• The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.
  • The Forgotten City: Screen zum Spiel.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.07.2021
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Preis Update 17.01.25

Über das Spiel

The Forgotten City ist ein Mystery-Abenteuerspiel mit Erkundung und Detektivarbeit und eine Neubearbeitung einer von Kritikern geliebten Mod mit 3 Mio. Downloads, die 2016 den Australian Writers Guild Award gewonnen hat.

Gewalt ist eine Lösung, doch weit wirst du damit nicht kommen. Nur durch Befragung der engen Gemeinschaft farbenfroher Charaktere, clevere Verwendung der Zeitschleife und das Treffen schwieriger moralischer Entscheidungen kannst du das Mysterium lösen. In diesem Spiel haben deine Entscheidungen Konsequenzen. Das Schicksal der Stadt liegt in deinen Händen.

  • Erkunde eine offene römische Stadt mit historisch authentischer Kunst, Architektur, Kleidung und Bräuchen.
  • Gehe einem spannenden, nicht-linearen Geheimnis mit mehreren Enden auf den Grund.
  • Verflechte dich mit den Schicksalen facettenreicher, ausgesprochen interaktiver Charaktere.
  • Triff moralische Entscheidungen mit tödlichen Konsequenzen.
  • Sei, wer immer du sein willst, und wähle das Geschlecht deines Charakters, seinen Ursprung und seine Hintergrundgeschichte.
  • Bewältige Probleme mit deinem Verstand und Charme, durch Bestechung, Einschüchterung, Gewalt oder die clevere Verwendung der Zeitschleife.

Die Mod hat dir gefallen?
Dann wirst du das eigentliche Spiel lieben! Wir haben die besten Aspekte der Mod übernommen, das Skript – welches nun mit über 80.000 Wörtern doppelt so lang ist – neu geschrieben und viele interessante Wendungen, Enden und Überraschungen mit eingebaut. Schlendere durch die Straßen einer brandneuen Stadt. Lerne neu gestaltete Charaktere kennen. Löse fordernde neue Rätsel mit neuen Gameplay-Mechaniken und lausche dem brandneuen orchestralen Soundtrack und den professionellen Stimmaufnahmen. Dies ist die Geschichte, die wir schon immer erzählen wollten – zum immer wieder erleben.

The Forgotten City wurde über vier Jahre von einem Hauptentwicklerteam aus drei Leuten entwickelt. Deine Unterstützung ermöglicht es uns, weiter das zu tun, was wir lieben. Vielen Dank.


  • CPU: AMD FX-6300 | Intel i5-2500 @ 2.7GHz or better
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 | AMD Radeon HD 6950 or better
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit or newer
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX Compatible
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: AMD FX-8350 | i5 4570 @ 3.2 GHz
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 | AMD Radeon R9 380
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX Compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

42 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 06:49
Ein unfassbar schönes Spiel.
Danke an die Entwickler für dieses tolle Erlebnis. ♥
56 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
881 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 16:01
sehr durchdachte, schöne Story - viele Möglichkeiten und Wendungen, dass man nicht das Gefühl hat man spielt das Spiel 15 Stunden. Wer die Antike und die Mythology mag, wird das Spiel lieben! Selten auch mit einem moralischen Glücksgefühl ein Spiel beendet... es lohnt sich
620 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 11:12
Ich habe damals schon die Skyrim-Mod geliebt und das gleiche gilt jetzt für dieses schöne Stück.
The Forgotten City ist eine unglaublich gute Geschichte mit tollen Charakteren, cleveren Dialogen und viel Freiheit im Brechen der Zeitschleife.
Klare Empfehlung!
406 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 12:43
129 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 09:55
311 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 10:52
Vielen dank erstmal an Mordern Storyteller für dieses schöne Spiel.
Ich habe damals die Mod für Skyrim gespielt, habe sie geliebt und das Spiel was nun darauf basiert, ist natürlich noch einmal wesentlich besser.

Ich könnte jetzt ein ewig langes Review schreiben und auf alle Mechaniken des Spiels eingehen, am besten ist es jedoch sich nicht zu viel zu informieren und sich einfach auf ein Abenteuer einzulassen.
Es gibt mehr als ein Weg um seine Ziele zu erreichen und auch mehr als ein mögliches Ende.
Fehler habe ich während meiner Spielzeit keine nennenswerten gefunden.
Viel Aktion sollte man in diesem Spiel nicht erwarten da es zum Großteil eher aus Dialoguen und etwas Sucherei und herumrätseln besteht.

Wer lust auf ein gutes Time Travel, Historie, Adventure hat, der wird mit Forgotten City sicherlich seine Freude haben, dieses Spiel hat mir auf jeden Fall schon ein paar schöne Abende voller Überraschungen und Twists beschert und ich hoffe das es nicht das letzte Game von Modern Storyteller war.
162 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 13:42
Ein sehr stimmungsvolles, grafisch wunderbar umgesetztes Spiel. Eine interessante und spannende Geschichte. Das Ganze auch noch weitgehend ohne Gewalt (also nichts für Action Freaks). So wünscht man sich ein Spiel. Sehr empfehlenswert.
0 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.23 03:29
Cannot recommend this game enough. Excellent writing and storytelling. One of the most unforgettable stories I've experienced in years. I initially thought, given the premise of this game, that the gameplay would be daunting. The game, however, encourages failure. Keep throwing yourself at this game until you get the best possible outcome.

You will not regret playing this, if you are a fan of an immersive and mysterious setting with horror elements. Though the horror elements, although present, are quite tame compared to other games. 9/10
0 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
599 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.23 12:19
IMO, it didn't live up to the promise of it's premise. Coming off the back of Outer Wilds, I was hoping for an alive simulation that you have to observe first, then try to change how things unfold if you adjust this, or prevent that. Instead it's a frozen world of triggers that fire whenever you walk up too it. It's much closer to 12 minutes rather than Outer Wilds, and that goes for the writing as well, which was pretty ordinary.
1630 Produkte im Account
212 Reviews
594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.23 07:11
As a fan of Skyrim modding, I of course was one of many to play through and enjoy the Forgotten City for the original Skyrim. The original mod managed to stand out and remain memorable amidst a sea of other mods due to its focus on an interesting time-loop mystery. A little more than half a decade after its first release, Forgotten City has been re-released with a revised storyline and in its own engine, and I think this remake still shows its quality.

Sent back in time, the protagonist is tasked with saving an ancient Roman city from committing a sin that would devastate its people. I found the story pretty interesting with some nice twists around and the characters to be alright. The voice acting is very passable; I personally have a low bar for that sort of thing, so none of the voices nor the music felt grating or irritating to me. Overall, the immersion was solid.

The gameplay is a little lacking, however. Most of the time, you're doing puzzles to achieve a goal, like how to enter a locked manor, or fetch quests, like finding an item for an npc. There's a light amount of combat that's a bit iffy - it's all ranged combat with a bow, and sometimes it feels like arrows that should connect with enemies don't do so. Still, you're given what feels like a surplus on arrows and health so it's a non-issue. The gameplay definitely takes a backseat to the story.

Overall, The Forgotten City is a fun mystery game to get through.
2877 Produkte im Account
849 Reviews
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.23 09:35
This game is currently in the Humble Choice for September 2023, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before October 3rd, 2023, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

An amazing time loop narrative.

A great narrative is what I look for in video games, and the idea of time loops if done well is always interesting. The Forgotten City does both of those things extremely well. The characters are interesting, the premise is unique, and the world is memorable and has a ton to explore. Even playing this a second time now, I remember why I was so enamored with this title.

On the other hand, The Forgotten City is a narrative game that revolves around learning about the world and the people. While there is the ability to get a bow or a gun in the game. There’s not a lot of combat in the game. This is more about solving puzzles than anything. The writing is well done, but it mostly focuses on the people and how each character relates to others.

Pick this up if you like a strong narrative or if the idea of time loops in a game interests you. This is different from Outer Wilds, but it’s also in the same vein, and I enjoyed both titles for similar reasons. What’s truly interesting here is this was made by three developers working on a Skyrim mod and they have delivered a unique experience that I think full teams still struggle with.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/BxErSXqL82A
0 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.23 20:56
it is literally the Bethesda dialogue mechanic in everyone one of their RPGs, but on steroids. And it is unbelievably engaging and intuitive. Deathloop but actually good
773 Produkte im Account
243 Reviews
712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.23 14:36
Totally recommended!! Nice story, mesmerizing characters, good mixture of action, puzzles and walking sim. Multiple endings that are all rewarding in their own way. I believe that if I went more specific in telling the storyline I'd just try impossible without spoiling too much. Just buy it and experience it!
0 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.23 07:22
I love this game. I'm sad that it's over. I wish I could spend more time in the beautiful world of The Forgotten City. The game is stellar from multiple angles – the writing is expertly crafted with a stunning amount of historical depth and character, the voice acting is consistently and astoundingly good, and the graphics are just gorgeous. But those are just details. The game is full of wonder and meaning and heart. It will make you think, it will excite and exhilarate you, and it will widen your eyes. The Forgotten City gives and gives and gives, but when it's over, you still haven't had enough. This game is a gem.

Verdict: SUPERB
222 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.23 14:34
Got all 4 endings.
Great game, great world, great presentation.
Dialogues are great. Writing is mature.

Canon ending is a bit too much of the way they went, but that's just a matter of taste. I'm sure a lot of people went very satisfied with it.
79 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.22 20:34
First, I'll say that I usually wait to buy games until they're on sale, but when I read another review expressing how glad they were to have purchased at full price, I went ahead and gave it a shot. Boy, I am so, so glad I did.

First: There's something in this game for everyone. Most quests have the ability to be solved multiple ways with equally favorable endings, so whether you prefer to fight your way through, sneak around, or use your wits, there's a place for that. While you're exploring, you can pick up any number of artifacts around the city to learn more about them from a historical perspective. Dialogue options also revealed interesting historical and lore-driven information that delighted the history buff in me.

The gameplay is smooth, and the world is absolutely stunning. You get to begin exploring on foot, then unlock options for faster travel as you progress. The time loop mechanic gets creative use as a plot point, or as a nice reset if you're not sure where to go next. I cycled through multiple times to see all the different endings and dialogue options, which is huge for me (tbh, I usually google tricky quests to get the exact right dialogue because I'm too invested in getting a certain ending :X)

The only thing I'd like to see is an in-game map (I found a beautiful one by Francesca Baerald that was a great help!).

Overall: 10/10. I would recommend this to literally any of my friends, regardless of where they fall on the gamer spectrum. Fantastic game by a small company. Devs are responsive to issues and push out updates as needed. Buy this game; you'll love it!
211 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.22 22:48
Absolute fucking banger
500 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.22 13:27
I've played games for about 20 years. Hundreds of them by now. I've witnessed so many patterns that it's difficult to be surprised anymore. Most new games I see, I might think 'oh, it's cool how they remixed this mechanic' or 'well, it's kind of buggy and plays like it was 20 years old sometimes but it's so fun that I love it anyway'. And yet some games subvert my expectations and surprise me in the most pleasant ways, reminding me of those times where I was a wee lad discovering my first games. First was Return of the Obra Dinn and its time-stopping investigation, then came Undertale with an entire package of subversions and likable characters..and now I got The Forgotten City, and I felt much the same sense of wide-eyed discovery.

Years back, the Bethesda modding scene started birthing some incredible story mods made by talented teams and aspiring writers looking to show the world what they were capable of. The Forgotten City started life this way, as a humble Skyrim quest mod made by a single person. Turns out they had such a fine vision that the Australian Writers' Guild awarded the mod the Best Interactive Media award for 2016, and this motivated the developer to make it into something bigger. So they recruited two more people and worked feverishly on what we have today.

The premise is pretty simple. You are a modern-day nobody who discovers a portal in time and arrives to an underground Roman city inhabited by citizens of that ancient world. However, the inhabitants of this city are cursed by the gods who watch over the place, in the sense that if any of them commit a single sin, all of them die. During your first day in the city, this Golden Rule invariably is broken and you are forced to fling yourself back into time to the beginning of the same day, richer with the knowledge of people, facts and intrigue. Your task is simple, get back to your time, and maybe investigate this place further while you're at it.

To say anything more specific would be a spoiler since the game is rich in plot twists. Suffice to say that the writing is the best quality of the game, followed closely by the voice-acting, which come together to form a set of likable, believable characters who seem ripped straight out of 2000 years ago. Add to that a heavy accent on history and classical myth with a smattering of philosophy, and (to me at least) it was a pure joy to play through it for the first time just to see how this character would react to the newest developments. The characters themselves look pretty damn good and their lip-syncing and facial animations are passable at least, and pretty decent at best, helping to avoid the Skyrim stare-deadeyed-at-you-syndrome. And speaking of looking, the environment is absolutely incredible, as Unreal Engine 4 flexes its muscles and succeeds in bringing to photorealistic life what you would be imagining when thinking of 'underground Roman city'.

The Forgotten City was an unexpected surprise. It's a timeloop mystery that spares plenty of attention to detail and rewards exploration and thoughtfulness (minus the occasional obligatory combat sequence, the game's weakest part). That being said, it's not as challenging as I would've expected, since you keep your inventory at the end of each timeloop (of course, to avoid the inevitable frustration that would arise from that), with success of some kind becoming more or less inevitable as you solve plot threads. Still, I would recommend it to absolutely anyone interested in a well-written adventure, doubly so if they're a history or mythology nerd like me.
324 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 18:54
One of the most enjoyable gaming experiences I've had for a long time. Fulfilling and rewarding.
238 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 21:33
This game is groundhog day + Skyrim + philosophy + M Y S T E R Y!
Great story and voice acting, environment is beautiful, gameplay is a lot of fun!

I only wish it was longer :')
2021 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 20:04
It's basically a trinary question: Are you into story-focused games where the main gameplay loop is in social interactions and the accumulation of knowledge? If yes, this is your game. If no, it's not. If you aren't sure, this is the best way to find out. It's expertly done and while there could definitely be more the same could be said of literally any game that has as ambitions as lofty as this one does. As it is, it's easily one of the most compelling games I've ever played, to the point that I blew through to 100% completion over the course of a few sleepless days, and the unique process of abusing the loops to play with the world is something that I haven't felt outside of other extremely rare gems like the Outer Wilds.

Highly recommended.
116 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 20:57
When I heard about a game that deals with philosophical questions about right and wrong, it piqued my interest. I usually don't go for games based around dialogue and and exploration, but the backdrop of Ancient Rome and a murder-mystery investigation element is what sealed the deal.

The experience was akin to a good book I couldn't put down, there was never a shortage of leads to follow and places that needed exploring. After speaking to so many people and learning their backstories, I didn't realize how much I actually cared about them (at least the nice ones) until the end of the game. The initial concept of the time loop and The Golden Rule opens up into a bigger mythological story. It felt as the stakes were increasingly raised the further you went into the game. You very much need to be clever and think about what you say, and how it will effect your subsequent interactions with each person. The time loop mechanic included a really nice way to save time, and also played a big part in the game's story resolution in such a brilliant way, I was thoroughly impressed by how clever it was. It made it so it was not a thrown-in gimmick, but an integral part of the plot.

The ending was cathartic and satisfying in ways many games fail to achieve. Solving the riddle of this world felt like a well-earned achievement, and also rewarding to know you had a significant impact on each character's epilogue.
160 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 00:41
Weird ass game, but fun and a little mind-boggling. Gotta try it to experience if for yourself. You're some history teacher from bum fuck Arkansas who is lost on his way to Rome, and you got back in time on an LSD trip... or something to that effect.
633 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 19:14
I never played the Skyrim mod this game began as, but I kind of want to now? It was really fun; the way the mystery evolves as you gain more and more information was really well done. My one complaint, without spoiling, is that as a trained classicist, I kind of hated the twist, but I'll give the game a pass because it was just that good.

I forgot that I could play for free on GamePass and bought the game here on Steam and I'm not even mad about it.
524 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 10:46
Beautiful game
950 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 05:10
Just bought this game today. It's been a while since something immersed me like this is. Absolutely love it. 5/5. Small dev team, still pulled off AAA graphics and voice acting and immersive storytelling. Fresh take on time loop--the concept may be done before, but their execution is stellar.
241 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 20:28
It just wasn't for me. The game has its moments, however I found the story, dialogue and characters not to live up to my expectations of a game focusing on storytelling rather than gameplay. I finished the game, however by the end I just didn't care about any of the characters in it.
427 Produkte im Account
299 Reviews
508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 22:59
The Forgotten City is a first person adventure game where the player character becomes trapped in an ancient Roman city whose citizens must follow the “Golden Law”. If even one person commits a sin such as theft, assault, or murder, everybody in the city will be killed as punishment.


• Your main quest is to protect the people from the Golden Law while searching for a way to return home. This will involve talking to NPCs to gather clues, and exploring the city to find important objects.

• The player character is stuck in a time loop. If any person, including the player, breaks the Golden Law, you’ll be returned to the start of the day. You retain knowledge of events and keep the objects in your inventory, but everyone else will have forgotten what happened. However, there are situations where you might be able to use this to your advantage.

