• The Night of the Rabbit: Offizieller Screen zum Adventure.
  • The Night of the Rabbit: Offizieller Screen zum Adventure.
  • The Night of the Rabbit: Offizieller Screen zum Adventure.
  • The Night of the Rabbit: Offizieller Screen zum Adventure.
  • The Night of the Rabbit: Offizieller Screen zum Adventure.
  • The Night of the Rabbit: Offizieller Screen zum Adventure.
  • The Night of the Rabbit: Offizieller Screen zum Adventure.
  • The Night of the Rabbit: Offizieller Screen zum Adventure.
  • The Night of the Rabbit: Offizieller Screen zum Adventure.
  • The Night of the Rabbit: Offizieller Screen zum Adventure.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 29.05.2013
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Preis Update 03.01.25

Über das Spiel

Begleite Jerry auf seiner Reise in eine magische Welt und lüfte das dunkle Geheimnis des Marquis! Der größte Traum des zwölf-jährigen Jerry ist es, Magier zu werden. Am vorletzten Tag seiner Sommerferien scheint dieser Traum Wirklichkeit zu werden: ein großes, gut gekleidetes Kaninchen, der Marquis de Hoto, erscheint aus dem Nichts und bietet Jerry an, ihn zu seinem Zauberlehrling zu machen. Die beiden reisen in die märchenhafte Welt - eine Welt voll sprechender Tiere und mysteriöser, magischer Kreaturen. Doch als der Bann des bösen Magiers Zaroff diese Welt und ihre Bewohner erfasst, wird das magische Abenteuer für Jerry zum Albtraum. Langsam beginnt der Junge zu verstehen, dass das geheimnisvolle Kaninchen ihn nicht ohne Grund zum Magier ausbilden will.

Wird es Jerry und seinen Freunden Plato und Kitsune gelingen, dem Großen Zaroff Einhalt zu gebieten? Welches dunkle Geheimnis hat der Marquis zu verbergen? Die Antworten liegen in den dunklen Tiefen der Wälder einer magischen Welt verborgen.

  • Das neue Adventure von den Machern von “What Makes You Tick: A Stitch In Time”, “Harveys Neue Augen” und “Deponia”.
  • Neue Spielideen sorgen für frischen Wind im Genre
  • Erkunden Sie über 45 handgezeichnete Locations in einer faszinierenden Welt.
  • Spannende Story, mit überraschenden Wendungen
  • Secrets: Finden Sie die versteckten Karten und Chroniken.
  • Eine packende Geschichte mit einfacher “one-click Steuerung”
  • Auswendige Synchro mit über 40 Charakteren und über 45 Minuten phantastischen Soundtrack.


  • CPU: 2 GHz Prozessor
  • GFX: OpenGL 2.0-kompatibel, Grafikkarte mit mind. 256 MB Grafikspeicher
  • (ATI Radeon oder Nvidia Geforce empfohlen)
  • RAM: 1.5 GB
  • Software: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • SFX: DirectX9.0c-kompatibel 16-Bit Soundkarte
  • DX: DirectX9.0c
  • LANG: Deutsch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

219 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 18:34
Sehr schönes Point and Click Adventure.
Tolle Geschichte und super Ende...
Nun muss ich wohl mit den Hörspielen weiter machen, wenn es schon keinen zweiten Teil gibt :(
195 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
947 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 23:43
The Night of The Rabbit ist ein hervorragen Click and Point Adventure von Daedalic Entertainment

Das Spiel hat mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht.
Die Rätsel waren gut aber teilweise echt komisch, da man so vieles vorher machen konnte was man erst später bräuchte und dadurch in Verwirrung gerät.
Was mir doch teilweise öfters passiert ist und dadurch den Faden verloren hatte.
Da ich das Spiel nicht durchgehend gespielt hatte und manchmal längere Pausen hatte.
War es doch schwer wieder reinzufinden was man machen muss, weil der Ratesucher war keine Hilfe, da er nur gesagt hatte, wo man die Person findet, die dir die Aufgabe gegeben hat.
Aber die Synchronisation der Charaktere waren stimmig und es war schön die Gespräche anzuhören, aber bei einem miss Klick, war es doch Nervig, da man die Gespräche nicht einfach Skippen kann und dadurch teilweise zu Lange Gespräche nochmal anhören muss.
Eine nette Idee war aber ein Minispiel als Quartett einzubinden, womit man gegen jeden in Mauswald spielen kann. Hat mir spaß gemacht auch, wen man gefühlt vom Spiel verarscht wurde.
Auch cool war der manuelle Tag/Nacht Modus, den man durchs Schlafen im Bett oder im Inventar ändern konnte. Nachteile dabei war nur, das Jerry immer an einen Punkt laufen musste, um den Modus zu Wechseln, was doch nervig ist, wen man die Gegend Erkunden will.
Was auch gut war sind die Zaubersprüche die man nach und nach gelernt hat. Wovon eigentlich nur eines wirklich im Vordergrund war und zwar das Felsflüstern, da überall Felsen waren selbst in den anderen Welten.
Grünwuchs, Fuchs list und Hoffnungsschimmer kann man an den Fingern abzählen, man hat sie ca.2-5 mal gebraucht. Da wäre mehr Potenzial vorhanden gewesen.

Aber die Atmosphäre der Stadt war schön.
Man hat sich echt gefühlt als ob man in eine neue Stadt kommt und man sich bei jeden Vorstellen muss.
Dabei wurde ich doch von der Stadt verschlungen und wollte einfach nicht weg. Und später hat es mir Kitsune angetan, Sie war mir doch recht Sympathisch aber schade, das sie nur wenig vorgekommen ist.
Und jetzt will ich nochmal kurz an die Geschichte, die eigentlich Geschichte war kurz, wen man den letzten Zauberspruch gelernt hat, war es doch recht schnell vorbei.

Nach 4 Spielsitzungen hab ich das Spiel durchgespielt.
Dabei habe ich auch Versucht die Erfolge zu sammeln, hab die Welt erkundet und alles drum und dran gemacht.
Für jemanden der kein Problem hat, eine Durchgehende erzählende Geschichte zu haben kann das Spiel Spielen.

schöne Spiellänge
schöne Synchronisation
interessante Geschichte
tolle Charaktere

teilweise verwirrende Handlungen/Rätsel
Offene Fragen
Geschichte kam erst am Ende
schnelle Vorahnung auf ein plot twist
Gespräche kaum Skipptbar (Herr Kirchenmaus)
Tag/Nacht Wechsel
Zu kurz gehaltene Zaubersprüche (Grünwuchs, Fuchs list)

Spiellänge: 5/5
Charakter: 4/5
Spielart: 5/5
Musik: 4/5
Design: 4/5
Schwierigkeit: 2/5
Geschichte: 2/5
Gesamtbewertung: 4/5
840 Produkte im Account
385 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 07:04

