Surviving the Aftermath
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Über das Spiel

Erbaut und verwaltet nach einem verheerenden Ereignis eine Kolonie für die Überlebenden. Baut mehr als 50 einzigartige Gebäude, um vom Ressourcensammeln bis hin zur Landwirtschaft sowie der Erkundung und Sicherheit alles zu regeln. Baut ein Tor und erkundet die wilde Welt jenseits der Grenzen eurer Kolonie.
Überlebt die Umwelt
Erkundet eine riesige, automatisch generierte Welt mit sechs verschiedenen Biomen voller ausbeutbarer Ressourcen, Banditen und mehr. Jede Umgebung bringt andere Bedingungen mit sich, die sich auf das Überleben eurer Kolonie auswirken. Bleibt wachsam: Naturkatastrophen stellen eure Überlebenden auf die Probe.
Überleben ist meine Spezialität
Rekrutiert zur Verwaltung der Kolonieressourcen und -produktion mehr als 46 einzigartige Spezialisten, von denen jeder verschiedene Talente und Motivationen besitzt. Schickt sie in das Gebiet jenseits des Tors: auf wissenschaftliche Missionen, Plünderungen und in den Kampf gegen Banditen.
Erwartet das Unerwartete
In schweren Zeiten muss man moralisch fragwürdige Entscheidungen treffen. Ihr könnt zwar nicht alles in eurer Kolonie kontrollieren, aber wie ihr auf Situationen und neue Ereignisse reagiert, wirkt sich auf die Entwicklung eurer neuen Zivilisation aus.
Mit Paradox-Mods können die Spieler von „Surviving the Aftermath“ ihre eigenen Visionen zum Leben erwecken.
- CPU: Intel iCore i5-2500K oder AMD® Phenom II X6 1090T
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 580 oder AMD Radeon HD 7870
- RAM: 4 GB
- Software: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit SP1
- CPU: Intel®iCore i5-3570K oder AMD Ryzen 3 2200G
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 oder AMD Radeon R9 380
- RAM: 8 GB
- Software: Windows 10 Home 64-Bit
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
4051 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 01:37
Für Spieler von Aufbausimulationen eine klare Empfehlung. Auch jetzt im EA bietet das Spiel schon sehr viel Frust (wenn die Siedlung nach einigen Stunden dann doch den Bach runtergeht) aber auch Freude.
Siedlungsbau, Erkundungen, Zufallsereignisse und Questen und eine zu Spielbeginn wählbare Schwierigkeitsstufe aus verschiedenen Entscheidungen,
Die Grafik ist angemessen, der Sound (3 Radiosender stehen zur Wahl) stimmig.
Auf der Weltkarte findet das Spiel im Rundenmodus statt, in der Siedlung in Echtzeit. Allerdings gewöhnungsbedürftig, dass die zeit nur in der Siedlung vergeht. Man zwitscht zwar ständig zwischen beiden Karten umher, aber man gewöhnt sich schnell an diesen Umstand.
Die nachfolgenden Punkte sind jetzt vielmehr als Anregung an die Entwickler gedacht.
Ich habe mehrere Male neu begonnen um zu versuchen, die perfekte Startumgebung zu bekommen.
Dann habe ich mich von diesem Gedanken verabschiedet und versucht mich mit der Hälfte meiner Ansprüche zufrieden zu geben und selbst das ist nicht möglich.
Zugegeben, man sollte nach einer Apokalypse nicht gleich den Garten Eden vorgesetzt bekommen, aber einige Hindernisse (verseuchte Gebiete mutierte Bären) sollten nicht gleich am Start aufploppen.
Mein größtes Problem ist nämlich weder Ressourcenbeschaffung noch Wasser und Nahrung sondern die Verschmutzung.
Zu spät bekommt man im Technologiebaum Zugang zur entsprechenden Forschung etwas gegen Verschmutzungen unternehmen zu können. Bis es soweit ist, ist die halbe Siedlung dermaßen verdreckt, dass die Leute nur noch zwischen Latrine und Arzt pendeln.
Anbei bemerkt, der Technologiebaum selbst ist sehr umfangreich und man ist ständig am überlegen, was man aus den fünf zweigen jetzt am dringendsten erforschen muss. Ich könnte mir aber noch ein oder zwei weitere Zweige vorstellen.
Regierung: Pazifist, Anarchist, Händler, Diktator, Demokratie, Dorfrat
Religion: Spiritualist, Technoschamane, Heide, ... (das könnte unterschiedliche Wirkungen in der Siedlung haben. Ein Spiritualist wird unglücklich, wenn nicht genügend Dekoration vorhanden ist, ein Technoschamane wird durch Verschmutzung nicht so schnell krank, ...)
Hier wären einige früher im Spiel zugängliche Wege der Verschmutzung vorzubeugen sehr hilfreich,.
- Dekorative Elemente, wie Bäume und Sträucher um die Latrinen könnten die Verschmutzung eindämmen.
- Den Förster das Gebiet um Friedhof oder Deponie, ja sogar um die Industrie aufforsten zu lassen, könnte die Verschmutzung eindämmen.
-Eine Müllhalde (eventuell als Vorstufe zur Deponie) könnte die Siedlung sauberer halten
Wachtürmen sollte ein Gebiet zugeordnet werden können, in dem sie auf Patrouille gehen sollen.
