• The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.
  • The Complex: Screen zum Spiel The Complex.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 31.03.2020
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Preis Update 14.07.24

Über das Spiel

Nach einem großen Biowaffenangriff auf London finden sich zwei Wissenschaftler in einem geschlossenen Labor wieder, in dem Zeit und Luft knapp werden. Bei diesem Gameplay, in dem Sie Ihr Abenteuer ganz nach Ihren Wünschen gestalten können, führen Ihre Aktionen und Beziehungen mit anderen Charakteren Sie zu einem der acht spannenden Ausgänge.

Nach Ihrer Erfahrung mit der Behandlung der Opfer eines chemischen Angriffs im totalitären Staat Kindar ist Dr. Amy Tennant nun eine Weltspitzen-Forscherin im Bereich der Nanozellentechnologie. Und nun berichten die Nachrichten in London von einem Zivilisten, der sich an Blut erbricht und dessen Identität alles andere als ein Zufall ist. Mit einem alten Freund wiedervereint findet sich Amy nun in einem undurchdringlichen Labyrinth von Laboratorien – eine Brutstätte des wissenschaftlichen Fortschritts, aber mit einem gefährlichen Geheimnis.

Die Geschichte von The Complex wurde von Lynn Renee Maxcy geschrieben, Teil des Emmy-prämierten Schreibteams von The Handmaid’s Tale. Die interaktiven Filmstars sind Michelle Mylett (Letterkenny, Bad Blood), Kate Dickie (Game of Thrones, Die Hexe) und Al Weaver (Grantchester).

Gastspielauftritt von Live-Streamerin und Moderatorin Leah Viathan.

Gastspielauftritt von Twitch-Streamerin und ehemaliger Xbox UK-Moderatorin Leah Viathan.

Während des Spiels agieren Sie mit verschiedenen Charakteren und werden – basierend auf Ihren Entscheidungen – Ihre Beziehungen mit ihnen entweder stärken oder schwächen. Ihre Beziehungspunkte werden durch das Spiel hindurch berechnet und wirken sich auf bestimmte Szenarien aus, haben aber besonders schwerwiegende Konsequenzen für die Ausgangsszenen.

Die Persönlichkeit Ihres Charakters wird basierend auf jeder von Ihnen getroffenen Entscheidung und jeder Interaktion nachverfolgt. Am Ende jedes Spieldurchlaufs erhalten Sie ein Persönlichkeitsergebnis und eine Aufschlüsselung, aus der Sie erkennen können, wie Sie das Spiel gespielt haben. Entdecken Sie die fünf Grunddimensionen einer Persönlichkeit: Offenheit, Gewissenhaftigkeit, Extraversion, Verträglichkeit und Neurotizismus. Welche davon wird Ihren Charakter während des Spiels auszeichnen?

  • Ein filmischer interaktiver Sci-Fi-Thriller mit Live-Action, gefilmt in Großbritannien.
  • Unter der Regie von Paul Raschid mit Geschichte von Lynn Renee Maxcy (The Handmaid’s Tale – Fernsehserie).
  • Multi-optionales Storytelling mit 8 verschiedenen Ausgängen.
  • Echtzeit-Tracking der Beziehungen, die die Geschichte während des Spiels beeinflussen.
  • Echtzeit-Tracking von Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen, die sich basierend auf Ihren Entscheidungen entwickeln.
  • Mit Michelle Mylett (Letterkenny, Bad Blood), Kate Dickie (Game of Thrones, Die Hexe) und Al Weaver (Grantchester).
  • Gastspielauftritt von Live-Streamerin und Moderatorin Leah Viathan.
  • Zu den freischaltbaren Funktionen gehören „Szene überspringen“, „Persönlichkeitsbewertung“ und „Verstecktes Ereignis“.
  • Mit der Option „Entscheidungen pausieren“ für eine verbesserte Beteiligung des Publikums bei Live-Streams.


  • CPU: Core i3 / AMD A6 2.4Ghz
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 / AMD Radeon HD 5750. OpenGL 3.3
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 32-bit
  • HD: 11 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Core i5 / AMD A6 2.4Ghz
  • GFX: ATI Radeon M295X @ 2GB
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64-bit
  • HD: 11 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 12
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

29 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.21 14:32
The Complex ist ein sehr spannender, gelungener interaktiver Spielfilm. Sowohl die Schauspielerische Leistung als auch die Story ansich ist sehr spannend und hat mich wirklich mitgenommen. Kann ich jedem weiterempfehlen, der Freund von interaktiven Filmen ist.
226 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 21:33
Naaaaaaaaaajjjjjjjjaaaaaaaaaaaa schon schlechtere B Movies gesehen. Aber wirklich gut war er leider nicht.
471 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 17:52
So far the best FMV Game ive ever played.
2161 Produkte im Account
141 Reviews
648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 09:10
Hat mir gefallen. Die Story ist solide und die Schauspieler Crew sympathisch.
Die Entscheidungen machen jetzt nicht so viel mega her, aber die Enden sind auf jeden Fall sehr unterschiedlich.
Preis ist für die Länge angemessen. Late Shift hat mir besser gefallen, aber The Complex ist auch ziemlich gut.
322 Produkte im Account
163 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 20:14
Die schlechteste schauspielerische Leistung, die ich mir je anschauen musste...
21 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 21:45
Bin durch das Sale Angebot auf The Complex aufmerksam geworden. Für das 1te durchspielen habe ich 71 Minuten gebraucht. Nach dem Ende wird einem schnell klar, dass das Spiel darauf auslegt ist mehrmals zu beenden. Man selber möchte einfach wissen, welche anderen Entscheidungen welche Handlungsänderung mitsich bringt. Diese fallen teils moderat oder sehr deutlich aus, was wirklich cool ist. Erwartet aber keinen 10 Stündigen -alle 10 Sekunden Entscheide ich- oder Zombieapokalypse alles in der Welt ist kaputt Spiel. The Complex spielt sich Hauptsächlich im Labor in der Rolle von Amy, wo an zu erwartenen Schnittstellen häufig eine Entscheidung von euch erwartet wird. Lange Zeit zum überlegen habt ihr nicht, daher solltet ihr alles gut verfolgen und schnell reagieren. Spielt ihr mehrere Durchläufe, kann man die bekannten Filmabschnitte eurer gleichen Entscheidungen mit tab überspringen. Somit ist man nicht gezwungen, alles bekannte nochmal anzusehen. Wenn man das so möchte. Alles in allem ein tolles Spiel. Authentische Schauspieler, ein glaubwürdiges Seeting. Mir hat es sehr gefallen.
Für 10 Euro oder weniger durchaus ein kauf wert.
260 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 23:18
Get it for under 10€ and its money well spent
1055 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 16:39
Schöner interaktiver Film, wie schon die Vorgänger!
187 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
88 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 15:48
Als Game kann man The Complex eher weniger Bezeichnen. Ein Movie, welches man selbst in diverse Richtungen steuert anhand der Entscheidungen die man trifft. Mal was anderes und die verschiedenen Enden und Möglichkeiten machen The Complex zu einem Game, welches man nicht nur einmal durchspielt.
Kritik finde ich den Preis, der mir etwas zu hoch erscheint, dafür das man es in 1,5 Stunden durch hat und nicht viel zu tun hat.
183 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 13:45

The Complex

The Complex ist ein interaktiver Film in der Machart von Late Shift oder The Bunker, in welchem es um eine Biowaffe geht, welche außer Kontrolle zu geraten droht.

