“That's not how you hug Mother Gooseberry!” ːmurkoff59ː
From the annals of television history to the infamy of murder and mayhem… Welcome Mother Gooseberry in plush form! But don’t let her fluffy exterior fool you! This unhinged matriarch is here to remind you to brush your teeth, floss, and mind your manners, or else…
Get your very own Mother Gooseberry Plush, she is only available for a limited time! https://www.makeship.com/products/mother-gooseberry-plush

Remember, nobody else will love you like Mother does!
Read more about how Makeship campaigns work here , and check out if Makeship ships to your area
The Outlast Trials Dev AMA Responses
A big thank you to everyone who submitted questions for the Exputer AMA a few weeks back! Here’s a quick rundown of what we covered:
- We’ve got performance updates and new content on the way, like more Trials, maps, and characters.
- We answered lore questions about the Night Hunter and teased upcoming story expansions.
- There was interest in collaborations, and we discussed difficulty scaling and rewards.
- We also shared insights into the creative process for characters and environments.
Visit the forum page for the full AMA responses from our team
Countdown is almost over!
Don't forget that our Limited-Time Event Countdown will end on October 8th so make sure to unlock all Exclusive Rewards with your Event Tokens in the Countdown Catalog before Oct 8 at 10am ET or they will be lost.

See you in the Sleep Room, Reagents!
- Team RB