Hello, Astronaut,
You can now get The Invincible with a -40% discount during the Publisher Sale!
During the astromission on Regis III you are looking for your crew, lost somewhere in the otherworldly landscapes. Your connection to your crewmates, your friends, and your natural curiosity of astroscientist is what is driving you towards lifting the veil of human cognition.

In today’s update One For All, we wanted to celebrate the determination coming from human connections, both strong and fragile bonds that we have, that keep us focused on survival and what really matters. Only now you can get the game with a -40% discount and merge two realities - of The Invincible and The Alters - by personalizing your astrorover with a brand new skin.
If you haven’t checked out The Alters yet, we highly encourage you to get to know another space traveler, Jan Dolski, and his crewmate, Jan Dolski, and his another crewmate, Jan… Have you ever wondered how it would go, living together with different versions of yourself? Now you can try it out on an isolated planet.
Happy Publisher Sale!
- Starward Industries & 11 bit studios