The Age of Decadence
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Über das Spiel

Die fiktive Welt von The Age of Decadence orientiert sich an das Römische Reich in welcher du eine Vielzahl an Aufgaben und Quests absolvieren musst. Neben einem Skill-basierten Charakter-System und einer nicht-linearen Story stehen herausfordernde rundenbasierte Kämpfe im Fokus des Rollenspiels.
- CPU: 2 GHz Processor or better
- GFX: Nvidia Geforce GTS 250 / Radeon HD 4770 (1Gb) or better
- Software: Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10
- HD: 1900 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 9.0c
- LANG: Englisch, Russisch, Spanisch, Französisch
- CPU: 2.5 GHz Processor or better
- GFX: Nvidia Geforce GTS 450 / Radeon HD 4870 (1Gb) or better
- Software: Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10
- HD: 1900 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 9.0c
- LANG: Englisch, Russisch, Spanisch, Französisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
3235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 19:19
2296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 16:18
With that said, Age of Decadence is a fenomenal game if you're into storytelling and wordbuilding. The post apocaliptic rome setting in this is very obisdian-like (imagine a mixture of Caesar's legion and the ancient civilization from tyranny), and the only way to experience it fully is with multiple playthroughs. There are so many ways in which event can unfold due to your interactions, if you complete or not certain quests. If you decide that playing it once is good enough for you that's fine, every class tied to a guild has multiple paths for you to complete the story and to get different endings (9 in total). If you choose a class that isn't already in a guild you can decide to enter one or not (there's no starting class for the legion, but starting as a mercenary or another combat focused class is adviced).
When I first finished the game i had around 13 hours logged on, for 100% it took me more 24 hours with save scumming for achievements involved in the same quests. Still, after a while you can finish this game in less than an hour if you so desire, so it really isn't a big task to complete it. I fell in love with the world of this game, and in my opinion the best way to play it is going for the 100%, seeing the story in it's entirety.
2283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 02:53
It looks very old even though it's not, but if you can get over that it's a very nice game. And for only $13 it is definitely a good deal if you like Tactical RPGs.
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379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 22:48
4493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 02:38
requires multiple playthroughs to even understand the basic surface level story. requires a working brain to grasp the 2nd layer beneath the surface. requires a genius to become a god....
2724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 10:30
1) Very reading and dialog heavy. If you're not a fan of learning about the game world from long rambling dialogs and a lot of 'tell instead of show', you might not enjoy this as much. Also a great deal of interactions are weirdly brief political manipulations, with the equivalent of a three minute talk causing people to flip what they were doing entirely as if they had perfectly well oiled Machivelian brains with little emotion attached, Just a few choice ideas or data points causes reversals in their actions with no hesitation or emotion, which is fun but also rather strange sometimes.
1) In terms of graphics/engine/sound, feels weirdly flat, like trying to fit an atmospheric world into a engine with awkward run animations, muddy textures, low polygon count, no ambient sound and a minimum of sound effects. Music is pretty good but does feel like a layer added on that doesn't mesh with the actual game sometimes. Not a problem I had with Fallout 1/2 or Wasteland 2/3 or similar isometric games, so not entirely sure why.
2) Cannot be played as a hybrid character, unless you've replayed so many times you have half the skill checks in the game memorized. Think of it like Quest for Glory (as odd as it sounds): you can be a fighter, or a thief, or a diplomat, but trying to cross-specialize will easily make the game unplayable, including main quest challenges that have a limited range of skills you can use that usually fit the archetypes.
3) Perfectly playable to the end with zero combat. Do note this requires running away from some fights.
4) Great deal of lore or special areas locked behind complicated skill and statistic checks. The second being more painful as you can't raise statistics during the game, but can always put in a few more saved skill points to edge past a check from a reload. You will probably need a guide to explore all the old ruins locked behind a variety of skill checks and random difficult-to-find key gizmos.
5) Having said all that, a great deal of replayability as
a) the combat is relatively deep (seven to eight different attack methods per weapon, a range of alchemical explosives, firebombs and potions, multiple types of bows, crossbows, throwing weapons, armor and shields affecting block and dodge),
b) there is quite a lot of content reserved for each player archetype, and even within the choices available to an archetype,
c)there are several factions you can side with that produce totally different main questlines.
