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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 13.01.2020
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Preis Update 05.05.24

Über das Spiel

When Rosa Blackwell's only relative dies after twenty years in a coma, she thinks the worst is over. ?This all changes when Joey Mallone, a sardonic ghost from the 1930s, blows into her life and tells her that she is a medium. ?Whether they like it or not, it is up to them to cure the supernatural ills of New York in this critically-acclaimed series of point-and-click adventure games.

When three NYU students kill themselves one after the other, nobody thinks that a sinister force is at work. ?Nobody but fledgling medium Rosa Blackwell and her new spirit guide Joey Mallone. ?It's trial by fire as they set these troubled spirits to rest.


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

2520 Produkte im Account
78 Reviews
625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 15:37

Vererbte Geister

Der Beginn der 5-teiligen Kultreihe (zumindest für Point and Click-Fans) um Roseangela Blackwell, die das amerikanische Entwicklerstudio Wadget Eye mitsamt ihrem Schreiber Dave Gilbert bekannt machte. Basierend auf dem Freeware-Spiel von 2003 Bestowers of Eternity, wurde The Blackwell Legacy 2006 veröffentlicht, schaffte den Sprung auf Steam aber erst 2012. Tatsächlich haben wir es hier mit dem seltenen Fall zu tun, dass der erste Teil der Reihe zwar gut, aber wohl der schlechteste der gesamten Reihe ist; trotzdem wurde ich gut unterhalten.

Von Einsam- und der Zweisamkeit – Geschichte
Nach dem Tod der Tante erfährt die Reporterin Roseangela Blackwell von deren Krankheit, die auch ihre Großmutter betraf und bald auch sie selbst: Eine Art vererbbare Demenz mit einer sonderbaren Begleiterscheinung namens Joey: Ein gewitzter Familiengeist, mit dem man ab nun verbunden ist. Unsere Aufgabe: Als Medium anderen Geistern den Tod akzeptieren zu helfen, um damit deren (meist negative) Auswirkungen auf noch Lebende zu stoppen.
Damit sind die Grundsteine für die Serie gelegt; kein extrem außergewöhnlicher Plot, aber gut erzählt. Besonders hervorzuheben ist die Charakterzeichnung der beiden Hauptpersonen: Sie, die einsame Zurückgezogene, Er, der schnippische Partner.
Ich hör dich klicken – Art des Spiels, Rätsel
Ein klassisches Point and Click-Adventure, programmiert mit AGS (Adventure Game Studio), und doch nicht ganz. Denn der Fokus liegt zum einen auf den toll geschriebenen Gesprächen und Unterhaltungen, zum anderen auf dem Verbinden von Aussagen auf dem Notizblock von Rosa. Das vorhandene Inventar dient nur zum Betrachten der Objekte und dem Kombinieren innerhalb des Inventars; man kann keine Dinge in das Hauptfenster ziehen oder damit Interagieren. Die Informationen zu den Objekten ändern sich nicht, es gibt nur eine Version von Antworten. Mir haben tatsächlich die Unterhaltungen am besten gefallen, denn der großartige Humor von Joey lockert das an sich doch schwere Thema galant auf. Die Rätsel sind teils logisch, teils typisch für das Genre, teils ausgefallen; insgesamt aber von mäßiger Schwierigkeit, sodass man gut ohne Lösung durchkommt.
Pixelmacken – Technisches
Die Grafik ist aus der Zeit gefallen: Pixellook in einer Auflösung von 320x240 ist heute gewöhnungsbedürftig. Man gewöhnt sich daran, aber mir gefiel es nicht sehr, zweckmäßig scheint wohl das passende Wort für die Wahl des Stils gewesen sein – auch wenn manche Szenen durchaus Gefallen finden. Ganz anders die musikalische und soundtechnische Untermalung, die auf hohem Niveau ist, ebenso wie die englische Sprachausgabe für ein Indie-Spiel passt. Ich hatte leider zwei Abstürze, die wohl durch ungeduldiges Herumklicke entstanden sind; die Autosaves fangen dies aber gut ab.
Brighteyes – Sonstiges
Es gibt 8 Achievements, für die man das ca. 3-4 h lange Spiel mindestens 2x schaffen muss, denn der klassische Kommentar und der nach 5 Jahren angefertigte, rückblickende Entwicklerkommentar sind Teil dieser. Gerade diese Kommentare sind aber leider eher uninteressant: Zu häufig hört man Gilbert sagen: Für die Grafik ist … verantwortlich … zufällig getroffen … toller Künstler … check him out. Am spannendsten ist die Einschätzung der Fehler und Kritiken. Zudem gibt es nach Passworteingabe ein paar Versprecher zu hören. 6 Steam-Sammelkarten und ein Preis von 4,49 € runden das Ganze ab.

