• Tacoma: Screen zum Spiel Tacoma.
  • Tacoma: Screen zum Spiel Tacoma.
  • Tacoma: Screen zum Spiel Tacoma.
  • Tacoma: Screen zum Spiel Tacoma.
  • Tacoma: Screen zum Spiel Tacoma.
  • Tacoma: Screen zum Spiel Tacoma.
  • Tacoma: Screen zum Spiel Tacoma.
  • Tacoma: Screen zum Spiel Tacoma.
  • Tacoma: Screen zum Spiel Tacoma.
  • Tacoma: Screen zum Spiel Tacoma.
  • Tacoma: Screen zum Spiel Tacoma.
  • Tacoma: Screen zum Spiel Tacoma.
  • Tacoma: Screen zum Spiel Tacoma.
  • Tacoma: Screen zum Spiel Tacoma.
  • Tacoma: Screen zum Spiel Tacoma.
  • Tacoma: Screen zum Spiel Tacoma.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 01.08.2020
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Preis Update 27.08.24
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Über das Spiel

Tacoma ist ein erzählstarkes Adventure, das an Bord einer Hightech-Raumstation im Jahre 2088 spielt. Im Laufe deiner Mission findest du mehr über das Leben und die Arbeit der Besatzung auf der Station heraus. Nach und nach verdichten sich die Hinweise zu einer packenden Geschichte über Vertrauen, Angst und Entschlossenheit im Angesicht einer nahenden Katastrophe.

Den Kern von Tacoma bildet das digitale Überwachungssystem der Station, das 3D-Aufzeichnungen von Schlüsselmomenten im Leben der Besatzungsmitglieder angelegt hat. Auf deinem Weg durch die Station wirst du von Spiegelbildern dieser Aufzeichnungen umgeben. Du kannst zurückspulen, vorspulen, dich räumlich durch die miteinander verwobenen Szenen bewegen und sie aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln betrachten – so rekonstruierst du akribisch die mehrschichtige Handlung.

Mit Tacoma beweisen die Entwickler von Gone Home erneut ihr gutes Händchen für detaillierte, fesselnde und eindrucksvolle Geschichten – diesmal wird der Spieler jedoch tiefer in die Handlung eingebunden als je zuvor.

Tacoma ist ein erzählstarkes Adventure, das an Bord einer Hightech-Raumstation im Jahre 2088 spielt. Im Laufe deiner Mission findest du mehr über das Leben und die Arbeit der Besatzung auf der Station heraus. Nach und nach verdichten sich die Hinweise zu einer packenden Geschichte über Vertrauen, Angst und Entschlossenheit im Angesicht einer nahenden Katastrophe.

Den Kern von Tacoma bildet das digitale Überwachungssystem der Station, das 3D-Aufzeichnungen von Schlüsselmomenten im Leben der Besatzungsmitglieder angelegt hat. Auf deinem Weg durch die Station wirst du von Spiegelbildern dieser Aufzeichnungen umgeben. Du kannst zurückspulen, vorspulen, dich räumlich durch die miteinander verwobenen Szenen bewegen und sie aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln betrachten – so rekonstruierst du akribisch die mehrschichtige Handlung.

Mit Tacoma beweisen die Entwickler von Gone Home erneut ihr gutes Händchen für detaillierte, fesselnde und eindrucksvolle Geschichten – diesmal wird der Spieler jedoch tiefer in die Handlung eingebunden als je zuvor.

Eine reichhaltige und komplexe Geschichte:
Sechs Besatzungsmitglieder haben auf der Raumstation Tacoma gelebt, gearbeitet, Beziehungen geknüpft, Liebe und Verlust erlebt sowie eine Krise durchstanden. Entdecke nicht nur, was mit ihnen passiert ist, sondern werde zu einem interaktiven Detektiv und finde heraus, welche Erlebnisse sie zu den Personen gemacht haben, die sie waren. Die Geschichte wird anhand einer Reihe von voll vertonten und animierten AR-Szenen erzählt, die dich den Ereignissen auf der Tacoma näher bringen.

Ein revolutionäres, verzweigtes Story-System:
In jedem Bereich der Station wirst du von digitalen Projektionen der Besatzungsmitglieder umgeben, die ihren eigenen parallelen Handlungssträngen nachgehen, die sich wiederum verzweigen, neu zusammenfinden und wieder aufteilen. Spule zurück, spule vor und gehe chronologisch durch diese Szenen, während sie dich umkreisen. Die interaktive Steuerung ermöglicht es dir, die feinverwebte Geschichte aus jedem Blickwinkeln zu erkunden und jedes Detail zu erfahren.

Eine enorm interaktive Spielwelt:
Erkunde die Tacoma-Raumstation sowohl physisch als auch digital. Öffne Türen und Schubladen, um relevante Gegenstände, Notizen und Werkzeuge zu finden, während du mittels der umfassenden Aufzeichnungen die digitale Kommunikation und persönlichen Gedanken der Besatzung erforschst. Jede Facette ihrer Erfahrungen kann von dir recherchiert werden.

Eine Zukunftsvision:
Erlebe das Leben im Jahre 2088. Entdecke ein reichhaltiges fiktives Universum, in dem die Menschheit erdnahe Umlaufbahnen und den Weltraum besiedelt hat. Eine kreative, gewagte Vision in der nahen Zukunft vom preisgekrönten Team hinter Gone Home und BioShock 2: Minerva‘s Den.

Eine kompakte Erzählung:
Tacoma hat eine Spielzeit von etwa zwei bis fünf Stunden. Wie tief du dabei gehst und wie viele Details du aufdeckst, liegt ganz an dir. Tacoma ist ein Spiel, in dem nicht gekämpft wird und keine Rätsel gelöst werden. Du kannst die Einzelheiten der Geschichte und der Spielwelt in deinem eigenen Tempo erkunden.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 1.9ghz Intel i5-equivalent processor or higher
  • GFX: Onboard or dedicated graphics accelerator with 1GB+ of video RAM
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 or higher, 64-bit
  • HD: 11 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 2.9ghz Intel i7-equivalent processor or higher
  • GFX: Dedicated graphics accelerator with 2GB+ of dedicated video RAM
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 or higher, 64-bit
  • HD: 11 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

10 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 15:59
Die Atmosphäre und die Graphik ist gut, aber Story und Gameplay überzeugen nicht. Von Raum zu Raum gehen, ein paar einfache Rätsel lösen und nach einigen wenigen Stunden ist man durch. Es gibt keinen Grund, es ein zweites Mal zu spielen. Kein Thrill, keine Herausforderungen, nichts.
182 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.19 18:18
Nettes Spiel für zwischendurch, aber nur wer auf viel lesen steht.
Mein Fall war es aufgrund dessen nicht wirklich.
Wer aber drauf steht wird hier seinen Spaß bei finden.
157 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
49 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 03:04
Love space games, was expecting some mystery or things to actually...do in the game. Tacoma is ultimately a walking sim in space. There are story beats to explore that you can see from a variety of perspectives. Apparently there are collectibles, idk i didn't get that far. The story just didn't bring me in, and the gameplay just wasn't for me.
37 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 03:58
Excellent, and well worth your time (which will be between 2-4 hours). I'd definitely recommend waiting for a sale, though; the game has undeniable polish but your experience will be really short no matter what you do.

Would love something that hit the 6+ hour mark at least, that would be grand.
372 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 15:10
In my opinion, a rather relaxing sci-fi 'walking simulator' with a detailed environment. All you need is a bit of patience, good attention to the details and the determination to finish it (easily doable in one sitting). Best played with developers' commentary on so that you can appreciate the effort they've put in whilst having tonne of fun.
1054 Produkte im Account
175 Reviews
94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 17:18
Tacoma: Panic at the Tumblr Space Station!
95 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 09:47
A wonderful scifi with thoughtful elements on AIs, unions, and medical practice. Features an immersive cast, including LGBTQ+ characters. A short but sweet addition to your Steam library.
1233 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 20:49
Really short game and it's easy to finish in one sitting.

