- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: 3.2 GHz Dual Core Processor
- GFX: GTX 750 2GB / equivalent Radeon
- Software: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
- HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Polnisch, Russisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Spanisch ? Lateinamerika
Tainted Grail: Conquest
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1050 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 14:17
Denn hier ist nicht nur simples rougelike rein Gerenne mit stirb und versuch es erneut, sondern auch eine komplexe sehr gut erzählte Story mit dabei die von tollen Stimmen erzählt werden. Wie bei Griftlands auch wird man tief in die Geschichte rein gesogen.
Ich bin mal gespannt wie es weitergeht...
Derzeit ist die Story Kampagne leider zu kurz, aber knackig. Hier und da sind ein paar kleinere Balancing Probleme die aber weniger auffallen weil man kontinuierlich stärker wird. Es gibt immer mal wieder updates und ich hoffe das die Geschichte weiter erzählt wird.
Kleine Anmerkung: die Entwickler arbeiten derzeit auch gerade an einem Open World Rollenspiel aus der Ego Perspektive: Tainted Grail: the fall of Avalon.
3510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 11:21
Insgesamt gibt es davon 9, für Abwechslung ist also gesorgt. Auch wenn die einzelnen Klassen eine ähnliche Spielweise vermuten lassen, spielt sich dennoch jede etwas anders und hat andere Vor- und Nachteile. Der Berserker zum Beispiel, ist am effektivsten, wenn er nur noch 25% seiner Lebenspunkte hat. Die Spielwelt ist in der Wyrdnis versunken, was es damit genau auf sich hat, klärt sich im Laufe des Spiels. Anders als andere Spiele in der Kategorie, erzählt Tainted Grail eine richtige Geschichte. Sollte man es irgendwann schaffen den letzten Boss zu bezwingen, ist das Spiel noch nicht zu Ende. Es gibt so manchen NPC zu retten, einige davon siedeln sich im Start-Dorf an und verkaufen, gegen bestimmte Ressourcen, Verbesserungen, die immer, auch über die Runden, erhalten bleiben. Die Wyrdnis selbst drängt man bei der Erkundung der Welt mit bestimmten Kerzen zurück, diese halten aber nicht lange, bringen aber im Kampf gewisse Vorteile oder Nachteile (in Form von speziellen Karten), sofern das Licht der Kerze dabei ist zu erlöschen oder schon erloschen ist. Die einzelnen Areale der Karte sind recht übersichtlich. Jede Gruppe von Gegnern bewacht einen besonderen Ort. Kommt man den Gegnern zu nahe, startet der Kampf.
Die Kämpfe laufen rundenbasiert ab, anfangs zieht man zufällig ein paar Karten aus dem Deck und kann in Ruhe den eigenen Zug planen. Immer mit Blick auf die Gegner, da man sieht, was diese in deren eigenen Runde vorhaben. Jede Karte kostet dabei eine bestimmte Anzahl an Energie, standardmäßig stehen einem pro Runde 3 Energiepunkte zur Verfügung. Die Karten sind in verschiedene Kategorien eingeteilt, z.B. Angriff oder Taktik und mit der Zeit ergeben sich in Kombination mit der Klasse bestimmte Spielweisen. Anschließend ist der Gegner dran und so geht es im Wechsel weiter. Sobald die Gegner besiegt sind erhält man neben anderen Belohnungen auch Erfahrungspunkte und wie immer gilt: sind davon genug gesammelt steigt man eine Stufe auf. Bei einem Aufstieg kann man aus 3 Karten eine auswählen und dem eigenen Deck hinzufügen. Alle paar Stufen kann man auch eine neue passive Fähigkeit erhalten.
Auch wenn man jedes mal von vorne beginnt, macht es immer wieder Spaß die Spielfigur zu entwickeln und die Spielweise zu optimieren, bzw. etwas anderes zu probieren. Die Geschichte rundet das ganze ab. Tainted Grail bietet viele Stunde beste Unterhaltung.
983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 08:03
Die verschiedenen Klassen spielen sich sehr unterschiedlich, die Stimmung ist schön düster, das Freischaltsystem ist sehr motivierend. Ein Spiel für Zwischendurch oder um sich richtig reinzufuchsen, wenn einem danach ist. Ein Gefühl der Zufriedenheit, wenn man den ersten Run erfolgreich beendet und dennoch möchte man direkt in den nächsten starten, weil noch so viel zu erspielen ist und die Story weiter erzählt werden möchte. Ein wirklich hoher Wiederspielfaktor. Ein tolles Spiel zum fairen Preis. Danke dafür und von mir eine klare Empfehlung.
1845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 11:53
Wenn man Slay the Spire oder Monster Train mag, wird man diese Spiel lieben!!!
Wesentlich mehr Tiefgang...Überraschungen am Ende...Aufwendige Questlines (zumindest für ein Kartenspiel)...
Coole Karten...Ich glaube 9 Verschiedene Chraraktäre zum durchspielen (wovon sich einige ähneln)...
Meiner Meinung nach der König der Kartengetriebenen Rougelikes...
Ich bin einfach nur Begeistert...10/10????
2812 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 13:25
Die Story ist sehr gut erzählt und es ist auch alles vertont (alles Englisch). Es war auch sehr erfrischend ein Card-Rogue-like mit einer gut Erzählten Story. Laut Road map ist die Story auch noch nicht zu ende erzählt wurden. Speziale Quests sollen auch noch kommen, die die runs nochmal verändern sollen.
Es gibt bisher 5 unterschiedliche Spielbare. 3 Melee Klassen und 2 Magie Klassen. Es soll noch ein Magier und 3 weitere Klassen kommen, wobei hier nichts bekannt ist was es wird. Die Melee Charakter unterscheiden sich auch nur in ihrem Ultimativen Skill, so ist es bei den Magiern auch. Die Karten die ihr nach einem Kampf bekommt sind nur minimal anders. Hier mal ein kurzes Beispiel dafür. Die eine Melee Klasse bekommt immer einen Stack auf die Ulti wenn ihr einen Gegner HP schaden zufügt. Je mehr Stracks ihr habt um so mehr Schaden teilt ihr aus. Natürlich hat dies ein Maximum an Stacks. Oder bei einer anderen Klasse ist es für jeden Schaden den ihr einsteckt bekommt ihr einen Stack auf eurer Ulti. Wenn ihr dann die Ulti nutzt habt ihr für den nächsten Angriff Life Leech, je nach Stacks habt ihr einen höheren %-satz an life leech.
Das Kampfsystem unterscheidet sich nur im geringen von anderen Card-Rogue-like Spielen. Man Spielt eine Karte macht Schaden am Gegner oder Verteidigt sich gegen einen Angriff. Ihr bekommt immer Exp wenn ihr einen Gegner tötet. Wenn ihr genug Exp habt steigt ihr auf. Wow genug Exp bedeutet Level Up, hat keiner mit gerechnet. Mit einem Level Up könnt ihr eine neue Passive Fähigkeit auswählen für euren Charakter. Mit Level 10 und Level 20 könnt ihr eure Ultimative Fähigkeit verbessern. Natürlich alles immer nur für diesen Run.
Das Gameplay ist ja quasi schon beschrieben aber etwas will ich noch erwähnen. Der Mittelpunkt von der Karte auf der ihr euch Bewegt ist euer kleines Dorf. Was am Anfang sehr leer ist, es sind nur leere Hütten da. Diese Npc werdet ihr nach und nach in euren Runs kennenlernen über Events. Manche davon müsst ihr 2 mal treffen das sieh in euer Dorf kommen aber es ist nie mit voraussetzungen geknüpft das die ins Dorf ziehen. Wenn ihr einmal einen neuen NPC im Dorf habt könnt ihr mit diesen Reden und ihren Shop besuchen.
Ich würde gerne mehr drauf eingehen aber das würde den Rahmen vom Review Sprengen.
Der Patch 0.95c hat sehr viele Fehler behoben, was auch nötig war. Wäre der nicht gekommen hätte ich es mit Negativ bewertet. Es war einfach nicht spielbar auf höheren Schwierigkeitsstufen. Aber jetzt ist alles super und man bekommt das Balancing mit.
Ich habe sehr viel Spaß mit dem Spiel und freue mich auch auf die 4 neuen Charakter und wie es weiter geht mit der Story. Für mich eine Empfehlung.
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Nicht Empfohlen
130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 18:59
What i personally disliked was the repetetiveness of the game, the map is pretty much always the same with the same things to do and so on. Characters didnt really feel so different from each other and although the cards being cool, theyre not very many of it; mostly playing with the same. Enemies are also acting very simple and arent being a threat on lower runs until they are simply out-statting you.
Got bored of that kinda fast.
Now the good sides of it :
-Solid Graphics
-Decent Animations
-Good Framerate
-GREAT Danish Songs in battles, that one really immersed me at some points
Overall an interesting game with solid basics although not enough content to keep me playing it for a longer time
Also the price feels definetely too much, under 5 i would consider keeping it for playing it from time to time.
Nicht Empfohlen
80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 17:52
- Idee mit den Karten und Items ganz ok
- wohl designed für Tablett und Handy
- Story auch recht spannend, aber nicht tiefgreifend
- (aktuell) zu mindest zu schwer - schlechte Balance
- keine individuellen Saves
- Spiel schnell zu Ende, weil man schon bei trivialen Gegnern total unterlegen ist
- zufällige Karten können einem den Gar aus machen
- zu wenige LP
- Gegner Fähigkeiten unbekannt
- kein tiefgreifendes RPG, minimale Characterentwicklung
- ...
