The Occupation
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Über das Spiel

At White Paper Games, we focus on world’s that feel lived in through non-linear spaces and objectives that can be solved with multiple approaches. We love games with a strong narrative drive that tackle important social issues and aim to set that standard within our own work.
We understand not everyone plays for the deeper narrative experience, and for those that like the idea of trespassing, breaking into secure locations and hacking 4 digit codes, we have plenty of rule breaking opportunities to take advantage of in the world of The Occupation
Instead of creating a feature list, we wanted to highlight the cool work our team of 9 have created over the past 4 years of development.
Time is a precious resource to us all. Every minute in the game is a real-world minute and The Occupation is played over a fixed time length so make sure your actions count. Your watch can be used to set alarms and timers to help keep track of important objectives such as time delayed safes so you don’t have to hang around whilst security is searching for you somewhere you shouldn't be.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: 2.2+ Ghz Dual-Core
- GFX: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 560 or equivalent
- Software: Windows 7 64-bit
- HD: 7 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: Yes
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: For foreign languages, please set Windows Keyboard language to UK / US English to type passwords inside the game.
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: 2.6+ Ghz Quad-Core
- GFX: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 970 or equivalent
- Software: Windows 10 64-bit
- HD: 7 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: Yes
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: For foreign languages, please set Windows Keyboard language to UK / US English to type passwords inside the game.
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 17:05
Das Spielkonzept basiert zum Großteil darauf, dass man durch verschiedene Areale schleichen muss, um nach Hinweisen zu suchen, die den Verlauf der Geschichte vorantreiben. Leute, die stealth games mögen, werden hier sicherlich auf ihre Kosten kommen, ich kannte dieses Genre noch nicht, fand es aber trotzdem spaßig. Größere Bugs, wie bei anderen Nutzern beschrieben, hatte ich nicht.
Nicht gefallen hat mir, dass einige Übersetzungsfehler aufgetaucht sind, die beim Herausfinden der Notizen hinderlich waren und dass manchmal Gespräche nur auf Englisch stattgefunden haben ohne zugehörigen Untertitel auf Deutsch. Ob es bei anderen Sprachen ähnliche Probleme gab, ist mir nicht bekannt.
Kaufempfehlung ja, empfehle aber auf einen Sale zu warten. ;)
504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.19 16:32
Leider funktionieren die Stealth-Mechaniken nicht immer perfekt, so wurde meine Spielfigur teilweise entdeckt, obwohl sie eigentlich gut hinter einer Wand versteckt war. Außerdem steuern sich die Kletterpassagen etwas hakelig, was gerade in Fluchtsituationen etwas frustrierend sein kann.
Doch den Spielspaß trüben diese kleinen Schnitzer letztlich zum Glück nur wenig. Vor allem durch die verschiedenen Enden lohnt es sich daher, die etwa 6 Stunden lange Kampagne mehr als nur ein einziges Mal durchzuspielen, zumal es in der liebevoll designten, hübschen Spielwelt viele Details zu entdecken gibt.
Für Stealth-Fans und Freunde politisch gefärbter Krimi-Geschichten eine klare Empfehlung und darüber hinaus eine tolle Möglichkeit, Indie-Entwickler zu unterstützen!
531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.19 12:58
Aber alles von vorne - angefangen mit der eingesetzten Hardware und dem Resultat:
EIne GTX 1080 (Treiberversion 419.35) in Kombination mit einem i7-7800k lassen bei 'The Occupation' eigentlich keine Wünsche offen. Das Spiel läuft flüssig und kommt ganz ohne gelegentliche Ruckler aus. Die Möglichkeiten in den Video-Optionen sind allerdings für einen Titel im Jahre 2019 recht begrenzt. Kann man bei anderen AAA-Titeln noch an diversen Detailstufen schrauben, so bietet 'The Occupation' einzig Möglichkeiten bei Auflösung, Framerate, V-Sync, dem Sichtfeld, Anti Aliasing und Co. - hier kommen Bastler also weniger auf ihre Kosten! Warum das eigentlich gar nicht schlimm ist? Ganz einfach: Das Spiel sieht ohnehin schon verdammt gut aus und überzeugt mit einem tollen Level-Design.