Definitely not a game for everyone as it's basically just a walking simulator. However, the way they tell the story and elements they use to tell it are fairly unique and helps build the environment for the game.
917 Produkte im Account
537 Reviews
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 01:08
For more puzzle game reviews, news and everything puzzle-related, follow Puzzle Lovers and check out our Steam group.

tacoma is an enjoyable walking sim in space. more involved than the dev's previous game, gone home, mostly because it couldn't be any less involved. I liked that too for what it was though.

you're sent to a deserted space station to find out what happened by recovering all sorts of data. no jumpscares or anything remotely scary, though the place is pretty dark even with the brightness slider cranked all the way up. go from room to room and snoop around the crew's personal and professional life. still no puzzles, if there's a locked door, the key or the code is somewhere in the same area, just need to find it.

rummaging through items and snippets of the crew members' personal desktops will provide more background info about the happenings, but the meat of the game is the recovered recordings. not a whole lot of meat, admittedly, but hey. when you enter a room, you'll recover a scene to watch over and over, following different people to hear their conversations. sounds tedious, but the game provides all the necessary tools to make it fun. you can move around freely, leaving an area won't reset anything, there's pause, rewind, fast-forward and restart, meaning you have more control than most lazy interactive movies provide.

the story was nothing extraordinary but it had its moments, not much else to say without spoiling things. the game looks good enough, music is forgettable but voiceovers are excellent across the board. you might care more about certain characters than others (nat was my favorite), and there are little details to find everywhere, so it's worth keeping your eyes open. though it didn't help me when I accidentally dropped a key and never found it again, so I locked myself out of a small room. oh well... no inventory, you can only examine/carry a single object at a time, but there's no need for more, it's fine.

controls are mouse-based except for movement and crouching, though scene controls also have hotkeys. settings are plentiful, separate volumes, resolutions, windowed mode, various graphics, ui and control settings, including rebinding, plus subtitles, languages, and a developer commentary is also available. saving is automatic and also happens when you quit. single save slot, starting a new game overwrites it, but clicking continue after the credits lets you continue exploring.

going in blind, I expected gone home in space, so I was pleasantly surprised to find actual gameplay elements that proved to be enjoyable. it's a short game, with a decent amount of exploring it shouldn't take much longer than about 3 hours. while done well and there's not much to complain about (e.g. incoming messages display painfully slowly and with an annoying sound), I think anything more than half price is way too much.
380 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 23:12
This game is about 2 hours long, and I didnt feel like I wasted my time with it but it fell flat to me.
78 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 21:22
TLDR: An immersive sci-fi exploration game with an innovative approach to the plot exposition. [18/20⭐, 7h????, 1/5????]

Tacoma is a sci-fi adventure game by the same creators of Gone Home. If you played Gone Home, Tacoma is similar in terms of mechanics: it is mostly an exploration game where you progress by finding something akin to audio logs, with little-to-no puzzle solving. But “progressing” is not really the point of Tacoma, but rather freely exploring the station and piece together what happened to the crew.

Personally, I find Tacoma to be superior to Gone Home. The in-game augmented reality is one of the smartest ideas I’ve seen to interact with the game world and expose plot entries as you move throughout the station (which to me was one of the less credible points of Gone Home). The “recordings” give a ghostly feeling that contributes to the mystery surrounding the station (and I love how sometimes you see the state of the station after the logs, and have to extrapolate what the characters were doing). The level of detail dedicated to designing the station makes the environment credible and that the inhabitations are real people (and also that there is a world outside the station in 2088). [spoiler]Interestingly, in terms of plot, I’ve felt that Tacoma suffered from the opposite issue of Gone Home: while the latter hinted at a mystery that did not actually exist, Tacoma gives no hints about the conspiracy affecting the game events until very late in the game[/spoiler]. The voice acting is also great, as well as the soundtrack (like Gone Home, Tacoma also relies on diegetic music to provide further immersion, but it’s not as central).

The main negative point about Tacoma is its shortness (my 7 hours include a second run with director’s commentaries enabled), although I do understand that when every room is as detailed and unique as in Tacoma, reflecting the personalities of its inhabitants, it’s maybe unfeasible to extend it further.
561 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 10:43
dont really know what was happening but good :thumbup:
119 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 04:32
Even better than Gone Home (from the same team). Really liked the game play of having to follow leads through areas of the ship and learn what happened through all their conversation changes.

Both of these games has made me realize i really like 'walking sims'

Would buy again.
783 Produkte im Account
453 Reviews
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 04:35
Space, the final frontier. Where things go wrong and everything is terrible.
450 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 16:50
A personal favorite.

So good. In Tacoma, you're a contractor who's been hired to recover the AI module from an abandoned space station. This is one of those games where you'll get out of it what you put into it. If all you care about is finishing the game, I don't think you'll get much out of it. The real opportunity, what the game really wants you to to, is to learn about the people who lived there and to discover why the space station was abandoned. If you're naturally curious, this game will feed your curiosity.
91 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 02:37
Short game. I'm glad the ending wasn't depressing, but this game is not something that I would recommend paying for or spending time on. It was basically a very short movie with an okay plot.
101 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 23:08
For the very short story you get its a pretty heartfelt game. A nice short journey with some laughs along the way!
92 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 01:53
Probably one of my favorite walking simulators. The story is relatively strong, the game looks pretty, and the characters are decently written.

My only complaint is that the ending felt a little abrupt after the twist, but it's by no means unsatisfying.
1100 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 09:54
Here is a nice but really short (I've completed it before all cards dropped) walking sim. Graphics are fine. Plot is ok sci-fi story that would be a nice B-movie. It's possible to imteract with almost everything at the station but 99% of that is useless so sometimes it's hard to understand what you have to do for achivements. Puzzles are nearly nonexistent so the game is a smooth journey from beginning to finale.
Overall a good one-timer for couple evenings.
2617 Produkte im Account
605 Reviews
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 03:56
Nice walking Simulator.
+ Graphics.
+ Sounds.
+ Atmosphere.

- A bit short, compared to price (17€/$), can be complete in 1h.

Achievements, 100% / 3h.
3781 Produkte im Account
291 Reviews
416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 08:16
Enjoyed this. Lots of reading and a little mystery. Nothing mindblowing but wasn't too bad. That said I feel like it's missing something... I don't know. A more gripping plot, more gameplay.. I'm not sure. The world was fascinating, but maybe the climax is a bit underwhelming? I felt like rather than solving a mystery I was an odd bystander to an interesting story, but I guess that's by design. I would still play more games of this type as the mystery is always exciting.

I did just get finished playing SOMA before this which is the same sort of mystery on a station, except that game is an emotional rollercoaster that is insane, so perhaps I'm being overly critical coming from that masterpiece.
459 Produkte im Account
255 Reviews
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.21 16:22

I have played a number of games similar to Tacoma recently, this title was less gripping and not as interesting I was hoping for, similar to the Station (great game with amazing ending) you are responding to a Station gone quiet to solve the mystery. The player gets to traverse the station in a linear way, tap into the ships AI system to see previous events and listen into audio to discover secrets of what happen..

I would say the main reason I felt pulled away and disinterested is how it was just this digital silhouette of the crew your investigating.. no real impact or emotion since you can't see anything, the story arches were boring as well.

Non existent puzzles is a final nail for me.