The Night of the Rabbit

P&C Abenteuer von 2013

Tauch ein in eine Geschichte voller Magie und Wunder, wo alles möglich, aber nichts so ist wie es scheint: Begleite den jungen Jerry und folge einem wundersamen weißen Hasen nach Mauswald, einer erstaunlichen Welt voller Geheimnisse, in der Tiere sprechen können.
Hier, an diesem Ort, wird Jerrys Traum, ein echter Zauberer zu werden, endlich wahr. Doch eine unheimliche, finstere Macht wirft ihren langen Schatten über die Wälder. (Herausgeber)

Du übernimmst die Rolle von Jerry, ein 12 Jahre alter Junge, der zusammen mit seiner Mutter weit außerhalb der nächsten Stadt inmitten grüner Natur lebt. Obwohl dieses klassische Point & Click Spiel den Eindruck erweckt, ist es gewiss kein Kinderspiel. Jerry hat ein Traum, er will Zauberer werden. Praktischer Weise wohnt er ganz nahe an einem Zauberwald so das sein Traum eines Tages plötzlich in erreichbarer Nähe rückt.
Einfach sehr liebevoll geschrieben und auch gut erzählt ist diese Geschichte die du dir zumindest theoretisch erspielen kannst. Wenn sie denn nicht so überaus schwer wäre. Zudem hat das Spiel keinen ersichtlichen Faden den man Folgen könnte. Es gibt eine Rahmenhandlung, das war es dann aber auch schon. Die sehr gut gezeichneten aber zugestopften einzelnen von Hand gezeichneten Bilder in denen du spielst, erschweren das Gameplay noch zusätzlich. Die traurig-süße Geschichte geht darin unter, was ich sehr schade finde.

Nach 6 Stunden intensiven Spielens, das überwiegend in herumlaufen auf immer den selben Bildern und immer den selben NPCs die überwiegend immer das selbe sagen, habe ich es total Frustriert aufgegeben. Ich bin da wohl nicht der einzige, denn, selbst simple Aufgaben haben nur 30% der Nutzer erreicht.
Wenn ich nur 3 Stunden das Spiel angespielt hätte, währe ich voll des Lobes gewesen, aber mit jeder weiteren Minute änderte sich dann meine Meinung ins negative. Leider wie ich sagen muss.

Dieses Game ist totaler Murks von der Spielbarkeit her. Keine Hilfe, nicht eine einzige hilfreiche Guide und nur endloses hin und her gelatsche. So kann und will ich es nicht empfehlen.

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The Night of the Rabbit

P&C adventure from 2013

Immerse yourself in a story full of magic and wonder, where everything is possible, but nothing is what it seems: Accompany young Jerry and follow a wondrous white rabbit to Mauswald, an amazing world full of secrets where animals can speak.
Here, in this place, Jerry's dream of becoming a real wizard finally comes true. But an eerie, sinister force casts its long shadow over the woods. (Publisher)

You take on the role of Jerry, a 12 year old boy who lives with his mother far outside the next town in the middle of green nature. Although this classic point & click game gives the impression, it is certainly not child's play. Jerry has a dream, he wants to be a wizard. In a practical way, he lives very close to an enchanted forest so that one day his dream suddenly comes within reach.
Simply very lovingly written and also well told is this story that you can at least theoretically earn. If it weren't so extremely difficult. In addition, the game has no apparent thread to follow. There is a framework story, but that's about it. The very well drawn but stuffed individual hand-drawn pictures in which you play make the gameplay even more difficult. The sad and sweet story goes down in it, which I think is a shame.

After 6 hours of intense gaming, mostly walking around on the same pictures and always the same NPCs who mostly always say the same thing, I gave up totally frustrated. I'm probably not the only one, because even simple tasks were only achieved by 30% of users.
If I had played the game for only 3 hours, I would have been full of praise, but with every passing minute my opinion changed into negative. Unfortunately, as I have to say.

This game is total botch in terms of playability. No help, not a single helpful guide and just slapping back and forth. I cannot and will not recommend it like this.

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217 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 07:23
Ein weiteres Adventurejuwel der Adventureschmiede Daedalic.
+ sehr liebevolle, wunderschön gezeichnete Grafik
+ logische, gut eingebettete, fordernde Rätsel
+ 14 Stunden Spielzeit
+ ernste Grundthematik gewürzt mit Humor
307 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 13:26
Der Protagonist ist wirklich sehr kindlich gehalten, die Witze sind einfach nicht witzig und dann gibt es auch noch viel zu viele davon. Die ersten 30 Minuten fühlten sich an, wie ein Spiel für Kleinkinder (wegen der Dialoge). Länger habe ich das Spiel nicht ausgehalten, weil mir dann bereits das erste kleine Rätsel gestellt wurde, noch bevor die Story überhaupt losging. Das hat einfach keinen Reiz für mich.
110 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 20:22
wundervolles spiel. 10/10
56 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 18:04
Schöne Grafik, liebevolle Charaktere. Manche Rätsel waren schon ein wenig für mehr Kopfzerbrechen, aber nicht desto trotz habe ich das Spiel genossen :)
473 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 17:42
Es ist mal was anderes, keine Gesichte wo man der Große Held ist.Man ist einfach ein kleiner Junge der Zauberer werden will und mehr oder weniger in ein kleines Abenteuer gelang. Anfangs recht ruhig und Stimmungsvoll am Ende dann doch etwas mehr Abenteuer. Es wirkt eher wie ein Spiel das im Herbst spielt obwohl es die letzten 2. Sommerferien Tage sind. Es hat immer eine recht sympatische Story und wirkt eher wie ein kleines Märchen für Kinder. Die Rätzel sind alle recht leicht. Dennoch wird es nicht Langweilig oder eintönig.Die Grafik ist echt schön in einer sympatischen Comic Grafik. Es hat eine schöne Musikalische Untermalung und die Synchronisation ist auch gut. Ich bin generell ein freund von Daedalic Spielen daher ist es kein Wunder,dass ich auch dieses Empfehlen werde. Aber es ist wohl das beste Daedalic Spiel wenn es um ein Spiel geht was super für Kinder ist. Wenn ich Kinder hätte würde ich mit ihnen wohl dieses Spiel spielen um sie mit in eine Sympatische und Zauberhafte Welt mit zu nehmen und sie sachte an das Medium der Videospiele heran zu führen.
33 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 11:02
Nettes Rätselspiel. Obwohl einige Rätsel ziemlich für Kopfschmerzen sorgten, ja sogar nervtötend waren und absolut nicht logisch, da man eine Ewigkeit brauchte um die korrekte Reihenfolge rauszufinden oder den korrekten Gegenstand auf der richtigen Map einzusetzen. Manche Rätsel waren wiederum sehr einfach. Die Story ist ganz ok, Dialoge aber aber oft flach, ja vllt sogar sehr oberflächlich. Alles in allem, hat es aber Spass gemacht. Dachte erst, na ja für 2 Euro (im Sonderangebot), was willst du da schon erwarten, bestimmt in 2 Stunden durchspielbar, doch am Schluss war es doch eine längere Beschäftigung und nette Entspannung für zwischendurch.
32 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 11:26
Das ist ein zuckersüßes Adventure! Sehr schöne Charaktere, gute Bilder, gute Stimmen, gute Rätsel. Die Story hat mir gefallen. Kommt anfangs sehr unscheinbar daher, nimmt aber Fahrt auf. Das Ende hat mir sehr gefallen.
26 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 13:13
voll super schön ey
21 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 13:11
6/10 War ganz gut , hätte aber besser sein können.

