• The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor: Screen zum Spiel The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor.
  • The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor: Screen zum Spiel The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor.
  • The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor: Screen zum Spiel The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor.
  • The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor: Screen zum Spiel The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor.
  • The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor: Screen zum Spiel The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor.
  • The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor: Screen zum Spiel The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor.
  • The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor: Screen zum Spiel The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor.
  • The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor: Screen zum Spiel The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor.
  • The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor: Screen zum Spiel The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor.
  • The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor: Screen zum Spiel The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor.


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The Elder Scrolls Online
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 18.05.2020
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Preis Update 18.12.22

Über das Spiel

Übernatürliche Gramstürme suchen das westliche Himmelsrand heim und dunkle Bestien, die von einem mächtigen Vampirfürsten angeführt werden, verschlingen Seelen, um ihre mysteriösen Pläne voranzutreiben. In The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor, dem neuesten Kapitel für ESO müsst ihr die belagerten Nord verteidigen und das Böse aufdecken, das hinter diesem gewaltigen Wiederaufleben steckt.

Dieses Kapitel bringt Spielern von ESO ganz neue Abenteuer, darunter:
  • Ein neues Gebiet zum Erkunden: das westliche Himmelsrand
  • Eine düstere Hauptgeschichte, die sich ins Abenteuer „Das Schwarze Herz von Skyrim“ einfügt
  • Ein packendes neues System: Antiquitäten
  • Eine gewaltige neue Prüfung für 12 Spieler: Kynes Ägis
  • Neue Weltereignisse: Gramstürme
  • Neue Gewölbe, offene Verliese und eigenständige Quests
  • Aktualisierungen und Erleichterungen, darunter eine Überarbeitung der Fertigkeitslinie für Vampire (kostenlos für alle Spieler von ESO)

Erkundet Himmelsrand über und unter der Erde
Mit Greymoor könnt ihr in die schneebedeckte Heimat der Nord zurückkehren und das westliche Himmelsrand erkunden. In ESO könnt ihr auch jetzt schon Abenteuer in den östlichsten Gebieten von Himmelsrand, Ostmarsch, Ödfels und Rift, erleben, aber mit diesem neuen Kapitel öffnet sich euch der Westen der Provinz, einschließlich der Stadt Einsamkeit und den tiefsten Tiefen von Schwarzweite, einer gewaltigen Welt im Untergrund.

Während ihr dieses neue Gebiet bereist, werdet ihr auf die abgehärteten Nord stoßen, die es als ihre Heimat betrachten, und auch viele interessante Nebenquests, Gewölbe, offene Verliese, Anführer der offenen Welt, eine Prüfung und die neuen Weltereignisse in Form der Gramstürme erleben. Hier gibt es genügend Möglichkeiten, um aufstrebende Abenteurer bei Laune zu halten!


  • CPU: Intel Core i3 540 or AMD A6-3620 or higher
  • GFX: Direct X 11.0 compliant video card with 1GB RAM (NVidia GeForce 460 or AMD Radeon 6850)
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64-bit
  • HD: 85 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 2300 or AMD FX4350
  • GFX: Direct X 11.0 compliant video card with 2GB RAM (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 or AMD Radeon™ HD 7850) or higher
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64-bit
  • HD: 85 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

876 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 11:17
Gefällt mir super bisher.
13 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 10:25
Seit dem ich aufgehört habe WOW zu spiele, ist TESO das beste Spiel was ich je gespielt habe,
ich kann jedem nur weiterempfehlen.
254 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 09:03
auf weitere 10.000 stunden. ;-)
56 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 11:04
Ich weiß gar nicht, warum Greymoor nur so halbgare Reviews bekommen hat. Mir macht es unglaublichen Spaß. Die Hauptstory ist mitreißend und spannend, meine kleine Bel ist verknallt - hach Fenn - und auch der Rest macht einen Heidenspaß. Einsamkeit sieht genauso aus wie in Skyrim und das Anitquitäten sammeln macht süchtig. Für mich nach Morrowind die eindeutig beste Erweiterung von ESO.
69 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 18:56
I don't know why are so many people hating this addon, there are so many negative reviews. I already played it some hours and it gives you alot of Skyrim vibes! The landscapes are beautifully made and the mainquest is catching. For me, the underground area (don't want to spoil too much) was definetely a highlight. The antiques/archaelogism system is also a reason to buy this addon, there is alot to explore and in my opinion I recommend it to every Elder Scrolls lover. The only thing I don't like so far is the high price here on Steam. I definetely recommend other plattforms to buy it from there!
2109 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 19:36
Oh Himmelsrand, kalte Heimat der Nord
Wie lange war ich nun schon von dir fort
Seit Skyrim hab ich dich nicht mehr geseh'n
Und musste ne lange Durststrecke geh'n