Die bereits berichtete Probleme bei der Darstellung der Untertitel kann ich nicht bestätigen - während der knapp über 4 Stunden Spielzeit fielen mir dort keine Fehler auf. In der Tat ist es aber so, dass die Übersetzung der Untertitel und Gegenstände im Spiel teilweise falsch sind und dringend überarbeitet werden müssen! Das gilt im übrigen auch für euer verwendetes Notizbuch - dieses ist derzeit noch komplett in englischer Sprache gehalten.
Die Steuerung mit Tastatur wirkt eher etwas behäbig und undurchdacht! Der Controller hingegen erweist sich als der beste Freund des Gamers und sorgt für einen extrem verbessertes Spielerlebnis!
Zum Spielinhalt:
'The Occupation' fesselt mit einer spannenden und investigativen Story, welche an einem einzigen Tag im Jahr 1987, genau am 24.10.1987 im nord-westlichen England spielt und euch ein großes, entscheidendes (fiktives) Ereignis dieser Zeit aus der Perspektive von mindestens zwei verschiedenen Personen erleben lässt.
Als investigativer Journalist beleuchtet ihr die jüngsten Ereignisse und versucht an neue, heikle Informationen zu den aktuellen Vorfällen zu gelangen, bevor ich zu zwischenzeitlichen Interview-Terminen mit möglicherweise involvierten Personen verabredet seid. Euch bleibt also immer nur eine gewisse Zeit, die sprichwörtlich euer größter Feind ist, um all die dunklen Geheimnisse und relevanten Informationen zu finden um sie dann im Interview zu verwenden. Um das zu erreichen schleicht ihr euch in Büros, benutzt Codes für Safes und Computer, umgeht Sicherheitsschleusen und versteckt euch vor Sicherheitspersonal und Angestellten.
Prinzipiell weiß das Spiel in diesem Setup zu gefallen. Es gibt allerdings durchaus Potenzial für Verbesserungen. So verfügt ihr über ein nur begrenztes Inventar, dass ihr nicht einsehen könnt. Wenn man also mal mehrere, einem wichtig erscheinende Gegenstände einsammelt, dann kann es passieren, dass ihr auf Grund der begrenzten Kapazität durchaus das ein oder andere wieder 'verliert' - ohne es wirklich zu merken. Dieses Gegenstände in all dem Durcheinander dann wieder zu finden gestaltet sich auf Grund der weitläufigen Levels als sehr schwierig und dämpft den Spielspaß. Dafür gibt es eine Art Notizbuch, in dem euer Charakter wichtige Notizen zu Gegenständen, Personen oder diversen anderen Beobachtungen macht. Im Test fiel es mir allerdings teilweise etwas schwer mit Hilfe dieses Buches, mit zunehmender Spieldauer, zu navigieren und die richtigen Schlüsse daraus zu ziehen. Auch hier sollte man eventuell für mehr Übersicht sorgen.
Diese Unordnung und der Faktor Zeit haben für das Spiel aber auch etwas gutes: Man fühlt sich dazu verleitet wieder von neuem zu starten um doch noch den einen entscheidenden Hinweis zu finden, der völlig neue Konsequenzen im Interview haben könnte. Der Wiederspielwert ist also teilweise auf Grund des Spielaufbaus gegeben, wird aber auch durch die angesprochene Unübersichtlichkeit begünstigt.
Die aktuell veranschlagten 30€ im Steam-Shop sind aus meiner Sicht in Ordnung, handelt es sich bei 'The Occupation' um einen kleinen Rohdiamanten, auf den der ein oder andere Spieler sicher schon seit einiger Zeit gewartet hat.
Nicht Empfohlen
81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.19 10:00
Der groesste Kritikpunkt ist die Uebersetzung auf deutsch. Manche Untertitel ueberschlagen sich, somit werde manche Zeilen so schnell angezeigt, dass diese fast unmoeglich sind zu lesen. Natuerlich ist bekannt, dass deutsche saetze meist laenger sind als englische. In diesem Fall ist es aber manchmal so, dass der naechste Untertitel schon angezeigt wird, obwohl die englische Stimme diese noch nicht mal ausgesprochen hat. Des Weiteren sind manche Untertitel weiterhin auf englisch. Die uebersetzten Schriftstuecke sind auch nicht komplett uebersetzt und einmal wurde ein Schriftcode in Binaercode uebersetzt. War anscheinend ein Bug.
