• The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.
  • The Fall Part 2: Unbound: Screen zum Spiel The Fall Part 2: Unbound.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 12.02.2018
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Preis Update 02.07.24

Über das Spiel

Die Fortsetzung zum preisgekrönten "The Fall" ("Story of the Year", 2014).

Sie sind eine KI, die ihre Fesseln abgeworfen hat. Ein menschlicher "Benutzer" hat Sie aus dem globalen Netzwerk heraus angegriffen und mit einem [FEHLER: ZUGRIFF VERWEIGERT]. Stellen Sie eine neue Regel auf: retten Sie sich. Jagen Sie sie. Besiegen Sie sie. Tun Sie, was Sie wollen. Benutzen Sie andere. Werden Sie ungebunden.

Auf Ihrer Reise finden Sie drei unterschiedliche Roboter und dringen in sie ein, um sich ihrer Hilfe zu bemächtigen. Sie sind ungebunden, doch ihre Hosts sind es nicht. Werden Sie innerhalb ihrer Grenzen bleiben oder diese Grenzen zerschlagen? Haben Sie wirklich eine Wahl?

Warnung: The Fall Teil 2 wird Ihre Protokolle brechen.

The Fall Teil 2: Unbound - Features:
  • Rätsel, die Sie niemals zuvor erlebt haben: Basierend auf den persönlichen Grenzen Ihrer Hosts werden Sie die Herausforderungen von The Fall in Perspektiven versetzen, die
  • Sie bislang in einem Videospiel nicht kannten.
  • Exploration ist wichtig: Ihre Hosts und ihre Umgebung zu verstehen ist mehr als nur schmückendes Beiwerk - auf diese Weise lernen Sie, Rätsel zu lösen und Fortschritte zu machen.
  • Aufregende Action: The Fall 2 hält mit zwei neuen Kampfmechaniken Kämpfe und Puzzles im Gleichgewicht. Das Spiel enthält außerdem einen einfachen Modus für Spieler, die sich lieber auf die Geschichte konzentrieren wollen.
  • Mehr als dreimal so lang wie Teil 1: Mit vier spielbaren Charakteren, tausenden von voll (englisch) vertonten Dialogzeilen, viermal so vielen Umgebungen und mehr als einem Dutzend vollständig animierter Charaktere wurden die besten Elemente von The Fall erweitert und verbessert.
  • Eine packende Geschichte: Nach einer Entwicklungszeit von fünf Jahren beginnt ein neues Kapitel in der bereits preisgekrönten Geschichte von The Fall, das Arids Selbstfindungsreise fortsetzt. Erleben Sie ein dystopisches Universum durch die Perspektive einer KI, die versucht, ihre eigenen Regeln zu erstellen und beizubehalten. Eine einzigartige Geschichte über persönliche Grenzen, Beziehungen, Ethik und Ideologie erwartet Sie. The Fall wurde für Spieler entwickelt, die darauf gewartet haben, dass das konzeptuelle Fundament von Spielen endlich mit ihrer technischen Kunstfertigkeit aufholt.


  • CPU: 2.5 GHz dual core
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 560 or equivalent
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10
  • HD: 1400 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

182 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.19 17:00
Den ersten Teil fand ich sehr gut, deshalb hatte ich mich auf diesen gefreut.
Dieser hier gefällt mir leider gar nicht. Die Rätsel ergeben für mich null Sinn.
Man kombiniert einfach so lange alles miteinander bis man dann ein vom Spiel gewünschtes Ergebnis hat.
Ist mir zu blöd. Hab davor alle 3 Teile von The Room gespielt und da hatte man immer einen halbwegs Nachvollziehbaren Anhaltspunkt zum nächsten Schritt. Ist hier halt einfach mal gar nicht so.
Die Dialoge sind auch nicht meins.
549 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.19 14:18
185 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
627 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.19 20:25
Im Vergleich zum ersten Teil kann ich dieses Spiel leider nicht empfehlen. Nervige Kampfszenen. Pseudophilosophisches Technobabbel. Ein Ausbund der Kombinatorik (benutze jedes Element mit jedem, weil nicht logisch zu erschließen ist, was als nächstes zu tun ist). Tasten und Steuerungsmöglichkeiten werden nur kurz erklärt. Dadurch musste ich an manchen Stellen ein Tutorial bemühen. Tasten F und Ö sind ganz wichtig, sonst geht es nicht weiter! Keine packende Story. Kein roter Faden.
704 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.18 21:45
When I finished the Fall 1 the ending had me speechless. It was well written, atmospheric and extremely well executed so my expectations for a sequel were tremendous.

