• The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.
  • The Lost Crown: Screen aus dem Adventure The Lost Crown.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 05.06.2009
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Preis Update 06.09.23

Über das Spiel

Löse ein uraltes Rätsel und suche an Englands vom Nebel umhüllter Küste, die für ihre Legenden vonSchmugglern, Piraten und Geistern berühmt ist, nach versteckten Schätzen. Erlebe zusammen mit den Geisterjägern Nigel Danvers und Lucy Reubans eine Geschichte des Schreckens und des Grauens. Ausgerüstet mit den Gerätschaften eines modernen Geisterjägers werden dich die kniffligen Rätsel und die zahlreichen Begegnungen mit den Einwohnern einer filmreifen, detailreichen interaktiven Welt windiger Küsten und staubiger Gruften in ihren Bann ziehen, zum Verzweifeln bringen und bis zum Äußersten fordern.
Doch sei gewarnt! Nicht wenige wollen verhindern, dass das, was begraben bleiben sollte, in seiner Ruhe gestört wird. Mit Nerven aus Stahl und scharfem Verstand entdeckst du auf deiner Suche nach der verlorenen Krone schon bald längst verloren geglaubte Geheimnisse, die bisher nur den Toten bekannt waren!

  • Schaurige Geistergeschichte in einmaliger optischer Präsentation
  • Realistische Geisterjagd mit echten E.V.P.s (Electronical Voice Phenomena - Tonbandstimmen)
  • Bilder unerklärbarer Wesen, die Producer Jonathan Boakes während seiner Recherche für das Spiel gemacht hat
  • Original-Soundtrack, der unter die Haut geht
  • Point and Click-Gameplay, spielbar aus 1st-und 3rd-Person-Sicht
  • Interaktion mit einer Vielzahl von Nebencharakteren: ermitteln, hinterfragen und beobachten
  • Realistische, fesselnde Rätsel
  • Überwältigende 36 Stunden Spieldauer


  • CPU: 1,5 GHz
  • GFX: 128 MB GeForce 5200
  • RAM: 512 MB
  • Software: Windows® XP (SP2) / Vista™
  • HD: 1,2 GB
  • SFX: DirectX® 9.0c-kompatible Soundkarte
  • INET: none
  • CPU: 3,0 GHz
  • GFX: 256 MB ATI® Radeon X600
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Software: Windows® XP (SP2) / Vista™
  • HD: 1,2 GB
  • SFX: DirectX® 9.0c-kompatible Soundkarte
  • INET: none

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 15:18
Ein wirklich sehr spannendes Spiel. Man fühlt sich den Charakteren sehr nah und möchte alles herausfinden. Hab für ein Spiel noch nie so lange gebraucht, aber da man einfach jeden Winkel, jedes Buch, jeden Geist usw genau erforschen möchte, sollte man sich die Zeit auch nehmen.
Das einzige was mich persönlich ein wenig gestört hat, diese wahnsinnigen langen Wege ... aber denk da kann man drüber hinweg sehen ;)
Definitiv empfehlenswert und freue mich gleich auf den zweiten Teil :)
97 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
590 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 12:20
Die Geschichte ist sehr schön, wobei das Spiel sehr speziell ist, viele Sachen sind unlogisch, man kommt stellenweise sehr schlecht voran, aber die Atmosphäre ist sehr gut. Musste stellenweise auf englisch umstellen, weil ich in der deutschen Version nicht aus den Dialogen raus kam.,.. das geht natürlich gar nicht.
79 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.17 18:54
Ich schreibe selten Reviews. Auch, wenn ich auf Spiele stoße, die mir (im positiven, wie im negativen Sinne) nahe gehen, komme ich meistens nicht auf den Gedanken, dass ich meine Meinung ja auf diese Weise Kund tun könnte.
Nun ist es aber so...
Seit ich vor ein paar Monaten The Lost Crown gespielt habe, drehen sich meine Gedanken um Saxton. Ich möchte in diese verschlafene kleine Hafenstadt zurück kehren und alle seine restlichen Geheimnisse lüften. Ich weiß genau, nach Saxton zurück zu kehren wird sich anfühlen, wie nach Hause kommen. Und weil ich es nicht erwarten kann, dass Blackenrock veröffentlicht wird und weil mein Kopf sich mehrmals die Woche mit der Frage beschäftigt, wann das endlich der Fall sein wird, sitze ich jetzt hier und schreibe eine Review. Nur, damit ich mich einen Moment lang wieder mit der Geschichte Saxtons und seinen liebenswerten Einwohnern beschäftigen kann. So sehr hat dieses Spiel mich gefangen genommen :D
The Lost Crown ist sicher kein actionreiches oder grafisch aufwendiges Spiel. Es ist konfus. Es ist langsam. Aber es ist mit einer Liebe gestaltet, die man in jeder Szene und jedem Dialog spürt. Jonathan Boakes ist offensichtlich mit ganzem Herzen bei der Sache und das spürt man. Dieses Spiel hat etwas, das die großen Titel der heutigen Zeit nicht besitzen: eine Seele.
Aus diesem Grund warte ich geduldig auf den Nachfolger. Egal wie viel Zeit sich Mr. Boakes noch lassen möchte, ich warte. Denn die Welt braucht mehr Spiele mit Seele.
41 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.15 12:44
Ich finde das Spiel im Großen und Ganzen klasse, ich mag die mystische Atmosphäre und stehe sowieso auf solche übernatürlichen Storys. Das einzige was mich an dem Spiel gestört hat ist dass Nigel sehr langsam geht und man des öfteren ziemlich lange Strecken zurück legen muss. Aber ansonsten ist die Story klasse, die Protagonisten sind echt gut gemacht,

