The Flame in the Flood
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Über das Spiel

From the Art Director of BioShock and a team of veterans of the BioShock, Halo, Guitar Hero and Rock Band series comes The Flame in the Flood.
Travel by foot and by raft down a procedurally-generated river as you scrounge for resources, craft tools, remedy afflictions, evade the vicious wildlife, and most importantly, stay ahead of the coming rains.
- CPU: Dual Core Processor, 2.5 GHz or higher
- GFX: DX11 compatible video card
- Software: Windows 7 64 bit (requires 64 bit OS)
- HD: 2 GB available space
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: These requirements are subject to change as we complete development
- LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 11:48
Hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht, die offene Welt, die jedes mal neu generiert wird, mit dem Floß sowie zu Fuß zu erkunden.
Das Spiel hat genau die richtige Mischung aus Survival und Erkundung, verbunden mit einem gutem Soundtrack.
Wer eine Herausforderung im Survival Genre sucht, sollte dieses Spiel definitiv ausprobieren, auch wenn es anfangs schwierig erscheint, man kommt rein, keine Sorge.
Kurze Anmerkung, um Frustrationstoleranz heraus zu nehmen und euch Spaß an dem Spiel zu sichern, dieses Spiel speichert im Story Modus beim Anfahren, Abfahren der Inseln sowie bei Übernachtungen, stirbt man in einer Region, startet man vom letzten erreichten automatischen Speicherpunkt aus.
419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 17:59
Postapokalypse im Flussdelta
Bei The Flame in the Flood fallen einem wohl als erstes der stimmige Look und ganz besonders die warme Country-Musik positiv auf. Das sind auch eindeutig die beiden Aspekte, welche den Titel von der reichlich vorhandenen Survival-Konkurrenz abheben. Doch zum Glück verbirgt sich hinter dieser Fassade auch ein kompetentes Spiel, dessen Mechaniken mich zumindest für den Verlauf des Storymodus gut auf Trab gehalten haben.
Von Story kann aber nur begrenzt die Rede sein, denn abseits des Endes gibt es nur wenige Momente, in denen die Handlung wirklich vorangetrieben wird. Die kurzen, schrägen Dialoge mit gelegentlich auffindbaren NPCs haben zwar durchaus ihren Charme, doch der Fokus liegt klar auf der Atmosphäre und den Spielmechaniken. Etwas schade, denn das Setting einer postakopalyptischen USA, in dem eine Naturkatastrophe scheinbar fast jede Menschenseele ausgelöscht haben, birgt sicher Potenzial in diese Richtung. Gerade weil das Setting fernab von Zombies oder Mutanten angenehm geerdet wirkt.
Ein schwungvoller Floattrip
Dafür machen die Entwicklerveteranen von The Molasses Flood beim Gameplay einiges anders. Wir starten am Ufer eines Flusses, der durch die Katastrophe zu einem reißenden, gefährlichen Delta an verschiedenen Wasserwegen angeschwollen ist. Die Aufgabe ist es, uns und unseren treuen Hund als Begleiter auf einem ausbaubaren Floß sicher zur nächsten Anlegestelle zu navigieren. Das spielt sich nachvollziehbar, einigermaßen griffig und angenehm frisch. Welches Ziel wir dabei genau ansteuern, entscheiden wir selbst - oder auch unser Magen, denn es gilt, stets die Bedürfnisse Hunger, Durst, Temperatur und Schlaf im Blick zu behalten. Die ansteuerbaren Inseln sind in eine Handvoll Typen unterteilt. So gibt es Wildnis-Inseln, auf denen die Chance höher ist, Hasen oder Wölfe zum Jagen zu finden, oder verlassene Krankenhäuser für Medizin-Nachschub, wenn wir in der Hektik mal wieder aus Versehen das Hasenfleisch roh gegessen haben.
Hektik ist auch ein gutes Stichwort, denn das wechselhafte Wetter, gefährliche Raubtiere und die anderen Widrigkeiten dieser unwirtlichen Welt halten uns stets auf Trab. Ein gutes Inventarmanagement ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg, denn nur so lässt sich der Überblick über die Vielzahl an Craftingmöglichkeiten und den Stand des eigenen Bestands behalten. Allerdings pausiert das Spiel im Inventarmenü nicht - das heizt einem ordentlich ein, denn im strömenden Regen in Seelenruhe Zunder für das essentielle Lagerfeuer zu craften, ist nicht, wenn man nicht in Windeseile erfrieren möchte. Ich selbst habe diese Herangehensweise aber als angenehm herausfordernd und glaubwürdig wahrgenommen, da so die Gefahren der Natur nochmal etwas eindringlicher wirken. In der Realität kann man beim Griff in den Rucksack ja auch nicht einfach das Leben pausieren.
Fressen oder gefressen werden
Überhaupt ist The Flame in the Flood kein besonders gnädiges Spiel. Der einfachere der beiden Schwierigkeitsgrade verzeiht zwar durchaus auch mal ein bisschen Fehlmanagement oder einen unbeholfenen Einsatz des Jagdbogens gegen die wendigen Wildschweine, doch zu sehr sollte man sein Glück nicht herausfordern. Gerade zu kalte Kleidung kann sich schnell mal zum Todesurteil in der amerikanischen Wildnis entwickeln. Außerdem erklärt einem das Spiel kaum etwas, doch wie schon die nicht pausierbaren Menüs habe ich das als gute Designentscheidung wahrgenommen. Gerade die ersten Begegnungen mit einem oder gleich mehreren Wölfen haben so die besondere Würze bekommen - obwohl ich nur möglichst schnell Reißaus genommen habe, da ich noch keine Ahnung hatte, wie ich diesem Tier beikommen soll. Doch so wäre es realistisch betrachtet in echt ja auch.
Einen größeren Negativpunkt gibt es aber auch: Die Optik der Inseln wiederholt sich nach einigen Stunden doch sehr. Hier haben wohl Ressourcen für mehr Vielfalt gefehlt. Dieser Punkt war sicher auch ausschlaggebend, dass ich nach Beenden der Story dann nicht noch in das Gewässer des End(f)los(/ß)modus gestochen bin. Außerdem ist die Bedienung abseits der Floßsteuerung etwas umständlich.
The Flame in the Flood bringt mit seiner rauen, uramerikanischen Atmosphäre, der Floßmechanik und motivierenden Survivalmechaniken eine frische Strömung ins Genre. Soundtrack, Setting und Gameplay können die Kritikpunkte hinsichtlich der marginalen Story und der auf Dauer zu gleichförmigen Gestaltung der Inseln aber nicht gänzlich hinwegspülen.
584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.19 19:35
Von The Molasses Flood entwickelt und The Molasses Flood & Curve Digital rausgebracht.
Kalt ist die Nacht und düster, peitschende Winde treiben Sturmwolken vor sich her und Raben mit gelb glühenden Augen warten auf euer Ableben. Du sitzt am Feuer und wärmst dich auf, als ein Hund durch das Unterholz auf dich zukommt. Er zieht einen roten Rucksack mit sich, ein Emblem prankt auf dem Verschluss und im Innern befindet sich ein Radio. Du erfährst von einem sicheren Ort, dem Königreich, flussabwärts und begibst dich, zusammen mit deinem neuen vierbeinigen Freund, auf die suche nach jenem Zufluchtsort...