Es bringt nichts einen Wachturm neben einer Lagerstätte zu bauen, wenn der Wächter meilenweit entfernt ist, während wilde Tiere die Arbeiter attackieren.
Ebenso habe ich in einem Durchgang schon Wachtürme hinterm Tor platziert und doppelt besetzt, ohne das diese Maßnahme gegen Plünderer Wirkung zeigte.
Dazu gibt es noch kleinere Unstimmigkeiten.
Beispielsweise bleibt ein rot markiertes Gebiet nach der Befreiung weiterhin rot.
Questorte sind immer im eigenen Gebiet oder in den direkt daran angrenzenden Sektoren.
Zugegeben, erst 20 Runden über die Karte laufen zu müssen, um in eine der Ecken zu kommen, kann frustrierend sein, wäre aber realistischer.
In nicht jeder Questbeschreibung kann man erkennen, welcher Spezialist gerade am hilfreichsten Wäre. Dafür kann man einige Questen pausieren, um mit einem anderen Spezialisten zurückkehren zu können. Leider nicht bei allen.
Der Spieler hat noch immer die Qual der Wahl mit dem Spezialisten vor Ort zu agieren, oder erst einen anderen Spezialisten über mehrere Runden heranbringen zu müssen.
Apropo Spezialist. Ich würde mir die Erschaffung eines eigenen Helden wünschen. Man soll als Spieler/Anführer Entscheidungen treffen, bleibt aber hinter den Kulissen versteckt.
Spezialisten sollten zwar einen Außenposten gründen können, doch sollte man den Spezialisten zurückbekommen, wenn man den Außenposten aufgibt.
Spezielle Ausrüstung für den Spezialisten.
Wenn ich Waffen finde, sollte der Kämpfer auch die beste anlegen dürfen und sich das auch in seinen Angriffswerten widerspiegeln. Gleiches gilt für Wächter in der Siedlung. Vom Tor schießen sie zwar irgendwann mit Gewähren, aber die Wächter selbst laufen noch immer mit Armbrüsten rum, obwohl genug Gewehre und MG's vorhanden sind.
Wie gesagt, das Spiel befindet sich noch im EA. Daher sind dies her eher Anregungen an die Entwickler als eine ernst gemeinte Kritik, die für negative Punkte sorgen würde.
Wären der ganzen Zeit hatte ich nicht einen Absturz. Nur durch eine hier im Steam-Workshop angebotene und installierte Mod kam es mal zu Fehlern.
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1939 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 14:38
noch zu sehr unbalanced.
Habe es auf niedrigster Schwierigkeits Stufe probiert und leider sind zu viele
frustrierende Probleme in dem Spiel.
Zu viele Leute werden dauernd Krank, es fehlt an Arbeitern an allen Ecken und Kanten.
70% Deiner Leute muss für Nahrung sorgen, selbst dann reicht es nicht.
Katastrophen passieren zu oft, und es dauert lange bis man sich davon erholt.
Ressourcen werden schnell knapp.
Und für das Geld ist es noch nicht fertig genug.
Es gibt auch einen Cap an Siedlern. Bei 150 ist Schluss!
Spart euch die Frustration bis es fertig ist, und schaut dann auch die Bewertung ;)
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2845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 10:43
Ufortunately, this game as is is broken in so many ways it's just no fun to play. You get engaged, create a superb playthrough only for a save file to be corrupted or the gameplay stops running smoothly due to time standing still or some other issue... Many problems that should have been solved before the release (or in the first patches) are still there.
As I said, I LOVE this game. When it works. I'm very sad it stops working after a while, always in different ways.
(I have no mods, completely vanilla and have done nothing to the game other than starting it up and playing either through the steam client or through a desktop shortcut).
5289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 14:13
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2167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 19:00
A game like this is about city building. Its a city builder.
The complexity in the game should therefore come from laying out a city. Figuring out what resources you need to obtain, and creating a production line to satisfy your needs.
This is where Surviving the Aftermath falls short.
There are 2 primary resources that greatly affect the game.
Fun Boxes and Components.
First 'Fun Boxes'. They are used to build all happiness buildings. Keeping your people happy is the primary motivation in the game. You know; build city, satisfy everyone's needs and then make the city look cool. After you have satisfied the basics, like shelter and food, you want to start building entertainments for you populace, so .... you need 'Fun Boxes'. Which can only be obtained by exploring the world map. You can obtain them by setting up a outpost on the world map to obtain them. But this sucks. Also since its a limited resource, (along with components) you definitely don't want to rebuild your city and make it look good. its a drag to wait for the 'Fun Boxes' to trickle in.
Secondly, and more seriously, Components. Components are the limiting resource for all electrical buildings including the Garage, which mean Cars as well. Components can be build by a very late game building, so you will spend most of the game trying to obtain them from the world map. Again, you will have to explore. There will definitely not be enough to build all the stuff you want. Solar panels take components to maintain them, so you won't be using them. You won't be building a garage because you will not be sure of having access to enough Components to build everything else. So you will race to research the one building you need to make Components a renewable resource, which means researching a lot of buildings that you won't immediately use. This means that you spend a lot of time in the middle of the game researching stuff (and panicking after you realise components are limited) and then there is a massive building spree just as the tech tree ends.
Also you will discover that the building that builds components requires rare metals. There is also a building that produces this as a renewable resource. its also at the end of the tech tree (near the end). Once you get that working you go from having virtually no rare metals to having tons.