Wie in Spielen dieser Art üblich, sehen wir also einen – hier ca. 80 minütigen – Film, welcher an verschiedenen Stellen gestoppt wird, wir Einfluss auf das Geschehen nehmen können und der Film aufgrund unserer Entscheidungen einen dementsprechenden Fortgang findet.


Eine britische Wissenschaftlerin forscht an Nanozellen, welcher der Menschheit einen großen Fortschritt ermöglichen sollen. Jedoch sind jene Zellen auch hochgefährlich, eine biotechnologische Waffe, die über Blut weitergegeben werden kann. Auf das Labor in welchem der Stoff aufbewahrt wird findet nun ein Überfall statt, um jenen zu entwenden. Wir verfolgen die Wisschenschaftlerin und einen Kollegen, die eingeschlossen im Labor versuchen, sowohl lebend zu entkommen als auch die Biowaffe zu sichern. Ein Plot um Verrat, Spionage und Intrigen entspinnt sich.

Grundsätzlich ein guter Ansatz, aber der Film bräuchte noch eine Stunde mindestens an Spielzeit, um der Vorgeschichte mehr Raum zu geben. So bleiben Logiklöcher bzw Unerzähltes und man kommt in den Plot nicht wirklich rein, es fehlt an emotionaler Einbindung.


Die schauspielerischen Leistungen schwanken stark. Die Hauptakteurin agiert insbesondere in der Körpersprache unglaublich steif. Dies wirkt vor allem in den ersten 20 – 30 Minuten schon fast unfreiwillig komisch. Kate Dickie, welche in Game of Thrones noch durchaus einprägsam mimte, überspielt die Rolle der Direktorin der Einrichtung völlig, als wäre sie ein Comicfilm Bösewicht. Einzig der Co Akteur spielt vor allem gegen Ende des Films sehr gut und eindringlich.


Sehr hochwertig, passend und stimmig, wie es in einem vollwertigen, futuristischen Film auch zu sehen wäre. Da der Film an nur wenigen Schauplätzen spielt, konnte man hier wohl viel investieren. Wirklich stark.


In der wohl wichtigsten Disziplin, denn ohne die Entscheidungen wäre dies hier ein Filmreview, zeigt sich eine große Schwachstelle. Sehr viele der Momente in denen man eingreifen kann, sind zu banal, Gehe links oder rechts“ Niveau kommt zu oft vor. Auch merkt man dem Ergebnis einiger Entscheidungen an, dass es egal war, was man vorher wählte oder aber jenes Ergebnis hatte wenig mit unserer Wahl zu tun.

Es gibt neun Enden. Das klingt recht viel, nur entstehen diese fast alle kurz vor Schluss durch einige wichtige Entscheidungen unsererseits – davor sind wir doch eher nur Zuschauer.
Das macht insbesondere Late Shift sehr viel besser, bei dem man quasi ganze Passagen komplett neu gedreht dargeboten bekommt.


Wer noch kein Spiel/Film in dem Genre spielte, der sollte zu einem anderen greifen, es gibt bessere und günstigere. Wenn man dann alle anderen durch und noch immer Lust auf Spiele dieses Genres hat, dann kann man sich The Complex zumindest im Angebot durchaus zulegen. Es ist in Ordnung.

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500 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.20 20:05
Zuerst muss ich sagen, das das mein erstes FMV Spiel ist. Am Anfang war ich sehr neugierig, wie das genau funktionieren wird. Und ich muss sagen, ich war sehr positiv überrascht. Man schaut sich einen Film an und meiner Ansicht nach, sogar einen recht guten und spannenden. Es gibt in diesem Spiel bzw. Film einige Entscheidungen zu treffen, die sich auf die Story und die Beziehungen zu den Personen auswirken. Aber da will ich nicht zu tief drauf eingehen, sonst ist der Spielspaß vorbei :)
Was ich noch sagen kann, um alle Erfolge und vor allem alle Enden zu bekommen, muss man das Spiel sehr oft durchspielen und oft auch einfach nur gemein und brutal sein. Aber mehr möchte ich nicht verraten, man muss es selbst erleben, damit man das versteht ^^
Ich kann zum Abschluss sagen, eine klare Kaufempfehlung, auch zum Vollpreis jeden Cent wert.
Das Spiel bzw. Film ist spannend, lustig, romantisch, stellenweise brutal und gemein und einfach nur genial gemacht.
60 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
99 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 19:21
Ein teurer schlechter Film.
Kein Spiel. Denn die Auswahl von Entscheidungen ist zu kurz eingeblendet.
Bis man die Hand vom Sack an der Maus hat, hat das Spiel schon eine eigene Entscheidung getroffen.
Erfährt man nicht.
Auch wenn man er schaffte, eine Auswahl zu treffen, passte die weitere Handlung nicht zur Entscheidung.
Bei Amazon Prime Video wäre es ein kostenloser Film.
Hier zahlt man fast 15€ für nichts.

Finger weg.
1253 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 08:19
Das spiel ist ziemlich gut gemacht. Es handelt von Amy die in einem Komplex arbeitet, die Nano Technologie herstellt. In einer Ubahn bricht eine Junge Frau zusammen ! Wie bedrohlich ist es wenn es aud der ganzen Welt Ausbricht. Wo ist der Zusammenhang ? Das erfahrt Ihr in den Knapp 2 Stunden. Es gibt viele verschiedene Enden, ein Ende hat mich tatsächlich Überrascht xD. Tolles Spiel, empfehlenswert für einen Abend der Bock auf Film und spielen hat.
7614 Produkte im Account
225 Reviews
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 13:22
Folgt uns auf: German Review Group - Curator Site für weitere Reviews und My Curator Site, wenn ihr mehr von mir lesen wollt.

The Complex



Dieses Spiel wurde mir kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt, dies hat aber auf meine Review keinen Einfluss, sie spiegelt zudem meine persönliche Meinung zum Spiel, bitte respektiert dies, wenn ihr meine Review lest, danke.

Wales Interactive ist ein walisischer unabhängiger Entwickler und Herausgeber von Videospielen, der 2011 gegründet wurde. Sie haben sich vor allem für Interaktive Sci-Fi-Filme und kurz Filme einen Namen gemacht aber auch im Horror Genre sind sie weit verbreitet.

Ihr nächster Titel „Maid of Sker“ welcher dieses Jahr noch erscheinen soll, wird daher wieder ein First-Person Horror Spiel, wir dürfen jetzt schon gespannt sein, denn der erste Trailer sieht schon sehr gut aus.

Was ist „The Complex“?

The Complex ist ein Spiel bei dem der Spieler einen Film sieht bzw. verschiedene Szenen, in denen er selbst interagieren darf. Die Szenen sind mit echten Darstellern gedreht worden, es ist also als würde man ein Film ansehen bei dem man selbst in die Rolle der Hauptdarstellerin schlüpft oder aber auch in der wir selbst Regie führen und bestimmen, wie für uns die nächste Szene aufhört. Die länge des interaktiven Films hängt von den Szenen an, die wir erhalten, bei meinem ersten Spieldurchlauf war es ca. 80 Minuten.

