• The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.
  • The Last Spell: Screen zum Spiel The Last Spell.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 09.03.2023
Zum Shop
Preis Update 22.01.25

Über das Spiel

In einem verzweifelten Versuch, alle Kriege zu beenden, die die Welt seit Jahrzehnten heimgesucht hatten, lösten die Magier den Kataklysmus aus. Riesige Sphären reiner Magie löschten fast alles aus. Ein seltsamer violetter Nebel breitete sich überall aus, und nachts kamen Horden blutrünstiger Mutanten.

Unsere einzige Hoffnung besteht nun darin, alle Magie aus dieser verfluchten Welt zu verbannen, indem wir den letzten Zauber sprechen. Das erfordert mehrere Tage ununterbrochener Beschwörung, während ein paar strapazierte Helden versuchen, diese verdammten Magier zu schützen.

The Last Spell ist ein taktisches RPG mit Roguelite-Elementen, in dem du eine Stadt gegen Horden von tödlichen Feinden verteidigen musst.

Am Tag bereitest du deine Helden vor, wählst sorgfältig aus, wie du deine Stadt wieder aufbaust und positionierst deine Verteidigungsanlagen. In der Nacht musst du alle Monster, die auf deine Mauern zustürmen, mit einer großen Auswahl an Waffen und Fähigkeiten auslöschen. Heile dich dann, steigere dein Level und wiederhole den Vorgang, bis das magische Siegel gebrochen ist.

Rundenbasiertes taktisches RPG:
  • Das ganze RPG-Paket: eine Fülle von Werten, Fähigkeiten, Vorteilen, Eigenschaften … und mehr.
  • Tonnen von Gegenständen: Rüstungen, Waffen, Schmuckstücke und Tränke … mit ihren eigenen Werten und Fähigkeiten sowie optionalen, zufälligen Modifikatoren. Jede Waffe hat ihre eigenen Fähigkeiten und ihren eigenen Spielstil!
  • Erstelle deine eigenen Klassen: Verbessere deine Helden mit Werte-Boni und Vorteilen und rüste aus, was du willst. Willst du einen mit einer Glaskanone kämpfenden Schurken/Magier erschaffen? Tu es!
  • Verwalte deine Heldengruppe: Sie sind stark, aber sie sind wenige und haben nur begrenzte Ressourcen zur Verfügung. Heilung und Mana sind knapp, also versuche, eine gute Balance zu finden.

Horden des Bösen:
  • Denke nach und passe dich an: Du wirst Schwärmen von tödlichen Feinden mit nur wenigen abgehärteten Helden gegenüberstehen. Optimiere deine Positionierung und plane deine Aktionen: große AOE-Angriffe, Massenkontrolle, Buffs, Gift … Jeder Aktionspunkt zählt für einen weiteren Tag des Überlebens.
  • Feinde haben Stärken und Schwächen, die deinen Verstand herausfordern werden. Und weil hart für uns nicht genug ist, mach dich auf die furchterregenden Eliten gefasst!
  • Jede Karte endet mit epischen Kämpfen gegen einzigartige Endgegner, die dir den Verstand rauben.

Beschütze die Stadt:
  • Baue die Stadt wieder auf, um dir zwischen den Kämpfen zu helfen. Lass dich heilen, schmiede neue magische Waffen, hol dir neue Helden. Gib deine Ressourcen weise aus, Kommandant!
  • Baue deine Verteidigung auf: Mauern, Fallen, Türme, Katapulte … jede noch so kleine Hilfe ist willkommen.
  • Beschütze den Magischen Kreis um jeden Preis! Wenn du ihn verlierst, ist die Menschheit dem Untergang geweiht.
  • 5 Städte, die du beschützen musst, jeder mit seinen eigenen Gegebenheiten und Herausforderungen, die dich dazu zwingen, deine Strategie anzupassen, um das große Böse zu besiegen.

  • Das Spiel ist so konzipiert, dass es schwer ist. Du wirst scheitern … sehr oft. Aber jedes Mal, wenn du scheiterst, wirst du härter, besser, schneller und stärker!
  • Prozedural generierte Gegnerwellen, Charaktere, Waffen und eine Menge freischaltbarer Gegenstände werden dich unterhalten, bis die reale Welt zusammenbricht.
  • Passe jeden Lauf dank der Omen an: eine begrenzte Anzahl von Boni, die du für den kommenden Lauf auswählen kannst. Bevorzugst du mehr Aktionspunkte, mehr Charaktere, stärkere Verteidigungsanlagen oder bessere Beute? Experimentiere, um deine bevorzugten Werkzeuge der Zerstörung zu finden.
  • Passe den Schwierigkeitsgrad nach deinem Geschmack an, mit 6 Stufen der Apokalypse, die selbst verrückte Hardcore-Spieler unterhalten.

  • Über 25 Tracks mit donnerndem, synthiegetriebenem Progressive Metal, die dich durch dieses fröhliche Schlachtfest führen
  • Komponiert von dem unglaublichen Rémi – The Algorithm – Gallégo


  • CPU: Intel Core i5-3470 or AMD FX-8370
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650, 2 GB or AMD Radeon HD 7770, 2 GB
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 9.0
  • LANG: Englisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Chinesisch (traditionell), Französisch, Japanisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-8400 or AMD Ryzen 5 2600
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660, 2 GB or AMD Radeon HD 7870, 2 GB
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 9.0
  • LANG: Englisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Chinesisch (traditionell), Französisch, Japanisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

791 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
1120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.23 04:26
Its the game iv been dreaming of ever since I saw xcom and was like ... I wish you could have that with more options, freedom and another setting :D its insane how much time you can sink in it.

( alredy played alot on another account)
150 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 09:58
Das Spiel selber macht sehr viel Spaß und die Mischung aus Towerdefense und RPG finde ich auch sehr gut gelungen.

