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  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
  • Sundered: Eldritch Edition: Screen zum Spiel Sundered: Eldritch Edition.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.07.2017
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Preis Update 03.07.24

Über das Spiel

Widerstehe oder mach' es dir zu eigen.
Sundered ist ein chaotisches, handgezeichnetes Spiel im Metroidvania-Stil, in dem du dir uralte, schauerliche Mächte zu eigen machst, oder ihnen widerstehst. Trotze Horden angsteinflößender Gegner in einer nie gleichbleibenden Welt, die von den Werken von H.P. Lovecraft inspiriert wurde. Sundered ist eine herausfordernde und einzigartige Herangehensweise der Jotun-Schöpfer an ein klassisches Genre. Jetzt auch mit lokalem Koop-Modus!

Du spielst Eshe, einen Wanderer in einer zerstörten Welt, gefangen in sich ständig verändernden Höhlen voller angsteinflößender Gegner. Nutze die Macht verdorbener Relikte, um auf Kosten deiner Menschlichkeit riesige Bosse zu besiegen. Widerstehe oder mach’ es dir zu eigen.

Sundered: Die Eldritch Edition beinhaltet das Magnat-des-Gongs-Update, das einen lokalen Koop-Mehrspielermodus für bis zu 4 Spieler sowie neue Gebiete und einen chaotischen Kampf gegen den neuen Magnat-des-Gongs-Boss hinzufügt!

  • Wunderschöne handgefertigte Zeichnungen und Animationen
  • Chaotische Begegnungen mit Gegnerhorden
  • Epische Bosskämpfe
  • Optionaler lokaler Koop-Modus für bis zu 4 Spieler
  • Hunderte Verbesserungen und mehrere Charakter-Builds
  • Eine Mischung aus handgefertigten und prozeduralen Leveln
  • Verschiedene Enden und mehr als 15 Stunden Gameplay


  • CPU: 1.8 GHz Processor
  • GFX: DirectX 10-compatible graphics card with at least 256MB of video memory
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit)
  • HD: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

278 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 13:06
Cooles Spiel mit gewöhnungsbedürftigem Gameplay.
Man brauch ein wenig Zeit um sich daran zu gewöhnen aber es ist anders als viele andere Metroidvanias

Mein ganzes Review <3
574 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
2015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 16:03
Overall, its a good game, though it feels more like a roguelike, than a metroid (something like rogue legacy or dead cells). Visual style need some time to get used to, but gameplay is fun, fast and controls are flowing
594 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 17:05
As others have said, it's difficult. I managed to make some progress, but I eventually got tired of every single room being a huge swarm encounter with everything literally coming at you from every possible direction at the same time, every time all the time. I honestly can't even say if I fought a boss or not. Everything swarming made it impossible to do more than catch a glimpse of something that might have been something different or unique before I died for the 15th time or so.

I've elected to remove this one. I'm getting so tired of everything being designed to be a torture fest to play.
916 Produkte im Account
116 Reviews
1747 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 15:22
This reminds me a little of Hollow Knight, though less awesome in terms of graphics and plot. It makes up for it with a much more achievable difficulty level. The controls aren't so great either, though.
253 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 14:03
This is a pretty good game, if you don't mind grinding. The art and animation look great and the sound design is pretty good. The controls are solid and satisfying.
It's not a good metroidvania though: it has very simplistic, randomised level design and enemies spawn in hordes randomly and are mostly pretty generic. The bosses are pretty good and I enjoyed the few puzzle rooms. I mostly enjoyed the exploration too.

I didn't really like how the difficulties are handled: as difficulty level rises enemy health and damage rises (fine), enemy hordes grow in numbers (fine, makes the game more hectic), but also you get fewer drops (isn't that backwards? That's not fun at all). Most games would reward the player with better/more loot for playing on a higher difficulty and I think this game should follow suit in that sense. Especially since all that does is force the player into a repetitive grinding cycle, which is also incentivised by having to deal with stronger enemies. Pretty dumb if you ask me.

I haven't tried out the co-op and it doesn't seem to me like it would be a very good co-op game.

All in all I enjoyed my two runs.
118 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
880 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 14:03
fun but nothing that exciting
100 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 05:26
All of Thunder Lotus' talents shine through in this spectacle of a game. Don't miss out!
273 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 15:45
Game's looks are astounding, but boring gameplay makes it unenjoyable.

You travel, beat uninteresting enemies, collect shards (money), die, spend shards at spawn, travel slightly differently, beat boring enemies, die at miniboss etc.

Hitboxes are a mystery.

I've never met a game so uninteresting to play. It just feels dull.
24 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 05:12
I want to like this game. In fact, I want to love this game. The art is great. The story is intriguing. You even get to build your character using a web instead of the normal linear progression. It even runs natively on my mac, my primary machine.

But I can't, and for the following reasons: (Note: I've only played the game on normal difficulty, and clocked about 5 hours before writing this review)
- Swarm mechanic: At first this is fun, however the battles quickly getting boring, and then they just become a nuisance. There isn't much of a strategy to dealing with the enemies, most of them just charge you. And for a game where half of it is harvesting little balls to buy upgrades, you don't get all that many of them from fighting the swarms. Having done a few test runs, the ones where I ignore the swarms and just run from them, prioritizing instead to simple smash pots, I ended up netting more little balls. Pushing that aside, fighting the swarms doesn't even feel rewarding. And why? Because the more enemies you kill, the more show up. Even if you dodge 9 out of 10 attacks, the sheer number of bad guys means that eventually you just get overwhelmed. And I don't mind dying in a roguelite game, I get that is half the experience. But when you've died for the nth time because 30 bad guys just ram you with their face, you begin to feel annoyed. If they could at least put a counter somewhere so I know how many more bad guys I have to dispatch before I can stop, I'd feel some sense of accomplishment or at least figure out how I fared. But the swarms go from approx 10 guys to who knows, you just die, they might as well have been infinite.

- There are so many cool things going on in the environment, like various traps and such. So the game rewards you when you use the environment to aid you in dispatching the seemingly endless swarms, right? Nope. The bad guys are immune to all the things. And sometimes they sit right in the middle of death lasers or stompy things , or pointy things. Which makes killing them a nuisance, especially before you get your ranged weapon. And that ranged weapon, firing it takes forever, the animation is interruptable, and it rockets you backwards. So it is difficult to fire when being overwhelmed by a swarm, and it likely throws you off your platform or into the stompy, pointy, death lasery things.

