• The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach: Screen zum Spiel The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach.
  • The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach: Screen zum Spiel The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach.
  • The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach: Screen zum Spiel The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach.
  • The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach: Screen zum Spiel The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach.
  • The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach: Screen zum Spiel The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach.
  • The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach: Screen zum Spiel The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach.
  • The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach: Screen zum Spiel The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach.
  • The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach: Screen zum Spiel The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach.
  • The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach: Screen zum Spiel The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach.
  • The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach: Screen zum Spiel The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach.
  • The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach: Screen zum Spiel The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach.
  • The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach: Screen zum Spiel The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach.
  • The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach: Screen zum Spiel The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach.
  • The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach: Screen zum Spiel The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach.
  • The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach: Screen zum Spiel The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach.
  • The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach: Screen zum Spiel The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.02.2019
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Preis Update 20.05.24

Über das Spiel

Es gibt dunkle Geheimnisse, die die ärgerliche Tendenz haben, zurück ins Licht zu kriechen und der Vergessenheit zu entkommen. Aber es gibt auch Sarah Pennington, die fähigste Agentin des stetig wachsenden Secret Order, die sich ihnen stellt.

Begleite Sarah, ein Mitglied des Greif-Ordens, auf ihrem größten und schwierigsten Abenteuer. Der mysteriöse Drachenclan hat einen Gegenstand aus einer längst vergessenen Vergangenheit freigelegt, und nun droht das in diesem Relikt verborgene Geheimnis die Welt wie wir sie kennen zu verschlingen. Als Sarah musst du diese Bedrohung mit deinem Verstand und der Hilfe deiner Mitagenten aufhalten. Deine Nachforschungen führen dich zu weit entfernten Orten, sowohl räumlich als auch zeitlich, um den Ursprung dieser Widrigkeiten zu entdecken. Beweise erneut, dass die Welt in Sicherheit ist, solange der Greif-Orden auf der Hut ist.

  • Weide deine Augen an 34 wunderschönen, handgezeichneten Orten
  • Löse 42 faszinierende Rätsel, um mächtige Artefakte zu sammeln
  • Entdecke eine uralte Geschichte über Liebe, Opfer und wahre Hingabe
  • Zusätzliche versteckte Inhalte können nach Beendigung des Spiels freigeschaltet werden
  • Ein spannendes Wimmelbild- und Abenteuerspiel für Fans und Neulinge


  • CPU: 2.0 GHz
  • GFX: 256 MB VRAM
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: 2.5 GHz
  • GFX: 512 MB VRAM
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

4000 Produkte im Account
192 Reviews
305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 12:52

????The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach????

Wimmelbildabenteuer 2019 erschienen. Spoilerfreies Review!


Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach ist ein kurzweiliges Wimmelbildabenteuer aus dem Hause Sunward Games und wurde von Artifex Mundi gepublished. Als Sarah Pennington, eine Agentin des Greif-Ordens muss man den fiesen Drachenclan bezwingen, der ein uraltes bösartiges Relikt freigelegt hat, wodurch dunkle Mächte drohen unsere Welt zu verschlingen…

Das Spiel

Das kurzweilige Abenteuer ist gepickt mit Wimmelbildern und Rätseln. Persönlich hatte ich keine Schwierigkeiten diese ohne Hilfe zu lösen. Die Story selbst ist zwar nicht außergewöhnlich gut, aber dennoch spannend. Auch die Cutscenes sind in Ordnung. Innerhalb von 5-6 Stunden ist man mit der Story durch und kann (wenn man will) ein Bonuskapitel spielen. Da ich mich immer nur auf das Hauptspiel konzentriere kann ich über die Qualität des Zusatzinhalts nicht urteilen.
Obwohl das Spiel keine innovativen Rätsel beinhaltet recht gut gefallen. Klar es ist nicht das beste Wimmelbild aller Zeiten, dennoch habe ich bereits schlechtere Abenteuer gespielt. Übrigens die Vorgänger habe ich noch nicht gespielt, werde dies aber bestimmt nachholen.