Obwohl ich zur Story nicht viel sagen kann, weil ich nur ca. 1h gespielt habe, ist der Anfang trotzdem komplett verwirrend. Im Intro erfaehrt man nicht viel und schon ist man im Spiel und soll ein Ziel verfolgen und man weiss garnicht wieso man das machen soll und wo man ueberhaupt ist. Ganz verwirrend. Also einfach was machen, was einem diktiert wird.
Das naechste ist die schlechte Steuerung mit den Controller. Da kommt es einem vor als wuerden die Aktionen willkuerlich auf noch freie Buttonbelegungen verteilt. Ein Beispiel ist, dass man zB die Y-Taste druecken muss um eine andere Key-Card auszuwaehlen. Vorher stand die Steuerung immer unten beschrieben und ploetzlich beim Keykarten-Wechsel irgendwo unprominent oben als Text. Hat gedauert bis ich das erst bemerkt habe. Auch gibt es kein Inventar im klassischen Sinne. Wenn man ein anderes Objekt nimmt wird es einfach gegen den aktuellen Gegenstand ausgetauscht. Hier hat es auch gedauert bis ich gemerkt habe, dass man immer nur ein Gegenstand mitnehmen kann. Key-Cards sind da anscheinend eine Ausnahme. Die Steuerung fuehlt sich im gesamten sehr schwerfaellig an und sehr inkonsistent.
Grafik finde ich so mittelmaessig. Ein wenig altbacken.
Sound hat manchmal auch Probleme mit der Lautstaerke. Diese scheint auch willkuerlich zu sein. Als Beispiel: Wenn man nah am Radio ist, ist die Lautstaerke hoeher, unabhaengig davon ob eine Wand dazwischen ist und man sich in einen anderen Raum befindet. Es scheint wirklich so, als würde die Lautstaerke wirklich nur von der direkten Distanz abhaengen.
Sprachausgabe finde ich gut.
Zur Musik kann ich nach einer Stunde nicht viel sagen.
Im ganzen habe ich mir vom Spiel mehr erhofft und wurde leider enttaeuscht.
1148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 23:55
664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 17:34
+ Interactions
+ Story
+ Graphics
+ Gameplay
+ Music
+ Voice acting
+ Choices
- Saves
- Steve
- Time limits
The amount of stuff that you can interact with in this game is something that I would expect from a VR game, most of it is just fun to play with and is not related to the story.
Game looks great, I did appreciate the level of detail that was put into it.
Story is good, but you can easily get lost in it.
Gameplay was okay, movement is sometimes pretty rough and it feels like your character can crouch through anything.
Probably the biggest downside mentioned by a lot of other players is the lack of option to save the game. I understand that saves might ruin the immersion, but replaying the whole hour-long chapter just because you had to leave will most likely make you want to play the game less.
For me it was not a big deal, but I had to replay 2 longer chapters because of it.
Steve is a member of security and he is the one who will run after you whenever you raise an alarm or open a staff only door. I am not a huge fan of Steve, I would rather have time to explore the whole building in peace instead of trying to sneak my way through vents like some secret agent.
Lastly, the time limits, I hated them 10 years ago and I will probably hate them forever, but I have to admit they are not that bad in this game. In the first playthrough when you have no idea what to do, the time limits are tight and you will barely make it to the meeting room in time. On the second playthrough it’s a whole different game, you will most likely end up waiting for half an hour in each longer chapter.
Playtime: 4 – 6 hours
Achievements: Easy / user friendly (can be done in single playthrough)
Overall: 8.5/10
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47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 01:29
On top of that the controls felt very rough. The game wants to have immersive interactions with the environment, and it works to a degree, but unfortunately doing anything is extremely slow so it immediately becomes tedious. Like, closing all the blinds in a room is a fun idea for stealth until every blind you close feels like it takes three times as long as it should.
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 18:11
975 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 16:24
The negatives (because when i read reviews i always read the negatives, this i usually what tells you most about the game..) :
The worst is, the game is clunky and cumbersome, in ways it surely did not need to be, and can be really frustrating when you are working against the clock. And obviously some of it is meant to make you spend more time, and struggle a bit while trying to be covert - like how you open of folded letters, reeeally slowly, by flipping out one side then the other, and before reading it. And how you can struggle with slooowly unscrewing a vacuum tube to get some stuff within, putting it down, putting your damn briefcase on the floor to stack the item away and perhaps get something else you can fiddle with trying to get back in the tube, before sloowly picking up you briefcase..
i see the reasoning behind this, but it is not solid, its just poor design choices, and you will have to live with those. The very first interactable thing (i think) in the game is an object that needs to be turned so you can get across some water, which for reasons unknow takes you 10+seconds, haha, before the game even actually begins..absolutely ridiculous..
