The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos
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Über das Spiel
Sie sind ungeschickt, unerfahren und lebhaft, aber ... sie müssen die Gesellschaft des anderen ertragen, um den Schatz des Dungeons zu finden.
Ein Déjà-Vu-Erlebnis ergibt sich jedoch sehr schnell ...
Sei Anführer dieses Team ungewöhnlicher Helden, in einem Abenteuer voller Humor und Chaos!
Das Naheulbeuk-Universum ist eine außergewöhnliche Kreation des französischen Autors John Lang. Es begann als eine sehr beliebte Audio-Comedy-Serie mit parodierenden Rollenspielen und heroischen Fantasy-Tropen. Jetzt ist die Geschichte zum ersten Mal in englischer Sprache und als Videospiel erhältlich!
- CPU: Inter Core i5-2300 / AMD FX-4350
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 768 MB / AMD Radeon HD 6870 1 GB
- Software: Windows 7
- HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
- CPU: Inter Core i5-7600 / AMD Ryzen 3 2300X
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 3 GB / AMD Radeon RX 580 4 GB
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 13:40
2244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 23:36
1081 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 11:33
Das beste am Spiel: Die Dialoge zwischen den Charakteren und wie sie auf die Welt interagieren! Macht einfach nur Spaß sich davon berieseln zu lassen um dann wieder in den nächsten Kampf zu gehen!
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4715 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 12:12
3537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 21:12
5920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 23:01
Ansonsten ist der Humor in Ordnung und zieht alle Arten von Rollenspielklisches ohne Gnade durch den Kakao.
Was hat Spaß gemacht:
Das Taktiksystem, ganz klar. In diesem Spielkonzept lassen sich Formationen fast wirkungsvoll umsetzten, wären da nicht die Flächenzauber der Feinde.
Verschiedene Fertigkeiten lassen sich gut miteinander verbinden. z.B das Wegstoßen von Feinden damit alle bindenden Kämpfer einen Passierschlag bekommen.
Flanken und Deckung sind auch dabei, sowie Interaktion mit der Umgebung, z.b Faßbomben usw...
Spannungsmomente sind auch dabei, z.B wenn eine Schlacht nur knapp geschlagen werden konnte.
1A Klasse deutsche Vertonung.
Etwas der Humor. Trifft nicht meinen Geschmack, aber ein paar Lacher waren schon dabei. Vor allem die Idee mit den Hühnern ist Genial.
Das Userinterface und die Bediehnungsfreundlichkeit lassen keine Wünsch offen.
Das Tutorial ist sehr Einsteigerfreundlich.
Eine Interne Wiki für alle Schadensarten, wäre noch interessant gewesen.
Konnte das Spiel mit nur 1 Bug durchspielen. Einmal gab es einen Aufhänger. Dafür gibt es aber Autosave.
Levelgestalltung 1A. Keine Rücklaufwege.
Die Belohnungsspirale schraubt sich schnell nach oben. Es gibt keine Durststrecken oder Grind bis zum nächsten Levelaufstieg oder Sonderitem.
Was keinen Spaß macht:
Die Formation muss fast immer aufgebrochen werden, um Schlüsselgegner (z.b Damagedealer), zu binden.
Bricht die Formation auf, stürmen die Gegner zu den Heilerinnen.
So viel Mut bzw Initiative können gar nicht in alle Charaktere gepumpt werden damit nicht ein Oberboss den ersten Flächenzauber in die zusammenstehende Gruppe wirft. Das kann schon beim Start bitter böse enden. z.B Wenn 3 Charaktere gefroren sind und die Fernkämpfer die Lebenspunkte nur so runter schießen, bevor überhaupt noch irgendetwas passiert ist, kann das schon Nervig werden.
Ständig neu laden und die Charaktere am Start so verteilen das so wenig wie möglich Gleichzeitig getroffen werden, ist dann leider Pflicht.
Wiederholungen: Es gibt kaum andere Siegesbedingungen, als: „Töte alle Feinde“. Manchmal ist es auch nur „Töte Oberboss“. Verschieden Siegesbedingung wären sehr viel interessanter gewesen.
Am Bewegungsbalancing hätte noch gearbeitet werden können. Weniger Bewegungspunkte und Bewegungsboni für Freund und Feind, wäre mehr gewesen. So ist es eher ein Herumgelaufe von einem Schlüsselgegner zum Nächstem und die Formationen brechen dabei immer in ein Heilloses Chaos auf.
Sehr gute deutsche Vertonung bzw Sprecher.
Humor, geht so, ein paar Lacher sind schon dabei. Etwas zu Blutrünstig und einmal über das Ziel hinaus schießend.
Taktiksystem ist Überraschend gut gelungen. Manchmal etwas unfair, aber bei Schwierigkeitsstufe „Schwer“, ohne große Frustmomente durchspielbar.
Belohnungssystem ist Großzügig und läßt keine Frustmomente aufkommen.
Balancing hätte besser sein können.
Zu wenige verschiedene Siegesbedingungen. Kämpfe werden dadurch schnell Langweilig.
80h fast durchgehenden Spielspaß, was will man mehr? Daumen nach oben.
3995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 00:14
4897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 12:32
Es geht um eine Gruppe Abenteurer die versucht etwas zu finden. Man steuert alle Charaktere gleichzeitig, einer läuft vor, die anderen hinterher.
Die Steuerung ist simpel, alles per Mausklick und Kameraschwenken mit Q und E. Ab und an tauchen Gegner auf, dann kommen nach einander Gegner und Charaktere in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge dran und können ihren Zug machen.
Es gibt eine Map und Inventar. Den Charakteren kann man bessere Items verpassen und Fähigkeitspunkte setzen.
Das ganze ist immer mit viel viel Humor unterlegt. Die Spielwelt ist sehr schön gestaltet mit vielen Kleinigkeiten die zum schmunzeln animieren. Vielleicht nicht wirklich an manchen Stellen für kleinere Kinder geeignet.
2714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 18:38
5666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 10:48
Tolle witzige Grafik und sehr stimmungsvolle Musik und Sound. Allein auch die Gespräche, Meinungen und Reaktionen der einzelnen Charaktere während der Erkundung des Kerkers und in den rundenbasierten taktischen Kämpfen sind große Klasse. Ich habe lange nicht so gelacht! Und ganz speziell das ständige sich Beharken der Elfin und des Zwergs reizen einen immer wieder zum Lachen.
Ich liebe die Elfin, vielleicht gerade weil sie so wundervoll naiv ist, einfach entzückend!
Es gibt nur ein kleines Manko - und das ist die Steuerung der Bewegung der Charaktere. Wieso konnten die Programmierer des Spiels nicht die gedrückte rechte Maustaste zum Drehen der Richtung verwenden, wie es bei so vielen anderen Spielen gemacht wurde?