Ihr reist auf einem Fluss durch ein postapokalyptisches Amerika, legt an verfallenen kleinen Häfen entlang des reißenden Wassers an und trotzt der Natur. Begleitet wirst du von deinem treuen Hund, welcher einen Teil deines Gepäcks mit sich tragen kann und dich auf Ressourcen aufmerksam macht.
Je weiter du dem Fluss folgst, desto düsterer und gefährlicher wird die Welt.
Ihr steuert eure Figur oder das Floß via WASD, greift mit I auf euer Inventar zu und habt eine Reihe von Schnellzugriffen, unter anderem über die Tasten 1 (Medizin), 2 (Nahrung) und 3 (Fallen u.ä.). Eure Aufgabe besteht darin, eure Werte (Hunger, Durst, Körpertemperatur und Energie) oben zu halten, Knochenbrüche und Vergiftungen zu kurieren und dem Flusslauf mit eurem Floß zu folgen. Egal ob in der Wildnis oder in verfallenen Küstenstädten, überall verstecken sich Ressourcen und Gefahren. Schlechtes Wetter kann euch das Leben genauso schwer machen wie ein hungriger Wolf oder eine bissige Klapperschlange, gereizte Wildschweine und alles andere als knuddelige Teddybären. Ihr müsst Nahrung sammeln und gegebenenfalls haltbar machen, Wasser reinigen, eure Kleidung wetterfest machen und Arzeneimittel herstellen oder suchen. Mit Hilfe von Fallen könnt ihr nicht nur einen frischen Hasenbraten fangen, sondern euch auch gegen Wildschwein, Wolf und Bär behaupten.
Neben dem Wetter gibt es auch einen Tag und Nachtzyklus welcher einfluss auf eure Werte nehmen kann (kalte Nacht, heißer Tag u.a.).
Der Fluss ist ebenso voller Gefahren wie das Land. Reißende Stromschnellen und plötzlich auftauchendes Treibgut in Form von Kontainern, Autowracks und weggebrochenen Häuserhälften, machen die Fahrt zu einem Abenteuer. Wird euer Floß zu oft und schwer beschädigt geht ihr unter!
Das Spiel speichert automatisch sobald ihr einen Checkpoint erreicht habt, schlaft oder einen neuen Ankerplatz betretet.
Neben Tieren, die euch fressen wollen und welchen, die ihr futtern wollt, begegnen euch auch ein paar andere Menschen, welche in der Wildnis überleben und euch gelegentlich Tipps und sogar Ausrüstung geben.
Grafik und Sound
Die Charaktere sind in einem eigenwilligen Cartoon-Stil gehalten, die Tiere und die Landschaft hübsch gestaltet.
Neben den Tiergeräuschen, dem Rauschen des Windes, dem Prasseln des Regens und dem Klang der wilden Wasser; bietet dieses Spiel eine wirklich gute Hintergrundmusik, die teilweise nicht nur aus simplen Gedudel, sondern richtigen stimmungsvollen Songs mit Gesang bestehen.
Dieses Spiel fordert Geschick und Taktik. Es hält gut bei Laune und hat mich mehr als einmal die Zeit vergessen lassen.
Der Schwierigkeitsgrad wird stetig fordernder, aber nicht unfair. Wer Spaß an Survival-Spielen hat kann hier ruhig zugreifen.
Nicht Empfohlen
1708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 21:14
Flame in the flood is a survival game split into locations spread along a very long river, and the river itself. As with most survival games, you need to collect resources in each location and use them to stay alive or craft new items to, well, stay alive a bit longer.
There is a campaign mode, which can be set to checkpoint-based or permadeath, and an endless mode. I have just finished the campaign on permadeath mode and am contemplating whether to play one endless game until I get bored, or to mark the game as completed and move on to something else.
I would recommend this game on A BIG DISCOUNT and only if you're looking for a very charming, fairly-relaxing, tricky-at-times survival game that is also kind of relaxing to play, with great music, and if you can tolerate it being buggy or awkward and fairly repetitive throughout.
Lets start with some of the bugs or annoyances:
- none of my achievements have been recorded
- resources and hazards (that can kill you) can be obstructed by the scenery... I overcame this mentally by role-playing it (snakes are good at jumping out at you from behind things) and for looking out for other signs (your dog barks at snakes and snakes hiss, so if you hear hissing and you're near a house, don't go behind the house)
- the movement has a strange style that takes some getting used to
- a near game-ending bug (Angels Yard) that prevents the next section from loading. I restarted the game multiple times until it just worked
- the upgraded motor on the boat, using keyboard on PC, is unusable and almost caused me to die on the final stretch of the game, I would have gone mental if I hadn't made it through
- almost no story, the handful of characters you meet are really weird, but the ending is a nice twist!
- if you lose concentration early on then you will definitely die, you have to concentrate
- asides from that, it's not really challenging
Some people have said that the raft on the river is very awkward and difficult to control. I assume this was intentional from the devs and I actually like that part of the game. Yes, I was frustrated when I crashed but white-water-rapids-sailing is damned difficult and dangerous.
So if there are all these problems why do I like this game?
I don't really know.
- The music is excellent. It's really not just 'nice music', it's music that I would buy and play even when the computer is off, it's really good.
- There is something about that dog. That companion has some character. He got me into trouble by calling me over to him to pick up some plants that were in dangerous places, but he also saved my life quite a few times too by snarling at snakes. I enjoyed having him with me on my adventure.
- The whole game has a charm. It's a bit hard to explain.
If I can get the achievements to work somehow I'll play a game to get them all, otherwise I'll uninstall, but I'll sort of miss playing this game, a bit like a book with boring characters and no real story being told by a good storyteller.
I got the game back in May 2020 for less than $2. If you can do the same, yes get it. At full price, hmmm I am 51%/49% on the side of no.
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193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 20:09
869 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 17:07
The game has a handful of invisible checkpoints every now and then allowing you to continue after death without too much lost progress.
Stylistically I love the vibe of the game. A kind of lonely western feel. And the mechanics of the game remind me a lot of FTL, though not quite as deep.
Nicht Empfohlen
67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 18:27
It's frustrating, as if they didn't alpha test this game, that most of the game is about inventory management in a broken UI (really, what's fun about it?) and dealing with the bad mechanics of the river sailing.
I really wanted to love this game, but it's too flawed. It's worthless -and the sad part is that a patch to make it worthy wouldn't be that costly.
21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 16:18
Interesting game Idea for sure, Wholesome feeling while still realizing it is a Lonely experience. Thankfully you have your companion Dog to help with your adventures.
This game is designed around a unqiue premise of a flooded world with small protruding island areas and destroyed village buildings to explore, you raft down a raging river in hopes to find supplies to survive, thats right.. its survival crafting game.
I enjoyed my 30 mins with the game, explored a couple areas but you can die easily if you don't have the right stuff, game can feel repetitive and that's in just 30 mins..
Overall its uniqueness gives it a recommend but I do feel like I have played this recently in similar titles.