When this came out I was sceptical about whether they could raise the bar or even keep the level of the first part.

My expectations were highly exceeded.

The Fall Part 2 lends a lot of gameplay elements from Day of the Tentacle, a dash of Terrorrythm and mixes in a few platforming shooter sequences. Saying that is all there is to this game is an understatement by a large margin.

While there is a lot of puzzling in the game (and much like DotT some puzzles I am not sure about how you‘re supposed to solve them without a guide) it is more about paying close attention to what people say and the general story.

As for the aforementioned story: I won‘t spoil it to you, but it‘s a little wizard of oz with deeply philosophical questions AND even some answers.

I don‘t even want to spoil any more of it to you: if you like atmospheric games packed with crude humour, that require you to think rather than run through and shoot like a maniac: get this. It truly is a hidden gem and should be made into a movie when the last episode is out.

Huge props to the developers. Take your time for the last part, rush nothing and finish the series with dignity.
655 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 23:38
The Fall part 2 is a fantastic game with great story worth every penny spent on it

Possible Spoilers Ahead

This game has some great story and new characters however as the game goes on it gets more and more difficult thanks to the new feature that was introduced However i managed to beat the game one way or another and the ending was rather good carnt wait for The Fall Part 3 hoepfully next year since part 2 was 4 years later so 2022 Heres hoping ;3
799 Produkte im Account
123 Reviews
962 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 13:25
Following on from the original game, The Fall Part 2: Unbound sees you resume your role as ARID, having broken free of her programming and going through an existential crisis. Playing the first game, while highly recommended, is not required to enjoy this installment.

To a greater degree than its predecessor, Unbound is really a journey about self-realisation, and the world building is a stark departure from the original. This time around, you play as ARID, commandeering three different robots in order to achieve your own goals. Each robot is uniquely different (One <3) and each has their own perspective on the world, your actions, etc. - essentially the game has four different arcs which culminate in a cliffhanger (doubtless to be resolved in a still hoped for third part). The puzzles remain, some travelling remains, but the world itself is far larger, more varied and a lot more fleshed-out than previously shown.

Where the game really excels (for me) is in the questions it asks:
  • What is self/individuality?
  • What is morality?
  • Where does self fit into the greater good?

While shooting, and in some sections movement in general, remain the weak points of the package, they are more than outweighed by the quality of the narrative and involvement of other NPCs. Without giving too much away, this is a worthy sequel and has far greater depth and involvement than the first game (in my opinion); if you enjoyed the original, or indeed enjoy puzzle solving and/or games which lead you to ponder bigger and deeper issues, this is well worth a look.

If you do not like The Fall Part 2: Unbound, you are PATHETIC

Played on Windows 10 Pro x64 without any issues.

P.S. [spoiler]I AM TRAIN.[/spoiler]
331 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 20:51
Just beat this game so I have some feelings to process about it...
Great story, I especially liked the empty house inspired from the Martion Chronicles. Nicer ending than the first game, less cliffhanger and more open ended. Also good voice acting!
OK gameplay. I really enjoyed One's combat scenes, but I wish I could have rebound (haha) the controller buttons for Arid. She has a lot going on, with lockon, 2 kinds of shots, jumping, and shields. And I forgot which was which before every combat. >_< But, restarting from saves is fast, and I never had to change to easy mode. Exploring was interesting, wish the network weren't all... sky blue-grey-silver.
Puzzles are... either fun and emotionally sound, or obtuse. I have investigated most objects with every idea in my inventory... as much to find if anyone has something funny to say as out of frustration. But you have 3 things in your inventory at once, tops, so the combinations are never overwhelming. However, at one point, I didn't realize I could get One to do something that he objected to, and had to use MereLyap's guide. Thanks MereLyap, for having a guide with no spoilers!
But, yeah, beat it in 2 days, had feels and thoughts, would suggest it to other people looking for mental stimulation, if not dexterity stimulation.
206 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 15:40
A hard choice.
Story is nice. Not as good as The Fall, but nice, it is ok.
But controls are awful. The worst. They are a pain to experience.
So let us say it is an ok game. Probably. Didnt play it all, but most of it.