- Death by camera is a thing in this game. Whenever there is a large number of bad guys on the screen, the camera zooms out. And since you only encounter swarms, this happens somewhat regularly. Which means your character is now effectively smaller on the screen. Even if you leave the character indicator icon on, it's still easy to lose track of where you are. Good luck keeping track of your character when you fight the big boy in the chair. The camera zooms out to such a point that your character is so small that your movements seem sluggish. Which, being a platformer where you're getting overwhelmed by swarms while attempting to leap from platform to platform, is pretty f'n annoying. The most challenging part of that boss fight was trying to get back to the boss (who teleports around the area) just so that the damn camera would zoom back in.

- And the web which you build on. Usually this means you get to figure out a path through the maze of options, snaking around to pick up the upgrades you want, because you can't always buy them all. This is not the case. You can't see the majority of the icons, so you can't plan a path. And when things get revealed it turns out that most of them are just boring gain hp/shield/armor/damage. Every once in a while you get some thing that increases how much your elixirs heal you, or how many you can carry. It feels less like something you get to make a choice in, and more like you're coloring in bubbles. What should be branching ends up feeling dull and linear.

- On the web you get to select up to 3 special boons, each one with a downside. And most are cool. But then there is the Magnet. No downside to this one. Why? Because wasting a slot to fix a problem that was intentionally introduced into the game is enough of a drawback. I don't understand why designers seem to think that players enjoy chasing loot that falls. And since you need to collect all the balls to buy upgrades, well you're spending extra time in this game chasing after them. And that's annoying, and somewhere someone realized that. So instead of making the magnet a standard part of the game, you need to waste a boon to not be annoyed, which ironically is annoying.

- The map is huge and invites exploration. Just remember, the map screen doesn't pause the game. So when you've hit the nth dead end and are trying to figure out where to go, you get attacked by a swarm. And since the inner chambers of the rooms vary between runs, it's not that hard to get turned around. It's not like you can clear out a room and leisurely check the map. Because swarms are random. And they hate when you stand still for more than 10 seconds.

I've considered returning this game, but the truth is, a part of me wants to like it so much that I am still willing to throw more time into, just hoping the rough patches will get smoothed out. But I'm not optimistic. I hate to say it, but this is the least fun platformer I've ever played. Everything I should love about this game just feels annoying.
364 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 15:53
For 20 bucks I'm hard-pressed to recommend this, but I since I bought it in a sale it gets a tentative thumbs-up anyway.

Let's get something important out of the way first - this is NOT a 2D soulslike.
Despite the stamina-reliant dodge, the slow-creep progress leveling system, the opaque story telling & despite the way death is not a 'game over', just a temporary reset - it's very much not in the vain of other 2D soulslikes.
I would heartily recommend playing this game on easy - It's just not worth the extra pain, given how this games systems work.

You're going to, and quite frankly are expected, to tank an obscene amount of hits & damage while going through the game. The game is far to mechanically 'loose' & the fights far to busy to consider getting through this without taking (much) damage. The game has a hybrid regenerating shield / permanent HP system for a reason...

For something positive, the animation & movement flow are really good - while the movement isn't as precise and clean as something like the Ori games, it flows well and is generally fun - if the game plays along. The combat feels satisfying and wiping out a horde or a winning a treasure-battle can be really fun. There is a surprising amount of roaming freedom and ways to complete movement based challenges. I'm not even sure this counts as a metroidvania game, because there are very little areas actually hard-gated by abilities. Some of the movement 'gates' can be bypassed by cleverly chaining or using alternatives, which can be really fun.

The music & sound-design is good & gives good feedback and the 'narration' has a satisfying snarl to it. The writing is up my alley 6 all very opaque., but there's not much of it.

the biggest gripe I have is that the level design is really really bad. Not 'non-functional' bad, just 'completely irrelevant & forgettable' bad. The game only has three major areas that sometimes use colourgrading to buy some more variety on the cheap.
In each, some parts of the map will be procedurally generated, some parts or rooms will be in fixed locations. The general 'area' will always be the same, but your exact minute path through it may deviate slightly.
Ultimately, all that means is there's a few standout rooms that are beautifully drawn and the rest are the same cut-and-dried assets repeated add nauseam, clicked together with no sense of cohesion. There is no sense of exploring an ancient world, but despite the 'procedural' levels it doesn't feel like an ever-twisting, -moving hellscape either.
You're just looking at the map all the time to check if you're still going the right direction or headed towards a dead end.
It's just so much nothing, so unremarkable - there are no key standout moments in the leveldesign, with maybe the exception of the Dominion bossfight /-room /-reveal.

The way the enemies work can be incredibly irritating as well. Every flying enemy and every enemies projectile has no-clip on - EXCEPT YOU and yours. Flying melee enemies will charge-attack at you from level elements that you can't access. Enemies are explicitly designed to spawn off-screen and shoot at you even if you may be cornered. Their projectiles ignore cover, walls or obstacles. Destroying projectiles with melee-attacks is a midgame skill that's not on the mandatory upgrade path.

Looking at the Trailers for Jotun & coming of the heels of playing this - I think the people at Thunder Lotus Games might get off to making the player the smallest on-screen element. Behind tons of visual clutter, screen-filling boss-attacks and boss- & horde fights centered entirely around that is your character model - and I'm not sure I agree with it, for the most part.
Dominion is a cool boss, Hysteria is 'workable', Salvation/Legion is imo bad. The final boss is ... something (depending on the ending you aim for). The minibosses are regular enemies scaled up & colour-swapped.

In the end, I have a lot of gripes but still ended up playing through it in two or three sittings - even if most of it was on autopilot, just flying through the levels. It's not painful (unlike Unworthy) and I did have fun at times.

if the artstyle, animation or trailers intrigue you, wait for a sale.
If you can't tolerate extremely visually busy games or games that can & will dick you around - stay clear, far & wide.
167 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
1058 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 04:54
Sometimes I fall in love with games because of the concept and the difficulty. Other times it is the art style. This one wins on both fronts. It is a fun metroidvania that you can play coop via remote play. The controls feel fluid and tight. I am a fan of Dead Cells and it felt similar to that title in areas. Oh and it has a solid Eldritch Horror theme. 9.5/10
1095 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
810 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 13:15
This is such a cool metroidvania game. Don't stand still for too long, though, you will be attacked for it.
138 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1008 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 01:58

In the truest sense of the word, this game is a literally epic experience, and easily the most doom metal game I've ever played (play while listening to Electric Wizard and it is a match made in hell). On top of the incredible artwork, intriguing story and eldritch vibe, the gameplay feels incredible. Rather than the usual roguelike fare of making individual enemy units difficult, it makes them mostly easy, opting instead to throw HORDES of them (probably hundreds) at you at once. Eventually, slashing through overwhelming demonic masses without so much as a scratch becomes 2nd nature, and the game truly comes into its own. 10/10 recommend.
292 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 17:48
Great metriodvania. Combat is fun and the world is creepy as all get out.
125 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 22:46
After playing Jotun and Spiritfarer, I sought this game out on Steam. And boy was it worth it. There are so many great games in the metroidvania genre, and this one really stands out as excellent among them. Fluid movement and an array of character enhancements make the character glide around the levels with ease. The combat is a bit button mashy, but it's fun. And if it's not fun, what's the point? But seriously, the art is the standard hand drawn excellence you've come to know from ThunderLotus. It's beautiful to look at, and every new area and enemy is a true marvel to behold. Play. This. Game.
117 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 03:08
Takes 2-3 runs to get into, and maybe a guide in the early game, but damn I love the pace of this game. Always challenging (on Hard mode), fast paced, you grow quickly, you have to do well with the controls to progress. Unique objectives in different areas.
430 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 20:30
While the game looks and sounds beautiful. The main gameplay is mostly just ok.
I feel like there's not much that sets this apart from other platformers.