Entscheidungen haben Einfluss

Unsere Entscheidungen haben sehr oft Einfluss, worauf die Entwickler auch großen Wert legen, so müssen wir direkt zu beginn schon darüber entscheiden, wer Leben darf und wer nicht. So ähnlich ist es auch mit allen weiteren Szenen, wir entscheiden ob wir ehrlich sind, führsorglich, aggressiv oder vorsichtig. Bestimmte Szenen schalten weitere Szenen frei, einige bleiben aber unverändert und in manchen haben wir auch nur eine Option.

Wiederspielwert und überspringbare Szenen

Das Spiel oder besser gesagt der Film, haben verschiedene Enden und überraschende Szenen, weshalb der Wiederspielwert definitiv gegeben ist, Die meisten Szenen lassen sich auch überspringen, allerdings nicht alle, was ich persönlich aber auch nicht so schlimm finde, da der Film interessant gedreht wurde.


The Complex ist ein gutes interaktives Spiel mit Live-Action Szenen. Die Schauspieler leisten sehr gute Arbeit, die Story ist sehr interessant und emotional gedreht worden, auch bei der Kameraführung und der Qualität wurde nicht gespart.

Wer allerdings gerade etwas panisch ist, vor allem durch die COVID-19 Situation, sollte eventuell mit The Complex noch etwas warten.
Mir persönlich hat das Spiel aber sehr gut gefallen und ich habe es gerne mehrmals durchgespielt, schon allein um alle Szenen zu finden, die mir noch fehlten. Natürlich ist die Geschichte nicht perfekt aber für einen kleinen Preis erhält man definitiv ein unterhaltsames Spiel, bei dem man gleichzeitig ein Film ansehen darf und selbst bestimmt, wie er ausgehen soll.
856 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
85 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.22 20:09
Terrible acting, poor audio mixing between cuts (sounded like the music was a part of video clips), little choices, incoherent world and story.
108 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.22 06:59
Michelle Mylett <3
523 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 16:33
Good FMV game but I have beef with that random-ass jumpscare in the middle, complete tonal whiplash in the worst of ways
27 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 00:16
This game is really excellent, I don't understand the negative reviews about it. Lafe Shift was promising, The Complex is the missing element to make the experience flawless. Pay, you won't regret it.

Thank you Wales <3
140 Produkte im Account
128 Reviews
165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 05:00
First time i play something like this and it's a cool approach to watching a movie.
For me Amy (Michelle Mylett) looks like Danielle Panabaker from The FLash (Killer Frost, Caitilin Snow).
Also everyone had super smooth skin, no zits or imperfections, it's crazy. Not sure if they just take very good care of their skin or it's some kind of post editing.

1/16 STORY
???? No story
???? Not main aspect
???? Bad story
???? Average
???? Good
✅ It'll replace your life

✅ Lifeless / static
???? Poor UI
???? Average
???? Good
???? Excellent

✅ Playing asleep
???? Some brain usage
???? Easy to learn / Hard to master
???? Difficult
???? Dark Souls

4/16 GRIND
✅ Nothing to grind
???? Isn't necessary to progress
???? Average grind level
???? Only if you care about leaderboards/ranks
???? Too much grind

✅ Long enough for a cup of coffee
???? Short
???? Average
???? Long
???? To infinity and beyond

✅ No multiplayer
???? Trashy servers
???? Some hiccups
???? Smooth and pleasant experience
???? Co-op
???? PvP
???? PvE

???? Stuck in the last century
???? Low Effort
???? Average
???? Good
✅ Reality 2.0

8/16 AUDIO
???? Earrape
???? Bad
???? Not too bad
???? Good
✅ Eargasm

???? Kids
???? Teens
???? Adults
✅ Everyone

✅ Potato
???? Decent
???? Fast
???? Rich boi
???? > NASA

11/16 PRICE
???? It's free!
???? Not recommended
✅ Wait for sale
???? Worth the price
???? Best investment ever done

✅ Abandoned
???? Last year
???? Once every year
???? A couple per year
???? Every week

✅ None / Not discovered
???? Minor bugs
???? Can get annoying
???? Frequent crashes
???? Complete mess

14/16 MISC
???? Steam Workshop
✅ Steam Trading Cards
✅ Steam Achievements
???? Content for Steam Points Shop

15/16 {?/10}
???? 1
???? 2
???? 3
???? 4
???? 5
✅ 6
???? 7
???? 8
???? 9
???? 10

✅ Recommended
???? Not recommended
236 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 06:02
Recommend for FMV Fans.
Enjoy the story and able to skip viewed scene.

Just sad there is no perfect endings....
2580 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 11:41
The Complex is an interactive sci-fi thriller which I enjoyed playing through. The first time through the story will take an hour and a half to 2 hours (as is typical of FMV games), and then it's a case of using Tab to skip through scenes you've already seen before to see the alternate options to see the other endings. The acting is of a pretty good quality, the story is typical thriller fare which is almost unbelievable, but enjoyable if you're willing to immerse yourself in the story.

I'd recommend giving it a try!
718 Produkte im Account
171 Reviews
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 09:57
The Complex was my first interactive movie and I found it quite enjoyable. The story stays relatively the same, but your choices to affect the characters and there are nine possible endings.

The acting wasn't fantastic, but it was ok. The film quality was pretty good though you can tell they didn't use good stabilized cameras because there's frequently minor movement. I found the story interesting. It's about 90 minutes long and if you choose to replay it over for other choices/endings, you have the option to skip scenes you've already watched.

I would recommend it, particularly on sale when it's similar to the price of a movie rental.
194 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
92 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 19:02
Not good. Interesting as a creative concept, but not a good implementation of the concept. The acting was very bad and poorly edited in places. The FX were poor and low budget. The lab scenes had the best efforts in set dressing. I think the documentary of how this came together, what their budget was, and what they were shooting for as a film would be a much more interesting story.
2387 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 18:20
We are talking about a modern pandemic topic here. I like it a lot, besides the German translation...it lacks a bit of context to the situation you are in.
The (two) main characters are doing a good job, i think. Rees is funny and somewhat cool.
I had to laugh when, at the end of my second playthrough, i found that I have taken some choices that lead to literally _everybody_ being dead. The different endings actually ARE different. The music fits. After finishing the game once, you can skip scenes you have seen before.
All in all, this game is short and could have been a bit longer, but it is intense.
263 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 20:36
The video portion was pretty good. The interactive bits are the weakness.

I was enjoying the B movie premise and solid acting but eventually it became clear that the results of my decisions were arbitrary. This made me not want to replay for different endings, because I didn't feel like I was steering that much.

Also there is a point or two where they give you the same text option more than once. And I had no idea what the difference was...

There are 3 or 4 main endings, and the rest are a variations of these. I ended up watching most of them on youtube and I was meh to all of them. I am glad I didn't try to trigger them all myself.

I got this heavily discounted, but still don't find it worth what I paid.
246 Produkte im Account
137 Reviews
444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 01:33
The Complex is a well done interactive movie. One could say it might have an interesting spin on our current situation in the world.

The acting is fantastic, and only Parker felt out of place, like a lazy acted character. That might be just how he was written though. Every other character is fantastic.

