• The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.
  • The Great Perhaps: Screen zum Spiel The Great Perhaps.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 14.08.2019
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Preis Update 13.07.24

Über das Spiel

The Great Perhaps ist ein Zeitreise Puzzle Adventure, in dem ein Astronaut auf eine von Naturkatastrophen verheerte Erde zurückkehrt.
In den Ruinen findet er ein ungewöhnliches Artefakt — eine alte Laterne, in deren Licht man einen Blick in eine vergangene Zeit werfen und sogar für kurze Zeit in die Vergangenheit reisen kann.

Erlebe ein außergewöhnliches Abenteuer durch ständige Zeitsprünge zwischen der melancholischen, postapokalyptischen Szenerie einer zerstörten Erde und ihrem Gegenstück aus der Vergangenheit, wo das Leben noch blüht.

Der Held dieser Geschichte muss sich den Gefahren der postapokalyptischen Gegenwart stellen. Hilf ihm auf seiner Reise, finde heraus, was diese Katastrophe verursacht hat und rette den Planeten!

  • Heraufordernde zeitreisebasierte Rätsel und Minispiele
  • Erlebe die packende Atmosphäre einer postapokalyptischen Welt inspiriert von Soviet-Ästhetik
  • Innovatives Storytelling, das Vergangenheit und Gegenwart miteinander verknüpft
  • Bemerkenswerte Charaktere mit persönlichen Geschichten
  • Origineller, interaktiver Soundtrack, der sich der jeweiligen Zeitlinie individuell anpasst
  • Schwermütiger, handgezeichneter 2D Stil


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz
  • GFX: NVidia Geforce GTX 650 Ti, AMD Radeon HD 7790
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 (64 Bit)
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Direct X Compatible
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Englisch, Russisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 3.0 GHz
  • GFX: NVidia Geforce GTX 750 Ti, AMD Radeon R7 260X
  • RAM: 6 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (64 Bit)
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Direct X Compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Russisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

368 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.22 11:07
Toll aber buggy - leider unfinished

Ich bin bei dem Spiel leider hin und her gerissen. Im Prinzip ist es ein wundervolles Spiel bei dem mir einige Rätsel ein wenig Kopfzerbrechen einbrachten. Aber alles lösbar. Tolle Grafik und Atmosphäre. Gleich zu Beginn könnte man Tränchen vergießen.

Das große ABER: Gamebreaking-Bug beim Pflanzenpuzzle (siehe Diskussionsforum), welcher leider nach Jahren wohl immer noch nicht ausgemerzt ist. Äußert ärgerlich, da die Story wirklich klasse ist. Ich möchte es nicht unbeendet verstauben lassen. Bitte unbedingt fixen! :(
118 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.19 23:33
Das Spiel erinnert mich an „Silent Age“ und „Lifeless Planet“ - atmosphärische Endzeitstimmung und spannende Geschichte. Die Grafik und Rätsel sind einfach, aber das hat mich persönlich nicht gestört.

Leider ist es kein in sich geschlossenes Spiel, sonder wirkt wie ein erstes Teil der Serie – die Finale beantwortet keine einzige Frage der Geschichte! Hoffentlich wird das Spiel fortgesetzt, sonst Teil es den Schicksal des „Dead Synchronicity“ - Spiel mit Potenzial, das an Unfähigkeit der Entwickler, die Geschichte zu Ende zu erzählen, scheitert.

Spielzeit: 3 Std mit allen Errungenschaften – also nur im Angebot kaufen!
1098 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.19 20:14
Ein Astronaut erwacht nach 100 Jahren Kälteschlaf im Orbit und muss feststellen, dass die Menschen ausgestorben sind. Bei seiner Suche nach Überlebenden auf der Oberfläche, stolpert er über eine Laterne die ihn in die Vergangenheit sehen und auch springen lässt...

Ein schöne Adventure bei dem man zwischen zwei Zeitzonen springt um Rätsel zu lösen, Gefahren auszuweichen usw. Die Spielmechanismen sind eher durch probieren herauszufinden, aber da man im Falle eines ablebens nicht allzuweit zurückgesetzt wird, machbar ohne dass es frustrierend wird.

