• Subnautica: Below Zero: Screen zum Spiel Subnautica: Below Zero.
  • Subnautica: Below Zero: Screen zum Spiel Subnautica: Below Zero.
  • Subnautica: Below Zero: Screen zum Spiel Subnautica: Below Zero.
  • Subnautica: Below Zero: Screen zum Spiel Subnautica: Below Zero.
  • Subnautica: Below Zero: Screen zum Spiel Subnautica: Below Zero.
  • Subnautica: Below Zero: Screen zum Spiel Subnautica: Below Zero.
  • Subnautica: Below Zero: Screen zum Spiel Subnautica: Below Zero.
  • Subnautica: Below Zero: Screen zum Spiel Subnautica: Below Zero.
  • Subnautica: Below Zero: Screen zum Spiel Subnautica: Below Zero.
  • Subnautica: Below Zero: Screen zum Spiel Subnautica: Below Zero.
  • Subnautica: Below Zero: Screen zum Spiel Subnautica: Below Zero.
  • Subnautica: Below Zero: Screen zum Spiel Subnautica: Below Zero.
  • Subnautica: Below Zero: Screen zum Spiel Subnautica: Below Zero.
  • Subnautica: Below Zero: Screen zum Spiel Subnautica: Below Zero.
  • Subnautica: Below Zero: Screen zum Spiel Subnautica: Below Zero.
  • Subnautica: Below Zero: Screen zum Spiel Subnautica: Below Zero.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.01.2020
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Preis Update 09.07.24

Über das Spiel

Below Zero is an underwater adventure game set on an alien ocean world. It is a new chapter in the Subnautica universe, and is currently in development by Unknown Worlds.

Watch out!
Below Zero is not finished! It is in active development: Full of bugs, missing features, and performance issues. If you would like to play Below Zero when it is finished, follow our development progress. We'll keep you informed as updates improve the game.

Return to planet 4546B
Dive into a freezing underwater adventure. Below Zero is set in an arctic region of planet 4546B. As a scientist posted to a research station on the planet's surface, you are tasked with studying alien artefacts...

The Vesper space station orbits high above you, sending supplies, instructions, and receiving samples you launch from the surface.When disaster strikes the research station, you must improvise to survive: Construct habitats, scavenge for resources, hunt for food, and craft equipment.

Explore new biomes
Swim beneath the blue-lit, arching growth of Twisty Bridges. Navigate treacherous ice floes on the ocean surface. Clamber up snow covered peaks, and venture into icy caves. Maneuver between steaming Thermal Vents. Below Zero presents entirely new environments for you to survive, study, and explore.

Discover new lifeforms in the icy depths of 4546B. Swim through the giant Titan Holefish, escape from the aggressive Brute Shark, and visit the adorable Pengwings. Some residents of the frozen ocean will help you, and some might try to harm you.

An ocean of intrigue
Who were the aliens who came here before? Why were they on this planet? Can you trust your commanders? Below Zero extends the story of the Subnautica universe, diving deep into the mystery introduced in the original game. Open up new story elements with every Early Access update.

About the development team
Below Zero is being created by Unknown Worlds, a small studio that traces its roots back to the 2002 Half-Life mod Natural Selection. It is the same team that created the original Subnautica. The team is scattered around the globe, from the United States to the United Kingdom, France, Russia, Austria, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Taiwan, and many more places.

This game contains flashing lights that may make it unsuitable for people with photosensitive epilepsy or other photosensitive conditions. Player discretion is advised.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i3 / AMD Ryzen 3 2.6ghz+
  • GFX: Intel HD 530 or better
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64-bit
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Subnautica Below Zero is an Early Access game, and minimum specifications may change during development
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 / AMD Ryzen 5 @ 3Ghz +
  • GFX: Nvidia 1050 Ti / AMD Radeon 570, 4GB VRAM
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64-bit
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Subnautica Below Zero is an Early Access game, and minimum specifications may change during development
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

71 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
6309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 09:59
Super Survival Spiel. Man wird in die Unterwasser Spielewelt gesogen und will gar nicht mehr aufhören. Ich würde vom Hersteller jederzeit ein weiteres Spiel kaufen und warte schon gespannt auf weiteres. Das Hauptspiel war auch schon maßgebend und bahnbrechend.
10 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 12:51
Mega coole Welt mit vielen idyllischen Atmosphären . Es gibt viel zu tuen und an jeder Ecke der Welt Dinge zu finden. Die Materialien sind gut zu finden, dafür wird einem der Weg nur wage gezeigt weshalb man einfach mal in die Weiten schwimmen muss um herauszufinden wo man hin muss.
40 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 01:54
Mittlerweile der zweite Teil der Subnautica Reihe. Subnautica war schon ein überragendes Spiel. Story und Aufbau sehr spannend gemacht und teilweise braucht man auch bisschen Zeit, aber hey wäre ja langweilig wenn alles einfach und schnell ginge. Subnautica Below Zero toppt alles was schon perfekt vorgegeben wurde.
Ich kann es nur jeden empfehlen der gerne Story Spiele spielt. Auch der Bau Modus mit all seinen Teilen ist überragend.
38 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
918 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 16:00
The soundtrack of this game is amazing.
26 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 10:23
Ein wirklich schönes Spiel um einfach den Kopf frei zu bekommen. Man kann sich echt treiben lassen und von der Grafik verzaubern. über 130h gespielt und es werden noch mehr ... Sehr gelungenes Spiel
kann ich jedem ans Herz legen es zu Spielen
67 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 23:28
Ein schönes Spiel. Man taucht sofort wieder in die hübschen und toll gestalteten Unterwasserwelten ein. Der zweite Teil wartet aber auch mit guten und überzeugendere Landpassagen auf. Zu dem erweitern neue Mechaniken das Spielgefühl. Allem in allen ein toller Nachfolger und ein empfehlenswertes Spiel.
235 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3044 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 12:43
449 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
2315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 06:11

Subnautica Below Zero einige Verbesserungen zum Vorgänger die es Spielenswert machen!


• Ein sehr guter Titel, der mir sehr gut gefallen hat, ein Spiel wo ich sogar mal alle Errungenschaften hohlen konnte und das mag was heißen.

Was Bewertung
Kreaturen/Ambiente Sounds Sehr gut
Inventar-Management Verbesserung zum Vorgänger
Community Freundlichkeit Gut
Grafik Sehr gut
Atmosphäre Sehr gut
Unterwasserwelt Sehr gut
Geschichte / Story Um Welten besser als der Vorgänger
Crafting-System Viele neue Sachen


• Leider gab es immer noch Probleme, mit Geräten über der Oberfläche zu laufen

• Schade, dass es diesmal nicht so um die Tiefe des Meeres ging, sondern mehr um die Oberfläche


Für jeden der mehr Lust und Bock auf Story legt, dem wird dieses Game mehr gefallen als der erste Teil. Weil das kommt, hier viel mehr zum Vorschein als im Vorgänger. Wem die Tiefen im ersten Teil fertig gemacht haben, der wird wohl mit dem Spiel auch besser dran sein.

Ja ich würde sagen hiermit ist alles gesagt!

Das war es mit mein Feedback zu Subnautica Below Zero
210 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 22:28
Es ist kalt und nass... und gruselig.... und kalt.....und nass....
Aber es gibt Pinguine
385 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 23:44
Nachdem es endlich komplett da ist kann ich es auf jedenfalls empfehlen! Die Early Phase war etwas schmerzhaft aber hat sich gelohnt zu warten. Es ist schön gemacht mit einer angenehmen Story und netten kleinen scherzen zwischen durch oder auch sehr tief ausgearbeitete neben Personen. Kleiner Spoiler währe das Date und die Dame die Schwärmerisch davon berichtet was sehr schön Synchronisiert ist. Also dann Abtauchen und Spaß haben!
95 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 22:44
Das Spiel ist einfach nicht fertig. Es fehlt Content. Man fühlt sich, als würde man 10% von dem sehen, was geplant war. Das meiste ergibt keinen Sinn. Der erste Teil war traurigerweise einfach besser.
131 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
4005 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 08:59
Kann ned klagen TopDaGame!
32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 10:36
Subnautica below Zero: yea there is a leviathen oh there is one too
1926 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 22:43

Subnautica – Below Zero – Deep into the Ocean

Nachdem ich nun den zweiten Teil der Subnautica-Reihe abgeschlossen habe und kurz vor diesem Review, eine Review zum ersten Teil geschrieben habe, soll nun natürlich auch der zweite Teil folgen.

Die Story

Du schlüpfst in die Rolle von Robin, welche nach Ihrer Schwester Sam sucht. Sam befand sich, vor Ihrem verschwinden auf dem Planeten 4546B zusammen mit einigen anderen Alterra Mitarbeitern, in einer arktischen Region. Schnell fällt Robin aber auf, dass einige Einrichtungen schwer beschädigt oder gar zerstört worden sind. Was ist hier nur passiert und wo sind alle hin verschwunden?…

Die Spielmechanik/Das Gameplay

Subnautica – Below Zero knüpft direkt an den ersten Teil an, es ist nach wie vor ein Survival-Titel, der aber mehr auf Story aufbaut, als das beim ersten der Fall war. Ihr startet erneut in einer Kapsel und sucht im Ozean nach den ersten Materialien um euch dann auf die Suche nach eurer Schwester zu machen. Diesmal findet das Spiel nicht gänzlich unter Wasser statt, sondern lässt euch auch die arktische Region erkunden. Diese sind für Menschen lebensfeindlich, weshalb ihr immer eure Temperatur im Auge behalten solltet.

Bis auf die Eiswelt oberhalb des Meeresspiegels, unterscheidet es sich grundsätzlich nicht vom ersten Teil. Ihr sammelt Ressourcen, findet neue Technologien die euch das Leben einfacher machen und baut schließlich euren Stützpunkt. Je tiefer Ihr euch ins Gewässer begebt, desto gefährlicher kann es werden (hier an der Stelle fiel mir persönlich auf, dass es deutlich weniger gefährliche Kreaturen gibt, als es beim ersten der Fall war). Auch hier kann man sich ebenfalls auf den Aspekt des „schöner wohnen“ nach Herzenslust ausleben. Mit einigen neuen Gegenständen und Technologien, lässt es sich auch eben besser leben.

Mir sind leider aber noch ein paar unschöne Dinge aufgefallen, die beim ersten Teil nicht so arg zum Vorschein kamen, da man nur wenig Fläche hatte, wo man laufen konnte. Zum einen wurde Robin immer wieder von Treppen geschubst, wenn man ein Abteil seiner Basis verließ und in das nächste gelaufen ist. Dann auf den Eisbergen, wo sie immer wieder in den Texturen festhängt. Einfache Hindernisse können häufig nicht ohne weiteres übersprungen werden.

Die Steuerung

Gespielt habe ich ausschließlich mit der Tastatur und stelle hier keine Veränderungen zum Vorgänger fest. Die Tastenbelegung ist sehr beieinander und sehr leicht zu meistern. Auch mit einem Controller gibt es keine signifikanten Änderungen. Es lässt sich kinderleicht spielen.

Der Sound

Die Soundkulisse ist, wie schon im ersten Teil, maritim gehalten. Neben den sanften Klängen der Hintergrundmusik, den aufsteigenden Luftblasen und den piepsen der Meeresbewohner kommt nun auch die Eislandschaft hinzu, welche von kalten Winden gepeitscht werden. Je tiefer ihr euch begebt, desto mysteriöser und unheimlicher wird auch die Geräuschkulisse. Hinzu kommen wie gewohnt auch die Schreie derer, die euch fressen wollen. Das hat mich auch das ein oder andere mal dazu bewegt, kurz umzudrehen und später wieder zu kommen. An sich sind sich die Entwickler ihrem Soundboard sehr treu geblieben, was dem Spiel definitiv nicht geschadet hat. Ich habe mich direkt heimisch gefühlt und mich gerne auch mal ein wenig treiben lassen.

Die Grafik

Ich beschrieb Subnautica bereits als wunderschön und atemberaubend aber in meinen Augen sieht Below Zero noch schöner aus. Gerade die arktischen Landschaften haben mir sehr gefallen, ober wie unterhalb. Unterhalb haben Sie mir ein wenig unbehagen bereitet, da ich die tiefen des Ozeans als sehr bedrückend empfinde, was das Farbspiel von dunkeln blau Tönen, welche dann in ein schwarzen Schatten münden nur noch bekräftigt haben. Das ungewisse hatte hier Gestalt angenommen und sah zwar schön aus, gefiel mir aber erst einmal nicht, diese auch zu erkunden. Da sah ich mir doch lieber lustige Pinguine an und da hörte es auch schon wieder auf, denn solche Ungeheuer, die Kraken darstellen aber mit einem riesigen Auge, haben mich direkt wieder umkehren lassen.

Im großen und ganzen ist Below Zero ebenfalls düster, je tiefer man kommt, ich hatte aber hier das Gefühl, dass es mehr strahlt und dadurch heller wirkt. Viele Pflanzen und auch Tiere leuchten in verschiedensten neon Tönen, welche unter Wasser wirklich schön zur Geltung kommen. Ehrlich gesagt, kann ich mich erneut nicht an dem Spiel satt sehen und hier beschreiben, denn das würde den Rahmen der Review sprengen.

