• Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.
  • Sword of the Stars: The Pit: Screen zum Spiel Sword of the Stars: The Pit.


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Demo auf Steam verfügbar!
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 21.02.2013
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Preis Update 27.06.24

Über das Spiel

A deadly plague ravages your world. Your last hope: a legendary alien facility dug deep into the Feldspar Mountains...a massive Pit, built by the ancient Suul'ka.

If 'The Pit' really exists, there might be something left. Something that will give your doctors a fighting chance at the cure.

All you know for sure is that every expedition into those mountains has failed to return...

And Nothing Sows Death Like the Suul'ka.

Quamdiu Poteris Superesse?

Sword of the Stars: The Pit is a fun, fast, light-hearted turn-based RPG, where the tradition of Rogue and other old school dungeon-diving games meets the sci-fi Sword of the Stars universe, where the question to ask isn't "Did you make it to the end?" so much as "How far did you make it into The Pit before the monsters got you?"

Be brave, press on for the sake of your planet, and when all else fails, go out in a blaze of glory!

Key Features
  • 3 Characters to choose from... Marine, Pilot and Engineer!
  • 5 Bonus characters from the MindGames expansion, now included in the base game.
  • A secret hidden character! Google it!
  • 30 Levels of ancient evil science between you and the cure!
  • Improve your character and increase your skills as you try and find a way to survive the depths.
  • Dozens and dozens of enemies drawn from the Sword of the Stars universe!
  • Over 50 weapons and armors with a variety of special effects including flamethrowers, rocket launchers, plasma cannons and powered Brawler armor!
  • Randomized augmentation effects (for your equipment... and for you!) make each game unique.
  • Crafting lets you make special items from bits and pieces of your enemies.
  • Over 100 items to discover, ranging from the familiar to ancient exotic tech.
  • Dozens of room types containing a host of exotic devices to help - or maybe hinder - your progress.
  • Discover and decipher hidden messages, crafting recipes, and pieces of Sword of the Stars lore!
  • Many fiendish ways to die including poisoning, disease, traps, radiation, starvation and of course... MONSTERS.


  • CPU: Intel Pentium 1,6 GHz oder vergleichbar
  • GFX: 512 MB DX kompatible Grafikkarte
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP
  • HD: 500 MB frei
  • DX: 9.0c
  • Peripherie: Controller Unterstützung: 2-Tasten-Maus, Tastatur und Lautsprecher
  • LANG: EnglischSprachen mit voller Audiounterstützung
  • CPU: Intel Pentium 2 GHz or equivalent
  • GFX: 1 GB DX compatible card
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista / 7
  • HD: 750 MB frei
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • Peripherie: Controller Unterstützung: 2-Tasten Maus, Tastatur und Lautsprecher
  • LANG: EnglischSprachen mit voller Audiounterstützung

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1408 Produkte im Account
163 Reviews
92 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.19 10:09
GG !!
132 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
6208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.17 16:53
Schönes Abenteuer-Erlebnis. Gute Mischung von Risiken und Belohnungen. Die Vielfalt stimmt auch - besonders mit den DLCs, die auch nicht viel kosten. Ich habe viel Spaß damit, mit unterschiedlichen Helden immer wieder einen neuen Run zu starten. Sehr unterhaltsam.
311 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
6250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.17 18:36
Sword of the Stars: The Pit

Ein Rogue-like könnte man es nennen, dass wäre so als ob man Barbie schlau nennt.
Ein Spiel über 30 Ebenen? Vielleicht!
Ein Spiel bei dem die Worte Leicht und Normal auch nach dem 50. Versuch noch nach der besten Option aussehen.
Manchmal bin ich mir nicht sicher ob ich öffter am Gift oder der Krankheit gestorben bin. Dann fällt mir wieder ein, dass ich eigentlich viel öfter sterbe weil mir die Munition ausgeht. Manchmal verhungert man auch ganz erbärmlich.

Aber kommen wir zum Punkt: Ist das Spiel gut? Ist es sein Geld wert?

