• Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.
  • Stranded: Alien Dawn: Screen zum Spiel Stranded: Alien Dawn.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 25.04.2023
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Preis Update 26.05.24

Über das Spiel

Trotze einer neuen Welt in Stranded: Alien Dawn, einem Planeten-Survival-Sim, der das Schicksal einer kleinen gestrandeten Gruppe in deine Hände legt. Gestalte deine Geschichte durch fesselndes und immersives Strategie-Gameplay, indem du lebenswichtige Entscheidungen triffst, um deine Überlebenden vor Hunger, Krankheit, extremen Wetterbedingungen und mehr zu schützen. Von einfachen Lagern bis hin zu wehrhaften Stützpunkten – Errichte eine Festung, um die Überlebenden vor den Angriffen außerirdischer Kreaturen zu schützen, die eine umfangreiche und tödliche Welt durchstreifen. Erlebe eine epische und unvorhersehbare Reise.

  • Entdecke eine umfangreiche, lebendige 3D-Welt mit beeindruckender Flora und Fauna
  • Kümmere dich um die Bedürfnisse, die Gesundheit und die Zufriedenheit deiner Überlebenden
  • Errichte und entwickle deine eigene einzigarte Basis und konzipiere raffinierte Verteidigungsmaßnahmen, um sie und deine Überlebenden vor Angriffen zu schützen
  • Pflanze Nahrung an und ernte sie oder gehe auf die Jagd. Lege dir einen Vorrat an nützlichen Ressourcen an und sammle Material aus abgestürzten Weltraum-Trümmern
  • Erforsche Technologien, um deinen Horizont zu erweitern.
  • Sorge für Wärme, Licht, Entspannung und mehr, um die Überlebenden auf Trab und damit bereit für die nächste Herausforderung zu halten.
  • Reagiere auf wechselhafte Wetterbedingungen und Umwelt-Ereignisse
  • Lass dir das Spiel durch das integrierte Tutorial-System beibringen

Stranded: Alien Dawn treibt dich und deine Überlebenden ans Äußerste. Begrenzte Ressourcen, unvorhersehbares Wetter, Krankheit und feindselige Alien-Kreaturen erschweren es dir, in einer unerbittlichen Welt Fuß zu fassen. Die nächste Herausforderung wartet sicher schon und erfordert den Bau einer immer robusteren Basis, die fortschrittliche Ressourcen und verbesserte Verteidungsmittel nutzt.

Kümmere dich um das körperliche und geistige Wohlbefinden deiner Gruppe, indem du für Waffen, Medizin und dringend notwendige Unterhaltung sorgst. Jeder Überlebende hat eine einzigartige Vorgeschichte, beherrscht verschiedene Fähigkeiten und verfügt über sowohl positive als auch negative Eigenschaften. Der einzige Weg zu überleben ist es, ihre Fähigkeiten zu verbessern und ihr Potential auszuschöpfen.

In Stranded: Alien Dawn ist jeder Spieldurchgang einzigartig. Erlebe eine Reise, die von zufälligen Ereignissen, Alien-Bedrohungen und widrigem Wetter bestimmt wird. Bereite dich auf Rückschläge vor; entwickle deine eigenen erfinderischen Lösungen für Probleme und löse mehrere Krisen gleichzeitig. Alle deine Handlungen haben jedoch Konsequenzen, und bei der Vorausplanung musst du schwierige Entscheidungen treffen und dabei kurz- oder langfristige Ergebnisse samt Risiko und Ertrag abwägen, um die Geschichte deiner Überlebenden zu gestalten.

Entwirf und baue deine Basis auf einem Alienplaneten, und entwickle sie vom schlichten Unterschlupf zum High-Tech-Stützpunkt. Schütze sie mit Befestigungsanlagen, gestalte sie mit verschiedenen Einrichtungen, nutze automatisierte Geräte wie Geschütztürme und entdecke neue Technologien, um deine eigene funktionelle Weltraumstation zu schaffen.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel i7-6700 or AMD FX 8370
  • GFX: Radeon RX 480 or GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64bit
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 12
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Polnisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Russisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht)
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-10600K or AMD Ryzen 7 2700
  • GFX: GeForce RTX 2060 or Radeon RX 5600 XT
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10, 11 64bit
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 12
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Polnisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Russisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht)

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

558 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
9641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.23 20:47
Sau geil das Game, endlich mal ein Gas was verschiedene Schwierigkeiten hat, die wirklich mal anders sind!

Auf Wahnsinnig macht es richtig Spaß darunter ist es für mich zu langweilig :D

Die MechBots sind sau stark und nützlich! Leider vermisse ich, dass die "Bewohner" auf Toiletten oder Trinken müssen! Ansonsten ist es eins der besten Games 2023 die ich gekauft habe. Bitte sperrt noch die Kampfdrohnen bei den Käfern! Die sind da so gut wie unbesiegbar!
0 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.23 19:37
Titel: Spannendes Spielerlebnis in Stranded: Alien Dawn

Ich habe kürzlich das Spiel "Stranded: Alien Dawn" gespielt und bin beeindruckt von der Tiefe des Spielerlebnisses. Das Spiel bietet eine fesselnde Erfahrung, bei der man nicht nur Zeit verbringt, sondern auch die Möglichkeit hat, strategische Pläne zu schmieden und sich kontinuierlich zu verbessern.

Die Stärke des Spiels liegt zweifellos in seiner Fähigkeit, die Spieler in eine immersive Welt zu entführen. Die Grafiken und das Design schaffen eine beeindruckende Atmosphäre, die den Spieler in die Geschichte hineinzieht. Die Herausforderungen und Missionen sind vielfältig, was zu einem abwechslungsreichen Gameplay beiträgt.

Besonders bemerkenswert ist die Möglichkeit, strategische Pläne zu schmieden. Das Spiel erfordert kluges Denken und Planung, um Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Dies fördert nicht nur die Spieltiefe, sondern auch die Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten im Laufe der Zeit. Das Gefühl der Erfüllung, wenn man erfolgreich einen durchdachten Plan umsetzt, trägt stark zur Spielerzufriedenheit bei.

Die fortschreitende Schwierigkeit des Spiels sorgt dafür, dass es nie langweilig wird. Es gibt immer etwas Neues zu entdecken und zu meistern, was die Langzeitmotivation fördert. Die Balance zwischen Herausforderung und Belohnung ist gut gelungen.

Insgesamt bietet "Stranded: Alien Dawn" ein unterhaltsames und herausforderndes Spielerlebnis. Die Möglichkeit, strategische Pläne zu schmieden und sich kontinuierlich zu verbessern, macht das Spiel besonders ansprechend für Spieler, die nach einer lohnenden Herausforderung suchen
526 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.23 12:15
As another user has pointed out, they have a very crappy End User Licensing Agreement. They really can do whatever they want and they even outline rare circumstances where they reserve the right to do so, this sounds reasonable in theory but in practice the developers are always holding your copy of the game hostage in a manner of speaking.

Anyway since I am stuck with the game now I will have to get my moneys worth out of it. Are you ready to hear my thoughts developers? I hate that I cannot rebind the alt key to my side mouse buttons, for anybody with a gaming mouse like me your thumb is probably resting on those side keys while playing.. games like Dyson Sphere Program allow me to rebind it and IT'S NOT AS IF THERE IS A CONFLICT, THIS BUTTON IS NOT IN USE IN GAME AT ALL AS IT IS.

Also the time options should be on Q and E respectively, why on earth is the default controls set to the - and + keys? I wouldn't even care if you just copied Oxygen Not Included and its approach by having the TAB key use fast forward, pressing repeatedly brings it back to the previous options.

Now let me say what I am honestly thinking here. In the tutorial you get to observe a mushroom and simultaneously set a craft on the work station. WHY ON EARTH DID IT TAKE LONGER FOR THE GUY TO OBSERVE THE MUSHROOM THAN THE DUDE WHO HAD TO GO CRAFTING? I'm not mad here, don't mistake my caps for that or hostility/negativity.. it's just baffling that in a pre-defined circumstances such as tutorials that this can happen, it could even give off the impression that if general observation is this slow the game is going to be a real slog all the way.

There's also a light flickering through the trees that really, really breaks immersion and I toggled some settings off but it didn't change it. I will again investigate it later but I'm not holding my breath I can turn it off.

This review is IMO rather fair unlike the EULA. Big fat not recommended, even topping my disdain for Rain World because that was actually a very good game despite the complaints I had with it.
0 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.23 13:32
When I finally escaped the planet, I felt a massive amount of relief.

Not because I had won, but because I could finally stop playing.

Let's look at an example of why.

I have two houses next to each other, with a space in between. At the back of one house is a fridge full of beer. At the back of the other house is a dining table. The way the game is coded, the character will pick up the beer, then look for somewhere to sit to drink it. The game will do a very basic check to find out which table is physically closer to the character at that point.

It will then set a path for the character to walk from the fridge all the way to the other house, just so they can sit down. This meant walking past their own table which was only a few extra paces from the fridge. Instead of a 3 second walk, the character walked out of one house, all the way around the side, up the stairs into the second house, taking about 40 seconds.

On top of that they move SOOO slowly!!! I had this game on 3x speed constantly, and kept pressing speed up because I thought I mustn't have clicked it properly.

At night, when everyone's asleep, at 3x speed 1 hour is 7 seconds. This means that every night I had to sit and stare at nothing happening on my screen. My people sleep for around 8 hours, so I had to sit and do nothing for almost a full minute every single night. Those minutes stack up quickly! Especially when my batteries run out at night, and every 3 seconds I get a noise and alert telling me my turrets are unpowered.

This game has a lot of potential, but it fails at almost everything. In fact, the visuals are pretty much the only thing that are good.

Someone once described this game to me as The Sims meets Rimworld. In my opinion, this game feels less advanced than the Sims 1. The hands/fingers don't even animate on the characters. When they inject medication into themselves, they aren't holding anything, and they just karate chop their leg.

I know it sounds petty to mention that, but it just highlights how lazy the dev team were when it came to this game.

Another example is when you pause it, everything still moves! The grass, the windmills... I kept having to check it was paused!

Also, the CONSTANT raids are so tedious! I assume they only added them to try to make the game slightly exciting. At one point, I built a radio, and the game said "The signal is making the friendly creatures hostile!" so I turned it off... shutting down all satellites and radio, but the game didn't care. I'd already flipped that "HOSTILE" switch, and there was no going back.

Speaking of the hostile creatures, it's amazing how they all work together to attack en masse. You know, these creatures are too primitive to tame, but they're smart enough to congregate and attack at the same time, just because I exist. Also, they do this every single day. If it were fun, I wouldn't mind, but it's not, so I do. By the end of the run, I wouldn't even watch the fight. I was too busy preparing all the resources I'd have to gather just to repair my turrets, every... single... day...

I bought this game at the same time as a friend. We did the same seed so we could play at the same time and see how we did. On his first salvage, he got a sniper rifle. I got scrap metal. On his second salvage, he got a mech core. I got scrap metal.

The seeds literally just control the look of the planet, not anything else. Speaking of the planets, they are large, but you will never get the chance to explore. Your people have no inventory, so they can't carry supplies to allow you to set up a second base. I thought I was going to have to spread out and explore, making the planet my own, but there's literally no point.

I genuinely thought this was this developer's first ever game, but it's not, and it's embarrassing. I won't be supporting their other projects.

I'll try the other scenarios out (on easy and with raids OFF), but I doubt this game will get any more meaningful patches. They're happy with being lazy devs.
0 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.23 00:56
I really want to like this game since I enjoy rimworld and going medieval but I just don't. The pacing feels really weird to me like i'll go from dying from the cold while huddled by a fire then the next day i'm already nearing endgame items.
183 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
14822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.23 20:01
The game is amazing. Many different biomes, scenarios, random generated maps. Tons of resources to harvest, hundred of buildings and items to craft.

Combat can be disabled for a meditative experience, or it can be set as difficult as to trasform the game in a tactical tower defence, and everything in between.

The AI is good enough to require almost no micromanagement, graphics are beatiful and performance really good and stable.

The game is beeing developed further after release, with new biomes and scenarios added regularly, and on top of that there are hundred of mods in the workshop, including complete overhauls.

I wouldn't say this 3D Rimworld since the social interactions are way more basic, but if you like the genre you can't let this one slip off.
0 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
4045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.23 13:02
My recommendation is that if you have never played RimWorld, try that first. Overall it's a better version of this game. If you have played Rimworld but it was too complicated to enjoy, S:AD may be a better fit for you and you should give it a try (or if you can't get into the simple graphics and think the 3D will help). But if you are a Rimworld expert S:AD will probably be a disappointment for you due to lack of depth in the management tools and how unbalanced a lot of things are.

Tl;dr - Stranded Alien Dawn is good but definitely lacks polish considering it is a copy of Rimworld. Many shortcomings feel like a combination of the devs being lazy and not actually playing their own game to experience how frustrating some mechanics are firsthand, which is sad. Hopefully it gets some balance changes in the future, but the fact it hasn't yet this long after launch makes me doubt that will happen.

The game is basically a simplified version of Rimworld with 3D graphics. Almost all the mechanics are identical but the management systems aren't as fleshed out. For example, clothing wears out the same as in Rimworld, but you need to manually tell colonists when you want them to change gear instead of being able to set a threshold where they automatically switch out what they are wearing when it gets too worn out. And then you need to manually mark worn out gear to get scrapped instead of having anything below a certain HP automatically get scrapped.

Same thing with the storage system. Containers have a "Store here first" option you can check to prioritize where items get put first but if you want something stored in multiple places (ex. food in the fridge, but then also wanting a container near barrels to make loading them quicker) you are out of luck. You also have to choose between allowing any item on the approved list take up the entire container or limit each approved item to only 1 stack. So if you have only two items you want to store but want to ensure there is always space for some of both you're forced into leaving the container half empty. Meanwhile Rimworld lets you set storage priority order and set specific limits on each item in storage. Hell, you can customize each crafting job to specify which stockpile to get inputs from and where to store the item when it's finished! In this you have 0 control over any of that.

Another example is the taming menu, which does show growth and fattening %, training level, etc, but for some reason isn't filterable/sortable and doesn't show which animals are pregnant. And selecting an animal from the taming list doesn't actually select them either, just centers the camera (which has a menu over it) on the animal. So if it's in a crowd you end up needing to click through them individually anyway.

Crafting times are very long and doesn't seem to be impacted by colonist level much either. It's impossible to find info on how each level affects crafting speed but I think someone at level 10 crafts something 2.5-3x faster than someone at level 0. So assuming that is true, a crossbow would take 10 hours to craft at level 0 and 3.33 hours at level 10. To craft a full set of clothes for a colonist it takes 60 hours (at level 0) of crafting time: shirt-12, pants - 12, vest - 18, boots - 12, helmet - 6. So even at level 10 it will take at least 20 hours. And then you can only use 50% of the clothes health before colonists complain they are worn out and need to be replaced.

0 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
5598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.23 04:05
Not what I expected. I bought it on a whim during a Steam sale fairly cheap. On the first night I stayed up late, then I called in sick the next day, then the weekend came and went, I haven't spoken to my family in days, I smell funny and now my wife is leaving me. I helped her pack. This game is that good.
111 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
1128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.23 21:15
This game is my dream colony survival game. I always thought that if someone took rimworld with proper graphics, it could be such a good game. This is it, every single person who enjoys rimworld should buy it. I also realized this developer created surviving mars, which happens to be my favorite survival game, only surpassed by this. Will be supporting the devs with DLC!
0 Produkte im Account
136 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.23 17:13
Basic overly boring with glitchy building.. i played the map types and messed with the settings its just not that good imo, looks good and the combat is cool but its got alot of jank problems. Some include cam scrolling trying to click on a wall inside a building, being able to see things through cellings etc, ppl using ladders they somehow have to go through roofs etc and not just using the stairs or elevators etc..just imo glitchy looking.
also the ground on most the map seeds is uneven and leads to building problems etc. they should have let you re shape the ground etc just makes it kinda annoying also very small scale.

Side note this game is nothing like rimworld really its like a mod of rimworld and not a good one in many ways very shallow, kinda easy and the sims are bland etc again very small scale

No mini map or map at all kinda weird and is also a basic function not in the game.
Logo for Stranded: Alien Dawn
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
84.74% 3881 699
Release:25.04.2023 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Haemimont Games Vertrieb: Frontier Foundry Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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