Mein Fazit

Abgesehen von dem kleinen Manko ist Subnautica – Below Zero ein must-have! Nicht nur weil es dieselben Survival Elemente beibehalten hat, sondern weil es sich auch weiterentwickelt hat und einen neuen Weg eingeschlagen hat. Ich persönlich fand die Story recht interessant, man darf hier aber kein all zu ausgeschmücktes Meisterwerk erwarten. Von der Spielzeit her, hat es sich den ersten Teil meiner Meinung nach zum Vorbild genommen. Man bekommt hier aber definitiv für sein Geld auch was geboten.

Wenn euch die Review gefallen/geholfen hat dann folgt doch unserem Reviewprogramm und wenn ihr mir etwas zu dieser Review mitteilen wollt dann schreibt gerne in die Kommentare.
83 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 12:37
Many water verry fish
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 16:03
Ich habe den Vorgänger sehr gerne gespielt, ich konnte aber mit Below Zero nicht so richtig warm werden und empfehle definitiv lieber den Vorgänger zu spielen.
235 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1713 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 12:52
Zuallererst - ich liebe den Vorgänger Subnautica. Habs 5-6x durchgespielt und mir gerne die Speedruns dazu angeschaut oder einfach nur Stunden damit verbracht Basen zu bauen.
Below Zero hingegen hat mich 30min gefesselt und danach hab ich jede Minute nur gehofft das es endlich vorbei ist oder doch nochmal geil wird.
Wenn man Subnautica nicht kennt, kann man an Below Zero durchaus gefallen finden. Wenn man jedoch den Vorgänger kennt, sollte man Below Zero nicht spielen.
Ich mag die neue Flora und Fauna und auch viele der neuen Baumöglichkeiten, allerdings stört mich alles andere am Spiel. Ausserdem hatte ich mehr Bugs als im Vorgänger - was schon was heißt so buggy wie Subnautica noch immer an einigen Stellen ist.
136 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
3500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 11:31

Meine Review zu Subnautica: Below Zero

Um das kurz vorweg zu nehmen: Subnautica: Below Zero ist an und für sich ein gutes Spiel, hat mir persönlich Spaß gemacht und lohnt sich zu spielen. Auch zum vollen Preis. Jedoch fällt es m. M. nach hinter dem Vorgänger zurück.

Das Spiel sieht schön aus. Die Biome sind größtenteils schön gestaltet und sehen rein optisch z. T. auch noch besser aus als im Originalspiel, Flora und Fauna haben bei mir auch einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen. Der Soundtrack ist sehr gut, genau wie eigentlich das gesamte Sounddesign des Spiels. Außerdem ist das Spiel mal wieder sehr immersiv, man kann also komplett in das Spiel „abtauchen“. Das Basebuilding hat einiges an neuen Elementen dazubekommen, sodass man stundenlang an seiner Basis bauen kann.

Die Story des Spiels ist gut, aber kein Meisterwerk und fällt meiner Meinung nach gegen Ende in der Qualität ab. Jedoch gefällt mir die Art und Weise wie die Story während des Spielens erzählt wird.

Das Spiel schwächelt in Sachen Spannung und Intensität. Wie dies zu bewerten ist obliegt jedem selbst, ich bin eher ein Typ der einen gewissen Grad von Spannung in einem Spiel braucht um Spaß am Spiel zu haben. Es gibt einige Stellen an denen etwas Spannung aufkommt, aber diese Spannung hält leider auch nicht lange an und ist nicht zu vergleichen mit der Spannung im Originalspiel. [spoiler] Mir gefallen persönlich die Landbiome nicht, sie wirken etwas eintönig was leider die Erkundung an Land etwas anstrengend macht. [/spoiler]


Kommt für mich nicht an das Original heran, muss es aber auch nicht – Es hat mir trotzdem sehr viel Spaß gemacht. Man muss abwägen was einem selber an dem Spiel wichtig ist. Wer unbedingt den Spannungsgrad (sowohl erkundungs- als auch storytechnisch) des Originalspiels haben will, der wird vielleicht enttäuscht sein. Die meisten anderen Aspekte aus Subnautica sind auch in Subnautica: Below Zero gut umgesetzt. Ich würde es wieder kaufen.

Meine Gesamtwertung: 8/10
87 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 03:03
Wie einige hier schon schreiben, kommt das Spiel halt leider nicht ansatzweise an den Vorgänger ran. Es ist bei weitem nicht so immersiv, das Erkunden macht weniger Spaß und die Welt ist weniger furchteinflössend, die Leviatane eher nervig. An sich ist das Spiel ganz okay und es hat auch seine guten Seiten (z.B. das Basebuilding), aber letztendlich verblasst es im Schatten von Subnautica völlig, was wirklich, wirklich schade ist.
27 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 19:49
Subnautica Below Zero ist ein Atemberaubendes Spiel. Es ist wunderschön und die Story ist sehr interessant. Die neuen Mechaniken sind erfrischend und durch die Dialoge zwischen denn Charakteren sind gut umgesetzt. Wenn mann Subnautica mochte ist Subnautica Below Zero ein muss.
313 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
9700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 20:43
Ein hervorragendes Spiel, ich habe es sehr genossen.
253 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
4998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 17:30
Guter Mix aus Survival, Bauen, Erkunden
62 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 01:33
346 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 09:50
So muss ein Spiel sein. Geiler Trip!!!
48 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 04:13
Super cool game
64 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 07:12
Great game, even better than its good predecessor. The developers managed to take a step forward especially in story writing and world design. Subnautica: Below Zero is a story-driven survival game where you have to search for your missing sister and what happend on the planet. Wild monsters and limited resources are giving you a hard time. Researching, discovering and building your own aquatic base are much fun. In contrast to the original Subnautica there are now way more possibilities in every aspect of the game, more building options, designing your own submarine etc. The only real downside of the game is the short story. Depending on your pace you can finish the game within 30-40 hours. All in all I must recommend Below Zero, 8/10.
937 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
21501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 21:43
Grossartige Fortsezung
174 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 18:42
First of all : Good game , nice story (even if the first main story on somepoint become more a side story and didnt felt to important anymore), awsome sound designe like allways , level designe awsome as well and awsome monsters .... all in one a good solid game to have some fun. short but fun - and yes i have nearly 80 hours but with early access and a broken save that i made after the release and that i have to delete and start all over again.


it didnt feel as good as the first subnautica. everything felt smaller and thighter bioms was beautyfull but not catching also becouse you dont have to explore them for anything. and even if you want explore one few meter further the biom was ending.
also I PERSONALY didnt like the focus up to grounded areas i dont like subnautica on grounded areas walking jumping climbing , everything feel just bad. and the weather was ALLWAYS just bad and i cant see shit and i was close to just quit the game after a friend told me that i NEED to explore it. i choose to use the consol for only good weather becouse i hated it so much. i made me realy angry.

and there is more smal things that annoyed me a little, like tools missing or felt completly useless but thats not so bad like the fact that the MOST PEACEFULL WEAPON WAS MISSING the STASIS RIFLE. this fact realy realy annoyed me. becouse you have NOTHING realy NOTHING to defend your self or scan leviathan without puting your self in extrem danger.(and i scanned the freaking thanatos , nearly died for it) yes you have the defend mod for seatruck and torpedo for the prawn suit but i never used torpedo not even in the first subnautica. but i also talk about the defense when you not in a vehicle , you have NOOOTHING... thrust gun ? yeah good luck with that finding stuff in your inventory you want lose. and thrustgun with out the upgrade from the first game isnt realy fun to use.

i realy dont want to criticize to much becouse it was REALY a solid and good game but Unfortunately just good ... IF you know the first subnautica. if not it maybe is a awsome game for you =)
its hard to explain why this game isnt that good like the first subnautica but in the end i had fun and the end was stunning not supriseing for me to be honest but stunning =)

ok ok the BIG thingy one suprised me realy

i highly recomend , play the first subnautica and than below zero but dont expect the same experience as the first game.

thank you devs for the great work and the time you put in to make this great.
and sorry for my bad english
95 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 17:03
Man muss den Nachfolger mit dem Vorgänger vergleichen um ein besseres Bild zu bekommen. der Nachfolger macht manches besser aber auch einiges schlechter.
Positiv ist die Story ist detailreicher und man bekommt deutlich mehr Informationen zu einzelnen Charakteren in Gegensatz zum Vorgänger, ebenfalls positiv ist das man weniger Ressourcen zum bauen brauch. Ebenfalls gibt es kein U-Bot das im Vorgänger sehr überflüssig war da es sich schwer steuern lies und man leicht an der Umgebung hängen geblieben ist.

Die Nachteile überwiegen für mich. Der Kontent auf dem der Oberfläche ist nicht so gut gelungen, das man auf einem Eisigen Planet erfrieren kann ist durchaus logisch, aber es ist sehr unübersichtlich. Ständig sind Stürme die die Sicht einschränken und dadurch übersieht man sehr schnell Sachen und geht an wichtigen Details vorbei. Das mit an Sachen vorbei gehen bzw Schwimmen passiert einem leider sehr häufig in dem Spiel. Man bekommt zwar Aufgaben, aber das sind in Gegensatz zum Vorgänger sehr wenige. Der Spieler wird kaum an die Hand genommen und ist auf sich alleine gestellt Sachen zu finden, da das meiste in Höhlen zu finden ist die schwer zu finden sind ist dabei leider nicht sehr hilfreich. Ich persönlich war von der Ausrüstung und mit den Materialien quasi mit dem Spiel durch, konnte aber meine Tauchflasche nicht auf die 2 Stufe bringen da ich den Bauplan nicht gefunden habe wie leider so viele Sachen in dem Spiel. Die Tauchflasche hätte ich anschließend komplett ausbauen können, weil die Upgrade hatte ich bereit gefunden. Dem spiel fehlt irgendwie das gewisse etwas was es ausmacht. Der Vorgänger konnte mit dem letzten Lava-Biom und den Leviathanen glänzen, beim Nachfolger hingegen ist das letzte Kristall Biom eher trist dargestellt. Man bekommt keinen Anreiz sich dort umzuschauen und die Gegner generell sind Überwasser deutlich furchteinflößender als Unterwasser.

Wer den Vorgänger mochte sollte trotz alldem in das Spiel mal reinschauen, aber seine Erwartungen nicht allzu hoch schrauben.
117 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 00:05
While the game functions well, I must admit that it was quiet a letdown from the Origina game.

Since I don't want to write spoilers here, I'm not talking to much about the story, just saying that it will split into 2 narratives. One is not activly told and feels neglected. The other feels is interesting in content, but the middle part of it feels too streched out for my taste.

A big problem i found was, that navigating the map is pretty annoying, because the game misses two things from the original game:
- landmarks for orientation, like the Aurora and the 2 islands from the first game, that were far, if not mapwide visible
- some kind of orientation assistens in the vehicles, like the sonar ping. Expecially in the deeper biomes visibility is low, so exploring caves becomes a hassle and sometimes confusing.

!!! small spoiler ahead !!!

Most of the remaining content is on par with the first game, like the basebuilding or the crafting, but the only thing I found good was the other human character.

If you heard of the 2 games and want to try one out, go for the first one. Otherwise, I would only recommend buying Below Zero is on sale.
188 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 19:36
die Subnautica Reihe gehört zu meinen favoriten Ever. So gute Balance zwischen Abentuer, Überleben und Spannung gibt es selten.
48 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 14:27

Disappointing (spoilers)

In my opinion this game is not nearly as good as the original for a variety of reasons. The surface Ice biome is badly designed, as it is too big and way to empty, to the point that i just rushed through it until i could finally leave. The Deepest you go in the game is not even 1000 Meters so it feels like there is way less content, which probably comes from the focus on the land, which subnautica just shouldn't be about.
The iceworm isn't really scary as it just pops out of the Ice, deals 12 damage to your bike and throws you off it, and then it dissappears again. It's not scary, just annoying after the 10th time. The shadow leviathan is the only cool and scary Leviathan in the game sadly, even though they had the opportunity for more. the Void Leviathan is the scaled up Version of the red Leviathan, which just isn't nearly as terrifying as the Giant Ghost Leviathans. They were supposed to just be Placeholders, but apparently now they're here to stay.
The Story is not great, especially sams part is empty, boring and anticlimactic, not to mention the whole game ends on a cliffhanger. This is weird because the Story used to be way different and better, with Sam being above you in a spaceship. I dont know why, but halfway through development they changed it and many more things, which is why it is so dissapointing. There used to be more leviathans like the Ice Dragon and the Sea Emperor and more Bioms like the deep Ice caves. And most dissapointing is that the frozen leviathan was supposed to come to life. I cannot for the life of me understand why this was removed, it would have been amazing and the biggest leviathan in both Games.
It is just sad to see because i loved the first Game and was so excited for this.

- too little underwater content
- too much, sloppy above-water content
- mostly dissapointing Leviathans
- Dissapointing Story, which used to be better
- so, SO MANY missed / Cut Opportunities
236 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
3332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 14:01
Hat einem der Vorgänger gefallen, wird man den Nachfolger ..... Lieben hätt ich fast gesagt. Mann hat jedoch während des Spielens ständig den Eindruck eines dejavu erlebnises. Is nicht weiter schlimm, denn das Erkunden und der Basenbau machen trotzdem sofort wieder Laune. Was Mir nicht so gefallen hat, war das scheinbar der Focus verstärkt auch auf das Erkunden von Landmasse gelegt wurde... Die Oberwelt wirkte auf mich jedoch Eintönig und Langweilig. Der Gedanke war gut aber scheinbar war das Team mit der Umsetzung überfordert.
Die Zeit und Energie die man an die Oberwelt verschwendet hat, fehlt dafür unter Wasser. So gibt es diesmal kein Großes U Boot, keine Deutsche Sprachausgabe und dringt Maximal in Tiefen von ca 1000 Metern vor.
Das Spiel hat mich trotzdem super unterhalten wobei mir Persönlich der erste Teil besser gefallen hat.
1056 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 12:18
Subnautica geht mit Below Zero in die nächste Runde. Das Spiel bleibt sich selbst aber treu, der Spieler bestimmt das Tempo, es wird kein Druck aufgebaut. So hat man immer genug Zeit alles frei zu erkunden und sich nach und nach weiter vorzuwagen. Die Hauptaufgabe besteht diesmal darin das Schicksal der Schwester in Erfahrung zu bringen. Dabei erkundet man nicht nur die Unterwasserwelt und die zahlreichen neuen Tier- und Pflanzenarten, sondern ist nun auch mehr über der Wasseroberfläche unterwegs. Wobei man nur bei der ein oder anderen Art auf dem Speiseplan landet, etwas Vorsicht bei der Erkundung ist also geboten. Auch wenn die Spielwelt insgesamt kleiner ausfällt, gibt es wieder mehrere sehenswerte Biome und Höhlensysteme. Bei der Erkundung findet man nach und nach neue Baupläne und steigert so die Möglichkeiten, was das Überleben, die Fortbewegung oder den allgemeinen Komfort betrifft. Auch der Bau einer eigenen Station ist wieder möglich, wobei es auch ein paar neue, sinnvolle Strukturen gibt. Wer vom Vorgänger gut unterhalten wurde, sollte auch bei Below Zero Spaß haben. Aber auch als Neuling, was Subnautica betrifft, kann man ruhig einen Sprung ins kalte Wasser wagen. Egal ob Erkunden, Ausbauen der Station, das Horten von Rohstoffen oder einfach die herrliche Unterwasserwelt genießen, Below Zero wird für Stunden guter Unterhaltung sorgen.
128 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
14170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 13:07
Klasse spiel, es mag kleiner sein al der erste Teil aber es gibt mehr zu erforschen und die neun Bauelemente sind klasse.
Ja es gibt den Zyklop nicht mehr, aber he wo und wie wollt ihr mit dem teil durch all die engen Passagen kommen, da ist das Prinzip der Seebahn ne klasse Lösung.

Geschichte Klasse

Ich hoffe jetzt schon das es einen 3 Teil gibt, aber beeilt euch ich bin schon 50

Schreibfehler an den Schweizer Legastheniker Verein senden
124 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2967 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 12:53
Grundsätzlich ein umwerfendes, tolles Game, wie der Vorgänger.
Die Welt ist allerdings viel kleiner und hat weniger große aggressive Leviathane, was das dem Ganzen ein bisschen den Kick nimmt. Dafür hat mir aber diese ganze AL-AN-Sache sehr gut gefallen. Ohne AL-AN wär das Game nicht dasselbe.
Mit dem Basenbau hab ich mich recht lang beschäftigt, taugt mir total und ist auch noch etwas ausgebaut worden im Vergleich zum ersten Teil. Sehr cool, Jukebox und Glasdach... :D
Das Ende hat mir wahnsinnig gut gefallen. Das Warten darauf hat sich meiner Meinung nach voll gelohnt.
Zum Preis: ich habs mir Ende 2020 für ca. 17€ gekauft. Ich finde 30€ vllt. ein bisschen zu teuer. Teil eins kostet atm das Gleiche und hat eine viel größere Map... Wenn man aber bedenkt wie viel man exploren kann und wie viel Zeit man da reinstecken kann, wenn man sich ordentlich damit beschäftigt...^^
Für mich eins der besten Spiele. Großes Kompliment Unknown.
379 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
3319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 06:19
Es gibt in dem Spiel wesentlich mehr zu entdecken als im 1. Teil.

Minen, Höhlensysteme unter Wasser und an Land sowie ein in mehrere Teile zerbrochenes Raumschiff auf dem Meeresgrund.
Alleine die Flora und Fauna bietet viel mehr Vielfalt als der der Vorgänger.

Und zu den Kommentaren die die Größe bemängelt:

Der 1. Teil mag größer gewesen sein, dass ist richtig. Aber ich hab lieber eine etwas kleinere Welt die dafür vielfältiger ist als eine größere Welt die so gut wie nur aus leeren Meer besteht.

Dennoch vermisse ich ebenfalls die Seemotte und den Cyclops :)
128 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2074 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 17:59
Its awesome and a good sucessor for the first one
But i liked my Chonky Cyclone so much im missing it
27 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1866 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 08:54
i kinda miss my Zyklobs
262 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2068 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 15:51
Stand 25.04.2021 - 3 Wochen bis zum Release der Endsequenz hatte ich 34 wunderbare Stunden mit diesem gelungenen Nachfolger von Subnautica. Wie gewohnt kein Spiel, dass einem alles von Anfang an erklärt und bei dem es dazu gehört auszuprobieren und zu erkunden. <3
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 13:44
Ich liebe einfach Spiele, die es einem ermöglichen Vieles selber zu entdecken und zu erforschen. Das Unterwasser-Theme ist wirklich sehr spannend, schön und logisch umgesetzt. Auch der Einbezug von Meinungen der Fans ist eine hervorragende Sache.

Für mich ein Spiel, welches man auf jeden Fall gespielt haben sollte.
23 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 12:15
Schönes Farmspiel. Nette Hintergrundstory. Die Programmierer haben viel Liebe zum Detail.
276 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1596 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 08:51
Subnautica ist eines meiner Lieblingsspiele und habe ich trotz all seiner Bugs und Unzulänglichkeiten jedem gerne empfohlen, der sich an langsamem Gameplay und oft stundenlangem Grinden – gerade in der Anfangsphase – nicht stört. Dafür belohnen den interessierten Spieler wunderschöne Biome, eine spannende Quest und sphärische Musik.
Subnautica: Below Zero möchte all das sein, besser machen, aber auch anders, sich weiterentwickeln. Und so sehr ich das honorieren und das Spiel mögen möchte – es gelingt mir einfach nicht. Im Gegensatz zu dem Vorgänger kann ich es einfach nicht empfehlen, obwohl es seinen Charme hat, durchaus. Die neuen Wesen (Kegelpinguine, Seekobolde) sind niedlich, die neuen Stationserweiterungen sinnvoll. Dass man die Seemotte und Zyklop durch einen Unterwasserzug ersetzt hat – kann man drüber streiten, kann man sich mit abfinden. Die Engine ist natürlich dieselbe, wobei die LOD-Popup-Effekte etwas reduziert wurden (die Leitern sind immer noch ein Ärgernis).
Aber es fängt bereits bei der Quest und Storyline an. Sie wirkt aufgesetzt und bemüht, es besteht für mich keinerlei Neugier, in diese Richtung weiterzuforschen. Die Musik ist schön, kommt aber nicht an die Qualität des ersten Teils heran. Das allerschlimmste, der größte Negativpunkt aber ist die stark verkleinerte Spielwelt. Die Biome sind wesentlich weniger und kleiner, man hat in kurzer Zeit bereits die Mitte der Map erreicht. Bei weitergehender Erforschung stellt man schnell fest, dass man selbst mit dem Seegleiter problemlos die Grenzen der Spielwelt erreichen kann. Auch die Fauna ist stark verkleinert, wirken teils lieblos designt, und vor allem die gefährlich großen Monster sind bis auf eines (das furchtbar nervt) verschwunden. Klar möchte man dieses Manko mit der Überwasserwelt wettmachen – aber ehrlich, wen interessiert schon eine monotone Winter-Eiswelt gegenüber der fantastischen Unterwasserwelt des ersten Teils? Hier wird auch deutlich, warum man auf den Zyklopen oder die Seemotte verzichtet hat: diese Gefährte lohnen sich schlicht nicht mehr angesichts dieser sehr stark eingeschränkten Spielwelt.
Dem gegenüber ist der Preis stark angestiegen – ein Umstand, der so gar nicht ins Gefüge passt. Insgesamt wirkt „Below Zero“ mehr wie ein DLC oder Addon anstatt einem vollwertigen zweiten Teil. Da ich nach anfänglicher Euphorie unter den zuvor genannten Aspekten eher ernüchtert bin, kann ich daher den Kauf dieses Spiels leider bislang (Early Access 04/21) nicht empfehlen.
Vielleicht ändert sich ja noch etwas mit Release (wobei davon wohl nicht auszugehen ist).
7 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 10:08
Its big and have a great story!
187 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 23:08
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
426 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
4686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 12:06
Ein der schönsten Spiele die ich spielen durfte.
DIe Grafik passt einfach wie die Faust aufs Auge ;)
Der Inhalt des Spieles erstaunt mich immer wieder (für eine Early Access).
Bis jetzt kann ich nichts negatives fInden empfehle daher das Spiel zu 100%
Ich hoffe für die Zukunft noch mehr Inhalt und das dieses Projekt nicht an die Wand gefahren wird.

Ps. Ich möchte Unknown Worlds Entertainment danken für dieses wunderschöne Game
18 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 19:32
You know, it was planned to just be an small dlc for subnautica.But it has become it's own game.
+Graphic is really nice
+The game has a lot of subnautica mechanics but also introduces new ones
+The world is completely different and has new creatures
+The story is also very simple and easy to understand.
+The sounds and ost is really good.
It is not finished yet, so there isn't a real finished ending yet.
31 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 09:55
45 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 17:42
Ich freue mich sehr SEHR SEHR auf den Relase
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 01:51
my wee wee go boing boing
41 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
4163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 12:52
Das Spiel ist einfach das beste was es gibt, ich habe den ersten Teil gespielt und Below Zero von einem Freund geschenkt bekommen. Ich habe mich selbst oft verloren im Spiel, in meinen Gedanken, jedesmal wenn ich um eine neue Ecke geschaut habe, gab es was neues zu entdecken, das ist so schön gemacht dass man es immer wieder spielen könnte und ich auch tun werde. Also klare Kaufempfehlung!!! Und jedem der meint sich mit Guides und sonst was helfen lassen zu müssen, macht es nicht. Erforscht alles auf eigene Faust und lasst euch verzaubern!
28 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3070 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 07:54
Not what I expected and hoped for but it's okay overall. Pet is cute. Al-An is cool. The Sam and Maida related stuff I rather want to forget tbh. All in all I just expected more building and mining stuff. Not less of it. An airship would have been cool, like a flying Cyclops for the PRAWN suit and lots of storage space cause I see no other way to mine the iceworm tundra empty. They really need to fix the mining issues on land.
8 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 18:06
Its a wonderful game with an well written story Unknown worlds entertainment did an awesome job i can only recomend this game so much.
24 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 11:54
Bestes Open World Unterwasser spiel
190 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
8533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 22:15
Schon deutliche Fortschritte in der Story. Spiel macht Spaß. Wäre nur schön bald gänzlich auch mit deutscher Sprache hinterlegt zu sein.
16 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
12833 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 15:56
Richtig tolles Spiel, auch wenn es noch noch nicht feritg ist. Die Umwelt unter Wasser mit so viel Liebe gestaltet
79 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 16:53
geiles spiel ever
263 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
5458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 17:58
Ich kann nur sagen kauft euch das spiel ist der Hammer
149 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 22:06
So sollte Early Access sein.
66 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 15:36
Magnificent flora and fauna, exploring is fun. Sometimes scary too.
One of the best games I know.
I'm looking forward to the beta.
21 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 15:21
feel the sound
4 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 17:21
Sehr schönes Spiel bis jetzt.Weiter so
25 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 14:08
Ich finde das Spiel schon gut aber was einfach nur nervt sind einfach die scheiß Bugs ich will nur normal mit den Krebs gehen und immer wenn ich zu schnell auf Boden knalle oder normal lande falle ich immer durch denn Boden und das nervt das war auch bei Subnautica auch bitte das fixen
282 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
6576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 10:09
Achtung Suchtgefahr.
26 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 15:12
Super Game
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2094 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 10:34
Klasse Spiel. Macht sehr viel Spaß und die Story stimmt. Ich freue mich schon sehr auf den Abschluss des Spiels. Hier fehlen noch ein paar Markierungen und Texte und Stimmen.
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 10:24
Subnautica: Below Zero ist einfach nur geil. Die Atmosphäre ist super gut gelungen und meiner Meinung nach sogar besser als bei Subnautica. Schade, dass es wahrscheinlich noch länger bis zum Final Release dauern wird.
Ich kann dieses Spiel jedem, der den 1. Teil gemocht hat, empfehlen!!!
37 Produkte im Account
176 Reviews
262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 14:02
Guter Nachfolger mit leicht verbesserter Grafik.

Es macht schon Spaß, aber man merkt das es noch ea ist, gerade was performance, content, baumöglichkeiten betrifft.
Aber dennoch solide gemacht und der publisher patcht laufend.

Ein tollles survial Game das riesen Spaß macht.