While the combat is decent and can feel satisfying at time, the game's difficulty comes from the amount of enemies the game throws at you, which are randomly spawning. Which means you can dash through a room, realise you missed a box and meet a bunch of enemies when you return.

The bosses aren't super interesting outside of the visual spectacle. And if you die, you respawn at the start area, which is nice in terms of quickly upgrading your abilities, but also means you'll have to backtrack through a randomised set of room.

Overall, it feels like there's the foundations to a really good game here, it's just not polished enough to really be counted as one of the greats.
268 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
980 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 16:56
Wasn't a fan of this game.

Looks and sounds great - environments look great, soundtrack is solid, so is voice acting (even in cosmic horror simlish).

Platforming feels smooth.

Upgrades all feel good, with the exception of the cannon, which can only be fired left and right in a game with a lot of verticality, and the grappling hook (more on that later).

Exploration feels rewarding.

There's really nothing 'roguelike' about this game, the only thing is that when you die the map is slightly randomised. There isn't any variety added here, just slightly more looking at your map. It also means that while that movement is good it never really challenges you - can't randomly generate good platforming sections.

Combat is endless and very samey - there aren't many enemy types in the game and far too many of them tend to hang around offscreen (or flying inside terrain) spamming ranged attacks. After finishing off a wave of enemies you have a minute or two MAXIMUM before the next wave of (the same) enemies shows up. First time I considered uninstalling this game was when a loading screen told me 'hordes arrive when you least expect them'. No they do not!

A lot of enemies are so large and numerous they completely obscure your character as well as any environmental hazards.

Late game involves a lot of aerial combat involving the grappling hook, which grapples what it wants to, not what you want to. Also charge attacks and plunging attacks are used with direction + attack, making them extremely easy to activate by accident when trying to precisely control and attack an airborne enemy. Doing a late boss I died far more by plunging or grappling myself down a death drop than from it's attacks.
1467 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
2259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 20:14
573 Produkte im Account
267 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
940 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.21 05:18
There is a lot to like about Sundered. The art is beautiful, the animation fluid, and movement feels great. The exploration is fantastic, utilising a unique take on the roguelite genre so that the gameplay loop isn't about getting to the end, but instead about expanding your map and discovering more of the world. I really liked exploring in Sundered, and the skill tree is fun to upgrade.

Unfortunately combat eventually gets pretty boring. With hordes appearing randomly, and the punch and dodge playstyle not really evolving over the playtime, I found it was often more rewarding to just run past enemies most of the time. I would just dodge through the waves to unlock new areas, because it felt like the combat wasn't giving me any kind of progression, it was just wasting my time. Lots of this game feels that way, wasting time to pad out the runtime. Often screen gets so flooded with enemies that between the knockback and detailed art it's nearly impossible to see where you are. There is a boss near the end that isn't that difficult, but it just takes ages. So when I slipped up and got myself killed, I knew I could get it on my second try, but the idea of slogging through it again made me put the game down.

It's not bad, and maybe it would be better with friends. But I definitely can't recommend it. I'm definitely looking forward to playing Spiritfarer at some point, that looks more up my alley while still using the phenomenal art direction.
517 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
1399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 05:38
Fun game. Nice Rogue-lite. Good upgrading ability to the game. Does have a bit of a learning curve, but once you get a hang of it it is lots of fun. Bosses are challenging until you learn them, and even then can be hard. You will die, and that is alright. Elder Shard use is a choice that will effect the rest of the game and you can change what you do with them, be warned. I do wish you could disable the downward attack at times, in certain stages/bosses it is a pain. Well worth buying and playing.
1244 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
758 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 07:33
Gorgeous, original Metroidlike that borrows some ideas (and annoyances) from roguelites.

The strange setting and (late-game) acrobatic combat are excellent.
595 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 14:07
Such an amazing game. Captures the Metroid-vania feel so well. Playing it again because it's awesome.
117 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 18:45
This game is a whole barrel full of fun. A great cross between metroidvania and Rougelike.
Only downside is at some point they decide that you have been playing long enough and unleash all of WW2 on the screen at once and laugh and watch you get pushed inside out. 9/10 would recommend
707 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 11:06
Could have been good. Enemy spawns are beyond annoying, your first sight of most enemies (and there are SO many) will be them attacking you from off screen. Get used to backtracking 5 times in every section to kill the enemies that just spawned behind you again or risk ignoring them to immediately build up a giant game over death wave
204 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 13:50
Beautiful art style, vivid atmosphere, totally captivating sound acting and really enjoyable gameplay for a rogue like.
409 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 15:42
The art is top notch. The voice-over, tone and setting as well. And the one boss I got to (plus others I looked up on youtube) all made me catch my breath. Utterly amazing.

But do you love getting hit from off screen by infinitely spawning enemies? Well then I have the game for you. The whole game is tedious and difficult to traverse and when you could be killed at any moment by an rng hoard, it just isn't worth it. It's not fun to spend 10 minutes walking through already explored areas, fighting off more rng hoards and cursing at the briar patches that seem strategically placed to prevent smooth traveling. The platforms are just a little too high, the walls are just a little too far apart and the distances you have to walk are MUCH too far. Not to mention waiting too long for elevators or for lasers to turn off. Large portions of travel involve just standing there, which will sometimes kill you if you have a hoard spawn at the wrong time and then you have to do it all over again.

I keep picking it up again because the story, art direction and voice over are so amazing, I want to see more. But there are so many poor game design choices, it doesn't take long for me to turn it off again.
115 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 04:29
132 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
1499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 15:51
Jesus christ i haven't played such a simple yet addictive game in my life
78 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
8498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 06:13
I went in completely blind and loved every second of it. The sound design is really good at creeping you out, and installing dread into you. 10/10, will replay lots.
728 Produkte im Account
241 Reviews
847 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 17:52
This game gives a pretty bad first impression.