Aktuell für mich nicht empfehlenswert und wohl auch nicht für RPG Spieler gedacht, sonder für Looter die nicht groß in eine Geschichte eintauchen wollen. Damit wohl für mich ein Fehlkauf.
353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.20 16:48
163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 20:10
Aber das macht das Spiel ja aus. Eine tolle Stimmung wird auch erzeugt.
Mir gefallen die Kämpfe mit den Karten - alles in allem macht es mir momentan richtig viel Spaß.
635 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 08:17
- Innovativer Mix aus RPG, Card-Deck, rundenbasierter Strategie
- Hoher Wiederspielwert im Conquest-Modus (rogue-like)
- Spannende Story und interessanter Story-Modus
- Stimmiger Soundtrack und professionelle Audio-Lokalisation
- Durchdachte Kampfmechanik, trotz Early Access Status
- Ästhetisches Artdesign und sehr gute Optik
Tatsächlich keine. Das Spiel ist selbst im Early Access Status stabil und wirkt mehr wie eine Beta, als wie eine Alpha. Ein Umstand, der nicht allzu häufig bei Early Access Titeln vorzufinden ist.
Natürlich ist der Titel noch nicht fertig...Stichwort: Story-Modus, generelles Balancing und die deutsche Lokalisation.
Allerdings wirkt der Kern des Spiels bereits sehr ausgearbeitet und der Rest ist nur noch Makulatur.
Tainted Grail ist ein überraschend gutes rundenbasiertes RPG mit interessanten Mechaniken innerhalb des Card-Deck Kampfsystems. Trotz Early Access Status wirkt es bereits jetzt schon poliert und gerade der Conquest-Modus bietet das Potenzial um viel Zeit in das Spiel zu versenken. Stand heute: Juni 2020 ist der Kampagnen- aka Story-Modus auf ca. 3 Stunden begrenzt. Der Story Modus wird bis zum Release jedoch, lt. Devs, weiter ausgebaut werden.
Die Story bedient sich geschickt germanischer Mythologien und verwebt das Ganze mit der Sage um König Artus und der Sagen umwobenen Insel Avalon. Der Soundtrack ist wunderbar gelungen und addiert sich zur düsteren Atmosphäre dazu Die Audio-Lokalisation und die Sprecher-Auswahl lasssen keine Wünsche übrig. Es gibt diverse Entscheidungsfreiheiten, sei es in der Wahl der Quests oder in den Dialogen. Die NPCs sind wunderbar audio-lokalisiert und der Text ist sehr gut geschrieben. Tainted Grail führt die Spieler bereits jetzt schon gut in die Mechaniken des Spiels ein und man merkt dem Titel an, dass das gesamte Game-Design sehr gut durchdacht ist.
Fans von RPGs und rundenbasierten Card-Deck Spielen kann ich diesen Titel bereits jetzt schon - trotz Early Access Status, ans Herz legen. Wäre der Story-Modus bereits komplett, würde ich nicht merken, dass es sich hierbei um einen Early Access Titel handelt. Ich bin sehr gespannt wie sich Tainted Grail weiterentwickelt!
Hier könnt ihr euch meine Eindrücke in Videoform anschauen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMoaNo1rHOU
774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.20 04:30
First of all there are 2 different modes - Conquest (rougelike) and a campaign mode.
Campaign mode: I really love the immersion and feeling it creates. You learn alot about the backstory of the game and you are able to make decisions. I am not 100% sure how much impact these decisions have in the later game and thus it will be all speculations. Based on the boardgame they should have an impact though.
The difficulty for the campaign mode is too easy right now - but it is an early access review and the devs have already said that they work at the finetuning (difficulty wise).
Conquest: You will die. Alot. And to be honest it felt kinda harsh at the beginning. The game has a learning curve you have to overcome. The first expierences are kinda harsh - but they motivated me on the other hand. The decisions you make during your playthrough have consequences in your later runs.
What I do not like about this game:
If you know the board games card mechanic the PC game does not feel like Tainted Grail (does not count for the campaing mode) I absolutely love the board game mechanic and cannot understand why they didn't implement it in the game.
I would like to have more posibilites to manipulate my deck.
Strongpoints are the atmosphere they create via storytelling, voiceover and the music. Especially the bossfight music is epic.
7/10 with potential to get even better - remember this is an early access review.
3210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.22 05:25
797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.22 01:39
124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 20:23
Nicht Empfohlen
1149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 17:04
Heroes shouldn't get worse as you unlock more cards for them. lol.
3840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 19:40
1451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 16:21
Overall the game is great though! The atmosphere is great and the music is awesome. The gameplay is where the game really shines with plenty of classes and combos.
572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 17:04
2318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 20:26
It's a card game that is also an adventure game. There is a plot that is not that great and maybe a little too confusing at times. Overall the plot is not very engaging and could get a little polish through a better quest system or something that does a slightly better job, in helping you track down where's what. It's kinda like dark souls as far as the plot goes, meaning it seems really vague and nonexistent, but there is something.
And on that note what this game nails is the amazing exploration that dark souls has provided us with. Going out in the wyrdness where everything is blurry and you can see as far as your torch permits. Totally nailed the exploration part. Another game that really comes to mind playing this game is Slay The Spire.
Can you image Slay The Spire having amazing visuals, epic music, a grim atmosphere, grotesque monsters and a real map to go around and explore? You can now. Tainted Grail is like you got Slay The Spire and made it for adults.
The actual card game gameplay has a few bumps but depending on the class you play it may feel perfect or totally confusing. Cards seem pretty balanced, enemy mechanics are interesting and have a smooth learning curve, all in all it feels right as a card game. BUT.
There are classes that are more straightforward and feel more powerful and simple and other classes that are a real headache to grasp and understand their mechanics. The worse part is after playing about 20 hours I found out that the simpler, better and stronger classes get unlocked at later stages in the game. And this seems like a bad thing to me. I believe it should be the other way around, first get the simpler classes that feel more powerful, beat the game, crush it and then let's try something else for a change or even a challenge. Sadly the class problems do not stop here.
In an effort to provide diversity and a generous range of class options the game just does the old Mortal Kombat trick. Sub zero is the blue ninja, scorpion is the yellow ninja and reptile is the green ninja. Similarly in this game there are 3 classes of summoners that are almost identical. In conclusion this is so promising for the future of card games, i like so many things about this game and most of them could possibly get better through a DLC or expansion
1663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.22 09:04
2624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 04:58
2573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 06:26
1985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 21:55
2024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 01:20
It feels like a mix between Darkest Dungeon (the light mechanic) and Slay The Spire
The voice acting and art are amazingly well done
It has a wonderful soundtrack
The different classes offer a lot of variety for each run and the progression feels well paced
Highly recommended if you're into deck building games
1289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 23:04
It's all so much more than I thought it was. The gameplay itself is incredible. Tons of classes to choose from, open world feel going into turn based card-style battles giving me half slay the spire half old school final fantasy vibes.
The game is difficult with a learning curve, the difficulty progresses as you beat it in true roguelike fashion. You really can end a great run if you slip up a few times. I've always loved games that don't handhold.
The aesthetic is INCREDIBLE. They really nailed the creepy/aetherial/otherwordly vibe without it going over the top. The monsters are aweseome and gruesome, but not gross. A hard line to find.
The VOICE ACTING is TOP TIER. I havent played a game with voice acting so good in ages, where did you guys find all these talented people? holy hell. Literally every voice feels like a AAA voice actor.
I've only played 15 hours at this point (in basically 1 day btw, couldnt put it down) but the replayability seems good, and so far the classes all feel deeply unique and interesting, some of them being new concepts i've never seen before (spirit archer whats up?) which is itself pretty cool. The other imaginings of the classes feel distinct and fun, offering tons of ways to play the game.
I almost never leave steam reviews, I'm admittedly lazy and generally don't feel like it matters. But this game blew me away. Once of my favorite games in ages.
5158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 19:36
The only issue is that I do not like the story. Well, I don't know if it's the story that annoys me, or the voice acting. But there's something here that needs improvement.
9580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 14:18
I must admit, I'm a total noob on deck builders and rogue-likes and discovered this gem by incident. The graphical style got me, so I purchased it while on sale. It was waaay down on my shopping list, but I got a few bucks to spare.
Damn, I was addicted from the very beginning! Did not see that coming. Surprise purchase of the year for sure.
Every run is different, the quests are very well written (and spoken), the whole atmosphere is so intense. NPCs are fleshed out and memorable. So much to discover. Cool gameplay mechanics, awesome soundtrack as well. It's a piece of art, really. You just feel the love that has been put into this product.
Why am I still playing? I love experimenting with different builds and setups. The more you play, the more possibilities open up. How your character turns out during a run and how well a build is functioning is what still keeps me interested.
One thing to notice: The camera is a little fiddly at times, especially when you have a lot of cards and minions on screen. It CAN get annoying, but that's just a minor issue.
So, if you are still wondering if this is for you: Give it a shot, you won't regret it! At the very least, put it on your list and grab it on sale. You deserve to play this. Don't miss out on this one!
1096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 02:35
643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 08:10
4162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 02:20
The game ultimately is more rogue-lite than either StS or MT so--for better and worse--it becomes much easier to complete a run with each subsequent run.
3862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 14:57
4064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 06:50
Yes to the gameplay. Categorically yes to the replayability.
Yes to the graphics. Categorically yes to the story.
Yes to this game, and whatever else it has to offer since I've yet to finish it (20 hrs of gameplay in 3-4 days...)
Do I recommend this?