99 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
5603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 18:41
Mit viel Liebe programmiert.
16 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 15:17
gut um Langeweile zu überbrücken
286 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 20:39
Eine wunderschöne Welt

Auch wenn das Game noch im Early Access ist, macht es mir sehr viel Spaß.
Die Unterwasserwelt hat ein wunderschönes Design mit vielen verschiedenen Fischen und Pflanzen.
Eine angespannte Atmosphäre, wenn man nicht genau weiß, was alles unter einem schwimmt.

+ Base bauen
+ Die Welt erforschen
+ Geheimnisse entdecken
+ Epische Grafik
+ Unterwasser und am Land
+ Toller Sound
+ Läuft sehr flüssig, kaum bis keine Bugs

Freue mich sehr auf das fertige Game.
66 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 10:29
Even though it is still in Early Access it is a very lovely game. I really recommend the regular Subnautica first to get along the story.
24 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 14:59
Nices Game, guter zweiter Teil von Subnautica, wer das alte mochte wird dieses auch mögen.
Hoffe es dauert nicht mehr allzu lange bis zum (größtenteils) vollständigem Spiel.
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 09:36
mega nice und hat ne sehr nice story wen man den ersten teil gespielt hat
40 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
14523 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 19:58
Für jemanden, der gern baut, wie ich, sind deutlich zu wenig Ressourcen verfügbar.
Es könnte mehr Pflanzen geben, die man Farmen kann.
Aber dafür kann man sich beim bauen usw, im Kreativ Modus austoben.
Ansonsten; tolles Spiel, dass nie Langweilig wird.
Auch, weil euch immer etwas neues einfällt.
Danke dafür.
LG Thore vom Fjordwald

135 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 17:51
Es ist zwar noch in der Entwicklung, aber wenn man es spielt spürt man sehr viel potenzial.
159 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
3581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 15:46

???? If there was only one thing I could tell you about Below Zero before you buy it, I would simply point at the Discussions in the Community Hub; the first thing you'll see there is an enormous thread called 'You ruined the game', which you shouldn't open due to the obvious spoilers galore that's inside. It's got way over a thousand comments now, and people keep bickering there every single day:

'Below Zero sucks! I hate it, it makes my blood boil!'
'No, ya dimbo, it's great! I loved every second of it!'
...ad infinitum.

Despite the fact that a full year has elapsed since the game's release, neither the defence nor the prosecution have been able to make their closing arguments, 'rest their cases' and just go home. The smouldering embers of this dumpster fire just refuse to die, and I believe you can already draw some important conclusions based on that fact alone. People feel strongly about this game and the franchise in general.

I am one of those who loved Below Zero despite its shortcomings, but I will make an effort to remain impartial and unbiased in this review and explain both sides of the story. If you don't like going in blind with your entertainment purchases, stay awhile and I promise you'll come out the other side much better equipped to make a well-informed decision.
???? The most resounding complaint, the overarching theme of all disparaging comments is the fact that the main heroine... talks. The mute, expressionless dummy we controlled in the original installment is now replaced by Robin – a female researcher who is practically never at a loss for words. Some players attach significant importance to the atmosphere of utter loneliness and helplessness that was present in the previous game; for them, this atmosphere is Subnautica. If you share this point of view, you're in for a nasty surprise – not only does Robin talk, but she's also not the only human being around.

To be honest, I didn't mind the vocal protagonist and additional characters one bit – on the contrary, I enjoyed the unusual flavour it gave to already familiar game mechanics. It felt fresh and I'm glad the devs decided against doing more of the same and in favour of being bold and creative. The lonely and helpless feel of the first game was born from the absence of things – absence of ideas, absence of characters, absence of interactions; the product of natural limitations of a small studio, and barely the pinnacle of game design.

???? The voiced heroine is not the only groundbreaking change, however. Anyone who's played the first part remembers that there were some land sections – a couple of small islands, if you don't count the Aurora. In Below Zero, land sections make a return, but now they're beefed up on steroids and occupy nearly 50% of the entire map – but we're still playing Subnautica, right?..

When on land, your body temperature drops at an alarming rate; thankfully, there is a variety of ways to keep it at optimal levels – the one you'll be using most often is jumping back into the freezing arctic water.

Sure. Makes sense????

???? When not exploring snow-covered plains and mountain tops, you'll find that most ocean biomes are pretty crammed, with the majority of them being caves, ravines and twisting narrow passages of different kinds. I find that to be a pretty clever design choice; in the previous game, if you badly needed oxygen and safety, you could just... go up. Here, directly up oftentimes leads nowhere, and the feeling of claustrophobia suddenly locks you in its wet, sickening embrace – especially if you have 10 seconds of oxygen left. To compensate for that, there are now oxygen plants sprinkled here and there throughout the dark depths, and you'll be frantically looking for them, praying to see that welcoming green glow around the next bend. This adds a whole other layer of emotional intensity that the original simply didn't have.
???? Many players complain that this iteration of the series is guilty of 'handholding' you and does so in an annoying, obtrusive way; how I wish that was true! From the very beginning, you can go pretty much anywhere, but the story in Below Zero is presented in such a way that there is only one 'correct' path you may take that will allow all the little bits and pieces of the main plot you gather along the way to make sense. Unfortunately, I wasn't so lucky and didn't do things the 'intended' way; very often me and my partner were scratching our heads, completely stumped as to what the heck we were supposed to do next, and we had no such issues with the first game. The writing is sometimes sloppy and at odds with the story of the original. All that is one of the two reasons I couldn't give Below Zero the ???? rating.

???? The second one is the omnipresence of bugs and glitches, especially if you're brave (or stupid) enough to build your base on land. Things will constantly break for no reason at all; floating staircases, disappearing vehicles, the whole shebang. This is nothing new, as the first Subnautica also had similar problems, but this time the issues are pretty glaring and I have no idea how the devs missed them.

???? On a more positive note, if there is truly something to pat Unknown Worlds Entertainment on the back about, that will be all the clever ideas they introduced in Below Zero; I couldn't help but say 'Oh, so now we have THIS!' nearly every time I sat down to play the game. One example of that would be the jukebox; you can now listen to music in your base and in your main vehicle as you explore the neverending cave systems, and every single song absolutely slaps. They tried to include as many genres as possible; there are beautiful, unexpectedly emotional songs that make exploration feel much more immersive than it was in the first game, and there is also... okay, sit down if you're standing – there is Subnautica rap. This stuff starts at unbearable levels of cheese and comes full circle to being simply genius. Never been a fan of rap music, but I appreciate the level of creativity that went into writing these lyrics. Overall, the presence of the jukebox spells death to the rather primitive (in my opinion) 'lonely and helpless' atmosphere and proclaims the beginning of a new, multi-layered kind of fun you've never felt in Subnautica before.

Oh, almost forgot – you can add your own songs, and it's really simple.
???? All right – time to wrap this one up. For me, Below Zero was able to reignite the spark, returning the wonderful feeling of being lost in an unfamiliar world. I played the original for well over 100 hours, completed it several times with and without mods, and the excitement naturally dwindled; I knew what to expect, what to do, and where to go. Below Zero combined relative familiarity with core gameplay mechanics and a completely different environment; even though it made some mistakes along the way, it accomplished the main goal – allowing me to go on a brand new adventure once again, and for that I'm thankful.

???? P.S. Some particularly nasty individuals can't stop going on about this game being 'woke' because it's got a couple of gay characters and a black female as a protagonist; if you get your panties in a bunch because you see 'propaganda' in a game where someone's sexual orientation is casually mentioned once, then get on yer little soapbox and speak of your petty frustrations to the world – whatever, everyone is entitled to have an opinion. Just don't be surprised when we laugh at you.

554 Produkte im Account
86 Reviews
737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 00:35
i love this game and hate british people
27 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 02:54
If you loved the original Subnautica, you'll at least like this game. I found that, throughout my entire play through, the whole experience didn't feel nearly as mysterious and terrifying as the first game. In BZ, they replaced the huge, open map with a small, almost linear one. While some may like that, I didn't personally; I loved the huge areas of purely dark water with no visible bottom (obviously excluding the void) and the excitement of exploring these uncharted waters. In BZ, however, since there was an entire team of scientists, engineers, etc. in the area to begin with, it feels like the entire map's already been explored, which discouraged me from exploring it. The biomes don't feel nearly as unique as they did in Subnautica; they almost blend together.

The story is okay. It's nothing life changing. Now, the original's wasn't either, but it was at least different. There are two main story lines in BZ: the one regarding the death of Robin's sister and the one about helping AL-AN. The latter has an interesting ending, and goes into the Architects in greater detail, but the one with Sam is just boring. I didn't care at all about the Sam story line; I had no incentive to find out what happened to her. It was, frankly, boring.

Overall, if you loved the original you should definitely try BZ; while it's not as good, it gives you more of the Subnautica experience, but in a different fashion. While the original is a 10/10, BZ is probably a 7/10 for me.
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 15:56
Nice survival game i would like it more if you added a online, to play with your friends same with the normal subanatica
351 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
1823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 13:13
☐ Doesnt have (Not counting historical stuff)
☐ Something isnt nothing I guess
☐ Not greatly told
☑️ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ Will make you cry or smile a lot

☐ Try not to get addicted
☑️ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Nothing special
☐ Ehh
☐ Bad
☐ Just dont

---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☑️ Too much grind
☐ Insanity

☐ You forget reality
☐ Masterpiece
☑️ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Will do
☐ Bad
☐ Awful
☐ Pixel art

☐ Eargasm
☑️ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape

☐ Kids
☑️ Teens
☑️ Adults
☐ Everyone

---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑️ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

☐ Just press a bunch of buttons
☐ Easy
☑️ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Not so easy
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of tea
☐ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☑️ Depends on you
☐ Endless

☐ Just buy it
☑️ Worth the price
☐ Wait for sale
☐ Maybe if you have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ Dont throw money into a rubbish bin

☑️ Never had any
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Few bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ Ruining the game
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☑️ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10
883 Produkte im Account
134 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 15:57
Below Zero is a letdown as a sequel to the brilliant original game.

Starting from nothing again, building the exact same tech tree over again, I mean fine, but somehow the world isn't sucking me in like it did the first time, and none of the few changes and additions feel like improvements. (Except the jukebox in your base which allows custom playlists. That was a great idea.)

It really is a huge problem that there isn't a vehicle as fun as the first game's Seamoth, and it's very demotivating that the more I upgrade the Seatruck, the worse it is as a vehicle, as it becomes increasingly impossible to maneuver in enclosed spaces. In the first game, every upgrade gave you more options or better performance, but not here. I guess I'm supposed to dump my upgrades every time I want to go into a cave? So is this an exploration vehicle or not?

More and more, the game seems to get in the way of what I want to be doing, and I just want to get each task over with. Despite my disappointment at leaving a game only half played, when I start feeling this way it's usually time to abandon and move on.

Subnautica was lightning in a bottle, and for me it simply wasn't captured again.
395 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 17:34
I have 19days playtime on subnautica and 5days on BZ on Epic. The first game is one of my top3 all-time greats, I've completed it more times than I care to admit. I loved the originals' not-everything-is-out-to-kill-you vibe and it makes sense, in a real ecosystem, the vast majority of entities just want to get on with their day. There's more than enough shooters out there, S1 has a really intelligent, complex vibe that makes you want to revisit a living, coherent world.

Below Zero though... I want to be positive, I played a load through beta and really tried to hope for the best, however:

It's just awful. The driver is meant to be a search for closure about a dead sibling, but turns into large periods of so-cal metaphysical discussions with an alien, and the sister part of the narrative gets wrapped up in one 'oh well' speech about 30 seconds long. There's no reason why such a badass survivor-type has no recipies at all for the fabricator on a known planet. There are more holes than substance. I realise the story was completely trashed and re-written mid-beta and it really shows - I honestly thought the original avalanche / pod drops mechanism made much more sense to put you back into the 'got no gear, need to scavenge' mindset.

You know when you're on holiday somewhere nice, you go to the car rental desk and hire a panel van instead of that sporty two-seater? Yeah, that's the Seatruck vs Seamoth (from the first game). It may have the same specs, but it sounds like a panel van from San Andreas and is just not fun to drive. Literally just changing the motor noise to the Seamoth one would have really helped for me. I never build the Cyclops in S1 though as I use the Moth / Prawn for everything until the story makes you build a 'clops.

Voice Acting
Sub1 was superb as there was no voice - it was your narrative in your style reacting to events in your head in your way. The stuff she says is so purile - I really wish they'd left the voice in my head, it shuts up a lot more and makes more sense. Adding a voice adds a layer of separation from the immersion and when what she says is this bad? Yeesh.

LBGTQ+ inclusion
If you are going to shoe-horn a LBGTQ+ element into a single-player survival game (why?!? There's no reason for sexuality of *any* type in the game), don't put it as a tiny tick-boxing side element - be brave and make it a partner we are looking for closure with rather than a sister. It feels like pandering rather than being bold.

Good points
I love the new base elements and would dearly love them included in S1 - the large rooms and customisable colours are great (when they work). I'd happily pay for them as a DLC in S1

Some of the environments are astonishingly pretty

Marg is really cool

The land section is... not good, but different. I quite liked being able to build an decent on-land base.