The story is well written, and has several very unique endings, that changes the story in a large way. However, some of the endings are minor variations to those major different endings. The characters are all quickly interesting and fill personality with their short time in their roles.

In short, this game is recommended for those that enjoy an interesting story with good acting and live performance on your decisions. Just be warned, there is a gore factor, and the makeup was well done.
919 Produkte im Account
546 Reviews
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 16:32
For more puzzle game reviews, news and everything puzzle-related, follow Puzzle Lovers and check out our Steam group.

the complex is a simple, less than 2-hour interactive movie, not unlike late shift (same publisher, different 'developer'). watch a few scenes, make a decision, another scene, another decision, you get the idea. some will be more meaningful than others and this one lets you skip repeating scenes after the first playthrough, making it easier to explore other avenues. be careful though, tab skips choices too and some scenes are long with only minor differences, so you can't always jump to the next decision immediately. there's a pause choices toggle, shows the timer but when it runs out, the movie literally pauses until you do something. settings also include windowed mode, resolutions, a single volume slider, brightness and subtitle toggle, size and language.

dr. amy is a doctor, trying to help survivors of a chemical attack in a made-up asian country. when that fails, she becomes a pr bunny for a scientific company definitely not up to no good in their high-tech laboratories. amy's unaware, of course, at least initially, as on the surface it's about putting a british guy on mars for the good of mankind, using nanocells instead of sending a whole hospital. then an incident happens, we find out everything's connected and it's up to amy to reveal the truth, bring justice for all, etc. it's your average b-movie plot, writing and acting, as expected from a game like this, no objections from me, love these. except rees, he was annoying as hell.

unnecessarily complicating things is constant relationship status updates. a subtle hexagon in the corner lets you know if something happened instead of telltale's 'x will remember that', but it's the same general idea. you can look at your stats and relationship percentages in the pause menu or press 's'. if you lie, honesty goes down, sensitivity might goes up, plus whatever that means to the person you were talking to. I don't think they do anything, checks are probably on decisions, not percentages (except for one achievement, but that falls under the nothing category, it's just an achievement).

make sure to quit at the right time to avoid progress loss because saving only happens between chapters (should be after every action and decision) and there's no chapter selection. the game wipes the save after finishing it, but I was prepared and backed it up. the final decisions are still quicker like this than skipping most of the game over and over, though after a while a playthrough is a matter of minutes, so I didn't even need my backup. the usual annoyance of an unskippable company logo on startup, followed by half a dozen skippable ones is sadly a given and data collection is opt-out, not opt-in, so if it's a concern, click data privacy in the settings to get rid of it.

I basically never replay games, but I go through these things twice. the second time with alternate choices provides mostly new footage, so it's okay even if scene-skipping only kicks in during the third run (or never in lazy games like late shift), but I tend not to bother after that and just youtube the conclusions that can't be seen by a quick replay of the final section. 9 endings, half of which are just slight variations of each other, plus nearly 200 scenes (again with a lot of nearly identical ones), require a lot of skipthroughs and all the branches make it a bit tedious, even though a lot of them don't matter, I don't think. I ended up getting them all but left a few scenes unseen. doubt they'd reveal anything meaningful and half the endings aren't worth bothering with either.

while functionality-wise it's an improvement over certain other titles and just as enjoyable, if not more (rees sadly balances it out though), it's recommendable if you like cheesy b-movies (is there another kind?), but it still doesn't work completely as it should, so wait for a deep sale.
94 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 23:22
This FMV game is very decent if you buy it on sale. 6.99 for an interactive 1 hr movie with multiple endings is well worth it for the entertainment value. However, subsequent play-throughs do get tedious after the 2nd go around....overall decent for what it is.
319 Produkte im Account
139 Reviews
177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 08:59
I'm new to this genre, but this was a fun choose your own adventure movie. Easy to breeze through the alternative choices on subsequent playthroughs. Some decisions wildly change the story and outcome. Film-wise, it's upper B movie. But the interactivity and plots give it more than a B movie value.
1589 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 20:40
I enjoyed this even more than Late Shift. Great interactive movie.

This one had the ability to skip already watched scenes. I managed to 100% this one.
1627 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 02:32
I like these types of games but it seemed like you didnt have enough choices to make. I liked late shift better than this one. This one took too long to get to the point without interaction. I would have liked this with its current story if just more options but honestly story wise I would have liked this to go more down the zombie /rabies like path. I was so hoping for zombies or atleast the beginning of it to where if you didnt stop it successfully an ending would be the outbreak of zombies or rabies/other illness.
1020 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 05:11

My third foray into the genre of interactive film (the others being She Sees Red and Late Shift ), The Complex delivered as expected. If you’ve never “played” an interactive film, it can serve as a good entry point. Otherwise, it really depends on much you enjoy this style.

Good cinematography, decent acting and soundtrack, all the trademarks of a high-quality TV production are present. Like many other titles in this genre, one may find The Complex a bit short, but there’s isn’t any way around this, for financial reasons (production cost mainly).

In comparison to other titles like this, The Complex offers better UI, settings options, a good array of subtitle languages and, above all, a good skip scene mechanic after you finish your first playthrough. This is essential given that this style usually tries to offer many different endings and paths, so having to rewatch bits you already seen once can be cumbersome.

However, I must say that even though the game does offer different endings, some of its variations are very minor, not qualifying as different endings in my opinion. Not only that, but the consequences of your actions throughout the story offer little variance, leaving something to be desired.

Even though I still contend that Late Shift is the best I’ve played so far in this genre, I still fully enjoyed the experience and would recommend it if you have the inclination for this style.
54 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
89 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 02:05
Quite a stale story line tho
138 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 12:35
Very short interactive movie, decent acting and a passable story.

If you liked the Late Shift then you'll like this, its not as good but its good enough for the price tag.

My only real complaint apart from length, is that your decisions really don't have that big of an effect on the outcome. Some of the little details change, and there are multiple endings but still feels kinda lightweight if you understand what I mean.
47 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 00:41
A well acted movie for an awfully written movie... if this weren't a choose your own adventure platform... I don't think this movie would have made it to the light of day, which is a shame, because the cast seem talented.
516 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 17:10
Cheesy story with plot holes every minute. It was boring, and I did not enjoy it other than seeing some of the multiple endings.

No save points on Mac. Requires you to play all the way through in one gaming session.
137 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 02:12
My first FMV and gosh it's a good one!
Well acted, great settings and environment. Takes itself seriously. Good story with some interesting moral choices. Though it's not too short, it's short enough not to form that much of an attachment to any of the characters unfortunately.
The more times you play it, the better. My third playthrough gave me an ending that I was not expecting at all.
Rees is right, every choice counts.
216 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 23:21
10412 Produkte im Account
288 Reviews
21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 17:19
+1 FMV
421 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 01:22
11/10 absolutely recommend this game, but go into it being aware that it is an emotionally heavy game, and you will have to make incredibly tough choices.
I'm happy with the ending that I got, but also a bit sad at the same time. This caused all sorts of feels for me, and the acting of all the characters was spot on, feeling incredibly genuine.