Grafik: Grafiken und Animationen gut. Trägt zu einer tollen Atmosphäre bei.
Sound: absolut in Ordnung. Englische Vertonung passt zum Spiel
Steuerung: Wimmelbild-typisch spielt man mit der Maus.
Spaßfaktor: 5-6 Stunden Hauptstory. Obwohl ich die Rätsel bereits aus anderen Spielen kenne hatte ich Spaß an der Story
Sammelkarten ✔️
Achievements ✔️


CPUAMD Ryzen 9 3900X
RAM64GB RAM 3000
HDDSamsung 1TB M.2 SSD
OSWindows 10 Pro


+ gute Grafik und Animationen
+ spannende Story
+ englische Vertonung
+ abwechslungsreiche Puzzles


- keine neuen Ideen. Rätsel kennt man aus anderen Wimmelbildern


Nettes Wimmelbild wenn auch nicht das Beste. Für Zwischendurch definitiv geeignet
★★★★★ ☆☆☆☆☆ 5/10 Sterne

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20 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 18:20
Die Rätsel sind zu einfach und die Aufgaben zu offensichtlich zu lösen. Das Bonus-Rätsel hat mir besser gefallen, weil die Gegenstände über mehrere Räume verteilt waren.
219 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 22:40
Nettes Wimmelbildspiel für zwischendurch.
Insgesamt schöne Szenerien und Effekte. Story ok für diesen Typ von Spiel. Rätsel auch ok, ein oder zwei Kopfnüsse waren dabei, wo ich etwas länger gebraucht habe.
Ich habe knapp 5 Stunden Spielzeit (1 Durchlauf) gebraucht, um 100 % zu erspielen. Dafür ist der Preis mit 15 € ziemlich saftig. Deshalb empfehle ich, es zu kaufen, wenn es stark im Preis reduziert ist.
9404 Produkte im Account
217 Reviews
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 20:06
Nr. 7 of the serious (my 900 th perfect game)

Story fine like always
Graphics on good quality too
Sound okay
Game Length with Bonus Chapters a bit short (dont use hints if not really stucking complete)

Good for Hidden Object Fans & Steam Achievement Hunters (with 50 % or higher discount)
500 Produkte im Account
283 Reviews
366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 20:27
Very easy, but solid HOG.
99 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.21 04:02
Best games Hidden Object. Great. 9/10
209 Produkte im Account
116 Reviews
397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 21:42
This was a fine game. It was mostly an adventure game of the sort where you need to find a key to open a door or a knife to cut rope, but you are always confined to three or four rooms at a time so there is no backtracking nor any chance of forgetting to take an object with you. There was at least one hidden object puzzle in every set of rooms, and a wide variety of games and puzzles. In addition there were scrolls and morphing objects to collect.

I won't discuss the plot as it was meaningless, both in the general sense of good adventure stories and in any relation to the Secret Order universe; this was clearly some random adventure game shoved into the Secret Order series, however that being said, the story was serviceable: you have to rescue your friend Maggie and defeat an ancient evil by collecting ancient relics, which you do by traveling the world to random places that you visit one at a time, in a linear order, and never revisit again. If you like hidden-object games and puzzles, you will enjoy this for the games anyway; you're not playing some medieval role playing game where the plot matters.

Since you are here for the games and puzzles, I will say that there is a nice variety to them. Usually I blitz through them, but here I had to hit the 'help' button a few times to get instructions. That's allowed: just don't confuse the help button with the hint button. They are right next to each other in the GUI, along with the buttons that warn you if there's a collectible scroll or a morphing object on screen to capture. I didn't like the 'Hungarian Pearls' puzzle because I over-thought it and was switching around colored marbles for an hour before I realized it could actually be reset and solved in 2 or 3 moves. Otherwise, I enjoyed all the puzzles.

There is a bonus chapter after the end credits that includes 4 or 5 more rooms to explore, and these also have a hidden object puzzle or two in them. Speaking of which, the puzzles comes in three varieties: one where you have to search a list of 12 to 15 names for an object. If the name is colored white, you can grab it, if it's blue it's hidden behind another object on the screen. Secondly there is a puzzle where you have silhouettes and need to grab the object that matches the silhouette. Third, there is a hidden object puzzle where you just grab everything on screen and use stuff to manipulate other stuff. If you are playing the game on Steam, you have access to the bonus content which allows you to practice many of the puzzles and games before you do them in the game, whereupon it's easy to blitz through the game itself.

The adventure game part is easy enough. Just click everywhere, grab everything, and it's pretty obvious what goes where as you only ever have 6 or 7 objects at a time. If you're ever stuck in the adventure game part, you just forgot to click on something or pick up something, since regardless of what the object itself is called: relic, amulet, key, pendant, doorknob or charm, 90% of the time it just functions as a key to a box or drawer. So this is more of a scavenger hunt than the sort of adventure where you are building a submarine using a bottle of aspirin, a propeller and a couch.

I played this game on Windows 10 and had no bugs and glitches.
5910 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
1018 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 21:12
Let's keep this short: this is an Artifex Mundi-published HOG. You know how they work, and you know what to expect both in terms of gameplay and graphics here.

The good news is that this one, like most of the games in this particular series, does not disappoint. The graphics are nice, gameplay is smooth, and most of the puzzles are at least decent and functional (although I'm getting kind of tired of the three-rings-of-beads puzzle that keeps getting used in every single game). No sliding tiles, so that's always good.

