• The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.
  • The Innsmouth Case: Screen zum Spiel The Innsmouth Case.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 23.06.2023
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Über das Spiel

Eine verzweifelte Mutter, ein verschwundenes Mädchen und ein geheimnisvoller Ort – ein Auftrag wie er im Buche steht. Um das rätselhafte Verschwinden der kleinen Tabitha Marsh aufzuklären, braucht es allerdings den härtesten und cleversten aller Detektive… dieser hat jedoch keine Zeit – und somit geht der Job an dich. Dieser mysteriöse Fall entführt dich in das abgelegene Fischerdorf Innsmouth, in dem nichts so ist, wie es zu sein scheint…

Rette das Mädchen, löse den Fall, überlebe Innsmouth!

The Innsmouth Case ist ein Detektiv-Abenteuer im Stile eines interaktiven Buchs, inspiriert von den fantastischen Werken der Horrorlegende H.P. Lovecraft. Die einzigartige Mischung aus Horror und Humor machen The Innsmouth Case zum ersten Grusel-Comedy-Text-Adventure seiner Art. Ein Spiel, in dem jede Entscheidung zählt und es weit mehr als eine Möglichkeit gibt, den Auftrag erfolgreich abzuschließen… oder zu scheitern!

Werde Teil einer mitreißenden Geschichte im Lovecraft-Universum, bei der jede deiner Entscheidungen die Geschichte nachhaltig beeinflusst.

Dich erwartet ein interaktives Buch, das dich durch eine perfekte Mischung aus schrägem Humor und klassischem Horror in seinen Bann zieht.

Welches Schicksal in Innsmouth deiner harrt, liegt allein in deinen Händen. Insgesamt 27 mögliche Enden warten auf dich. Rettest du den Tag – oder sind deine Tage gezählt?

Erkunde das Innsmouth des 21. Jahrhunderts, sprich mit über 30 animierten Charakteren und löse das Geheimnis um das Verschwinden der kleinen Tabitha Marsh.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
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  • GFX: Nvidia 260 GTS or Radeon HD 4850 - 512 MB of VRAM or equivalent
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/8.1/XP/Vista (32 or 64 bit)
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch, Deutsch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 2.66GHz Intel Core i7
  • GFX: Nvidia 460 GTX / Radeon 5770 - 1 GB of VRAM or equivalent
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/8.1 (64bit)
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch, Deutsch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

72 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
967 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 21:25

Ein schöner Urlaub in Innsmouth

The Innsmouth Case ist ein Visual Novel Game. Es erschien 2020.

Pro und Con (Details danach)

-viele Story Wendungen
-witzige Story
-Illustrationen sind ok

keine Cons

Viel kann man zu dem Game nicht sagen.Es ist ein einfaches Text Game mit ein paar Illustrationen. Die Story ist nicht ernst sondern eher auf lustig getrimmt. Man hat viele Möglichkeiten die Story zu gestalten. Ein gutes Game zum zwischendurch zocken. Tentakel hoch!
550 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 15:14
The Innsmouth Case Heisst Sie hiermit Wilkommen lassen Sie alle Hoffnungen fahren und Halten Sie Ständig Ihre Papiertüte bereit denn Sie werden Sie noch Brauchen lassen Sie sich von der Achterbahnfahrt auf der Reise Ihres Lebens Verzaubern worum geht es bei dieser Reise Sie spielen einen Abgehalfterten privatdektetiv der nur Feierabend machen Wohlte um Sich seine Übernatürliche Mystery Serie anzuschauen aber das Schicksal hatte andere Pläne mit Ihnen in dem Sie Ihnen eine Mysteriouse Lady mit einen Kniffligen fall zu Ihnen sandte um eine Verschwundene Tochter in Innsmouth zu Finden und Wohlbehalten zurückzubringen mit voller Tatendran packen Sie Ihre koffer und machen Sich auf denn Weg nach Innsmouth nur um Festzustellen das in Innsmouth man es nicht Immer soo mit der Wahrheit hat wie es in dem Reiseprospekt propagiert wurde Sie treffen viele Liebenswerte Skuriele Einwohnner wie Eine leicht Überdrehte Tourismus Verkäuferin die einen Regelrecht mit Prosphekten Zuschütten möchte Ein Councierge der auf Onkel Rafzahn macht Ein Friseur der seid Jahrzenten keine Kunden mehr hatte und dem das Wort Sauberer laden ein Fremdwort ist aber Dafür Verdammt gut einen Wohl die Spitzen Schneiden kann und nicht zu Vergessen ein Gelangweilter Hotelangestellter der in einen moment als Spa Wellnes Mitarbeiter tätigt ist und in einen anderen moment mit Gelangweilter Geste einen Innsmouth Spezial Drink in einer Tikki Bar Serviert und da wäre noch die Sehenswürdigkeit in Form eines Mysteriousen Leutchturm der zuviele Treppen hat und noch vieles vieles mehr In Innsmouth.