Achtung: Bug an einer Stelle vorhanden. In der Höhle von Saxton kann man mit Professor Hardacre sprechen - tut dies nicht. Geht einfach weiter und redet erst mit ihm wenn ihr die Höhle wieder verlasst. Wenn ihr jedoch auf den Bug stoßt googelt einmal und ihr werdet hier im Netz Hilfe finden.

Viel Spaß beim Spielen. :-)
1655 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
2708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.14 08:24
Eines der längsten Adventures die es gibt noch dazu eines der besten aller Zeiten. Neben den klassischen Adventure Elementen wie Dialoge und Gegenstände einsammeln und kombinieren etc. muss man in The Lost Crown einfach gesagt Geister jagen bzw finden und mit diversen Equipment deren Existenz festhalten ob mit Hand-Cam, EMP Messgerät, Kamera oder Diktiergerät bleibt dem Spieler überlassen, jedoch empfehle ich immer alle Geräte zu verwenden sodass man Nichts übersehen kann. Der Noir Style wird durch farbliche Betonungen und den Hand -Cam Sequenzen aufgelockert. Und den frechen und furchtlosen Hauptcharakter Nigel Denvers muss man einfach für seine schräge Art lieben. Ich kann nur sagen dieses Spiel sollte jeder Adventure Liebhaber besitzen und natürlich auch spielen. The Lost Crown ist eine der grössten Bereicherungen im Adventure Genre. Seid Ihr fähig die Krone zu finden ?
32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 21:00
One of ther best games i've ever played! I love horror games but i hate jumpscares, but this didn't have one jumpscare! but it gave u that mystical creepy feeling that i love! def rec!
325 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
2167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 16:05
Even though Nigel irritates the hell out of me. I would still want to knock back a few beers with the guy and listen to him ramble on and on all before proceeding to go on an all night ghost hunting bender. Great game.
1615 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
1248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 09:03
Great & weird adventure.
33 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1026 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 09:56
I really like Jonathan Boakes' works, The lost crown is at top of them for me. Played and finished even after years and enjoyed it. Atmosphere, sounds and art design takes you somewhere. However still in my second play I had to check walktrough guides on the Internet, game direction isn't set fine and sometimes I really didn't know where to go, what to do, what's missing. If that happens often, it's really annoying. Recommend you to give a chance to this adventure
702 Produkte im Account
205 Reviews
1647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 21:24
Just like many other indie games The Lost Crown lives through its unique atmosphere and it is not straightforward to say that is it your cup of tea or not. This game feels very original and the reasons for it are both good and bad. While its bold approach to its ghost hunting theme is admirable and well done I never felt that this grabbed me as horror feature but more like a bit spooky tale with few good jump scares. I would have hoped that the game delivered pressuring mystic atmosphere, but it never reaches that really, which is a shame because I believe that the devs including Jonathan Boakes have done remarkable job with lore and every single aspect of ghost hunting is so well documented that immersion is very eerie and real at its best. However this nice feeling kinda of flattens many times especially it has so much to do with puzzles that keep player stalling.