Kommt nicht oft vor das sich ein Hauptcharakter in den Schatten einiger Nebencharaktere stellen muss.
Hier tut er es eindeutig. In meinen Augen wirkt er blass und nervig.
Nichtsdestotrotz hat mir das Spiel im großen und ganzen gut gefallen.
Ich mochte die Mäusestadt und seine Bewohner.
Grafik und Sound sind recht gut.
Einige Rätselabschnitte erwiesen sich als recht verzwickt und man fragt sich-wie soll man auf sowas kommen.
Ich bemühe mich sehr darum Rätsel selbständig und ohne Hilfe zu lösen.
Hier blieb es leider nicht aus. An 2-3 Stellen war Hilfe notwendig und das finde ich sollte nicht sein.
Ansonsten waren sie recht gemischt-von leicht bis Anspruchsvoll.
Die Story, nun gut, sie soll einfach nur fantastisch sein- nun das war sie, auch wenn sie hier und da etwas zu überladen und undurchsichtig erschien. Man soll sich in die Rolle eines Kindes versetzen und Abenteuer erleben-was vielen gelingt, manchen eben nicht.
Wie gesagt, ich wurde gut Unterhalten - mit wenig negativen Aspekten.
Ich würde das Spiel empfehlen auch wenn es einige Ecken und Kanten hat.

+Schöne Grafik
+Schöne Musik
+Süße und auch ungewöhnliche Charaktere (nicht der Junge :-D )
+Gut Lösbare Rätsel bis auf wenige Ausnahmen...leider...
+Fantastische Welt

-Überladene Geschichte..offene Fragen.
-nerviger Hauptcharakter( sry)

Alles in allen unterhaltsamer Spaß für zwischendurch.
36 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
783 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.19 20:42
Ein wunderschönes Spiel. Fantastische Grafik und Musik und eine mitreißende Geschichte in der man einfach nur versinken kann. Zum Träumen schön...
112 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
888 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.16 06:48
Ein sehr, sehr schönes Spiel, was man von dem Hersteller auch erwartet. Point & Click Adventures sind sowieso einer meiner Favoriten. Die wunderschöne Grafik, die das Spiel bietet, verzaubern einfach. In Kombination mit der Musik und der Story die das Spiel liefert, ist es ein wirkliches Meisterwerk meiner Meinung auch. Auch wenn das Spiel selber nicht so lange geht, bin ich der Meinung das es einen großen Wiederspielwert gibt, angesicht der Tatsache das noch verschiedenste Achievments eingebaut sind. Sollte auf jedenfall Teil einer Spielbibilothek werden, wenn man Point & Click Adventures mag.
10 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 22:10
An action packed game for fans a long passage.
285 Produkte im Account
241 Reviews
1153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 16:05
Not realy my game style, so I always go with poor expectations towards them, and got suprised about it, it aged well and is a slow paced game with great music, take your time to enjoy the story and absorb the message
286 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
917 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 07:29
Get in touch with your inner child with this game. Better yet, play this game with your kid for some good clean fun. It's a magic world like Alice in wonderland that brings you on a unique adventure. It's a fresh world to explore on wonderfully drawn art filled with sounds and music to increase your engagement. The game is your typical story based point and click and I'd say one of the better ones I've played despite it being geared more towards kids/tweens.

The difficulty is id put some where around intermediate. Most puzzles where fairly logical but a few left me a bit confused on what to do. For a young person 6-10 might be a bit much, but for those that are good at puzzles it just might work but could easily be great for you to join them and experience the game for yourself. So while i think this game would be fantastic for 4-12, some puzzles might be a bit hard. While 4 is clearly to young to play the game alone the story i think they would love, much like watching a Disney movie the adults see things a bit differently. For someone younger that is big into puzzles they will spend hours engaged trying to figure out how verse run to a guide. (which i did that few times myself).

If you want to experience a light hearted magical journey then this is surely for you. If your looking for a more adult game or a darker fantasy you might want to look else where.

(if you found this review helpful feel free to check out my other reviews, Happy gaming!)
54 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
80234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.22 16:34
⠀⠀⠀⠀    I like this adventure game! The Night of the Rabbit is one of my favourite game!
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 22:42
This is my favorite point and click adventure. Totally an underrated game. It's one of my favorite games to escape into from reality. I wish I lived in this world. The story line is amazing and there's so many fun easter eggs and achievements to collect.
171 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 15:10
I kinda feel like it is another Deadalic Entertainment adventure game about saving the planet, but it is still better than The New Begining. I kinda feel like the main character is the biggest flaw of this game next to voice acting, which is kind of emotionless. Jerry has the most annoying personality and voice I've seen in an adventure game. But the rest is ok, the card game is interesting, but gets boring and I bet you - it is not Gwent. Overall, it is an ok adventure game, but I tell you that there are way better games at Steam and I;m even talking about the same developer. You have Deponia or Edna & Harvey, so the choice is yours.
208 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 12:53
222 Produkte im Account
117 Reviews
1152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 05:55
The Night of the Rabbit a kid friendly game with a good message and a slew of bonus content. The game includes many details, which give kid friendly messages that are both educational and motivational. Avoiding spoilers, the game is a great message for all ages as well.

As an adult, I found the game relaxing and cute. This is perfect, as I plan on gifting this game to some family for their kiddos. The audio stories and other bonus content will serve as excellent additional entertainment that can be done by the youngsters alone or with their parents.

I recommend this game for parents that are looking for kid friendly games.
413 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
1033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 06:45
The Night of the Rabbit is a point and click adventure game by Daedalic Entertainment. In this game, you play as Jerry Hazelnut, a young boy who gets to go on a magical adventure at the end of his summer vacation. He gets transported to a world of magic and animals and begins his training as a magician.

The Night of the Rabbit is a pretty typical point and click adventure game. You walk around, talk to characters, and collect items to solve puzzles. I thought the puzzles were more or less reasonable, although a bit on the more difficult side. I definitely needed to refer to a guide in a few places, but the puzzles never felt nonsensical. The game doesn't really have a hint system, although the first spell you learn is introduced as if it was supposed to be one. The advice seeker spell is only usable in part of the game and the only clues I got were extremely general and unhelpful. There is one major minigame, a card game called Quartets. You only have to play it once, but you can choose to play it with most of the characters you meet, and I found myself playing it a lot, even though it didn't do anything to move the story along.