I would say pick it up on a deep discount.

Go play Soma, The Station or Dead Space if your into horror action.
595 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 22:00
Really good narrative game. Fairly short - which is not a negative to me. The puzzles (if you can call them that) are extremely light. It has an interesting story, good characters and voice acting. There are a few twists and turns along the way but it really is just a relaxing game to play (with a touch of emotion). Probably not much replay value but I don't think that's a bad thing, I won't forget this game. Recommended.
592 Produkte im Account
422 Reviews
123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 22:15
Tacoma, is a narrative heavy walking sim, where you watch recordings of an abandoned station's crew. You do this to understand the crew's final days and to gain insight into their daily life. It's a nice and short little game with believable presentation and characters, a very simple plot and a lot of filler elements.

Unlike other walking sims, there is sadly no player choice of any kind in the game, you could run through the whole thing in 20 minutes, if you wanted to. The main story and conflict of Tacoma is very simple and most of the game is side content that barely adds anything to the bigger narrative. The game is much more about showing snapshots of the life of the crew than about the mystery of what happened to them.

The graphics and voice acting work amazingly well, the characters are distinct, likeable and realistic. The ship's design and the routine of the characters makes sense. There are a few genuine and human moments in the game that really stuck a cord with me and I really felt for the people.

That's why it was kinda jarring when the game's ending turned the story and its themes into a completely new direction, that felt unexplored and underdeveloped.

Spoilers ahead:

[spoiler]So the game's big theme is about giant corporations controlling people and how corporate greed and the thirst for profit is willing to sacrifice anyone. ...but then the game replaces this in the final act with a clumsy AI liberation metaphor.

In the future, a group exists that recognizes sentient AIs as living beings and fights to protect their rights. Your final goal is to free the ship's AI from the corporation. This entire narrative is completely underdeveloped, while the AI does play part in the crew's daily life, it doesn't really exhibits human traits and never really gave reason for me to feel empathy towards it.

The game has so much filler moments with random bits of worldbuilding that don't go anywhere, yet it has barely bothered to develop it's main character, the ship's AI. There should have been a lot more stories with it, to make me care. The narrative feels padded and rushed because of this.
367 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 19:48
Not my favourite genre, but this game was quite well done!
41 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 21:51
That was so good. The ending took me by surprise, and so glad it did! Not the longest game but worth every penny.
1527 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 22:30
it's an okay walking simulator. 7/10
69 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 22:04
This game is everything i wanted it to be and more. The ending was a nice touch too :p
Finished it in one sitting, definitely the way it should be played, and tracking the individual stories was an absolute delight!
536 Produkte im Account
312 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 23:23
It is a good game but it has one major problem.
So, like in Gone Home you are going around and reading stuff, listening to events etc. but this time you are in space on a space station TACOMA.
You don't have to worry about presentation, voice acting, soundtrack etc
These kind of games are story based (of course) so I liked the story for the majority of the game. Let me rephrase that ... I liked the story until I realized that you cannot pull a same trick twice and expect the same result. Gone Home was a good game and it had the vibe of those indie movies from more then a decade ago.Gone home was full of positive vibes and in that setting it worked fine. TACOMA has the same nice, positive vibes but there is a huge difference this time. The story is following 6 workers on a space station and the horrible things and conditions they have to endure. Their employee is a huge conglomerate company and as we all know they are the uber bad guys who don't care about anything but their money.
I was really enjoying the game, I got to know all the characters, i was reading all the files, emails, looked through their stuff, I was 100% into the story and then I was not.
You see you can't make this a nice and positive game when you have a conglomerate company as your main villain, in Gone Home you had 2 teenage girls that were planning to run away and that worked in that game but in this it just doesn't.
I could say that the 2/3 of the game were good and that is a fact but in the end I have to judge the whole game and all that story building and bonding with the characters was for nothing . The story ends abruptly and ruined the whole experience.
263 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 17:01
A nicely told story with some AR cat action strewn in between.
112 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 13:18

Too short for its own good

Tacoma intrigued me with its approach to storytelling from the moment I first glanced upon its store page, but sadly, the game is just a stroll through a setting that doesn’t feel properly utilized.

You see, Tacoma is short. Too short, even. I don’t have anything against short games—I love What Remains of Edith Finch, which takes only two and a half hours to finish. My problem with Tacoma isn’t that it offers too little for its steep price tag, although that would also be a relevant topic, but that the story is awfully small in scope. With the small pieces of world-building present, Tacoma feels less like a full-fledged game and more like a short expansion akin to BioShock 2’s Minerva’s Den.

The difference is that Minerva’s Den feels complete and fully realized. Tacoma doesn’t. You barely get to know the cast before the narrative reaches its end with a plot twist that would’ve been far more effective had I spent more time getting to know the characters. The game does a great job at showing the relationships between these people, but you only get snippets of them as individuals. With six characters and so little time to flesh them out, the writers gave themselves a tough challenge—one that they couldn’t overcome, sadly. I remember the characters by their names and faces, not their personalities and motivations, which is a shame, because they’re brought to life by some believable voice acting that brings them closer to the player.


I did like Tacoma’s commentary on how humans act under pressure and the fight between the workers aboard the space stations and their employer, Venturis. It’s just sad that I struggled to become emotionally invested in the narrative. Whereas the aforementioned What Remains of Edith Finch introduces you to a series of emotionally effective tales connected by the overarching story of the Finch family, Tacoma achieves little in its 2.8 hours runtime. The message is apparent, but the expression of it lacks impact. A plot twist is not just the premise, it’s also the execution.

The story is delivered through holographic recordings of the crew members who have seemingly vanished. Our protagonist, Amy, can rewind or fast-forward them to search for clues. I expected the game to do something interesting with this mechanic by integrating it into the level design, but there’s none of that here. You just walk from room to room, listen to a few conversations, and read through emails where nearly half the content is missing for some reason. There’s little to explore on the Tacoma station. Sure, you can pick up items, but aside from the occasional book with a front and back cover to read, this serves no purpose. If you want to admire the beauty of the iron screw you just found, you can do so. But there's nothing to gain from it.


One time, I had to find a PIN code for a door on a sticky note. I would’ve liked to see more of this, only on a bigger scale. Maybe I’d need to find an alternate route to progress, which would encourage me to explore the station? Perhaps one conversation would hint at where I’d have to go? I’m not saying I want a full-fledged puzzle title, but an incentive to go off the beaten path would be nice, as there’s little to see beyond the tapes.

Did I enjoy Tacoma? Yes, at least until its sudden finale. But if you walked up to me and asked if the game is worth playing, I’d probably answer with a “no”. The game is limited by its short length, and while holographic recordings are an interesting way to tell a story, they’re never used for anything clever. During the ending credits, this song is playing. I suspect that, if Tacoma had resonated with me on a deeper level, this moment would’ve been something special. As it is, though, the all-too-familiar “was that it?” feeling drowned out any impact it might’ve had.

PC technicalities: Intel Core i7-10700K, RTX 2070 Super, 16GB DDR4 RAM @ 3200Mhz, NVME M.2 SSD | 1440p, 120+ fps. My game froze once, but it quickly resolved itself.

[url=https://store.steampowered.com/curator/37072886][quote]Visit the Devils in the Detail curator page for reviews that aren’t too short.
160 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 20:51
MAKE NO MISTAKE: This is a walking simulator. The game is you exploring and watching a story unfold, not actively doing anything like shooting or solving puzzles. If you don't like that kind of game, obviously you won't like Tacoma.

As someone who DOES enjoy these types of games, I loved Tacoma. Unlike other games of this variety, you are actually directly controlling what you see; the story is told through a series of augmented reality recordings which you can rewind, fast forward, and walk around to listen into different people's conversations.