The last crown is very long game and the reason is not the abundance of plot, but rather the confusion it pushes player to. There is too many times I have wondered around finding some last piece of the puzzle or finding the exact order of some combinations to get forward and there we get on the controversial part that should adventure point'n'click game be easy or merciless and this surely is very close to lastly mentioned. I do appreciate puzzles which challenge you to keep as keen mind as possible, but I do felt also that there were parts where developers had been in love with their product so much that they forgot the convenience. If I was not bored enough to be stuck in some detail the slow animations and overall setting gave experience which was revolting at its worse.

But nevertheless when there is no option to give neutral review I can do nothing else than to contribute. The Lost Crown in all its clumsiness is mystic adventure that I have had many good hours with and while being sullen looking generally there is so many things in the game that just bursts utter passion of telling a tale of foggy Saxton village and its horrors that it would be injustice to denigrate it. It's interesting graphical design of delivering the world with real photos, archived video footage and animated character models is just something that someone might call beyond ordinary. Damit, even the strange menu with hilarious 3D-animations proved that I was playing something really strange. The Last Crown really shows off how ambitious project it is and that is its trump card when being on the market where there is a lot of competition on these good days of adventure gaming.

Buy it on sales and you won't be too disappointed if it is not for you. I feel this is already small kind of cult classic for what I have heard and even have a friend of praising this game unforgettable masterpiece (for understandable reasons), but yet again the target audience may be narrow.
381 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1878 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 01:49
I have played nearly all of jonathan boakes games and I haven't got a bad word to say. The Lost crown is a amazing point and click game it draws you in especially the atmosphere the way the sound track changes honestly its worth playing check out his other games as well
21 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 12:14
one of the best horror titles available,this game has an another level of feel to it
366 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 05:59
One of the most beautiful games that is luring you to immerse into it.
It is very slow paced but the story is engaging and motivate you to discover more of the secrets of the country. The ghost scenarios and the environment are artfully created. The black and white well enhance the colours here and there. If you want to leave, use F1 button, this is not mentioned in the game.
600 Produkte im Account
278 Reviews
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 11:49
I liked it.
102 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 05:54
Fantastic game. Had a perfectly spooky and unsettling vibe throughout.
The story was intriguing with a heck of a lot of information, but just the right amount left unexplained to keep you wondering.

The controls are extremely simple, fully point & click, refreshing to be able to play a game with only the mouse.

The design helps set the scene perfectly with a mix of black & white and splashes of colour and often used to great effect in the telling of the story.

I thoroughly enjoyed the puzzles throughout, although I admit having to look up a couple which turned out that i had just missed a prompt or item. So make sure you are thorough with your pokings and clickings.

The main character can feel to move very slowly sometimes, but the few times i felt frustrated by this, it was exasperated by my eagerness to continue or when I had a sudden thought and wanted to act on it.

The thing that really made this game for me was the sound. The sounds were incredible and absolutely nailed the atmosphere, especially to amplify the spooky moments.