Unlike other games of the genre, Sundered is floaty. It's more about fighting waves of weak mobs than few stronger ones. It's more about running through generic randomly generated rooms than individually designed ones. It's more about grinding and out-scaling enemies than finding few upgrades that will push you over a new breakpoint.

In retrospect, I probably still prefer the classic style of metroidvania but this was a very welcome change to the formula.

The beginning of the game is not very interesting and on top of that, the first of the 3 main areas is, by far, the least visually appealing to me.

But as you go along you get a couple of upgrades, you see a couple of cooler monsters, and the game shoots up so fast. By the end of the game, you're flying around the rooms and defeating vicious waves of monsters. You accumulated enough Perks to get a decent build going.

Also, most of the main bosses are amazing. They are these gigantic monsters that you have to climb like you're in Shadow of the Colossus. Absolutely loved it.

Anyway, I'm just rambling about stuff. I just know that I had a blast and once I got to the end and 100%'d the most of the game, it really left me wanting for more.
1265 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 10:58
really fun and well made
36 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 06:04
361 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
41835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 04:20
A nice diversion for a couple hours.
37 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 02:25
Fun game with awesome art style and character/monster design. The combat was what I enjoyed most, but I can see how some people might think it's too button-mashy. I liked hacking my way through the horde battles, though, especially when I could rend through a bunch of enemies with a finisher. A couple things that frustrated me were reliance on the mini map due to randomly generated pathways between the main rooms and the platforming during the humongous boss fights (especially the later bosses), but overall I liked this game a lot!
217 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 05:05
241 Produkte im Account
117 Reviews
1367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 23:41
Amazing game — once you have gained at least a few of the abilities and farmed enough shards, which you can then spend on upgrades in the The Trapezohedron's (ability) Tree. But this probably explains the relatively low rating for this game; you need a lot of patience, or the experience is either going to be too tedious or too challenging (Roguevania, and there are ways to access harder regions already ...) 5 - 10 hours in. For a moment I thought of quitting, because exploration was sometimes rather punishing than rewarding (level of difficulty vs. level of power = no chance against hordes of monsters), but it was the magnificent Cathedral region together with the soundscape that made me want to stay.

Rated 91% positive by players who booked at least 5 hours on it (thanks Steam Labs!), and that would be my rating. The hand-drawn art and animations are wonderful. Animations do cause the sensation of input lags at times, but definitely not game-breaking; curious how this turned out with their other game Jotun, which I feel to play now. I also feel to pick up Bastion again, which I left behind back then due to the Hack ‘n’ Slash nature of the game, but I sincerely enjoyed the :button mashing in SEE.
18 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 01:52
Beautiful, but boring.

Like many of the negative reviews on this game, I absolutely HAVE to commend the game's art style, sound design, music, and Lovecraftian environments. Unfortunately, those are the only things it has going for it.

The procedurally generated level design is so half-assed and repetitive that it gets tiring after less than half an hour, if you're lucky. Every room and platforming segment seems identical, the enemies are uninspired (Wurm? Aranea? Really?), it's extremely easy to get lost (and not in a good way), and by the time you reach even a single boss, the game will have already sucked the energy out of you.

TL;DR Go play Hollow Knight or Ori and the Blind Forest instead. They're much better.
1177 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 14:14
Not Recommended: Sundered is the most disappointing game I've played to date. I've played games and had worse experiences, and I've played games which have had more glaring design flaws, but none quite so disappointing. Sundered is a beautifully-wrought disaster of a game which marries an absolutely gorgeous art and animation with detailed sound design and atmospheric music ... with some of the most slipshod and lazy-feeling design I've experienced in a long time. Where there was the promise of a metroidvania is more a bullet-hell button-mashing brawler, devoid of any feeling of taking skill or granting any accomplishment. Aggravating maps full of procedurally-generated tunnels that don't last long before they get repetitive, and bosses that feel more akin to battles of attrition than tests of skill. Not really worth it except on a deep sale, if you're willing to put up with an experience that's fairly uninspired and rough in every aspect outside art direction.

Read the full review on Highland Arrow
315 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 10:50
Gorgeous art, but boring gameplay. The difficulty is determined only by how many attackers the area throws at you and there is not much strategy beyond combo-ing and occassionally dodging. Sometimes tanking the damage is the only option.
207 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 04:52
The first time played it, I played it for 12 hours straight. It's just that good, honestly. There are a few minor complaints, but nothing really bad. Grinding certainly helps when you start to hit a wall, and exploring the world just felt fun. The story seems pretty absent at first, but you start to pick up on what's happened as you go along. The Resist/Embrace mechanic was also an interesting way to do character progression. I've only completed the full Embrace path thus far, but it was good enough I think I'll play through the other options as well.
1060 Produkte im Account
121 Reviews
568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 23:10
Wow. This is like a fresh take on the Metroidvania formula, and it's FANTASTIC! Rogue-lite fans will be very happy as well.
687 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
881 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 19:50
why is the boss the same color as me
569 Produkte im Account
137 Reviews
89 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 15:51
This game is just awesome.Completed on last year and i was completely amazed audio-visual design and the art direction. The difficulty is rightfully challenging,so you'll never feel bored.Difficult, dark ,metroidvania. Just buy it folks.
50 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 01:09
The game looks great but is otherwise a very lackluster metroidvania. There are multiple sources of frustration here. I love the idea of the random generation of pieces of the map but the enemies going through walls, firing lasers at you from several levels away (not just rooms, actual levels) make it utterly frustrating. The worst thing about this game is the map. You effectively have blinking squares that represent connections to areas you should be able to go to only when you get there, you find out that the area can't be traversed yet and the blinking square is no longer blinking. That's awesome to waste 20-30 minutes at a time to effectively run to a dead end. If you're looking for a good metroidvania, look somewhere else, this game is horrible.
150 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 03:27
I've been working my way through Metroidvania games...and this one hits that sweet spot. And it hits it HARD.
Challenging, but not crazypants. Amazing art direction and creatures. The eldritch language and the narrator are incredible.
I really REALLY like this game.
I'm sure I'll play through twice given certain choices you have to make.