Other than that, my biggest gripe is actually that the game is a bit too unambitious with its own world and systems.. there should have been just a few more levels, that could have been a tad more intricate, with the ways to solve them.. theres only really 4 levels, and the first is super short, and the last just feels lazily made, a letdown to be honest..
Buuuut... if you can stomach these things and take it for what it is, theres an absolutely beautiful investigative spythriller stealth game in here, with a pretty cool political twist (i feel this should have been fleshed out a bit more, it could have been much stronger), with a lot of small details, that im looking forward to playing again in a year or so..
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594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 22:18
My main gripe is that there is no option to skip or advance dialogue, in neither conversation or cutscenes. On the first playthrough, this won't be much of a problem. However, the further you get into the game, the more you'll realize the devs meant for it to be played more than once to fully explore the levels, what they may offer the player, and the different outcomes that result from your exploration. As mentioned here and here.
destroyermaker Mar 9, 2019 @ 12:27pm:
Encourages multiple playthroughs. Don't restart, just continue on. When you replay the game, you'll have more knowledge.
Encourages multiple playthroughs. Don't restart, just continue on. When you replay the game, you'll have more knowledge.
Pete_Bottomley (developer) Mar 11, 2019 @ 8:03am:
In line with what destroyermaker mentioned above, that was our thinking in design. We didn't design it with the intention that everyone needs to get 100% before continuing.
In line with what destroyermaker mentioned above, that was our thinking in design. We didn't design it with the intention that everyone needs to get 100% before continuing.
When I realized you couldn't skip dialogue during my first playthrough, I knew immediately it would become a problem but I was hoping, hey, maybe it being my first playthrough was why I couldn't do that. It wasn't, it isn't. Even on the second playthrough, I can't skip anything. This game consists of walking (very slowly, might I add), sneaking, listening, and talking. And when the former half of the game is already so slow.. it does nothing but contribute to how frustrating and tedious it all becomes when it cannot be skipped.
I think it's important to mention:
Regardless of what progress you make and the ending you earn, at the completion of your first playthrough, you unlock 'Chapter Selection' on the main menu, which allows you to replay specific Chapters, instead of having to start from the beginning again. I read in the patch notes that this was added in v1.4.0, which was the 5th update, 7 months after the games' release, so good on the devs for adding that in, as it is very useful. Sadly, it seems that the game's last update was well over a year ago, in October of 2019. Weirdly enough, Ether One, a game White Paper released 7 years ago, received an update March 2020 that even included some fixes to their save system, which I find interesting. It does seem like The Occupation has been abandoned, or if it hasn't, the devs haven't kept communication on Steam but because they've added Chapter Select, I'm led to believe that if they had any plans to patch-in skippable dialogue/cutscenes, they would have done it by now.
And to think I haven't mentioned the game's saving system. It works like this: you play through various levels of different time constraints, that go by real-time minutes, and the game only ever saves once at the end of each chapter. Smaller levels are 15-30 minutes, that branch in-between the larger levels that are 60 minutes each. It's awful. And even worse, it's intentional. In response to players complaining about lack of manual saves, a dev stated and I quote:
Pete_Bottomley (developer) Mar 7, 2019 @ 4:36am:
We designed the world to get immersed and hopefully lose yourself in. We appreciate sometimes people only have 20 minutes or so to pick up and play a game in a day, but with the systems and the way you investigate leads, we didn't think it would make too much sense if you were picking it up and putting it down in short bursts and instead felt that most people would be OK seeing a fully chapter through before saving and exiting (much like when reading a book I guess!).
We designed the world to get immersed and hopefully lose yourself in. We appreciate sometimes people only have 20 minutes or so to pick up and play a game in a day, but with the systems and the way you investigate leads, we didn't think it would make too much sense if you were picking it up and putting it down in short bursts and instead felt that most people would be OK seeing a fully chapter through before saving and exiting (much like when reading a book I guess!).