All said and done, this is a delightful point & click game with intriguing story, a variety of puzzles, beautiful design, stunning sound and great atmosphere.
It can be tedious to move about and some sections its easy to miss items or catch the prompts. Some people might find it to be slow paced in parts.
19 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
3477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 22:28
Ooooo scary, very atmospheric, sometimes i do wish the guy could move around a bit faster, tho that Might help with the atmosphere, or might not, think i cheated about twice when solving a problem was just going to try every combination and was just wasting time , some bits were hunting around till found the next bit, all in all good tho.
520 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 16:22
I was liking it, but there are soft locks in the game where you cannot proceed unless you trigger events which serve to remove the fun from the game. Read a walkthrough when I got stuck which advised I trigger some scene, tried it nothing happened so I must have missed something earlier, I gave up and played something else
293 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
2010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 19:02
I really loved most of this game. It's really well made, engaging and addictive; it has a really good mystery (or mysteries, to be precise), and some awesome horror moments, with really good ghost hunting. However, it's by no means perfect, and in my case, I found some moments to be too disturbing and/or violent for my taste: (spoilers) [spoiler] some cats disappear, and I naively expected them to be found alive later, but nothing further from the truth, they were tortured and killed, which is just awful; there's also an implied rape, followed by accidental homicide; an on-screen killing, although supernatural in nature, which makes it hard to even understand what is happening, and could ultimately be an accident induced by a paranormal entity; and also a pig which you feed and call by its name, and is later cooked, which seemed a bit mean to the player; I also didn't like a scene where a doll is burned, which a mad man loved, because he projected his dead wife onto it, and although, in his madness, he did awful things, it's still a really mean-spirited moment [/spoiler]. I wish some of that content was mentioned on the store page, it's always nice to give a heads-up on that. The other thing to mention is that it's a really slow-paced mystery, and although I have no problem with that, many people do. Apart from that, the character walks and moves veeery slowly, and even when you can skip most of his walking, every time you enter a new place or area, you have to watch him come in; sometimes even leave. I think this matter could have easily been fixed, but oh well, it's still not that bad. In any case, I think you get used to it after a while xD. Also, two achievements are bugged, but you can still get them by following some instructions on the achievements community guide (if you play it in german, you'll probably have no problems).
Anyway, I have played all the games these developers made before this one (dark fall 1 and 2, and barrow hill), and loved them, and I think this one would have been my favorite, safe for the violence and disturbing content, which was way more than before. I'm still going to play the next ones, hoping that they don't go as dark as this one did...
6 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 03:09
This game sucks
531 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
1696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 22:20
rating: 7/10
Can't wait for the sequel.
83 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 03:50
I played the first half or so of this game as a kid and got so scared that I quit. I am now glad I did - there is just straight-up cat torture in this game, and I'm glad I saw that as a spoiler instead of seeing it myself. Stop torturing/hurting animals in your horror games. It's not cute.
28 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.20 18:45
I played this game back when I was in middle school so I have a nostalgic bias for it. I would say to maybe wait for a sale unless you're into slow-burn adventure games like Black Mirror or Scratches.

TLC has quite a few problems, both from being a 2008 indie title on a limiting game engine and just a general game design standpoint.
*The voice acting from Nigel/Lucy (specifically during horror scenes) totally deflates the tension.
*LOTS of repeating dialogue.
*Janky looking animations and character models.
*Most of the scenes that are supposed to be spooky are nullified by the previously mentioned jank.
*Nigel's incredibly slow walking speed.
*Low resolution that can't be changed.
*The sequence of events needed to trigger story events can be bizarre.
*That very annoying Northfield Church puzzle.

I can forgive all those problems because this game is just so damn charming.

*The setting of Saxton is wonderful and so well realized. There's so much lore, history, and details to be found everywhere. The town and the surrounding areas feel like real places I could visit (Well, they partially are!).
*The combo of real life photos and in-game models, the black and white artstyle with the occasional splash of color, and the excellent soundtrack create a very mysterious and intriguing atmosphere.
*The cast of characters are interesting and add a lot to the experience. I hope future games have more Nanny Noah and Mr. Russet.
*With the exception of that one Northfield puzzle, the puzzles are just the right difficulty. A good mixture of memorization and logic puzzles.
*I love ghost stories, and there's plenty to be found here. There's a good variety of ghost hunting gadgets, stories, and kinds of spiritual encounters. The main antagonistic force, the Agers, are very creepy and I wish they were in the game more. In spite of the jank, there are a couple of spooky moments that work quite well. The EVPs are easily the best voice acted content in the game.

