Beyond Skyrim
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Download - Beyond Skyrim
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
06.07.17 19:31 Mods
Beyond Skyrim ist ein massives Multi-Team-Mod-Projekt, welches die Grenzen öffnet und die benachbarten Provinzen von Skyrim zum Leben erweckt. Nicht länger wirst du an die Grenzen von Skyrim zurück ...
Autor: Cyrodiil Development Team
Veröffentlicht: 01.07.2017
Beyond Skyrim ist ein massives Multi-Team-Mod-Projekt, welches die Grenzen öffnet und die benachbarten Provinzen von Skyrim zum Leben erweckt. Nicht länger wirst du an die Grenzen von Skyrim zurückkehren müssen, aber du kannst nun weiter in unentdeckte Landschaften reisen.
Travel beyond the borders of Skyrim, and visit Bruma, the northmost county in Cyrodiil.

Discover what has become of the city's residents since the events of Oblivion in all-new adventures and storylines. Plunge into the depths of ancient Ayleid ruins. Explore an expansive region larger and denser than the Dragonborn DLC. In Beyond Skyrim: Bruma, the choices - and their consequences - are yours alone.

Rediscover Frostcrag Spire, Cloud Ruler Temple, Frostfire Glade and many other legendary locations. The journey back to the Heartland begins now. Are you prepared?

  • The city of Bruma, reimagined and recreated from scratch in exhaustive detail, containing over 70 residents, each with their own unique dialogue, stories and routines?
  • A fully-explorable County Bruma, larger in size and scope than the Dragonborn DLC, packed to the brim with new dungeons, points of interest and secrets - brought to life with more custom art assets than any comparable Skyrim mod?
  • All-new Cyrodilic weapons and armor?
  • Seamless integration with the base game - cross the border with your existing character or start a new one?
  • Innumerable all-new quests and storylines?
  • Over 24,000 lines of high-quality voiceover from a professional and semi-professional cast whose combined credits include Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dust: An Elysian Tail, Apotheon and Heroes of Newerth?
  • Over three hours of original music?
The author of this file has indicated that it requires one or more other files in order to work properly.
The files needed in order for this file to work are as follows:

Dawnguard [DLC]
Hearthfire [DLC]
Dragonborn [DLC]
SKSE ini pre-download for lazy users
SSME - Skyrim Startup Memory Editor

If you do not download and install these files as per the author's instructions
then it's extremely likely that it will not work for you and that'll be no one's fault but your own.


Q: What kind of people are you looking for? How can I join the Cyrodiil team?
A: We are always on the lookout for talented concept artists, 3D modellers, landscape designers and people skilled with the CK, although we have openings for other positions as well. Just register on Dark Creations and post in our Sign Up thread, along with a sample of your work. If you're interested in joining any of the other Beyond Skyrim projects, you may post in the generalrecruitment area.

Q: What is Beyond Skyrim?
A: Beyond Skyrim is an ambitious community, composed of various, independent projects working together to bring the other Provinces of Tamriel - like High Rock, Cyrodiil, Hammerfell and Morrowind - into the game and timeline of Skyrim.

Q: Will it require a new game?
A: Nope! You will be able to use your existing characters from Skyrim. Just hop over the border, and continue your adventures.

Q: Is this the same thing as Skyblivion / Skywind? Why aren't you working with them?
A: No, Skyblivion and Skywind are remakes of older Bethesda games in the Skyrim engine. This is an entirely new mod in which the player can visit a version of Tamriel contemporary to Skyrim. Our goals and methods are different, but we keep up a good relationship.

Q: Why not you just port content from Oblivion / Morrowind / other games?
A: Because this is a violation of Bethesda's EULA, and would be grounds for them to close down the project.

Q: Will this be released for Special Edition / Consoles?
A: Beyond Skyrim: Bruma will be available on Skyrim Special Edition soon, and on Xbox One in the future.
Manual installation
Download and unzip the archive, and place all contents in your Skyrim/Data folder. Ensure that both BSAssets.esm and BSHeartland.esm are enabled in your load order and that BSHeartland.esm loads AFTER BSAssets.esm.

With Mod Organizer (RECOMMENDED) or Nexus Mod Manager
Click "download with manager" or download the archive manually. Once the mod is activated, ensure that both BSAssets.esm and BSHeartland.esm are enabled in your load order and that BSHeartland.esm loads AFTER BSAssets.esm.

Uninstalling Beyond Skyrim: Bruma is not supported due to the way that the game engine 'bakes' data into saved games. If you wish to stop using Beyond Skyrim: Bruma, you are STRONGLY advised to roll back to a saved game that predates your installing Beyond Skyrim: Bruma, or start a new saved game.

If you uninstall Beyond Skyrim: Bruma without rolling back to a previous saved game or starting a new one, it is very likely that you will experience bugs. This is due to the way the game engine handles data files, and is true of Bethesda's official DLC as well as other comparable mods.
Name Version Größe Datum Download
Beyond Skyrim Bruma 1.2 1.2 2.15 GB 06.07.17 20:24


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