Es gibt 27 Enden davon habe Ich 12 Enden erreicht
und es Fehlen noch 15 Spielzeit über 11 Stunden
67% der Karte wurde Erforscht Reines Visualnovel
Hat Mackabere Lustige momente+
Gruselmomente sind Vorhanden

MusikSound 7,5 Punkte
Characktere 9,7 Punkte
Grafik 8,0 Punkte
Geschichte 9,0 Punkte
Endfazit 8,5 Punkte

???? Powered by HoI 4 Deu Kuratorengruppe auf Deutsch/Englisch ????
???? https://store.steampowered.com/curator/30388691/

The Innsmouth Case welcomes you, let your hopes fly and always have your paper bag ready because you will still need it. Let yourself be enchanted by the roller coaster ride on the journey of a lifetime. What is this journey about? After work, beneficiaries make their own To watch the supernatural mystery series but fate had other plans for you in which they sent you a mysterious lady with a tricky case to find a missing daughter in Innsmouth and bring it back safe with full action, pack your bags and set off to Innsmouth only to find out that in Innsmouth you don't always have the truth as it was propagated in the travel brochure You meet a lot of lovable oddity residents like A slightly over-the-top tourism saleswoman who wants to fill up a regular with prospectuses A councierge who does on Uncle Rafzahn A hairdresser who hasn't had any customers for decades and who is foreign to the word “Cleaner” but is damn good for it The tips can be cut and not to be forgotten a bored hotel employee who works as a Spa Wellnes employee at one point and in another moment with a bored gesture serves an Innsmouth special drink in a Tikki bar and there is the attraction in the form of a mysterious light tower Too many stairs and so much more in Innsmouth.

There are 27 ends of which I have reached 12 ends
and 15 are still missing Playing time over 11 hours
67% of the map was explored Pure Visualnovel
Has Mackabere Funny moments +
scary moments are available

MusicSound 7.5 Points
Characteristic 9.7 Points
Graphics 8.0 Points
History 9.0 Points
Final result 8.5 Points

???? Powered by HoI 4 Deu Curators group in German/English ????
???? https://store.steampowered.com/curator/30388691/
64 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 16:17
Really funny and clever writing. Great for everyone with a dark sense of humor looking for a laugh.
113 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.20 14:25
Wer Lovecraft und Horror liebt, gerne selbst entscheidet, in welche Richtung die Geschichte gehen soll und 1000-Gefahren-Bücher bis zum abwinken gelesen hat, um jedes Ende einmal zu erfahren, wird dieses Spiel lieben.
Die Story ist lebhaft geschrieben, mit Liebe zum Detail und viel Humor. Ausgeschmückt wird das Ganze mit atmosphärischen Hintergrundbildern und einzigartigen Figuren.
Bisher habe ich 5 Enden freigeschaltet, hatte ein abenteuerliches Wellness-Programm, eine... interessante... Begegnung mit einem Fischwesen und habe mich unter meinem Schreibtisch versteckt.
Ich werde meinen Aufenthalt in Innsmouth noch etwas verlängern und bin gespannt, welche Geheimnisse ich noch aufdecken werde.
442 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 13:35