Doch nun bin ich endlich wieder hier
Das Greymoor Paket ermöglicht es mir
Die Ostmarsch ist feucht und voller Mücken
Doch Himmelsrand, du tust mich verzücken

Dein Klima ist rau und die Leute sind hart
Viele reden sehr grob und tragen 'nen Bart
Sie trinken viel Met und schlagen sich gern
Am Nachthimmel sieht man kaum einen Stern

Im Winter sind deine Tag sehr kurz
Doch in ESO ist mir das ja schnurz
Denn Jahreszeiten gibt es da nicht
Weshalb deine Pracht mich ganzjährig besticht

Eine von Greymoors Spezialitäten
Sind sicherlich die Antiquitäten
Beim Such- und beim Ausgrabungsspiel
Findet, wer will, von denen ganz viel

So hält mich Greymoor von allem ab
Was ich mir für'n Sommer vorg'nommen hab
Ich verbringe ich die schöne Zeit am PC
Und trinke dabei wieder zuviel Kaffee
26 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 23:15
Skyrim als Grundlage ist eigentlich ein idealer Nährboden für ein grandioses Kapitel!
Blöd nur, das es so unglücklich versäumt wurde.... Warum das so ist, erzähle ich mal aus meiner eigenen Sicht:

Optisch kann man, wie bei dem gesamtem Spiel nix aussetzten, Himmelsrand wurde schön in das MMO implementiert.
Doch leider endet da schon der Großteil des positiven.
- Die Story ist unfassbar vorhersehbar und so gut wie ereignislos.
- Die Dialoge sind entweder miserabel Übersetzt oder unterirdisch geschrieben. Der Spielercharakter sieht in den meisten
Interaktionen aus, wie ein kompletter Einfallspinsel.
- Die in meinem Fall gespielte Deutsche Vertonung, ist bei gewissen Storyrelevanten Charakteren (einem ins besondere am
Ende der Kampagne) zu leise und undeutlich.
- NPC´s verbuggen sehr gerne, besonders im Gebiet der Schwarztiefe.
- Thema Schwarztiefe: Optisch wirklich hübsch. Aber unübersichtlich und wirkt eher wie eine künstliche Verlängerung der
wirklich miesen Story

Kurzum: Einfach ein riesiges Potenzial und Nostalgie, die erfolgreich das Klo runtergespühlt wurde. Nur um Kapital aus der Vorlager Elder Scrolls: Skyrim zu schlagen.
Von den 3 bisher erschienen Kapiteln ist das mit Abstand das Schwächste und ist ein Flashback für alle die das originale Skyrim vergöttern. Aber es wird leider dem nicht gerecht
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 14:18
DON'T BUY THIS! I don't know why it's still in Steam store. Probably to confuse people. It's a BAD DEAL!!! BUY ESO Blackwood (not the upgrade) even if you're a comback player. You'll get base game, all chapters plus Greymoor. I bought this by mistake! They would not allow me to have my refund even if I told them I want to buy ESO Blackwood. I have tried 10x but got denied everytime. ESO Blackwood is a better deal! - June 1, 2021
70 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 02:11
Get the Blackwood complete edition instead of this. It's priced LOWER than Greymoor AND it's got all previous chapters INCLUDING GREYMOOR. In short you can get the latest chapter plus Greymoor for A LOWER PRICE
103 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 19:13
I really enjoyed this expansion but you only get half the story unless you play the markarth dlc too. Wait until the Blackwood expansion releases and play Greymoor with an ESO+ subscription. Great content, but not worth the price.
25 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 26.04.21 15:44
I would pay money not to see content from people who created this again.
worst chapter
136 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 23:50
There is a new expansion just about to be released and this is still so full of holes it could have been blessed by the pope. Quests that can't be completed because you didn't complete them in one go. Quest markers that point to nothing. A story that is at best meh. There is nothing here that feels new and exciting, probably because it's just skyrim (but less so).
2 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 10:05
good mod
144 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 21:50
bs rip off, i bought to get all dlc and content and only got base gamer and greymore and wont let me uprgade and to buy in the crown store would be almost 60 bucks. i even bought the digital deluxe edition. I love this game but i really dont know if i can play after this shady crap. Litterally it advertises it for having all the dlc included but doesnt tell you that only applies if you dont already own the base game. SUPER SUPER DISSAPOINTED
59 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 10:15
Vampires brought me here
6 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 18:17
fishing = endgame 9/10
34 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 03:21
amazing mmorpg. Best storytelling and narration.
44 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 02:20
I've spent maybe 9 hours maxed on this zone because it's so bare on surface and a pain to traverse below. The only thing worth doing at all is the antiquities (though without ESO+ or DLCs you won't be able to get the required leads and Zones to scry and excavate certain items). Buy this only when it's on sale or buy it with crowns when it's inevitably be replaced by a new chapter. While I'm at it, where the Bantam Guar at? I want to buy the critter ~.~
41 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 21:00
I use to play this on PS4 A LOT. And on ps4 it's great. But now that I have a good gaming laptop, I can now play this version. And the PC version is SOOOOO much better than the console version. The UI is nicer, load times are much quicker (or that may be because i have a SSD...) there's close to none server lag, animations are better (NPCs, effects) It looks really good graphic-wise on PC too.
Also, it is WELL WORTH the money to buy the version of ESO that comes with all of the major DLC chapters and then buy ESO Plus. It unlocks all the smaller DLCs and you get free crowns and EXP boost. And with me dealing with horrible Covid after effects to where I can't work, I've been immersing myself into this game.
My ONLY complaint with this game is that with ESO PLus, it seems to take a while to get your Crowns. On console, you buy ESO Plus, you immediately get all the stuff. So it's a little weird. U get every other unlock but I guess it has to completely clear from your bank account for them to give you your Crowns. IDK yet. It hasnt cleared my bank account yet. Lol. But i got all the other unlocks.
162 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 06:35
Antiquities are fun. Zones are cool. Story is good.
196 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 13:58
40 or even 30 dollars for this is just outrageous. I'm only recommending because it goes on sale for 50% or more off relatively frequently.
31 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 01:37
Much vampire, Such Spook. Very Reccomend.
437 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 09:43
One of the best fantasy games that has ever existed. And the reason I haven't played much all the other games I bought that I got on sale here on steam.