Was mich jedoch unglaublich stört, und das fällt einem schon nach der ersten Stunde auf, egal wie gut man spielt, man ist gezwungen zu verlieren.
In der ersten Runde schafft man nur eine vielleicht auch 2 Gegnerwellen, in der zweiten Runde schafft man schon eine Welle mehr etc... man bekommt nicht das Gefühl, dass man durch gutes spielen vorwärts kommt sondern nur durch Grinden. Sollte sich diese Mechanik im laufe des EA ändern, werde ich mir das Spiel sofort wieder kaufen.
Solange sich daran aber nichts ändert, macht es keinen Spaß.
359 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 08:23
Sehr cooles Game macht sehr viel Spaß.
Man kann viel freischalten und merkt den Progress auch bzw wenn es dann leichter wird
sehr empfehlenswert für den Preis!
712 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 13:46
In The Last Spell gilt es mit seinen Helden einen Magierzirkel zu beschützen, die den titelgebenden Last Spell wirken wollen.

Das Spiel läuft in mehreren Wellen und man muss mit seinen drei Helden (Standardschwierigkeit) den Zirkel innerhalb einer Ruinenstadt vor anfallenden Untoten, die aus vier Himmelsrichtungen herankommen können, beschützen. Dabei helfen einem zusätzlich die Ruinen und Barrikaden, die die Untoten ein wenig ablenken.

Es gibt eine Tag und Nachtphase. In der Tagphase bereitet man sich auf die Nachtphase vor, in dem man seine Helden positioniert, ausrüstet und verbessert. Zusätzlich kann man mit verdientem Gold oder Material weitere Barrikaden errichten oder Ausrüstung kaufen. Je besser man eine Welle schafft (wenig Leben verlieren bzw. die Untoten möglichst weit aus der Stadt raushalten), desto mehr Belohnungen gibt es am Ende einer jeder solchen. Zudem gibt es Erfahrung für die Helden, denen man dann unter anderem neue Perks verpassen kann.

Das Spiel hat einen hohen Standardschwierigkeitsgrad, aber nach einem verlorenen (oder erfolgreichen) Run kann man sich permanente Verbesserungen freischalten, wenn man die dazugehörigen Aufgaben geschafft hat. Wer es nicht ganz so schwer mag, kann sich das Spiel auch leichter machen, indem man sich zusätzliche Boni (ein zusätzlicher Held, mehr Gold oder nicht ganz so große Untotenhorden u.a.) anschaltet.

Ich kann das Spiel bislang empfehlen. Wer Spaß an rundenbasierten Rogue-Spielen hat, dem könnte The Last Spell gefallen.
321 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.23 20:31
Got this game at his early access release and was waiting for the full one to actually play.

Worth the wait ! Thanks devs and good work !
372 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.23 19:49
Loved the game during early access and now with 1.0 patch and all the changes I want to say I love it even more. Highly recommended
27 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1088 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.23 19:04
One of the coolest strategy games I've ever played. The gameplay is brutal, the story is interesting, and the soundtrack is metal as hell. If you like turn based strategy games you should definitely pick it up.
221 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
13501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.23 18:34
Top notch bad ass game. This game has been good since the beginning of early access and has continued to get better.
480 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.23 18:30
I came for the strategy, i stayed for the music
369 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.23 17:50
A relatively simple concept that is uplifted by many fun RPG and base management mechanics. Add a killer soundtrack and this game is an easy recommend.

This may also serve as a solid engine for the devs to build on - hopefully this can expand towards something with a more articulated campaign while keeping the strategic elements, like Tactics Ogre or FFT with an added base management mechanic. That would be a dream...

The only criticism I have at the moment is that characters seem to be pigeon-holed into one of three roles - caster, melee, ranged - without much ability to deviate. Hopefully this is alleviated either further into the game, or with some DLC.
494 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
6660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.23 20:26
Wow! This game..

It grabs you and your past 6 hours are all a blur of epic music (the soundtrack rocks my world) and slaying zombies. There are better games out there, but I can count them on less than one hand.

Grab this game. Get really comfy, Massacre the undead hoard. Be EPIC! Oh, and, be excellent to each other.
21 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
83774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.23 05:16
Meticulously crafted and lost of fun.

If you like to overthink and minmax like a fiendish Timmy, this game got you.

If you want to go balls to the wall and still unlock things, this game is your wingman.

Rewarding repeat play, crazy variety, maximum customization, and no guides required, Last Spell is a masterpiece of the turn-base. I haven't enjoyed an isometric strategy game this much since Terror From The Deep. I was given a copy and will be gifting it forward myself. Not a game that you're wondering about all day, maybe, but one that's the first one I click on when I don't know what to do,

Check it out.
516 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
3028 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.22 10:52
This game is very difficult, and it takes a bit to get started, but good grief is it top shelf.

First, the number of meshing systems is ambitious. At the bottom level, you've got a pretty solid tactics RPG with all of the associated perk, stat, and build development going on. Items are fun to get and use. Almost everything is meaningful down to the consumables (which notably have X uses per night). Perks and levels give massive improvements in efficiency and stats. You could build the same hero a number of different ways, and familiarity with all the weapons is rewarding.

But between waves of enemies, you're playing a worker placement board game, giving you the ability to develop your economy as well as provide various strategic level benefits, from generating new weapons every turn, to pushing back the fog of war to... defenses. Because as you develop your town, you're adding walls and other nonsense to impede the enemy forces. And all of this stuff exists on the battle map and can be destroyed. This system directly improves your heroes and makes your town harder to destroy.

...and on top of that, you have meta progression. You get points every wave you survive which you can use in a shop (which reveals slowly as you progress), as well as a similar achievement tree. This contributes to unlocking things which make you strictly stronger, like better hero perks in the pool, or more favorable starting stats and equipment -- all the way to more interesting stuff like new defenses, buildings, weapons, expanded perk trees... all of which you unlock, expanding the game as you play, lose, and try again.

And all of these things combine into a difficult but very slick tactics game with a strategic layer somewhere between a tower defense and XCOM. The power fantasy is obscene. You can build walls of crazy traps and defenses. A mage that can destroy vast waves of zombies with storms of lightning. A sniper who sits in a tower and annihilates problem enemies on the other side of the map.

