The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
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Über das Spiel
Das Leben im Großreich Arknia ist hart, und aufgrund deiner Herkunft ist dir das härteste Schicksal beschieden. Du bist ein Gemeiner ohne Rechte und ohne Titel. Um deiner wahren Bestimmung zu folgen und als rechtmäßiger Erbe das Vermächtnis der Familie Brante zu beanspruchen, musst du dich über starre Traditionen und Vorurteile hinwegsetzen. Begib dich auf eine lebenslange Reise von der Geburt bis hin zum endgültigen Tod. Überstehe unruhige Zeiten, meistere die Widrigkeiten des Lebens und triff viele schwierige Entscheidungen. Jede einzelne Entscheidung wirkt sich nicht nur auf den Protagonisten, seine Familie und andere ihm nahestehende Personen aus, sondern könnte letztendlich sogar das Imperium in seinen Grundfesten erschüttern.
Am Wendepunkt der Zeit
Das Leben eines jeden imperialen Bürgers ist durch seine Herkunft vorherbestimmt. Die Götter, bekannt als Heilige Zweifaltigkeit, haben diese Wahrheit der Welt auferlegt und die Sterblichen in Stände unterteilt. Die Adeligen herrschen und lenken die weltlichen Geschicke, die Geistlichen führen die Gläubigen auf den einen wahren Weg und die Menschen von niederer Geburt darben in einem Leben voller Leid und Mühsal für den Ruhm des Imperiums. Du könntest dein Schicksal akzeptieren, ohne es je zu hinterfragen, doch es liegt auch in deiner Macht, die kosmische Ordnung, die alles zusammenhält, außer Kraft zu setzen.
Deine Entscheidungsfreiheit ist keine Illusion
Das Spiel ist in Kapitel unterteilt und entfaltet seine Handlung abhängig von den Taten und erworbenen Fertigkeiten des Spielers sowie anderen auf das Geschehen einwirkenden Faktoren, die bei jedem Spieldurchgang eine einzigartige Geschichte formen. Jede Entscheidung auf deiner gesamten Reise durchs Leben hat Folgen und du musst für dein Handeln die Verantwortung übernehmen. Wirst du deine Familie und andere dir nahestehende Menschen beschützen, den Willen des Imperators durchsetzen und es dabei zu Wohlstand bringen oder versuchen, die Welt so zu verändern, wie du es als richtig erachtest? Triff deine Wahl, aber sei dir stets dessen bewusst, dass niemand vor den Irreführungen durch Stolz und Ehrgeiz gefeit ist.
Kämpfe für dein Leben
Als Einzelner ist man in diesem Reich alles andere als allmächtig, doch mit deiner Hilfe wird Sir Brante womöglich zu einem Menschen, der jede Prüfung zu meistern vermag, die das Schicksal ihm auferlegt, um schließlich vielleicht sogar die Gesetze neu zu schreiben, denen diese Welt unterliegt! Entwickle und schule deinen Charakter, indem du Eigenschaften wie Entschlossenheit, Feingefühl und Beharrlichkeit verbesserst. Alle Fertigkeiten des Helden, die er zum Teil bereits in der Kindheit erlangt, wirken sich auf seine Persönlichkeit, Weltanschauung und Beziehungen aus und eröffnen ihm dadurch wiederum neue Talente und mögliche Handlungsstränge.
Finde deinen eigenen Weg
Der erste vollständige Spieldurchgang kann sich über mehr als 20 Stunden erstrecken! Die unzähligen sich verzweigenden Handlungsstränge, die Einfluss auf die sich mehr und mehr entfaltende Geschichte nehmen, machen jeden Durchgang zu einem einzigartigen Spielerlebnis: Werde ein vornehmer Richter, erlerne die Wege der Inquisition, plane als Mitglied einer Geheimgesellschaft eine Revolution oder verfolge völlig andere Ziele. Sei mutig, dann wird sich das Schicksal deinem Willen beugen!
