TEKKEN 8 - Patch 1.11

The update data for TEKKEN 8 will be distributed with the following details:
Application Date and Time
- [][JST] From around 11:00 on Wednesday, January 15th, applied sequentially
[][CET] From around 3:00 on Wednesday, January 15th, applied sequentially
- [PST] From around 18:00 on Tuesday, January 14th, applied sequentially
Maintenance Date and Time
- [][JST] Wednesday, January 15th, 10:30 – 14:00
[][CET] Wednesday, January 15th, 2:30 – 6:00
- [PST] Tuesday, January 14th, 17:30 – 21:00
Please note that the date and time may change without prior notice.
All online content will be unavailable during maintenance.
Impact of the Update
The application of the update data will affect the following modes and features:
- []DOWNLOADED REPLAYS / MY REPLAY & TIPS: Replay data from before the update will no longer be playable.
[]ONLINE REPLAY: All replay data from before the update will be deleted.
- SUPER GHOST BATTLE / GHOST MATCH: The behavior and performance of characters after the update will be reflected in ghost data. There will be no loss of data.
Details of the Update
- “Flamboyant Pack” Added:Flamboyant Hair (Hair) Flamboyant Haori & Hakama (Upper Body) Flamboyant Geta (Shoes) Flamboyant Peacock Feathers (Accessory)
- “Sublime Pack” Added: Sublime Hair (Hair) Sublime Long-Sleeve Kimono (Upper Body) Sublime Geta (Shoes) Sublime Fan (Accessory)
- “TEKKEN SPECIAL DEAL” Available: Selected items available at special prices during the event period.
- >Characters can now be selected from Customized Slots: Added the ability to select main menu characters from slots other than “PRESET” via OPTIONS > Screen Settings > Main Menu Character Display Settings > Costume.
[]Added UI Hide Function: Press [R3/R Stick/N] to hide the UI.
- “Shared Customize Slot” Added:20 customization slots shared across all playable characters. Access the shared tab from each character’s dedicated slot screen. []“Add to Favorites” Function: Press [□/X button/U] in the customization slot list to add/remove favorites. []“Replace” Function: Rearrange customization slots by pressing [△/Y button/I].
- Added Rematch Function: Players can rematch from the result screen after a best-of-3 match without returning to the matchmaking standby screen.
- >Improved “Punishment Settings” Display: Configured CPU behavior settings now displayed in the “Punishment Settings” list.
[]Improved Photo Mode Controls: Mouse wheel can now be used for zoom in/out operations (Steam version only).
- Hide Other Player Information:Configure via Screen Settings > Hide Other Player Names / Hide Friends/Following/Rivals. Opponent player names in various modes will appear as “-”.
- Hide Friends/Following/Rivals Displays: Configurable in lounges, profiles, and match result screens.
- Access Replay List from Profile Screen: Players can now navigate to a replay list directly from a profile.
- Adjusted Behavior and Performance: Behavior fixes and performance adjustments have been applied to Heihachi and Clive.Heihachi received minor adjustments to address unintended phenomena. Clive underwent significant balance changes, suppressing the performance of certain overpowered moves.
- Sound and Visual Improvements: Enhancements were made to sound effects (SE), voice, and visual effects.
- Win Streak Display Fixed: The win streak display in “PLAYER MATCH” session screens now accurately reflects consecutive wins within the same session.Win streaks in “PLAYER MATCH” will be reset after the update.