hour and requested a refund.
240 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 03:31
I enjoyed playing the demo, but did not like that there was no option to turn off subtitles. I bought the game thinking the option would be there. No option, refund requested. I get distracted by subtitles. I want to enjoy the graphics without the distraction.

Thank you for the update! I repurchased! Thank you!
325 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.21 18:10
Writing just wasn't quite compelling enough to hold it up.
27 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 22:44
This game was sad but very beautiful as well. The story was engaging and the music was lovely too. Even though most of the game was in black and white (including the short tv shows), that just made the game more interesting and cool to me. I really enjoyed this game even though it was a sad story, I would it again and more games like this too. Exploration games are my favorite on the pc so if you like games that tell stories with exploration, little to no action, and a great soundtrack, this game is for you.
236 Produkte im Account
203 Reviews
623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 04:56
The Shattering is quite a game/experience and turned out to be more compelling than I expected. It is played from the first person perspective of John who is recovering from a severe injury. He is in therapy as he attempts to rebuild memories. The game starts out slowly and then pulls you in as John walks through four key segments from his life and continues to meet with a psychiatrist. Gameplay consists of exploring environments, moving freely, but controlled by doors that lock and unlock as the story progresses. There are no puzzles but there are many items to interact with. The game auto-saves frequently so your progress is never lost.

Here's what I thought was so special about The Shattering:
1. Artwork is black and white with splashes of accent color (blue butterflies, red wine, yellow candles, etc.). It is just beautifully done.
2. Sound track is primarily environmental sounds which, when combined with the art, create a very immersive experience. I was constantly aware of how much the sound track was adding to the atmosphere of the game and playing with headphones is a must.
3. Although John interacts with other people who speak to him, there are no faces or bodies shown. The developers did a masterful job of creating the illusion of characters in great detail. They also used mannequins and a teddy bear as placeholders which reflect emotional impact.
4. John's mind is shattered and the game builds and destroys objects and scenes in a way that makes you feel his isolation, rage, fear, hope, and desperation.

Be advised that there is a single save slot so you have to play from the beginning if you want to try for the alternate ending needed to obtain 100% of the achievements.

Overall, I think this is a beautifully done game. At the end, I remain unsure of what was real and what was imagined but perhaps that is all part of the 'shattered mind' experience. I highly recommend it to those who enjoy an exploratory journey that is unique and thought provoking.
4 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 19:02
Loved it a lot, although it is a bit cliche in some moments, overall it is quite an interesting story. It has interesting message that would resonate with people who are dealing or have someone close to them deal with psychological problems. Interesting use of game design and game mechanics.
341 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 22:07
Just an abridged life simulator of guy in crisis and spoiler: [spoiler]also murdered his wife[/spoiler]. This is the kind of game where you have to double back on things too many times.

Games like this have succeeded with great writing and acceptable interactivity. This has neither.

You can get this game if you want to be depressed, because honestly I related a bit too much to the workplace parts, but most of the game is just a sorry excuse for a story game. I related because I have a depressing work history, but mostly I was banging my head on why I am still playing this game with such flat writing.

Worth it on sale (or whatever price you are comfortable paying for an okay game).
170 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 01:45
First of all WOW!!!!!!! This game is deep, the story, the music, the atmosphere, this game has it all. It is heart pulling, it is hard to put it down. You ever read a good book but it is way past your bed time and you have to keep telling yourself one last page but then something happens and you tell yourself again okay one more page and then we stop but no, you just keep on going. Well this the game for that. This game will have you hooked in no time. You'll want to finish it and find out the reality of what is going on. This should be up for awards, no joke. This game is awesome. Now I did receive this game for free during Gamecon but I want to give that back and pay for this game. The developers should be extremely proud of this game and the world they created, I will be looking out for more of these games from them, They hit a home run with this game
252 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 01:12
A very interesting walking simulator, the use of a monotone palette is really beautiful and the story is excellent. Well worth playing.
1288 Produkte im Account
173 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 02:26
Clearly the team has a lot of good intentions, and there's some really good ideas and art herein. But it's just...boring. I'm sorry to say that. Rarely are games outright boring, but not bad. There's nothing wrong with The Shattering, except it's truly not compelling IMO. It's just a kind-hearted but listless walking sim with basic puzzles. I'd say don't pick it up.
85 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 15:59
A game that goes very deep into the psyche of the human being and deals with difficult topics. The implementation is just great.
61 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 04:52
This is one of the best games I've played recently. It is thought provoking, the visuals are stunning, and the story is slow but the good kind that keeps you engaged. I loved every second of it.
16349 Produkte im Account
816 Reviews
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 04:33
Walk sim rich with story. Slightly depressing as you uncover aspects of your main characters' psyche and breakdowns - dark themes, but deeply engaging, beautiful, and artistic.
554 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 10:15
The Shattering is a walking simulator with a slow-paced plot that slowly unravels, focusing and submerging players into its psychological and thriller elements. This narrative is definitely quite abstract in its method of storytelling, with a bleak white aesthetic and blur between true and fabricated memories. If you enjoy games similar to Layers of Fear, this title is worth both your time and attention.