I'm def going to give it another play through soon to see other options of what could happen.
1205 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 16:02
Very short, but enjoyable interactive movie. Production quality is generally good and the acting is above average seen in these kind of interactive films. 9 different endings also give it some more play/watch time. It was also enjoyable to test different outcomes after first ending, since you can now skip scenes you have already seen.
89 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.21 01:24
A thrilling full-motion video (FMV) narration!

+ Quality acting.
+ Incentivises you to explore different plot angles!
+ A visual novel with game over! LoL!
+ Interesting relationships puzzles.
+ Your choices will shape the plot and your own personality tests.
+ 9 different endings!

- No fast foreward / backward. Skip option only.
- Some alternative cutscenes are not meaningfully different.

SCORE: 8.8 / 10
53 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 23:29
Plotholes, story was laughably ridiculous at times. Choices did not really matter. It was filmed nicely though. Overall do not buy this.
128 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 04:10
This game was pretty fun. I like the characters and how they used humor in some of the scenes. I love fmv games and I'm happy to have this in my collection. It's a good one.
241 Produkte im Account
314 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 22:10
There is not much to say about this interactive movie; obviously it is pretty short and a bit disappointing. While most of the choices don’t matter, story is pretty bad, even for an FMV (a doctor becomes a hacker, hacking is super easy, everyone being an agent, opening vents with microscopes, toilets without pipes, etc.). Dialogues try to be something but mostly fails with half delivered jokes, characters acting weird, story’s low quality. Plus, acting is bad for the most part. As a note, there are some spelling errors like “..” at English subtitles. I guess this interactive movie was rushed. So, it is a definite no from me.
70 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 01:56
as a movie it's good but your choices mean very little
41 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 14:03
I want to thank them for translating the game into Arabic and I hope they continue to translate.

This movie is so beautiful.
84 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 20:34
I love this game. I made the best choices for my first run but manage to screw up the ending by miss clicking the option I wanted (Excuses I know, but it was hectic at the end). After 6 hours and multiple tries, I'm still trying to find that perfect ending. If you like FMV games , science stuff and crazy choices give this game a try.
49 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 08:17
Usually when i watch a movie, most of the time i wanna make my own decisions for the characters, kinda wanna see what will happen to them if they behave or say different in same situations, n this game was like a movie with my own choices! good stuff.
7202 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 12:55
Some acting that didn't make sense annoyed me along the way. Especially with the spasm/coughing fits.

298 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 18:13

The Complex is a game where you control a scientist, Amy, dealing with a deadly nanovirus, which has infected one of your interns. At multiple points, you make choices which can either
A) Affect the next 1-3 scenes of the story, before taking you back to a central point you'd always end up at
B) Increase/decrease your relationship with a certain character, which doesn't make a massive difference
C) Get you a shiny achievement

The Complex seems a bit interesting at first. Until you start exploring the game after your first playthrough to explore more endings.

The game boasts 8 endings and a secret ending. The normal 8 endings can be easily split into 2 groups of 4, with very little differences between each other in each group. Just slight variations of your final choice with barely any effect on the ending (Despite each one of these endings having a different name).
As for the secret ending, it's not really that secret. You find it a good 3 minutes into the game after your first playthrough and it's not as interesting as it might sound (It's not like this hidden easter egg that's entertaining. In fact, the ending itself doesn't even make that much sense.)

As for the endings themselves, they don't particularly go into a lot of detail as a result of your actions. Just a 5-10 second boring scene with at most 1 or 2 lines of dialogue before ending.

So, this game is not satisfactory in its conclusions. What about the journey?

Well, I won't lie to you. I have played this game for 4 hours in total and I have 100%'d the achievements and seen 99% of the game's content. And a good part of that 4 hours was grinding to see the last remaining scenes, the last 5 which I gave up on, on account of these scenes will have made barely any difference. Like the endings, a lot of the 191 scenes this game boasts can be grouped into clunks of scenes with barely any difference.
For example, there's a scene where you grab a girl's arm to extract some blood.
There are 2 scenes for this. One - which she willingly gives it to you. The other - which she holds back for a bit because of her distrust for you, before giving it to you anyways. These are not 2 separate, distinct scenes, yet the game treats it as such.
This is all before the game brings you back to a point in the story where the distinction between those 2 scenes didn't, at all, matter.
I understand parts of games are re-used and for any other game, this would be fine but for a game that tells you choices absolutely do matter, the story is very linear.

There's about one point in the story 85% of the way in where you make a choice that massively changes the remaining 15% but that's about the only point your choice truly matters. All other choices either don't matter or will take you on a short meaningless variation before leaving you right back to the main story that you'd get to, no matter what you picked.

What about the character relationships? If this is a game about choices, surely how you treat people and those you make friends/enemies should matter, right?

Not really.

There are 2 characters out of the 9 who actually have some sort of effect, depending on your relationship with them. And, that's only really a thing because you're basically stuck with them for most of the story.

There's another 2 characters out of the 9 who you will only see at the beginning of the game. That's it. Yet, they are somehow important enough to be considered a character on your relationship list?

There's 1 other character who may give you a bit of extra info in 1 scene depending on your relationship with her. But, not only does your relationship not matter for the rest of the game, but the info she does give you doesn't even change the story. Like, at all.

As for the other 4 characters? Don't bother. It doesn't matter how positive or negative your relationship status is with them, it literally changes nothing in the story. Not how they act toward you, and certainly not how things play out.

Tack on the other 2 characters that you only interact with at the beginning of the game and that's 6 characters out of the 9 who pretty much do nothing for the story, no matter what terms you are on with them.
A majority of your relationship slots taken up for no reason, other than to pad out the game? Make your choices seem more important than they are? I don't know.

Speaking of numbers, the game does provide stats on how intelligent/brave/whatever your choices were. But, honestly, I have paid this no mind whatsoever. It doesn't affect the game or the story. If you're into that sort of thing, fair play but honestly, you'd probably get more enjoyment from an online personality quiz (without spending a penny).

As for the story itself, it's kind of okay but not particularly exciting. You'd get more excitement out of a movie. The plot has you hooked for maybe 20 minutes? But, beyond that, suspense is shoddy, certain parts become a bit predictable and characters that should be important (Such as, y'know, the board of CEOs you're securing funding from or the owner of the whole building) may as well be removed from the game entirely. They basically matter very little to not at all.

The game's acting is atrocious and the characters are not at all interesting. I'd say the 2 characters you stick around with for most of the game do a pretty decent job at acting and have some fairly witty and/or interesting interactions but beyond that, my 10-year old cousin could do a better job at acting. The main character you play, even at the most crucial and hard-hitting moments, just carries this bland aura that I just can't get on board with. Like, at all.

All in all, this game is absolutely not worth your money. Stay away from this game, even if it's on sale.
If it were free, I'd suggest maybe grab it if you had a few hours to kill. But, even that's a big if. There are far more entertaining games, movies and fusions of the two out there which are a better use of your time.
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch on Netflix plays with the idea this game is trying for extremely better, has a lot more interesting content (even beyond your first playthrough), performs brilliantly in the meta-realm (such as your choices on your first playthrough affecting future playthroughs) and as it currently stands, a month's subscription to Netflix is already cheaper than this game (Alongside the fact you get a lot of other movies + TV shows to watch alongside it).