It's a parody full of cringey humor, typos and sex seemingly written by a tumblr user.
2314 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 20:30
H.P. Lovecraft with a comedic twist. Multiple endings to be found, some straight forward some not as easy to find. All in all an enjoyable text based adventure.
149 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 21:37
The Innsmouth Case is an interactive visual narration, pick-your-own-adventure style. Every time you make a choice, you advance in the story of the gruff, self-aware private detective protagonist. I love how funny and witty the dialogues are - you can really tell that the makers love (and know) their Lovecraft. I especially enjoyed the art style, as it's reduced, but has a lot of little nods and easter eggs. Sometimes I found the music to be a tiny bit repetitive, but it is simple enough that after a while, it starts to blend in the background. You can really tell that every part of this, from the writing to the illustration, was a labour of love and an appreciation for the material - it's game from fans of the Mythos for fans of the Mythos (and very, very weird humour).
59 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 20:00
If you are a fan of H.P Lovecraft's stoires of cosmic horror, you're going to love this humoristic homage to his work. The game combines elements, themes and easter eggs from all of his most known works, and craft them together in an original story. The game offers a ton of replay value, with many obscure and hard to get to, endings. This is a must buy for anyone who wants a funny, chill and original experience with the cuthulu mythos. I recommend it a lot.
161 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.21 14:56
No case to solve (despite the pretext of the beginning) just survive a day in Innsmouth choose your own adventure style with very little in the way of choices at all. It falls between horror and comedy in such a way as to be neither so its got no real choices no horror and is not funny.
641 Produkte im Account
137 Reviews
529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 10:31
Quite interesting text based game with many endings. It does a really good job of mixing horror and comedy that is rarely done successfully.
1206 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 14:04
A very short game - I've already gotten 3 endings.

Let me expound some on my problems with this game from a narrative perspective:

1) The game has some serious problems with whether or not it wants to be a serious or a parody, and it flip-flops so frequently that it ends up not being very effective at either (though admittedly, it is a more effective at comedy than horror).

2) A side effect of this is that characterization is all over the place.

3) There is a character named Poopingplace. I understand this game was translated from German, though, so that might be the fault of the translator and not the game creator.

Probably the most interesting thing about this game is its female protagonist, who is actually rather fun.

Overall, though, I would not consider this a game worth playing - there are a lot better experiences in the areas of comedy, horror, Lovecraft, visuals novels, and CYOAs.
250 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 03:04
792 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 13:35
ACTUAL PLAYTIME: 3.5-4HRS (played majority in offline mode)

The developers were kind enough to provide free review keys for a campaign. Overall, I give this a tentative positive if for no other reason that I personally wouldn't have paid $15 for this. Other people may entirely disagree and there are definitely positive points about the production and effort that went into this game. If it were priced down to the sale price normally ($6), I would call it well worth the cost.

It's a parody, Choose-Your-Own-Adventure format visual novel. The humor is consistent so don't expect extremely Lovecraft-heavy themes explored in some super-serious way. It's surface-Lovecraft, but in such a way as to be engaging and entertaining. I even think the writers took some Junji Ito-esque inspiration throughout as well.

The art is charming and original and interwoven with some animations throughout that make the whole thing feel more alive. If you want a funny, silly little thing to spend a few hours in or something charming to read on-stream, you could do a lot worst.
369 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 09:02
There is nothing really lovecraftian in this game. It is a horror-parody-choose-your-own-adventure that namedrops Lovecraft a lot, but doesnt actually understand or care for the source material. It is basically stringing together random horror scenarios and spoofs them. The writing is not bad and sometimes actually funny, but the use of references to Lovecraft's stories here is superficial at best and false advertising at worst. If you removed them it would'nt really affect the game. If you don't care about Lovecraft and are looking for horror comedy, this might be for you.
186 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 07:54
It's a text game, so be prepared to read a lot :)
The plot is well-written and fun. You can talk to many different characters, each with their own personality. Some of them are exaggeratedly weird, but this creates the ironic atmosphere of this game.
After you open locations on the map, you can return to them from the main menu at any time. This is very handy if you want to get all possible endings and achievements.
Some reviewers mentioned that the game doesn't fit their expectations of what a Lovecraft-based game should be like. Just relax and don't take this game too seriously. It will amuse you!
I loved the artwork and cultural references. Don't be afraid to make strange decisions! *wink-wink*
10 raves on the beach out of 10
1986 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 01:04
The Innsmouth Case is a fantastic and well written choose your own Lovecraft-inspired adventure game with lots of different paths to take, honestly, there's A LOT to explore here, and the unexpected twists and turns that the story takes, makes it so much more interesting. The combination of horror and comedy fits perfectly in the game, and the characters are very well designed. The animations are smooth and the background music as well as the images really help set the mood.