Trotzdem unbedingt kaufen und spielen!! Ich jedenfalls freue mich schon sehr auf das Addon Ende Mai (oder DLC wie es jetzt heißt).
2742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 21:20
Kann ich jedem der Pen 'n' Paper mag ans Herz legen. Die Grafik ist super und die Charaktere, Rüstung, Umgebung sehr detailreich. Die Story ist auch mal was neues und allgemein hat das Spiel einen sehr schönen und sehr Klischeehaften Humor, was Rollen / Klassen / Vorurteile angeht. Die Audio des Spiels ist auch echt schön und die deutsche Vertonung echt gut und liebevoll.
Leider sind die Übersetzungen in Textform nicht immer 100% richtig.
Ich könnt euch auf gute 25+ Spielstunden freuen und das Spiel hat m.M.n. einen hohen Wiederspielwert, da die Charaktere / Spielstil und die Party (1 Mitglied) angepasst werden kann.
Das Spiel bekommt von mir eine gute 8,5/10 :)
1153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 10:45
Das Spiel ist nicht Bierernst wie andere Rpg's und nimmt so einiges auf die Schippe.
Den Herrn der Ringe, Conan uvm.
Eine Warnung noch vorweg. Als ich das Spiel verließ um mir eine Tasse Tee zu gönnen, hörte ich den DIeb sagen das man ja jetzt meine Festplatte nach meiner Kreditkartennummer durchsuchen könnte o.O zum Glück bin ich aber nicht so blond das ich sowas auf dem Rechner speicher.
Ich bin zwar noch nicht durch, aber ich will auf jeden Fall noch hören was andere Charaktere zu sagen haben. Neben der Standard Gruppe kann man sich noch entscheiden eine Heilerin,Paladin oder Barden mitzunehmen. Schade das man die nicht wechseln kann, aber so lang geht das Spiel ja auch nicht ist ein weiterer Durchlauf kein Problem.
Nicht Empfohlen
2366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 15:25
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67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 20:21
Den Humor muss man mögen, hat mir schon nach kurzer Zeit zu aufgezwungen gewirkt.
über die deutschen Texte sollte man nochmal drüber schauen. Sehr viele Schreibfehler drin...
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1284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 17:13
Keine Dialogoptionen um Kämpfe zu vermeiden. Um einen Questgegenstand zu erlangen ist ein Kampf obligatorisch. Eigentlich hangelt man sich von Kampf zu Kampf und fragt sich irgendwann, weshalb man überhaupt spielt.
Funny and cheesy dialogues. Just hack n slay. No story. No RPG. Turn-based strategy.
No dialogue options to avoid battles. Battles are paramount to get a quest item.
While stumbleing from battle to battle you sooner or later wonder why you re playing at all.
1611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 16:56
Selten soviel Spaß beim durchspielen gehabt.
Charme der alten Adventures mit gelungener Comic Grafik und genialen Sprüchen und Dialekten.
Freue mich jetzt schon aufs erneute durchspielen.
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195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 18:49
2625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 15:49
1492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 12:47
The encounters you meet take way less time than similar turn-based RPG's, but can still be very difficult; Don't expect a walk in the park!
Would recommend to anyone liking a bit of humour, more casual and X-COM turn based style.
Would rate it 8 of out 10.
701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 09:10
I think it's very intelligently produced. Setting the entire game in what is essentially a giant building, allowed for the optimisations in number of environmental assets, props and lighting. Smart!
I don't really care about the story but it's whimsical and unobtrusive.
The fights are good - all of them are scripted. I think some of them are bit too difficult given the amount of control the designers had over progression.
I always like the interplay between free movement and Turn-based combat. It's a classic RPG mechanic and I'm glad they chose to follow that pattern.
The game isn't complicated to understand. All in all, an excellent AA experience.
749 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 13:10
7948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 02:14
There is a learning curve to the game, but once you get to know the different characters (and their talents) you can help them work together with greater effectiveness. You will develop your own strategies that work best for your style. There are quite a few typos in the dialogue, but maybe that is because it was originally done in French (I believe). The voice acting is top notch (though the lines range from hokey to hilarious). Felicia Day's wizardess is particularly well done. It has quite a bit of adult language, as well, for those who care about such things. The variety of opponents could be better, and all the traps in the game are exactly the same. However, some encounters have different goals instead of simply killing. As you get better gear, your party changes its look to reflect becoming a higher-level group of adventurers.
To sum up, the visuals, voice work, personality, and tactical battles are all an A+. The humor & story are an A. The typos & lack of enemy variety are minor annoyances that most players probably won't notice. But the game really has no drawbacks other than the price -- though I'd say it was worth every penny. My only complaint is that the DLC's are not coming out as quickly as I'd like. I can't wait for more content!
Nicht Empfohlen
2778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 00:36
2531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 20:19
Game has a heartfelt full of fun story. Dialogues are pretty funny and combat is pretty good. Voice acting is awesome in the game. Overall this game offers something different and a fantasy comedy (these are rare) at its core, that it is worth the time playing it
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193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 19:58
I love stereotypes and this game serves so many. It is very hard to find something that is not 100% political correct at this time. Again, this game serves many stereotypes! If you don´t like that, please don´t buy but also please don´t complain about the political incorrectness! The dialogues, the story they are all very well written and fun listen to. Each of the characters serves a different stereotype that matches the theme very well. Due to that, character customization is almost non-existent.
But that is about it, the focus was clearly more on the narrative side and not on the gameplay side. This game is based on a series of books/comics and I think if you are interested in that you should rather read those than play the game.
I am a big fan of turn-based strategy games and played most of the big titles. It is hard not to compare it to titles like XCOM. And compared to other turn-based strategy came Dungeon of Naheulbeuk really lacks flow in the gameplay. Every single turn felt very cumbersome and complicated which, for me, never resulted in a fluent game play experience that I could enjoy.
It comes with a few tweaks and improvements compared to other turn-based strategy games, but in principle is not very much different. For me it did not work out, although I enjoyed the theme and the story writing a lot. Combats were just too cumbersome and took too long for me.
4370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 05:21
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431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 06:16
Let's start with gameplay. i.e. combat. It seems fun at first glance, and tempts you early on, but battles are fought in a constant state of losing. Even if you end up winning, you're always losing along the way, and it doesn't work as fun. Every battle after the tutorials are so insanely hard, that I'm pretty sure they're designed with the expectation that you'll lose about half you're party every fight. Which means if, like me, you get a combat with insanely bad luck (4 crits for the enemy, 3 crit misses for me, a quadra miss on a 4x attack, a partial parry by an enemy surviving with 2 HP, etc.), even the mechanic designed to offset bad luck isn't enough. Once the AI has spent ~10 seconds per enemy thinking about what it wants to do, it is absolutely brutal, flanking and backstabbing regardless of personal positioning, which is especially hard to deal with if you can't start someone weak behind cover and they go near last in initiative order.
