The Great War: Western Front
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Über das Spiel

Wähle deine Fraktion und führe sie zum Sieg, indem du deine Armeen in erbitterten Echtzeit-Schlachten anführst und in strategischem, rundenbasiertem Gameplay Entscheidungen auf höchster Ebene triffst. Hebe detaillierte Schützengräben aus, erforsche neue Technologien wie Giftgas und Panzer und triff Entscheidungen, die sich maßgeblich und langfristig auf deinen Erfolg auswirken. Denke wie ein Befehlshaber, um die Geschichte neu zu erleben - oder sie neu zu definieren.
Befehlshaber in zwei Rollen
Entdecke unvergleichliche strategische Möglichkeiten, wenn du in die Rolle eines Kriegsgebiets- oder Feldkommandanten schlüpfen.
Als Kriegsgebietskommandant erwartet dich ein fesselndes, rundenbasiertes Strategie-Erlebnis, bei dem du den Einsatz von Truppen dirigierst, Nachforschungen anstellst und die Verteilung deiner Ressourcen an der Westfront in einem Krieg abwägst, der durch Nuancen entschieden wird. Parallel dazu kannst du die Rolle des Feldkommandanten in dynamischen Echtzeit-Schlachten übernehmen, in denen du Einheiten anweist, deine Gegner zu bezwingen, Schützengräben auszuheben und direkte Angriffe durchzuführen, indem du deine Infanterie hinter die Deckung schickst. Wähle deine Schlachten und kämpfe auf deine Weise, um den Lauf der Geschichte zu beeinflussen.
Eine lebendige Welt
Schlachtfelder sind beständig. Und während du deinen Vorstoß entlang der Westfront fortsetzt, wirst du ehemaligen Schlachtfeldern erneut begegnen, die noch immer die Wunden und die Zerstörung früherer Kämpfe aufweisen.
Artilleriebeschuss hinterlässt Krater, Panzer, Geschützfeuer und Schützengräben verwüsten die einst üppige französische Landschaft und alle Schützengräben (oder Befestigungen), die du anlegst, bleiben im Spiel, solltest du zurückkehren. Auch das wechselnde Wetter spielt eine Rolle; Im Laufe des Konflikts kommt es zu Wetterveränderungen wie Schnee und Regen, die sich unter anderem auf die Leistung der Artillerie und die Bewegungsfähigkeit der Einheiten auswirken. Um dir den Sieg zu sichern, musst du deine Strategie je nach den Bedingungen sorgfältig abwägen.
Historische Authentizität
Genieße ein authentisches historisches Strategiespiel, das den Ernst und die Intensität des Ersten Weltkriegs einfängt. Dank der Zusammenarbeit mit dem Imperial War Museum in London und deren Expertise können wir diese entscheidenden Momente der Geschichte genau darstellen.
Wähle originalgetreue Infanterie, Waffen, Artillerie und Panzer der damaligen Zeit und versetze dich in die Denkweise eines Befehlshabers des Ersten Weltkriegs, während du ausgeklügelte Taktiken anwendest und deine Armee entlang der Westfront stationierst.
Wähle deine Seite
Spiele entweder auf Seiten der Alliierten Nationen oder der Mittelmächte und triff taktische und strategische Entscheidungen, um den Sieg sowohl auf dem Schlachtfeld als auch auf dem übergreifenden Kriegsschauplatz zu erringen. Beide Fraktionen verfügen über einzigartige Fähigkeiten und Spielstile, die es zu entdecken und einzusetzen gilt.
Immer wieder neu spielbar
Kein Spieldurchgang gleicht dem anderen, da du zahlreiche große und kleine Entscheidungen triffst, die den Ausgang des Krieges ändern können. Führe je nach dem Stand deiner technischen Entwicklung neue Militärtechnologien zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt des Konflikts ein oder ändere Schlüsselmomente der Geschichte, um den Ausgang des Krieges zu beeinflussen.
Spiele auf deine Weise mit vier tiefgehenden und fesselnden Spielmodi. Erlebe die Geschichte des Ersten Weltkriegs in der Kampagne, durchlebe bedeutende Momente in Historische Schlachten, erstelle deine eigenen Schlachten in Scharmützel oder stelle deine Strategien gegen andere in unvergesslicher Multiplayer-Action auf die Probe ? deine Reise durch diesen fesselnden Konflikt ist einzigartig.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i5-4590 / AMD FX-8350
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 / AMD Radeon R9 390
- Software: Windows 10 64bit
- HD: 13 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish - Spain, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Turkish
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i7-8600K / AMD Ryzen 7 2600
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 / AMD Radeon RX 5600XT
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10/11 64bit
- HD: 13 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish - Spain, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Turkish
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.23 10:26
I was not sure if a development team could pull it off so actual trench combat is fun, but they did.
