• The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.
  • The Bridge: Screen zum Spiel The Bridge.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 22.02.2013
Zum Shop
Preis Update 04.09.23
The Bridge
  • Plattform: PC
Zum Shop
Preis Update 15.03.24

Über das Spiel

The Bridge ist ein 2D-Logikrätselspiel, bei dem der Spieler sich gezwungen sieht, seine Kenntnisse von Physik und Perspektive neu zu überdenken. Isaac Newton trifft auf M.C. Escher. Manipulieren Sie die Gravitation, um die Decke zum Fußboden zu machen, während Sie sich durch unmögliche Architekturen wagen. Erforschen Sie immer schwieriger werdende Welten, die alle einzigartig detailliert gestaltet wurden, um beim Spieler einen einzigartigen Eindruck zu hinterlassen und ihn zu intellektuellen Höchstleistungen anzutreiben. The Bridge ist ein Beispiel für Spiele als Kunstform, mit wunderschönen Handzeichnungen im Stil schwarzweißer Litographie.

  • 48 gedankenanregende Rätsel, von denen ein jedes unterschiedlich ist, mit neuartigen Lösungswegen.
  • Gravitationsmanipulation, Gravitations-Strudel, parallele Dimensionen und viele weitere gedankenkrümmende Konzepte in einer Welt, in der die Gesetze der Physik nicht das sind, was sie zu sein scheinen.
  • M. C. Escher'sche Welten mit unmöglichen Architekturen im Stil schwarzweißer Litographie.
  • Nach Beenden der Haupt-Story wird eine alternative Version des Spiels freigeschaltet, bei dem es andere Versionen jedes Rätsels sowie ein anderes Ende zu entdecken gibt.
  • Die Möglichkeit in der Zeit zurückzuspringen, um dem Spieler die Angst vor Fehlern zu nehmen.


  • CPU: 1.0 GHz
  • RAM: 512 MB RAM
  • Software:
  • HD: 400 MB HD space
  • LANG: Englisch, Niederländisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Ungarisch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch – Portugal, Rumänisch, Spanisch – Spanien, Türkisch, Russisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Arabisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Polnisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Thai, Dänisch, Finnisch, Norwegisch, Schwedisch, Chinesisch (traditionell), Ukrainisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

563 Produkte im Account
126 Reviews
3726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.23 10:51
Es fühlt sich ein bisschen an wie ein Monument Valley, aber es ist nicht so interessant. Es ist ziemlich hirnverringend und geeignet, um sich zu beruhigen und langsam zu spielen. Ich empfehle den Kauf mit einem Rabatt
0 Produkte im Account
356 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.23 18:39
Spielwertung: 5/10
Spielzeit: ca. 3 Stunden
Spieldurchläufe: 1 (50%)

Grundsolides Puzzle-/Rätselspiel, das mich aber leider nicht abgeholt hat.

Nicht ganz unerwartet sind die Rezensionen auf Steam hier überwiegend positiv. Das Spiel ist fehlerfrei und die schwarz-weiß Graphik hat einen eigenen Reiz. Wer aber nichts mit Physik, Mathematik, Geometrie oder M.C. Escher (ich weiß nicht mal, wer das sein soll) anfangen kann, der hat hier keine gute Zeit.

Im Grunde ist es wie bei hundert anderen Spielen: Rätsel und Puzzle. Die sind mal mehr, mal weniger gelungen. Bei "The Bridge" dreht sich halt alles (wortwörtlich) um das Drehen der Räume. Eine Story oder kleinere Cinematics gibt es nicht, die Spielfigur mit dem Apfelbaum soll wohl Newton sein (oder eine Referenz). Man kann sich natürlich zu den einzelnen Kommentaren selbst was ausdenken, aber naja. Es gibt z.B. keinerlei Erklärung, warum uns diese "Kugeln" töten, außer vielleicht die Logik, dass sie uns zerquetschen (macht aber auch keinen Sinn, warum wir dann bei bloßer Berührung von vorne draufgehen).

Auch sonst ist das Spiel sehr langsam. Das ist in Ordnung, gerade zum Runterkommen, aber dem gegenüber steht der schnell anwachsende Frustlevel durch die wirren Mechaniken.

Ich konnte alle Rätsel bis auf 4-5 lösen, da habe ich Hilfe gebraucht. Aber auch 4-4 und 4-6 waren absolute Brecher. Da haben sie also zum Finale der letzten Drei noch mal alles rausgehauen. Der Rest ist eigentlich recht machbar, aber trotzdem gibt es große Schwankungen. Mal hängt man 10 Minuten an einer Tür, dann ist die nächste wieder so ne 30-Sekunden Sache.

Vielleicht hätten die Entwickler es dabei belassen sollen. Andererseits ist mehr Inhalt ja grundsätzlich schwer zu begrüßen. Dass wir aber die 24 Level noch mal machen sollen, nur eben verändert oder aka in noch schwerer, hat mich dann nach einem kurzen Blick schnell davongetrieben. Ich hab mich schon durch die 4. Tür eher durchgequält und hatte wenig Freude daran, daher verzichte ich dankend auf die 2. Hälfte des Spiels.

Fazit: The Bridge ist Geschmackssache. Für mich ein persönlicher Daumen runter, aber das Spiel selbst ist völlig fein. Die Vergleiche mit Spielen wie Limbo, die ich häufiger in den Rezensionen gelesen habe, sind aber lächerlich. Limbo ist 100x so gut wie The Bridge.
81 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 11:04
Das Spiel ist ... anders als andere Rätselspiele. Es arbeitet mit optischen Illusionen, unendlichen Treppen, so etwas. Gerade das fand ich sehr interessant und wird auch kreativ umgesetzt. Der zeichnerische Stil macht ebenfalls vieles her.
Die Steuerung mit dem Controller ist einfach und lässt durch das Drehen des Bildschirms ebenfalls schnell die Köpfe rauchen. Die Rätsel werden auch mit jedem Level schwieriger, manchmal für meinen Geschmack zu schwierig, beziehungsweise zu viel Rangierarbeit, wenn mal wieder etwas wegen einer Kleinigkeit nicht passt.
Ansonsten hatte ich sehr viel Spaß mit den vielseitigen Rätseln und den kreativen Ideen.
634 Produkte im Account
179 Reviews
406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.18 23:14
Was für ein wunderschönes Denkspiel, wo viel Logik und Geschick gefragt sind. Die Rätsel sind durchaus stimmig und erfordern etwas Geduld und leider auch manchmal etwas Timing, was für manche schnell zu Frust führen könnte. Ansonsten ist das Leveldesign inspiriert von den M. C. Escher-Werken und wirklich faszinierend.
124 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.15 18:58
Tolles Spiel.

Ein spiel zum Rätseln mit grandioser Atmosphäre. Mehr brauch man nicht dazu zu sagen. Empfehlenswert
201 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
635 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.14 22:34
Dieses Spiel mag nicht den Geschmack von jedem treffen, aber alle die Braid schon super fanden werden dieses Spiel zu schätzen wissen. Man darf dieses SPiel nicht als Konkurrenz zu besagtem sehen (an das Niveau kommt es natürlich nicht heran), aber es erzählt eine ganz eigene Geschichte und versucht nicht in die selbe Kerbe zu schlagen wie Braid - trotz der vielen Parallelen
Also mich hat das Spiel wirklich sehr unterhalten. Die Rätsel sind wirklich einzigartig und der Schwierigkeitsgrad variiert von easy going bis knüppeldick, aber immer gekrönt mit einem schönen Erfolgserlebnis.
39 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.14 17:47
Dieses Spiel ist nur interessant, wenn man Spaß an der Mathematik oder am Denken hat. Dann allerdings hält es viel neues und spannendes für einen bereit. Die insgesamt 48 Level geben einem viel Stoff zum überlegen, grübeln und rätseln und sind ihr Geld definitiv wert. Durch die relativ geringen Systemanforderungen ist es für fast jeden spielbar. Also hol es dir, wenn du Lust am Rätseln findest.
154 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1048 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.14 19:39
Interessantes Denkspiel für Zwischendurch. Die einzelnen Level sind kleine Rätsel, die einiges Nachdenken erfodern aber nicht zu schwierig sind um nicht weiterzukommen. Schwierigkeitsgrad und Länge der Level variieren stark, sind aber stets ausgewogen. Auch die schlichte Bedienung und die M.C.-Escher-artige Grafik ist sehr überzeugend.
Fazit: unbedingt empfehlenswert.
206 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.13 08:56
Wirklich ein erstklassiges Spiel, super Optik, simple Steuerung und hirnverknotende Puzzles :) Die ersten paar Level sind noch schön leicht aber dann steigt der Schwierigkeitsgrad bis zum Ende steil an. Es gilt, verschiedene Objekte mit unterschiedlicher Gravitation an die richtigen Stellen zu bewegen, alles verpackt in wunderschön illustrierten Welten aus unmöglichen Figuren und optischen Täuschungen. Spätestens wenn das Spiel mal wieder stark reduziert ist, ein MUSS für jeden, der Spaß an Rätseln hat.
524 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.24 23:23
10/10 ????

I forgot to give this one a review!

In short, like the best games it’s easy to pick up but hard to master. As in, it was my 2nd console completion and both times I got about halfway before needing a guide ????‍???????? Game smart, I dumb. ???? But the artstyle, ease of play, Newton & Escher elements, and the pricepoint (?!?)…you can’t go wrong with this one for a puzzler. ????????
0 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.24 16:06
Very neat puzzle game with a solid concept and something I'd normally love but unfortunately the precise timing required for some of the puzzles combined with the finnicky controls and sliding just end up being frustrating. There are so many times you wish the character wouldn't slide so much on even the slightest of slopes. In the end I didn't enjoy solving the puzzles - it just felt like a chore.
0 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.24 12:10
I recommend this for people who enjoy physics based puzzles, but for everyone else this is a pass.

I really wanted to like this game. I like the art style and the concept. It is well made. However, many of the puzzles are physics based. Some of the puzzles are difficult to solve, which is a good thing, but many of the puzzles are brutally difficult to complete just because of the physics. I don't like puzzle games where I know the solution, but I don't know how to manipulate the controls to execute the solution. There is a lot of trial and error and not enough fun. What little story there is in this game is not nearly enough to push you to want to finish the game; it's barely noticeable and had no impact on me. The achievements were the only reason I bothered finishing this game because I wasn't enjoying myself.

Completing a level gave me more of a sense of relief than satisfaction. Sometimes it just felt like luck getting the key to fall the right way or getting my dude to squeeze past the giant boulders without dying. In the second half of the game, there were several puzzles where I felt like I cheated to get through the level instead of solving the puzzle as intended. I got so annoyed with the game that I just wanted to get all the achievements and be done with it. It's sad I felt that way because there are a lot of clever things in the game.

Many of the achievements are for doing things you would never think of doing and have no reason to to do in the game, and for those achievements you'll need/want to use a guide. Because I reached a point where I just wanted to get it over with, I used the guide to collect all the wisps instead of bothering to figure it out myself, which is another puzzle onto itself.
0 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.23 22:13
Spent 30 minutes completing a few chapters. Neat, but only worth about 30-60 min of my attention. Still that being said, there was a lot of production value that went into the game and feels well polished overall, it just didn't strike me as very fun, thought provoking, or entertaining. Would buy from the developer again, but this game isn't for me.
1195 Produkte im Account
461 Reviews
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.23 03:30
I bet pewdiepie hates it
0 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.23 19:01
A particular type of platformer and puzzle game! Intriguing story but challenging and interesting puzzle that will make you spin, rotate and inverting yourself, and your own perception!
A Bridge to curiosity and self-reflection.
1415 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 00:56
This is simply a perfect little hand drawn masterpiece, most certainly would've received an Escher seal of approval.
Video of game play on my profile, though I'd recommend play it for yourself fist, as not to spoil the puzzles.
418 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 03:41
Não sei muito o que dizer sobre esse game.
Ele não é “incrível”, mas ele é tão gostoso dentro do que se propõe. Tem uma certa poesia, carrega bons desafios lógicos.
Enfim… Um jogo simples e eficaz.
240 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 20:24
For the most part, The Bridge is a thinking game, with several luck to win moments. The game is simple enough, and the story is take it or leave it. I found most of the puzzles enjoyable, but some were simply tedious and required meticulous finagling with the keys or random chance of luck. This would make a great mobile game, but I consider it an okay PC game.

In all, I recommend the game as a fun filler of time, if you do not have something better to play, or if you just want to 100 percent a game in a day or two.
2012 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 22:05
★★★★★ – ART

I am very grateful to the guides out there that helped me pass certain levels and collect certain achievements. I would not have been able to do this game on my own. It's a nice game and especially the art looks very nice however it can become very, very frustrating if you're stuck for a long time on a level or need to spend quite some time collecting a hidden wisp.
229 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 12:38
So right off the bat the game threw two pop-ups at me, one asking me to leave a review, the other advertising one of the dev’s other games. I have absolutely no problem with developers putting these messages in their games, but show them after the end credits not right at the beginning. Asking players to support you before they’ve even had a chance to finish your game is a bit much.

That aside here’s the actual review:

Puzzles mostly involve navigating Escher style maze’s that loop back on themselves in strange an unpredictable ways. This means that you spend a lot of time wandering through stages trying to figure out how the impossible geometry fits together. This would be fine if character movement and stage rotation weren’t so glacially slow. Trial and error is okay if you can test ideas quickly. Slow trial and error is tedious. There are other standard puzzle elements like switches that need to be held down, boulders that crush you, keys to collect, etc. Unfortunately nothing outside the main gimmick is original or complex enough to keep the game engaging. I even noticed some redundancies where multiple puzzles required the same solution. Antichamber (another non-euclidean puzzle game that came out the same year) does a much better job of mixing up the gameplay by constantly defying the player’s expectations and gradually revealing the hidden depth of its core mechanics.

Another thing that bugged me is how desperately this game wants to be Braid. The house that acts as level select screen, the time rewinding, the glum middle aged protagonist, the enigmatic dialogue. Individually none of these elements would be derivative but viewed together they are inescapably so.

Finally, the hand drawn art is unique and well executed but not quite arresting enough to carry the entire experience on it's own. The main character is well animated but the backgrounds are a little flat and static compared with other indies like Skullgirls or Hollow Knight. Hand drawn art was still something of a novelty in 2013 but these days the competition is extremely tough.
260 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 10:48
This might be a good puzzle game, I never got far enough in to find out. All actions, especially moving your character or rotating the world, feel extremely sluggish, and it makes the basic act of controlling the game extremely tedious. Basically the exact opposite of what you want in a puzzle game all about moving things around.
374 Produkte im Account
150 Reviews
483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 14:41
A puzzle game where you rotate the world/room around you and influence gravity by changing its direction. On top of that, in the later levels you'll also switch yourself between the normal world and an inverse gravity version. Switching back and forth can only be done on certain parts of each level. And to make things even worse: some levels are like Escher drawings with impossible pathways.

This is an extremely hard game! At time of writing this review, 63.9% of all players finished chapter 1. 11.4% finished chapter 4 which is halfway through. Only 4.4% of all players completed the 48 levels this game has to offer.

Personally, I did enjoy the first half. Needed a guide for some of the levels to get an idea of what you're supposed to do, but it was do-able. The second half is a mixed bag. Some levels were cool, others became really frustrating due to how precise you need to time your movement.

Recommended, with a warning.
31 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
456 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 10:34
Wow! This game! Amazing art style, fantastic mechanics and challenging puzzles in which you feel like you've accomplished something great every time you complete one. I loved it!
1150 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 22:03
Creepy surreal puzzle game with lots of optical illusions and physic enigmas. What's there not to like?
1463 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
1056 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 20:31
The Bridge an unique puzzle gravity based puzzle game. A total brain teaser.

+ Great hand-drawn art style.
+ Very well designed levels.
+ Very challenging.

8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 00:17
if your a fan of Monument Valley you will probably love this game too, peace.
652 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
888 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 16:22
fascinating game mechanics
carefully designed levels
352 Produkte im Account
89 Reviews
486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 14:23

Inconceivable Contraptions

Full review at GameDragons.Net

The Bridge is a puzzle game inspired by the work of Dutch graphic artist Maurits Cornelis Escher, using perspective as a technique to mess with your brain and make seemingly impossible puzzles possible when viewed from a different angle, something that is heavily emphasized in The Bridge and mathematically calculated in each level, which makes it hard not to appreciate even if puzzle games aren't your usual cup of tea. If you have been spending a lot of time just browsing the internet you've probably come across some of those pictures of stairs where a person on the stairs seems upside down when viewed from a fixed position while others will have relative positions in the image depending on which side you're looking at the image from, and yet all of those stairs seem connected, something that seems impossible at first, but once you understand the technique it suddenly starts to make sense.

A lot of it has to do with the fact that you're presenting a 3D room in the form of a 2D image which removes the perception of depth from your brain as all elements will seem to be on the same plane, but you should always keep in mind that they are often not. Understanding that alone will help you decipher the secret behind such images, but there's also the element of optical illusion which comes into play not only in those drawings, but also in The Bridge's puzzles and while I'm not gonna go into psychological detail about how those work in general, I will say that in this game in particular looking at different puzzle elements from a different angle will often destroy that illusion barrier and help you move on with the puzzle.

The objective of each level is easy, your character starts in a fixed position on the level and somewhere else there's a door to the exit, which sometimes may require a key or a button to open, but the journey towards that door and finding a way to not only unlock it, but keep it unlocked for when your character reaches that position is often a very complex one that requires critical thinking. There are many levels where a ball must be placed on top of a button in order to unlock the door, but to finish the level you also have to reach that door with your character which in most cases requires you to rotate the map in order to get your character there, but that will also move the ball from its position, so puzzles are created based on logic as well as timing and in many instances you have to think a few steps ahead in order to succeed because of that reason. Thankfully the game knows that which is why there's a rewind button available at all times, allowing you to turn back time to a previous position if you've messed up.

The main element of the game is the rotation mechanic which moves the entire level clockwise or counter-clockwise using the trigger buttons, this will change the angle from which you view the level allowing you see things that you might have not noticed from your previous position, as well as move other elements in the map such as balls or keys to the left or right and at the same time that also applies to your character, on top of the gravity rules.

While that covers the basics of the game, once you do get past the first few levels more elements will be introduced including a vortex that will absorb anything that comes near it and a veil that will protect your character from moving while rotating the map when inside, so as long as you stay in the veil your character will remain there no matter how much you rotate the map and in which direction. An even more complex mechanic is introduced later in the form of double dimensions which will make a light or dark version of your character depending on the portals you go through, each portal will change your character to the opposite version so if you go in a portal with your character being dark, you will come out the opposite portal light, the catch here being that you can only interact with elements that are your color, so if you approach a dark door while in light form you won't be able to enter it.

While everything that I've described above may seem overwhelming, all of those elements will be gradually introduced into the game as you progress, giving you plenty of time to adjust to each new mechanic and get a grasp on how it works, but once you do get past that introductory stage of the game, the final chapters will make use of all of those elements in order to create some incredibly complex puzzles that might put your brain into overclock mode, especially in the mirrored worlds which take levels from the main worlds and twists them around, adding even more hazards in the way. While a vast majority of levels are mainly focused on logic and thinking a few steps ahead, some are more concentrated on timing while being smaller in scale, this means that on those levels the solution will be more obvious, but require more rewinds in order to just get it right timing-wise, which feels like a step down from the superb design of other levels where you can take your time to think it through.

When I mentioned that The Bridge is inspired by the drawings of M.C Escher I wasn't only referring to the main idea behind the game, but also the graphics, as the game is presented only in black and white and every level feels like it was pencil drawn very carefully in order to create the desired optical illusions. That aesthetic gives The Bridge a very unique look and while just looking at a screenshot might give the impression of a very depressing world where colors are absent, once you get to actually play it that impression will change simply because everything is so carefully thought out and detailed even in the absence of colors and the ambience of the level design transmits a feeling of incubation thinking where you are alone meditating on the challenges ahead of you.

The sound effects are what you would expect considering there's not a lot going on in the world to need many of those, but the objects moving across ramps as you rotate the map, the keys hitting a wall while the spooky music plays in the background and your character's steps slowly approaching the point where you want to be are all very well done and contribute enormously to the feeling of the game. The soundtrack has around 30 minutes of content which means some tracks will be reused in some levels, but that shouldn't bother you at all because the game isn't long enough for you to hear the same track more than a few times and the calmly yet spooky tunes fit the ambient of the game perfectly.

You can finish the main game in around 4 hours, more or less depending on how long it takes you to find the solution to some of the harder levels, but after you finish the four chapters that make up the main game, mirrored chapters will be unlocked twisting the main four chapters and adding more obstacles or adding more complexity to the puzzles. Aside from that there are a few more challenges in the form of achievements that may keep you busy for another hour or two, so if you really dig The Bridge there's 8-10 hours of content in total for you to play around with.

The Bridge is one of the best 2D puzzle games that I have ever played and definitely on top when it comes to its unique appeal, and while not all levels are of the same quality and ingenuity, most of them will require the full power of your brain to get through which is what a puzzle game is supposed to do, so if the idea behind The Bridge seems appealing to you, pick it up and give it a try because you will most likely enjoy it.

Rating: 8.5
469 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.20 19:16
Great mind-bending puzzle-game for amateur puzzle-lovers.
147 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 22:06
If you are looking for a puzzle challenge this is the right game for you. There are 48 levels to tackle with increasing difficulty. As this all plays out in Escher inspired levels there is a lot of upside down inside out challenge. While the first 24 levels are mostly about mechanically solving puzzles the later 24 in the mirrored world are often about timing and perfect positioning.

The art style is beautiful to look at because it resembles hand drawn black and white paintings of Escher. Only the music is a bit of a letdown but that is only a minor inconveniece within a great puzzle game. Depending on your puzzle solving skills the whole game will take you anywhere between 8-12 hours.
127 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 19:07
A game that will give you a real challenge and a Headache from time to time.
460 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 19:53
Clever game that requires some thought, and has an interesting style.
96 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 06:51
The Bridge is a pretty challenging (but not impossible) puzzle game. The main tool in this game is the ability to rotate the level itself. Level design is inspired by the works of M.C Escher and so most of the levels depict impossible geometry that you sometimes get to play with.
All said, I strongly recommend this game to anyone who is likes puzzle games. It should take about 10 hours to finish, so it isn't very long. Definitely get it while it is on sale!
123 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 14:04
This puzzles are very frustrating and not rewarding. I think this concept has potential, but it was wasted here.
I did all puzzles myself except last two. There is this strange cutrain thing in last two levels, that made me hate this game.

Creators made a mistake not explaining this cutrain mechanics. So instead of solving puzzle, I had to guess what the heck this cutrain does.

In puzzles its all about solving using rules, not guessing rules. You buy a game to have fun, not to become frustrated.
Second time I would not play the Bridge.

229 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
74 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 03:16
Like Braid, but Slow, Boring, and black & white.
283 Produkte im Account
117 Reviews
485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 22:20
Beautiful puzzle game inspired by the art of M.C. Escher. I was pleasantly surprised by how clever the puzzles were designed. The puzzles revolve (litterally) around gravity, distorted perspective and optical illusions.
The time-reversal system is highly appreciated, especially since you can also undo mistakes that caused your death by reversing time instead of having to restart the level all over again. The time-reversal thing however is not actually involved in solving any of the puzzles like in Braid.
244 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 15:22
Rotujúci lotokurvet
621 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
60 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 21:21
I should love this game but instead it leaves me feeling bored and frustrated.

The art style and imagery are brilliant, the weird ramblings about esoteric maths are intriguing, the audio is just right and the concept for a puzzle game is genius. unfortunately underneath all its good ideas it's just a trapped ball bearings in a maze game and the controls feel slow and frustrating. I get that the movement has to be limited to regulate the puzzles but unfortunately in my opinion it ruins the experience. Generally puzzles are solved on instinct and accident rather than insight and planning.

Maybe I should give it a try another day, but the way i'm feeling now I really doubt I'll bother.
412 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 10:07
I like puzzle games, I even enjoy the weird ones like GNOG which was a beautiful experience. I don't know why this is so highly rated, I don't enjoy solving these and the slow level rotation or and awkward movement is even more frustrating. Am I the a**hole? Probably but this game isn't for everyone, even puzzle fans.
47 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.20 08:06
Excellent challenge with puzzles that make you think. Puzzles are done in the style of one of my favorite artists: M.C. Escher. If you are a fan of good mental stimulation, get this game, it's well worth the money.
511 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.20 12:37
Hi mates!

The first thing what I can mind about this game is:
I won't lie, it is the most difficult logical game what you will play with.

Although you could have play 100 and 100 logical and/or indie games, you may NOT know what the real challange is. Until now.
Here you won't know where the up and down is, what the lef and right is.
You have to forget what you learn about physic, gravity and dinamic in the classrooms.

-masterfully designed and varied maps,
-nice story,
-matching music and effects,
-simple navigation.

- no any clue in the game about the Collector achievement. There are no any things related to the locations of the hidden wisps. - Or just I wasn,t pretty wise to find it. :)


(I know you smile now, but if you liked it, please, rather mark this review as useful, not funny. :) Thank you.)
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
84.59% 1521 277
Release:22.02.2013 Genre: Gelegenheits-Spiel Entwickler: Ty Taylor and Mario Castañeda Vertrieb: The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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