• There are several side quests to help NPCs with their own problems, such as finding a missing person or curing an illness.

• Some quests can be solved in multiple ways. For example, if you need to enter a building whose door is locked, you could find the key, but there might also be another way inside.

• There’s some basic first person shooter combat using bow and arrow, but this mostly takes place in an area that the game indicates is optional, so if you don’t enjoy combat you should still be able to finish the game. The enemies aren’t very intelligent though so I think the difficulty is quite low.


• The story is excellent, and features an interesting sense of mystery as you learn more about the history of the city and its people, and the rules and origin of the Golden Law.

• Voice acting is very good.

• There are multiple endings depending on how you choose to complete some quests.


• Controls are rebindable and work well with mouse and keyboard.

• I didn’t encounter any bugs or crashes, and the framerate was smooth on high settings at 1440p.

• It took me 8 hours to finish the game.


The Forgotten City is an excellent game, and is a must play if you enjoy a good story. Its a fairly short game though, so you might want to pick it up on a small sale.
313 Produkte im Account
275 Reviews
1277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 21:17
Forgotten City is one of the most intriguing games I've played. The story is not that unusual... current day traveler stumbles into a portal that moves them through time and they need to find a way back home. However, this game creates a remarkable tale of an ancient Roman town in the grip of divine manipulations. You, the traveler, interact with the residents to learn their stories and assist them in various ways. At first glance, there is no way out, but the diligent adventurer will eventually find an exit.

You begin the game by defining a few aspects of your character (gender, skin color, occupation) that, in some cases, impact your ability to access certain achievements. Playing the game through more than once is likely to be needed for completionists. This is not a chore because making different choices often results in very different outcomes. Plus, once you have a mental map of the city, getting around is fairly easy.

The story is well written with a sound track of voice overs, music, and environmental effects. The landscape is masterfully crafted and the city is a labyrinth of streets, housing, temples, catacombs, cisterns, etc. There are lots of objects to examine and/or take. All is done in 3D and you can wander, at will, with only your quest log to guide your next steps. There is quite a bit of dialog but you can speed read and click through, without waiting for the voice-overs. Also, topics already covered are indicated so you do not have to keep repeating the same conversations (unless you choose to do so).

The game auto-saves often and has a very large number of slots for manually saved games. I saved constantly which allowed me to go back and change my decisions/actions or to switch paths towards a different ending without starting over.

The Forgotten City is a living environment. NPCs move about freely and are often not where you expect them to be. If you need to have a conversation with a specific character, you may need to traverse the city to find them. To keep things interesting, there is a 'time loop' feature. If you commit a crime (stealing, murder, trespassing, etc.), the whole city pays a penalty. Your only recourse is to loop back through time and start the day over. You retain all inventory and prior quests are 're-accomplished' by giving instructions to a NPC. So, there is little rework required. You can loop back as many times as you need, although there are some achievements related to the number of loop trips.

The developers have created multiple paths through the story. There is one optional quest to retrieve a 'golden bow' that involves running a gauntlet of golden zombies. I stumbled upon this early and struggled a bit. Then, I got the hang of it and was shooting creatures like a pro. However, if I had chosen to turn down the quest, I could still have followed the primary story thread without combat. Likewise, there are multiple ways to obtain currency. If you can't pull off a major heist, then just be observant and there are unclaimed bags and chests of money lying about for the taking.

I started playing with no preconceptions and spent a few hours learning the lay of the land and talking to characters. After I accidentally got 2 NPCs killed, I decided to start over and think my actions through a bit. There are definitely strategic elements in terms of persuasion, timing, and your ability to get back to the time loop without hesitation. You become embroiled in political intrigue, personal issues, and divine intervention. All in a day's work for an adventurer!

Once you've played through on your own, you might want to peek at a guide to understand any missed achievements. You are also going to want to experience the four possible endings ... they are all satisfying and unique.

I highly recommend this game to anyone who loves an immersive narrative that unfolds as you play and keeps you on your toes. Be prepared to be totally invested and to keep playing long past bedtime!
269 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 20:13
canon ending made me cry
32 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 20:01
only a few hours in and i can tell i'm going to be thinking about this game long after i complete it.
720 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 07:07
Possibly my favorite game from 2021. An excellent, engaging mystery with smart writing and many twists and turns. The city is beautiful, highly detailed, and the characters feel real. All of it ties together with an effective musical score, and a clever use of the time-looping mechanic that makes it stand out from other games. Once I started playing, I didn't want to stop until it was over.
812 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 00:06
Great game!
Time-loop detective story in a roman setting.
Scratches that Outer Wild itch quite well :)
519 Produkte im Account
119 Reviews
900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 20:06
Excellent game, and recommended to anyone who enjoys story-driven games.
815 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 19:22
Hadn't heard anything about that game, didn't expect anything from it - and was overwhelmed! Great storytelling, visuals, voice acting and quite entertaining philosophical dialogues where choices really matter! Surely a game to spend your coin on!
643 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 12:07
A first-person adventure set in the roman empire that never loses sights of its themes of society & morality. Clever writing, charming characters and interesting twists make this a journey worth looping through.
171 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
687 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 05:24
A great game full of twists and turns and lovable characters. Not much of a mystery you need to solve, more a story you experience.
246 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 11:08
I played the original Skyrim mod, so while I knew the basics of the story and such, The Forgotten City was still a wonderful experience, in a refreshing gilded paint.

Anyone else who's played the mod will be at home here - a tightly knit story in a time loop, with intrigue, magic, unique characters and an engrossing world to explore - this 'remake' of sorts does away with the pre-established lore from it's Skyrim format, and puts it in a more accessible light in its Roman setting.