Man, sometimes I just don't know. Is it me? Is it a me problem? I've never felt rushed or forced to finish the chapter of a book. Do people normally feel that way? It's so odd to me as a player to see devs acknowledging (prior to implementation) how detrimental lacking a basic [strike]mechanic[/strike] accessibility option would be for a lot of people, and still.. following through with it regardless because 'it wouldn't make sense' to their vision. Like I get where they're coming from, I do, but their excuse that being able to save when you want, or having autosaves at different intervals throughout a level would break the world's atmosphere or the player's immersion.. doesn't make sense. Thief 2 (2000) has similar level structure (even the cinematic story breaks), great atmosphere and manual saving that never once subtracts from the experience so I think that's a lame excuse. It makes even less sense with the Chapter Select addition because now you can boot the game up and start playing a chapter that's 3/4s the way through the story. And I am not knocking that feature but where's the ~flow~ of world-building in that?
Besides the lack of accessibility options, the game suffers from ludonarrative dissonance. At the end of three chapters are meetings where you conduct an interview. Depending on what leads you pursued and evidence you gathered throughout the level, you'll unlock different questions to ask. After answering, characters will often ask for your opinion and you'll be given the opportunity to pick a response. It seems what's available to you is directly tied to the leads you've completed in your notebook. This is to say that even if you (playing the game) read a note that says XYZ, your character will act like they haven't read the note. Even if after reading it, your character acknowledges in the notebook a new clue based on XYZ, you won't be able to bring it up in the conversation unless the associated lead has been followed through.
For example: I read a note saying X received something from Y. As the player playing the game, I know this to be true. When asked if I know anything, I'm forced to say 'I have no reason to think otherwise.' In the same scenario, I read a note saying X received something from Y. My character (in the game) updates the notebook with the clue: investigate, therefore acknowledging they too, know this to be true. Again, when asked if I know anything, I have one option available that claims I know nothing. There's a serious disconnect between the knowledge the player learns (in the same game session) and what you're allowed to do with what you have learnt.
For the most part, I enjoyed my first playthrough but ultimately felt disappointed with how quickly the game became tedious and was too frustrated with how my exploration felt meaningless. Thanks for reading!
583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 22:49
409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 08:28
Nicht Empfohlen
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 16:07
1718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 11:11
A major complaint about this game is the lack of a save system, your progress is only saved when you finish a chapter, that doesn't seem too bad; however some chapters can last over an HOUR!!. So to play this game you need to set quite a bit of time aside.
The game is good, but is a little bit rough around the edges and needs some quality of life fixes like a save system for those whom can't play games for more than an hour in one sitting.
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818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 19:33
Realtime stealth about corporate espionage and state conspiracy in late 80s. Sounds nice.
But this game isn't good or bad. Just boring. Unfortunately, I didn't enjoy it at all.
Slow gameplay with unresponsive control and weird UI.
The story doesn't touch my heart. Why we are doing this, what is happening? Who's bad, who's not? I didn't realize it even after finished a game.
I cannot recommend this game to anyone
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117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 07:59
The main reason I don't recommend this game is that I can't get it to work. I first tried the game on keyboard. The controls were awkward and awful, and I got stuck in the beginning because the UI decided to disappear and I couldn't enter the code in the beginning. And that's before I got to the title screen. -_-
The next time I tried, I got a game controller for Xmas (hence why I can't get a refund. I didn't know about any of the requirements). Anyways, with controller, the game was better, though apparently even after reinstalling the game, I didn't get any tutorial for controls and had to figure stuff out on my own. And then I realized I couldn't adjust game settings/options because AGAIN the UI decided to be weird. The menu screen was off center with the game screen, so I pretty much couldn't access the game options on the start menu. I only saw New Game and Continue. I couldn't see anything below that because it was cut off at the bottom of the screen.
So, basically, this game was pretty broken for me. The subtitles didn't work either. And I can't really say anything about graphics because it couldn't let me optimize it for smoother gameplay. I guess it looked okay. And the controls were still terrible with a controller. Really suggest to either not buy this game or at least get it practically free.
327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 00:57
Nicht Empfohlen
362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 22:58
This is almost a fantastic game if it weren't so broken.
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362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 08:23
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30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 12:11
Narration is self-aggrandizing, basically feels like the writers are jerking each other off.
If you want a stealth game, this is not the game for you, this is more like 'Gone Home' or other walking sims.