So in short, the game is a city builder and what keeps you entertained is researching better buildings, improving your city and then researching again etc. This game is broken in that it suppresses your building in the mid game, in favour of demanding world map exploration, and it tries to create tension by restricting precious resources for over all of the late game. It creates a problem for you that has only one solution really. And that's the game....
Frostpunk is the gold standard at the moment in my view and it has something similar: cores. Cores can only be obtained by exploring the world map. However you only need 5 or so cores to have a good city. And the things you spend cores on are all late game upgrades, which makes the game interesting in that you have to choose which upgrades you are going to have in a game run. You also don't need the upgrades cores provide. This kind of scarcity adds to the game, since there is still plenty to build, and you will have some cores with which to make your choices. You could probably do a game run without any cores. its a feature and not a core concept.
I don't see how you are going to enjoy this game with no happiness buildings or no electrical buildings.
Finally one more point: Frostpunk adds tension in that you will face the deep winter. And as it builds up to that event, there are things that happen that are central to the theme.
Surviving the aftermath misses that and I think its because firstly; I just ignored the main quests and suffered no penalties for that. I build the bunker after building all my electrical buildings and getting access to the elec factory. I felt no need to do it. It didn't add to the atmosphere of the game. Secondly; the theme is a great one, and I don't think the developers really worked on the theme much. The graphics are good, but I ask myself what is great in the styling of the game, the story of the game...?
Having said all of that the graphics are good.
3182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 12:06
It's not so difficult as a city builder but there is a lot of good ideas and a good post apocalyptic background.
A good survival game to train on a devasted earth in case Putin decides to send nukes all over the world the compensate the lack of succes of his pathetic army !
798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 04:37
1255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 00:23
3194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 21:43
2471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 03:29
2180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 23:55
My biggest gripe was: the progression in early game felt really slow, which dampened my initial enjoyment.
The solution was to boost my science production with a lot of high-output research outposts to gain a steady income of science points (instead of relying on manually scavenging locations).
As a result, the game became much more fun, because I unlocked new buildings to play with way faster.
A few features of the game are a bit underdeveloped, like combat for example, but it did not bother me as much as other people according to the reviews.
If you ever played a city builder before, I recommend to start your game on hardest settings, because the game is quite easy once you get the hang of it.
Still, I enjoyed my playtime and got really invested into building my settlement in a cool and efficient way, even though the game itself does not necessarily require you to be very efficient.
Recommended on sale (I got it for 15 €).
2212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 00:20
I've enjoyed my time with the game and I think that it's a reasonable difficulty, at least at the 53% I played at. You will at times be limited by the number of resources you have on hand, but careful planning will come in handy.
The Platinum update was polarizing, but personally I think it's good. I do think the removal of the gate stage of combat was a mistake but I understand why they removed it; bandits normally get past your gate immediately anyway. I hope they put it back in with an improved version; having them spawn in your settlement isn't all that immersive, especially considering some events explicitly mention bandits kicking on the outside of your closed gates.
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3148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 09:03
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2606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 15:30
Game used to have active exploration of your home base area, which was interesting. That's now been replaced by building watchtowers that slowly and passively make the fog of war recede. Boring.
There used to be a point to building a gate for your settlement: protection. Now, the gate is useless. Enemies are instantly inside your base. This is not a bug. This was a deliberate design decision.
You can no longer scavenge for basic resources outside your camp, either. Apparently the apocalypse wiped out every single piece of wood, block of concrete, or scrap of metal except in your little camp area.
They are literally paying someone to come up with the worse design choices and implement them. I used to enjoy this game, but as long as it keeps going in this direction, I cannot recommend it. Don't waste your money.
2170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 02:05
6404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 03:52
2408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 23:08
My only real complaint is there isn't much of an endgame, and other than fiddling with the difficulty settings there's not much reason to replay. Once you get a handle on surviving the periodic catastrophes, wipe out all the bandit strongholds on the world map, get a trade network going with surrounding friendly villages, and smooth out your supply chain the only thing left to do is watch available construction resources slowly dwindle. All told this took about 30 hours on my first playthrough to achieve at a reasonable difficulty level (58% by the game's reckoning).
Unlike other city builders I don't see much reason to pursue the perfect megalopolis, since the map is small, the population cap is low, and even the high end buildings look like old west meets favela.
By comparison Frostpunk had much better pacing, a better sense of achievement, and a whole bunch of special campaigns and challenge modes to up the ante. Surviving Mars had a lot more to do in the endgame, especially after introducing terraforming. Your typical city builder (like older Sim City entries or Cities: Skylines) let you build much, much bigger and give you more complex infrastructure challenges to overcome as your city grows.
That aside, if you're looking for a solid city builder that really captures the post-apocalyptic genre and you don't mind relatively short game longevity, you can't go wrong here.
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3248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 17:27
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429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 22:27
2552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 13:32
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2891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 16:27
At first it was getting enough steel. I soon realized that if I don't rush to get the ability to dig out underground metal, I'm screwed.
Then it was food. If I don't have enjoy of the right combinations, I'm screwed.
Then the constant attacks from INSIDE the colony. Forget the main gate, if you don't have enough guard towers, you are screwed. But don't worry. You are screwed anyway because I've never seen them WORK. Even with a stockpile of 200 guns!
But all that pales when you watch as your colony starves to death because the A.I decides the best thing to do is to clip through buildings, run around in circles and then commit mass suicide as no one harvests food, they die, people get sad, run around in a literal circle, starve, die, until your 200 person colony turns into a corpse filled mess.