Then there's the characters/dialogue. Again, lots of potential, but poorly executed. The ranger's voice sounded interesting at first, until it's clear he reads everything without verbal punctuation, which kinda sets the tone for the dialogue as well, 80% is jokes, 5% of which are funny. I laughed at one. The humor isn't bad, it's just forced in between every line of meaningful dialogue, and quickly becomes repetitive. I did like the thief character, and every character has a sliver of something intriguing, except maybe the elf, but there constant repeating of the same three jokes each one tells becomes grating quickly.
Again, there's clearly potential here. Some of the basic humoral and non-humoral premises are fun, the level up mechanic caught my interest, and I love the idea of an XCOM style combat with fantasy themes and melee abilities. I just found that I spent most of my non-combat time feeling like everything was taking too long, and most of my combat time like I was losing an unfair battle and wanted to kill somebody. And it was especially annoying watching the enemy whose turn it was idle for sometimes up to around 10 seconds before taking its turn.
If it looks like something you'd like, give it a try, but I was personally disappointed with my experience. Take that as you will.
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284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 22:17
The attempts at humor -- and even just the normal dialogue -- are so bad, trite, cliched and poorly delivered that not only does the game fail to make me feel a connection to any character, but it actually keeps me from playing a game I might otherwise enjoy. Sometimes I'll look at Naheulbeuk in my inventory and think maybe ... no, wait, I do not want to sit through another minute of those idiotic jokes.
I'm just going to go ahead and uninstall after I finish writing this. Thinking about this game just makes me sad.
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 23:48
783 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 19:36
The combat system seems to work very well and with a lot of different options for each charactor, making them unique.
All in all, this game is a 10 out 10
2839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 01:09
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568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 16:29
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619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 11:22
the issue is the game play. The combat mechanics complete undermine the genre of turn based-STRATEGY. There is a lot of good material in this game, but the design and mechanics of the actual combat in this game need serious tuning.
It is very clear by developer responses to post that they have a very clear/intended way to play the game. Which is great! the problem is, the design allows for varied ways to play/build characters. If certain choices/builds etc. are not actually viable in the game, you should just remove them as options. The illusion of the options only frustrates and wastes players time. If there is really only 1 viable route just railroad the progression like the storyline and combat is.
Common combat concepts this game seems to have a strange interpretation of:
Action economy and Control zones
The encounters are so heavily stacked against the player it really limits the strategic options in combat. Namely, the AI enemies generally have a larger tool kit, more stats, movement, and more action points on an individual level than the players characters. I think this was a result of wanting the game to be more challenging, but the problem is the AI has no sense of self preservation and will often make poor strategic choices just to get a cheap shot in on a caster after rushing past your melee lines. AI could be fixed by removing the number of tools the individual enemies have. Have 1 enemy that does aoe bombs and is weak is other things, and have 1 enemy good in single range/over watch, and have 1 good in melee. Too often you will be fighting hordes of these mystical masters of all combat arts who are better at all 3 than your individual toons are at 1 of those. I think that would help simplify the AI scripting to allow for more interesting strategic game play. On top of that piece, they just have too many cc/stat/abilities per unit. Either make the encounters where I am outskilled, or outnumbered/positioned, not both. You'd expect that level of options/tools in a typical dungeon boss, not the average mob.
Zones of control - there really are none for the player, which eliminates a lot of strategic options in combat. The AI will often move through melee zones taking almost no penalty (your opportunity atks do reduced dmg fsr, maybe it doesn't apply certain bonus' by design?) or restriction of movement. So the AI really doesn't have a serious movement penalty you can impose (I assume b/c the AI was just ignoring it, and it was tuned to not make the encounters really dumb). over watch is a bit better, but when you use a bow you lose your opportunity attack so it kinda washes. Suggested changes: Opportunity attacks when landed stop/ interrupt the enemy, and have them occur even when the enemy moves 1 space while in melee, not just when they move out of melee. The way the game is tuned right now, I think that is a fair change, it keeps the player from just wining and gives the AI a chance to engage the closest threat, and not the most valuable move based on a meta game (the enemies in the encounters doesn't seek to win the round, they seek to make the player lose the game, not just the battle, which I think is my overarching issue with this game). I think the movement ranges are pretty big as well, maybe to speed up combat, but most encounters end and you barely move a few spaces from start. there are all these great spaces/elements to use in the environment but b/c the enemies moves so far/fast it really shrinks a lot of the actual tactical positioning you could do. Also, the maps are a bit crammed with explosive/poison/oil/etc. environmental hazards that will literally end your game if you go near.
I there is a lot of good stuff in this game. I really like a lot of the the pieces in the game, I just think the execution could have been tweaked to make it a waaay better/fun/enjoyable game. Most games of this genre have similar issues, but implement mechanics (can see enemy intentions, atk/hit %, and undo movement before actions etc.) that lessen the impact of design choices on gameplay. I think the luck mechanic tries to do some of this, but just takes tooo long to fill up. It just comes down to you get to a point where the enemies are just wrecking your party, and the only real option is to look up a guide and play a certain way with certain build and start the game over.
Ultimately, it comes down to, if I lose, I should feel like it was my fault. Many games do this well. There were many encounters where I misplayed or did poorly and had to restart. Eventually I got to a point where there just wasn't the case anymore. When you start combat and the first 3 enemies run past your defense/melee and 1shot/crit 3 different characters and barely took 10% damage (and still didn't have a bad luck bonus for even an extra action)...Really tough to feel like you lost vs the game decided you lost.
4376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 10:12
Humor, self-irony in a fantasy setting is a delicious cocktail.
Very nice graphics. Tactical battles keep the brain in good shape.
The Russian localization deserves a separate mention. Translators are guys with a good sense of humor. I look forward to continuing in the same way.
1967 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 07:48
Each character has a unique personality, and this is really important when you have to control 7 characters. They are not just minions or pawns. The player gets to care about the characters even after an hour in the game.
Everything else about the world design, I guess is top notch in this genre. Beautiful graphics, music and sound effects. The RPG mechanics are solid but with a funny twist. You have XP, skill points, attribute points, gear, inventory consumables etc...
It is like XCOM (combat), Divinity (artwork / medieval theme) combined with your favorite comedy show.
-Voice acting
-Character development / gear, skills etc
I think the game could be a little lighter in terms of hardware requirements. I mean it feels heavy. It needs a decent GPU so as to run smoothly. As for the gameplay, I guess the mechanics of miss/dodge/parry/failure etc could be a little less frustrating... Character animations at some point can get a lower framerate than the rest of the game, but it doesn't happen often and I am getting very picky now.