Not to mention that the non-combat approaches play through quite quickly if you're a fast reader, pretty much a sort of interactive fiction novel more than anything else.
In conclusion, could be worth your time, especially at current prices, if you know what you're in for beforehand.
1202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 01:36
299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 21:34
That said, many other clearly have embraced this approach and it is a very unique game with good writing and an interesting setting. More developers should take risks like this.
1351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 22:05
+ good realistic post apocalyptic story
+ sufficiently advanced technology is the same as magic... or is it?
+ very good skill system, where basically everything is useful and you are given a lot of freedom
+ atmosphere
+ combatless playthroughs are completely viable (but not really pacifist, not in this world...)
+/- even though it does not seem that way, some possible endings get invisibly locked at your very first choice - character background
+/- since you control a single character then if this character is a fighter you will become a battle demigod, which is rewarding but hurts realism
- save scumming is mandatory unless you know the game by heart or are a masochist - as a fighter you are obviously going to die all the time, but it gets even worse out of combat - going through the newly available dialogues/events to learn their skill-checks, reloading, spending your precious skillpoints to raise the skills and going through the events again is the most basic strategy to progress
- some objects in the game world are easy to miss. I never went to the Abyss despite it being easily available from within the second city. I simply just missed the path! Or on my second playthrough I missed an important vendor, which I realized after checking the wiki for an important item from my first playthrough
Many reviewers say that the game is difficult - and it is, unreasonably so, if you raise skills that you like immediately after getting the points (like you would in many other games). It seems like this one is designed around save scumming and treating your points as a resource. If you accept that then you should be able to enjoy it.
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311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 13:48
And fighting in this game equals dying.
In the end, that just makes the game unplayable. Too bad.
I know you're not supposed to master everything, but even with a 8/10 stat, you still fail (and end up fighting->dying).
The devs said they were trying to make a game with realism. They failed.
-> You don't have the ideal build? You're dead.
-> You could get away of a bad situation with another stat, but the game doesn't allow that and only checks what it wants to check. And you'll be screwed when you could have escaped. Realism? Only when they want it.
-> You will not enjoy their game because you cannot follow the quests and story. One failed check->fight against 2-3 or more enemies->You're dead. Heck, if you're not a pure fighter, even 1 on 1 is already hard!
-> This is a GAME. If the player can't enjoy it, you've just lost a player. And, more importantly, a future buyer. I know I'm not getting near their next games if they keep following this philosophy of bad game design.
I'm not asking for a Skyrim BS where you're a master at everything, but let me at least enjoy the game!
710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 04:07
Its Fallout meets Planescape Torment meets Morrowind and thrown in a blender. Basically. And plays even rougher than Arcanum with a LOT of balance issues.
Having said that, it can be fun, but I recommend adding 50% more skill points via console commands and this game desperately needs a community mod overhaul/remaster to really redeem it.
It actually is less polished/finished than a cRPG from 1997 somehow. The full game feels like a Beta at best. The bones are there, but it needs help.
1697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 12:55
2520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 23:26
Basically it is HARD but worth it, the combat is turn based so it is not trash and while the gameplay can have it's bad things the setting is so good, probably one of the best settings in all of fiction not only videogames so definitely worth a playthrough only for it imo.
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1597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 20:11
I just picked up the game and started playing as a thief. I've just reached a part of the story where it's impossible to go on because I didn't spend my points in the exact skills that are needed to pass the series of pass/fail checks. And because of that, the eventual failure leads only to a game over screen with no possibility of trying anything else. The illusion of build freedom is unfortunate. The game does tell you in the beginning that you should focus on a small number of skills, but doing that means you don't put increases into other skills that you can't know you're going to need down the road.
I'm going to start another game and try some different things, but I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone at this point.
9834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 00:44
825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 13:08
6134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 17:41
The game is super easy if you're going for a talky talky type person, such as a merchant or loremaster, even a grifter, just lie, cheat and persuade yourself to the top.
If you plan on doing combat, well then...
