Hi everyone. Today we are introducing a new way to deliver beta builds. Taking inspiration from a presentation at the recent Steam Dev Days, beta builds will now be managed through a public beta DLC, included in all copies of the game. The goal is to allow you to play both the regular version and beta versions of the game without having to switch between beta branches and waiting for the builds to download. Instead, when you launch the game, you will be asked which version you want to launch. Hopefully, this will reduce segmentation within the player base and bring awareness to new players that there is a better, actively developed version available to play.
How to use the new beta system
If you're installing the game for the first time: you don't need to do anything. Steam will automatically include the beta in your download.
If you already have the game installed: simply find The Flock's library page, and ensure that the check box in the DLCs section beside "The Flock Public Beta" is checked so Steam will install the beta. Once the download is complete, you'll get the choice to play the regular version or the beta version when you launch the game. Note Steam will automatically download the regular version if you were using the public beta branch.
macOS beta
With the introduction of the new beta system, we are also introducing macOS builds. From early reports, the Mac build is playable and comparable to the Linux builds. You will very likely experience graphical glitches that are also present on the Linux build, but you will be able to play with other players who are on Windows and Linux.