I really enjoyed the story. Jerry is a pretty likeable protagonist, and I enjoyed spending time with him and the people of Mousewood and following along on his adventures. It did take a little while to get into the story, however, and there was a period near the beginning of the game where I couldn't really figure out what I was supposed to be doing and the story didn't really feel like it was moving. However, most of the game was much easier to follow and moved along at a good pace.

The story, art, and music combine to make a charming, fairy tale atmosphere, and I really enjoyed it. There was a point where I thought that the game was going to get more dark/bleak, and there was one type of twist in particular that I was expecting, but fortunately, it didn't go where I thought it was going and I ended up really enjoying the ending.

Overall, The Night of the Rabbit was a really enjoyable adventure. I had a good time playing it, for the most part, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys point and clicks, especially fans of Daedalic's other games, like The Whispered World or Anna's Quest. 8/10
127 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 00:36
The plot is unexpectedly crafty. Lots of innocent child nostalgia that this game brings. The point & click aspect was challenging, I even had to google tips for riddles few times. Plus, this game had a lot of minigames, especially, for Point & Click genre.

Very cheap on sales compare to the hard work that developers, I imagine, had done.
157 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 21:14
A nice point and click adventure game, around 10 hours long. Great voice acting and beautiful artwork. Some bits are on the tricky side and I had to refer to a guide for help, but recommended overall.
302 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 03:47
This game is quite a fun little adventure if you like the point and click style, it was not too trying.

The story very much has to do with coming of age in a world that is stiffling out the natural wonder of our world into something more artificial. The ending, was a bit disappointing through as I think it lost focus of the narrative and it was kind of anti-climaxtic. The journey is good through.

The delightful characters saved this one as it is a middling positive.
306 Produkte im Account
142 Reviews
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 20:23
cool game
108 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 15:07
I love this game.
247 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 01:03
this game is tough, but BRILLIANT! ... as good or better than any Sierra adventure ever made ...

i hated it at the start ... i couldn't stand the interface... the lead character was whiny, and not like-able ... the story was super dumb ... i was immediately stuck after playing for only 15 minutes ... it was not fun at all ... i thought it was the worst adventure game i ever played ...

i had to drag myself back to try to make any progress ... i finally cracked the first area, and still hated the game ... then, the game opened up a little bit ... although it was a small world, the layout is somewhat confusing ... i was constantly getting lost, even after drawing two maps ...

the puzzles are pretty simple, and really fun ... rarely did i have to resort to trying every item random;y ... i usually knew exactly what i needed to do, but often had no clue how to get it done ...

there is some pixel-hunting ... i spent probably 10-12 hours just wandering around aimlessly throughout the game, searching for things which i missed ... easy items to find, in many cases, which i thought were just part of the scenery ... the game can be very frustrating

there no real hard puzzles ... but there are TONS of them! ... and they often have to be done in the right order ... which adds to the difficulty greatly ... combine this with the fact that there are LOTS of red-herrings ... it will drive you half insane juggling with so many different possibilities to the puzzle solutions ... it is a real mental workout, which i truly enjoyed... with just the right amount of difficulty ... not dumbed down like so many adventures these days ... the programmers even joke about throwing in a sliding tile puzzle, but thankfully they never do ...

these are real, old-school, puzzles ... find item here ... use item there ... and, obtaining those items is never easy ... there are some serious head scratching, puzzling situations to deal with here ... very little is handed to you ...

i just wanted a nice, simple game to relax with ... the title seemed innocent enough ... but, what i got was a seriously hard-core adventure game ... the game is long ... with so many cool locations and puzzles ... it goes on and on ... often the dialog is a little wordy ... a few of the achievements are seriously small-pixel hunts, and i didn't even bother with them ...

the game is a true masterpiece ... the toughest nut i've had to crack in many years ... a very puzzling game in every sense of the word ... consisting of a great story, with excellent voice acting and artwork ... i got seriously stuck a few times, but i refused to let it win ... and i finally beat it with NO HINTS AT ALL !!!! ... it was very hard work and took almost 40 hours! ...

The Night of the Rabbit was a totally brilliant game, and caught me totally by surprise ... in the end i realized that the programmers were a step ahead of me the whole time ... it reminded me a lot of Simon the Sorcerer, but about 10 times longer ... with this level of excellence, I can't wait to play more games from Daedalic Entertainment ... highly recommended!!! ... (especially for old-school adventure fans!)
1805 Produkte im Account
211 Reviews
628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 16:50
A fairy tale for adults who have had childhood dreams of becoming a wizard.
153 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 23:52
If you like point and click, you will like this game.

Except perhaps this thing with the sound of the wind... took me ages....
30 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 15:13
Die Story, die Musik, die Szenerie - einfach wunderschön! Eines der besten Spiele aus dem Hause Daedalic!
285 Produkte im Account
127 Reviews
623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 07:56
Even if the game has 12yo protagonist, it's not a childish game. Story is interesting and well made. Typical magic and fairy tale stuff fighting with evil.
843 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
1540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 15:14
❎ Quick achievements
❎ Wait for Deep sale
☑ Achievements profile +1
☑ Worth the money
☑ Is it any good?

Playtime to 100% 20/30 Hours
Medium for achievement hunters

This game had a really nice story. There is a lot to see in-game, many different surroundings and a boatload of characters to talk and interact with. This also makes it so that this game has a lot of backtracking, a lot. But this should not put you off for the seasoned Point & Clicker among us this is a given part in most of these games. The story and settings where good enough for me to ignore the massive amount of backtracking. I enjoyed it a lot, so give it a go if you like Point & Click games and or a Magic world vibes!
47 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1097 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 01:15
A beautiful point and click game that you'll love. I can't say that is easy to play cause you'll need to use all the power of your brain to solve the puzzles ????. Some of them are easy to solve while others are hard to think.
Well, somewhat picky about the game are the dialogues cause are too long and sometimes you just want to skip them even if you are a patient person who loves stories and that is because there a few seconds of silences between dialogues. But it's worth it.

❤️To sum up, I recommend you buy it if it is on a discount. So, take your time, appreciate the graphics and enjoy. Oh! don't forget to use the guides (sometimes of course) to advance the game and get some extra achievements. ❤️

Note: The voices of the characters are totally incredible that make you feel like someone is telling you a story .(That means one extra point for the game).
53 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 13:19
Honestly, I keep saying this about all of their games... They're good, but they're these kind of games that you hardly manage without a guide!!
I had an empty keg, I had an empty mug, but because I put the milk on the mug, the keg couldn't take the syrup, no, no, no... you have to switch it, so go back all the way around, keep flipping from day to night until you do the puzzles the way the developers want... it's so frustrating!
Mapping in this one was horrible! I'm glad I'm a person that can orientated myself quite well, otherwise... GOD! I had to keep going from one point in the west to another in the east, then go back from an east to a west -- scene area, scene area, scene area, scene area, scene area,... -- just to get to my goal point. Too many map transitions!! Not to talk about the flipping time thing with the book (yes, because some things are at night, other during the day)
Story wise: story's not that great either! It continue to be so boring that I couldn't even finish with the frustrating map... Where's the spirit guy? Not here. Where's the spirit guy? Not here. Where's the spirit guy? Guess not here either. Is he during the day? (flip) Is he during the night? (flip) -> goes to one zone, goes to another.... I mean, their games are already puzzly enough, no need of horrible mapping and flipping time too!