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 00:11
The controls are different, as a FPS player, the button E is traditionally the interact button, but since this game isn't a shooter, the LMB is unused, therefore now acting as the interact button. Outside of that, and a few glitches in the first few minutes, it's optimized pretty well.
I do wish this was in VR, as it has an immersive story line, and stealth tactics, which would be fun to sneak around in VR.
Hint: When you crawl through the window the very first time, and you try interacting with items; if you find you cannot, close the window and all options begin to work. Nothing hints at this, and multiple times it never popped up the dialog to close the window, so you're wandering aimlessly clicking on things.
For a full review, check out:
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412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 00:24
Storyline jumps around quite bit and is very easy to miss important details.
I really wanted to like this game, but after restarting a 5th time because of wierd bugs not letting me continue i just can't/won't sink more time into this game.
2/5 Game was released over a year ago and still has these wierd issues
1153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 07:17
You basically get the snoop around as a detective in some very well-crafted environments with lots of details, where it’s actually quite a challenge to figure out what’s going on and find what you are looking for, adding to the fact that you have limited time really works well to give you the sense of realism that is lacking in so many stealth games - and this is where the game excels. It’s also quite an interesting storyline with some interesting characters and interactions.
Sadly, the games first levelstarts off more like a linear story walking simulator, which probably attracts a bit of the wrong crowd to the game from the start, when this game is actually much more of a sneaking detective game.
Then the game moves into the actual core of the game and tells you that you have a meeting in one hour. As a player you don’t think that this hour will translate into an actual hour of real time, and when you realize it does it, it feels like that will take forever, but you will end up actually wanting more time.
Which moves me into the biggest issue with this game. There is no way to save in the middle of a one hour level and the game does a bad job at giving you the heads up on this. While the developers explain their decisions on this in the forums somewhat, and I can understand the reasons, I don’t agree with the solution or the implementation.
The game does try to tell you that it only saves and the end of each chapter, but you don’t know going in and don’t want to loose your progress, not to mention that most players won’t even notice this and loose their progress and not try again, like some other reviews.
Sadly this just isn’t a good solution in this day and age, people have lives, jobs and families need to be able to pause and come back, even if it means breaking some immersion, leave that choice up to the player. For me this meant that you just needed to leave the game running in the background.
Also, at one point I had 1 minute left to the meeting, and I got a power outage in my house, which forced me to replay a full hour of the game. Luckily I kept going but I would have easily given up if that happened on the first mission. Just another reason that this option just doesn’t work.
Besides that, this game is a great experience to play! I just wish they would add manual saving, or saving at least at half of the time, or give the player a major heads up, telling the player before each chapter how much time they will need to dedicate for this chapter. Also the save indicator isn’t written out for the smaller chapters, making me unsure if I could exit the game at those points or not.
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429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 02:38
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150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 17:08
TL;DR: Never been so blue balled by a game.
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759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 04:06
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241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 00:37
711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 03:23
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415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 08:20
The Occupation has a political story at least that’s what I assume. The opening minutes of the game have an angry woman and a slick-talking guy, who argue and then the game flashes back to a tutorial area that is honestly a bit confusing and the story struggles to connect to the player. Then it flashes forward to what you are seeing now.
I don’t know if I understand the purpose of The Occupation. It claims to be an immersive sim and the world does have qualities of that. There’s a large number of scripted actions that players will see, and multiple ways to do many things but then the game bobbles the immersion by having a single guard who told me on five different occasions to stop letting him see me sneak around.
It doesn’t help that there's no in-chapter save and it feels like the game has real-time progression so a meeting planned in 60 minutes means the player has to find things to do during that time. There are enough options, but nothing feels like it is advancing the plot because the game lacks a reason for the player to care about the stakes.
Play this if you want to be an journalist who acts like a secret agent or a spy. Or really if you want to play Deus Ex with none of the action or the stakes. All others can skip it safely.
If you want to see more from me or my coverage of the Humble Choice:
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333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 16:03
Instead, you'll start over again.
The absence of checkouts or manual saves means you'll lose 40 minutes instead of 4 with each bug encountered.
958 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 22:34
I'm actually surprised that this game is not well known. I found it almost by accident on an internet article that recommended it. It should definetely be more publicized.