Ich habe keine Ahnung. Alles was ich weiß ist, dass ich dieses Spiel bereits mehr als 50 Stunden gespielt habe ohne es auch nur einmal auf Normal durchzuspielen. Nicht weil ich es nicht versucht hätte, sondern weil die Entwickler dieses Spiels eine ausgeprägte sadistische Ader haben. Zumindest ist das die Ausrede bei der ich bleiben werde.

Niemals würde ich zugeben, dass ich nach einem Blick ins Wiki von Spielmechaniken gelesen hatte von denen ich bis dahin keine Ahnung hatte. Teils weil diese schlecht beschrieben waren teils weil ich einfach nicht in Betracht gezogen hatte, dass das eine oder andere möglich sein könnte. Ferner würde ich eingestehen auch nach 50 Stunden nichtmal einen Bruchteil der im Spiel vorhandenen Craftingrezepte übersetzt zu haben (Dabei habe ich hauptsächlich Entschlüsselungsruns gemacht).


Es ist Hart, dreckig, brutal, zeitverschwenderisch, fordernd, frustrierend und doch will man es immer mal wieder spielen einfach nur um zu sehen ob man es dieses mal schafft ..... vielleicht schaffe ich es irgendwann mal durch... dann gibts ein richtiges Review.

Lohnt sich der Kauf? Ich würde sagen ja..... und dass der Rest der Sword of the Star Reihe nicht existiert. Es ist besser es so zu betrachten nach allem was ich so lese.
185 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
2473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.15 22:10
Macht laune, aber sehr luck basiert - also kann unter umständen sehr frustreich sein
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.14 09:31
Tolles Spiel und dank zufällig generierten Leveln auch bei Wiederholungen sehr unterhaltsam. Grafisch sicherlich nicht ein Highlight, doch wer auf spielerische Werte und Tiefgang Wert legt, wird sehr glücklich werden. Einzig der durchaus vorhandene Glücksfaktor kann etwas stören, denn einige zufällige Level sind nun einmal deutlich schwerer oder deutlich einfacher als andere ;)
808 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
4538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.14 20:40
Sword of the Stars: The Pit oder: Dark Souls im Scifi-Kostuem.
Denn in keinem anderem Spiel, außer Dark Souls, bin ich so oft gestorben.
Die richtige Taktik ist ausschlaggebend. Man lernt Schritt fuer Schritt
zu ueberleben. Die Frustration ist groß, ist man, nach scheinbar guter Taktik,
doch wieder dem Pixel-Tod zum xten mal begegnet.
Tod bedeutet: alles von vorn. Tot bleibt tot.

200 Schuß im Gepaeck vermitteln anfangs das Gefuehl allen Gegnern
ueberlegen zu sein. Doch irgendwann ueberlegt man genau, ob man jetzt
schießt, oder es nicht klueger sei das Messer einzusetzen. Denn nicht nur die
Kugeln sind irgendwann verbraucht, die Waffe ebenso.
So will jeder Schritt ueberlegt sein. Denn Sword of the Stars ist brechend schwer
und verzeiht keine Fehler. Selbst auf einfachster Schwierigkeit bockschwer.

Es gibt eine Menge zu entdecken. Rezepte, Bauanleitungen, Textnachrichten,
Waffen, Nahrung und Ausruestungsgegenstaende. Selbst nach 50 Stunden
Spielzeit entdecke ich immer wieder Neues.

Es ist wirklich Rough-Like und nicht alles erscheint einem fair.
Nicht alles leuchtet anfangs ein und es braucht Zeit die Skills seinem Tun anzupassen.
Doch wenn man es lange genug spielt, was Durchhaltevermoegen voraussetzt,
wird man mit einem taktisch sehr anspruchsvollen, rundenbasierenden scifi-rough-like
der Extraklasse belohnt. Ich kann es nur empfehlen.