Code Der Beginn der Blackwell-Reihe: Legacy ist ein solider Point and Click-Startpunkt, der seine Schwächen in der grafischen Präsentation und großen Infoblöcken hat – Gespräche und Hauptcharakterzeichnung sind jedoch überdurchschnittlich geraten. Ausblick: Die Folgeteile haben mehr Qualität. Zu empfehlen v.a. für Leute, die alle Teile durchspielen wollen, und Spaß an einem ungleichen übernatürlichen Paar haben.

Lust auf mehr Reviews mit einmal mehr und einmal weniger archäologischen Anmerkungen? Probier doch meine Kuratoren-Gruppe The Archaeologist plays… aus.
1550 Produkte im Account
552 Reviews
41 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.18 01:22
Old but Gold!
289 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.17 02:54
The Blackwell Legacy besticht durch die tolle Geschichte und die schöne Retro-Grafik.
Dazu kommt eine angenehme Steuerung und logische Rätsel, wobei letztere eher weniger aus Item-Kombinieren bestehen, sondern man auch viel redet und kombiniert.
Trotz der hier als gering angegebenen Spielzeit, war ich dennoch recht erstaunt, dass dann schon Ende war, da es sich in der Story noch nicht allzu sehr angebahnt hatte.
Da ich aber auch die Folgespiele im Bundle gekauft hatte, war die Enttäuschung nicht allzu groß, da ich ja trotzdem im nächsten Teil weiterspielen konnte. Jetzt, wo ich alle Spiele der Reihe durch gespielt habe, macht es auch sehr viel Sinn, dass der erste Teil hier so aufgehört hat, wie er es hat. Von daher am Ende nicht irritieren lassen, sondern weiter durchsuchten ;)
455 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.15 19:48
Man könnte meinen, dass heutzutage Point & Click Adventures nicht mehr wirklich modern sind. Die glorreichen Zeiten sind gewiss vorbei. Aber die Story bei diesem Game ist einfach nur genial. Die Rätsel sind auch abwechslungsreich und man wird durchgehend von der Atmosphäre und der Story gefesselt.

Für alle, die unsicher sind, wie sie mit dem Englisch in dem Game klar kommen: Also vom Schwierigkeitsgrad her schon fortgeschritten, aber vieles kann man auch aus dem Kontext ableiten.
950 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.15 11:17
Eines der besten Adventure-Spiele mit düsterer Atmosphäre und tollem Soundtrack - allerdings sehr kurz! Für den Preis aber mehr als okay.
9552 Produkte im Account
388 Reviews
215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.14 20:06
Blackwell Legacy ist der erste Teil einer 5-teiligen Serie. Allesamt sind die Spiele sehr gute Adventures, die sich grob gesagt mit Geistern und Mordfällen befassen. Die ganze Serie ist außerdem in einem Retro-Look gehalten.
1099 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 16:31
As Roseangela Blackwell scatters the ashes of her recently deceased aunt Lauren and says her last goodbye, her life loses one of the few certainties she has. She returns to her home, unrecognized by most of her neighbors, where just the broken television and plastic plant are waiting for her. Her mourning has a short duration as she gets commissioned by her chief editor to write an article about a young student who jumped to her death from a dormitory roof. Even though she tries to be strong, all the stressful events of the day resurface as a painful headache. Instead of a well deserved rest upon her home return she is greeted by a ghost. His name is Joey Mallone and he is a spiritual guide of her family.
As Joey isn't going anywhere and is deeply connected to Rosa, she has to quickly find solid ground and start cooperating with him, because there is maybe something more to the suicide of the young girl… and as a medium she has the ability, and duty, to help the lost souls to move on.