Im Diesseits und im Jenseits
Dank des Reinkarnationssystems verliert der Spieler bei seinem Tod nicht seine Erfahrung, sondern bewertet seine Taten aus dem letzten Leben und zieht entsprechende Schlüsse, um seine Vorgehensweise für das nächste Leben anzupassen. In diesem Spiel übernimmst du nicht nur die Kontrolle über dein Leben, sondern auch über dein Ableben, um in diesem Kreislauf aus Tod und Wiedergeburt letzten Endes alles in die Waagschale zu werfen!
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1068 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 23:36
I am enthralled by the depth of the story and the possible story paths that really seem to distinguish one from another.
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 19:19
- you like to read (in English)
- you like to be immersed in a story
- you like making choices
- you like pondering about your choices
- you like Game of Thrones/brutal Medieval Fantasy kinda setting
I think this game will be remembered for a long time...especially by the ones who played it.
Should you try it? I don't know. Try the demo and see for yourself.
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952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 00:39
2488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 09:21
It is set in a fantasy realm; multiple sentient species exist, and more existed before. The gods are a matter of fact; their rule is ever-present in your life. You play as the second son in a family, and ultimately you have three generals paths before you; the path of the commoner, the path of a priest, and the path of a noble. To avoid spoilers, I will limit myself to saying this; these paths may seem simple to choose from, but they are all more than they seem, and the additional choices thereon diversify the plot even more.
In relation to technical aspects of the game, the graphical presentation is both flawless and immersive, and the music is also excellent; the number of tracks is large enough to provide for enough variance that the music always feels fresh. However, the sole voice actor of the game is extremely amateurish and sounds like he has an uncharacteristic speech impediment (especially so considering he's meant to be voicing the well-spoken main character, Sir Brante).
Mechanically, the game assigns stats to you, and values of affection or contempt to people of meaning that you will interact with. It becomes a bit of a balancing act, but ultimately, it just means that you are forced to play as the character you've been playing as before; do not expect to be able to become a genius when your character has been out drinking at every opportunity, or have a good familial relationship when you've only ever cared about maintaining your studies and your reputation. There is also a mechanic called 'willpower' which can become irritating, especially towards the end of the game; however, I would recommend treating it as a narrative feature - because it is one.
That leads on to my next point - a negative one. The final arc, the 'revolution' is a messy attempt to bring nearly all paths back together for one big finale. Rather than your choices in the past, there is only one thing that matters during this arc: how much willpower you stocked up before the arc started. If you didn't stock up 20-30, you will get one of the generic ends that don't apply to your story; it's disappointing, and should've had more thought, time, and effort put into it.
I wholely recommend this game to anyone that enjoys a solid narrative, and enjoys exploring that narrative. However, I would strongly recommend playing through the 'noble' path the first time you play; it's lower quality than the other paths, but it's also clearly intended to be the 'first' path anyone plays through.
427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 15:59
921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 15:47
2004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 04:11
You are Sir Brante, the middle son of Robert Brante and Lydia. Your father is a judge for the Empire & a Noble of the Mantle, while your mother is a commoner. Hence, you have a few paths to walk: To be like your father as a judge and a noble, to be like your mother as a commoner, or to be a priest.
Within this story, you face many difficult choices, and you have to decide what path you want to be. Ultimately, the final choice is yours, as every decision you make will decide the fate of the Empire.
Personally, I came across this game after reading reviews under Suzerain, a political simulator, and Sir Brante was heavily raved. I was not disappointed, as this game has exceeded my expectations. As I walk along this journey, I find myself struggling to make the right choices and ultimately, some of these choices would bite back hard.
As you play along this game, you will face some love interest for every path you make. Just be careful. Additionally, I strongly recommend playing as a judge first, followed by a priest and lastly, a commoner. You will understand the structure of the world and the political situations in a much clearer picture as a judge.
Last but not least, I really hate Sophia. She sucks.
1190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 17:23
1632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 15:19
Comparing it to the Choice of X games, namely Choice of Robots and Choice of Magics, I'd describe the differences in the following way.