Have fun. lol
You will die, you will need to refine your tactics, you will need to think ahead... But if you manage to start getting on a roll... Well, it's one of those negative difficulty curves, you start steam rolling and it's finally not your body hitting the floor all the time.
Combat feels very much as punishing and as tactical as a solo medieval X-Com.
Super great game, highly recommend for all RPG fans looking for a challenge.
High replayability factor due to multiple classes/guilds and unique story lines for each, and with each story line potentially forking numerous times.
4162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 17:10
Depending on your starting faction, build, and the choices you make during the game, every playthrough will be different. I have no idea how many endings the game has, I stopped counting.
One playthrough does not take long. It takes about 10 to 15 hours to reach an ending, sometimes less, maybe more depending on your playstyle and choices. But the game offers so many branching paths that it will take you multiple playthroughs and reloads if you want to discover them all. Multiple playthroughs are also a requirement if you want to get the whole picture and really understand everything that is going on. The game lore is very rich and the game offers lots to read with plenty of detailed stories to discover and learn more about the game world.
I am far from being done with this game, but I highly recommend it to any old-school rpg fans.
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195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 23:34
2793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 09:00
2484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 21:50
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596 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 23:02
1960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 17:24
It is definitely worth to read about the game and character builds before jumping into the game. As one can develop only skills and character stats remain (for most of char builds) same throughout the game.
As for the difficulty: the game is very unforgiving towards player-made mistakes.
On the other hand, the replayability value is great.
4009 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 04:39
+ t r i p l e - c r o s s e v e r y o n e
Definitely not for people without immense wells of patience, no one is kidding when they say 'masochism simulator,' but worth every second of it for me. Still playing, still have so many play paths yet to try.
6872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 19:56
Story (without spoilers): The game is set in postapocalyptic world based on Roman Empire. The world is f@cked up and you don't know why. Nobody really knows why. However you can explore, study the surroundings and putting pieces together what happend. The lore of the game is rich and rewarding curiosity. You can either finish the game in traditional sense by pledging alliagence to Noble Houses or one of the Guilds. You can be anything-a merchant who cares only about their pockets. A mercenary, who cares only about their pockets too but rather than using etiquette and persuasion youre gonna use your trusty axe. If you prefer fighting you can join Imperial army. But what if you don't want to be a pawn in someones chess game? Well you can carve your own destiny, seeking answers and perhaps you can even ascend to higher plane of existence...
Your choices and decisions actually matter, giving the game replayable value- you can go on many runs yet they still can be very different from previous.
Graphics: There are simple but charming. Again this is the case when you don't need triple A graphics to feel immersed. Story does that for you.
Soundtrack: A crucial element of the game is its OST which is mostly depressing, ambigious yet very fitting. However some tracks just straight up kick ass and makes you feel heroic. Overall i can still listen to the songs without getting bored of them.
Gameplay: Not many people can be fans of turn based combat, especially here, and it's alright. It's hard, not forgiving and easily you can end up dead before you even started. Hell, you can even die in tutorial. It's easy to get the idea but harder to master. On the other hand- it feels great when you overcome the challenge, making you feel truelly accomplished when you stand still after gruesome battle. But what if you're not eager of dying to some random schmucks in back alley? With right skills and stats you don't necessery need to engage in combat at all. Smooth-talking your problems away is always alternative option through whole game. You can even take advantige of that- for example in one quest where you need to save a noble from group of bandits you can use your silver tongue, hire the kidnappers and encourage them to go on suicidal attack with heavily fortified mine which is in hands of enemy Noble House- congratulations! You can now rub your hands and devilishly laugh how badly you screwed with both groups while both of them are dead and you got a promotion.
Final verdict: I'm giving the game 8.5/ 10. Age of Decadence isn't game for everyone but if you want an unnorthodox oldschool RPG experience with impressive plot twists i highly recommend and patiently looking forward for next game from Iron Tower Studio, which will be released later this year.
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906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 22:43
Buy only if you like being a masochist.
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1766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 23:22
Still, for $4, I got my money's worth in game time.
755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 21:22
Maybe everyone dont knows him trick.He incredible....I want to ask his where is the comming of your skills?