+ A thought-provoking, disjointed story that slowly unravels.
+ Striking white aesthetic.
+ Authentic, emotional story that truly felt like I was scouring through John's mind, trying to make sense of every detail.
+ Excellent voice acting, dialogue and graphics that allowed players to become immersed in the surroundings.
+ Conveys sensitive mental health topics and confrontational imagery through an educational and pragmatic approach.
+ Optional items to collect.
+ Steam achievements.

- I became rather nauseous after playing for long periods, most likely due to the strobe and motion blur effects. Without any settings to alter this, I had to play in small increments at a time. I have only seen a handful of comments mentioning this and it will obviously only impact certain people, but if you find yourself usually being a victim of sickness in games, it is good to be aware that unfortunately this may be another troublesome title.



Players begin as John Evans, a man who has no recollection of past events, or how he came to be sitting in an office, staring at a watch swinging back and forth, being told to 'remember'. This establishes the premise for the game, as we delve deeper into John's mind, trying to put together a jumbled mess of incoherent memories, scrolling all the way through John's childhood, to his adult life.

What traumatic event occurred to cause the brain to completely block out reality? How does it all make sense and fit together? Players will find themselves asking these types of questions throughout their time in John's subconscious. However, as the fog begins to clear, we are instead confronted with the dark roots of human psychology and thrown into a poignant narrative.


Everything about The Shattering is designed to submerge players into the mind of John. Gameplay is somewhat minimal and can be best compared to walking simulators with heavy, emotional stories. There are 4 acts, and each begins in a room with what appears to be a medical psychologist, encouraging us to remember details by stimulating our memories. John is asked to focus solely on his voice and slowly a scene will unfold with remnants of his past.


Majority of the game is spent interacting with objects to gain further insight into the past and reading the resulting dialogue. There are no puzzles or complex, hidden items (discounting the optional extras for achievement hunters) and this results in smooth progression. Despite the gameplay being more involved than traditional walking simulators and there are a few dialogue choices, it is important to note that the game is solely based on immersion and player assiduity.

Graphics & Sound

One look at the screenshots on the store page had caught my interest, with Its eye-catching and unique black and white environments, I was interested to see how effective this would be in storytelling. Despite my slight sickness caused by the colour scheme and motion blur, especially in early acts, the graphics are definitely the defining feature of the game. The smatterings of colour immediately demand attention when entering a scene and the use of blue undertones are beautifully done, bringing life to what is otherwise, a gloomy and melancholic world.
As John navigates his world, walls begin to fall into place, objects become clear and the environment slowly begins to take its form. I understood this to be a visual interpretation of the concept of remembering. This created immersive, abstract gameplay and it invoked the idea that I was exploring John's mind, slowly discovering the essence of his character.


Although the main protagonist is voiceless, the doctor's articulate, yet soft speech resonated in my head and was the only sense of reality from the beginning. The silence in early Acts made the smallest of noises purposefully unbearable, such as blinds thrashing in the wind or static from a TV. This gave a glimpse into the psychological nature of the protagonist and hinted at his suffering. It was interesting that these scenes are included early on, yet with no context, the full extent of their meaning is only revealed towards completion, which encourages player reflection.


The Shattering is an emotionally heavy, story-driven narrative with minimalistic gameplay that delves into the memories of a troubled man's life. Its stark, white aesthetic and focus on human psychology make it stand out from similar titles, with the developers unafraid of focusing on more nefarious topics. Whilst only averaging around 4 hours, I recommend it for those who enjoy slow-burn thrillers, or players looking for a more meaningful and serious game.

Rating: 8/10

This product was reviewed using a key provided by the developers.

Logo for The Shattering
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
87.18% 102 15
Release:21.04.2020 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: SuperSexySoftware Vertrieb: Deck 13 Engine: Unity Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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