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827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 22:42
The critical fails are completely miserable.
Why would I want to spend 20 minutes running around fighting for my life just so in the final turn. As I'm raining hellfire on the scattered remains of the army which has been kicking my ass, all of my boosts and bonuses can be burnt on a mechanic that is hard coded to fuck me every 2-3 minutes.
Other then the critical fails completlly fucking the combat system what else is wrong?
There's no grinding options. All the fights have been designed for you to fight them one after the other.
The dialog gets boring. I was interested at first but none of it is particularly funny or entertaining. Mostly puns and long winded jokes.
The story so far is pretty boring. I really couldn't care what happens to any of them.
It's a shame I can't enjoy this game after so much work went into it. It REALLY feels polished and nice. It's just not entertaining enough for me to deal with the bullshit.
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1268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 08:05
I should love this game, but I don't.
Can't pinpoint why... maybe just a little too cartoony for it's own good.
It's fun for a while, I got 20 hours from it, but then it becomes a bit too uninteresting, and getting lost becomes a real pita.
Get it on sale.
6363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 06:25
The combat is top notch, I've seen few games equal it. There are new mechanics in many fights up until the end. The enemies are interesting and challenging. The difficulty curve is almost perfect; With the exception of the penultimate fight, which I thought was much more challenging than the final fight. The skill system and point system is interesting and well formulated.
The (English) writing is terrible and cringe-worthy. I have a theory that the localisation team that adapted it from the original French weren't comedy people and so the English version suffered.
The graphics are great, with this wonderful cartoony aesthetic. The music is top-notch. The level design is wonderful, with even short sections that are done as an aside to the main-quest are well thought out and feel epic. The game is surprisingly long, but is rarely boring; Some of the small side-quests that rely on humour can be a bit dull.
All around an A; Just missing an A+ because of the writing.
P.S. Also my favorite joke that made me laugh out loud: The chicken of lust.
4638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 20:27
905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 20:46
The characters are unique and do have very entertaining personalities, soundtrack is very good, graphics are exactly as needed for this game and the combat mechanics are excellent RPG quality.
Do yourself a favour and buy this gem if you are even remotely attracted.
It IS as entertaining as its impression in the shop.
Nicht Empfohlen
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 19:59
The guided tutorial felt too long.
There are glaring bugs. Running up to a mob might trigger an attack of opportunity, even though I was not disengaging from them. Just going up to them.
The to-hit chance display is misleading. There is a separate roll for evasion, parry, partial parry , whatever. It's not explained in the tutorial. It's kinda important.
Stats and abilities of all mobs are hidden from you. The first time you encounter a mob, it's going to surprise you with random BS you have no chance of anticipating. Subsequently, the game does not deign to show potential actions of your enemies or their cooldowns. Good luck remembering which one of the generic enemies had this 'kick you across the battlefield' ability or can throw a debilitating AOE, and which don't, and how often they can do it, or whether there's any cooldown to their skills at all. The tooltips won't tell you any of the important info on enemies. Die first, learn from it later.
All encounters are hard. All of them seem to be balanced such that you're going to have to 1) build competently, 2) level up immediately 3) play fairly decently in terms of tactics. Always. Even if you've never seen the mobs or their skills before, and you've never had a chance to try any of the items or skills you've just acquired. This has been balanced by the QA team for the QA team, i.e. for people who know all the enemies already.
All encounters have too many participants. As a consequence a single fight can take forever. You'll spend upwards of 20 mins even on the early game ones, A 7 vs 7 encounter is yawn inducing and tedious.
Story makes no sense whatsoever - the whole thing relies on its humor to carry it. Random shit happens all the time - I take it it's part of the appeal.
If you're a very patient person and like the humor and challenging drawn-out fights with opaque mechanics - go for it. Otherwise, maybe check out Solasta, or Divinity 2 original Sin, perhaps Baldur's Gate 3.
Their combat mechanics are more transparent. These games communicate much better what skills/statuses actually do, and thus emphasize strategy and tactics over randomness and information hiding just to fuck with you.
2062 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 22:08
However, the combat is done really well in this game - it is turn based with grid based movement and action points for attacks/items/spells each turn. Not all of the fights are challenging but there are several during the game which require a change in tactics and quite a bit of strategic thought. I died numerous times during my playthrough and had to change my approach to the harder fights, which made it very enjoyable as a challenge to overcome.
The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk is a short, simple and silly game but is well made for what it is and the fights make it worth playing in my opinion. I would give it a 5/10 but with a positive slant.
652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 13:42
Nicht Empfohlen
483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 23:26
Characters: They are really good!
Story Line: It is just ok.
Gameplay: The gameplay is very nice at the beginning, then it turns very frustrating. From my point of view the “miss” chance is too high. It was not fun for me. It is shame, the game looked very promising at the very fist glance, but it disappointed me after few hours of playing.
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692 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 22:53
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1289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 11:03
Bullshit! Frustrating game that requires you to save spam. Not recommended.
4935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 19:31
The game itself is fairly standard tactical RPG fare: each party member has 2 action points by default with one reserved for movement; leveling up sees you gain 2 stat points (3 at levels 7-10), 1 active skill point and 1 passive skill point; gear comes in 4 qualities denoted by background colour (black, bronze, silver, gold) with 8-10 slots depending on character options for shield, melee weapon & ranged weapon; every one friend or foe gets one round before the turn counter resets. Combat events are scripted, so there is no way to trigger a fight randomly other than encountering a quest marker. This makes side quests very much essential for improving your team. The TAB key will be your friend for finding hidden loot when exploring as all interactive items other than side quest find X are highlighted yellow.
Some of the more novel features are the injury systems - performance dips as the health bar goes from green to yellow to amber to red, as well as temporary stat debuffs that you acquire through being rendered unconscious. The dips can removed through the use of an appropriate consumable. You can also choose at the start of chapter 3 to add one extra character (paladin, minstrel or priestess) that can't be swapped out. There are also neutral combatants (chickens) that will attack the nearest non-chicken, irrespective of who's side it is on. Each merchant has different rates for buying stuff from you, but all will sell the same item for the same price.
Have encountered a graphics issue with the image seeming ghostly when paused. Had to play around with the visual settings to clear the issue.
Lack of ability to set facing before the characters turn ends. Say you want to shoot an enemy to your west and then have the character face north. You have to attack first and then move. If you move first then attack you'll be stuck facing west.
No option to confirm you've finished your turn. There is a feature that allows you to give a character plus one action; however this must be chosen before they've used both their default action points otherwise they've missed their chance.
No way to stop the mini-map rotating - whichever direction you are travelling becomes the 'northern point' of the mini-map. Has given me navigation headaches.