102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 16:08
1917 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 19:46
The Epitome of an Indie RPG
The Age of Decadence is very unassuming at first blush. The UI is a little dated for when it was released, some of the animations are a little rough, and it's generally not going to wow you with it's graphics. But that's where this game's shortcomings ends.
The story gives you a meager background--you're a nobody, and you have nothing--and the world that story is set in is a harsh one. You're going to die, a lot, and the game is going to rub it in too, with a snarky message explaining just how you screwed up before prompting you to load (so save often). You're going to start out a little lost sometimes, not sure who to trust, where to go next, or how to overcome the challenges that you'll face.
As an RPG, one of the most important elements is choice: how will you build your character? How will you solve the problems you face? Which people will you side with? And it's this mix of the dark and gritty world, the story and the cast of characters that you'll meet, and the choices that you'll make--real, impactful choices that have substantial consequences to the story, the world, and your character--that makes this game shine.
Eventually, you start to win fights more often than you lose them. You start to understand the mysteries hiding just beneath the surface. You start to amass ancient artifacts, and slowly figure out how to use them and harness their power. And as you do, your successes are all the more meaningful because they stand in contrast to your first few hours in the game where it seemed like your death was waiting around every corner. The Age of Decadence is not an incredibly long game, especially not for an RPG. One play through might take you around 30 hours to complete. But it uses that time well to give you a rewarding experience of starting as a nobody that had nothing and knew nothing to becoming a person that is revered and feared.
This game is the epitome of an indie RPG. If you want an engaging story, detailed character development, great writing, all set in a unique and wonderfully mysterious setting then you'd be doing yourself a grave disservice by passing up on this truly excellent RPG.
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485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 13:25
While the beginning of the game and the first location of the game are quite good, it quickly declines into half-empty and unfinished world of soulless tasks, albeit with intriguing setting and lore.
I appreciate the work put into this game and its engine, but AoD doesn't hold up for long.
First of all, the writing is too edgy. Sure, it's a game about cutthroats and other degenerates in a broken world, but when an NPC asks you for help and it's a third or fourth ambush in a row, you lose interest in accepting random quests anymore. Moreover, the amount of indecorum is exaggerated. Dialogues in this game remind me of Hollywood movies - with cool and edgy characters swearing and acting violently all the time because they live in edgy and dirty world. It's completely over-the-top.
Unfortunately after the first location, the game becomes a bit empty. The largest city seems to be just a few NPCs standing here and there, with a few simple quests and nothing more. Oh, and a combat-focused location plus arena. Further locations past that city are even emptier, having scarce amount of tasks for the player.
The game focuses on choices and their consequences, but too often these are completely broken even 3 years after the release of the game. For example, trying to play throughout the game as house Daratan, but also trying to play another faction house Crassus, I completed quests for both of them. When I was about to find a temple for them, I went to Daratan instead and blow entrance up. You'd think that would have some consequences, huh? Out of curiosity I went back to Crassus and not only they did not mention it - I could continue the quest... and go to the same location where entrance was still perfectly fine!
The player often does not actually have many choices. The choices available are usually pre-defined by character's statistics. Very often you only have one option in a dialogue (past the first location) and therefore it's hardly choose-your-own-adventure or role-playing, it feels half a game and half a novel - even more so when you realize the game forces you to meta-game and only level small amount of skills that you will then always have to choose in dialogue checks to continue with the game.
On a positive side, the world of Age of Decadence is quite intriguing. While it doesn't come up with anything exceptionally original, it mixes fantasy (with low magic) and science-fiction themes in a meaningful way. Lore is the best part of this game and reading lore-related texts made me regret I did not create a lore-based character, but typical charismatic type I usually make in RPGs.
Another good aspect is a decent combat system, although it suffers from the fact that the player always controls only one character. The system seems to be made with tactical games in mind, and indeed the second game of the same developers, which is called Dungeon Rats, is a tactical game where the player controls 4-men party and is significantly better than AoD as it focuses on the strong point of this studio's skills, while not boring the player with uptight dialogues and superfluous tasks. DR also has a much smaller scope than AoD and it works in its advantage.
