System Shock 2
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Über das Spiel

Setzen Sie verschiedenste Geräte und Cyber-Implantate ein, darunter Hacking-Werkzeuge und Verstärker für besondere Fähigkeiten.
Erlernen Sie den Einsatz des Psi-Verstärkers und verwenden Sie 35 verschiedene Psi-Kräfte, darunter Kinetische Umlenkung, Projizierte Pyrokinese, oder neurale Zwangsstrukturierung.
Kämpfen Sie mit Verstand gegen parasitenbefallene Mutanten, die auf jedes Geräusch und jeden sich bewegenden Schatten reagieren.
Wir sind in der Zukunft. Sie sind auf dem Raumschiff Von Braun stationiert und warten auf Ihre erste Mission als Soldat. Zum Glück ähnelt die Zukunft ganz stark dem Besten, was Science Fiction uns in den letzten zehn Jahren zu bieten hatte -- ein bisschen Blade Runner mit ein paar Häppchen Das fünfte Element (nur, dass hier ein KI-starker Computer bzw. selbst ernannte Göttlichkeit den Laden schmeißt).
Das Universum wird von unglaublich großen Unternehmen betrieben, und in eines der größten (TriOptium) bricht ein Hacker ein paar Regeln. Das Ergebnis ist SHODAN, ein Supercomputer, dessen schönes, doch Furcht erregendes Antlitz Sie auch von der Schachtel anstarrt. Die Spieleengine, die schon bei Dark Project: Der Meisterdieb zum Einsatz kam, sichert, dass System Shock 2 flüssig auf System mit der gleichen Standardausstattung läuft.
Mit einer hochkarätigen Handlung und fesselnder, asiatisch anmutender Ästhetik geht System Shock 2 als Rollenspiel aus der Ich-Perspektive unter die Haut. Alle Dinge, die sonst dumm und alt wirken, erwachen hier zu neuem Leben. Es ist so, als könnten Sie in die Siebziger zurückkehren und sich ausmalen, wie Dinge in der Zukunft ausschauen würden und sie dabei auch noch glaubwürdig und cool erscheinen lassen. Die surrenden, piepsenden und pulsierenden Geräusche, alles hört sich täuschend echt an. Zusätzlich haben die Entwickler alle unheimlichen Elemente hinzugefügt, von denen wir eigentlich niemals wollten, dass sie Wirklichkeit werden. So z.B. diese "Geisterstimme", die Sie am Flughafen begrüßt -- nur besuchen Sie hier das Training der UNN (der Vereinten Nationen der Zukunft).
Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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1137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 12:37
10/10, definitely a must play
1892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 20:27
I seriously do believe if this game was instead released 10 years in the future from now exactly how it is it would still be a masterpiece. It is incredibly well made and WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE, GO PLAY IT
79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 18:43
An absolute PC classic, mandatory for anyone that has an interest in PC gaming in particular and gaming in general. I must admit I got into it a bit later than 1999 as at the time I was completely obsessed with Half-Life and everything else never really caught my eye. Also at the time I had never played it's predesessor, so I didn't have a strong attachment to the franchise. Of course, later in my life I did play it with more care and maturity and found an absolute gem that inspired lots of games in the years after.
992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 16:24
860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 23:07
Recommended mods and utilities:
–SS2Tool/Blue Mod Manager (install this first, use the mod manager it comes with to install the mods with; install into your ss2.exe folder, it might not already be selected)
–SS2 Rebirth
–SS2 SHTUP (Shock Texture Update Project)
–SS2 400 (large texture replacement)
–Vurt's SS2 Flora Overhaul
–Vurt's SS2 Water
–Vurt's Hi-res Space
–Vurt's Organics/Goo
–Eldron's Psi Amp
–Reimagined shotgun model
–Arcaniac's Wrench
–SS2 Community Patch (SCP) (drag it to the bottom of the load order in the mod manager) (SS2Tool)
372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 17:48
You fight and hack your way through a starship full of mutants with a rogue AI which has taken over, taunting you throughout the journey. While the game is more difficult than I remember, the processor and rig I use now is a powerhouse and the game moves fast.
If you get stuck, hit shift-semi colon and use the summon_obj X command where X is the item you want to spawn. I maxed out all stats in the beginning, constantly summoned nanites, and the game still took 14 hours in exploration and cleanse mode. Many creatures will respawn and your arsenal will continually degrade. At least you don't have to feed your character. Whew.
Due to the nonsense and games surrounding the System Shock Remake, I do not recommend pre-ordering. NightDive has disappeared with $1.4 million dollars and they only seem interested in silencing and dismissing those who helped them pursue this goal. I recommend the System Shock games to anyone who's never heard of them but I don't recommend NightDive Studios at all. Go drive off a cliff, Stephen!
644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 13:25
9/10 just play the game
890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 21:36
1225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 09:34
The setup might be an ALIEN pastiche; but where it goes places you don’t expect. Despite the somewhat dated graphics, there are moments where the game is legitimately disturbing – and some enemies are undeniably creepy; especially the ones encountered in the hydroponic deck. SHODAN is a fantastic horror villain and perhaps one of the freshest takes on the evil a.i trope I’ve seen. And the voice acting across the board is pretty good as well.
There are some caveats – it is undeniably jank at points. Quests can be padded; where the only needed to be, say three of an objective - we get 6, padding the game time where it hurts pacing, and some backtracking feels unnecessary. Also, there are a lot of busy work mechanics – for instance there are 5 technical skills you can level up, when only 3; Repair, Hacking and Research was needed. Some higher end enemies are also dumb as brick; so there terror is undermined by there dumbness. Also, the hacking minigame is basically just a numbers game; rather than a real rest of skill, which is annoying.
Performance is solid, only one crash, though no subtitle support.
A superb experience overall.
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 11:24
If i had to chose one game that would be the only game i could play for the rest of my life, this would be it. During the past 21 years i played through it countless times, on all difficulty settings, with all character classes, even in Coop with a couple of friends two or three times, and even though i don’t revisit it as frequently as back in the day anymore, i still haven’t grown tired of this game.