All the while the endless pings and alert blast in your ears because the developers don't seem to know that such a thing would get really... REALLY annoying to hear it every 2 seconds, to let you know an elder died, a colonist is sick, or an elder died, and you have low food, and an elder died, and someone is sick, and an elder died.
Did you know an elder died? I didn't notice it the first 50 times either but apparently an elder died.
The A.I of the colonists is more A than I.
Avoid this game. It is not a fun management game.
785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 01:27
1285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 21:54
5961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 14:11
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903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 20:45
The combat system sucks, player has no direct control of normal folks, when they are under attack, they either do not react or only try to flee at 10% hp which they would certainly die since animals have higher movement speed and bandits have guns. Not everyone in the camp carries guns and you cannot manually give to them, if people chose to fight back, they fight with bare hands or pretend to have guns in their hands (animation glitch). The target is randomly chosen as well, people do not concentrate fire and it is possible to have one 1hp enemy kite you to death as people suddenly choose to melee someone at the other side of the street. Specialists do not engage when the gate is under attack, it might be the game design but it's ridiculous to see them stand in front of the gate do nothing against rocket launcher and molotov, not sure if they would engage after the gate's destruction, it could be a gameover.
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337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 15:12
I made the mistake of assuming as much, and I regret it so much. This game isn't built up enough to justify its purchase price. Maybe wait until its full release, but right now, it's just frustrating and hard to understand.
2781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 22:52
4518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 18:47
It is basicly a survival city builder that you can play in a casual way and this is great,
The soundesign is very bad (like you have fmod but don't use it at full potential, and it is thinked as a mobile game)
There still are some important bugs (like the burners that don't recharge) or all your elder population dies when you restrat the game? Basicly it still needs tweaking.
Overall I really like it but it is not ready to be released. 100% would buy on sale
10434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 09:11
3538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 04:10
A little rough around the edges yet but seems close to going full release. I've just scratched the surface of most of the tech trees in 11 hours. A little frustrating all the tech comes from exploring and you have a science specialist, but I havnt seen anyway for him to work in some kind of research station at the city. The other three specialist all seem to have a role to carry out on the area map and the science specialist basically just harvest the science resource faster when you find it. So 4 specialist classes and you can eventually have 10 of them. They all can fight creatures on the map and then harvest them. So you have to clear the map as you expand and look for materials which keeps it interesting. *(SOMETHING SEEMS WRONG WITH METAL USE ON CONSUMABLES SUCH AS WEAPONS AND TOOLS-basically all your metal just gets used faster than it should be?)
I like that the citizens can die of various ailments and can be treated. eventually they die of old age if they get that far. And you can build outpost on the map. But havnt decided where to do that yet. Asteroid showers. climate changing. fallout. lots of scavenging.
Actually pretty fun to start out anyway and it seems like there is a lot more to do. Fun place to go for a few hours at a time. And worth the $25 at this point in its development. I'm a satisfied customer.
1872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 19:25
To sum it all up: Surviving The Aftermath is an interesting mix between the game play of Banished and Surviving Mars that will continue to be added upon in the future; If it looks like you would enjoy the concept but you're not sure about the level of content, just wait til it is on sale.
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323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 20:01
1682 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 01:39
Obviously many things are not yet completed, but given how some games launch nowadays, it could pass as a finished product. Graphics are quite nice, there are plenty of things to do, the disasters are alright. Overall fun experience.
Couple things I found annoying:
The economy heavily relies on metal and after some time it may be quite hard to get enough of it, before you get the big extractors.
There is no way to know how much food you need to support your colonists and production rates displayed in the different extractors don't make much sense to me at least.
The statistics page doesn't help very much, it could show so much more useful information.
The UI needs some tweaking.
Given that, in my country store, I bought this for the equivalent of one Oreo McFlurry, I could say it's a great deal for the price. And it is actually a very good game regardless.
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616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 20:10
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5148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 14:07
You seem to run into a death spiral of tools and clothes after a point. I get that trading is supposed to fill in the gaps but I don't have enough people to even get the basics staffed and I have to micro like crazy every few minutes to ensure the biggest priorities get dealt with. There's no way to even setup a decent export market to buy needed items from other colonies let alone trying to work toward self-sufficiency.
The UI needs better updates to let you know things. I was so busy days went by before I realized I wasn't researching tech because I'm so busy micro-managing. It can't be that hard to have a popup when you have science points but no tech being researched.
The Gate is just bad. I have multiple people with shotguns manning it and it feels like if a Raiders farts at it the thing collapses. I haven't been able to get a raiding party to even half strength before they break the wall down.
This game has the potential to be great but it's just not ready yet.
2112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 19:22
There's never enough of anything. There's constantly really tough calls that have to be made. Some decisions, such as to sell off excess metal, can come back to bite you in ways you didn't forsee. Making a move towards a deposit or fertile land is a big commitment, because you can't easily change your mind if the worst were to happen, and it often does. I'm giving this a big thumbs up.
This game doesn't deserve the negative reviews it's been getting recently. It's hard if you're playing on challenging settings, sure. It's also not entirely intuitive for some things and takes a lot of trial and error, which I'm sure will be worked out in further iterations.
The devs are committed to taking feedback, sending surveys, trying to improve the game. It really shows. I think many of the negative reviews came from experiences from early early, EARLY access. Give this game a try. I think you'll be very pleasantly surprised.