Choice of X series offers breakneck pacing, meaning you can easily go from 0 to 11 in under two hours, unless an untimely dead end happens to interrupt your playthrough. Humble beginnings are swiftly forgotten and replaced with something far grander.
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante, however, offers a calmer experience. Here you go from, let's say, 3 to 8, and the progression is considerably slower (it took me 8 hours to reach the finale). This lets the game rather thoroughly focus on each of its chapters, providing plenty of details and boosting immersion. Speaking of the latter, it certainly helps that the game is not 100% text-based, and as for its stat system, in my experience it's minimalistic and sensible enough to avoid pulling out the reader out of the right mindset.
The game is true to its name, and the suffering is plentiful. It does allow you to snatch a fair number of various victories, but many are the cases where you will be forced to concede or just let things proceed as if you weren't there. So, if this doesn't sound acceptable, it's unlikely that there's a good time to be had here. The game is fully honest about all this, though, for what that's worth.
The finale felt respectable to me. Most of the loose ends felt reasonable to me, a few I'd prefer to have eliminated, but overall I don't believe there were any major issues with it.
I'm satisfied with what I got out of the game, and I'm rather strongly considering another playthrough or two to see certain other paths that Sir Brante is yet to walk under my guidance.
[Update] Here's what I have to say after experiencing the game further.
On one hand, I'm rather satisfied with the other major paths. They all share certain components, but there's also a fair amount of unique stuff, and for me experiencing it was absolutely worth it.
On the other hand, replaying the game over and over again isn't what I'd call smooth. You will inevitably be spending time skipping bits that you're already familiar with, and there's no automatic way to handle that. In a way, I guess this is a necessary evil, but I wish they'd make things easier to handle somehow.
So, the way I see it, pretty much the only sensible way to make subsequent playthroughs more tolerable in terms of user experience, so to speak, is by using guides aimed at reaching certain endings. I'd suggest doing a playthrough or two blind, and then, if you are still interested in seeing more, making use of walkthroughs.
1464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 00:22
I highly recommend the game!
1458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 19:35
It is quite easy to mess everything up. Normally I wouldn't mind this, however the paths to reach a somewhat happy ending are quite narrow and thus do not allow for a lot of choice on your part. The game starts out stronger than it ends (it is still decent at the end, but could've been better). In my first playthrough I played with hidden consequences and noticed that my stats were shit when reaching the 3rd Chapter. So I restarted multiple times to figure out what to do to boost my stats. Also, I find it weird that there are no real boons for maxing out skills, I don't even recall an event that required maxed out stats, so what was the point of allowing you to level your stats beyond the requirements for the toughest choices?
In any case, the worldbuilding in this game is quite nice, with interesting rules that affect the entire world, like where every person is able to endure 3 lesser deaths, before reaching their true death.
I got quite attached to many of the characters, but was saddened that some inevitably go down the same path, irregardless of your choices and your relation to them, and are thus lost to you.
Overall, this is the type of game that, once it gets its hooks into you, doesn't let go, until you finished at least one playthrough satisfactorily. I'd say it was worth the purchase and therefore recommend it.
739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 03:48
1317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 17:02
Beautiful artstyle and paintings introduces each chaper little by little. While moving along you meet in your path and be with many characters that you get to like them or question them. Accompanied with some classical style music that helps you to push forward.
Gameplay is based on choices. Some are evil some are good but there is no clear line whats the best for everyone. Even thou I liked the gameplay but sadly this game is not as flexible as I wanted to be. In many occasions you are shut from other paths just because you chose one wrong move. Now there are two difficulties that lets you either see consequences or Iron mode where you cannot see anything but only after you make a choice. In a paper it sounds great but in reality its not that fleshed out. A lot of stuff can lead straight to a death path. There is resurrection mechanic which I liked a lot. Developers could played more around with this mechanic and let you to regain your lifes back. Sadly you can only die. 3 deaths and you done.