The research tree actually feels like you can majorly influence the campaign with. Yet never like you have to go down a certain path.
2207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.23 20:27
First off, trenches can shoot to front and rear, yes they have a default direction but I think this is for the animation of the trench itself, facing of the troops etc. Troops in the trench cannot shoot laterally, left and right, which makes sense both historically and practically. Trenches were traversed to both protect from artillery concentrations and to provide mutual support, same deal here.
Second, AI cheating? well I do get the flanks of my defense attacked a lot, probably because if you were going to assault a trench you probably wouldn't do it directly into the face of the defense where their obstacle belt and supporting arms are registered. So what do you do? You be smart and arrange your defense in depth, or layers. Line of troops with another line behind still covering the same sector, only two companies can enter a trench at the same time, so if they rush one section, only two companies will be allowed to enter and fight while the others get massacred by the lines behind and the first will probably not be strong enough to evict the first line troops. Do you think the enemy can always see you? He probably can because hes using a balloon, You should too.
Disperse machine guns and mortars to cover multiple avenues with redundant guns as backups, and don't have them situated in the very first line unless reinforced by riflemen. I try to group machine guns in threes (by sector) covered by rifleman.
I have seen the AI make some ridiculous mistakes too, like counterattacking a sector I've recently taken by rushing with no artillery support, so while they may know what is going on and when, they mess a lot of stuff up too. When the enemy is reinforcing a trench by moving up connecting trenches, try dropping heavy artillery at the intersections, this will cause casualties to all the companies attempting to move up, weakening them so your assaulting infantry can easily sweep them aside, especially if they are elite.
Elite Infantry, if your not using them to assault, expect to take massive casualties and have a massive reinforcement wave if you make a breakthrough.
Artillery, Light is a suppression asset (and I think a little damage too), Heavy is a casualty producing, damaging asset, they literally explain that in the tips in loading screens so I'm not sure why people aren't getting that. Is it realistic? not really, but its a game mechanic so whatever. If artillery were to be tweaked, I think that rolling barrage should be the default method for Light artillery with 6 supply, why? It was less reliable then a pile-up barrage, and it often left behind troops to be slaughtered when they got stuck in the mud and couldn't keep up (Which happens all the time in this game!), not the most preferred employment method. Like the default light artillery barrage covers a huge radius, suppressing everything the radius touches, has a quick cool down, and only uses 6 supply against the rolling barrages 15.
Artillery should be harder to coordinate too. I get that its a game, but if you planned all your artillery by time sequence at the beginning of the map, that would be more realistic and a lot more difficult. I don't hate the artillery mechanics now, bottom line, its the King of Battle, so saturate the enemy with it before you jump the bags.
I like the detail of using all of the colonial troops for the British, but why not the French? they had them too, or am I missing something?
I think the French should have been a separate faction and all factions should have a separate tech tree IMO. Maybe separate the campaigns between French, British, and German sectors? Might get you some more mileage out of a pretty narrowly focused campaign. I also didn't see a whole lot of difference between the factions aside from color. Like when you only have one tech tree it kinda limits the flavor of playing as other nations. Some of the unit special traits were kind of bogus too.
I didn't like that there were no real benefits for a great victory besides national support and the sector loses a star. I get that to draw out the game you have to limit the effectiveness of offensives, but if I sweep the enemy off the board I should get that sector. It didn't happen enough for it to be game breaking either. I had more cease fires and minor/major victories than I did great ones.
Its not a perfect game, but man, the maps look great. I could spend hours just building the trenches in the opening phase alone and then watching them get bigger and bigger as battles progress, very cool, though barbed wire should be less expensive and more common.
I also think raiders should get a buff or maybe go away considering there are no night operations to use them on. Had a hard time finding things for them to do.
Very very satisfying when you finally pull off a well timed, sequenced, sweep of all objectives.
Definitely a great way to simulate WWI combat and make it fun and quasi realistic. I have really been enjoying my time with it so far and bravo to the developers for not charging an arm and a leg for it either.
341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.23 18:14
The game is not simple, and if you play badly you can throw thousands of men into a meatgrinder for nothing. But that's the best part, and it makes the game feel like a WW1 game as you learn how to take a trench system and how to implement new technologies or overcome new defenses. It's a challenge! The graphics are enough to capture the feel and give you all the information you need, the campaign is interesting and the tech tree is well done.
