The Bard's Tale Trilogy
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Über das Spiel

Die Bard’s Tale Trilogy bietet älteren Fans die Möglichkeit, erneut jung zu sein, und gibt neuen Generationen von Fans des Rollenspielgenres und Liebhabern von Kerkererkundungen die Gelegenheit zu entdecken, warum diese Spiele auch noch Jahre später so wichtig und bedeutsam sind. Schnapp dir das Spiel und starte noch heute in dein episches Abenteuer!
- CPU: Intel Core2 Quad Q9300 / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ / Intel Core i5-2500K oder höher, wenn eine integrierte Intel GPU verwendet wird
- GFX: Grafikkarte mit DX10 (Shader-Modell 4.0) Fähigkeiten
- Software: 64bit OS, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 10
- HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: Erfordert einen 64-Bit Prozessor und Betriebssystem
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Polnisch
- CPU: Intel Core i5-760 / AMD FX-6100set Unterstützung
- GFX: Nvidia 750 oder AMD Äquivalent, oder besser
- Software: 64bit OS, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 10
- HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: Erfordert einen 64-Bit Prozessor und Betriebssystem
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Polnisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
2286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 13:24
Spielt sich sehr schnell und macht irre viel Spass.
Man sollte aber Oldschool RPGs mögen und sich auf sehr sehr viel Grinding einstellen.
Ich kenns noch Orginal vom C64 und da wars noch um einiges härter.
Das Remake ist bisl zugänglicher und auch etwas leichter, was aber dem Spass nichts abtut und man wird auch am Remake noch oft genug Fluchen, weils hart wird
Einfach ein sehr sehr schönes Remake, bitte mehr davon
6890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 16:50
Schritt für Schritt auf den Spuren alter Games
Die Bard´s Tale Trillogie ist eine Reihe von gridbasierten RPGs, was bedeutet, dass man sich in der Egoperspektive Schritt für Schritt durch die Spielwelt bewegt.
Es existieren zwar vorgefertigte Helden, aber man kann sich im Charaktereditor eigene erschaffen und eine gruppe von bis zu sieben Helden ins Feld führen.
Vor Spielbeginn wird man gefragt, ob man den Remaster Modus oder den Klassischen bestreiten will, was gut überlegt sein will, da man nach Spielantritt diese Wähl nicht mehr Rückgäng machen will. Man kann allerdings auch anstelle des kompletten Remastermodus einzelne Elemente daraus nutzen.
Dungeons. Große, verwinkelte Dungeons.
Die Dungeons der Bard´s Tale Reihe unterscheiden sich vom Stil her je nach dem, welches Kapitel man spielt.
Die Dungeons in Teil ein sind durchgehend recht moderat, während die Dungeons des Zweiten Teils mir allesamt als harte Nüsse in erinnerung blieben. in Teil drei sind die Dungeons bis auf einige Ausnahmen recht einfach.
Was sie alle gemeinsam haben, ist dass sie mit Fallen und anderen Spielerein vollgestopft sind, so dass die Gegner nichteinmal die größte Herausforderung darstellen. So ist es zum Beispiel an vielen Stellen unmöglich, Licht zu entfachen, so dass man durch die Dunkelheit stolpern muss. An anderen Stellen kann keine Magie genutzt werden. Hinzu kommen knackige Rätsel, die dem Spieler Gehirnschmalz (oder eine Komplettlösung) abverlangen. Manche müssen sogar unter Zeitdruck gelöst werden.
Kämpfe. Massenweise Kämpfe
Die Kämpfe in Bardstale sind zwar meist nicht sonderlich fordernd aber die Entwickler werfen dem Spieler teils wahre Legionen entgegen, was das Ganze oft arg in die Länge zieht und man häufig flüchtet, einfach weil die Kämpfe auf die Masse extrem lästig sind. Während in Teil eins Kämpfe oft durch vorbestimmte Encounter ausgelöst worden sind und man bei Koodinate XY in Dungeon Z oft die selben Gegner angetroffen hat, wurde das ab Teil zwei herausgenommen, was das ganze etwas unberechenbarer gemacht hat.
Ab Teil drei können Monster dann Verstärkung rufen, was zwar saftige EXP ermöglicht, aber auch viel Zeit in Anspruch nimmt. Die Erfahrung wird am Ende des Kampfes unter den Helden aufgeteilt, die noch stehen.
Das bedeutet, dass man mehr Erfahrung bekommt, wenn man weniger Mitglieder in der Gruppe hat, die am Ende noch kampffähig sind. Wer es sich zutraut kann also mit einem Magier und einer gruppe beschworener Diener losziehen und Powerleveln, da Beschwörungen und Gäste keine Erfahrung erhalten.
Charakterklassen, Spielbalance und Magische Objekte
Die Charakterklassen sind eigentlich die Selben, die man schon aus gefühlt allen RPGs kennt und einige davon sind der Inbegriff von Nutzlos. Dafür sind andere wiederum Overpowered und manche sogar Lebenswichtig.
Einen Krieger dabei zu haben, lohnt sich zum Beispiel nur, wenn man ihn im dritten Teil in einen Geomanten verwandeln will. Ansonsten ist der Mönch der beste Nahkämpfer.
Aber was währe ein klassisches RPG ohne Magier? Vermutlich gut ballanced.
Wenn ein Charakter einen Klassenwechel durchführt, behält er idR alle seine Zauber und Statuspunkte.
Magier können das schon im ersten und zweiten Teil bis zu drei, vier Mal. In Teil drei dann ein fünftes Mal.
Ein gut trainierter Magier hat am Ende fast Zeitausen Hitpoints und Magiepunkte, während der Rest der Gruppe irgendwo mit mittlerein bis niedrigen dreistelligen Bereich herumdümpelt.
Zusätzlich kann es vorkommen, dass man die Möglichkeit bekommt, ein Monster in die Gruppe auf zu nehmen. Diese sind allerdings oft einfach nur schwach und man kommt mit beschworenen Dienern oder der eigenen Gruppe deutlich weiter.
Die Einzige Möglichkeit, für Charaktere, die keine Magier sind, überhaupt überlebensfähig zu sein, sind magische Gegenstände. Diese haben es teils in sich. Neben der Möglichkeit, Zauber zu wirken, haben einige von ihnen die Möglichkeit, beispielsweise getroffene Gegner direkt zu erledigen.
Der Soundtrack von Bards Tale ist nicht weltbewegend. Außer den magischen Liedern, die der Barde der Gruppe spielt (wenn denn einer dabei ist), haben die Oberwelt und Dungeons keinerlei musikalische Untermalung.
Die Grafik erinnert an die alte Zeit, ohne hässlich zu wirken.
- Einfaches Kampfsystem
- Viele Items mit verschiedenen Eigenschaften
- Dungeons haben Zahlreiche Features
- Schwache Handlung
- Dungeons oft viel zu groß und verwinkelt
- Kämpfe teils recht lang
- deutsche Übersetzung unfertig und fehlerhaft
- rekrutierbare Monster im Vergleich zu beschwörungen und Helden nicht konkurenzfähig
- ab kapitel drei keine Möglichkeit mehr, überflüssige Items zu Geld zu machen
- Vereinfachter (Remaster) und Herausfordernder (Klassischer) Modus
- Ab Kapitel 2 keine Encounter mit Fixen Gruppen mehr
- Ab Kapitel 2 müssen Plätze in der Gruppe freigehalten werden, da NPCs zum Lösen der Rätsel erforderlich sind
Selten habe ich mich bei einem Spiel so schwer getan, ein Urteil zu finden.
Die Bards Tale Trilogie ist langwierig und verlangt dem Spieler auch mit Guides ein gewisses Sitzfleisch ab.
Auf der anderen Seite war es auch ganz unterhaltsam. Wer auf Oldshool RPGs steht, kann hier zugreifen.
Wer allerdings auf Action hofft, sollte hier die Finger davon lassen.
Wenn ihr weitere ansprechende Reviews lesen wollt,
dann folgt doch der}" target="_blank">GermanReviewGroup.
2162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.19 00:14
6860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.19 15:13
3769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 21:05
It is not the greatest RPG (the stats are a bit odd and the story is simple) : it is more of a dungeon crawler, but I do like replaying one of the first CRPGs. I played in ancient times on a Commodore 64.
Important : the game was designed with a paper journal (called a Cluebook)... Without it, good luck finding the first dungeon, as the hint is not in-game. The hint is only in the journal that oddly InXile forgot to add in the game! You can find the Cluebook online (it's a short roleplay journal).
Nb: I suggest 10 USD is a fair price for the whole trilogy remastered.