I never finished this game. This game defeated me. Tried to restart 5-6 times but then I was torn appart from trying again and again. It seems that fighting for you loved ones and family leads you in the most harsh and life threaten situations. No matter what you do you’re still screwed. Developers could made more flexible paths along the way and let you to fix your problems. Instead it punish you more and more. Not bad game but far from what it should be from gameplay and choices perspective.
675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 19:28
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467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 23:03
718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 01:29
In general, the game does an excellent job connecting dots. Things you do early in life really have an impact later on. You also are given a range of choices, but there is a bit of a funneling effect: by the time of the rebellion, you will see a large swath of choices, but most of them will be unavailable to you. I know it would cause a lot of scripting, but it would have been nice to just not show paths totally unavailable to you and instead give you more choices available to your current job. For instance, if I am playing as a priest, there is no reason for me to see choices for judges or rebels. I would rather see more choices for the priest.
For instance, during the rebellion you might have an encounter with 6-8 choices. Amazing right? But maybe half of them are not available due to your occupation. One of them is a suboptimal choice that just pushes the narrative on but gives little or no rewards or possibly even punishes you. That means you're left with 2-3 good choices, and of those, another 1-2 are probably unavailable due to past actions in your job (e.g., going Old Faith instead of New Faith), so realistically, any given playthrough might get 1-2 good choices. It's more than a little binding and makes it feel like I'm just there to click the best button. It is especially problematic the further one goes in the game, which is rather ironic considering you start as a baby.
In addition to that, there are changes in global stats that seem to happen with no influence by the player. Things like the wealth and security of the province just bounce around regardless of what I do. What's the point? Just start the stats where you want them to be and spare me the unnecessary exposition.
That said, overall it's a strong effort and a recommend for anybody who enjoys CYoA books. The writing, setting, and world building are all top notch. It has just enough mystery and enigma to make you want to come back for more.
557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 11:59
Some prerequisites for decisions are a bit finicky, and may require a chapter reset if you're set on them, but it tends to be a solid experience overall.
430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 23:55
Amazing Aesthetic
Amazing writing
Amazing Soundtrack
The Biggest Issue is that when you want to get a certain ending it requires you to grind points which is dissimilar to an actual choose your own adventure story, and I think takes a moderate amount of fun out of it.
668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 03:18
351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 21:54
* Lore and atmosphere: great and memorable
* Art and cutscenes: so amateurish I'd prefer to not see them at all
* Difficulty: game is punishing but generally feels fair.
But why spoil the ending in the name and chapter structure, though?
One of the best interactive novels I've played. Good job, authors
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750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 22:06
1455 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 20:58
Yes my first run ended in a disaster.
2703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 17:54
It took me about 45h to fully complete the game (achievements and all)
397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 21:01
I am already thinking about how I will play through the game next time and that is testament to how well it is done here. Having played game books since the 80's this is a fantastic evolution of that concept.
And in case you are wondering if I got the ending I wanted.....ummmm.....nooooooo........
Still loved every minute!
801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 19:48
Would love more games like this, and as an avid player of Suzerain I feel some clear overlap.
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922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 15:06
As an example, if my judge character has 20 valour and 20 diplomacy then surely there should be a way for me to achieve a reasonable outcome. Any outcome, at all, is all that I ask for. No, it forces me in the strongest possible way to choose between the concepts of justice and my career. You can opt for the two extremities and that's it. There is no room at all for the middle ground. In certain circumstances, your choices are cut off because of a deal you made a few years ago that ostensibly bares no relevance to the choice that you want to make. For example, making a deal with Mayor Egmont will preclude you from being able to negotiate with El Vernel (if that is his name, I can't remember).
It is frustrating because there is a lot of interesting world building and many of the choices that you make are interesting and meaningful but the circumstances mentioned above are far too common for me to enjoy the game. A real shame.
1401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 01:52
If you get anywhere near the end conditions the game appears designed to add unstoppable modifiers that prevent you from getting it. And they seem to trigger randomly just depending on whether you would actually get this one specific ending or not.