2058 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 22:06
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3063 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 02:18
751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 13:43
A lot of the negative reviews are about the RNG elements in the game. A lot of the reviews also compare the RNG to Xcom, forgetting that Xcom has HEAPS of hidden numbers that they player can't see affecting the outcome. So, ultimately, I don't get what these people are whining about.
Awesome game, probably a 9/10 or 10/10.
5761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 03:47
3097 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 02:51
6906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 18:48
The DLC is out for $10, I'm very confident it'll be value for the money.
Could definitely use more games, developers and publishers like this.
Very much recommended.
2593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 03:52
Enough about combat, the story and game is incredibly funny. They take the old DnD idea and create a quest that extremely funny and has a lot of replay value, each character is defined very well both in combat and their personality.
2044 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 21:10
Overall, I've been a long, long time fan of the Naheulbeuk series. I listened to it in my very young years, read some of the comics... First started playing in english with english voices because as I grew up I got enamored with the english language. Beat the game once in tavern ballad mode, so decided to play a second playthrough in easy mode for the sake of achievements, but this time I picked french language and voices.
I absolutely love the choices for character voices, and it's sad they didn't keep the Wizardess' gimmick of having a weird voice because of a spell that went wrong in her past for the english acting, ah well...
The french voices have the OG Dwarf and Barbarian which is immensely pleasant, as for the rest of the cast...I guess the Ranger's voice is okay, thought it throws me off a bit considering his design. The Elf's is faithful enough I suppose.
As for the game itself, holy molly is it hard, even on something as bland looking as a normal mode.
The beginning makes you progress at a steady pace, not too brutal. The midgame is probably the worst part as it feels heavily unbalanced due to the rolls system and enemy gimmicks, I regularly felt underpowered with the Ranger dealing crap damage until he got his epic bow.. Between the enemies dodging twice in a row with their measly 10 and/or 5% and the critical failures, this was not a peaceful stroll. The late game was a bit easier since you unlock many abilities that combo well with others. The [spoiler]Losax[/spoiler] demon was one HELL of a difficult fight however, I had to restart a handful of times. The final boss felt underwhelming too.
I picked the Paladin for my first playthrough and was a bit disappointed on her tanking prowesses, she went down too quickly in my opinion...
But regardless of all the bad things, I had plenty of nostalgia hiccups. This game is a gem, a masterpiece, even if it has many bugs, hurts the eyes at times, is pretty slow going regarding enemy actions, I loved it with all my soul. And I hope this review can motivate people into giving it a shot. The price is a bit steep, but you won't regret it if you're not the type who gets discouraged on your first defeat.
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1363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 00:53
3928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 02:09
The game itself is really solid and oozes character. Its fun just to change the party leader sometimes to see how they run out front, from the Ranger's swagger to the Elf's skipping. The graphics are excellent - definitely zoom in sometimes to see the quality and the soundtrack is always high quality.
Combat is a detailed turn based affair, with characters spending action points to move, attack or use specials. There are attacks of opportunity and Overwatch mechanics in place and positioning is the key to success in battle. The range of skills is expansive - just get Dwarf Toss for the Ogre, trust me ;) Each character has their distinct flavour and all play very differently. You can naturally build them in different ways, for example my Ranger liked swords but he could have been specced more for bows instead, My Priestess originally liked dealing damage with holy lightning, until around level 8 when I changed her to a pure buff/heal machine. Once criticism here is that its perhaps too easy to just stack 1-2 stats, agility and strength for most. There again, Courage determines the order you attack in, so there are tactics that can be built around high Courage and Courage buffs too.
There is copious loot ranging in quality from trash to truly epic. Changing main armour also upgrades the look of the characters; the dwarf becoming more and more like a tin can, the elf becoming more covered in flowers with every upgrade, and the Ogre just adding random pots and pans to himself. It all works very well.
The humour is relentless - and its the thing that will make you love or hate this game. If you like zany, somewhat slapstick D&D parody jokes they come at your constantly. This isn't a game for people who take everything seriously, but just let yourself get drawn into the silliness and you'll have a blast.
One particular favourite is the constant insults between the Elf and Dwarf. For example when the Elf levels up you sometimes get this exchange:
Elf: I'm getting better!
Dwarf: Better than rubbish is still rubbish.
I'm not sure there is much replayability, but the first playthrough is a good 30-40 hours and worth every moment. I shall be sad to wave goodbye to the Ranger, Dwarf, Elf, Thief, Barbarian, Ogre, Wizardess and Priestess, and shall be crossing my fingers for a sequel.
6013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 02:48
I already knew the French comics it is based on before playing. And i think it is even better.
The tchat between the characters is hilarious. If you like sarcasm and taunt it is for you. I played the difficulty level just below the extreme one. The difficulty is high on the beginning but it is rewarding when you win. Artworks are beautiful. Just watch the paintings on the wall and comics on the ground, there are a lot of easter eggs. It is a beautiful game. Sounds and voices are good. Only drawback of this game, i could not use one skill of the dwarf (redirecting the damage of his teammate on himself). Everytime i tried my computer freeze.
So have a great time!
3337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 17:12
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549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 22:19
5382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 12:38
The quality of the graphics and animation is top notch, pretty much AAA material with an incredible amount of attention to detail if you zoom in, and most of the voice-acting is very good. Music is also varied and enjoyable.
I gather it was quite buggy on release but it's eminently playable now, and I haven't encountered any serious bugs, just a very few misplaced bits of text and graphics and misspellings of translations from the French.
As with Trouibleshooter and its Korean anime story sequences, the tactical gameplay in this game is so good that even if you have misgivings about the cartooney art style and light-hearted self-referential humor going in, you'll grow to love it.
It's not as deep as Troubleshooter on the build/progression side of things (what game is? :) ) but gear, build and progression are chunky and satisfying enough, and the system is well thought-out.
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2644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 18:24
Also I'm not sure how so many reviews are praising the writing- it's too bland to even be juvenile. It's like an old Dungeon or Dragon magazine comic stretched out for an entire game. Not confident enough to either be serious or tell actual jokes, the dialogue just pinballs around things that the writers thinks were cliches but I'm not sure ever were. The Ranger is horny! This isn't really interesting as a concept and none of the lines around it would be funny to a 14 year old, but it's all they got. The dwarf is greedy, and they're going to remind you every 5 minutes. The elf is ditsy, and you get reminded of that every 4 minutes. The Barbarian is sorta based off Conan? Every 2 minutes. This would maybe be less of a problem if cutscenes didn't seem to occupy as much of the gameplay as the brief moments you get to explore an area.
5744 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 21:03
Skills are reasonably well balanced although some are a bit useless / redundant. The humour won't suit everyone but I like it, happy to listen to 90 seconds of party banter between fights as they occasionally provide a laugh, and we all need more of those.
963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 08:23
Its a fun and interesting game.