9182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 13:59
9143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 06:05
1) You are an old person and you already know this game and you want to experience it again.
2) You are a younger person who does not know what the Bard's Tale is and you were just browsing through RPG titles.
I used to spend hours and hours and hours on the Commodore 64, way back then, and I believe I had three pieces of the destiny wand at one point. I got grid paper. Carefully mapped every corner. Spinners in darkrooms were a killer...
But you got up in levels and got more fierce and eventually made it through...
If you are an old person who remembers this, this is actually a good rendition of the original game. With auto-mapping added, which makes it easier to go through things. An old tale worth hearing again.
On the other hand, if you're a young wipper-snapper looking to play a role-playing game and you think that maybe some illusionist is just trying to dazzle you with all graphics and no substance, come hither, my friend, and enter a brand new adventure!
You will lead a group of 1 -7 adventurers (but preferably 6) through all sorts of dark dungerons, go up in levels many times, kill endless enemies, upgrade your equipment... This is one of the great RPG classics...
You want equipment?
You'll need a shop.
Where is that.
I don't know. Find it.
1885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 09:01
Other things:- The automap feature is a welcome addition. Trilogy only takes up 1.14GB of SSD space. No crappy cutscenes or long loading times to endure.
One thing I will add is that this is not a game for people who demand lots of character interaction and conversation. There is very little of that on offer. It suits me because I've always just wanted to get on with the gameplay.
Summary:- I like these games, and will probably get hundreds of hours of play from them.
1133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 01:58
This game includes the three original games (I, II, and the Thief of Fate). I skipped the first title. (Note: it may seem basic simply because it was the *foundation* of video games.)
Drawbacks: (a) Despite the remastering, the resolution isn't tremendously improved. (b) Animation is missing. (c) Essentially it's a still frame game where you apply attacks/spells to kill bad guys.
Advantages: (a) Monster portfolio with significant diversity. (b) Creative and classic spells of various nature etc. (c) Identical elaborate Lore (c) Nice bard music (albeit 8 bit) (d) Good equipment.
** Best aspect: The writing is phenomenal -- identical to the classic -- which surpasses nearly all other games to date. Sure, the graphics are lacking, but what more can you ask for for an RPG experience?
1030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 12:26
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613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 05:03
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 06:35
7164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 03:54
I don't know if I would recommend this to players who didn't play this back in the day. It will feel one dimensional and tedious. I think I used hard copy walkthroughs back in 80's and 90's to play this then. Now you can just use the Google search engine for some well designed walkthroughs.
The first game might be doable without the walk through. I would not recommend avoiding walkthroughs for the second and third games. Particularly the second. There are sections that are outright tedious even with detailed instruction. However, if you are a little masochistic and a purist, good luck.
I am close to completing the Thief of Fate, and it has been fun to replay this classic.
I would not say it has much replay value beyond a run through.
For 10 to 15 dollars. It is a decent diversion.
5618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 09:47
The original versions were included in the Bard's Tale, the game nobody really liked, I started a walkthrough there, but pretty soon gave it up again, although from time to time I booted up emulated versions of BT1 on the Amstrad and the Amiga.
And then this gem of a remaster came around, I bought this a long time before I bought the special edition of BT4 and loved every single minute I spent in game.
As remasters go it is amazing with lots of quality of life improvements you can choose to disable to get an expirience as close to 85 as you want. And if you want to expirience fantastic old school gaming closer to all the niceties invented over the decades like automap, savestates or less grinding this game is for you also.
Anybody who played BT, Wasteland or Fallout 1&2, get this games. Anybody who wants to do some gaming research, this is the reason Fallout 4 exists, this is the reason Wasteland 3 exists, this is the reason I love RGPs.
3555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 17:20
One important feature to note is that the game can be played without the keyboard or without the mouse.
Be aware that the original editions of these games are from the 80s, and while one game-mode has a lot of QoL changes it is still noticeable at times.
This is a dungeon-crawler; therefore, the story is mostly an excuse to go places and to fight dudes, in the Tales of the Unknown (the first game), an evil mage has isolated a town with his magic trapping you and everyone else inside it. No help will come from the outside so it’s up to your ragtag group to free the city. The rest of the games continue where the previous one left off, and while I will not mention their plots, I will say that they have nice call-backs, raise the stakes well, and do a good job at expanding the world.