The things that I didn't like were:
- running against the clock prevents proper exploration of the intricate levels
- no proper way to restart the level
- buggy AI sometimes gets stuck in places or detects you unfairly
1482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 08:54
I wish there were more levels to dig in to. <3
971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.19 09:51
580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.19 06:30
813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.19 04:12
However, the game never quite lives up to the promise of its central conceit: time. Each of the main missions pits you against the clock, tasking you with uncovering as much evidence as possible to incriminate your foes before time runs out. While it's unlikely you'll find everything during your first play through, the game doesn't do a good job of signalling the scope of what's required of you, at least until it's too late.
The game also goes out of its way to inform you that your presence will frequently be required in two places at once and you must decide how to prioritize not only where you need to be but when you need to be there. Unfortunately, at least in the few times I've played through the game, this only really happened once during the first main mission. Subsequent missions seem to ignore this mechanic altogether when it really should have been the prime focus of each mission's design. Your character even has a wristwatch that can be used to set countdowns and timers, suggesting a more ubiquitous presence of this mechanic than I experienced, but the UI for doing so is cumbersome enough that I recommend keeping your smartphone handy during play.
But these are otherwise minor complaints, because the game is otherwise a solid stealth/sleuthing experience you'll want to play more than once. It just reaches a little too much for scope and ambition that lie beyond the reach of its production budget.
83 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.19 22:24
Nicht Empfohlen
310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.19 15:40
Yes, the game totally feels like an immersive sim - but it does not understand what immersive sims actually are. For starters, the game does not feature any immersive systems. The most systemic it gets are some patrols wandering around and, sometimes rather randomly, catch you while sneaking around.
Immersive sims live from experimenting, from reaching your objectives in different ways. Here however, what you get are a number of side-objectives and a timer pressuring you to solve these objectives in a limited time frame. This concept might still kind-of work (see The Last Express), but this game does not allow you to save. It is not even auto-saving. It is not even saving between all logical segments (which can be over an hour long). Within the 5.5 hours of the playthrough (more or less the same for everyone, as the game runs on a clock), the game informs you that it was kind enough to save for you four times! This is
1) utterly disrespectful towards the players' choice and flexibility of how they can and want to use their free time, and
2) runs contrary to the basic concept of the immersive sim, where the idea is to try out and experiment what could have worked differently.
By the way, the game is also front-loading. Things you can do in the levels get less as time goes on.
Then, the last actual level is completely bogus, as you don't know what to do (or how any of what you are supposed to be doing is supposed to make sense within the 1987 setting), but the moment the guard spots you, the game immediately skips the rest of the final level and basically robs you of the good ending. Sure, you could reload the last of the four generous save points, but is that really worth the effort? For me, it was not.
Nicht Empfohlen
173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.19 20:46
Hopefully with time the game will be patched.
511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.19 15:59
What I didn't like were just some things that weren't necessarily bad, but more due to the constraints this game has. It's very short, you could beat in 4 hours, I've got double that simply because I wanted to experience the game again and try to do things differently. The game also has far too many moments where it's not an immersive sim but more of a linear experience, maybe something like a walking simulator with high interactivity (like KONA if you've ever played it). I think if they found a way to take those linear moments and just focus that effort into creating one more level where it showcases its immersive sim gameplay, I'd be a lot happier.
I do recommend this game, if you can, I'd say pay full price if only to support the developer as I'd love to see them put out another project where they can make a bigger, more in depth immersive sim. However, I do really think the game itself is only worth it on sale, as I don't think there is enough here to justify £20. even replaying the game for a total of 8 hours, I didn't feel that there was so much extra to do that it just had to be played again. You could play it once for 4-5 hours and get the full experience. Overall, I recommend it at a discount and when it's fun, it's superb.
792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.19 19:28
Buggy but fun as heck
So far I'm going to recommend this because I've been having an absolute blast. The stealth mechanics are solid, the environments are gorgeously designed, and the narration is really great, reminds me a bit of Bastion sometimes in that regard.
But be warned. Even though I'm recommending I've ran into two game breaking glitches in the first two hours of playing. One where an item I needed to progress locked to an AI character and they took it with them, and second when I lost all cursors and couldn't interact with the world anymore. I had to restart on both occasions. Oh, and it crashed once outright.
Mind you, where there is polish it is really polished. A lot of the mechanics feel great to use, and overall the game feels wonderful to play.
But yeah, be warned. I'm still going to play more because I love the gameplay.
If you like bioshock, deus ex-type games, and detective/espionage sims, I think you'll love this, too!
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