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1850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 09:36
This is a fun game with huge potential, but the content and features are not rich and polished enough to be release worthy unless the final content update is much larger than previous content updates. I mean much larger, to the point where it's about 2-3x size the previous updates.
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860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 00:38
1738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 10:36
1663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 19:48
What I like about the game:
1. Before the game (simulator) starts, you select the difficulty. The first time you play, put things on easy.
2. Every game you get a random map, a game is never the same.
3. Events happen randomly, you never know what you gonna get.
4. Events have consequences. Choices have consequences. You can lose your people.
5. Not being prepared (or being prepared) has consequences. You can lose your people.
6. Heroes can die. Sending them to fight alone will lead to their death. Keep watching over them.
7. The game offers many options to expand improve (or worsen) your camp. They need time to develop.
8. The game shows that survival is not easy, but when you are prepared its possible.
9. The graphics are nice, menu's look good. But keep in mind: it is a simulater not a 4K shooter...
What I don't like about this game:
1. The research tree can take you very far (will take you many hours) but you don't feel like you have many options. The research tree seems to fixed and you feel there is not enough specialisation in it.
2. Going out to scout the world seems to easy. How is it that your camp gets raided but going out makes you have all the events under control? You decide whom to attack and who not? Eh? There are no raiders on the road? How come the world seems more easy than your own base?
Advice to developers:
Make the world map harder and send guys out in groups in case you get raided or lost on the way or something. Make events also happen on the world map. Make sure that you are prepared before you go on a raiding party. It should not be possible that your hero wins so easily from bandits on his own, but in the base has trouble fighting a bear.
Overall: A very nice game considering it is still not released officially.
I'm sure new options / features will be added to give you more possibilities. When you want to comment on the game, make sure you spend a lot of hours first, because this game takes time.
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133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 13:14
The reason I don't like the game is because the gameplay is boring. Food low? Water? Metal? Plastic? Just build the appropriate production building and your settlers will assign themselves, collect the raw resources, make the finished product, and deliver it to storage. It's all done for you. About 70 percent of the game consists of waiting for a notification that you need X resource and then constructing X building to fix the deficiency. Simply maintaining your resource balances. The remaining 30 percent of the game is exploring the settlement map or world map. The settlement map allows you to move around at will and fight little creatures or collect little resource piles. Not much going on. The world map is tile based and works much like the Civilization Series, but more limited.
I would say if you enjoyed the depth of Rimworld this game is not for you. Solving problems and setting up complex systems while managing settlers with wildly varied traits is not there.
If you found Rimworld tedious and excessively crunchy, you will like this. It focuses on city building and resource management while trimming away a lot of the tedious detail.
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1313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 02:01
It's pretty good, it takes the 'Banished' concept and core and puts a Post apocalypse skin on it. It's a little opaque with things and still has a lot of bugs that can be catastrophic if they crop up (load a save, lose all your livestock and vehicles) or just annoying (load a save, have the fog of war come back into your map).
It is an enjoyable game and I've gotten a little hooked on it, but the new flavor is losing it's appeal and makes me want to go back to Banished or more aptly, Endzone (which is closer to banished with a post apocalypse skin and is more realistic Surviving the Aftermath feels like it wants to be a Fallout game).
But I think the thing that makes it a thumbs down is simple...
It's a year old game now that still has significant bugs and issues. Not a brand new release, not an early access game like its being marketed as, it's a year old. There shouldn't be a bug report key on the game UI by now, this should be ironed out and tight, there shouldn't be performance lags and frame issues, you shouldn't be confused about just what reputation will actually mean when trading. This should have been long sorted out after a year on the Epic store.
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289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 02:56
I look forward to updating this review in the future, the mix of town building and turn based world map play with a deep technology table makes for an appealing mix but right now it's just not worth spending an hour building your colony only to have to start over from scratch.
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379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 16:32
Managing your specialists gets to be repetitive and time consuming once you get up to 10.
There's a fairly large tech tree but I found it to be confusing to find which specific tech I needed to research for a specific building to unlock. A search bar would go a long way
I wanted to like this game, I hope it gets better.
2569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 23:29
1) Allow for a research queue. Right now you can only research one thing at a time and you can't queue things up for future research.
2) Allow automation of your specialists. It would be nice to send your specials roaming the camp grounds, or explore the world or do maintenance automatically. Maybe make it a research options?
3) Create world map improvements. I can build roads in my camp grounds but I can't build them on the world level. Maybe things like observation posts, drover stations and radio towers could be nice buff buildings out in world that support outposts and the main camp.
4) Nerf the easy mode starting location and variables. Or make a starting mode that is truly for noobs because holy hell my first go on easy mode had me surrounded by pollution and quickly bombarded by meteors. I love a challenge but let's make it later, you know, after I've learned how to put out a fire storm using sickly irradiated people.
1092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 19:55
If you didn't like Surviving Mars's hex-based construction, which always felt kinda hard to make a good looking base without adding much to the look of the map, this one switches it up to conventional orthogonal construction but with a hex-based overworld. The world feels massive in comparison because of the scavenging system. The environments feel more natural and it feels much more like a colony struggling for survival and working hard at it, vs. the sprawling automation and retrofuturism of Surviving Mars, as cool as that was.
Because it's early access, and based on the quality of Surviving Mars in the end, I really do expect things to improve, but I don't want to write a review without leaving out the problems.