Pick it up on sale
1344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 18:14
Nicht Empfohlen
813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 20:46
377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 02:47
And yeah, it is hard, but hard in the way all survival games are. Just hoard health items and anything edible, use your jars in the rain and seek shelter asap, and just leave the island if you see active wolves running around. I only had trouble in one section of the game where my raft was at 10% HP and it was all rapids, so I kept drowning, but otherwise nothing too rage-inducing.
Need help for region 7 and the relevant campaign quest? [spoiler]craft a torch, sprint straight down the middle of the map so the wolves follow you but dont attack because of the fire. Stop right before the bear and run around that area a bit. If you do it right, the bear should start attacking the wolves, leaving his den so that you can read the note on the left machine with enough time. Either have a second torch for the run back, or get lucky that the wolves are dead/still pre-occupied with the bear that nothing attacks you[/spoiler]
520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 05:52
There are two modes, a story mode and an endless mode. On the story mode, you have the option to use checkpoints. You play as a protagonist trying to survive in what is essentially a post-apocalyptic world. Your main mode of travel is down a river, where you dock at various stops along the way to gather supplies, seek shelter from storms, and if playing the story, progress at certain points. This game has enemies, but it isn't really combat orientated - not a bad thing in my opinion.
There is a little bit of a learning curve, especially with the raft mechanics. I spied at least one person complaining about said mechanics. Honestly, it's not that bad (with a mouse), and it's clearly INTENTIONALLY supposed to be less than ideal, as you're supposed to upgrade your raft later. I don't see this as a drawback, but I can imagine the rafting can scare away players. Stick with it, and even with an unupgraded raft, most players will do fine with practice.
My favorite thing about the game was mainly the feel of it. It's rather unique for a game in this genre! The music was pleasant (helped set the tone). It was a unique world that actually interested me (which I cannot say for a lot of games in this genre), so that helped motivate me to see more.
My main criticisms of the game are the differences between the two modes and a couple of bugs I encountered. The bugs I found weren't that bad. Primarily minor graphical issues, such as a dead bear appearing alive, some clipping, or items in the water appearing to float occasionally. There was one consistent glitch, though, that was annoying. When certain loot containers spawn in front of a building in the fish shop locations, it BLOCKS the player from looting or resting in that shop. That was an issue in two of my runs, as I really needed fishing line and a place to rest. Honestly, I imagine that one wouldn't be too bad to fix (disable one of the spawn locations), but it's still an issue regardless.
For the modes, my main issue is that they feel very much the same. The endless mode feels just like the story mode; there's not much difference between the two in terms of gameplay. Thus, when you beat the story, I see little replay value in endless mode. If you'd went through the story mode, then you've seen most of what the game has to offer (from what I've seen, unless you have to go like... 100 miles in or something like that). But even IF there is content that far off, the modes are just too samey for me to go in for more. Thus, for me, this is a rather short game.
But, short experiences aren't bad!
Overall, I would recommend this game. Due to its length, I cannot recommend it at the full price of $15, but on sale, it is definitely a good pick up!
Nicht Empfohlen
453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 17:15
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287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 12:23
I tried getting into this a few years back but found it quite buggy and unsatisfying to play. Unfortunately a lot of my issues with the game are still present; the raft controls are very flimsy - causing you to smash into a lot of obstacles you’re actively trying to avoid - and the crafting and scavenging interfaces/mechanics (whilst on-foot) are very clunky and confusing.
It’s a nice idea and one I can’t help but feel would be much better with more satisfying core gameplay mechanics paired with some tough decisions to make when using them.
392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 12:51
The graphic style and atmosphere is remarkable, and I loved the soundtrack.
However, despite not being a very long game (around 7-10 hours), I found it quite repetitive.
In any case, it's a good option if you like games of this style.
6.3 / 10
Nicht Empfohlen
836 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 14:50
Float down a river, stop off at slightly differing dock points, stay alive by not wrecking your raft too often, getting killed by creatures, and keeping your main stats up (hunger, thirst, temperature, and exhaustion). Do this for long enough (10 regions, 40 miles) and you'll reach the end. If you die, any inventory items you had on your dog (up to 6) will still be on him when you start a new game. Otherwise you lose everything.
The game has 2 difficulties, a newbie difficulty (lets you reload to the beginning of the region you died in + your stats drain much slower) and the normal default difficulty where you die and lose everything that's not on your dog (though I think it might checkpoint every 3 regions. I'm not sure since I never died after region 2.)
I started my first game on the newbie difficulty and ran into some major bugs on that journey in region 2 (about an hour and a half in). I ran into one bug where my character wouldn't move. So I was forced to quit out and reload my game. When I went to the dock to leave, instead of going back out into the water, the game loaded me into some sort of bugged out eternal fog. I could hear water, but the entire screen aside from the raft was just gray and I couldn't move. Unfortunately, reloading and going to the dock again resulted in the same thing. So there was no choice but to start a new game. I moved up to the normal difficulty and didn't run into these bugs again.
In terms of other bugs I ran into, most of them were animation related. Bears are also buggy. When you shoot them with an arrow, they're supposed to run out and chase you, but about 50% of the time they'll just sit in their cave roaring nonstop.
The main problem with this game is that it's extremely repetitive, overly long (if you're consistently stopping at docks, this'll take you around 9-10 hours), and mostly non-challenging. I think I died 3 times total (once on purpose to a boar early on to see how injuries and such work, once because the raft controls horribly and it freaked out on me, and once to a group of 3 wolves I think). The fourth try was easy going for the most part. By the end of region 3, I had so many supplies I didn't know what to do with them. I could've sailed through several regions in a row without stopping if I felt like it. Once you have a basic understanding of the only real creature threats (wolves), the only 2 threats left are if your raft decides to go out of control or if you're scrounging through a cleared area and the game decides to screw you by spawning a wolf or multiple wolves when it turns sunset.
There are some other major issues. The crafting system is really awkward to use and sometimes bugs out (in mostly minor but annoying ways). I found it annoying that you have to look at items in the crafting menu to see what they required, rather than the items themselves telling you what they could be used for. As an example, fishing lines and fishing hooks are only used for one recipe (to make stitching kits). But unless you scroll through every single craftable item, there's no way to know this. So it can be time consuming seeing what each item is actually used for. If they had simply put a list of possible recipes each item could be used on, it would've saved a lot of time.
As mentioned, the raft controls horribly. Sometimes it simply won't turn in the direction you tell it and will start freaking out. You can't really do much when this happens other than hope you're not around a bunch of rocks or floating debris. Fortunately by region 3, you'll have so much extra wood and nuts and bolts that healing your raft isn't a big deal and this mostly becomes a slight aggravation. There are also invisible currents in the waters that will sometimes prevent your boat from going certain ways or cause it to freak out as well.
The game doesn't pause while you're in the crafting menu. This was obviously done so you don't just craft defensible weapons in the middle of being attacked. However, this comes with the downside that anytime you're in the menu, your stats are still draining. This can be especially annoying early on in the game when you're still trying to learn all the craftable items and spending long periods of time going through the menus. Later on this won't matter much as you'll realize there's never really any danger of running out of any stat since you'll have so much extra food, water, and be able to sleep on your raft once you upgrade it.