This is my model of what a good game is and especially a good multiplayer game and dnd style game. Let me try to list all the reasons why.

--Non Generic Classes (If you've been gaming for as long as I have, generic classes can feel so stale and boring.. This is one of the reasons I never got into WoW.. it was a first mmo for many so makes sense they didn't have a problem, but my first mmo was Dragonrealms and I had played so many dnd style roleplaying games in my lifetime that I just cannot handle the generic classes anymore really. I don't like to play generic type classes and characters in roleplaying games.. I like to play things like Dervishes and Mesmers.. and ESO's Templar class is the bomb with some of the most awesome spells ever conceived.. ESO's classes are fresh and original while still holding loosely to their dnd roots.)

--Open play style. Can do whatever you want and play however you want for the most part.

--So many things to do. The game world is cyclopean. Fall in love with it and stay a while. It's almost impossible to ever get bored.

--Beautiful, amazing world with breathtaking and wonderful art. Feels good just to be in it.

--Easily modded with great mods. Which is kind of unusual. I'm not used to modding mmos. But I adore games that can be easily modded and customized.

--Good controls.. able to zoom all the way into first person and far out to old school third person as well as modern skyrim style third person. This is the ideal set up for a game. I really don't understand why other games limit point of view.. Let the player decide which pov they want, as it really comes down to personal preference. And different povs can work better in different situations.

--Amazing character creation. I just can't play games with bad character creation.. I just can't. (Looking at you WoW.. sorry to insult that game so much.. lol But that's another reason I never got into it. When it's 2021 and the only way for your avatar to look unique is with armor.. um no. That's just laziness on the part of developers to make simplistic character creations. If I don't love my avatar, why bother.)

--Absolutely stunning soundtrack to complement the eyegasm of beautiful landscapes.

--Very good UI design.

--Awesome crafting system. Able to customize your attire and armor in so many ways.

--You don't need a monthly subscription but you will want one and it will actually be worth your while.. You get back what you paid in crowns anyway and can use them to buy awesome things from the store.

--Great store. No pay to win bs. Just beautiful art that is almost impossible to resist. That's the right way to make money from a game. Though if you're poor it's going to suck you can't get all the amazing mounts and houses. At least you can win some of them in seasonal events. And you don't need dozens of mounts like I have since you can only ride around one at a time. LOL They are just always so creative and cool I always want so many of them. But I didn't mind spending some money for those things because it was my way to support the game and keep it around. I hope this game stays around as long as Dragonrealms and only evolves and keeps getting better and better.. It would break my heart if it ever died the way things like City of Heroes died. It blows my mind that a text mud I played back in the 90s is still around, but that's what happens when truly good game design is the heart of a game. So I don't really mind spending $20 on a mount or $100 on a property every now and then.. It's my way of trying to ensure that it sticks around.