The UI has occasional glitches and some decisions there are really strange, like zooming to a specialist's location when you select them rather than keeping it centered on the problem you've spotted that they could fix. Specialists hopping out of vehicles seemingly randomly and wasting full turns when you've moved them, and not being able to scout or scavenge without pushing one of them out on foot (? why? So many clicks.)
It feels like there could be more to the risks of overworld exploration - if you can do basic multiplication to figure out damage vs. time to complete tasks, your specialists will never face real problems. Maybe fighting bandits should stir things up back home as the survivors flee and seek revenge (or mercy! would be an interesting choice to make,) and it's definitely missing ambushes for people on foot and the appropriate post-apocalyptic deathmobile tech response =P
I guess what I'm saying is that some parts feel bare, as you'd expect, and there is room for improvement. It's still grabbed my interest.
3425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 04:18
The game play is a lot like Frostpunk's: it's a city builder married to a turn-based strategy map. I'd say that it's about as equally polished as Frostpunk was at this point in its release cycle. It is an extremely pretty game, just like Frostpunk was; if anything, its Wastelands (non-city) map is actually prettier, more detailed.
What I didn't expect to like as much as I did, though, what took me by surprise, was the psychology, the politics, of this game versus Frostpunk. I felt like Frostpunk was deliberately punishing me any time I made a moral choice; its writers expect the universe to punish you for having any morality during the Apocalypse. This game shows a much deeper understanding of disaster sociology: even though you do run a greater risk of betrayal, in an actual chips-are-down survival situation the benefits of trust and cooperation are way greater than the risks, and it here it shows: the more people you save, the more people you can save. I really like that about this game.
It needs some game-balance tweaks, especially with the economy, and it's clearly going to get them. If you wanted to wait to play it until those next three patches are done, I wouldn't blame you. But if you liked Frostpunk at all, any part of Frostpunk, it's worth buying it now at the early-access price, because this game scratches the same itch and is already less grim, more fun, than Frostpunk was.
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222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 19:44
City builders come in many forms. There’s the classic SimCity (the fourth entry being the best, avoid the most recent release at all costs) formula that’s been vastly improved over the generations from something that was fairly simple to the more complex simulations of the modern gaming era like Cities: Skylines that currently holds the genre’s crown. There’s been plenty of innovation in recent years, though, and it has led to some exciting breakthroughs like Banished, Tropico, Frostpunk, Foundation, and hell, we’ll even include Townscaper here for giggles.
That said, it’s another genre that seems to spawn plenty of subpar titles that end in disappointment. Fortunately, Surviving the Aftermath isn’t one of these, at least not yet. In its current Early Access state, it already shows promise and is worthy of keeping your attention for some time, though it doesn’t have nearly the same pull as the heavyweights in the genre.
Surviving the End of Days
Building and maintaining your camp and its residents is the primary focus of Surviving the Aftermath. Starting with a small campsite and expanding it with a few tents and simply resource collection buildings, your base will slowly spread across the settlement map. The general feel of this reminded me of Banished; job openings are available for work buildings that you’ve constructed, though, without a skill system, each individual varies little from the others. Each and every one is equally as effective at any given task under the same circumstances and you won’t end up with experts of any sort. In addition to this, a lack of character portraits makes it so that you’re likely to have several survivors sharing the same portrait, even in your first batch of arrivals. As far as immersion goes, it’s damn near a sin.
Resources are varied enough that you’ll continually be managing your workers by shifting them to new areas. Buildings tend to have a work zone that can be set manually which is a nice improvement over many others in the genre. Gone are the days where you would need to build a new woodcutting post as here you can simply reassign the building’s work area. As it’s a post-apocalyptic setting, there are some interesting resources outside of the norm here, such as plastic and scrap metal, though old school favorites like meat and hide are waiting to be harvested as well.
To overcome the complications of the post-apocalypse, research is needed to maximize the base’s capability to survive. Several different paths can be progressed down at the pace that you choose. For example, if you want to crank up your base’s living conditions, you can focus on both passive bonuses for buildings that you already have access to and unlocking new types that are full-on upgrades. Alternatively, if you want to crank up the production aspects of the colony, a similar template exists for structures and their related jobs.
The Apocalypse Elite
Though your colony mostly consists of buildings and generic survivors, you’ll also have some heavy-hitters in the form of specialists. These characters have a set of stats that include their map speed, attack power, research aptitude, scavenging capability, and recovery rate. They’re capable of carrying out specialized tasks that can give huge bonuses to your settlement, particularly when leveraging their class to do so. Your colony starts with only a small handful of them, but even a single fighter can lay down a beating on early threats and scavengers, scouts, and scientists all bring their own nice (and expected) benefits to the table.
Wonders of the World
The world map can be visited by your specialists and features a variety of locations that can give you some significant advantages if you prioritize acquiring them. Each region needs to be explored by one of your characters and often require the violent bandits that reside there to be cleared out. The effort to do so is often worth it though, as locations are frequently packed full of large quantities of resources that would take a significant amount of time to harvest back at your base. Though it’s simple, you have to micromanage each specialist individually which ends up being a huge time sink that isn’t particularly exciting even if the rewards tend to be worth it.
Surviving the Aftermath is a title that functions as advertised, though it needs quite a bit more love for it to be able to compete with others in its genre. Though there are four independent tech trees that can be progressed down freely as time and research points permit, most of the game seems too simple to keep an experienced city builder or strategic survival player invested for more than a few hours currently. If you’re dying to get your hands on something new in the genre, I could cautiously recommend this title, though only on a decent sale as I can’t at all recommend it at the current $25 price tag when you could get far more bang for that same buck. That said, the potential is certainly there and if it keeps received sizable updates and a few more innovative elements are sprinkled in, it might be worth your attention.
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19411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 20:33
I love this game. I am a big fan of real time strategy and colony building games.
For players of Surviving Mars this game will immediately feel familiar in its gameplay, mechanics, and visuals.
Indeed many of the SM devs are coding Aftermath
In its current version, patch v11, the game feels complete for a first release expecting more dlc content.
At the moment there are some minor bugs that need to be addressed but nothing gamebreaking.
Certain mechanics of play need adjusting as well.
With a healthy forum base, and developer moderators reading everything, the chance to get your ideas into the game as well as fix some things you may find odd are high. Its worth getting into the game now.
With that out of the way lets talk about what the game is:
You and a colony of settlers are stuck in a post apocalyptic world with no rules.
You cordon off a small piece of land and settle in with a camp.
The objective is the stay alive, and there is plenty of things that want to kill you.
You must create a settlement (colony) that is self sufficient, growing food, fishing, hunting, treating medical conditions, building factories and workplaces out of scrap metal, plastic and concrete ruins.
You need to fend off invaders like a Mad Max movie. Your piled up car carcasses for gate need to be defended.
You go on quests into the real world and discover areas you can raid for supplies, and find other colonies you can trade with.
Neat feature - build a mechanics garage and go out and bring back an old car, fix it up, and drive it around the world map looking for things you can use in your camp.
Before I forget - Dont think this is some sort city builder that you casually plop down roads and build buildings. Nope. Did I mention everything is trying to kill you? Nuclear fallout, magnetic storms, pandemics, heat waves, wildlife and those max max looking weirdos coming to your gate.
Its not an easy game, but its not difficult to the point you crash and burn. Those players coming from Surviving Mars will get the hang of Aftermath after playing several games to discover how stuff works. It took me 4 games before I began to really understand what needs to be done.
Aftermath has a little something for everyone. Dont let the early access bother you. Its pretty darn good as it is now and its getting better with more content regularly.
One of the nice parts about being early access and getting in now is your ability to steer the games progress and direction. With the development team being quite responsive to feedback your forum posts could make it into the game when its out of early access
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550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 04:23
For a game that has been in development for about a year, the bugs and issues are very serious. You can get a good idea of what the specific issues are by reading the other negative reviews: resource management/stockpiling and AI pathfinding, colonists getting stuck on the map, and colonists' inability to perform their jobs, feed themselves, or wash themselves once the colony gets to a certain size. Having to use your specialists to fix problems that colonists won't is just a painful game of whack-a-mole, and very boring.
It's a shame, because this game has so much potential. If the devs can work out those colonist issues, and revamp some of the gameplay to eliminate the unfun parts, I could see this becoming one of my favorites. But right now, it's boring and very frustrating.
I hope to revise this review in the future, but the game has a long way to go, even for an early access title, before it can become enjoyable.
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1634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 08:59
Worldmap and Specialists:
- No greater overview and to much of a zoom that you can see all the things and you have to slide over the whole map to make sure you got all the things. - Scouting and looting in a circle would be recommended.
- After clearing the worldmap, there is nothing more to do except occasinal opening it for the quests. No respawns, nothing.
- They specialty of you Specialists isnt worth much since its not giving you more loot but only reduces the time to loot. Well it gives you some bonus possibilities in quests but nothing special (pun intended) - I recommend taking fighters for the start since they are stronger and can kill the bandits faster and dont take much dmg therefor.
- Again, no good overview for the map of the base and you cant zoom out that much so you have to slide over the whole map to look for things or find stuff.
- The production of items is way to low. i.a. you produce a handful of tools/cloth a day but with 100+ colonists its nothing and if you want to produce more, you need to build more shops, therefore more resource buildings, therefore you need more colonists and now you need even more tools/clothes again
- Micormanagement from hell.
-> If your Specialists are not on the worldmap, they are in your base but dont do anything themselfs and if you micro them, they cant do all the necessary jobs and are useless at the end.
-> Buildings get contaminated over time but if they are not in range of a maintenance building you have to click on every building and even if they are in range of said building it takes ages if there are to many buildings. Shop has 3 workers and they cant do all the stuff in their range so you would have to build more shops but therefor you would need more colonists and for them you would need more buildings to sustain them... the never ending circle of BS.
- My favorite till now - the stockpile mechanic:
Stockpile space isnt based on item count like in any other game. No, its based on an underground weight system which gives you no indication of how much an item wights... You can easily take 150 concrete blocks in the Inventory of your specialist or your car but if its on a stockpile, its completely full... There are upgrades which say +2k capacity but if you hoped for item count, nope. Depending on the items in your stockpile it could lead to 200 more berries or 5 concrete blocks more per stockpile (just my guess because i dont know the actual weight of the items because there is no indicator!)
Its boring, has micro management from hell, absolutly unbalanced resource wise, no overview for base and worldmap, and has no replayability at all.
- I played to day 160 and now the only thing to do would be micro all till i get the last 5 achievements.