It's glorious. You'll die a bunch, especially at first, but you can absolutely get even and the payoff is incredible. This game is excellent. If you're okay with the difficulty, grab this immediately, and don't look back.
156 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
3305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 16:07
Excellent. Brilliant. Timewaster of choice for me from now on.
158 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
1930 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 06:59
Now, I've only played 32 hours because it's the time required to beat the game for me personally and unlock most things starting day 1. It's a great game and the developers actually care and update frequently. Astonishing how fast they've worked their way through early access toward launch in the next year or so. I'm currently waiting for 1.0 so I can start a new save and see all the new changes and improvements they've implemented since I've last played and I'm eager to see where they go from that point. Great price and great game. BUY IT!
400 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
1104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 00:56
Finally difficult and in depth strategy, with lots of customizable builds and without GODDAMN SHITTY RELIANCE on RNG. No more 95% chance to hit missing 10 times in a row as you have 100% foolproof skills. Was that so hard to design and develop? THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!
45 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 12:16
Challenging and interesting game. Music is excellent and I like the style of the graphics. There are still some balance issues between different weapons making some of the build much better than others. I would assume the team will balance them out some time in the future.
476 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
6250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 09:09
Strong recommend.
Extremely tactical; you can get all sorts of juicy stat/gear/perk combos that cause all sorts of havoc, and the enemy waves are large enough that you almost have to build something broken. Which makes it all the more satisfying when you blend 20 guys to paste: there's 60 behind them.

Music is S-tier. Full Stop.

Hugely replayable to allow you to figure out the aforementioned juicy combos. Very cool to get a bad first impression on a weapon but later find a devastating setup for it.

TOOLTIPS! There are tooltips everywhere so you can always know what each keyword means. Holy cow they're so thick, it puts other games to shame. You'll never be in the dark about what something means (well, once you get ingame context anyway).

This is going to ruin other games for me. The Devs seem to know their stuff, mighty looking forward to future developments!!
36 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4396 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 21:00
Great game, deep strategy, chess like content
348 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
1501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 22:03
The sountrack is a banger lol. And had a very good first impression, easy thumbs up.
1488 Produkte im Account
291 Reviews
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 16:32
Put about an hour of quick play into the game and enjoyed it. It sits well with other games of its genre such as They are Billions and Age of Darkness: Final Stand. It mixes a lot more RP elements than TAB and some different choices than the RP in AoD:FS so I believe it fills an unique enough place to sit in between those games. It isn't a open map game as the other two and is turn-based instead of real-time or RT: With Pause so for those out there that like Turn Based gaming this should be a big plus.

I will have to come back and give an extended review later, however for a game still in EA, I saw no bugs and had no crashes or frame issues. I give the game a solid 8/10.
371 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 18:28
Really cool concept. bugs out sometimes causing HUGE losses. Also not a huge fan of the 'lose more' gameplay loop.

Not recommended until it stop skipping phases/stuttering
79 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 10:29
This should really be a meh rather than a no. But getting a game-breaking bug that stops me from moving past night 6 and deletes my save is not acceptable. From their bug report forum, save-destroying bugs are not that rare, which really makes me question how bad their code base is.

Other than that, the game plays well, runs smoothly and everything seems to work as intended. Especially surprising for a game in EA, the UI is very well designed and full of the QoL stuff that so many games are lacking. The alternating phases of combat, building, and unlocking things for future runs complements each other well. The RPG elements are also good, not having a free choice of which stats/perks get improved on levelling up (picking one from a random list instead) gives it more character and speeds up what can be a very slow part of other games. The pixel graphics are a little rough on the eyes and generally uninspired, but the music gives it a decent ambience. As for the story, it definitely exists, but there's not much more to say about it than that.

My problem with the game (besides the bugs) is that it is so shallow that it quickly becomes tedious. Battles are against hordes of very similar enemies, and there's not much to do tactics-wise other than getting heroes specialised in one damage type (melee, range, magic) and mowing down as many zombies as possible. The perks are interesting but the good combinations are obvious (ie, use-health-to-cast-spells goes well with kill-zombies-to-gain-help). There's no synergy or combo between the heroes, very little planning a turn ahead, and no manoeuvring to speak of. The results in battles being a boring chore most of the time.

Similarly, the building phase is overly simplistic. You can invest lots of resources and manpower in slowly making bad items, or you could quickly mine gold and buy much better ones for far less investment. Fortifications are also uninspired (and not using a hex grid results in ugly corners every where). It terms of being a roguelite, so many things get unlocked for future runs so fast that I don't see a chance of using most of them. There's also a million variation of equipment, but most are so similar as to not matter. Unlocking things doesn't feels like a reward, just overwhelming.

In conclusion, while the game has quite a lot of breadth in combining two genres in one, there's not much depth to be found anywhere. I see it as a decent, and already well polished, time waster. But one played half-asleep while staring out of the window. Sometimes that's all I'm in the mood for, but while I might pay €5 for that kind of game, I wouldn't fork out €20. Considering it's already well polished (apart from save deleting bugs) the problem is in the core game play rather than the finish, so I don't see this improving in further development.

EDITED: Slightly updated my views after playing a little more.
845 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
596 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 02:30
Fun game, but you should be aware that there's currently game breaking bugs that may corrupt your save file and force you to start all over. If you're cool with that, go for it, otherwise wait for the devs to fix the game first.

Edit: The game seems to be breaking consistently on night 6 of the very first map, so it's actually unplayable for me. Judging from what I've read so far on forums and in reviews, it also doesn't seem unusual for save erasing and game breaking bugs to be patched into the game on a regular basis.
112 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 14:57
Great turn-based base defense rogue-like. I like that it's easy to unlock new equipment and bonuses for future runs, I'm not very good at this game but I still find it to be enjoyable.
239 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 03:14
The art, sound, and overall design is great. I love the gameplay concept and its luxurious implementation. But... I'm almost 20 hours in and I haven't beat the first level. Apparently there are multiple levels?! I had no idea. The first city/level is so long and arduous that I thought it was the whole game.

It's not clear to me what I should be doing and I what I'm doing wrong. Obviously don't let your heroes die and don't let the monsters attack the town. But in my best attempts to do both of those, I've only ever gotten hopelessly overwhelmed. Overwhelmed to the point where, even if I had double the number heroes, I'd still have lost.