Would absolutely recommend for adventure game fans and people who have an interest in stories about ghosts or the supernatural.
87 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 08:02
I had low standards to begin with but apparently not low enough.
The story was interesting but the ending killed it. spent over 20 hrs playing this only to have that cut short less than interesting ending.
Clunky controls
overly dragged out cut scenes
horrible voice acting

It's a no from me dawg.
1021 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
1252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.20 13:27
Compelling point and click game set in East Anglia. Ancient mysteries and ghostly history.
450 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 21:57
The premise of the game, and the first few moments of it seemed pretty cool, but that's where it ended for me.

The controls are clunky. Did they not know about arrow keys in 2008? (rhetorical question) Even if I could get used to that....

The resolution is super low and cannot be changed. If you play the game in a window, hitting the maximize button just sends it to the corner of the screen instead of center. If you play full screen you have huge black bars surrounding it on all sides. This still might work if you change the resolution of your screen to something other than it's default, but as most know, that makes it look kind of bad and for a person like me with multiple monitors, it throws all the windows off of those so I can't monitor them while in game. This is probably not a big deal to many, but for me it's a game breaker.

Lastly the game does not follow proper Windows protocols and controls. Maximize button doesn't work properly. Hitting the X to close the game doesn't work. Right clicking the game in the bar doesn't work.

I'm guessing this was some kind of port? I don't know - but it's not workable for me.
193 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 06:09
when im 12 im so scare playing this game, that pig scream on bathroom make me jump.. can't forget that until i'm 23 now..

10/10 Puzzle!
10/10 Story!
10/10 Horror!

10/10 Must play game!

*are you alone in this place ?
*can you see me?
*can you hear me?
*i shall leave you in peace.
411 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5967 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 12:48
Atmospheric with great characters. The right amount of puzzles at just the right difficulty.
Great storyline and glad it's in third person. Really enjoyable to play and a nice length. Would thoroughly recommend.
39 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.20 14:20
PROS: Very big game and lots and lots of environments to explore and things to do. Puzzles are mainly object and ghost hunting based with regards to finding all elements of activity using electronic devices.
This game is endearing with regards to the Characters and script. Environments are cosy and small town. This game is probably for more patient people, as game play is casual and methodical. Well worth the money and lots of care has gone into this game. I like the muted colours and the animation, somewhere between real and cartoon.
CONS: Dialogue remains active even if you have already asked people questions and doesn't change even if you have already done the thing that was mentioned, so you never know if new information is being provided unless you trudge through the conversations you've already heard. Probably more than once. The acting isn't great and people don't speak like actual human beings but I came to like this and decided it was 'quirky' and 'endearing' The main character sounds like the kind of person who would tell you why Star Wars is the best film ever made and give you bullet pointed text messages.
You often find yourself walking around in big slow circles as there can be a 'pixel hunting' element to some areas. It's often difficult to find the right angle to find something like one or two of the letters in the Churchyard. Some places tell you that an action is needed but in fact they are not needed until ages later so you waste a lot of time. Actual puzzles are few and far between so there is a linear feel and often feels a bit repetitive in places. That said it's well worth every penny and I would buy the next one in a heartbeat.
234 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.19 01:37
I reviewed Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle and wasn't exactly thrilled with it but I do love the DarkFall series.

The Lost Crown is a point and click adventure game but instead of the traditional first person view, you get a third person view of Nigel. That had mixed results, for me. I liked seeing Nigel and seeing my character navigate the world and interact with it. However, the walking animation was a little awkward looking at times. As Nigel walked he looked a little 'floaty' looking and when he turned it was...off. His lower half would turn and then his torso. It was only a couple of milliseconds off but it was noticeable. It looks like that has been improved in the current games in the series.

The art was so very nicely done. It has a black and white aesthetic with bits of color here and there. It looks great. My only issue with it was that the cursor itself was white so it would occasionally get lost against the background and I would have to move it to find it again. The people looked good and the sound design was excellent. A little too good at times, in fact. When playing at night, if I was by the shore, I would doze off because the sounds of nature and waves would totally put me right out.

The story is good, as well. The plot follows Nigel after he 'accidentally' spies on a secret project at Hadden Industries (a name that pops up frequently in other games, as well) and 'accidentally' steals documents revealing a portal to a ghost dimension (perhaps). Luckily, Nigel's boss is pretty understanding and sends Nigel some ghost hunting equipment. And the hunt is on! There's a main plot about Nigel trying to find the titular lost crown. There's also some sub-plots bout a catnapper and some ghosts you have to help free or sometimes just interact with to further your own quest to find the lost crown.