Age of Decadence is not a bad game, but at the same I can't say it's good or worth recommending. In fact, if you can get it for about 1€ as it's now often in bundles, then by all means it might be worth a try. Even if you don't finish it, the first two or three hours should be entertaining enough. However, buying it for more than insignificant amount of money is not recommended as it is an average game with good ideas but too many shortcomings.
1500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 00:25
14428 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 09:13
The replayability of the game is off the charts! All main storylines are really interesting. But if you're like me and want to know EVERYTHING then you'll have to go through a few more gameplays to piece everything together.
920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 09:58
Highly recommended!
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548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 18:33
During my play through the story was the weakest part of the game. Introducing characters, lore and concepts then abruptly dropping them without warning. It was difficult to follow and harder to keep me from playing further. Shame too with some more polish this could have been the start of a new franchise.
*Word of warning to new players. There are no quest markers. Be prepared to be constantly looking up where to go next. Get this game if you enjoy frustration and disappointment.
5739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 19:18
Offering massive replayability due to very distinct ways of handling the content. The mysterious art and story demand attention to detail, imagination and maybe a not quite as healthy obsessive practice of lifting every nook and cranny do see if there's something more to be discovered.
One should like the genre of hardcore-crpg - if so TOTALLY recommended.
(also it's a small studio with community active developers (+++ for that))
11671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 15:15
The lore is interesting to me as someone who dislikes Nuclear post apocalyptic stories based usually in america I like the romanish setting with rare magic relics alot.
The graphics don't drag it down rather they add charm to it for me being able to play a crpg like the days of old without it feeling too old.
I love this game so much I will go to 300 hrs played at least
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1492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 03:21
1483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 19:26
The Age of Decadence Review | Arcade Theory
The classic cRPG has you leading a band of adventurers to vanquish a great evil, becoming heroes known across the land. There is nothing here to cater to this fantasy. There are no companions to aid you, no villain that can be singled out, and no one who will remember you or what you do. This is the land of a broken Empire, whose equally broken inhabitants know nothing of the former glory they once reveled in. In place of peace and unity, there is only chaos and mistrust. Welcome, dear reader, to the Age of Decadence.
Let’s talk about the world for a moment. It’s grim. If you were just a commoner, chances are you’d die before the age of 30 from a mugger or the plague. The lands you behold were all part of the same unnamed Empire, deriving much of its culture from Imperial Rome. In the present what remains of the emperor’s domain is but a few townships: Teron, dwindling and on the verge of collapse; Maadoran, where the poor struggle to carve a home in the vestige of a once-proud city; and Ganezzar, ruled by a mad self-proclaimed holy man. Once, these settlements were part of a grand empire, but a magical war between the Empire and the kingdom of Q’antaar ended with the summoning of gods on both sides, resulting in the destruction of both lands.
But you don’t know about any of this. In fact, even those who can recall the tale of the end do not know what truly happened, if what they tell to strangers are true facts or fabrications appended by generations of storytellers past. Scattered around the map are remnants of the old world, such as old mining facilities, ancient temples, or a warded tower. While many events will happen with or without your aid, these locations will remain unaffected by the machinations of men. It is up to you to learn the secrets these places hold, and ultimately, what truly became of the Empire and its people.
… But you don’t have to. In fact, you could run through the entire game without understanding a single thing about the lore. The game doesn’t care. The lore skill is vital to understanding the purposes of ancient artifacts and machinery as well as how to use them, but it’s a completely optional skill to invest in. If you choose to, you may invest your points solely into combat. You’ll suck at everything else, but you’ll be an unstoppable force known to all—at least, near the end of your run. At the start you’ll be lucky if you can survive being ambushed by a group of beggars.
When creating your character, don’t be ashamed if you decide to steal someone’s build. This game isn’t forgiving when it comes to character creation. If your build sucks, you won’t make it. This is because the game relies on you to pick a specific set of skills for your playstyle and to stick with them instead of trying to become a jack of all trades. You won’t be able to change your stats mid-run, and you have no opportunities to farm experience for skill points. Don’t worry: you can always start over. It’s a fairly short game, and the first town will help you decide if your build is fine or if you are in dire need of a restart. [...]