149 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 23:41
I'm just going to copy/paste something I sent to my friend while talking about this game:

beautiful artwork and atrocious gameplay
there is only 1 person who speaks in the game, and he speaks in a nonsensical language
and speaks constantly
so im hearing asjkhkfldjbhadlkjbdfnakljbnadfkjbnsdflkjbasdkljfbkljadsbfkjbasdklfjbaklsjbdfslfkjbfs
and then reading a subtitle
and it has an ingenious mechanism to fight boring gameplay:
every 4 minutes, it just randomly throws a horde of 30+ enemies at you
so you get to fight 30 repetitive enemies
much gameplay
find it amazing how devs cannot grasp the concept of what makes metroidvania games fun
oh, and every screen looks fucking identical in this game
245 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 17:43
Honestly, if this game didn't look so good I would have stopped playing very early on. The gameplay is frustrating and feels grindy. Coming from someone who loves both roguelikes and metroidvanias, I have to give this one a pass
882 Produkte im Account
465 Reviews
142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 17:09

Information / Review English

Sundered: Eldritch Edition is an Action-adventure game developed by Thunder Lotus Games.

Gameplay / Story

After the first few seconds in which you fight your way through the sandstorm with the protagonist Eshe, it is clear that Sundered scores with a very special graphic style and you end up in the mysterious underground complex with its desolate research facilities and gloomy, dilapidated metropolises force to move on in some places.

Regardless of whether in the stylishly designed levels, the great animations of your opponents, the effects of your skills or the fantastic boss fights, Sundered offers something for quality-loving eyes at every second. The whole thing is underlined by a subtle but very cleverly used soundtrack, which skilfully accompanies the action on the screen and always ensures the right mood.

undered joins the Metroidvania genre and delivers a side-scrolling exploration adventure with all kinds of things and secrets to discover and obstacles to overcome. Compared to many other members of its genre, Sundered works with a roguelike element that comes into play if you perish while trying to leave your involuntary prison.


+ decent scope
+ lovely hand-drawn animations
+ appealing art design
+ wide range of upgrade options
+ many incentives to explore
+ alternative endings
+ Boss opponents
+ Achievements and trading cards


- extremely simple combat system
- repeatedly tough leveling required


Sundered: Eldritch Edition offers you an art design that is really great and stands out. Furthermore, many enemy hordes to be defeated.

Information / Review Deutsch

Sundered: Eldritch Edition ist ein Action-Adventure, welches von Thunder Lotus Games entwickelt wurde.

Gameplay / Geschichte

Schon nach den ersten Sekunden, in denen ihr euch mit der Protagonistin Eshe durch den Sandsturm kämpft ist klar, dass Sundered mit einem ganz besonderen Grafkstil punktet und landet ihr erst einmal in dem geheimnisvollen Untergrundkomplex mit seinen desolaten Forschungsanlagen und düsteren verfallenen Metropolen, muss man sich an so manchem Ort zum Weitergehen zwingen.

Egal ob in den schick gestalteten Levels, den tollen Animationen eurer Gegner, den Effekten eurer Fähigkeiten oder den fantastischen Bosskämpfen, Sundered bietet zu jeder Sekunde was für qualitätsverliebte Augen. Unterstrichen wird das Ganze auch noch von einem subtilen, aber sehr geschickt eingesetzten Soundtrack, der das Geschehen auf dem Bildschirm gekonnt begleitet und immer für die passende Gemütslage sorgt.

undered reiht sich in das Metroidvania-Genre ein und liefert ein sidescrollendes Erkundungsabenteuer mit allerlei Dingen und Geheimnissen zu entdecken und Hindernisse zu überwinden. Im Vergleich zu manch anderem Vertreter seiner Gattung, arbeitet Sundered mit einem roguelike-Element, das dann zum Tragen kommt, wenn ihr bei dem Versuch, euer unfreiwilliges Gefängnis zu verlassen, umkommt.


+ ordentlicher Umfang
+ sehenswerte, handgezeichnete Animationen
+ ansprechendes Artdesign
+ große Auswahl an Upgrade-Optionen
+ viele Erkundungsanreize
+ alternative Enden
+ Bossgegner
+ Errungenschaften und Trading Cards


- extrem simples Kampfsystem
- immer wieder zähes Leveln erforderlich


Sundered: Eldritch Edition bietet dir ein Artdesign, dass wirklich prima ist und herausstecht. Desweiteren viele Gegnerhorden, die es zu bezwingen gilt.
85 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 19:31
I just got lost. A lot. Voices are nice, but the game never explained anything to you. I just aimlessly wandered, killing the same enemies, generally being upset there was no indication of where to go to progress.
826 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 16:42
An excellent example of how procedural generation can make a game immediately repetitive and tedious.
89 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 19:13
My friend and me played Sundered: Eldritch Edition together using steam remote play, which, besides of having to restart a few times because of control bugs, went pretty well. All in all, this is a really astounding little indie game with so much love put into. It has great movement control (overlooking the grappling hook), cool gameplay and beautiful art all across the game.
One of the few things to criticize was the letdown of the twin boss fight right before the end, in which you just had to wait for the bosses to get their weakspots out of the walls and avoid getting pummeled by the one on drugs. And maybe, altough it's a personal take, but I would have wished for the story to be more elaborated on and be put into the players focus.
But nonetheless, Sundered is totally worth it's price, and definitely to be recommended for everyone who enjoys a game packed full of love with rogue-lite and metroidvania elements aswell as an awesome artstyle.
46 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 22:48
Think Hollow Knight but with amazing hand drawn graphics that reminds you of an old hand drawn rock music video. It's amazing!!
148 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
1614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 19:23
Really good mechanics, I think the abilities the game provides really fit the metroidvania style and at the same time are unique enough so that it feels different from other games of the same genre. Additionally, the fact that you have the option to upgrade them or get new ones definitely adds extra variety to them. Not only that, but some of the upgraded abilities are very satisfying to use and allow you to use shortcuts that you wouldn't be able to if you chose a different set of abilities.

The thing I disliked the most was the procedurally generated sections of the map. Although the concept is interesting on paper, I personally did not enjoy it being applied to a metroidvania. To me, one of the biggest pleasures of playing a metroidvania is slowly uncovering the map and by the end of the game having every single corner of the map revealed. It makes for a very satisfying image by the end. It personally made me care less about exploration since I wouldn't get the map completion aspect out of it. It is true that the game does give you pointers on the map to where you can explore, and by the end if you do explore all the dead ends you still get a nice image of what the world looks like, but all of this can be confusing at the start and it almost pulled me away from the game. However, I did eventually get over it and was able to enjoy all the nice features it offers.

The graphics are very pretty. I was already impressed with Jotun and this game did not disappoint. The whole aesthetic fits the game and the story really well. I really like the contrast between the good and evil counterparts being displayed as yellow and purple, and the purple graphics specifically caught my eye. The character design is also very fitting of the world that is being portrayed and of the three main sections of the map. More specifically, I deeply enjoy the boss design. Just as with Jotun, the scale between the bosses and the player make the fights much more epic and extremely satisfying to defeat. They are also quite different from each other, making each fight unique.