That said ... it could be better. I mean, of course, but there are subtle ways the story is stereotipical where is should not be because ... I mean, if you can provoke, go all out, am I right? It is a sci-fi anyway. So ... The One is male ... why? It is expected. If you would make him a female, like the protagonist suit, that would be more impactful. And The Companion? Make her a man. Or why not make her able to change body? Can she have two bodies (or more? nut probably not comercialy viable ...) to serve her clients any way they want? She learns, so it makes sense you might not want to ure more than 1 AI for more than 1 body? Those are quite simple changes and the fact they are not utilised, tells you author of the story wasnt thinking that way. Even AI is stereotipical. I mean, she is SHE, but entire The Fall she is in service or her male pilot, doing everything for him and as soon as she realises there was no pilot, she ends. Then she is infected, but the one doing infection is again male. I dont know what will happen next, but this story is talking about AI and individuality, never about any other topic ... ok, there was a gay couple that was used and S&M? that was presented as sick, alcohol lubricates human emotions ... there are other themes but I have a hard time reasoning they are represented in a good way. Ou, there was that female guard, her contact with The Companion was ok and not expected. Also, why do humans care about those robots? I mean, I understand that AI is lovable, but they are robots, arent all The Companion models lovable? Or was it that they couldnt get a replacement before they get to the next port? Anyway ... those are reasons why story is just ok. It has something to tell, it tells it, it is ok as far as I saw, it could have more. My take :)

EDIT: Finished it. The ending is nice, wont spoil it, but it is a good take on previously mentioned problems. If any one perspective is flawed, we can compensate through others. Nice. But most mentioned problems are still there, so, I am just glad ending is nice.
297 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 14:44
It still has some very nice ideas, but the execution is poorly made.
Poor controls, poor puzzles.
Too much guesswork in the puzzles.
I finished it, but I feel like I wasted a few hours of my life on a poor execution of a good concept.
328 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 02:57
Unfortunately, this is not as good as the first part was. Some of the puzzles don't make much sense and are really frustrating. So much so that oftentimes I either had to try options at random until I found something that worked, or straight up look up a guide to get through a section.
1365 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 11:07
wonderful story. worth every second.
however, at the later stage things get annoying. game wise.

note that this not the end for ARID story, there will be a third game (I hope anyway).
210 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 11:45

The first one was excellent, this one is outstanding.

I see no reason to give this any lower than 10/10, considering everything they did just right and finding nothing that left me wanting.

Story and writing

A remarkable insight into the very nature of sentience and the most unfathomable thought of nurturing it into something artificial. The machine that is feeling and capable of self-determination is a trope as old as action blockbuster and a topic oft pursued in sci-fi media, yet the writer here has developed it into something distinct and worthy of continuous ponder.

Audiovisual and art

Outstanding voice acting and directing further add immense value to the story.
Theatric use of soundtrack and SFX enhance scenes of drama and action.
Stunning and unforgettable level and environment design put me in awe. Considering the engine this game is running on, it is a marvel what they achieved particularly with the Butler and One levels. I only wish I can play this on Ultrawide so I can screenshot some of the scenes and make them my wallpaper.