--Can play it with friends, boyfriends, kids, or random strangers. No need to group but can form random groups. And the community is amazing. I'm a loner so I love that I can mostly play alone but then just randomly group up with strangers and work together to fight a boss then go back to wandering the countryside in peace and solitude. So much fun. There are a lot of really cool guilds.

--BETTER than Skyrim. Yep, I said it. And I liked it more than Skyrim from the start. Why? Because it is more colorful with a greater variation of landscapes and fantasy cities.. And I think it plays better too. But I have been playing mmos for a while, the play style is not a stumbling block to me.. I do understand why someone who only plays single player games might be uncomfortable with it at first. If you zoom in enough and play it a certain way it feels just like a better version of Skyrim though.

And Skyrim you can't play with your friends.

Yes, I loved Skyrim. And I loved ESO from the first day I tried it.


--The only thing I kind of dislike is the way the dialog and storyline is presented is a bit dull. If it was presented through cut scenes like SWTOR or GW1, I think it would be better. But I get it why they don't do that.. The game world is gigantic already. It would be an obscene amount of work.

--The trading system is rather chaotic and leaves much to be desired.

I know it's funny.. when it first came out it was supposedly horrible. lol Luckily I started playing it in 2016 and much more often in 2017.. just when it was starting to get great. Just goes to show that as long as the development team does not give up and is willing to fix problems and keep adding awesome things, there is always hope for their game.

This review is based on the entire ESO collection, as I own all the chapters. It's worth it to buy because if you love fantasy games you're bound to find something in this you will like. I haven't yet played this particular chapter because I'm trying to play more of my other games lately. lol But Elsweyr and Summerset were amazing.
168 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 18:32
I made this mistake, I guess people mentioned it somewhere in the review, it was my bad to not read the review, sort of...
545 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 13:31
Checked whats in the Collector's edition in the crown store and then bought it here on steam. I didnt get any of the consumable items like crown crates and experience scrolls neither the costumes. The steam page doesnt state anywhere that it contains less than in the crown store. Scam
505 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 05:30
Some may call this junk, me I call this treasure.
286 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 02:16
I refunded this almost immediately, after realising that the upgrade only includes this DLC and none of the previous expansions. The fact that it was priced so highly on the steam store, surely it would have including everything right? WRONG! The only way to upgrade from the base game to Greymoor is to purchase the collection, which means having to buy the base game a second time? Seriously? What if you don't/can't use the crown store, like myself, and only need Elsewyr? Do I need to purchase the base game and all the previous DLC again? The collection itself is only around 10usd more than this purchase, so it seemed pretty obvious to include.

I think the main issue here is that they really need to add something in the description that tells the customer that it is Greymoor and doesn't include the base game or previous expansions. It would clear up so much more. I am just grateful that Steam have a refund feature.
51 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 00:19
Played game on and off since beta. It's a fun game, however, it's better with friends. Same as any other MMO.

Really great features and care from what I can see. I don't do a lot of endgame content.
77 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 09:05
This is a freakin amazing game dlc that i don't know why i can review so... yeah 10/10

would review again.

*whisper* give me free copies

176 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 18:53
I rather invest in some other full game for the cost. Too much for too little.
126 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 21:55
Let me be more precise: I'd not recommend this chapter - at full price.

This chapter definetly has its merits, the Antiquities offer a break from the combat heavy core gameplay and offer some nice lore tidbits (sometimes going into deep lore territory), tho obviously it can get stale if you focus on it too much.
The size of the zone is actually quite decent, combined with Blackreach it's might just be the biggest area of all the chapters as of now, and is actually quite explorable, much less mountain-holes than we had in Summerset. And it1s very nostalgic, neat to see how things looked in the past.

Repetable contentwise there are some neat improvements;
- You only need to do one 'dolmen' for the respective daily, as opposed to the usual 3
- There are plenty of wayshrines (thank god the devs learned their mistake in Anequina), tho some of them are kinda awkwardly placed

But if it does so many things right then why would I not recommend it?
- No new combat systems to tinker with (come on, where's the 1-hand+magic skill line ZoS, everyone's been asking for it for over 5 years now)
- Antiquities can get dull fast
- Sets are average at best
- Despite praising the worldspace I feel like it lacks connectivity, like there should be gates leading to The Pale (around the Eastern Great Lift) and the Reach to the west (not south! . gate should be around somewhere Dragonhome) but those are sorely missing
- It's Skyrim, AGAIN (yes, I did also listed it as a positive attribute, but come on, I have to honor the meme :P. But Skyrim-fatique IS a real thing at this point, so I'm like half serious)
- ZoS didn't fix the eastern Skyrim-Morrowinf border. (kind of unrelated but it's a petpeeve of mine, that eastern border remains butchered for at least two-three more years ;w;
It's just looks sooo bad, ZoS, please, fix that border. And also add the Niben river to the main map, it just doesn't look Tamriel without it)