Your mana doesn't regenerate fast enough, so you have to be very conservative during battle, but then you get overwhelmed and die. So you build a mana fountain to regenerate your hero's mana, but doing that took too much gold and workers, so now you don't have enough resources to build whatever other building is needed, which ends up screwing you later. So you build some gold mines so you have more gold, but then all you have are gold mines and nothing else... I'm sure there's a balance with the way you're supposed to build out the town but I haven't found it.

All of the items your heroes have are garbage and there's very little difference in performance between crappy gear and high level gear. There's no point in buying new gear, and from the strategies I've picked up online, the only purpose of the initial gear your heroes start with is for it to be immediately sold. In fact, if you don't immediately sell most of your starting gear, you will struggle to get to the halfway point of the first level.

It just seems like the whole point of the game is for you to find a way to cheese your way through it. If that's the intention of the developer, cool, but not for me. The trial-and-error hunt to find the exploit that gets you through the level is more stressful than fun.
179 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
8633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.22 03:54
Good game getting better during it's early access.
7 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
62054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 17:52
Top quality isometric tactics game. Developers work with the community to make continuous improvements. This game requires a lot of skill but is also accessible to new players. Infinite replay value.
114 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
2550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 12:18
Its like Darkest Dungeon meets FF Tactics
231 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 22:05
Addictive as hell. And fighting as hell.... Hell, it's a good game. The devs did a hell of a job. Buy it for the hell of it.
304 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 15:11
Tower Defense + Base Building + RPG + Roguelike + Dark Synthwave
C'mon what else do you need to buy this gem?
94 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
8343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 00:00
A very addictive game with a lots of stuff to unlock.
You will have to play through multiple times as it is very hard to start off with but the more you unlock the easier it will become.
Great game play and lots of weapons which have different abilities on them so you should have fun learning them all and which ones you like best.
Overall I love this game and have played over 100 hours so far so I highly recommend.
414 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 01:57
Pretty fun actually. idk why but the grind for the unlocks is a good time albeit a bit repetitive but even then i still dont feel bored at all.

Edit: alright after pumping through another couple of hours in this game, the map DOES get SUPER repeptitive to be honest, it would be nice if there could be variation on each reset to alter where the ruined buildings are, the tree, shop, etc. Give me a new layout.

I think so far my pet peeve about the map (which is super trivial) is the south west side, the trees and rock placement are hella annoying. I want to clear mobs EARLY to survive the mid-wave onslaught so i can rotate my characters around but to the other side that needs help, the tree and rock obscuring vision is just so annoying to manoeuvre around.
325 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 01:26
Amazing game. On-point turn based rpg. Difficult and rewarding
370 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
13754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 19:14
Exactly what I was looking for. I love games like Final Fantasy Tactics, XCom, and dozens of others in the same turn-based, grid movement genre, but frequently I just want to jump into the action and not wade through quests and plot. This combines some of my favorite things into one package. It rewards smart gameplay and doesn't overly rely on randomness for difficulty. It's a difficult game, I think it took me 12 attempts to get through the beginning lakeburg map, but I didn't feel like my time was wasted as you slowly unlock more and better equipment and bonuses as you fail. I definitely recommend it.
40 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 18:58
Wonderful game, i loved every mechanic of this game, if u enjoyed rogue-like games u should give a try.
67 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
5963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 05:39
I played FF Tactics a lot as a kid, and as such, this game caught my interest.

The music, the art style, and the mechanics all come together so well. It is hard at first when you don't have a lot of unlocks but as you play, you get better not just in upgrades, but in how you approach the game given the amount of weapons and types of enemies to work around with while maintaining your economy and towers. The only downside is the grind to get there, but I like grinding so that's not an issue for me.

As this game is still in early access, they're adding new enemies, varieties, quality of life updates, etc.. and they listen to community feedback. I look forward to more updates and will definitely keep coming back.
410 Produkte im Account
181 Reviews
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 00:13
If you get some multishot and a hand crossbow you can walk up to groups of zombie dudes and be like 'this is Jimmy' and fill them full of daylight.
185 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
3805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 18:15
I've played 11 hours at the time of this review - and boy was it worth it. A real gem, strongly recommended, 10/10 would do it again.
206 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 20:09
Fast Remarks:
Gameplay: base defense mission in FF tactics in an apocalyptic setting, with roguelite meta progression
Soundtrack: Slaps hard (in a DOOM kinda way)
Difficulty: Hard, but the meta progression each run help A LOT
Story: Just enough to make sense, not good/developed enough to be a major draw. Not the focus of the game.

Is it good? If you like turn based combat with a good variety of Units, Interesting stats and weapons, its great! If you like power fantasies were you **don't** work hard and get to kill a lot of monsters, this is not for you.

Is it difficult? Yes, the first runs will make it feel like the idea of completing a run is VERY hard, but after you start unlocking (after each run) some extra production buildings/unit upgrades it gets substantially easier, but making some misplays will still get your units permanently killed.

Bang for Buck? The quality is great, I've already broken the hour/$ mark I'm comfortable with (3 hours per dollar) and I still have many unlocks to get (I got 31/81). You can put a lot of time into this even without the devs adding new maps/weapons/unit traits/monsters.
55 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
11925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 03:42
The game is brilliant. It's hard in the beginning. But as you learn and progress the game opens up and there are so many amazing choices. Just like STS you can't win when you first play the game. (Who wants too?) You unlock so much in this game as you progress and strategy begins to emerge. On my eight run I got to night 10. It seemed impossible at first. It's a well designed game and a great blend of tower defense, RPG and roguelike. Well done to the developers.
47 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 01:20
A fun tower defense game with roguelike elements. I keep coming back for more!
169 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
2895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 13:20
The Last Spell offers a wide variety of gameplay mechanics, from town building, hero upgrades and RPG elements in one, with a difficulty spike that only relies on your critical thinking, management and trial of error to succeed in each passing day of the game.