The only positive thing I can commend the game for is the ability to auto-skip scenes you have already seen after your first playthrough. This was pretty important to allow me to explore other 'endings'.
But, honestly, as you probably already realise - This should be expected in a game like this so the bar's just below the floor, at this point.

I usually like playing Devil's Advocate so with other games I don't recommend, I can see the appeal to others, even if I hate the game with all my heart.
But, with this game's price, replayability, empty mechanics and lack of content, there is absolutely no conceivable way I can see anyone even remotely considering recommending this game.
This game is basically a movie but it even fails at that. Like, if this were in the cinema, I would not go and spend money to watch it. If it were on TV, it would be torn to shreds by reviewers and fans alike.

Positive reviews are currently ranging between 77-81%: Do not be fooled by this.
In an ideal and honest world, this value would be majorly low. I'm talking < 30-40%. Which makes me think either the reviews have been artificially pumped or people just don't expect much from video games anymore.

I repeat, for the final time:

If you value your time and money, please please please, do not purchase this game.

20006 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 04:49
Please describe what you liked or disliked about this product and whether you recommend it to others.
3820 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 08:59
11th May 2021

Pro's: It's a movie you control with decent sets, okay characters & alternative endings (I've only done one playthrough so far but it's good enough that I will do more)

Con's: The story is a bit basic & some of the things the characters do are beyond stupid but we do see that in the real movies too.

Final thoughts: We're still early on in the life of interactive movies so future interactive movie will get better & more complex* but even so I enjoyed playing this, It's a nice way to relax & watch a movie you can direct.

*See what I did there :D
63 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 19:52
This videogame is an amazing and interesting interactive movie where you will have choices to decide across the movie

There are 9 endings, you will get 1 of them once you finish the story, depends in your decisions if its good or bad

Actually the story is not that long because its literally a movie
113 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
95 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 11:43
If it wasn't for Mylett's beauty the game/ interactive movie would be a waste of money.
625 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 00:34
The UI seemed fairly well done and the photography is excellent. Unfortunately, the story itself seemed to have been a script for at best a B-movie that was then tweaked to have some branching elements. In addition, it felt emotionally flat. I think this is partly to allow for scenes to be ambiguous so that you don't end up with the wrong atmosphere given a set of choices.

I debated playing again to try some other choices and maybe see some more endings but I realized that I was just going to do so for the sake of completion and I really didn't care enough about the story/world/characters to bother when all I'd really be getting out of it would be some cool screenshots of well framed scenes with snazzy lighting.
120 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 17:45
Too short and boring and ...
423 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 16:33
High quality FMV set in a fictional futuristic setting, fun to play through a few times but otherwise its pretty linear in game-play. Still worth grabbing if you love FMV's
205 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 00:57
Wish I had that hour and a half of my life back.
81 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 21:50
Really well produced, acted, and written.
511 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 17:48
A for effort.
The supporting cast can be weak sometime, but the 2 leads are doing a good job. Some FX are not the greatest, but the story and the realisation is well done.
It is a short experience overall, but that is a good FMV game.
62 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 11:36
The options are many, but the paths and results always come to the same point. This gives the feeling that your choices are actually not made by you, although it is weak in this respect, still the game is ideal for spending time.

1938 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 19:43
Interesting story, 9 different endings (one only available after first playthrough), depending on your decisions and a skip button that lets you skip everything you have seen already.
The only thing I'd wish to have was some sort of tree or something after you finished all endings, so you can see, what scenes are still missing and how to get them.
Otherwise a good game, nice acting and an excellent story with different outcomes (which offers a replay value). Give it a try!
765 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
87 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 18:20
I like FMV games and this is one of the better ones. The acting is good, the video is clean, the props are realistic. The only drawbacks are that the choices aren't always clear as to what they're asking you to do. The stats you get showing your friendships and personality are also interesting but it's really unclear what they effect. If you're okay with being a bit at the whims of the story telling and not understanding what's going on under the hood then this game is for you.
122 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
90 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 22:50
Great Story, great replayability.
The acting is nice.By far the best FMV I have played.
298 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 18:06
+ Very appealing FMV game
+ The acting (with some strange quirks) is pretty good overall.
+ Multiple endings (although little things can change the outcome) -> suggest you play 'em all :)

- The story is very compressed and works towards the endings.
- I would made this game an 'action/terrorist threat dealing' and bring in Bruce WIllis, Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren or even Wesley Snipes or Jean-Claude Vandamme while a smart female figures out how to end the threat or defuse the bomb.
72 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 18:48
There are many types of gamers. Good that we have many types of games as well.
The presentation and gaming mechanics makes this a genre that I really enjoy.
Not everyone enjoys twitchy shooters.
I made peace with the fact that I'm not really into those type of games.
Buying these type of games, which I actually enjoy playing, just makes more sense.
Especially if you can see an ending of a game.

Games I enjoyed playing: Heavy Rain, Syberia 3, All the Telltales games.
Still need to play: Beyond Two Souls, Chaos;Child, Life is Strange

So my steam collection will be expanding with game FMV's, visual novels, JRPG's like FF13 which a really enjoy and story telling games. Those are my type of games I enjoy + racing games :)

If the normal hyped games are not giving you any joy, try a different genre like what The Complex offers.
There is quite a growing collection of similar type of games to The Complex.
You may enjoy playing this and find your niche.

The Complex is thrilling and engaging. It can be completed in one sitting.
It is very short but it's time well spent. After completion it got me looking for similar type of games. Hopefully I can get a bunch on sale during December.
95 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 08:28
The protagonist is the dumbest scientist that's ever existed but it's a fun movie to play/watch with someone else.
169 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
90 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 17:45
((SPOILER ALERT)) Not a boomer but The Complex is %100 garbage because it's a interactive movie/game right? but everything is wrong for an interactive movie,decisions are trash you can see that, scenario is basically like a f****** corona virus is exists and some scientist's weird story and scene's are not well as story. plus, i don't support weird f*ck propaganda's in video games (they are literally showing russians and asians as terrorists). i played much much better interactive movie/games, do not waste your money if you want.
644 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 05:35
I had a lot of fun with The Complex. I would say it plays more like a choose your own adventure movie than a video game. The story is interesting and has a wonderful sci-fi atmosphere. Like a lot of similar games you can get the feeling your choices don't make a significant difference at some stages and the options presented to you can often have results that are unexpected similar to Fallout 4 or La Noire.

It will likely take someone about 1 to 2 hours to beat though this largely depends on play style and how many scenes the player wishes to unlock. I was unable to get The Complex to run on Linux.
94 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 05:36
Brilliant, interesting, engaging and worth it. I highly recommend getting this!
271 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 05:34
Not a bad concept and the acting is not bad, but the story is horrible in my opinion. In addition, there is no fast forward to skip what you have seen before or rewind to change decisions or to see different ending without watching again, which was bad enough the first time.
170 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 19:41
The story starts interesting and ends boring, there's just two choices per scene and most choices are simple useless. Mostly options just increase or decrease your relationships. The story only varies slightly in a few moments in the game. It is not worth buying, unless you're really curious about the story, but it's not that great... It's funny at some parts. In the end the story is very short, but as it starts to get boring, you starts to want it to be short... The only quality of the game is that the actress is beautiful and you practically just keep playing because of that.
288 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 20:12
First time playing a FMV and I had a blast. Was definitely not expecting that. The story is very good and the option to skip already seen scene make it so it's not a task to get all ending but rather a fun experience.
481 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 10:05
I thought this will be a single run game but I ended up completing every achievement!