I wasn't personally invested in the story but I did still enjoy it nonetheless. I think it was a bit too otherworldly for me to feel involved in, but it definitely fit the world that was being displayed. The music was also fitting and made the fights much more enjoyable.

Overall, I definitely recommend this game if you enjoy metroidvanias!
55 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 20:51
Great artstyle and atmosphere, interesting world building, great combat and boss fights. Exploration can be a bit samey due to procedural generation. 8/10 would recommend.
1323 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 21:30
I started playing this thinking it would be a kind of terrible roguelike metroidvania; it turns out it's actually one of the coolest games I've played all year. Big thumbs up. Thanks incomprehensible demon friend.
124 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 00:31
Was challenging.
The story was interesting.
Was fun.
Replay value.
Graphics are good.
Artwork is Original.
Controls are spot on.
1168 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 02:13
It's really hard for me to decide on recommending others to play this or not. My appreciation for the art and presentation of it tip the scale. It's worth a try if you're really into metroidvanias. I really wanted to like this game and kind of did, but it doesn't hit the mark the way it should. Hordes of enemies come at you and I struggle to find the words why the combat isn't particularly fun or satisfying but that's how I found the experience. It's got co-op and the co-op works well enough. Ultimately this game is a mixed bag I struggle to recommend. Maybe pick up on sale.
358 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 21:08
really boring but very pretty game.....

this might be fun for people who never played a platformer before.
everybody else will be disappointed by the easy and repetitive encounters.

I actually played this for around 3 hours and the only fun I had was jumping around looking at the cute animations.
453 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 19:26
Pretty fantastic artstyle!!!
The gameplay is cool aswell.
321 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 19:25
I was not expecting to love this game so much. I bought it simply out of the hand-drawn graphics -- an art form I always support when I can. However, I was not aware the music, sound effects and gameplay would be so incredible. The world-building is some of the most creative and unique I've seen in ages, the art direction is even more so. It's rare to have such fluid motion and attacks in a game, ESPECIALLY one that's hand-drawn; I have literally no idea how they did it. I can't recommend this game enough; you will not be disappointed, and there is room for multiple playthroughs!
264 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 12:25
A very good metroidvania with solid mechanics, in interesting story and phenomenal artwork. This game draws heavy inspiration from Lovecraftian works and fans of the author will enjoy his influence on the art and story. Lastly, the game has a thorough upgrade system in addition to personalisable perks and unique abilities which can be enhanced via a story driven morality choice (embrace the corruption or resist)
677 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 18:13
Holy Moly, I dislike metroidvania platformers generally but I ended up liking this one! Killing random respawns doesn't feel terrible as they give usable skill points to progress in the immense skill/stat tree - exploring and backtracking isn't unpleasant due to the clear and concise map with skills(?) sprinkled around the map and places of import are marked appropriately, most importantly, the game is a visual feast and the combat is satisfying - storywise is intriguing aswell.

Strangely enough, I tried this one because I loved Spiritfarer and ended up liking this one also- these developers are onto something!
541 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 01:27
* Spacious, beautifully drawn zones reminiscent of the Ori series
* Very fast, fluid combat with lots of airtime, strongly inspired by Hollow Knight
* Expansive skill tree that makes me think of Path of Exile

...plus many, many more unique elements and metroidvania staples. What's not to like?
410 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 02:39
I kind of don't get what's supposed to be fun here? You jump around some procedurally rejiggered rooms, and every couple of minutes the game decides you've had enough exploration and drops an enormous mob on you. These mobs are not especially fun to fight because they leap around the screen in various states of invincibility and have enormous health bars. You are not especially in control of the fights because there are 87 things rushing at you, often from off-screen, and the dodge mechanic has limited charges. There is no tempo to any of these fights; it's a damage race against however many enemies the game decides to drop on you, which is not indicated to the player in any way. The race ends when you look up and realize the game has stopped spawning enemies.

It's like Dead Cells without the enemy design mashed up with Ghost 1.0's push-your-luck element except that the pushing of the luck doesn't escalate so much as wobble around completely at random.
1073 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 08:22
Slightly above average combat and level design hold the game back from being truly great, but still warrants a run through or two.
595 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
1497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 16:03
A semi-roguelike metroidvania adventure of sorts with a dark, lovecraftian theme. It's fairly difficult, and not an amazingly fun time, but still a very polished experience that I don't regret having.
372 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 20:20
Fun metroidvania with roguelite elements (you are expected to die at some points but it happens much less often than in real roguelikes). Interesting abilities, fluid combat, pretty satisfying progression systems and difficulty curve is smooth as well. Graphics are hand drawn and even though it can look messy and chaotic due to fast paced combat, they are really nice, especially on boss animations.

Has 2 different paths you can take so restarting at least once is heavily incentivized, the other set of abilities can change the way you fight drastically. Each run takes around 10 hours, at least it did for me. Considering how cheap the game is when discounted, it is well worth it. If you like a challenge, there are higher difficulties and a perk that can make the bosses even harder.

The only downside is that it starts off a bit slow and feels sluggish for a while, but it really shines once you unlock additional abilities that let you pull of some really satisfying moves and combos.

Definitely a recommendation from me if you want a casual combat-oriented metroidvania to chill for a bit.
728 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 22:41
Platformy roguelike with skilltrees and an interesting ability system that changes how the game plays out.

+ Stunning visuals although slightly uneven at some bits.
+ Good atmosphere
+ Fairly hard
+ You can grind to make things easier by pumping the skilltree

- Things can sometimes get a tiny bit busy graphically if there's way too many enemies at the same time.

If you like metroidvania type things at all I heartily recommend. 8.73412 / 10
647 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
819 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 04:47
I had fun with this game, but I can't recommend it without a few dozen warnings.

This isn't a Metroidvania. This is a platforming action platformer with randomly generated areas. Enemies are teleported into areas. You will find no skillfully designed challenges of environment and enemy selection.

What you're going to get is a platforming brawler in a randomly generated map. Further reaches of the map need powerups you'll find scattered through the map. Back at your base, you can upgrade your core and found abilities. There's also a badge system to widely modify your play experience - convert all of your static health into regenerating shield, for instance, or trading survivability for DPS.

It can work, but you're perpetually at the mercy of generated, rather than designed, environments and encounters. And a lot of the time, it's frankly just kind of boring. Waves of enemies teleport in and they just take TIME to mow through.

Sundered also has the gimmick of Resisting or Embracing the influence of the Outer Gods. Full commitment to either unlocks special options - more unlocks on your upgrade tree (which are nice, and tighten up your core skills) if you resist, incredible mobility upgrades to your unlocks if you embrace.

Embracing genuinely transforms how you play the game. The speed and ease which you can traverse the environment is genuinely great. I highly recommend it. To really drive home just how much your mobility enhancements are, a fully Embraced game features a unique boss with no surface, not even a floor - you are expected to, and will with ease, spend the entire battle in the air.

But at the end of the day, Sundered isn't a great game. It's a good game. Enjoyable! But it makes up for not-that-tight controls with simple enemies and perhaps overly generous abilities. It then counter compensates with damage sponge enemies and bosses.

I enjoyed it. I 100%ed it. But I can't in good faith recommend it.
534 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 05:32
this game is great up to a point. The art and sound are just stunning, but at a point toward the end, they just start swarming you with too many hp-sack enemies, and it just becomes frustrating.
I still reccommend it, just dont feel bad if you dont finish it. Experience it until you feel personally finished with it.
542 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 08:29
It has three alternate endings based on how you choose to upgrade your character, so potential replay value is there. I find the random endless mobs and semi-random map add to the game play.
350 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 09:27
one of the best games ive ever played. art and sound design are very atmospheric, highly recommend playing with headphones and the volume up to a good level
559 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
1580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 09:44
Name Status % [/tr]
Sundered - E.E. Completed Playthrough 26.3h - 20/20 (100%) [/tr]

Section Personal Value [/tr]
Graphic 8/10 [/tr]
Gameplay 7/10 [/tr]
General Audio 6/10 [/tr]
Longevity 7/10 [/tr]
Overall Vote 7/10 [/tr]

Strong Points/ What I Liked:
  • Fast and immediate;
  • Polished and well made art design, both for enemies and levels;
  • Good Longevity;
  • Good balance between skills and difficulty;

Weak Points/ What I Disliked:
  • Sometimes is really confusing;
  • Quite repetitive;
  • Some control's problems;
  • Imho, mediocre soundtrack/audio effects
98 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 16:46
memtroid vaniea
2422 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 07:11
What at first seems like mindless button mashing evolves in to a dance of dodge rolls and double jumps amid melee and projectile attacks. Stick with it and you'll find a very rewarding experience.
212 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 02:46
Sundered is a light combat platformer with a lot of issues. Technically, the game works flawlessly and the presentation is very original. It is a very intriguing first hour of playing. Unfortunately it gets really frustrating to play and whatever qualities that may be just gets swamped by superficiality.

The first noticeable mechanic is the way the character is animated on the screen. I absolutely hate games that try to be fancy at the expense of play-ability and this shows right from the start. The character doesn't jump correctly, it throws combat moves in slow motion because it has to be pretty and soon after you just fall off all the platforms because the controls, the precision and the timing just sucks.

Second, the only possible manner this game could create difficulty is by constantly harassing the player with auto-generated off-screen baddies. You think it wouldn't be that bad, but some times you get stuck on a map screen for a good half-hour, just smashing the attack key, looking at the slow motion animated bullshit on the screen.

Finally, if you actually get to endure this for more than several hours, you'll probably be scratching your head on how the character gains abilities and perks. The perks I've seen so far look bad. Self-mutilation just to progress in the story. The abilities are nothing out of the ordinary, except whenever you reach areas of the map that require some ability it just seems to start failing out of the blue. The game will just create more difficulty by nerfing what the player is supposed to be able to do.

A really dorkish experience, that I do not recommend. I'll probably end up playing this game till the end, but I really doubt that I'll enjoy it very much. There are much better platformers out there without the licked graphics and better responsiveness.
144 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 10:24
The art style is beautiful and I like it conceptually but as a metroidvania I just can't recommend this game. The horde mechanic just feels oppressive and unfun. This game could be excellent if the enemies were manually placed but with the exception of bosses and mini bosses the enemies are randomized and come at you in hordes that follow you around the map while you're trying to explore. Exploring and fighting enemies along the way is fun, being forced to stop exploring and fight an oppressive horde of little enemies coming at you from all directions is not. 4/10
37 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 13:52
it would be a great game but enemy spawn count and placement are ruining it..
329 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 13:09
Looks good plays bad
335 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 07:00
Looks fantastic, but the horde-mechanic makes most of the fighting dull and just a grind. It also makes the exploration annoying. That the map changes together with the enemy-system makes it even worse when you want to explore.
38 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
915 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 18:19
This game is a different experience than other metroidvanias I have played. The horde mechanic means that you never know when you will run into enemies, nor how many you will encounter once they do begin spawning. There is a strong sense of reward as you progress past the first few character upgrades and it is super satisfying being able to take on dozens of enemies at a time. The atmosphere is incredible between the music and the art, and each area has a distinct feel. The main downside I can find is that it does feel a little bit grindy, but most rogue-like games can feel that way. However, the grinds do feel worth it once you are able to finally reach an area that you have been failing to reach.
In short, this game is definitely worth it if you enjoy metroidvanias or rogue-likes.
57 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 12:53
Been a long time since I played it now, but I just thought I'd throw in my two cents. Some of what I say may be inaccurate but it's what I experienced at least.

The animation is very fluid and your attacks look awesome, but once you I got over that there was nothing else to get attached to. As soon as I hit a boss that was mildly difficult I gave up, because I didn't care enough about the game to finish it. Meanwhile I spent several hours beating Nightmare King Grimm in Hollow knight.

The story is vague and not captivating. Throughout the game, it is only told through a disembodied voice.

But my main disappointment comes from the enemy design. The way the devs went about is, they didn't make the individual enemies hard. They designed about three enemies for each area and made you go up against about 20 of them at a time. You can see it in the videos and images above, and while it might seem crazy and fun, it happens often and it gets tiring.
404 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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1472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 20:48
While the graphics are gorgeous and the boss fights are visually impressive, I wish the developers understood how to make things difficult without resorting to hordes of enemies swarming you and shooting bullets/lasers at you from all angles, off-screen, and through walls. In some areas these swarms seem, and possibly are, basically endless. I think it would be better if the enemies were baked into the procedurally generated rooms rather than appearing at any time.

I can only recommend this to people who are diehard fans of metroidvanias if they've already played most the better games in the genre such as Ori and Hollow Knight, and are looking for something new to scratch the itch.

130 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 22:11
I want to clarify that I'm really on the border of recommending this. The game is beautiful, the combat is mostly fun, and the abilities are fun to play around with. What really cripples it is the endgame. The last 3 boss fights are horribly designed and two of them rely on what is probably the worst ability in the game due to it frequently not working how it should. Probably still a good game to get on sale though.
506 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 00:01
Right, so firstly, when you get three eldritch shard fragments, take them to the room marked on your map with a flame and dispose of them there. The game will not tell you you can do this, it will actively prompt you not to do this, and doing this with all seven shards is the only way to get the good ending.

Now, the actual review:

This game is good and you should buy it.