The story itself is an interesting sci-fi space mystery as you attempt to find out what actually happened on board the space station, and how the crew responded. While listening to the story unfold, you can explore the ship and find details about the crew's personal and professional lives.

Honestly the only drawback of this game for me is the length, I managed to complete the game and 100% the achievements in 4 hours, so keep that in mind. The $20 base price might be a bit expensive for this short of a game, but on a good sale I would definitely recommend it!
268 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 05:49
Some of the most thought-provoking worldbuilding I've seen in a sci-fi game in a long time.
185 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 13:39
You know when players say they can't understand all the negative reviews because a game was so good? This was just the opposite for me, I tried so hard but just couldn't get into it. It was a confusing jumbled mess with no direction from the game where to go or what to do next. Not even the slightest tiniest nudge. I really wanted to like it, I really appreciate different quirky games. It just didn't click for me, but I guess many other players like it so I guess there's got to be something good about it.
185 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 01:01
This game is incredible; calm and quiet, yet the underlying story of what happened and why you're even there keeps you interested enough to keep playing. It certainly is worth it; the story, and the story telling are both incredibly good.
Also I wanted to take a coin with me throughout the whole game but I let it fall and lost it and nearly cried.
1221 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 23:58
Frustratingly linear, but a marvelous sci-fi story to get engrossed in, and a preposterously detailed, richly imagined physical space to explore.
132 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 21:38
Good story driven game, basically a walking simulator but it's fresh enough to explore a space station to know what happened to the station and the crew, piecing things together as you sit and watch recorded events where only their voices and sillhoutes appear, together with computer logs, world objects, etc. Also fairly short, but for the price tag it's more than worth it, sort of like sitting to watch a movie but you get to set the pace of it and interact with the world..
631 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 02:12
Short walking simulator. The story and characters are a little underwhelming. [spoiler](You are a hero who saves the day from an evil company/CEO.)[/spoiler] Not much is happening.
1615 Produkte im Account
139 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 13:52
2nd game from Fullbright the makers of Gone Home, basically same as Gone Home except now potentially interesting looking place is a space station and that itself would seem pretty neat. Then when you start walking around the station soon you just become attached with very mundane and uninteresting life's of the crew.

As a game it's certainly improvement over Gone Home and looks solid along with having some little things in between investigating station, but the mundane life drama of crew just makes it worse. Think haven't yet come around almost any walking sim that actually simulates living people in it, mostly it's just voice/memory/stationary person.

Alas Tacoma is pretty much as mundane as Gone Home is and walking around station and looking things are basically most enjoyable in it.
205 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 14:40
One of the shortest stories... well delivered...Only question is.. how is our character breathing on an already abandoned station which ran out of oxygen :D.. just curious
393 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 21:09
Great little game with a great story and an ending that I didn't expect, and I usually sniff out the twist in games and movies pretty early. Thoroughly enjoyed and well worth a few hours.

It is a walking simulator though so if you're looking for fast-paced action, this ain't it chief.
771 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 18:31
I really enjoyed this as a follow-up to Gone Home. The mystery is intriguing and I really liked getting to see how it played out. The space station is a neat environment and used well to tell the story. The AR sequences are elegantly implemented too. Good stuff all around.
1109 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 16:32
Short and sweet (2hrs long)

It's a walking simulator but leaning a bit more into Obra Dinn than gone home or Ethan Carter.
You'll be piecing together the story of what happened aboard the Tacoma yourself, but I do wish they leant a little bit harder into this as majority of the main story beats are basically handed to you, and it's all presented in chronological order to prevent any confusion - which makes for an easier time, but does make it feel like more of a movie than a game.
201 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 19:16
So this is where CP2077 got it's braindance mechanic from, huh?

It's a pretty well-crafted story, though. I can't say much without spoiling it, but thematically it focuses on issues such as labor relations and workplace automation in a space sci-fi setting, and the story twists were pretty good as well.
2662 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 19:58
Tacoma is a short walking simulator with a very nice story about a girl send on a salvage mission and ends up with a bit of a mystery on her hands and a very surprising ending.
I did enjoy the game too bad is a bit short but still worth it i give this one 6.5/10 do hope they make a sequel to this one.
212 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 20:42
Probably the most boring and anticlimactic stories I have ever seen in a video game.
686 Produkte im Account
139 Reviews
136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 04:24
Yet another game that left me wishing steam had more options for a review score than YES/NO

Its a decent story with plenty of little tid bits and mini puzzles to sort out. The rewind mechanic to collect info is actually a pretty fun idea but at the same time its a lot harder to get invested in the characters when they're represented by the equivalent of wire frame fighters from smash melee
640 Produkte im Account
112 Reviews
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 13:54
A phenomenal sci-fi experience. While some of the story beats might be predictable to genre savvy players, the setting is fresh, the characters are memorable, and the execution is stellar. It sticks with you.
36 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 18:06
I like this game a lot, great story and interesting mechanics stuff. idk why i have 20 hours on it though I only played it once
829 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 02:59
This is less a game, and more an interactive science fiction movie.

This is not a criticism, as it's a *damn good* interactive science fiction movie.

Very satisfying from start to finish. Read and listen to everything from every angle, you won't be disappointed.

10/10, would look for augmented reality cats that are hiding again.
38 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 18:05
Tacoma is a sci-fi adventure game with beautiful story. Did you ever wonder, how it's feels like to be in the space as one of the space station crew member? No? So you can finally find out in this amazing game.

Summary -> Great game, great climax, I knew this is a walking game, still.. I felt something can happen - great immerssion.
The biggest question is if Amy really is working for some rebels, or was she only meant to read this to Odin for him not to freak out, so she can complete her job..

Somebody can tell that ending is poor because crew is alive, for me it's a nice plot twist at the end as I also thought they'll be dead, but ending is just great! I've really enjoyed it.

There are 12 achievements easy to obtain by following the steam guide.
499 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 03:58
So good. So cute. Love it. Saved me from the frustration of getting stonewalled by Darksiders III. Hard to review solid little art pieces like this without just showering them in praise.
596 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 04:34
Play this in one sitting. Seriously. It won't take you 4 hours to see everything the story has to offer, and boy is that a lot. You will NOT get as good an experience if you stop in the middle and come back after sleeping, or doing something else.
Tacoma is a beautiful, rather wholesome story. Its gameplay is simple but unobtrusively so. It does not overstay its welcome, and offers a glimpse into a sci-fi universe which is understandable, familiar, and yet remarkably... whatever the opposite of fatalistic is. If you get it at a price at which 4 hours of gameplay (potentially 6 if you want to platinum it, which you may) does not sting you, I cannnot recommend this title enough.
403 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 00:10
The game starts slow, but picks up towards the end. The ending is a rollercoaster of emotions that is absolutely worth it.
563 Produkte im Account
390 Reviews
256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 02:32
A really enjoyable story told in an interesting way. It took about 4 hours to play through, exploring and reading everything I could find. Small details helped round out the writers’ vision, such as the large corporate loyalty system. I enjoyed getting to know the characters, and wish I could learn more about all of them.