First play through trying to get it I missed the goals. I was like: oh well, just need to setup better. Second time I line everything up perfectly - I just need an 8 or 9 to get it. Actually tricky because there's so many +2 bonuses. Finally make it happen. Then, final turn before the ending, an event triggers that gives me a +3 buff, with no opportunity for recovery. So I miss the ending.
Ah - the old fake out - all right. So this time I arrange things, making sure to land on 6 for my stat, ensuring that I will actually have the required 9 after this event triggers as the only stated condition on the event triggering was that a previous event have happened. So I did that, ensuring the other event was fulfilled... only to be left holding my dick in my hand when the event didn't trigger where it did before.
So I do it again being like, if I replicate everything I did, modifying just one or two events to make sure I'm at an 8 ... maybe I'll be good? Nope. Back to triggering this +3 buff bumping me to 10 again. Entertainingly a 2nd unrelated event spawned right after... naturally offering me -3 debuff.
Good game otherwise.
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1145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 19:26
1016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 16:33
Exceptional world building that had me immersed all the way through, I was gripped from start to finish.
Everything made sense, the choices you make actually matter later on.
And what an amazing score too, nice game you got fellas.
132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 07:05
I hope you know how many awards you forewent hiring the first guy who replied on Craigslist. This game is awesome.
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474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 20:34
The first two thirds of the game is great. The writing is solid, the characters are well-defined, if a little tropey, and there's plenty of moral dilemmas to keep you on your toes.
The game completely falls apart in the final third. Paths and achievements you spent hours working towards can be completely negated by one choice. This isn't inherently a bad thing, as it can sometimes make sense for a single big decision to have devastating consequences. However, the issue in Sir Brante is that the game puts so many specific conditions on all non-default choices later in the game, making them difficult to access. So when a specific path or achievement you earned gets completely wiped out by one decision, it severely limits your available choices later. And for some choices, you can get locked out of them regardless of your character stats. This robs the player of any kind of freedom late-game and gives you harsh consequences that you really didn't deserve. It feels like a slap in the face. Yes, choices should matter, but there needs to be balance between the black-and-white choices and the more complex, grey choices.
This is worsened by the fact that the game encourages balanced play early in the game, but then punishes you for it later. So all the build-up just ends up in a complete anti-climax.
Just an incredibly frustrating experience at the end, after the early hours were so engaging.
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527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 23:17
I feel like I should add more to give an idea to the devs on where they can improve. So after a quick search my suspicions were confirmed, and it seems like lots of people have a similar impression to me, in that the game is great right up until the last two chapters, and I think the reason for this is because of a lack of options available because the story needs to come to one of its predetermined endings, so the last two chapters, no longer branching out but rather pruning in, no longer give you any wiggle room and instead lead to bizarre plot turns that can lock you into death spirals with no options for escape. basically, the only way out of a bad ending is by following a guide, being extremely lucky, or have played the game enough times to figure out the correct path. The problem here is it means everyone's first playthrough is likely to be disappointing, which is a very bad thing to do, because (at least for me) it left a sour taste and a lack of interest in trying again.
For my specific failed playthrough (Spoiler Warning) I was doing the Lotless Spy Network thing and I was particularly annoyed that there weren't nearly enough event options to increase Spy Network without decreasing Unrest or vice versa. I was working towards Free City working with the Mayor and tried to get the Overseer's blessing for the family (along with Wealth 10 and Unite the Family). I made one wrong choice in adopting Gloria which meant I couldn't unite the family and that ruined the Overseer's blessing part. I then tried to get Egmont's rebellion up and running but I went from Unrest 7 to Unrest 9, which activated a riot which dropped the Unrest back down again (because I didn't have the Spy Network to maintain it) and that gutted my run. In retrospect I should have accepted a minor death somewhere in the run, but I presumed I'd probably need two minor deaths in the last chapter. Now I'm thinking at least I would've made it to the last chapter. In any case, I was always one stat off from whatever I needed when I needed it (like why do you need Eloquence to kill Felipe?! I was so pissed that I was one off on that), and that really pissed me off. I was almost thinking, what if there was an option of trading skills when you absolutely needed them (like permanently sacrificing 2 skills points for 1 temporary skill point when needed). It would mean you could tank your off skills but still pass the test at hand. Just a thought.