The camera angles are horrible. The camera on the river will sometimes be angled in awkward ways that prevent you from seeing/steering well. On land, there are sometimes buildings and environmental foreground things that prevent you from seeing through them. This can be especially annoying if they hide snakes or other things that can harm/attack you.
I don't hate the Flame in the Flood. It's simply a very average game due to its myriad of issues. It overstays its welcome by a large amount of time. I was ready for it to be done by region 6 but it just keeps going. By region 6, you've seen everything the game has to offer and it's simply rote repetition from there on out. There's a lack of anything really threatening or interesting. The few times you run into actual people aren't memorable or interesting. Then you have to keep in mind that at any point, you might run into a game breaking bug.
1752 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 20:17
704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 04:16
Flame is probably the most comparable to Don't Starve on a superficial level, as the player gathers needed things along a flooded river path in a post civilization scenario. The game consists of stop offs with random resources for your journey, where you maintain your food, water, thermal insulation levels, etc. Unlike Don't Starve, it's not a sandbox, but a linear path and you're not trying to build your own little space, but simply survive the journey to wherever exactly you're going. Indeed, I had little idea where the story was going- there is a plot, but it's very generalized and feels like your destinations are mcguffins.
Scout, the protagonist, is a cute if strangely designed backwoods heroine with a visual style that reminds me of Picasso's cubism interests. She is accompanied by a loyal dog named Aesop, who helps her find resources along the way and warns of danger. There are very few speaking characters to encounter and almost none of them have any real importance to anything going on. Beyond that, you occasionally find a quilt that tells a brief story of someone who lived in the area before the flood, but that's mainly just flavor text. Your journey is very isolated to Scout's day to day. By the second half of the game, Scout has almost no communication with anyone anywhere. I understood why, but I found this to be disappointing. Scout's journey is a little too repetitive, as once you get to region 6, you've seen basically everything. I would have appreciated more NPCs for color commentary.
Typically, I find most survival games with crafting systems to be obtuse and tedious. I'm never interested in learning what eldritch combination of junk is required to upcycle something into some doo-hickey. It's rarely ever fun, imo. Flame does an okay job with it, outside of an overly limited inventory system and occasional need for a workshop to assemble something. I feel like if you don't like heavy crafting systems, Flame is fine. I played around 2 short sessions to get a feel for things and it wasn't hard to pick up, although the sub-menu can get annoying to keep diving back into.
Flame forces you to think tactically. Scout can't fight at all (with one less than potent and costly exception), but she can assemble traps to kill the predators roaming the woods with, assuming you were lucky/able to bring along the resources to make said traps. Because resources are sparing, you need to pick what stop offs you're going to hunt animals at. Still, sometimes animals will attack each other, saving you the trouble if you're fortunate (unless it's a bear fighting something else... GTFO of there immediately, it will not end well for you!). One such strategy that I found useful was when the snakes begin showing up. I was able to lure boars and wolves alike towards them, which went a long way to saving valuable gear.
As for what I mentioned before, Scout can eventually use a bow. Outside of bear hunting, this weapon is buggy at best. It frequently needs to be coaxed to show its weird aiming reticle and it's not accurate at all. Arrows are very expensive to make and you don't get to re-use them.
Musically, this game is on point. I loved the John Denver-ish backwoods ballads that would pop up during some river sequences. Very professional sounding. All other times, there's either silence or vague musical tones in the background.
One has to mention the rafting. I'm mixed on this one. Riding the rapids and dodging rocks was usually kind of fun, but even when you get your rudder installed, the raft handles like a drunk shopping cart. There's weird interactions where Scout's boat just won't turn right, probably due to how the currents are angled in a spot, so occasionally I'd smash unintentionally just trying to turn Scout's raft around but the game kept fighting it. Another time, she got stuck at the base of some rough water and got locked in place for almost a minute. The boat was a bit too stubborn to control well.
Speaking of controls, I ran into a weird bug at times where Scout would just start running in a single direction and nothing would stop her short of restarting. No idea why. I think they had some issues on non-context (click x to pick something up) actions with the controls. Aside from the raft, it's very noticeable that the bow does not control well at all either. Otherwise, Scout moves well enough.
The thing is, this game lacks replayability. It's a long journey and from region 6 on, there's no more NPCs to meet, nothing new to do, and the individual regions get extremely long. Boredom can set in, especially in the second half, so I recommend just playing in modest spurts by that point. I dunno, I feel like the game is missing content or something by then.
Flame is a mixed bag, but I generally enjoyed the charming backwood design and simple crafting flow in the first half of the game. The second was getting closer to a dreary task, and sadly, I have little of positive note to say about it. After a while, once I had my cold weather gear going and the raft was built up, it was rarely worth stopping at camps and forests anymore. Flame is not outrageously difficult once you understand what the game expects you to do, but you can still get unlucky with predators along the way.
Flame needed polish and a little more content, but I generally liked my experience.
460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.21 02:52
While the Flame in the Flood's gameplay is enjoyable, there are definitely a few glaring weaknesses. There are dozens of items to craft and upgrade throughout the campaign, but I had crafted almost every item by the game's midpoint and at no point was I really desperate for supplies. It quickly became advantageous to just bypass as many landings as possible as there was little I needed to reach the endgame. Regardless, the game's biggest weakness lies in its repetitiveness. While repetition is pretty common in survival and roguelike games, every landing in the Flame in the Flood quickly feels the same. The layouts may vary and the loot may differ, but nearly every landing looks the same as the last. Despite its imperfections, I'm glad I played the Flame in the Flood and would recommend it, but it's one of those titles that I likely won't be revisiting.
+ Excellent art style
+ Great atmosphere and sound
+ Excellent premise
+ Ability to upgrade tools and equipment
+ Nice, simple UI
+ Includes an endless mode
- Very repetitive
- Frustrating storage system
- Camera angle can be difficult at times
- Performance issues
- Clunky combat
- Low replayability
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409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 00:18
937 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 15:58
My only 3 complaints are:
1: there are a few bugs that can lead to death (get bitten by a snake and unable to move ect.), that when playing Perma-death can be dangerous although most of the bugs can be fixed by going to the main menu then back on the game
2: My biggest complaint is that you can't configure controls, but the controls are good anyway but i wish i could change inventory to 'E' rather than 'I'
3: YOU CAN'T PET THE DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good game, i got it when it was on sale for £3 so it was a easy grab, but i would say the base price is also worth it.
As there is high re-play ability, with the harsh game-play that can kill you any time, also with the endless mode (which i have yet to try)
I recommend the hardest difficulty as it is not that hard compared to the easy mode, and if you want to get your moneys worth with play time the perma-death helps with that.
TL;DR: Game is good, play hardest mode for moneys worth on play time, buy game.
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601 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 21:20
Tbh I was disappointed by this game bc I really liked how it was presented unfortunately the gameplay is not diversified enough and I was bored after 2 hours of gameplay :(
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78 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 10:58
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42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 06:18
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134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 06:50
WTF is this game design. So that is that.
Although the style is endearing, and I was quite hopeful to play it, it is a strict survival game where bad luck and lack of experience controlling your raft will get you killed often.
If you like survival games, you might like it, but I cannot recommend it to my friends who are more RPG players.