The soundtrack is marvelous, the gameplay mechanics are spot on for a XCOM/roguelike experience and when you keep losing to the constant pressure of the difficulty with each win your strategy becomes more and more fleshed out which in turn provides excellent replayability and fun.

I would nominate this game as the best of the year and labor of love for what I've seen, as the developers push constantly to iron out the kinks and bugs, don't let the early access fool you, this game is completely ready for a wonderfull experience and you will keep coming back for more.

229 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
4652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 18:07
Downside: requires some grinding before winning is even possible
Upside: gameplay owns, so its a fun grind

I did not expect the music to be so good. Some kind of atmospheric... electro... metal..?
60 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
7066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 18:54
A super cool hybrid style game! I put over 100 hours into it without even realizing how much I played, I've recommend this title to literally everyone I know!
145 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1047 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 04:43
excellent game design. we need more maps tho!
492 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 15:20
The Last Spell is an early access title that already has a great deal of content available. In The Last Spell you are thrown into a rogue-lite survival RPG where you construct defenses and town upgrades by day and by night you employ a team of 3-6 heroes to fend off increasing numbers of undead pouring out from an oppressive magical fog. Death is assured, as eventually you will be overwhelmed, but with every game you unlock new starting bonuses, a greater ability to find new and powerful equipment, and even permanent character upgrades like an increased number of action points. With these upgrades you can push further and further and eventually enact The Last Spell.
354 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 19:11
It's a really well crafted game. For some reason it reminds me a lot of an old era of games where you actually had to think what you are doing in order to win.

Time flies while you're playing this game and always leave you wanting to play one more run.

The tone / theme of the game is amazing and it really makes you feel you're in danger, similar to what darkest dungeon does.
366 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 00:51
It'd difficult to describe why I think other people should play this game, everything I want to say about the game would probably make others think I am complaining. So, I guess the most honest thing I can say is that The Last Spell is a project with a lot of love in it. It has solid fundamental mechanics, incentive to keep going, and a difficulty curve that will ruin your self-esteem and then make it sky-rocket once you finally last that one more night.
42 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 22:42
I don't play rogue-likes often, but this had a sort of middle-ages post-apocalyptic X-Com vibe, and a lot of good reviews. Glad I gave it a shot.

I'm on my 5th run now, and starting night 10 (of 12), and I haven't felt the repetition get to me yet. The first couple of nights are fast enough to not get boring, and the particulars of which items and skill buffs pop up lead to prioritizing different strategies each time. I also found that I can cheese the skill buffs during level ups by save scumming (using Alt+F4) so that I optimize which heroes have access to which buffs, which helps me squeeze a bit extra out of each run, and even when I feel like I'm going to get wiped out on a given night, there is usually something I can do to progress a goal and unlock one last bonus on a given run, setting me up for an easier time on the next one.

I can definitely see this not being very fun past the 10th or 11th run, but 30 or 40 hours out of a $20 game is plenty of return on investment for me. I have other games in my backlog, anyway. I can also see that certain perks are pretty useless, and certain purchases/unlocks seem way overpriced for what they offer, but this is early access, so I would definitely give the developers a pass on these quibbles.
298 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
2744 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 02:46
Really good game. Suffers from this terrible trend of WAY too much metaprogression. Also some lack of run variety due to presence of all options, similar town/heroes/enemies, etc. There is small variation in item availability, but I struggle to call this a roguelite instead of a short campaign game. More variety in enemies, things available, greater character variance, etc. would go a long way. But the core gameplay is great so it's okay.
19 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 01:51
you kill zombies
103 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 22:22
Just a boring repetitive grind. Gameplay is completely locked behind losing over and over with no chance to even win without dozens of hours worth of meta-progression unlocks that shouldn't even be unlocks, like +1 mana and +1 action for your heroes. Difficulty is also completely trivial until you hit the power cap of your current meta unlocks and then you just get steamrolled no matter what. Yay!
391 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
5755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 19:44
I could drone on and on with flowery adjectives that describe the quality of this game but I'll simply say that The Last Spell is incredible! Even considering the 'early access' status of the game, The Last Spell feels very polished and provides an experience that far exceeds many full-release titles. The pixel art is very detailed and the sound design is superb (just listen to the main menu theme and you'll realize what I mean).

Considering the amount of hours that I've sunk into the game in only its early-access form, I think I can say with confidence that the gameplay loop is well-designed and quite addictive! The Last Spell incorporates elements from turn-based tactics games, RPG's, and tower defense games to create this beautiful monster of a game that I can't help but keep coming back to play.

My glowing praise aside, I do think that the game is 'too grindy' (a sentiment shared by a significant amount of fellow reviewers). It wouldn't be so bad if the rewards for grinding were things that modified my in-game experience (e.g. higher % chance to craft quality items from production buildings, increased resources when starting a run, etc.) but the game makes you spend an inordinate amount of time grinding for access to basic weapon types which should be available from the start. Withholding basic items from the player feels like an attempt to artificially inflate gameplay time but ultimately feels too restrictive and inadvertently creates a high barrier to entry in-regards to initial player enjoyment. Of course, I enjoyed the gameplay loop so the grind wasn't too much of a burden to me (and actually provided reason to try out alternate playstyles) but I can see how the grind might turn away other prospective players. My complaints about the grinding aside, I have confidence that the dev team will find the right balance and incorporate community feedback as progress on the game continues.