The Blackwell Legacy is an adventure game focusing on investigation and combination of clues more than on simple item using (there still is some). Rosa makes notes about important facts in the case and to proceed you have to correctly combine these notes which will then open new talking options. Sometimes you can get stuck, because you tried to combine them too soon and later you didn't think about it again. In the end it works the same way as in any other point-and-click adventure when you get stuck - talk with everyone and try everything on everything. ;)
If you want you can learn more about Rosa's family from Joey. He won't share much though, as he has some painful memories on them too.

Highlights of the game are the well written characters, especially our main duo. I love how Rosa is an introvert, unsocial and somewhat lost when dealing with others. Her little smile when trying to play it nicely is just precious. Joey is more complicated and shows us the many sides of his personality, even the unpleasant one and I have to say that in some moments he gets rather scary. The voice acting is perfect and brings the characters to life.

The game won't take you long to finish, for 100% you have to play it once more with a commentary though. Totally recommend playing it after, because you can spoil yourself (surprise, right?). The commentary was also great fun, especially how the author apologized for many things in the game that he would do now completely differently (long talking sequences without anything happening etc.). I didn't really mind any of it though. The only thing that bothered me a little was the loud music at some points where the voices got muffled by it. Sadly, you can’t change it. Anyway, the commentary offers a great insight into the author's mind and shows us what kind of decisions were made in the creation of the game.
I have enjoyed it very much and can't wait to see how the story develops for Rosa and Joey.
178 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 17:13
Great mini game, 3hrs max. A great start of the series. I'm eager to continue with the next! There are a couple of annoying things: Offputting music (completely out of context), no volume setting and volume in all voices and sounds has not been adjusted to be similar. Voice recordings clip out all the time and look like they have been recorded with a terrible mic at home. But I get this is a very indie game with a very interesting story. That's what matters
289 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 19:43
The Blackwell Legacy is the first of 5 highly praised adventure games, developed by one of the torchbearers of the modern adventure game: Dave Gilbert's Wadjet Eye Games. But honestly, that's exactly what I'll remember most about my experience with The Blackwell Legacy: it's the first in the series, and required to play the rest. Now I haven't played the rest of the Blackwell games yet to know if it's as worthwhile as people say, but as a standalone game it's much weaker than The Shivah (which was released just a few months before this by Wadjet Eye).

Thankfully, it's a pretty quick and painless romp using the same AGS (Adventure Game Studio) engine that many of these games use. I only got stuck once, and that was because I didn't know you could right-click to inspect things (there's only one time in the game where that's relevant, and you need it to move on). There are a handful of annoying moments where I can see someone getting stuck, but for the most part it's pretty straightforward if you just use trial-and-error. I tend to like these games being easier (I find the harder they get, the more nonsensical the solution has to be), so this was actually a good thing in my eyes.

The main 2 characters are charming, and leave you wanting to know more. None of the tertiary characters have any depth in particular, and are pretty bland and one-note. The story in general is pretty standard; the type that you could have written up in 30 minutes as a short story in your spare time if you wanted. Really basic stuff. There's just nothing that captures your attention here; it's all very bland.

Like The Shivah, the audio isn't well captured but it's a bit better in this title than in that one. Everything is voice acted though, and for the most part it's well done. There's also developer commentary, which I think is a brilliant touch and I appreciate greatly, though frankly I'll probably not want to sit through the game again just to hear it.

All in all, I'd only recommend this game to people who want to play the rest of the series. I want to try Wadjet Eye's entire library, so I can't say it was a waste of time for me, but if all you want is a good adventure game, I'd probably look elsewhere. There are many that are more memorable.
147 Produkte im Account
112 Reviews
264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 19:46
Solid point-and-click with somewhat of a difficulty. Played through the whole series, before you know it, the characters will really grow on you. Only annoying thing is that Dave Gilbert insists you listen to his commentary for achievements for whatever reason.
37 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 13:32
I forgot I am dead © Alli
291 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 22:02
Late to the party but I really enjoyed The Blackwell Legacy. I read some of the complaints here on Steam and honestly, I don't get it. It's a narrative driven PnC game that's light on actual inventory puzzles. That's fine as it's a good enough story and short enough to be enjoyable. Just know that it leans more toward story and dialog and talking to people vs inventory puzzles. I definitely skew towards enjoying item/puzzle heavy PnC games and I enjoyed this game.

Combining notebook clues is seemingly what trips people up. You must combine notebook entries to create new entries and that will unlock progress in the game via more discussion topics or events with other people. So when you are stuck, start combining notebook entries, as you would inventory items.

I was surprised how well this game held up, being from 2012! Impressive and shows that in general a good story and voice acting supersedes most other issues. I thought the game was over a couple of times and it impressed me how there was a little bit more. So it ended very well and on a high note and exceeded expectations.

I would think that anyone who likes PnC games, has an attention span greater than 20 minutes and enjoys good writing and voice and who isn't averse to games that don't revolve about deep puzzles with inventory items, would enjoy this game. For $5 it's a steal and I think under priced.

I look forward to playing the rest of the series.
2601 Produkte im Account
166 Reviews
527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 22:35
A point & click adventure about a socially awkward girl who finds out she comes from a family of psychics and it's her job to solve ghost crimes.

A few of the puzzles can be frustrating and baffling but given that this was originally an indie project in the early 2000's I can let a few things slide. Overall it's a great narrative adventure and I'm looking forward to playing the other games in the series.
400 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 15:34
A fun point and click pixel adventure with a good story and charming characters. I look forward to playing the other games in this series.

1839 Produkte im Account
353 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 21:12
I hate to be the lone dissenting voice here, but I wasn't blown away by these. Don't get me wrong, the writing and voice acting is very good, and I DID finish the series. I just got sort of bored after a while.

The problem is that these are more interactive stories than adventure games. There aren't a lot of puzzles, and some of the puzzles that do occur don't make a lot of sense. There's a whole lot of clicking on dialog and listening to responses, especially in the first 3 games, and not a whole lot else. It is a matter of taste of course, but I'm not rushing out to get another game like this.

So, while these are very good for what they are, if you are fond of actual puzzles, you may be disappointed.
186 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 07:08
I bought this game based on a list of games for people who liked Syberia. It was a mistake. This game's puzzles were incredibly obtuse, often requiring you to randomly smash things together with barely-explained mechanics you use only once.

To boot, the sidekick you get is an annoying prick who treats every female character like an emotional idiot. Finally, the game's way to short. You get to the end of what feels like the prologue of a game only to discover that was the actual ending. This game isn't worth any amount of money, it's less complete and playable than many student projects.
281 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 19:36
Typically with a point & click title, you either rely on puzzles, story, or a combination of both to drive the player towards the end of your game. The puzzles in this game unfortunately amount to little more than exhausting dialogue options and trial-and-error combining of notebook elements to advance to the next area. Therefore the onus is on the story to entertain the player.

Framing itself as a murder-mystery detective story, it's the player's job to find out why a local college student has jumped to her death. Sadly the plot is one of the most banal and unmemorable stories I've ever seen in a murder mystery... ever. Every character met in this game reveals the entirety of their nature within the first couple lines of dialogue. There are no unique personalities to be found. No hidden intentions revealed through investigation. In fact, I can't recall a single line of memorable dialogue, humorous or thought-provoking, in this entire game. The plot fails on all accounts as a murder mystery and comes together as a a mere sum-of-its-parts story by the time the credits roll.

If you're looking for a puzzle game, look elsewhere. If you're looking for an intriguing story of betrayal and subverted expectations, look elsewhere. If you absolutely have to experience it for yourself, buy it on sale (at the time of writing, 70% off at $2.25AUD.) Otherwise give this one a miss.
173 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 03:15
I enjoyed the game.
3143 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 15:39
a fantastic start to a sublime adventure gaming series. rosa and joey's debut is a strong one that instantly sucks you in to an extremely (and very well-researched!) new york full of spirits who can't let go. from day one, the blackwell games nailed the mood and aesthetic, and it only got better from here. the puzzles were mostly pretty straightfoward but i couple times i had to look at a guide, which didn't impact my enjoyment of the games one iota. highly, highly recommend!
1837 Produkte im Account
119 Reviews
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 03:04
Really solid adventure game that's just a few hours long and doesn't have any filler
1112 Produkte im Account
250 Reviews
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 08:50
An amazing point n' click game with lovely pixelated visuals, fitting voice-acting and logical puzzles. Does take some patience in the beginning due to how slowly the narrative unfolds, but it's worth staying till the end. Shame it's a bit too short but hey, it's just the first game out of five in the series!
43 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 00:04
Fun, short mystery
159 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 18:15
It's an interesting concept and i am not unhappy with the story. I am just not interested in the protagonist, and I don't want to talk to Joey because I just can't stand him. Some clues I only come by because I've decided to just click on everything a hundred times until something unlocks rather than because it actually makes sense to do.
329 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 00:26
I don't think there's a single aspect of this game that I like; not the characters, not the graphics, not the voice acting, not the plot, not the puzzles; none of it.
158 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 16:12
324 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 03:45

The Blackwell Legacy is a point and click adventure game where you play as Rosangela Blackwell, a young woman who is just starting to become a medium. With the help of her spirit guide, Joey, she helps the unquiet dead move on. I played this game once a few years ago, but I'm reviewing it now that I've played it a second time and listened to the commentary.

The game begins with Rosa mourning the loss of her last remaining relative, her Aunt Lauren. Later in the day, she's given a special assignment for her job with the newspaper, which leads her to meet Joey, her spirit guide. She learns that, with her Aunt Lauren's passing, she has become the next in a line of mediums, and, with Joey's help, is quickly thrown into her first case. The rest of the game follows her first case and the beginning of Rosa and Joey getting to know each other. While the game is short, I found the story to be very engaging. The plot is straightforward and the characterization and atmosphere are woven in very neatly. The game doesn't waste any time, but it isn't rushed either.

This is a pretty typical point and click adventure game. The puzzles mostly involve talking to people, learning information, and combining clues. For a point and click, there was a relatively small amount of inventory object puzzles. Most of the puzzles involve combining clues in the notebook. This was an interesting way to set up puzzles, and was very suitable for a game that involves solving a mystery. Overall, I thought the puzzles were mostly pretty fair, but there were a few that were not especially intuitive. The notebook, in particular, involved a few combination puzzles that didn't make a lot of sense to me, even after I had solved them.

What really makes this game, and the series as a whole, stand out for me are the characters and the atmosphere. The slightly dark, slightly spooky, ghost detective vibe really works for me. The soundtrack is really nice and adds to the atmosphere. Rosa and Joey are both great characters. Rosa starts off as a quiet loner who keeps to herself. She's bookish and writes reviews for a living (wouldn't that be a dream). As she settles into her new role, she starts to be more outgoing. Joey gives off the vibe of an old-school smooth-talking tough guy, but from the beginning you get the sense that there's a hidden depth to him as well. Rosa and Joey are both witty characters and their dynamic is really enjoyable. It's a lot of fun seeing them interact and getting to know them better.

There were a few negatives to be had with this game as well. The game was originally released in 2006, and while it has had a few updates over the years to keep it compatible with newer systems, there were still some technical issues. While I was able to play it fullscreen with no issues, it did look a little weird given the resolution of my monitor. It wasn't too bad once I got used to it. I had one issue with a crash, and one issue where I had to reload the game because the next scene wouldn't load. One of the puzzles was a little bugged, where it would display the wrong text and/or play the wrong voice clip if you did a certain action before inspecting something else. There were a number of places where the audio was missing or didn't quite match the text on the screen. Those problems were all more annoying than game-breaking, though, and I was able to complete the game just fine.

Overall, The Blackwell Legacy is a really enjoyable point and click and a great start to a series I really enjoy. Despite a few minor annoyances, the gameplay, story, and characters are really enjoyable and I was really interested in the world this game presents. The game's biggest flaw is that it's very short, and if you're interested in it I'd recommend just buying the series bundle all at once, since if you enjoy this one you'll probably enjoy the rest of the series. 9/10
1518 Produkte im Account
184 Reviews
254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 06:05
[Reviewed by my wife] This is a short point and click game with an easy set of puzzles. Most of them involve asking the right question to the right person and combining the right elements in your notebook. It has a classic feel. Detective stories always work well in point and click and the supernatural element is fun. The main character, Rose Angella is an odd geeky loner, but her personality fits very well with her history. While it doesn't make her the most compelling person to follow, it creates cute situations like the one where she doesn't want to talk to her neighbour because there’s too many people around. An intriguing introduction, though I do which it had been longer.

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614 Produkte im Account
246 Reviews
321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 01:53
I like the Blackwell point & click games. Each title has that old school adventure vibe and interconnecting plotline, plus character development, thoughtout the series.
672 Produkte im Account
290 Reviews
157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 16:55
93 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 05:36
This is a fun point and click adventure. Some weird hiccups here and there, but not enough to remove the immersion and fun from the experience! Give this one a try, I definitely recommend it~ :D
643 Produkte im Account
240 Reviews
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 03:44
This game doesn't start out well, but it does get better and the story seems promising enough that I think I'll try the next game.

- Pretty good voice acting
- Promising start to the story

- Default resolution is awful, and it's not clear how to change it (go to the install folder, there an exe there, change it to 4x)
- Feels short, more like an introduction to a story. Thankfully the price reflects the length.
- Crashed a few times, and opening the steam overlay breaks the dialogue
- The first puzzle followed by an info dump was bad. In fact I almost refunded it because of this. Thankfully it gets better, and even the developer has said it wasn't a good start.
- Why is there an achievement for listening to developer commentary?! Thankfully it can be skipped as it comes up. On the plus side, some of it was interesting and has convinced me to try the next game since he's clearly learned from mistakes made in this game.

Verdict: 6/10
147 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 15:41
Terrible game. The game itself is completely uninspired but if you add that the guys who made it treat customers like we are their employees, adding an achievement that requires you to listen to the designer comment for hours, saying nothing meaningful or important, in order to 100% complete is simply infuriating. If you guys want us to hear your commentaries try making them INTERESTING instead of using achievements to force us to listen to them. But then again i guess if that was possible for you, you would also create an interesting game...

Don't buy this, buy Kathy Rain instead. It gets right every peace that this game gets wrong
95 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 01:21
The Blackwell Legacy is a short and sweet point and click adventure game with a similar feel and humour to the Lucasarts adventure games, it made me reminisce playing through Grim Fandango in particular. Helping lonely souls from being tied to a sort of limbo between life, and the beyond where the spirits are finally at peace.

+The game is charming and I found the characters almost instantly likeable. The voice acting helps here a lot, and although I wouldn't say it's amazing voice work, they certainly did a good job of bringing these characters to life and are full of personality. The music is really nice, and actually better than I was expecting. I do enjoy the face animations! Especially Rosa's forced smile, always made me laugh.
The plot and characters are both humorous and light-hearted while also conveying some dark subject material. I had moments I would laugh, and others were I nearly cried.
I think the concept of helping a spirit be at peace and pass on by solving the clues and figuring out what happened, is a really cool idea and I would love to see more like it.

-I wouldn't want to judge it too harshly as a game as I got the impression it was made on a tight budget, but the voice acting had some real problems in the sound mixing. Joey especially was pretty loud, and clipping the mic quite often, as were a couple others. Which was a shame as it took me out of immersion a bit. Fortunately in terms of gameplay there wasn't really any annoying adventure game difficulty tropes such as finding the hidden pixel item or combine the item with other nonsensical item. However I think the game could have given better direction to progress around mid-game, as I was stuck what to do for quite a while, a Joey hint system would work well here.

I got The Blackwell Legacy dirt cheap in the bundle which includes the whole series. As I was won over by the initial trailer. I'm happy to know It was a good choice and well worth it for adventure game fans. Rosa and Joey are great characters and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next. Also, if you make it through the game, you can unlock a bloopers reel for the voice cast, it's pretty funny. I miss features like this in games, where they just allowed themselves to have fun with it!