While this game is far from a visually or audially heavy, it still has its charms in those aspects. The portraits are a good example of this, they are very clean, and their short, looping animation gives them a lot of character. The same is true for the special panels for when you visit stores or temples. With that said some of these portraits are in poor taste to say the least, resembling caricatures, while these are few it is still jarring, and some might find it upsetting.
The soundtrack of the game is related to the gameplay, it depends on what song your bard is playing and what instrument is being used at the moment. Giving the player control of the soundtrack is a neat feature and I liked it a lot. However, I was disappointed that multiple bards can’t form a band instead only one song will be played with one instrument.
As for sound-effects, well they work, most are not anything special though, but it does its job I guess, unfortunately all things I have mentioned on the presentation share a flaw. It gets repetitive. It’s understandable considering the age of the game but having the same sound-effects in three games starts getting annoying, while it takes longer for the music since you can change instrument it also gets annoying as some songs are better for some situations. The artwork is the least repetitive, as while it’s used a lot in one game it is usually replaced in the next, in other cases the new artwork is encountered more often than the ones from previous games and so it isn’t as repetitive.
All three games in the series share the same gameplay split into exploration and combat, however, each games adds new classes, spells, songs, items, and dungeon hazards. Therefore, you get an overarching sense of progression as your commoners from Skara Brae become legendary heroes fully equipped with the rarest scavenged loot you can get your hands on. You also do not have to consider levelling too much, while you want high initial stats you do not directly influence the rest of their levels i.e., no stat or skill-point distribution. You simply get an advancement, whatever features you have, get improved and you get more HP. Magic classes are a bit more involved as you can (and should) switch to other magic classes as all learnt spells are learnt forever meaning you know all spells by the end. The exception that makes the rule are the chronomancers as they forget all previously learnt spells.
You will explore many dungeons in the game, each having several floors and each with many different hazards. In some places there is anti-magic, in others silence, healthdrain, spelldrain, magical darkness and more. This can make exploration dangerous, but it also makes it more fun for me. Since you often do not need to redo areas due to the teleport spell it is generally pretty quick, however, some floors have anti-teleportation wards and so you can only teleport out from them.
Most dungeons also have puzzles, these come in many different varieties some needs you to bring a key or another item, some require you to discover a passphrase, or maybe it’s a riddle and others demands you to cast spells or most annoyingly to use a specific NPC and waste a party-slot. I believe there are hints for all puzzles in the form of notes and poems scattered throughout the dungeons, but even with that some can get annoying, which brings me to the Bard’s Tale 2: the Destiny Knight
In this game the dungeons are too long, four floors are common and behind most doors there are enemies making progress slow and decreasing the enjoyment of the Trilogy as a whole. The puzzles are also annoying, in several you must do the same thing over and over, this is not fun. Just repeating the same steps four times just because the puzzle demands it is tedious, thankfully Bard’s Tale 3: Thief of Fate is an improvement in pretty much every regard and is the best in the trilogy IMO.
Fighting in this game is pretty straightforward and can have three different triggers. I’ll call these triggers full-RNG, semi-RNG and non-RNG dependent. Full-RNG encounters can trigger anywhere with random location-based enemies; semi-RNG encounter trigger at specific locations on the map (which are then marked if not playing the Legacy Mode) with the same sort of location-based random enemies; finally, there are non-RNG encounter, these take place at specific points and they have specific enemies, this can mean bosses or, as in, Tales of the Unknown it can mean large hordes of enemies. When you leave an area the location specific triggers get new enemies, all of this put together means that there is a lot of fighting, I tried to fight everything, and I recommend not doing that. Running sometimes was important for my continued enjoyment of the games.
Like I said, fighting is simple, you can have a maximum of 7 party-members and can have a whole rooster in the guild. While in combat it is the first four members in the party that can reach and be reached by enemies in melee. No one is safe from spellcasters and therefore they can be dangerous, so as the game advises these are priority targets. How do you do that? Attack action, cast spell or use item, so just fairly basic turn-based combat, its enjoyable and you have a large selection of spells and items to use.
However, melee units, archers, and all different spells are range specific. Therefore, you sometimes need to advance instead of attacking, which means you cannot take another action that turn, generally this is fine but when they use powerful summons like Herb, or strong offensive spells it can get annoying. So why not stand still, use magic to bring them to you or just attack them with strong spells. Better yet, use rogues, every hide action they take in sequence without attacking causes them to advance 10’ and gives them a free critical hit (jk it would take forever to clear any encounter).