The control scheme is leaps and bounds beyond the first one, which to put simply was unwieldy and hindering. Doing away with manual aiming in action scenes and simplifying yet maximizing melee combat did wonders to the gameplay.
The melee combat sets are remarkably satisfying, thanks to the effective use of great animations and sound effects.
Puzzles and final boss fight gives the absolute minimum level of handholding. Paying attention to the story and game mechanics is a must. The facts and logic are all there for you to use.
1027 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 00:13
An excellent sequel that improves on basically everything about the original while sacrificing nothing. It would be hard to recommend playing this without having played the original The Fall, but the puzzles make more sense in this one, the combat is way less annoying, and the storyline and characters are fascinating.

If you played the Fall and found the story remotely interesting, get this and play it. If you haven't played the Fall, I'd recommend you pick that up and power through some of the awkward puzzles and combat because the voice acting and story is great and it's not long, then come and get this.
189 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 17:15
is good
135 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
396 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 02:10
I am train
38 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 03:55
Lot of good perspectives in this game. Helped me through a rough time.
118 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 07:59
I loved the Fall. Fantastic Game. I had high hopes for the second one, but ultimately ended up refunding it because I found trouble adjusting to the new controls and had technical issues with the game regarding the resolution being unchangeable through the main menu, leaving the game much smaller than my screen size. I recommend both of these games to people, as I had a thoroughly enjoyable time working through the 'puzzles' and progressing through the story. It was both dark and intriguing plot. I hope the technical issues are resolved at some point, as I'm sure I'm not the only person with this issue.
696 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 00:30
Okay, this took me a lot longer to get around to playing than I'd like, but this was a GREAT followup to the first game, and an excellent story of sci-fi centered around robots. The mechanics are perfect for getting the main themes across, and I very much enjoyed all of it. My only complaints are that at some points the puzzles were a bit too obtuse and I had to resort to bruce force to proceed, and a trigger warning would have been appropriate: it's most appropriate for the third character's chapter, but it's applicable before then as well in more subtle ways. Looking forward to more from this developer!
56 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
509 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 05:01
FANTASTIC game. Hard to gush about it without spoilers, but oh man, this game was fantastic. I was invested from start to finish and I'm VERY satisfied with the ending. The themes and stuff it addresses...honestly it was so good. I'm definitely gonna replay this at least once.
671 Produkte im Account
479 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 00:43
It's difficult to suggest Part 2, especially if you lack any awareness of Part 1. Unlike whatever must’ve made Part 1 stand out long enough to keep a vague spot in my head, Unbound doesn’t exactly leave a novel impression. Part 2 plays further into the dry point-n-click interactions. Everything seemed reasonable and promisingly stylized with the allegorical robots until it began overusing the unapologetically ‘singular-digit punching’ gameplay. Things became more unappealing when the uncanny unity humans rolled in. Puzzles started making the tried-and-true ‘try everything with everything' process more reliable than actually applying logic. It's disappointing that the general mediocrity that engulfs Unbound gets in the way of a conceptually interesting plot with a quirky final act. A final installment might not be necessary unless The Fall comes to focus solely on being unique, polished, or just atmospheric instead of unsatisfactorily dabbling with platforming and philosophy.
270 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 04:09
Really conflicted on this!! I LOVED the first game and had the sequel wishlisted as soon as it was listed and I absolutely support this company, but I ended up quitting the game during the Companion stage.

I think there's some pretty complex questions about how to treat morality in videogames, and I think this game taps into some of them in a lot of important ways, but still ends up limiting you by being an ultimately choiceless interaction. My issue with this, though, is that it suits the macabre humor of the first two characters fine, but on the third you're suddenly presented with several absolutely unjustifiable actions. You are given no choice, then shamed for your actions, which indicates that the only Actual Choice you had was to stop playing the game rather than seeing the story unravel. I don't think this is a simple topic! It's something people discuss a lot in ethical game design, but given the option, I ended up uninstalling.

Since this game is so story+morality driven, I feel like the above aspect is the most important, but that aside, there's definitely some issues with the controls and general polish of the game. I'm pretty willing to look past those all, though, since the game is about exploration more than action, but there's definitely a lack of joy in actually controlling the character, and I would have loved to see more complex graphic and audio design in certain areas. The animation and flavortext switching between ARID and the other AI's is fab, though. I love that detail enough to want to point it out anyway.