All-in-all, I really like The Last Spell and I wholeheartedly recommend the game to anyone who likes turn-based tactics games. Even at full-price, I believe that the game is a great value and look forward to seeing as it develops with future updates.
162 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 07:17
This game has incredible potential. But it's not there yet. It's fun, until it's not. Re-doing the same damn level over and over again can be fun if it's variable enough, the content is deep enough, or if you believe you are learning enough each iteration to potentially make it through. It's just not there, yet. At a certain point you know you are screwed and just have to go through the motions until you inevitably fail. I dunno, maybe I suck, but the implementation of an easy makes me think the devs know they have a problem here. I really hope that they can live up to the potential this game could deliver.
92 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 09:19
this game is excellent, there's a lot I'd like to see added to it in the future, some of my ideas are
- the ability to hide helm visually
-to show cloaks
-gems to enchant items - jewelcrafter shop
-ability to preconfigure character presets and save them, would be much easier than copying the code and having to paste every time
-wall traps - traps that can be equipped to (stone) walls - tar traps - brazier fire traps etc.
-ability to set fire to wooden barriers to damage attackers
-ability to upgrade catapults to throw fiery boulders, leaving an aoe fire after impact
-rain would be visually pleasing, a game that's about being enshrouded by the darkness and its creatures should have a more menacing setting

will update as I play more.
917 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1753 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 22:40
A fun game, but grindy as hell for no reason!
214 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
3312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.21 05:28
Great difficult, tactical, turn-based, grid-based, roguelite strategy game with a soundtrack that slaps. The devs seem especially receptive to player feedback. The devs like to make their games oppressive so it's tailored for people who enjoy a challenge. There are options available to make the game easier, though. You should expect to lose. You will lose. And with time and experience you will get better, stronger.
83 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 02:26
Great game. The art is lovely, the variety of weapons are interesting. Building your base while very fun, gets predictable after a while. One of my favourite games at the moment. It can get a little repetitive, but it is still in it's early stages and I feel like adding more replayableness won't be hard.

If you like games where you can have it open but listen to a video in the background I would 100% recommend.

Worth the price. 9/10
270 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5067 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 00:38
Pretty brutal game. Has a lot of great aspects to it. I like how it really encourages you to make the most out of EVERY action. Whether it's what square you move to, what order you do your attacks, what buildings to prioritize, where to place your defenses, how to manage your resources. It has a lot of potential. My problem with it is how much you can get utterly screwed by RNG. A missing an attack in early game is annoying, by the 5th wave it's game ending. Your level ups are random, you can reroll twice but you get fewer options on the reroll. So if your mage badly needs a damage boost and you get choices between physical and ranged damage instead you're out of luck. You can have detrimental traits for your heroes, and a couple of them are non-starters. The game leaves very little room for error and if you don't get good equipment, don't get good level ups, miss too often or don't clear each wave with a high enough rating, then the run is dead. I understand this is part of the iteration in the way the game is designed, but getting repeatedly screwed by RNG can leave a bad taste in your mouth. If you're looking for a challenge with a lot of unfairness, then this is the game for you. The music is great, the art is great, combat is great otherwise.
336 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 21:33
After 10 runs, I think I understand the feel the creators are going for.

I think the design is good. It meshes roguelite and tactical play quite well. I'd be interested in playing a dungeon crawl by these guys sometime. The animations are smooth, the transition in each music piece is smooth, and the music itself is excellent. It's pixelated, but I dig the aesthetic.

The random heroes are random enough to feel cool and different from one another without the negative traits usually feeling like you need to restart a run. Randomness does greatly influence each run, though, in confusing places and to extreme degrees.

My issue comes down to some seemingly confused design choices. The heroes are each capable of multiple actions a round, and each of those actions can sweep large numbers of foes off of the field. The animations cause the screen to shake, great booming sounds arise from each thunderous blow, and it appears obvious that each hero is intended to feel heroic, even if they are, ultimately, disposable. It's a roguelite, after all, and while some attachment is intended each run, it's supposed to last the length of the run.

That dichotomy would work perfectly if that were the extent of the contrast. It isn't. There are random elements that I just don't get from the designers. Your mighty heroes can be stunned by enemy abilities at random, and at range, and OFTEN. After Night 7 I've frequently found that my melee heroes, armored up and nearly immune to all harm, even in the midst of the horde, become stunned every 2 or 3 rounds when an archer targets them. With the very few heroes you have to hand, with the apparent lack of consideration given to those archers' complete inability to hurt their target, and given the sheer randomness of the event, it feels very out of place with the way heroes are presented.

Effects which propagate can be very powerful or positively useless, frequently both, in the same run.

As you MUST kill each enemy, vast packs of dodging little jerks make melee and ranged characters feel awful sometimes, and provide a niche for mages, but only a highly specific subset of builds that reliably poison everything. Toward run 10 I felt that a mage orb was necessary for each run.

The obvious design goals for this game are ambitious, and I hope they get there, but I also hope that the one guy in the office who insists on the sheer amount of randomness in combat over tactical play gets shoved in a closet.
244 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
4971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 21:31
Very good, fun, metal, turn-based, tactical, pixel-art slaughterhouse.

Beat it several times, it's already solid despite still being in early access.

Some weapons are OP, and more so if you get lucky with loot or random character traits that fit them.

Anyway, definitely worth the price of admission and a few evenings' worth of banging your head against.

2/3 on elves, swords and pvp. It's a pve-only game, no multiplayer.

You'll lose a few times until you start unlocking the good stuff. It feels a bit unfair at the beginning and a little too easy at the end.

+damage is your friend.

+action is your king.

+multiattack is your god (if your weapon has them).

Catapults are a trap.

Not all perks are created equal.

38 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 06:52
It's like a tower defense but instead you have heroes defending a town center. Lovely pixel art graphics. TONS of replayability. I'm 20 runs in.
886 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 20:19
The music in this game goes so freakin' hard. Great roguelite strategy RPG even in its current EA state.
148 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 14:26
oh man that's a lot of them
oh god oh fuck
i can actually pull through here
113 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 02:58
Game is fantastic and has amazing re-playability
151 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 05:04
I tried to like this game. But every time I end a session I feel like it was a waste of time.

The game revolves around the meta progression and that's a problem because instead of winning or losing feeling like an accomplishment, it just feels like a grind designed so that you win after you've unlocked enough meta progression. It takes all the skill out.
443 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 11:48
This game will kick your ass early on yet keep you interested for a while, you learn what to do the strategies to it and the best build paths. For a new game in early access it does have a well thought out progression system and rewarding game play. I love it, currently Just about to start Apocalypse 3. Which is the 3rd level of difficulty scaling after beating the game 3 times. I am excited for the new maps enemies and balancing which I will say is very needed as some items are just way stronger then others overall even if every item has it's niche.


Pros: Strategy, challenging, rewarding, great soundtrack.

Cons: Early access, only one map, weapon/item/perks balancing.