I am fully baffled by how this thing has skated under people's radar, but it's Dead Cells with the Path Of Exile sphere grid, and it somehow manages to split the difference between cosmic horror and roguelite metroidvania in such a way that both elements work.

Movement feels *good*. Just basic movement is smooth as silk, and movement tech only makes it better. You get tech as part of your starting skillset, including aerials that hold you in the air and an up+jab that gives you height, and the comparative easiness of combat against a single enemy is counter-balanced by the waves of enemies thrown at you.

Basically, while you're in the dungeon, the enemies are hunting for you. Every so often, a wave will descend on your current position and mire you in sprites until you manage to kill them or escape to another section.

Enemies don't drop exp (at least, not until you upgrade your luck), so most of your initial currency comes from scavenging breakable containers.

The map is also semi-randomized every run (though weirdly still quite useable), with certain points locked into place and other chunks procedurally generated. It shouldn't work, but it does, and the end result is just the right mix of planning and twitch-reacting.

If I had one complaint (other then the game being an autosaver, and that combined with how little it explains the corrupt/resist mechanic means the very first thing you'll do is wall yourself out of any chance of getting the good ending), it's that things can feel a little vacant in some of the procedurally generated sections. The graphics are still beautiful though (and they have that hand-illustrated look, which is extraordinary for a game this indie), and the actual set-pieces of the game are jaw-dropping.

Overall, if you've been sleeping on this one, you shouldn't be. It goes on sale a lot, but it's a worthwhile buy at full price.
808 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 00:02
Felt a little clunky at the start which was worrying because their last game Jotun was horribly clunky, but it picks up quite a bit once you get a couple of abilities.
Beautiful animations for the enemies and bosses.

Only thing i would change is putting a more helpful icon on the ability gates so you don't have to waste so much time running across the world just to find your new ability isn't the one you needed for that gate.

Aside from that one little nitpick, this is a great addition to the metroidvania genre.
204 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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4335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 21:08
I enjoyed the art of the game, but I felt like it felt a little button mashey, and combat felt pretty bland and the story was just kinda...there. Its exactly what you think it is. Honestly the best part of the game is the Art, which is beautiful
141 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1758 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.20 12:33
the thing that stands out the most at first is beautiful hand-drawn art, but here comes the feeling if you don’t know where you’re going and exactly, what you’re doing, why you’re doing, and this always work in a metroidvania, encourage your instinct to explore really takes place on this game, except for the fact that it’s a metroidvania with rpg aspects, with a skill tree that you can farm and make improvements it gets tired sometimes but the game manages to give a good balance on that, one of the coolest parts should be the mobility you have throughout the environment with the skills you’re getting worthy of a metroidvania, which in fact has a vast amount and diversity depending on the way you play, which ends up being fun making reruns, bosses are fun and difficult at the right level.the story is not always very clear, often told by scenarios and dialogue sometimes big, but it is still understandable in the multiple endings. well its a fun game
141 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 19:38
Been playing co-op with my SO really enjoying it with them. Gameplay is fun and variable, and rewards getting good at it.
443 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 09:11
Fun gameplay/game mechanic, very good sound design, unique art style.

Local co-op multiplayer was fun too. Highly recommended!
669 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
1123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.20 04:37
Had a lot of fun exploring the areas, fighting, dodging, and puzzling out beating the game with a friend.

Movement was fluid, and combat was easy to learn hard(ish) to master.

Art fantastic. Sound and music was great as well, love the evil demon voice.
86 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
90 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.20 19:53
I bought this on a whim purely because it was on sale and I liked the art style. Little did I know that it's a Metroidvania + Rogue Like, which are two of my favorite genres. This is probably best described as a mix between Ori and the Blind Forest meets Dead Cells. I like how the upgrade system works; I'm a huge sucker for skill trees. But then you have the typical item-based exploration and progression of a Metroidvania to go with it. I really enjoy how fluid and fast the movement and combat are. Never a dull moment!

For fans of:

Dead Cells
Ori and the Blind Forest
Dust an Elysian Tail
Metroid (duh)
Castlevania (duh)
Shadow Complex
76 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
930 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.20 16:52
Don't mind them: this game HAS mid-air evade. You just need to find the shrine. Until that point you don't even need to evade mid-air as there are no flying enemies yet.
78 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.20 08:49
One of the fastest paced games I've played, in a good way. Figuring out how to most effectively navigate the map with the various abilities at your disposal and managing your resources in the process is a delight. Bosses can get a little overwhelming at times but they're all totally doable and grinding is minimal (assuming you're not jumping in right out the box playing hard mode and never upgrading your luck, that is). Movement is so fluid.

Something I noticed while trawling through other peoples' thoughts after I finished my first playthrough is that people go into this game unsure what to expect from the combat, and are quickly overwhelmed by the hordes and how they function. Let me put your mind at ease: there is no real punishment for dying. The worst you get is having to back track to reach your destination on occasion. This never bothered me through the playthrough because when you die you keep every thing you picked up, every major room and landmark remains on your map, everything you unlocked stays unlocked, and you respawn at the area you upgrade all your abilities and change your equipment. Not able to make it through the first time? Just upgrade some of your stats and you'll blow through to the next area with ease. Late game mobility upgrades make backtracking and exploring previously unexplored areas a breeze.

All in all, fantastic game. Would highly recommend.
588 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.19 04:37
If i could give this a neutral rating i would.

The game is fun at times but for the most part its a very forgettable game. The story was boring and the game never tries to make it interesting. The combat is a lot of fun but can get really frustrating. You will most likely die many times but you will get better as you continue. The art work is amazing but the areas are very boring a lackluster. I feel there are many pros and cons to this game but all i can say that if you enjoy a difficult game, fun combat and metroidvania type game than this is a good choice.
82 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.19 14:38
Looks great, sounds great, gameplay is horribly repetetive and not even that interesting the first time you do something. Don't be fooled by the amazing trailers, 90% of the time you will be fighting hordes of about 3 different types of damage sponges that have exactly one attack each in a pretty bland environment.
161 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.19 17:47
I was so lost in this game until I realized how the map works. Then I loved it. The items, the bosses, the enemies, the combat, the exploration, everything here is amazing. Easily one of my favorite games I've played yet. I just want more!
473 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.19 08:44
Sundered is a HUGE step forward compared to Jotun, the previous game from Thunder Lotus Games (which I enjoyed as well but had a few flaws). The controls, combat, level design and most of the bosses are spot-on, making Sundered one of the best metroidvania's I've ever played. My sincere compliments to the devs for making such an amazing game! Very recommended!
Logo for Sundered: Eldritch Edition
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
83.12% 1980 402
Release:28.07.2017 Genre: 2D-Plattformer Entwickler: Thunder Lotus Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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