The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Mod - SkyUI
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
20.01.20 21:18
SkyUI ist ein eleganter, PC-freundlicher UI-Mod für Skyrim mit vielen erweiterten Funktionen. Alle Verbesserungen fügen sich nahtlos in den Stil der ursprünglichen Benutzeroberfläche ein. Version ...
GameTyp: Singleplayer
Autor: SkyUI Team
Veröffentlicht: keine Infos
Website: keine Infos


SkyUI ist ein eleganter, PC-freundlicher UI-Mod für Skyrim mit vielen erweiterten Funktionen. Alle Verbesserungen fügen sich nahtlos in den Stil der ursprünglichen Benutzeroberfläche ein. Version 5 enthält bessere Handwerks-, Verzauberungs-, Alchemie- und Schmiedemenüs sowie verschiedene andere Verbesserungen.
SkyUI is an elegant, PC-friendly UI mod for Skyrim with many advanced features. All improvements seamlessly integrate with the style of the original interface. Version 5 includes better crafting, enchanting, alchemy and smithing menus and several other enhancements.

  • Convenient inventory management with a feature-rich panel that supports full-text search, sorting and extended data columns.
  • Version 5 extends this to all menus, including crafting, enchanting, alchemy and smithing.
  • A powerful, categorized favorites menu that still keeps true to the original idea of a fast, non-intrusive way to access your essential items. Eight customizable hotkey groups allow to explore playstyles that were way too tedious before.
  • The Mod Configuration Menu (MCM) to support user-friendly in-game customization. It's not just used by SkyUI, but by hundreds of other mods as well.
  • Full-text search and highlighting of discovered locations on the map.
  • Active effects are displayed directly in the HUD, instead of having to constantly open the magic menu. Highly customizable.
  • Gamepad support, and intuitive and efficient keyboard navigation.
  • Multi-language support for English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Czech and Japanese.


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