- A good movie with some surprise endings.
- Acting is generally mediocre, the lead character Amy played pretty good tho.
- Lack of passionate relation, could expect more love
- Just enough blood for this movie
- Some very cool twists and plots

200 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 16:34
This is less entertaining than The Room, but has slightly better actors. The plot is juvenile, the three sets are bland, and I don't buy the lead as a scientist.
162 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.20 05:22
story is short and boring. After I took care of my little sister and had hanged the game for more than 2 hour, the total game time is less than 2 hours, and the script is neither dubious nor meaningful. It has a appealing start but the following story is dump. This game just not worth that much money.
426 Produkte im Account
117 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 16:52
Lousy B-class FMV. Starts semi decently, but plummets quickly. Not worth your time.
45 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 12:29
Horrible acting, horrible editing, horrible music, horrible everything....
705 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
69 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 10:53
The story is mediocre and when you make a decision the cut is super obvious and breaks any immersion you have. The acting from the main characters and some of the side characters are good but everyone else is pretty meh. I wouldn't recommend this unless it was $5 or less.
191 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 09:55
Short for a game, long for a movie. Overall However I think I enjoyed this more than Black Mirror Bandersnatch on Netflix
261 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 23:34
I actually really liked this game/movie for my first run. But I made an assumption that I shouldn't have when I bought it, that it would have a chapter select. It doesn't. If you want to experience the 9 different endings, you're going to have to roll through the movie from the top again, over and over. You can skip scenes, but still, it's tedious as hell.

I bought this game because I felt the 9 endings were worth the money, but I'm only going to see 1 of them because I refuse to play it *at least* 8 more times (but likely more since I'd probably mess things up, forget my decisions, land at the same place, etc). So with the understanding that I'm instead paying for a single ending, and what is basically a grind in FMV form to see the other 8, I would absolutely not recommend this game. Sorry.
199 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 23:55
really good game, go check out my play through on youtube @ThePopBox
231 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 02:25
Strong recommend as long as you know it is a movie first and a game second. The acting/writing/production value were all great. Leagues better than their previous releases. And them adding the ability to skip scenes after having seen them once was great. Very fun to see what all the other choices you could have made would have led to without having to be bored out of your mind watching the same scenes again.

Also I'd recommend watching with friends as it was fun to debate the decisions.
1118 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 00:06

69 / 100

This biotechnological thriller had my attention from the opening scene, and unfolded in some surprising & sometimes tragic ways. All round solid experience from the quality sets, the acting, to the FMV scene transitions. Rather short, but worth a couple playthroughs.

+ High production value from the sets, to camera/direction, to audio/visual quality.
+ Plot had me intrigued & builds tension steadily towards the conclusion(s).
+ Believable, decent acting overall giving weight to every scene/decision.
+ Smooth transitions between scenes.
+ Not afraid to let the narrative get dark & gritty. It's not all happy endings!
+ Skip feature enabled on second playthrough!

- Short experience for the asking price, despite the multiple endings/scenes/achievements etc.
- Some choices do branch the story, but most do not modify scenes or interactions or path in any way.
- Personality/Relationship tracking feature seems insignificant.

If you enjoyed reading this review, please follow True Blue Reviews for more recommendations!
525 Produkte im Account
137 Reviews
213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 22:01
Visit SaveOrQuit.com for detailed game reviews, posted daily!

The Complex is an interactive movie/FMV game that's about 1.5 hours long, but due to choices it gives and different outcomes, it has some replay value. It takes place in a modern day London and revolves around the use of new biotechnology and how it goes out of control, as well as politics surrounding it.

Most of the story takes place inside the lab complex itself, as the main character, Dr Amy Tenant, and her colleague, Dr Rees Wakefield, attempt to find out how the experimental biotech got out and who's responsible. More problems add into the mix, and the two scientists then have to make hard decisions and find a way out of the lab complex alive. It's a nicely-paced and gripping plot with well-developed characters and some interesting twists along the way.

The gameplay is mainly about making choices from time to time in some scenes. Some choices have a big impact, although many don't change the outcome much and mostly just alter something in the scenes. There are 8 different endings, although some of them are very much alike. However, it is worth replaying the movie so to experience a few of them. After playing through it once, it then becomes possible to skip scenes we've seen already, so you can go through the scenes much more quickly and jump straight to the choices.

There are some statistics given at the end, such as relationship percentage with different characters and personality profile, but these don't play much of a role in the outcomes.

Generally the presentation is good. Acting is good, the setting and locations are well-designed, action and special effects are decent. It's closer to being a movie than a game. However, the number of choices that require player input are plenty, and some of them can be a bit tough on a moral level and would make you think afterwards.

Overall, this is a nicely-designed and gripping interactive movie. It is more or less linear until the very end, so many of its choices might seem like they have too little of an effect, but it is a good story worth checking out. Whether you're familiar with FMV games or are new to them, The Complex is a solid recommendation.

For a more in-depth review, check here: https://saveorquit.com/2020/07/22/review-the-complex/
30 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
89 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 00:47
Most of the decisions you get to have in this interactive movie don't actually drive the plot. There were many obvious places where they could have provided a choice, but they didn't. Overall, the ability to move the plot in a different direction doesn't exist.
221 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 20:04
There are a lot of things wrong with this game. The acting is bad. You kinda don't really care about any characters in the game. Heck, sometimes you don't really understand why some of characters were there at all. Still, I had some fun for 3 hours, that's pretty much all it takes to discover the majority of endings, and don't care about undiscovered endings. Go play Detroit Being Human which will blow this game of out the water. Or get this one on sale.
943 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 13:09

The Complex

The Complex is a new FMV “game“ in the likes of Late Shift, that puts us in the position of a young scientist trapped in a lab fighting a new virus and finding out if there is something more to it all.

You are Amy Tenant a scientist researching on dangerous nanocells in a modern lab facility and find yourself locked in the lab with dangerous intruders and the even more dangerous nanocells with hints of spies, terrorists, an old romance and betrayal in the air. I personally liked the story and found it to be very entertaining. The actors were doing a good job and were in no way campy like in the older FMV games. The settings seemed realistic to me. There is an office like setting, outdoor setting and of course the lab complex. I can really judge the lab as I am not a professional scientist, but to me it looked good and did not break the immersion or looked obviously like a movie set. Even though it is an all-around good game, I somehow did not manage to get emotionally involved as I did in games like “The Last of us”. Maybe it was due to the playtime being extremely short (I played around 2.5 hours and I did idle a bit)?

A really good movie like game. I don’t know how to rate this. It was good

Honestly, there is not a lot gameplay. It is really a movie where at various points in the game (around 10 or less) you have to make important or not so important decision that may change the ending, not the course of the game, mind you.
None whatsoever. Only normal sound and the voice of the voice actors

Final Verdict:

If you can enjoy a game that is like a movie with not much gameplay going on, for a price of around 12 USD, but a well told story and a playtime of around 2 hours for one playthrough, then this is for you.