5/10 as a beautiful base-builder you never bother to finish the plot. I do hope BZ is the difficult second album and the third one (rumoured to have multi player) is a *lot* better.
96 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1964 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 19:05
The first Subnautica was an amazing achievement. Unknown Worlds reinvented the whole survival genre by not only relocating it to underwater but also mixing it with sci-fi. The best aspects of the game were no doubt the atmosphere and the feeling of loneliness. In Below Zero however, I am getting a hard time trying to find those feelings. First of all, first game was a role playing game where players could be the main character rather than controlling him. Because we didn't know anything about the main character. We didn't even know his face. He was us and we were him. When you lose that aspect, the thrill and scare just disappears. In Below Zero we know the main character very well. She can even speak when we feel scared. This is one of the worst design-wise decisions I've ever seen. Other than that, this game is just too similar to its predecessor. I thought this was gonna be a dlc. I wish it was a dlc. Conclusion, I am still in love with subnautica and every game related to it. I'm just a little disappointed.
168 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
1774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 19:52
It's not bad. I feel it lacks the impact that the first game had, but it is to be expected when you've already experienced something like this before. The map is smaller and not very well thought as the first one. Everything feels a bit cramped and with no sense of direction or order. Progression feel artificially slowed down and the game also lacks balance. Some tools, vehicles or resources become completely pointless and redundant early in the game.

However, I've been playing this for the past 20 hours and it does what I love the most about Subnautica. Exploring, resource management and surviving. the game loop is what traps you in this kind of game and makes all its flaws not so noticeable.

I wish I could give it a mixed rating, because although the game is engaging and fun, it is so lacking in comparison with its predecessor. This should've been a DLC expansion with Riley and maybe find a way to connect both maps, through a portal or something.
68 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 14:17

Its a good game, but its overshadowed by the original

Very lackluster compared to its predecessor, this game feels a lot more linear and what made the first game so special was put aside in favor of a more elaborated plot, which (to me at least) didn't feel that interesting. [spoiler] (al-an is good tho)[/spoiler]
Some biomes exist just to move the plot forward. After your first visit, you'll have no real reason to go back at all, with practically nothing relevant to explore.
One of the best elements of the first game was the terror, which is greatly lacking in this one. The leviathans are scary in this one too, but they lack the atmosphere the ones in the original had, and the Cryptosuchus's roar makes the[spoiler] Chelicerate's roar [/spoiler] feel underwhelming. I also didn't sh1t my pants in this one as much as i did in the original.
One thing i do like is the removal of the stasis rifle, it could freeze anything, including leviathans, which made scanning them really easy, and made any threat almost worthless.
Some of the biomes are absolutely gorgeous, even more than the original subnautica, although they don't serve much use other than a plot location that you'll probably visit once, and i think they could have used implemented other things into these biomes.
The PRAWN and snowfox are kinda useless, they aren't needed to progress at all, walking is probably better then using the snowfox, and the prawn is more like a walking drill and isn't necessary at all. The only essential vehicle is the seatruck, being able to go to the deepest biomes making PRAWN not really useful.
The game has a better bulding system than its predecessor and has a lot of quality of life changes, there's also WAY less bugs than the original, i never experienced a game breaking bug in this one.
Overal the game is good, but is greatly overshadowed by the original
33 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 05:16
All the mechanics of the original
Still a very pretty game with great graphics and music
The sea truck is pretty dope

Cingey dialogue, and way too much dialogue in general
poor breadcrumbing
weak story
not-believable character motives
sub-optimal plot
831 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
2079 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 18:45
I recommend this game for those who love researching, building, discovering new game locations. This is a good and entertaining game. But...
1. It is too short.
2. Very little amount of evil creatures.
3. Not creepy at all.
4. Too easy to dive deep.
5. Plot is quite chaotic. Hard to understand where to go and what to do in some moments.
6. Very poor plot line with Sam.

Final score - 6/10. Good game to play and complete once.
186 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
1381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 22:19
This game is a mixed bag, and too be fair so was its predecessor, but at least that one had novelty fall back on. I've always thought the way the first Subnautica handled its plot was messy. As someone who bought into it pretty early in Early Access, I perceived a shift in focus from the developers from a exploration-driven, atmospheric survival game to a more plot-driven affair. This led to a lot of of the story stuff later on in the game feeling out of place for me, and the game's 1.0 version ultimately disappointing me. I still stand by the opinion that the beginning parts of the game were the best parts, as the most effort went into those early biomes. In later areas of the game, the wildlife, plants, and general design felt more artificial and mundane in comparison.

I knew going into it that Below Zero had seemingly fully committed itself to the story elements of the first, but I was fine with that. Instead of a game where it felt like the developers changed their minds halfway through development, this title would be fully focused on plot---overall leading to a more coherent and polished experience. And in many Subnautica Below Zero is exactly that, for most of the plot and gameplay flow rather seamlessly. But unfortunately, issues start to arise towards the end with an anti-climatic finale, plot points that started as important but were demoted to side-plots by the end, and an overall lack of character in the main character. Who unlike the first game, is now a speaking role. Something I don't have a problem with, but with how the game is in its current state I think they easily could've done without and put that effort elsewhere.

And the environments also feel lacking throughout the entire game. Never did I see the imagination pumped into every biome in the first title, here most of the map is covered in a homogeneous arctic and even the underwater sections are underwhelming. The creatures either aimlessly float the waters or make pitiful attacks to harm you in some way. Unlike the first game where many of the sea monsters were powerful and daunting, nothing here captures that feeling again, at least, not after your first couple of encounters.

I'm willing to accept that some of these complaints arise since I played the first game before this, and as such I'm already familiar with the gameplay design and formula present here. But even then, I think there are major downgrades in the overall experience and also, the vast majority of people playing this game would have played the first.

Below Zero is not a bad game, and you should 100% still play it. But in the light of its older sibling it feels diluted in comparison.
160 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 06:48
Compared to the first Subnautica, I feel like there are numerous minor improvements in this one. The most notable being the fact that it feels far less grindy when gathering materials. Materials are spaced in a much better fashion and are not nearly as annoying to collect. There are also numerous sections that are designed for you to have to navigate without a vehicle early on using plants that give about 30 sec of oxygen and take time to recharge that add a lot to the feel of the game. The AI for many of the creatures also appears to be significantly better than in the first game, although they still run into walls. There's a much heavier focus on story in this one as well, and the writing is quite good at times. I overall think this game has much more interesting designs on many of the creatures (although others fall flat), but it has nothing on the scale of the Sea Dragon or Emperor from the first game, which I found disappointing.

There are also quite a few things this one doesn't do as well as the first game unfortunately. I don't know if there are actually less creatures in the world, but it feels as though there are. Some environments feel just as interesting as in the first game, but others feel very bland once you spend some time in them. The crystal caves at the end have fantastic visual and level design, but aside from the (very cool) shadow leviathans, there's nothing new or special about the area really. It mostly contains the same creatures you'll find in numerous other locations. The following red crystal area is even smaller and more disappointing in that regard. It's just one big loop effectively, with the same creatures as the preceding area for the most part. Squid Sharks are particularly cool in my opinion, but they get heavily overused. The shadow leviathans are awesome, but they effectively just fill the same role as ghost leviathans in the first game. The other major ocean threat leviathan in the game has an interesting design, but doesn't even begin to inspire the fear that the reaper leviathan does in the first game. There are also few less of them than reapers, which leads to most of the ocean feeling relatively safe, which is a shame.

The place where this game suffers the most is the place where it deviates the most from its predecessor - the land gameplay. It's simply not very good. The animations on land are still very stiff and there's no option to crouch. The snow fox is cool, but flips easily and you'll spend half the time getting knocked off of it by the ice worms. The ice worms themselves are too on the nose and lack any real suspense. I was never afraid they were coming - it was obvious they were and they were more of a nuisance than an actual threat. I thought the land environment was very interesting and well designed, but the gameplay just doesn't support it well. There are numerous mechanics that work great under water that just don't translate (or look good) on land.

Overall it's a great game and I would recommend it. But, I would recommend the first one more. During the first part of this game, I was very immersed and was even enjoying myself more than the first game, but after only a short time it felt very small. Without an equivalent for reapers to box you in, there's really not much you can't just go explore very quickly, and it's far less scary of a game once you get familiar with it. There are also no major events like the Aurora exploding or the Skybeam (or whatever it's called) getting shot down, making the game feel less active as it progresses. The later areas are far less mysterious and interesting than the final zones in the first game. The alien sites are much less impressive and much less interesting, which is a shame considering the focus on alien sites in this one. If you like the first game, you'll probably like this one, but if you haven't played the first game and are deciding on one or the other, get the first game.
355 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 16:35
I am scared of the ocean. This game justifies that fear, but also compels me to dive deeper. It's a good time.
300 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
3703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 02:21
This is worth buying and playing. It's not as good as the original Subnautica, but it's still a unique, immersive experience. The land sections are only fun about 10% of the time you're there, but the ocean parts are again very good. There is less mystery and wonder, and it's a little closer to a conventional game.

But if you liked the first game, you will mostly likely enjoy this one, as well. Just maybe not as much.
134 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5087 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 04:43
Following on from the hundreds of hours I sunk into Subnautica, the idea of a sequel terrified me as much as it excited me. If you came to the reviews to see if Below Zero was like the first Subnautica, I'll make it quick: Below Zero is not 2018's Subnautica. And that's okay.

Below Zero's narrative shifts tightens its focus on Robin, your avatar in this frozen hellscape. Unlike Ryley, Robin has thoughts and feelings and desires. She exhibits fear and responds to the world, often without your input. The more I played, the more I found that it didn't diminish the experience at all. It was just different to what I was expecting after the first Subnautica.

Let it get its hooks in you and there's a personal story within Below Zero. In Subnautica, I always wondered about the lives and exploits of the voices we hear over the many PDAs we find. The lifepod survivors and the Degasi crew. In Below Zero, I felt like I was living one of those smaller stories.

Can you still slack off and built amazing bases? Absolutely! The base building feels even more satisfying in Below Zero; with so many more options for customising your base to your liking. Even the above ground bases are worthwhile in many areas!

My return to 4546b was incredible. I felt like I was coming home, but someone had redecorated while I was gone.
58 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 13:10
The development of this standalone expansion focused too much on adding features such as a character-driven story, weather mechanics and more land gameplay, but in exchange downgrading the key features that made Subnautica 1 so amazing.

Comparing Below Zero to the original (minor spoilers for the original ahead):


  • The waters feel overall much more alive, fish AI has been improved, and the density of fish is higher. It's a lot more fun now to explore and interact with the little fish in the game. The predators' behavior is also improved to be a little more of a threat which is a good change over the previous title to keep the players feeling a sense of danger.
  • The addition of freezing weather as another survival challenge is pretty cool. But unfortunately diving into the water warms you up, and there's not a lot of incentive to stay on the surface after exploring the few key locations. So the entire mechanic, and all its items to help you survive the harsh weather, feel a bit underwhelming.
  • You can build bigger, nicer bases now, but seeing as the map is smaller with less to explore, there's no point to spend too much time on building a massive base (or multiple bases) in my opinion, unless it's only for the sake of it. I would use the real-life analogy of moving to a house with a much smaller living room (map to explore) but with a much bigger bathroom (bases you build).


  • The protagonist has a personality and dialogue moments and the story is more engaging. However, the feeling is a little bit quirky/ cartoony with silly jokes and little to no serious emotions (which takes away from the tension of exploring a dangerous underwater world).
  • You are no longer stranded in a vast open ocean, but rather you are in a body of water that is mostly surrounded by ice sheets, and you are by no means alone, the place feels more like an earth research site than a mysterious alien planet. There are no places with open-water, where you cannot see the seafloor or walls of rock around you (such as we had at the underwater islands in Subnautica 1). There is no extremely spooky dark cave system (such as we had when entering the blood kelp and getting really disoriented in the darkness, or even the spooky dark vibes of the jellyshroom cave and deep grand reef. All of the caves are really well lit and smaller in size. The land gameplay gets boring very quickly, it's mainly just ice sheets with some penguins and polar bear equivalents.
  • Overall, the map is smaller, less deep, less diverse, and less spooky. But still beautiful.
  • Vehicles and handheld technology have been significantly downgraded. A lot of them cut out from the game. The new Seatruck feels clunky and has less available mods than even the seamoth from the previous title.
  • The density of predators is much higher now. There are few areas where you can cruise around relaxed and admire the environment instead of rushing through to get away from threats. It's fun that you can kill them quickly but it still gets annoying. Two biomes that are taking up the middle of the map (which you keep having to cross) are absolutely infested with medium sized predators at all depths (think crag field but with bonesharks also at the water surface level), and you'll get real tired of crossing the middle of the map. There is no tension buildup over exploring a distant dangerous biome, because the most dangerous biomes are right outside the safe starting area (with the exception of the end game biome).


The creative direction took a turn away from what made Subnautica so intriguing and unique. The feeling is less of an open-world exploration in a vast ocean, and more of a linear story experience. The features added compared to the features removed/ downgraded don't constitute a net improvement to the fun of the game, albeit that it definitely feels refreshing. The main charm of the game is mostly lost.

It's still one of the best survival/ crafting games out there, but I have to leave a negative review because it's too much of a downgrade from the original. I hope the team at Unknown Worlds decides to return back to their original Subnautica recipe, and expand upon it in a future sequel.
195 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 21:40
I don't recommend this game at its current price because overall it's not as good as the original for the same price. The primary reason for the shortfall is the smaller size of the world, the shallowness of the ocean, and the removal of vehicles from the game that were one of the critical factors to the fun.

- The creatures are more interesting
-- They have more animations and behavior
-- The world is more densely populated with them
- The environments tend to have more detail and are prettier
- The voice acting is better
- The human structures and facilities are an interesting addition and fun to explore
- There are more buildable structures
- The land environments are more interesting and expansive
- 2 new vehicles (one with fun modularity)
- There is an actual npc with actual animations.

Many reviewers tend to criticize the land exploration but they are missing the point, which is that you're supposed to be in a confusing environment where you are likely to get lost and realize the dread of dying as a result of that.

- The story, dialogue, writing, and topics are for the most part jejune and will annoy many people.
- All of the creatures make noise when they are hunting you, unlike the reaper leviathan, so there is no shock when they get you.
- There is nothing in this game as horrifying as the reaper leviathan.
- The sound effects quality has suffered since they fired the person who worked on the original Subnautica for controversial reasons, eg, the Seatruck collision sound effect is extremely poorly designed, annoying, and happens all the time.
- They make basic game design mistakes such as removing fun from the game that was in the original, for example:
-- There is no seamoth nor cyclops
-- The world is smaller than the original game
-- The ocean is not as deep as in the original game.
-- They could have simply added the arctic to the original game, ie, traverse the abyss in order to reach it and then possibly activate a gateway once there, thereby keeping everything from the original game in the new one.
55 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 10:23
I hope you read this review and don't be afraid of the yoke of size. I tried, and I hope you appreciate it. Enjoy your review!

Suuuubnautica. This is one of those games that make me think about life and plunge into the endless ocean of adventure. This game will show you the most beautiful landscapes, the deepest oceans and an exciting adventure! The game amazed its fans with its uniqueness in professionalism to create the most interesting underwater world of all. When you are underwater, you can feel the breath of the character, his excitement, and some people even feel the temperature of the surrounding water!) Subnautica is total immersion in every sense of the word.

I got acquainted with this game a long time ago, and naturally got acquainted with 1 part. A friend advised me to play this game, and I am very grateful to him. And although I am writing a review under the game Subnautica Below Zero, I would like to talk about both parts, because 1 part of the game is unique and has an incredibly interesting storyline and sensations! I did not play part 1 of the game on this Steam account, so I have to combine the review of two games in one review.

Subnautica! When I first started the game, I was in an uncomfortable position, because I was in a capsule thrown from a huge spaceship Aurora, which at the moment was not in the best position, and fell on the planet 4546B. On this planet, our grand adventure begins, which will last 2 parts! After I got out of my capsule, I really tasted the fresh air, and saw a huge ocean, which both scared me and attracted me with its beauty and mystery. And far in the ocean, Aurora was defeated, and you understood that everything, to be honest, is very bad, and perhaps you were the only survivor ... But, sighing fresh air, I rushed into the water, and what beauty I saw! I found myself as if in a magical world, with incredibly beautiful and mesmerizing underwater landscapes. And the soundtrack of the game only beckoned me more and more to swim further and further. A bunch of unusual and beautiful fish swim around, under you there is an unusually beautiful landscape, and many different plants. But all this fun, and the freedom of the soul, ends abruptly ... Because you are in an extremely unpleasant and dangerous situation. [spoiler] After a long time of your searches, you realize that you the only survivor from your spaceship, and all your friends and crew members have suffered a terrible the worst death... [/spoiler] You have no connection, there is no one to ask for help, [spoiler ] and you are infected with the deadly virus of this planet [/ spoiler]. And you have to swim deeper and deeper in order to find at least something real on this planet on your help. In this game, you feel incredibly lonely, your fears haunt you, and the ocean makes you plunge into the depths of the ocean and secrets. In addition to you, there are other creatures on this planet that, because of their hunger, are ready to eat any living creature, including you! Therefore, plunging deep into the water, without light, be prepared that not the most friendly creature will attack you from the depths. Under the conclusion of this part, I would like to note several main characteristics of this game - Loneliness, mystery, immersion. And although this game spent 3 years in Early Access, its release was worth the wait.

I can describe the beauty of this game for a long time, but I'm afraid you will read it all in a few hours). The only and very important thing that I will note is that even after you have completed the game, have known all the creatures, history and the world, with the repeated passage all your fears of diving deeper and deeper remain, and you will also be afraid of the darkness of the depth , from which an underwater monster will pounce on you - stop!

Subnautica Below Zero! The description of the world itself does not differ much from Subnautica, the game is also incredibly interesting, beautiful and picturesque. But, a lot of new things are added to this part, both in the plot and in the landscapes, namely ice! No wonder the game is called below zero, because now, in addition to your study of the underwater world, you can also study the world on earth! Although the world of the second part of the game is smaller than the world in the first part, it is all easily compensated by the earth. Loneliness in this part has become less, as Now a space station is flying over your head, [spoiler] and some creature has moved into your head that will talk to you [/spoiler]. Under the conclusion of this part, I can say that this part is not as lonely and deep as part 1, but this game adds many other interesting things! Here are added frightening and beautiful weather conditions, new biomes, a plot that reveals much more than 1 part, and even cute penguins!

In the end, I would like to note that this game is one of the most colorful, immersing in its magical and beautiful world. If you are not one of those people who cannot play the game alone, then this game is EXACTLY for you! I assure you that during the passage of this game you will remember it for a long time, and although this game is not to be played many times in a row, this game will give you completely new, and just incredibly interesting adventures! This is one of those games that completely immersed you in your world. After completing this game, I even set this password on my Subnautica computer!) I definitely advise you to go through both parts of the game, because although the games are similar, they give new and incomparable sensations. But my and your adventure is not over yet, Subnautica below Zero is still in early access, which means she still has something to please and surprise us!

Thanks to all Subnautica staff????
Thanks to Unknown Worlds Entertainment????
Thanks Subnautica????
Thank you for reading ????
177 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 00:28
fish, but cold
112 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 09:43
The game is full (hardly) of new locations to explore and things to see, but there is something drastically missing in this as opposed to the original.

The environment is smaller. A lot of content takes place on land, which was an interesting new place to explore, but it definitively lacks what made the original so great: Terror.

I'm not speaking of spooky vibes or unsettling environments. Subnautica was strongest in its environment building when you were sitting there, deep underwater, surrounded in black, and all you could hear is the distant far off noises of something you knew meant bad news for you. This primal terror is absent in this game. [Minor Content Spoiling ahead] There are only 3 big leviathans that can harm you. 2 of which you can safely outrun in your seatruck. The last of which is only found deep underwater near the final parts of the story, and is EASILY countered with the shock upgrade. At no point do you feel even minorly threatened in this game.

On top of that, while it was interesting to get a voiced protagonist and get that lore building, it was detrimental to the experience. No longer are you alone down there. You get your characters thoughts and reactions spoonfed to you.

The art is good, audio design is subpar compared to the original, and the feeling is... not there. Do NOT go in to this game thinking you are going to experience the same awe and terror as the first game. It is not that. And with the new announcement that the price is going up, definitely wait for this one to go on sale.
149 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1958 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 07:36
i earnestly adore this game. i do miss the old main character and her more bubbly personality, but i like the new take, too, and the story feels relatively easy to follow which helps me in keeping track of my current goals

i find it gets a lot of criticism for being easier or less intimidating than the first game -- i don't disagree with that, but i think that's a strength of this game. given subnautica's potential as a franchise or series, i think BZ is honestly pretty perfect as someone's first brush with subnautica. you might run into some story spoilers from the first game, but playing BZ has allowed me to dive into the original subnautica with more confidence and i haven't even finished BZ yet ;)

as someone terrified of the ocean and murky water, the fact the ocean is brighter and clearer in a lot of areas has granted me a lot of confidence to explore. the existence of voice-lines, reactions, a story with characters, etc, helps diminish the feeling of emptiness and abandonment - which is great, if you're just aiming to get your feet wet. it might not be for everyone, but it's definitely been a game i've been able to use to address and explore my fears at my own pace, which i find valuable. i liked that there were more cute or interesting creatures than inherently dangerous or violent creatures - one of my favorite activities so far has been building a massive base full of aquariums and alien containments so i can hatch eggs and keep lots of pets haha. i do find many of the biomes to be gorgeous and interesting to explore but i'm also pretty easily impressed in that regard

the only thing i don't personally like is some of the interactions between robin and AL-AN, many of robin's responses felt unnatural or unrelatable, but that could just be because i more highly empathize with AL-AN and his situation
(end spoilers)

overall, i think it's a good game. i don't think it needs to be bigger or harder or scarier than the original subnautica - i think it's what it sets out to be, and i find that product to be enjoyable. while i got it as a gift, i would personally buy it and may one day gift it to a friend in support of the developers and in interests of paying it forward
941 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
3444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 08:04
Subnautica: Below Zero is currently in Alpha at the time of this review.

The sequel to the utterly amazing game Subnautica, if you have not played the original game please stop reading and purchase the original game. Then play that game. Then when you have spent adequate time there please return to this review.

This iteration of the Subnautica franchise sees you dropping from an Alterra rival ship onto the familiar 4546B. This time landing in the arctic zone near the last known location of the protagonist's sister. I will not spoil any further story and will focus on core mechanics in place and gameplay experience.

The addition of temperature regulation to Subnautica at first seemed egregious, but quickly becomes a second sense. At no point in my play through have I felt that temperature management was unwieldy. Especially with the addition of new mechanics and technology for managing the meter.

The sea of Below Zero is somewhat smaller than the sea in the original game, however this in my experience adds to the player's ability to find important entrances and landmarks to deeper biomes. Likewise, I have seen complaints about the amount of land exploration required in Below Zero, I have found the land exploration to be a welcome distraction from the thallasophobic exploration of the deep sea. And, the land is not without its own set of dangers.

Core gameplay is very solid. Coming straight from the end of Subnautica into Below Zero I feel very at home and reasonably bug free. As I explored I found that there are still many unfinished story elements as may be expected from an Alpha game, however there is plenty to do and plenty of challenge to overcome at this stage.

The main disappointment with Below Zero at the moment is that the danger feels much reduced to the original game. I have found that a well equipped player can fight her way out of most situations with more than moderate success with the one potentially offensive tool at your disposal. I am sure that more danger will be added to the game as the development continues, but can safely say that if you are looking to extend your Subnautica journey after the first game this early access title will scratch the itch.

If nothing else I have had immense fun exploring the new technology tree and the new world in its current state. I am looking forward happily to the final product and wish the devs the best of luck. I hope that my early purchase helps them in some small way to continue creating engaging new stories on planet 4546B for us the players to experience.

I would recommend this game as a way of supporting the devs, and as a way to continue the Subnautica journey after you complete the first game. At one time in my current save I experienced a large bug where my vehicle winked out of existence far from home, but the experience otherwise has been smooth. Again there are obvious story elements you will encounter which are incomplete, but the core gameplay should give you something to do while adding recommendations via the in game menu.

I personally support this project completely and am thrilled to be able to experience it as an evolving entity based on user feedback and the discretion of the creative team.

Facts: I paid for this game. I think this franchise is the defining work of the studio. And, I believe these games will appeal to the natural curiosity and will to survive hardship in all of us. Keep up the good work Unknownworlds!
105 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 00:41
I'm about halfway through the game and its been good so far, but the only reason i'm writing this is so you understand why the first game in my opinion is far better. Everything about this game is fantastic except for one thing, the story and although its not finished its the general idea behind the story. what made the first game so great is that i wasn't a character with voice lines and a backstory, I was basically just me the main character never talked so it felt far more immersive. Now with the new story youre this character Sam who just isnt me at all and it kind of takes me out of the exploration and immersion every time she talks or is mentioned. Just my 2 cents i think the main character should never speak in this type of game
23 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 19:11
19 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 18:47
Very fun! A little bit buggy (as expected because its still in early access) but bugs dont often effect gameplay.
9/10 would reccomend!
55 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 10:27
As much as I like many of the new features that the land part of the game has... i really miss the vastness of the ocean we had in the original Subnautica, and I actually went as far as going back to and played through the original again after having played a few hours of this. It has loads of potential, but still feels very unpolished compared to the original and also somehow... empty? I also can't get into the character and/or the story, which is far from complete. The seatruck and only Sub in the game is annoying, miss my Cyclops I could use as a mobile base. The seatruck is a mobile pitstop at best and eventually becomes this long/slow/noisy thing that you will just have to abandon if you were to run into a leviathan since it moves slower than that snail guy on Monsters Inc University.

But when all is said and done this is still Subnautica and I do love the new base building options, creatures and mechanics like the Spy penguin you'll need to obtain some of the resources and hard to reach places in the game.

My recommendation is to check this out for yourself if you are bored like I was, or to wait for the final release and give it a real go then. Unfortunately I can't help but compare this to the original... And feel it would have been so cool had this content been an expansion to add to rather than a game on it's own. Actually I would pay money just to get some of this new content in the original which I believe is still an option but doubt it will happen.

This is my 2 cents anyway.

18 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1680 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 23:18
232 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2003 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 01:19
Wait for full release.
I sank a good chunk of life into the original game, and I'm (overly) excited for Below Zero. While the world is already beautiful to explore, the gameplay, the essential crafting blueprints, the story.... they just aren't there yet. Wait. Its hard to hear, but wait.
138 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 00:54
A fun and beautiful game, with a lot going for it. I have over 500 hours in the first Subnautica, and more than a hundred hours in this one. Sadly, the developers are making some weird choices right now that lead to me not being able to recommend it at this moment. In this game they've put the biggest, most badass Leviathan in Subnautica's history, but it's trapped under ice, and the developers have confirmed it is stone cold DEAD. On top of this, they've removed the Stasis Rifle now, which you could use to fight or escape monsters. Not the biggest loss, but they've also made the player slower overall. They also had something called a Booster Tank that let you spend oxygen to swim really fast, giving you a risk/reward system when you're outside your Seatruck, or just a quick way to get around when you didn't need to bring materials or Seatruck Modules. Sadly, it has been downgraded to making you go VERY slightly faster, while still costing you a lot of oxygen, so it is useless. Makes me sad to see. I'll change this review if the creators decide to give us back our fun and stop crippling us like this.

Oh, and if you decide to play it anyway and you get constant FPS drops, do like me:
Open the game, open task manager, go to Details, right click on Subnautica.exe, set Priority to High, click on Affinity and tick half of your processors instead of the default which is all (this may vary from PC to PC, so try different amounts of processors. If you use too few your computer will probably make a lot of noise, so tick more boxes)
21 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 07:22
Buy after the full release and try to not get a single spoiler.
I promise you, you will NOT regret it
126 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
848 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 00:06
I played the original Subnautica on VR one day, and it blew my mind so hard I went out and bought a VR rig immediately. Please tell me this game will be supported on VR at some point?
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.20 09:06
Beautiful world to play in. Spiced up since the first Subnautica by injecting strong story line, fun with some cheeky creatures, addition of loads of on land story and action. Story feels much more close to you as a player than just to environment you ended up in. So feel more personal.
About creatures, it's very high quality again. Just, in early access versions, in toughest parts of game, I felt much less fear and terror than facing toughest creatures in the first Subnautica.
Overall, brilliant game even in early development stages.
40 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1034 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 21:56
42 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2541 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 23:18

--- 8.5/10 ---

Scary as heck


----( 50 - 100 )----
25 - 50
10 - 25
< 10


Worth More Than Full Price
----( Buy Full Price )----
Wait for 10 - 50% Sale
Wait for 50 - 90% Sale


----( Great )----


----( Great )----


Very Difficult
----( Hard )----
Walk In The Park
Too Easy


Very grindy
----( A bit grindy sometimes )----
Well balanced
Not grindy enough
Everything handed to you on a plate


Almost unplayable
----( Occasional )----
Few / None
84 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.20 22:18
I'm not scared of real water.... but this water gives me nightmares.
145 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 10:32
I love Subnautica and I love Below Zero as well, except for the story. Something about WANTING to be trapped on this planet is really bothering me. The first game was made by the fact that you were trying to get home and it was relatable, you felt almost as you would have felt in that situation, alone and most of the time afraid as well. In the beginning Below Zero was almost like that (aside from your character telling you how to feel) you were trapped there and all you really wanted was to find a way off. Now you want to be there because your're some brave researcher? Your character has motive now that you have to follow it's no longer the players motive to explore it is because you have to.

That is my major complaint but now I also want to say.... Bring back old SusieQ voice, the seamoth, and make the seatruck cooler or hell just bring back the Cyclops
41 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 11:31
272 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1080 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 21:27
Subnautica is one of my favorite games of all time, it's a masterpiece of art. A simple, straightforward, but interesting story, with a wonderful world to explore.
Below Zero is holding up to those standards very well. It still has a ways to go and I haven't explored too much on account of wanting to save it all for launch, my only regret with the original was only being able to see everything for the first time once. Not even a contest, this is a hard recommend and you should play the first game if you haven't. This game is very clearly meant to be played after you have played the original, both from a story and pacing perspective.
141 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 20:11
Its a horror game dressed as an open world game.

I am now deadly afraid of the ocean.

Play this game.
215 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 22:09
I bought Subnautica in early access some years ago and the way they ended up pulling it off should be the gold standard for early access games.

This game has bugs. This game has missing story elements. This game can crash.

This game is going to be a masterpiece, much like its predecessor.

Support the devs and buy this game. Put dozens of hours into it until you reach the extent of the current story, then wait for an update and do it again.
427 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
1830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 10:57
It's incomplete, but still worth the money right now. It'll be familiar to Subnautica fans, with new mechanics and surface levels. It doesn't add any huge improvements and is an evolution not a revolution. If you are new to the series, however, start with the more polished Subnautica instead.
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 01:27
cant wait till its all finished
269 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 14:32
Considering this has been in development for 2+ years and they had a finished game to expand upon, there has been surprisingly little progress. The world is beautiful, yet many areas remain unfinished (basically blank dirt/sand).

There are many vague placeholder parts in the story; even inventory icons are missing somehow (even though they are basically screenshots of the 3D models). Most troubling, things that were working in the original Subnautica are not working in this version, like fish swimming in your base, water flowing inside vehicles, major screen tearing when inside your base, etc. There are lots of bugs, obviously.

From a design standpoint, many of the biomes are literally filled with predators. I'm talking 10+ predators in a 100 sq meter area. There is no way to fight them off, so you essentially can't do anything in those areas without being constantly harassed. When on land you are constantly harassed by predators from below the ice as well as on the ice. This change in design from the original Subnautica makes me wonder if the original designers are no longer much involved; a red flag for sure.

I hope these aren't signs of corporate influence harming what was a good studio. There is promise but not much has happened. Waiting for it to be more finished.
40 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 05:07
I have bad Thalassophobia I haven't left the shallows 10/10
21 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 18:36
Not as good as I expected but I know that the full release will be much better than the first.
108 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
2662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.20 08:42
I miss the cyclops, but this game is pretty good. the dev team actually cares about feedback, the new intro is pretty dope. they removed the annoying sister, which is amazing. only problem, i fucking hate the sea truck. gimme a smaller cyclops or something.
53 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 05:27
The game is very fun with even more stuff than in the first game. the ability to go on land is great and is something that the first game didn't explore at a full extent. The game still has some small bugs with loading in ice, but that's expected from early development version of the game. This game also has a whole new bunch of leviathins and monsters of the depth.
468 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 18:55
This game is a work in progress and this review is meant primarily as a method of feedback. If you are a huge fan of SN then you might want to buy this game in early access, but it is far from finished, even with the new story update.

To the developers, assuming you read this, I apologise for the thumbs down, I really considered not writing this at all, but I wanted to offer up my experience as a new player of SN. When the game is finished I will replay again and edit this review as I do believe it will deserve a recommendation.

I played the original SN for the first time 2-3 weeks ago and couldn't drag myself away from it, 80+ hours in an embarrassing number of days, I have just left a recommendation on there to reduce my guilt for writing a 'not recommended' review here.

I'll start off by highlighting the biggest problem in my eyes, sadly not just in this, but in the original too; direction.

I don't need hand holding but I'm afraid I do find having to use wikis a sign of a shortfall in a game, I should never have to google search 'what should I do next in Sub Nautica', but that happened in the first and this game, not once but many times.

I'd be thrilled to be finding parts, then nothing, 4-5 hours of exploring, no idea where the next 'trigger' is and no pointers of any kind, to put this in perspective, I had played 24 hours before I found the land that I knew must exist somewhere, I'd climbed off the map, gone down to 2000m, looked everywhere, only later to find a tiny hole underwater that leads inland, then of course I learned that there is access via a bay, but the weather effects made it impossible to see.

If that's what you're going for then more power to you, but I found this incredibly frustrating, made worse by the fact that it became quickly apparent that none of the things I would find on land would be useful to me as I already had the prawn suit by this point and a stack of resources. The snowfox then became something I built and tried just for the sake of it, only to find it inferior on land to the prawn as it has no defence.

The overall point is that some more quest like activities and a little more linearity would go a long way to ensuring the order of finding things is 'correct', I love the feeling of 'go explore' but when you have some linear mechanics, like the parts, a balance is needed. A simple map with some fog of war that could be crafted would go a long way, I can create a truck out of thin air but apparently Alterra haven't really spent much time thinking about navigation and underwater mapping! Even if you don't like the idea of a map, make the areas with advanced things completely inaccessible until you have the prerequisites.

In the first game I had both the Seamoth and Cyclops blueprints but not the mobile vehicle bay, I spent hours looking for it and needless to say, it kinda spoiled the experience.

Next we have the creatures in this world, who apparently managed to evolve without developing self preservation, they are the nautical equivalent of trolls, I can have 10 of their fallen chums' bodies floating around my prawn in the thermal vents area, but they just keep coming, over and over. It isn't challenging, I haven't lost any vehicles to them (nor would it be improved if I had!), they are just annoying. The exception are the sea monkeys that become tame (nice touch) and the hypno thingies that you quickly learn how to avoid.

The inspiration for this review was just being in the fabricator zone, where your friendly monster there harassed me, OVER and OVER, while I looked through a pile of hay for a specific straw that looks exactly like every other thing in that biome. I hugged the walls, tried to avoid, shocked it, stabbed it, nothing worked.

These things are all niggling little points, I want to shout about how amazing your games are, but the fact that I love the premise makes it worse that there are so many ways the 'flow' of the game feels like it can be derailed.

I know this is long so I apologise, but I really feel that something needs to be done to keep that flow, the same was true in the finished first game too, I know lots of people who wouldn't have pushed through as I did.

Finally, some bugs I've spotted:

If you build a land base that has moon pools in the water, the ladder function glitches and you can get stuck between the ladder and hull.

You can't access upgrades/repair while vehicles are docked as you used to be able to.

The monster in the fabricator biome pushed me through walls while I was in it's mouth several times, leaving me stuck out of the map.

Sometimes the cold meter gets stuck and doesn't decrease until you go inside and come out again.

You can't build one multi room on top of another if the first has an alien containment built in it.

The weather effects can be seen inside 'the greenhouse' sometimes.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head but I do appreciate that this is still very much a work in progress and really look forward to seeing where you take it, I really do love your games which is why I wanted to offer my opinion.

Thanks for your continued work and I look forward also to changing this to a recommendation.

307 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2071 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 07:46
Personally, while I'm very happy and glad to see the changes to the environment in the most recent update, the story and character changes leave me disappointed. I thought I would hate the new voice acting after the change in voice actor (the previous one did a very good job), but I can't truly form an opinion one way or the other due to the majority of the lines in the game presently being unvoiced; despite pressure from people who wanted less story/dialogue in the game, it seems planned to retain plenty of it.

There have been numerous changes in character tone; the protagonist, formerly a very charming scientist/survivalist, now seems to be more of an action-y investigator sort poking into Alterra's secrets after her sister's disappearance, and many of her interactions seem slated to be cut from the game - there is nothing wrong with this, but I can't say I'm personally fond of it as presently shown.

I understand the game has recently undergone a writer change, so I expected some roughness during the transition - but as it stands I'd personally put off purchasing until at the very least the next major update; I cannot recommend it at present, due to the unfinished state of some areas and the very strange state the game's story and voice acting sit in at present.
57 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 03:02
yes its a good game
no its not better than the first
the maps small
ik its still in betas so i wont talk about the glitches
the sea monkeys are the most annoying things
the creators don't scare me like the first game
i do find it funny when i see a fish spin 20 times a second then fly into the sky
268 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
3075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 17:37
Subnautica Below Zero is in early access so therefore any criticism that I make can be deflected, but this game suffers from a lot of design problems. The game starts off looking so much better than the original, the biomes are even more dense and colorful and the weather effects look great. But a lot of the areas are just so dark, and not in the original way where it was dark, but things glowed or showed off the walls of deep caves. I mean just black, pitch black and difficult to tell where you are. There is a land section that is just terrible with a hoverbike that controls like complete crap.

I think a lot of the issues that I had and did not mention will be fixed with the final release, but some of these really need to be addressed. All in all I loved my time in the game, but I still wondered if it was living up to the original.
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 12:39
146 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
1190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 08:04
Ill start off by warning right off the bat that im a huge subnautica fan boy. Subnautica easily made its way to my favorite game ive ever played and remains there to this day. With that being said im remaining as unbiased about this title as possible. Also gonna note that unlike what seems like a rather large portion of the community, i understand that the game is still in early access and im not going to completely trash the game. Just gonna go off my experience so far. In which i would also note that if steam would do us all a solid and give us an option to give us a middle ground vote thats not a thumbs up or thumbs down, thats where i would currently stand. And simply for the fact that the game is in early access. Which leads to my last note of that once the game fully releases im definitely going to change this review after ive fully played through it.

But now that all the BS is over , I think anyone looking into this game would be wise to know two things. One is definitely wait to play the game until full release if you were a fan of the first game, cuz at this point in development youll probably be disappointed. But second off anyone who is looking into playing the game at any point, you have to understand there's a huge problem with this game at the moment that you also need to do some investigation into, and that has nothing to do with the game its self. Its the way the games fan base thats completely divided. So allow me to explain.

What i just stated is not hard to tell if you take a quick look at this games steam discussions forum or the reviews for this game. You have one side of the fence who enjoyed subnautica a lot and will love anything the devs put in or dont put in this game, simply because its a subnautica title. even if there are clearly problems. Then theres the other side of the fence. We call this the elitest side of the fence, or the entitled side of the fence. Where all the people who feel like the devs need to put in or take out any little thing in the game that they expect to be or not be in there, because they want another subnautica game that is literally just like the first game. Which are the same people who would just as fast criticize the devs if they actually did a full copy and pasta of the first game, and who also dont seem to get they purchased a game thats in early access and subjectively think the game should be complete, even though its clearly not completed yet. And then there's this tiny portion of the player base, who sits on top of the fence. In which these people dont know really what to think yet.

And now that you understand the kind of people you typically see in the discussions forums and review section. you should be able to tell who is biased, one way or the other and whos not.

And im not even going to talk about the things i like about the game so far. Because there are a good number of things i do like. but since nothing is concrete yet. I dont think i should bother. and the things i do like are completely subjective to me. Though i think id be free to mention somethings, i think anyone could agree on no matter what side of the fence you're on.

First thing i noticed was that almost every item in the game as far as tools go are 100% copy pasta from the first game at this point (again early access so that may change). All im saying is hopefully some tools will be added or if not maybe the existing ones can have some minor changes, and if not that either then maybe at least make them look slightly different?

Other thing i noticed was the fear factor at the moment isnt exactly there. The only two things im actually kind of scared of when i see them is the ice worms and the four legged furries with big mouths and claws that i cant remember what they're called when youre on land. A lot of people complain that there is too much land exploration in this game. personally im fine with that. Just bothers me that virtually zero of the creatures in the water its self scare me at all. And im actually not scared to go explore anywhere either in this one. Which is kind of disappointing since in the first game i was scared shitless to go most places ive not been before and a lot of the times still scared to go places i had been. Which i feel we can all agree is for a few reasons. one being even the deepest and darkest spots of the ocean in below zero, arent that dark at all and the audio cues for the deadly fauna isnt terribly great in this one either. It was scarrier in the first game because there were many places i could see things near me but anything further than the lights on my seamoth wasnt there until i got close. In this game when you get down a certain distance, you can pretty much see a large portion of the map you're in quite easily, as well as see fauna from a mile away in the darkest regions. So i feel perhaps making those areas that are supposed to be really dark, actually dark as well as an upgrade maybe to some of the faunas audio cues.

And theres only a few other things i was gonna say really which was how i dont get why a lot of people are complaining about there being no cyclopse in the game or sea moth. Since ill admit the sea truck is pretty meh in comparison, but with all its moduels detatched its not as slow as people say it is. And to me it felt just as slow as the cyclopse did with all modules were attached. And i agree it was cool you could build kind of whatever could fit in a cyclopse where as you cant really in a sea truck, though i was able to cheese a few things in there myself.

They couldnt put the cyclopse in the game because its far to large for a map like in this game which has a lot of clutter in it and width wise is smaller. So unless u wanted to build a cyclopse that just sits in one spot it wouldnt be fun to have at all in this game.

Then theres the whole issue about people complaining that the map is too small. Which i dont see myself. And perhaps it is and is just something i dont tend to focus on. But i was sure the catch to this map is its more or less a verticle map in size than a wide one. So you kind of find new areas the more you go down into it rather than going across. Plus when you add in the surface portion, it felt pretty sizeable to me. And since its not really a sequel kind of sequel to the first game (in which im lying it actually is i just dont know how to explain what im trying to say better) i never expected it to have a large map any way since it seemed the game is or was meant as more of a stand alone expansion to the first game rather than a direct sequel if that makes sense. Feel like the game more or less is intending to fill in some gaps and questions fans had about the first game than anything else while still giving us a newish experience with the game.

and finally i dont get what all the hubub about the new protagonist is. if its not because its a woman people cry about its because she talks. Seemed clear to me from the start the devs purposely risked doing a voiced protagonist in this one to try something new. which i dont see a problem with. Did agree with people after she got stranded in the water she felt a little detached from her situation and unconcerned about an alien taking up a home in her brain and what not. But im hoping the new story might fix that.

Any way. As i said before, if anyone made it this far. after the game fully releases ill change my review once i play the whole damn thing. Wish the devs the best of luck and i'm looking forward to whenever it is the game completes. But ill just say it again anyway, id hold off on buying it for now until it fully releases and people had some time to play it before buying it yourself. Since if youre not interested in the game in its uncompleted state, it would only be fair to just wait until full release to give it a fair shot. Would be your best option imo.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 18:28
I honestly love the Subnautica games and hope that these games continue to be produced.
42 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 08:11
I like this game it's fun and cool, but it doesn't give me the same vibe as original Subnautica you don't feel lost and alone on the planet, cause you have contact with humans in space and all the Alterra stuff on the planet is in quite good conditions. I recommend this game for people who have played the first subnautica. Overall a great game so far!
36 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 00:13
why can't this game be multiplayeeeeeer?
56 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 04:21
Be patient.

SubZero promises to be as good (though perhaps not as large) as the original; however my own impatience caused me to jump into an incomplete game and now the experience of whatever the storyline settles out to will never be completely fresh to me. I regret purchasing it so early, but will still strongly recommend the game.
141 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 01:27
Doesn't give the same feel as the first game, that being said if this is the first one you are going to play, play the original. I feel that they should change the story, but also just change all the basic fish you will first see. I remember that feeling in the original of having no idea what is trying to eat me and what I can eat. This game lacks that thrilling element for returning players, something that the last game did very well and I feel was a main selling point of it.
7 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.20 20:17
Its great im looking foward to the release of the game
32 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
987 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.20 11:30
IT IS FANTASTIC! My god. Worth every single penny, it's such a fantastic game, it looks fantastic, so much to do, so far to go, the only bad thing are some tiny bugs; and that is almost it.
73 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 16:58
A very unique game. The graphics are stunning and the music and all the creatures are creating a very terrifying atmosphere. This game is just stunning and the develepors deserve so much credit. Absolutly recommend this game
101 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 06:28
14 hours in about 3 days. I work a full time job. But I MADE time for this. Devs are doing an amazing job expanding and fixing things simultaneously which is a BIG task. Love this game, love the devs, so happy for what the future has for this. Only thing that would make this game absolutely EXPLODE, would be multiplayer.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.20 16:58
Its a fun game to past time. Just wish that they'd update it more often but when they do its makes a big change!
43 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 10:13
Where Subnautica did wrong, Below Zero appears to be doing right. A new story, about 2 years after the events of basic Subnautica, you are now trapped in the frigid cold of Sector Zero. You have to survive new threats, discover new secrets, and stay out of danger. Somehow, this game makes you feel even more tiny than before, with MULTIPLE creatures capable of killing you in one hit!

However, on top of that, the game is still just as beautiful as the base game. The Twisty Bridges, a biome originally cut from the base Subnautica, is your first biome. A beautiful watery shallows with, you guessed it, twisty bridges. There's also weather, which can freeze you to death if you are not careful. But with new building structures gives way to even cooler underwater bases. Also, alien penguins. If you are truly heartless, and/or if you dare, take a little baby alien penguin away from the parents and all that. They will hunt you down to the end of your days. But those baby alien penguins are so cute, they trip and fall over, and look so adorable in your hands!
63 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 04:40
I like the first Subnautica and when I found out there was going to be a second one I thought they could not top the first but they did and it is so well made story-wise that I can't put it down. Also, they have songs for the community in their game and they sound good as well. a thing they can work on is there are some ruff edges and graphical glitches but easily fixable. The game is still not out yet but it is already one of my favorite games. Good job Unknown Worlds Entertainment for making this game and not just rushing through it.
1373 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1916 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.20 23:34


The gameplay is much like the original Subnautica. You gather resources, find fragments, build a habitat, overcome obstacles presented by nature or broken technology, you go uncover a mystery.

If all you care about is the gameplay, Below Zero beats Subnautica. It's more polished, more balanced, snappier, just better all round.

I would make one remark though. The devs put a pretty linear story in place. At the same time they claim they don't want to limit your freedom and agency, and let you do whatever you like.

These things don't mesh. In order to follow the story, you absolutely have to explore all the biomes and pick up every little bit of equipment you can find. Because eventually you will need it for the story. Or the story will act like you know about and have a piece of equipment that in actuality you don't have, maybe didn't even hear about.

At some point in the story, after you repair a communications tower, your sis - sitting on a space-ship in orbit - will come to the conclusion that you need a depth module for your vehicle to survive, so she sends you a drop containing the blueprint.

Several things wrong with this.

1. You spoke with your sister before, she dropped you a lifepod before. After you repair the communications tower to talk with her again, no reason comes up why you'd need a depth module to survive. In fact, waiting for rescue on the surface, near one of the caves with the heating plants, focusing your efforts on repairing one of several fully equipped and only marginally damaged over-ground bases is what any sane person would do.

2. You may or may not have the vehicle the mod is for. Not a single instance of this vehicle exists on this planet, except for the one you cobble together from trash. It makes no sense whatsoever to suddenly send you a depth module for that thing specifically. None.

3. A blueprint is not physical. It's information. A download. Given the state of the tech in that world it should not need to come in a box on a cute parachute.

4. The blueprint you get from the box is not usable immediately. You can only build it using a special fabricator attached to a vehicle module which you may or may not have come across. Nobody tells you that.

There are more instances of missing character motivation, missing information for the player, and just premises that don't work. Who would have known that on a planet with several functional high-tech bases you have ready access to, the best way to look for laser-cutter blueprints is to do a deep dive to scan fragments that sea-monkeys have gathered to build their nests.

Honey. No. You go and scavenge the high-tech bases for technology. You seek organic materials from underwater animals. If you want exceptions, make them exceptional. Below Zero insists on being silly that way by default.


Below Zero feels like something close to 100 people should be around you to operate the station and equipment. Yet less than a handful characters make an appearance, and those who 'appear' are mostly off-screen. None of the interactions you have with any other characters seem genuine. Given the situation they are in, they don't talk or act like human beings.

Subnautica did not suffer from these specific issues, because there were no characters to interact with. Communication was one way. The dev team has decided to put in a 'story' and 'characters' into Below Zero. They have not put nearly enough work into adjusting the setting and premise such that the characters and locations they want to go with would actually feel plausible.

If you think back on Subnautica, we had an account of the Degasi team, and their fate on the planet. It made sense to me that these three would crash land on the planet and act as a group, leaving behind what they did. In Below Zero I had trouble following the story because of the disjointed delivery.

What I did like in Below Zero, was a specific character that your main enters a sort of bond with relatively early in the game. Their interactions are well done. However. They are too few and too far between. They should have made their bond a central idea of the game. Below Zero would be much better, if there was a focus only on those two, plus maybe a surprise character you meet later in the story. Cut out everyone else, and change the premise to account for these two to be stranded alone.

The Setting / Maps

As far as graphics and the visual design goes, the biomes and maps are pretty good. Graphically, Below Zero is a fine game.

In a game like Subnautica, I want the biomes to feel organic. It should feel plausible that they were created by nature. It was largely so in Subnautica. The natural biomes in Below Zero do not have that vibe any more. To me the new biomes feel cramped, compressed, closer to aquarium decoration than to a biome. It feels more like a themed level, in which the designers want you to go and visit certain places, and less like a natural habitat on an alien planet, which you happen to explore. Subnautica has handled that better.

There is a rather big over-ground land mass biome that is graphically very nice, but I did not like it one bit. The problem is missing landmarking. In other words, no matter where you look, the environment looks largely the same, and there's very few distinctive features to help orientation. Without the ability to leave markers over-ground, you're left with your compass and general sense of direction for orientation. Given that this area houses a large research base, several research outposts, and a metal bridge, there could be 'roads' and signs that would help orientation. There aren't.

On a positive note, the human-made structures - building, mines, etc. - are done very well in Below Zero. They are plausible in size and they contain a good chunk of environmental and PDA storytelling. I liked that a lot.

The Creatures

The creatures are creatively a tad too lazy. The creativity extends to picking two species, usually a bird and an aquatic animal, and fusing them together, forming a chimera. Chimeras do not come across as an organically evolved alien lifeform. They come across as a deliberate fusion of things we know. They'd make perfect sense in a secret lab of umbrella corp doing genetic experiments, but not on an alien planet. Other animals are just silly, like spinning yoyo fish. Meh. Too cartoonish for me.

Subnautica has better creatures.

Sound & Music

I really liked the atmospheric music in Below Zero. More subtle than Subnautica's perhaps, but no less effective.

As far as the sound goes, I liked Subnautica a little bit more. The sounds made by the fauna seemed more fitting to me. But overall it's close enough to say the sound quality is in the same ballpark.


But, But, It's early access, you should not judge the game now, wait until it is out!

Yeah. I've been around early access for Subnautica too. I have a good sense of what the devs might still change, and what will largely stay the same.

They will change the story, they will adjust animations, resource costs, resource distribution, and the location of some fragments. They will fix obvious defects. Everything you see in the game that has production quality, such as vehicles, underwater biomes, the glacial crater, will stay pretty much the same.

The way the premise, the setting. and the characters don't mesh into a coherent whole will not change. If the devs had that as a priority they would have shown that. In Subnautica they could get away with bits and pieces of story. Here, a more linear story with additional characters that each have the potential to 'do things' in the world, needs a much more nuanced approach. It will not happen. When it releases the game's story and characters will feel about as coherent as the story and characters in 'The Rise of Skywalker'.

You can quote me on that.
Logo for Subnautica: Below Zero
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
91.47% 38131 3554
Release:30.01.2020 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Unknown Worlds Vertrieb: Unknown Worlds Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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