(Spoiler warning)
- The big stinker: the story was probably the worst one of all the chapters so far. Predictable and uninspired rehash of the generic world-ending scenario with flat and lifeless characters and an overly obvious, obnoxious and unrealistic side-villain. Come on ZoS, not every story has to be about a big bad villain aiming for world domination. It's stale, boring and uninspired. Can we take a break and have some smaller scale stories about more localized problems. Wrothgar was cool as it was really about just Orc politics, the world wasn't at peril. Murkmire was refreshing as it was just one person misusing local relics for selfish reasons.
Also, vampires, in Skyrim, AGAIN? could you really not come up with something more interesting. Probably would be less painful if the Svana-Svargrim situation wasn't so reminiscent of the Serana-Harkon situation. Like honestly, daughter having to turn against his megalomaniac father, just more rehashing. Their personalities might be different but that's mainly because Svana is a sack of clichés, a meat puppet being dragged around by the plot.
One of the very first things she tells you is that she hates being a princess and bam, half a quest later she is ready to take charge and protect everyone in the kingdom. Like thanks for the creativity.
Also, somehow she is able to sneak into the vampire and falmer infested caverns of Blackreach on her own? (during the quest The Gray Host) Like thank you for ruining the immersion that Blackreach is a dangerous place :V

The side quests aren't that inspired either, there are a few gems here and there but most of the time they are pretty dull. like for example, there are 5 quests in Blackreach that are literally carbon copies of each other. (Though that's kind of the point) - However this means that this chapter actually has less unique quests than the usual amount.
Every location pretty much only has one quest associated with them (With the exception of Solitude) and they pretty much all coincide with MQ locations, which means that despite having the biggest map of any chapter it ends up feeling the emptiest.

Most of the work on this chapter was done before the pandemic so I don't think it can be chalked up to that, tho it definitely hurt the polishing phase.

Tbh I might just be tired of this whole Year-long-adventure format and the cataclysmic scales of the villain's plans, but atm I truly don't think this chapter worth the price tag and an buyer should wait for a discount.

Here's hoping that the next chapter won't be a big bad guy(TM) threathening to destroy Tamriel. (:rollseyes:, knowing full well it most likely will be)

Really wish we could have some more exoteric and creative stories.
Or if the whole world really had to be at risk then at least try to find a more creative villain than the obvious evil-looking daedra.

Can we like have Mehrunes or Molag be helpful for a change of pace? Like how Clavicus Vile helped us in Summerset to stop Nocturnal.
15 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 12:40
It is a decent chapter expansion if you grab it during a sale. For full price though, it is not worth it. The main questline story is fairly short and the map of Skyrim does not offer much to explore except the underground Blackreach. However, since I got this on sale and had a positive experience playing the chapter, I would recommend it.
1074 Produkte im Account
106 Reviews
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Verfasst: 04.01.21 03:12
Lol haven't bought it yet and can review it? Sure lets go..

Why is it so f***ing hard to figure out what DLC you actually buy here? And why all other DLC is only on the crown store? I don't want to buy crowns ffs.
158 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 03.01.21 01:13
Do not buy this upgrade if you expect to get the Summerset and Elsweyr DLC as stated in the ESO website. It does not include them.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 07:39
in all honesty there cheating you out of your money if you have to purchase another minor dlc to even finish greymore. I dont intend on buying.
93 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 04:59
It was okay i guess i won't say its the best chapter but it has its moments. going to recommend it if your a fan of skyrim or elder scrolls but if your more here for mmo aspect of the game or not into digging in the dirt i would give a pass for this chapter.
179 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 28.12.20 09:52
I've reached a point in my life where I don't expect anything from bethesda and still disappoints me.
95 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
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Verfasst: 15.12.20 04:10
I dont own this why can I write a review
115 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 14.12.20 14:08
great scam
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Verfasst: 01.12.20 16:16
Careful with buying Greymoor Digital Collector's Edition Upgrade. Its just Greymoor chapters in it not other Elsweyr, Summerset and Morrowind chapters. I wish they more open what that sell about. Because for all chapters, you need to buy with base game which you already have. Its total rip off!
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Verfasst: 30.11.20 09:55
After investing more than 2800 hours even if it is lagging and broken pvp and classes, now it is constantly crashing after the markarth dlc update. Itseems like the development team doesnt care about the game anymore. I am disappointed to say that the game is going downhill and I dont recommend the game.(I used to love the game once but not anymore).
150 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 29.11.20 02:46
the expansion overall was fine to me, had some fun content, was looking forward to the rest of the chapters which I assumed the full 60 dollars covered. Having to pay for further chapters is a major letdown and I will not be purchasing any more expansions in the future as this one chapter was a 20 dollar expansion at most.
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Verfasst: 28.11.20 15:35
A much better starting area than the way the vanilla game used to start.