Some enemies you definitely have to look out for, as they can instantly kill you, or turn you to stone which also kills you. This spirals out of your control as it causes your backline to fill out the frontline, how to deal with it? Well, you can just run, but magic also works, use movement or action controlling spells, attack with a high-power magic or just hit them with swords and heal after the battle.
There are other enemies that are also a hassle to deal with though less dangerous, these can age, paralyse, or possess you party. Usually, they can be dealt with more easily than the previously mentioned ones. Furthermore, there are doppelgangers that can disguise themselves as members of your party and fill empty party-slots, they should not be too much of an issue to deal with, but it can be fun in the early game IMO.
Nicht Empfohlen
168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 20:25
...Of a useless piece of antique that was never really good to begin with.
Good for the 80s, more or less, but since we had to endure years of painfully slow progress before getting, in the 90s, an objectively good video RPG (with hard drive storage, aesthetic visuals, maps, sound effects, tactical options, comfortable interfaces...,) I'll keep enjoying my complete lack of nostalgia.
Now the series provides most of this today: it looks good, has a map, even gamepad controls, which is great and all but... the gameplay doesn't cut it, because it's a combat-heavy tactical desert.
Each fight is completely random, from initiative to who attacks whom to anything else.
The map itself is complete;y random. Enter a house and it's empty. Get out, enter again, now it's full of skeletons. Hack them, get out, enter again, now it's full of assassins. Or berserkers. Or blobs.
If I recall (don't take my word for it,) the 1985 appeal was the impressive quantity of content.
It's irrelevant today.
It takes more than rolling dice to make an RPG module.
2240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 22:45
Then The Bard's Tale came along, and it changed everything! It's hard to describe to gamers now how amazing these games were. It seems almost comic, or archiac to imagine sitting at the computer with a pencil and graph paper and being in wonder at what mysteries you will uncover as you draw your maps, block by block. However, unlocking the secrets of Skara Brae and the town's numerous deadly dungeons was truly exciting.
It was the first time we had proper D&D combat and character advancement. The first time loot became addictive, and there was a multitude of wondrous items to find and identify. There were loads of different enemies, and if you wandered into the wrong area too soon, you would quickly find yourself getting killed. In fact, it was quite grueling trying to keep character's alive long enough for them to gain the power necessary to tackle the tougher places.
What is fantastic about these remastered editions is the fact that they have added a lot of quality of life components. I'm sure we all get rosey eyed when thinking about some old, retro classics. However, when we actually go back to them we realise how spoiled we have become as gamers, and the attraction soon wears off. I'm sure even with these elements, a lot of modern players will not want to persevere with what may feel dated.
However, if you ever enjoyed the originals then this is an essential trilogy to own. Even if you have never played these before, I would urge you to try them as they are absoloute classics and nobody can deny that.
8850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 21:54
I played the Amiga versions of Bard's Tale 1 and 2 before this and loved them, despite the outdated graphics. I purchased this version hoping that it would be at least as good and it is much better than the originals. I am playing BT3 in enhanced mode and the graphics are great. How about smoke blowing through the destroyed Skara Brae? The negative so far is that the starting characters seem to be developing much too fast compared to the older games. I believe this will end once I get them up to the minimum starting level for this game. Also, I have accidently hit the run butten instead of the fight button a number of times with the mouse since they are so close together. Definitely worth a try.
1462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 22:24
I never played it through when it came, as I was fast moving over to the Amiga when it came. And from thereone there where far more nicer games than where released on the C64. Elite frontier II for example which is my top 3 long time all time favorite game.
The remake where on a sale - 3 Euro. Thats peanuts. So I bought it a lifetime of years later, and I am enjoying life as it is right now. This is classic RPG:ing. Very nice remake.
804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 05:27
1292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 03:16
1253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 13:45
Make no mistake, this gameplay is OLD and does not hold up in any way, shape or form to modern standards.
But if you are in for it because of nostalgia or want to know how we did it back in the ancient times, than this game is definitely worth checking out.
So while I would NOT recommend this to anyone, who just wants to have a nice RPG, I can not fault the remaster for doing exactly what was promised. So for this there is my thunbs up.