63 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 17:52
A fun supernatural mystery adventure game, with nice banter.
Relatively short (2~4 hours for a single playthrough w/o walkthroughs), but definitely worth checking out, especially if you enjoy classic point n' click games!
544 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 15:52
The Blackwell Legacy is a nifty old-school point-and-click adventure. It shows many of Wadjet's later strengths in terms of the writing and especially the characters. There are some technical and design decisions that I'm not a huge fan of: I'd love to be able to easily display the game in a window and pick how big the window is (right now I can either display the game in a tiny window or in full-screen mode; something in between would be great). There are also one or two puzzles that could be signposted better. But as an introduction to the Blackwell series, this is a cool little adventure game that makes me curious to play the later games.
1156 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 14:21
Very fun point n' click - challenging but not in the over-the-top frustrating way. It definitely makes you use your noggin, though. Part of a five-part series, The Blackwell Legacy is the first entry and introduces you to the point n' click series about a medium named Rosa and her go-between ghost Joey. Rosa's aunt and grandmother before her had Joey 'attached' to them, but went insane after refusing to help ghosts move on. Rosa aims to change the fate of the Blackwell mediums, and solves the mystery behind a series of suicides in a group of college friends.

The story and characters are quite superb for such a short game, and it definitely got my geared up to play the rest of the series. The voice acting is pretty well done, especially when you consider the average quality of voiceover work in point n' clicks. The art style is simplistic, but the sprites are pretty solid work. Rosa's cheesy smile animation is always hilarious.

It's cheap, it's fun, but I'd recommend it on sale because it's short and the entire series goes on sale quite often.
2262 Produkte im Account
282 Reviews
203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 14:45
Many of my friends recommended this game for me and I feel bad for not playing it when I got the chance. Blackwell Legacy is a classic Point&Click game and first installment of the series Blackwell. Created by Dave Gilbert we made many well known P&C titles. The story is about Rosangela Blackwell, a freelance writer who has lost her Aunt recently, the only family member she has. She lives alone ins New York City as she prefers to be alone and away from people, even her neighbors. One day, she started to experience a terrible headache until she saw him.

The gameplay is like any classic Point&Click game, you have the inventory, the items to use and combine. I liked the note function where you can click on two clues to discover a new one. The fast traveling map is simple, you click to the new area you want to go to, however you can't bring the map anytime, you need to exit the area you are currently in to go to the next one.

I enjoyed the voice acting as well as the soundtracks. Although the game is old, and some tracks sound louder than the character's voice, but this didn't ruin my gaming experience. I even enjoyed the developer's commentary, it makes you understand the game even more. I also loved the character's design and pixel artwork despite being an old game.

+Interesting story.
+Good soundtracks.
+Very well-done voice over.
+Good animation and character design.
+Fast travel map.
+Manual + Automatic save files.
+Steam achievements.

-No hinting system.

Nothing is complicated in this game, it is pretty straight forward unless you are haunting the achievements, there is no hinting system or hotspots in cause you got stuck in an area and don't know what to do next. I highly recommend it and will definitely play the rest of the games.

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94 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 17:22
As an avid lover of mystery clicker games, The Blackwell Legacy played well. Figuring looking at the achievements and average game play time- I bit the bullet and played my first round with double commentary. Ugh. I mean, it was sorta neat but at the same time a bit lame. I am heading into the second game in just a bit to see what was improved upon after all that commentary of what mistakes were regretted.
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
599 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 03:49
The level of detail in the story of this game is fantastic!! The puzzles are maddening in a good way and it is a very fun way to combine sleuth and supernatural (two of my favorite things). My friend bought me the game as a birthday present and I have been addicted. I can't wait to play the others. I also love Joey!! :D Fair warning though, this game is largely point and click but you have a large range of choices and motion so definitely click all the things! It's like a goosebumps choose your own adventure, so it has a very unique feel! +10
82 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 22:59
Across the board, these are all great adventure games. They were great to play with my wife as we would take turns with the mouse and working our way through the dialogue trees trying to figure out what we needed to do. There was at least one point in each game where we needed to lookup a guide because it is an adventure game and the logic can get difficult to follow, but it was never any of that bonkers Lucas arts balogna you get a with this genre. We both thought they were very enjoyable though we would still fight over what to do sometimes. I just wish I could get her to feel the same way about Thimbleweed Park.
222 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.20 02:00
When the credits started rolling I thought it was the start of rest of the game after introducing it all to us. Not the actual end of the game. I still enjoyed it but didn't expect it to be that short, the story, concept, voice acting and writing is all really good though. I can't wait to play the rest of the series, I just hope they are longer, because I really did enjoy it.
74 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 02:03
The first game in the Blackwell Series is short and a bit rough in both gameplay and story. I still enjoyed it as the writing and dialogue are strong enough to keep you interested to the end.