It is a good game, it has great animation visuals, great voice acting, and they can be fun to play... until the moment they just get confusing and frustrating. Up to you if you wanna buy it or not! I personally would love to see them doing more good titles like State of Mind, but not with the graphics that they used there! I would prefer this type!
So I keep waiting... I keep waiting for that great title, with the simple, choice driven gameplay of SoM, and the great animated visuals of these old ones.
513 Produkte im Account
268 Reviews
550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 13:46
Another great adventure point-and-click game by Daedalic Entertainment.

It has a good “Alice in Wonderland” kind of atmosphere with a beautiful art style, fitting voice acting and nice music. The story is interesting and well thought out. The puzzles are fun and challenging at times.
327 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 20:37
This is actually a good point'n'click adventure game.

After great Deponia I decided to try other Daedalic adventure games. However, totally forgettable Memoria (pun intended) and rather underwhelming Whispered World left me in a bit of disappointment. But Night of the Rabbit suddenly turned out to be a wonderful specimen of the genre.

The game reminds of the classic old school point'n'click games - think Monkey Island or Sam&Max Hit the Road or Kyrandia. Modern adventure games tend to be primitive 'Find two hot spots for two items you have', so it's nice to see a return to the classic gameplay with over a dozen locations and a couple dozen of items, so that you have to actually think what you are trying to accomplish. Thankfully, logic in solving puzzles is present here, and the game can be completed without a guide (not including a couple of extra achievements, which most definitely will send you searching for it). I'd say, the difficulty balance for adventure games is perfect here - it's not too easy, yet it doesn't have puzzles with moon logic that block your advance for hours.

The story is nice - nothing too stellar, but also not stupid or incoherent. Characters are funny and likeable, some scenes and dialogues are quite fun.

Verdict - it's a hidden gem for classic adventure game lovers.

Also, that Kitsune easter egg! XD
313 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1455 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 18:06
The story is nice and so is the artwork and music. But the game can be very tedious. The dialogues are long and can feel boring when you have to listen to them more than once, and even if you can fast-forward, it sometimes takes too long as there are so many pauses and sentences. The logic in the game is good at times, terrible at others. And I`m not usre if it`s because of my screen resolution or what, but finding some of the HO (stickers, drops, etc) is close to mission impossible in some places.
I am looking forward to finishing this game because the story and scenery are nice and because this was a game I had been looking forward to for a long way, but also because I really want to be done with it and do not think I will replay it anytime soon. It also occupies a huge amount of memory for a 2D point and click, and not being in love with the game it is another reason why I can´t really wait to uninstall it. I would only recommed it to players who are very patient, have a lot of spare memory in their HD.
1913 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 18:24
I want to like the game, but it feels much slower than it should. It has a cute style and a good beginning, but the game play gets a bit boring. Anyone who can really get into the story would probably have a good time playing this, but I didn't finish it.
138 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 22:04
I could not and did not want to finish this game. I am a big adventure gamer and have played many games but I will not waste my time on a game that is boring uninspiring and wastes my time with searching for pointless articles to further my progress in the game especially when the characters are just plain boring. This game has NO HUMOR what so ever! The voice acting is pitiful and the story line is bleak uninspiring and downright boring. I have too many more fun games to play to waste my time on this crap. I wish it could of been better. Sadly it is not. Save your money and your time and stay clear of this dog of a game.
42 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 01:11
This is my first review so i'll keep i short. This game is a delight to play. It is obvious that the creators really care about the game they made.
1568 Produkte im Account
133 Reviews
1215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 15:09
Follow Games You Absolutely Must Have for more reviews!

Was a good idea to follow the rabbit?

Play as Jerry to save Mousewood in this magical journey and help him to become the magician he always dreamed to be.

Charming point n' click adventure game brought by Daedalic.

  • Beautiful graphics, great use of handraw artstyle and bright colors. This game shines for it visuals.
  • Hints availables. Since most of the puzzles are non logical. Sometimes is a headache.
  • Fantastic mini game i found myself playing the card game just for fun.
  • Good soundtrack it fits and complements the armosphere of the game.
  • Collectibles are a total plus! Really fun trying to get them all.
  • Many gaming hours maybe 15-20hrs.

  • Story is good but it's too slow.
  • Inventory interaction sometimes feels awkward
  • A lot of great characters but none of them feels important and they dont get a decent development.

  • Note: Grab it on sale, it's a great P&C. If you love Deponia i'm sure you will enjoy this one.
    317 Produkte im Account
    224 Reviews
    732 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.01.21 12:11
    My playtime: 12.2h (based on Steam, 100% achievement)
    Grindy Achievement(s): No (1 achievement requires you to mindlessly clicking 1k times).
    Optional Achievement(s): Yes (~11 achievements).
    Difficult Achievement(s): No.


    The Night of the Rabbit brings your inner child by taking you through a journey full of magic and imagination on your last day of summer vacation. You'll play as Jerry, a young wizard apprentice that is undergoing trials to become a full-fledged wizard. A lot of obstacles will stand in your way and you must do your best to solve them.

    - Great music that accompanies the story
    - Minigame to kill your boredom
    - Audiobooks to give you more information on the world

    - Some solutions don't make sense
    - In-game hints are useless

    Should you buy this game?

    If you like to play a game with a fantasy story, buy this game. Don't buy it because of the point-and-click element though because you'll probably end up playing with a guide due to its difficulty. If you find that the game is too expensive, it's usually very cheap at a sale. In fact, it's only $2 at this point in writing (3 Jan 2021).


    In-Depth Review


    The game uses a cartoonish style for its characters that blend well with the beautiful-looking backgrounds. All characters' expressions and movements are animated, making it easier to connect to the story. Some effects such as snow and lighting are also used to make the scenery more meaningful.

    I was quite amazed by the cutscenes at the end of the story, where the game uses a painting-like image to convey the story. It looks beautiful and breathtaking at the same time; I couldn't stop myself from looking at them.



    The story follows the adventure of Jerry, a boy whose summer holiday draws near. The beginning of the story somehow reminds me of Harry Potter, telling a tale about a boy who is newly introduced to magic and learn the new world around him. It starts slowly at the beginning, sometimes without any point at all, making you wonder what the story was supposed to be about.

    Dialogues never fail me with the depth in writing. I enjoyed the conversations between characters and the voice dub is done very well; the voices sound clear and expressive. The background song that accompanies the dialogue also helps to set the mood for the story. I didn't even have any thoughts to read the dialogues in advance and advancing the story before the character finishes talking because of it.