Additional Details

Operating System Ubuntu Linux 18.04 x64
CPU Ryzen 5 1500x
GPU GTX 1050, nvidia-410.104
Game Saves Automatically on exit
Notes If you like story-rich walking simulators, you will enjoy this
Technical Notes Unity game engine, a few locations with large FPS drops, no other problems
17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 09:20
I loved Gone Home, and Tacoma absolutely delivered. I couldn't put it down once I started. The little details absolutely make the story, and paint the lives of the characters so vividly for the small bit of their lives that we see. I was on the edge of my seat in minutes, and even as a walking sim, I can see myself going back in for that 100%. I can't wait to see what stories Fullbright brings us next.
661 Produkte im Account
461 Reviews
145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 03:14
A stirring, one-sitting, time-rewinding detective game in the vein of Event 0, Obra Dinn, or The Under Presents with a higher emphasis on narrative and emotional interest than quantifying observations through gameplay. Tacoma is set in a relatively probable sci-fi future that applies advanced AR to interplanetary stations. The technology is a suitably diegetic way of navigating recordings or UI that also works well with the station’s art direction. Using silhouetted models for each crew member is a clever way of circumventing the potential hazard of uncanny facial animations. Assigning each person a unique color, symbol, voice, and nationality make them easy to quickly learn. Communicating through body language, vague text, and a handful of photos invites the player to further participate in the story by contributing their own inferences. As with Gone Home, what you take away from Tacoma will reflect your personal exploration of the game’s plot and environmental subtleties.
941 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 22:27
Really liked Gone Home but Tacoma just didn't have engaging characters nor story.
163 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 16:02
well, very short, only 2 hours, but instead of a boring movie, it's perfect
606 Produkte im Account
167 Reviews
142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 12:31
Short but exciting narrative adventure game where you're exploring an abandonned space station, using augmented reality logs to find out what happened. Great story, great characters and great graphics. Very recommended!
434 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 21:30
Tacoma is a story that will surprise you more than once. Take your time and you won't be disappointed, Highly recommended.
882 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 21:20
Short and sweet. Incredible attention to detail. Loved the inclusion of sign language to give commands. Story was well done. More!
771 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 12:29
I was pretty surprised by captivating I found Tacoma's narrative. Fullbright's taken their environmental storytelling techniques utilised in Gone Home and expanded upon them to make this brief romp across an abandoned space station exhilarating as I placed each piece of the story together.

Tacoma's main story is decent enough, its thrilling as it unfolds and It has plenty of suspenseful moments, but the real beauty lies in the environments you explore, teeming with character details & hidden information. The main game mechanic consists of exploring recordings of multiple characters stranded on a space station, requiring the player to watch through footage multiple times to gain more understanding on the narratives events. This is an exciting hook on its own, but there is so much extra hidden detail which brings great depth to the story. Every character has hidden background that's left entirely to the player to the player to figure out, leading to some of my favourite shocking revelations in the game, which felt so much more powerful cause I got to figure them out on my own. Likewise with the world, there's so much you can learn about Tacoma's setting by just looking at magazines or emails, its great that you can learn exactly how much you want to about this world purely by your own level of interest. I just wish there was a bit more content here, there's only 3 wings of Tacoma to explore, and it took me 3 hours to find absolutely everything worth finding to my knowledge. We could've used at least a couple more recordings to search through, or maybe even some new rooms, it just feels pretty lacking for an asking price of $30. Overall, Gone Home established how powerful a story that solely on environmental storytelling can be, and Tacoma is just another great example of how well this style can work.

Tacoma's story moments are carried by it's characters and their fantastic writing. Every member of Tacoma's crew feels so diverse in personality, they've all got their own charm and realistic flaws that make them so relatable. The acting is also incredible, everyone felt human and even though I had my favourites, I was engaged in every characters subplot. The visuals don't exactly bring them to life however, The coloured holograms that represent every character bring them to life through their body language, but I would've preferred actually seeing these characters in more detail. [spoiler] I think the fact we never see a character model also kind of spoils we will never see any actual characters, at least due to budgetary limits. [/spoiler] Overall the visuals are alright, they serve the narrative fine, but it would've been nice to see something a tad more unique. Regardless, it's not a big takeaway, the primary focus here is the phenomenal execution of these characters, but I can't help but wish I could compliment more aspects of Tacoma to the same degree.


Tacoma leaves a brief impact but I found it to be a really strong one. I think the price is far too high, but I'd highly recommend if you ever catch it on sale. I love these short narrative experiences that take advantage of the potential of environmental storytelling, and I believe Tacoma is one of the best examples of how this story style is so unique to the video game medium.
772 Produkte im Account
1883 Reviews
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 03:56
good game!
94 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 18:11
I nice short scifi game for people who like exploration, diverse characters, and stories. You uncover a linear story on a space station by reviewing video and text logs, and there is even a bit of a punchline in the end.
231 Produkte im Account
192 Reviews
427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 05:01
Tacoma is a game that has been sitting in my inventory for quite some time and I finally got around to playing it. Very interesting adventure - a walking simulator in which you explore the Tacoma space station and recover data to learn what happened to the crew. There are a thousand things to pick up and examine and you can follow the crew (via restored archive recordings) around the ship and begin to understand the relationships, the politics, and the events.

It is a fairly short game (I finished in 4 hours albeit without many achievements) but is well done. The voice acting was perfect, the space station is created in great detail, and the sound track is pretty cool. I was confused at first as to what I needed to do but just kept wandering and restoring data and things began to come together. By the middle of the game, I was connected to the story and characters and wanted to see what happened next.

Other than a few combination locks to open, there are no puzzles and there are no dialog trees. However, the fact that you can walk around, at will, and examine things keeps the player in an 'active' mode throughout the game. Tacoma automatically saves on exit and the controls are very simple (with cues telling you what key to use throughout the game).

It is definitely worth playing just to get to the end and understand what occurred. I highly recommend this game to those who enjoy peaceful exploration and discovery.
604 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 22:56
Had a key in my guy's hand. Interacted with a menu and the key vanished through the floor. It's gone for good.

Steam threads from over 3 years ago suggest the devs know and don't care to fix the issue. Buggy and should be avoided.

Literally unplayable.
1165 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 16:13
50/50 on this recommendation. The UI is fun, which is important since it is the only thing that really qualifies as gameplay during this walking sim and without it there just wouldn't be anything here outside of a short movie. The movie itself wasn't enough to keep me entertained although the world building is well done and some of the topics themselves are interesting - however there isn't anything that you really deep dive into which kind of misses the point of exploring these kinds of topics in a game atmosphere. I enjoyed the voice work.
195 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 23:21
very short game, but enjoyable to play once (or maybe twice for 100% purposes if you even need to play it a second time)

you could probably take 60 minutes to 100% the game if you knew what you were doing ahead of time.
437 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 20:33
A remarkable sci-fi narrative-driven adventure, which feels surprisingly grounded in reality... of the very near future.
1112 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 22:58
Space station walking simulator. You investigate the disappearance of space station's crew.


- Interesting, well thought story with depth on many levels.
- Visuals are great.
- Voice acting and characters are good.
- The space station is detailed, many small things to discover.
- Atmosphere.
- It's a short game, but the length is perfect to keep you interested. Good 3-4 hours game for one evening.


- You must enjoy walking simulators / exploration games! Don't buy it expecting action.


- none

AUDIO 8/10
STORY 9/10

48 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 14:45
doesnt let you pet the hologram cat :( but it is fun looking for her :3
213 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 22:31
Короткая, душевная и классная. Рекомендую!
1156 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 11:06
A great story with an interesting mechanic to watch it play out. For those gamers who prefer something mroe story driven rather than action oriented gameplay. The story is full of interesting characters who are formed brilliantly with ample back story that can be garnered from the surrounding world and recordings.
323 Produkte im Account
137 Reviews
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 17:32
Code USER: aferrier
PASSWORD: ************


COMMAND: run diary


Dear Diary,

I just completed my mission to secure the wetware of the ODIN artificial intelligence, which once controlled the now abandoned lunar transfer station, Tacoma. While it's not particularly exciting, I did have a pleasant time with it. What's important is that my mission was a success, and I’m currently en route to my next rendezvous point.