There were objects that were reused in this one, which is always a plus (as opposed to using an object and then having to find a second, technically-interchangeable one, which happens all too frequently in HOGs). Voice acting was typically cringy, but of acceptable quality for the genre and budget. I have episode 8 in this series (it appears to be the last one...so far), and I'll likely take the time to play that one as well.

Solid HOG: 7/10. If you like this genre of game, this is a safe one to put on your list.
270 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 10:21
Great fun game! I had lots of hours of fun with this one and there's still a lot more in it remaining. Since I got this game on a deal I feel it was great value for money.

Good sensible puzzles - you can figure it out most of the time
Match Pairs - memory game / Hidden object -choice most of the times
Beautiful locations. Nice fun, magic theme.

Cannot make head or tails of the story. Earlier I was angry about it but later I felt good as I played along the puzzles.
4803 Produkte im Account
2373 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 16:09

Much has changed as this series has progress over the years, the QoL elements are very appreciated. Core issues with lack luster drive to solve puzzles besides them simply existing is still limiting.
136 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 01:18
Good game for the genre, but WAY TOO SHORT for the price. Very disappointing.

If you get it on a steep discount ($6 US or less), then go for it.

It was a better-than-average game, I thought. The only thing I didn't like about it (other than the length) was you were usually restricted to 2-4 areas at a time and it was pretty linear. I personally like more running around than that, but some may like this type of game better.
565 Produkte im Account
400 Reviews
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 04:33
A good entry from Artifex Mundi’s Hidden Object line of games. This series has many entries and continues to be a good one.

A few puzzles seem unnecessarily complex, and I hope most agree cause and effect hidden object scenes are more annoying than enjoyable.

Additional Details

Operating System Ubuntu Linux 18.04 x64
CPU Ryzen 5 1500x
GPU GTX 1050, nvidia-410.104
Game Saves Manually, anytime
Notes Bonus chapter included
Technical Notes No problems
3867 Produkte im Account
337 Reviews
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 07:46
As Sarah Pennington, you must collect all of the relics to be able to put evil back into them and save the world. This is an easily forgotten story as you go from hidden object scene to puzzle in this latest iteration in the Secret Order series. This is par for the course in graphics, voice overs, and gameplay. Artifex Mundi never disappoints in their games for this genre. Though I did find this iteration of the series to be a bit more elusive as to what needed to be done next as far advancing the storyline with what items you had collected and what it could be used for.

It can get annoying at times when you have a knife and still need a metal shard to be able to dislodge an object stuck in a crack. It's too bad that items can't be used in multiple ways with multiple solutions. Though this was rare and far and few between, I hope that with more games coming in the future that Artifex Mundi and its devs look at ways to not make this so based on what the devs expect you to do versus what solutions you can find with what you're given.

Overall, enjoyed the game and looking forward to more.
2006 Produkte im Account
173 Reviews
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 15:05
Finally, they are trying to save this series which went back in time, destroy every time machine and was even more lost in the last opus. This one at least has a nice little storyu going on, though after half of the mansion, a bunch of what should have been puzzles were suddenly skipped (you get the tiles to put in order the statues, when you approach the fountain you are told you need all statues to put them in order, then as you put the statues, it skips the puzzles and simply continues on). Were the developers tired of it ? I don't know, it's just a little sad to see this missing, but overall it was a nice experience.
8274 Produkte im Account
242 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 08:48
So much repetition. The series has long run its course, but pushing out left over locations that aren't even connected anymore as a new part for 15$ seems like a good idea. All the same puzzles over and over again. Releasing it for a fiver would be fine, but going for 15$ for a 3 hours game is too much.
461 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 23:29
A LOT better than previous entries, but wow do they reuse a lot of assets from the other games.
8973 Produkte im Account
216 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 01:11
an ok HOG that has a a very bad ending and even worse bonus story it was also very easy to finish.

you do not need to play the first six for the story.

nice graphics
ok sound acting
bonus story

boring story
bad ending
very bad bonus chapter
short game play time (2 hours 45 minutes for the mains story and around 30 minutes for the bonus story)
very easy puzzles (the only puzzle that took me a bit longer was the one before the last puzzle in the main story)

overall i barely recommend it. i just recommend it for those who like playing HOGs and for collectors. otherwise stay away. also buy it from a bundle not even a discount is worth it.

4/10 for the game +1 for the cards =5/10
102 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 01:29
I got all 7 of the Secret Order 2 thru 7 for Christmas they are very enjoyable the are making 1 and 8 sometime this year and i will get them too. jimmie cooper
2144 Produkte im Account
243 Reviews
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.19 09:39
When Sarah decided to take a break and move into her new house, another adventure knocked on her door. Her friend Maggie is working undercover and found that the Dragon Clan has found a powerful magical book. The artifact related to this book is actually in Sara's house. Now she needs to collect sacred artifacts to defeat Odessa's spirit and save the realm.