Very atmospheric, and I imagine nostalgic for fans of Skyrim. Enemies in the area are designed to be more interesting than the old starting zones too, with special attacks and all that, making combat feel a bit more dynamic from the start.

I play TESO as a single-player RPG that happens to be online. Multiplayer content is just a little added extra, for me, in this game. And this expansion would be a pretty good expansion for a single player RPG, so I'm happy with it so far.
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Verfasst: 23.11.20 11:39
While the locations and music are awesome, gameplay wise this game wasn't changed for years - the same spells and the same abilities in rotation. As a game where story plays a huge part - this game just fails so hard I don't want to touch main game at all. It so cliche, so banal, so stupid at some places that I cannot believe someone agreed to release this. Only buy if you're a HUGE fun of this game, but wait for discounts.
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Verfasst: 13.11.20 12:41
what a bad game
480 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 13.11.20 10:07
Please fix bugs, love you ZOS ;)
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Verfasst: 03.11.20 15:02
If you're gonna resell skyrim again you may as well allow mods to be installed to make it worth the $39.99 price.
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Verfasst: 16.10.20 15:22
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Verfasst: 05.10.20 19:08
Yes, this is a DLC, for the price of a triple A game on it's first day release.
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Verfasst: 03.10.20 12:05
I will tell you the honest truth about this game as an experienced MMO player and gamer in general. (I have 200+ hours on ESO, not sure why it is not showing).

This game starts off great. You see the cool classes etc etc and think wow. You play and level your character and it is pretty fun for the most part. The music is good and the quests are an improvement over most mmos. The animations are quite clunky, such as the running animation with a 2H weapon for instance.

But there are like 6 mounts you can get without spending money, just plain boring horses and maybe like one or two special mounts. Every cosmetic item is from the shop. The whole game is just designed to turn you into a gambling addict. Housing, mounts, cosmetic armour, this is the stuff that makes MMOs like WoW special. There is no P2W, but the game is just not fun when you look stupid and have a little shack home and a boring plain horse.

The story is trash and generic. Don't listen to the other comments which say it is good. It really isn't. It is generic and boring and the only thing going for it is good voice acting which gives it the illusion of being good at first.

The PVP is laggy (literally unplayable in Cyrodiil) and unbalanced. The end game content is so damn easy and there is nowhere near enough of it. The game is just boring and plays too safe. There is no variety in the classes (there is I guess, but you will do no damage and be useless so I am not counting that).

Don't even imagine you can play without a subscription. You won't do it. At first you will think it is fine, but you will have NO bag space with all the materials for crafting you find, and crafting is very important. Everything is just designed to make you think about spending money on a subscription or shop item or crowns or crates. Everything.

And each expansion is the same and a repetitive formula of including a few dungeons with boring, unimaginative mechanics and a new crafting system to flood your bags with even more loot to encourage you to subscribe. The game is trash.

I realised this after logging in one day after doing a daily ritual on 8 characters to make some crafting items for weeks. I just thought 'what am I doing?'. I quit and never looked back.

Also this expansion is nowhere near Skyrim and plays nothing like it. Don't think it will be like Skyrim.

Just don't waste your time on this game. I promise you it is a trash game but somehow appears to be good at first. Everything is just designed deep down to make you spend money on it and there is no love, no creativity, no passion put into the making of this game, unlike other MMOs.
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Verfasst: 27.09.20 14:45
This is the expansion that finished my interest in TES. I was having a merry old time with three friends running dungeons and collecting things and looking forward to more. Sadly what I got was more! More of exactly the same old thing, wrapped in a thick layer of things that needed further purchasing, but were also themselves not very exciting. I really thought the one new addition of the archaeology would be compelling but it added very little. Some things to find to boost your stats another percent, so you can enter queues to do dungeons that might also boost your stats a couple of percent. The Vampire remake dumbed it down so it felt mostly just a cosmetic difference to werewolves.

You'll follow an almost identical path to completion as everyone else. Sure you can do it in a different order, but there are established ways of winning and you'll end up the same. Nobody is a hero in this game, nobody special unless they paid a lot of cash, and the story feels like anime filler.