Was mir besonders gut gefaellt:
- alles per Tastatur steuerbar, maus nicht noetig :)
- hoher Wiederspielwert
- die unterschiedlichen Charackterklassen
- bugfrei
- fuer zwischendurch und studenlanger Orgie
- jederzeit speicherbar
- das es bock schwer ist

Was mir weniger gefaellt:
- der Soundtrack koennte knackiger sein
527 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.13 20:07
So far its the best rogue game that i have played, right next to FTL and alot better than dungeons of dredmore. The game is very hard and has alot of replayability because of all the different races/classes.
2151 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.13 02:48
Strategie, Suchtgefahr und dazu echt schwere Monster. Rundenbasiert aber dennoch top, top, top. Kann ich nur empfehlen
519 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.16 14:00
I wanted to love this game. I really did. I've put in my time (nearly 40 hours, according to Steam), but I just cannot find myself recommending this game. I love the setting (sci-fi roguelikes are notably scarce), and they've got interesting character choices, especially with the DLC installed, pulling from the SotS galaxy and lore.

However, in the end, the game's just too hard. And not hard in a satisfying way. Hard in a grindingly slow, agonizingly limping way that eventually will find your character naked with all his weapons broken or out of ammo, bleeding fists beating hopelessly against the uncaring steel chassis of a battle drone that's blowing holes in you. It's been the sad fate of literally every character I've tried, even on easy difficulty.

What it boils down to is that the game, in its debatable wisdom, decided that everything should have durability. Then the game decided that whenever you fix something, its maximum durability would be decreased. So far, so good - I suppose I could see the logic in wanting to force characters to have to keep upgrading their equipment. Except that's not what happens. What happens is that, due to a lack of getting the right crafting materials (or, very rarely, getting the stuff you need, but never finding a crafting station), or getting the wrong drops (nope, that's HEAVY armor, you can only wear LIGHT armor... or worse, you're a space dolphin - you can't wear 99% of armor, period), or not getting any drops at all; everything breaks.

Even the most promising characters can be lost because you weren't able to find any ammunition that fits in any of your guns for 3 or 4 floors running. Or because you ran into one-too-many acid beasts, and now all your equipment is broken.

There's something fundamentally wrong with a game where one of the basic tips for new players is to take off all your weapons and armor and punch the beginning monsters to death, because otherwise your shit will break before you can find enough equipment to have any chance of winning at all.
279 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
31339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.14 20:13
OK, let's get this out of the way right now.

You will die.


You will be poisoned, diseased, irradiated, blown up, and electrocuted. You will be hungry and starved, your equipment will break, your armor will fail, and your ammunition will run dry. You will be stunned, confused, blinded, and terrorized. You will be shot by crazed security robots, shredded by mutated terrors, and gnawed on by countless foes, and occasionally disintegrated.

...so, you've got that going for you.

Overview (what is it?):

Sword of the Stars: The Pit is a turn-based top-down roguelike, where you play a character exploring a hostile and ancient alien complex trying to find the cure for a plague that is running rampant through the worlds.


Well, for those unfamiliar with roguelikes - this game is not meant to be beaten in a few hours then discarded. As my introduction stated, this is a challenging game, with permanent death (the game mechanics prevent you from saving, except to exit the game) and you can only have one active game per character class at once, so you'll frequently watch as a character you've invested hours of gameplay into is wiped out or overwhelmed. Because the game is randomly generated each time, sometimes bad luck will end a good run with not much you can do about it. Your character has several limiting factors to keep in mind - ammunition is limited, and can only be replenished by finding more (which, depending on the weapon, may not be that common). Food is a concern as well, as there is a hunger mechanism that makes starving a real possibility if you can't find or make enough food to stay alive. Disease is a concern - not just from infected creatures, but perhaps by being forced to eat things you shouldn't... And, of course, there's just running out of hit points and dying at the hands of the denizens of the complex!

Gameplay itself is turn based, with you and monsters alternating turns (though, if no monsters are visible or present, your turns run seamlessly together making it easy to move around). each turn you have a limited number of movement points to move around the grid squares and explore the complex, looking for abandoned equipment you can scavenge or repair, old lockers that might contain food or items you could use - and, of course, creatures that may still be lurking! Somewhere on each level is a hatch leading to the next level below, with monsters getting tougher as you descend.

The interface is a nice balance of being easy to get used to, though does take a quick reference of the manual to learn some of the finer points. generally, you move with the awsd keys, and use the space bar to interact with objects you face. 'Interact' is case sensitive; for a locker or a freezer, it'll be 'open', a locked vault will be 'unlock', a broken piece of equipment will be 'repair', etc. Combat is similarly simple - equip the weapon you'd like (or select from available hotkeys), and click on the target. (And, yes, there is a good tutorial available to teach you all this stuff!)