28508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 06:27
Overall I'd still recommend the game, but I would also recommend being very conscious of the stats because it's the only way you can really shape a story that makes sense once you reach the end. So basically...
-incredibly complex characters, relationships and worldbuilding.
-A really interesting story with a lot of different outcomes and twists
-The choice based mechanics are responsive and impactful - you really feel like you're building a person.
-Thought provoking - stays with you for a while.
-Some replay value due to the different factions, pathways, etc you can take.
-Frustratingly restricted in narratively illogical ways in the final chapter
-Replay value is limited by the inability to fast forward through text you've already seen
-Romances seem a little underdeveloped to me
-The choice mechanisms sometimes break with plot turns being dependent on stats instead of events and thus sometimes locking you into paths that, narratively, seem to be out of nowhere.
-Pretty depressing sometimes, I mean it's a great game but kind of a downer.
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1672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 12:30
You can spend the whole time building towards something with logical steps and have really high points in your needed categories then for no reason at all be railroaded to inaction and true death which ends the game. Even if you build relationships, power, fighting skills, spy networks and get guns it wont matter all your building is for naught and despite having maximum willpower to act with your only options end up being surrender or cowardice without any real reason why.
Its a shame as there is so many things about this game which are great but to invest all that time in your story and the world it takes place in just to have something pointless and often contradictory happen and end the game really wore me down. As is often the case with modern RPG games this game gives the illusion of choices and consequences when actually its just a stat builder game. Even if you chose X & Y the game will come to a halt and decide you don't have the points necessary in some stat to move to Z instead it will retcon your choices to W & X so that Y never happened and you have to pick L which leads to your character being a witless coward and dying immediately for no real reason.
For example eve if you save your friend from a lord with impeccable choices it wont matter as it dosent really have that plan in place for you thus upon the next meeting your friend will just say he was on the run all this time even if you made him the commander of the guard.
I really hope they continue to make games and work on them as this game shows enormous potential but needs more work on its decision mechanisms considering its a story book game thats kind of the only thing it offers and it dosent really nail it
665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 03:49
-Great story(many touchy subjects like religion/rich vs poor/family/society)
-Choices matter(more so than any game I've ever played)
-Length is good
-Very text heavy(videos are few and far between)
-Replay value
8/10, 9/10 if you love choice based games
646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 03:14
319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 22:00
616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 03:53
414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 15:40
Dont get me wrong, its still really good, it has amazing, and i mean really amazing worldbuilding, and in comparison to other games in the genre, both graphics and music. But it lacks charachterisation both of people around main character, and possibilities to charachterise your character throguht really small choices. It also is too much stat-based.
I still really enjoyed the game, and look forward to see more, better games from the developer.
452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 09:08
I was not disappointed in the slightest, this game absolutely blew me away.
The story is masterfully written, the writing kept me interested and invested in these character's lives and their eventual fate. I felt like all of my choices carried weight and affected Sir Brante's life in some meaningful way. In addition I found that even messing up and failing to achieve your desired outcome was still a fun and interesting experience. In fact, that is one of the games strongest features in my opinion. All of my misfortunes were deserved and could be traced back to mistakes I made. I never felt as if the game was being unfair or railroading me onto a certain path.
I also loved the presentation of the game. The writing was great and was complimented by an amazing soundtrack and a beautiful artstyle that fit the game's tone perfectly.
The ending was fantastic as well. In my experience the ending can usually make or break a game and I certainly was not disappointed in the slightest. Even though I didn't achieve my desired ending (I definitely made a few mistakes along the way) I still found my first ending to be satisfying and it made me want to play the game sometime in the future to see if I can change the outcome and possibly right a few of the wrongs I had made in my first playthrough.