Leider sehr sehr sehr kurz und dann ist die Geschichte auch noch nicht zu Ende erzählt (Laut Steam-Forum zum Spiel ist ein Update dazu geplant, mal schauen wann/ob es herauskommt). Deshalb lieber noch warten bevor man zuschlägt.
363 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.19 19:42
Ein wunderschönes Spiel mit einer sehr interessanten und emotionalen Story. Gerne mehr davon!
109 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.19 14:43
Ein schönes Adventures Optisch was auch eine schönes Geschichte Erzählt. Man kann auch mit kleinen und Simplen Spielen Spaß haben und das hatte ich mit diesem Spiel.
520 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.19 22:18
Ein nettes Spiel, aber man merkt, das es nicht von Daedalic gebaut wurde, da es mehr Trial and Error als Storyerzählung enthält.
Das Spiel besteht eigentlich nur aus 3 Dingen:

1. Rumlaufen
2. Items suchen und nutzen
3. Mit der Laterne Viechern ausweichen, die einen mit einen Schlag erledigen

Ich hätte das gGanze lieber mehr auf Daedalic Art, mit viel Story, von Anfang an.
307 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.19 16:07
Sorry, aber...

Der Protagonist ist nicht in der Lage, zwei Dinge gleichzeitig zu halten. Klar, damit erspart der Entwickler sich das Inventar - dafür muss der Spieler halt ständig hin und her rennen. Die Zeitreisemechanik zwingt einen nach kurzer Zeit automatisch aus der Vergangenheit in die Zukunft zurück, wo man dann, wenn man Pech hat, direkt draufgeht. Zum Draufgehen haben die Entwickler da auch extra ein paar schöne Viecher platziert, die sonst nichts zum Spiel beitragen.
Man kann sich ausschließlich nach links oder rechts bewegen, was sehr einengend und steif wirkt. A propos steif, die Animationen! Das Springen! Das Werfen! Aua!

Ich mag das düstere Setting, und wenn sich manche über ein düsteres Ende beschweren, bin ich fast geneigt, das Spiel zu Ende zu spielen. Aber dann doch auch nur fast. Es soll ja doch auch zwischendurch Spaß machen...

Ich empfehle stattdessen The Silent Age mit einer sehr ähnlichen Zeitreisemechanik, das einen sehr viel runderen Eindruck hinterlassen hat (und das als Mobile-Port...!).
275 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.19 19:31
Ich tue das ja nur ungern, aber diesmal muss ich ein Daedalic-Spiel schlecht bewerten.
Die Idee durch Zeitsprünge Rätsel zu lösen hörte sich intellektuell gut an, die Aufmachung als Retro-Sidescroller sprach meine Nostalgie an, der Publisher Daedalic (von dem ich sonst nur gute Spiele kenne), wiegte mich in Sicherheit.

Aber dennoch hat mich das Spiel schwer enttäuscht: Nicht nur, dass aus der Idee der Zeitebenen wesentlich mehr rauszuholen gewesen wäre, das Spiel an sich ist viel zu kurz und so plötzlich vorbei, dass man sich ums Ende betrogen fühlt. Und was für ein Ende sie präsentieren! Das macht noch nicht mal Sinn:
[spoiler] Aus dem nichts kommt der große Gegner, betrügt einen um den Sieg und aus den Zeitebenen wird plötzlich eine Zeitschleife.[/spoiler]
Ich hab aufgrund eines Rabattgutscheins zwar nur 6 Euro bezahlt, aber auch das ist noch zu viel.
356 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.19 23:29
Ich finde es ist ein sehr schönes Spiel, es hätte aber durchaus länger sein können! : )
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 20:40
The Great Perhaps is a short but exciting adventure quest about an astronaut.
Despite the fact that the game is rather short, the plot is very interesting and addictive, which is why the game can be completed in a few hours.
The game has a rather thick atmosphere of the Soviet post-apocalypse.
I also want to note the good drawing, excellent voice acting and good musical accompaniment, which complements the whole atmosphere.
The main idea of ​​the game: you cannot change the past, you need to accept it as it was and remember that you can still build your future and avoid the mistakes of the past there.
I recommend to buy!