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1314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 16:16
It basically boils down to bad mechanics. I get the game is supposed to be a challenge, but even on the easiest setting it becomes impossible at around 80 colonists purely because the colonists are woefully inefficient when it comes to completing their assigned task. They will wonder around aimlessly looking for food / medical help / hygiene even when it's right on their doorstep and free to use, or they'll just sleep for what feels like an eternity. All the while you have a dwindling stock pile of whatever resource they should have been making. If you try and kick them off their assignment in the hope someone better will be assigned, think again, the same colonist gets assigned even when you have 10+ 'spare' colonists.
2. Number of resources produced by each colonist / work station. Pitiful. Just a minor increase in material production would make an enormous difference. maybe this is more as a result of poor colonists, more than the buildings themselves. But I'm not entirely sure. Perhaps some further research boost options might help. Maybe some will mod it. But developers should not rely upon mods.
I get the game is supposed to be a challenge, but it should at least be possible. On easy mode I expect it to be a leisurely game. I want to put my feet up and relax, not tear my hair out with frustration. I've sunk 100's of hours into games like this and never found one so frustrating. I want it to be good and it absolutely has the potential, and if they update it and re-balance I will undoubtedly change this to a positive review I'm sure.
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3227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 23:07
Another flaw is the colonists. Pathing is terrible even if you give them tracks to follow they'll still wander into the pollution even if there is a clear path around it. The consumption of resources seems way off and hard to fathom. If they get sick or injured they should seek medical help yet they can get into a situation (which appears to not be a bug) where they won't seek that help even though you have it available. Too often I've found them off in the wilderness and it takes a lot of coaxing to get them back to the colony but you can't actually force them to get that help they need all you can do is hope that once you get them near it the AI will kick in and get them to the medic. Its lots of little things like that that make colonists a pain to deal with.
And a final thing is that the game requires too much micromanaging and time consuming hunts for resources. Specialists quite literally have to be ordered to do something but are not programmed to follow that order through to completion but want it resent every gameday. You have to hunt around the colony map for resources which can get badly obscured by the 'trees' or even if you have zoomed out by the clouds that the devs put in.
Overall the game has a lot of potential but if it continues down the path it is going right now then its not going to make it. If changes are made to pollution, colonists and micromanaging lessened (suggestions that do appear quite a bit in the discussion area) then the game should be a must buy if you are into the survival building sim type of game.
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839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 14:40
The biggest problem - very bad automation, you need control some units over and over, doing the same job: repair building, manage specialists and etc. It quickly gets boring. It applies to both: the management of settlement and global map.
Every day you should clean toilets >_< very exciting!
I'll wait updates, hope you fix it.
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367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 06:33
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958 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 01:00
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4130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 22:17
You will have a blast until your colony reaches a certain size then poof all your guys will get stuck or most annoying is that a certain buildings all get stuck like your hospital or food producers or recourse collector buildings. this normally does not happen till you get into the big late game buildings but once this happens your colony is dead they starve or die to the simplest health issue due to being stuck. I have reloaded the save deleted the building making a new one moving it and the colonist stay stuck. the only way I have ever been able to play though this for anytime is keeping your original buildings keeping them instead of upgrading to the newer ones but even then it still sticks eventually.
IF this is fixed this is an awesome game
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1609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 08:06
The idea is nice and all but it lacks polish like crazy. You constantly need to micromanage stuff and I cannot stress this enough: the UI/UX is a mess, ranging from lack of notifications, to useless ones, to the grid which doesn't show which cells are occupied when placing a building(why even bother rendering the grid?)
It's nice that it has a bug button to send feedback and I've sent a lot of things there but we'll see if anyone actually reads them.
This was supposed to exit early access before comming to steam and so far it seems it's not even half way there.
Huge disappointment. I hope endzone will be better. I regret starting with this one.
EDIT: not sure if the game updated or not but now the specialists show up with available action points even when they're busy and keep putting notifications. So.. in terms of bugfixing it seems to be getting worse, not better.
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939 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 03:59
- Surviving is real, the Catastrophes is challenging, resource is limited, Rush the tech to get more resource.It is a good balancing on surviving-building type game.
- Specialists-WorldMap-Event/Quest/Combat system is good addon, but lack of content make them drop really quick. Plus the UI make me wont gonna move those specialists after day 50.
- UI is terribly, terribly bad. It is a 2000-ish design and it definitely need focus on QoL improvement otherwise it will breaking game exp.
- AI is bad. Specialists at home are doing nothing until you micromanagement them. Building 10 buildings at the same time without prior. villager move logic is super random.
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661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 02:46
Overall the game is interesting and has a good deal of content to offer but after 11 hours of game play the content starts to feel stale and the fun becomes repeat chores.
A few things that I found were anti-fun.
- Manually commanding every task. If I have available colonists for work why do I need to click every building/bathroom and select decontaminate each time it needs to be done? After cleaning the toilets 100 times in a session it gets old.
- Survivalists on World Map - You can queue your survivalist to go to an area but then you need to manually command them each round instead of them heading to a location automatically after being marked. After having 5+ survivalists on the world map I found myself constantly having to go back and select commands which was annoying.
- Notifications - All the notifications are jumbled together in the top left and is a confusing mess. Some notifications can't be dismissed and at times you'll get barraged with so many notifications you don't know what to deal with. To boot the research notification is in the same spot and I found myself forgetting to start new researches since the notifications look the same.
Over all I do not recommend the game in its current state. It needs work but in the future could be a lot better.
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