System Shock 2 is the near perfect blend of playability, atmosphere, storytelling and appropriate presentation. It’s gameplay is challenging and flexible, but never too complex. It’s story is well-written, tense and cinematic without being at the expense of the gameplay, and its presentation is certainly outdated but still manages to create a incomparably dense atmosphere that is unrivaled in terms of feeling isolated, claustrophobic, being watched, chased and hopelessly lost in the depths of outer space.
Basically, the story has a beard as long as a Boa Constrictor and movie-fans will quickly notice that it is not much more than a thrown together potpourri of plot elements from famous sci-fi flicks like Alien, 2001 - A Space Odyssey, Event Horizon and The Thing (there is even a poor man’s version of a light saber as a melee weapon in here for christ sakes). But weaving together all those stolen set pieces as masterfully as System Shock 2 does is almost an art in itself. In fact, one of the stunning things about System Shock 2 is not the story itself, but how it is told: After 6 weeks in cold sleep, you wake up onboard the faster-than-light spaceship „Von Braun“, billions of miles away from earth and suffering from severe amnesia. You quickly discover that one half of the crew is dead, the other half has been infected with a strange parasite and mutated into horribly disfigured zombie-like creatures, and that the ship‘s artificial intelligence has been reprogrammed to aid the extraterrestrial intruders. You piece together the events of the past two months by listening to the audio logs left behind by the former crew members and those audio logs are so well-written and voice-acted that you actually develop a relationship to their authors even though you never meet them in person during the game and know that most likely they are already dead. In some sort of way, the real main character of the game is not the player‘s avatar (who remains completely silent the entire game except for one single word during the final cutscene), but some of the characters depicted in the audio logs. The whole story runs through the audio logs like a red thread and some of the crew members become key figures in the events that have unfolded, while others may not be as crucial to the central plot, but have their own little side stories of trying to survive in the everpresent chaos, slowly enabling you to get a grip on the big picture what actually happened on the ship while you were in cold sleep. A couple of times you can actually find audio logs on the corpses of your enemies, which contain the thoughts of the respective crew members during their final hours before their death and subsequent mutation. It’s rather shocking when you listen to a handful of audio logs from a certain crew member and start to feel sympathy, then after the next fight you find out that just seconds ago you were forced to kill this exact guy. The audio logs combined with the masterful ambient sound effects and perfectly paced electronica soundtrack is one of the two key factors for creating the strongest atmosphere in any game ever. The other key factor is the leveldesign. It is actually quite inappropriate to speak of „levels“ here, because the whole spaceship is one big consistent level, that is only divided into certain areas by short loading screens. You constantly move back and forth between the various decks of the spaceship (each having a distinctive theme like science deck, leisure deck, botanics deck and so on) in order to find a way back to earth, and for example if you drop an item anywhere on the ship it remains in this exact spot and is still there when you return hours later. That is not only pretty darn impressive for 1999 technical standards but also does a lot for immersion and really makes you feel like you are moving through an actual consistent place. Some may call it annoying backtracking if you have to frequently revisit some parts of the ship, but towards the end of the game, when you are literally steps away from what seems to be your final means of escape and then discover that you have to go all the way back to the lowest deck to get some missing hardware parts or a certain chemical, not knowing what you may run into on you way back down, this creates a very strong feeling of urgency and tension, similar to the last 20 minutes of the first Alien movie.
If System Shock 2’s „leveldesign“ was innovative, so was its gameplay, because it was basically the first proper hybrid between first-person-shooter and RPG. You can choose between three different character classes: The Marine is well-trained in using any firearm you might come across, while the Navy Officer is very proficient in technical skills like hacking, repairing, maintenance and scientific research. Finally, the OSA agent has up to 36 offensive and defensive psionic abilities at his disposal. You have to chose one of those three classes, but even though this defines your basic skill set-up at the start of the game, it doesn’t keep you from further developing the skills of the other two classes as well, leading to various degrees of mixture of the three characters. This, combined with the four different difficulty settings gives System Shock 2 an ammount of replay value, that is highly impressive for a rather linear game like this. I always considered it very unfair that later games like Deus Ex and Bioshock got all the praise for their gameplay mechanics when basically all they did was taking System Shock 2‘s basic premise and applying it on themselves, sometimes with results that were less refined (Deus Ex) or significantly watered down (Bioshock).
The only small point of legit criticism is the visual quality. Running on the DarkEngine (the same engine used in the first two Thief games) the textures and environmental grafics look decent enough, but the character models are a bit too blocky and undetailed, even for 1999 standards. They move a bit like on rails and the animations in general are just too stiff and robotic to be excusable. The weapons don’t even have proper reload animations. But, oh well.
System Shock 2 is the proof that a perfect videogame does not exist, because you can’t come closer to perfection than System Shock 2. It is the basic blueprint and spiritual predecessor of some of the best games of all time and not a single one of them could reach, let alone surpass it. For me the biggest mystery in gaming history is why this game sold so extremely poorly, because for me it has been the definitive videogame experience of my entire life.
( ) 0/8 Simply one of the worst games ever made. Don't waste any money on this.
( ) 1/8 Bad. Seriously flawed with barely any redeeming qualities. Worth a couple of Cents at best, if at all.
( ) 2/8 Sub-par. Only for hardcore-fans of respective genre / series. Don't pay more than 5 bucks.
( ) 3/8 Meh-diocre. It‘s okay. Don't pay more than 10 bucks.
( ) 4/8 Decent, but not for everybody. Don't pay more than 15 bucks.
( ) 5/8 Good game, Must-play for genre- / series-fans. Worth 20 to 25 bucks max, if you are not a fan.
( ) 6/8 Great game, universal recommendation. 30 bucks would be a steal for this.
( ) 7/8 Outstanding game, a milestone of it‘s respective genre. Definitely worth its full prize.
( ) 8/8 Simply one of the best games ever made. Get this, the prize doesn't matter.
(X) 9/8 It‘s System Shock 2.
1615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 02:58
Recommended if you want more out of your FPS than just running and gunning. Also a nicely unique experience: there're are a lot of games like it, but there's only one System Shock 2.
A nice survival horror(-ish) experience. The upgrade system lets you choose your style of play (to a degree), and there are more ways to crack an egg than to just shoot it until it's HP reaches 0. The resource management is also nice, and the state of your character is a regular factor rather than an occasional concern.
Fair warning, though: the game shows its age. The controls take some getting used to, the menus are not what I'd call intuitive, and the art is laughably bad at times. If you can look past this, however, it's definitely a game I'd recommend.
1595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 03:39
The beneficiary of a retrospective viewpoint.
I've played System Shock 2 a few times now throughout my life. A one time playthough is likely closer to 15-20 hours. System Shock 2 is from Ken Levine, the same guy that directed Bioshock. You'll likely notice a lot similarities in both games depending on which one you play first. However, System Shock actually was first. Although, I'm sure I am not alone that my introduction to “Shock-likes” was from Bioshock first, back in 2007. I was a late convert to PC gaming.
Ken Levine also made games like Thief: The Dark Project at Looking Glass before Irrational Games. And those games likely inspired John Romero and Tom Hall over at Ion Storm to create the original Deus Ex.
As the protagonist (Soldier G65434-2), you embark on the UNN Rickenbacker, an escort ship for the Van Braun's maiden voyage. As they they don't both have FTL travel, they're attached to one another. During the trip, the they respond to a distress signal on the Planet Tau Ceti V where an alien infestation is brought back to the ships by the rescue team and thus our intrepid protagonist is awoken from cryosleep. Contacted by Dr. Janice Polito, she introduces you to the situation at hand.
In what I am colloquially deeming the main archetype of a 'Shock-like', the tenants include a semi-open world limited by narrative elements where facets of FPS and RPGs are mixed. This is a working definition.
In the intro you'll choose marines, technical or psi training. This becomes what is effectively your class. From there you walk through four sets of three more tunnels, this acts as a character builder where you'll get bonuses to things such as repair, endurance and/or hacking etc.
Shock-like, shock-bright
System Shock differs from Bioshock insofar that System Shock 2 leans more into the RPG elements than Bioshock. You need to 'build' a character as opposed to equipping tonics that you're able to swap in and out. So as you progress in the game, it sort of forces you into one play-style. In this regard, Bioshock feels more approachable as to not gate the player but also takes away from actually taking a “role”.
That said, there are a lot of similarities.
- — Most of the narrative is told through audio or text logs beyond the environment itself.
- — They both feature Stimpacks and Psi hypos ( EVE hypos).
- — Both games feature Vita-chambers or “Quantum Bio-Reconstruction Machines”. These are where your body will be reconstructed upon death. They act as a sort of 'live' checkpoint. Though they cost nanites to use.
- — You'll see ghosts — this time not from gene sampling and cross contamination of ADAM but rather — “Your R-grade cyber rig has an experimental perception enhancement that can theoretically detect residual psychic emanations.“ — Wiki: Source
- — You can hack security cameras that will send enemies after you that need to be shut down at certain stations.
- — Research can be performed to increase damage to specific enemies as well as unlock new weapons. Though, the methodology is different.
- — Hackable kiosks are throughout.
- — The first weapon you pick up in both games is a wrench. The hacking is remotely similar in that, while it is a different system, it's you trying to line up three points in a row instead of connecting two points with tubes, both however feature a number of things to get in the way. They also both have ways around the hacking like auto-hack devices.
You may even find something analogous in Dr. Polito awarding you with cyber-modules akin to [spoiler]Dr. Tenenbaum awarding you with Adam for a task well performed.[/spoiler] Beyond those smaller things, there's also one-time use upgrade machines akin to the “Power of the People” machines in Bioshock.
Other miscellaneous info and anecdotes.
Mechanically, the UI allows you to drag and drop everything around. This includes items like batteries needed to plug into door slots for them to get powered open. Which, from a modern context, may not be as intuitive as it actually is.
You can actually mantle over objects in this game by holding space. Which, if not the first game to do so, it was at least uncommon at the time as far as I know.
You can write text on the map next to major points of interest.
Ken Levine actually voices the “Circus of Value” in Bioshock. He also with voices “Enrique Cortez” in System Shock 2. You can hear him in the audio logs.
The Gist
System Shock 2 is a classic, and a game that I believe to have essentially started its own genre. The 'Shock-like' or the '0451' genre. Neither of those have caught on — likely because they're a bit too esoteric. But System Shock 2 is game you should play if you love sci-fi horror or are just interested in older games. It still does a better job at fostering a creepy atmosphere than many modern games.
If you've read this far, consider following my curation — Station Argus
There is a planned Enhanced Edition of System Shock 2 on the horizon that is claimed to be received when it releases after having pre-ordered the System Shock 1 remake being made by Nightdive Studios. But there's no store page at the time of writing this.
666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 00:39
1653 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 16:25
- Runs smoothly on anything faster than a potato.
- The biggest drawback is that the 3D models did not age well, but the UI scales nicely (Tested at 1440p, 32bit).
- Runs nice on Win10.
- Save files are stored locally, not in the steamy clouds.
- Multiplayer uses NetPlay (TCP/IP) connections, no steamy friend support.
- Not sure if the steam release brings anything to the game.
128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 09:59
I remember the first time I played the demo from a disk sold with the magazine. To this day, this was one of the most terrifying experiences that I've ever had in games.
Many-many years later, thanks to Mandalore's review, I finally decided to play through the whole game.
Slapped some quality of life mods on it and prepared to probably abandon the game after a couple of hours (as I usually do with games that are THIS old). But, to my surprise, it was actually a really fun experience.
You know, not long ago I finished Arx Fatalis and I've felt that I really want to play something similar. With the same levels of player agency and immersion. Thankfully, SS2 is that kind of game.
That being said, it has its flaws. One of the main problems is that I had to use the walkthrough guides several times to find this or that and progress in the story. But all games of that generation have those kinds of moments.
Don't know about you, but I sure do need more immersive sims like that! Too bad it's a niche genre.
1484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 11:02
1777 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 11:09
1749 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 13:20
This was one of the first games that introduced audio logs and set the game on the map in the late 90s. I highly recommend it, although some of the gameplay style has been a bit dated being over 2 decades later.
1151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 14:53
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 16:01
2834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 16:32
No bugs or crashes. Works fine on Win 7.
Overall, it's a nice ride. There're several weapons and gadgets to use, many you can upgrade. You can approach the game in different ways, as you can develop psi powers or focus on weaponry and hand-to-hand combat. You can be stealthy or blast everything around. The game is very flexible. Many jumpscares. The horror atmosphere is well done. Some mechanics are, of course, dated. The graphics are old as dirt, but not too bad inside retro-gaming parameters. Still, some stuff can get hard to see. The back and forward can get annoying. Too much of that and too much respawning of enemies only to make the game unnecessarily longer. The story is a strong point. It's a good tale. This is a fun-to-play classic, but not a beauty. Recommended but don't mind me if you can't stand the old-school gaming.
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 01:53
I was absolutely blown away with the immersion. The environments are incredibly well designed, the first time you walk through an area the winding hallways give you feeling of when you first walk into a maze, an unknowable labyrinth which maintains it's unpredictability throughout, but after an hour or so in an environment you become comfortable enough to run around corners knowing exactly what the hallway is capable of maintaining.
I also like that the game DOES NOT hold your hand. You will struggle for supplies, and you will always need more than you have, maintaining your inventory becomes incredibly more important than modern fps rpgs, such as prey, which constantly drops ammo on your lap. Here, you need to conserve, because supplies are limited, and while you can mostly get around early game with the crowbar, the game will suddenly through an enemy which you cannot let it near you, and you will find yourself going through all the ammo you have to take care of this enemy.
Another thing the game does great is making you think. Even in the first 15 minutes of gameplay, the game will put you in a situation which seems way too difficult for early game, and you will quickly realize that you cannot beat this game the same way you can beat doom, or quake, if you run around corners guns blazing you will die, alot. You have to strategize to navigate sticky situations. [spoiler] for instance, if you trigger an alarm, trying to fit every enemy who comes at you early game will just get you killed, you must go deactivate the alarm. If there is a turret in your path, and all you have is a weak pistol with no ammo, you are meant to find another path. Find a window you can break and jump through. Use your psi abilities to pull the supplies out from behind the turret, so you don't even need to deal with the turret at all. [/spoiler]
I am still early game, so I don't know how the story will pan out, but if I know anything about these types of games, I have a feeling there will be twists and turns and philosophical questions when I finish.
I highly recommend this game, especially if you are fans of 90's games like quake, doom, or half-life, but you want something with more strategizing where planning skills become more important than combat skills (especially because combat is pretty hard in this game). This game is much more challenging than those games though, so be careful. It is not as hard as dark souls, but if you try to play this game like it's contemporaries, you will not get far.
849 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 05:23
This is one of those rare masterpiece that aged well and still playable in modern PC with little trouble. Just download SS2Tool and install a couple of graphic mods make this game super great and enjoyable. The control and interface is similar to modern FPS too so you don't have to swear at the old dated control.
Gameplay: A mixed of FPS and RPG with lots of extra stuff like Psi abilities, Upgrade gun and Research item.
Design: Level design is realistic and enjoyable to travel. You can traveled back to most of the area.
Music: Kinda bad and repetitive.
Graphic: Very old. Need graphic mods.
In short, this is a very much great game if you are a fan of FPS/RPG or ImmersiveSim like Dues Ex, Dishonor or BioShock
6340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 07:45
For me personally the first game wins out over the second, but I still adore System Shock 2. Its one of those special kind of games that you find new things and new ways to play everytime you replay it. I will be revisiting the bleak world of System Shock for many years to come.
186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 04:36
System Shock 2 is a stellar game from front to back! Unbelievably bangin' soundtrack, excellent atmosphere, awesome writing and great gameplay. I just love this game's aesthetics! There are some aspects that have aged poorly but not nearly enough to distract from having an excellent time. 100% recommend for all fans of cyberpunk and those who adore games like Bioshock as much as I do!
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215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 22:10
If you still haven't played this yet, play it on easy and enjoy the world building and audio work, they're what keeps this game on top of lists decades later, not the mediocre gameplay.
3642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 23:28
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 15:49
One of the best games of 1999 which is saying a lot because a lot of quality titles were released that year. It has its own unique playstyle and if you have ever played Bioshock you will instantly see all of the inspiration taken from this game and it's predecessor.
818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 20:46
910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 10:50
++ atmosphere: strong ambient sounds, voice acting, enemy design and enemy sounds. All of them fit and enhance the experience
+ weapon variety and upgradeable weapons
+ gunplay
+ oldschool flair graphics design feels timeless minus the face models only mothers could love. they do look creepy and not out of place though
+ interesting
+ some memorable moments
- unforgiving. some skills are unbalanced. it is possible to skill yourself into a corner with little hope to finish the game
- gameplay mechanics such as weapon degradation, ammo scarcity and respawning enemies add to the atmosphere, but can be aggravating. The first two should no longer be a big nuisance after some time though
- hitbox detection could need some work
- ending felt rushed
System Shock 2 has a decent and creepy atmosphere, but the survival gameplay mechanics can be aggravating and unforgiving for newcomers. If you prefer fewer survival gameplay mechanics, the Bioshock series might be more suited for you. Make sure to explore every nook and cranny for goodies to make your life easier. I advice to check some guides to check which skills are strong and which ones can be ignored entirely. Recommended to players who like oldschool games, Bioshock and RPG elements.
1208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 16:38
I dreaded playing this game for ages. I made several attempts to get into it, but the opening sequence to this game always scared me off. It was brutal, unforgiving, and fucking terrifying. The low poly, uncanny human models trademark of Looking Glass games made me uneasy and still do. The idea of being trapped all alone in a space ship with a rogue AI is also creepy.
The brilliance of this game is that the game manages to make you feel panicked and anxious without you realising it. It is possible to screw up your game so bad that you'll have to restart. It forces you to pay attention and make smart choices because complete failure is possible. You start to optimise every situation. Should I use bullets, or run past and take health damage? Should I really be wasting AP ammo here? Should I use my wrench or save my ammo? Should I shoot the cameras and make noise or turn off security? Every encounter becomes calculated. You scavenge every nook and cranny of the ship because you need to, and then game presents the clues to the next task, without any guidance at all. Except the basketball court code hunt, that shit was really lame.
If I had any advice for someone new to the game, it would be this.
Start Navy (a good mix of combat and tech skills): prioritise Strength, Standard Weapons, Maintenance and Hacking. Save PSI powers for a second or third playthrough. Your ability to kill things will make your life much easier. Use the wrench 99 percent of time time, and reserve your guns for the times where you really need it, like on unavoidable turrets, ranged targets, and armoured targets. Use maintenance tools to keep your guns in working condition, and you will never have to use the repair skill. Hacking lets you get extra supplies and shuts down security systems. Shutting down the security helps you save ammo and unnecessary fighting. If you have the points I'd also invest in heavy weapons as grenade launcher rounds are very common and can make the last sections of the game a breeze.
Also, KEEP AND SAVE. EVERY. SINGLE. ICE-PICK YOU COME ACROSS UNTIL YOU FIGHT SHODAN. It makes the ending fight so much easier.
2439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 16:43
Pushing the boundaries of RPG, shooter and immersive sim.
System Shock, Thief and Deus Ex are all quite different games despite being made by more or less the same group of people. The similarity is that all these games strive towards immersion. System Shock delivers its immersion through atmosphere, player freedom and the feeling of disempowerment. This disempowerment also leads new players to feel that the game is very punishing and daunting however, while acting illogical or making incorrect decisions can be so punitive that the player may need to start a new save. I have provided some tips at the bottom of the review to help with this and ensure a good experience.
With freedom, comes great consequence.
This is an RPG in which your starts really matter and impact your playstyle. Beginning the game you are given a simple tutorial however it doesn't cover how important stats can be and how scarce your cybernetic modules (experience points) are. This is where the game can trap a new player into a jack of all trades build and lacking the necessary specialisations to keep fully supplied through hacking or to wield powerful weapons late game, neglecting maintenance skill and melee weapons leads to broken guns and ammo being useless. It is necessary to specialise in skills unlike in other games. While the need to experiment can be punishing and deter players, the player is not forced to use modules immediately because the developers respect your ability to save them and level your skills and attributes when there is a skill or attribute check. This RPG heavily punishes bad builds but this can be overcome by thinking ahead and ensuring you don't become a jack of all trades.
Survival and progression throughout Van Braun.
While you plan your character build you will be constantly distracted by general decisions such as choosing whether to shoot your gun is an active decision because ammo is scarce and weapons have durability, effectively using different ammo types for armour piercing and anti-personnel, deciding whether to leave an item or sacrifice something for it because of your very limited inventory space. The game's research skill requires appropriate chemicals found in chemical storage rooms which you will often back track to, an active decision as enemies respawn but not enough to unreasonably waste resources. Enemies aren't very rewarding to kill while avoidance and stealth are available options. The story very rarely wants you to backtrack for progression however the game is Metroidvania-lite in that you unlock areas and can get lost if you aren't paying attention to your surroundings. The game provides notes and allows you to mark any place on the map to help navigate and if you listen to audio logs, sufficiently explore and pay attention to your environment you will not get lost nor be as harshly punished by the respawning of enemies when searching for key items.
Difficulty and reward.
This game is not difficult from the perspective of skill and death is not punished very much as you are incentivised to constantly quicksave without a restoration bay and pay very little to respawn with one. It is instead from the perspective of problem-solving, forward-thinking and considering consequences. I find it very stimulating to actively think about everything taking place and find it very rewarding when everything aligns in my favour. Stuck on a ship where everything wants to kill you, scavenging every single room clean of supplies, leaning over every corner to see if there is a turret in place, deciding whether to be evasive or confrontational or seeking an alternate path to somewhere that doesn't have a lot of enemies, there are a lot of things to consider and you are always mentally engaged. Every enemy encounter or objective, no matter how insignificant, actively rewards the player when they are progressing.
Final words.
System Shock 2 is not for everyone and I don't blame anyone for being turned off by it. Today's games are very inconsequential and no matter how bad or disengaged the player is they can beat the game. System Shock 2 demands good choices and the player's attention to be beaten. In games like System Shock 2 and Fallout 1/2, if you do not respect the game world and its ruleset, you will simply not be able to beat them.
Some tips to enjoy the game better.
- Use melee whenever possible, it saves a lot of ammo early on.
- Hacking is important, make sure it's never neglected.
- I would recommend mainly using standard weapons for the first playthrough and maybe speccing 1 or 2 points into others.
- Pressing N leaves a marker on the map so you should use them to note locked doors and etc. to return to.
- Try to save your modules for when you need them instead of upgrading things without considering your build.
1012 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 06:25
For my review of System Shock 2 check out my video here:
1253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 00:07
1158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 21:54
825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 16:59
There are few games that have unnerved me as much as SS2. An eerie blend of body horror and cyberpunk, you’ll be pitted against mutant cultists and rogue droids as you scrounge the starship for resources, struggling to stay alive. Designed to be extremely unforgiving, almost every choice you make will feel like a mistake one way or another, especially when health kits or ammo packs are expensive and scarce, yet it's the challenging nature of this game that will compel you to continue. Enemy encounters are often scripted events but can become procedurally generated once you return to an area. Be careful not to linger in a room for too long, they'll spawn nearby and search for you, creating an incentive for you to keep moving.
The training section may likely be the most pivotal part of your playthrough. It took me four restarts to build a character balanced enough to handle the first few stages of the game. Beyond that you’ll have several chances to broaden or strengthen your set of skills before proceeding. For new players I’d suggest a typical soldier build with +2 standard weapons, this means you can equip pistols and shotguns which aren’t allowed by default. The research skill is required to be levelled up at key points but you'll be given the necessary modules for it anyway. Tech skills are a must – i.e hacking, modifying and repairing – whereas more obscure skills like psionic abilities and energy/exotic weapons can be explored later in the campaign.
Ultra impressive for a 1999 release, you can see how the game had a major influence on future FPS titles both stylistically and narratively, plus the soundtrack is killer! Definitely recommended for anyone who enjoyed Half Life 1 or Elder Scrolls Morrowind since the core gameplay mechanics are effectively a hybrid of the two.
EDIT: A co-op mod is available for those who are too chicken to go it alone
112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 18:29
1117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 06:54
1646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 16:21
4385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 07:33
1239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 13:51
4622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 00:10
Tip 2: Start your first game on easy. The difficulty of this game comes from creating a successful build, and everyone messes up their first build. Enemies are not affected by difficulty level either.
Tip 3: You can place nav markers with the N key by default and name them by clicking on them in the map.
Tip 4: Don't level research. Every researchable item can be researched with just the LabAssistant implant from the hydroponics deck. The exceptions to this rule are only useful for specific builds.
Tip 5: Don't focus on hyper-effectiveness against a single enemy type, or the last two levels will HURT.
Tip 6: The psionic power Localized Pyrokinesis (NOT Projected Pyrokinesis) makes you immune to most explosions while active.
Tip 7: There's a locked room in the recreation deck with a broken keypad. If you don't want to repair and hack the keypad, there's another way in. Keep exploring.
2037 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 10:29
It's a hard game to first enter though, sometimes it feels like there are to many statistics to think about. There are stats but there is no earning XP, you don't have any means to sell items you don't need, you just throw them away and it feels like a shame.
You need to be careful with your surroundings, listen to the voices and take care of your inventory or you will be left with an unwinnable situation. Still a great game and I feel like I'm developing an obsession with this one :S
413 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 20:57
I wasn't even born. So I don't have any nostalgia conections with this game.
And now my Review :
1. It looks actually pretty decent. It has a destinct style. And you can see everything clearly.
2. So the gameplay is a bit tricky. At first it plays very strange. For exemple that the game don't stop, when you open your inventory. Even the inventory itself is not optimal. However I think it very fitting for the game and atmosphere. But the gameplay is not for everybody.
3. The Story is beatiful. MAGNIFICENT.
I could't do it justice, honestly. Better then Bioshock, it spirituel successor.
4. The atmosphere is perfect. It's not that scary but rather eriee.
5. The audio is Hit or Miss. I only can speak for the German version.
Some of the pronunciation is poorly, but the Soundmixing is good.
TLDR: One of my favorite Games I played this year. And if your in Games like Bioshock or sci-fi / Horror games in general, or if you unsure because it's rather old, I highly recommend this game to you.
1277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 05:58
To help really hammer it in the prior year before SS2's release we saw the original Half-life drop. Half life is praised for being one of the first FPS with an seamless engaging narrative (previous stories in shooters were just excuse plots I.E Doom and Blood). This was an FPS not only with a great narrative but also RPG elements, survival horror mechanics, and open-ended gameplay.
I give it 8/10 for my personal enjoyment but a 10/10 for innovation.
1398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 22:16
2263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.20 20:44
I was wrong. I finished it once in 2016 and I finished it again in 2020. I think it holds up incredibly well, even today. A 10/10 recommendation.
- The atmosphere. System Shock 2 was universally acclaimed for the sense of horror and dread that the level design of the Von Braun evoked. You constantly get the feeling that you're vulnerable, and no place ever feels safe aboard the numerous decks of the cursed spaceship.
- The number of ways in which you can play. Despite coming out in 1999, System Shock 2 has an incredibly sophisticated system for its skill trees. You have to specialise between the choice of weaponry (standard/energy/heavy/exotic), the attributes for shaping your character (strength/endurance/agility/cyber affinity/psionics), tech abilities (hacking/repair/modification/maintenance/research), and a number of psionic abilities. It's a testament to the skill tree system that you can have completely different builds that change up the entire gameplay. I've played the game twice, once as a Navy Hacker with emphasis on gunplay, and the other as an OSA Agent fully focusing on psionic powers and melee attacks with the wrench.
- The survival horror. System Shock 2, despite not strictly being a survival horror, manages to convey the same to the player by raising the intensity of the gameplay and perpetually keeping the player on their toes. Resources are incredibly scarce, every single bullet counts, and a single mistake could often be the last mistake you'll make. The game never lulls you into a sense of comfort, and always maintains the panic by giving you access to just enough resources and ammo that you're able to fulfil your objectives and make it to the next stage, if you play conservatively and carefully. The atmosphere is able to convey this foreboding sense of loneliness and tension by placing you in blood-spattered surroundings with dead bodies of crew members around you, evoking imagery of the horror that took place. Moreover, the game does not hold your hand at any stage, and you'll often have to figure out the objectives by yourself while you fend for your life and precious resources.
- The story (or rather, the story behind the story). System Shock 2 is probably one of the earliest examples of storytelling through audiologs. There is no exposition dump upon you once the game begins, and this is how it continues to be till the game ends. You're never fed the story through a cutscene or through an exposition-laden dialogue. Instead, you find audio logs of long-dead crew members scattered throughout the ship decks, listening to which helps you piece together the story of the horrors aboard the Von Braun bit-by-bit. BioShock made it popular but remember, System Shock 2 had it first, and did it incredibly well at that.
- Fun. This is obviously subjective, but I had a lot of fun playing System Shock 2. The mix between resource management, freedom of exploration, a decent variety of usable weaponry and the numerous types of enemies that can be encountered was a really good one. You can explore each deck of the ship at any time at your discretion, most weapons are usable and effective provided you invest in the correct skills, and there's a good variety of enemies, all of which have different attributes, strengths and weaknesses that you can discover through audio logs or research. All in all, it was an incredibly satisfactory experience to play through the game.
- The techno (rave/energetic?) soundtrack. People usually encourage first time players to disable the soundtrack for maintaining the creepiness of the atmosphere, but I disagree. The soundtrack mechanism is designed in a way where the energetic parts play at moments and in areas where you can run and gun and generally take more risks in combat. The music otherwise stops or becomes sombre when you leave such areas. This is a pretty cool system and it worked exceedingly well, in my opinion (the tracks themselves are pretty enjoyable to listen to outside the game).
- The last two levels of the game are really tedious to finish, and the pace is quite different from the rest of the game. It's not bad or unplayable by any means, but it definitely feels a bit off when compared to the rest of the game, which is fantastic.
- A piece of chewed-up cardboard is more durable than the guns you find in this game, and the rate at which they degrade is ridiculous. I've seen players recommend changing config files to reduce the degradation level, which may be worth a look if the degradation mechanics interfere with your enjoyment of the game. I personally played the game as-is to retain the sense of difficulty as envisaged by the developers, but I'd wholly recommend looking into this if you find the repair/maintenance mechanics tedious, because the rate at which weapons degrade is incredibly aggravating.
These are just nitpicks for the most part. Overall, I'd recommend anybody playing this masterpiece to not be daunted by the release date and definitely give this a go - it's a classic for a reason (other than being an incredibly influential game, and arguably there on the list of the greatest video games of all time)
854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 04:35
Retro Review
Making a sequel to a game ends up often in either the game being too close to the original, milking the cow till its dry, or the game being way to far away from the original and just keeping the name for moneys sake. This one never felt like that and got a good place right in between those.
At its core the original system shock felt more like a tactical shooter with some (horror) survival-esque elements in it. This one focuses more on the survival aspects, making you manage health, ammo and other various resources.
System Shock 2 focuses especially on the latter adding some minor RPG elements on it, giving you the option to collect cyber modules to upgrade yourself in various ways. There are a couple of builds viable and you can’t skill on everything which makes somewhat of a reason to replay the game.
Overall, I think the game isn’t that hard, unbalanced to a certain extend but still overall really fun to scavenge for items and going your way out to explore everything.
In itself the game can be considered to feature classes, but overall its mostly whether or not you focus on psionic abilities or just go for weapons, specializing in one or two weapon types as usage of better weapons in a weapon type comes with a level restriction you can get to with a finite amount of upgrading modules.
The gunplay in itself is very slow and feels, except melee, pretty satisfying as every bullet feels like they have weight behind them. Fights are fun and you want to make every bullet count as those aren’t infinite either.
The only real downside in this game is that enemies constantly respawn. Already annoying in the first game even more so here as you move mostly slow and due to the games heavily emphasis on backtracking and exploring.
Also, objectives can sometimes be rather hard to find, or atleast their solutions for them. Missing that vital keycard or code can make you get stuck and backtrack a lot especially if you have no idea what to do anymore after not playing the game for a while.
The game even features a coop mode that is incredibly buggy but also incredibly fun to play. Don’t try it out for the first time as it ruins the games difficulty and is prone to crashing a lot. But still nice to have in case you want to replay this game with a friend.
Now everyone knows and its no secret that Shodan from the first game made an appearance in this one. Everyone knows this and official art even spoilers this to some extend but overall, the writing and the story in itself about one of the very first faster than light travel spaceships always can make for good stories and this is no exception. I liked the premise, the overall pacing might be going a bit downhill during the end but overall I enjoyed my ride and was never bored with it.
The heavy emphasis on synthesizers and heavy noise music is gone making for a more action oriented more subtle but also more generic OST. I personally prefer the old one but this one is definitely still great. I especially like the ambient sounds that totally fit to the game.
The heavy emphasis on horror elements is in the contrast of the game not really being scary. Atleast for me, the OST supports this. This isn’t bad but the game sometimes tries to feel scary despite it never is.
Voice acting on the other hand is now really good and the voicenotes don’t feel cheapishly acted anymore. Shodan is just as good as ever.
Also map design wise its also pretty good and I almost can recognize every place. Sometimes you can get lost tough but its never as bad as in the first game.
I like it when games improve and build upon their original idea. Making a sequel that feels so much unique but also oozes and recognizes where its coming just makes me happy. The heavy emphasis on survival aspects didn’t hurt the game but improved it adding gunfights that feel really intense. Overall definitely worth to play the game especially if you liked the first one.
1894 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 13:40
2087 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 13:09
Из минусов следует отметить нехватку музыки в лифте, как в первом Шоке, её очень не хватало. И громкие противные звуки, которые издают некоторые противники, если тех бить оружием ближнего боя. Сначала это было немого жутко, но потом уже начало сильно раздражать.
919 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 18:23
Now, the premise is simple. You are some military serviceman, with a varied background (really, you could be a military technican or a trooper, or a psychic who spent months in sensory deprivation chamber - you get to pick all that before the game starts). During a flight in one of first FTL starships you get woken um from cryosleep just to discover all hell broke loose and some weird zombie-things are wrecking havoc to the whole place. Things get fleshy. Things get chaotic. Shodan, an evil AI considered one of coolest videogame villains ever, is involved.
Now, the coolest thing about this game is how freeform it is. There are main story points that you have to progress trough, unavoidably, but you can build your character in very interesting ways. There's stats to raise, skills like different weapons or hacking or research. If you got the tech, you can develop psychic powers which let you attack enemies with fireballs like a wizard, or attract objects with telekinesis. There's rare special bonuses that are kinda like perks in more recent games, offering more unique specials. So you can be a sneaky engineer who has the supplies thanks to vending machine hacking and access to locked areas, or a cool fighty dude, or a psychic. Or you can just research kinetic weapons and finish off any enemy by strafing around them with a wrench - the balance is all over the place so some things are too good and some aren't worth investment. Also guns break super fast, energy and health require supplies to replenish, and every complex action like hacking or research has it's own resources to manage. In research's case you may even have to scrounge up specific rare metals.
Also, this thing has a fantastic atmosphere. It's a sci-fi horror where you're almost all alone on a ship that's infested by weird zombie bug flesh things and mad robots. The soundtrack varies from erie to intense. The level design varies from claustrophobic to uncomfortably spacious - you're either worried about enemy waiting you behind the corner, or being exposed in open area all the time. The enemies are creepy, some are hulking flesh golems, or oversized insects, others unettling sorts of cyborgs or clueless disfunctional robots that run up to you while sprouting gibberish. There's character logs from before and during the downfall of the spaceship, and I think this game was one of main popularizers of this concept - while it's a pretty overused thing by now, you can't blame this game for starting it, they just needed a way to supplement the narrative.
This may look angular by modern standards, and pretty janky, but it's an incredible game. A lot of it's successors like Bioshock series really streamlined the experience, but also reduced themselves to pretty generic FPSes with interesting setpieces, even jankfests like EYE Divine Cybermancy, despite not shying away from complexity, are yet to match SS2 in amount of options. If you like FPSes where you're scrounging up resources and exploiting any advantage you've got, this is a game for you.
6099 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 13:45
Try this one if you haven´t before. Especially if you liked Bioshock 1 and 2 oder the newer Prey.
This one really deserves a optical remaster. The rest is fine.
102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 00:11
Yet another classic from Looking Glass Studios it's System Shock 2 which helped put sci-fi horror on the map.
- Cult Classic, influencing a lot of FPS's to come.