Hmmmmm.....I wonder. From now on whatever these guys are selling, I'm buying it anyway. (including the board game with all the expansions which I have)
2652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 10:34
Tainted grail is the best one that combines the story and the roguelike element. It provides extra layer of motivation to keep playing again and again. Lots of similar games only have plain conversions, which just add a little flavor to the game play. Here, the story telling is the main part. Deck building mechanism is not as special as Monster train but is still well designed.
Insanely great atmosphere. Every conversion is voiced and every card is animated. The best in this genre.
Art work-- masterpiece in this genre.
Interesting gameplay. There are enough combinations, synergies to keep every game plays differently.
The Soul-like story blends with the roguelike mechanism very well (also the best in this genre). The quest system is brilliant. Unlike Griftland, Tainted Grail provides much tighter and cohesive experience, which makes you want to play next game to see how the story goes.
Not meaningful exploration element. It's only fun in the first few runs.
Enemy types or combinations are not enough. It feels like I have thousand ways to solve only a dozen challenges.
All in all, Tainted Grail is a great game. Definitely worth the money.
873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 12:14
6077 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 22:06
Full review
Tainted Grail is set is a small isolated village, surrounded by a magical darkness, known as the Wyrdness. Your character (portrayed in 3D, 3rd person) ventures out to deal with the monsters that lurk outside the safety of the village stockade and, in doing so, rescues villagers, recovers treasure and learns clues about the fate of the world. It is a fairly light story line, but it is still compelling. The Arthurian-elements of this game are passing references only, but
The card mechanics are creative, with a lot of variation. There are elements of chance, but you feel like you have choices and can make progress through clever tactics and astute deck building. Unlike other games, this one doesn't make you feel like you are the victim of a random-number-generator. However, you can gain some modicum of progress through hard-slogging through it too, so you can accumulate collective wealth and skills to sustain your endeavours until you figure out a workable strategy to get past any challenges. There are multiple difficulty levels and you can adjust on each run-through stage to your liking.
The graphics are good, with plenty of options. The card artwork, with micro-animations, is sublime. Much of it is voice-acted, and the voice acting is pretty good (the odd mis-pronounced word, but nothing major). It flows well, and you can skip past it and just read the text if you wish. The music is good although, perhaps some more would be better... you do start to hear the same tracks over and over, once you played it for a while. But I've not found the need to switch the music to zero yet.
There are different character classes that you can unlock. The classes are VERY different. And you don't have to do them sequentially, so you can chop and change between them to find one that suits your play-style. The starting class seemed one of the harder ones, but perhaps that's just because I was still getting used to the mechanics.
Replay value is good. There are 3 levels per playthrough, but with 9 different character classes, there are at least 27 levels of game play. I'm not much of a card-game player, but I managed to get through the first class in about 20 hours of playtime. I''ve now about 70 hours, and I'm still enjoying it.
A visceral, macabre atmosphere (so not really suitable for sensitive or younger players). I don't know why, but I was expecting something like Darkest Dungeon, but this is very different (both are good!). Quality is superb. This is a really polished piece of software. I've not had a single crash yet. I definitely recommend this game.
1026 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 02:44
4714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 20:45
Slay the Spire's demonic older brother...
I've completed several runs with nearly all the different classes, and can honestly say that this game is exceptional... it has everything that made Slay the Spire (StS) great, and then some! Few games in this genre are equal or better than StS (believe me, I've played them all, Banners of Ruin, Neoverse, RogueLords, Iratus, etc.), but Tainted Grail truly exceeds the benchmark set by StS. This game not only gives you MUCH better graphics than StS does, but it also gives WAY more freedom.
Pros: #1. The entire game is voiced (and WELL I might add)
#2. Combat is extremely fast (animations are fast, with no unnecessary time wasters)
#3. Very good graphics (especially for these types of games)
#4. The cards' artwork are all animated (and WELL animated I might add)
#5. You can walk around and explore the world in 3rd-person
#6. Unlike many of these 'Slay the Spire' games, in this game, you can explore an entire section of the map, before fighting the boss (or, you can literally skip ALL the encounters and go straight to the boss if you got big enough balls). This give you MUCH more freedom than in similar games, it's just a question of how far you will push your luck.
#7. Loads into the game extremely fast
#8. There's a few songs that really slapp
#9. At just $20, the game is really cheap
Cons: #1. The enemies' attack order isn't shown
Overall, this is a bloody great game. Honestly better than StS imo. It is exceptionally cheap for what is on offer and it does everything that you'd expect from a StS-like game, and so much more. I can wholeheartedly recommend this game without any reservations. If you like these types of StS-like games, then this will be a 10/10 addition to your Steam library!
Here's 4 hours of raw gameplay: https://youtu.be/lD51K6zDkWU
My wishlisted games if you wanna be a bro: https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/lfpg
For more reviews, visit my curator page: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/7851637/
6244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 16:05
Nicht Empfohlen
1117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 03:58
While I am enjoying the game, I am not recommending it for the sole reason that the optimization is so bad, that you can only see half of the animations of almost all attacks due to frame skips. if the developers can't be bothered to fix this, then people shouldn't be bothered to buy this as well.
EDIT (Post 1.2 patch): The latest patch DOES NOT even touch optimization. The game still stutters a lot when combat, non-basic attack moves initiate, and when a combat session ends, EVERYTIME. Loading is still iffy (not too much of an issue, this one).
I think devs should stop releasing content and optimize what they have first before releasing content.
2449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 23:25
Nicht Empfohlen
1249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 17:03
Each play-through you are supposed to defeat the same 3 bosses and then your choice of an easy final boss or a harder one. It does get very repetitive, however there are many things to unlock which gives you a purpose to keep playing I suppose.
In fact, I would probably have liked to play more if it weren't for all the crashes I experienced. The game is very poorly optimized and crashes a lot. I turned everything to the lowest possible settings and turned off some of their more demanding features which helped me get more time without crashing but the game would still eventually crash without fail. If the game was not so poorly optimized and ran more smoothly I would probably have recommended to try it anyway. But as it stands do yourself a favor and stay away from this title.
TL;DR: A passable game which might have been an OK way to pass the time, but is too badly optimized and may crash too often to have any sort of enjoyment.
1115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 20:02
???? Played on Surface Pro 7+ (i5-1135G7/16GB/IrisXe)
???? 720p/50-60FPS/Low
???? I get major pixel artifacts on medium/high setting but not on low
???? Story:
???? Arthurian Grimdark Fantasy setting
???? I like the writing
???? The story and lore is pretty good
???? Gameplay:
???? Deck-building Roguelite hybrid
???? Explore randomly generated maps
???? 9 classes to unlock with different play styles
???? Rescue NPCs and recruit them for your village
???? Recued NPCs unlock stores and permanent unlocks
???? Quests are continued over multiple runs
???? Graphics:
???? Grimdark 3D graphics
???? Audio
???? Very nice atmospheric ambient music
???? All the main npcs are fully voiced with good voice cast
???? Excellent narration by Emma Powell
???? Note:
I love everything about this game ❤
6418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 06:17
my only suggestion to the developers - when you do 3d graphics you do it for the 'looks', and if you do so - polish the looks. we would use more combat animations, make it bit more flashy, otherwise youd be way better with regular 2d graphics making the game more readable, and most probably easier to do.
anyway, im getting back to do another run
2794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 20:59
A quick way to describe the game would be “Slay The Spire / Monster Train with more story focus”.
You start each run in a village which is located at the centre of the Wyrdness. The village has three exits, each leading to separate areas where you’ll need to fight monsters, talk to NPCs and help them with quests, and kill a powerful boss monster. After defeating all three bosses, you’ll be able to fight the final boss.
Your overall goal is to complete quests to save the souls of all the characters trapped in the Wyrdness. Some characters can be recruited to join your village, and will let you spend various resources to buy permanent upgrades to things like health, armour, consumable item strength, and number of cards drawn each turn.
Important quest items, and resources needed to buy upgrades, stay in your inventory after the end of a run, whether you won or died. Quest progress also continues across multiple runs, so you don’t keep repeating the same conversations over and over again. I made steady progress during the first 30 hours, whether it was advancing a quest or buying an upgrade.
I like how the developers were able to use the story of this place you can’t escape from, even in death, to explain the roguelite game structure of dying and starting again. Voice acting is also good for most NPCs and the narrator.
Character classes
Each time you start a new run, you can change your character’s class, and there are 9 to choose from. Each class has a basic combat style (melee, archer, mage) which determines which cards you can use during combat, and then each class has different special abilities, giving them a unique playing style.
For example, while each mage focuses on summoning minions, the Summoner can promote minions to high levels and apply several buffs to make them extremely powerful, whereas the Blood Mage’s minions automatically die after a few turns, but they can be sacrificed to restore the Blood Mage’s health.
Each class has a unique ultimate ability which charges up during a fight, and when activated will either do massive damage, or give you some other special bonus such as the Berserker gaining life steal on every attack during that turn.
If you’ve played other deckbuilders, the basic combat system will be familiar. During each turn of combat, cards representing attacks, defends, or special abilities, are randomly drawn from your deck and cost energy to play. You can see what action the monsters will take on their turn, so you can plan your tactics accordingly.
Tainted Grail has a strong focus on status effects such as attack strength and armour strength, both of which have a big influence on how much damage is actually dealt, and you’ll find many cards or consumable items to buff your character or debuff enemies. You’ll also find runestones which slot into your weapon and armour and give bonuses such as healing after every fight, damaging enemies at the end of every turn, or increasing your strength/armour.