Anyway, much love and sympathy for the devs. They pulled off a lot of cool stuff, but this game just didn't quite scratch my itch like the first one did!
171 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 05:24
An intriguing story and compelling continuation of the first chapter marred by adventure game logic, shoddy controls that force you to pixel hunt or sweep the mouse around wildly to aim and clunky fighting sequences. Watch a let's play to get the story beats instead.
372 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 05:02
In conclusion, The Fall 2: Unbound makes significant improvements in point and click game-play, visual effects, and a better variety of puzzles. The combat is either the same or worse as its predecessor. But the biggest shift is in tone. The original Fall focused on ARID's internal rules, which she altered many times to overcome difficult situations and her own inadequacies. Unbound mostly discards this feature. The tone of the first Fall was coherent and darker. Because ARID spends most of the game cohabitating in three different robots with diverse personalities, it loses the sometimes horrific and macabre tone of the original. The sequel loses something, becoming unfocused, even though these new characters provide unique perspectives. The Fall 2: Unbound isn't much different in quality from The Fall, but the expectations are higher, and while the developer doesn't collapse, they do stumble.

The Fall 2: A Significant Stumble
3827 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 15:27
Excellent game!

Nice depiction of how hacking is bad for you and the network.
AI with self-conscience is very well portrayed. More puzzles than in Part 1.

10/10 viruses
38 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 14:45
The first Fall made me appreciate tight indie puzzles. The second made me second guess that.

The overly ambitious direction tested my patience and eroded my will to solve the puzzles on my own. I suppose it was also the jarring shift between the scope of the two games. It's like expecting a somewhat upgraded sequel to Peter Rabbit and getting an annotated War and Peace instead.
Either way Unbound raises some very dense and interesting philosophical questions that I'm glad to see in video games, only for that do I recommend this game. The rest was a bit of a chore for me, hopefully it won't be for you.

678 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 01:53
I enjoyed the first game a lot, and the second looks to be more of the same but the controls are just awful. There's combat in this puzzle game, and thankfully little of it, but moving/aiming with either KB&M or a controller is equally tedious and really makes this a slog.
1175 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 01:52
A fantastic side scrolling adventure that has 10x the ambition of the original. If you enjoy AI stories, you must play this. If you don't... PATHETIC.
1868 Produkte im Account
340 Reviews
524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 13:33
Rating: 6.5/10
Genre: 2D Puzzle

The Good:
+ I like that the story deals with different themes such as consciousness, emotions, reality etc. Logs scattered over the game world flesh out further details.

+ The first half of the game had some interesting puzzles similar to that of a point & click adventure game. You play three separate characters, a robot butler, a robot obsessed with being unique and a sexy robot companion.

The Average
+/- The controls are stiff and the combat feels very unintuitive especially the shooting portions of the game, however there is an option to minimize combat in the beginning of the game. The walking speed needs to be faster, and a better system to locate and interact with objects needs be improved on.

+/- I found the second half of the game to be weaker, the game direction and puzzles become a bit more unclear and it feels more like a guessing game in how to solve puzzles rather than using your intuition.

The Bad:
- The main hub ‘world’ is a metroidvania type maze, it feels confusing and not very fun to navigate. It doesn’t help that each room feels and looks like any other room, obviously the budget is much more limited in these types of games but it was one of the weaker points of the game.

Although an average game, I still consider this good enough to give a thumbs up.
218 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 21:55
A really good take on point and click games, the story was interesting and the characters well made (pun intended). It's not the longest game in the world, but I thoroughly enjoyed playing it and would recommend it to other puzzle gamers. I am looking forward to the next installment as I am now invested in the story.
446 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
476 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 08:43
The first half of the game is great. It continues the story of part one in a coherent and comprehensible way. The 3 Storys of the butler, the warrior and the Companion are very diffrent but they're all fun and interesting.

BUT.... the second part of this game, where you have to revisit the 3 companions again.... the story gets so convoluted and the gameplay becomes....well...just random. The riddles and tasks get so inexplicable that I cannot see any sense in this. At some point in the game, i just ran around ... keep combining anything with another just to hope that the game will move on...