I also found the game to be surprisingly thought provoking. The conversations with the Twin Gods were very well written and I especially enjoyed the final talk with them before SIr Brante's final death.
All in all, this game was a great experience. Watching and influencing Sir Brante's journey from birth to death was a lot of fun and I look forward to completing another playthrough or two in the future. If you are a fan of RPG's, graphic novels, or just story-rich games in general, I am confident that you will enjoy The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante.
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 15:10
Also, fuck glowies.
667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 14:35
I decided early on that my sir brent will be focused on his immediate family and try to keep the family together
he went to study in college to become noble judge, tried to protect commoners as his farther did all the while keeping this family together and friends safe. His family dropped the idea of becoming nobles of the sword as it required them to estrange their sister.
In the end, during the revolt, I at first though to join the rebellion and win it for commoners(but it turned out to be impossible in my playthrough). I was annoyed at it, but finally understood that character who focused on his family would probably no join the rebellion, but leave with his family.
A very engaging choose your of adventure kind of game. I liked it, will probably play more.
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724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 17:58
The start of the game is so promising, with a selection of interesting choices that help you get a feel for your Sir Brante and shape the character and some of the later choices were incredibly intriguing and engaging. The trouble often, is that whether you are allowed a choice is increasingly predetermined by either your stats or your previous choices, which means that much too often, you lack any choice at all. Your personal stats are often useless, as whether you can call upon them is entirely arbitrary and you are often not given the choice to apply whatever skill you may or may not have prioritised.
In particular, do not make my mistake of trying to roleplay a man who tries to join the martial nobility, the only noble choice is to be a judge (despite what the game and the lore tells you) and your 'unbeatable' fighting skills (that's a quote from the stat screen) genuinely will not help you win a single fight. I also played a more cunning and rounded noble, which was much less restrictive to begin with, but eventually, I still found myself railroaded in a pretty irritating fashion. The kind where you are given 3 or 4 choices in a row, in which you simply have no choice and must simply take the single bad or out of character path left, which is very frustrating.
The story itself is brilliant to begin with, as is the lore and worldbuilding, but it all fizzles out into a set of melodramatic endings which feel a bit rushed and don't really live up to the freedom and storytelling quality of the early game. I promise I'm not just writing this because there was no option to try and put Stephen in front of a firing squad at the end.
792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 21:17
603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 19:58
The presentation is sorely lacking. Although I like the art style of the actual illustrations, the menus and UI design are quite ugly. I like the sound design and am pleasantly surprised to see a visual novel paying attention to this often neglected sense.
Heartily recommended and I look forward to what this author writes next!
1227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 06:09
I want to see more of this setting and more from these developers. Want to run an RPG in this setting.
292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 22:54
The world's intriguing. The characters are fleshed out right and proper. Even the minor characters who come and go through the story are people who blend in well with the atmosphere of the game.
Speaking of atmosphere, the music and the sound effects are phenomenal. Someone put in a lot of effort to make it as immersive as possible. Easily one of the best things this game has.
That said, there is one thing to point out - nothing worthwhile comes without sacrifice. This is set in an age of extremes. Go all the way, or not at all. And even then, you'll find that there will be some things you just can't do. Be careful what you choose - there are no irrelevant choices. Every decision you make matters. Choose wisely, and be prepared to face the consequences.
Can't recommend it enough. 10/10
535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 19:19
You probably know what you need to know about this game - it's essentially an RPG visual novel, but has an interesting and well-conceived setting that lifts it beyond a lot of the generic fantasy/anime tropes of that kind of genre.
It's full of interesting, difficult decisions that you have to make among a cast of nuanced and colourful characters and most of the time there's no clear right or wrong answer. Of course, if it were simply a case of choosing the answer you wanted then that would be one thing, but many answers will be locked depending on the build of your character or your previous decisions. This alone would make the game replayable, but with the choice of three different vocations, and within those the decision of whether to support the old order or try and establish something new, this is one I can see myself playing over and over just to explore its nooks and crannies.