Overall 8/10 to me.
Hopefully it goes up with the updates and all because I am really enjoying it so far.
247 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 09:48
I wish I could like this game but I cant.

The meta progression, the difficulty scaling. Something about it feels off. I think the worst thing is locking the Inn behind completing night 5. Why? Just give the player access to the tools he needs to beat the game.
486 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
909 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 23:56
Game needs serious balancing work and a overhaul of game pace. This is a very poorly paced game for three reasons; difficulty scaling inversely with time played, map difficulty heavily weighed on the first couple rounds and last couple rounds, and the extreme amount of unlocks with none of them being run-dependent.

Right now, the pacing and balancing make the game feel actively bad to get to a certain point and then simultaneously bad once you get past that point. There's a peak in the middle, I just wish the game built to the peak instead of feeling like a slog to it and maintained after it instead of it feeling downhill.
395 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 14:05
There's a great game in here, but the unlocks ruin it. The devs play tricks that usually are used to hide bad mechanics by pretending you're gaining skills when actually you're unlocking things; this is bizarre in this instance, because the mechanics here, at their core, are extremely good. They have said that they chose this unlock thing to help new players figure out the game because it's initially overwhelming. This is not the best way to go about it, in my opinion.

The problem here is that you play the game for the first time and you get maybe 3 levels in. You unlock some stuff, play again, now you're 4 levels in. an hour later, you get to level 5 in a run. You've unlocked a bunch of stuff and learned the game, cool. You unlock more stuff, die, unlock more, beat level 5 (it's kind of a threshold for difficulty) and die on 6. then the ugly part starts: levels 1 and 2 and 3 are all timewasters now; there's no threat, no difficulty. so the first 'real' level is 4. you can now consistently get there without effort or skill, and the treadmill is revealed: there are only ever 3 hard levels, but the game gives you cheap earlier levels to make you feel like you're progressing. The problem is, this shows no respect whatsoever for your time, and also it doesn't represent any actual increase in your skill level. You've just got new weapons, maybe 2 or even 3 times as many action points as when you started, and your group has ballooned from 3 to 4, 5, 6 guys. this is what I'd call the real game. You gradually unlock more and more stuff, pushing forward, and now it takes you longer every run to reach the real game.

The solution is to make the whole game the real game. Make a tutorial, sure. That's fine. But after the tutorial, give the player all the stuff you'd need to unlock and make the levels harder. If you want to have the same unlock feel, introduce a mechanic like the gods in Crawl, where you gain their favor for conducts and they bless you with whatever thing you want the player to have. You'd have the same feel but players wouldn't be hampered by metaprogression and you wouldn't have to cheat the player for fear that they wouldn't keep playing.

There's a few other grindy philosophy moves I'd also revisit. The gold mine is too optimal; it is boring. If you just increase the gold reward from nights, you've got that gold mine built in from the start and suddenly there's interesting choices to make. The choice of items from item generating buildings is also almost always just 'which one is worth the most gold' if you've built enough of them that you already have your guys kitted out. It becomes a chore to clean out your production stuff by level 10. I think that part of the game can be improved dramatically.

The game is good enough once you've unlocked everything to keep people coming back. Remove the grind, it's miserable and alienating and completely unnecessary. You've got a gem in here and your reviews reflect that. Trust that people will keep coming back.
107 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5560 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 14:15
It's if Fire Emblem was a Roguelike. Amazing game
82 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 01:07
Love this game! The art is perfect. The only thing I wish is that you could pick your starting heroes in some capacity, so as to truly create a unique team you can build on. I would also really enjoy being able to select/have directional positioning of spells and hero standing, like back attacks/side attacks causing extra damage etc. Also less dialogue every time I go to the dark/light deities to redeem points (srry forgot the names) but doesn't seem to have much point, just repetitive dialogue you have to click through. Dope game though, will continue to support the devs for this lovely game.
263 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 17:55
Good game.

I see people comparing this game to battlebrothers, but it really isn't similar other than using a tactics battle system. The game has a lot of grinding, and you are expected to do multiple runs. Battle brothers is incredibly difficult, but you could get to the endgame on your first run. I don't see how it would be possible in this game, no matter how good you are.

Overall worth a play though.
151 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 11:48
Probably one of the best Roguelites I've ever played.
+ Satisfying learning curve. At first, you just use your abilities and come to the conclusion, that just firing and forgetting doesnt work (naturally). Over time you learn how to properly position your heroes and abuse the many weapon variations.
+ Highly enjoyable, well balanced combat.
+ Although random to a certain degree, you can customise your heroes to your liking.

- HARD (as stated by the devs)
- At certain points quite frustrating, e.g. enemies dodging 3 hits in a row, a bad enemy group spawn that runs at and surrounds one of your heroes. (I don't know if that is positive or negative, since the random factors add a certain amount of thrill to the combat, and are an essential part to roguelikes, so thats up to you to decide.)

+ Beautifully made Pixelart with a lot of personality
+ Blend of FF Tactics and They are Billions

+/- Some skills look amazing and are well crafted, some need a little bit more work/polish

+ Driving, energetic, epic. Well done by The Algorithm

- The emphasis on Synthwave style does not quite fit the fantasy setting imo

I was not prepared for the amount of content this game has. I'm 21 hours in and am just at 31% unlocked. One could say, that it doesnt feel like Early Access, more like a Beta-soon-to-be-released. And apparently the devs plan to add even more to it.

Perfectly reasonable, would even go so far and say its a steal.

If you like roguelites, synthwave and turn based hero strategy, get this thing right now.
If you don't, get it as well, since this game is stunning and well worth the price.
Thx for reading.

Will you sell me your Tainted Essences, my dear?........
390 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
2935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 07:08
If you have even a passing interest in turn-based strategy games, you need this.
351 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1001 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 06:27
Three words: Roguelite Tactical RPG. A promising combination, if well executed - and The Last Spell certainly fits the bill.

Right from the get go, The Last Spell oozes style and personality. Gorgeous, high quality pixel-style art, straightforward but deeply nuanced game mechanics, backed by a thrumming, pulsing, driving, and seductive soundtrack. It doesn't beat around the bush with drawn out tutorials or hand-holding - it puts you almost directly into the action.