The Great Perhaps — это короткий, но при этом увлекательный приключенческий квест про космонавта.
Несмотря на то, что игра довольно таки короткая - сюжет очень интересный и затягивающий, из-за чего игру можно пройти за несколько часов.
В игре довольно густая атмосфера советского постапокалипсиса.
Так же хочется отметить хорошую рисовку, отличную озвучку и неплохое музыкальное сопровождение, которое дополняет всю атмосферу.
Главная мысль игры: изменить прошлое нельзя, нужно принять его таким какое оно было и помнить что ты ещё можешь построить своё будущее и там не допустить ошибок прошлого.
Рекомендую к покупке!
1197 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 18:07
Recommended but just about.

Voice acting was OK, the art-style was nice and I guess its technically quite impressive but the game-play was frustrating at times; unfortunately quite a lot of the puzzles rely on speed and dexterity rather than intelligence. More checkpoints would have been nice. Its also quite short, quite a lot of my game time was leaving the game running.

Play the Silent Age if you want a much better implementation of this time switching concept
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 15:54
no annoying dialogue apart from the beginning sequence
great animation style
future-past concept executed well with the lantern
all the right elements for a good plot

there is hardly any interaction with the environment which is a shame because it's so inviting and intriguing
soooooo slow - no way to speed up the character and he's very one-dimensional, just left and right
I played for over an hour and the puzzle element just seemed to be mostly timing-based gameplay that requires you to swap between past and future in order to avoid traps and obstacles; nothing more cerebral than that

This game is just not for me. Feels like a missed opportunity.
4744 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 08:01
A surprise for sure!

This was quite a good experience, especially if you like time travel and sci-fi in general. The story was cliché and you can see the ending from miles away if you are a fan (though, the twist was good).
Gameplay is side scroller with majority of times solving puzzles and transitioning between past and present which was neat and sometimes, had quite funny scenes.
The interaction with AI is quite funny with many sarcastic takes.

Music was good and controls were easy (KB/M). It's short so recommended to buy at a discount or in a bundle.
44 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 12:08
Original stunning storyline! It's more than worth playing
2956 Produkte im Account
235 Reviews
260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 23:49

    Morlan's shorts:

Enjoyable melancholic story, easy/medium puzzles, detailed graphics and convincing atmosphere, some scary elements but not horror level material, overall an enjoyable little title with its quirky time-travel element but.. bring down that Great price and Perhaps more people will get to it.. (2 coins should be about right)

Don't waste more time reading lengthy reviews.. time is of the essence!
251 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 10:03
Good premise, good ideas (especially, the time-travelling puzzles are pretty neat), but ultimately a letdown. What sunk my boat as early as the 2nd chapter is that the controls are INFURIATING. I mean, really??? If an object drops next to an interactable element, good luck spending 10 minutes trying to pick it up again because the game will prioritise the interaction over the object, and the interaction field is very wide.This plays like a bad video game from the 90's, or a bad beta version.
My impression is that the devs wanted the game o be a mix of action/platformer and point&click/puzzle, but the result is very clumsy.
It's not expensive, even less so on sale, so get it if you have around 4 hours to spare and want to see what it's about, but don't expect to be blown away.
431 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 16:53
It's not a bad game at all. I liked the way the story is narrated, I only wish the ending made more sense.
They should definitely make a sequel, with improvements in all field where this game failed. It's main negative points are: it's shortness, enigmas being too simple and more interactions with the characters you meet.
I give it a thumb up as an encouragement!
9119 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 18:02
Game breaking bug won't let me finish the game, beware.
1202 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 09:06
The Great Perhaps is a really good game with art and audio fitting the style. The story is also really good, just don't expect to play for longer than 3 hours.

The only issue I had with this game is where I couldn't move a battery. To fix the issue you need to go here (%localappdata%Daedalic Entertainment GmbHTheGreatPerhapsSaves) and then edit 13_Undercity_c. Search for battery and change the ready to true, which should allow you to move it again.
382 Produkte im Account
120 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 23:58
The art style is great, the music is moody and fitting to the story, and the voice acting was decent. Thumbs down because there is no replay value and the ending twist wasn't very original and quite disappointing compared to the rest of the game. All that build up to a meh ending. The controls are also clunky AF. The rest of the game is good though. If you can grab it for a couple of bucks, it might be worth it as the game is short.
154 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 01:38
Great concept garbage game play. Puzzles are just waste of time filler.
290 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.21 17:18
I got myself soft locked after playing 30 minutes and I wasn't interested in restarting the entire game.
the gas cylinder got itself stuck at the top of the screen, blocking me

honestly the idea is wonderful, but the execution was pretty awful.
for starters the voice acting is terrible, and in this case, the game would have been much stronger if it didn't have any voice acting at all, show don't tell, the audience can put 2+2 together.