Sometimes, due to the weaving political threads and naming conventions, it can be a little hard to follow which character is on which side, and the temptation can be to skip the odd page or two of reading because you can feel yourself getting lost. I just want to get to the next decision! Furthermore, the limits to your choices caused by whether or not you have the right stats, though generally consistent and good, can sometimes lead to a bit of frustration - for example, a chain of events might lead to your family going from being on pretty good terms to totally falling apart over the span of two or three choices simply because you were one point short of some crucial stat at a critical moment. It might feel unfair, but then no-one said life would be fair, not even for Sir Brante.
Oh, and the game end is much more rewarding than I was expecting, even if you finish up an abject failure.
This is definitely one for fans of games with an emphasis on building a story or those who like the idea of RPG elements in a Choose Your Own Adventure setting. I'd wholeheartedly recommend it for anyone who thinks that might be something that would interest them.
Then game will always tell you what the consequences of your choices will be in terms of stat and relationship changes, but you can set it so the consequences are hidden. I think it's would be a good idea to play through a run with hidden consequences early (before you know too much of what is waiting for you...). You can always go back and play again, trying hard to manipulate outcomes in your favour - but be warned, that is much harder to do than you might think.
I definitely don't regret my purchase and am pleased to be able to reward the devs for creating something really interesting and being willing to make a fair chunk of the game available as a demo.
431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 16:53
Been playing Demo for more than 24 hours, with following chapters unlocked, this game is getting more and more fascinating.
Pity I have to prepare graduate entrance examination in 2021 for a whole year, else I be happy to translate this game into Chinese for free.
This game reminds me of Disco Elysium.Both lame world, both lame things happened around our hero.
In Disco Elysium ,we talked about people with different ideologies, people support communism or capitalism or non-political for their own reason.A world without hope, A world where Pale consumes all, still we exist ,we laugh,we cry, we fight, for purpose.
In this game, we could feel that how ruthless and cruelty a world can be under a society of highly centralized feudal autocracy, There be define border between classes, the rentier class(In this game, the arknians and noble of sowrds) ruling over people by giving them a slice piece of cake (In this game ,raise commoner from lowborn to noble of mantle), cycle of their luxurious life style running on sucking the bones of common people.The system will eventually collapse, we can choice to stand by to watch , or part in the acceleration of overthrowing this empire ,or trying to stop the decline of this empire, since you could have become rentier class in this game.
The mine explosion incident in Chapter 2 reminds of something that happened at the beginning of millennium,there were a lot of miners working in Shanxi Province, lots of mine collapsed, lots of workers died. They died without names, no history will write their stories, they just gone. I wasn't implying anything, I remember this only because I had a relative in Xinjiang.
He learnt about working in the mines could earn a lot of money, he went there,all these years passed, he never returned home,not even once,he just gone.
Most likely to be dead,who knows.
Can life easily taken away like that?
Bosses of those mines become well-known in China, some of them get rich, some of them get bankrupted , some of them became the rentier class of China, their descendants become actors and actresses, politicians, famous businessmen and women.But I don't remember any one of them, I don't care.
Whom to be remembered, Whom to be forgotten, I have my answer.
In this reality, this world,life is also hard, and more sad thing is that we can only die once.
But life goes on.
The sun also rises.
P.S 希望官方出个中文。
752 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 15:17
Me too! We are already buddies.
This game for the time I've played is great.
It's more interesting than I am and it's well made.
It plays a lot like Long Live the Queen. Which I also love and play in secret. Pretending to be the prettiest princess at the ball. (I liked Pretty Pretty Princess as a kid too. Wanted to rebrand it as pretty pretty pirate.)
The art is better than Long Live the Queen and this is a more mature game, but still similar in feel.
I actually like to hide consequences for heavy story mode, but will likely remove that on subsequent games.
589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 15:15