This update focuses on improving and expanding the Co-op experience. We are introducing a new Vanguard hero, Ryker, with his own set of new units and upgrades and gear items. We’ve also raised the Hero level cap to 20, providing all of our Heroes with more Gear options to unlock and stat boosts to earn.
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Build Spotlight:
New Vanguard Hero: Ryker: Master Tracker
Meet Ryker, aka ‘Wolf,’ as he joins the list of playable Heroes in Co-op! Ryker is unmatched in recon and long-range support, and is the Resistance's go-to operative for delicate missions that require a stealthy approach and surgical precision. Voiced by Matt Mercer, Ryker is a loner who avoids the company of other people, though he is always accompanied by his loyal companions –the twin hounds, Ghost and Shadow.
Everyone can try Ryker for free up to level 5. Players who don't own Ryker can fully unlock his progression (including his unique Gear) from the in-game store.
Please note that this is an early version of Ryker that uses the original character model we created for the campaign. We are already in the process of creating a new Ryker character model, so that he will enjoy a visual ‘glow-up’ similar to what we did for Amara.
Top Bar Abilities:
- Heel!: Ghost, Shadow and all owned Mecha S.C.O.U.T.s return to Ryker’s side, rapidly healing.
- Unleash!: Ghost, Shadow, and all owned Mecha S.C.O.U.T.s go stealth and gain 100% bonus Attack Damage and Attack Speed for 12 seconds. Each enemy killed during this duration refreshes the buff.
- Sic!: Target an enemy unit. All owned dogs in an area around the target will pounce on the target, each dealing 50 damage.
Basic Abilities:
- (Z) Summon Warhounds: Summons Ghost & Shadow at Ryker’s side. Ghost & Shadow gain 75% bonus Movement Speed for 15 seconds or until entering combat.
- (X) Tuck and Roll: Ryker dodges attacks, quickly tumbling to target location. Upon arrival he gains 50% Movement Speed and Attack Speed for 5 seconds.
- (C) Active Camouflage: After channeling for 1 seconds, Ryker enters Stealth and his next attack while Stealthed deals 300% bonus weapon damage.
- (V) Boom - Headshot!: Ryker takes aim, channeling and locking onto a target for 2 seconds. Upon channel completion, Ryker fires a massive shot at the target, dealing 1,000 damage. If the target dies, the Energy cost of this is refunded and the Cooldown is set to 10 seconds.
Global Passives:
- K9 Affinity: Upon death, refund 40% of Luminite cost of Mecha-S.C.O.U.T.s to Ryker.
- Sniper Mentality: Ranged Infantry units have a 1% chance to deal 1.25x damage.
Unique Upgrades
- Houndmaster (Passive): Attuned to his hounds, Ryker gains their strengths while each is alive. If Ghost is alive, he gains an additional 25% maximum Health. If Shadow is alive, he gains 25% increased attack speed.
- Lick Your Wounds: If Ryker, Ghost, or Shadow are out of combat for more than 2 seconds, their Health Regen is increased by 100%.
- Ambush Shot (Passive): Basic Attacks fired from Concealment are critical hits, dealing 50% more damage.
- Pack Mentality (Tier 2) (Passive): Ryker, Ghost, and Shadow all gain 15 Armor for each other member of the pack that is alive.
- Permanent Camouflage (Tier 3) (Passive): Basic Attacks no longer remove Stealth from Ryker.
New Units:
- Ghost: Ground Unit[list]
- Hound Radar: This unit can sense nearby enemies under the fog of war and detect stealthed enemies.
- Throat Rip: Gains 50% bonus movement speed and deals 100% bonus damage for the next attack. On impact it slows the target by 30% for 3 seconds.
- On the Prowl: Greatly increases Ghost’s vision radius and gains Stealth and Detection.
- Hound Radar: This unit can sense nearby enemies under the fog of war and detect stealthed enemies.
- Throat Rip: Gains 50% bonus movement speed and deals 100% bonus damage for the next attack. On impact it slows the target by 30% for 3 seconds.
- Death Howl: Pacifies & Silences all enemies within range for 1 second. All damage to affected units is increased by 30% for 20 seconds. [list]
- Autocastable: when at least 3 enemies are within 5 range of Shadow, Shadow will autocast Death Howl.
- Quickdraw Hustle: On-Attack: Gains 25% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.
- Vengeance Detonation: Increases Max Health by 50%. Upon death their weapon detonates, dealing 50 (+15 light) damage to all enemy units within 1 radius.
- Explosive Impacts (Passive): This unit’s weapon attacks explode on impact.
- Expanded Cargo (Passive): Increases the Infantry Cargo of the Outrunner from 4 to 6.
- Expedited Departure (Passive): Infantry units that are unloaded gain 25% Movement Speed for 5 seconds.
- Infantry Support Ports (Passive): Each Infantry unit loaded into the Outrunner activates an additional weapon.
- Weight Limit (Passive): -.25 movement speed for every unit it carries.
- On the Hunt: Greatly increases the Mecha S.C.O.U.T.’s vision radius.
- Throat Rip: Gains 50% bonus movement speed and deals 100% bonus damage for the next attack. On-impact, it slows the target by 30% for 3 seconds.
- Pupper Sense: Money Back Guarantee (Passive): This unit can sense nearby enemies under the fog of war and detect stealthed enemies. In the event this unit dies, you are refunded half the cost of this unit.
- W.O.L.F. Software Upgrade (Tier 2): Mecha S.C.O.U.T.s can repair each other.
Replaced Units:
- Rocketeer replaces Exo
- Outrunner replaces Hedgehog
- Mecha S.C.O.U.T. replaces S.C.O.U.T.