in the same vein of more is less, in 30 minutes I spent 20 of it doing fetch quests & trial and error. in a game that is begging for a melancholic atmosphere, having a boring and frustrating puzzle game is not interesting, just having the character walking in an environment ant trying to piece out what went wrong would be much more gratifying and intriguing
67 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 03:01
The artwork in this game is next level good. I really enjoyed the game. However I can't stress enough how frustrating parts of the game were. The puzzles were irritating and for the wrong reasons. Not because they were difficult but because they weren't well thought out. Overall I would still recommend it to people but be patient. If you get flustered put the game down and come back another day.
183 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 16:28
Let's see... I don't have much positive to say about this game. I liked art perhaps, the rest is just bad. Game itself is really short, but I was thankful for that. The minimum of story you get is just plain boring and predictable. There are no puzzle, just one trick you use through entire game. Not worth the 2€ I paid.
591 Produkte im Account
281 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 14:10
(Played on linux/Nouveau. The GUI is invisible until you find a proper resolution, yet the side-scrolling game surprisingly works.)

Timers + Checkpoints

Arcade game.
Slow, boring arcade, but arcade nonetheless.
You know what I like in my adventure games? Something for the brain. Not counting the time between two trains and how long a train takes to pass in order to synchronise my moves and my waits.
Also, I like to be able to save, for I know better than any dev what I want to redo and what I certainly don't want to redo.

Apart from that, the SF intro is great, but then the story quickly devolves into cheap, uninteresting nonsense.

Still, it's mostly the gameplay that is awful.
For a better take on similar ideas, check out The Silent Age.
480 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 00:56
This game starts out having an interesting story and mechanic where you move from the past to the present. The mechanics are meant to be simple with picking up and using items between the past and the present but at probably halfway through the game this starts to fall apart as it is clunky to use.

I became stuck and even consulted the forums once I made it to the greenhouse but either I am a complete moron or the game is broken to a point that you cannot complete it.

I can not recommend this game though I see the direction the game was going and it wasn't bad for a narrative game but when I can't move past a simple puzzle due to either bugs or poor game mechanics it immediately loses any credibility. I hope this does not discourage but helps the developer improve on further attempts.
256 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 18:17
This is easily one of the most boring games I've played in a long time. It's a strange mixture where the unique elements really only serve to make the game more tedious. The background artwork and the story were the only things that kept me playing to the end. I don't think I'd ever replay this game, in fact, I'd probably like it more if it was shorter. But I'm getting ahead of myself, time to go into detail.

The Great Perhaps is an adventure game that follows an astronaut, listed as Kosmos in the subtitles, and his AI companion L9. After witnessing the apocalypse (and after L9 convinces him not to end himself) Kosmos decides to return to earth to search for survivors. Almost immediately after landing L9 detects a single survivor, but their search is interrupted by two strange discoveries. The first, a lantern and the second a large black mutant. Kosmos (somehow) uses the lantern to travel to the past and escape the mutant. From here on out it's all about getting through each level by using the lantern. Every level is completed by picking up items and using them on various objects or characters in either the past or present. It's essentially and point and click adventure, but instead of using a more generic point and click format, it's presented like a side-scrolling platformer. Kosmos runs and jumps with controller/keyboard inputs, although he jumps at a fixed height and only has two movement speeds (walking and running). There isn't any inventory so you'll have to carry items one by one. The only other utilities are linked to the lantern. Holding the input will temporarily switch from present to past. Holding the input again will switch back manually, but you'll return to the present automatically after several seconds. Simply tapping the button will toggle the lanterns light on and off, allowing you to see hazards and items in the opposite time without actually switching. This is useful for scouting out items and hazards without flip-flopping. Honestly I think the moveset is fine, but I don't think the level's mesh with it at all.