Overall, though the game itself is simple, I found (and still find!) it interesting because some of the choices the gameplay provides. I'm hungry - do I dare risk eating my tainted meat, or press a little further in hopes of finding something more suitable? The room ahead is heavily guarded - is it worth the ammunition I'll use (and wounds I'll take!) to clear it in hopes of finding equipment I can use, or should I bypass it? My inventory is full - do I drop some of the parts I'm carrying in hopes of building something useful down the line, or sacrifice some of my limited food, ammo, or extra weapons?


Since I mentioned it above, a note on crafting. As you explore, you will find recipes and blueprints (or, sometimes, discover them yourself) that allow you to combine items you find to create new items. Some of these are intuitive (cook raw meat to make cooked meat. Combine certain meat with bread to make a sandwich, etc.) but the crafting system is very involved, to the point of being able to craft for yourself armor, weapons, and equipment that will drastically improve your chances for survival. How involved? Well, I'm several HUNDRED hours into the gameplay, and still am constantly finding new clues and recipes... it's certainly a rich and rewarding ara to explore -though sometimes frustrating, as the random nature of the game means you may have a great blueprint, but be short of a needed item to build what you want, and unable to find said item (or, worse sometimes, have all the items you need, but lack a workstation to assemble it!) The limited inventory space means you can't simply carry everything - you have to decide what is important to you, which again leads to some interesting choices sometimes. Anyway, know that crafting is very important in this game, and there's much to discover here!

(Also, note that I play The Pit with several DLC installed; this does add some to the crafting, but to be fair, I don't think I'm close to finding all the recipes from the original game yet!)


Your first choice when you begin a game is which character you'd like to play. The original game provides three options - a marine, who is very capable in combat but lacking in the finesse and scientific skills; an engineer who has lots of technical know-how but limited combat effectiveness; or a scout - a sort of jack-of-all-trades character, a mix of some finesse and technical skills combined with some light combat skills as well.

Available DLC (downloadable content) allows you to broaden this class list: Mind Games adds psionic powers to the game and allows you to play as a human Scion or an alien Tarka Ranger, and the Gold expansion adds four more (three immediately and one unlockable) characters.

I won't go into too much character detail here - the info is out there if you choose, but suffice it to say that each character has strengths and weaknesses, different starting equipment and skills, as well as a personal backstory for why the character is descending into The Pit.

And the choices you make are very relevant, too - for example, the marine excels at combat, so you'd think he'd be easy to play, as monsters don't really scare him. However, his lack of foraging skills mean he's more likely to go hungry from not finding food, and he may run out of ammo faster from not being able to find more - plus his limited science skills mean he's less able to craft new equipment for himself.

Overall, most of the classes are well balanced - there's one I find to be a touch overpowered, and a couple I don't play because they don't fit my playstyle (one in particular seems a little weak) but with this much to choose from it seems to me that the average player is going to find at least a couple they really enjoy.

Character Advancement:

Your character has four attributes (might, finesse, brains, and power) that you can increase as you advance, as well as various skills. Skills include weapons skills (pistol, rifle, blade, to name a few) and equally important non-combat skills (foraging, lockpicking, psionic skills, decipher, electronics, etc). The basic game has something like 20 skill areas available to your character, and the mindgame expansion adds five more (five different psionic skills) for a total of 25. Each time you gain a level, you're given a number of skill points (dependant on character class) to assign. Again, it comes down to choice - you can't be good at everything, so what's important to you? Skills will level with use to a certain point - but to be really good takes some added skill points.

Your character also has various other values (hit points, armor, etc) that are fairly self-evident, but I do want to make note of the hunger mechanism. Each character has a 'food' bar, similar to a life/hit points bar- eat some food, this goes up to a certain maximum.
Logo for Sword of the Stars: The Pit
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
85.9% 981 161
Release:21.02.2013 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Kerberos Productions Vertrieb: Kerberos Productions Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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