You start with 3 heroes, one each of melee/ranged/magic weapon type, and are charged with defending your city from a horde of undead-like creatures approaching from the surrounding mist. A trickle of monsters soon surges into a seemingly endless onslaught as you struggle to keep your ill-defended town free of marauding abominations - and that's just the first night. A successful defense nets you rewards in gold, materials, and 'dark essence', an opportunity to bolster your defenses by leveling up your units, gaining equipment, constructing buildings to support your troops, and building/repairing defensive structures around the periphery. Each night the difficulty of the monsters increases, as do their numbers, and every decision you make with your limited resources feels critical to your success - you'll soon find yourself defending multiple fronts at once with each hero individually facing more monsters than the whole first night combined.

Meta-progression seems very well paced after the initial hurdle is crossed - a constant stream of unlocks that promise to improve your odds on this or a future run, and offering plenty of variety for any desired play style. Animations and sound-effects are on-point and satisfying to see and hear. The one concern in terms of content is the fact that, for now, there is only one town to defend, and only one boss to defeat, but there's plenty enough here already to justify the price tag, even if they don't deliver on promises of future content. Given how much love, care, and attention to detail the devs have put into the game to get it to this stage, I'm willing to bet they'll knock any future content out of the park in terms of quality and fun, too.

As it stands, I would rate The Last Spell a solid 9.5/10, and an absolute must-play for any fans of tactical RPGs and rogue-lites.
454 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 03:35
Great game that I really hope gets better--because it has some serious flaws for now.

As far as concept goes, this is kind of my dream game. Town management with tower defense and tactical wave defense. And it is a lot of fun to play.

The issue I have with it is that the concept of most roguelikes is that you CAN always win, but doing many runs will often get you bonuses for future runs. The Last Spell precludes you from being able to win at all until you have done many, many runs. Each one you do gives you currency you can spend on perma-upgrades which are very helpful. If you play on easy (which they kind of shame you for in the tooltip) the only real difference is you get some additional upgrades for free without the grind. Not really sure how that is any different than grinding for them.

You end up not feeling invested in your runs after a while because you know they are just xp harvesting runs to get the next upgrade. I find myself abandoning runs not because I can't go further but because resetting would make getting more points easier and I know I am going to lose regardless.

I think the devs can fix the above, but I am not sure how since it is how they built the core gameplay loop. One way, I think would be smart, is to give the player achievable missions they can play, rather than just the one unachievable one.

My other big issue with the game is the perk system and the secondary stats. Things like bouncing attacks and momentum and such. Not very well explained from what I can tell. I am still not at all sure what those are. and the perks, most of them feel kind of lame. I hope that gets tightened up.

Even with the grind and opaque skills, I still really enjoy this game and will probably grind my way through it even without more work from the devs, but the game is a 7/10 with a really palpable 9/10 potential in it. If it is this good in early access, I feel confident the dev team can, at the very least, hit a 8.5/10 in time.
694 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 23:05
Extremely promising tactical combat roguelike. Lots of options to experiment on builds and tactics, lots of risk-reward decisions on hero builds and economy. And it looks pretty decently balanced (and hard, but there are options for an easier mode if anyone struggles too much) for an early access game.

There's only one level (one town to defend, rather) for now, but given the already available variety - it already provides enough content and challenge for dozens of hours.

It's already quite good, and it's highly likely that it'll be *even* better on release.
344 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1058 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 17:10
Things you need to know befor you buy:
-Game kinda hard
-Game Soundtrack Slaps
-Game good
2625 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 16:19
Rogue-like Final Fantasy Tactics with overwhelming amount of monsters coming at you.
640 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
1345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 12:39
Dear Sarah,

This is probably my last letter, the ennemy destroyed our walls last night and we will not have enough ressources to build them again. Simon, our mage, has also been killed defending our city. In an heroic impulse, he jumped in the middle of the horde and blasted a lot of them with fire. It helped us a lot to survive but I'm worried his bravery will be forgotten when the city will fall. Yes the city will fall and soon. We are exhausted and wounded, I fear that we will not be able to defend the inner buildings or the magicians this night.
I wish I could be with you for our last night but I will try the impossible to protect you and the city one more night. Block the door and windows with everything you can find, then hide with the children in the basement.
Tonight darkness will be in our streets.

Your beloved knight, Sigmund.
272 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1005 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 11:57
TL:DR: It’s Battle Brothers meets They Are Billions (if you'll pardon the oversimplification) and it’s well worth picking up if you like either of those games!

The general gist of the game:
You need to defend a town from attacks that wind up in difficulty from one night to the next.

The town starts off with some ruins (which act to slow the horde but can also be torn down for gold and materials) and can be upgraded with buildings that either generate resources (health, mana, items, gold or materials), allow you to buy resources (like the shop for gear and the inn for heroes) or general fortifications. Managing your town is going to be essential (this is the They Are Billions section of the game) for your long-term success since the difficulty scales quite aggressively and town management is absolutely crucial in your survival.

The heroes are very similar to battle brothers. They all have quirks (randomly rolled on character generation, cannot be changed), stats you can increment via gear or level-up, and perks you can access on level-up.

The class of a hero is basically dictated first and foremost by the weapon they use. Each weapon has a set of skills it allows access to which basically dictate what role that character will fill.

Meta-progression (i.e. the roguelite part of the game) is done via completing tasks (“ build x fortifications” , “ survive Y nights”, “get Z amount of gold”, that sort of thing) and via spending a resource called “Tainted Essence” which you get after each successful night.

- Soundtrack is very nice (especially if you like synthweave)
- Gameplay loop is robust
- Replay value by the bucketload
- Price point
- Challenge (and make no mistake, the game is challenging)
- Game mechanics are rich enough to provide depth

- Challenge
- Some quality of life features are missing (like the ability to rotate buildings or spell placement)
Logo for The Last Spell
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
93.72% 3148 211
Release:09.03.2023 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Ishtar Games Vertrieb: The Arcade Crew Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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