2536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 01:39
-Great humour and story
-Great combat and Gameplay
-Amazing pacing between story & combat
-35 hour campaign, with replayability!
-Loved this game start to finish, played almost every day for a week until i beat it.
-Can't wait to play again on Nightmare mode!
My only gripes holding this back from a 10/10:
-Game was primed for a new game+ specially with how the story ends. But no new game+....
-Game forces you to pick your 8th companion from Bard, Paladin or Priest. Would be nice to tailor this further, especially on a new game+. I would love to bring both paladin & priest, and drop maybe the Archer inplace.
-Book collections and pairing them up with shelves, was a super silly feature to the game. Luckily it wasn't necessary and I just completely ignored that feature.
1724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 22:04
1642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 05:03
2102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 15:12
This game is fun and challenging.
It probably needs to be patched for more smooth animation transition and dialogue interaction but other than that it run well.
Have fun
2764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 15:19
6565 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 17:00
Actually preferred this to wasteland 3, it's currently dragging me away from wow:shadowlands as well.
The humour is like marmite- love it or hate it. (It's good to see british humour appreciated by a foreign developer though).
Gameplay is good, I prefer this to Fellseal's which got a bit cheesy/grindy.
Just hope they bring out an expansion or sequel soon.
2676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 07:04
What you are getting is a cheekily sarcastic, cutely designed tactical rpg that lets you run a team of what is basically a DnD adventure. The story is straightforward, but the characters and voice actors make the game super entertaining. I love Xcom, Fire Emblem, and other games like this, so I picked it up. I think it's worth a playthrough if you're a fan of similar games. If you're not into tactics and more into narrative/challenge/mechanical games, it may not be for you.
Pros: Humor, tactical gameplay, Art style
Cons: Simple, cyclical, predictable
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1464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 20:07
The game is made for the hardcore player who wants to spend a lot of time just working out what is the best move per character in every battle .I never finished the game due to boredom at chapter 4 .
612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 17:10
If you like party dnd-like games, this one will absolutely not disappoint you.
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592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 15:15
I couldn't figure out how my characters with 100% chance to hit with a flank attack or backstab where constantly failing with by being dodge or parried. The whole critical fail element with it's RNG humor...f' that. I get sometimes missing with a 90% chance to hit (that's X-com baby) but all the freaking time. And the critical failure killing my teammate when I try to heal. No thanks. I don't want to spend hours doing fights with RNG giving it to me in the rear, failing and then having to start over the ordeal.
Look, for its trappings, its a good game for what it shows you. But on execution, I have better games to play to waste time on, and feel some sense of accomplishment then getting it in the backside and having to redo it again.
For those that are considering this because they think it might be a different form of X-com, it is not. Look for something else.
2204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 18:43
I find the characters and writing to be enjoyable if a bit immature but indeed funny.
The characters work well together and you can do some creative and unique combos (Orge throwing the dwarf into a crowd so he can spin to win is so satifying)
They fall into very familiar DnD style classes doing what you'd mostly expect them to do.
Art style is good. I enjoy stylized art styles so much.
Sound and music are decent but the Voice Acting is great for your party.
I highly recommend this product and def look into the source material. It seems like a fun interesting fantasy adventure that doesn't take itself too seriously but still is engaging.
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615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 18:28
High tolerance for infantile humor. At least I think its supposed to be funny. mostly the wrting and dialogues are cringeworthy.
Primitive sound and speaker setup. Something in the sound confuses surround systems and makes it pop all over the place.
A handheld console or a tablet with a streaming service. The AI turns are unbearably slow.
Tolerance for bad design decisions: Two of your party are so annoying that the options menu allows to mute them.
Basic French skills: it won't take you long to find the first untranslated lines and buttons
What do you get:
A passable tactics rpg with a rather large party based squad where (wonders over wonders!) all of them are deployed instead of the now customary deploy-4-and-rust-the-rest
I don't think the story will become relevant at any point. The first 10 hours was just inane trope checking
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3195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 06:26
This isn't a bad game by any means, but I can't go with the fight mechanics, and even though people do like difficulty, here it's more about decisions that I just don't understand/can't agree with.
During the fights, you will have to deal with :
- people dodging/paring attacks from the back
- people dodging attacks with 100% hit chance (hit chance being only based on your character stats, the dodging/paring being hidden)
- your character failing 100% hit chance friendly buff (because there's a hidden flat fail chance even if you have 100% hit chance, because fy)
- your character failing AURAS, STANCES and VANISHING, skills that do not even rely on hit chance since they are supposed to be a guaranteed hit (as you would expect from an aura or a self-buff ; all of this because of the flat crit-fail chance again).
While the devs are open about this and insist it's on purpose, it makes fights a random fest where anything can happen (I killed an ally trying to buff him). It's fun when you play multiplayer games, but in solo games it's just a pain, as fights are punishing (at least in hard mode) and this random crit-fail usually means you either lose the fight or are in a very bad situation from then.
I play tactical RPGs because I like planning, relying on mechanics and trying different strategies. Here, I just cross my fingers, hope I don't kill friends or get one-shot after missing a 100% hit chance attack in the back of an enemy who dodges and kills me in return.
Not fun, not satisfying (when you win, it's because randomness was on your side), punishing when random are not on your side.
I will finish it because Pen of Chaos, John Lang, le Naheulband etc, not because I enjoy the game itself.
I would not buy it knowing all this, also.
Edit : first fiht after this review, my dwarf crit-fail his defense stance and my thief his vanishing in the same turn. Apparently crit-fails have a 3% chance to happen. I don't believe so.
Edit 2 : the next fight, my vanish also epic failed. it's been once per battle for the last three battle. this is a joke '3%' rofl. At this point it makes me laugh nervously.
299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 07:44
The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos developed by Artefacts Studio and published by Dear Villagers is a turn-based tactical RPG set in a humorous fantasy world. The player takes control of the following group of seven characters with an additional added into the mix after a certain point in the story. The Ranger, the Elf, the Thief, the Ogre, the Wizardess, the Barbarian, and lastly, the Dwarf. The campaign is fixated around the party of heroes finding the Amulet of Chaos and guiding the group of unconventional heroes along their journey in finding the amulets origins as well as figuring out why dark forces are after it.
The game starts out with an extremely helpful tutorial that teaches the player how to utilize each hero individually. You start off with the Ranger fighting a single orc. Shortly after, you are led to find the remaining members of your party throughout small-scale battles all while learning the mechanics of combat and each character. The tutorial does a solid job at easing the player into the plethora of options given to them without being too overwhelming. After a few fights and learning the technical of combat our heroes are united for a final fight. It is in this final fight that our heroes win the Amulet of Chaos via a goblin game show and start their journey down this treacherous path.