1054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 04:12
985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 10:15
On the one hand, this is the most choice-heavy RPG since the old Fallouts. Actually, scratch that - it's even heavier. There's about a dozen factions you can join - some mutually exclusive - that will directly influence the course of the plot. Not to mention a few non-faction-related global decisions and the ending. Essentially, the developers wrote separate plotlines for each of the factions. They could do it because they embraced an ingenious chapter structure: every time you move to a new city, time moves forward and the result of your actions (or lack thereof) take hold.
That is an insane amount of thought put into all possible outcomes. I simply dread to think how many endings Age of Decadence has in total.
On the other hand... There's a design contradiction eating away at the game's core. The developer's intention is clearly that the game should be played multiple times. You cannot be the Mary Sue you are in your typical Bethesda RPG. You cannot do everything. If you're a merchant, you won't be able to fight - and you won't need to. If you're a fighter - you won't be able to talk your way into things and will have to rely on brute force most of the time (although, there is a cool diplomacy check for fighters called 'body count' which depends on how many people you killed). All of this is a good thing. But the game is not designed to be played in this leisure fashion. You have to try every interaction you can anyway. And you won't know what is a good thing and what is not. Not on your first playthrough, anyway. So, playing Age of Decadence for the first time is like sailing in reef-heavy waters - almost impossible without a guide or constant save-loads - because some of the decisions that you could be willing to make are not there. And - on the contrary - some situations are resolved in ways that are totally uncharacteristic for your character.
But ultimately - if you're a true fan of role-playing games that actually allow you to roleplay, you'll play it. Because it would be a disservice to yourself not to. The Hellenistic Lovecraftian post-apocalypse, dripping with political and social strife - where else will you find anything like this? Especially with its engaging combat, and its potential for many - many! - completely different walkthroughs.
3860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 00:06
Age of Decadence Review
Age of Decadence is an isometric turn-based indie RPG game developed and published by Iron Tower Studio. It was released on October 14, 2015, for Windows after a long term of development & a small period of early access to let players know what to expect. The game is “an experiment,” according to the developers, as they attempt to explore a different direction from many typical RPGs emphasizing every decision/choice that has a substantial consequence that alters your own story & questlines.
Age of Decadence is appropriately challenging; a dialog-centered RPG that mainly revolves around the decisions the player makes no matter small or big. The game has no classes, dwarves, elves, imaginative monsters, and little magic and combat, but instead, its a game of surviving among greed, pettiness, betrayal, and brutality of your fellow humans. The story is based around the Roman-era after the fall of Rome, where everything is in disarray, and your goal is to negotiate your way to obtain power & order.
Unlike any other RPG, There is no leveling up to be done in AoD. Instead, it uses a skill-based system and gaining skills by completing quests or defeating enemies. You begin the game by choosing any one of these eight professions: Assassin, Thief, Preator, Loremaster, Drifter, Grifter, Merchant, and Mercenary, which too influences your style & experience of the game. The background you choose will face very different types of challenges befitting their factions, eg. As an Assassin: you will be hired to kill people; as a Merchant: you’ll negotiate deals or work as a political agent; as a Thief: you will be a member of the Thieves Guild and get reputation bonuses with other thieves but reputation penalties with enemies, etc.
The map itself isn’t vast or sprawling; there are only three main cities and a mainline quest with lots of sidequests as well, but there are no quest markers, so you’ll have to remember whom to talk and who they are!. Each quest can be handled in a variety of ways, depending on the player’s skills & reputation. The quests feature extensive dialogue-trees, where each quest will have multiple solutions, including diplomacy and pacifism. The path you choose can altogether remove characters & quests from the game, which in fact, the game wants to, but it rewards consistency, critical thinking, and focusing on consequences before taking any action.
AoD replaces all the fantasy battles of epic heroes on epic quests, and of magic and monsters by realistic standards of combat. It is possible to brute force your way to the end or go through the entire game without ever entering combat if you make the right choices, which makes the game very unique for an RPG.