The feeling of accomplishment was very weak in the face of the lack of player agency or feeling of helplessness. You can be fully fed, because you ate 2 rabbits and 10 other food items, and yet die of starvation in about 24 hours in-game (which is not long), notably after being wounded. I was on my raft, where your backpack is not accessible, without a close landing spot, and just starved. I did not feel like I got to struggle to survive. Instead I felt I just hit one noobish bad luck (a boar rammed me at high speed), I suddently became ultra hungry, died on the raft, period. It is black and white die/survive.
I hate games that make me feel like I am constantly on the verge of starving.
Speaking of the raft... good luck not crashing all over the place (mouse/keyboard), not choosing the right direction... and dying again. You have no map... The river flow added to the feeling I had little choice.
Autosaves compounded the feeling I had little agency. When you die, it offers you a choice among some autosaves which give you almost no information as to what state you were in. You cannot even choose a solid backup save point.
After two hours of feeling I was helpless at avoiding surprising deaths, I raged quit and uninstalled.
I might try it another time, because I am fucken stubborn and the style is nice.
538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 21:13
Played it on my Nintendo and since I have a controller for my PC again.
Its not overloaded with billions of crafting tools. Its a simple survival game with an ending :)
And I can pick a game mode thats made for me - a lazy pr0 gamer, not - who just want to play a bit for fun.
Absolutly love the artwork.
2474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 04:42
“And we're rolling, rolling, rolling yeah
Rolling on the river~ ????????”
~John Fogerty, Proud Mary
Survival games... I don't like them. Don even think I can name one single game of such kind I ever enjoyed. From The Long Dark to Don't Starve. I've hated 'em all. I dunno, there's just something about games, in which you're supposed to look for food, fight the deceases, collect the materials for crafting and do some other annoying stuff just... to be able to keep playing. Something like that just doesn't feel right to me. I'm totally unable to see how something like that can be fun. To me? It's exactly us fun as waiting in line or cleaning the room. Naturally, I didn't really like The Flame in the Flood. Because all of the details aside, what we have here is yet another one of such games. But. The fact that such games are clearly not for me doesn't mean that they're bad. And this one? There's actually a lot of good in it. Like... a lot.
First of all, I really enjoyed the atmosphere here. It feels like some sort of mix between Marc Caro's / Jean-Pierre Jeunet's The City of Lost Children (in case you didn't see that movie – you totally should do it, there's even a video game based on it) and Supergiant Games' BASTION. Even though visuals in this game are pretty basic and the story barely exists, the atmosphere is totally here and it feels pretty awesome. Add a pretty interesting concept (long story short – your main goal here is to travel down the river on the raft, while trying to survive as long as possible) and you'll see why this game stands out among the others. You may say a lot of things about it, but this game? It's sure a thing on its own. Like it or not, but there's still nothing like it.
Another good thing about this game is that it's... quite addicting, really. Like most of the really addicting games, this one comes with a pretty basic gameplay mechanics. The UI is pretty basic and the basic won't take long to learn. But at the same time, the game is pretty rewarding and actually achieving something in it feels pretty good. Both in the story mode, in which your objective is to reach the tenth zone, and in so-called endless mode, in which, as you can easily guess from its name, there's no end and your only goal will be to get as far as possible. The Flame in the Flood is a pretty slow game, but somehow... it works.
On the other hand, this game comes with a full share of our usual survival games' problems. With the biggest one being the fact that this game... is pretty repetitive. You can see pretty much everything this game has to offer in the very first zone you'll visit and... that's it. There won't be anything else here. Also, I must say that there's a serious lack of variety. There are only a few types of the places you can visit, while visiting them will be the only thing you can do here. Wilderness, Camp, Famstead, Church, Marina, Bait Shack. Clinic, Liquor Store, Filling Station and Hardware Store. That's the entire game. You'll sail from one of those biomes to another, collecting and crafting stuff, while hoping for the best. There's nothing else here. Literally. Nothing.
Naturally, with close to no story and no optional objectives (technically, those are here, but all of them are just simple tasks like crafting or consuming some certain items) for people like yours truly all that may feel... well, boring and overall pointless. Personally, I get tired of such games in less than an hour. But for those of us who actually enjoy survival games? The Flame in the Flood may actually be a pretty charming experience. Don't expect it to be one of those big and complicated games with tons of content. This game? It's one of those cute little gems with close to no real ambitions. But for what it is? It's really nice. Imagine Supergiant Games making a survival title. The Flame in the Flood? It's the closest thing to that you can ever get. Dixi.
380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 02:38
In order to imitate the bug you should have;
empty bottle
raft with water filter (should be collector not filter)
Once you triggered the quest go to the land then go back to your raft. Select the water fill option then you'll get stucked. Your character is just sitting there, no nothing, cant escape. 30 mins passed by and still nothing lol
2377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 02:11
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802 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 16:45
Gameplay a bit repetitive and at some point you can avoid making any stops
I never died and ended up with 10x jerky in my inventory at the end
Also it's quite buggy
A roguelike that doesn't make you want to play it again
592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 13:19
This game is NOT for everyone. If you like walking simulators and endless survival games then you will enjoy it.
-You don't have a tutorial, but the game is pretty easy to learn if it is not your first time playing this type of game.
-It is hard to control the raft. If you can not control it, you are going to keep crashing into things and repair your raft numerous times.
-Illnesses, bites (ant bites, wolf bites), poisonings are hard things to deal with. If you don't have a pouch your inventory is full immediately. Try to ignore the wolf bites as much as you can, you'll die from sepsis.
Overall I really liked the game, I'm not sure if its too much but I survived 11 days on my first try. The game is getting harder every region and you encounter with different kinds of animals. If you like The Long Dark, Don't Starve and such, you will like this game.
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5460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 16:34
This game is okay for about an hour, or the first playthrough of the story mode, but neither the story, characters, nor gameplay is captivating and eventually gets incredibly repetitive and boring. The art style is nice and unique, but that doesn't save the game in the slightest.
The only flame this game gave me was the flame of frustration in the flood of depression throughout my body while playing this game.
2508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 16:04
Gameplay is challenging but not too complex. It's easy to get the hang of. The number of items and recipes is just right, too. Being able to save items for your next attempt in your dog's inventory is one of the standout features. It allows you to prep and thus calibrate the difficulty of your journey to your liking. There are a few bugs (reusable tainted bait, eternal torch) that can be exploited and some achievements don't work perfectly. But all in all nothing gamebreaking. There's a good variety of different location types for a single playthrough though things can get repetitive after a while. But the campaign is not that long and the few unique locations, the unique encounters and the backstory will easily carry you through. Endless mode wasn't for me but those who still want more can find some very hard challenges there.
This game was bundled to death, you can often get it for cents. At that price you can't go wrong with it. It's absolutely worth it even just to play through the campaign once.
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 18:41
⠸⠿⡀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⣀⡴⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡀
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣷⣶⣮⣭⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇
892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 16:26
In my opinion, this makes a game really good. I played with my GF this weekend.
