Date of entry: 2144/03/18
Damage was recently caused to the habitation dome after a major upgrade was made. Maintenance crews have been dispatched and repairs have been made. We are continuing to monitor the dome for any remaining problems and intervening as swiftly as possible as issues arise.
Patch Notes — Terraforming Mars
- Fixed the unloadable saves.
- AI now manages the Solar Phase when replacing a player.
- Fixed the softlock during the tutorial.
- Era cards are present as they should be in the Solo challenge.
- A game without VN cards activated won’t have VN cards anymore.
- Medical Lab #207 now counts tags properly.
- United Nation Mars Initiative can now perform its action after the Solar Phase.
- If Global Parameters are maxed out during the Solar Phase, the next generation is properly played before ending the game.
- It’s not possible anymore to raise something other than the Venus Phase during the corresponding tutorial step.
- On certain resolutions, realigned the “Resource owned” UI in front of players’ names to make it readable when a card removes resources.
- Various UI issues and inconsistencies fixed.
- The text of Freya Biodomes #227 doesn’t disappear anymore.
- The text of Special Design #206 doesn’t change anymore.
- Added on and off labels for the Venus Next option in the Solo challenge.
- The tooltip of the 8th rank of the Venus scale is now properly placed.
- The Venus scale increase previous is now fixed.
- In the ingame shop, using the Rules button in VN drives to the Venus Next rules (not the Prelude rules)
- French is not used by default in the tutorial menus anymore.
Known Bugs
- Robinson Industries’ action doesn’t have a confirm button and softlocks the game. DO NOT USE!
- Sometimes blue cards’ actions can be played multiple times instead of only once (if you find a reproduction, please send us your log files!)
We remain committed to providing an experience in Terraforming Mars that is befitting both the reputation of the original board game and what our superb community deserves. Expect to see further fixes in the near future.