To those just starting out their journey with the bundle, sure, the first game may be a little unpolished, but it gets better. I certainly don't regret the journey.
743 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 20:47
I actually like the game play but I keep getting a bug that crashes the game repeatedly. Like every 4 minutes.
I had a good play through for ages then had 5 crashes in about 20 minutes, and it's hard to play a game when it's doing that.
Developer hasn't responded to this issue so.. it won't be fixed.

Sad times.
152 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 20:03
My favorite detective game <3
I love it! The story is interesting and I just got hooked after the first part and needed to take off work, so I could play the following parts right away ;D
767 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.20 10:26
I am not an point&click adventure games fan myself, but I gave this a try when I'd gotten it on sale, and it was a nice surprise. A detective mystery game, stripped (mostly) of that lucasarts combine-hammer-with-a-cake-to-get-a-parachute-to-make-a-fire nonsense. The characters, especially Joey are likeable, it's easy enough to make you feel you are really playing and interesting enough at the same to make you interested. As an after work game for one or two evenings it served me really well, and it's almost for free here.
definitely recommended!
1569 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.20 01:20
I haven't played a point-and-click game in a really long time. It's totally worth getting just for the story. Don't spoil yourself about the story and just boot the game and try it. That's what I did and it was pretty exciting. It's quite short but there are sequels out already so you can get more if you crave too much after you finished this one. :)

Some of the puzzles gave me some problems but I figured them out in the end.
270 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 03:44
I'm very late to the party on the Blackwell series, but this is definitely one of the best short adventure games I've played, Wadjet Eye Games continues to be one of my favorite adventure game developers. I absolutely loved the notebook system - while most adventure games focus on combining and interacting with items, the focus here is on exploring facts and clues to advance the story. The plot itself is interesting as well and kept me driven in looking forward to solving each puzzle.

There were a few things I wasn't a huge fan of. At one point the game did crash with a very cryptic windows error message, though luckily the autosave happens frequently enough that I didn't lose much progress. And speaking of saves, the game doesn't allow overwriting existing games, it simply creates a new game with the same name (or at least I couldn't figure out how to prevent this), which made the load system a little messy at certain points.

Aside from those small technical issues, I loved the game overall, and am excited to continue on with the rest of the series!
28 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.19 02:19
Old graphics, but still a good game. About half done with second day and the story seems to be going in the interesting direction. Looking forward to an exciting ending! :)
1575 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
523 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.19 01:02
A cozy point and click classic. Love the city setting and the soundtrack slays too.

There's not a lot here to dive into quantity wise but it's a very solid foundation for the series to come. These games have typically done a nice job of avoiding some really obscure pixel hunting gameplay or puzzles that result in you randomly combining things in your inventory to see what works and I truly appreciate it.

This is on sale all the time for pretty cheap so there's not a huge loss to be found if you give this a go. If you aren't averse to adventure games it can't hurt.
161 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.19 16:17
I saw a video on Youtube of this game and I thought it was interesting, decided to wait until I had forgotten it to play it cos it looked great, and it did! It's a nice supernatural point and click adventure. No fights and no deaths. Most of the time it's quite easy to understand what to do and the story doesn't feel forced, except a couple of points where you can get stuck if you don't talk with EVERYONE about EVERYTHING and click on everything on your notebook. The only downside it's the length (pretty short) and low replay value unless you really care about achievements. Still would recommend the game for the graphics, great voice acting, and interesting story. Bought the rest of the series as well.
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Release:13.01.2020 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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