Capture Point Starship
Team Fortress 2 - Map - Capture Point Starship
Team Fortress 2
09.10.10 10:17
A non-linear map that offers dynamic gameplay by having each team capture two of the center control points before being able to fight for the final victory point.
GameTyp: Multiplayer
MapTyp: Capture Point
Autor: CaffeinePowered
Veröffentlicht: 09.10.2010
Website: keine Infos
A non-linear map that offers dynamic gameplay by having each team capture two of the center control points before being able to fight for the final victory point.
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Logo for Team Fortress 2
Erstellt von nilius
Zuletzt online: 2 Stunden 30 Minuten
09. 10. 2010 um 10:17
09. 10. 2010 um 10:17
ePoints verdient durch Maps