The characters are wonderfully voiced and well animated, and the environments here are lush and bright, while also being stark and haunting. Small changes were made from the original story, which, imo, made it a more cohesive whole. I didn't run into too many issues in my short time playing - mainly a bug with characters repeating dialogue, which I mostly got around by restarting the loop and trying again - but considering this is an indie game, it's hardly a massive flaw considering the game is amazing everywhere else.

While the Forgotten City is mostly the same between the original and this new version, it's still a memorable experience that I was glad to come back to.

ps: Dooley/Duli did nothing wrong
122 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 03:04
Don't read any reviews. Just buy it and play it. The story is so good and you don't want to risk reading spoilers and ruining it.
313 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 11:03
I think the most fun I had with Skyrim was exploring all the side quests with their own decisions/worldbuilding, and the most fun I had with New Vegas was persuading enemies to stand down instead of fighting them. This game is both of those best parts combined.

There's actually not THAT much to do, and some parts are designed to intentionally stonewall you and force you into a reset, which can become tiring. Even though there's a clever mechanic included to avoid repeating the same quests each loop, it still entails some waiting that can become irritating after a few loops.

That being said, what you get is super interesting and satisfying, the dialogue is all superbly written and voiced, and the story is suitably exciting and twisty. Support the creators, we need more games with this level of love and polish
314 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 21:47
2021 gave us several games with time-loop stories, and frankly, I was getting bored with them, especially after how Twelve Minutes disappointed me mainly because of how it delivered its story. Yet this game seemingly appeared out of thin air, and to put it simply blew my mind. It's a fabulous achievement, and right away I can safely recommend it to EVERYONE who likes story-driven games.

This game, or rather, this story was already brilliant as a Skyrim mod but I just can't praise enough how did they improve literally every aspect of it. Before getting the bulk of the game-- the story, I just want to briefly mention the level design and visuals whilst underlining some technical problems that the game has. Firstly, the game has a map that is designed intricately, everything is meticulously and purposefully placed; be it for environmental storytelling, to hide some secret treasure or to be an alternative pathway to solve a quest. Although the game doesn't feature a map -which is great- because its world is designed really well, drawing a mental map yourself is just intrinsically happening and getting used to all the paths and navigating through them is quite satisfying without looking to a map. I had missed that sort of feeling tbh.

Visuals are enough, there are some really pretty environments and you're getting into the atmosphere alright. Problem is, even though I installed this game in my SSD and mind you, I have a powerful laptop with 2070 and 32GBs of RAM, whilst loading visual assets and new areas, the game stutters immensely and even freezes at times. It's nothing game-breaking and after the loading everything plays fine but just wanted to point it out as feedback.

Now, now... I think it's not possible to talk about this story thoroughly, without giving some big spoilers but let me just tell you this; for a game where you investigate and choose how to approach certain problems and people to solve a bigger mystery, the pacing is incredible, the game just sucks you in itself and never lets that curiosity and sense of discovery go away, without being repetitive. Yes, even though its main thing is time-loops the narrative isn't repetitive and boring, it uses clever ways to put you back on track quickly for your investigation each time you loop. Besides, it's also a rollercoaster of emotions, there are some creepy scenes, very subtle comedy, action and lots of... tragedy.

You see, video games often fall short about telling stories that affect people in a more profound sense, even though they can reach to other emotions like fear, excitement, enjoyment, sadness, you name it, more easily. And, I get that really, most games feature concepts that explore vast worlds, epic sh#t or badass anti-heroes as protagonists to let us carry our fantasies.

However, this often causes them to sacrifice extremely important elements about storytelling -- choosing a theme, and creating real human tragedies revolving around it.
The Forgotten City doesn't do that and by the time you connect most of the dots you start to see why this story is extremely well-written because every single person living in that world feel REAL and I know that this word has been used for so many game reviews, but I really mean it in this case. It's not necessarily because every single dialogue has been written so well that it doesn't feel like playing a game, sometimes it does feel game-y indeed, but that's not important. Thing is, this game has an ideology and wants you to hear it. Which is the main thing that makes an artwork, an artwork, in my opinion.

Take Disco Elysium, Nier Automata, Soma, Deus Ex, for example, those games have great narratives because they have something to say about humans, about life itself.

The Forgotten City has already entered the same category with these legendary games. Go play this masterpiece!

side note: Give this game a GOTY, please.
204 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 02:11
Game desperately needs an in game mini-map. It's very well made, and the story is excellent, but if like me you have aphantasia, visual processing disorder, exotropia or any other condition which makes finding your way around game worlds/navigation a challenge, this game simply won't be playable for you. I may keep trying to play and find out what happens, but it's massively frustrating.
And don't bother mentioning the issue to devs, they are dismissive and other players are outright hostile about it.
115 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
915 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 04:30
Okay so as a massive history nerd whose favourite videogame genre is choice based narrative games (especially ones with time travel puzzles) this game feels like it was literally made for me. I loved it so much! The story was amazing! it had great depth, it was thought provoking, it had mystery and interesting plot twists, that characters were all well fleshed out with their own unique backstories and character arcs. What a journey!
And the history, I loved how researched it was - I even learnt a few new things. It all worked together to make the world feel so real even with the supernatural/time loop. The writing made me laugh out loud quite a few times, especially the more meta lines like talking about living through a pandemic and how memes have ruined the name Karen xD
It's amazing what the Dev team have been able to come up with and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

987 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 23:09
I still think about this game a lot after playing it, and that means it was excellent.
Good replay value if you go for 100% achievements.
846 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 23:00
I can say, without hyperbole, that this is one of the greatest games I have ever played. I rarely get so invested in characters that, by the ending, I am so moved [spoiler]especially with the canon ending[/spoiler]. [spoiler]I truly enjoyed talking to all of the characters one last time to see how they have been coping.[/spoiler] While the game is fully of long conversations, they are interesting, well written and thoroughly enjoyable. Plus for most conversations, shortcuts appear once you've exhausted all your options and looped back a few times.

The game is not without its bugs, and I had a challenge getting one of the endings to work properly, but overall the game ran properly and I didn't have to load any saves because I was stuck or the game had crashed.

I put between 9 and 10 hours into this game, and despite knowing all the stories and secrets, I still would be happy to go back into the world and spend time with the characters. This is a feat very few games have ever done for me. Thank you for this experience!
221 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 18:52
Exceeds expectations. By far.

I've been keeping the game in my wishlist for forever, but always hesitated buying it, mainly over 3 reasons:
- The duration based on most reviews
- The price for the given duration
- The bad lip sync from the trailer

I bought it at a discount during the recent sale and it blew my mind.
- Amazing visuals - You can't not notice the quality the moment you get in. Everything is detailed, the environment is well planned and just...makes sense in terms of the layout. I enjoyed the cultural themes in different environments.
- Story - It blew my mind. Repeatedly. There were surprises and discoveries at every turn. At no point did this feel like a mindless repetitive grind. Everything has a purpose and they found a creative way to make sure you don't have to do certain bits over and over through every loop so you can focus on the parts that matter.
- Gameplay - Everything is fluid, intuitive and most importantly bug free. The last bit is amazing considering this was mostly made by a team of 3 people.

I've been entertained the entire time and can honestly say the game is worth the money, even at full price. I did play the Skyrim mod long ago, but this is very different. Nothing was spoiled by having played the mod.
659 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.21 15:25
Few game have the level of immersive writing that the Forgotten City manages. It has been a very, very long time since I last played a game where I was so immersed in its world and story -- to the point of being emotionally touched at every ending. It has my deepest recommendation.
589 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 06:35
this game made me feel the way Outer Wilds made me feel, and that's the highest praise I can offer
155 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 16:45
A very nice game heavily driven by story (although you as the player gets to pick choices), your goal is to save this cursed Roman city from sinning and going to decay, but you only have 1 day to save the fate of city since someone is guaranteed to sin by the end of the day. This game will make you think of morality and philosophy. The developers took lots of time to portray this Roman city as accurate as possible, the cast is very diverse and attaches the player (not just for sake of 'diversity' but fit the story very well). The game offers multiple of things from exploration to looting to basic combat / horror, although don't buy the game for these since its heavily driven by story and talking. It is a rather short game but the game does not get boring when you travel back in time like in other games, there is always unique thing to do. Map is very big from city to dungeons to even extra maps. You will enjoy amount of detail and deep plot in the game.

Perhaps the biggest problem of the game is attachment, the player gets attached to everyone in this city only to repeat a cycle of coming back and no one will remember you, while you don't have to grind by talking to every single person over and over again (since you keep your inventory with you so no grinding over money or quest items), it does ruin the atmosphere since while you remember your experiences with these people, they know nothing. Another issue is lack of other options, there is no option to sleep in this city or do other things since its heavily driven by a story. Having more interaction with Christianity, Judaism, Romance and non-Roman citizens could have made the game into a 10/10.

????Try not to get addicted
☑️Very good
????Nothing special

---{How Long Until Boring/Repetitive}---
☑️Under 10 hours (Intentionally short game)
????10-50 Hours
????50-100 Hours
????100-200 Hours
????200-1000 Hours
????1000+ Hours

????Below Average

????Very good


---{PC Requirements}---
????High End


????Very Difficult
????Extremely Difficult

☑️Worth Full Price
????Wait for sale
????Not recommended

☑️Never had any
????Minor bugs/glitches
????Few bugs/glitches
????Many bugs/glitches

8675 Produkte im Account
209 Reviews
1182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 22:30

The Forgotten City

An entertaining time travelling detective mystery that is clever in conception and provides lots of surprises.

Visit SaveOrQuit.com for detailed game reviews, posted daily!

The game contains many twists and turns. I will refrain from revealing any specific story plots and have been very careful to provide an informative review without any spoilers.

????Gameplay Video????

The Forgotten City is a first-person detective and mystery adventure set in ancient Rome.

Rescued from drowning, and waking up bewildered and confused, your rescuer asks you to locate someone in the ruins; Finding the person swinging from a tree a note warns you not to enter the city. The unfortunate person ended his life after turning insane trying to solve the mystery of The Golden Rule. Without a choice, you enter and arrive two thousand years into the past. The twenty-two inhabitants live in a city without sin or crime. There is only one rule. Any one person who commits a wrongdoing will condemn everyone else to death.

This creates a perfect utopia where everyone lives without fear and in total bliss, or so they thought.

Among the population lies someone who will break the golden rule. It is your task to question everyone and find out who is willing to destroy this paradise and why.

The Forgotten City is closely based upon a standalone Skyrim mod released in 2015.

????Overall Impressions????

The Forgotten City is an enjoyable detective-based mystery which is heavy influenced by Skyrim in regards to aesthetics, atmosphere and dialogue exchanges.


The city is quite large and it takes a while for you to get your bearings. There is no map and it is quite easy to get lost in the underground tunnels and difficult to navigate the city with confidence at first. I spent rather a lot of time trying to find places and NPCs, getting lost, and going around in circles. There is a quest menu with a directional finder which helps when available, but the majority of your detective work will require you to locate certain characters, without directional hints. Often these reside outside their places of business, but some roam the city freely and can be annoyingly difficult to find.

Exploration is still a lot of fun though. You can run at speed, so traversing the cobbled streets is never a chore; In certain places there are ziplines which can alleviate some of the travelling. I was a little disappointed with the searching mechanics. You can examine objects in dwellings and around the streets but mostly this is pointless. You soon learn that the only items worth looking at are notes and chests. Other items provide small snippets of historic background but I soon stopped examining these. There were no drawers, cabinets or bookshelves to rummage through, only chests or items left on tables. Searching houses is an important piece of the investigation but it was a shame this wasn’t developed further and made a bit more interesting.