During combat you’ll occasionally draw cards relating to the Wyrdness, which will either do something this turn if you spend the energy to play the card, or next turn if you don’t play the card. By default these are curse cards which give negative effects such as increasing enemy armour or damaging your health. However, if you light Wyrd candles, which can be found as combat rewards or bought from merchants, these cards will give positive effects such as a powerful attack this turn or reducing the energy cost of a random card next turn.
My one negative about the game is its technical performance, even after the recent release of patch version 1.1 which only provided a minor improvement. I’ve had to put all graphics settings at medium or low and I still don’t get a stable 60 FPS.
Admittedly my PC is getting fairly old now (i7-6700K 4Ghz, 16GB ram, GTX 1080 8GB vram) but it gets better performance in every other game I’ve played recently. I’m not sure why this turn based card game should be more demanding than some open world action games or fast paced first person shooters.
If you enjoy the roguelite deckbuilder genre, I definitely give a strong recommendation to Tainted Grail: Conquest. The combat is very tactical, the increased focus on story and quests is good, and the visual design of the monsters is interesting. You might want to wait for more patches to improve performance, but otherwise there’s enough content to justify buying at full price.
1753 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 16:17
I also love the passives and the cards and mechanics. Really lets you play the game your way.
1318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 08:03
Looking at a few of these aspects in a bit more detail, the first thing I'd like to mention is the class system. There are 9 classes, which amount to essentially 3 main classes, or factions, which have 3 sub-classes each. The 3 sub-classes play essentially exactly the same as one another, which I was a little disappointed with at first, but I think as long as you know to expect this it's not such a big deal. Also, the 3 factions are so vastly different and have such unique strategies that I really think this remains a strong positive.
Character customisation is there, and is fairly nice, but class changes your appearance so drastically that it actually doesn't feel like you have the same character throughout. Not a big deal, it's not what the game is really about.
The deck building component is great in my opinion! Card unlocks come frequently enough that your deck stays fresh, and you can end up bogged down with cards you don't need anymore, which ups the challenge. You are definitely encouraged to trim and refine. Frequent passive upgrades also encourage you to work on a build and style particular to the way you like to play, which is nice! Personally I don't enjoy min-maxing/ optimal builds, and would rather lean more into the RP side, so this was a big plus.
I touched on it briefly but by Zeus this deserves a separate mention. THE UNLOCKS! Amazing. Truly amazing. It's so rare these days to find a game that actually feels like it WANTS you to play it. This one? It has carrots to dangle galore. It's not stingy with them either! Even a crap run will get you a host of new cards and skills, even the odd cosmetic piece, and yet when you check your progress you'll find there is still a tin to still get! I love this. It's rewarding, it's satisfying, and it sets you up to have a totally different game the next time, even if you play the same class.
I will quickly note my one gripe, which is that the environments are bland, and unfortunately barely distinguishable from one another. There are cool NPC encounters as you wander around, and some items to find etc., but the maps may as well just be a corridor with scripted events between fights, because really that's the formula. Fight a bad guy, talk to the NPC they were standing next to, walk five paces, rinse and repeat.
Off the back of the above criticism, I will say that the flavour text is very nice. Sure the quests feel a bit shoe-horned in, seeing as you're never really in control of what you do when, but it is a welcome distraction between railing on monsters.
Oh! That reminds me, enemy and character design/ art is top notch! There aren't a ton of different enemies, but they are all beautifully crafted. They also have entirely unique fighting styles, which are not only interesting but also result in some devastating combinations.
I have more to say but I have definitely gushed long enough. Fantastic game in my opinion, and exactly what I was after. If you like any Slay the Spire type games (I'm playing this off the back of Banners of Ruin) or even Diablo-esque dungeon crawlers, I suspect you will enjoy this.
Now if you you'll excuse me, I just unlocked a wolf companion who urgently needs petting.
1172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 17:58
Just open up a bottle of Met and play some cards.
The Music and Art-Style alone is totally worth the money.
I really really love the dark and gritty atmosphere here. Don´t care if there are some balancing problems here or some flaws there.......I love it !
5910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 15:17
The Devs have done a great job at creating a challenging roguelike with a huge amount of story built in (you'll discover more every time you play). The game has evolved a lot over time and I've never seen a dev team interact with the community quite as much as this one. They listened to our ideas, implemented them and quickly fixed and balanced any issues reported to them.
For the majority of the player base, the game is designed to beat you at first. It is intentionally difficult. As you play more runs you'll learn more, unlock more and generally find the game easier. However beating the game once is only the beginning. Enemies and encounters in this game change as the difficulty increases. The enemies don't just get bonus stats, they gain new abilities and this adds another layer of replayability.
For players that want a less punishing experience the devs also created 'story mode'. This game mode is still rewarding to play, but reduces the difficulty significantly to allow for a more casual playstyle. While competitive players can also choose to show off their builds by fighting for the #1 spot on the damage leaderboards (unlocked later in the game).
No matter your playstyle this game will always surprise you with additional story elements. The devs didn't want this game to just be another roguelike, they wanted to create a world you can interact with, where your decisions have consequences.
Overall I highly recommend this game.
- 9 unique classes.
- Over 50 NPC events / encounters.
- Over 300 passive skills.
- Over 400 ability cards.
- Over 100,000 words (story/text).
- Endless replayability.
4149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 09:46
Now with 9 classes to help tear through the beasts that Norwegians deal with on a daily basis! (Well, 8 classes and one hard mode character, but most folk know to not play the pathfinder.)
Seriously though: Game's great, but the music is just in an incredible class of its own. It's so rare I get a game where I don't turn the music off after an hour of playing. I'm at ~34 hours now and still find the music just awesome for these encounters with the local wildlife
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700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 05:14
8814 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 15:06
I am 76 yrs old so their are others out there that could write a better review.but lets say I am hooked on this and can wait for the second part.
961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 14:58
1. Love the dark sinister medieval theme, awesome soundtrack.
2. Interesting spin on the Slay the Spire combat formula which keeps everything different.
3. There is a fair amount of story for a rogue-lite, deck builder game which is mysterious and intriguing
4. 6 Classes in total at the time of this review, all with completely different play styles.
5. I was really shocked that there was character customisation for appearance in this game and they give a good amount of options to cater your character to your tastes.
1. The game seems a bit easy at the lower corruption levels, so may need to complete the game a few times to reach the higher difficulties.
2. Experienced some FPS drops and crashes whilst playing.
3. Game mechanics can be quite vague.
4. Early access: fair amount of bugs, typos and not completely voice acted yet.
I have really enjoyed all my playthroughs so far in this game, it's pretty fun building the ultimate deck to fit your class and watching it work like poetry in motion. I found the last boss fight a massive anticlimax, since you spend the whole game building the ultimate deck to face a boss that can't take any damage at all. Not very satisfying.
First impression of this game 4/5
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367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 21:11
This is not that. This isn't even close. Rather than leaning into the beautiful painterly artworks and tactile and satisfying exploration of the world by revealing cards and placing Menhirs of the source material, the developers instead opted to invest in a clunky 3d world that is in service of neither the gameplay nor the world. By seeking to render the world they've instead reduced it to narrow passages and frankly unimpressive character and monster models. Why go this route? Why not lean into the masterful design of the source material (which, by the way, is not too dissimilar from competition like Slay the Spire) and opt for a crude 3d space? I honestly don't know, but it's a miserable blunder.
Okay, so maybe you don't care that the game looks and handles like a modded copy of Neverwinter Nights - it's a deck-builder - it can't be that bad, right? The deck-building in Tainted Grail: Digital Edition isn't atrocious. It's not good. It's not awful. You know what has much much better card based gameplay though? The actual Tainted Grail board game. Tainted Grail (board game) features connecting sockets on the side of every card to activate effects. By default you can only play a single card per turn, but you can chain additional cards so long as you're able to connect the appropriate icon. It's a clever resource management puzzle built into the cards themselves, and is incredibly fun, satisfying, and deep. The game combines this system with your out-of-encounter character progression that enables you to take advantage of more of these sockets, unlock options within combat, equip gear that provides boosts and defensive actions during combat, etc etc. It's fantastic. It's brilliant. Just thinking about it makes me want to play it.
Tainted Grail: The Video Game threw that away. It actually had it a while back in the earliest edition of the game. They dropped it in favor a derivative Slay the Spire style attack / block / 3 energy per turn model with a minor secondary resource. The system is dull, the archetypes are all pretty lame, and the card design never rises above what you, myself, or anyone else can probably come up with if asked to design a card within that scope of parameters. This one gives you more block but costs 2 instead of 1. That one does less damage and hits a few targets. This one makes you yawn and close the game.
Just why? There weren't enough of these on the market? The source material was too difficult for the devs to design more content for?
This game isn't offensively bad. It's mediocre. It has a Diablo inspired gem system for crafting passive benefits for your character which isn't original but was moderately satisfying. The script for events and encounters are all fine. It has nice loading screen artwork.
This game could have been so much more. With how difficult it is to obtain the board game, this was the perfect opportunity to share all Tainted Grail has to offer with a wider audience of deck-building fans. Instead the developers opted for a derivative clunky mess.
988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 23:03
Runes – Mediocre
These seem a lot cooler than they actually are. You start with one weapon and one armor slot and can theoretically unlock up to 3 slots of each. Each rune type has two effects, one of which will take effect at a time based on the slot you place it in. You can combine multiple runes of the same type to make stronger runes. At first it seems like there are a lot of possible builds which would utilize different runes and that's exciting. What it ends up boiling down to, however, is that there are a handful of runes that are crazy strong and the rest tend to be very weak by comparison. You're going to find a ton of runes over the course of a run and because the pool of rune types is small, I never had any trouble gathering the ones I wanted. There will be variance in the Mythical tier as you will generally only find 1-2 in a run and a couple of them can massively overpower a build/playstyle. There is a random encounter mechanic which allows you to open more slots which is very useful (so you can pack in more of the same runes) and because it often weighted against removing cards from your deck, I don't have multiple slots often.
Usable items – Good enough
These are about as good as potions in StS. Diverse effects, upgradeable through an unlockable NPC. Due to the general imbalance in the game, I didn’t use these very often outside of the early game of a run. They don’t add a ton to the game but I’m glad they’re there. It is nice when special events interact with your inventory, it helps add a little more connection between your character and world around him.
Passives – Good-Great
These are half the game. There a lot of very interesting passives they are the exciting part of leveling up. They often define your build and play style. The big difference between StS relics and here is there seem to be a lot less passives overall but the generally have more of an impact. The mechanic of constantly being able to pick them out of a smaller pool means you will be going for a lot of the same ones playing a character multiple time. It’s still enjoyable but the once you know the whole pool it can feel a little shallow.
Deckbuilding – Good enough
This are not, in my opinion, where the game shines which is weird to say in a deckbuilding game. There are some neat cards but through the over prevalence of card removal mechanics (through an unlockable npc in town, frequently an option during special events and 2 after killing the each of the first 3 bosses) you don’t have much of a reason to use most of them. You assemble an engine which draws out your deck every turn, with virtually every class, and create a combination of broken effects to generate massive damage, negate enemy attacks, stack hoards of debuffs, etc. There are quest cards which you have to do various things to unlock in their useful forms. There are a small number of powerful ones, slightly more/less depending on your build/class, and the rest aren’t worth the space in your deck. This concept of cards not being worth the space is a constant issue and kills what should be a more dynamic experience. There should always be overpowered and underpowered cards, that keeps things interesting and it is a lot of fun figuring out the best choice in the available options. The dynamic that while many cards are mediocre, your starting deck is always trash should make you wonder if you add in a mediocre card since most of your other cards are worse? In here, the answer is usually no. You only add in cards which fit in your specific, drawable each turn engine and you skip everything else. Sometimes you have the handful of cards you need during the first area and will not even look at the options the rest of the game. For this aspect to take off, we need more cards, a little rebalancing on a few and mainly a reduction in card removal/incentive to take more cards.
Balance – Poor
Mainly for the reasons stated in Deckbuilding, you can readily assemble an engine that breaks the game fairly quickly in most runs. Each class I’ve played has a definitive way to play and you will build towards this repetitively when you figure it out. Other than the starting class, which is just a dull trashy mess. One of the big issues here is the power level of several prominent mechanics. The first and most often abused is stun. 90% of the games enemies/bosses can be stunned, which negates their turn. Using duplication or multiple copies of stun cards with a raw your deck each round engine, you can keep most important enemies, or even large groups, chain stunned. Sometimes you will stack stun 4-5 times in a single turn to keep them locked long into their deaths. This is a mechanic that tends to trivialize content and will aid any given class until it gets massive damage combos rolling. The next silly set of cards are the enemy damage reduction 50% cards. If you hit your opponents with two of these, instead of adding more turns to the effect, they stack and reduce your opponents damage to 1 point. This is as good as a stun, works on everything in the game and in the case of summoner classes comes with the added effect of greatly amplifying your damage. Lastly, armor is quite easy to stack and cap at 75% with runes or cards. I really only bothered with the beserker because he likes to get hit, but realistically the cap should be more fluid, with diminishing returns or with smaller buff values so stacking more of it is difficult.
Graphics/Story – Excellent
This piece blows StS out of the water. The story progresses very slowly, but encounters/dialogue are interesting and so far the writing is consistently good quality. The theme is good and the writing ties in nicely with the graphics. My only gripe here would be that the story is really only experienced by the hardcore players that are going to go on hundreds of runs. After my 10+ hours, all but two of which were wins, I’m still left feeling like not enough has happened but I can’t experience more without slogging through another full playthrough with the same strategies.
I think this game is worth playing, even in its current form. This game sets itself apart from many other games well. It is nothing groundbreaking with most of its’ deckbuilding/cardplay elements, but the theme, writing, graphics, and handful of unique mechanics which I won’t spoil carry it through. I think it has the potential to become a fantastic game when they add more content and address some of the issues present. I think the difficulty is too high to just mess around and you will be required to utilize the variety of broken mechanics to win. If you aren’t the kind of person who figures these out themselves or is willing to check online for guides, I think your longevity will be limited without switching to easy mode (I haven’t tested it, so I won’t comment there). That said, 20$ is a very reasonable price for what’s here and you should know well within the return window whether or not it’s going to be for you.
2456 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 22:07
Very cool deck builder rogue-like RPG legacy game where you build your character until eventual death. But you also build your persistent town options plus improve the stats you start with in the future. Each class you can play feels different (different deck mechanics/ different play style) - I'm really digging the necromancer this play-through - four hours in and going.
The game is just plain FUN.
503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 00:36
As a deckbuilder, there seems to be WAY more customisation even in this very early stage of early access. There are more classes than Slay the Spire, more '?' encounters which in themselves come with a variety of different resolutions and outcomes. There's a base building element which you can grow to unlock more permanent buffs which carry over with each playthrough. Can't wait to sink some more hours in, i'm 100% sure this will be the next big deckbuilder, and more importantly i can't wait to get my hands on the original board game.
Nicht Empfohlen
1807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 21:55
Basically a single run consists of you playing through 3 stages, collecting cards, runestones for armor and weapon slots and passive skills, beating the boss of each stage to unlock the next - very similar to Slay the Spire. Once you beat all 3 stages you fight the final boss. The final boss never dies but you have to survive for 15 turns and do as much damage as possible to him in that time - the damage you do determines your final score, which is used for ranking on the leaderboards.
All of the character classes play much differently from one another and are divided into 2 main groups of 3 classes each. Warrior group classes are solo and rely on themselves for damage and healing, Mage group classes use summons for combat and healing.
In my experience a single run takes close to 3 hours to complete, which is much longer than the 40-60 minutes a typical Slay the Spire run takes.
All in all, it's fun to discover and explore the world, unlock new skills and cards and see how broken or OP you can make your build. But all that said, it is very much in early access and is still missing a lot of balance and polish passes. I do not recommend the game at this time due to the EA nature of the game, and its many bugs and poor optimization, but once it is a complete product hopefully it will be polished enough to whole-heartedly recommend.
-original grimdark setting
-fun, addictive core gameplay loop
-runestone system adds a lot of diversity and strategy to builds
-sense of exploration and discovery
-music is superb
-shows promising potential of being a great game
-movement controls on the overland map are a clunky mess. game would be better served having a 2D overworld map to traverse, the 3D environment does nothing to enhance the game
-speaking of the 3D environment, the game is very poorly optimized and very demanding of resources for what could easily be a 2D game. GPU is often at 100% load...not even Cyberpunk2077 on Ultra does that to my GPU! This kind of load for a muddy, not very attractive game is unacceptable.
-the game screams EARLY ACCESS with many typos, spelling mistakes, inconsistent or missing dialogue/voicework, NPCs under construction and balance issues popping up all over the place
-similar to the atrocious movement controls, the camera is an even bigger mess. It doesn't auto-follow the character and will often glitch out, centering itself in the middle of the forest leaving you unable to see or move your character
-Wyrdness mechanic seems half-baked - I find there's little reason to burn wyrd candles
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2919 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 17:18
I enjoyed most of the time I played, but right now I am at the point where I don't see any replay value anymore. And that just shouldn't happen so soon with a Slay the Spire-like game.
So, no recommendation for now. Let's see if it improves.
16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 18:31
A grim-as-shit tale of King Arthur card battler was not something I knew I needed in my life but this game seems to be fully my speed. The VA work is top shelf so far and the goofy 3rd person controls will hopefully be sorted out a bit before release. Not a dealbreaker, just not very effortless in current form.
Lots of comments about how this is a good game for people that like Slay the Spire but that's just a bit broad. If those comparisons are invoked because both games have...ya know cards in them, then sure that's accurate. But Slay is a bit more symbiotic with its approach to the cards and at no point is STS trying to be an RPG which allows itself such freedoms. But 'being an RPG' is what Tainted Grail is actually nailing pretty well. So it really is like comparing two very different things.
I'd say this is a better fit for people who are into Bard's Tale 4 or Operencia: The Stolen Sun, more than a card game only like Slay (or any of those). But it would make perfect sense if someone that liked STS liked this too, though. Can't wait to see the finished product here soon.
1157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 00:48
I'm also very impressed with the work done so far by Awaken Realms Digital as a company and team. Other Early Access game developers need to take note, the amount of communication and progress I've witnessed since purchase on this future master piece of a game is truly impressive. I wish you all the merriest of holidays and I hope you all receive fat bonuses and lots of praise, well deserved and well done! Thank you!
25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 17:51
I've changed my review to recommended, as I do think the developers will address the optimization issues I encountered. I think this game will be amazing, and if you have a newer / better video card than I do, you may not have as much of a problem.
My video card is a GTX 1060.
47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 01:27
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240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 08:07
Graphics are not. Had to use mini map to navigate some paths. Just seems like N64 graphics (on ULTRA), we can do better now. Honestly would prefer a 2D setting to this.
Theme is cool, but you stop really caring to vague descriptions of events. Maybe it improves farther down but my interest is gone 4 hours in.
Summoners are unstoppable but too slow. Stopped run while winning every fight easily because it just takes so damn long.
Drop Totem. Heal Golem. Buff Totem. Heal Golem. Drop Wyrm. Heal Golem. Buff Wyrm. Heal Golem. Use Wyrm. Win.
World need to be 10x larger, it's one area. Over and over and over with corruption levels increasing.
I want to like it, but certain aspects of the game (Graphics - Run Content - Battle Speed - Balance) are too far behind to give this one a thumbs up.
2308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 16:07
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681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 06:03
2. The gameplay feels rather repetitive in campaign mode just doing different tiers of corruption. I did the first 4 levels of corruption which makes you basically clear the run 4 times and die. It was mostly the same save for a few new cards. a couple classes. But the runs themselves are largely uninteresting since individuals spend a lot of time fighting weak/dumb enemies like rats that are tedious and don't offer interesting engagements/fights.
3. character creation is limited.
4. deck building is shallow compared to aeon's end, mystic vale, dominion, clank, and slay the spire.
I recommend slay the spire over this but if you're burnt out on slay the spire, then consider a board game or a digital board game like aeon's end on steam first before trying this.
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70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 02:49
162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 21:58
First off the bad, the game isn't optimized yet. It is still in early access so that is to be expected. It released only a few months ago to EA so I wasn't expecting it to be the showcase of all things optimization. That said the game runs well enough on my aging I5 running 16GB RAM, an GTX 1060 (3GB), and SSD with settings on low at 1920x1080. The game isn't beautiful but isn't horrible by any means. There is some slight frame drops when in exploring mode but nothing worth really worrying about. It will not cause any game play issues. I did not see any of the load time issues people have comment on. I am wondering if the people that are having such issues are either running under 16GB Ram (what I consider the minimum these days by the time Windows is done with it's cut of the pie) and/or running old HHD instead of SSD. Like I said my processor is an aging i5 from 3 years ago (when it was at the time middle road at best). So I don't think it is graphics or processor related. As far as drivers I am up to date on my drivers and running latest Windows updates.
Okay, as far as the middle road stuff. I am so/so about the exploration part. I understand why Awaken Realms Digital went the way they did. They wanted to be different than other games like Slay the Spire and it's various clones and have a nice 3D / Isometric feel to the getting from one encounter to another. It isn't horrible by any means however compared to the actual enjoyment I had during combat I felt it was a bit of a let down to some extent. Not enough reason not to pick it up, but I can't say that part of the equation sold me on the game.
Now the good. The game is a very well done card game. If you like Slay the Spire, you will most certainly enjoy the mechanics of Tainted Grail I feel. It didn't take a lot to pick up and learn though there are some nice differences to adapt to. I can't speak towards the different classes yet as I started off playing the Summoner and haven't looked back. I enjoy the class and found a pretty good beat to play to. I will not dive too much into the mechanics here because it doesn't dive too far away from the StS type of play style that I will feel that much needs to be talked about.
Now for the great. The Voice acting, Story text and soundtrack. I normally turn off the soundtrack when I am playing games but I LOVE Tainted Grail's soundtrack. Maybe because I am a huge fan of groups like Runahild, Nytt Land, Solstafir and Forndum to name a few but I actually hope, hope, HOPE they release the OST for the game. Great music if you like Celtic, Viking, Germanic type tribal music. The voice acting and story are also top notch and worth the price to play as well.
All in all the game is certain worth it in my book. I picked up for $19 or so while it was on sale but I would in hindsight have paid full price. I can't wait to see where things go from here. I am going to hold off play too much until full release and for the campaign to be stable and know that there will not be any wipes, etc. but I am glad to have already helped support ARD in this venture.
1498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 08:53
1. The music is great. It fits the game theme seamlessly and aids in the immersion.
2. The level of replayability is high
3. Many different ways of applying different tactics
4. Graphics and voicing are top notch.
432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 08:12
thumbs up on the progress although it took a while for this patch to be released ... but wow totally worth it.
1552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 11:14
- dark feel of the world.
- good voice acting.
- nice graphics.
- it is very CPU/GPU demanding, it needs work.
- needs tweaking in balance and difficulty. (too easy)
- paths sometimes are confusing, maybe some sort of lighting will make them more visible.
My overall score 9/10.
I think everyone that likes deck building games should get this title. Good job devs !
239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 18:03
I'll give it a thumbs up for now. It's has an interesting mix of Slay the Spire deck building/battling and open world RPG. You can choose (for the most part) who to battle and who to avoid. It's a bit on the easy side, but it definitely has potential to be really good. Graphically, it's OK. Very serviceable.
The world camera is odd. I'd like a choice to automatically be focused behind me instead of constantly having to rotate, but maybe the devs thought that added more to the environment.
There's some good VA, but still missing for some NPC's.
It looks like there's three classes, similar to StS. There runes that add bonuses to combat for weapons and armor, items for world or battle use.
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 14:06
1. It has Danheim and other great Danish songs in it
2. The exploration is a nice refresher, you actually wander around collecting loot and exploring to find armor, cards, runes and things to improve your base, deck, runes and character
3. The game has a base/upgrade system I havent seen in any other game allowing you a good sense of accomplishment once you complete something
4. The combat classes mixed with the card system and ultimate abilities is an interesting concept that helps keep things fresh in the mix of just playing cards and allows for different tactics based on what class you pick and what cards you acquire
5. The voice acting and choices system is great and makes you think about your actions and the npcs respond appropriately with deep actual voice lines instead of general passive lines
Thats all Ive got so far, Ive only sunk about an hour into it.. Ill update this as I continue to explore and figure out the game more
985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 06:26
Then I played it in conquest mode. Still super absorbing with the same gorgeous visuals and world building but a totally different vibe. No story, and you basically run around killing things (or trying to). This mode is a lot harder. You will probably die a few times, and unlike in other games where death might set you back a save or even a level, Tainted Grail is permadeath. You get kicked back to the beginning and have to make a whole new character. I started out playing a summoner and died in my second battle. I don't like caster characters as much anyway so my next choice was a brawler. I lasted a little longer but died in my third fight. (And these were mini-bosses). Finally I picked Guardian and this was possibly the best choice. Using Guardian I was able to fight way through and beat the final boss (third boss, the lord of serpents). I also had to use the rune several times. In general, I chose passives that favored defense and played well with Guardian's special abilities. This was both an active strategy and a series of lucky guesses. My final boss fight was kinda absurd and honestly went on far too long. The third boss fight happens in four stages. In one of these stages, the boss summons other creatures to fight you. I must have spent AN HOUR killing these little summoned creatures until it finally occurred to me to mouse over the boss. Turns out that you have to reduce the boss to 50% HP in order to stop the summoning cycle. On the one hand, I thought this made sense. On the other hand, I kinda was like...maybe they could have it end after the 100th mini-demon dies? Like how many rounds are you really supposed to survive here?
The other fun/challenging thing about Conquest mode is that overall the big bosses are not the hardest fights in the game. In general, I found any fight where I had more than one enemy on the board to be much harder, so in that sense if you fought several of these prep battles you were usually in good shape (and had leveled up some good passives/etc) by the time you had to deal with a big boss. It's not super easy to find ways to recover health in the game and so you have to be super clever about managing your consumables and using them to strong effect in battles.
Overall great combat mechanics. I probably liked campaign mode a little more because I like a lot of story but this game was good enough that I liked both modes a lot.
1393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 00:43
Tainted Grail
Tainted Grail is an early access roguelike card game that is based off of the board game. This has been a popular genre after Slay the Spire reinvigorated it back in 2017. Now every year we get a handful of games in the genre, and few are up to par with Slay the Spire. Now let's take an early access dive and see if Tainted Grail can live up to its inspiration.
Story & Characters
The story in Tainted Grail is very early in development, but what is there has me wanting more. Rather than most roguelikes where the story is an afterthought, in Tainted Grail it takes a front seat. It is written by Krzysztof Piskorski who is known for his work on the Tainted Grail board games, and a critically acclaimed Polish fantasy and science fiction writer. So far in early access the story can be completed in roughly three hours and gives us a glimpse of hope for the final narrative. At the moment the story is in its infancy, but the three hours of champaign it does offer is fully voice lined and has me interested to see where it will lead. It certainly has promise, but at the moment there is just too little offered to keep me invested.
Throughout story and conquest mode you will meet numerous friends and foes. The characters you will meet are full voice acted, and filled with personality. Venturing deep in the wilds you will find stragglers who have their own tale to tell, and never leave you disappointed. While many of the people you meet are not involved in the narrative, there are a few that will enhance the lore and world building.
Story & Characters rating: 7/10
The combat at its core holds close to home, there are many synergies to find and powerful cards to cast. The cards available depend on your starting class, for me I started with the Druid summoner. At the time it seemed the most interesting, as instead of playing with your character essentially you buff and attack mostly with summoned creatures. But even playing as the warrior was a blast, as it was more familiar and had powerful combos on its own. The one issue I did have with combat in Tainted Grail was the fluidity or lack thereof. Something just felt off when playing cards, like when playing cards there were small pauses before the action actually played out. One of the main reasons the combat in Slay the Spire, Monster Train, etc is so good is the fact that playing cards is really satisfying. You knowing your turn, and just dragging and casting rapidly gives a great feeling of mastery to the combat. Sadly that isn’t the case in Tainted Grail yet, with the mix of poor animation and lackluster flow combat has me not enjoying battles as much as I do in other games of the genre.
The exploration in Tainted Grail is one of the more enjoyable aspects of any roguelikes I have played thus far. Typically in the genre you have your map and obvious routes, meaning you must pick which area you will go next and are unable to turn back. In Tainted Grail, you have a much more open map, with potential for a lot more interesting discoveries around every corner. It’s really refreshing to have a roguelike where the only thing stopping progression was yourself. You have to ask yourself if the item or interaction is worth the potential battle possibly leading to the end of your run. And another great thing about exploration in this game is the ease of backtracking. It has a soulslike ‘bonfire’ system where you can travel between any lit waypoints you previously discovered. Exploration in this game is like no other card-roguelike it is much more expansive and unique.
Gameplay rating: 7.5/10
Visuals & Sound
The artstyle in Tainted Grail is amazing to be frank. It gives off tones that are like no other, and really has you immersed in this dreadful world. The art style is most similar to the likes of Grim Dawn, and that is an art direction I am happy for any game to take. The wilderness looks gloomy and full of different nasty looking foes. The lighting of the waypoint that shows distant rewards and enemies lurking about. Everything down to the equipment on your character was handcrafted to give off this vibe of doom the developers intended. I will have to note, the animations of enemies and attacks just aren’t there yet. You have the visuals and artstyle selling this immersive experience, then you see an attack animation and it sucks you right out. From traversing the world to using a powerful spell just don’t feel right at the moment. With most of the game having such high quality aspects, the animations are a huge letdown. Again this is early access, so this is something they can easily improve for the future.
The sound direction and music compliment the visuals quite well. They further extend the tone of the visuals, and help sell this world of Tainted Grail. The ambient noise of the overworld, the little sound effects after finding a wealth stash, etc all help in creating this immersive atmosphere. If you are a fan of 2000s rpgs, then you will fall in love with Tainted Grails visuals & sounds.
Visuals & Sounds rating: 8/10
In conclusion Tainted Grail has just recently released on early access, and at times is shows. But what we have is a great starting point to make a fun roguelike with a nostalgic atmosphere, and an interesting story. It certainly shows promise, and the developers need to keep on working hard to finish their vision. I have faith in this team, they provide updates and fixes rather quickly and listen to its community. Anyone who is a fan of this genre that takes a look at this game and finds it intriguing should give it a shot. It has a ways to go but is promising nonetheless
Overall Score 7.5/10
1392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 11:12
181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 04:29
Of the many legends and myths that I’ve come across, none can top those of the Arthurian variety for me. Whether it’s Lancelot, Mordred, or Excalibur itself, even the most minor of details are fully fleshed out and beyond interesting to experience no matter which form of media you’re diving into them with. Admittedly, this has been accomplished through the labors of hundreds, if not thousands of creatives who often agree only on the most prominent of details, though this tends to keep each retelling fresh even if the overall quality of each varies greatly.
I’m an unabashed Arthur addict and this obsession often carries me into new territory in the realm of gaming. I’ve put countless hours into the Total War-like King Arthur: The Role-Playing Wargame (I really need to buckle down and play its sequel), enjoyed my less intense though still thoroughly enjoyable experience with Sword Legacy: Omen, and even played through the classic hack ‘n slasher Knights of the Round, just to name a few of my more recent forays into Arthurian legend. Tainted Grail is the most recent of these and I was hopeful that would be an experience worthy of its inspiration. In its current Early Access state, it’s not bad though it is unimpressive. However, the pieces are in place for it to be a promising enough title in the future if its stay in Early Access is taken full advantage of.
Wyrd Happenings
Tainted Grail takes place in a land overcome by the Wyrd, an ancient and supernatural force that corrupts everything that it touches. The good news is that there are menhirs scattered across the realm that suppress it and keep it at bay. The bad news is that they’re dying and your people have killed off the vast majority of the druids that knew how to maintain them. The odds are stacked against you from the beginning and it’s not looking good.
The game is divided into two modes: campaign and conquest. Campaign has a larger focus on the setting and tells the tale of your quest to save the land. You’ll select a pre-generated character to play in this mode who has a playstyle that is unique to them, or at least that’s what we’re told as both play the same way at the current level of development. Alternatively, Conquest is a freeform survive and explore experience where you attempt to stay alive as long as possible while recruiting those suffering from the Wyrd to move into your village. I had fun with both of these modes, though it’s quite clear that they are still lacking much of what is intended.
Last of the Heroes
Tainted Grail is first and foremost a deckbuilding card game with combat closely resembling others in the genre. You begin with a modest deck of weak and generic cards, though you’ll be able to start adding superior ones as you defeat enemies and gain levels. Upgrades also come along with these levels and allow you to customize your character with passive abilities that can give you a serious advantage over your foes. While the campaign mode determines which abilities are available to you based on the character that you have selected, the conquest mode gives you a few options to design a custom character’s appearance and choose a class. Currently, there are few visual options to change on your model and only four classes: brawler, guardian, berserker, and summoner. Brawlers specialize in single-target damage, guardians focus on sequential combos, berserker become stronger the more they suffer harm, and summoners, unsurprisingly, summon magical allies to fight their battles for them. Although classes within the same archetype start with the same decks and seem to have the same options for expanding them, my experience with the summoner suggested to me that archetypes will play very differently from one another which is a big plus.
Outside of combat, you’ll be interacting with the locals, spotting enemies that will carry you off into the card-based combat, and exploring locations of interest in the region. You’ll also be collecting equipment and consumables that will offer you improvements to your capabilities. Equipment tends to boost stats allowing you to be more durable and your cards to deal more damage, while consumables can be used for anything from healing wounds that you’ve suffered to temporarily staving off the Wyrd, represented by a fog that makes everything you do more dangerous.
Corruption Consumes You
The overall atmosphere of Tainted Grail is a mixed bag. The visuals are exciting enough with many enemies catching your eye with their designs, though the general feel of the art style feels classically indie with the assets often feeling like you’ve seen them before in one low-budget project or another. I couldn’t help but feel that something was lost with them and that the title would be noticeably improved by replacing it with some more unique.
On the other hand, the music was enjoyable, not just for fitting thematically, but for being exciting in its own right. Whereas the visuals often felt detrimental, the music made up for them and kept me immersed in the setting.
Tainted Grail is deep in Early Access. It’s still anyone’s guess what the future may hold for it, though I’m feeling optimistic after dabbling with what’s already in place. The greater offender for me was the art style which carried with it something of a generic indie feel, though the gameplay already feels like it’s found a solid foundation to build off of, even if it needs a significant amount of additional content by release. I’d recommend keeping an eye on this one if you’re interested in the dark Arthurian theme and are a fan of deck-builders, but I can’t recommend it at its current price unless you are so enthralled by what exists in the early stages that you want to support Awaken Realms Digital in its development. A promising title, but one that I won’t get too excited over just yet.
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Nicht Empfohlen
82 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 18:04
Interesting concept, and maybe someday in the future I'll give it another shot (far into the future), but right now it is not worth it at all.
-Cool concept, the freeroaming deckbuilder
-Roguelite town building to achieve slow progression (alongside learning and getting better). Reminds me of rogue legacy (but this game needs to make the town much more meaningful to achieve that level)
-The game looks incredibly sloppy when playing (complete lack of nice, or really any good animations during combat make it dull. Sound effects are not good either).
-The combat encounters are designed to absolutely obliterate you for a long time until you can get really lucky with specific combinations of upgrades.
-The events are just awful. Almost all of them just result in a combat encounter MUCH MUCH stronger than the area you're in, all but guaranteeing your death, or they just do damage to you or give you some money. There is nothing interesting that happens with events. There is no player agency or real thought in the events.
Overall: I refunded this game because while it is a neat concept, it is not in a state that is even remotely fun to play. It is a painful slog that needs time to be polished, and perhaps someday could be really good. I will keep my eye on it in the future, but cannot recommend paying money for it in its current state.
337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 01:41
1024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 23:24
The map is different each time and there are tons of events to encounter.
Aesthetic dark visuals and tribal soundtrack (same music style as in the trailer)
Apparently very active development.
Worth the money without hesitation.
Nicht Empfohlen
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.20 09:50
I will now give my fair opinion on this incomplete thing.
VISUALS: Nice. I'm not a huge graphics fanatic for games in general.
Two issues regarding visual aspects. The first is the blue wavy overlay of the wyrdness which makes seeing anything under it difficult. For most part I was blindly clicking on the screen roughly where the mini map showed me a path existed.
The second, I need to mention the incomplete nature of what this game is right now. When you mouse over something interactive, it will come up with a name in a floating text box, some of these are blank. Some things that can be highlighted have nothing interactive about them.
VOICE ACTING: Really nice.
I particularly like the voice for the narrator. Not everything is voiced which is a little annoying. During dialogues, there would be silence with descriptive context, and some parts where the narrator should narrate, she doesn't. Another clear unfinished area.
MUSIC: Fits. Enough initial impact to be noticed, mellows enough to fade into the background to not be annoying.
There is no challenge to found here. Leveling is fast and easy, which only gets ever easier as you go. Income is only a small problem at the very beginning, but with the easy levelling also comes very easy loot. It doesn't take much to empty the stores. About the only item I've used were drinks and food for specific NPCs, and candles to allow me to grab loot in the wyrdness without engaging in monotonous trivial combat encounters.
Combat is generic. I do like this system, which is found in many other video games, and I prefer it over what the board game has. The downside is there is no way to adjust the combat deck on the fly to keep it streamlined. I've been told there are merchants in the game for this, but I haven't found them.
The log book for quest information generally never includes important information gleaned from NPCs (like directions, important lore, character's thoughts).
As the 'campaign' goes further along there are less options to partake in, and quest become very linear.
Some aspects that look like they could be interacted with, cannot be.
It would be nice to get a basic tutorial on how to access certain elements, for example what button highlights interactive objects, what opens the overview map, how your combat deck can be modified, and how tracking quests functions. These are all aspects I didn't figure out for myself. I dove straight into the game without looking at the keybinds and without pressing random buttons.
There isn't a whole lot to do yet in the game.
Would I recommend this game as the unfinished product it is. NO. I am always on the side of:
Wait for the game to be finished and fully released, patches included.
Get a decent grasp of what they game has to offer by watching someone play it.
After both of these are done, and if this is something you would enjoy, buy it!
I will need to play this game in its finished state to make up my mind about a proper recommendation.
This review is just my point of view.
Feel free to support whom ever you choose, however you choose.
679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 18:17
1493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 22:56
Old PC Gamer
Took a slight gamble when I bought this, since I'm running a computer built in 2012.
Knowing I wouldn't refund it, even if I couldn't run it atm - To my big surprise, it actually plays alright (on lowest ofc) with my crappy old GTX 670, i5, 8gb ram, Yadiyada...
Only stutters a bit when traversing the map. When in combat / dialogue / menu's, it runs smooth. So if you are wondering if DECADE old hardware can cope.. Yup!
The atmosphere (even at hand-cranked-computer level) is bloody incredible. Mystic ambience, fantastic music, and the way this haggard world blends perfectly into the Wyrdcandle mechanic. Simply put, Wyrdcandles provide light that protects you from darkness, A limited resource used for safer travels. Not using one makes encounters harder, but comes with greater rewards. Like a volatile, but manageable difficulty-setting built right into the story.
Speaking of risk and reward:
In the encounter I was currently in, I had just figured out how to regain HP with my pets as a Summoner. The fight ends, I collect my reward, feeling great about myself. The very next thing I do, is click on a stone-altar looking thingy. 3 choices appear, and naturally I decide to rob the place. Actions and reactions - I'm now on the receiving end of Arthurian Karma - Righteously smitten with the curse: All healing disabled
- Pfft! I laughed my a.r.s.e off.
I have much to learn still, and that moment really made it clear that My actions matter. A true Rogue-Lite welcome.
Some 10 hours later, it seems I broke the game. In a fun way o/
I started low on health and 3 cards in hand. Ended up in an endless loop, where I could not loose energy or cards, or health for that matter. [Screeny] - I count 18 cards
The culprits are these 3 little talents/cards: https://imgur.com/a/VpuxvR6
Since these effects stack on each other, a minion with 2 actions, ends up doing 12-16 actions? Basically, you become God. This was a surprise, cause I actually died 5-6 times pretty easily in the beginning. Going from that - to taking down the last boss on turn 3, was not what I expected. But hey, these are all shallow-balance issues ala work in progress.
Really love the way this class plays though, and most likely this is a known issue? Otherwise, Mr.Patchy will have to call home. Mr.Patchy work late now.
- Thank you for a great release so far!
363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 09:05
“Cuanact is dying, its barren fields provide little food and its crumbling walls offer no protection. As the power of the guardian mehnir fails, the wyrdness creeps ever closer. Twisting places, breaches and even space its self, despite this the people of the farmhold refuse to leave. Instead Lord Yvain lead four of their best on a desperate mission to Kamelot. They promised to bring back help, they never returned. Now those left behind are growing desperate, they will try to bestow the burden their fate on someone else, new heroes, with even slimmer chance of success.”
There are two game modes currently, the Tainted Grail Campaign and the Tainted Grail Conquest. Currently the Campaign is just a teaser of the story-driven experience where your choices will affect the fate of Avalon.
The Conquest mode is for hardcore players, slaying beasts while developing your village and skills. You will die plenty in Conquest, and each time you fail you’ll begin back at your village with what you first started with. Selecting to continue will open a window asking you to choose a slot for your game saves (there is three slots) after which you’ll be able to create your character. The options of your character consist of Gender, Skin and Hair Colour along with Hair and Beard Styles.
Once you’ve chosen your characters look, next you can choose your Class and Rune. Currently though there is only one class you can choose, a Warrior (more will be available in the future). You have the choice of three Runes, Brawler, Guardian and Berserker. The Brawler Rune focuses on inflicting heavy damage against single opponents. The Guardian Rune is an energy-efficient rune which focuses on sequencing cards into advanced combos. The Berserker Rune is a high-risk high-reward which gains more power the less Health points you have. Once you’ve done deciding hit Create will start the game.
Beginning a new quest, you find yourself in a clearing standing beside a huge Menhir statue, ruined buildings around the edge of the clearing. To one side there’s some tents around a camp fire and nearby is a Milestone. There’s only one path leading out of the village, however, surrounding the village is a strange blue fog … the Wyrdness! Entering the Wyrdness is a very dangerous environment to be in, things won’t always be as they seem on the map. While in the Wyrdness you’ll become weaker, engaging in combat will become much harder than normal but the rewards should you survive are more profitable. Stay too long in the Wyrdness and it will transform and corrupt your body and mind.
You begin with a Sword, Leather Armour, WyrdCandles and Travel Map, the wyrdcandles will allow you to move through the Wyrdness without any problems. However, the candles only last for a short time, so after leaving the safety of your village you’ll need to find a Milestone. These mysterious stones light up and hold the wyrdness at bay, runes are inscribed into them. Some say that Merlin invented the runes, while others believe they hold a darker notion. If you find a Milestone you can activate it by carving your name into it, this will disperse Wyrdness around the Milestone. It will cost you One Health, if you have enough wyrdcandles then you can light one and this will increase the Milestones protective range from the Wyrdness. Once you have activated a Milestone, you’ll be able to travel between any other activated Milestone.
This will then allow you to move about and search the surrounding area without any problems. In the top right corner is a mini map which will detail the current quest path with red dots. The map is partially covered with a fog of war and will become visible as you make your way around the area. Also, on the map you’ll uncover new Milestones, Buildings, Enemy’s and Loot (Hidden Wealth and Chests).
As you make your way throughout the map, you’ll come across some enemies. You will see the enemies and be able to hover your cursor over them to get some details on them. Moving towards them will instigate combat which will open the battle screen. Along the bottom centre of the screen are your cards for your current turn, on the right side of your cards is the Energy Count and End Turn. In the opposite corner are your Combat Quick Slot items and your Weapon and Armour stats. The top left corner is your Rune Ultimate status, this will increase during combat and be able to use it once its full. In the top right corner is any Passive Skills you currently have.
Tainted Grail is a turn-based and you will go first when combat starts. Each turn you’ll have cards placed in your hand from your deck. Every card has in the top left corner the Energy Cost to play that card, there is also some information on the type of card and what it does. While in combat if you hover your cursor over the enemy, you’ll gain some information on their behavior such as if they’re immune to something. Above the enemy are some Icons, these will show what their intent is to be on their next turn. Keep an eye on the icons underneath an enemy’s health bar as you can gain valuable information to help you towards victory.
Upon defeating the enemy you’ll have the choice to pick one of three cards to add to your deck. If you don’t fancy any of the cards you can skip the process and gain some gold instead. You will also get the chance to choose one of three new Passive Skills and again should you wish to skip a new passive skill then you’ll gain some gold. You will also gain some Experience Points, Gold and may be some random items to help you on your quest.
You will come across some characters who you can interact with and maybe they’ll join you in your village. These characters will take over one of the ruined buildings, although they will require some resources to rebuild them.
When you die and you will die, your game stats will be displayed, Total Wealth Gained, Total Wyrdshards Gained, Total Damage Dealt, Enemies Killed, Rounds Fought and Total Cards Played. You will then have the options to carry on or to quit. If you carry on you will find yourself back in your village, you will have lost any items you had collected before dying. However, any character who you have added to your village will still be there as would any pathways you may have unlocked. If you decide not to carry on then you’ll lose any characters or pathways unlocked and start from scratch.
The Campaign Mode takes place in Cuanacht, the Wyrdness is closing in around the city. You will have to complete quests and protect Cuanacht. You will have the choice of playing as two characters, although currently they play the same. The campaign story hasn’t been completed yet; you can play for a few hours currently. After which you may find some bugs, unfinished work and story. The game is in Early Access and they plan to have the campaign completed when the game comes out of early access.
+ Fantastic graphics
+ Good story so far
+ Two game modes
+ Choices matter
- No achievements currently
- No cards currently
The Wyrdness is spreading across the land, soon it will envelope everything unless you find a way to push back the Wyrdness and save everyone.
Key provided by developer/publisher for review purposes via THE CPT FROGGY CLUB!
Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!
Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!
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333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.20 01:34
Should you buy it now? - I'd say buy Monster Train or Griftlanders first unless you are specifically looking for a Dark Fantasy story. If you enjoy Rogue-Lite and Dark Fantasy games then 100% yes. If you are a casual fan then I would say wait a few months so the game can be optimized, more content added and varied playstyles fleshed out. I purchased the game because I trust the developers after seeing them very active in the forums and discord.
Pro's: Two game modes, multiple playstyles in card capabilities, the rogue-lite mode is story oriented (similar to GriftLanders) and includes RPG, Base Building and Rogue-Lite in one game.
Con's: Optimization (game feels like it stutters at times), lack of 'introduction' for the player in the form of tutorials.
I personally would like to see closer attention on the combat in two ways - more classes and for your character to actually 'strike' the enemy vs. the current form where they wave their sword at them. It's functional but feels a little awkward to me.
9568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.20 16:00
The Conquest (Roguelike) is the one most developed for now and has already given me many hours of fun game time. The Campaign has been completely remade from scratch compared to the alpha demo and you can see major improvement in development in less than 6 months. In those 6 months they not only remade the Campaign, they also added Conquest.
While this game is currently in Early Access, as a backer of the board game (which I enjoyed massively) I personally see a good and unique game coming out of this in the long term.
Awaken Realms
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
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