AoD’s combat works on a turn-based grid, your stats are the deciding factors that go into the damage, critical hits, miss percentage, movement turns, and so on. Death comes very quickly in AoD, as Combat scenarios are often harsh. Making the wrong dialog choice can leave you just as dead as picking the wrong fight. The game gives many opportunities to escape an encounter through words or brewing potions, etc. but it all depends on your skills and stats and how evenly you’ve spread them out. Hence, if you don’t create your character wisely, you can end up in some no-win positions in the story where your only path forward involves skills you didn’t invest in.
One thing that affects the overall appearance and presentation of the game is the game’s graphics. Though the game is text-driven, it still looks very outdated. There is enough attention to detail, but the character models are unpolished, and it becomes even more blatant when the camera is zoomed in. The animations are hit-and-miss, look basic, and lack the sense of character, which makes the game feel dull & lifeless. With thousands of lines of text, no animations or voice-acting makes it look very unappealing.
Age Of Decadence is structured well. It’s non-linear, and there is a LOT of dialogue text. It is the perfect game for players that are tired of traditional RPGs and appreciate the choice-and-consequence style gameplay and can deal with diplomacy and political intimidation. It is impossible to see everything the game has to offer in a single playthrough; hence it is highly replayable with each walkthrough offering a relatively unique experience.
As an indie game, where the production value is somewhat limited, I highly recommend this game!
Rate: 9.5/10
6449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 22:20
There's also multiple endings depending on which lords you leave alive, whether you side with the gods, and what abilities you obtain. As a result there's a lot of replayability. Especially since some quests and plot lines can only be done by certain classes.
Combat is very difficult but this is one of the few games where you can build a non-combat character and avoid all the fights if your persuade/streetwise skills are high enough. You can also kill characters during dialogue if you have the right stats.
Overall I recommend it for people who want an RPG that focuses on story rather than combat.
493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 19:26
The Age of Decadence is not that type of roleplaying game. In this game you are actually PLAYING A ROLE. You are either a mercenary, a merchant, a thief or some other thing and you stick with that role. There is an overarching plot which the game guides you too if you choose, but it mostly feels secondary to your character's personal objectives. In this respect it's a game unlike anything else I have ever played and I mean that in a good way.
It's quality stuff, but it's also not for everyone. Give the demo a shot (or two or three shots) and give the game some time to hook you.
5003 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 08:28
I must admit when I started this game I was kinda underwhelmed and frustrated, especially after the fist fight (2 thugs 45 HP each and I merely dealt 3 - THREE! - damage before dying!) But as I learned my way around the game and avoid battles as best as possible the game truly showed it's potential! There are so many ways to handle things, sh#tloads of secrets and stuff to explore, it's apparent the devs put a LOT of effort and thoughts into the game!
If I had to complain, now that I've seen most there is to the game, I'd say that the game is definitely not for achievement hunters, even though many of those feel really rewarding! another complaint would be the frustration often arising.. Still an amazing game!
My Rating: 9.7/10
1612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 17:28
Well, this is the first draft of the review. Why? Because I only completed the game once. You see, these days when you complete a game, that's it. Sure, there is some replay value, but usualy you don't miss that much. Age of Decadence is not like that; it's meant to be played multiple times, because there is so much variety and interwoven stuff, that completing it once just doesn't do it the justice it deserves. I completed the game as a mercenary - a word of caution here: the game is super freaking hard. As in, you can die by nearly anyone, anywhere, anytime. Unfortunately, although I like the idea, it sometimes makes the difficulty more frustrating than it should be, but quite frankly, had it been otherwise this game wouldn't be what it is: a work of art. You aren't supposed to clear every path, do every quest, find everything... not in one playthrough. As of now, I'll give it a score of 8/10 and an abriged review. It's totaly worth the price considering the replay value.