- Great story and medium length campaign.
- Multiple ways to approach situations, branching skills and equipment upgrades.
- Real-time inventory menu, what's this pause menu stuff, pfft.
- Positional based sound, and some great voice work.
- Had an update in 2017 that brought in modern era screen resolutions and Co-op.
- This GUIDE should help getting rid of those crusty textures, and point the way to mods.
- In need of a HD reboot, they are doing System Shock in Unity, and System Shock 3 is being made as well, both look and sound sweet.
659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 20:57
Incredible game, probably #2 or 3 favorite game of all time now.
7402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 07:57
Where to start...
The gameplay was amazing, the voice talent was good, the voice EDITING is astounding, and, just the genius plot. Though I won't get into the plot, since I'd rather talk about the main idea, but even with the gameplay it's good. This game was made 21 years ago and has aged like a fine wine.
A very interesting thing they put into the game is psionics. I haven't seen many games where you can choose or not choose entirely different combat and power strategies, and the one here is psionics. Psionics let you do anything related to telepathy, where you equip a Psi-Amplifier to amplify telepathic stuff and project it into the real-world. Personally, I only used Cryokinesis, whenever I wanted to get rid of cameras or other weak enemies that I didn't want to use ammo on. That's the other interesting thing; ammunition isn't very common. Later in the game you obtain a lot of it, but I always quick-saved throughout the entire game in case I missed one shot. Another thing I appreciated is the enemy designs. If you spend time to research unknown items, you will see that there is a full-on biology to the creatures in this game. The developers went that mile of making researching things not only beneficial to gameplay, (with the common 25% damage bonus to that enemy in the future) but also really interesting.
One other thing about the enemy designs is visually, they're pretty good. I also drew a Rumbler, go check that drawing out in my content section. Still weird to think this game was made in 1999.
One thing that some people don't like about the game is it's music. Personally I actually enjoyed the music. Some better than others, but later in the game some of the songs were great, like Ops 2. Actually, let me speak about the Ops 2 theme. It's on Youtube, and it's a relaxing song, very different to the either Scifi or Horror kind of music. Personally I felt it was a mark in the game where you feel more confident. Your ammunition is higher, your weapons are strong, and your cybernetics are running well. Maybe I'm over-looking it, but that's what I felt when I heard this song.
But, of course, as much as I absolutely adore this game, there are 2 problems that ruin most of the middle parts of the game. It is way too dark, there will be some moments with light and the rest is fuckin' pitch black. That's one thing that annoyed me a lot, my only work-around was to overload the Psionic-Amplifier to light up my vision, which lasts 1 second and wastes 1 psi-point. Again, I love this game, I don't want to sound like I hate it. But these are pretty big issues, because they last almost the entire game. And for some people they might not use psionics, plus I had to go to an extremely rare machine, (each one can only be used once and there are only 4 in the entire game) so I wouldn't be damaged when overloading the Psi-Amplifier.
(Hi guys. Future Goolan here, due to the mechanism within my skull that leads to a portal with a massive biomass of brain tissue that connects to my motor control and decision making functions, I found out you can up the brightness in the game whenever you want in the options menu. Though the next criticism is valid.)
Another issue I had which might have even been worse is the direction. There is almost no direction at all in this game, and if it has any it's usually terrible. On the Rickenbacker, you have to destroy some black annelid eggs. The last egg to destroy is hidden way up in an area that is very hard to get to, since the ladders are hard to see or find. The egg was hidden in a corner, but these places aren't even rooms. The walls are very close together so it's hard to navigate too. I had to go through walkthroughs of the game that weren't remade just to know where to go.
But that aside...
The best parts were the beginning, near the end, and the ending. Those parts were extremely good, and the ending was brilliant. Though I should adress, it is way too short, the last two chapters can last to about 20-30 minutes, which kind of sucks because the tension rises a lot, but it needs time to build up. In general, this game is fantastic. I was heavily immersed most of the time and always felt great whenever I completed something. The freedom to choose your style was cool, and playing the game itself is amazing. System Shock 2 has aged amazingly, and to this day it is iconic. Everything in it blends perfectly, and it was one of my favourite experiences.
It also inspired Bioshock, that's pretty epic
Now go play this game.
Or I'll tell the police you touched me.
939 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 05:34
I've heard many good things about SS2 and after playing i can confirm it's all true, this game is a must play for sci-fi horror fans and Bioshock fans. The game starts with a straight to the point tutorial explaining the games mechanics and giving you options to choose your characters build. Eventually you'll learn that the ship has been overrun by monsters and that an AI machine is behind it.
You can choose how to play the game melee, gunner or psi (magic sort of) sneaking and avoiding or head on attacking the enemies is all optional, most of the time and the locations are very well detailed well designed with non linear paths. The sound design is also great and memorable, very moody and immerses you as being in the game the music and voice acting are also good though the music can ruin the horror experience at times, so some might want to turn it off.
The enemies in this game are scary and hard at first but as you keep playing you'll get better and the game will become easier. SS2 is difficult at times because it doesn't hold your hand, you need to find your way and know what to upgrade to progress your characters build. The game also has a co-op mode which looks fun but ive never tried it.
Honestly this game is almost perfect it's everything a sci-fi horror game should be, some of my nitpicks are the psi powers are too numerous and I never felt the need to use some of them other than regeneration, Pyro attack and alarm. The nanites are easy to find but just as easily lost and is mostly optional for most of the game but at some point becomes a requirement for you to progress the game this suks if you spend most of your nanites on weapons or power ups. Finally the ending of the game is the weakest point, it felt rushed and not as detailed as the rest of the game, the build up to the finale was phenomal but the ending itself became more action-packed, with closed corridors honestly dissapointing but other than the that a fantastic game.
5488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.20 15:32
It features amazing and immersive soundtrack (Ops 2 dude, do I really need to say anything else?), very cool RPG system encouraging you to replay this game thousands of times with different combinations of perks and attributes, grim and interesting love story of a tsundere AI and hyperchad MC as well as really addicting game engine (I love both SS and SS2 game engines because I think they have large hidden potential and being clumsy in terms of controls I really feel like clumsy controls is the only way of System Shock to be System Shock).
10/10, Nightdive I am begging you release a Definitive Edition.
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