My main problem is that the levels are extremely linear with barely any platforming segments, and tons of backtracking. Any sort of vertical element is very rare, and what little there is consists of the occasional ladder. Most levels have some kind of hazard, but almost all of them can be avoided by using the lantern. Bottomless pit? There's a bridge in the present. Two headed mutant? Well those don't exist in the past. Cops asking to many questions? Head back to present (when their dead). There are sections that feature hazards in both times, and as such require a degree of timing, but since you're really only pressing a button it isn't that much more interesting. I can only think of 3 times when I needed to jump and one time when I needed to walk instead of run. Almost every conflict can be resolved with the push of a button and some walking. I can, however, think of multiple times when I had to backtrack through uninteresting level design to pick up item's one at a time. Functionally, it's just a clunkier way to do what could more easily be done by pointing and clicking. Earlier I noted the omission of an inventory, but I can't stress enough how much the level design makes me miss it. The best example I can think of is the carnival. Every issue I have with the game is present here. Key Items and everything you need to interact with are in the past, with a handful of key items and several hazards in the present. In order to complete the stage you need talk to an NPC at the end of the stage, and then another at the beginning of the stage, while relaying the key Items in between them. Now that sounds bad enough on it's own, but there are also several red herrings in the past. That's right, there are several item's that don't do anything at all, and since items can only be carried one at a time, I wasted a lot of time walking back and forth with useless items. To top it all off, since most of the items are in the past, I ran out of time often, and occasionally died because I was on a hazard when I returned to the present. Now not every level has these problems, but most of them have at least some of them. To be fair, there is one level that I think worked alright. The Greenhouse has no hazards, almost no backtracking, and my favorite puzzle in the game. But without any fluff to pad it out it's a short-lived respite.

After all this the only reason I wanted to finish the game was to see the ending. And it didn't fail to disappoint. I usually don't like to go into detail with a games a story, but in this case the story was the main reason I finished the game, so I think it's relevant. Full Spoilers ahead. [spoiler]There weren't any recurring characters or interesting interaction for our duo. Kosmos just traipses around spouting platitudes about humanity for a while, and then he decides to go back in time and save the world. But he doesn't and then some ambiguous time anomaly resets the timeline. O.K it's not that cut and dry. Initially, Kosmos' goal after obtaining the lantern is to make to his family home (probably in hopes that the one survivor is someone he knows). But when he does after a few levels he comes to the realization that his family is gone. But big black shows up to console him. After a chase through his building with the mutant, Kosmos activates the lantern and meets his childhood self. Apparently, this is what inspired him to become a cosmonaut. Anyway, Kosmos is still hoping that his family survived, but L9 suggests that they investigate a seismic research center to find evidence of the storm and warn the people of the past. After a few more levels Kosmos discovers a bunker that (surprise) doesn't house any survivors. And finally, The duo happen on the heavily guarded research facility. L9 get's to meet it's maker, and there's some talk about a reactor that's supposedly the source of the lantern and the other time anomalies (in a seismic research facility?). Finally, Kosmos obtains the data and takes it to the past. Where he get's jumped by big black, who grabs the lantern, and causes.... something to happen. It's kinda like a whiteout, Kosmos gets a glimpse of his family in the past, but then the reactor explodes causing the storm. Then Kosmos starts ranting about how he'll never give up on saving them no matter how long it takes. The final scene is a quick repeat of the opening when L9 detects one survivor except it's from big blacks perspective. The implication being that Kosmos IS big black. Maybe he should of just ended it at the beginning. But seriously what is the ultimate message of this story? Give up and kill yourself or suffer alone for all eternity? It could be seen as a tragedy if Kosmos was in denial from the beginning, but he was ready to kill himself as soon as he realized the earth was destroyed. He doesn't come off as someone too tenacious for his own good. If anything the ending makes L9 look wrong for stopping him. [/spoiler] Overall it was a little cliche, but I'd still say the story was one of the better parts of the game. Although I feel that says more about how little I liked the rest of the game then anything else.

I usually try to end my reviews with some sort of recommendation for the game even if I don't recommend the game generally, but this time I just can't. The most fun I had with the gameplay was discovering a few glitches and repeatedly killing myself. I'd say the best thing about this game are the backgrounds. If you haven't played the Silent Age yet, check that out instead. It has a similar premise and gimmick, more traditional point and click gameplay, and a decent story with some witty writing. If for some reason you're still curious about this game, watch a let's play or better yet, check out the demo for Caligaris new game Whateverland. It's shaping up to be a more traditional point and click adventure game with similar artwork. I'd say pass on this one.
1476 Produkte im Account
89 Reviews
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 15:04
The Great Perhaps is an interesting puzzle adventure game where the gimmick mechanism is time travel, you need to switch between the present and the past to solve puzzles and to progress. In that sense the game reminds me of The Silent Age.