Follow Cat Curations on Steam or on Twitter
89 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 15:47
Did this game with my girl for date night, we had a good time. We ended up doing it twice so we could achieve a better outcome. Decisions have consequences.
184 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 18:00
Story was very interesting and the acting was on point. Only had a few issues with some of the dialog, I would choose something but the character would do or say something that I wasn't intending to do.
8 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 08:07
good cinematic feeling and we are the hero .the choices we make defines the ending
319 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 23:57
i love this. Absolutely fantastic, i haven't finished it yet, but i'm loving every minute.
Also i recognised Rachel petladwala from a few shows/dramas i used to watch -it was cool to see her in this wales interactive FMV
279 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 03:26
Dr. Amy Tennant is a great medical professional, and I really appreciates that about her.
269 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
82 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 12:46
The Complex is a nice interactive Movie, with some difficult decisions to be made.
A Playthrough takes about 80 Minutes. The Characters and the story were likeable, so much so that i always wondered how the other decisions might have impacted the movie.
Here is a Video of ONE Playthrough with german commentary (it has 9 possible Endings as far as i know)

Great job Devs.
But there are also some negative aspects:
1. Translation (German) - It had some minor and even some major errors.
2. Optimization - It forced my pc to run at nearly 100 %, although it shouldnt need to do that (Ryzen 2700x , Vega 64, 16 gig)
9871 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
85 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 05:28
It's a pretty good FMV game. Well filmed, good actors, decent story. Definitely recommended for fans of the genre.
28 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.20 03:03
I returned this game because it was too short for the price. However, the story is really good and if you can get this game on sale for less than $5 I would recommend it - I wish there was a rating between yes and no.
37 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 15:39
Choices do not matter. Arbitrary endings and games prevent you to make any true moral choice. Nice acting, although bleak and insipid/netflix-like writing. As much as I like FMV as a genre, this is a fail for me.
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
83 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 08:49
Comparing the last project Late Shift, this new game could be remarked as quite disappointing for the bad narrative and poor character arc (like the main character Reese is just like a tool instead of a vivid person), the plot is too childish and lacks credibility.
Not recommend but hoping for better new work though.
232 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 04:23
Please do not play the game as of 1st of April 2020 if you have epilepsy.

There is a major bug where every time right after I make a decision, the screen shakes violently, no scenes will play normally. Each time I have to press esc to pause the game, then come back to it. It does not stop on its own whatsoever. The devs need to put an epilepsy warning before the game starts, because the violent screenshakes literally makes me sick and wanna vomit, even tho I dont have epilepsy. I cant imagine what would happen for someone with actual epilepsy who just wanna play a point and click game.. They would be surprised with these violent screenshake bugs that make a healthy person feel sick.

Please upvote this so buyers with epilepsy can be warned. Thanks.

Edit: Now the entire game shakes violently, even the initial cut scenes on a new game file.

I cant recommend something like this. Bye

Responding to the devs: I didnt use a high rez/high refresh rate monitor, as I dont have one. I used my laptop to play this game, which has a 1080p 60hz monitor. I played it in full screen mode, and set the resolution to 1920x1080
778 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 03:49

For any prospective buyers –

I was on the fence about purchasing this. I wasn’t really sure if the price warranted what ultimately is a movie with an occasional moment of awkward silence until I click the mouse. I already owned Late Shift from a bundle I purchased long ago, but had not played it. I figured since I already had it, I may as well play it and see if I would even enjoy this company’s work.

Without getting into detail on Late Shift, I will say that I ended up enjoying it. After I finished the second playthrough I went looking for some detail about the Complex. One question I found on the forum was “how long will the story be?” The answer of 80-90 minutes was satisfactory. Then I did the math, and figured for the price I would be paying less than a ticket to a movie theater (that we can’t go to these days…) So I went ahead and pulled the trigger.

I am glad that I did. I will give away nothing of the story, but will leave a few high level thoughts here for any prospective buyers.

1. Don’t be afraid that the quality will be subpar. It clearly doesn’t have the budget of the Avengers/Mission Impossible/Star Wars, but it also was clearly not done on a tight budget. Sound is good, video is good, special effects (what there are) get the job done well enough. There was even a familiar face for me which you will know if you have seen, for example, Prometheus. A quick look on IMDB tells me that there will be other familiar faces to people as well.
2. The writing is well done. This is subjective, but I did not find more than a couple of lines spoken where I thought the writers dropped the ball. And that truly did not take away from the experience
3. The awkward silences aren’t that awkward. It is a necessary evil in this kind of game, but it is handled well here. When the characters have to stand around waiting for the player to make a choice it doesn’t just loop the same video over and over again. A lot of times, there is still dialogue during those times. And, if this really bothers you, it appears there is a setting to pause the game for these decisions. I did not use that, but I did see it was available.

For players that are coming here from Late Shift – a lot of what I thought could have been done better has been improved on here. Less odd transitions (for example, where there isn’t a choice that was made, but the dialogue ends up getting cut off for some reason,) more choices, and easier to hear voices. If you are like me, on subsequent playthroughs I turned on the subtitles because the background was so loud I couldn’t hear what people were saying. The Complex improves on all of these issues.

Also, I will mention what may be to some the most compelling reason to give this a shot. Sometimes the allure of seeing that there are multiple branching paths and endings can be outweighed by the realization that in order to see them you have to slog your way through scenes and choices you have already been through. 9 endings? That means 8 more times of seeing the same thing over again. I am extremely happy with the way The Complex handles this. Once you complete the playthrough you have the option to press ‘Tab’ to skip ahead. The way this is implemented is fantastic. It will skip scenes you have already seen, and get you to the next choice. But it won’t let you skip new scenes. This was confusing for me at first because I was frustrated with why I couldn’t skip a scene. Turns out, a choice I made earlier in the game had this scene play out just a tiny bit differently. This is such a nice feature that even though I have less than 5 hours currently, I have seen almost 80% of the endings.

Last, I will put a couple of stats that may help someone who is on the fence. My first playthrough:

1. Took roughly 90 minutes
2. I discovered 82 out of 196 scenes
3. I made 81 decisions

I hope this was helpful to someone.

A fantastic job to all that were involved in making this!
528 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 01:51
just beat my first playthrough If you're a fan of interactive stories and miss FMV I'd definitely recommend this game also always happy to support Welsh Devs
410 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 00:07
I really enjoyed this title. I do tend to gravitate towards FMV in general (yes yes even THOSE :D ) but the quality of FMV over the last few years have been pretty stellar if you are looking in the right places. This is one of those places.

The story is captivating and keeps moving at a pretty fast pace.
The acting is great.
I dug the direction style.

To be clear this is a interactive MOVIE (I have been seeing/hearing confusion about it. Think Bandersnatch on netflix). You are mostly along for the ride with choices that happen along the way. So far I have played through 5 times and got a different ending each time. A couple of them are vastly different so at LEAST 2 play throughs are warranted to see more story. I have put in almost 7 hours (I did pause a few times and let it hang out) and still have 4 endings and about 30ish more cutscenes to unlock. And this was with me sometimes skipping scenes on my other plays. If you are looking at length to value for your money. Adding to that, it took me about 90 minutes for one run. Less or more on your next plays if you unlock more or decide to skip.

I really enjoyed it. Hope you do too if you pick it up!
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
76.36% 449 139
Release:31.03.2020 Genre: Adventure Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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