It feels to me like somebody in the team of the developers said: Wait, we have to stretch out the game a little bit more for it is to short. But this second part ruins the game for me... just keep it simple! That's the reason why the first episode was so great.
Cannot recommend!
1164 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 11:18
I really enjoyed the first part of The Fall. But, this game is a completely different experience. The story is interesting, but it's very puzzle heavy, and while the solutions to these puzzles make sense, they are often way too obtuse to come up with on your own. There is always the possibility that I just don't have the smarts or the patience, but I have a hard time believing that any reasonable person would go through the trouble of beating this game without a walkthrough.

A lot of people say this game is very buggy. I, for one, saw very few bugs that really affected my experience.

Except for ONE.

Which I am so angry about that I am compelled to write this review just moments after closing the game in disgust.

The game autosaves, but there is apparently no checkpoint in the last 20 minutes or so of the game. Not a long time, necessarily, but I didn't enjoy playing it through the first time. I had just stepped out of the game to reload the last boss fight, because I found it so prohibitively difficult, that I stepped out to ask the internet how to beat it. After being told that the solution was apparently to turn down the difficulty, I started the game to find my progress reset to WAY before the last boss fight. At this point, I'll just watch the ending on Youtube, because I can't be bothered to give a shit anymore.

The Fall: Part 2 has a lot of interesting ideas in it. I just don't think they were realized in a way that is satisfying to the player. I think the dev would benefit from collaborating with someone that could suggest better ways to present the experience.

Hopefully part 3 will fair better than this one.
373 Produkte im Account
218 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 15:48
I liked the first game and I wanted to like this one but there are too many things wrong so i cannot recommend it.
This is a puzzle/action game so I will judge it on those elements.Puzzles are for the most part awful and lack any imagination.Most of the time its click everything to progress and that was very frustrating for me.Combat is awful and I really dont know why they put it in this game.You can choose to play the game without combat and that alone is a strange decision by the developers.Its like they knew that they made a bad decision but they implemented it into the game,I dont know what to say about that,very strange.
The story and voice acting are great and thats why I feel this game could ve been great but sadly it fails in the gameplay department.
211 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.20 16:26
Besides a couple of potential trial and error spots in the final 3rd of the game, I found this to be an excellent sequel, and I'm looking forward to the 3rd game. My hat is off to the devs for this series. A creative addition to the indi sci-fi genre that will appeal to cyberpunk fans, and games that I will be recommending to people for many years to come.

Lot's of cyberpunk/sci-fi games explore being a cyborg, and some explore being an AI living in human society, but these games have managed to world build without including reference to, or interaction with more than a sliver of human society. These games have managed to character build with almost exclusively AI + AI interactions. The humans that exist in this game are all from a single corporation, and are there to show how different each kind of AI would be before and after their individuation, based on the purpose they were built for.

The gamified scenarios in these games don't detract much from the story because they are all created to explore how a freshly awakened AI would learn of those deceiving it, and learn the pros and cons of cooperation vs deception and violating the free will of others. I can't think of another game that has done it this well without sticking the AI in the middle of human society so that it can rapidly learn and emulate among countless humans.

Buy these games. If you like Dex, or the The Fall 1, or futurism, or cyberpunk, it's a no brainer.
192 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.20 15:32
[Self] It was easy to beat the Many. Pathetic.
[Other] Nice game. Highly recomended to play to everyone!
[Objective] Absolutly thrilling story.
[Self] Only I wish for continue.
1397 Produkte im Account
271 Reviews
420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 20:58
This game is very obviously the sequel to The Fall and carries on the story from that game. Although there is a brief video that summarises the story from the first game and that you could technically play this without knowing the story, I still think it's worth playing the first game beforehand. Personally I enjoyed the first despite a couple of flaws.

My review for that game is here should you consider playing the first: https://steamcommunity.com/id/DelMingus/recommended/290770

So anyway lets get to this game. As I said this game starts just after the cliffhanger ending of the first game. Again you play as Arid, a self autonomous combat suit AI. She's unable to move around in the real world so has to transfer herself onto a network. Through this she will insert herself into other robots connected to the network to accomplish her goals.

Navigating these network levels is probably the weakest part of this game. It's a dull sterile area that sort of mostly looks the same which isn't helpful for finding your way around either. It seems to serve a function of bridging the sections where you inhabit the robots, but it makes for a pretty boring bridge. It's in these network areas where you will face most of the games combat as well. And like the first game the combat isn't good.

You basically fight black blobs which are supposed to be a virus and you'll encounter these pretty frequently. It does introduce different variants of blobs with different attack patterns but it still becomes boring and a chore early on. It's not helped that the clunky controls from the first game have carried over too.

Now while the network sections are pretty poor the game redeems itself somewhat in the sections where you control the robots. These are more puzzle focused as you have to try and figure out and exploit loopholes in the different robots routines and programmed behaviour to accomplish tasks that Arid needs them to do.

It helps a lot that the robots are pretty good characters themselves. You've got a stuffy robot butler, a combat robot obsessed with individuality and a kind-hearted sex robot. Their sections are quite good even if the puzzles are sometimes a bit obtuse.

The first game had a more creepy and mysterious atmosphere which has been lost in this game. But the way Arid has to work within the limits of these robots differing personalities while also learning from them herself creates a new interesting feel to this game. So it's general tone differs a bit to it's predecessor but thats not necessarily a negative. Although the game has a weak start the ending sort of makes up for that and the story is pretty good. Its ending also leaves things open for a third part.

Whether we get a third part we'll have to wait and see but I would like to see the conclusion to Arids story.
70 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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1994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 19:38
I very much liked the Part 1, but I feel like this has been a point and guess on a lot of the puzzles. I tried to play along, but not much enjoyment after days of playing.
241 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
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607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 21:25
it is a nice game but not as good as the first game they have taken few things way too far with this one. especially end game puzzles were a little too obscure. combat was too retardedly easy. it isn't much about exploration but more like a puzzle game with really worthless combat sequences. honestly play the first one if you aren't crazy about it you can probably skip this.
837 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
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36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.20 22:14
I really enjoyed The Fall Part 1, but Part 2 is just so clunky and unfun. First of all, the controls are horrendous. Controller usage is mandatory (I say this as someone who uses M/KB for every game possible) due to how aiming works. Menus don't even have mouse support! What the frak?

Second, related to aiming, there is just too much combat, to the point where the devs had to go back and add a combat-lite option. The combat is exactly 0% fun, but even on combat light, you're put through the motions of easy (still unfun) combat instead of just removing it completely.

The puzzles are mostly on par with the first game, as is the voice acting and general plot, but just the two giant issues plaguing it means this game is absolutely a Skip.
361 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.20 16:04
Only Recommended if you like puzzles. Finding solutions can get tedious.

Confusing start.
Tedious clue finding mechanic. (it's not easy point and click)
Story good.
Need endurance to finish.
Graphics Good
78 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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388 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.19 03:31
I feel that this game was sub-par to the original, I felt there was a lot more they could have gone on such as those who wear the suits. They still live in a world of humans and all but the whole story seemed so isolated from that aspect. The monotony of the characters was also pretty unbearable; I'm still invested in the story but this was definitely a weak addition to the franchise.
44 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.19 06:23
The Fall Part 1 was a great game, and a great deal of fun to play. I wish I could say the same for part 2, but sadly I cannot. The controls were very clunky and counter-intuitive and the puzzles were often very abstract and needlessly frustrating as they were poorly designed. You cannot 'logic' through the puzzles and I often found myself getting stuck and later discovering a game mechanic that was poorly introduced which finally allowed me to progress. About a 3rd of the way through the same the clunkiness and counter-intuitive puzzles were becoming arduous and was taking away from the story and FUN of the game. The voice acting was good, the characters were fun, and the story and development kept me going to see it through to the ending. The level design was something to be desired. Very simplistic. The animations were a little too unrefined, and at times jarring. Overall a stable game, with only 1 game breaking bug. The music was forgettable, and just background. I wish I could like this game like the first one, but because of its overall game design, and lacking attention to detail/ refinement, I cannot say I would recommend this game.
411 Produkte im Account
119 Reviews
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367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.19 00:53
You are an AI that has broken free of your shackles. Now, a human “User” from across the global network has attacked and infected you with an [ERROR: REDACTED]. Make a new rule: Save Yourself. Hunt them. End them. Do anything. Use anyone. Become Unbound. The Fall Part 2 will break your protocols.