The story is interesting, maybe a bit cliché but it works out. There is a companion who always makes fun remarks, but that's about it. Would have been fun to see the companion be more part of the puzzles, etc. I won't discuss the end too much, for the sole reason of avoiding spoilers, but let's just say I was hoping for a different one although I guess I was kinda expecting it.

I recommend this game for anyone who love puzzle games!
1386 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 15:09
The Great Perhaps has never happen.
1159 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.20 23:57
I got hooked on the concept from reading about the game and watching the trailer, but unfortunately, I did not enjoy playing the game. I like that you can peek into a different time period from the one you're in, as a way to scout out dangers, but in practice this doesn't always work well, as some dangers move quickly, and it also means that making a full switch often takes too long to be able to react quickly when you do wind up in immediate danger.

There have also been several chase sequences, and other situations requiring quick reactions during the short time I've played this game. These have been nothing but frustrating to me since the game character moves so sluggishly, and the margin of error is often so small, that I wound up dying multiple times, and had to repeat the same excruciating sequences.

The puzzles I've encountered so far have mostly been about bringing one specific item from one place to another. I've reached a point in the game where I need to solve some clues to combine the right items, which might be a good puzzle, but since I lost interest in the game, I may never know.
490 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 16:56
I like puzzle games and dystopian themes so I bought this game on sale. For that price (2.5 euros) this is a meh game.

The art style is nice, but the gameplay is quite bad:
- the controls are confusing: using an item can be either E key or F key, depending on the throwability of the item
- you carry one item only, which does not fit in the story.
- autosaves only: there are trial and error styled puzzles, but you can not save before you try something, you have to do long sequences again and again.
- there are traps, the art does not imply threat but you die. This is quite annoying with the previous line :)

The setting in the story is interesting, but the execution of storytelling is also low quality. The English voice acting is like reading out loud. There are better moments for the main character, but the majority of NPC voices are like placeholders by the dev team until some recording is done.
204 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 22:57
It was totally worth it. Nice small story and a very nice Chello score,
309 Produkte im Account
142 Reviews
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55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.20 22:01
I bought The Great Perhaps because the art style looked nice and I like puzzle games in general. The main game mechanic is switching back and forth between present and past to solve puzzles – which is an interesting strategy reminiscent of games like Chronology.
However, I got very annoyed rather quickly. The character controls awkwardly as walking, jumping, throwing things all feels ‘off’ and unnatural, even the animations are clunky. But what ruined all the fun for me was the constant dying when switching between present and past by hazards that appear out of nowhere. In order to avoid being killed instantly when switching states you basically first need to “peek” into the other state by lighting your lantern a bit before you fully switch over into the other state. It was rather easy to find the solutions to all the puzzles themselves, the main “challenge” in the game lies in avoiding getting killed instantly when switching states – and that is not how puzzle games are supposed to work, as the focus should be on the puzzle solving, not on avoiding sudden-death traps like in a platformer. After dying at least 20 times in the fancy fair scene in the park, all while knowing perfectly well what the solution of the puzzle was, I gave up.
Refunded, not recommended.
660 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 22:48
Premise is good, execution and game design are bad. The physics of the game are extremely annoying, and you'll find yourself dying many times over piddling mistakes. This is very ill thought out. Shame. I really wanted to like it.
280 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
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133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 10:49
A very short game with unfun gameplay. The story, while interesting, ends in a confusing way, lacking a proper explanation for what happened.
44 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
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212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 15:21
I don't think this is a bad game, but I don't think this is a great game. It doesn't really feel like there are much puzzles and it does not fit into the category of point and click in my opinion. The story never seemed to pay off. Will I play it again, no. Do I want my money back, no. But, I recommend waiting to get this on sale as I did. I knew the reviews were mixed and I probably would not be a huge fan, but I wanted to try it and I'm glad I did, but does not live up to the Daedelic name in my opinion.
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.20 08:59
My only complaint is that I wish the game was longer. Amazing art and music, very atmospheric. Puzzles aren't very difficult, but they're interesting enough to be enjoyable.