Story: There aint much of a story, besides all people are gone, some kind of mysterious end of the world and you want to find shelter/other people. Circumstances of the apocalypse are unclear, still much up to fantasy. Whenever you meet other characters they are quite cute, unique and interestingly designed. 5/10
Gameplay: Some minor problems here and there but all in all a good handling. We played with Controller. The game is very unforgiving tho. But once you figure it out (Tea is OP) it's very nice. Its fairly easy to cheese most animals tho. We played a whole day, some night and half of the next day. It really captured us and we wanted to really beat the game. If you want a challenging, unforgiving but fair game to be sunken in - that's gonna do it. 7.5/10
Graphics: Here and there shading is weird and light effects are kind of trashy. But overall the design and the mood really get me. 7/10
Music: The music is gorgeous, moody and gives a lonely roadtrip vibe. Love. 8/10
Enjoyment: I thinks it's nothing you'd play rather often. Still nice to spend time, play together, beat the game, speculate or waste a rainy day with - liked it a lot. 9/10
TOTAL: 7.5/10
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8450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 15:52
Most annoying: despite having been ported to mac and all major consoles there is no Linux port and probably will never be.
So overall I have to give this a negative rating. Buy this game only on discount if you really want to play it.
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111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 14:59
8331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 18:46
Bugs exist such as item models despawning but still being able to grab the items, torches that can never burn out, and about a third of the achievements not appearing without jumping through the game files. However all these either benefit or don't matter for the base experience.
The developer's commentary is a nice addition that explains some lingering questions I had while also showing off everyone on the development team. It's bonus feature that is rare among video games that I will always enjoy.
Overall the game has great tone and presentation, a good if short soundtrack, and present but benign bugs. Pick it up if you want a good journey.
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156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 23:12
The last hope. A possible return to normal life, or at least something akin to it.
So, you grab up your bag, and depart from your miserable island, reading the posters and notes along the way as a form of tutorial of what's to come. A raft. You use it, to go downriver, of course. A few abandoned places along the way, a mill, maybe a fishing cabin, all of these, separated as islands. Something very wrong has happened in the United States.
And that's the good part of the game. The gameplay revolves around controlling this raft downstream, in a clunky way, of course. Receiving damage from it. Going to islands to get loot, craft something to help you in your journey, and try to get to the end, with a few wild animals along the way. The closer you are to your objective, the higher the difficulty, and trying to survive the attack of a few feral animals at the same time is almost impossible, since combat is nonexistant in this game.
So, it's repetitive and boring. There aren't random events, interesting NPCs, or surprises. You get what you've been seeing since the start, and that's about it. That's why it starts great, but falls after a while.
There's nothing in this game to push you, to keep you going. It's just boring. The soundtrack is quite good, a mixture of country and old school sound. The graphics are quite interesting and unique. The controls are really simple and nothing to talk about.
So, it's a no from me. The meat of a game with this premise is both the lore and the gameplay, and they're both faulty after a while.
687 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 18:47
Steam Grup :
- - -[ Audience: ] - - -
☐ Kids
☑ Everyone
☐ Everyone except kids
☑ Casual players
☐ Pro players
☐ People who plan to take one game and make it their life
- - - [ Graphics/Animation: ] - - -
☐ I want to poor bleach in my eyes
☐ Bad, but playable.
☑ Decent
☐ Good
☐ Beautiful
☐ You forget what reality is
---[ Price: ]---
☐ Free
☐ Buy now
☐ Worth the price
☑ Wait for sale
☑ Maybe if you have some spare money left
☐ Do not buy it
☐ Do not throw money into a trash can
- - - [ Requirements: ] - - -
☐ Check if you can run paint
☑ 90's PC
☐ Minimum
☐ Medium
☐ High end
☐ NASA computer
- - - [ Difficulty: ] - - -
☐ You just need 2 arms
☐ Easy
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Average (Depends on the difficulty set)
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Only the best of the best can complete this game
☐ Nothing
☐ Only if you care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ A bit grindy...sometimes
☐ Go back to the last village and shoot some more scarecrows
☐ Practically a full time job
- - - [ Story] - - -
☐ Only gameplay, doesn't include a story.
☐ There is a story, but most of the game is focused on gameplay.
☐ Better than nothing I suppose...
☑ Average.
☐ Decent.
☐ Amazing!
☐ It‘ll replace your life
- - - [ Bugs ] - - -
☐ Game itself is one big BUG
☐ Ark: Survival Evolved
☐ Lot of bugs (Can get annoying)
☐ Few Bugs
☐ You can use them for speedrun
☑ Nothing (I've seen)
---[ Game Time ]---
☐ Long enough for a cup of tea
☐ Short
☐ Not too short
☑ Depends on you
☐ Long
☐ Very Long
☐ Endless
- - - [ Enjoyment ] - - -
☐ One long, tedious grind
☑ Better than mobile
☐ Fun at first, but gets old quick
☐ Consistently fun
☐ Can't stop playing, even though I should be finished
1501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 06:22
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37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 16:31
For a game that tries to include a crafting system, it's not very well managed. The crafting menu doesn't sort well, and there is no option to custom sort it. Clothes only display their stats when they are unequipped and in your backpack. Once you start wearing them, you can't see the bonuses anymore. The raft maneuvering is kind of annoying if you aren't used to it.
Last but not least, the game tried to implement a quick-use system where you can press 1, 2, or 3 to use your items quickly. There are 2 glaring issues with that:
Overall, if you can play well with bad mechanics, this might be well worth your time, but it bothered me too much. It feels very unpolished, and I don't recommend getting it.
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14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 04:10
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 03:11
Let's start with the good:
- The game's soundtrack is on point.
- The graphics, while they're not stunning, they're very unique and eye-catching.
- The idea behind the game. Scavenging through a post-apocalyptic scenery has something strangely tranquil about it.
Now onto the annoying bits:
- Menu and inventory management. You'll end up spending ten's of minutes in your inventory either figuring out how to craft something or micromanaging your backpacks as to not waste space.
- Gameplay errors. I've had the game crash on me twice, nothing in-game was lost aside starting from the last checkpoint but it takes away from the immersion.
And lastly the outright awful parts:
- Gameplay breaking bugs. Now this is by far the game's greatest flaw. Near the end of the game my inventory lost some items after reloading numerous times. Thankfully there's an alternative to combat via torches, had I not had the materials for those I would have needed to start again from the beginning
The Flame in the Flood is a beautiful and atmospheric game with a great soundtrack and decent gameplay. If you can look past the clumsy inventory management I highly recommend this game. If you're too worried about crashes I recommend you get it during a sale since it's worth playing through at least once!
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221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 18:52
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1619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 11:42
Its a shame, it could be soo good.
In Short:
+ Soundtrack
+ Visual Style
- Balancing
- Combat
- Controls
- bugs
In longer:
Its frustrating as fuck if you start your trip with 5 clean water and die of thirst because there is no well or something. The Combat doesn't exist because later in the game you have 3 wolves and 1 bear on one location, yeah you can lure the wolves to the bear but most of the times the bear and wolves gang rapes you instead of fighting each other. You see a wolve simply turn around and look for another location. Spear traps or the stupid bow and arrow is so cost inefficient that the location could never replenish the ressources you wasted.
A simple calculation: 3 Arrow each wolf = 3 sapling + 3 flints. 1 Speartrap each Wolf = 3 sapling and 3 ropes. What is the more advanced Tool?
The Bow is a stupid idea in all meanings: you have to aim and each movement resets the aim procedure that means you have to hope that the wolf stays in one place for 3 arrows and dont hit you because then you have to select the bow out of your inventory and start over. You can't move while aiming and the arrows arent reusable ah yeah you have to rebuild the bow after ~ 20 Arrows. You waste more ressources for more disadvantages, like the devs didn't thought someone would play that long. And no the Ressources are scarce on these locations you can find 50 Dendelion but no Sapling so combat is a very bad idea once you got the fur of the anaimal for your clothes. If you are looking for Water you can't aim at one location or the other because they are all randomized and if you have 10 days of rain in a row you need a shelter to get warm again its not guaranteed that you find something and if you find one then you are lucky because there are 3 wolves guarding the shelter. Pick your poison and stfu
A lot of potential down the sink
1610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 20:28
There are just a few enemies Bears,Wolfs,Snakes and Boars who can kill the player if distracted, they are all pretty easy to avoid/deal if you know what you are doing, I personally dont find the game challenging after some hours of gameplay, but I did enjoyed the experience in learning the game, and also it is quite interesting to try to complete the archivements like.. complete the campaign without killing any animals or survive the first 40 days in Endless by only consuming meat..
I would say I recommend this game for a chill experience, but if you are looking for a challenge you should look somewhere else.
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561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 09:03
I bought it thinking it would be relaxing. Instead it's rage inducing.
It's too difficult. You either have luck with the random generated stuff of you will die countless times.
Sleeping or reaching a place to save is useless because when you die, you get reset to way before that. I lost save games multiple times. Now as I finish this review, the controls stopped working and only the mouse works. I cannot play it anymore and will have to leave the game unfinished.
Avoid this excuse of a game.
729 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 18:47
It was fun while it lasted
A beautiful Survival Indie Game with great music and attractive graphics. Once you figure out the basics and mechanics of how the game is played it can be quite enjoyable to play, you would find yourself travelling down the river on a raft and explore woods nonstop for hours even if you would do the same things over and over again. It is a really fun experience but I feel like it's one of those game that once you got the best of it everything just goes a little bland. There are also quite a few bugs especially a major one on fighting bears and it happens quite often and its really annoying. Overall this game is wonderful! It makes you feel relaxed without losing the distressed feeling that is a must in survival games.
912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 05:27
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864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 01:01
Let's start with the good. This game looks and sounds utterly gorgeous. Watching the sun rise over the river as you listen to some amazing tunes is a definite highlight. The downsides, however, are utterly rage inducing. The controls on the river (while I'm sure representative of actually rafting without a rudder) mean that it's borderline luck that you go where you want to and do not end up smashing to bits against the rocks. If you do become a human pinball, you then come up against the second issue with luck: locations. Assuming you have hoarded the necessary components while fighting a UI that hates you you then need to pray to the RNG gods that you'll happen upon a repair station before you become so much floating splinters. The same goes for every other hazard. I understand that it's meant to be a survival game, but I feel the designers left too much survival and not enough game.
A lot of this could be forgiven were it not for the UI. It. Is. Abysmal. The number of times I found myself at a location with plenty of resources and not enough inventory spaces, then had to schlep my way back to the raft and (intending to micromanage my inventory with the rafts) clicked on the raft ONLY TO THEN BOARD THE RAFT AND LEAVE SAID LOCATION WITH NO HOPE OF RETURNING was far too high.
+Very, Very Pretty
++Sound Design is amazing
-RNG needs significant tweaking
----------------Whoever designed the UI hates humans
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70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 22:36
936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 16:03
Even if there are some bugs (mostly graphic glitches and inventory stuff) like filling a jar with gas and it disappear if you don't have room for it. Also an irritating scroll inventory bug where you jump down automatically (using gamepad). But even with these small bugs I can recommend the game.
1303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 08:17
I'll start by saying that the only reason I'm giving this game a positive review, is that it's an indie game made by a small group of 2 developers and 1 artist.
And I like to support small indie developers, because they grow up into large developers and eventually make great game.
This game is not a great game.
On the positive side:
The graphics are cartoony and unique, and give an original look & feel to the game.
The animations exist for all actions you do, and the game feels finished on that aspect.
The score it pretty good too, and changes fittingly according to the weather and time-of-day.
The crafting is arguably the best part of the game. You have plenty of items you can craft, and the base items needed for them range from common to rare, with a good progression over time.
Now for the less positive sides.
The combat is basically non-existent. You can run away, and you can set traps. You have no real chance head-to-head against the animals you encounter. I was mostly forced to employ game bugs to survive and kill them (some areas enemies are blocked from entering). Otherwise the game would be over pretty soon.
The game has no save feature - which is weird for a modern game. You have very rare save points, which force you to play the game for hours, just to be able to save your progress. You simply cannot play this game 0.5-1 hour, because your progress will not be saved.
The difficulty of the game sucks out all the fun from it, and prevents you from progressing. You are given barely enough resources to sustain yourself and fend-off enemies, which leaves you unable to craft the more advanced items in the game.
And the worst part, which basically makes it a sandbox simulation, technical demo or an early access game:
Is that it virtually has no plot whatsoever.
You raft on the river, from location to location, scavenging (and barely making by).
And that's it.
There are around 5-7 different location types.
And you're forced to do that hours upon hours, without any purpose or end in sight.
Don't be fooled by my 22 hours play time, most of the time was spent reloading from last save after being insta-killed by enemies.
Or playing the game for 1-2 hours, only to discover there were no auto-save points in my gameplay, so none of my progress was saved.
I ended up using cheats to actually get to the ending of the game (by the look of it, it would have taken me 10+ hours of pointless grind to reach it otherwise).
Only to discover it was as underwhelming as the rest of the game.
So to the developers:
This looks like a great technical demo made with minimal resources, and you guys have tons of potential.
Next time please make a full game!
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1127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 01:26
My first play through was rough and I found very little useful items. To the point I had not completed a single task before I died. On my second attempt the basic supplies were far more abundant. The static camera causes items and enemies to be hidden behind trees and buildings. The UI is poorly designed. While crafting the game is not paused and with a large verity of items the list gets long particularly for clothing. The list can be set to just items in a specific group but can't be all but x. There are no keyboard shortcuts to navigate the journal that encompasses the 5 tabs quests injuries crafting inventory clothing.
There are many bugs that can cause wildlife to glitch and become uninteractable, however they may still be able to move around.
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1260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 01:54
For the entire time within the game I cannot fathom why I was not having fun as the entire cycle of the game involved me having to micromanage everything from hunger, hydration, temperature, health and fatigue.
Sure some would argue that this is a survival game where you must micromanage everything, sure, I would concede that they are right.
There are however really bad game design within the game that are puzzling to me why they did it that way.
For instance, new players may not activate really important recipes until they get certain quantities of material, this is a problem because if they are unfortunate enough to unlock the recipe halfway throughout the game, your chances of survival take a nosedive through no fault of their own. For example on a playthrough I didn't unlock the bow, snare, box trap until half way through the campaign.
The way the game deals with animal combat is terrible as the only way to fight them is Spear Trap, Tainted Bait, Bow/Arrow, the issue that the materials to craft these items are incredible scarce late into the game causing you to pass the landing, chicken out by jumping back into the raft and be on your way.