It didn’t take me long to download the AI files and to extract ODIN. Seriously, I could have done all that in about two hours if I rushed through it. Yet, I was adamant on recovering every AR crew record and desktop item, as well as searching all corners for additional information that could help me understand what happened aboard the Tacoma. Sure, that took me an additional hour or two to complete the job, but I achieved all that I had set out to do.

Finding my way around the Tacoma was easy. It felt kind of nice to just walk/float around and explore, without much urgency to get things done while the AI files were downloading. There were a few times when I needed to find keys and combination codes to unlock drawers and doors, but that’s something even entry-level subcontractors could easily figure out. Strangely at one point, I got stuck among some furniture, and I had to literally “hack” my way out of them. How and why did that happen? I’m afraid it’s a phenomenon that I just can’t explain.

From reviewing AR crew records and desktop items, I easily figured out what happened to the Tacoma crew. It’s the revelation, which I can’t mention here for security reasons, that I came across during my last 15 to 30 minutes on board that took me by slight surprise. But from what I’ve read in the crew’s logs, I can’t say I was shocked.

With ODIN in hand, I can’t help but feel my mission aboard the Tacoma is merely the beginning of something potentially bigger. I guess you can say my experience seemed more like a prologue than a complete adventure. Let’s see what Director Fullbright has to say about that.


COMMAND: logoff
55 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 04:14
Interesting, and well made game. However it is too short to be worth $20. It is not an ordinary game. Its more of an interactive movie. If your into that sort of thing then yea the $20 might be worth it. If your into solving mysteries like me, your better off playing a different game that is oriented towards that.
367 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 23:48
In Tacoma, you play as Amy Ferrier, a AI specialist, investigating why the crew of space station Tacoma evacuated the station. On Tacoma, you will use AR to recreate different scenes between the crews for you to understand what exactly happened on the station. Throughout the story, you also find out the personality of these people as well as the problems they are facing. Curiosity grows into sympathy, and we start to understand humans never change, no matter they are living in present time or in distant future, humans stay human and all of us face similar adversities but also share sentiment towards love and happiness.

I wouldn't spoil what exactly happened on Tacoma. The journey is short (4-6 hours depending on how much you are a explorer) and I hope all of you can enjoy the ride. It is totally worth your time.

399 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 19:44
this hit me
586 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 00:40
While the game has a fantastic story which I really enjoyed, and a really unique, cool way of reliving the events the befell the Tacoma, it is SHORT! Going through every little bit of content the game has to offer shouldn't take you more than 2-3 hours and it has little to no replayability. That said, it was a great ride and I really enjoyed it - I just don't think I'd spend more than $5 on it .
951 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 12:36
I can understand why people may enjoy it, some interesting mechanics, the setup where the story happens, art style is ok. Yet for me the story was completely uninteresting, did not grab me for even a minute. I felt pretty much nothing after finishing it... forgettable experience.
213 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 21:31
Short and sweet story game. I was looking for something chill after playing a much beefier title and this definitely fit the bill. I really enjoyed how the story was told through AR recordings and I highly recommend exploring everywhere as there are little tidbits about each of the crew strewn across the ship. It'll give you insight into the characters, their motivations and even fun/interesting tidbits about this alt-future setting. Well done Fullbright!
136 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 13:46
I am not recommending this so I can give people a heads up between all the recommended reviews:
the story is rather soft, don't expect any messed up plot twists or some dark ending.
(I wouldn't have played this game if I knew it was just all happy days with some drama)

Don't get me wrong, the developers did a great job on delivering the story of the Tacoma crew this just wasn't the experience I was looking for so I am not recommending this because the game is bad, but because I wouldn't recommend it to certain people like myself.

The game did feel refreshing, It was interesting following the crew around in these uncertain times, the voice acting was fine and I didn't get bored listing to most of the conversations. But I was waiting for the moment where the story would kick off but this just didn't happen. It was too much of a happy story with a happy ending for me. Just not my piece of cake.
156 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 01:51
I recommend we all board Tacoma station.

After all had been said and done, and the Tacoma was abandoned, player-as-Amy came along to (ostensibly) find out what and why. As it turned out, the motivations of some of the players involved were not what they seemed.

Tacoma was an immersive walking/floating simulator that felt a bit like sifting through the rubble, but more hopeful.
I enjoyed:
- the color-coded 3D human-like forms used to guide the story in space without being flat recordings - it allowed me to walk around the characters and see how they interacted with one another and with the station - which allowed for a deeper character development than cut scenes or live action recordings alone would have.
- the ability to play, replay, pause, rewind, and fast forward the recordings as I saw fit.
- the balance of silence and music and great voice acting - it created a soundscape that was believable and made the characters that much more intimately accessible.
- the level of detail in all the products and personal spaces made for interesting exploration.
- writing that developed ODIN from unconditioned and cold AI to sentient entity worthy of sympathy and the roles that the key characters played in that development.
- pink kitty.

The game touched upon everything from corporate culture, corruption, workers' rights, data privacy, AI rights as human rights, automation, legal/moral relativism, long-term human space exploration, family ties, loyalty, branding, timeshares, to the importance of kitty litter and the usage of skulls in recreational sports, ya know, the important stuff.

I will look for more titles from Fullbright in the future.
149 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 15:48
Tacoma is more an interactive story than a game, and also a bit of a space station simulator.

The story is very good and makes you think about capitalism, corporatism, human and AI rights and corruption. You will also enjoy a realistic portrayal of a possible future space station. I had a great time playing the game.

The only thing that I think might be an error: they say the station AI ODIN is 108 years old... and the game plays in the year 2088. Which would mean it went operative in the year 1980. Unless it was developed on a C64, I don't think that's possible.

All in all I can highly recommend this adventure to anyone seeking a good and immersive SciFi-Story and wants to progress at their own pace.
127 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 19:54
When I started this game, I was quite cocky and assumed that I knew how the story was going to go, but was pleasantly surprised by the actual direction it took. I can't think of anything negative to say about Tacoma, as long as you like this kind of ambient exploration experience. It set up a mystery, effectively made me care about the plight of the characters, resolved in a satisfying way, and didn't outstay its welcome.
96 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 12:54
I fully enjoyed my first playthrough of Tacoma. The story is revealed to you through the use of AR as you enter a room. I didn't fully understand how this was working at first so I am sure I missed a few details but in the end it doesn't really matter as there is no way to change the story in any way.
The graphics are very pleasing to the eye and the amount of items you can interact with are huge.
It took about 4 hours or so to complete the game but I really enjoyed my stay on the station. The inhabitants stories were all intriguing as they are revealed to you in bit and pieces.
My one wish is that I was able to spend more time with the people of the Tacoma station, it was over too fast for me.
I am recommending this game as a fun way to spend a rainy afternoon.
166 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 01:25
Another masterclass in environmental storytelling from Fullbright. Love the diverse cast of flawed but loveable characters.
54 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 07:11
Absolutely stunning story accompanied by equally stunning storytelling. Fullbright does it again--a fully absorbing universe, both sweeping and personal, both distant and familiar. I was haunted by the possibility of a near-future that is bone-chillingly close-to-home without ever being hokey or flat. Couple this with a fantastic cast of true-to-life characters and you've got yourself a stupendous, emotional narrative experience. Much like Gone Home, Tacoma is more than worth your time and attention (and, tbh, probably several replays).
454 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 17:19
This game is a perfect substitute for, say, watching a movie in a free evening. Takes around 4 hours to finish if you take things slow but the story keeps you interested all the way through.
253 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 11:28
This game had a great story and I loved piecing it together from all the notes and conversations that you recover. The exploration was very satisfying. Great characters, too! Loved the ending.
58 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 03:24
4 hours went by and i didnt even feel it

this is one of the most immersive games out there
654 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 05:37
The world of Tacoma is just amazing. So much attention to detail throughout, and 6 completely independent, fully fleshed out characters whose stories you'll experience as you move through the game. Really well done game. Highly recommended.
195 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 14:58
Recommended. It's a pretty nice short interactive story, in a pretty fresh way. Also, the technologies portrayed in the game are kind of realistic: Just-start-becoming-recognized-as-sentient-beings AI, spinning artificial gravity, not-too-high-res AR technology, slow data transfer, radiation and meteors still being a problem, etc.

The story is quite fast-paced, and the plot is a little bit flawed though.
670 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 23:13
Wow, gotta say: I love the style this game offers. An easy to follow story with a interesting mechanic for experiencing it. Being able to watch the same event from multiple perspectives is great and the dialogue feels very natural throughout it. If you like sci-fi and mystery give this a shot.
139 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 20:46
Really good narrative adventure that actually escapes the common pitfall of walking sims where they feel tedious and dragged out. Had simple mechanics and minimal puzzles but just enough interaction to keep you engaged. It's really the story that will draw you in. I also found the ending pretty refreshing, considering [spoiler] i fully went into this expecting everyone to die [/spoiler].
208 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 17:44
If you don't like walking simulators, you won't like this. If you do, you will. It's a cool little story with a lot of thought put into the details.
160 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 17:38
Short and sweet. About 2 hours to play through the main story, but it is a very nice story that is well worth experiencing
1693 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 13:01

I liked Gone Home back when I played it a few years ago, even though it’s a basic walking simulator that doesn’t offer any traditional gameplay. The thing that made it stand out positively among the sea of games light on gameplay and heavy on narrative was that the process of rummaging through this house and figuring out who the people who lived there were was made interesting by all the little things you could find and how those changed your view of its inhabitants. It was a perfectly well told story presented in a lovingly crafted, highly detailed world.

There was also absolutely no need to remake it. But that’s exactly what the developers did with their second outing Tacoma. Ok, ok, that’s a facetious claim that obviously isn’t intended to be taken literally. It’s not just Gone Home IN SPAAACE. But it’s the same concept transplanted to a different setting.

You’re sent up to the titular space station in order to find out what happened there. So once again, you get to explore an empty location and get to know people by what happened before you arrived there. The critical difference this time around is that the way you get to experience what happened isn’t through objects, letters and notes strewn around the place. Well, not exclusively, because those things are still a part of the experience. And I do have to say, the sheer number of varied, fully modeled and textured objects you can pick up and examine is staggering. There are tons of books with uniquely designed covers and fully written abstracts and commercial products with logos, names, descriptions, ingredients etc.

But the main way you experience the narrative is through an augmented reality layer that shows you recordings of the crew before they left the station. You don’t just hear their voices, this time around the developers went and did something that few walking-simulator developers have attempted: They modeled actual living beings and rigged and animated them. They obviously didn’t take it upon themselves to actually model detailed faces, but hey, at least they gave you some actual human facsimiles.

The interactive part of these recordings is realized by the fact that you can’t listen to everybody at the same time, so you have to continuously rewind these recordings and move about the station and follow the people talking in order to get the complete picture. But the necessary information that you have to retrieve is usually not something that the people say out loud. Rather, there are certain points of the recordings that highlight whenever the AR-layer of any of the crew is currently active, and you have to find those spots in the recordings, look at what they’re seeing and once that’s done in one section, you can advance to the next one.

The barebones gist of the narrative is that you’re there to retrieve these recordings to piece together events and in the end salvage the stations artificial intelligence. It turns out that there was an emergency on board and you can observe the crew and how they deal with this fact and what they do in order to save themselves. There are also additional recordings, usually in the crew quarters, where you get to see each of them doing something on their own, which were recorded before the emergency took place. There are also very few instances of puzzles to solve, though they boil down to observing what numbers a recording pressed on a keypad and then using that code to enter a locked off part of the station. Why on earth you’d need to lock off any part of the station with only six people who are constantly monitored and recorded by an AI is beyond me, because it doesn’t really add much to the experience to solve these puzzles and if something were to go awry, they could just examine the records of the AI to determine who was at fault.

You might have noticed an inkling of criticism before, when I mentioned that you don’t actually need to pay attention to what any of the people are saying in order to complete the game. And that’s actually a large part why I felt that Tacoma was significantly less enjoyable than Gone Home. What people are saying is not important in order to achieve your goal here. You can ignore 99% of what they’re saying and just focus on the segments of the recordings that give you access to their AR overlays. And you don’t even need to read any of those, since your knowledge about these people is never tested at any point in the game. You don’t have to figure out where something is by what they say. And even though you can pick up hundreds of objects and closely examine them, there’s absolutely no point in doing so. And I think that’s a huge missed opportunity. Because there’s no need to get to know these people or the world they inhabit. There’s an enormous amount of detail that went into these characters. You can really get to know them and their mundane lives and problems through their interactions as well as through how their living spaces are designed. But it would’ve been cool if getting to know them was also something that you needed to do in order to complete your quest.

Because let me be honest here, I just didn’t find any of the people on this station or the game lore at large to be all that interesting. Heck, large parts of the interactions are even more boring than my own and I don’t think anybody would pay me $20 so I could tell them how my day was and what problems I solved at work.
Towards the end, the plot of the narrative thickens somewhat and introduces some intrigue, but by that point, the game is pretty much already over and once you’re done on the space station and head back to your ship, there’s literally no payoff. I’m not going to spoil any of it here, but let me just say that it touches on aspects that many stories before Tacoma have dealt with and it doesn’t do a particularly good job at utilizing them here.

In the end, I can’t really recommend Tacoma. Yes, it’s wonderful to look at with nicely designed environments and objects and the people you can get to know are nuanced and multi-facetted with voice-acting that really manages to make them come alive. But their personalities and what they experience are just there to be experienced as a passive observer. I’m tempted to say that this would be better realized as a piece of non-interactive fiction, but as a character study, it’s too insubstantial even for that, because it doesn’t delve deep enough into what troubles these people and how they deal with their problems. So unfortunately, I have to say that even though the developers were able to pull this experiment off once with Gone Home, Tacoma unfortunately only further highlights the problems walking-simulators suffer from and ultimately doesn’t manage to overcome them.
254 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 23:32


Good Si-Fi game from the creators of GONE HOME with twelve easy achievements and eight cheap trading cards. You don't need much time for it and there's not much replayability, maybe only if you missed some achievements or want to listen to the audio commentary from the developers. Anyway, this game has an interesting playing concept. As if you were playing back a 3D video and were live in it at the same time. Just like with a real video tape you can rewind, fast-forward and pause it. The story is simple and intriguing at the same time. You were sent to the space station TACOMA and have to recover the on-board AI and find out what happened to the crew.

BTW, the pleasant voice of the main protagonist is already known from GONE HOME. It's Sarah Grayson again. But unfortunately this is not a sequel.

Absolutely OK for a sale price. You can get a discount of up to 85% for The Fullbright Collection, which consists of GONE HOME and TACOMA. I highly recommend both games.
62 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 18:58
I genuinely loved this game. From start to finish, Tacoma kept the pace at a slow burn, revealing only what information it really needed to to keep the story moving forward. Despite how much there was to listen to and read, I never got bored, and to the contrary, I really enjoyed learning about each of the crew members. The game mechanics are simply but cleverly designed, and every bit of info you receive feels well earned. And the ending was really satisfying, too.

What a damn good game.
1020 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 08:29
A simple black box recovery mission to a space station unearths a few mysteries in this story-driven short game. Nice diversion for a couple hours, you can listen to a lot of dialogue and read a ton of detail about the crewmember's lives. Also, there is a cat.

Two gripes, 1) some of the objects in the game and/or walls have collision detection problems, as an essential item for an achievement clipped straight through the walls of the space station and drifted off into space, never to be seen again. Had to replay entire game to get it, ultimately. 2) load times in the elevator shafts were a bit long, even on an SSD, and fps tanked every time in the elevators and a couple other times loading major scenes or recalling crew memories. Both bugs should have been patched by now, but it didn't ruin the game.

Solid 7/10 - not essential to play but still fun nevertheless; plus would probably be quite good in VR.
2743 Produkte im Account
312 Reviews
346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 22:39

Tacoma is a short walking simulator with a decent story and excellent graphics. Its main downside is that it's way too short for its asking price and has practically no replay value.


It's a walking simulator, so you walk around, have a lot of things that you can interact with, most of them don't matter. You collect the various aspects of the story as it's lined up for you in a fairly linear fashion, and that's it.

The game sits on the story that's decent, and you have to piece it together. It's cool in that it's not very realistic, but the space theme has been explored ad nauseum that I was not particularly surprised by any part of the story. I won't give away anything because that will probably ruin anyone's experience if you haven't actually played yet.

The furistic setting allows for some interesting imaginative technology, so it's fun to see what people can come up with in terms of visualizing our future world. The characters you only get to know through cursory views of their regular lives and then the immediate past few days. To the player, they are mostly just colorful blobs on the screen, but through your gameplay you will get to learn about them just enough to make a few connections.

It would seem that all of the achievements except one is optional, and so if you are looking to get to 100%, make sure you do your due diligence to explore everywhere and see everything. It kind of is the game's incentive for you to pay attention to every little detail. There are a couple of achievements that I had to use a guide, but I don't regret doing them just to make sure that I saw every part of the game before stopping for good.


This game seems to work fine with a controller, but I only used my keyboard and mouse, it just felt smoother. Playing first-person games with a controller is usually not my cup of tea.


Excellent furturistic world setting in a fully detailed space station.

Music & Sounds

Music is good, or so I think, I was more involved with the story. The voice acting is pretty good. The audio direction in terms of using your visual perspective in relative space to the characters speaking on screen is excellent. It feels immersive in experience, especially if you play with a headset.


I think people who enjoy walking simulators definitely should play through this, just to experience it. Definitely not at the list price though.


The game is 3 years old now, and the list price for $19.99 US seems a bit too high for all of the other games you can play for that amount of money and get a lot more of an experience. If I had been blown away by the story or maybe if the game is larger in terms of plot, characters, location, etc., I may have felt the price worth the game.


Tacoma is a fun experience, very casual and short. The story is decent and the scenery is great to look at. The imagined futuristic technologies are advanced but also very much realistic. The price is too high for the content, looking at a game 3 years old.

I played and replayed each dialogue several times to listen to the conversations from each crew member available for each dialogue. But if I were to not to experience the story from all of these perspectives and I did not try to read all of the available written content, then the game would have felt severely lacking. So I am glad I experienced it as I did.
458 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.20 04:46
Tacoma is basically a slow burning allegory against patriarchy and corporate hegemony that envisions a future where gender and racial politics have been, de-facto, resolved. I get where it’s coming from: it’s important to question the norms/current state of society and to see representation of LGBTQ2 and racial diversity in entertainment (imagine being a kid and wondering why none of your favourite characters look or think the way you do)...

...but it doesn’t make it a captivating game.

It’s compelling in so far as you’re a person who enjoys studying people. You run around a fairly basic set of levels reading the personal messages (and listening to the personal conversations) of the people who were previously aboard the derelict Lunar Transfer Station Tacoma. There is some infrequent and slight memorization required, but that is literally the game. There are no dialogue options or choices.

The thrill of eavesdropping is really the only motivating feature of Tacoma. There’s a narrative thread about the future of AI, how it would impact the working-class and lower-middle management, what civil liberties should be extended to semi-sentient computers… but honestly, those ideas are better explored through other, more comprehensive/heady mediums.


+ Dive into the (utterly mundane) lives of people you’ve never met
+ Voice acting is well done


~ Complex subject matter distilled in a (diluted) easy to understand way
~ Not overly long


- No choices or dialogue options
- Unbearably simple level and game design
- Overbearing romantic narrative elements
- Expensive for MAX 3 hours play time

As with Fullbright’s previous ‘game’, “Gone Home”, there are some cool pop culture references (a cat named Margaret Catwood – heh heh – a nod to the long gone President Musk, and a few current corporate enterprises mentioned) and a whole lot of books lying around to put on your reading list.

Find more reviews at Balance Patch.
1909 Produkte im Account
1339 Reviews
6075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 20:01
Gone Home in space is the shortest and still most fitting description I can give about this. Both in the good and bad ways. There's a lot of story about the characters you're learning about while never meeting them, very little interaction and a playtime of barely two hours, tops.

All the same this was quite fun and I really liked the ending.

The only thing I cannot recommend is getting this at retail value. Wait for at least 50% off.
117 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.20 04:49
Tacoma Station sits in orbit—empty except for the ODIN AI and you, Amy Ferrier, a tech specialist subcontracted by the Venturis Corporation to collect the AI hardware. Explore the station, piece together the events through email, chat messages, physical clues, and the augmented reality system to learn the compelling story of the Tacoma Station and find out what happened to the crew.

Tacoma is a short sci-fi narrative that focuses on learning the story of the Tacoma Station and the inhabitants. You piece together clues from documents, computer screens, and animated AR recordings. I found this last type of clue to be quite fascinating and fresh and it helped make the game unique while still giving clues to the mystery. The developers did a decent job on the narrative and putting clues throughout the game world but it was the Tacoma Station itself that was absolutely compelling and quite amazing—and getting to explore this locale was easily my favorite part of the game.

The exploration of the Tacoma Station alongside figuring out what happened was fun, but the story was somewhat lacking in my opinion and part of the ending was predictable (the other half of the ending caught me off guard so, there is that). While I enjoyed Tacoma; it is a game that once completed there is no reason to revisit again unless you want to enjoy the details and walk the halls of the station or collect those final elusive achievements.

However, I would still recommend this game for those interested in exploring a story in a unique way or for those who are interested in walking simulators.
2160 Produkte im Account
167 Reviews
206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 21:30
Tacoma is a compelling narrative-focused game. If you don't like it because it has progressive background elements, sorry to say it but you're a coward.
2121 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.20 09:58
This is the first time in a long time that I've been engaged enough in a story to stay up through the night to finish it in one sitting. I loved the characters and found them very believable and easy to empathise with.

As others have mentioned, if you aren't a big fan of walking simulators to start with, then obviously you won't be interested in this game.

It's a walking sim with a great story and great characters. I loved it. It only took me about 4 hours to complete (well, with only 3 of 12 achievements so longer if you are an achievement hunter) but the short length works for me because it's almost 6am now and I really need to get some sleep)
263 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 02:29
A very interesting mystery that takes great advantage of the medium. It's not long, but think of it as a movie and not a season(s) of a tv show. I highly recommend it.
451 Produkte im Account
120 Reviews
222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.19 11:21
Stellar game unlike anything I've ever played before.
You are hired by the Venturis Corporation to retrieve data and the AI from a doomed space station. Aside from crew logs and personal notes, you can also access AR recordings of parts of the ship that reveal vital and non-vital information in real-time through the crew's actions, discussions and talks with the ship's AI.

Themes: Late stage capitalism, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, leadership, teamwork, grief, guilt.
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
87.43% 2525 363
Release:01.08.2020 Genre: Adventure Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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