Maybe one day they'll completely redo the progression (again) to conceal this. A slim chance they might even fix it. More likely with the recent acquisition by MS, it will be left to slowly decline while making a lot of money off micro's. They after-all, are the only things that really let you stand out from the crowd.

If you've never played it though there's content a-plenty! It will give you a month or two's fun. I'd suggest a single month of ESO Plus so you can see most of it at the same time because drip-feeding the content is how they initially hid the lack of depth. See it for what it is, have fun, then move on. I'm marking this review as not recommended despite this because while a month or even two is enough to see most of the content, it is far and away too little to get to the end-game or realsie your characters potential. There's a reason for this, and it isn't you having fun.
1020 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 23.09.20 18:55
starting to get trash, pay for half content for full price, and then they release new zone with same price, only buyable with crowns.
270 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 29.08.20 00:16
I can't believe how many angry reviews there are for this chapter. Western Skyrim and Blackreach are always busy with people. Seems like a lot of these people are playing the game regardless of their review.
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Verfasst: 23.08.20 02:38
There isn't enough in here for the price.
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Verfasst: 18.08.20 23:45
This is by far one of the weakest expansions to the game. The only good thing is the Antiquities system and after you complete it you just kind of let it drift off to the side and never touch it again. Once you got the furniture, sets, and passives you want there is no real need to continue pursuing it.

Greymoor's story is formulaic and if you've played the Elsweyr story it will feel very, very similar but with fangs instead of scales. The story also went nowhere and it really feels like the writers didn't know how to progress the character through the story and are just wasting your time to hit their time quota.

While Greymoor isn't required to play the new vampire rework the Greymoor patch destroyed the skill line. Before it was only taken for the passives which was an issue, but now its not even worth taking for the new active skills. People who do take it for the skills (Like mistform for PVP) stay at stage 1 so the weaknesses like the non-vampire cost increase effect them as little as possible. I personally try to make the new skill line work by progressing my stages and slotting as many abilities as possible, but I am weaker than I was as a mortal and suffering through non-lore friendly weaknesses. Next patch coming later this month will completely destroy the last thing vampire has going for it making it completely unusable in group content. Vampires are acting even less vampiric than before, which is what the devs were trying to fix and failed horribly.

I love ESO but I can't recommend this chapter unless you're just dying to see Skyrim and want some of the things in the antiquities system.
8 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 11.08.20 23:57
I don't have to play this dlc to know it's not worth your money yet, wait a couple of months or so for it to be on sale, I got lucky and bought the base game and 2 dlc for $25 auds. Just wait a minute before buying skyrim for the 12th time
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Verfasst: 08.08.20 23:59
Not enough for the price
268 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 08.08.20 19:32
Simply not worth anything more than $25.00 it's not actually an upgrade when you don't get a class IMO. This should have been included in the subscription. I continue to be disappointed with Bethesda's continued antics around getting every little penny out of its patrons.

I ended up refunding this...
5 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 07.08.20 09:16
I purchased The Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor bundle and played about 2 hours on end then got banned for no reason(No 3rd party programs, no addOns, no gold selling/buying or anything like that). Actually it happened just right after I finished the tutorials. It was so frustrating for me who spent a half hour on creating my char. After googling the random ban, I found random mass ban happened alot, and some ppl got banned after a long vacation (here is the link-> https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/284313/banned-for-no-reason ). It's ridiculous. So be careful before buying the game.
374 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 06.08.20 12:38
Way too overpriced! Even discounted price is too much compared to unlocked content.
However people get this dlc for those OP mythic items anyway....
In my opinion ZOS just made the first move to make this game pay to win.
127 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 06.08.20 00:19
You dont get all the dlc with the digital upgrade. Its pretty much a scam. Youre better off buying the version with the base game included because that comes with all of it. But if you already have the base game youre just out of luck.
228 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 08.07.20 13:36
Waste of money.