2425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 18:05
+ Most of the QoL, like automap
+ Translations
+ Price (specially in sales)
- QoL missing, like autocombat or macro system for quick battles.
- Spanish translation is fine, but some of the puzzles makes no sense in other language than English.
- Graphics. 3D ones is good enough, but I feel the 2D portraits worse than originals. I wish there is a mod to play with the Amiga ones.
- No way to accelerate time. You return to surface to advance levels. It's night. You have to idle the game for like 20 minutes to sunrise and stores to open. Boring.
5925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 02:37
2603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 09:36
1657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 05:36
However, this remake is a thing of beauty. In a sea of hasty remakes, this company did it right, building the game lovingly from the ground up. If you want to torture yourself with the old legacy rules, you can do that. If you just want to try it out, do a few dungeons, enjoy the growth of a party for a bit, you can do that too. You won't miss any story or anything. What this trilogy did was introduce me to an old classic that was hugely influential, and so I can appreciate it even if I think the base games themselves aren't masterworks. You know it's good when you play as long as I did just to see what the fuss is about.
1196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 23:50
410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 06:12
1721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 19:05
At the time there was nothing like it and as far as RPGs go, they have lacked ever since to provide a remotely engaging experience. The Apple IIGS experience for the bards tale series was top notch in my opinion.
Fast forward to now, and this game is a pleasant surprise since I didn't know it was coming out but even more for how well this game came out.
This developer did a really great job in updating this game for NOW and it is still very fun to play, again.
I do think some of the colors are a bit too cartoony and saturated but, that's just a nit pick.
I would love to see the option to set the graphics to the original pixelated view just for extra fun.
Nicht Empfohlen
2258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 23:50
I have played any other games of this genre, Etrian Odyssey, The Dark Spire...
This just does not hold up to them.
Having said that, if I was playing this game in 1985, then I would have rated it incredibly highly. It is an absolutely amazing accomplishment for the time, including the ability to put it out on as many consoles as they did.
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 20:57
3034 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 22:59
So how do I feel about this renewal of one of the classics? I like it!
There are quite a number of improvements that have been made to the game - automapping, an improved, mouse-friendly user interface, and of course, the town of Skara Brae in particular is lovely to walk through. Other neat touches are the expanded music and wider range of character portraits.
Is there anything they got wrong? Well, I suppose I miss a few things - cheesing the 4x 99 barbarians in Harkyn's castle to XP farm, for example - but those things are vastly outweighed by the improvements.
If you've ever wanted to try one of the RPGs from the good (or bad!) old days, you couldn't do much better than the Bard's Tale Trilogy.
48545 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 07:32
5168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 19:31
Nicht Empfohlen
472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 23:52
I personally appreciate this game and you might even see me playing it now and then in future. But unfortunately, I can't make myself give it a positive review for a simple reason that it is very repetitive and lacks content. Literally, the only thing you will do is slowly progress throughout the dungeons while often having to go back to town to sell stuff, renew energy, revive somebody, or advance the party. That is basically all that you will be doing for the whole game.
Of course, back in 1985 when it was originally released, it wasn't possible to make it any better than that. But currently, we have so much more interesting stuff on the market that playing this game just feels like a big waste of time.
7836 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 01:19
This time around I'm determined to finish the game!
1743 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 17:32
5999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 02:37
Quality of life improvements bring the game to life even more effectively than the original. No long loading times (unknown to most modern gamers) and auto-map are top shelf...although I have to admit I miss the old pencil and graph paper. Still have some of my old maps from back in the day!
Good times all around. Well done to all the developers. Many thanks.
3525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 14:34
1107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 04:49
For those that knew the game already, it should be an easy buy to go back down misery lane.
For those haven't played it before, you need to understand this is an old game. Even finding the start of the game is somewhat tricky (ask to buy wine). It's not Bauldur's Gate; Bard's Tale is from a time before that. Look at the pictures. See how your granddad used to play video games. Get lost in the maze of darkness. Accidentally drop needed items. Cast the wrong spell and get teleported back home without any money. So much frustration and all in turn base, which means you've only got yourself to blame.
It's great.
2409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 16:27
785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 23:41
If you have never played before, it may be anticlimactic in that the updated version had a map built in, and explanations of spells if you hover over with a mouse. No real feel of a book in your hand to ponder over. But still worth giving it a go.