After locating the Amulet the party is introduced to our central location, the Dungeon of Naheulbeuk, or more specifically the inn inside of the dungeon. The inn is the party’s main area in which they will act in a multitude of options such as: taking a rest and restoring health points, trading with merchants, talking to other bystanders, and meeting the other three playable characters. There are three additional characters that the player may recruit into their party after reaching a specific part of the story. One by one they will join your party for their own quest, giving the player a solid chance to see each character’s abilities and move sets....
- Detail to characters and atmosphere provides an immense amount of depth
- Voice acting and writing create an extremely lighthearted and humorous environment
- The variety of characters and abilities leads to a lot of different experiences to explore Cons:
- UI can be a bit clunky at times
- RNG based combat can lead to frustrating scenarios
- Few bugs here and there, such as keyboard movement halting to operate correctly
- UI can be a bit clunky at times
- RNG based combat can lead to frustrating scenarios
- Few bugs here and there, such as keyboard movement halting to operate correctly
Check out the full review:
4266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 02:55
Very polished and far fewer bugs compared to WL3. However, it also smaller location-wise and much less role-playing freedom as a result as well.
Some issues with the UI, pathfinding and movement with the mouse.
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583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 18:22
1799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 22:59
Follow my Curator Page for more Strategy Games! | [/tr]
The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos is a turn-based strategy game with RPG elements. Most of the time you will think you're in a D&D Adventure. This is TBS at it's best. This will be a classic in the genre in a few years. But first things first.
A Group of seven.. beings goes into a dungeon for a quest. Early on they get separated and you'll find them one after another. This works as a tutorial to learn the mechanics of the game slowly and it works perfect as it combines this, with the characters and the world. Thanks to that, it's not your typical boring tutorial.
Each character has different abilities, stats, advantages and disadvantages. The Ranger is an all-rounder whereas the elf is an archer. Every character in the group is different.
The turn-based fights work as in almost every other TBS game. Comparing it with XCOM Dungeon of Naheulbeuk is just as great.
You know, when you have a 99% chance to hit your target and your attack misses? This will happen in DoN, too. Although not as much as in XCOM, so don't worry. It may happen on higher difficulties more often though - so if you're a fan of that try it out.
I'm playing on normal difficulty and it is easier than normal in XCOM (well, after leveling up 1-2 Characters it is easy there, too). If you want a real challenge, go for the higher difficulties or Iron-Man.
DoB does not have base management. Instead, it is more like an RPG. Every character gains EXP after fights and quests. For every level, you can choose one active and one passive ability, as well as spend points in personal stats such as power, courage, intelligence, etc. Aside from all that, you get gold which you can spend to buy potions, weapons, clothes, armor and a lot more. Like in most RPG's you can make your character stronger when finding or buying better equipment.
One of the strongest aspects is the story. The story is like a fairy tale in a D&D Adventure. Almost every conversation is dubbed. Even side quests are fully dubbed. There even is a narrator and the voice acting is high-class. I'm playing with german synchronization. Most of the time, games aren't well dubbed in german but this here is one of the best dubs I ever heard and the game is not even made by germans. I can't imagine the English or French version being bad.
Every character in the story has their personality. And I really mean it.
The story is lovely, funny and exciting. Everything you expect a D&D Adventure to be.
Everything in this game is atmospheric. The setting, the music, the voice acting, the aesthetics, the story and the fights. I can't imagine anyone who is into strategy games not liking the game. DoN is a love letter to the genre. Don't wait for a sale, buy it immediately. It's well worth every cent and every hour you put into it. It's around 40 to 50 hours long.
If you like my review and are into strategy games please consider following my curator page! | [/tr]
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397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 06:46
This game is a bit charming and funny... But the gameplay is overall just annoying and very frustrating. Why the hell do I get a critical failure on using a buff? Why are critical failures so often? I feel that, instead of creating good strategy elements, they just put in bad mechanics which creates artificial difficulty. This is most of the time frustrating and makes the game not fun.
The jokes and humour also gets pretty repetitive. Its a bit funny at first, but soon gets old, and eventually just annoying.
2380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 12:08
Good diversity and random surprises in every fight! The story and the characters are very funny!
I am halfway thru the game and I absolutely LOVE it!
Game created by gamers for (mature)gamers! Thank you to the great teams that created this game! more DLCs please!! Imma do at least 2 more playthru and make diff choices to see the impact.
2056 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 03:48
The humor and dialogues are priceless and plentiful, found myself having to pause to laugh because of some well placed ridiculous (in all the right ways) lines.
the combat and character ability mechanics are very in depth and recall D&D type games. But you can definitely have a blast, win fights, and get the feeling of having strategically triumphed without submitting to the steep learning curve of the skill system, and sort of selecting at random. I think it has been very well designed for all skills and type of players, with high content variety and intrigue. There are choices you make that are final and affect the story which add to the immersion, along with a surprisingly large map and plenty of places to explore.
The combat system makes it also very unusual in that you don’t feel like rushing through it (as someone how tends to struggle at putting games down I appreciate that), it’s easy to use the combats as a break point, put it down with a victory and a smile and pick it up later for another hour or so. Never feels like grinding!
Would definitely recommend this game to anyone who like adventure and or strategy games !
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1622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 14:43
A Mindless Misadventure
The hardest thing to write is a good comedy. The easiest thing to write is a bad comedy. The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos is the latter. It is a silly, satire-focused CRPG that does exceedingly little to separate itself from contemporaries, save its almost supernatural ability to make the player cringe at every unabashedly unfunny moment of it.
In the beginning, it’s easy to be lulled into thinking the game is going somewhere. There’s a casual charm to it. The exposition is fine. The environments are better. The combat is unoriginal, but it’s still that standard turn-based tactics style that consumers have been gobbling up for years. And even the bubbly cadence with which the characters converse, perhaps only at first, doesn’t ring any alarm bells.
Then Dungeon of Naheulbeuk attempts to tell a joke. Then another. Then another. Then another.
Illuminatingly Silly
Dungeon of Naheulbeuk is absolutely inundated with bad dialogue. This is a major problem because nearly half of the game is spent in either a cut scene, where the player is forced to listen to this atrocious back-and-forth among the characters, or in a battle (at about a 50/50 clip) where it is also pumped out with frightening regularity. With that much time dedicated to its writing and plot, it would be negligent not to alert a potential player coming here to experience a good story that they should sprint as hard as they can in the opposite direction. The story, in lieu of telling one, is much more interested in creating a hellscape in which the player is damned to live out eternity (20 hours) watching seven bad comedians try to top each other's handicapped wit.