-Awful story, complete with a twist that anyone can see coming
-Bland world design, it's the same ol' skyrim with basically the same graphics.
-Adds more boring Dolmens - I mean uh... Harrowstorms? Yeah Harrowstorms. That sounds cool.
-Bugged archaeology system that can reward really powerful legendary items (if you can get the thing to work)
268 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 01.07.20 21:19
overpriced for what you get
509 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 29.06.20 19:35
Its like skyrim, but less.
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Verfasst: 29.06.20 17:23
They do not care anymore, they just want your money, refer to main my ESO review
37 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 22.06.20 01:17
We needed asian servers Bathesda. We all been asking that for 5 years. Its really painful to play PVP at 300 ping. So what did you do? You released another DLC.
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Verfasst: 18.06.20 04:14
I am incredibly supportive of this game and I will likely continue to play it; however, I feel as though it is my duty to give my true feelings. There have been multiple great expansions and even though I did not like Summerset it was leaps and bounds better than Greymoor. I pre-ordered this expansion in April and like a hyped kid I kept looking at the calendar in anticipation, it not only brought me back into the game, but it gave me so much to look forward to. In online forums it was chaos of people complaining about how they were not able to play the game at release and just that many people logged into the game to experience Greymoor. I supported the games team and understood the challenge they had for releasing an expansion during a pandemic, I defended you. I honestly feel a bit betrayed; the bar was lowered so low and that they betrayed all my expectations. Harrow storms are a joke, they are extremely easy and uncoordinated, I gave up attempting they daily quests because catching one in action is based on luck. Dragons in the previous expansion was awesome and you had the impossible challenge to out do that and what do you give us? Another crappier version of a Dolmen. The content is remarkably short, the quests are few and far between I completed this whole expansion in little more than a few days and that is with little game time. In other parts of the game you have quests on top of quests, some of the starting areas have more quests and content than Western Skyrim and Blackreach which look incredibly beautiful but has absolutely nothing in it. Summerset had amazing mazes and hours of quests and public dungeons, Elsywere had puzzles and long quests with unique and interesting lore some of them not even connecting to the main narrative. Do not even get me started on vampirism, which was the one thing I was looking forward to the most; long story short curing my character from being a vampire made him stronger. I sigh in disappointment eagerly waiting for part two of this expansion praying that it will be better, but the one thing that’s made me write this review is the absolute incompetence with the amount of bugs, glitches, and even mistakes in the coding to where ill have quest NPCs speak dialogue out of order. To be honest with you this expansion is a hot mess and I’m struggling to type out all my frustrations, my only comparison is it feels like a B movie where the people aren’t really trying and they make such horrible mistakes that its just uncomfortable to watch; that’s this expansion. I will likely never pre-order another expansion again if I continue to play ill just wait for it to go on sale because this is bull crap.
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Verfasst: 02.06.20 02:02
I really want to recommend this because I love ESO and most, if not all, of the DLC/Chapters they've released for it. I love exploring the world and seeing wacky and beautiful things while following intriguing stories. This DLC has the latter half and that is it.

It did some things right with the vampire rework and the armor sets introduced are really cool but if you are an explorer and have played Skyrim this has virtually nothing to offer. ESO Windhelm is not the same as Skyrim's Windhelm. ESO Riften is not the same as Skyrim's Riften. ESO Solitude is now EXACTLY the same as Skyrim's. There was no effort for making the time gap seem logical in any way. It honestly just feels like the people who used to live in Solitude moved out and then the people from Skyrim moved in. The names of inns and stuff like that have been changed but other then that the city only has an additional Mage's and Fighter's guild as well as a wayshrine. They're trying to tell me that in 2000 years the only change made to Solitude was some renamed shops and they removed the wayshrine and guild halls. That's it...the only change to the city in the equivalent of the time it took for Rome to fall and Brad Pitt to start making movies. Also no it is not just Solitude, even though Solitude takes up like 20% of the new map they give you which is also abysmally small for something that will undoubtably cost upwards of $120 once all the additional crap they plan on releasing for it drops.

As harsh as it is to say, in my opinion this is a prime example of downright horrendous world building and while I enjoy the updated graphical look and story I hate that I am walking through Skyrim again almost completely unchanged. I want to love this but I ended up resenting paying for it and left feeling like I need to apologize to someone for thinking this would come out as something that it just isn't.
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Verfasst: 01.06.20 19:43
Seems so rushed and lazy. The actual story line of the expansion is so short and there's nothing notable within the expansion itself. No actual worthwhile additions at all and you're lucky if you even get to participate in fights at ritual sites as they never seem to be up and take AGES to start. I - and many other players - have literally been sitting at the Black Morass site for over half an hour to see if it starts, same with Hailstone valley yesterday. Its basically an add on that's priced as an expansion which I don't understand how they can expect people to be ok with that. Do better and bring out content that's actually worth it.
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Verfasst: 01.06.20 04:09
$60 for a tiny fraction of a map, are you joking. this is a terrible expansion.
180 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 26.05.20 17:34
They did it. Todd Howard found a way to re-release Skyrim again.
Logo for The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
51.44% 268 253
Release:18.05.2020 Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: ZeniMax Online Studios Vertrieb: Bethesda Softworks Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise: The Elder Scrolls
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