Part 2- Two playthroughs later
So, I did an assassin run and a merchant- one hybrid between civil skills and combat skills, while the merchant was 100% civil. And honestly, although having a hybrid or a civil character is probably the more fun option, I recommend to start as a pure fighter - to get a good feeling for the game, if anything. What struck me was how many paths to choose from there were, so many different paths, and that, I have to say, was absolutely astounding - what I liked about it in my first playthrough, I started to love in my 2nd and 3rd. Also, interesting thing, when you know what you're doing, the game becomes really short. What do I mean by that? It is that I did both of those playthroughs in like 10 hours (with the merchant playthrough being much shorter). Generaly speaking, while I do plan to play the game more, to see what more it has to offer, I think that I can bump up its score to 9.5/10, the only downsides being that the combat is sometimes unnecesarily tough, and the graphics are quite an eyesore (which while not really a problem to me, may be a problem to people who like their graphics to be at least decent)
575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 12:14
Nicht Empfohlen
349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 07:24
The setting and writing are very compelling. The gameplay encourages the player to save and reload a lot in order to try and navigate their way through very difficult scenarios (both in terms of combat and intrigue). So if you enjoy great writing and reloading your quicksave 500 times in order to kill 2 bandits, this is the game for you.
4499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.20 02:06
If you like grimdark fantasy and story driven gameplay than this is the perfect game for you.
2893 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 15:01
713 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 20:46
Devs really did make good work on ensuring different runs see different content. Assasin sees the same events unfold from a completely different perspective than a merchant who spends most of their time plotting, paying bribes and generally being a 'Do you know who you are talking to?' -kind of a-hole. Needless to say this variance compared to other RPGs is just glorious. I really enjoyed this role that is just never completely fleshed out in games. (looking at you Shadowrun games) I actually did want to complete the game without killing anything and almost made it too.
As for complexity the game is one giant web of lies. Game also tells you the consequences of your actions when you change big cities which is a nice touch so you know what happened and who's grudge you might have to deal with in the future if you crossed too many people.
Plenty of endings. Good luck getting them all. i can only assume this will take hundreds and hundreds of hours. And might very much be worth it for some. The amount of content not accessible or even seen in my merchant run was vast.
i'll deduct the 0.5 from the score as i could not complete the game without killing anyone (merchant run) and i got a body count of 2. (1 arena fight). Also end of the game sneaked up on me suddenly as well and i only barely made it as i had no fighting skills whatsoever so if you really need to read wikis figure out how to avoid end game too early. It will sour the golden experience at the very end if you mistakenly just walz into the ending.
edit: apparently it is possible to get through with a body count of 0.
1106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 19:41
Reminds me a lot of Wasteland (the original), Fallout (1 & 2) and Arcanum, and that's pretty high praise! It definitely stands as a competitor to those games, which is a huge achievement, congratulations to the devs and writers!
The combat definitely takes some practice to learn, and there's plenty of warnings that you're not expected to be able to win every fight you enter even as a pure combat specialist (try to storm a fort on your own without preparation and odds are pretty good you're going to have a bad time!).
My first completed playthrough (just completed at 18 hours) was as a spear/shield user who did his own crafting, a few points in lore, persuasion, streetwise and trading (I think you could easily skip trading if you're crafting, you can break basic stuff down to make improved versions to sell which is profitable as you get good at it). There's enough gear in the game that crafting isn't necessary, you can hunt the items rather than make them but get endgame gear either way.
I'd suggest a Mercenary start for a new player, using medium-heavy armour (like lorica segmentata), shield and one weapon type, with your civic points in Lore for solving mysteries in the late game. My second playthrough will probably be social, and that means those skills will take points away from Lore, unfortunately (I wish I'd had more time to explore those this time round).
1251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.20 02:53
So yes I wholeheartedly recommend this game if you are fond of role playing. The combat is good too, but the role play is where this game shines!
1523 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.20 02:24
Yet, if you can withstand the unpolished aesthetic, you will love this game. Setting is amazing, dialogue is intresting, combat is tactical and deep, THE PACING IS GOD-TIER (I fucking hate being 4 hours into an rpg and I haven't actually done anything intresting or intense yet, I love this games pacing) and the roleplaying is super in-depth.
Amazing game.
1656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.20 00:09
If I made my own game, I would love to make Age of Decadence.
1196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 17:15
The game rewards your ability to deal with garbage graphics, controls, no voice acting, repetitive music, shitty camera controls, shitty controls in general, with a lot of freedom. Lots of abilities to resolve situations the way you want to resolve them. A game that lets you go around and do lots of shit other games would never allow.
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