This is the first time I ever played a text-based game, just because it is inspired by H.P. Lovecraft, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
1152 Produkte im Account
117 Reviews
586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 06:27

The Innsmouth Case

The Innsmouth case is a brilliant new visual novel with a strong taste of Lovecraftian mixed into it. Built as a simple visual novel with multiple endings and a ton of options, the game did it’s part just right.

Right from the get-go, it’s pretty obvious what to expect from a game like this. A strong well-scripted storyline with fantastic visuals and artistry. But the choices you have to make throughout the game and how that impacts your overall outcomes of the game threw me off guard, which I absolutely loved as it gives the game a stronger sense of mystery and unpredictability.

Plot: Another gruelling pointless day in the life of a private investigator. Out of work, with the bills piling up, he is overthinking his financial problems and keeps looking at an alcohol bottle nearby.

But his professionalism keeps him from drinking his worries away. He can’t wait until reaching home to have at it with that bottle; he was thinking about leaving early, after all.

There was a knock on the door. Looking at his dirty and dusty office, the investigator felt uneasy about inviting the person in. But there’s no time, so he plans to simply keep the person to keep their attention away from the dirty office.

As he calls out, a tall beautiful dark-haired woman walks in. Penetrating the shadows, a small hint of light hits her dark shiny hair as she comes forth and sits on top of the investigators table without permission.

He is both shocked and aroused. Wearing a black, seemingly luxurious dress, this is no ordinary woman. As she starts to look around the office, the investigator engages in a flirty conversation in an attempt to hide his disgusting office. But that doesn’t help much.

Now let’s get to the point . . . who are you, Miss? And how may I help?

“My name is Dahlia Marsh, and I am looking to hire the best investigator in town. After being refused by all the other investigators, I have no choice but to seek your help.

My daughter, little Tabitha Marsh, is missing; she disappeared without a trace.”

Having no choice seeing as his bills are pilling up, the investigator asks more questions related to the case.

But the desperate mother acts weirdly and doesn’t provide much information, other than that they are from a fishing town called Innsmouth, near the coast. Then she hands over a picture of Tabitha.

The investigator is horrified. Is this a joke? How can someone look like this! He felt so sick seeing the picture, he nearly throws up, but somehow holds it back.

He takes the case without much information; he had to. Digging up some information on Innsmouth, it turns out that it’s a fairly quiet place with a lot of people having been reported missing.

Now he must set out on a wild goose chase to find the Tabitha, facing uncertainty in a town full of mysteries and a lot of weird figures.

Gameplay: The Innsmouth turns out to be one of the most simplistic and minimalistic games I have come across in a while.

The game greeted me with a simple minimalist UI and a very tasteful theme-appropriate piano tune playing in the background.

As I started the game, at times it took it’s sweet time describing scenarios, and at other times, it shortened things up. Being a visual novel, getting the balance right between when to describe something in detail and when to rush is very important, and the game did a great job at it.

The game went through a super simplistic left mouse click control scheme with nothing else in between you and the amazing story that leads you to Innsmouth.

As you progress in-game, each stage presents an assortment of two or more options that impact the game as you make your choice leading up to the ending.

Each choice you make will have a lasting effect on the game's outcome. And there are out 27 of those outcomes.
If you have enough time to play, I highly recommend you going through each of these endings, full of wild and mild humor with strong horror elements.

Visuals: I would’ve appreciated the visuals more if there had been more unique artistry.

I absolutely loved how these animations/pictures played out throughout the game; they gave a brilliant taste throughout my playthrough! As I am not a big fan of reading or novels, they kept my attention peaked and kept me craving more.

Felt the need for narration: Limited only by it’s design and development choices, the game is already a massive hit in my eyes, but it could’ve been so much more. For example, narration. It would be so much more if there was a strong narration element built-in with this fantastic lineup of scripts, but sadly, it’s a just a visual novel.

Scripting: The choices you make matter and vary the game's ending immensely. You can choose from a quick dramatic ending in 30 minutes, to simple yet humorous ending that could take over an hour.

An impressive attempt of storytelling, with all the right elements in place. A strong sense of mystery and unpredictability mixed into it. From it’s quirky humor to dark horror elements, the game followed through with its Lovecraftian style very well.

Music: An impressive assortment of piano tunes made the game more atmospheric and soulful.


+ Fantastic story
+ Amazing visual art style
+ Soul touching music
+ Story driven by choices
+ Simplistic classy UI
+ Flawless game performance
+ Game full of interesting characters
+ Well-scripted storytelling full of humor, horror, and unpredictability.


- Very much felt the need for a strong narrator
- Needs more visual attractions and animations
- Would have loved to hear these amazing characters’ voices

Answering a desperate mother’s call, a private investigator finds himself in a rabbit hole of mystery. A Story driven by choices you make.


Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!

443 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 13:19
This is at best a Lovecraft-parody, just not a good one. It is not funny or interesting. The ytried to put as much different backgrounds in this as possibly, getting not one right.

If you are a fan of the Cthulhu-Mythos: Stay away!
2436 Produkte im Account
367 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 06:42
jogo estilo livro-aventura, sem narração e com um sistema de save confuso, perdendo muito progresso.
o jogo é bem curto e mesmo tendo várias referências lovecraftianas e um teor até sexual em algumas interações, a história não engrena.
1130 Produkte im Account
132 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 22:58
It's a simple gamebook-style game, but somehow the art seems silly and inappropriate for the theme to me, so I refunded.
140 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 03:06
The game is cute and fun to play.
There are some spelling and grammar errors, but it's nothing too horrible that ruins it.
The one thing that did annoy me is that the game seems to use Dagon and Cthulhu interchangeably. It's clearly set in Innsmouth, as per the name sake of the game, and it clearly describes the inhabitants displaying traits of the Deep Ones. But near the end of some routes it uses the R'hlyeh quote but talks about giving sacrifice to Dagon and when it describes Dagon's acceptance of the sacrifice it says tentacles pull them under the water. Dagon is not depicted as having tentacles in any of Lovecraft's work.
I'm a huge fan of Lovecraft and Lovecraft inspired games so it just irks me to no end when muddling of source material happens.
8 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 08:33
At first I wasn't entirely sure if I liked this game or not because it wasn't what I expected, especially after finding a weird ending, but after playing it more, I really enjoy it, I've spent a few hours on it and am trying to get all of the achievements. The art style is very cool and while I do wish there was a bit less reading and more actual gameplay, it's still a good game. I like pick your own adventure style games and this one has tons of different routes and options. I enjoy H.P. Lovecraft style games so as soon as I discovered this was going to be released I put it on my wishlist. After finding out that only two people created most of the game over the past three years, I am VERY impressed and can't wait to see what they put out in the future. If you like mystery/detective/pick your own adventure games, you should enjoy this, especially for the price.
815 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 08:15
The Innsmouth Case is the perfect blend of Lovecraftian Horror, humor, and pop culture references. The graphic style is amazing and fits the world perfectly. I'm a huge fan of text adventure games and the gamebook they've created is a neat method of presenting the story. I haven't been able to unlock all the endings yet - at the time of writing this I only have a few hours in the game - but I've unlocked a few and there are a LOT more left. Often choose your own adventure and text adventure style games feel like they only have a few big choices and the rest of your gameplay is repetitive. This game has a LOT of choice, and a lot of variation between replays. Definitely give this one a try if you're a fan of the genre.
1663 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 18:44
Sitting in my fusty office, smoking a Cigarette, i `m dreaming of a live without problems and much, much Money. It is all about the Money. If you have Money, you have Power and if you have Power, you have Women and if…..
Somebodys knocking and getting me out of my dreams. A Client?
„Come in.“ I heard myself saying.
The door opens and a Lady in an elegant dark Dress that emphasize her female Attraction.
„Please, i need your help.“ She said with a warm Voice, while she softly smokes her Cigarette.

No, you are NOT in a Humphrey Bogart Movie, even if it feels so.
No, you are in a Book…. ehm in a Game….errrr…. lets call it an interactive Book.
So what awaits you?

THE INNSMOUTH CASE is an exciting Game based on the World of the legendary Horror Autor H.P. Lovecraft. The whole Game you are looking at a Book. You have very much Text to read and many Decissions to make. This is guided by some really, REALLY nice Graphics. The Developer did here an awesome Job to put classical Horror and weird Humor together.

The Daughter of your Client is gone missing and it is up to you to take on this Case….or not.
Your Way leads you to Innsmouth a little town at the Sea. From now on it is up to you how you continue. Only to mention it, this game has 27 (!!!) Endings. You see, there is much to read and enjoy.

Like a Book, this Game has Chapters and each time you reach an ending, you are able to restart from one of the Chapters before, giving you the chance to make other choices, you already did. And believe me, each choice, i say EACH choice has consequences. So be carefull.

To be honest, i already died 5 Times, but also have had a pleasant time with the Female Client, if you know what i mean, opportunity makes Love, and i can`t get enough of this Game. Well, i`m not only selling books in Real Life, i also love reading good Books and this IS like a good Book.

It is really exciting to follow the Story and explore Innsmouth for ist secrets, it is really exciting to choose other choices than you did before and it is really exciting to try to survive, hoping for a good ending.

What i really,REALLY like, are the Characters of this Game. This mix of Horror and Charm is unique. You simply like this animated Figures, no matter if they want something good or something bad to you. And they all have this Lovecraft Style. Amazing Job, dear Dev.

And another big Pro goes to the Sound Section. The Music is really great and hits the Situations perfectly. And this Game has so much more, but if i continue i will begin to spoiler you and that is something i don`t want to. Experience this by yourself, you wont regret it.

So what can i say more?
If you like a good Book and if you like Lovecraft or are just curious about him, if you like a unique Style of Horror and Humor, Andi f you are a decisive Person this is a MUST for you.
Enjoy and thank you for reading.

Also a big thanks tot he Developer, giving me this Chance to get into Lovecrafts World and thanks for the Jumpscare that got me yesterday evening. It took me really by surprise……

Follow our AWG Curator!

150 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 13:59
A Lovecraftian Choose Your Own Adventure that uses a good deal of comedy to create interesting and memorable story paths as well as make the suspense and horror parts hit all the harder when they appear. Worth the price as the story, music, writing, and visuals all do good job of drawing you into this strange silly but suitably dark world while the many different paths mean there is a plenty to explore, discover, and experience. If you're still unsure after seeing the trailers, screenshots, and reviews then check out the demo!
11 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 18:32
This games story reminds alot of the horror film Slither, but with Lovecraft sea gods instead of alien slugs.

In the positive, it's suprisingly entertaining with lots of shock humour, interesting characters, and the multiple endings and options allow for great re-playablility

In the negative, it is very offensive and some of the jokes are down-right insulting, plus it's a little expensive for a game with a short run time. The horror aspect is also very down-played and the story can get side-tracked quickly.

All in all, I suggest giving the demo a try to get a feel for the game before you buy.
290 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 15:43
Played two rounds of this already and love it so much. Will play more and maybe edit the review but so far I can say
- The whole art style is very cute and has these very fluid motions that are delightful to watch
- Same for the whole UI, it's well-designed
- The story is rich and so far one of my endings has been a typical poor performance on my part (without spoiling anything) and the other just completely wild. I was actually at the edge of my seat.
- Game hasn't crashed and I can alt-tab with ease
501 Produkte im Account
217 Reviews
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 11:31
The Innsmouth Case is a choose your own text adventure game developed by RobotPumpkin Games and published by Assemble Entertainment. The creators were inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s works and decided to incorporate some of the elements into The Innsmouth Case to bring together a scary comedic adventure.

In The Innsmouth Case, you play as a private investigator hired by Dahlia Marsh to investigate the disappearance of her daughter, Tabitha. With that, you venture to Innsmouth, a place full of strange locals and happenings, to learn more about the disappearance and to piece together clues.

Going through multiple endings, I found the storyline to be quite strange. I can definitely agree that the developers were inspired by Lovecraft. For me, I wouldn’t say The Innsmouth Case is scary... I would describe it as more weird than scary.

The game comes equipped with lots of choices so you can personalize the experience to how you want to respond or how you want to explore. I was a bit surprised to see how often choices popped up because I wasn’t expecting so many. Regarding the choices, you can choose to be nice to others, to flirt with the characters, to discover different areas of Innsmouth, etc.

The Innsmouth Case currently has 27 different endings. Some endings are shorter than others. Some are easier to obtain than others. Each ending unlocks an achievement in the achievements book.

A neat feature of the game is the city map. In the story, Muriel Poopingplace gives you a city map of Innsmouth. I like how the game actually provides the city map for you with information about the places that you’ve visited/explored.

I found the graphics to be really nice. The lighting gives almost an eerie effect and I liked how, if you pay attention to the lighting, you can see the light on the book flicker at times like the oil lamps used to light up the night. For me, it felt like I was sitting at an old desk, late at night, with just the illumination of the lamp, flipping through the story. The scene makes me feel like I’m really reading out of a book.

The characters that you meet in this game all are very interesting. Most of them are quirky and fun in their own way. The animations of the characters are also very well-done.

I really like the music in The Innsmouth Case as well. In the beginning, it has an eerie effect that is fitting to the dark and mysterious theme. In other parts, like when Muriel Poopingplace is introduced, the music is uplifting and cheerful to fit the personality of Muriel.

As for my rating, I would give The Innsmouth Case a 9/10. The game’s graphics are extremely nice. I appreciated all the effects such as the page-turning. However, I feel like there could be a bit more features added. I like how the game lets you load certain chapters so it’s easy to go back and change your story by making different choices but I still wish there was a “save” feature. It would be helpful to include so if you’re in the middle of the story/chapter, your progress can be saved.

I think it would also be nice to be able to flip back in the story like a real book. For example, being able to use the arrow keys to moving forward in the story but also move back in case the players accidentally clicked too fast (I’ve done that multiple times). On the note of controls, I was a bit confused about why the ESC button advances the story but I guess it makes the game a bit more unique.
55 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 18:53
Very entertaining game, with a surprising mix of horror and comedy writing. Definitely lots to read, but it makes you more immersed in the world of Innsmouth for sure. Worth picking up in my opinion.

To check it out and hear my true feelings, check out this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crP25tf2674 Thank you!
874 Produkte im Account
1001 Reviews
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.20 12:05
Choose your own adventure with an HP Lovecraft twist.
Meet the incredibly weird residents of Innsmouth and solve the mystery.
The writing is solid.
The art is excellent.
The soundtrack contributes perfectly to the humorous horror tone.
Definitely check out the demo and then pick up the game!

2725 Produkte im Account
305 Reviews
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.20 08:04
For The Love of Lovecraft Curator

Choose Your Own Insani...Adventure!!!!!

The Innsmouth Case is a story book game set up in a choose your own adventure style. You play as a detective who is tasked if you so choose to search for a child in the strange town of Innsmouth. There are nods to the lovecraftian mythos everywhere sprinkled throughout but this game chooses to take a far less serious tone than the writings it is based off of. Throughout the dialogue there is a lot of tongue and cheek humor either from yourself or the characters you interact with. The characters you will meet are almost cartoonish in their animations much like something like Little Inferno, adding to the quirky feel this game has. There is a lot of story and pathways to discover and you will find yourself diving in multiple times to find all the routes. The game has a total of 27 endings. As you play you can press the escape key to skip dialogue which is helpful on finding alternate branches. The music is fitting and the humor is pretty on point.

The Minor Gripes

It's nice to see the quirky fun but I would have liked to have seen a few more situations that leaned closer to horror. I feel like as much as I enjoy the offbeat humor it would have been interesting to see a more balanced blend of the two. When I play games like this I like to rest my hand on the mouse so I don't have to keep moving to click every time I read and it may be just me but sometimes I get a bit click happy and accidentally skip text. There's no way to read skipped text which is a bit inconvenient. Lastly the only other gripe I have with this is just a small personal desire. There are a lot of choices and decisions and sometimes it's nice to know when you are heading in the right direction for a new path. I've seen in plenty of story games where a new decision appears differently than a choice you have explored and it would be nice to see it here as well.


(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ pros ♥

+Filled with quirky humor
+Nice Lovecraftian references
+A lot of choices and endings to discover

(っ>▬<)っ x cons x

-Personally would enjoy a bit more horror mixed in
-No text backlog

I know it sounds a bit circle logic since I've talked about how great the humor along with how much I would enjoy a more serious tone but it just works for this. It's nice to see a game about lovecraftian mythos not take the subject material serious and drab all the time. If you are looking for a deep dark mysterious adventure that dives into the dark derelicts of the lovecraftian universe than this isn't it. If you're looking for a quirky choose your own adventure that pokes a lot of humor in the dialogue set in a lovecraftian universe like the Penny Arcade games or Cthulhu Saves The World than this is probably for you. I've played the game for about two hours at the time of this review and have only found seven of the endings. It will be fun to dive in and discover more and I don't regret the purchase.

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Logo for The Innsmouth Case
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
73.44% 47 17
Release:23.06.2023 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: RobotPumpkin Games Vertrieb: Assemble Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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