674 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 23:08
1477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 01:31
2497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 03:58
Journey into the depths of Skara Brae, learn about why there are no people out on the streets and engage in the mass slaughter of a variety of enemies who would thwart your quest.
Nicht Empfohlen
574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 18:21
27706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 09:37
This updated version has lost none of the original appeal, plus, I no longer need graph paper – I don't think I would have the patience for that at this age ...
Highly recommended, if you like this sort of game!
11714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 18:49
5681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 17:31
I played 1 and 2 as a youngster, I don't remember much of anything about 3.
Playing back through this (WITH the quality of life improvements) has been extremely fun without the tedious parts. Some people LIKE these tedious parts, I am not one of them, so having the choice is great.
All in all a great game, and I recommend it for any RPG fan, and ESPECIALLY for those that played the original.
Top. Notch.
2746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 16:38
Clearly, Bard's Tale I is the best of the three as it is new and the others are just living off this legacy. Dungeon design, class design, everything is great. Remember to take the fire horn off the already created characters or you'll be in for a rough time, early on! What I didn't like is that the developers removed the infinite XP fights (e.g. barbarians and others). So XP farming is more challenging. BOO!
Bard's Tale II, which I never completed as a kid, is quite fun on its own. Final fight is a bit of a letdown as you are overpowered for it - and you really stop fighting entirely after the 5th dungeon as it's no longer efficient. The 80's vibe is strong in Bard's Tale II, with lots of references to popular toys at the time (My Bud for one).
Bard's Tale III is more annoying, than fun, quite honestly. With no ability to sell items, identification doesn't come until later in the game, and too many dungeons are very small with single square annoyances (darkness, mute, etc.) just to make constant buff maintenance a priority. Puzzles in Bard's Tale III come with little guidance, so the solutions are somewhat odd. The final dungeon is fantastic as it requires planning of moves to complete - wish the rest of the game was so well designed. I also never completed this as a child - Tarjan fight was challenging at my age - but as an adult, I've come to appreciate defense spells (preclusion!) to make it easier.
Highly recommend this trilogy - for either older games like myself (ouch!) or for ones who want to see the history of modern role playing games.
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 12:55
It's tough and old-school. At first, it seems the game giving you lots of gold, but when it comes to reviving or immediate heal for your allies you need much more gold than you loot. So, you may want to use your gold wisely. Also, almost house has something to offer you; there might be encounters, new allies, loots and even guided mouth to give you guidance about the world you are wandering. If you stand on the streets by doing nothing you may encounter with foes! Also, when you walk on the streets, you may find some allies who want to join your party. So, consider them, too.
I advise you to discover every house and every corner in the game before entering the towers or dungeons. Order your characters wisely and consider their attributes, powers and other things by ordering them in your party. I highly recommend you to order like this for your first part; (1) Rogue, (2) Warrior, (3) Paladin, (4) Monk, (5) Bard, (6) Sorcerer and (7) Mage. You can either use premade characters or create your own. Always carry a lamp or torch, because you will need them in the dungeons and some of the towers, also in the night. Towers and dungeons contain lots of traps and encounters; always use your Trap Zap skill before you move, and keep your character with the highest Luck as a lead. Intelligence characters, such as Mage, Sorcerer, Wizard, and etc. will learn Buff skills, so use them wisely to your characters.
You may die a lot, but keep spawn new characters instead of reviving them; of course, if their levels are high revive them.
4529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 15:33
The games are very combat heavy, but that's to be expected with this genre and the time it came from. What riddles there are are interesting however, more than a few brain teasers if you mean to do these games with no online help.
The first game is the weakest, but its not bad, it's just that the older games are that much better, Destiny Knight and The Thief of Fate have more dungeons, a bigger overworld, more puzzles, and generally just more overall than The Bard's Tale. Too many dungeons make it so you're crawling around in the dark bumping into walls, but I'll forgive that since this was made all the way back in the 80's and they only had so much to work with.
You can build a party in the first game and take them through the entire game, except the third game requires a specific class both to progress and another for very spoiler specific reasons, know that you're going to need to make adjustments to your team if you mean to go through all 3 games with the same team.
If you're looking for some retro dungeon crawling, would recommend.
4536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 18:59
13004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.20 15:38
3644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.20 03:49
It's all that and so much more. As of this writing - 55 hours in. Still in BT2. Such an amazing and fun game.
5151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.20 22:05
Hint: Equip the Master Key when you get it. It negates spinners.
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