New Structure:
- Artillery Cannon: Defensive Structure[list]
- Crater Creator (Passive): This structure's attack deals massive damage at its center and splash damage in the area around the impact site.
- Salvage: Recovers 100% of this structure's resource cost.
New Gear:
- Leave Us Alone: Workers gain 300 bonus Armor [Bob, Imp, Enflamed Imp, Prism].
- Best Friends: S.C.O.U.T.s and Mecha S.C.O.U.T.s are trained in pairs.
- Therium Reserves: Therium costs of units are reduced by 50%.
- Quiet Regeneration: Stealthed and Concealed units regenerate 5% of their maximum health per second.
- Double Time: Construction speed of all structures is increased by 100%.
- Cheap Housing: Resource costs of Tier 1 HQ are reduced by 80%.
- Small Friends: Light units deal 20% more Basic Attack damage and gain 20% additional max health.
Co-Op Hero Levels 16-20
The level cap is raised to 20 for all Heroes, allowing players to unlock new Gear pieces, more stat bonuses, and equip a 3rd piece of Gear.
- New 3rd Gear slot unlocked at level 20 for each Hero.
- New Gear Items: [list]
- Enhanced Turrets: Attacks from structures deal 75% bonus damage.
- Priority Support: Top-Bar cooldowns regenerate 50% faster.
- Master of Magic: Energy Bars all begin at maximum capacity and regenerate 50% faster.
- Augmented Arms: Ranged units deal 10% bonus attack damage
- Nanofilament Blades: Melee attacks deal 30% attack Damage.
- For the Host: Grants an escalating benefit to all units based on the player’s Tech level: [list]
- Tier 1: 5% bonus Health, Movement Speed, and Attack Speed
- Tier 2: 10% bonus Health, Movement Speed, and Attack Speed
- Tier 3: 15% bonus Health, Movement Speed, and Attack Speed
- Level 16: [list]
- Kastiel/Ryker/Amara: +10% Attack Damage Dealt
- Blockade/Auralanna: +10% Max Health
- Maloc/Warz: +10% Movement Speed
- Kastiel/Ryker: +10% Attack Speed
- Blockade/Auralanna: +10% Increased Healing
- Maloc/Warz: +10% Spell Damage Dealt
- Amara: +10% Spell Damage Dealt
- Kastiel/Ryker/Amara: +10% Attack Damage Dealt
- Blockade/Auralanna: +10% Max Health
- Maloc/Warz: +10% Movement Speed
- Kastiel/Ryker: +10% Attack Speed
- Blockade/Auralanna: +10% Increased Healing
- Maloc/Warz: +10% Spell Damage Dealt
- Amara: +10% Spell Damage Dealt
Patch Notes:
- CPU optimizations for high unit counts. This includes faster lag recovery, faster rollback, and faster replay scrubbing.
- Optimizations for low-spec GPUs.
- Forest Autumn trees have been updated with higher-detail art.
- Many visual effects now dissipate more gracefully rather than pop suddenly out of existence. There are ongoing efforts to update all of the effects.
- Fixed an issue where Hornet sound effects were not tied to the volume mixer.
- The loud crickets found on certain maps have been quieted.
- Enter will no longer swap between Windowed and Full-Screen mode when pressed.
- You can now change Screen Percentage if the DLSS tickbox is unchecked but Super Resolution is set to something other than Off.
- Fixed an issue where certain visual effects would not play for a player if that player didn’t have vision of the center of the target. This was most commonly seen with Saber beam attacks.
- Fixed various issues that could occur while Alt-Tabbing.
- Player Pings [list]
- New minimap and in-world visualization of pings.
- Pings are now player-colored.
- Structures are now pingable through the Fog of War.
- Removed the ability to Cancel and Confirm Pings.
- Fixed ability cooldown pings displaying incorrect duration.
- The Adrenaline Amplifier Gear now has unique icon art.
- The Heavy Construction, Adrenaline Amplifiers, and Change of Plans Gears now each have unique Icon art in the UI menu.
- Pit Crew art is now consistent between Gear menu and when equipped.
- Combat Medic footsteps are no longer exceedingly loud.
- Warz’s Reap the Harvest audio has been adjusted when hitting multiple units.
- Eradicators firing sound effects are no longer spammy.
- Enflamed Imps will no longer overkill targets with its attack.
- Therium Patches will no longer incorrectly show as Enriched when they respawn.
- Fixed an issue where the High Command radar dish animation did not loop smoothly.
- Morph Cores are no longer able to push units out of map-bounded camera range.
- MedTechs no longer cast Nanoswarm on non-Mechanical units when set to autocast.
- Fixed an issue where Atlases would not gain range bonuses from Veterancy when they morphed between modes.
- Unloading a unit from a transport will no longer cause them to be added to automated control groups.
- Fixed an issue where some users saw a greyed-out queue button after leaving a match, making it impossible to queue again immediately.
- Vectors (in large quantities) will now more consistently obey commands when Delta Jumping or Recalling.
- Ruination Map - [list]
- Flowers in the concealment were hard to click and have moved to easier-to-reach locations.
- Chickens no longer appear as enemies on the mini-map.
- A new lighting pass has been completed to fight the darkness on this map.
- Fixed some clipping issues ground units were experiencing with the center ramp walls.
- Removed the audio dead zones in terms of ambience.
- Medical Wrap will no longer activate when at full health.
- Skipping past the Ryker event in Mission 1 will no longer prevent Ryker from being recruited to your team.
- Fixed an issue in Mission 4 where structures could be built on, around, and even in the drill.
- Fixed an issue where cutscenes could be missing voiceover audio.
- Fixed an issue where the Campaign Inventory Bar remained on screen during in-game cutscenes.