Like. We get it, the barbarian’s feet smell because he’s a barbarian and he’s stinky. We get it, the elf has big boobs and is completely naive to the fact that every male party member wants to experience them. You don’t have to keep jamming into the script—everywhere the stupid declarations might fit—that the barbarian is likely suffering from a fungal infection, or that the elf’s mammaries are ample. Aside from being completely unoriginal (unoriginal by design, as each character is purposefully a trope), there’s nothing funny about any of it. Dungeon of Naheulbeuk is like an etiquette test that quizzes adolescents on whether they’ve reached an acceptable level of maturity for public consumption. With one of the main questions being, At what point are you old enough to stop finding stinky feet and large breasts, without a punchline or context, funny? Now, what if I say it 50 to 100 times, what then? What if I never, ever stop saying it?
The whole ear-bleeding endeavor is like watching an adult cartoon written by over-caffeinated children who just learned their first bad word.
As this massive fart-joke-on-steroids takes center stage, it quickly and irreversibly pulls focus from every potentially positive moment of the experience. There’s actually some decent content buried here. But as the deluge of indulgently bad dialogue continues, that decent content becomes harder and harder to distinguish. Eventually all you notice is tons of shockingly bad humor. So, strap in for bad jokes! And repeated bad jokes! And cringey jokes! And, my personal favorite, completely illogical jokes(!) like this winner: “[This situation] is worse than kissing an albino pony.”
Good one, fellas; because everyone can relate to that!
The Proof Is in the Dying
I’ve spent most of my adult life enjoying turned-based combat games. As video game genres go, and specifically as an RPG staple, they’ve become difficult to avoid. There’s a canonized formula to how the action unfolding in combat situations is built to work. And this game is mostly the same. You will control your party of seven (or eight if you so choose at one point) characters that all come with their own set of unique attributes and skills to use in combat. And I will give Dungeon of Naheulbeuk a lot of credit in this regard. The combat works, looks, and feels good.
However, I don’t trust the RNG.
After a severely inordinate amount of “Critical Fails” that were sending my fired arrows back into my own characters’ faces, I furiously decided to reload a Save. Upon reloading, I tried the same move—and I got the same result, critical failure. So, I tried it again; the same result continued. Then I decided to try other moves. I was shocked to find that no matter what move I attempted (an attack, a heal, or a buff), I was destined to critically fail. And because the game does a poor job of differentiating between the enemies, the spells or attacks you elect to use are even more important than they usually are in battle. You really can’t waste a move, as there’s no great way of telling which of all the different spells your foes will be resistant to, or what they have at their own disposal to counter you with.
In other words, no matter how accidentally appropriate my input was for the given situation, it was always going to fail. My choice never mattered. How can you critically fail a roll that never happened?
If reloading is cheating, so too are loaded dice.
Lute Player, Play Me a Melody!
The aesthetics (which you might notice when the game avoids talking for longer than a minute) are quite nice. The environments through which the party travels fit nicely within the pantheon of fantasy dungeons. Expect the usual suspects. There are plenty of rats, spiders, orcs, and goblins to kill. And even if some of it is undoubtedly hackneyed, the game still does a respectable job of creating a world that makes sense in a fantasyverse.
As a bonus, there’s a tavern enhanced by appropriate music. It’s frankly the only part of the game I’d recommend playing un-muted. It’s a charming respite from the misadventures (and abhorrent literary composition) awaiting outside its doors.
Somewhere here, buried deep inside, is a decent turn-based tactics game, which I enjoyed at first. However, what slowly cocooned around the core was a hardened tumor that prevented any decent idea from flourishing. Each continuing hour of the game was another hour spent in a realm of tit jokes, fourth-wall breaks, and poorly utilized pop-culture references. And the more they came, the more my contempt grew.
A boss late in the game describes the entire setting as a “s****y dungeon” in an attempt to be funny. It was, ironically, the first time the game made me laugh.
I bet you can guess why.
226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 18:35
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 17:44
600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 16:46
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos | Arcade Theory
Not all dungeon crawlers have to be a dark and grim experience. Here, we have Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk, a lighthearted tactical RPG that challenges you to lead a band of unqualified adventurers to a Pyrrhic victory. Your adventurer-like mission? Delve deep into the dungeon’s carcass and retrieve from within the twelfth statuette of … well, I don’t know, and neither does your party, either; they’re just in it for the gold. So strap on in, dear reader, and let us explore how this seemingly simple TRPG actually has a surprising amount of depth to it.At the game’s start, you got seven potentially likeable fantasy archetypes at your disposal. They’re not exactly charming. or eloquent. Or intelligent. But, they got character, more than what you’d expect from a dungeon crawler. Ranging from a narcissistic Ranger to a dim-witted Ogre, the personalities of your motley crew bumps heads with each other, but each of them are willing to put aside their differences for the sake of profiting off of their adventure together.Dungeon of Naheulbeuk is very much a story-based game. During your crawl around the dungeon, you’ll find many encounters and events that either introduce a new quest or mechanic, a conflict to progress the plot, or act as a prelude to a battle. In each of these situations, your party will take time to engage in banter with each other. To be honest, the humor can be a huge hit or miss. Sometimes, it’s pretty funny to hear the witty remarks your Thief may make. Other times, it’s jarring to hear your high-pitched Elf say something incredibly asinine for the sake of being the dumb one of the party. Nevertheless, there is plenty of dialogue and quests that revolve around the members of your merry band.Now that’s the story, morning glory. So what happens when you’re frolicking through the dungeon and you get into an encounter? Well, it’s time to duel! You start off in a deployment phase where you can plan your initial formation before the turn system begins. Every turn, you have two action points: one for an action, and one for movement. Actions include attacking, going into defensive mode, and using an ability like a special attack or an AoE buff. You can do an action or move in any order, but your turn ends once you either spend both action points or opt to skip the turn.In terms of mechanics the game is actually surprisingly solid in that department. You got your standard cover system, attacks of opportunity, and flanking bonuses, but you also have some atypical mechanics like being able to revive mid-combat a downed party member, sustaining injuries that will get worse if not healed in time (along with worse debuffs), and the Randomia gauge. With the Randomia gauge, every unlucky failure like missing an attack will build up toward special powers, so while it still sucks to have an action fail when it had a 90% chance of success, you may now use your Randomia influence to gain another action point or grant a sizeable precision boost to everyone in range of your character.Each of your party members, of course, have special abilities of their own, based on their profession. Your Thief is frail, but if you manage to flank an enemy, his sneaky strike ability grants a 200% damage boost to the unlucky fool who didn’t see it coming. Your Barbarian isn’t very agile, but his steel barrage ability swings his greatsword in an arc, dealing massive damage to anyone in front of him, though you’ll soon find his precision to be lacking.While your party members may be strong on their own, it’s way better to have them work together. One of the most important stats to keep in mind for a character is their precision, which usually starts off low. [...]
673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 15:52
Artefacts Studio
Dear Villagers
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos