• The Blind Prophet: Screen zum Spiel The Blind Prophet.
  • The Blind Prophet: Screen zum Spiel The Blind Prophet.
  • The Blind Prophet: Screen zum Spiel The Blind Prophet.
  • The Blind Prophet: Screen zum Spiel The Blind Prophet.
  • The Blind Prophet: Screen zum Spiel The Blind Prophet.
  • The Blind Prophet: Screen zum Spiel The Blind Prophet.
  • The Blind Prophet: Screen zum Spiel The Blind Prophet.
  • The Blind Prophet: Screen zum Spiel The Blind Prophet.
  • The Blind Prophet: Screen zum Spiel The Blind Prophet.
  • The Blind Prophet: Screen zum Spiel The Blind Prophet.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 05.02.2020
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Preis Update 20.05.24

Über das Spiel

The Blind Prophet is a Point'n'Click game where you will play apostle Bartholomeus in his divine mission: liberate the corrupted city of Rotbork, and brave the Great Evil that lurks within.
Although he's used to execute his duty, it won't be as easy as it should be this time ...
  • Free exploration in 99 hand-drawed panels, with tiny details waiting for you to discover it
  • A strong storyline, but not without humor!
  • Unique comic book art-style experience
  • Various puzzles, challenges and mini-games for a diverse experience.


  • CPU: 2.8 Ghz Dual Core CPU
  • GFX: AMD Radeon HD 6670, GeForce GTX 200 series with at least 1GB
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Win 7, 8, 10, 32/64-bit
  • HD: 1500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card with latest drivers
  • DX: Version 9.0
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Chinesisch, Spanisch
  • CPU: Quad Core CPU
  • GFX: AMD R7 200 series, GeForce GTX 500 series
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Win 7, 8, 10, 32/64-bit
  • HD: 1500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card with latest drivers
  • DX: Version 9.0
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Chinesisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

304 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 13:16
Super Spiel, simpel aber macht Spaß! Sehr stimmig.
117 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.20 13:55
Mir hat das Spiel sehr gut gefallen. Nicht zu leicht und nicht zu schwer. Sehr schöne Grafiken/liebevoll gezeichnete Comics, bittersüße musikalische Untermalung, schwarzer Humor, düstere Atmosphäre. Besonders hat mir auch die packende, stimmige Story gefallen. Wer 'The Wolf Among Us' mag, dem wird auch dieses Spiel gefallen. Großes Lob auch an die Entwickler: Als ich wegen eines Bugs nicht weiter kam, wurde mir sofort über das Forum geholfen. Alles in allem ein tolles Spiel. Würde mich über eine Fortsetzung sehr freuen :)
1577 Produkte im Account
207 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 23:52
Unfortunately it's a no from me. I am quite baffled by the very positive rating, because as a functional game this doesn't hold up well. As a comic it would be half decent as the artwork is very strong. But the dialogue is horrendous. And it's not just that it's poorly edited. I can live with the occasional grammar/spelling mistake (though they really do take some serious liberties), it's just that every conversation is beyond weird. And not just in a way that can be accounted for in translation. It comes to a head in one of the last scenes as your sidekick is infiltrating her way into a drug dealer's circle. These conversations have to be seen to be believed. It's as if the scriptwriter has only heard of the concept of human conversation second hand and has never experienced it. There is nothing natural in the slightest about the ebb and flow of these conversations.
Dragging the game down further is the weak gameplay. I could look past this more if the game had more going for it, but it's only too apparent the game consists of speed-clicking through the awful dialogue, and solving puzzles that have all the difficulty range of trivial to very easy. There is no challenge here. Especially after the the prologue where it's clear the developers just gave up and dropped the number of interactables to the bare minimum per screen, so as soon as you enter a screen you can tell exactly what to do.
It's so disappointing as they had a fairly competent tale to tell here. But even with some semi-decent music and a handful of minigames that provoke a certain amount of interaction, the game just falls flat altogether. I was relieved when it was over but also a bit irritated as I felt that even though I had grabbed this on sale I felt ripped off. Avoid.
94 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 20:34
I could've write all bad things, but they are all written here, good artwork, weak gameplay...
131 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 02:35
Wow. What an incredible game. Truly something unique, gorgeous, and soul-stirring. Everything about this game was perfectly and lovingly crafted. The storytelling is on another level, the art style is both hideous and appealing all at once, and the characters are all so vivid and lifelike despite the comic-book style. Worth every penny and then some. It may be a short game to play through but it will leave an impression for a lifetime.
2764 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
523 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 12:26
One of the most beautiful visuals I've ever seen. It's not without its problems, but the awesome drawn graphics and unusual storyline make it a great game
152 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 23:06
The art and the music of this game are absolutely fantastic. Some of the puzzles were really fun to solve, some others not so much. I really was into the story, but I wish it had gone a bit more in depth, since I felt the end a bit rushed.

But all in all I really enjoyed the game, so I'd really recommend it.
1882 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 02:34
This is a pretty standard point’n’click adventure game, although a little simplified and it borrows a little from other game genres in some sections.

We play as Bartholomeus, an Apostle of God who is sent to the town of Rotbork that seems to be corrupted by several powerful demons and each feed off different vices of the city folk. Our dude is 2000 years old and when he is sent to the town, he arrives in a small boat laying on his back like he’s in a coffin or something. He was awoken yet again to fight another demon infestation. When the game starts we literally save a girl from getting raped by a huge bearded guy who is under demonic influence.

The game has a really great, dark atmosphere and the town really looks like it’s going to shit. It’s dark and you only find some color in wh*re house and local bars with it’s neon lights. Music really sells it to, from more ambient and dark tracks that play in darker parts of town to my favorite that plays in a wh*re house – a mix of electronic music with yells straight from porno with some demonic layers on top of it :D I LOVE IT!

This game like’s to switch genres for a few minutes in some sections. One time I had to play arcade shooter where I had to shoot down incoming projectiles, other time I was at shooting range and the game turned to simple FPS.

The only issues I had with this game is once it got stuck on a cutscene and I had to alt-tab and close it manually. Luckily I lost no progress. The English translation has some typos too and there were few sentences that didn’t make full sense to me, felt like something that was missed during fixes.

This is a hidden gem and I hope more people give this a shot.

149 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 09:42
I backed this game on Kickstarter, but unfortunately I just can't recommend it. I was intrigued by the art style (which is still really good) and story synopsis, but the final product is lacking in both gameplay and narrative. The protagonist's frequent grunting and poor voice acting was highly irritating and quickly got on my nerves, probably contributing more to my negative opinion than it should have.
743 Produkte im Account
112 Reviews
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 02:27
I backed this on kickstarter and this is one I actually think came out pretty good. The raw graphic novel type feel is pretty cool and the action and puzzle elements work pretty well as I have seen so far. The story flows pretty well and doesn't drag for the most part. from what I have played so far I have enjoyed it a lot. I say support indie developers when you can. If you like adventure type games give it a try.
16938 Produkte im Account
1029 Reviews
795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 23:11
Dark horror murder mystery all wrapped up in a moody point and click adventure. Lots of dark humor, plenty of puzzles as well as some choices that could lead to bad outcomes. Quite well done!
161 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 16:21
The games visuals are gorgeous, music is good. The story lacks depth, so do the characters. The story itself isn't very deep or though provoking and I really do wish there was more to the game then what I got to play because I was really into the aesthetic. There's a lot to be done with this game and the puzzles themselves are pretty easy. But I still recommend the game it was fun to play trough but not worth the full price, wait for a big sale and get it because there really isn't much going for it except visuals and music.
1333 Produkte im Account
134 Reviews
475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 21:59
Dark and creepy, I love it :D
785 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
743 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 12:40
Quite the interesting game. The best part is the story - serious topics being covered, but with a sprinkle of humour and actually a lot of philosophy thrown into the mix. Even gets kind of emotional towards the end. Neat graphics - I am not usually a big fan of a lot of blood and gore, but it fits this game and there was much less of it than I expected going in. Definitely not a kids game though :)

There were a few minor annoyances with some of the puzzles like not being able to do what you want to do before having clicked on the right item or talked to the right person. It can cause some confusion, when you had the right idea all along, but weren't able to execute it at first.
I just wish that the devs had taken an extra pass with the proofreading. There are some intentional misspellings throughout the game related to the story, but the rest of the game is also littered with typos, missing or extra words and misspellings. That's the main thing that for me detracted from an otherwise great gaming experience, but I still definitely recommend playing this, if you like point & click adventures that bring something new and fresh to the table.

If you're interested in watching some gameplay then you can check out my let's play series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrwy72Xn3DZxrmNrOo2UtVjinUZyzxXQe
177 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 23:02
What an absolutely stunning game, this is exactly what I come to steam for! Gorgeous art style and amazing music. If you love comics, point click, puzzles and a superb story, play this immediately! Best Indie game I've played this year!
3202 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 01:23
Just amazing from start to finish, what a story, graphics are amazing, the puzzles not to abstract, easy enough, i love point and click adventures and to be honest this is right up there with the best of them give it a try, A 10/10 for me.
364 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 01:46
Worth experiencing, I ended up getting about 7 hours playtime out of it. Half Adventure game, half graphic novel, The Blind Prophet is an interesting ride once it gets going.

There's some amazing background art here, and the sprawling city shows that someone took a lot of love and care there. The music is also heavily reminiscent of 90s techno and atmospheric stuff, which I'm down for.

On the downside, some of the puzzles are poorly designed and don't tell you what you're trying to do or what the criteria for solving the puzzle is. There's a section in the middle of the game where it appears spellcheck stopped working on the script, and descriptions on items can occasionally be uncomfortably 4th wall breaking.

This feels like a labor of love, and the credit sequence only listing about 4 people proves it. It's an impressive work for just a few people, but it's not without its flaws.
966 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 03:08
This is a good and interesting, relatively short (~8h) point'n'click experience.
The Mingola-style, heavy line work and unusual perspectives art really sold this for me, as well as the occult gothic neo-noire premise. The art design in this game is superb.
It's weird to write this in a positive review, but this game has a few major flaws. You really can tell where the funding gets in the way of actual storytelling and game design. My main issue is with the writing: despite being based of a pretty interesting idea and having a more or less coherent plot, some parts of the story seem rushed (especially near the end of the game) and unpolished.
Some characters' motivations are very poorly though out: at times you have this profound, though-provoking bits of story and writing, where you really get to see this 2000 years old Apostle sent to salvage a damned city and the next moment your suspension of disbelief is challenged because of an unexpected cheesy joke (some of which are not that bad, but somewhat misplaced), or much worse a character acting in a cartoonish, almost out-of-character way. At one moment you have an interesting dramatic plot twist, and another you're presented with a matter-of-factly, plot vomiting dialog where characters assume non-typical things like they're the norm and react to the dramatic events (like deaths and mutilation) in a completely mundane way, with a personality of a piece of cardboard. It's almost like there were two different writers: the one who designed the story and characters, and have a deep understanding of their motivation, and the one who was just writing fill-in dialogs without actually understanding the characters and the plot, except those are meant to glue together major story points.
Beside that a few fixable issues, like typos and locked resolution, that are not that bad.
Despite all this The Blind Prophet is a solid game about human nature and the relations between the human and the divine in a gritty occult-noire wrap. I wish the authors, Ars Goetia, had time and funding to put even more polish into the game. Hope this game is a success and their next project will be bigger, more thorough exploration of this themes.
247 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
388 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 01:05
A very atmospheric, moody, and charming little horror indie game. Lots of personality, lots of character, and charming little puzzles. The main character is a moody fellow that fits this perfectly. It's a pretty brisk 5+ hr play, but I knew this backing it on Kickstarter. It's a small studio's passion project and you should definitely support it. If you like point and click adventure games, this one is definitely for you. Also, I love that there are actually PUZZLES and not just fetch quests. There is so much charm and personality in this. It does end a bit abruptly and it's a little glitchy (and the English translation is a little wonky sometimes), but I'm sure that will be patched, and those little flaws are worth overlooking for something so obviously made with love. Highly recommended.
2610 Produkte im Account
538 Reviews
780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 13:20


The coastal town of Rotbork was once prosperous due to its fishing industry, which was mostly owned by one family, the Marrows. But then strange events started hitting the town. The main one was the disappearance of sea life, which affected everyone who lived in Rotbork. The Marrow family business couldn’t sustain itself, and masses of people lost their jobs. Right in the middle of this crisis, a newcomer surfaced in Rotbork - a certain Mr Ra - and before you knew it, the town was under his control. Rotbork became dark and dangerous overnight, and that’s why an apostle named Bartholomeus was sent straight down from heaven to discover whether the town that used to be vibrant and full of happiness had succumbed to demons and their powers. This is The Blind Prophet!

The Blind Prophet is a point-and-click adventure, developed and self-published by ARS GOETIA (in conjunction with Plug In Digital and Maple Whispering Limited for the publication) and released on Steam on the 6th of February 2020.

If you haven’t guessed by now, you’ll be playing the one-eyed apostle, Bartholomeus, who will arrive at Rotbork port standing firmly on a rowboat. (I was quite surprised to discover how an apostle makes his entrance into a coastal town. To be honest, I was expecting something slightly more extravagant, with a lot of lights, like a fully lit Christmas tree, falling from the sky. But this is apparently not the case, as apostles appear to be extremely conservative when making their appearance in coastal towns.)

Bartholomeus will arrive at the port precisely where a young lady is about to be attacked by a humungous guy with bright red eyes. Thankfully for the young lady, she will be saved by Barth and will become a point of call for Barth throughout the story, as she has excellent knowledge of Rotbork.

There are 99 hand-drawn panels or locations in Rotbork. Each of these locations can be explored for essential objects, with Barth’s hand, which is the cursor. In some of the panels, there are quite a few objects to look at, and like me, you may miss one or two. But don’t worry, you can use the Stalker Eye Icon (red-eye Icon), which is just above the inventory icon on the left side of your screen. This will highlight objects and directions available to Barth, using red dots all over the screen with which you can interact in four ways: take, observe, use and discuss. Interestingly, there are a lot of things to look at, but only a few to either pick up, use or combine to move forward through the story.

In terms of puzzles, most of them are straightforward, and a few present a good challenge. There are also a few minigames, which I really like as it adds a bit of variety.

Personally, I really like the way the story, the dark atmosphere and the illustrations are presented as an evolving comic book. It truly feels like an excellent book that you want to devour page after page. It’s brilliantly done!

I did have a few issues with the resolution. I play most of my games on 3840 X 2160 resolution on my 32” 4k monitor. It appears that on one launch, it will work perfectly, and on another, I have to lower the resolution for the game to show on my screen. Apart from that, it’s a good game.

+ Fabulous hand-drawn illustrations
+ Great story with an intense dark atmosphere
+ Enjoyable puzzles


- A few issues with the resolution
- No achievements or trading cards as yet

The apostle Bartholomeus is sent straight from heaven to the small town of Rotbork to discover whether demons have taken over the place!


Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!


129 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 04:29
The Blind Prophet is a great game start to finish. It tells a story rich narrative that only gets better as the game continues. Its smooth gameplay is a fun and refreshing take on the point and click and puzzle genre, which are genres that I didn't think I could like as much as I did while playing this game. The Blind Prophet is definitely a must-play.
650 Produkte im Account
188 Reviews
475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 18:49
More like half blind prophet haha.

The Blind Prophet follows Bartholomeus (Bart for short) who is an apostle sent to complete a divine mission. In this world, corruption is set into motion by demons that decided to hide themselves among humans and mess with their morals for their own amusement. Humans have no idea this happens and even if they do notice the signs, it’s already too late. That’s where the apostles come in. Every so often, when demon corruption is at its worst, an apostle is woken up and sent to help humanity. Luckily, or unluckily considering what the future holds, Bart was next in line and is sent to a small port town named Rotbork.

Despite Rotbork being a small town that is far from what it used to be in its glory days, that doesn’t mean that only one demon decided to make themselves comfortable here. In fact, there are several roaming around, seemingly making every corner of Rotbork corrupted with no area spared. In fact, right when Bart arrives a young woman was about to be the victim of sexual violence if it wasn’t for Bart’s amazing timing and slicing the attacker’s hand off. After helping the young woman, or Vic as Bart will soon learn and get help from, he follows the attacker to find out where the source of his corruption came from. However, Rotbork’s corruption is more advantaged than he initially thought and there are hints that a mysterious mastermind is getting all these demons to work together for the first time.

As The Blind Prophet is a point and click adventure, you’ll be interacting with objects, moving through each area, and solving puzzles with a click of your mouse. To help players tell what is interactable or not, Bart has an ability called Stalker’s Eye. Activating Stalker’s Eye will detect objects you can interact with and place a red dot on them as well as detecting demonic marks (though I only noticed this being helpful during the beginning). Stalker’s Eye will also show you the points that will cause Bart to move to another area if you’re not sure. Though, Rotbork is a little bit confusing to navigate even with a map handy at first. Once you know how each area connects, it makes more sense.

Puzzle-wise, I’d say that this is beginner friendly as a lot of them are pretty easy to solve and some of them are reflex based. There was really only two puzzles that I had no idea what the solution could be and I only got past it by being lucky. One of them pops up early in Act 1 and after doing some quick research, it was mainly because it was Christian symbolism which I’m not good at. Thankfully, this is the only time the game relies on the player knowing Christian symbolism and the puzzle does shuffle around every time you have an incorrect answer.

The only trouble you’ll probably have is remembering that you can’t pick anything up without Bart having a reason to. I’m kind of iffy on this aspect as it does make sense that Bart won’t pick everything up, but there are obvious objects that would be helpful in the future. In addition, Bart won’t do certain interactions unless you meet the requirement. This isn’t too bad as it’s only noticeable in the prologue, but it did seem weird to me that Bart would go out of his way to confirm which room his target is in (thus set the player out to solve a puzzle) when he has a way to confirm with the room key he picked up or he could simply knock on the doors.

Once you’re tasked with completing a puzzle, you’ll also be locked into it. You won’t be able to back out of the screen or leave to go into another area until you solve it. I personally like this feature as it does help communicate that yes, what you need to solve this puzzle is in this area. Eliminating player frustration when they think the needed item is in another area, especially when some are timed.

However, The Blind Prophet isn’t without its faults. The English translation does falter here and there with spelling and grammar being off. There is even a puzzle where the text wasn’t translated to English and later on some text on a computer (which leads to a “connect these pieces together” puzzle). Luckily, the former wasn’t too hard to figure out by just playing with it and the latter didn’t matter too much since you really only needed to find a name (and even then the vast majority of it was translated) and you could tell what the French text meant by context.

The ending also has me torn on it being unsatisfying as it does leave some things unresolved and ends abruptly (feeling like there was more) but at the same time it makes sense considering the character you play. There is a chance this was intentional or there really wasn’t an ending that would have felt satisfying (I honestly don’t think it would have been satisfying in any case if this end was planned all along).

Lastly, I wished the save system had a manual save option/save points that you can continue off from. From what I could tell, the game autosaves after conversations, picking up objects, and after puzzle. This normally is fine since the game is linear and players would want to continue off from where they left off, but it isn’t when encountering a bug. The only bug I encountered was one that would dull the screen for dialogue, but the dialogue wouldn’t pop up. The only way to fix it was to exit out, but that also skipped the dialogue I needed to read once I loaded back in. There is also dialogue options at the very end that you can only choose one before the story continues. There’s a chance that all of them say basically the same thing, but either way you’d have to replay the whole game to see what the other choices led to.

That said, my favorite aspect of The Blind Prophet was the art direction. I absolutely loved that it took a dark, comic book art direction and it fits well with the dark themes the game had. The cutscenes involve each panel being revealed and each area is beautifully drawn. During dialogue each character will have their own portrait that cycles through multiple reactions and some actions Bart has, like jumping over a wall, will show a panel of Bart doing just that. There were also some interesting choices made in some cutscenes that I loved, one of which wouldn’t have been as effective if this was just a regular comic book, and the exaggerated faces were the best. The soundtrack was also great and helped with Rotbork’s atmosphere.


Overall, I did enjoy my time with The Blind Prophet. I loved the dark comic book direction, the soundtrack fit well with each area of Rotbork, I enjoyed my interactions with how the people of Rotbork bounced off of Bart, and I appreciate that the puzzles never felt illogical. However, the English translation does falter every so often, the autosave system is fine until you come across a bug (which granted will only affect the unlucky few), and the ending is unsatisfying. Though I do see the humor falling flat for some and the puzzles being way too easy for those looking for some difficulty. If you’re someone that is interested in a story where you track down demons to rid their corruption from a small town and don’t mind its downfalls, yeah pick up The Blind Prophet. I would probably recommend waiting for a discount though.

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329 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.20 23:05
Story telling starts strong, but falls off majorly towards the end. No less than THREE puzzles are solved in the same manner (i.e. crafting a grappling hook). Certain events are never explained. The interface is buggy and will prevent you interacting with an item at times, and the game happily changes your monitor's resolution (with no option to change it) so if you have multiple monitors things will get changed around. Translations are inconsistent and there was even a puzzle that had its description in french as it was not translated.
2318 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.20 08:14
When I bought this game I didn't think I would enjoy it, I am not a true fan of point and click genre, I am not into puzzle heavy games, this game has puzzles but still it was fun to play.
Story is about a man who fights demons, it's interesting. I had to solve a puzzle to defeat a demon who got inside [spoiler] protags mouth, it was interesting, defeating poison with poison. [/spoiler]
Interesting story, music and like other point and click games player has to look for clues, collect items, combine them and solve puzzles but still it's not focused on solving puzzles, I found puzzles not very hard and that's good for those who play games for story etc.
I am a player who enjoys story so this game is enjoyable for me, it's been a year since I enjoyed playing a point and click game and wanted to finish it as soon I started playing.
905 Produkte im Account
383 Reviews
564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 18:23
Heavy on style and fairly light on gameplay, 'The Blind Prophet' is more of an interactive graphic novel than a point and click adventure game. A decidedly Satanic, vibe-y, full on 90's Eurogoth graphic novel at that. It will not blow your mind, but we've said it before: if you were mocked for wearing frilly shirts to school and endured, you are gonna love this one.
106 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.20 22:14
The art style alone is a reason to get this game, but despite that- a magnificent soundtrack, good writing, and a story with a soul.
Good good stuff.
192 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.20 20:35
Love the atmosphere and the visuals! The story doesn't give too much or too little and makes you want to know more.
Hats off to the music too, a rare quality in the point'n'click genre.
143 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
556 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.20 14:59
Very good point and click story driven puzzle game.
like most of these type game. it took a lot of time to click and investgate.The Puzzles are not very hard to solve, which is good thing because you want to explore the world and not get stuck by some puzzles.
The story so far is quite fascinating, you just want to play more.
My game video : https://youtu.be/o5dgVrOMxgg
Logo for The Blind Prophet
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86.9% 73 11
Release:05.02.2020 Genre: Adventure Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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