    The game will start to progress at some point, giving you a sense of purpose. It wasn't until at the end of the story that everything was explained, explaining all of the plot holes and revealing a lot of surprises. The mysterious ending also leaves room for a sequel should the developer decides to explore the title further in the future.

    The Game

    The game uses the same mechanic as any other point-and-click game: you pick up an object and use or combine it with other objects to solve a problem. There is also a tutorial that explains the control at the beginning of the game if you need it. You'll be going blind at first, hovering your mouse over any hidden object that you can find, hoping that they will be useful for your journey. The game will give you a feature to show all interactable objects at some point, which is indispensable for the rest of the game.


    Despite it being a point-and-click game, most solutions aren't apparent. It took me a while to figure out most solutions, even after consulting the hint system that turns out to be useless since it gave you nothing but a general explanation of what you're supposed to do. Some solutions also make little sense and force you to either consult a guide or use everything in your inventory to solve them.

    There is a card minigame that you can play at some point. Although it's fun and easy to learn, there is no point in playing the game except to get a certain collectible and taking a break from the actual game.

    I finished the game at 12.2h after completing all of the achievements and collectibles. Some collectibles are hidden well throughout the game that can give you an achievement and something nice to look at. One collectible, the audiobook, tells a lot about what's happening in Mousewood, one of the locations in the game, and its residents. I didn't have the chance to listen to everything though because they are very long and only serve as an extra to the story.


    Intel Core i5-9300H 2.40GHz, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650


    Despite it being a point-and-click game, I found the point-and-click element to be its greatest flaw. Solutions aren't that apparent and tend to make little sense to me. However, the story makes the game worthwhile, especially since it's accompanied by lovely music and beautiful-looking backgrounds. The ending also leaves me wanting more with the game and I'll be waiting for the sequel whenever it's available.
    130 Produkte im Account
    16 Reviews
    2393 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.12.20 22:34
    I was really impressed by the story in this game. As far as a point and click adventure game this is one of the better ones. It was fun and glitch free. There was lots of fun little side games to play. It's nice for the casual gamer. The soundtrack was so awesome that I ended up going back a week later just to buy it. What a thoroughly enjoyable game!
    372 Produkte im Account
    27 Reviews
    754 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.12.20 22:03
    A nice game for point and click fans!

    Good puzzles, a compelling narrative and a fun-to-explore world, full of curious characters.

    Also, this game is simply GORGEOUS.

    It has some nice extras, like a fun card-game and some short audio-book stories that you may collect on your journey.

    Could be a little shorter and also, I'm not a big fan of the idea that the main story and some of the greatest world secrets are spilled just in the ending of the game, but still, those are minor setbacks on a otherwise incredible game.
    73 Produkte im Account
    25 Reviews
    1229 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.12.20 11:19
    ___| GENERAL RATING |___

    ___| GRAPHICS |___
    ⬜ You will forget what reality looks like
    ☑️ Beautifull
    ⬜ Good
    ⬜ Decent
    ⬜ Bad
    ⬜ You will get eye-cancer

    ___| GAMEPLAY |___
    ⬜ Very good
    ☑️ Good
    ⬜ Just normal gameplay
    ⬜ Not really
    ⬜ You could play another game while playing this
    ⬜ Nonexistent

    ___| AUDIO |___
    ⬜ Eargasm
    ☑️ Very good
    ⬜ Good
    ⬜ Not too bad
    ⬜ Bad
    ⬜ Not worth it

    ___| STORY |___
    ⬜ This is now your life
    ☑️ Lovely
    ⬜ Good
    ⬜ Average
    ⬜ Some lore
    ⬜ No story at all

    ___| DIFFICULTY |___
    ⬜ Too easy
    ⬜ Easy
    ☑️ Significant brain usage
    ⬜ Easy to learn but hard to master
    ⬜ Difficult
    ⬜ Dark Souls

    ___| GRIND |___
    ☑️ Nothing to grind
    ⬜ Only if you care about leaderboards/ranks
    ⬜ Isn't necessary to progress
    ⬜ Average grind level
    ⬜ Too much grind
    ⬜ You will need a second life for grinding

    ___| GAMETIME |___
    ⬜ Long enough for a cup of coffee
    ⬜ Short
    ☑️ Average
    ⬜ Long
    ⬜ To infinity and beyond

    ___| AUDIENCE |___
    ⬜ Kids
    ⬜ Teens
    ⬜ Adults
    ☑️ Everyone

    ___| PC REQUIREMENTS |___
    ⬜ Check if you can run Paint
    ☑️ Potatoe
    ⬜ Decent
    ⬜ Fast
    ⬜ You will need a lot of money
    ⬜ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

    ___| PRICE |___
    ⬜ It's free!
    ☑️ Worth the price
    ⬜ If you have some spare money left
    ⬜ Wait for a sale
    ⬜ Not recommended
    ⬜ You could also just burn your money

    ___| BUGS |___
    ☑️ Never heard of
    ⬜ Minor bugs
    ⬜ Can get annoying
    ⬜ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

    ___| NOTES |___
    ➡️ Those are my own opinions, so please don't take them to serious
    5 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    1605 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.10.20 04:45
    370 Produkte im Account
    78 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    644 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.10.20 18:26
    Listen, I love point and click games. I love daedalic. I hate this awful game. The art style was beautiful, and that`s where the positives end. The dialogue and characters are downright insipid, the card game is necessary for plot progression yet is boring as all hell, and every. single. action. is padded with slow, awkward dialogue where this obnoxious british child makes it very clear how much he need to go to school. this game reminded me of why Lord of the Flies got written in response to The Coral Island, because by god did I leave this game wanting to write something where this kid has less reason to be so self-congratulatory.

    On the technical side, this game isn`t particularly big. It has few scrolling backgrounds, little movement, and like most point and clicks, functions on a similar vein to old hand drawn animations. most of it doesnt move. SO why the FUCK did it chew my computer up for breakfast? Like my poor tower was sounding like you could fry an egg on it. Iv played big, demanding games on this set up before, its not like we`re talking about a tablet here. Why on earth did this game of all games give my poor pc grief. I finished this game and hated every moment.
    145 Produkte im Account
    89 Reviews
    1653 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.10.20 00:21
    Overall, I enjoyed this as a game and story but it’s not without it’s problems. If you love Point & Click Adventure games then I think you’ll still enjoy it. If you’ve never played a P&C Adventure game this isn’t the one to cut your teeth on.

    The story was good. It felt very immersive and the details (though sometimes superfluous) do add to the characters and setting even if they do little to further game play. The story does have some pacing issues with the majority of it feeling pretty light and fun kind of how I felt about watching the first harry potter movie. However, towards the end the darker and more sinister parts of the plot come into play but they never seem to be particularly fleshed out until the very end when we finally get the other 90% of the backstory revealed. Yes, there’s threads of it there of you really piece together everything but, it feels like more of that could have been revealed slowly over the course of the game instead of dumped on you in essentially the end cut scenes.

    I will say that I suspected something about the Marquis de Hoto but, did not expect quite the backstory that the game eventually gives. I would have like to actually see more of that and have it worked into the game as opposed to passively experienced in abbreviated for during the end credits. In some people’s reviews they dislike Jerry thinking him too naive, too silly, etc… I didn’t think so. He seems about on par with what I’d expect out of 12 year-old boy. My 11 year-old son would probably have acted and responded similarly. Though, I am an adult playing through the game the character is a 12 year-old boy so I’d expect that to be the way I have to look at the world as I play.

    Though none of the characters will stick out as particularly memorable characters that I love they were not 1 dimensional nothings either. They have plenty of character and even some backstory they just don’t stay with you in the way that some beloved P&C characters do, like for example Rufus (Deponia) , Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island), or King Graham (King’s Quest), that doesn’t make them thoroughly enjoyable in the game.

    The world feels big even though you really only explore around your home, around the Mouse Village, and a few places outside the village. If I recall all the locations it’s maybe 24-25 scenes to explore? Some of those are actually one long scene that you seamlessly scroll as you walk but I’ve counted both halves as 1 screen. That’s not an exceptionally large world but, it’s not bad and it does feel large.

    The graphics on this game are beautiful. Gorgeous painted backgrounds, nicely drawn characters (though more simplistic than the backgrounds), and smooth animations make this visually very pleasant to look at and a treat to explore. There are a lot of details in backgrounds and even the characters and the quality remains largely consistent throughout the game. The visual quality of the game is excellent and definitely one of the games finer points.

    I rarely love soundtracks enough to mention them but I have to say I really enjoyed this one. It had some New Age, Celtic, Orchestral, Folk mixes in it that were reminiscent to me of tracks from Lord of the Rings or off an Enya CD. Those are genres of Music I happen to really love so I found the soundtrack extremely pleasant to listen to. However, I can also see how paired with the longer dialogues and slower pace this may make some people feel bored or sleepy. The character voices and background sounds are all well recorded and professional and the voice acting was actually very good.
    I did have some frustrating issues with the background SFX sounds. They are automatically set to maximum volume which drowns out pretty much everything else going on including characters talking this made it very difficult to hear what’s being said. Of course, the first time I noticed this I went in and lowered the SFX down to maybe 40-50% and it was fine… the problem is it seems to randomly reset itself back to maximum meaning I had to keep going back in and dragging it back down again and again. I’m thinking it reset after every cutscene but I didn’t pay close enough attention to find out if that’s what triggered it.

    The SFX resetting back to 100% wasn’t the only UI problem there was with this game. The inventory system is probably set up fine for people playing with a desktop and mouse (assuming your mouse has a wheel, which many do) but, it’s a little annoying if you are playing on a laptop. You access it only by the mouse wheel scrolling down or by pressing “I” in the keyboard. I found myself really disliking having to keep moving my hand around to click I then back to my trackpad, especially when it required doing so for several items in succession. I would have found it less disruptive to have an additional option to hover at the top of the screen to trigger the inventory as some other P&C’s including several other of Daedalic’s games have. I also found that when dragging an item out of the inventory you had to hover outside of the inventory quite a while before it would auto-close. Some things like the spells would have been better suited to an on-screen action bar type setup so you don’t have to go into the inventory to cast a spell. The wand could have easily sat along the side or bottom of the screen with active spells easily accessible.

    One of the biggest problems with this game however, are the puzzles… well actually there aren’t really puzzles so to speak. The game doesn’t have puzzles so much as just using inventory items together or with NPCs/objects in the game to advance story or gain new items. The solutions to how to combine, gain, or use the items however doesn’t always seem logical and is often a bit obtuse. In fact, it makes it very frustrating to playthrough at times and figuring it out doesn’t give that sense of accomplishment it’s more of an eye-roll and a “finally” sensation. There’s a sort of in-game hint system where you ask the Marquis for advice but often the advice isn’t very good being far too vague to be helpful. This makes it very difficult to play through without a guide. My general rule is I won’t look at a guide unless I’m stumped for an hour and I found myself routinely stumped for an hour or more. I’m not new to the genre and have been playing P&C Adventure games for decades since the 80’s. I’ve very rarely needed to consult hints/walkthroughs to proceed and when I do, I rarely have to do so more than 1-2 times for an entire game. By the 1/2 way I had used the walkthrough so much I decided that I wasn’t even going to wait anymore, if I didn’t get it after about 10 minutes, I consulted a walkthrough.

    If you are an achievement hunter this game has a good mix of achievements but you will probably need to use a guide to obtain them all. The achievements however do offer a good mix of story unlocked, collectable finding, and action specific achievements. There are several collectable sets in the game including dewdrops (32), quartet cards (32), stories (8), and stickers (8). Some are only obtainable during night or day. These don’t show up highlighted with the space bar like other items so you need to look carefully.

    The game says it has 20 hours of gameplay. If you don’t use a walkthrough, I would guess a lot of that is actually just trying to figure out the solutions that are so obtuse or illogical. I’d say an experienced P&C lover minimally consulting walkthroughs probably is looking at maybe 12 hours of gameplay which still isn’t bad. Maybe a second play though might be quicker but, the first one probably 10-12. If you just playthrough with a walkthrough the whole game you might shave off a few hours too.

    This game frequently goes on sale for less than $5 and I’d say if you love P&C Adventures it’s worth buying at the sale price but, I wouldn’t recommend it at the full price considering all its faults.
    129 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    868 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.10.20 03:46
    My favourite point and click game i have played. I want experience a severe concussion and lose 97% of my memory to be able to play this game again without knowing all the puzzle's answers and as a bonus forget my boring life as well. 10/10
    204 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    741 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.10.20 16:16
    A fun point and click puzzle game. Though the Hint System isn't great.
    22 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    1793 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.10.20 03:56
    i enjoy playing quartets with small animals in fancy clothes.
    95 Produkte im Account
    27 Reviews
    1242 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.10.20 12:06
    This is one of my favourite top 3 point and click game. A work of Art. It's full of magic Alice in wonderland style, the puzzle are challenging, the whimsical story is a delight, the graphics 2D are unique. Everything is here to enchant the player. I don't want to finish the game because I want to stay in this magic land. Thank you Daedalic entertainment I am really enjoying all your games. 11/10
    36 Produkte im Account
    146 Reviews
    994 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.10.20 00:52
    The Night of the Rabbit is full of mystery and wonder through clever storytelling. Each character demonstrates their uniqueness with dialogue and situations that frequently ask you to help them. Figuring out how to help is where things can get very puzzling sometimes. While the inventory and item combining system provides great function, determining when and how an item can be used requires some backtracking. To support this, the mouse pointer changes form to indicate possible interactions whenever you hover over an object or location. The true challenge to find solutions requires you to stretch your imagination; ironically appropriate given the nature of the story itself. The thing I will remember most is how this magic made me feel. If you want to play one of the best point and click adventure games, then this is your beginning to show everyone in Mousewood that nothing is impossible! Game on.
    265 Produkte im Account
    179 Reviews
    758 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.08.20 05:14
    Good game! Story gets a bit confusing but I still enjoyed it.
    306 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    1807 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.08.20 19:57
    An amazing point and click story adventure. Daedalic is sooo good at creating these and I enjoy every one of them. This would be my next favorite next to Whispered World and Deponia.
    66 Produkte im Account
    19 Reviews
    925 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.07.20 15:03
    It's a Point & Click adventure in the tradition of Monkey Island or Simon the Sorcerer. The characters (especially our protagonist) are very likable and there are lots of charming details to discover. I had a great time with this. If I had to name a negative, it would be that sometimes the cut scenes and animations are a bit long and I had to wait for endless seconds until I could (point and) click on something again. So maybe this is not for the impatient.
    88 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    2224 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.07.20 06:03
    - Storyline
    - Art
    - Lots of achievements and collectable items
    - Marquis De Hoto