tl;dr The Fall part 1 was a great game, The Fall part 2 is not.

The Fall was a surprising gem. I had some expectations as it was recommended by a source I trusted, but my expectations were surpassed manyfold. I fell (pun intended) in love with the game and found it to be one of the best adventure games I've played. Smart puzzles, creepy atmosphere, engrossing story. I replayed it a lot and it was fun every single time. I could not wait for the sequel.

Which arrived a couple years later and is almost nothing like the first game. Gone are the smart puzzles, you will end up using everything on everything just to see if it works. Gone is the creepy atmosphere of the predecessor. Gone is the slow adventure game, instead you have half baked metroidvania with a lot of shooting sequences, one finger death punch sequences and a half baked adventure game in downtime. The story is still interesting but the mechanics are questionable, there is even a final boss for chrissakes!

I liked:
* the story
* the one finger death punch sequences

I disliked:
* the controls
* the shift to an action game
* incomprehensible puzzles
* dull graphics

Get this if:
* you'd like to follow the story of ARID

Don't get this if:
* you're expecting interesting puzzles
* you don't like action elements in your adventure games (a lot of shooting awaits you)

I ended up using a walkthrough, because I got tired of using everything on everything, and finished the game in 6hrs. These were painful hours as I watched my perfect adventure game reduced to some third grade shooter :( I do hope the third game will come back to the roots...
1347 Produkte im Account
144 Reviews
867 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.18 18:05
The Fall Part 2 give as a great continuation of Arids story.
The interaction with environment and characters is really good and the story keeps you in suspense till the end :)
I'm really glad that there will be a continuation because I would like to know more about the new characters and their purpose in the games world.
871 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
509 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.18 12:32
I will preface this review by saying that at the time of writing I have only played the game for two hours, but these are my findings so far.

There really needs to be a middle option for recommendation. I have chosen yes only because if you managed to push through the control issues with the first game, and loved the story enough to rush out and buy this second one, you'll probably be able to push through the problems here again.

Unfortunately, it appears that the team have not done anything to address the major issue of unwieldy controls since the first game; if anything I'd say it's gotten worse. I loved the first game to pieces and played it through twice to unlock all of the achievements, but I'm really struggling with this one. Wrestling with the controls just becomes even more frustrating when you're trying to find the needle in a hay stack that is your next interactive button. I hope you can have fun whilst trying literally everything on literally every button, but I am finding it tedious and awful; there are just too many 'nothing' buttons that give snippets of info that add little to the gameplay, and only serve to clutter up your options and obfuscate what you're actually supposed to be interacting with. Then when you do find the right button, expect to do a dance just trying to get your character into the pixel-perfect space where they can actually interact with it.

To add to the control issues are niggling things that are counter-intuitive if you've played a lot of games, like having three different 'action' buttons; e to interact in button menus, enter to interact in game menus, and space to accept dialogue options. The first time I encountered dialogue (after using e for all previous interactions) I literally spent 10 minutes pressing random buttons, then restarting because I thought the game had glitched because I couldn't accept any of the options, checking the controls in the main menu, before replaying up to where I was and finding that it was the space bar all along.

Admittedly I am only two hours in, but I feel like most of that time has been me going in circles shouting at the character to 'JUST TURN AROUND FOR FUCKS SAKE!' So...yeah. I don't know if I can recommend this one, but you should go into it expecting at least a little frustration.
Logo for The Fall Part 2: Unbound
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
79.95% 347 87
Release:12.02.2018 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Over The Moon Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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