News Liste Supermarket Shriek

Experience Supermarket Shriek for FREE at the #steamgamefestival
Supermarket Shriek
07.10.20 10:40 Community Announcements

Attention humans, goats and… all the other types of supermarket shoppers!

Starting today you can experience the couch co-op chaos of Supermarket Shriek for free as part of the Steam Games Festival!

The Autumn Edition of the Steam Games Festival kicks off today at 6pm BST / 10am PST and runs right through to October 13th. Supermarket Shriek will be showcased in the festival Streams throughout the week – but you can also check out the game for yourself right now! A brand new demo is available to download from the" target="_blank">Steam Page up until the end of the festival.

So grab a friend (goat, human or otherwise!), warm up your vocal chords and find out just how much fun it is to tear around a Supermarket in a shopping kart controlled screams! We’ve crammed in plenty of the kind of insane courses and ridiculous obstacles you’ll find in the full game!

Download the Supermarket Shriek Demo from the Steam page here:

Check out the Steam festival showcase streams from 6pm BST / 10am PST here: