- CPU: Intel Haswell 2 cores / 4 threads @ 2.5Ghz or equivalent
- GFX: Intel HD 4600 or equivalent
- RAM: 2 GB
- Software: Windows Vista SP2 or newer
- HD: 4 GB available space
- LANG: Engslisch
Du musst angemeldet sein
Über das Spiel

Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
- CPU: Intel Haswell 4 cores / 4 threads @ 3.2Ghz or equivalent
- GFX: Nvidia GTX 550 ti or equivalent
- RAM: 4 GB
- Software: Windows Vista SP2 or newer
- HD: 4 GB available space
- LANG: Engslisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 22:53
1793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 19:42
Eines der Bestes Games die ich je gespielt habe es hat einfach alles was es braucht gute passende Grafik eine sehr gute Auswahl an Mobs und einfach eine Geile Story
Sehr zu empfehlen <3
2775 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 12:49
Dieses Spiel muss man nicht mehr erklären, dafür ist es zu lange raus :)
Allerdings habe ich es erst dieses Jahr gekauft und muss sagen, ich bin absolut BEGEISTERT!
Wer den Film Avatar mag, der wird Subnautica 1+2 LIEBEN!
Was gefällt mir an diesem Spiel?
- Eine unfassbar schöne Unterwasserwelt
- Atemberaubende Flora und Fauna
- Nachts hat man das Gefühl in dem Film Avatar unterwegs zu sein
- TOLLE Story
- Tolles Craftingsystem
- Super Wikipedia
- Die Unterwasserfashrzeuge
Ich habe hier keine Kritikpunkte!
Und weil mich dieses Spiel so gefesselt hat, habe ich vor Ende der Story schon den zweiten Teil angefangen, ich konnte es leider nicht mehr abwarten :)
13448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 15:34
results of my research and building to someone. So its only good that there is no multiplayer. You have to stay lonely in that one! That's amazing: the producer reminded me that we are social animals, we need each other; we want to communicate, we want to see the results of our work. We want to be a part of society! Absolutely cool! PLAY IT!!!
1276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 17:03
2793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 17:33
Short: buy this game, it is awesome
2099 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 22:01
Es ist einfach so schön, in aller Ruhe durch das Meer zu paddeln und alles zu erkunden. Ok, hin und wieder will ein größeres Fischlein mit mir spielen, doch wenn ich es dann mit meinem Messer kitzle, hört es damit auf.
Ich freue mich auf jedes Wrack was ich entdecke und will es sofort erkunden.
Ich untersuche jede Höhle und jedes Riff. Ich sammle Ressourcen und bastel daraus tolle Sachen.
Jup, ich kann es nur empfehlen und freue mich auf neuen Inhalt!
2590 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 21:53
there are soo many good reviews that convey the feeling this game gave soo many people, I am just way too lazy to write a review that would give this game justice
5351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 18:50
Es macht unglaublich Spaß, und auch der Farm- /Grindfaktor ist nicht zu schlimm als das auf Dauer frustriert wird.
Auch die Story ist nicht allzu schlecht geschrieben und es macht Spaß sie zu durchschreiten.
Auch wenn es mehrere Bugs/Glitches gibt finde ich das Spiel grandios und werde es auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen.
1495 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 19:01
Gestrandet auf einem fremden Planeten blickt man zuerst planlos durch den Ozean und weiß nicht was man machen soll. Dabei treffen hin und wieder mal ein paar Nachrichten ein.
Es ist also die Aufgabe des Spielers zu überleben und die Umgebung zu erkunden.
Die Steuerung funktioniert gut und das Gameplay ist interessant gestaltet. Unter anderem hat man einen logischen Spielfortschritt beim Erkunden und kann erst tiefere Bereiche besichtigen, wenn man auch die passende Ausrüstung zusammengestellt hat.
Technisch lief das Spiel größtenteils fehlerfrei. Nur manchmal verfangen sich die Fahrzeuge und bleiben stecken.
Grafisch ist Subnautica sehr hübsch und präsentiert eine interessante Unterwasserwelt.
Dieses Spiel bietet ein sehr entspanntes Erkundungsabenteuer.
2579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 11:41
4737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 07:30
(++) tolle Unterwasserwelt, gelungene Spielatmosphäre
(++) verschiedene Spielmechaniken wie Erkundung/Bauen/Story etc. sind gut aufeinander abgestimmt und können vom Spieler je nach Wunsch auch unterschiedlich priorisiert werden, da es kein Zeitlimit gibt
(--) es ist manchmal schwierig zu erkennen, was man für die Geschichte als nächstes tun muss (oder wo), so dass ich mir leider 2, 3 mal 'Hilfe' besorgen musste
(-) das Spiel hat keine Weltkarte, auf der z.B. automatisch wichtige, entdeckte Punkte eingetragen werden. Es gibt alternative Mechanismen, die ich aber als unzureichend empfunden habe. Wahrscheinlich ist das aber für die meisten von Euch eher unproblematisch
(-) Es gibt wiederholt Grafikfehler (man kann durch Wände sehen etc.) und in einem 'Areal' hatte ich chronisch Physikfehler (konnte mich in meinem 'Hilfsmittel' nicht mehr fortbewegen), die ich nur durch Verlassen/Neu Starten lösen konnte
Die positiven Aspekte überwiegen mehr als deutlich. 100%tige Spielempfehlung!
8690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 09:33
ABER (spoiler) in dem tiefsten Gebiet sind die rein popenden dinge einfach unerträglich und die leviathane dort sind ebenfalls sehr verbuggt (schwimmen problemlos durch wände)
und die Preis erhöung ist uncool
724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 09:59
Die Grafik von dem Spiel ist wirklich wunderschön, egal in welchem Biom man sich gerade befindet. Man merkt, dass die Entwickler sich sehr viel Mühe gegeben haben, weil auch in den Details sehr viel Liebe steckt. Die Musik und die Atmosphäre harmonieren sehr gut miteinander und sind auch sehr passend gewählt. Auch die Story, die man nach und nach erkundet, bietet neben dem Survival Aspekt eine schöne Abwechslung.
Auch wenn es sich bei Subnautica nicht um ein Horror-Game an sich handelt, lösen die Atmosphäre, die Musik und einige kleine Jumpscare-Momente eine Art Horror-Feeling beim Spieler aus. Dessen sollte man sich beim Kauf bewusst sein.
Fazit: Absolute Empfehlung für jeden, der Survival/Story-Games gerne spielt, aber auch Open-World-Liebhaber kommen auf ihre Kosten.
67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 18:50
Ich dachte, es wäre einfach nur mal wieder ein Survival Game, bloß Unterwasser. Da lag ich ziemlich falsch und habe tatsächlich sogar nach 1-2h abgebrochen.
Als ich mich dann jedoch dazu entschieden habe, es weiterzuspielen, kam die große Überraschung und ich konnte irgendwann einfach nicht mehr aufhören. Was genau ich meine ist ein Spoiler und dementsprechend erwähne ich das hier nicht. Jedoch zum tatsächlichen Review:
Es ist ein Unterwasser Survival Game. Sowas ist in diesem Genre mal eine wirklich nette Abwechslung.
Die Grafik ist zwar nicht photorealistisch, aber sie passt hervorragend zum Spiel und die Biome sind alle wirklich interessant und sehen gut aus. Wo ich schon bei den Biomen bin: Die erzeugen alle eine einzigartige Atmosphäre. So fühlt man sich im Startergebiet noch ziemlich sicher, aber ein paar hundert Meter weiter macht man sich in die Hosen :D Das Ganze wird noch durch die Musik und Soundkulisse unterstützt, welche auch wirklich sehr gut und atmosphärisch ist.
Hinzu kommt noch, dass man so ziemlich alles auf diesem Planeten scannen kann und dadurch Einträge erhält, die man lesen kann. Das macht dieses Spiel ganz besonders interessant für Erkunder wie mich :D Die Story erhält man auch größtenteils durch solche Einträge. Das wird einigen vielleicht nicht gefallen, aber ich habe es geliebt und es hat meinen Entdeckerdrang geweckt. Crafting gibt es hier selbstverständlich auch und das System gefällt mir grundsätzlich auch ganz gut, da man nicht extrem grinden muss um voranzukommen.
Alles in allem ist dieses Spiel wirklich sehr gut und ich wünschte, ich könnte meine Erinnerungen daran löschen, nur um es nochmal zu spielen. Bestes Survival Game meiner Meinung nach 10/10.
2382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 16:12
3593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 13:34
3165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 12:25
Ich war durchgehend sehr neugierig, wie es weiter geht und was es noch alles zu entdecken gibt.
Man kann sehr gut dabei entspannen, aber auch kleine stressige Situationen gab es.
Ich kanns wirklich nur weiterempfehlen.♥
4068 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 22:11
Vorweg: Es ist das beste Überlebensspiel, das ich bis jetzt gespielt habe.
Die Grafik ist super und die Steuerung ist leicht verständlich. Das Spiel setzt seine Story in einer eindeutigen, aber nicht zu aufdringlichen Art und Weise um. Die Unterwasserwelt ist liebevoll und sehr real gestaltet. Das Spiel geht von Grinding über Crafting bis hin zu einigen Bauelementen.
Kleiner Einblick in das Spiel (ohne Spoiler):
Das ErkundungsRaumschiff Aurora stürzt unter ungeklärten Umständen auf dem Wasserplaneten 4546B ab. Als Überlebender in Rettungskapsel 5 versuchst du in dieser vielfältigen Meereswelt zu überleben (Der Anfang hat wenig Gefahren). Mit der Zeit versuchst du von dem Planeten zu entkommen und stößt dabei auf ein Problem, dass eine ganze Zivilisation vor vielen Jahren ausgelöscht hatte.
Warnung: Den Horroraspekt in Tags gibt es nicht umsonst.
Das Spiel kriegt von mir eine klare Kaufempfehlung, da es wie bereits erwähnt sehr Abwechslungsreich, schön und spannend ist.
Man braucht zum durchspielen ca.30-40 Stunden. Das Spiel ist meistens relativ entspannt, obwohl es Momente gibt, in den das Spiel recht gruselig ist.
3076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 11:26
6498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 12:18
Subnautica - One of the best games I've ever played
This will be a spoiler-free review.
There are hundreds of open world/survival/crafting games on steam. What is it that makes Subnautica so special?
The graphics and the textures of the game are beautiful. From the bright and bioluminescent starting biomes over creative forests that consist out of mushrooms to very dark and spooky caves, the game does everything to create an atmosphere of absolute beauty.
The game physics, especially while under water, are very well-done. If it is swimming all by yourself, gliding with some tool or controlling a vehicle of some sort. It all feels kind of natural.
The story, and yes, the game has a story, is creative and very well thought through. It fits perfectly into the atmosphere of the game.
But what stood out the most to me and what I seldom see in most games is the exceptional gameplay. At the beginning of the game, you are literally thrown into the blue (see what I did there?) – There are no quest markers, there is no compass, there is no guide and no introduction into how the game works. You’ll have to figure it out for yourself. And from this point on there is one word which describes the game best: Progression. When you find out how to craft and how to find stuff in the world you will find more and more crafting recipes. These new recipes might need new resources that you have not encountered yet and therefore: You will have to go deeper.
And here comes the second genius feature of the game into play: Fear. From the start of the game, you find out that there is carnivorous fauna in the world. Some of them creatures are rather annoying than scary but others… Let’s just say that you do not want to encounter them at all.
So, from here on it is a constant struggle: Do I go deeper for new resources and other points of interest so that I can upgrade my equipment, or do I just stay in my safe space where no big fish can come at me? For me, this struggle was very real. I personally hate the Horror genre (please note that Subnautica is NOT a horror game) and the fear of being scared is high in me. But when I overcame that fear, when I found new equipment and brought the story to an end, the feeling of joy was so much bigger than in any other game I played before. Even during a second playthrough, when I already knew what to do, and which areas to avoid, I had so much fun once again.
That is why I can recommend Subnautica to everyone who loves survival games, who doesn’t like how most of the games out there simply explain every detail of what to do, who has a fear of the ocean, who does NOT like being scared, and who simply enjoys a very beautiful game.
4509 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 23:17
Die Steuerung ist relativ einfach zu Handhaben, die Grafik ist gut und die Umgebung des Spieles ist einfach fantastisch. Man findet sich schnell zurecht und weiß binnen kürzester Zeit wie was funktioniert.
Die Geschichte ist spannend und macht immer Lust auf mehr, weil man erfahren will wie es zu alldem kam und wohin einen die Reise durch die unendlichen Tiefen noch führen wird.
Deshalb ist dieses Spiel, vor allem für Survival-Spiele-Fans, ein absolutes muss.
4356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 15:19
48384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 04:38
Ich habe sehr viel Spaß mit dem spiel und werde es weiter hin haben.
Die Map ist zwar immer die selbe, aber es macht immer wieder Spaß etwas neues in den vielen Biomen Zu entdecken.
Man merk das die Entwickler eines der besten spiele gemacht haben, dass spiel ist zwar manchmal etwas am buggen und hat zwischen durch etwas performance Probleme aber man kann darüber hinweg sehen.
Das spiel hat so eine extrem gute Atmosphäre das man dass nicht bemerkt, es sei denn du achtest speziell drauf und oder hast ein schlechten Pc.
Da ich bereits viel zeit in das spiel investiert habe kenne ich mich schon gut aus aller dings gibt es so viele Sachen zu entdecken.
Wenn du allerdings angst vor tiefen Gewässern, dem unbekannten und controll/Orientierung Verlust hast, dann solltet du dir es nochmal überdenken ob du dir das spiel hollen willst.
Die Kreaturen sind wirklich sehr innovative und gut designed.
Der Grusel Aspekt ist wirklich nicht zu unterschätzen, wenn du gerade Ressourcen sammeln willst und auf einmal ein weit entferntes gebrumme oder Geschreie hörst lässt wirklich einem den schauer über den Rücken schicken.
Ich liebe den erkundungs teil dess Spiels, du kannst alles selbst erkunden oder das spiel kann dich bei der Hand nehmen und dir etwas helfen.
Allerdings bist du gezwungen die Tiefen zu erkunden um weiter im spiel zu kommen, dass spiel hilft dir wenn dann nur bis zu hälfte.
Meiner Meinung nach das beste spiel ich kann es nur jedem empfehlen der Survival games mag, und wer sie nicht mag danach wird er es.
ich liebe es einfach alles mögliche zu erkunden und zu entdecken, sollte das ebenfalls auf dich zu treffen dann hält dich nichts davon ab in die tiefen zu tauchen und los zu legen.
4666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 19:55
Einfach Hammergeil! Ich hoffe auf weitere Games dieser Art vom Entwickler!
Habe ne Träne im Auge weil ich jetzt durch bin. :-(
Aber es bleibt ja noch Below Zero ;-)
2785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 11:09
1224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 01:42
1496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 14:09
If a horror-like underwater survival game sounds cool to you, I can recommend you Subnautica 10/10.
4602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 15:34
Das ist ein Spiel nach meinem Geschmack, erkunden, bauen und looten.
Nach all der Zeit habe ich zum ersten Mal das Spiel beendet, und hier habe ich ein Gefühl das ich nur selten hab, ja das war rund um schön. Es war wie mit einem guten Buch, man hat die letzte Seite gelesen und alle Fragen und Handlungen wurden befriedigt aufgelöst, beendet und nun kann man sich einer neuen Geschichte widmen.
Oft schon angefangen, viel gespielt und nie wirklich die Lust verloren.
+ Das Spiel
Man landet in einer wunderschön vielfältigen Welt, die größtenteils Unterwasser stattfindet.
Ich finde die Athmosphäre großartig und hat mich in jedem Moment glauben lassen, das ich mich unter Wasser befinde mit Fauna und Flora zu tun habe.
+ Die Story
Mysteriöse Geschichte in zwei Teilen. Zum einen gehts vordergründig heraus zu finden warum wir hier sind und alles was daraus resultiert und ein bisschen geht es auch um unsere Firma. Die einzelnen Teile zusammen zufügen und trotzdem den Planeten zu genießen macht unheimlich Spass.
+ Grafik
Wie schön sieht dieses Spiel bitte aus? Vielseitig bunt, aber trotzdem glaubwürdig. Ich habe jedes Biom sehr genossen, ob positiv oder negativ!
- Story
Meckern auf hohem Niveau, irgendwann kam ich an nen Punkt, wo ich nicht mehr weiter wusste, kleiner Blick in ein Walkthrough und schon ging es weiter. Mir fehlte einfach der rote Faden, das kreide ich aber nicht direkt dem Spiel an, vielleicht hab ich einfach etwas übersehen.
Ich kann nicht wirklich etwas negatives zu dem Spiel sagen, da das Positive bei weitem überwiegt, wenn sind mir immer so winzige Kleinigkeiten aufgefallen, die genauso schnell wieder weg waren, wie sie mir auffielen.
Ein Spiel das ich immer wieder spielen werde.
3588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 20:19
Die Subnautica Welt ist unglaublich faszinierend und erschreckend gleichzeitig. Ich habe die komplette Kampagne in VR gezockt und es war einfach nur Traumhaft. Die Story ist spannend, das Meer ist sehr groß, die Fische und Pflanzen sind mega und der Reaper jagt mir immer noch Angst ein. 9 von 10 Punkten! Einen Punkt Abzug weil da und dort kleine Glitches im Spiel nerven, aber einfach neu starten oder Spielstand neu laden und das Problem ist gelöst.
675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 08:48
2462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 08:12
Hab das Spiel trotz gemischter Meinungen zu VR schlussendlich doch gekauft und muss sagen, nach ein paar Startschwierigkeiten haut mich das Spiel echt vom Hocker! Ich verwende eine Oculus Rift S, leider sind die Controler unbrauchbar, also musste der PS4 Controler herhalten. Nach kurzer Eingewöhnungszeit läuft die Steuerung flüssig, die Immersion ist atemberaubend, unbeschreiblich! Man schwebt teilweise einfach nur durchs Wasser und genießt das Spiel, man schaltet völlig ab. Fliegengittereffekt usw sind quasi nicht vorhanden, die Grafik haut einen einfach nur um!
Das Spiel ist am Anfang relativ einfach, Ressourcen besorgen, um zu überleben, die Lernkuve ist ok. Aber je weiter man sich von der anfänglichen Basis entfernt, umso unbehaglicher wird das Gefühl, welches stehts mit schwimmt, die Kreaturen werden größer und aggressiver... Wenn dann das erste mal ein Riesenviech auftaucht, bleibt einem fast das Herz stehen...
Schliesslich wird die Ausrüstung immer besser, wenn man sich auf die Suche nach Bauplänen macht. Ne Unterwasserbasis und verschiedene Fahrzeuge sind der Lohn.
Noch was zu den Unterschieden zur VR Version: Ich habe das Spiel mal im 'normalen' Modus gestartet und war fast erschrocken, wie groß der Unterschied ist: Vorteil ist definitiv die Bedienung der Geräte und Handling des Inventars usw per Maussteuerung, aber ansonsten fehlt komplett das beklemmende mittendrin-Gefühl, es fühlt sich vor dem Monitor quasi fast öde an ... ;)
Also das Spiel ist echt gut gelungen, wer zudem eine VR Brille hat, unbedingt zuschlagen, mehr geht nicht!
3190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 08:53
Nun gilt es zu Überleben und zu Entkommen. Ohne jegliche Einführung und mit einem Tauchanzug in einer Rettungskapsel ausgestattet gilt es nun den Planeten zu erforschen, Materialien zu finden, Base zu bauen um schlussendlich eine Rakete bauen zu können.
Genau so sollte ein Survival Game sein.
1490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 18:23
Das Spiel wird aber mit zunehmender Tiefe zu einem absoluten Horror Spiel.
Jeder der schonmal von einem Leviathan überraschend attackiert wurde versteht mich da sicherlich :D
5235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 20:53
Das Spiel startet nach einem Absturz eures Raumschiffs, eure Rettungskapsel (Lifepod) brennt und ihr merkt direkt, die Kacke ist extrem am dampfen! Ihr spürt von Anfang an den Survivalinhalt des Spiels, ohne die Welt überhaupt betreten zu haben.
Dann verlässt man seinen Lifepod und betritt eine überwältigend schöne Unterwasserwelt. Viele kleine Fische und große Schwärme, die in allen Farben schimmern.
Ich muss meinen Drang zu Spoilern unterdrücken, auch wenn ihr sicherlich schon andere Reviews gelesen habt, hier mein Rat: Vergesst das Internet, macht euch frei von Reviews und Co und kauft einfach das Spiel und lasst euch drauf ein.
Meine Eindrücke trotz meiner Empfehlung hier zusammengefasst:
- die Welt ist wunderschön, aber nicht komplett friedlich. Gefahren lauern überall und die sorgen von Anfang an für einen ordentlich beklemmenden Schauer aber für mich waren sie nie(! allerdins war ich auch nie Lebensmüde^^) Lebensbedrohend.
- das Spiel kam mir nie unfair vor, es war nie schwierig seine Ressourcen zu planen und sich vorzubereiten auch die Gefahren und das Risiko ließen sich immer gut kalkulieren.
- Subnautica ist zu 99% (1% dient der Nahrungsaufnahme :D) gewaltfrei!! Welche Blockbuster können das von sich behaupten? Bitte mehr davon! (spread the love :-*)
- trotzdem, die Emotionen die dieses Spiel in mir hervorgerufen hat, waren überwältigend! Grusel, Beklemmung und Angst wechseln sich mit Begeisterung, Freude und Heldenmut.
- ab der Mitte und vor allem am Ende des Spiels, hatte ich das Gefühl als ob die Entwickler wirklich mit der Liebe ihrer Schaffenskraft positive Gefühle im Spieler schaffen wollen. Klingt übelst schwulstig ich weiß, spielt das Spiel durch und ihr wisst was ich meine. :)
Bei der ganzen Lobhuddelei gibt es auch Kritikpunkte die ich euch in Pro und Cons packe:
- tolles grafisches Setup, mit vielen unterschidlichen Biomen
- passender packender Soundtrack, der euch mitreißt oder euer Herz in die Hose rutschen lässt
- liebevoll indirekt erzählte Story, das tolle Videosequenzen fehlen hat mich nicht gestört. Wenn du dich im Wald verläufst, kommt auch kein Bot und zeigt dir ein Hänsel und Gretel Video :D
- verständliches und gut bedienbares UI
- die Bauplanorganisation, als zentraler Bestandteil des Spiels, empfand ich als einfach zu handhaben
- es gibt an einigen Stellen erzeugbare Clippingfehler, die das Erlebnis aber nicht sonderlich trüben
- Spoiler!!!! : die Steuerung des Krebses in Gebäuden war bei mir teilweise so verbuggt, dass ich ohne Hakenwurfarm nicht weiterlaufen konnte.
So das wars. Ich kann nur sehr hoffen, dass ihr nicht auf ein Sale wartet um euch das Spiel zu leisten. 20€ sind meines Erachtens ein Witz für so ein grandioses Spiel. Was ich damit sagen will, supportet die Entwickler! ;)
Mein erstes Review, seid zärtlich mit mir :D wenn es Fragen dazu gibt, immer raus damit.
Wie ein befreundeter Spieler ähnlich zu mir sagte:
Ich beneide euch, um die Erfahrungen und Emotionen die ihr jetzt damit haben werdet.
Viel Spass!
1897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 12:27
Stell dir vor, du strandest auf einem fremden Planeten auf einer einsamen Insel. Umgeben vom Ozean, gefährlichen Tieren und dem brennenden Wrack deines Schiffes. Und jetzt stell dir vor, jemand hat die Insel vergessen. Was dann übrig bleibt ist Subnautica!
Wie tief kommst du, wenn du Luft für 30 Sekunden hast? Was willst du trinken und essen, wenn deine Vorräte verbraucht sind? Und wie lange bleibt der Reaktor deines Raumschiffes noch stabil?
Es sind diese drei Fragen, die das Spiel dir stellt. Drei Fragen, die du beantworten musst, bevor du überhaupt daran denken kannst diese unbekannte Welt zu erkunden. Und vor allem, es sind nicht die letzten Fragen, die auf dich zukommen.
Subnautica bietet dem Spieler eine Welt die sowohl schön als auch gefährlich ist. Geht es am Anfang noch ums nackte Überleben, so dringt der Spieler später mit U-Boot und Exo-Skelett immer tiefer in die Geheimnisse des Ozeans vor.
Und glaubt mir, was dort unten auf euch wartet, ist groß. Verdammt groß! Und es mag euch nicht.
2857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 20:02
ist ein Überlebensszenario, welches in den Ozeanen des Alien-Planeten 4546B spielt.
Der Weltraumreisende Ryley Robinson muss sich nach dem Absturz seines Raumschiffs, der Aurora, in den fremdem Gewässern von 4546B beweisen. Denn in den Tiefen lauern nicht nur gutmütige Kreaturen.
Dafür können verschiedene Fahrzeuge freigeschalten werden und Unterwasserbasen errichtet werden.
Das Spiel bietet dir viel Spaß beim entdecken dieser fremden Welt und eine gute Portion Nervenkitzel in den dunklen Abgründen des Vulkankraters, der die Subnautica Map begrenzt.
Besonders überzeugt das Spiel durch seine Storyline, die während des fortlaufenden Spielprozess zu Beginn langsam erklärt wird, bis sie zu einem fulminanten Finale findet.
Ich kann Subnautica definitiv jedem empfehlen dem Einzelspielerabentuer Spaß machen und der Lust auf ein nicht zu langes Abenteuer in einer Sci-Fi-Welt hat.
9756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 18:03
Und hiervon gibt es reichlich! Um seine Unterwasserbasis in immer tiefere und lebensfeindlichere Zonen der Spielwelt bauen zu können, braucht es fortschrittlichste Technik, die notwendigen Ressourcen und die richtige Ausrüstung, um allen pysikalischen Gegebenheiten der Tiefsee widerstehen zu können. Doch nicht nur die Konstruktion von frei plazierbaren Gebäudestrukturen und deren Einrichtung ist umfassend möglich, sondern darüber hinaus ist auch der Bau von immer größeren Unterwasserfahrzeugen entscheidend für das Weiterkommen in der unterhaltsamen und intelligenten Hauptstory.
Das Ziel der Rettung bleibt immer klar vor Augen, die Survivalmechaniken sind anspruchsvoll, die Spielwelt einzigartig und die Kreativmöglichkeiten unbegrenzt. Ein fantastisches Spielerlebnis und derzeit mein absolutes Lieblingsspiel!
10/10 perfekt!
1840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 21:00
Its remind me on Metroid Prime 2 Echos but with less action. You search a areal for Information & Resources. You need to fix some problems & need better & better stuff to get forward. The Aliens & plants are very creative build (if you watch how many Alien eggs exist its really detailed work).
There are a few areas with information, many stuff to read if you look carefully & not missing anything with scanner & eyes.
Only problem is the thing if you die & lose stuff or if you play 10 mins but missed something & run back & forward (after you search 20-30 mins for the right way). Mistakes can make serious problems & let you fallen back if you lose Zyklops with all it stuff in it.
But i enjoyed this game very much & for the price i payed i am very happy with this game
If you like detailed Story (many backround side story information if you look good enough), if you like exploring and can life with rough start (low air on the start) then its good.
It has even challenging mode with food & water & 1 Life mode, only for the best ones.
2094 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 10:53
+ Gorgeous, varied alien sea planet that is teeming with life and great to explore.
+ Tons of alien creatures and fauna with data entries explaining life on the planet.
+ Large map with lots of different biomes to explore and places to find.
+ All of the vehicles work really well and have their own distinct purpose. They’re all great, but the Prawn Suit in particular is absolutely badass and a mech done great.
+ A lot of puzzle solving. Feels like a great achievement to beat the game.
+ Ranges from fun tropical paradise, to mysterious and alien, to murky horror.
+ The music can really amplify the mood of each area.
+ Resource-gathering gameplay works well and never feels too grindy.
+ Lots of tools at your disposal with different purposes.
+ Lots you can build and do with your habitat home. If you like base-building, there's a lot for you to play around with here.
+ Really good story despite a silent protagonist and lack of characters and dialogue.
+ Very immersive and gripping in general.
- In some parts my vehicle, in particular the Prawn Suit, could get stuck on parts of the terrain. Worth noting I only had to reload once from this (Sea Moth got stuck on part of the Aurora and couldn't be moved) and it was primarily with the Prawn Suit on land sections which are rare anyway.
- I think a craftable tool to allow for mapping out your surroundings for reference would have helped greatly rather than relying on memory and beacons constantly for waypoints. This is very subjective however, I'm sure some others would say adding that in would have taken away from the exploration and experience of getting familiar with your environment. For me, I would have felt less of a draw to look up guides if I could see where I had been plotted out and start marking off where I had been and where I wanted to go next.
Subnautica is a very unique experience and one I would highly recommend. I think the part that hit me most is when I realised I was actually nearing being able to escape the planet, and I realised how immersed I was in the world, having been stuck in the seas and gradually built up a base that had actually become somewhat homely and familiar and realising it was all going to be left behind. The fact the game made me feel that way shows how immersive it had all been. There’s nothing quite like Subnautica, it’s a fantastic deep sea exploration game. I will admit I used a guide to direct me around in parts which I would advise against for others, I just personally find the deep sea pretty spooky e.g. coming out over the edge of a cliff and there’s just murky nothingness stretching out around you in all directions and the potential for a looming shape off in the depths that you are powerless against. On the flip side, that should speak volumes for how immersive the game is and how it can be pretty scary in parts depending on how much the deep sea spooks you out.
3115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 21:05
☐ Doesnt have (Not counting historical stuff)
☐ Something isnt nothing I guess
☐ Not greatly told
☐ Average
☑️ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ Will make you cry or smile a lot
☑️ Try not to get addicted
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Nothing special
☐ Ehh
☐ Bad
☐ Just dont
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☑️ Insanity
☐ You forget reality
☐ Masterpiece
☑️ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Will do
☐ Bad
☐ Awful
☐ Pixel art
☐ Eargasm
☑️ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape
☐ Kids
☑️ Teens
☑️ Adults
☐ Everyone
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑️ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press a bunch of buttons
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Not so easy
☑️ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of tea
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑️ Depends on you
☐ Endless
☑️ Just buy it
☐ Worth the price
☐ Wait for sale
☐ Maybe if you have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ Dont throw money into a rubbish bin
☐ Never had any
☐ Minor bugs
☑️ Few bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ Ruining the game
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☑️ 9
☐ 10
14335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 23:14
2. stasis reaper
3. take about 5 mins to kill a reaper
-25 total reapers
-125 mins to kill all
-factor in about 45mins for travel and spotting the reapers
-factor in 10mins for regret/hesitancy
-total time ~3 hours
4. commit plan above
5. rest
3526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 07:18
Its amazing to explore the places that you never saw before but when you see
Somthing very fucking big like the reaper or the dragon or whatever its not feel safe anymore
As a guy with megalophobia i just freeze in place swimming away as chills all over my body
Man but its an exprience reccomanded to whoever loves to explore
3519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 10:14
+Graphics are extremely enjoyable and the creatures are either very beautiful and cute or scary as f*** and make me wanna cry
+Story has a lot of depth and was definitely fun to learn about, even the little fish got some lore!
-Reaper ate my ship :(
2812 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 09:22
Some genuinely great jump-scares
Banging soundtrack
Fantastic graphics and lighting
A good mystery to uncover
Fun base-building
Cool vehicles to pilot
Excellent world-building
A little bit of janky-ness here and there but ultimately it doesn't distract too much from the fun.
A survival game experience unlike anything else I've played - I can see why this game has so many positive reviews
3873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 21:24
I've never been a big fan of survival crafting type games. Many are light on story and heavy on grinding.
Subnautica, on the other hand, feels like the designers had a story they wanted to tell and developed it alongside the game. The story is light but well crafted and does well at pushing you in the right direction without explicitly telling you where to go. For one example, I was searching for a resource called magnetite which was critical for upgrades. I filed it away in my mind as an item to watch out for and stocked up for a big journey. The game nudged me to a crashed lifepod and tempted me into a nearby cavern with some brightly colored scenery where I found magnetite as well as new plot developments and a new waypoint to explore. At no point was I told where exactly to find magnetite and it was so much more rewarding that way. A worse game would have had some character say “I saw some magnetite in the Jellyshroom Caves, here’s the coordinates”.
That said, I struggled a few times and twice had to look up a hint when hunting for critical items but I would not label those frustrations as faults. Though there is a large amount of time in between story beats spent looking for critical resources, it doesn’t feel like typical grinding because the world is filled with new biomes, types of creatures and cool spots to build a base. Had those frustrations been eliminated it would have been at the cost of depriving the player of powerful feelings of discovery and accomplishment.
There is a grind, maybe better described as a loop, where you have to find enough food and water (and of course air) every in-game day to keep yourself healthy. However, a steady stream of upgrades reduces the time spent on these common tasks as the game progresses. This manages to keep the novelty up without entirely eliminating the early parts of the gameplay.
The greatest of Subnautica’s strengths are these subtle changes to the core loop. There is a sense of mastery over old challenges while new ones are introduced. You craft upgrades to help you push deeper into the world, which gives you new materials to craft better upgrades to push further still. All the while discovering new mysteries of the plot that tickle your curiosity just enough to want to uncover more.
Vehicles are the main method used to shift the gameplay and push the story forward. There are only three but they all have different purposes and each one feels entirely unique.
The Cyclops has the most going on and you'll need it to complete the game. It’s huge compared to the other vehicles. I enjoyed the fact that it’s large enough to dock a Seamoth or Prawn Suit inside it for excursions. Many of the same things that can be built in a base can be built inside the Cyclops, including food plants, storage lockers and the equipment modification station. There is a whole section of gameplay that revolves around defending the Cyclops from hostile creatures. These sequences can be tense and exciting and involve things like using silent running to sneak by, deploying decoys, pushing the engines to maximum power, and putting out fires and repairing damage when all of that fails. Like most of the combat in Subnautica, there’s a lot of leeway for various approaches and a forgiving margin for error. I often ended up ignoring most of the stealth mechanics and just plowing through encounters until I had reached a safe spot to repair damage.
Subnautica gets high marks for its visuals. I love the atmosphere when traveling deep, deep down in the Cyclops and turning on the lights only to see yawning vastness punctuated by tiny floating dust motes. It makes the whole game world seem enormous.
There are plenty of graphical glitches that don’t break the functionality of the game but hurt the immersion. For example, particle effects like geysers of hot water coming out of geothermal vents and swarms of fish look great when they work as intended but not when they clip through the walls of bases and the large submarine. Likewise, the enormous leviathan creatures are terrifying, but some of the terror is lost when you clip through their tail or when their animation glitches and they snap to new positions instead of swimming gracefully.
There’s a day/night cycle that looks very nice, with lots of luminescent lifeforms and a sky filled with moons and planets that look picturesque when pushing from the depths to the surface of the ocean. A change in gameplay during the night would have been appreciated. Perhaps a resource that was easier to collect or even a reason to avoid nighttime and sleep through it.
There is an elaborate base building system with many options for decoration and getting creative. Some people will enjoy these aspects but it didn't grab me. Base building feels like it was intended to be more complex and integral to completion than what made it into the final game. Once the Cyclops is unlocked, there is little reason to build any more bases. Such a large portion of the blueprints you collect are base components that it seems like a waste for it to be so transitory but I’m glad that the game focuses on exploration.
There are a few quality of life updates that I would have liked. First and foremost, better controller support. The rampaging fire the game was telling me to extinguish with RT at the beginning of the game was drained of tension as I spammed my way around the controller until I figured out the left and right trigger button labels are mixed up. Of course, buttons can be remapped in the settings but it wasn’t a great start.
A more persistent annoyance is that the quick select bar where you can keep five tools handy does not let you switch out specific items using the controller. When adding an item from inventory it replaces the first slot on the toolbar and knocks the last one off. It’s not quick access if I constantly have to go into my inventory to find tools that've been removed.
Another feature that really should be available is some slight auto-aiming to nearby targets. It was frustrating to chase after little food fish only to have them dart out of reach or double back and force me to spin around.
There is also no functionality to rename beacons or wall lockers without a keyboard. It wasn’t something I had to do often, but it felt like an oversight. I wonder if some of these problems got fixed for the console releases. If so, I’d like to see them make their way to the PC version.
I would have also liked to see some better method of highlighting what resources I needed for a specific crafting recipe. It was irritating to come back from a journey only to realize I had taken one less resource than I needed. The game does list all the required resources for each item but it’s in a submenu that is filled with recipes that I rarely needed. Some sort of “shopping list” tool featured more prominently in the interface could have helped.
There was one irritating glitch in functionality during one of the final sequences where I needed to bring my Prawn Suit into a dry facility. The suit would almost immediately get stuck. It would be completely unable to move or jump but would return to normal after getting out and running around on foot for a couple of minutes. I managed to finish the game by nursing my suit along 100 feet at a time until I got it back into the water.
Despite any of the issues outlined above, I could feel the care and attention given to each aspect of the game. You’ll find out once you finish the game that it’s not as big as it first seems but if it loses some of its wonder it’s replaced with a sense of mastery and completeness.
The grandness of the world and the finely tuned progression path float Subnautica to the top.
10831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 19:12
Full review:
* Fascinating biomes with diverse lifeforms to explore
* Perfect progression: curiosity to explore, discovery of new resources and blueprints, ability to craft equipment that allows you to dive deeper, repeat
* Well implemented survival elements
* Simple but functional base building
* Beautiful visuals
* Captivating story
* Incredibly immersive
* Freedom to experience the game at your own pace
* Amazing atmosphere, accompanied with a perfect soundtrack
* Terrain pops in and breaks immersion, especially when using vehicles
Still one of the most unique, fun and exciting games I’ve experienced so far and one of my all-time favorites!
12503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 01:10
2542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 22:13
- Even though the whole sea is open to you from the beginning, progression is still fairly linear and there is a start and an end: there is a core objective and most of the game's systems are based around reaching that objective.
- While there is resource management, living threats in the water and you can certainly die, it is not difficult to survive in Subnautica at all unless you willingly take appropriate risks. It's easy to stock up for expeditions and overall the game is very forgiving.
As a result, while you're free to explore the (vast) world and progress at whatever pace you like, Subnautica is more like a discovery/mystery adventure than a survival or sandbox game. The last single-player game I played immediately before this was Outer Wilds and the two games are far more similar than I expected.
The bit about Subnautica that I always came back to praise it for was the fact that I usually discovered something new every time I picked it up. The environment is lush with colour and can be bright and inviting or spooky and foreboding. I felt like the game was really encouraging me to be inquisitive.
I was a bit concerned when I found out that a lot of the game was going to be clicking on resources, bringing them back to base and making a new thing. I think the main thing that stops this from being tiresome is how easy it is to navigate. Moving around underwater is so natural and smooth. You're definitely going to get lost but only as you naturally would underwater, not to the game's detriment. There's not much action or threat to the game and you don't lose much progress when you die. While this might be a let-down for some players, I think this was a better idea than making players feel like they were punished for exploring like they were supposed to.
There's a constant sense of progression and player empowerment. A lot of the problems that bother you at the beginning of the game will become utterly trivial later due to your own hard work advancing in technology. Vehicles especially become tremendously rewarding toys, but even they have their own limitations, demands and upgrades available.
The core mystery of the game is pretty cool and it doesn't hold your hand too much to get you there. Audio logs, beacons and your on-board computer AI will guide you towards the objectives for the first half or so, but it's really up to you to work out how to solve the mystery. It can be a little obtuse and this was the only part where things really threatened to stall for me and lose momentum - in particular I feel that the late stage of the game is too dependent on finding keys. I did work it out though and I felt well rewarded.
Now that I've beaten it, Subnautica is finished. It does not feel like a game I can come back to and play endlessly because so much of what you can do is a pragmatic means-to-an-end rather than a way to express yourself. I'm really quite happy with that. It was a tight experience in another world that I now have fond memories of.
2334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 20:25
8822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 17:58
From Aurora to Pod5,
out in the ocean of cold,
From Seamoth to Prawn,
down to shroom caves of old!
Through abandoned bases,
to lava zones and rivers of poison,
With the Cyclops Snowdynia,
charging through dangers of all!
Blighters, mesmers, warpers,
squids and reapers to behold,
Onwards with a Neptune,
to the stars, eternity,
above and beyond!
My message in a bottle, left behind on planet 4546B
3287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 12:46
I did start a bit aimless and got bored fast, not knowing what to do, but just load up a little guide (with no spoilers!) to push you in the right direction or google how to use certain tools properly. That's my only gripe with the game honestly.. Highly recommended, arguably better than the sequel from what I've seen..
3491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 13:49
☐ Masterpiece
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Will do
☐ Bad
☐ Wordpad
☐ Try not to get addicted
☑Very good
☐ Good
☐ Nothing special
☐ Ehh
☐ Bad
☐ Just don‘t
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Human
☐ Lizards
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run Wordpad
☐ Potato
☐ Minimum
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boy
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press some buttons
☑ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Not so easy
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Epic
☐ Lovely
☑ Good
☐ Average
☐ Not great
☐ Something
☐ Story?
---{Game Time}---
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ Very Long
☑ Long
☐ Depends on you
☐ Not too short
☐ Short
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ It’s free!
☑ Buy now
☐ Worth the price
☐ Wait for sale
☐ Maybe if you have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never had any
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Few bugs
☐ Some bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ Ruining the game
☐ The game itself is a bug
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☑ 10
2120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 22:12
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Paint.exe
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Starring at walls is better
☐ Just don‘t
☑ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Human
☐ Lizards
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boiiiiii
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press ‚A‘
☐ Easy
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☑ A little grind in the lategame
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ Story?