Recommended, especially on sale.
160 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
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109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.19 20:56
For a game like this, you need to have: (a) good voice acting (or no voice at all); (b) good art and animation. None of these are well executed in the game. What's left is gameplay which is unimpressive at best and essentially a long fetch-quest.
375 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.19 10:10
You need to be aware that this game ends on a cliffhanger. All questions you may have about the plot won't be answered in this game, so we should expect a great perhaps 2 in the future...

The Great Perhaps is a side scrolling game with adventure game elements. I liked the time travel idea between two timelines and exploring the different changes in the world in the two was fun.

I found the art style beautiful (which was my main reason to purchase the game), but the English voice over was sometimes difficult to understand, so it is better to play with subtitles on in order to not miss a clue.

You can only pick up one item at a time which might require several trips to solve a puzzle. A few puzzles have more than one solution, which might give some replay values.

The game is 2 to 3 hours long depending on how good you are at not dying (a bit like in Limbo, you die a lot in this game until you figure out the solution). The game uses auto-saves only.

The gameplay is a bit confusing at first and felt a bit clunky at times. It uses keyboard controls only and you should definitely check the controls menu before playing.

A regret I have is that it is not a longer game with a complete story (for this reason, it is better to buy it on sale), but it was an interesting game to play so I am looking forward to the next opus!
684 Produkte im Account
117 Reviews
188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.19 09:50
The Great Perhaps is an indie adventure game centred around time travel, however, this interesting premise is sadly let down by its unimaginative gameplay and lacklustere story.
It is not necessarily a bad title, however it is one that is easily forgotten and overshadowed by others of its genre and because of this, I am unsure whether to give it a recommendation, but seeing as Steam lacks a 'neutral' option it will have to do.

+ Time travel puzzle mechanics.
+ Artwork.
+ Soundtrack

- Average story.
- Extremely short and repetitive.


An astronaut returns home to Earth with his robot companion, only to discover a wasteland, destroyed by natural disasters. He soon discovers a magical lantern that allows him to see the past and travel back in time.
The protagonist sees this lantern as his opportunity to restore the Earth to its former glory and find out what caused the world to collapse in the beginning.



The Great Perhaps is a very short 2D adventure game that features some light puzzles which are integrated within the time travel mechanics. The puzzles are relatively easy and mainly consist of finding items in both the past/present and using it to overcome an obstacle. Players can switch between time by pressing and holding down Q, or just tap Q to see the past through the lanterns beam of light. For example, if the protagonist is blocked by the wreckage of a building in the present, he can simply switch to the past and walk past it. Although, the lantern can only travel back in time for a number of minutes, so players must be cautious that when it switches back, they are in a safe place. Otherwise, they will instantly die.

There are many ways in which players can die, however there are plenty of save points, so it is not frustrating nor challenging and I found trial and error was easy enough to overcome any area I was stuck in.

The protagonist's robot companion, L9 is neither helpful nor a real companion but only seemed to chime in to say something lacking significance. There are other characters along the way, most are not discussed in great detail and do little to immerse players in the story. Despite this, the colourful contrast of the past to the melancholy present did grab my attention and pushed me forward to understand how this gloomy world came to be.



The hand-drawn artwork is simple, but it works. The contrast between past and present is striking and is depicted through the opposing colour schemes. It succeeded at giving me a melancholy feel when traversing through the world, seeing how dark and desolate Earth has become.


The voice acting was OK, but it did not add anything to the game's storytelling narrative. Luckily, the soundtrack made up for this and perfectly matched the scene that was playing.

Price and Content

The Great Perhaps is a very short game, lasting only two hours, but it accomplishes what it sets out to do, to tell a story. However, this narrative experience is not worth $AU14.95 as it does not necessarily excel at any aspect in the game and after the game ends, it is sadly a forgettable story with repetitive gameplay.


In summary, the entire game is okay, and the story is somewhat interesting, however it came across as vague and a lot of things were never explained, such as where this time-travelling lantern came from. I am still unsure whether to recommend this on Steam, or not, as I strictly see it as a neutral title. I will try to be clear and say that I can only recommend this title with surety to adventure and time travel enthusiasts. Although I did enjoy the game, it did not meet any of my expectations from Daedalic Entertainment and I urge potential buyers to take this into consideration before purchasing.

This product was reviewed using a key provided by the developers.

Logo for The Great Perhaps
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
68.39% 106 49
Release:14.08.2019 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Caligari Games Vertrieb: Daedalic Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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