Some of the puzzles were tricky but none of them too difficult to solve, and hidden objects varies between the usual list of items, fragmented, and Silhouette.

The graphics and artwork are the best things in this game. I loved the color scheme as well as the details. Music was really good too, a couple of the soundtracks fits the areas really well.

+Beautiful detailed artwork and locations.
+Fast traveling map.
+Good music.
+Multiple hidden objects scenes (Mix between the usual list of items and Silhouette)
+Good voice-overs.
+Variety of puzzles.
+Bonus Chapter.
+Steam achievements.

- Average story (Can get a little bit boring)

The beginning of the game was really good, however in the middle of it I started to get bored as she moved from a place to another, and of course, as usual, the ending was rushed, even with the bonus chapter it is still on the very average side. Most of AM published games became like this and I'm not sure why. I can only recommend it to people who've been playing this series.

Other Reviews from the same series:
The Secret Order 2: Masked Intent
The Secret Order 3: Ancient Times
The Secret Order 4: Beyond Time
The Secret Order 5: The Buried Kingdom
The Secret Order 6: Bloodline
The Secret Order 8: Return to the Buried Kingdom

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699 Produkte im Account
186 Reviews
1108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.19 12:30
Definitely one of the better Artifex Mundi games, recently. I had a lot of fun with this one.

Different types of HO puzzles, and many of them (word lists, item shapes, use-the-hidden-object)
The usual good voice acting, art, music (the music isn't too exciting, but it's fine)
Collectibles and morphing objects - not too hard to find, but not obvious either
Reasonable achievements with a bit of challenge but very attainable

Okay: the puzzles are okay, occasionally too easy; there is some variety

Not an especially creative story (but I enjoyed all the classic elements)
The bonus chapter is fine - reasonably fun to play - but there's not a lot of substance to it, and at first it feels really disconnected from the main game (why did everyone know the weird djinn-like purple guy but me?)

Final note: A good game to add to your AM collection, if a little uninspired. One of the better new offers from AM, and in this collection, although I miss the more intriguing early games in the series.

618 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.19 16:32
Pleasant HOPa game, it is dynamic, engaging and fun to play. Puzzles are a bit too easy for my taste but the range of variety compensates it a little. Beautiful graphics, good voice acting and everything one can expect from this genre - interactive minimap, lots of puzzles, demonic opponent and magical artefacts.
The only drawback is same as in other new titles from Artifex Mundi - game time/price ratio. You need around 3 hours to finish the whole game (including the bonus chapter that takes around 15 minutes to complete). It is way to short for the price, I really miss the times when you will receive 6 hours game for similar price. Other than that I can recommend this title, it is fun and enjoyable.
5343 Produkte im Account
159 Reviews
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.19 18:15

More interesting reviews on Fenol Baron Approves Curator Page

Seventh!!! part of the adventures of Sarah Pennington once again throws the player into the thick of the confrontation between the Secret Order and the forces of evil. Mysterious artifacts, obsession with evil, bizarre mechanisms, many locations. This is the seventh part of this series of games, we should seriously delve into the plot in this case? The most important thing in him is that he very well maintains the dynamics of the action; the player is constantly involved in various incidents and adventures, and often creates them himself. This is exactly what I lack in the games of this genre sometimes, the ability to influence events, and not just follow them

The main advantage of the game is, of course, the visual part. Without exaggeration, this is one of the most beautiful games from Artifex Mundi at this moment. I'm not saying that the most beautiful, first place in my big heart is still held by «Dreamwalker: Never Fall Asleep», but definitely one of them. Superbly traced locations, colorful animations, cute background characters, a riot of colors and visual splendor. Brilliant job. What pleased us separately is the presence of several new types of puzzles, which also makes a variety. But I still want the incredibly boring puzzle with spinning circles of colored balls to be a thing of the past, it kills the dynamics of the action. It also seems to me that the bonus chapter this time also turned out to be more huge than usual, which is also nice.

«The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach» is a pleasant return to the magical world. Do not expect any incredible revelations from the plot, just enjoy the action and the world of magic and miracles, the game will definitely give you a few hours of pleasure.
18670 Produkte im Account
599 Reviews
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.19 14:11
In this video I take a look at The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach. This game is another great offering from Artifex Mundi and Sunward Games. It combines HOG (hidden object) or match three game play, you choose which. This one has a particularly good story, the usual great graphics and all in all a terrific experience.
Watch the video to see what the game is like for yourself.....
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532 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.19 11:19
I can surly recommend this game if you don't mind the price/playtime relation.
Beautiful locations,good story but way to short.Luckly it has a bonus chapter.

Logo for The Secret Order 7: Shadow Breach
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
87.01% 67 10
Release:28.02.2019 Genre: Gelegenheits-Spiel Entwickler: Sunward Games Vertrieb: Artifex Mundi Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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