    - Pacing way too slow
    - Lots and lots of dialogues, way too much unnecessary details
    - Key configuration is making skipping dialogues tough

    Play if you have:
    - lots of time
    - somewhat decent ability to read / listen to long stories
    - likes reading novels / audiobooks
    209 Produkte im Account
    17 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    66 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.07.20 22:02
    If you need something to put you to sleep, I recommend this game. The dialogue was awkward and the so-called puzzles required intuitive leaps far beyond human capabilities. If you're going to play, just use a walkthrough, bro.
    100 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
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    54 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.06.20 19:03
    This game may well have the most annoying protagonist of any game, ever.
    110 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    1389 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.06.20 10:02
    I've played Deponia series before and I think this game is really fun to play. Story is simple and mainly predictable but exciting. You just want to know what's going on in this world and it's mysteries.
    473 Produkte im Account
    29 Reviews
    794 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.06.20 04:42
    Magnificent adventure. The ending is unfortunately drawn out, but still one of Daedalic's best.
    250 Produkte im Account
    41 Reviews
    1206 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.06.20 09:26
    One of the best Point-&-Clicks that I've played so far! Nice story, cute characters, funny lines, beautiful soundtrack, challenging puzzles at times, it has it all!
    - Jeremiah Hazelnut, Magician Space Cadet!
    62 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    1925 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.05.20 16:06
    One of the best games I've played, hands down. Love it! And the soundtrack is heavenly!
    48 Produkte im Account
    14 Reviews
    850 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.04.20 22:51
    This was a hard decision, I was between the yes and no here.
    This game is beautifully made, great artwork and music, and for the most part I really enjoyed the story, but I do feel like the puzzles are too difficult, with a lack of logic or connection between some of the actions required to move forward. Anyone who can play through this entire game without referring to a guide deserves a medal.
    If you don't mind going to google for help from time to time, then it is a lovely game to play, just be warned that frustration may come with it.
    30 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
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    937 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.04.20 06:19
    I loved the Deponia series. The puzzles were challenging but there was a flow to your actions, and they were rewarding. This game just left you to guess over and over as to what you should do. I would often have tried several totally logical solutions given my inventory and the situation, but in the end, the solution was something that only worked in the mind of the creator. I felt like I was left hanging with no advice for the future too many times and thus would have to consult a walkthrough or just try things aimlessly until I got a result. The story was not compelling. This game relies heavily on the puzzles, and they were just frustrating. Randomly guessing until you get things right is not rewarding. The gameplay was also very tedious. Dialogue scenes dragged on, movement speed was slow, and even the fast travel system took about the same amount of time as just clicking my way to a destination. I quit this game moments before it ended because I just was done with it. I love the point and click genre and have been playing it like crazy during Covid quarantine. This one, however, was just not worth my time.
    632 Produkte im Account
    589 Reviews
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    464 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.04.20 16:35

    The Night Of The Rabbit, through Alices rabbit hole to wonderland

    Play as a boy who wants to be a magician, whose dream comes through and get kidnapped by a rabbit to wonerland.


    • The usual Daedalic point and click adventure
      Code The generic Daedalic point and click adventure expirience, they bring 1 or 2 of them each year, but nearly none of them do feel new or fresh.


    It might be something for point and click enthusiasts, but for somebody who likes a wide variety of games, this is just generic content and a waste of time to play.
    484 Produkte im Account
    101 Reviews
    960 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.01.20 21:36
    Very charming adventure with excellent characters and story. I liked most of the puzzles as well, only a few are rather unlikely and made me visit a walkthrough. Very recommended!
    300 Produkte im Account
    105 Reviews
    449 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.01.20 14:16
    Not too bad.

    Puzzles were a bit over the top hard a few times though.
    668 Produkte im Account
    15 Reviews
    1311 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.01.20 15:59
    A good point-and-clicker replete with worldbuilding and voiceacting.

    Longer than I anticipated, which was very much appreciated.
    43 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    595 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.12.19 20:29
    The Night of the Rabbit is a fun fantasy-like point and click adventure! This is no Alice in Wonderlands adventure.. Rather a boy who wants to become a magician through the help of his mentor. The world and its characters are whimsical and intrinsic that you won't want to miss this game.
    189 Produkte im Account
    14 Reviews
    1460 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.12.19 06:46
    A fantastic charming point and click adventure that I never grew tired of. Usually with point and click games I quickly grow tired of the puzzles and look up guides to advance the game, but the beauty of the game combined with amazing soundtrack caused me to not care about wandering around trying to figure out what to do next.

    It is slow paced, but that only added to the experience, making everything seem relaxed and peaceful like the babbling brook.

    My only negative thought on the game is that some puzzles are a bit odd, in that you have to trigger A before picking up B, even though there is no reason you couldn't pick up B in the first place. But these cases are few and far between.

    Overall, the best point and click I've ever played, and a thoroughly enjoyable game.
    426 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    516 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.12.19 00:32
    Wow, what can i say.
    This is one of my first playthroughs through a point and click adventure, and i loved it! I recommend this to anyone that cares for a good story and clever puzzles.
    Some of the puzzles are really hard and you may need to look up something, but once you do you feel dumb for not knowing.
    At the end of the day i hope everyone at least plays through this once.
    220 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    1019 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.11.19 03:25
    Night of the Rabbit is a beautiful, funny game that unfolds in an emotional journey. The set-up of the world is amazing, the animations are wonderful, and the ending is greatly satisfying and will leave you thinking about the world.
    99 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    549 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.11.19 11:25
    This game has so nice soundtrack! The plot and setting of it has awesome atmosphere. I really enjoyed playing it. I finished the game in 10 hours but if I didnt know what to do I would play it like 30 hours. High recommend: 9,5/10
    Logo for The Night of the Rabbit
    Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
    88.73% 1276 162
    Release:29.05.2013 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Deadline Games Vertrieb: Daedalic Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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