There are a few hidden areas to find which reward you with riches and are occasionally pivotal to the story. Some of these are only accessible after certain items are collected and used. These areas can provide alternative means of entering buildings.


There are over twenty characters to talk to providing a rich vein of lore and bringing a community feel to proceedings.

There are many interwoven stories between characters which change and adapt throughout the game. The character development is very good. There are alliances, romances, secrets and mystery. Each character has a rich personality and a back story you can ask about. We get to know the characters quite well and form opinions about them. The game is always asking us to question a character’s persona and making us wonder what their motives are.

The vast majority of the quests is performing tasks for the characters. It is a good way of reinforcing the bond between the player and the characters and it is fun and rewarding to see events unfold due to actions completed.


Dialogues can be quite extensive with branching narratives and new ones added as events unfold throughout your investigations. I did find some issues with this. Dialogue branches not pursued stay white in color, whilst avenues followed, turn grey. New lines of enquiry can be hidden underneath grey topics. Sometimes, these do manifest as new branches in white, but they also get hidden under the grey. This means you have to repeat a lot of dialogue to uncover them. To be fair, you can skip conversations quite easily, which is welcomed.

I had other issues with dialogues. I noticed some dialogue repeating bizarrely and dialogue branches don’t always update and adapt to changes. For example, a character entered a race for magistrate but when questioned about the election he didn’t know he was a candidate and the answers he gave did not make sense considering the announcement just moments before.

Other times a character may be asking or referring to a certain topic you have new information about, but when talking to them there is no option to inform them. For example, a citizen was asking about a missing person I had just found but I was unable to advise them of their whereabouts or even mention I had found them. There are many examples of this throughout the game and it can become a little frustrating, but you learn to roll with it.

Whilst talking to characters, their faces can look a bit lifeless, and the lip synch is not the best I have seen, but the voices are excellent and full of expression and emotion.

Dialogue choice is important when building trust or squeezing that last bit of information out of a person. Choosing the wrong answer can alienate the character completely and halt any further investigation.

Story No Spoilers

The story arcs are outstanding and very clever in their construction. The game is designed for you to chip away at information and gain small insights which you can learn from.

There are four endings, but it is imperative that you follow the quest with the tablets. Completing this quest reveals an incredible amount of lore and answers all your questions, as well as providing some interesting ethical arguments to ponder. If you do not follow this story line you will miss out immensely.

Information is revealed at key moments with dramatic effect and sometimes genuinely shocking. The story is developed through dialogue exchanges with characters and reading notes discovered.


There is a small amount of combat but nothing difficult. I only died a couple of times from combat related injuries. Your only weapon is a bow. Most of these enemies can be picked off at long range and the bow is very satisfying to use. When in tighter environments, things get more frantic with enemies rushing at you and causing panic. There is some scope to use tactical play during these battles.


The music is exquisite and enhances the mood extremely well. I rarely listen to soundtracks but I did spend some time listening to the score after the game and I would recommend purchasing it if you can. It sounds even better when you give it your undivided attention.

????Conclusion ⚖

The Forgotten City is very enjoyable, especially if you like dialogue exchanges with strong characters and choices that matter.
There is a small amount of combat, but this is mainly a story driven mystery with some very clever plot twists and interesting lore. Recommended for narrative fans.

284 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
1307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 12:00
This is a wonderful game to play. The pacing I found was just right. In the beginning you are certainly a bit confused but the mechanics of the game lead you just enough to get started. Following your own path or paying strict attention to the requests made of you will lead you always onward to a very satisfying conclusion. No dead ends here or wandering aimlessly (but exploration is rewarded) I only needed to write out a list of the different character's names, everything else is taken care of for you. Best of luck to the developers and I hope to see more games from them in the future.
99 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 06:12
Do yourself a favor and purchase this without looking too many reviews.
The game is just so wonderful and you will definitely like it!

- Most of the voice actors are great
- Story is brilliant
- Graphics look quite fantastic and it has Photo Mode which can be utilizes

I didn't get bored playing it and I wish there is another game like this.
411 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
1014 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 21:26
I stumbled across this game completely by chance. Never heard of it before. Saw the description on one of the news sites and immediately it caught my attention. What can I say... It's a masterpeace and one of the best games that I've ever played. And I game for more than 20 years. Don't be put off by a fact that this is an indie game. Don't overthink why you've never heard of it. Just buy it and live out one of the best gaming experiences. Don't read description at a store page. Less you know, more of a kick it's going to be. And it's cheap. You can just go and buy it right away. I would have gladly paid more.

Наткнулся на эту игру совершенно случайно. Никогда не слышал о ней ранее. Увидел описание на новостном сайте и сразу заинтересовался. Что я могу сказать... Это шедевр и одна из лучших игр, в которые я когда либо играл. А играю я уже больше 20 лет. Не нужно бояться, что это инди. Не нужно размышлять, почему вы никогда не слышали об этой игре. Просто купите и проживите один из самых крутых игровых опытов. Даже описание на странице магазина не читайте. Чем меньше знаешь об игре, тем сильнее вставит. И стоит копейки. Можно сразу взять и купить. Я бы c удовольствием и больше заплатил.
229 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 09:42
Excellent game with great story, gameplay, and connections to ancient history and philosophy. Highly recommended.
1249 Produkte im Account
152 Reviews
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 04:19

The Forgotten City

What started as a brilliant Skyrim mod, has now turned into its standalone title with all the bells and whistles and so much more. The Forgotten City is a Story-rich, adventure RPG where you play as a trapped time traveler.

A sacred city hidden behind mounts and mystery, known for its magnificent architecture and its few inhabitants who live within the city walls.