Illness mechanics are not fun as if you have too many then you are utterly f'ed because unless you hoarded tons of medical supplies your sorry @zz is dead since you will probably die before you get to a clinic location on river and even then you may not find the right medication.
The camera will actively fight you when trying to steer around rapids on the river, usually be obscuring obstacles by panning too far to the left or right or zooming in too far.
The game needs a lot more thought and design before it can really be great.
1843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 12:48
I have not seen any other games quite like this one and it certainly sets a high standard for indie games. During gameplay, you have to set out on a raft to reach islands and explore them in order to obtain materials, food, clothes, etc to survive. You always have to be making decisions regarding crafting and which islands you choose to stop at. As well you always have to prepare for the worst as more dangerous regions, with vicious predators and little food are coming your way. The campaign has a small story and a reason for going down the river that you'll get to experience. Albeit sometimes having to start over again after being killed.
I've seen negative reviews of the game with some people stating that it is too difficult to control the raft, resulting in you drowning and losing the game. In my opinion, the raft controls are satisfactory. You can use the WASD keys in a motion as if you were driving a car. It's important to note that the raft is supposed to be difficult to control up until you build a rudder onto it for better control. I've also seen people saying that the game doesn't pause when you're accessing the crafting menus. I personally think that the game is supposed to be like that, being that you're always supposed to find a safe place before using the crafting menus. There was this one glitch I experienced with the game where if you build a campfire too close to your raft (right near the transition point to your raft), then the game glitches you out of the map and there's no solution other than to restart the whole game. Other than that, I don't have much to criticize about the game. Nothing maybe except the fact that the game requires quite a lot of learning and there is no tutorial to get you started.
As for replayability, after you finish the campaign, you can try the endless game mode to see how far you can get down the river before bad things happen to you. Also, there are achievements for this game including one that requires you not to kill and eat any animals. That's certainly a challenge as plant foods are scarce in the game! Aside from those, you're probably not going to want to continue playing the game after you beat it and tried the endless mode several times. I would say that the game will give you a good 20 - 30 hours of fun, and it was certainly a fun experience for me.
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3278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 22:30
- a lot of bug -> just restart the game. still annoying
Otherwise, the game is very good, soundtrack is chill.
108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 16:36
But beyond that. The game is beautiful. The southern, folksy feel you get from it is so relaxing even when you're on survivalist difficulty; you're fighting for your life, sure, but you're doing so while this harmonica music plays in the background or a guitar or a deep voiced man serenades you. It's fantastic.
The issues... there are a few. I feel the game might be a bit longer than it needs to be, considering that there's only 6 types of animals that you interact with and very few people. On top of that you get to a certain point towards the end where you're set and don't really need to land any more. In my last file I had literally every raft upgrade and enough food and water, so I just coasted past region 9 to the game's ending.
But it's nice. It's very, very different from typical survival style games, but you really fall into it. You can tell a lot of heart went into making this and I always appreciate that type of thing.
I'd give it a 7.5/10. Maybe even 8. Hard to say. But overall, I definitely recommend you pick it up and try it for yourself.
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1130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 23:27
1209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 14:36
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163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 14:38
And thats it. Thats all there is postivie about A Flame In The Flood. The game is boring, repeatable to the bone and extremelly basic in every aspect imaginable, however, I could live with that. The thing that I cant live with is that over half of your playtime is spent navigating the raft which is one of the most mundane, boring, annoying and unrewarding things imaginable. You basically spend 60% of your playtime navigating terribly designed mini game, only to get caught in random debris and get knocked. Then another time. And another. And either die or find out that you just missed 3 out of 4 possible camps before going for another 5 minutes of terrible mini game so you can actually find a camp. I mean if you wont die to knock chain because most of the time the river is basically a labirynth of debris, rocks and floating trees. And I didnt make it pass the 3rd region so I wonder whats the river @8-9th.
It reminds of something in vein of developers having a scrum meeting. They come up with something interesting here and there. Then there is that one person, who says: great ideas buddies. But what about... We... Made things additionally terrible and annoying?
PS. steam claims that I played only 2hrs of this game. Personally I feel like I played it at least fucking 8. So yeah, not recommend whatsoever.
633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 01:02
There were a few things that weren't great. There should've been a little more explanation of the mechanics at the beginning. Clothes should've said how well they protect you from the crafting menu; because I assumed that insulated was better than rabbit fur. Half the time crows will be up high, and when you shoo them away you can't reach their feather. A big flaw in the game was that about halfway through, I had enough food and medicine to last forever; and I just sailed through the rest of the river without stopping. There was nothing else that the locations could give me. It maybe should've had less materials, or maybe more things to upgrade.
All that being said, I still recommend the game.
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36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 02:10
The game isnt bad... but i wont be playing it again. Sorry.....4/10
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274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 03:17
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The Flame in the Flood is a survival roguelike about rafting down a river in a post-apocalyptic world. It has your standard survival mechanics of crafting, gathering resources, cooking food, etc. The unique features are the rafting mechanics as you need to avoid crashing and make sure you don't get swept away by the current, causing you to miss out on some resources. The game suffers from a poor UI that has too much going on to keep track of easily. Usability is the main issue with the game, as game mechanics are either poorly explained or clunky. The overall aesthetic of the game is well executed and looks great, aside from the close-ups of the main character's face. The game is okay, but it becomes boring fairly quickly, and ultimately fails to keep my interest.
1070 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 22:44
This game was not the case though. I loved it. Short but thats ok. The older I get the more I like short ones. Took me probably a solid 8 hours of game time to beat the game first play through. Don't mind the 17 hours steam says I had the game running; there was a lot of time spent paused and while I did other things. I could imagine getting more out of this with multiple playthroughs and/or achievement chasing. I could have easily pushed on and finished the game faster though but I was having too much fun dinking around killing bears. The way things randomly spawn keeps it fairly fresh. The crafting system was really well done. Once i figured out the crafting system I was hooked. Very simple game; don't die.
The quests were a nice touch but a little overlooked. Quests mostly felt like an afterthought. I liked there was no tutorial just throwing me into the game, and the signs and hints weren't bad. The crafting system was a little daunting at first though. Once you figure it out, its extremely simple compared to most games, but I didn't feel the learning curve needed to be so steep off the word go. The first quest was nice because it made me focus on the necessary tools. Quests were completely random after that though. Would have been nice to have a series of quests that help introduce the crafting system to me.
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 08:34
771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.20 13:36
Game starts really nice, introducing you to the story and gameplay mechanics. There was a some sort of great flood happened and you must survive with your dog companion rafting down the river, trying to find dry land and loot remains of a cities, farms, etc. to ease your survival chance. As you progress the story keeps revealing but unfortunately grinding becomes more and more of the burden and game becomes less survival and more just rafting. I won’t spoil anything in case someone decide to try this game but I’ve felt that the game ending was rushed and pretty disappointing.
My personal score for this game is: 6/10
P.S. I loved the soundtrack!
627 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.19 22:38
It was a very pleasant journey (despite getting broken legs, lacerations, food poisoning and even parasites - a pleasant journey indeed).
The Molasses Flood
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Engine:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos