News Liste The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut

Backend Service Shutdown & Downloading Characters
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut
27.09.22 08:19 Community Announcements


a long time passed since our team released Van Helsing: Final Cut which contains all three games of the The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing trilogy. The Final Cut version included both online and offline modes to bring players with the desire to Co-Op and those who preferred an offline mode together.

However, the official backend provider of the game - GameSparks - will cease their operations on the 30th of September hence it is with heavy heart that we inform you that the online version of Final Cut will no longer be available after the aforementioned date. Players who roamed the region of Borgovia with online characters will not be able to access these characters in online mode, play together with other online players or access Adventure events.

The offline version will of course remain playable for everyone who owns a copy of Final Cut in their Steam library and all characters created in this mode will not be affected by the shutdown of the servers. Playing together with other Hunters will also remain possible.

How to access your online characters in offline version

Everyone, who logs into their online account in-game will be able to download their characters using the command below and adding a path and name for their save file in the in-game chat (the save path can of course differ from this example for everyone, you can even immediately place the file into the SaveGame folder of the game):

In-game chat command for downloading your character. Please make sure to use the .sav extension at the end of the line:
  • /savegame c:\user\desktop\mySavedCharacter.sav

After saving your character and placing the file into the Final Cut directory's SaveGame folder in the Documents you will be able to access it in-game. Here is the exact path:
  • Documents\NeocoreGames\Van Helsing Final Cut\SaveGame\Default

Please mind, that downloading online characters will be possible only before the shutdown of the backend service.

Retrieve your character(s) using a database

Our developer team will download everyone's characters and store them into a database before the shutdown of the backend server. In the upcoming period we will be working on making this database available for anyone who wishes to download their characters. Using an email address (which used to log into the in-game account) will grant access to the characters one created in online mode.

We will share more details about the latter option in the near future so stay tuned!
Logo for The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut
Release:06.11.2015 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Neocore Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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