Forced by circumstances, you must explore and discover the mysteries behind the Forgotten City, its inhabitants, and its ultimate Golden rule of ‘’The Many Shall Suffer For the Sins of the One’’.

Plot: The game starts off as you wake up, wet and being shaken by a mysterious stranger, who just pulled you out of the river.

After a brief inadequate introduction, she reveals that she also saved another man who, she pointed out, took off into the ruins behind you. As she asked you to go look for this other man, you come across some extraordinary ancient ruins of epic proportions.

These ancient ruins are amazing, something you have never seen before. A magnificent mixture of ancient Roman, Greek, and Sumerian architecture.

As you start moving forward, you come across some hunting sights; statues, a lot of them, and all of them are made of solid gold!!!

Not just that, but these statues are expressing shock, horror and disbelieve. Some are kneeling, some praying in fear and some are running for their lives.

Who would make such things? And why?

As you move further into the dark ruins, you walk into a Shrine with human remains at its doorsteps. Without realizing what’s going on, you walk into a portal and before you know it, you’re back where you started, but everything seems new! Where are the ruins?

As you leave the Shrine, you’re greeted by a stranger called Galerius, a humble resident of the city. While interacting with Galerius, you get further insight into the lore of the city, but a lot of questions remain.

Galerius advises interacting with other residents of the city, and as you do so the mystery only gets thicker, and the plots get twisted.

The sinless city is not so sin-free after all!!!

Now you must solve the mystery of the forgotten city while trying your best not to break the golden rule and prevent it from breaking as well. Every time the rule breaks, the magistrate resets the timeline and everything goes back to the time you first arrived in the city.

Gameplay: The Forgotten City is an amazing narrative-driven game, jam-packed full of mysteries and mythologies. As you get started, you will soon realize how deep the plot goes and how much you will have to dig deeper into each character's life to solve the mysteries that will soon follow.

Being narrative-driven and a choices matter game, choosing your dialogue options wisely is the key. Each NPC you interact with is unique in every way from motivations to their problems.

The way you interact with them will matter in the long run, as they will provide you with much-needed information, quests, and hidden secrets.

And when I say choose your dialogue options-wise, I really mean it. Offending NPCs will result in you missing out on some easy-to-get information and the NPC will refuse to talk to you.

This is fine, as thankfully every time you commit a sin or fail to prevent someone else will result in a punishment, where all the golden statues will come to life and turn you into a statue.

The only way of preventing death is to follow the magistrate and reset the timeline.

You will start at the shrine again but this time you will retain all the knowledge, items, and quests you have gathered.

Puzzles: The puzzles and mysteries are hidden behind a thick narrative overlay and tasks. As you interact with the 23 or so residents of the city, they will reveal quests, mysteries and tasks depending on your choices.

The only way to solve them is to follow up on each question asked and answered. Occasionally you will find yourself in some form of platformer environment, to reach somewhere not easily accessible and obtain further knowledge.

These types of tasks/puzzles are definitely not for all, but for those who don’t mind going back and forth a bit for completion will find themselves heavily involved and amused.

Narrations and Dialogues: From what I can gather, The Forgotten City is banking on the immense success of its Skyrim mod of the same name and story structure, but with a complete overhaul and complementing it with fitting visual eye candy.

Every single NPC is featured with their own unique set of dialogues befitting the character and voice-over with skilled voice artists. Every single line of dialogue is brilliantly scripted and well-adjusted to each character.

The interactions did get a bit lengthy at times, but it was worth it every time.

The only downside to this amazing addition is the character models themselves. Although they are visually amazing and very well detailed, their body language and lip-syncs are horribly off-balance.

In some cases, ruined by immersion. In a narrative and dialogue-heavy game of this caliber, I am very upset to see these issues are still present. I hope they are resolved soon.

World Design: The Forgotten City is not only a narrative masterpiece but also a visual one. The game features a mind-blowing combination of ancient Roman, Greek, and ancient Sumerian architecture and craftsmanship.

From the massive structures to the grenade-paved hallways, everything is very well detailed and era-appropriate.

The only downside to this visual marvel is its lighting. It’s not bad but it’s not good either. I see a need for color tuning and a bit more lighting enhancement.

And oh yes! This game needs Raytracing support asap! I don’t have a supported card but it doesn’t matter, I still want Raytracing support in this.

Music and sound effects: The game features a fantastic mixture of instruments and tuning; it’s very lively and mysterious befitting the theme.

The sound effects are nothing special, but I must say they did a good job at balancing every sound effect out. Certain effects did feel a little dull compared to others, such as structures collapsing, but I happily looked past them.


+ Rich Story-arc
+ Great scripting and dialogue
+ Well voiced and narrated characters
+ Great attention to details
+ A great mixture of cultures
+ Simple yet effective choices matter gameplay
+ Decent platformer element
+ Complicated yet rich mystery arch


- Character body language and lip-sync don’t add up
- Lighting can be improved
- Certain sound effects can be improved
- Basic photo mode for such an awesome-looking game???

‘’The Many Shall Suffer For the Sins of the One’’; keep that in mind before committing a crime. This is not your ordinary RPG, your choices will have greater consensus.


Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!


400 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 17:14
Please buy this game at full price, so the developers can make another amazing games like this.

417 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 12:16
Do yourself a favor and go into this blind without reading any detailed reviews. I was pleasantly surprised how good the time loop mechanic was implemented. The Forgotten City is story-rich with fantastic voice acting, satisfying endings and beautiful visual design. Exploration is a must to fully unravel the mysteries of this city while solving puzzles and fighting what lurks in the catacombs below the city. Photo-mode is a welcomed feature to this game for those who love taking screenshots. Impressive that only three people developed such a great game. [8.5/10]



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Rating auf Steam Äußerst positiv
96.66% 5554 192
Release:28.07.2021 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Modern Storyteller Vertrieb: Dear Villagers Engine: Unreal Engine 4 Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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