☐ Text or Audio floating around
☑ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
--- 9/10 ---
Would have been a 10/10 but, for me personally, the lategame is a little too much back and forth.
But everything else is just great!
Try it out you won't regret it!
1492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 17:48
Middle Game: Why do I hear yelling at the back of the Aurora?
Late Game: Oh, hey reaper. So anyways, back to the topic of leaving the planet.
(also 10/10 game)
6595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 20:35
I really wish that I could erase my gaming memory and experience it all over again.
1605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 08:52
???? We are spoiled for choice in the Survival genre, although many games share similarities to one another. If you like crafting guns from raw metal and shooting zombies in the face, you could pick from any one of a dozen different titles and not find much difference between them. Despite the somewhat uniform design of its early days, the genre has begun to mature and developers have been keen to try out new takes on the same formula.
◼️ In Subnautica (by Unknown Worlds Entertainment), the gimmick is that you'll be spending the majority of your time underwater in an alien environment. What makes this particular title even more of a unicorn in the sea of survival games is the fact that it has an actual story.
???? Welcome to Planet 4546B
???? You awake after making a successful landing on the planet, as successful as an escape pod on fire can be, and you have to quickly put the flames out. After taking a moment, you can access the PDA that tells you the Aurora suffered hull failure and crashed onto an unmapped planet called 4546B, a planet that is almost entirely covered in water. As you ready yourself to leave the lifepod, you can climb up onto the roof via a ladder which gives you a grand view of the Aurora wreckage as well as the vast and endless ocean around you.
- Furthermore, there’s something infecting the life on this planet, and it’s not too long before you come down with the disease yourself.
◼️ Effectively it becomes a race against time as you struggle to save the rescue ship that’s approaching, cure yourself of the disease, solve the mystery of this waterlogged planet, and escape to see home once more. How far will you get before the monsters of the deep scare you into submission? These are questions you’ll have to answer in your own time. Make sure you have plenty set aside for playing Subnautica as well because it will demand it of you. This isn’t a bad thing, like many games in the genre it will eat up your pastime.
- If you’re new to this kind of game, Subnautica isn’t a bad place to start. Despite it almost entirely taking place underwater, the life forms and biomes are varied enough to offer a wide range of experiences and environments, meaning things will stay fresh for hours to come.
????️ Gameplay
???? Subnautica is very much an audio experience as much as it is a visual one, there are many, many sounds you will have to familiarise yourself with if you want to stay alive, the creatures that inhabit the planet of 4546B can either be your best friend or stuff of nightmares.
◼️ Exploration is a must in this game if you want to progress because doing so leads you to blueprints that open up new areas of the map. You’ll start out with the basics, like a sea-glider that speeds up your swim rate, an oxygen tank, a flashlight, and handiest of all: a knife. The more you explore, and the more resources you discover, you’ll be able to create things like submersibles, liveable habitats complete with power sources, exo-suits, and so on and so forth. Also, The more you explore the more resources you discover! You'll be able to create things like submersibles, liveable habitats complete with power sources, exo-suits, and so on and so forth.
Ocean is not friendly
◼️ Subnautica is going to require you to be intelligent while you play. Your full attention will be required as well. Keep your eyes and ears peeled at all times for sights and sounds of anything big and nasty, or just nasty, because death doesn’t always come in the shape of a Leviathan class Reaper. Combat will be ill-advised until you’re a bit more suped-up, so running or swimming away will be advisable for the majority of your gaming experience.
???? Assistant & Resources
???? Your PDA assistant is an essential bit of kit that will keep you on the right track with tabs that have information on how to survive this hellish underwater maze. Blueprints on what to build and how and the materials you will need are nestled among its pages, so looking at this as much as possible will make life much easier. It also captures data signals from various elements but also from other survivors like you. If you follow the signal, you will be lead to many places of interest and some surprising events.
◼️ Finding the resources to do this will not always be a walk in the park though – or in this case a swim. Things like titanium, quartz, salt, and rubber will be easy enough to make, but other resources will require some clever scrounging and a lot of patience.
- For example, precious jewels like rubies and diamonds will have more technical applications here, but finding them will be a test of both patience and courage as you flail about in the bio-illuminated depths.
???? Graphics
- url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHMqnmMOGDs] Subnautica | Graphics | Low vs High [/url]
???? The lighting, colors, and use of water make you feel unease in a game that isn't technically a horror title, and that is a feat of solid game design.
And it all looks stunning. The water effects are great, not to mention the visuals of all the wildlife and various other elements you'll come across. Flora look at the home and nothing really feels out of place, even when you come across strange structures. When it turns to night and you're relying on nothing but a flashlight, that's when the aquatic life really shines quite literally. Both flora and marine creatures each sport light-emitting properties that create wonderful treats for the eyes.
???????? Soundtrack/Audio
- url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aT9_-P7N950] Subnautica - Full Soundtrack OST [/url]
???? The sound design for Subnautica is spectacular. Props to the developers because the world seems so much more... alive. After leaving your escape pod and diving into the ocean depths you can hear a complex ecosystem that is constantly on the move. The music is great as well and fits the theme of a sci-fi ocean exploration game but also hinting at your fruitless efforts - more into that later.
- This rating system is my personal opinion and not to be intended to replace a professional rating system in any way!
Rating (% * X / 100, sum of all as final rating X/10)
My personal rating is
???? Conclusion
???? Subnautica makes excellent use of its underwater setting, creating a world of wonder and danger. It shrewdly provides basic goals that involve exploring wrecks, caves, and alien structures. You'll be able to craft an extensive range of tools that will help you survive. Many of the improvements and tools relate directly to how far under the surface you can travel and this progression ensures that the ocean setting is not just window dressing. Subnautica may be another fish in a vast sea of survival games, but it also has quantifiable depth and that makes it worth diving into.
1863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 17:42
☑ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Paint.exe
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Starring at walls is better
☐ Just don‘t
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☐ Human
☑ Fish
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☑ Rich boiiiiii
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press ‚A‘
☐ Easy
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ Story?
☐ Text or Audio floating around
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☑ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
4922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 23:49
Superb, the best survival ever and one of the best mainstream games of the last decade. He manages to seamlessly integrate a good story with exploration, crafting and survival mechanics. The story is cleverly told almost never interrupting the gameplay, there are very few cut scenes. Some short narrative sequences perfectly integrated into the gameplay are excellent. Fortunately, there are not many documents to read, most of the time you collect audio memories and the onboard artificial intelligence often summarizes the most important facts by voice; if you want to deepen some secondary aspect related to crafting and survival then there is enough to read, but honestly I did without it, it is not necessary.
In living memory I don't remember a game world so vast and detailed, varied, alive, interactive, so much so that it seems to have an intelligence of its own. And this feeling is not accidental, the developers have cleverly programmed triggered events to give depth to the meaning of the story; after all it is an ecological parable that with subtle irony launches a criticism to the reckless exploitation of natural resources to make profit. Fortunately it is not a testosterone game, there is no gratuitous violence, you do not go around armed to kill dangerous creatures, more than anything else you defend yourself or flee when the situation becomes too dangerous. I was worried that in the last part the developers would give in to guns, shootings, violence etc. Luckily the few weapons that you can build are useful just to scare the menacing creatures and in any case their construction and their use is clearly discouraged by the game settings. The experience therefore has the advantage of remaining consistent from start to finish, so that the gameplay fits perfectly with the ecological parable. Great praise for a game that actually has a mainstream target but has the courage to offer extremely intelligent gameplay to a more mature audience, far from the hormonal delirum of certain games intended for generic audience.
The painstaking exploration of the ocean abysses, counterpointed by an excellent soundtrack and an excellent audio, is not only a necessity required by the game; it is above all a pleasure and manages to surprise until the end for the variety of biomes, animals and plants; the ocean is full of alien mysteries and secrets that entice you to go all the way. The crafting mechanics are the best the genre can offer; I've never spent so much time building vehicles, base and upgrades. You don't need too many hours to complete the game, I think 30 hours are enough, there is no need to build who knows what things, it was just the pleasure that pushed me to play almost 80 hours, to build multiple floors base and try almost all the possibilities that the game offers. One day, or rather, one night, I played for 9 hours straight !!! You can use different approaches to survive and complete the exploration of the game world, just choose one; I personally wanted to try different solutions and strategies and in the end I also experimented with the command console. But don't use it before completing the ocean exploration and shedding light on the mysteries of the alien planet, otherwise you ruin the game experience. The advice I give you is to follow the rhythm of the story by reducing the crafting time to a minimum; and then in the end, when you have solved every mystery, you can lengthen the play time by experimenting with everything.
It is certainly an immersive experience and much of its charm is due to the excellent aesthetics of the ocean environments and more generally to the excellent graphic details that make the trip thorugh the ocean truly enjoyable, so much so as to make it a contemplative experience just second to Abzu. A few rare and minor polygons interpenetration bugs don't affect the experience at all. Highly recommended!
Stupendo, il miglior survival di sempre e uno dei migliori giochi mainstream dell'ultimo decennio. Riesce ad integrare perfettamente una buona storia con meccaniche di esplorazione, crafting e sopravvivenza. La storia è narrata abilmente senza quasi mai interrompere il gameplay, cut scene ce ne sono davvero pochissime. Alcune brevi sequenze narrative perfettamente integrate nel gameplay sono da manuale. I documenti da leggere per fortuna non sono molti, il più delle volte si trovano delle audio memorie e l'intelligenza artificiale di bordo ci sintetizza spesso a parole i fatti più importanti; se poi si vuole approfondire qualche aspetto secondario legato al crafting e alla sopravvivenza allora c'è da leggere abbastanza, ma sinceramente ne ho fatto a meno, non è necessario.
A memoria d'uomo non ricordo un mondo di gioco così vasto e dettagliato, vario, vivo, interattivo, tanto che sembra avere una intelligenza propria. E questa sensazione non è casuale, gli sviluppatori hanno abilmente programmato eventi triggerati per dare profondità al senso della storia; in fondo è una parabola ecologica che con sottile ironia lancia una critica allo sconsiderato sfruttamento delle risorse naturali per trarne profitto. Fortunatamente non è un gioco al testosterone, non c'è violenza gratuita, non si gira armati per uccidere le creature pericolose, più che altro ci si difende o si fugge quando la situazione si fa troppo pericolosa. Ero preoccupato che nell'ultima parte gli sviluppatori cedessero ad armi, sparatorie, violenza etc. In realtà le poche armi che è possibile costruire servono solo a far spaventare le creature minacciose e in ogni caso la loro costruzione e il loro utilizzo è chiaramente disincentivato dall'impostazione del gioco. Ha dunque il pregio di rimanere coerente dall'inizio alla fine, di modo che il gameplay si sposa perfettamente con la parabola ecologica. Grande plauso per un gioco che di fatto ha un target mainstream ma ha il coraggio di proporre un gameplay estremamente intelligente ad un pubblico più maturo e lontano dai deliri ormonali di certi giochi destinati al grande pubblico. L'esplorazione certosina degli abissi oceanici, contrappuntata da un'ottima colonna sonora e da un ottimo comparto audio, non è solo una necessità richiesta dal gioco; è soprattutto un piacere e riesce a sorprendere fino alla fine per la varietà di ambienti e specie animali e vegetali; l'oceano è pieno di misteri e segreti alieni che ti invogliano ad andare fino in fondo. Le meccaniche di crafting sono il meglio che il genere può offrire; non avevo mai passato così tanto tempo a costruire veicoli, basi e potenziamenti. In realtà non c'è bisogno di tantissime ore per completare il gioco, credo che 30 ore siano sufficienti, non c'è necessità di costruire chissà quali cose, è stato solo il piacere a spingermi a giocare quasi 80 ore, a costruire basi a più piani e provare quasi tutte le possibilità che il gioco offre. Un giorno, o meglio, una notte, ho giocato per 9 ore di seguito!!! Si possono usare approcci diversi per sopravvivere e completare l'esplorazione del mondo di gioco, è sufficiente sceglierne uno solo; personalmente ho voluto provare diverse soluzioni e strategie e alla fine ho anche sperimentato la console dei comandi. Ma non usatela prima di completare l'esplorazione dell'oceano e aver fatto luce sui misteri del pianeta alieno, altrimenti vi rovinate l'esperienza di gioco. Il consiglio che vi do è di seguire il ritmo della storia riducendo al minimo indispensabile i tempi di crafting; e poi alla fine, quando avrete sciolto ogni mistero, potete allungare la partita sperimentando ogni cosa possibile.
E' un'esperienza sicuramente immersiva e molto del suo fascino lo deve all'ottima cura estetica dei fondali oceanici e più in generale agli ottimi dettagli grafici che rendono il viaggio attraverso l'oceano veramente godibile, tanto da farne un'esperienza contemplativa seconda solo ad Abzu. Qualche raro e piccolo bug di compenetrazione di poligoni non scalfisce affatto l'esperienza. Straconsigliato!
5519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 18:10
7581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 03:19
1785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 05:11
I can still remember my first dive into the waters of this sea planet, my fear of the unknown and the deep, the thrill of exploring and the need to go deeper.
-The first day I explored the shallow waters and saw every fish I could, some sounds where coming from far away from places where the eyes could not reach.
These sounds made me not want to explore any further than the protection of the shallow waters, where everything is peaceful and beautiful.
Yet the adventure inside me just kept pushing me despite my fear, slowly the exploration away from the shallow waters started to come into reality, I finally saw the deep waters but there was only darkness bellow me.
I dived deep into the darkness not knowing what could come at me at any time or what I could see or find while surrounded continuously by scary loud noises and creatures I could not see but their eyes glowed in the dark.
Once I reached the bottom I saw it all, I saw what I kept my self from seeing, it was .... -
If you want to see the deep you must be brave and make a dive, otherwise you will always be locked away with the question of what is down there.
Make the dive.
7982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 04:49
13829 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.20 14:04
Unknown Worlds
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