One of the highlights is the interactions between people. A lot of the dialogue is genuinely funny and the acting is very believable. I really like the interactions between Nigel and Lucy. The end hangs on a bit of a cliffhanger (not with the main story, though, that is wrapped up very satisfactorily) that promises more of the Nigel and Lucy team.

If I had to complain about an aspect it would be that sometimes there wasn't much direction given. Nigel has a journal that lets you know your current goals but it's not always clear how you're supposed to accomplish the objectives. The puzzles are good and don't rely on dream logic to solve. I liked that a lot.

There were some genuinely creepy moments and it was a heck of a lot creepier than Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle. It feels as though there is a genuine threat at times and that is much better than a big rock.

I would definitely recommend it if you like adventure games. It's a slow-burner on story, though, so if you like your plots and gameplay more fast-paced you might not enjoy it. It does a fantastic job of creating the town and making it feel really real. The production team used actual pictures of towns in Cornwall and England and recreate them beautifully. If you want something a bit more slower paced and story-oriented then I definitely recommend it. The next game in the series is The Last Crown: Midnight Horror so be sure to keep on the lookout for an upcoming review!

You can find more horror and sci-fi genre reviews at
38 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.19 00:06
Such an awesome game, and over the years I must have played it a dozen times or more. A good story, lots of backing and forthing but it fits together, and an interesting ending. It's like an old friend now. I've even been to Cornwall to see the places that inspired it.
1786 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.19 20:37
With these binary ratings from steam it is getting hard to say until that point you can recommend a game. The Last Crown is by far the most ambitious game from Jonathan Boakes, a guy I credit with the beginning (or part) of the indie game explosion when he released the Dark Fall, a game that he basically did from scratch. He is specialised in (point n click) adventures, usually first person, with non gory horror elements, all based, more than on the classic British writers, on the later TV and film adaptations that kept us who are now in our 40s awake with fear. Dark Fall really scared me when I played it the first time, Dark Fall 2 had interesting elements, did not quite get into Dark Fall 3, and I loved and was irritated by The Lost Crown to bits.

The game is a mix of different ghost stories that happen on a town that is based on different places around Cornwall. The game has a great, thick atmosphere where you can understand the appeal and the magic of those places, where you feel the warmth of the pubs and the coldness of the barely maintained old houses by the sea. The story is developed through several days where you investigate around the town, the forest, the trees, haunted churches, haunted houses and the rest of British haunting realness galore. And the game is one of the few point n click adventures that frightens me, that really scares me, that keeps me tense (there are some parts of it that I consider the most terrifying: I hate jump scares, I usually quit games as soon as they have one easy jump scare, and I love every second of the scariest part int his one).

But the game, being a celebration of the local folklore and the local help ends up being a bit of a narcissist trip. The main character is voiced by Boakes himself and it is so much a Mary Sue (or Marty Stu if you wish) that sometimes I wish another character was the main character. The voice acting goes from the irritating to the absolutely atrocious, speaking slowly, really slowly, getting on your nerves. The game itself goes slowly, the character walks slowly, and there are oh so many empty screens. The puzzles themselves are a bit on the obscure side, and these two last cons happened so often in the 00s with the developers that moved their games to a third person perspective (hello Syberia) where you can clearly notice that some design fits better the first person.

There are first person parts, though, and they are a glorious equivalence of the found footage horror films (that I love). I mean, this game, again, scared me, this game redefined what an English church is to me to the point that I always think it twice before entering them now. And it is a long game with a lot of ghosts.

Pity that the game ends with so many unresolved plots, on the other hand. But anyway, an ambitious, literate, sometimes pedantic, sometimes lovely, definitely scary, experience.

Two more points on the technical side: graphics are lovely though sometimes the perspective gets weird, and the sound design is of the highest quality.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
78.84% 231 62
Release:05.06.2009 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Darkling Room Vertrieb: dtp - entertainment AG Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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