The major problems of the game are in the AI and the usability. The AI is not that intelligent, and oftentimes I can roll up one flank and swing around the back of the AI's defenses. The game also needs some work in how you issue commands, as right now you have to tell each unit where to go, otherwise they'll sit outside of a trench to get mowed down. There are issues with the trench melee system, where you can have several companies sitting around a trench twiddling their thumbs while a fight goes on inside the trench. And it's frustrating to try and take a trench system, as you move companies two-by-two through each line, wait to fight, swap out damaged units, etc. Artillery is too precise as well, so you can perfectly drop artillery on a whim into a particular trench when you see that it has units in it firing. But these are smaller issues, and many can be fixed.
Bottom line: the game is a great WW1 game, and will get better as they fix the minor issues.
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129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.23 16:39
I have been watching this game for a while and I am severely disappointed.
The game just does not do what it should, with what it has. I played for probably about 30 minutes and during that time the AI ran circles around my defences and just knew exactly where every unit was without even having the tech to reconnaissance.
The other part, where you cannot shoot from the other side of the trench, simply does not make sense. I cannot defend against a counter attack.
I managed to get to an enemies HQ, only to have been spammed by about 15 troops constantly untill I could not handle the numbers.
It just is plainly broken. I will be more than open to repurchasing when I know that this issue is sorted, but for now the game is completely unplayable I cannot recommend this game until it is sorted and I cannot feel as if I would feel good knowing I spent £30 on it, especially as it was a treat to myself. I sincerely hope it is fixed, and that the money I have asked to be refunded, is. I do not want to feel like I have just been shafted by an underdeveloped apparently 'complete' for release game.
Please fix this game, I cannot fathom why £30 is a worthwhile price for the level of game that has been delivered.
963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.23 15:02
Nothing but good if you ask me, I saw someone ask why no cavalry|? Umm because after 3 months they realised charging MG's with horses was nuts. I so far have not seen any of the issues other players claim about the enemy having too many resources. Either that or those players have not set their defences properly. A simple two line trench network with linking comms trenches and a couple MG's are effective against most attacks. People complaining about endless waves? That was what happened, it is historically accurate. Wave after wave of futile attack. Plenty of times I have allowed first line of trenches to be overrun before zeroing in artillery to pound the hun and counterattack from my second line. During attack, I find that bombarding their lines with suppressing attacks whilst simultaneously using massed infantry waves to overrun the first line means I can consolidate and attack the next line. I would highly recommend for anyone willing to play the way it is meant to be played. Attrition! Anyway I'm off to plan my 1917 spring offensive
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117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.23 13:25
So that was a fucking lie.
In all seriousness, only trenches are permanent. Tank wrecks, craters, corpses, they all disappear after 10 or so seconds.
I literally only bought the game because I wanted to see lush landscapes becoming cratered, muddy hellholes... and every single shellhole has been placed by hand, instead. There's no permanent craters, just trenches.
$50, 2023, and yet permanent scarring (a think that Dawn of War had back in 2007) can't be done.
Nicht Empfohlen
939 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.23 11:18
Pros: The touches they added to embrace the climate in that era is great. The newspapers to the artwork and soundtrack are all well done and executed.
I'm a fan of the wave style attack and defense combat, played hours of wave defense mods on MoW: Assault Squad on so on. It's very satisfying to watch well timed arty barrages end seconds before your men jump into a trench or watch your men and MGs hold off wave after wave of attacks.
The map persistence is great. I'll talk more about it in the cons.
Now I'll get into the cons, and where this game falls short.
Overall gameplay length and map persistence
The campaign takes no time at all to finish. My 14hr play time includes 1 finished campaign and 1 campaign that I abandoned in 1917. Compare that to something similar such as the Steel Division 2 grand campaign and you can see what I mean. 12 turns per year for a 4 year campaign is ridiculous. You can't even maintain enough supplies in the game to make that 58 turn campaign exciting. I found myself just jumping to the next turn to let resources build, and that's with FULL upgrades on the tech tree for them. This also makes map persistence underutilized. For example, If you do a good job, the enemy loses and needs time to recover, cool, but I found it would take several turns for them to recover and attack. Several months in game when it only lasts 4 years is a fairly big portion of the gameplay timeline, in a game about a war where battles lasted months and months with daily fighting. This might be a problem with the difficulty, however, that's not where the problems stop. The cost of upgrading your trenches is extremely high and I find it pretty impossible to have a full fledged multi layer trench network across your fronts. You don't get attacked enough on a tile to have the chances to build it, and when you do you have to sacrifice large amounts of resources that would otherwise be going to troops. Map persistence only applies to being attacked from a certain direction. If your tile gets attacked from multiple directions, each side has its own persistent battlefield, which is awesome if they didn't cost an arm and a leg. Meaning if a tile that touches 3 other tiles is ganged up on, you have to pay for 3 sets of trenches and so on. The AI also only likes to attack a tile it can attack from multiple directions and one that has a low supply.
The balance is WAY off. For example; one standard infantry unit is 3-5 points in deployment and doubled once the battle starts. A unit of heavy arty is 90 points and for it to shoot ONE basic barrage is 9 supply points, you want to shoot gas? 80 points, airburst so you can hurt inf? 70 points.. One basic barrage cannot kill ANYTHING, or even hamper them to a point where it's worth up to 3 infantry units. So it's almost useless unless you want to snipe an MG bunker, which you can just avoid by running up the trench system once you have breached it. This is a game about a war known for massive barrages of shelling. At the battle of Verdun, 70% of the 800k casualties were caused by artillery. It was responsible for 60% of all casualties in ww1. In this game, it is used for nothing more than to suppress enemy units when advancing unless you have a lot of surplus supply. They are extremely ineffective at causing casualties for what they cost. Ontop of that you have a popcap of 30 units at any given time. FIXED position arty counts towards that. I'm not saying I want to roll my big ass guns across a muddy cratered battlefield, but let me turn them 15 degrees.
The pop cap wouldn't be bad say if, the maps were half the size. What's the point of having vast multi-layered trench networks if you can only man half of it on these fairly big maps, that you never get to fully build out? Yes, you lose units and call in more, but instead of coming from a reserve trench that you can build for a whopping 100 resource points after spending 6 months out of the 4 years you have to research it, they come in from a side of map spawn, and when you are attacking and take points you can take the enemies spawn points and they can do the same to you. Because you know, my troops can come pouring in from where the enemy just did 5 minutes ago and vice versa.
Tanks are super OP, to the point where if you fight a battle and the enemy has a tank and you don't, you might as well auto resolve and take the stalemate. They are too fast so arty can't hit them, too powerful, and can literally wipe entire lines of inf, they have unlimited ammo, and unlimited fuel, do not operate with morale, and cannot be disabled if you hit its tracks with arty, oh and you have NOTHING dedicated to countering them, which is accurate however tanks were slow and were prime targets for arty. Instead your troops simply just shoot at them with rifles slowly chipping away at it's health. The only way to effectively combat them is with your own tanks because they are too fast for your arty. 225 men can literally be in a concrete walled trench(that costs more than the tank btw) and will lose a massive amount of their morale to the point it breaks and routs because of 1 tank, not a whole squad of them.
Supply depots needed to bring to bear all the trenchworks, troops, emplacements, defenses, tanks, and planes, cost around 2 turns of income for 1 tile with max income unlocked and not spending a dime elsewhere, and you have to buy supplies with your income on top of that. You need to build these in EVERY tile you want to advance from or every tile you want to build up and fortify otherwise you are forced to choose one thing over the other. For example, 1 length of barbwire, which is the same length as a trench costs 10 resource points without buffs, 7 after research. 1 layer of barbwire across a front can cost well over 150 points. It is persistent, however, the likely hood of you seeing that barbwire more than 2-3 times over the whole campaign is slim. 1 length of barbwire shouldn't cost more than arming hundreds of troops.
Defensive intel needed to stop the other side from taking out all your built up supplies, right before they attack you, costs around 20% of your income and lasts 5 turns per tile. Researching to make this cheaper, prohibits you from researching other parts of the tech tree as the game was intentionally designed to make you choose a strength and to have a weakness when it comes to the tech tree. So if you want logistics and the spies needed to protect it, kiss goodbye to effective planes or gas masks.
Lack of unit depth and variance.
The game has an interesting take on your units. Campaign map infantry units never get destroyed, they just replenish infinitely so long as you have the money to pay for it. There are only about 4-5 different infantry types, conscript(for central powers), regular, elite, trench raiders, and flamethrowers. 3 types of tanks MG, cannon, and AA, a fighter, a bomber, and 2 types of arty. Yes, there are different nations on the allied side and each commonwealth country has its own unique buff to their regular soldiers, but no unit names, no regiment names, nothing identifying how one is different from the other besides the flag of its nation and icon for unit type.
TLDR: Fun if you like wave style attack/defend battles but lacks depth, balance, and gameplay length.
1516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.23 01:38
Petroglyph Games
Frontier Foundry
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